webMethods HIPAA Link Module 7.1 Sample Package User’s Guide About the webMethods HIPAA Link Module Sample Package The webMethods HIPAA Link Module Sample Package contains samples that illustrate how to validate a HIPPA message, generate acknowledgements and any resulting error reports, and map HIPAA messages to IS document types and vice versa. The sample does not demonstrate sending the acknowledgements and reports to the trading partner. Before You Begin Ensure that you have installed the HIPAA Link Module Sample Package (WmHIPAALinkSample). Ensure that Integration Server is using port 5555 for each trading partner profile. If Integration Server is using a different port, change the profiles accordingly. For information about how to change the port in the delivery method settings for a trading partner profile, see the Trading Networks administration guide that corresponds to your release. Note: Delete the HIPAA Link Module Sample Package before you go into production. Setting Up the Sample Prerequisite You will need an Integration Server with webMethods HIPAA Link Module installed. For instructions about how to install HIPAA Link Module, see webMethods HIPAA Link Module Installation and User’s Guide. Set Up Your Enterprise Profile To set up your Enterprise profile In My webMethods, create your Enterprise profile. For detailed instructions, see the chapter about defining and managing your profile in the Trading Networks administration guide that corresponds to your release. When defining your Enterprise profile, define the following: Profile Tab Field Value Corporate External ID Type Mutually Defined Value Interchange Sen 1 webMethods HIPAA Link Module 7.1 Set Up the Trading Partner Profile To set up the trading partner profile 1 In My webMethods, create a partner profile for the sender trading partner. For detailed instructions, see the chapter about defining and managing partner profiles in the Trading Networks administration guide that corresponds to your release. When defining the partner profile, define the following: Profile Tab Field Value Corporate External ID Type Mutually Defined Value Interchange Rec Install the Necessary TN Document Types To install the necessary TN document types 1 Install the TN document types that correspond to the transaction set(s) that you want to process for version 4010 or 5010 messages, for example, X12 4010 XXX, where XXX is the transaction set value. You can install more than one TN document type transaction set. 2 Install the following additional TN document types: X12 4010 997 or X12 5010 997 X12 5010 271 X12 5010 999 X12 5010 824 For detailed instructions about installing TN document types, see the chapter on configuring HIPAA Link Module in webMethods HIPAA Link Module Installation and User’s Guide. Note: When you install TN document types for the X12 4010 XXX / X12 5010 XXX and X12 4010 997 / X12 5010 997 transactions, EDI Module also installs the TN document types for X12 Envelope and X12 Group. Additionally, EDI Module installs flat file schemas for the selected transaction and the 997 functional acknowledgement. The X12 TA1 TN document type is installed automatically when you install HIPAA Link Module. Import the Sample Processing Rules and TPA You can import and use the sample processing rules and default trading partner agreements (TPAs) included with the HIPAA Link Module Sample Package, or processing rules and TPAs that you have created. 2 webMethods HIPAA Link Module 7.1 To import the sample processing rules and TPA 1 Using My webMethods, select File > Import. 2 Click the Select File icon. 3 Locate and open the TNImport file from the following directory: IntegrationServer_directory\packages\WmHIPAALinkSample\pub\data\ 4 Move the Processing Rules and Agreements from the Available Items to the Selected Items and click OK. This adds the following items to Trading Networks: 5 Process HIPAA Envelope processing rule—Validates HIPAA messages and creates acknowledgements. Process 5010 271 Transactionprocessing rule—Works with wm.estd.hipaa.sample.T271Process:processInboundTransaction sample service to map an input HIPAA 271 transaction received from Trading Networks to a back‐end IS document type. Process Hipaa FA for 997 processing rule—Works with wm.estd.hipaa.sample:processHipaaFA sample service to map an inbound 997 message to a 997 IS document type. Process Hipaa TA1 processing rule—Works with the wm.estd.hipaa.sample:processHipaaTA1 sample service to map an inbound TA1 message to a TA1 IS document type. A TPA with an agreement ID of “HIPAA.” A TPA with an agreement ID of “EDITPA.” Move the new processing rule above the Default processing rules. Testing a Transaction The sample service testTransaction sends a sample HIPAA message to a host machine. To test the HIPAA transaction sample 1 Open Software AG Designer. 2 In the Navigation panel, locate and open the service, wm.estd.hipaa.sample:testTransaction included in the WmHIPAALinkSamplepackage. 3 From the Test menu, click Run. 4 In the Input dialog, provide the host name, port, user name, password, and absolute path (full path name plus file name) of the file containing the HIPAA message and click OK. For more information about these fields, see the description of the wm.estd.hipaa.sample:testTransaction sample service. The WmHIPAALinkSample package includes sample HIPAA messages in the following folders: 3 webMethods HIPAA Link Module 7.1 \pub\data\4010 Samples (for 4010 messages) \pub\data\5010 Samples (for 5010 messages) 5 View the generated acknowledgements on the Trading Networks Transaction Analysis screen. 6 If desired, view the generated XML report and acknowledgements at IntegrationServer_directory\packages\WmHIPAALinkSample\pub\data\results\. Mapping HIPAA Messages and IS Document Types You may need to map data to convert a HIPAA message string to the corresponding IS document type, or vice versa, when you: Process inbound HIPAA messages—Map data from the inbound HIPAA message to another format (for example, the format that an external system requires). Form outbound HIPAA messages—Map data from an internal format (for example, a document from an external system) to HIPAA message format and send the message. The HIPAA Link Module Sample Package provides the sample services mapInbound and mapOutbound to illustrate how to map inbound and outbound HIPAA messages. These services are located in the HIPAAFFSchemaSample.X12.V5010 folder, beneath each segment abbreviation corresponding to a functional group (BE, HB, HC, and so on). This section explains how to run the sample services that map a version 5010 HIPAA 271 transaction to an IS document type and vice versa. Use these sample services as a guide for mapping other transaction types. For background concepts on mapping variables and using the pipeline, see the Designer development online help that corresponds to the release version that you are using. Mapping HIPAA Messages to Other Formats To map a HIPAA message to a different format, you might need to create a mapping service. Depending on the transaction set and the target document, it might be difficult to perform all your mapping logic in a single mapping service. To reduce the complexity of a mapping service, consider using “segment mapping,” that is creating services that map individual segments/sections of the document. This is especially useful for segments that occur multiple times (for example, HL). Finally, create a final mapping service that invokes each segment mapping service. The advantages of segment mapping include the following: Modular services allow easy testing and debugging. Small maps reduce the chance of mapping errors because they are self‐contained. Maps are interchangeable. For example, if a segment of a transaction set varies among trading partners, only that segment needs to be replaced, instead of the entire map. Mapped segments can be used much like a utility that can be reused in different maps. 4 webMethods HIPAA Link Module 7.1 The sample service HIPAAFFSchemaSample.X12.V5010.HB.X279.T271:mapInbound illustrates the process of mapping an input 271 transaction to the corresponding IS document type structure. This service does the following: Converts the input HIPAA transaction to a back‐end 271 IS document (HIPAAFFSchema.X12.V5010.HB.X279:T271DT) using the schema in HIPAAFFSchema.X12.V5010.HB.X279:T271. Maps data in each of the four HL blocks (HL01, HL02, HL03, and HL04) into separate IS documents (Dependent_HLDT, InformationReceiver_HLDT, InformationSource_HLDT, and Subscriber_HLDT) according to the structure defined in their corresponding schemas (Dependent_HL, InformationReceiver_HL, InformationSource_HL, and Subscriber_HL). To map a HIPAA 271 transaction to an IS document type 1 In Software AG Designer, navigate in the WmHIPAALinkSample package to the HIPAAFFSchemaSample.X12.V5010.HB.X279.T271 folder. 2 Invoke the mapInbound service. 3 Provide the 271 HIPAA message as the service input. HIPAA Link Module provides the following four standard artifacts for each transaction type (for example, for a 271 transaction): HIPAAFFSchema.X12.V5010.HB.X279:T271DT is the IS document type for the 271 schema definition. This is generated from the schema HIPAAFFSchema.X12.V5010.HB.X279:T271. HIPAAFFSchema.X12.V5010.HB.X279:Dictionary is the IS dictionary containing the definition for 271 transaction elements. HIPAAFFSchema.X12.V5010.HB.X279:T271 is the merged schema definition for the 271 transaction set. HIPAAFFSchema.X12.V5010.HB.X279:T271SchemaStructure is the complete schema definition for the 271 transaction set. Mapping IS Document Types to HIPAA Message Strings The sample service HIPAAFFSchemaSample.X12.V5010.HB.X279.T271:mapOutbound illustrates the process of mapping the input 271 IS document types to a HIPAA 271 message string. This service converts a back‐end 271 IS document to a HIPAA 271 message string. To map a 271 IS document type to a HIPAA 271 message string 1 In Software AG Designer, navigate in the WmHIPAALinkSample package to the HIPAAFFSchemaSample.X12.V5010.HB.X279.T271 folder. 2 Invoke the mapOutbound service. 3 Provide the IS document that contains the 271 transaction as the service input. This document should adhere to the structure defined in HIPAAFFSchema.X12.V5010.HB.X279:T271DT. 5 webMethods HIPAA Link Module 7.1 WmHIPAALinkSample Package Services This section describes the sample services in the WmHIPAALinkSample package. These services are located in the folder wm.estd.hipaa.sample. wm.estd.hipaa.sample:processHipaaFA This service maps an inbound 997 message to a 997 IS document type. Input Variables None. Output Variables None. Usage Notes Invoke this service using a Trading Networks processing rule for the inbound 4010 997 or 5010 997 message. wm.estd.hipaa.sample:processHipaaMessage This is a wrapper service that calls pub.estd.hipaa:validate, pub.estd.hipaa:recognizeAcknowledgements, and pub.estd.hipaa:recognizeTA1. This service validates HIPAA 4010 and 5010 messages, returns the results of the validation in XML reports, and recognizes and persists acknowledgements (such as 997, 824, 999, and so on) and technical acknowledgements (TA1) into the Trading Networks database. For information about the services that this wrapper service calls, see webMethods HIPAA Link Module Installation and User’s Guide. Input Variables bizdoc Document The business document to process. For details about the structure of this document, see “wm.tn.rec:BizDocEnvelope” in the Trading Networks built‐in services reference guide that corresponds to your release. Output Variables None. wm.estd.hipaa.sample:processHipaaTA1 This service maps an inbound TA1 message to a TA1 IS document type. 6 webMethods HIPAA Link Module 7.1 Input Variables None. Output Variables X12TA1DT Document The IS document type for TA1, located in the folder: HIPAAFFSchema.X12:X12TA1DT. Usage Notes Invoke this service using a Trading Networks processing rule for the inbound TA1 message. wm.estd.hipaa.sample:recognizeAck This service recognizes and persists an acknowledgement to the Trading Networks database. Input Variables Ack String Acknowledgement data. Output Variables None. wm.estd.hipaa.sample:testTransaction This service submits the given input HIPAA data file to Trading Networks for further processing. The service submits the file by setting its content‐type to application/ EDIStream so that the EDI processor handles the document. Input Variables hostName String Host name to which you want to send the HIPAA message. port String Port to which you want to send the HIPAA message. userName String Host user name. password String Host password. fileName String File containing the HIPAA test message. Note: WmHIPAALinkSample includes sample test messages in the following folders: \pub\data\4010 Samples (for 4010 messages) \pub\data\5010 Samples (for 5010 messages) 7 webMethods HIPAA Link Module 7.1 Output Variables hostName String Host name to which you want to send the HIPAA message. port String Port to which you want to send the HIPAA message. Usage Notes Use this service to test a sample HIPAA message. For details, see “Testing a Transaction” on page 3. HIPAAFFSchemaSample.X12.V5010.HB.X279.T271:mapInbound This service converts an input HIPAA 271 transaction to the corresponding IS document type structure. The sample IS document types are located in the folder, HIPAAFFSchemaSample.X12.V5010.HB.X279. Input Variables T271TransactionInput String The HIPAA message string. Output Variables T271DT Document The 271 IS document type. InformationSource_ HLDT Document The InformationSource_HLDT IS document type. InformationReceiver_ Document The InformationReceiver_HLDT IS document type. HLDT Subscriber_HLDT Document The Subscriber_HLDT IS document type. Dependent_HLDT Document The Dependent_HLDT IS document type. HIPAAFFSchemaSample.X12.V5010.HB.X279.T271:mapOutbo und This service converts the input 271 IS document type to a HIPAA 271 message string. The sample IS document types are located in the folder, HIPAAFFSchemaSample.X12.V5010.HB.X279. Input Variables T271DT Document The 271 IS document type. InformationSource_ HLDT Document The InformationSource_HLDT IS document type. InformationReceiver _HLDT Document The InformationReceiver_HLDT IS document type. 8 webMethods HIPAA Link Module 7.1 Subscriber_HLDT Document The Subscriber_HLDT IS document type. Dependent_HLDT Document The Dependent_HLDT IS document type. Output Variables T271TransactionO utput String The generated HIPAA message string. wm.estd.hipaa.sample.T271Process:processInboundTransaction This service retrieves a HIPAA message from the Trading Networks bizdoc content part and maps it to the back‐end 271 IS document. Next, the service attaches the generated back‐end IS document as a Trading Networks content part with the name, “T271DT.” The service also maps the individual broken HL document types and adds them to the Trading Networks content part, naming them “InformationSource_HLDT,” “InformationReceiver_HLDT,” and “Subscriber_HLDT.” Input Variables bizdoc Object The business document to process. For details about the structure of this document, see the description for wm.tn.rec:BizDocEnvelope in the Trading Networks built‐in services reference guide that corresponds to your release. Output Variables None. 9
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