PREFACE 2002 NSAF Sample Design is the second report in a series describing the methodology of the 2002 National Survey of America’s Families (NSAF). The NSAF is part of the Assessing the New Federalism project at the Urban Institute, conducted in partnership with Child Trends. Data collection for the NSAF was conducted by Westat. The NSAF is a major household survey focusing on the economic, health, and social characteristics of children, adults under the age of 65, and their families. During the third round of the survey in 2002, interviews were conducted with over 40,000 families, yielding information on over 100,000 people. The NSAF sample is representative of the nation as a whole and of 13 states, and therefore has an unprecedented ability to measure differences between states. About the Methodology Series This series of reports has been developed to provide readers with a detailed description of the methods employed to conduct the 2002 NSAF. The 2002 series of reports include: No. 1: An overview of the NSAF sample design, data collection techniques, and estimation methods No. 2: A detailed description of the NSAF sample design for both telephone and inperson interviews No. 3: Methods employed to produce estimation weights and the procedures used to make state and national estimates for Snapshots of America’s Families No. 4: Methods used to compute and results of computing sampling errors No. 5: Processes used to complete the in-person component of the NSAF No. 6: Collection of NSAF papers No. 7: Studies conducted to understand the reasons for nonresponse and the impact of missing data No. 8: Response rates obtained (taking the estimation weights into account) and methods used to compute these rates No. 9: Methods employed to complete the telephone component of the NSAF No. 10: Data editing procedures and imputation techniques for missing variables No. 11: User’s guide for public use microdata No. 12: 2002 NSAF questionnaire About This Report Report No. 2 describes the sample design for the 2002 NSAF. As in previous rounds of the survey, the 2002 NSAF sample consists of a random digit dial (RDD) telephone sample supplemented by an area probability sample of nontelephone households. While the nontelephone sample for previous NSAF rounds were both nationally and state representative, the 2002 NSAF used only a nationally representative nontelephone sample. The report covers both the telephone and nontelephone sample design, adjustments made to the sample design during the field period, within household sampling procedures and achieved sample sizes. For More Information For more information about the National Survey of America’s Families, contact: Assessing the New Federalism Urban Institute 2100 M Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 E-mail: Web site: Adam Safir and Tim Triplett ii CONTENTS Chapter Page 1 OVERVIEW .......................................................................................... 1-1 2 PRINCIPAL FEATURES OF SAMPLE DESIGN BY ROUND ......... 2-1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 The Survey ................................................................................. Survey Components ................................................................... Number of Completed Interviews.............................................. Projected Effective Sample Size................................................ 2-1 2-3 2-6 2-8 RANDOM DIGIT DIAL HOUSEHOLD SAMPLING ........................ 3-1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3-1 3-2 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-13 3 4 Sampling Telephone Numbers................................................... Subsampling Households........................................................... Subsampling Adult-Only Households ....................................... Subsampling High-Income Households .................................... Household Sampling Revisions during Data Collection ........... Achieved Response and Eligibility Rates .................................. AREA SAMPLE.................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 4.2 4-1 4-4 First-Stage Sampling.................................................................. Second-Stage Sampling ............................................................. 4.2.1 Exclusion of Block Groups with High Telephone Coverage Rates............................................................ Segment Stratification and Selection........................... 4-5 4-5 Chunk Selection ......................................................................... Achieved Response and Eligibility Rates .................................. 4-6 4-7 WITHIN-HOUSEHOLD SAMPLING AND ACHIEVED SAMPLE SIZES .................................................................................... 5-1 4.2.2 4.3 4.4 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Sampling Children ..................................................................... Sample Selection of Other Adults in Households with Children...................................................................................... Sample Selection of Adults from Adult-Only Households........ Achieved Sample Sizes and Response Rates............................. iii 5-1 5-1 5-2 5-3 CONTENTS (continued) Chapter 6 Page CONCLUSION...................................................................................... 6-1 REFERENCES ...................................................................................... R-1 Number of Completed Interviews by Round, Sample Type, and Interview Type ................................................................................ 2-7 Projected Design Effects for the RDD Sample, by Interview Type and Study Area....................................................................................... 2-10 Projected Effective Sample Sizes for the RDD Sample, by Interview Type and Study Area ............................................................................. 2-10 Assumed Proportion of Households by Household Type and Poverty Status.................................................................................. 3-5 3-2 Assumed Misclassification Rates, by Income Categories ..................... 3-6 3-3 Assumed Residential and Response Rates............................................. 3-6 3-4 Subsampling or Household Retention Rates.......................................... 3-7 3-5 Income Levels for Determining Less than 200 Percent of the Poverty Level............................................................................... 3-8 Revised Subsampling Rates for Households with Children Screening as High-Income, by Release Group ...................................... 3-12 Revised Subsampling Rates for Adult-Only Households, by Release Group................................................................................... 3-12 3-8 Reserve Sample Released, by Study Area ............................................. 3-13 3-9 Screening for Residential Status and Presence of Children................... 3-14 Tables Table 2-1 2-2 2-3 3-1 3-6 3-7 iv CONTENTS (continued) Tables (continued) Table Page 3-10 Subsampling Screener Refusals and Response Rates............................ 3-15 3-11 Outcomes of Household Screening of Telephone Households.............. 3-17 3-12 Outcomes of Income Screening of Telephone Households with Children ......................................................................................... 3-18 Outcomes of Income Screening of Adult-Only Telephone Households............................................................................................. 3-19 4-1 Number of Round 3 Primary Sampling Units........................................ 4-3 4-2 Maximum Telephone Service Rates Allowed in Covered Block Groups ......................................................................................... 4-5 Segment Counts, by Planned and Unplanned Chunking (Including Sample Supplement) .............................................................................. 4-7 4-4 Outcomes of Area Listing...................................................................... 4-8 4-5 Outcomes of Area Prescreening and Screening..................................... 4-8 5-1 Proportion of Random Digit Dial Adult-Only Households with Three Other Adults under Age 65 in which Just One Adult Is Selected .............................................................................................. 5-3 Within-Household Sampling and Extended Interviews of Children in Telephone Low-Income Households ..................................................... 5-6 Within-Household Sampling and Extended Interviews of Children in All Subsampled Telephone Households ................................................ 5-7 Within-Household Sampling and Extended Interviews of Other Adults in Subsampled Telephone Households with Children ............... 5-8 3-13 4-3 5-2 5-3 5-4 v CONTENTS (continued) Tables (continued) Table 5-5 Page Subsampling and Extended Interviews of Adults in Subsampled Adult-Only Telephone Households ....................................................... 5-9 5-6 Sources of Adult Telephone Interviews................................................. 5-10 5-7 Within-Household Sampling and Extended Interviews of Children in Nontelephone Low-Income Households ........................................... 5-11 Within-Household Sampling and Extended Interviews of Children in All Nontelephone Households ........................................................... 5-12 Within-Household Sampling and Extended Interviews of Other Adults in Nontelephone Households with Children .............................. 5-13 Subsampling and Extended Interviews of Adults in Adult-Only Nontelephone Households ..................................................................... 5-14 5-11 Sources of Adult Nontelephone Interviews ........................................... 5-15 5-12 Within-Household Sampling and Extended Interviews of Children in Telephone and Nontelephone Low-Income Households................... 5-16 Within-Household Sampling and Extended Interviews of Children in All Telephone and Nontelephone Households .................................. 5-17 Within-Household Sampling and Extended Interviews of Other Adults in Telephone and Nontelephone Households with Children...... 5-18 Subsampling and Extended Interviews of Adults in Adult-Only Telephone and Nontelephone Households............................................. 5-19 Sources of Adult Telephone and Nontelephone Interviews .................. 5-20 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 vi CONTENTS (continued) Figures Figure Page 2-1 Study Areas............................................................................................ 2-1 2-2 Sampling Frame Inclusions and Exclusions .......................................... 2-2 3-1 Household Subsampling Operations...................................................... 3-3 vii 1. OVERVIEW This report describes the sample design for the 2002 National Survey of America’s Families (NSAF). This survey is the third round of the NSAF, and the objective is to estimate both the characteristics of households and persons in 2002 and changes in those characteristics since the 1997 and 1999 NSAF. While the designs for all three rounds of the NSAF are similar, several important differences exist. The first survey in 1997 was a dual-frame survey of both households with telephones and those without telephones developed to serve as a baseline for evaluating changes over time. The Round 2 survey was designed to improve estimates of change between 1997 and 1999 by retaining a substantial portion of the Round 1 sample. Analysis of the Round 2 data showed that the design changes did not improve the precision for estimates of change between rounds as well as expected. Furthermore, the retention of a portion of the sample resulted in additional operational and design complications. Based on the findings from Round 2, the sample design for Round 3 was developed to be similar to the Round 1 design, in the sense that the sample was mainly independent of the sample from previous rounds. However, the sample design for Round 3 did include important modifications from the previous rounds’ designs that were intended to reduce data collection costs. The most important design change was the reduction of the sample size for nontelephone households in the study areas. This change also has important implications for the estimation strategy, which is discussed in 2002 NSAF Sample Estimation Survey Weights, Report No. 3. This report describes the sample design and how it relates to the designs from previous rounds. It also provides the details needed to appreciate the considerations that went into the decisions that resulted in the features of this large and complex survey. Chapter 2 summarizes the survey goals and the sampled units, and introduces its two major components, the telephone and in-person surveys. One of the main objectives of Chapter 2 is to describe the similarities and differences between the Round 3 sample design and the designs for the previous rounds. The remaining chapters focus primarily on the Round 3 design. Chapter 3 describes the random digit dial (RDD) telephone sample design and the sampling of households in the telephone component. The subsampling procedures for households without children and for high-income households are included in this chapter. Chapter 4 gives a detailed account of the sampling for the in-person survey component. It discusses the changes in the sampling needed to move from a sample for each study area to an overall national sample for this component of the survey. Chapter 5 presents the methods used to sample children and adults from within the sampled households. It contains tables on the number of sampled and interviewed persons from the survey. Chapter 6 provides some concluding remarks. 1-1 2. PRINCIPAL FEATURES OF SAMPLE DESIGN BY ROUND The samples for all three rounds of NSAF—Round 1 in 1997, Round 2 in 1999, and Round 3 in 2002—have similar designs. A sample design Report No. 2 similar to this one is available for each earlier survey. These reports describe the details of the sample design for the specific survey. In this chapter we discuss the design features for Round 3 in relation to the features from the previous rounds. We focus on how the Round 3 design differs from that used in Round 1 and Round 2. The specifics of the Round 3 design are given in subsequent chapters. 2.1 The Survey The NSAF collected information on the economic, health, and social dimensions of the wellbeing of children, adults under the age of 65, and their families in 13 states and the balance of the nation. The Urban Institute selected these study areas (see figure 2-1) in 1996 prior to the first survey because they represent a broad range of fiscal capacity, child well-being, and approaches to government programs. Data were also collected in the balance of the nation to permit estimates for the United States as a whole. Figure 2-1. Study Areas Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Balance of nation In Round 1 and Round 2, Milwaukee County in Wisconsin was a separate study area that had its own sample. A separate sample from the balance of Wisconsin was selected in these rounds to produce estimates for the entire state of Wisconsin by combining Milwaukee and the balance of Wisconsin. In Round 3, the separate Milwaukee County study area was eliminated and the entire state of Wisconsin was treated as a single study area, as shown in figure 2-1. The primary goal of the survey in all three rounds was to obtain social and economic information about children in low-income households (those with incomes below 200 percent of the poverty threshold), since the impact of New Federalism was likely to be greatest on these children. Secondary goals included obtaining similar data on children in higher-income households, plus adults under age 65 (with and without children). With few exceptions, the decision was made to limit the survey to children, adults, and families living in regular housing. Figure 2-2 explains the concept of regular housing through examples of specific inclusions and exclusions. Although one impact of New Federalism could be the displacement of persons from regular housing, including the population that lives outside of 2-1 Figure 2-2. Sampling Frame Inclusions and Exclusions Inclusions Houses, apartments, and mobile homes occupied by individuals, families, multiple families, or extended families where at least one occupant is under the age of 65 Houses, apartments, and mobile homes occupied by multiple unrelated persons, provided that the number of unrelated persons is less than nine and at least one occupant is under the age of 65 People in workers’ dormitories and camps Military personnel living on post with their families, as well as military personnel living off post with or without their families Included Persons in Excluded Structures People living temporarily away from home were enumerated at their usual residences. This includes college students in dormitories, patients in hospitals, vacationers, business travelers, snowbirds, and so on. Structures that were expected to primarily include only such people were excluded Exclusions The institutionalized population. Examples of institutions include prisons, jails, juvenile detention facilities, psychiatric hospitals and residential treatment programs, and nursing homes for the disabled and aged Noninstitutional group quarters, including communes, monasteries, convents, group homes for the mentally or physically disabled, shelters, halfway houses, dormitories, and dwelling units with nine or more unrelated persons The homeless People in transient hotel/motel rooms, tents, recreational vehicles, trailers, and other similar temporary arrangements Military barracks and ships 2-2 regular housing was considered infeasible within the survey context. The elderly population was also excluded. College students were enumerated at their parents’ homes. Most of these inclusions and exclusions are typical of those made in other household surveys. For example, the Current Population Survey (CPS) has essentially the same rules (U.S. Bureau of the Census 2000). The major difference is that the CPS includes military personnel living on post with families but excludes those living in noninstitutional group quarters. 2.2 Survey Components The sample for each round of NSAF has two separate components: an RDD survey of households with telephones, and an area survey of households without telephones. The RDD component provides a cost-effective method to collect the desired data on a large number of households for each study area and nationally. The area component enables the survey to cover households without telephones. The area component is important in this survey because lowincome households are more highly concentrated in nontelephone households than the entire universe of households. For example, Giesbrecht et al. (1996) estimated that about 20 percent of families in poverty live in households without a telephone and that about 10 percent of families with one child 3 years old or under have no telephone based on CPS data. Even though these results are out-of-date given the changes in technology in the past 5 to 10 years, the only recent data on the relationship of poverty and having a telephone in the household published are from the 2000 Census and are discussed below. Even these data do not distinguish between landline and wireless telephones. After the area sample was selected, households were screened to find households without telephones. Only these nontelephone households were interviewed from the area sample. When Round 1 was designed, the dual-frame approach to this type of problem was relatively new and data to optimize various aspects of the design were not available. Despite the lack of data, it was clear that the dual-frame approach produced more precise estimates than a pure areasampling approach of the same cost. In addition, it produced less biased estimates than a pure RDD approach of the same cost. Waksberg et al. (1997) describe some of the options that were considered early in the process of designing the Round 1 survey. The Round 2 sample design used data from Round 1 to improve survey efficiency. The research supporting revisions to the Round 2 design are described in chapter 3 of 1999 NSAF Sample Design, Report No. 2. The primary emphasis in Round 2 shifted from producing estimates of the current level (the Round 1 design objective) to estimating changes from 1997 to 1999. As a result, a substantial proportion of the sample from Round 1 was retained and included in the Round 2 sample. For the RDD sample, the proportion of the sample of telephone numbers retained depended on the outcome of the Round 1 interview. Round 1 telephone numbers that were residential and cooperative were sampled at higher rates than those numbers that were either nonresidential or uncooperative. In addition to retaining a portion of the Round 1 sample, telephone numbers not in existence in Round 1 were sampled to provide complete coverage of telephone households in 1999. The Round 2 area sample was largely the same as used in 2-3 Round 1, but an additional sample from the balance of the nation was added to improve the precision of national estimates. Analysis of the Round 2 data found that the expected improvements in the precision of change estimates due to retaining a portion of the Round 1 sample were not as large as had been expected. The reduction in variances for change estimates depended on retaining a substantial fraction of the Round 1 households and the characteristics of the retained households being highly positively correlated across time. The design assumptions regarding both of these key factors were somewhat optimistic. In the component of the sample in which an interview was completed in Round 1 and the telephone number was retained for Round 2, the proportion of identical households was less than assumed. In addition, even when the same household responded in both rounds, the correlation for important estimates was lower than expected. Given these Round 2 findings, it was decided that it would be unwise to retain a sample of telephone numbers from the previous rounds for Round 3. Retaining telephone numbers has its own costs in terms of introducing differential sampling fractions that decrease the precision of the estimates and lower response rates. Report No. 8 in the 1999 series showed the screener response rate in the retained sample was about 2 or 3 points lower than the response rate in the newly sampled numbers from the same sampling frame. This result is consistent with panel surveys (see Kalton, Kaspryzk, and McMillen, 1989). We examine the 2002 response rates in Report No. 8 and provide a more direct assessment of the effect of retaining telephone numbers in the sample there. The retained sample also added some complexity operationally. Thus, it was decided that the Round 3 telephone sample should be independent of the samples selected in Round 1 and Round 2. Although the sample for Round 3 was selected independently, the allocation of the sample to the study areas and the sampling procedures were very similar to those used in Round 1. On the other hand, the design for the Round 3 area sample was very different from that used in the previous rounds. In Round 1 and Round 2, separate area samples were selected in each study area and for the balance of the nation. The area and RDD samples were combined to produce estimates of both telephone and nontelephone households for each study area and nationally. Because of the cost of screening a large sample of households to find nontelephone households, the sample size for the area sample was relatively small in each of the study areas. The small sample size of nontelephone households caused some instability in the estimates of the precision for the study areas (see 1997 Report No. 4 for more details). At the national level, the sample size was sufficiently large that the variance estimates were reliable. These concerns about the area sample for producing reliable estimates of nontelephone households at the study area level led to research to find a lower-cost alternative. Ferraro and Brick (2001) studied various methods for adjusting a sample of telephone households to account for the undercoverage of households without telephones. This research found that an approach called “modified poststratification” had better statistical properties for NSAF study areas than previously considered approaches. In addition, new data from the 2000 Census of Population showed the percentage of households without telephones was much smaller than reported in the 2-4 CPS for the same time period. The census estimates only 2.4 percent of households did not have a telephone, compared with the 4.9 percent reported in the CPS for the same time. Based on cost, stability of the variance estimates, new research on statistical adjustment methods, and lower estimates of the percentage on households without telephones, the sample design for the area sample for Round 3 was changed significantly from that used in previous rounds. The Round 3 design included a sufficient sample to produce reliable national estimates of all households, using the area sample to represent households without telephones. At the same time, the area sample size for the study areas was reduced, and the plan was to rely on the modified poststratification approach for estimating characteristics of all households for the study areas. Thus, the sample size for the area sample and the cost of collecting these data were significantly reduced. Tables later in this chapter show the changes in sample size at the study area level and overall. The other basic features of the sample design were very consistent across the three rounds of data collection. In all three rounds, costs were reduced through the use of screener-based subsampling of households contacted in the RDD component. In this approach the RDD screening interview includes a very short income question. Those households that report no children in the household or reported incomes above 200 percent of the poverty threshold were subsampled. The extended interview has more detailed and reliable income questions for those included in the subsample. In Round 1, the inconsistency between the responses to the short and detailed versions of the income questions was greater than anticipated, and the Round 2 subsampling rates were revised in Round 2 to account for this difference. In Round 3, subsampling rates similar to those suggested by the Round 2 research (see 1999 NSAF Sample Design, Report No. 2) were used. In all the rounds and across both the RDD and the area samples, the number of household members that could be sampled and interviewed were limited. The main reason to impose these limits was to reduce the respondent burden for the household as a whole. Even if there were several children under age 6 in a household, only one was randomly selected. Similarly, only one child age 6 to 17 was sampled in a household. The most knowledgeable adult (MKA) in the household for the child was interviewed about the sample child. During the MKA interview, additional data were collected about the MKA and about the MKA’s spouse/partner, if that person was living in the same household. The MKA provided all the data about the spouse/partner. Generally, every question about the MKA was repeated with reference to the spouse/partner. However, some questions on health insurance and health care usage were asked about only one of the two. The appropriate person targeted for these questions was randomly assigned as either the MKA or the spouse/partner. Some questions were asked only about the MKA, related to feelings, religious activities, and opinions. These items were not repeated for the spouse/partner because proxy response did not seem sufficiently valid or reliable, and because self-response on these few questions was operationally impractical. All these rules for subsampling persons within sample households were the same for all three rounds. 2-5 Two other within-household subsampling steps were used in all three rounds of data collection. Other adults in households with children (adults who were not the MKA of any children in the household) and adults in adult-only households were subsampled. The rules for the subsampling were complex and are described in detail in the 1997 NSAF Sample Design, Report No. 2. Selfresponse was required for sample adults. During the interview with a sample adult, additional data were collected about the sample adult’s spouse/partner, if they were living in the same household. As in the MKA interview, the data were always collected by asking the sample person to respond for the spouse/partner. No attempt was made to collect these data directly from the spouse of a sample adult. As in the MKA interview, some questions were asked only about the sample adult, related to feelings, religious activities, and opinions. In all three rounds of NSAF, the sample design set in place at the beginning of the survey was revised somewhat as data on the outcomes of the data collection became available. For example, the expected sample sizes depended on assumptions about residency rates, response rates, poverty rates, and other parameters. Since the observed rates differed from the assumed rates, sometimes revisions in sampling rates or the number of sampled units had to be implemented as the data collection proceeded. For the first two rounds, the adjustments that took place are documented in the previous sample design reports. In Round 3, the outstanding changes that took place during the field period involved releasing more telephone numbers than originally planned due to lower-than-expected residency and response rates, and using a refusal subsampling procedure for the RDD sample to speed up the data collection and reduce costs slightly. These changes to the original sample design are discussed in later chapters, along with the other more minor changes. 2.3 Number of Completed Interviews The number of completed interviews for each round of NSAF is given in table 2-1. The table shows the number of completed interview by type of sample (RDD or area sample) and by type of interview (various types of adult interviews and child interviews). Note that one MKA interview can provide data on up to two sample children and that there were a few MKA interviews with parents under the age of 18. In addition to the total number of interviews, the table also shows the range of the number of completed interviews in each study area and in the balance of the nation by round. The table shows that the number of completed RDD interviews is about the same for all three rounds. The big difference is in the number of completed area interviews, where the number completed in Round 3 is lower than the previous rounds. This difference is particularly obvious in the study areas. This difference is a consequence of the sample design change described earlier. 2-6 Table 2-1. Number of Completed Interviews by Round, Sample Type, and Interview Type 2-7 Type of Sampled Interview RDD sample All adults Adult MKAs Other adults in households with children Adults in households without children Children under age 6 Low-income children under age 6 Children age 6 to 17 Low-income children age 6 to 17 Area sample All adults Adult MKAs Other adults in households with children Adults in households without children Children under age 6 Low-income children under age 6 Children age 6 to 17 Low-income children age 6 to 17 Total Range for Study Areas Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 46,621 27,248 2,407 45,025 29,054 3,054 43,133 28,208 2,872 16,966 13,917 12,053 651–1562 342–1,354 466–1,346 12,067 7,246 11,990 4,923 12,088 5,331 613–914 398–539 515–958 258–407 500–941 264–491 21,210 11,813 22,841 8,560 21,864 8,887 1,682 915 121 1,678 876 113 648 294 46 36–299 18–150 2–28 33–236 11–128 1–15 2–90 0–45 0–6 646 689 308 15–121 19–92 548 497 525 463 180 149 9–94 6–87 615 550 582 509 199 168 13–105 11–98 Balance of the Nation Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 2,347–3,771 2,085–3,746 1,933–3,798 4,913 1,431–2,025 1,309–2,382 1,254–2,196 2,669 102–218 104–279 101–310 225 6,168 3,610 496 7,251 4,603 521 2,019 2,062 2,127 1,179 746 1,462 633 1,987 873 1,103–1,557 1,056–1,881 1,001–1,708 2,064 624–844 470–627 475–779 1,182 2,872 1,097 3,557 1,501 191 120 7 326 178 31 320 143 24 1–38 64 117 153 8–72 7–63 0–32 0–28 69 66 104 86 84 64 6–91 6–80 0–26 0–23 80 69 119 95 103 84 2.4 Projected Effective Sample Size In surveys like NSAF that sample study areas and specific subgroups of the population at different rates, the number of completed interviews does not give a full and accurate picture of the precision of the estimates. Sampling with differential probabilities generally reduces the precision of estimates aggregated over groups with different rates, even though it improves the precision for those subgroups sampled at higher rates. For example, households in the study areas are sampled at higher rates than are households in the balance of the nation, and the precision of national estimates is lower than it would be if the rates for the groups were identical. Of course, the higher sampling rates in the study areas provide reliable estimates for these areas that would not be possible otherwise. In designing the sample, the losses in efficiency of the samples due to the differential sampling rates were taken into account in determining the needed sample sizes. The other source of efficiency losses in typical household surveys is clustering of sampled households in geographic areas. List-assisted RDD surveys do not cluster households, so the only clustering of sampled households in the NSAF is for nontelephone households. Since the nontelephone households are a small proportion of the total sample, we developed our projections of the precision based only on the RDD sample. The design effect or deff (the ratio of the variance of an estimate under the actual design to what would be obtained with a simple random sample of the same size) is one method of accounting for the efficiency of the sample. Another way of thinking about the design effect is that it is the inverse of the efficiency of the sample, so that a sample with a deff of 2 is equivalent to a simple random sample of half the sample size. Design effects were estimated from the samples for the previous two rounds and were reported in the corresponding Report No. 4 for the round. These average deffs were instrumental in projecting design effects for Round 3. The primary goal of the sample design was to obtain approximately the same number of lowincome child interviews as achieved in Round 2, with a secondary objective of obtaining about the same number of low-income adult interviews. Since the efficiency of the sample is directly tied to the rates used for subsampling the different groups, keeping the subsampling rates as consistent as possible with the optimal rates developed in Round 2 while still completing about the same number of interviews was also important. Other factors also affected the sample design. The sample size allocated to the Milwaukee study area could now be used in other areas because this was dropped as a stand-alone study area for Round 3. The sample size for this area was reallocated to California, the balance of the nation, and Michigan to improve the precision for these areas and the national estimates. Once the sample sizes were determined, projected design effects and effective sample sizes for the key interview groups could be computed. The interview groups are children, other adults (who are not MKAs), and all adults. Since the survey is critically interested in people in families with incomes less than 200 percent of the poverty level, table 2-2 has the projected deffs for both low-income and all persons. Using these projected design effects and an additional adjustment due to other losses of efficiency in the sample design, the effective sample sizes for each study area and for the nation were computed. These projected effective RDD sample sizes are shown in table 2-3 for all groups. 2-8 The projected design effects and effective sample size shown in tables 2-2 and 2-3 were computed prior to the start of data collection. Thus, changes in the design that occurred during data collection and the actual sample sizes achieved are not reflected in these tables. The average design effects based on the data collected in Round 3 are given in Report No. 4. The next two chapters describe the procedures used to select the RDD and area sample of households. 2-9 Table 2-2. Projected Design Effects for the RDD Sample, by Interview Type and Study Area Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation National Children Low-Income 1.08 1.03 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.08 1.05 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.02 1.06 1.99 All 1.11 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.03 1.04 1.12 1.04 1.04 1.07 1.05 1.02 1.06 2.11 Other Adults Low-Income 1.47 1.49 1.59 1.59 1.51 1.54 1.38 1.37 1.43 1.50 1.34 1.42 1.33 1.68 2.76 All 1.37 1.33 1.32 1.39 1.27 1.30 1.19 1.31 1.19 1.28 1.22 1.22 1.17 1.44 2.56 All Adults Low-Income 1.52 1.43 1.73 1.73 1.51 1.42 1.32 1.46 1.73 1.60 1.55 1.53 1.32 1.50 3.34 All 1.58 1.52 1.82 1.88 1.61 1.47 1.30 1.58 1.72 1.72 1.58 1.60 1.37 1.60 3.14 Table 2-3. Projected Effective Sample Sizes for the RDD Sample, by Interview Type and Study Area Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation National Children Low-Income 663 845 634 662 594 665 562 690 619 747 802 629 563 1,699 5,225 All 1,322 2,006 1,892 1,525 1,990 1,986 1,935 1,242 2,258 1,692 1,619 1,813 1,660 4,177 12,854 Other Adults Low-Income All 207 508 235 703 135 472 137 411 165 652 209 732 247 995 172 426 113 587 150 500 179 491 160 581 203 730 518 1,546 1,025 3,643 2-10 All Adults Low-Income All 593 1,207 734 1,720 440 1,236 459 1,012 498 1,546 629 1,804 635 2,216 583 1,080 405 1,530 532 1,198 599 1,269 504 1,422 564 1,647 1,588 3,729 3,960 11,337 3. RANDOM DIGIT DIAL HOUSEHOLD SAMPLING This chapter describes the sample design and implementation for the RDD component of the survey. The first section describes the sampling telephone numbers using the list-assisted sample design for each study area and the balance of the nation. The second section describes the overall plan for subsampling households. The third and fourth sections go into detail about the main subsampling procedures, subsampling adult-only households and high-income households, respectively. The fifth section describes changes to the sampling parameters made during the data collection period and based on monitoring the progress of the earlier stages of the sample. The final section of the chapter presents tables on the sample sizes achieved using the methods discussed. 3.1 Sampling Telephone Numbers The RDD sample for all three rounds of NSAF used a list-assisted approach to select the sample of telephone households. These households were screened to identify low-income households with children and other households of interest as described later in this chapter. Casady and Lepkowski (1993) describe list-assisted sampling and a recent update to the application of this method is Tucker, Lepkowski, and Piekarski (2002). In list-assisted sampling, the set of all possible residential telephone numbers is divided into 100-banks. Each 100-bank contains the 100 telephone numbers with the same first eight digits (i.e., the identical area code, telephone prefix, and first two of the last four digits of the telephone number). The frame consists of all 100-banks with at least one residential number listed in a published telephone directory. Any household telephone number that is not in these 100-banks is not covered by the sample. A simple random or a systematic sample of telephone numbers is selected from this frame. List-assisted RDD sampling is now the standard sampling procedure for telephone surveys. The key advantages of this method relative to the Mitofsky-Waksberg method (Waksberg 1978) is that the sample is unclustered, and the full sample of telephone numbers can be released to interviewers without the sequential impediment in the Mitofsky-Waksberg method. A disadvantage of list-assisted RDD is a small amount of undercoverage due to excluding households in 100-banks with no listed households. Studies of the undercoverage due to this exclusion have shown that only a small percentage of households are excluded, and households excluded from the frame are not very different from those that are included (Brick, et al. 1995; Tucker et al. 2002). Together, these attributes indicate the undercoverage bias from excluding 100-banks with no listed households is small. Once the sample was selected from the 100-banks, two steps were used to improve the working residential rate and thereby reduce costs. The first procedure eliminated numbers listed only in the yellow pages. The second procedure used a vendor to dial the household automatically to eliminate many nonworking numbers. If a tritone signal was detected, then the telephone was classified as a nonworking number and was never dialed by Westat interviewer. Both steps were used in all three rounds of NSAF data collection. The procedures were enhanced by the vendor 3-1 over time, and a larger percentage of numbers was classified as nonresidential or business in Round 3 compared to earlier rounds. When the vendor’s new procedures were introduced, Westat examined the accuracy of the results by comparing the outcomes from the vendor’s process with those from a recently conducted survey (the 2001 National Household Education Survey). Based on this study, Westat obtains the results of the purging from the vendor and specifies which cases will not be dialed so that less than 1 percent of the purged numbers are residential. The sample was selected all at once, when the newest quarterly update of the sampling frame was available in December 2001. The sample was then assigned to waves for data collection as described in section 3.5. Consideration was given to sampling for later releases from the next quarterly frame update that was expected by March 2002. However, the entire sample was selected at once because most of the sample was planned to be in process before a sample from the new frame could be prepared. Furthermore, the differences in the frames by quarter are typically very small. Because of the magnitude of the number of telephone numbers in the sample, the purging of the sample of telephone numbers was done in five batches, each containing about 100,000 telephone numbers. The dates the batches were purged were January 7–21, January 14–28, January 22–February 5, January 28–February 11, and February 4–18. The order of the batches corresponded to the waves of releasing the numbers. Westat interviewers dialed any telephone number not eliminated by the tritone and yellow page purges to determine its working residential status. When a residential telephone number was reached, the interviewer asked about the age composition and income of the household. These questions were used to subsample households, as discussed in the next section. 3.2 Subsampling Households As in Rounds 1 and 2, households were subsampled for the NSAF interview using subsampling rates that depended on whether there were children in the household and whether the household income was below 200 percent of the poverty threshold. Specifically, households with children under 18 and incomes below 200 percent of the poverty threshold were subsampled at 100 percent (in other words, they were retained with certainty). Households with all members 65 and older were not subsampled (none were retained). All other households were retained for the interview with subsampling rates greater than zero and less than one. The rationale and procedures for the subsampling are the same as in previous rounds. Essentially, the subsampling rates were developed to obtain the desired sample sizes and effective sample sizes for the targeted subgroups needed for analysis. The rationale is discussed in more detail in the 1997 and 1999 sample design reports. Two distinct subsampling steps were implemented. The first subsampled households with no children. The second subsampled households with and without children if the reported income was above 200 percent of the poverty threshold or if the response to income screener question was missing. Thus, four strata with different subsampling fractions were created, as illustrated in figure 3-1. The two subsampling steps are discussed in more detail in the next sections. 3-2 Figure 3-1. Household Subsampling Operations Children present? Yes Keep No Low income? Yes Keep No Subsample Anyone under age 65? No Yes Subsample Yes Low income? No Drop Subsample 3-3 Keep The subsampling rates were computed based on a variety of assumptions. Most assumptions were computed using data from Round 2. The key assumptions used to compute the subsampling rates are as follows: Type of household—Table 3-1 gives the proportion of child, adult, and elderly households estimated from Round 2. Low-income rates—Table 3-1 also gives the estimated proportion of households that are poor (less than 200 percent of the poverty threshold), nonpoor, and unknown, for both child and adult households. These proportions are the expected rates for households that respond to the screener income item. The Round 2 rates were used for Round 3 despite the recent economic downturn to be conservative. Misclassification by income—The rates of households being misclassified by income are shown in table 3-2. The false negative rate is the proportion of households that report high income when they are actually low income. The false positive rate is the proportion of households that report low income when they are actually high-income. The proportions in the table are the observed (weighted) rates from Round 2 and are discussed more fully later in the chapter. Residential rates—The assumed residency rates are given in the first column of table 3-3. The rates are three points less than the residency rates estimated from Round 2. Lower rates were used because the residency rate has been decreasing rather steeply during this time period. The ring–no answer (NA) and answering machine (NM) cases are treated as nonresidential for this purpose since they do not result in completed interviews. Response rates—The assumed response rates are shown in the remaining columns of table 3-3. The screener response rates are 2 percentage points less than the estimated response rate from Round 2, again without any allocation for NA and NM cases. We also assumed the adult and child extended response rates would be 2 percentage points less than the observed Round 2 rates. Once again, the lower rates were assumed because response rates to most RDD surveys have been decreasing in recent years and the Round 2 rates were some of the highest response rates we have seen in RDD surveys in the past three years. The rates for subsampling adult-only households and households by income were derived using these assumptions. These subsampling or retention rates are shown in table 3-4. The required number of completed number of screeners and sampled telephone numbers was then derived from these assumptions. 3-4 Table 3-1. Assumed Proportion of Households, by Household Type and Poverty Status 3-5 Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation Total Household Type Child Adult 0.366 0.421 0.389 0.418 0.376 0.462 0.324 0.410 0.337 0.457 0.367 0.427 0.361 0.441 0.373 0.397 0.366 0.434 0.350 0.437 0.397 0.415 0.368 0.459 0.351 0.434 0.360 0.432 0.363 0.430 Elderly 0.213 0.193 0.163 0.266 0.206 0.205 0.198 0.230 0.200 0.213 0.188 0.174 0.214 0.208 0.207 Child Households–Screening Poor Nonpoor Unknown 0.339 0.617 0.045 0.306 0.628 0.066 0.233 0.725 0.041 0.311 0.631 0.057 0.203 0.735 0.062 0.239 0.706 0.054 0.202 0.761 0.037 0.390 0.557 0.053 0.183 0.763 0.054 0.309 0.632 0.059 0.348 0.601 0.051 0.241 0.712 0.047 0.253 0.703 0.044 0.271 0.684 0.044 0.279 0.671 0.050 Adult-Only Households–Screening Poor Nonpoor Unknown 0.227 0.696 0.077 0.171 0.751 0.078 0.136 0.810 0.055 0.167 0.762 0.071 0.123 0.801 0.077 0.151 0.788 0.061 0.130 0.825 0.045 0.235 0.701 0.064 0.100 0.839 0.061 0.159 0.774 0.067 0.179 0.752 0.069 0.139 0.807 0.055 0.148 0.796 0.057 0.172 0.769 0.060 0.165 0.771 0.064 Table 3-2. Assumed Misclassification Rates, by Income Categories Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation Total Child Households False False Positive Negative 0.166 0.139 0.195 0.109 0.249 0.118 0.216 0.149 0.218 0.086 0.245 0.105 0.269 0.104 0.184 0.142 0.267 0.083 0.176 0.138 0.179 0.148 0.198 0.086 0.200 0.119 0.195 0.121 0.182 0.123 Unknown to Low-Income 0.315 0.597 0.462 0.541 0.401 0.503 0.358 0.536 0.442 0.562 0.547 0.361 0.332 0.495 0.537 Adult-Only Households False False Unknown to Positive Negative Low-Income 0.321 0.142 0.385 0.358 0.129 0.385 0.362 0.112 0.427 0.380 0.128 0.455 0.354 0.073 0.325 0.360 0.106 0.275 0.373 0.098 0.401 0.322 0.120 0.510 0.473 0.085 0.329 0.332 0.118 0.205 0.298 0.158 0.521 0.282 0.086 0.243 0.320 0.110 0.286 0.327 0.104 0.279 0.337 0.111 0.332 Table 3-3. Assumed Residential and Response Rates Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation Total Residency Rate (%) 45.6 39.5 38.5 39.9 43.4 39.1 39.6 45.9 40.0 41.9 37.4 39.0 40.9 40.1 40.1 Screener Response Rate (%) 80.3 69.6 75.1 72.3 69.3 74.1 80.3 80.3 65.7 66.8 74.6 74.7 79.5 76.7 74.3 3-6 Adult Extended Response Rate (%) 77.4 70.3 76.0 71.8 72.1 75.0 82.9 77.9 67.5 69.0 74.0 77.6 82.8 77.1 75.0 Child Extended Response Rate (%) 78.7 72.9 80.9 74.6 76.7 79.9 84.5 81.2 72.8 72.9 77.9 82.2 83.0 80.6 78.5 Table 3-4. Subsampling or Household Retention Rates Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation 3.3 Child Households Above Unknown Poverty Income 0.507 0.750 0.652 0.750 0.629 0.750 0.636 0.750 0.646 0.750 0.654 0.750 0.619 0.750 0.498 0.750 0.606 0.750 0.651 0.750 0.576 0.750 0.593 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.570 0.750 Adult-Only Households Above Unknown Adult Poverty Income 0.643 0.255 0.397 0.803 0.247 0.471 0.611 0.224 0.424 0.607 0.220 0.432 0.708 0.236 0.429 0.859 0.243 0.406 0.877 0.295 0.435 0.579 0.288 0.400 0.534 0.264 0.429 0.600 0.257 0.388 0.550 0.312 0.402 0.584 0.280 0.402 0.777 0.327 0.408 0.838 0.206 0.419 Subsampling Adult-Only Households Since one goal of the survey was to estimate characteristics of all adults under age 65 and of the subset of these adults who lived in households without children, the same procedure for subsampling adult-only households used in the previous rounds was also used in Round 3. Together with the subsampling of persons within households with children, these subsampling procedures provide a sufficient sample size for making reliable estimates for these adults. As in previous rounds, the MKAs and their spouse/partners are called “Option A” adults. Other adults are called “Option B” adults. “Option B” adults who live in households with children are called “Option B stragglers.” Statistics about nonelderly adults are formed using data from the “Option A” interviews about the MKAs and their spouses and using data from the “Option B” interviews about all other adults under age 65.1 The group of all other adults under age 65 consists of nonelderly adults in adult-only households and some nonelderly adults in households with children. In households with children, an adult was eligible for sampling if the adult did not have any children under age 18 living in the household and if the adult had not already been identified as the MKA for a focal child or as the spouse/partner of an MKA. 1 “Option A” interviews were administered to the MKA about the focal child(ren). It also obtained income, earnings, health insurance, and other information about the MKA and his/her spouse/partner. The “Option B” interview obtained the same information about the sample adult and his/her spouse/partner as obtained by the “Option A” interview—only questions about children were missing from the “Option B” version of the questionnaire. 3-7 The target sample sizes for adults were set for the combined group of “Option B” adults and “Option B” stragglers. The targets for each study area were approximately equal to the observed sample sizes in Round 2. Since the Round 3 sample had a much smaller sample of nontelephone households in Round 3 compared with previous rounds, the target sample sizes were close to the number of telephone interviews from Round 2. The retention rates for adult-only households in the RDD sample are shown in table 3-4. The retention rates ranged from 53 percent to 88 percent across the study areas. These rates are generally higher than they were in earlier rounds in order to reduce the variability in the estimates due to subsampling adults at differential rates. The research supporting this approach is described in 1999 NSAF Sample Design, Report No. 2. The subsampling was implemented by loading the retention rate table into the computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) system. Each telephone number was randomly assigned as either a “child-only” household or a “child and adult” household using a random sampling procedure before the case was loaded. Households subsampled as “child and adult” were classified as “adult-only” households if there were no children under age 18 present but at least one person was under the age 65. 3.4 Subsampling High-Income Households The same procedure used in the previous rounds was used in Round 3 to subsample households by income. In households with children and in subsampled adult-only households, all households were asked a simple question on household income. Those households reporting income above 200 percent of the poverty threshold were subsampled. The income levels for determining 200 percent of poverty are shown in table 3-5. The subsampling rates are given in table 3-4 for both types of households. Table 3-5. Income Levels for Determining Less than 200 Percent of the Poverty Level Household Size by Person 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+ Without Children $18,300 $23,500 $27,500 $36,200 $43,700 $50,200 $57,800 $64,600 $77,700 a. This type of household can occur only if an emancipated minor is living alone. 3-8 With Children $18,300a $24,200 $28,300 $35,800 $42,400 $47,900 $54,500 $60,500 $71,400 After asking whether there were children in the household, the interviewer asked whether household income was above or below the poverty threshold given in table 3-5. The household was then either retained or subsampled out, depending on the response. As in the previous rounds, we expected some household responses to the simple income item to be incorrect compared with what they would say in response to the income items in the extended interview. This misclassification error introduces an additional design effect on low-income households with children (the household subsampling is only done for the RDD sample of households). The benefit of asking the question and taking the loss in the effective sample size is that it sharply reduces costs for completing the extended interviews. The switching rates for households that do and do not report low income on the screener are functions of the false negative and false positive error rates. The false negative and false positive rates that were observed in Round 2 and assumed to apply to Round 3 are given in table 3-2. Report No. 2 in the 1999 series gives a full discussion of all these issues. The subsampling rates that were designed to be close to the optimum values for Round 2 were fully implemented for Round 3. 3.5 Household Sampling Revisions during Data Collection As noted in section 3.2, the sample design depended on a number of assumptions. When data collection began, the outcomes were monitored and used to project eventual sample yields. If the revised projections differed substantially from the target, the sampling rates and number of telephone numbers could be adjusted to be consistent with the new projections. The same monitoring process was used in both Round 1 and Round 2. In both rounds the monitoring led to revisions in the sampling procedures during data collection. We assumed that changes in sampling parameters might be needed and designed the sampling to facilitate making changes during the data collection period. The sample for each study area was divided into a main sample and a reserve sample. Within the main sample cases were further partitioned into release groups. The overall sample of telephone numbers was selected, and then the telephone numbers were assigned randomly to the main and reserve samples for each study area independently. Within the main sample, all telephone numbers in a study area were randomly assigned to one of 103 release groups. Each release group had 5,000 telephone numbers and was a microcosm of the main sample. The only exception is the last release group (103) that was smaller because it contained the remainder of the sample. Release groups 1 through 60 were used for a variety of methodological experiments. To support the analysis of these experiments, it was decided that no revisions in the sampling or other procedures would be implemented in the first 60 release groups. Relatively early in the data collection period we observed several deviations from the assumed rates. The proportion of households with children that was low-income differed from the assumed rate in several study areas. Similarly, the proportion of adult-only households by income differed from the assumed rate. These differences resulted in deviations from the expected number of interviews for specific types of households. The deviations from the 3-9 assumed rates were concentrated in specific study areas rather than being uniformly distributed over the entire sample. To deal with the differences, the subsampling rates were revised in later release groups to achieve sample yields that were closer to the targets. Monitoring the data collection process also found that the assumed residency rates and response rates for the screener were lower than expected. The consequence of these deviations from the assumptions was the completion of fewer screener interviews than planned and consequently the sampling of a smaller number of people for the extended interviews. The magnitude of the deviations of the residency and response rates from the assumed rates varied by study area. The losses in sample yield due to these lower rates were modest in most study areas, but in some study areas the expected consequences on the sample yield were substantial and changes were necessary. The obvious way to deal with the lower-than-expected residency and response rates was to release reserve sample in selected study areas. However, releasing reserve sample would have some disadvantages, such as increasing data collection costs, extending the data collection period, and delaying the release of estimates from the survey. To mitigate the cost and time implications associated with releasing more sample telephone numbers, a subsampling approach was instituted. The plan was to subsample telephone numbers that resulted in an initial refusal at the screener. A random subsample of telephone numbers with screener refusals was instituted and only those subsampled were included in refusal conversion efforts. The screener refusal cases that were not subsampled were excluded from subsequent data collection efforts. The plan included a provision for weighting the subsampled refusal cases to account for all cases that were eligible for subsampling for the preparation of estimates and response rates. The subsampling was limited to screener refusal cases and did not apply to extended interview work. Data collection costs were reduced because expenses related to refusal cases could be avoided for cases that were not subsampled for conversion. When a household refuses the screener, the interviewer records demographic information about the refusing respondent and the respondent’s reasons for refusing to participate. Interviewers also rate the strength of the refusal as mild, firm, or hostile. In Round 3, up to two refusal conversion attempts were made for refusing households at the screener level. In addition, Telephone Research Center (TRC) supervisors reviewed all cases coded as hostile to determine whether that designation was merited. Cases rated as hostile that supervisors judged inappropriately coded were recoded and then were eligible to be released for an additional conversion attempt. Truly hostile (profane or abusive) refusal cases were never released for conversion. Before attempting to convert the screener refusal, an express mailing was made to the household if an address was available for that household, adding further to the cost of refusal conversion. The reduction in field time was realized by implementing the subsampling so that screeners released later in the field period were not subsampled for refusal conversion, while those released earlier were converted. The details on implementing the subsampling to achieve this goal are given below. Thus, the refusal subsampling allowed the sample to be worked more efficiently while still including all of the appropriate scheduling procedures (including hold periods for refusal cases). The usual practice of continuing a smaller interviewer workforce to 3-10 cover the calls to late refusals is not needed to the same extent and the data collection period can end more quickly. Since the telephone numbers had been randomly assigned to the release groups prior to data collection, these release groups were well suited for the subsampling approach. Release groups 1 to 82 and release group 103 were designated for subsampling (i.e., refusal conversions were scheduled for all initial screener refusals in these groups). Telephone numbers in release groups 83 to 102 were designated as not subsampled. The same designation was used for all study areas and for the balance of the nation. The number of release groups included in the subsample was determined by evaluating the effect on the sample yield and the increase in variance in the estimates due to weighting the refusal conversion cases for the subsampling. The sample yield obtained by subsampling was determined using the initial screener refusal rate observed in the early waves of the Round 3 data collection. Since only about 20 percent of the full sample of telephone numbers was excluded by the subsampling, the weighting factor on the retained screener initial refusal cases was not very large. The increase in variance due to the weighting was expected to have a negligible effect (less than 2 percent) on the variance of the estimates. Since the revised data collection plan had two components (changes in the subsampling rates dealing with screening by income and the introduction of refusal subsampling), the implementation of the two components was coordinated. The goal was to use the same subsampling rate by income for the cases irrespective of the subsampling for refusal conversion. To accomplish this goal, the average rate of subsampling by income was computed for release groups 61 through 82 and 103 (those subsampled for refusal conversion). This subsampling rate was applied to telephone numbers in release groups 83 through 102 and any reserve sample. The revised subsampling rates for households with children that were classified as high-income in the screener are given in table 3-6. The first column shows the subsampling rate applied for release groups 61 through 82 plus 103, and the second column shows the rate for release groups 83 through 102 plus any reserve sample. The bold entries are the only ones that changed from the corresponding planned rates given in table 3-4. Table 3-7 gives the revised subsampling rates for household with adults-only by the release groups. The bolded entries indicate revisions from the rates applied in release groups 1 through 60. Table 3-8 gives the number of reserve telephone numbers released in the study areas where the reserve was needed. In total, the sample of telephone numbers increased by 42,411 numbers. This represented an increase of about 8 percent over the originally planned sample size of telephone numbers. 3-11 Table 3-6. Revised Subsampling Rates for Households with Children Screening as High-Income, by Release Group Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation Release Groups 61–82 and 103 0.507 0.000 0.629 0.100 0.000 0.654 0.619 0.300 0.000 0.500 0.576 0.593 0.750 0.570 Release Groups 83–102 0.507 0.473 0.629 0.490 0.468 0.654 0.619 0.447 0.440 0.610 0.576 0.593 0.750 0.570 Table 3-7. Revised Subsampling Rates for Adult-Only Households, by Release Group Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation Subsampling Rate for Adult-Only Households prior to Income Item Release Groups Release Groups 61–82 and 103 83–102 0.643 0.643 0.803 0.803 0.611 0.611 0.400 0.550 0.500 0.650 0.400 0.733 0.877 0.877 0.579 0.579 0.100 0.415 0.600 0.600 0.550 0.550 0.420 0.539 0.415 0.676 0.350 0.704 3-12 Subsampling Rate for Adult-Only High-Income Households Release Groups Release Groups 61–82 and 103 83–102 0.255 0.255 0.247 0.247 0.224 0.224 0.220 0.220 0.236 0.236 0.459 0.302 0.295 0.295 0.288 0.288 0.500 0.329 0.257 0.257 0.020 0.231 0.280 0.280 0.315 0.323 0.400 0.260 Table 3-8. Reserve Sample Released, by Study Area Study Area Total Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota New Jersey Wisconsin Bal. of nation 3.6 Number Released 42,411 6,700 2,952 2,322 4,589 7,498 6,324 6,608 5,418 Achieved Response and Eligibility Rates The RDD household screening component for Round 3 is summarized in table 3-9. The sample of 556,651 telephone numbers includes the 42,411 telephone numbers released from the reserve sample. The table shows the numbers for each study area and the total across all the study areas and the balance of the nation. Overall about 54 percent of the sample phone numbers were determined to be nonworking or nonresidential, and another 9 percent were never resolved. The never resolved numbers are those that had only ring–no answer or answering machine responses, despite repeated attempts to reach someone at the number. The survival method (see Brick et al. 2002 or Report No. 2 for 1999) was used to estimate the residential status for the never resolved numbers. About 32 percent of these numbers were estimated as residential and the rest were not residential. The percentage varies by study area. Using the survival method allocation approach for the never-resolved numbers, the estimated residency rate for the nation is 39 percent (this is a weighted number that accounts for the population of the study area and is discussed in more detail in Report No. 4). The last column of the table gives the number of households that responded to the questionnaire item on the presence of children in the household. Since screeners that were initially refused were subsampled, the screener response rate cannot be computed by dividing the number of completed screeners by the number of residential numbers. The response rate must account for the subsampling. The details of the computations and other discussion of response rates are given in Report No. 7, but essentially the completed screeners that were subsampled were also weighted by the inverse of the subsampling rate in the computations. Table 3-10 shows the number of sampled telephone numbers that were initial refusal screener cases and the number of these that were subsampled. As can be seen, about 20 to 25 percent of the initial refusal cases were sampled in each study area. The last column of the table shows the estimated screener response rate. This response rate is based on weighting cases by the inverse of their probability of selection, including the refusal subsampling probability. 3-13 Table 3-9. Screening for Residential Status and Presence of Children Verified Nonworking No Contact or Nonresidentiala (after 14 Released Study Area Sample Number Rate (%) Calls) Alabama 22,608 11,766 52.0 1,165 California 37,554 19,610 52.2 3,249 Colorado 41,180 23,840 57.9 3,077 Florida 36,637 19,665 53.7 2,629 Massachusetts 42,142 20,666 49.0 3,203 Michigan 40,858 23,159 56.7 2,816 Minnesota 41,035 24,792 60.4 2,015 Mississippi 19,325 9,591 49.6 1,022 New Jersey 60,479 29,038 48.0 7,145 New York 35,108 19,044 54.2 2,689 Texas 29,653 17,330 58.4 1,926 Washington 34,137 19,699 57.7 2,129 Wisconsin 30,927 16,670 53.9 1,977 Bal. of nation 85,008 47,153 55.5 5,395 Total 556,651 302,023 54.3 40,437 Only Answering Machine Contacts 341 682 649 802 758 623 444 206 1,241 590 369 473 357 1,289 8,824 Known and Imputed Known b Residential Residential 9,336 9,934 14,009 15,314 13,614 14,534 13,537 14,697 17,512 18,706 14,258 15,298 13,783 14,702 8,506 8,903 23,051 25,979 12,782 13,728 10,028 10,715 11,835 12,732 11,923 12,712 31,168 33,378 205,342 221,333 Residency Complete Age c Rate (%) Screening 43.9 6,400 40.8 8,901 35.3 9,008 40.1 8,364 44.4 10,465 37.4 9,534 35.8 9,747 46.1 5,947 43.0 13,136 39.1 7,518 36.1 6,476 37.3 8,329 41.1 8,563 39.3 21,115 39.4 133,503 a. These include those telephone numbers that were classified as nonresidential on the basis of the automated tritone detection and White Page matching, as well as those verified by interviewers. b. Survival analysis was used to allocate phones that were never answered and those where the only contact was with an answering machine by residency status. c. The percent of released sample that was either verified or imputed to be working phone numbers for private residences. 3-14 Table 3-10. Subsampling Screener Refusals and Response Rates Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation Total Known Residential 9,336 14,009 13,614 13,537 17,512 14,258 13,783 8,506 23,051 12,782 10,028 11,835 11,923 31,168 205,342 Initial Refusals Not Subsampled Subsampled 3,533 798 5,382 1,303 4,376 2,032 5,258 1,631 7,075 2,173 4,707 1,752 3,780 1,835 3,144 694 8,799 3,251 5,342 1,254 4,265 909 4,291 949 3,043 1,592 10,692 3,279 73,687 23,452 Subsampled (%) 81.6 80.5 68.3 76.3 76.5 72.9 67.3 81.9 73.0 81.0 82.4 81.9 65.7 76.5 75.9 Screener Response Rate (%) 68.2 61.9 68.8 61.6 60.8 67.8 72.8 70.6 55.5 58.3 64.3 69.1 73.9 67.9 65.4 Note: Response rates are weighted and account for refusal subsampling and use the survival allocation method for handling unknown residency numbers. Table 3-11 shows the results of screening households by age. The screening was used to classify households into three categories: Households with children under 18; Households with no children but at least one person under the age of 65; and Households where everyone was 65 or older. The first category included the very small number of households that had no adults but did have emancipated minors (persons under 18). The largest overall sampling rates were applied to the households with children, consequently the sample size requirements for this group determined the size of the sample needed for screening. Overall, 37 percent of the screened sample of households had children. All households with children were retained for income screening. Adult-only households, those with someone under the age of 65 but with no children, constituted 44 percent of the sampled households. As described in section 3.3, adult-only households were subsampled prior to income screening. The average retention rate for adult-only households at this stage was 63 percent. Households with only elderly members were 20 percent of screened households. Since these households were out of the scope of the survey they were immediately eliminated as ineligible. 3-15 Table 3-12 shows the results of the next stage of screening, income screening, for telephone households with children. Of households with children, 95 percent answered the income screening question. Of those households that did answer, 28 percent reported low income (income 200 percent of the poverty threshold or less) and 68 percent reported income above 200 percent of the poverty threshold. All the low-income households were retained, and 56 percent of the others with known income were retained. For the households that did not respond to the income items, 69 percent were retained. Table 3-13 shows comparable information for adult-only telephone households retained for income screening. The income question was answered by 94 percent of the households. Among those that answered, the low-income rate was 16 percent and all of these low-income households were retained. About 25 percent of those households who responded but did not have low income were retained. Finally, 35 percent of those with unknown income were retained. Combining the subsampling of households with children and households with adults only who were retained for income screening, 42 percent of all households that screened with income above 200 percent of the poverty threshold were retained for extended interviews. 3-16 Table 3-11. Outcomes of Household Screening of Telephone Households 3-17 Households with Children Screened Number of Households Households with Children Total Age with (%) Study Area Screeners Children Alabama 6,400 2,244 35.1 California 8,901 3,702 41.6 Colorado 9,008 3,367 37.4 Florida 8,364 2,738 32.7 Massachusetts 10,465 3,670 35.1 Michigan 9,534 3,452 36.2 Minnesota 9,747 3,523 36.1 Mississippi 5,947 2,201 37.0 New Jersey 13,136 4,922 37.5 New York 7,518 2,705 36.0 Texas 6,476 2,654 41.0 Washington 8,329 3,079 37.0 Wisconsin 8,563 2,942 34.4 Bal. of nation 21,115 7,482 35.4 Total 133,503 48,681 36.5 Adult-Only Households 65 and Over Households Screened Adult-Only Retention Households Households Rate of Number of Screened Adult-Only Households Retained for Adult-Only Number of with Only Households 65 and Over Adults Over (under 65) with Adults Income Households 65 (%) Screening (%) Households Only (%) 2,842 44.4 1,773 62.4 1,314 20.5 3,775 42.4 2,968 78.6 1,424 16.0 4,209 46.7 2,508 59.6 1,432 15.9 3,564 42.6 1,871 52.5 2,062 24.7 4,684 44.8 3,021 64.5 2,111 20.2 4,110 43.1 3,010 73.2 1,972 20.7 4,298 44.1 3,737 86.9 1,926 19.8 2,472 41.6 1,380 55.8 1,274 21.4 5,726 43.6 2,265 39.6 2,488 18.9 3,335 44.4 1,902 57.0 1,478 19.7 2,723 42.0 1,453 53.4 1,099 17.0 3,782 45.4 2,036 53.8 1,468 17.6 3,865 45.1 2,608 67.5 1,756 20.5 9,445 44.7 6,498 68.8 4,188 19.8 58,830 44.1 37,030 62.9 25,992 19.5 Table 3-12. Outcomes of Income Screening of Telephone Households with Children Not Low-Income Households 3-18 Households with Children Study Area Alabama 2,244 California 3,702 Colorado 3,367 Florida 2,738 Massachusetts 3,670 Michigan 3,452 Minnesota 3,523 Mississippi 2,201 New Jersey 4,922 New York 2,705 Texas 2,654 Washington 3,079 Wisconsin 2,942 Bal. of nation 7,482 Total 48,681 a. According to the simple screener question. Complete Income Screening 2,160 3,496 3,226 2,596 3,471 3,297 3,383 2,094 4,645 2,534 2,510 2,964 2,824 7,132 46,332 Low-Income Householdsa Identified Selected 836 1,324 703 1,247 2,249 1,042 784 2,442 1,566 913 1,683 817 731 2,740 1,250 876 2,421 1,587 735 2,648 1,654 909 1,185 545 983 3,662 1,622 789 1,745 1,096 922 1,588 918 812 2,152 1,272 716 2,108 1,569 2,145 4,987 2,857 13,398 32,934 18,498 Households with Unknown Income Selection Rate (%) Identified Selected 53.1 84 56 46.3 206 145 64.1 141 103 48.5 142 96 45.6 199 138 65.6 155 110 62.5 140 99 46.0 107 69 44.3 277 195 62.8 171 113 57.8 144 97 59.1 115 70 74.4 118 84 57.3 350 237 56.2 2,349 1,612 Selection Rate (%) 66.7 70.4 73.0 67.6 69.3 71.0 70.7 64.5 70.4 66.1 67.4 60.9 71.2 67.7 68.6 Total Sample Households with Children 1,595 2,434 2,453 1,826 2,119 2,573 2,488 1,523 2,800 1,998 1,937 2,154 2,369 5,239 33,508 Table 3-13. Outcomes of Income Screening of Adult-Only Telephone Households 3-19 Low-Income Households with Unknown Complete Households Not Low-income Households Income Retained for Income Income Identified Selection Selection Study Area Screening Screening and Selected Identified Selected Rate (%) Identified Selected Rate (%) Alabama 1,773 1,642 415 1,227 331 27.0 131 49 37.4 California 2,968 2,784 478 2,306 547 23.7 184 53 28.8 Colorado 2,508 2,362 352 2,010 444 22.1 146 50 34.2 Florida 1,871 1,736 351 1,385 282 20.4 135 48 35.6 Massachuset 3,021 2,820 384 2,436 565 23.2 201 75 37.3 Michigan 3,010 2,831 449 2,382 650 27.3 179 71 39.7 Minnesota 3,737 3,558 514 3,044 910 29.9 179 62 34.6 Mississippi 1,380 1,285 382 903 251 27.8 95 33 34.7 New Jersey 2,265 2,108 253 1,855 547 29.5 157 54 34.4 New York 1,902 1,753 313 1,440 346 24.0 149 51 34.2 Texas 1,453 1,338 271 1,067 223 20.9 115 40 34.8 Washington 2,036 1,931 302 1,629 454 27.9 105 31 29.5 Wisconsin 2,608 2,465 364 2,101 638 30.4 143 47 32.9 Bal. of 6,498 6,092 1,156 4,936 1,095 22.2 406 143 35.2 Total 37,030 34,705 5,984 28,721 7,283 25.4 2,325 807 34.7 a. According to the simple screener question. Total Sample Adult-Only Households 795 1,078 846 681 1,024 1,170 1,486 666 854 710 534 787 1,049 2,394 14,074 4. AREA SAMPLE This chapter describes the in-person or area sample that is designed to yield a national sample of households without current telephone service. Unlike in 1997 and 1999, only a national area sample was selected for 2002. Since the design of the area sample for 2002 was a modification of the sample design used in 1999 (which was a modification of the 1997 design), the sections that follow briefly explain key features of the earlier design as an introduction to the 2002 design. More details on the sample design for the area sample for 1997 and 1999 are in Report No. 2 for each of those years. The first section of this chapter covers selecting the primary sampling units (PSUs) for 2002 by subsampling PSUs from the 1999 sample. The second section describes with the sampling of segments. The third section reviews the subsampling segments using “chunks,” which are compact subsets of segments. The last section summarizes the outcomes of these sampling procedures as they were implemented in the field. The sampling procedures are those typically used in area probability samples, with two exceptions. The first special procedure was the elimination from the sampling frame of blocks in census block groups (BGs) with very high telephone service rates. This was done to lower the cost of data collection even though it was realized that this would leave a certain group of households unrepresented. The second special procedure concerned sampling of dwelling units (DUs) within segments. Traditionally, a constant expected number of DUs is sampled from all sample segments after a preliminary listing operation. In this survey, listing and screening were carried out simultaneously so that the number of DUs varied by segment. Segments with a large number of expected DUs were thus “chunked” so that only a portion of the selected segment was listed and prescreened. Briefly, “chunking” involves obtaining a rough count of DUs within a segment dividing the segment into “chunks” of roughly the same number of DUs. One “chunk” is then selected for listing and prescreening. These two special procedures are described in more detail in the sections that follow. 4.1 First-Stage Sampling When the sample of PSUs were selected originally, the process was categorized into four distinct phases. The first was to define the PSUs in terms of geographic units. Starting with a standard set of PSU definitions used by Westat as the sampling frame for many surveys, one modification was made to optimize the definitions for NSAF. The second phase was to decide how many PSUs to select in each targeted state and in the balance of the nation. The third phase was to stratify the PSUs to reduce between-PSU variance as much as possible for statistics of interest. The fourth phase was to actually draw the sample PSUs from the strata. These phases are each described here in terms of the original sampling and the subsampling for 2002. 4-1 PSU Definition. Since the 2002 sample of PSUs is a subsample of those sampled in 1999, the definitions of the PSUs were identical in all three rounds. This section summarizes those definitions. The standard Westat PSUs were formed in 1991. These PSUs were defined to follow several rules. Each metropolitan statistical area (MSA) defined by the Census Bureau in 1990 was generally defined as a separate PSU. This procedure has the effect of minimizing betweenPSU variance while adding only modestly to within-PSU travel costs. The between-PSU variance was reduced compared to a plan that established separate PSUs for the central cities and the suburbs, because heterogeneity is maximized within PSUs rather than across them. The within-PSU travel cost was not much higher despite leaving the central cities and suburbs together because of the generally high-quality transportation networks in metropolitan areas. Number of Sample PSUs. The number of sample PSUs was reduced from the previous rounds because the 2002 area sample is a national sample only rather than also providing study area estimates. In consultation with the Urban Institute, the total number of PSUs was reduced so that only approximately half the total number of PSUs from 1999 were retained. To increase the efficiency of the sample and reduce the variability in the sampling rates for households without telephones, all the PSUs in the balance of the nation were retained (37), and the number of sampled PSUs in the study areas was reduced. The allocation of the sample was determined by first setting the total number of PSUs for the sample using by the proportion of the number of 1999 eligible nontelephone households in the balance of the nation as a guide. The estimated number of 1999 eligible nontelephone households by study area is shown in column one of table 4-1. Because the balance of the nation had 56 percent of the nontelephone population in 1999, a total of 66 PSUs (37/0.56) was chosen so that the number of PSUs could be allocated roughly proportional to size by study area. Thus, 29 PSUs were to be subsampled from the 96 PSUs for 1999 in the study areas. The next step was allocating these additional 29 PSUs to the study areas proportional to the percent of 1999 eligible nontelephone households. This allocation is shown in column three. Because some sites such as Milwaukee and Massachusetts have such small nontelephone populations, the proportional allocation did not assign a full PSU to these study areas. To have the study areas as strata, at least one PSU had to be sample from each of the study area. The number of PSUs shown in column four uses the proportional allocation but requires at least one PSU in each study area. This revision increased the number of sampled PSUs from 66 to 68. The number of PSUs sampled in Round 2 is shown in column five for comparison. Before we selected the subsample of PSUs using this allocation, we investigated the effects the allocation would have on the variability in the weights for the nontelephone households by examining the average segment weights. The distribution of average segment weights within each study area indicated a great deal of variability in the weights, with the main problems arising because of the supplemental sample of segments selected in Round 1 for six study areas (Colorado, Florida, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Washington). In particular, the average segment weight in Florida and New York was much higher than the average weight. To 4-2 Table 4-1. Number of Round 3 Primary Sampling Units Study Area Alabama Bal. Wisconsina California Colorado Florida Mass. Michigan Milwaukeea Minnesota Miss. New Jersey New York Texas Bal. of nation Washington Total U.S. Focal Sites 1999 Eligible Percent Proportion Nontelephone by Study Allocation of Households PSUs Area 60,879 2.9 1.9 19,105 0.9 0.6 199,315 9.6 6.3 15,168 0.7 0.5 70,550 3.4 2.2 10,702 0.5 0.3 57,664 2.8 1.8 7,831 0.4 0.2 15,182 0.7 0.5 54,050 2.6 1.7 30,663 1.5 1.0 66,053 3.2 2.1 265,790 12.8 8.4 1,167,908 56.3 37.0 35,028 1.7 1.1 2,075,889 100.0 66 907,980 43.7 29 Number of Round 3 PSUs 2 1 6 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 8 37 1 68 31 Number of Round 2 PSUs 10 8 6 6 8 4 6 1 7 12 6 7 9 37 6 133 96 Final Allocation 2 1 6 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 6 37 1 68 31 a. Balance of Wisconsin and Milwaukee are shown separately but are combined into one site in the 2002 designs. reduce the variability in the weights, the number of allocated PSUs in Round 3 was revised. Since Texas had a low average segment weight and a relatively large number of allocated PSUs, the allocation for Texas was decreased by two PSUs and the allocations for Florida and New York were each increased by one. The final number of PSUs allocated to each study area is shown in column six. Stratification. Since the 2002 sample was a subsample of the Round 2 PSUs, the 1999 PSU stratification was maintained. The following is a short description of the stratification procedure. The general idea of stratification is to group similar PSUs into the same stratum and then select just one or two PSUs per stratum. This procedure reduces between-PSU variance for most statistics, particularly those related to the statistics used in the grouping. If enough information related to the outcomes is available for stratification purposes, having a large number of strata can increase the precision of point estimates. However, forming the maximum possible number of strata makes estimation of variances more difficult. Given the small number of PSUs for each state in the NSAF, the original sample design called for creating the maximum possible number of strata, and then sampling one PSU per stratum. For efficiency, strata are formed so that they are of nearly equal size in terms of population, whenever possible. When some PSUs are larger than the average population per desired stratum, these PSUs are selected with certainty and 4-3 called self-representing (SR), or certainty, PSUs. These procedures were carried out for the original stratification of PSUs in Round 1. In Round 3, the subsampling of PSUs from the study areas reduced the effectiveness of most of the stratification from the earlier rounds. Two notable exceptions are for the entire balance of the nation sample of PSUs and for California. In these two study areas, the entire sample of PSUs was retained and thus all the previous stratification was carried forward into Round 3. In the other study areas, the study area was considered a separate stratum and a small subsample of PSUs was selected. Thus, much of the stratification of the PSUs within the study area used in the previous rounds was of little utility in these study areas. Selecting PSUs. When the original sample of PSUs was selected, a probability proportional to size (PPS) (population in the eligible BGs in the strata) selection method was used. Since the goal of the subsampling was to retain this proportionality, the subsample of PSUs was selected with equal probability from all the originally sampled PSUs in the study area. Prior to subsampling, the PSUs were sorted in order of PSU weight (the inverse of PSU probability of selection within each stratum). The sort order was alternating (ascending, descending) across strata or study areas. The sort was used to control the variability in the sizes of the subsampled PSUs, thereby reducing the chance of obtaining a subsample that had predominately large- or small-sample PSUs. The last step was to select the PSUs with equal probability within the study area stratum. 4.2 Second-Stage Sampling The second-stage was the sampling of segments from the subsampled PSUs. Since all the sampled segments were retained in the subsampled PSUs, only a short description of the 1999 second-stage sampling is given here. One exception was the sampling of segments in Milwaukee, and this procedure is described in detail later in this section. As mentioned previously, two special procedures were used in the sampling of segments for this survey. The first concerned the exclusion of areas with very high rates of telephone coverage. This exclusion had little effect on segment formation and selection rules. It is discussed in section 4.2.1. The second special procedure was to screen compact chunks without listing. This feature had a major effect on segment formation and selection rules. In surveys where there will be subsampling within each segment to yield a uniform household sample size for all segments, it is fairly straightforward to decide on a minimum size for each segment and on how many segments to select from each sample PSU. For NSAF, natural variation in block size made it advantageous to allow the minimum segment size and the number of sample segments to vary by PSU while keeping the number of sample households nearly uniform across PSUs. Section 4.2.2 focuses on how the segments were defined and on the determination of the number of segments to select in each PSU. The selection procedures are described in 4.2.3. 4-4 4.2.1 Exclusion of Block Groups with High Telephone Coverage Rates Extending coverage to every nontelephone household was judged as an expensive undertaking with uncertain benefits. The 1990 Decennial Census showed that there are BGs where virtually every household had a telephone. The details from the 2000 Decennial Census were not available at the time of sampling for 2002, but nontelephone households are even more rare using these data. The prospect of having to screen hundreds or even thousands of households in some areas to find a single nontelephone household seemed to be carrying the concept of coverage for every nontelephone household to an unreasonable extreme. Accordingly, the decision was made to restrict the area sample to BGs where the percentage of households with a phone in 1990 was below 92 to 98 percent, with the exact limit varying from state to state. Table 4-2 shows the cutoffs by state. In addition to the exclusion of blocks in BGs with high telephone coverage, all blocks with zero year-round housing as of 1990 were excluded. Table 4-2. Maximum Telephone Service Rates Allowed in Covered Block Groups Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation 4.2.2 Maximum Telephone Service Rate Allowed in Covered BGs (%) 95 98 97 97 98 97 98 92 98 97 95 98 98 97 Nontelephone Households Excluded (%) 7.3 7.3 8.8 9.1 9.4 9.8 9.1 9.7 5.6 7.5 7.7 6.1 9.2 8.0 BGs Excluded (%) 37.4 59.2 56.6 48.0 70.5 56.1 57.6 34.5 68.2 58.7 42.2 53.3 56.7 54.9 All Households Excluded (%) 40.9 59.0 57.9 54.6 70.4 59.9 60.7 35.9 66.8 58.7 45.3 53.7 59.5 57.1 Segment Stratification and Selection The segments were stratified by size in the original sampling procedure. Size was defined as the ratio of the number of year-round housing units in the segment to the desired chunk size, c, for the PSU. The two cutpoints in the stratification were 0.75 and 10.0. This means that a low stratum was established for segments with DU counts more than 25 percent below the desired 4-5 chunk size, a high stratum was established for segments with 10 or more chunks, and a middle stratum was left for all the remaining segments in the PSU. Within each stratum, the segments were sorted by the segment-level telephone coverage rate. (This was computed as the average telephone rate in 1990 for census BGs intersecting the segment.) The sort order was reversed in the middle stratum so that small segments with high nontelephone rates were close to medium segments with high nontelephone rates and so that medium segments with low nontelephone rates were close to large segments with low nontelephone rates. A systematic PPS sample was then drawn where the measure of size for a segment was its assigned chunk count. Sampling was independent across PSUs, both NSR and SR. Segments were sampled PPS to the number of chunks assigned to the segment. When a chunk was subsampled within a segment, the chunk was selected PPS to the number of housing units in the chunk (based on the quick count) in Round 3. The chunks were created of equal size whenever feasible. In Round 3, chunks were sampled with equal probabilities. As mentioned earlier, the segments in the subsampled PSUs were retained for the 2002 sample except for Milwaukee. The Milwaukee and balance-of-Wisconsin study areas were combined into a single study area (Wisconsin). Since Milwaukee was the only nonstate area in the original sample, it had been divided into segments (without the intermediate sampling of PSUs) and a sample of 50 segments had been selected. In the average sampled PSU outside of Milwaukee, PSUs were sampled and then about eight segments per PSU were selected. With the new unified Wisconsin study area and the national design in Round 3, it was neither practical nor necessary to retain all 50 segments for Milwaukee. A subsample of 20 segments of the 50 segments sampled from Milwaukee was selected and retained for Round 3. To control the sample of nontelephone households, the 50 segments were partitioned into two strata, based on the percent of nontelephone households found in each segment in 1999. The two strata represent a high (more than 4 percent nontelephone households) and a low density of having nontelephone households. An equal probability sample was drawn from each stratum. A subsample of 7 segments was selected from the low eligibility stratum and 13 from the high eligibility stratum. 4.3 Chunk Selection The number of chunks associated with each sampled segment was the same as the number used in 1999. The method of associating the number to the segment is described in section 4.2.2 of Report No. 2 for 1999. The only difference is that in previous rounds the number depended on information from the Decennial Census, while in Round 3 the number was a function of the chunk selection in Round 2. Essentially, if the interviewer’s initial count of the number of DUs in the segment fell outside a range based on Round 2 listing, special instructions were required. If the initial count for the segment contained less than 60 DUs, the entire segment was listed. If the initial count for the segment contained more than 60 DUs, the interviewer would call the home office. If the segment had been chunked in Round 2 and the count was within 20 percent of the 1999 count, the same chunking instructions were used as in 1999. If the count was not within 4-6 20 percent, the segment was rechunked (divided into chunks based on the new counts) and a new chunk was selected. A few segments were identified as single-chunk segments but were discovered, during cruising, to have grown considerably since 1999 due to new construction. Rather than screen many more DUs than planned (most of which would be fairly new and would thus likely have phone service), the decision was made to chunk some of these. Also, there were segments where chunking was planned, but growth made it advisable to form more chunks than originally planned. Lastly, in a few segments so much housing had been demolished that the planned chunking was not carried out. Table 4-3 provides some information on planned and unplanned chunking. Table 4-3. Segment Counts, by Planned and Unplanned Chunking (Including Sample Supplement) Chunking Chunking Expected Done As but Not Expected Done Study Area Alabama 1 0 California 24 2 Colorado 2 1 Florida 7 0 Massachusetts 0 1 Michigan 5 0 Minnesota 1 0 Mississippi 2 0 New Jersey 13 1 New York 33 0 Texas 14 0 Washington 7 1 Wisconsin 9 0 Bal. of nation 64 5 Total 182 11 4.4 More Chunking Done than Expected 0 5 2 1 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 1 10 29 Less Chunking Done than Expected 1 5 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 14 Chunking Not Expected but Done Anyway 1 1 0 3 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 4 15 Chunking Not Expected and Not Done 15 29 6 21 7 11 6 7 10 7 35 7 19 151 331 Total Segments 18 66 15 33 9 18 7 13 24 45 50 20 29 235 582 Achieved Response and Eligibility Rates The results of the area listing operation are shown in table 4-4. With only a national sample and no reliable site-level estimates, the tables shown in this chapter in the previous reports at the site level are only shown nationally for Round 3. Over 18,000 households were listed and 89 percent were occupied. This is slightly less than half the number of households listed in Round 2. 4-7 Table 4-4. Outcomes of Area Listing Category Listed Households Occupied Households Rate Total, U.S. 18,299 16,305 89.1% The next step in the survey was to prescreen and screen the households to determine if they were eligible (i.e., there was no phone in the household and at least one occupant was under age 65). The prescreening attempted to determine eligibility, and the screening was the initial screener interview. If the respondent to the prescreener reported that there was no phone and at least one occupant under age 65, then the interviewer immediately segued into the cell phone procedures so that the screener and extended interviews could be conducted by telephone interviewers at the TRC in Maryland. However, at some DUs, the information on the presence of a telephone may have come from a teenager who was not eligible to make the cell phone call to the TRC. In addition, there were instances where a qualified respondent was too busy to participate. In such cases, the interviewer returned later for the screener interview. In most DUs, there was no time lapse between prescreening and screening. The results of the prescreening and screening operations are shown in table 4-5. Response on the prescreener level (phone ownership and age only) was very high, at 99 percent. At the screener level, it was 84.5 percent. The response rate for the screener in Round 2 was 80 percent. The overall eligibility rate was 4.5 percent, which is slightly lower than the 4.8 percent eligibility rate in Round 2. This means that roughly 22 households had to be contacted to find a single household without a phone (and with at least one adult under 65). Table 4-5. Outcomes of Area Prescreening and Screening Category Complete Response Rate Total, U.S. Prescreening 16,109 98.8% Screening 616 84.5% Eligible Eligibility Rate Households Eligible for WithinHousehold Subsampling 730a 4.5% 721b 4.4% NA 607 a. No telephone in household and at least one occupant under age 65. b. Nine households switched from reporting no telephone and at least one occupant under age 65 at the prescreener to having either a phone or only elderly residents at the screener. 4-8 5. WITHIN-HOUSEHOLD SAMPLING AND ACHIEVED SAMPLE SIZES In both the RDD and area components, a sample of people living in the sampled households was selected to reduce the burden of participation for the household and to improve response rates. Different methods were used to sample children, adults in households with children, and adults in households without children. These methods were the same as those used in Round 1 and Round 2. The first three sections of this chapter describe the sampling methods. The fourth section summarizes the outcomes of sampling people within households. 5.1 Sampling Children After selecting the households, children under 18 were sampled from the selected households for the child sample. If a sampled household had exactly one child, then that child was always selected. In households with more than one child under 18, either one child or two children were selected. One child was randomly selected from all the children 5 years old or younger. Similarly, one child was randomly sampled from all children between the ages of 6 and 17 years. Thus, in households with both children under 6 years old and children 6 and older, two children were selected. The procedures were the same for households sampled from the RDD and the area components. The interviewer asked the MKA about each sample child. The MKA was most often the mother or father of the child, but people with other relationships to the child were also interviewed if they were most knowledgeable about a sample child.2 During the interview about the child, questions were also asked about the MKA and his/her spouse/partner if the spouse/partner also lived within the household. The MKA responded by proxy for all items about the spouse/partner. However, some questions were asked only about the MKA and others were randomly asked about only the MKA or the spouse/partner when both were present. The MKA or the spouse/partner was randomly chosen as the subject for the items with equal probability. The strategy was applied uniformly in the RDD and area components. As mentioned earlier, these rules were the same as those used in Rounds 1 and 2. 5.2 Sample Selection of Other Adults in Households with Children If the household was subsampled for adults as discussed in chapter 3, then a sample of adults under age 65 (other than the MKA and the MKA’s spouse/partner) was selected from households with children. The telephone numbers designated as being “in sample” if they were adult-only households were also designated for sampling other adults. The procedure was used if the household contained both children and other adults. Adults in the other-adult category include 2 If a person under the age of 18 was identified as a focal child, but did not have an MKA or the MKA was the spouse or unmarried partner of this person, then this individual was considered an emancipated minor and regarded as an adult in the interview. There were 26 such interviews in Round 3. 5-1 adult siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives of sample children, boarders, and live-in servants. The purpose of interviewing some of these adults was to ensure their representation in estimates about the entire group of all adults under the age of 65. The sample selection of other adults was performed at the close of the MKA interview so that relationship data were available on all the adults in the household. To be eligible, the adults had to be under age 65 and not be the parent of a child under age 18 living in the household. Ideally, the eligibility rule would have included only adults who were not potential MKAs or potential MKA spouse/partners for nonsample children under age 18 living in the household. However, determining this would have involved asking detailed questions for each child in the household about who was the MKA for the child and which adults in the household might be spouse/partners of the potential MKAs. Such an approach would have been too burdensome and any small biases that were induced by the procedure used were deemed acceptable. The biases involved multiple chances of selection for nonparent MKAs and no chance of selection for nonMKA parents. To clarify this last point, a parent had zero chance of selection if he/she resided with his/her child but was not viewed by the household respondent as the MKA or as the spouse/partner of the MKA. Such situations are exceedingly rare, so any bias was of little consequence. To reduce the variability in the sampling rates of other adults in households with large numbers of adults, the sample size for other adults in a household depended upon the number of such adults present. If there were only one or two, then one of these adults was randomly selected. If there were three or more present, then two were randomly selected. Once the random selection of other adults was completed, the sampled adults were interviewed. During each such interview, data were collected about both the sample adult and his/her spouse/partner if the spouse/partner also lived in the household.3 All this information was collected by proxy through the sample adult. Questions on health care insurance and usage were asked about both the selected adult and the spouse/partner, but proxy responses from the selected adult were accepted for both of them. As with the MKA interview, some questions were asked only of the sample adult. 5.3 Sample Selection of Adults from Adult-Only Households Sampling methods used for adults under age 65 in adult-only households were similar to those used for other adults in households with children. A sample of either one or two adults was selected depending upon how many adults were present. Unlike other adults in households with children, the within-household subsampling rule was different for RDD households with three adults under age 65 than in corresponding area households. A decision was made based on a random number whether to sample one or two in the RDD component. The probabilities for deciding whether to take one or two adults from adult-only RDD households with three adults 3 Since the sample selection was done at the close of the MKA interview, it was not possible to accidentally select both an adult and his/her spouse/partner and then ask them both about themselves and each other. 5-2 varied by study area and are given in table 5-1. These probabilities were jointly set with the subsampling rate for adult-only telephone households in order to achieve targeted sample sizes for adults from adult-only households discussed in chapter 3. The rates are the same as used in Rounds 1 and 2. Note that the rates do not vary by household income. Table 5-1. Proportion of RDD Adult-Only Households with Three Other Adults under Age 65 in which Just One Adult Is Selected Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation Proportion 0.54 0.65 0.49 0.51 0.56 0.53 0.53 0.68 0.62 0.65 0.56 0.53 0.61 0.53 In the area component, two adults were always selected when the household had three adults. The rules for households with other numbers of adults did not vary by component. As with the sample of other adults from households with children, data were collected from the sampled adult about the spouse/partner of each sample adult if that adult lived in the same household. The only exceptions were the set of questions that were asked only of the sampled adult. Since no household relationship data were available at the time of sampling in these households (in households with children the data were available), it was possible to select both an adult and the spouse of that adult. If the relationships revealed a sampled adult was the spouse/partner of the sampled adult, then the interview for that adult was automatically deleted. 5.4 Achieved Sample Sizes and Response Rates This section gives a series of tables showing the outcomes of the within-household sampling operations for children and adults by survey component (RDD and area) and by household income (low and overall). The tables give achieved nominal sample sizes and response rates by site. Effective sample sizes will be smaller due to design effects that arise from clustering in the area sample and the variability of the sampling rates and weights. Effective sample sizes will be 5-3 given in the 2002 NSAF Variance Estimation, Report No. 4. Some groups that were sampled at lower rates than other groups are as follows: Households without phones, Households with screener income above 200 percent of the poverty threshold, Households outside of the study areas, Children in households with multiple children in the same age range, Adults in households without children, and Other adults in households with children and multiple adults besides the MKA and spouse (e.g., grown children living with parents and young siblings). The first five tables (table 5-2 through 5-6) are the sample sizes from the RDD component. The first two tables are sample sizes of children and the remaining are sample sizes of adults. The next five tables (table 5-7 through 5-11) are for the area component. The same pattern is followed, with the first two tables in the set giving child sample sizes and the other three tables giving adult sample sizes. The last five tables (table 5-12 through 5-16) give the combined RDD and area sample sizes. The response rates reported in the tables are the simple unweighted ratios of the number of interviewed persons to the number of eligible sampled persons. These rates reflect the operational aspects of interviewing for different groups. Response rates that include differential sampling rates and combine the screener and extended rates are discussed in detail in the 2002 NSAF Data Editing, Report No. 8. Tables 5-2 and 5-3 show that in the RDD sample, children under age 6 were selected at a higher rate than those 6 to 17 years old. This is a direct result of the subsampling rules that specified that only one child in the age range was to be sampled per household. Since the mean number of children per household is greater for 6- to 17-year-olds, the subsampling rate is lower for this group. The response rate in table 5-2 is about the same as the response rate in table 5-3, indicating the extended interview response rates were relatively constant by income level. This pattern is consistent with previous rounds of the NSAF. Tables 5-4 and 5-5 give the results for the sampling and extended interview response rates for other adults (adults who are not MKAs or their spouse/partner) in telephone households. Nearly 80 percent of the other adults listed in households with children were sampled, but only about 60 percent in households without children were sampled. The extended response rate was higher in adult-only households than in households with children. The higher response rate may have been a consequence of having more difficulty locating and interviewing other adults (many of whom were older siblings still living at home) in households with children. In adult-only households, it is often possible to continue the interview since the screener respondent may be the sampled adult, and this tends to increase the response rate in these households. 5-4 Table 5-6 shows that 65 percent of the adult interviews were conducted with the MKA of the sampled child (28,208 of 43,158). Only 28 percent of the adult interviews were conducted with adults in households without children (12,053), and the remaining 7 percent were other adults in households with children (2,872). Tables 5-7 to 5-11 are the corresponding counts for nontelephone households. In general, the results are very similar to those noted earlier for the telephone sample. The main difference is that the extended response rates are much higher—for children the response rates are about 95 percent, for other adults in households with children the rates are around 75 percent, and for adults in adult-only households the rates are about 94 percent. Again, the likely reason for the lower rates for other adults in households with children has to do with locating the sampled person to conduct the interview. Table 5-11 shows that the percent of interviews with adults in households without children is higher than in the RDD sample, and the percent of MKA interviews is lower. Tables 5-12 to 5-16 combine the telephone and nontelephone samples, producing counts for the entire effort. While these tables are valuable in the sense that they give the overall counts from Round 3, they provide less information about the interviewing operations than the previous tables because they combine units with different attributes. For example, the extended response rates in these tables are very similar to those in the telephone tables because the sample size from the RDD sample was so much larger that it dominates the combined rates. Thus, these tables do not provide much insight into the survey operations. 5-5 Table 5-2. Within-Household Sampling and Extended Interviews of Children in Telephone Low-Income Households Children under Age 6 5-6 Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation Total Listed 556 910 597 571 465 649 499 570 645 536 697 626 549 1,401 9,271 Selected 398 642 414 401 336 435 342 405 464 390 483 419 366 1,001 6,496 Children Age 6 to 17 Average Selection Rate (%) 71.6 70.5 69.3 70.2 72.3 67.0 68.5 71.1 71.9 72.8 69.3 66.9 66.7 71.4 70.1 Interviewed 336 491 337 309 264 365 282 331 350 305 409 351 328 873 5,331 Ineligible 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Response Rate (%) 84 76 81 78 79 84 82 82 75 78 85 84 90 87 82 Listed 1,168 1,955 1,186 1,336 1,122 1,386 1,149 1,320 1,420 1,123 1,356 1,175 1,128 3,283 20,107 Selected 677 1,015 624 735 603 708 578 742 796 634 744 628 570 1,712 10,766 Average Selection Rate (%) 58.0 51.9 52.6 55.0 53.7 51.1 50.3 56.2 56.1 56.5 54.9 53.4 50.5 52.1 53.5 Interviewed 574 779 530 545 475 595 502 607 596 505 620 542 516 1,501 8,887 Ineligible 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Response Rate (%) 85 77 85 74 79 84 87 82 75 80 83 86 91 88 83 Table 5-3. Within-Household Sampling and Extended Interviews of Children in All Subsampled Telephone Households Children under Age 6 5-7 Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation Total Listed 891 1,591 1,486 1,007 1,255 1,552 1,449 849 1,671 1,228 1,212 1,340 1,383 3,107 20,021 Selected 667 1,169 1,084 749 910 1,115 1,046 625 1,231 916 879 946 974 2,284 14,595 Children Age 6 to 17 Average Selection Rate (%) 74.9 73.5 72.9 74.4 72.5 71.8 72.2 73.6 73.7 74.6 72.5 70.6 70.4 73.5 72.9 Interviewed 564 909 909 596 726 935 898 500 941 712 732 813 866 1,987 12,088 Ineligible 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Respons e Rate (%) 85 78 84 80 80 84 86 80 76 78 83 86 89 87 83 Listed 2,109 3,442 3,264 2,430 2,841 3,644 3,385 2,090 3,701 2,569 2,644 2,866 3,265 7,104 45,354 Selected 1,280 1,923 1,916 1,456 1,661 2,044 1,937 1,239 2,197 1,535 1,557 1,686 1,871 4,119 26,421 Average Selection Rate (%) 60.7 55.9 58.7 59.9 58.5 56.1 57.2 59.3 59.4 59.8 58.9 58.8 57.3 58.0 58.3 Interviewed 1,073 1,499 1,621 1,123 1,309 1,708 1,686 1,001 1,681 1,230 1,264 1,443 1,669 3,557 21,864 Ineligible 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Response Rate (%) 84 78 85 77 79 84 87 81 77 80 81 86 89 86 83 Table 5-4. Within-Household Sampling and Extended Interviews of Other Adults in Subsampled Telephone Households with Children 5-8 Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation Total Low-Income Telephone Households with Children Listed Average Other Selection InterInAdults Selected Rate (%) viewed eligible 142 118 83.1 69 1 432 310 71.8 185 7 128 94 73.4 61 0 137 105 76.6 71 0 91 74 81.3 43 0 160 128 80.0 88 2 156 119 76.3 90 1 134 116 86.6 70 0 152 110 72.4 51 3 169 130 76.9 70 4 146 111 76.0 81 1 113 88 77.9 62 1 107 81 75.7 58 0 396 309 78.0 222 2 2,463 1,893 76.9 1,221 22 Response Rate (%) 59 61 65 68 58 70 76 60 48 56 74 71 72 72 65 All Telephone Households with Children Listed Average Other Selection InterAdults Selected Rate (%) viewed 249 209 83.9 132 711 515 72.4 310 320 253 79.1 168 255 200 78.4 127 299 235 78.6 141 423 333 78.7 243 468 378 80.8 278 196 167 85.2 101 379 290 76.5 158 370 283 76.5 166 280 217 77.5 154 265 215 81.1 148 362 288 79.6 225 886 700 79.0 521 5,463 4,283 78.4 2,872 Note: Other adults are adults who are neither the MKA of a sample child nor the spouse of such a person, nor the parent of a child under age 18 in the household. Ineligible 1 11 0 0 1 4 4 0 5 4 1 2 0 4 37 Response Rate (%) 63 62 66 64 60 74 74 60 55 59 71 69 78 75 68 Table 5-5. Subsampling and Extended Interviews of Adults in Subsampled Adult-Only Telephone Households 5-9 Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation Total Low-Income Adult-Only Households Average Listed Selection InterAdults Selected Rate (%) viewed 735 463 63.0 350 916 569 62.1 402 624 392 62.8 306 619 389 62.8 297 734 453 61.7 313 747 490 65.6 367 866 564 65.1 472 667 427 64.0 321 519 304 58.6 197 592 368 62.2 263 515 314 61.0 241 552 338 61.2 263 615 400 65.0 328 1,997 1,275 63.8 1,046 10,698 6,746 63.1 5,166 Ineligible 11 14 6 6 10 10 16 12 6 11 9 8 6 22 147 Response Rate (%) 77 72 79 78 71 76 86 77 66 74 79 80 83 83 78 All Adult-Only Households Average Listed Selection Adults Selected Rate (%) 1,438 879 61.1 2,089 1,262 60.4 1,530 928 60.7 1,247 755 60.5 1,996 1,193 59.8 2,145 1,294 60.3 2,716 1,655 60.9 1,204 753 62.5 1,762 1,023 58.1 1,381 844 61.1 1,000 604 60.4 1,504 882 58.6 1,936 1,177 60.8 4,401 2,674 60.8 26,349 15,923 60.4 Interviewed 667 875 722 569 818 985 1,346 578 684 592 466 679 945 2,127 12,053 Ineligible 17 24 16 15 31 24 40 22 31 24 16 26 20 56 362 Response Rate (%) 77 71 79 77 70 78 83 79 69 72 79 79 82 81 77 Table 5-6. Sources of Adult Telephone Interviews 5-10 Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation Total MKA for Sample Child 1,357 1,941 2,113 1,454 1,708 2,196 2,173 1,254 2,184 1,606 1,620 1,862 2,137 4,603 28,208 Spouse of MKA 916 1,432 1,660 1,038 1,243 1,630 1,711 815 1,611 1,126 1,218 1,414 1,687 3,391 20,892 Emancipated minors 2 6 2 4 1 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 5 25 Spouse 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 7 Other Adults in Household with Children Interviewed Spouse 132 12 310 51 168 11 127 10 141 11 243 30 278 13 101 7 158 22 166 15 154 25 148 10 225 14 521 61 2,872 292 Adults in Household without Children Interviewed Spouse 667 288 875 341 722 317 569 261 818 336 985 429 1,346 642 578 255 684 302 592 230 466 202 679 317 945 463 2,127 963 12,053 5,346 Total Adult Extended Interviews 2,158 3,132 3,005 2,154 2,668 3,424 3,798 1,933 3,027 2,367 2,240 2,689 3,307 7,256 43,158 Table 5-7. Within-Household Sampling and Extended Interviews of Children in Nontelephone Low-Income Households 5-11 Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation Total Children under Age 6 Average Selection Listed Selected Rate (%) 6 5 83.3 25 15 60.0 0 0 0.0 14 10 71.4 4 3 75.0 16 6 37.5 0 0 0.0 8 5 62.5 2 1 50.0 3 3 100.0 57 30 52.6 1 1 100.0 18 10 55.6 102 68 66.7 256 157 61.3 Children Age 6 to 17 Interviewed 5 15 0 9 3 6 0 5 1 2 28 1 10 64 149 Ineligible 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Response Rate (%) 100 100 0 90 100 100 0 100 100 67 93 100 100 94 95 Listed 12 39 4 10 5 13 0 24 0 5 49 6 24 168 359 Selected 8 15 2 5 3 6 0 9 0 3 25 3 10 88 177 Average Selection Rate (%) 66.7 38.5 50.0 50.0 60.0 46.2 0.0 37.5 0.0 60.0 51.0 50.0 41.7 52.4 49.3 Interviewed 8 15 2 4 3 6 0 8 0 3 23 2 10 84 168 Ineligible 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Response Rate (%) 100 100 100 80 100 100 0 89 0 100 92 67 100 95 95 Table 5-8. Within-Household Sampling and Extended Interviews of Children in All Nontelephone Households 5-12 Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation Total Children under Age 6 Average Selection Listed Selected Rate (%) 7 6 85.7 25 15 60.0 0 0 0.0 15 11 73.3 4 3 75.0 16 6 37.5 0 0 0.0 9 6 66.7 2 1 50.0 4 4 100.0 65 34 52.3 2 2 100.0 21 12 57.1 135 89 65.9 305 189 62.0 Children Age 6 to 17 Interviewed 6 15 0 10 3 6 0 6 1 3 32 2 12 84 180 Ineligible 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Response Rate (%) 100 100 0 91 100 100 0 100 100 75 94 100 100 94 95 Listed 12 39 4 14 5 13 0 25 0 6 52 8 28 201 407 Selected 8 15 2 7 3 6 0 10 0 4 28 5 13 107 208 Average Selection Rate (%) 66.7 38.5 50.0 50.0 60.0 46.2 0.0 40.0 0.0 66.7 53.8 62.5 46.4 53.2 51.1 Interviewed 8 15 2 6 3 6 0 9 0 4 26 4 13 103 199 Ineligible 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Response Rate (%) 100 100 100 86 100 100 0 90 0 100 93 80 100 96 96 Table 5-9. Within-Household Sampling and Extended Interviews of Other Adults in Nontelephone Households with Children 5-13 Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation Total Low-Income Telephone Households with Children Listed Average Other Selection InterInAdults Selected Rate (%) viewed eligible 0 0 0.0 0 0 9 7 77.8 6 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 1 1 100.0 1 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 5 4 80.0 3 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 3 2 66.7 0 0 9 8 88.9 6 0 1 1 100.0 1 0 3 3 100.0 3 0 32 25 78.1 19 0 63 51 81.0 39 0 Response Rate (%) 0 86 0 100 0 0 0 75 0 0 75 100 100 76 76 All Telephone Households with Children Listed Average Other Selection InterAdults Selected Rate (%) viewed 0 0 0.0 0 9 7 77.8 6 0 0 0.0 0 1 1 100.0 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 5 4 80.0 3 0 0 0.0 0 3 2 66.7 0 9 8 88.9 6 1 1 100.0 1 6 5 83.3 5 43 33 76.7 24 77 61 79.2 46 Note: Other adults are adults who are neither the MKA of a sample child nor the spouse of such a person, nor the parent of a child under age 18 in the household. Ineligible 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Response Rate (%) 0 86 0 100 0 0 0 75 0 0 75 100 100 73 75 Table 5-10. Subsampling and Extended Interviews of Adults in Adult-Only Nontelephone Households 5-14 Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation Total Low-income Adult-Only Nontelephone Households Listed Selection InterInAdults Selected Rate (%) viewed eligible 17 11 64.7 10 0 17 13 76.5 13 0 8 8 100.0 8 0 14 11 78.6 11 0 6 4 66.7 4 0 4 3 75.0 3 0 1 1 100.0 1 0 17 12 70.6 12 0 1 1 100.0 1 0 3 2 66.7 2 0 43 27 62.8 24 1 6 3 50.0 2 1 23 17 73.9 16 1 176 119 67.6 109 2 336 232 69.0 216 5 Response Rate (%) 91 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 92 100 100 93 95 All Adult-Only Nontelephone Households Listed Selection InterAdults Selected Rate (%) viewed 20 14 70.0 13 30 21 70.0 21 9 9 100.0 9 19 14 73.7 13 10 7 70.0 7 8 5 62.5 4 9 6 66.7 5 20 14 70.0 14 1 1 100.0 1 5 4 80.0 4 60 41 68.3 38 8 5 62.5 4 31 23 74.2 22 257 172 66.9 153 487 336 69.0 308 Ineligible 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 4 8 Response Rate (%) 93 100 100 100 100 80 83 100 100 100 95 100 100 91 94 Table 5-11. Sources of Adult Nontelephone Interviews 5-15 Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation Total MKA for Sample Child 10 22 2 13 5 9 0 12 1 6 45 5 21 143 294 Spouse of MKA 2 14 0 7 0 2 0 2 0 3 26 3 3 86 148 Emancipated Minor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Spouse 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Other Adults in Household with Children Adults in Household without Children Interviewed Interviewed 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 6 1 5 24 46 Spouse 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 13 21 9 13 7 4 5 14 1 4 38 4 22 153 308 Spouse 3 1 0 2 0 2 1 4 0 0 12 1 6 41 73 Total Adult Extended Interviews 23 49 11 27 12 13 5 29 2 10 90 10 48 320 649 Table 5-12. Within-Household Sampling and Extended Interviews of Children in Telephone and Nontelephone Low-Income Households 5-16 Children under Age 6 Average Selection Study Area Listed Selected Rate (%) Alabama 562 403 71.7 California 935 657 70.3 Colorado 597 414 69.3 Florida 585 411 70.3 Massachusetts 469 339 72.3 Michigan 665 441 66.3 Minnesota 499 342 68.5 Mississippi 578 410 70.9 New Jersey 647 465 71.9 New York 539 393 72.9 Texas 754 513 68.0 Washington 627 420 67.0 Wisconsin 567 376 66.3 Bal. of nation 1,503 1,069 71.1 Total 9,527 6,653 69.8 Children Age 6 to 17 Interviewed 341 506 337 318 267 371 282 336 351 307 437 352 338 937 5,480 Ineligible 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Response Rate (%) 85 77 81 78 79 84 82 82 75 78 85 84 90 88 82 Listed 1,180 1,994 1,190 1,346 1,127 1,399 1,149 1,344 1,420 1,128 1,405 1,181 1,152 3,451 20,466 Selected 685 1,030 626 740 606 714 578 751 796 637 769 631 580 1,800 10,943 Average Selection Rate (%) 58.1 51.7 52.6 55.0 53.8 51.0 50.3 55.9 56.1 56.5 54.7 53.4 50.3 52.2 53.5 Interviewed 582 794 532 549 478 601 502 615 596 508 643 544 526 1,585 9,055 Ineligible 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Response Rate (%) 85 77 85 74 79 84 87 82 75 80 84 86 91 88 83 Table 5-13. Within-Household Sampling and Extended Interviews of Children in All Telephone and Nontelephone Households Children under Age 6 5-17 Study Area Listed Alabama 898 California 1,616 Colorado 1,486 Florida 1,022 Massachusetts 1,259 Michigan 1,568 Minnesota 1,449 Mississippi 858 New Jersey 1,673 New York 1,232 Texas 1,277 Washington 1,342 Wisconsin 1,404 Bal. of nation 3,242 Total 20,326 Selected 673 1,184 1,084 760 913 1,121 1,046 631 1,232 920 913 948 986 2,373 14,784 Average Selection Rate (%) 74.9 73.3 72.9 74.4 72.5 71.5 72.2 73.5 73.6 74.7 71.5 70.6 70.2 73.2 72.7 Interviewed 570 924 909 606 729 941 898 506 942 715 764 815 878 2,071 12,268 Ineligible 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Children Age 6 to 17 Average Response Selection Rate (%) Listed Selected Rate (%) 85 2,121 1,288 60.7 78 3,481 1,938 55.7 84 3,268 1,918 58.7 80 2,444 1,463 59.9 80 2,846 1,664 58.5 84 3,657 2,050 56.1 86 3,385 1,937 57.2 80 2,115 1,249 59.1 76 3,701 2,197 59.4 78 2,575 1,539 59.8 84 2,696 1,585 58.8 86 2,874 1,691 58.8 89 3,293 1,884 57.2 87 7,305 4,226 57.9 83 45,761 26,629 58.2 Interviewed 1,081 1,514 1,623 1,129 1,312 1,714 1,686 1,010 1,681 1,234 1,290 1,447 1,682 3,660 22,063 Ineligible 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Response Rate (%) 84 78 85 77 79 84 87 81 77 80 81 86 89 87 83 Table 5-14. Within-Household Sampling and Extended Interviews of Other Adults in Telephone and Nontelephone Households with Children 5-18 Low-Income Households with Children Listed Average Other Selection InterStudy Area Adults Selected Rate (%) viewed Alabama 142 118 83.1 69 California 441 317 71.9 191 Colorado 128 94 73.4 61 Florida 138 106 76.8 72 Massachusetts 91 74 81.3 43 Michigan 160 128 80.0 88 Minnesota 156 119 76.3 90 Mississippi 139 120 86.3 73 New Jersey 152 110 72.4 51 New York 172 132 76.7 70 Texas 155 119 76.8 87 Washington 114 89 78.1 63 Wisconsin 110 84 76.4 61 Bal. of nation 428 334 78.0 241 Total 2,526 1,944 77.0 1,260 Ineligible 1 7 0 0 0 2 1 0 3 4 1 1 0 2 22 Response Rate (%) 59 62 65 68 58 70 76 61 48 55 74 72 73 73 66 All Households with Children Listed Average Other Selection Adults Selected Rate (%) 249 209 83.9 720 522 72.5 320 253 79.1 256 201 78.5 299 235 78.6 423 333 78.7 468 378 80.8 201 171 85.1 379 290 76.5 373 285 76.4 289 225 77.9 266 216 81.2 368 293 79.6 929 733 78.9 5,540 4,344 78.4 Interviewed 132 316 168 128 141 243 278 104 158 166 160 149 230 545 2,918 Note: Other adults are adults who are neither the MKA of a sample child nor the spouse of such a person, nor the parent of a child under age 18 in the household. Ineligible 1 11 0 0 1 4 4 0 5 4 1 2 0 4 37 Response Rate (%) 63 62 66 64 60 74 74 61 55 59 71 70 78 75 68 Table 5-15. Subsampling and Extended Interviews of Adults in Adult-Only Telephone and Nontelephone Households 5-19 Low-Income Adult-Only Households Average Selection InterStudy Area Listed Selected Rate (%) viewed Alabama 752 474 63.0 360 California 933 582 62.4 415 Colorado 632 400 63.3 314 Florida 633 400 63.2 308 Massachusetts 740 457 61.8 317 Michigan 751 493 65.6 370 Minnesota 867 565 65.2 473 Mississippi 684 439 64.2 333 New Jersey 520 305 58.7 198 New York 595 370 62.2 265 Texas 558 341 61.1 265 Washington 558 341 61.1 265 Wisconsin 638 417 65.4 344 Bal. of nation 2,173 1,394 64.2 1,155 Total 11,034 6,978 63.2 5,382 Ineligible 11 14 6 6 10 10 16 12 6 11 10 9 7 24 152 Response Rate (%) 78 73 80 78 71 77 86 78 66 74 80 80 84 84 79 All Adult-Only Households Average Selection Listed Selected Rate (%) 1,458 893 61.2 2,119 1,283 60.5 1,539 937 60.9 1,266 769 60.7 2,006 1,200 59.8 2,153 1,299 60.3 2,725 1,661 61.0 1,224 767 62.7 1,763 1,024 58.1 1,386 848 61.2 1,060 645 60.8 1,512 887 58.7 1,967 1,200 61.0 4,658 2,846 61.1 26,836 16,259 60.6 Interviewed 680 896 731 582 825 989 1,351 592 685 596 504 683 967 2,280 12,361 Ineligible 17 24 16 16 31 24 40 22 31 24 17 27 21 60 370 Response Rate (%) 78 71 79 77 71 78 83 79 69 72 80 79 82 82 78 Table 5-16. Sources of Adult Telephone and Nontelephone Interviews 5-20 Study Area Alabama California Colorado Florida Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New Jersey New York Texas Washington Wisconsin Bal. of nation Total MKA for Sample Child 1,367 1,963 2,115 1,467 1,713 2,205 2,173 1,266 2,185 1,612 1,665 1,867 2,158 4,746 28,502 Spouse of MKA 918 1,446 1,660 1,045 1,243 1,632 1,711 817 1,611 1,129 1,244 1,417 1,690 3,477 21,040 Emancipated Minor 2 6 2 4 1 0 1 0 1 3 1 0 0 5 26 Spouse 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 8 Other Adults in Household with Children Interviewed Spouse 132 12 316 52 168 11 128 10 141 11 243 30 278 13 104 7 158 22 166 15 160 25 149 10 230 14 545 63 2,918 295 Adults in Household without Children Interviewed Spouse 680 291 896 342 731 317 582 263 825 336 989 431 1,351 643 592 259 685 302 596 230 504 214 683 318 967 469 2,280 1,004 12,361 5,419 Total Adult Extended Interviews 2,181 3,181 3,016 2,181 2,680 3,437 3,803 1,962 3,029 2,377 2,330 2,699 3,355 7,576 43,807 6. CONCLUSION The primary goal of this report has been to describe the features of the sampling procedures used in the 2002 NSAF. Since this is the third round of data collection for NSAF we also pointed out how the Round 3 design is similar to the design in the previous rounds but does contain a number of important changes. The design for the survey is complicated because it uses a dual-frame approach with a sample of telephone households selected in each study area combined with a sample of nontelephone households. While a dual-frame design was used in Round 1 and Round 2, a very important change in the design in Round 3 was the elimination of separate nontelephone samples in each study area. The nontelephone sample in Round 3 was designed to produce national estimates of nontelephone households that could be combined with the RDD sample to produce national estimates of all households. The study area estimates will be based entirely on the RDD sample, using methods described in 2002 NSAF Sample Estimation Survey Weights, Report No. 3. Another very important change in the sample design for Round 3 was the combining of the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and the balance-of-Wisconsin study areas into one study area for all of Wisconsin. As discussed in the report, many of the procedures used in Round 3 were based on experiences from the earlier rounds. The data from Round 1 were used to optimize the sample design for Round 2 and the research results were directly carried forward to Round 3. In addition, the earlier data collection efforts provided parameters estimates that were the initial assumptions used to design the Round 3 sample. Estimates of response rates, residency rates, nontelephone eligibility rates, and incoming switching are just a few parameters derived from the earlier rounds. As in previous rounds, the data collection effort was monitored and deviations from the assumed rates were tracked. Based on the tracking of these data changes were made in the sample during the data collection period. The sample size for the RDD component was increased in some study areas and the sampling rates were modified, as deemed necessary. One procedure that was introduced in the RDD sample for Round 3 as a result of the monitoring was refusal subsampling. Using this procedure, telephone numbers that resulted in refusals at the screener level were subsampled and only the retained telephone numbers were included in refusal conversion efforts. The sampling procedures used in Round 3 have important implications for producing estimates from Round 3 and for producing estimates of change from 1997 or 1999 to 2002. In particular, the elimination of the nontelephone sample in the study areas complicates analyses in the sense that two sets of weights are required in Round 3, one for producing national estimates and another for producing study-area estimates. These estimation issues are addressed in 2002 NSAF Sample Estimation Survey Weights, Report No. 3 and 2002 NSAF Variance Estimation, Report No. 4. 6-1 REFERENCES Methodology References Brick, M. Forthcoming. 2002 NSAF Sample Estimation Survey Weights. Methodology Report No. 3. Brick, M. Forthcoming. 2002 NSAF Variance Estimation. Methodology Report No. 4. Brick, M. Forthcoming. 2002 NSAF Response Rates and Methods Evaluation. Methodology Report No. 7. Flores-Cervantes, Ismael, J. Michael Brick, and Ralph DiGaetano. 1999. 1997 NSAF Variance Estimation. Methodology Report No. 4. Judkins, David, Gary Shapiro, J. Michael Brick, Ismael Flores-Cervantes, David Ferraro, Teresa Strickler, and Joseph Waksberg. 1999. 1997 NSAF Sample Design. 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Technical Paper 63, Current Population Survey: Design and Methodology. R-2
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