Latest innovations in personalized medicine Biobanking & © Kirsty Pargeter - Sample Management From small scale collections to intelligent large scale biobanks 26th - 28th May 2009 | Steigenberger Airport Hotel, Frankfurt/Main, Germany Meet 18 international top-level companies and institutions: Schering Pharma AG, Germany GlaxoSmithKline plc., USA UK Biobank, UK Wales Cancer Bank, UK Biobank of the Comprehensive Cancer Care Center Bonn, Germany Opinion Leader, UK INSERM (National Institute for Health and Medical Research), France Independent Centre for Privacy Protection Schleswig Holstein (ULD), Germany Perma Cryo Technologie GmbH, Germany Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBMT), Germany Biobank of the Medical University of Graz, Austria Genetic Interest Group, UK STARLIMS EUROPE, UK University of Regensburg, Germany PATH - Patients Tumorbank of Hope, Germany Pasteur Institute, France European Commission F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Switzerland Bayer 4c Euroskala PCT-Grün: C 100, M=0, Y=44, K=17 PCT-Grün Farbtöne: 100%, 65%, 30% PCT-Grau: C=15, M=0, Y=10, K=45 Learn how to enhance sample collection and storage procedures to assure sample quality and data integrity Implement efficient IT systems for sample management in order to realize the right IT solution for storing, locating and accessing your biomaterials Hear how to enhance security and safety of a clinical biobank to realize efficient biobank management for optimal future research Explore how patients become involved in biobank projects as patients advocates or advisers to make your biobank appear more reliable Learn to create the ideal informed consent document to maximise the potential usage of your samples Highlights Dr. Arndt Schmitz, Bayer Schering Pharma AG Case study: Biobanking in pharma research to enable oncology biomarker validation Dr. Daniele Paci, European Commission - DG Joint Research Center The economic impact of biobanks and biobanks networking in Europe Ashley E. Hayes, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd Creating a non-clinical biorepository Interactive workshop day A B C D How to build a biobank Building a non-clinical biorepository Inter-operability, data and sample sharing and consent convenor Biobanks and biomarkers Media Partners SA V if y up 20 ou to th bo 27 Fe ok 0 E br b u ua ef ro ry ore s 20 th 09 e ! E Sponsors To Register T +49 (0)30 20 91 33 30 | F +49 (0)30 20 91 33 12 | E | Visit Biobanking & Sample Management 26th - 28th May 2009, Steigenberger Airport Hotel, Frankfurt/Main, Germany Dear Colleague, Who will you meet? increasing efforts in both academia and industry are being invested in the construction and optimisation of biobanks globally. Biobanks are becoming indispensable research tools. From identification and validation of new targets and biomarkers to efforts in creating personalised medicine, Biobanks play an important role in drug discovery and biological science. While the importance of biobanks is widely recognized, the development of biobanks still faces many ethical, legal, scientific, financial and information technology challenges. How to find the ideal software solution, how to ensure sample quality and data integrity and how to overcome biobank specific implementation problems of the informed consent concept – That is why IQPC is dedicating its upcoming international congress on: International pharmaceuticals and biotech companies, independent and national biobanks and tissue banks, medical research institutes, related government officials Global Heads, Directors, Senior Scientists, Researchers, Leaders of the following departments: Biobanking & Sample Management From small scale collections to intelligent large scale biobanks 26th – 28th May 2009, Steigenberger Airport Hotel, Frankfurt/Main, Germany Learn which impact different national regulations have on sharing samples across national borders Make donation more acceptable by using the right instruments to engage the general public on issues such as tissue donation and biobanking Explore how to create a clear and flexible informed consent document to make donation more acceptable and increase the number of sample donors Biobanking Biorepositories Biomarker (Biological) Sample Management Pharmacogenomics Personalized Medicine Drug Discovery Research & Developement Experts from international companies and institutions such as Bayer Schering Pharma, Hoffmann-La Roche, UK Biobank, European Commission, GlaxoSmithKline, Wales Cancer Bank and many more will report about first-hand case studies and best practices. For further information... Save your place and book now! We are looking forward to meeting you in Frankfurt! Kind regards Your pharmaIQ Team please contact Mark Reichmann on: +49 (0) 30 20 91 34 28 or email PS: Do not miss to hear latest case studies and discuss with representatives of pharmaceutical industry, biobanks and academia the future of biobanking. Don't Forget to Check our Team discounts Groups of 3 or more bookings at the same time from the same company: add another 5% per person on any Early Bird, 10% per person on standard price. (Only for platinum/gold packages) Media Partners BIOforum Europe provides the European biotechnology and life science markets with the latest news and trends in research and development. Main focuses are applied research, interviews, company profiles, Bio Business and Bio regions. SCREENING - Trends in Drug Discovery focuses new trends and developments in drug discovery. It covers all aspects of research as well as strategies of pharmaceutical companies and start-ups. G.I.T. Laboratory Journal Europe reports on all important topics relevant for the European laboratory market. Latest developments in analytics, technology, lab equipment, furniture and lab automation are displayed either in application notes from the chemical, food and pharmaceutical industry or in scientific articles. Bimonthly, G.I.T. Laboratory Journal Europe reaches 27,000 personalised addresses in industrial R&D and scientific institutions throughout Europe. is the world leading website designed specifically for pharmaceutical, clinical and biotechnology professionals. brings up-to-date information on pharmaceutical patents, FDA, news, jobs and Buyer's Guide to our visitors. It was created and is maintained by pharmaceutical and biotechnology professionals. Visit and discover for yourself why it is so popular among professionals. PharmaVOICE is the executive forum that allows business leaders to engage in a candid dialogue on the myriad challenges and trends impacting the life-sciences industry. PharmaVOICE reaches more than 17,000 U.S.-based executives who influence business strategies and affect change. Published monthly, PharmaVOICE provides readers with insightful and thought-provoking commentary in a multiple-perspective format through its forums, topics, and articles that cover a range of issues from molecule through market. Scientific Computing World is Europe’s only publication dedicated to the computing and information technology needs of professionals working in science, technology, engineering and medicine. Published in print and electronic media, it covers all aspects of computing, from the way in which the latest software is revolutionising research to the practicalities of new product installations. In all media, Scientific Computing World reports and analyses the application of computing to science, technology and medicine, focusing on engineering, design, research, development, testing, and laboratory analysis (including QA/QC). The publications carry news, comment, feature articles, product news, and the website is particularly known for its authoritative software services. The annual Laboratory Informatics Guide is published with the December/January issue and highlights the very latest developments in lab informatics software. In 2008, Scientific Computing World enters its 15th year of publication, underlining its position as a market-leading title in this key sector. Published 6 times per year, it has an ABC audited circulation of 17,976 and so, with a pass on readership, it reaches around 80,000 readers. To Register | T +49 (0)30 20 91 33 30 | F +49 (0)30 20 91 33 12 | E | Visit Biobanking & Sample Management Congress Day one | Tuesday, 26th May 2009 8:30 Registration with coffee break & networking 12:25 Patient involvement in the Wales Cancer Bank The importance of patient involvement How patients became involved with the project as donors, Case Study patient advocates and advisers The impact of patients at Wales Cancer Bank Information about the donor profile Dr. Alison Parry-Jones, Manager, Wales Cancer Bank, UK 9:00 Chairman’s welcome & opening address Dr. Ulrich Stockter, formerly Independent Centre for Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein (ULD), Germany Current legal and economic aspects The economic impact of biobanks and biobanks networking in Europe European Commission JRC and IPTS: IPTS activities Public on biobanking Authority Insight The economics of biobanks Biobanks as research infrastructures Costs and benefits from networking The economic impact of biobanks and biobanks networking Existing literature Outline of a tentative study to determine and quantify the economic impact Methodology and expected results Conclusions and future developments Dr. Daniele Paci, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, European Commission - DG Joint Research Center T H G LI H IG H 9:15 Elaborating and implementing biobanking guidelines 9:55 Roadmap for biobanking guidelines Best practices for Biobanks (OECD, IARC, NCI, ISBER, French norm (NF S96-900)...) Standardization Insight Is it possible to reach consensual guidelines? Certification or accreditation for biobanks? Proof of concept for certification: The case of French biobanks network Georges Dagher, Clinical Research Facilities Mission, INSERM (National Institute for Health and Medical Research), France 10:35 Refreshment break & networking Understanding bioethics and informed consent 11:05 Explore the public's attitude towards tissue donation How to analyze the public’s attitude towards biobanking and tissue donation Expert's View Identify circumstances under which donation becomes more acceptable or attractive Discuss issues pertaining to obtaining informed and valid consent Outline processes used to engage the general public on issues such as tissue donation and bio-banking Katie Shearn, Researcher, Opinion Leader Ltd., UK 11:45 Informed consent and biobanks Function and meaning of informed consent Data Biobank specific implementation problems of the informed Protection consent concept Insight Possible biobank specific adjustments of the informed consent concept and their data protection related assessment Research purpose specific agreement Concept of the test person codetermination Procedural and material law instruments for the adjustment of biobank specific deficits of the concept of informed consent Dr. Ulrich Stockter, formerly Independent Centre for Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein (ULD), Germany 13:05 Networking luncheon Promoting data and benefit sharing 14:35 Implementation of UK Biobank Managing huge amount of samples Setting up a feasible technical infrastructure Implementing sample and data collection strategies Paul Downey, Director of Operations, UK Biobank, UK Expert's View Intelligent IT and software solutions for biobanking 15:15 Setting up and validating an IT system Definition of the needs: Which key information must be kept in the database? IT Insight Challenges and communication with a company: Making sure we understand each other, keeping deadlines Utilisation of the system: Functionalities, validation process The future of the database: Evolution and implementation of the system Blandine Rimbault, Investigation Clinique et Accès aux Ressources Biologiques, ICAReB, Pasteur Institute, France 15:55 Refreshment break & networking 16:25 Where have all the samples gone… IT-Solution for local sample and data management in the Pathology department Software How to realize an intelligent IT-solution for local sample Insight and datamanagement Start small and grow – Experience at the Center for Integrated Oncology Köln-Bonn Biobank Any fool can do it – Software requirements from the pathologist point of view BiobankPro – Flexible and efficient sample and data management solution Dr. Lukas Heukamp, Pathologist, Biobank of the Comprehensive Cancer Care Center Bonn, Germany 17:05 Panel Realizing an intelligent software solution for biobanks? Discuss with speakers of the day how to create the most feasible IT solution which perfectly meets the demands of your biobank and is flexible enough to adjust to changing sample collections. Working with a large amount of data Security aspects Quality management by efficient IT systems Chaired by: Dr. Lukas Heukamp, Pathologist, Biobank of the Comprehensive Cancer Care Center Bonn, Germany Panelists: Wayne H. Anderson, Ph.D., Head, Applied Genetics, Respiratory, GlaxoSmithKline, USA and speakers of the day 17:35 Final remarks of the chairman and end of congress day one Discussion Sponsorship We have a variety of packages available to suit your requirements. For all Sponsorship and Exhibition opportunities call our Sponsorship Team on: +49 (0) 30 20 91 32 75 or email To Register | T +49 (0)30 20 91 33 30 | F +49 (0)30 20 91 33 12 | E | Visit Biobanking & Sample Management Congress Day Two | Wednesday, 27th May 2009 8:30 Registration, coffee & networking 11:45 9:00 Chairman’s welcome Dr. Arndt Schmitz, The Research Biobank, Global Drug Discovery, Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Germany Biobanking in pharma research – Sample storage and access How to realize the potential of translational medicine? – Biobanking in pharma research to enable oncology biomarker validation Characteristics of a pharma research biobank Ensuring sample quality and data integrity Access to human samples for pharma research – Creating win-win for clinician and patient How to obtain healthy control samples Realizing synergies with own in house clinical studies Examples of oncology biomarker validation projects and their sample requirements Dr. Arndt Schmitz, The Research Biobank, Global Drug Discovery, Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Germany 12:25 Networking luncheon 14:05 New integrated cryotechnologies for cell banks: thetechnology of the "Global HIV Vaccine Research Cryorepository” Construction and aim of the global HIV vaccine research Expert's network View Access tower technology and cryoworkbench technology to maintain the temperature chain of a sample closed Storage of samples with their data to generate a 100% sample identification Management and documentation of the sample processing and storage by a special LIMS Prof. Dr. Heiko Zimmermann, Head of Division, Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBMT), Germany The Emergence of the Biorepository Informatics Market The Bio Repository Markets Clinical and Pharmaceutical Global Legislations Managing Consent Chemical Repositories Example Case Studies The Integration of LIMS and Repository Functionality Q & A Joe Peden, General Manager, STARLIMS EUROPE Technology Update T H G LI H IG H 9:15 Case Study 9:55 A new scalable technology platform for liquid nitrogen driven cryobanks based on electronically "flagged" samples Sample identification solutions (incl. RFID transponder) for Specialist’s temperatures down to -196°C insight Electronic screening of samples in closed freezer systems Laboratory workflow documentation and process control by smart samples Solutions for ice free motorised sample retrieval Case study: Global HIV Cryo Repository (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) Benedikt Lehnert, Head of Marketing & Brandmanagement, Perma Cryo Technologie GmbH 10:35 14:45 Example from real life: PATH Foundation's Tumorbank Implementation and feasibility of an independent, decentred tissue bank Case Study Informed consent - legal and ethical aspects from patients point of view PATH-database - realization, scale and possibilities Follow-Up: Challenge and chance for a tumor bank Tobias Anzeneder, Project Leader and Medic, PATH - Patients Tumorbank of Hope, Germany Refreshment break & networking 15:25 Refreshment break & networking 16:05 Creating a non-clinical biorepository Collecting, processing, storing and distributing biological specimens Case Study Experiences with the establishment of a centralized repository Global application to share the available information Ashley E. Hayes, Roche Non-Clinical Biorepository (RNCB), F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Switzerland T H G LI H IG H 11:05 Efficient biobank management for optimal future research Realizing IT systems in clinical routine Security and safety of a clinical biobank From small scale collections to large scale institutional biobank A case study of the Biobank of Medical University Graz Dr. Karine Sargsyan, Director Biobank, Medical University of Graz, Austria Clinical Insight 16:45 Final remarks of the chairman and end of congress day two. 4c Euroskala PCT-Grün: C 100, M=0, Y=44, K=17 PCT-Grün Farbtöne: 100%, 65%, 30% PCT-Grau: C=15, M=0, Y=10, K=45 Sponsors Perma Cryo Technologie GmbH Kaiserstraße 170-174 66386 St. Ingbert, Germany Phone: +49 6894 103 - 201 Fax: +49 6894 103 - 208 Email: STARLIMS Europe Endeavour House, 98 Waters Meeting Road Bolton, Lancs, BL1 8SW, UK Phone: +44 (0) 1204 546 700 Fax: +44 (0) 1204 546 701 Email: To Register | HAMILTON AG Via Crusch 8 CH-7402 Bonaduz, Switzerland Phone: +49 89 552 649 15 Fax: +49 89 552 649 10 Email: Thermo Scientific Unit 2 Lower Meadow Road, Brooke Park Handforth, Wilmslow, SK9 3LP Phone: 0161 486 2112 Fax: 0870 609 9202 Email: T +49 (0)30 20 91 33 30 | LabWare LIMS solutions Denzell Lodge, Denzell Gardens, Altrincham Cheshire, WA14 4QE, UK Phone: +44 (0) 8700 115585 Fax: +44 (0) 8700 114516 Email: Nexus Biosystems GmbH Alpenstr. 76 82538 Geretsried, Germany Phone: +49-6485-1830670 Fax: +49-6485-1830671 Email: F +49 (0)30 20 91 33 12 | Lab Services BV Postbox 4697 4803 ER, The Netherlands Phone: +31765310420 Fax: +31765310421 Email: Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBMT) Ensheimer Strasse 48 66386 St. Ingbert, Germany Phone: +49/6894/980-257 Fax: +49/6894/980-400 Email: E | Globex Couriers GmbH Bunsenstrasse 5 64347 Griesheim, Germany Phone: +49 6155 824 514 Fax: +49 6155 824 233 Visit Biobanking & Sample Management Interactive Workshop day | Thursday, 28th May 2009 Workshop A 10:00 - 13:00 How to build a biobank This workshop will help you set up your biobank through pointing out the core functional processes and how to pilot them, and preventing you from current difficulties. It will notably afford you answers and guidelines to these questions: Marie-Noelle Ungeheuer, Clinical Investigation and Biological Resources Access, Pasteur Institute, France Workshop B 10:00 - 13:00 Why a biobank and which sort of biobank do you intend to built? – The workshop will help you define the needs of end-users, the objectives of your biobank, the themes covered What are the crucial processes to set up? – We will discuss how to set up core functional processes (how to draw the flow chart for management of samples and their associated bioclinical data) but also how to pilot them, and it will review all important support processes – Technical, ethical / regulatory, organisational, transport, etc. Which means will you need to develop your activity? – Answers will deal with: staff and training, facilities, equipment, IT system, quality management system Building a non-clinical biorepository Setting up a biorepository to document and store biological material in an organised and easily accessible manner is an essential component for any laboratory or research institution. Getting started is a daunting exercise. The objective of this workshop will be to discuss the preliminary steps for setting up a biosample repository. Ashley E. Hayes, Roche Non-Clinical Biorepository (RNCB), F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Switzerland Workshop C 14:00 - 17:00 Topics to be discussed will be the following: Define the specimens to be organized. Get group or management support. Look to the future and not at the past. Consider organizational behaviour and requirements. Strive for simplicity and accuracy Look at specimen data collection, organizing data sets (minimum/maximum) and data processing. Consider the need to define structure and standardization for nomenclature, controlled vocabularies, synonyms and abbreviations. Software application, data display and Indexing Specimen collection, processing and storage. Authentication, quality control, biosafety and legal issues Specimen containers, labelling and tracking Building customer/user confidence and support Inter-operability, data and sample sharing and consent convenor This workshop will provide an opportunity to discuss issues arising from the need for biobanks to collaborate if they are to deliver insights into common complex diseases and to provide a resource for the development of novel interventions in a reasonable timescale. In addition to specifically technical or administrative questions – How are samples stored, and how and what personal data is recorded for example – Governance frameworks for biobanks will need to be aligned if they are to permit the possibility of data and sample sharing and facilitate collaborative working between biobanks. This will be particularly important when national boundaries are involved. Whilst national legislation and the policies and requirements of host institutions/organisations will clearly be major factors in constraining or creating possibilities for joint working, the governance arrangements created by biobanks themselves will also be significant contributors and/or facilitators. Alastair Kent, Director, Genetic Interest Group, UK Amongst the issues which may be addressed are: Access to samples and data (who, for which purpose and under what circumstances) Material transfer arrangements Consent for use for sample donors Return of results (to originating biobanks and to sample donors) Ethics and governance structures Workshop D 14:00 - 17:00 Biobanks and biomarkers Prof. Dr. Gerd Schmitz, Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, University Hospital Regensburg, Germany The expansion of technologies and information based medicine open new avenues to generate actionable health information. The combination of new life imaging biomarkers, in vitro biomarkers and modern IT-based integrated biobanking strategies will drive curative and preventive medicine innovations towards personalized medicine. Phenotypic or functional analysis of plasma components blood cells (cytomics) and tissues will provide new high content information for disease stratification, outcome monitoring and identification of novel biomarkers. Automated magnetic bead-based techniques allow rapid cell isolation from blood, bone marrow and other sources of cells in suspension. The complete workflow integration of all elements and the level of automation are still at an early stage of development. Robotised biobanking and cryoengineering, as well as all preanalytical steps, including preservation of samples and automation of sample processing, are key elements of HT-biobanking as a prerequisite for biomarker identification and validation. To Register | Healthcare Integrated Biobanking (HIB) and epidemiologic/population-based genomic biobanking require distinct strategies Body fluid or tissue dominated disease-specific biobanks for diagnostic, therapeutic or clinical research Automation of preanalytics and tissue, cell and body fluid phenotyping for HT-biomarker development and adaptation of post-banking analysis into HT-formats. Workflow integration of HT-body fluid, cytomic and tissue biobanks and HT-analytical platforms for biomarker development Multicenter biomarker validation towards surrogate biomarkers Data management and process control in biobanks and biomarker development T +49 (0)30 20 91 33 30 | F +49 (0)30 20 91 33 12 | E | Visit Biobanking & Sample Management Congress days 26th - 27th May 2009 Workshop day 28th May 2009 Steigenberger Airport Hotel, Frankfurt/Main, Germany If undeliverable, please return to: IQPC GmbH | Friedrichstraße 94 | D-10117 Berlin, Germany Advantages and disandvantages of local versus centralized sample processing to capitalize on the most feasible approach Enhance the benefits of biobanking by sharing bioressources Explore how to realize access to human samples for pharma research while creating a win-win situation for clinician and patient Booking Code CF 4 Ways to Register your details: Please contact our Database Manager ( and inform them of any incorrect details which will be amended accordingly Congress Packages Early Bird (Book and pay by the 20th February 2009) Standard Price Platinum Package Save € 270,- € 2.429,- +VAT € 2.699,- + VAT Gold Package Save € 240,- € 2.159,- +VAT € 2.399,- + VAT Bronze Package 2 day Congress € 1.999,- + VAT Workshop Day € 1.199,- + VAT 2 day Congress plus 1 Workshop Day 2 day Congress plus 1/2 Workshop Day 50% Discount for Academics Venue and Accommodation Steigenberger Airport Hotel Unterschweinstiege 16 D-60549 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Tel.: +49 (0)69 6975-0 Fax: +49 (0)69 6975-2505 Accommodation: A limited number of reduced rate rooms are available at the congress hotel. Accommodation can be booked by calling the central reservation number. Please always quote the booking reference IQPC-Berlin. Hotel accommodation and travel costs are not included in the registration fee. Please indicate choice of workshop on Thursday, 28th May 2009 Workshop A | Workshop B | Workshop C | Workshop D Workshop A | How to build a biobank Workshop B | Building a non-clinical biorepository Workshop C | Inter-operability, data and sample sharing and consent convenor Workshop D | Biobanks and biomarkers Only one discount applicable per person. The VAT of 19% is not included in the prices above. CAN'T MAKE IT TO THE Congress? PURCHASE THE 2-DAY Congress DOCUMENTATION ON CD-ROM CD-ROM € 595,- +VAT Delegate Details Mr Mrs Family Name First Name Position Email Telephone Fax Ms Dr Team Discounts: Groups of 3 or more bookings at the same time from the same company: add another 5% per person on any Early Bird, 10% per person on standard price. (Only for platinium/gold packages) Payment Terms Organisation Payment is required by return. Address Cancellations and Substitutions Postcode/Town Signature I agree to IQPC Gesellschaft für Management Konferenzen mbH payment terms. Yes, I would like to receive information about products and services via email. Payment Methods Pay by BANK transfer quoting reference DE 17132.001: IQPC Gesellschaft für Management Konferenzen mbH, HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt AG, BLZ 300 308 80, Konto-Nr. 430076019 IBAN: DE32 30030880 0430076019, SWIFT-BIC: TUBDDEDD By Credit Card: Please debit my credit card Card No Congress code DE17132.001 Team Discounts Please fill out in Capitals! DELEGATE Fax: +49 (0) 30 20 91 33 12 Post: IQPC Gesellschaft für Management Konferenzen mbH Friedrichstraße 94 D-10117 Berlin, Germany Online: Email: For further information Phone: +49 (0) 30 20 91 33 30 Expiry date / Cardholder’s name Signature Card billing address (if different from Company address) CANCELLATIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS Delegates may be substituted at any time. IQPC Gesellschaft für Management Konferenzen mbH does not provide refunds for cancellations. However, save where written notice of cancellation is received more than seven (7) days prior to the Congress, a credit to the value paid at that date will be issued, which may be used against another IQPC GmbH Congress for up to one year from its date of issue. For cancellations received seven (7) days or less prior to an event (including day seven), no credit will be issued. In the event that IQPC GmbH cancels an event, payments received at the cancellation date will be credited towards attendance at a future IQPC GmbH Congress or, in the event of a postponement by IQPC GmbH, a rescheduled date. If the delegate is unable to attend the rescheduled event, the delegate will receive a credit in lieu of payments made towards a future IQPC GmbH event, valid for one year from the date of issue. IQPC GmbH is not responsible for any Loss or damage as a result of a substitution, alteration, postponement or cancellation of an event due to causes beyond its control including, without limitation, natural disasters, sabotage, accident, trade or industrial disputes or hostilities. your details Please contact our Customer Service Manager (tel: +49 (0)30 20913330 or and inform them of any incorrect details which will be amended accordingly or if you prefer not to get information per Fax Email or phone anymore. SPEAKER CHANGES Occasionally it is necessary for reasons beyond our control to alter the contents and timing of the programme or the identity of the speakers. DATA PROTECTION Personal data is gathered in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Your details may be passed to other companies who wish to communicate with you offers related to your business activities. If you do not wish to receive these offers, please tick the box below. Please do not pass my information to any third party. By Cheque: Made payable to IQPC Gesellschaft für Management Konferenzen mbH © IQPC Gesellschaft für Management Konferenzen mbH
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