BANE VOLUME X U NO.1 19, limed W««k!r, SaUni u B««<rad.CUn Matur at tti PostoSks at" Bid Bask. N. J., t u l a tb« Aot of Msreh Id, 187t. RED BANK,1 N,' J), WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1918. PAGES 1 TO 8.1 L.SO Per Year. . - ,—. _JJ-I three of our mules out of four and the key to the city nnd if the French venird. We found quite a few, ... dnysago was the shape of a .well covA BOY HUNJERi thought that was tough. We hud just had lost it they could not have saved eluding a number of dead Germans ering. It was built like an "altar and got our feed and were sitting to- Rheims. Being so valuable as a loolf- in the trenches. Some of the infan- I have since learned that the well has New York State Lnd, Who Live; on a box und hud taken a out point you see why it was so dam- try men found pistols and opera been a baptismal'font where Here, Bags n Deer an<l a Fox. GEORGE C, HANCE HAS BEEN gether mouthful of bully beef when "old aged. You can see for miles in each glasses which they sold for as high they christened children.*; While on a gunning trip in New HOW TO SEND CHRISTMAS GIFTS LAID DP WITH INFLUENZA, an 125 francs, which is about $25 of Jerry" landed one of the worst shells direction. My only fault to find over here is York state last year Benjamin II. TO THE SOLDIERS. ever heard close to us. My two pals Hove I told you of my, room? It is our money. with the weather. When.we go outCrnte of Bridge avenue became atHoi. All Right Now and Back in Ac Iwere When Your Package Label Comet We visited some of tho German blown to pieces. A piece of in the tower of the chateau. It has in the morning the sun may. be shintached to a youiip. hunter, Floyd Willive Duty—Joseph L, Curti. Tells From the Soldier, Take It to th* went through the muscle a stone floor and wall.i four feet dugouts.' They wore certainly fixed ing and before noon it may rain hard son, fifteen yi;ara old, of Sterling How He Wo. Wounded— Mi.. E shrapnel up tine inside, with nice beds. Some part of my right arm, tho end of m thick, with a dear little window that Red Cross Rooms and Gel n Box in enough to drench you to,the skin, so Wick, New York. Mr. Crate brought nsr ! tolle Groenawalt's Experience!. thumb was taken off on my left hand. Which to Pack the Gifts You Send. id, gives a view of the superb valley of had libraries in them and they all had we always carry our oilskins with us. Floyd back to Red Bank with tin A letter from George C. Haace, the my under lip waa fliilit in two, another the Murne. Miss Pellur is to share electric lights. Two or three stoves When it starts to* ruin we dive into The government ha:i'l for of his parents anil h(; associate editor of The Red Bank piece of fine steel went inrayear,it with me but she is still in the hos- were in all of them and the Germans them. You might wonder why we consent made his homo here. Floyd at- sending Christmas gifts to tho AmerRegister, waB received yesterday. Mr. nnd my-face was burned very bad. pital in Paris and has not even.seen were' figuring on 'staying there for- dont get out of "the rain, but rain since tends the Ued Bank hitrh school ;:ml ican .soldiers who are- in the nrmy inHunc-o has been sick with influenza You canjmngino how I was knocked it, _ ever by the looks of things. never stops our work. he says he likes Red Hank. Two Europe. A label will be given to each and when ho was recovering ho had out, But "old Joe" nevor lost his For over three weeks no mail has We saw gome French, refugees that • We are having a great time, with weeks ago he returned to his home in soldier ah-roiid and the~e labels will a Berious relapse. Ho is now well head. I ran to tho dressing station from the States but I see by the the Germans had had us prisoners for the best of eats, and we are all put- Now York state for a visit. He iir-bo sent by-, the .S'llilit-r- to their ;, agiiin, and-hit says-he is doing a lot and got my wounds dressed and come Herald one is in'so we die in for a four years. They looked as though ting on weight. If we want a change rived back in Red Hank last Saturday friends "ut'.home. Whim the label IH pf soldiering with a pickax, a shovel walked half a mile to the ambulance. happy time, We are all smiles on they had very little to cat. They said of fo^d we hnve the opportunity of I night. Floyd went•gunninng while at received the holder of'the label is to kind u wheelbarrow. The main parts I rode for three hours to another mail days—Just the Germans made them, do all kinds a few good hotels not far away where [ home and he shot a deer and a fox.,go to the Red Cross rooms and get like the boys. pf liia hitter are aa follows: dreeing station and I heard the lieu The man who dranks my car in theof work for them and paid them very one can order roast chicken, or a j Floyd"shot liis first deer wheij-he was a small box, in which the goods are to lie packed. October 21»t, 1918. tenant say that I was a goner, but I mornings ''broke his wrist at it this poorly. They were mostly old men duck stuffed with mushrooms, and j eleven years.old. •Thin m Sunday and much to ourraised up and told him that if all the morning. I was terribly sorry for and women. Some of them could besides that they give us an, egg ome- j _1 -, , „ .' Thc .soldiers' label.? a r t expected rent were as alive as I waa they would hurdly walk. Burprise und delight we huve got the him but glad it did not come to me. to be in the hands of their friends in. let on the side and all the wine we .wholo iluy to ourselves. The Regis"'nil come through. He told me that this country the first week in NoWe aru short handed and pretty One of the French lieutenants who can drink. There is plenty of wine, . ,tor 1 got last night was your first is- was the way to feel and not to give- well rushed just now. I run thewas checking them up as the Ameri- as the people here use water only to vember. The boxes are also expected fiuo of un eight-page pupor. It cer- up. to be distributed among the Red kitchen and dining room too, till our cans brought them in in trucks could wash in. They drink '.nothing here tainly seemed atrungo to see The One thing I will never, forget is dietitian returns. Give my loye to talk English. He told us that one of but wine. Cross headquarters during the first ' [Register reduced to half its usual my poor pal. He was like a brother the girls and tell them I thought of the refugees had a horse and wagon Chocolate is very scarce and as soon RED BANK AND ASBURY PARK week in November. The number givsize. I soon forgot tho changed np- to me and I did think a lot of him. them all in my big adventure. YOUNG MEN HURT. en to each headquarters will bs bused, that the Germans had captured when as "we hit a new place the'chocolate pearunce of the paper however, when His head and arm were torn off. I .on the number of soldiers who have he was taken prisoner and he brought Estelle D. Greenawalt. 1 read the interesting new» in it.lie here nightB and, always think of the same horse and wagon back with timo. I haven't met any of the other' J«?Pfc" M e t t r r i l , of Bridge Avenue been sent overseas from that locality. Was Struck by a Piece, of a Ger- The Red Cross headquarters for the With me the arrival of The Register you at home and,wonder how you Here is a letter Elias S. 'Black o,f him into the American lines. He also, man Shell—Lester Fancher of'As- distribution of these Christmas boxes kind letters from home are tile great- are making out. I will have a lot toLittle Silver has received from Vin- brought back his cow, which the Ger- Red Bank fellows yyet but I know . eat events of the week. While. I am tell you when I come home, but you cent Fitzmaurice of that place: he didn't lose where they are at. The only- Red bury P»rk_ Wounded in Kneecap. is at 35 Wallace street. muns had taken, Bunker with me is Emile Sunsone. reading the infiil and The Register I know that Uncle Sam won't let us Joseph McUarrity, son of John Mc- '-. These boxes may be filled with any Somewhere in France, much in the live stod line. The rcf- He is in good health and is enjoying ulvmys forget the army and for thetell,much now. I have seen a whole Sunday, September 29th, 1018. ugees were very ihankful to the these things the same as I am. •.' . Garrity of Bridge avenue, who is at-combination of articles, except those time being 1 am back in Red Bank. lot of Franco'but it can't compare Dear Mr. tached to the 811th infantry, has b'n^ the list barred" by" the postal ofBlack: Americans for getting them out of .Last night I dreamed that I had re- with the good old U. S. A.. I had GT Gabriel Tarinenbaum Jiai( received ; been wounded in France. Mrs.' Mc- ficials, The articles1 prohibited are Your letter dated August 31st rethe hands of the Huns. turned from tho war and was again horses to look after and 37 men, BO received a letter last week intoxicating li'quora, all infia'mmable ceived Friday, September 27th, and Some of our fellow* who were with a letter from George Roop, who is! Garrity irom working in The Register oflice. Let's you know I was kept very busy. her son, the first in nine weeks, material, -including friction mktches, was' sure glad to hear from you. It the infantry came across a German with the 112th heavy field artillery.) hope it was a dream that will soon y and^any composition likely to ignite I also had a 'German 'horse that we makes a fellow feel good %to hear i commissary department and for in France. This battery is composed f and in i t he said he had been struckk by V.oiuo true, caught and would dearly love to bring from the good U. S. A. I had a let-two or three days our fellows largely of former members of the a piece of a German shell while in or,explode (cigarette lighters come I'have written to you a number of him home. I could get lots -of Ger- ter from home the same day. I also v^ere smoking gold tipped cigarettes Red Bank cavalry troop. Mr. Roop battle, He said his left arm wasunder this.--classification )^liquids and. fragile articles improperly packed.. times, but an you suy you have not man souvenirs, but we are not al-had a letter from Riehard'Bates last and sporting new leather boots, a,nd says the boys are all anxious to geff t"'oken-atthe-elbow and ttra received the letters, .1 am going to lowed to send them home. I wus week. I am. in a town called Sambin. the infantry men were drinking good into the fighting. They have been in j torn. • Joseph wrote the letter in a Under the regulations no note ,or the federal service sixteen months i hospital. According to the, doctors it message or written matter of any. give a brief description of my experi- away three weeks to a veterinary It is all farm country, with acres of German beer. now. The letter states that the boys iawill, be three, weeks before he'.will be kind will, be permitted- to remain in ences sines I left Camp l)ix. 1 have hospital school to learn what to dc; vineyards loaded with fruit. I I was talking to Bob llackett and like France very much and that they i b1(= to leave the hospital. He said'he the boxes. , told about these things iii my other with horses that nre wounded. On grape Bob Chandler the other day. • Bob am feeling fine. You will notice I letters, but us, you have not received my way back to my company I am in another regiment, the 101stis the same old! Bob. I \yould like to have seen some very, interesting; was getting the best of care from the Do not put anything »in the pack-' k The young girls in France i doctors and nurses Joseph has been thorn I .will write-about them again. stopped at Paris, so I can say I saw infantry. which will not keep fresh, until few days ago I had a meet Harold McCormick and Frank sights. dress like wrttnen of thirty and forty i overseas since last April. James Mc- age We left Camp Dix a t three o'clock in Paris when I get back, as most of theletter from A McCormick of Shrewsbury over here. Christmas. Edward Ayers. He is in years of age, Mr. Roop says. . All of i Garrity, a, brother, is"also serving in the morning of AuguKt 2\\tn, with boys won't get the chance, Maybe I-will some day. Pack dried fruits, and other food, . the'same division Curtis and B the boys in his command are in the i * runce. . . • .. • ' packs weighing 75 pounds strapped I have a very nice little American in small tin or wooden boxes. I have not the least.idea Your loving son Bill. • to uur backs, Tho packs wore filled nurse and the doctors are the finest art,erebut •• health - - -and -most of -them -• are Lester Fancher, son of George products best of they are stationed. The diGive preference hard candy over With equipment and clothing. From men I ever met. I .will soon be outvision they were in is one fighting Fancher of1 Asbury Park, formerly pf chocolates, unless to Harry Dennis of Fair Haven has gaining in -weight. the latter are intho (Jump Dix station we rode until again. It seems a little.lonesome,to hunch of boys and have been cited written to his mother at that place as Red Bank, was shot in the kneecap closed in heavy' wrappers. well after daylight, when we reached be away from my company, but I while going after the Germans, actimes. I meet men from all follows: Do not put in articles packed in New York. W« took a ferry boat to don't mind it as long as I will be-able several cording to a letter from him which glass. October, 1918. . parts or> the States here, but never • his parents have received. Lester to get back. one .of the largest „_._ steamers _ afloat, anybody from home. ' About six It is now 8:30 and I have .just finGifts, should lie wrapped in khakispoke of the kind attention and care I guoss everything seems dead weeks ago I was up near the front ished my day's work. I am sitting at That night the boat left and in the 2-7 in. square. received from the nurses and doc- colored handkerchiefs, ,TnornitTg hind WHS nowhere in sight. around Little Silver with most of the and comjng back had the chance to a table in a French home writing you IT WAS GIVEN THURSDAY he the package has been packed tors in The wound is'of it When The trip across the water lasted seven boys away and the new draft from 18 go to I^ilris.for three days. It is a this letter; it i3 very comfortable and . NIGHT ON WEST STREET. should be taken,.unwrapped such a nature that Lester, will not be unsealed, together with t i e labeland days. Tho third day out I was a little to 45 will take a great many more. lively place. You would hardly know they treat us very good. The people and to go in action, again. He had sufficient stamps, to the" nearest colseasick, but I soon got.over it.and I My arm is so lame and sore that I will there was a war going on from be- are very poor and have a very poor Mr. and Mn. Ellis Megill Entertained able the privilege of returning "home and lection' wasn't sick enough at .any time to have to stop. I know you will have ing in the city; but to sjay there very system of beating their hones. They ceriter designated by the. Red Friendi With Hallowe'en Games, doing-service over here;. o~ -*—*--"-miss uny menls. Our victuals aboard a hard time reading" this letter. You long youjieed a bank roll. The'boys all have fireplaces and burn trees and Dancing and Cider-—Guests Win in France to guard German prisoners. Cross. After the package ;has passed the bout were, not as good us camp will have to excuse the mistakes and here are "all anxious to get to the fir- leaves which have decayed and which the^fnspection of the Red Cross reprePrizes in Games, . -. • food, but, the sea air sharpened our my writingthis time. I hope by theing line, and the way the Yankee boys they dig from the ground. At most- Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Megill of West He decided to stay in France. Lester sentatives the Christmas hibel bearing is twenty years old and is a member appetites. Until wo got almost to next time you hear from me I will are going through it makes you feel every home you can see them getting street gave a Hallowe'en party last the address of the man for whom it the old company H of Asbury is intended is placed, en it. The permid-ocean wo were escorted by twobe 0. K., and in my next letter I mas? like being right up in it. in1 this mud or peat for winter, the Thursday night. It was an enjoyable of Park.He is a nephew of Mrs. Wil' Sincerely yours, torpedo boat destroyers and later on be able to tell you that I have got a son sending the package, in the pressame as we would lay in coal. party and there was not art idle or a Kennedy^ of Washington street, ence of the Red Cross worker, is rewhen we neared Europe two other hundred Germans. France is a rainy country. The quiet moment during the whole even- liam Vincent Fitzmaurice. Red Bank. destroyers protected us. On tho Sunquired to affix stamps sufficient to weather at present is about like our ing. There was much amusement at day before we landed our chaplain carry, it to Hoboken. Miss Estclle Greeniiwalt, who with autumn. They have very little snow Private Johnny Oakes.iof West Red first guessing the identity of .persons k conducted a religious service. Ho said her sister Constance has been in Bank, who is now in France, has here. I sleep in a tent. It is rather In the" navy department instrucwho were masked, but after a while we were in the most dangerous, part France several months, has written a' written the following letter home: tions for Christmas,packages to sailchilly and I have three blankets. I those who did the guessing got tired of our course and were liable to be long letter home... She and her sister ors in home waters and abroad it is also put my overcoat and raincoat of guessing and those who were Kunlt any minute by a submarine. He Constance were originally in the am- Dear Mother: I dont know much to write about. over me. The-open air is a wonder20 pounds in weight and are forcalled on every one present who bulance" corps, they having had their We are stationed in a camp on theful thing for us all. I am in perfect automobile converted into an warded in care of supply officer, fleet wanted to lead'Christian lives to raise big AMONG THE MISSING. outskirts of Bordeaux and haven't health and have not been sick yet. and they took off their masquerade ambulance and sent to France before supply base, Twenty-ninth street and their hands and most of the boys did of the boys have colds but none costumes Then the real fur. started. c h , M _, a n d j h BiBh. left Red Bank. Estella was for got much of a chance of going to theA few Third avenue, South Brooklyn, New so. No sign of a submarine greeted they them have been very sick. Ducking for apples, ring throwing, a time in charge (of. a hospital in iont. We get better food over here of We op, Who Left Camp Dix in May, York. us on any part of our trip, but we did France have good-food, such-aB meat, pinning the~tall on the donkey, dancthan we did at Cump Dix and we get and latterly she has'been emHave Been Missing Since SepterhShipment of Christmas packages sec an iceberg. For a short time thc ployed in many different ways' in plenty of it. We also get our tobacco potatoes, tomatoes, beans, bread and ing and other Hallowe'en games and ber 28th, According to Telegrams. for naval vessels abroad should be atmosphere was wintry in. the ex- army service. The "girls" of whom free. Charles Gayler of.Holmdel is coffee. At present we are having a pastimes were indulged in by the treme. Our boat did not take a she speaks in the last part of her let- stationed somewhere in the vicinity. good time; every soldier has a French guests. First prize for ring throwing Charles J. Mouser, Jr., son of made so as to reach New York not straight course, but kept zig-zagging, ter are a number of Red Bank school He was asking for me while I was in girl and is enjoying life. We are sit- was won by CharleB Gray. Dr. Arm- Charles Mouser of Lincroft, and Jo- later than November 15th. BO as to throw submarines off ourteachers who used to meet to drink the hospital but I haven't had a uated now so we can get cigarettes strong captured first prize at pinning seph Bishop of Everett, are'reported course. We were compelled to wear in action. Both are attached together Thursday afternoons chance to see him yet as we are notand candy and most anything we the tail on the donkey and Miss Mar- missing life preservers all tlle time und part ten want at short notice; all you need is guerite Carney got the consolation to the 311th infantry, 7Sth division, when she was in Eed Bank. Here is allowed to go out of the camp. We of ,tne time we had to sleep with all her letter: and have been in France since last get the latest war news from Paris. the money. We have just sigrted the prize. Shortly after midnight Hal- May. Mrs. Mouser received the folour clothes on. We did not have a Most of it is interesting and makes pay roll and I expect to get paid soon. lowe'en refreshments of cider, cake, lowing telegram last Thursday from Binglo stormy day. Every day we had France, October 4th, 1918. RED BANK MAN WAS KILLED IN home-coming seem soon, The Ger- As I am writing, now a young lady candy, olives and nuts were served. two boat drills, in which we rehearsed This .will probably be the most in- mans cant stand the push much sits beside me, wondering what I am The party broke up a short time liter the war department at Washington: MORGAN EXPLOSION. what we would do if the'ship were teresting with everyone singing "We wont get "We deeply regret to inform you letter I will ever write, as saying. I play cards with them at longer. The Allies have got so many struck by a torpedo. that Private Charles J. Mouser, in- Thomas Gash Was Employed There I have been through the most tre- men over here that they cant find night and also checkers. I'm getting home untit morning." Tho (irst part of our stay on land mendous experience—the biggest that room for them at the front. We are to be a regular Frenchman. I can The guests at the party in addition fantry, is officially reported as missas a Guard ami Went to Work Afwns s"pont largely in railroad riding. has come to me so far. going to get paid on the 2d, butsay a few words and soon I expect to those mentioned were-Miases Eve- -ing-in^action~since_Septfirnh.er_2Sthi- —- ter --the.—Firil—Explosion — Body Wo rode on cattle cars, and while this This morning I wus detailed to money is not much good to anyone to be able to talk with them. At i v n and Catherine Coyne, Bertha and Wjll report first information, re- ' Found in a Sand Bank. Beemed ]iko_a hardsjiuji_nt_flrat we . d f n f h, h oi h Pi present Germany and Austria want Anna Donahue, Elizabeth Gostello ceived." -youiCant-Bpend -it. _ -Bomtrgot accustomed to it. -Later on near the front. We started at seven •when The last letter, received from . The body of Thomas Gash of East peace and Bulgaria is entirely out~of;"ana Margaret Tighe, George-Coyne, Things are much different in wo did'a lot of hiking to different o'clock going straight north, crossing France from what they were in Eng- it. It is hard to say how long before Harold Riddle arid James H.o'gan. l)harles~was~^vritten on- September Front street, Red Bank, was found, camps, most of these hikes ranging the Marne and still north till we 6th and was received by his parents in a bank of sand afMorgarT'Sinnlay^" it will be settled but'I expect to be from 1-5 to 20 miles. We "carried our reached the small town which was our land. It is hard to make the French in America by July. All you can see early in .October. In it he said he Gash was employed at Morgan as a. packs. Some of the boys played out destination. . He there found it neces- people understand. While coming is American soldiers everywhere, and SURPRISED ON HALLOWE'EN. would like to be-'back home but that guard. He was at his home when th» through a town I saw thousands of and hud to quit, but most of us, in-sary to 'move nearer the line nnd he had a big do "over there" first explosion occurred on the night is wonderful what they have done of October 4th. He went to Morgan' cluding myself, made these journeys asked me if I Wifs afraid. Can youAfricans going to the front. They it ' ' " as and what they are doing. I have seen had rings in their ears and noses and Home of Benjamin H. Crate. i g:- i ; ; t t e r 7 ^ r e " a I w a v s c h l > e r i u l a n d to report for duty at. eleven, o'clockall right. ,, fancy me saying anything but "No!" had .a little spot of hair on the side of a great many German prisoners in that night and that was ttva last seeir surprise p party_was£i_ven_on_HalA surp y g fuI,of hope Th,e English seemed to be rather On we went and crossed the Vesle their heads. They were barefooted my travels and hope to see more. I . . hope. Charles _ ... . Was 24 years of him. distant and reserved towards us, butand up to ten kilometers (about six n n dw e r e w a ] k j n K ijk e „ i, u r c h o f c a t . have had" some wonderful experiences lowe'en for Mr. and Mrs.'Benjamin old. Before-he was called into serSunday morning while workmen the I'rench gave us enthusiastic wel- miles) from the front. Here we j t l e T h e y . w e r e e n 0 U | ; n t o s c a r e t he in my travels. • I was on the ocean H. Crate of Bridge avenue; The surre clearing, up some of the ruins comes, l o r a time bully beef ami found lots of engineers making and;1 Germans to death without fighting. - two weeks and rode in box cars three prisers met at Walter -S. 'Noble's the plant they unearthed Gash's general — . . sou, days .and two nights. I have slept house on Hector place and marched hard tuck were the principal dishes on ,repairing . .. roads,, putting . „ up . tempobody; It is presumed that he suffered, Your loving to Mr. Crate's house in a body. They befallen him, that has misfortune that has b a , in barns and carried my pack a good our bill of fnre, but our meals now : rary bridges to replace those blown shell shock and groped his way were masked p , ma o i ms> i i i c m i o u<i>c , i>5 John. masked arid arid carried carried dishpans, h i,.h from many miles. I • have never been were to the bottom of the bank. Another are almost as good as we got at Camp up by the Huns in their retreat, and Ih many high rattlers^and other noise-making t h a t hof e hhis a s b efriends e n w o u n have ded a n d k dde-Ijut In another letter John writes:' weighed but think I have gained a vices. Mr. dand hMrs. Crate were explosion is believed to have caused h a t h e hj a s b ei e n w u nhd lines. doing similar work. In. one place 1 en-1 £ ig ig QW i n a n o s p t e l d a c k o f t e where the road had been-mined there! Iam Jl&t after coming from When we landed in England John- ......... ...^ .«... v «v^.. .......... ""..-; little weight. vices. Mr. and Mrs. Cra 1j ig £QW i n a n o s p j t e l i d a c k o f t h e lines, the bank to cave in, burying GaBh. ny Oakes.and I thought we would get was a hole in the road forty feet i church. The priest read the gospel The body was brought to Worden's a chance to send you a cablegram, deep and 1O0 feet across. Around '?. both English and French,, so. it Private Daniel C. Oakes of the old joying a game of pinochle when the j; t . g n n e r a ] happening that men undertaking place and prepared for : Red Bank cavalry troop, now part surprise "attack was made. ' Afteij ,. p missing in' ac.but we got wpurated and didn't have these country, ho fiv3t e Orted inese craters c r a t e r s they tney Kuild uuim temporary l e m i j u i u r y i seemed "*-~«..*-.« like .,<*~ mass ...i..™ m . . . our ~«» uown . . . . *. uu .»»..r. l e a Mr.U *± and ;i tion have later been found, in these burial. time,to do it anyway, I hnve not roads. I noticed people.stared at me I M o s t of the- churches are very old. of the 112th heavy field artillery, has! t h e n o admitted, 5 - l ^ s t °to . p ?the ^ ,house "li h ^F The funeral was -held Monday afBeen Johnny Oakes since we left the somewhat and when we finally The floors are of marble ana the Sta- •written the following letter to hisMrs. Crate had a guessing maUh j " " j ^ p f Bishop, who was reported ternoon and \\'as in charge of Rev. the identity o r ..the guests.. J J » \ t i t t h s a m e time as ship. readied our destination we learned tions of the Cross are hand-painted, mother, Mrs. Edward C. Oakes of At- learning JiimeR D. Bills. Burial AVAS.made in ' . ' • _ . . They failed and the guests ^ ^ K a d w h r k e d ton Willlitm Ma, u had left there only 48 ,~ with large statues in every corner antic Highlands! ' ' •' At oiie of the camps where we that the Huns Fair View cemetery. Gash was 84 , their masks, revealing;Mr, nnd Mrs. | ^ • at Everett since he was stopped, Spanish influenza was pre-hours before and I was the first j-beautifully arranged. I enclose a Vannes, France', October 13, 1918. Walter S. Noble, Mr. and Mrs.1 wil-1«?, s I ' u r a years old and leaves a-widow and two valent and I was one of its victims, woman to.cross the Vesle after they |•jjc'w cards_ so^thnt you may get an Dear Mother: ' Waiter a. i\ODie, iur. ana mis.. » " : ^ - b o y .,,uj he was considered as onesmall children. At one time he was idea of what they are like. P r ft is about the same as grip, only it hud retreated. 1 am so excited over " ' " " * The boys are all in fine spirits toMagee'received a employed us a butler in the home of Everybody who ride-", to church night. News that the Kaiser will ac- liS? « £ ? ^ $ Z h T l T ° Inl i of tl/e family. Mr. from the war deJS supposed to he more dangerous it! Of course we had carried our p;as Cornelius Vanderbilt. He gave up a anil more apt to develop into pneu- masks, ns there wus still a possibility comes in a little two-wheeled cart cept all the terms of peace reached music were enjoyed, after which r e - partment. . ' _ _ similar position with Samuel Riker, monia. It. has caused some deaths of shelling there, but we did not need with a donkey hooked to it. I have here today. We are planning a hig freshments of sandwiches; cake; coffee Jr.,'of. Riverside drive, to work afc^ Alien Hod a Shotgun; Fined $20. among us. I got well enough after them, as it happened. seen some old women with full-grown reunion for the brigade headquarters and'pickles'were serrej).' The merry Morgan. ' 2 party broke up about midnight: a weeks: sickness to leave the hosmustaches and you couldn't tell them -„ i.llB ,,„,,The country through there, just Salvatcire Lanncelli, who farms the either somewhere in Virginia or New pital, but a few days later I had a re- west of Rheims, is very beautiful— Brunner "farm at Holmdelj was fined ' SCHOOL ATHLETES MEET. PARTY AT LITTLE SILVER. _ $20 and costs of $8.72 last Thursday lapse and was a good deal sit'kjr than'"'oiling hills and valleys—but now [•dingly. I was the first time. Everybody'desolate »nd deserted as the retreat by Justice Edward -W. Wise of; RedHorace Rogers Chosen President of thing. . ' .. It" Was Given Wednesday Night for Bank for having a shotgun in his posthought I ,wns going to got pneu- i of th'e Boche was too recent for the the hospital (in a previous letter he High School Athletic Association. Ethel Riddle nnd Ctijjie Morrell. \ nm soi\ you my Christmas monia sure, and I overhenrd one fel-! refugees to hava returned as yet. All wrote lie was sick with influenza)' I package session. Lanncelli is an unnuturalA meeting of the Red Bank high cpupbir but bu as you see s e it - A surprise party \Vas givenr, last had low say that in th,e spring I would be | t"long the road we saw thousands of have bad a good appetite. We • i ized citi/en. The arrest was made by School athletic asSociation was held u o n g m e rnnu w e s a w m o u s a t i u s o i . " " i - . . i . . , # . . ^uw.. . n . j , ^ m ^ . ,» c ...... three pounds and the Wednesday night for Miss C Cassie !- G a m s w a r ( i e l ) S Charles Hobzitell.and last Thursday afternoon nt'the school mini: cakes iiti\u> for lui breakfast uicilKlil^t yesterday, vtftLCluav _*c a n s e e c 1 3,i t— rt keV helping to push up the daisies. How-rounds of shells for the " " big " German ' m griddle nl, v t h, l n k it occasionallyy \VR we gget get hot biscuits. ° . B } . , Jo » !-' Morrell and Miss Ethel Riddle ;of Lit- William Steuerwald. they were obliged evur I got completely cured and for guns which h i h th b l i d to ' and mid to ela«t officers for the present school • •occasionally - - _ .hot _ biscuits . . 'three pounds of candy, for that is tn e pastt tten d days hhave been on full leave in their hasty retreat. They Arthur Garrity of Red Bank has one thing we crave for over here and tie Silver. Those present at the'party Over 100, pupils attended tho were Mrs. Alfred Hea.lier, Misse3 Colt's Neck Postmistress Resigns.. term. gained was active duty. twelve pounds since he expected to advnnce but wjerc beautimeeting, which was called by George liava an awful timo getting. I think gg Anna Elgrim, Maude and Mary Menk, here. We are not at the front yet, so you fully-fooled and.had not the facilMrs., Albert Francis has resigned •W. Leddy, the retiring president.. The war question looks good and about Imlf of the boys in our bunch Marguerite Ward, Margaret. Fitzdont iieud to look for my nnme on'the ities for moving the shells back. I have .asked for'candy. We are al-maurice, Florence Layton and Wil-! as postmistress-of the postotlito at The following officers were elected: look ffor it i to t be b over by b December Db casualty Ii.sts for a while at any rate. have lota of'the used cases. They we President—Horace RoRers. st c We are engaged just'now in working make nice flower jars and vases and | '1st. - 'Tell " Pop to get the. back shoe lowed only three pounds this year liam and Leslie McKnight, Fred Boyd, Colt's "Neck. She will continue, at her Vice President—Ruth Pntlerson. e car vulcanized, for I expect but next year we will be home and Eugene Layton, William arid. Eugene | duties until a successor ^procured. Sccr-etnry—ATitiH Hartmfin. . with picks, .shovels and wheelbarrows are interesting souvenirs, which; ' o l ' t l lie ''" : Elgrim, William Pomphrey and James I Mrs. Francis will move to Red Bank, tilings will be different. Tremurcr— %hvin C. Gillnri.l, principal. i to take the Red out of Ued Bank my and in handling ammunftion on themakes it nicel Uitter. Dancing was the principal where her husband is employed at the I am going on a nice little trip toGeorge Leddy was elected manager docks. We get up at.4:45 A. M. and On' our' way back We stopped a t ! first night there and I dont want any morrow. Fred Diekerson, a motor- pustime. Eisner factory. Sffo has been post- of tho basketball team and Leslie quit at 4:30 P. M. It's a rather our once lovely hospitnl where m y ! t lvel e trouble. In this-morning's papers cyclist from the 110th regiment, nnd fllul ll) t mistress three years. Delatush was made cheer leader. strenuous life, but it is n good honlthv ambulance was in use in May. The! J >' ' «» the Boches peace, cry, another motorcyclist from the 112th „ ' _—-—^v ^ •. Basketball practice was started today ' way to live and it gives nil of us hospital people had to leave under! "«' we say 'We dont want the bacon, regiment, and myself are going to Surprised on Wedding Anniversary, 11 Election is Over. at the association building. Those famous appetites. shell tire and had to burn materials T-Ih, n"•' <• wint is a piece of the Rhine." Brest, which is on the coast and quite Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford of. The voters settled the many quest 13 h c who played last' year and who will ' U Klatest song I have heard. a ways north of here, after four Westside avenue were surprised last tions of the- campaign yesterday and Peace talk is strong here and I am and buildings before leaving. This! be seen on the court thU season 5 " "*," Performance I at- motorcycles. We le.ave here tomor- Friday night on the eighteenth anni- we^are oiice more ready to settle ngnin in beginning to believe I wont be awnv was. during that swift ad are Harry Macintosh, Stan-ley Havi-' from you a grent while longer, The May and early June, when the Huns ! tended last night I also see some row afternoon, stay at Brest over versary of their marriage by a visit down in the harness for a steady.pull. Janil, Junior West and George Leridy. war cant last forever. Then I will pushed for Paris' but onlv reached !»"etty fast boxing here. They allow night ami return to camp Tuesday. from a party of friends. , In the Many men have,, been too busy during realize the full truth of that-good old Chateau-Thierry. It was pitiful! It light-to-the-finish bouts. I will tell you as much about the trip party were Olive, Daniel nnd Harold the past few weeks to give their atCold Preventives. Crawford, Margaret Frawley, Henry tention to personal appearance. Now -Those who hud been a 4,000 bed hospital—a - hymn: John. as I can in my next letter. up to the obi adage, Biggins, Frances Quigg, Daniel Han- that it is over you had better send of "An ouncelive model of its kind in France. We We'll air 1,0 hnppjr Mrs. John McNeil of Bridge aveof prevention in worth, You lii-t. passed many once beautiful vUlngeV nue, mother of William McNeil, a Edward W. Vilb'y of Little Silver, cock and Edward and Russell Hen- for our young man to come and Reta pound of cure" will bo interested _ now nothing but piles of stones. The member of the Red Bank ambulance who is with the 312th field signal drickson. those shabby looking suits that have in our large stock nf blankets anil Joseph L. Curtis of Little Silver. at best-nroonly wide enough company, has received the following battalion in France, wrote to a Red been misused', in campaigning and comfortables at $2.'.).S, S-l.OM and who was recently wounded, writes to streets Here's Good News. a car to pass, but when they are letter from her son: Rank friend on October 18th. He them put in shape so they -will $8.98. A. Salz & Co., Red Cank.—i his homo folks from a hospital in for If you nre going to buy a coat, have full of huge shell holes and piles of says: '.' look like new. I'hone 7JM and we'll Advertisement. Somewhere in France, France as follows: "" 1 suit, or dr.CFS by all means take adstones they -ni'o nearly impassable. September 13, 1918. We are kept busy every day atvantage of this opportunity; gar- do the rest. Red Bank Steam Bye Base Hospital, American P, 0. 784, I had great difliculty but my "little Dear Mother: Workn, 1 Wept Front street, Max construction work, which takes up all Silver Clicsts. October 6, 1!)18. jit" stood me, in good stead and I got I received five letters from you our daylight, and at night wo have ments, values to $5(1, at $15, $25.and Leon, proprietor.—Advertisement. Stop in I'.ml sec- mir new line of silI suppose ,you have heard by this through" but'did not reach home till the other day and four from John. until nine o'clock to roam around. $35. They are milkers' samples, A. ver chcsls, 2IS t» ;>'•> pfpi-e.i, mahogany time that I have been wounded. This 3:0O A. M." That is nil in n day's It seems that all the mail coWs to- Most of us fellows spend this time Sal/. & Co., Red Bank,—AdvertisePeoplo Who Dont Carb or leather ense:-, lutcst patterns, h. is my oighth day in tho hospital and I work. We have long hours but there gether. I wouljl havo written sooner trying to learn French, talking with ment. what kind of stockings they buy may de hi RcussFlle, MR iiroad street.—i am improving fine nnd begin to feel is lots to do and .everybody goes as hut have been pretty busy lately. the people near us, nnd \\c are mnkGreen Gnblei, Pleasure Bny. not lie interested in those, Onyx nnd Advertisement. like., gutting, bock,..sqL,L..can,.get.inn-_.long.jathDy..can.::<u , , - „ • We).were, j n a. town..for,a week-that, iiig.gopd..j)rogress...Tbe,[.F'i:ench folks .- ^.Rrs.1?*-fift'i'-°S .,•?Jl«y£...ft!>e_n for the Gordon silk hose we- offer this week the Germans had held.for four.years, . . , ,.,-,, UP, very high hill ,other shot . ------at the ••::.- old - - . - TBoche. -.--:-—. I - surely surely •"-••-•" -Guaranteed -Piano Tuning. We went un on one nre always willing to help us nnd it fall /season. " Como.". arii! -Itfiifl' Tvhef e had a narrow escape of .my life and —the highest around 'ther'a. Upon it It has been pretty well deatroyt'd but dont take long for an evening to the food is good.- J. C. Hornung, Co.,- Reil Bank.—Advertisement. A. B. Dirhan, 42 Hudpon avfenao. it'fl my good luckj-tffii here today. stands what is left of one of tho most it didn't take the Germans long to pass. The country around us here proprietor.—Advertisement. Phone 152 j AaVerHseroent i got out of it when the Yanks started I and two of my men had just come exquisite little chapels in this part of shows that it has had little or no atit Long Branch Pier. • in front up.the line for our-breakfast France. It is but a short ways from them and tho Yanks sure captured a tention and the buildings look ns if Gunning Notices. Whiting, whiting are very plentiGunning Notices. nnd we wero talking* of a narrow es- Rheims and we had a fine view of that lot of prisoners, 'While we were off they were built in the time of Caesar. Gunning notices for sido «t Tha Gunning notices for sale at Thcful.'' Ling, ling are very plentiful, cupe we had up the line, when we lost lovely city. They say the hill was (futy-.we^-wept tjut ^looking .for -sou- A strange sight I came across a few Register office,—Advertisement. Register olHco,—Advertisement. , Bait and tackle,—Advertisement, LETTERS FROM SOLDIERS. CHRISTMAS IN THE ARMy. TWO WOUNDED IN ACTION. 0l?J1Z A HALLOWE'EN PARTY. MEN MISSING IN ACTION. GASH'S BODY IS FOUND. THE RED BANK REGISTER. Buck has, fanned" the Rut'.hcr place near Freehold far o\er thirty yimra and he will retire. He will move to Inn now home early next year. HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST IN Boy Jumped from Auto. . MONMOUTH COUNTY. John Logan,* Jr., a six-year-old Peri^nol Notes, Sales of Properly, Ocean Grove boy, jumped from tho Building Operations, Lodge Doings, v«ar o^an automobile Monday of lust Slight Fires, Births, Marriages and week amWandeii on the back of his Deaths—Other Items. head. He was knocked unconscioUH Hev. B. Frank White of Pittsburs nut was not seriously hurt. is substituting as pastor qi .the Long Promotc'l to Major; Iiraiu'h Presbyterian church mining Edward A. MavMillim, son of Dr. tho absence of Rev. John (I. I.nvell, who was given n K'avu of absence to W. T. .MncMillim'Jtf Pen-ineville, has been-promoted to major in ihe Amcrrecover his health. Sergeant Nelson K. .Matthews has ienn iirmy." Ho in a civil engineer been visiting his mi'ihiT. Mr-". 11. t'.and went to France several months Matthews of Ocean, ilrjtvi', while. re r ago i:s :i second lieutennnt. cupivatinsr from an Jttsi'k of pneu- Government Takes Brick Plant. monia. He is Maiiu.ied- i'.t Catnp . Tho "United States ordnance department has taken over the Cruigcn Dix. :'• Mr. and - Mrs. ["urinaii Ounean brick yard near Matawjin for six moved from Engli^hiowtt to Frct'hoM months. The plant will be. used in weak. They-had ph-..'.:Kil to move sorting shells which remained at Morthis week previous but wviv |ir(»ve!uci! gan ;-.ftoi' the explosion. j Daniel Kdwnrils has quit his job Maiiasquan. Couple Wed. Misa Evelyn T. York and Edward Uis Mipurvisor of wink around the | LIMIT Blanch school l.uililings. Daniel M. Ci'born of Mnnasquan were married «t New York on October 15th. I B. Slocum luut taken liis place. Wilton Moiiiit of i:Jn^lUhto\vn, who -Mrs. Osboin is a toucher hi the Mimrpci'iitly joined the t : ovvioe. was i »s< school and Mr. Osborn is a icigh, Xorih i merchant at that place. ordered to report ;it Ciiiulin:i. l;;st week. Pn^enger on Train Injured. • Hev. .lames Loivi has l>ee:i unani.Charles Z. Martin of Asbury Park mously invited ti> rt'iacn as pii?tor of W«M cut over the eye "with n St. 1 Andrew's -'church at .Spring Lake niecebadly of glass while riding on a train ! fui another year. lost week. Some boys playing along |; Hurry F. May, win- i-cuducts a drug the tracks threw stones through a store ;;f Belinar in' ihe summer, is window of the train. ! working for thaUniteed drug company Water Company to Disband. : at Abbiiry ParjJ: i Ira L. Bennett of- West Long The Indian Lady Hill spring water ; Branch is working on the base hos- ;-ompr.ny, which bottled and sold the pital at Lakewooc! making im'pvove- water from a spring near Asbury •menls. • • Park, is to be dissolved. A Meeting ' Mrs. L'eray Leighton of Manasquim of the company for this purpose will was operated on for appendicitis at be held next month. : the Spring-Lake hospital-last \Veek.; Samuel Bkvison of - Enjrlishtown Get! Bullet in Neck. Kenneth Wotherapoon, son of Mrs. picked a quart of ripe strawberries James ~Wotherspoon of Allcnhurst, from his garden last week. Miss Helen Gregg °i Howell. is was wounded while taking part in a working as a telegraph .operator at battle in France recently. A machine gun bullet struck him in the neck. the Freehold signal lowor. i Mrs. Eugene Berge. of Adelphia is He is recovering. recovering from a severe sickness at Emergency Hospital Closed. the Spring Lake hospital. * The emergency hospital a t MataJoseph P. Johnson of West Loner Branch has taken a job with Joseph wnn was closed Monday of last week. Had it been possible to secur* nuraea Stilwell. at Mantolokmg^ hospital would have been kept 1a: Mr. and Mrs. E. Frank Hart of As- the open for a time to care for the sick!" bury Park have gone to Florida to of that section. spend the winter. Miss Nettie M. Reed of Ocean Farewell Purse for Pastor. Grove has -been commissioned a noMembers of Trinity church of As—aj tary public. Park gave a'farewell purse to Mrs. W. S. Robinson of Matawan .hury Rev. Francis H. Richey last week behas gone to Washington for the win: fore his departure for Maplewood, ter. where he has accepted the pastorate of a church. ; Belinar Houso Raided, i A house at Belmar conducted by Soldier Has Broken Leg. •i Mrs. Harriet L. Hoffman was raided Norman Hurley, son of George | last week'by a United States marshal. Hurley of Bradley Beach, has written i Mrs. Hoffman was arrested on -ahomo saying, he is recovering i char«» of aellinjr liquor to soldiers from a brokenthat leg which he suffered ! and Hiss Lottie Lynch was arrested while taking part in a recent battle ! on a charge of immoral conduct. in France. I Su*4 fw BreitcH. of Promise. Smithburg Boy Killed. f I Clarence J. Wagner, son of J. G. Harry EffinKham of Smithburg, j Wagner of Encrlishtown, has been who was sent to Gamp Dix last Feb,; sued by Miss Mae Riddle of James- iir-U'y, was killed in France recently., burg, who alleges breach of promise His mother-j-ditftl about three weeks of marriage. Mr. Wagner'was mar- ago. A brother and two sisters surried to Miss Emma W." Stillwell of vive him. Freehold on October 11th. Automobiles Collide. Pate Glass Breaks. Automobiles belonging to E. J . A big plate glass which workmen were putting in Steinhaeh's store at McCrosson of Avon and T. A. Goj^len Asbury Park last week brdke in theof Bradley Beach collided at Belmar. ; middle, and smashed another pjate Thursday. Both curs were somewhat but the occupants escaped ! glass'in the store. ' Edward Rose, one damaged • ' • • • » • : of the workmen, was cut on thc'hnnd injury.Asbury Pnrk Boy Wounded. ' when the glass fell. Joseph Couse, son of William J. ; In English Hospital. of Asbury Park, is recovering i Sergeant Neil Hepburn, son ofCouse. English p , hospital from a bullet : Mrc. Clara A. Hepburn ,gbf Ocean in'r.ri wound., his head. His helmet preGrove. i3 in anEnglish hospital re- vented in. the wound from (being fatal. i cove\'fng from a gunshot h t wound d re, ceived recently in France. Several Will Fiim in tho South. i weeks ago he was gassed but soon reHarold Schatlt of Ocean Grove left ' covered from this. for Florida last week. He will be joined later by his brother' Russell Mrs. Helen Healy of Ocean Grove and they will engage in fishing. They BRIEF ITEMS OF" NEWS. VICTORY IS HERE Send a Christmas Greeting to your boy in France. ^. ' . This bank sells exchange in all allied territory in Europe. A' remittance made now will be received by Christmas. , • Red Bank, N. J. T&taS Resources over'$4,000,000. A Talk to Farmers on Farm Wagons Is there a farmer in M on mouth County, that needs a Farm Wagon? If «o, he's just the man I want to talk to at this time. 1 have on my floor, ready for immediate delivery, several new Farm Wagons that I will sell at a very close margin rather than carry them over until Spring. Theae Wagons cannot be duplicated in quality nor can they be matched in price. To go into the market today and have them duplicated would be an impotaibility. After January 1st, 1919,- all Farm Wagona must be of a standard size, the wagon manufacturers having agreed on the elimination of certain varieties of Farm, Valley and Mountain Wagons as well as certain Farm Trucks and Gears. . These Farm Wagons I am offering you today are the celebrated Jersey track, known to every farmer. This tread will not be manufactured after next month, the standard size adopted being 56 inches. This means that the bodies , hereafter Will be narrower and the carrying capacity will be~necessarily reduced, , | If you're interested in securing a high grade Farm Wagon at a low price, dont wait until Spring when you will have to pay a lot more for a wagon. Buy how while I can give you immediate delivery and while you can save more than double your interest on the money invested. If you want a Farm Wagon drop in and see me at once. In all probability we can make a deal that will be entirely satisfactory to both of us. I have also on hand a No. 8 low down Corn King Manure Spreader and a Studebaker Dump Wagon, capacity 1' •' yards; both of which I will sell exceptionally low to -quick buyer. GE0I16E W. QGILVg'E ' Wagons, Harness, Blankets, Farm Machinery and Utensils I East Front Street, near Globe Hotel, Red Bank, N. J. SKUWTYOIl Make Gold C o r n e r s Comfortable for aging limbs that feel the slightest draqght. The handy Perfection Heater gives a generous glowing warmth whenever, wherever needed—brings comfort and relief in freezing weather. Good-looldng— economical—smokeless, odorless. Aladdin Security- OH gives best resnfta. At your dealer's. • STANDARD OIL COMPANY fNcw Jurtcr) Newark New Jersey OIL HEATERS Dealers who Sell and Recommend Perfection Heaters . t * ' RED BANKi — Louis Becker Hcndrickson & Applugatc ,1. Richmond I* Schwartz & Son fel WI1 H. Chark SEA BRIGHT: Mahoney £ Karvey Heilmun & Uoclun ADELPHIA: C. B«armorc £ Sons George Hall . ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS! Atluntic Hardware Go. "W. M. Po.tcn EAT0NT0WN: W. E. Moms ~ ENcAsHTOWN: W. E. Mount Co. Geo. D. VandcrburK " FARMINGDALEs . J . I.utz & Son . FREEHOLD:^— Uertrnm Bireh J.' V. Denise D. V. Pcrrine F. A. White Greenspan Brus. II. Kailenback M. M, Sehwort?. KEANSBURG: S. B. King • . • . • KEYPORTi -MARLBORO: J. G. Schenek P. T. Burke I,. B. Walllnu Marlboro Gen. Store G. D. Woody J. T. Wyckoff MATAWAN: LONG BRANCH: G. M.. Harris "Blrsriey & Burna— Jos. GntdRtein H. Hilkon . POUT MONMOUTH: W. K. Jackson W. E. Wallini: J . Steinbaeh A. M. Townley C. M. Trua P. J . Wells & Co.. , _*V?Ki^ marriedby atRev. the bride's home HQUH at Bel.> wert Wednesday T. J. J. W last g h i Boarding A summer boarding Rev. T. J.the Wright. ! Wednesday Following aby wedding trip New rnrr o".vned by J. C. Vienieister was j England states the couple will live at destroyed by fire Monday of last. ! R«e*Ter» Insurance- Money. \ 000 and was covered by insurance. I Michael Mossing of Long Branch Inspector of Airplanei. i has been awarded a verdict of $1,500 Corporal Willinm Bulloch' of Eng- i Telephone 53O-W AVOID TELEPHONING DURING THE EPIDEMIC The prevalence of SPANISH INFLUENZA among our operating forces makes \\ neees^ry that we continue our appeal—"Dont make unnecessary telephone THE SITUATION STILL REMAINS VERY SERIOUS . and in certain sections it is necessary for us to ask"4 calling parties if their calls are necessary before the connections are made. : - - '"-'" DUEING THE EPIDEMIC will you please confine your telephoning to indispensible calls such as * ' 1. Call* occasioned by fire, lawle»sne«s, ., accident, death or serious illneis. 2. Calls to and from hospitals, doctor*, • _ t druggists, etc. 3. Calls neceisitated by the public inter-est-and-wclfareor by-6overnmcnt • • ' business and war work. 4. .Commercial calls of vital importance. ' • ' ' • ' - / MAKE ONLY GALLS THAT CANNOT BE AVOIDED 0»F«Urnl Grand Jury. A ' Winter Motoring Means Harder Work for Your Battery and neglect.of. the battery at that tiirie may result in' costly repairs. • . . , You -can avoid this trouble .if you give your battery a small, but reasonable amount of care and attention. Let u s give your ..batteiV a test—it costs you nothing and may save you money. We will gladly advise, you as ' to its needs during cold weather, and will make repairs, if necessary, in the right way at. the right cost. '• ... Pay us a visit t6day.o Find out what "Exide" service means. • ' * • • • Red Bank Battery and Starter Co. 15 Mechanic Street, Red Bank Telephone 1036 Camp Engine.r Quit,., | George Morns, who has been en- I John B. Whitton of Long- Branch and - j o b E a n ( l i sn o w w o * k i n g f o r &e p B n n . I Abram O. Johnson . of Monmouth : Beach tire on the federal (rrand^jury . . o \ from Monmouth county, for the pres- Long Bnpncher Wounded. jenfterm. K. Vafiadis of Long < .. [ William j Dog. for Uncle Sam. . . Branch jvasjvounded while fighting The government proving grounds | .. NEW-YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY His The Belmar borough council has or- Freehold Man Buyi Farm. dered sll unlicensed dogs captured Robert iSherrard of Freehold has and they will be'sent to the proving j bought the Old Stone House fmm grounds. . • ' •• , neav Imlayatown from Mrs. Mnry E. Late Cro.. of Slrawberrie.. jF o f f '• ' f l ' e f a i t " contains 280 acres an ™ , ' ,„ „ .• ,T i " has »fi"eset of buildinKS. h Charles W. Hun3inger of Imlays-! town has picked between two nnd ] Pesstor Takea Up New Work. 1863. three cratas of strawberries from his | Rev. Frederick B. Harris left Long patph in tho p-;st three weeks. Most | Branch "last week to assume his duof \ f h e berries were distributed i ties as pnetor of Grace church lit New 'mnfe the sick persons of the neigh-1 York. Air. Harris was pastor of St. i borhood. (Luke's church at Long Branch. Killed in Action. ~ | Organist Joins Army. Clarence Clayton of Asbury Pnrk; Eugene DevereauXj organist of St. h u been notified of the death of his I James's church sit Long Branch, hus nephew, Lieutenant Edgar M. Whit- joined the students' army training hpek,. who was killed 'recently while! corps and lias jrone to Stephen's colAfhtinc in France. 'Lieutenant Whit- j lege at Annandnle, New York. lock was attached to an engineer rfetci- ~ , . , ... „. . Graduntes from West Point. mtnt _ '. . _ .• „ I John li. Stokes, Jr.. of .Freehold. r—r Apple Crep (n Howell. ! Krr.duatcd from West Point military Many of the apple orchards in the • academy last week. The graduating section around Adelphia, in Howell I class numbered 511, the largest ever township, produced poor crops of j graduated from the college, fruit this year, due to not beinir jc „ ,_. •prayed. Some of tho farmers took F " ^0 o1 r ?<*' D.vorce. almost their entire crop to the cider J ' " 1'ey, a wealthy farmer of Red. mills. Valley, near Imlaystown, has been ' granted a divorce from his wife, Lola Appl.gate—ProWco. I g, o e y xhe divorce was granted on Miss Margaret E. Applegate of I the grounds of infidelity. Cranbury and Alvah Probasco of Al- JD « " " " Wounded in Action. lentown were married last Wednesday Dr. Claude A. L. Lyon, who had at the bride's home. Rev. J. E. Curry performed the ceremony. The c o u p l e . . . .t 1 o £ i c e ? a j • - ^"^ before ^a™? willlive on a farm near Allontown. ! w Joining the dental corps of the army, a . . ' ' s recently wounded in France. COXS Recruiting Office at Belmar. His wound is not serious. Major William B. Bamford of Belmar is in charge of one of the recruit- Fbrmtilgdale Man Wounded. Mrs. J. Farmingdale ing offices for candidates for officers' - B., Woolley -- • - - of -- —---•--•-.-training, camps. Civilians seeking |>aE received a letter from her ntfsentranco to a training camp will here- hand saying that he had received a In order to do that, Furnaces and Stoves must be repaired, bullet wound in his right arm but after apply at one of these offices. . that it was not.serious. SmokeStacks, Grates and Bricks looked, after. Lost Part of Thuircb. , Clothesline Robbed. , Now ia the time to have your Gutters and Leaders overhauled Eugene Griffin of Keyport lost part i . , , , . . , .„ and. Plumbing put in order b afore the cold weather conies. • ' ""." 'of omrthumb while lidjuating aTpririg«""'A«elothcshne m the rear of George A. M. Morris's yard atfrLong DBranch 1 on his automobile a ffcw days ago. A " " of " "a " "lot ' "of clothing ™"" Estimates given for New Heaters. Ask-about the p i p e l e s s was"stripped one The auto slipped from the jack which night last week. Heater. ~ was supporting it and Mr. Griffin's La.t«y^BV Gets His Commission. thumb was caught under the car. John P. Lloyd, a Matawan lawyer, Freehold House Sold. William T. Ackerman of Freehold won p. cuit. at Freehold last^week for. SANITARY PLUMBINQ has sold his. house to V, P. Buck. Mr. (Continued on next page.') 74 Monmodth Street, ' ' KeJtank, N.J. ADLEM &CO. DRY GOODS. 32 BROAD STREET. RED BANK. N. J. KEEP THE HOME FIRES BURNING HOWARD FREY BRIEF "Oar Chef Knows How goods and Btor^'fixtures-to PlainnelS, where h e has bought a OF NEWS. household business. ' • • Sick: Room Weeds , (Continued from last page.) Held for Mental* Examination. a commission of $100 for melting a Tyler Hurley of Farmingdale has Many times the medicinal result expected of a p r o piece of property for George Ziegler been held by Judge. Lawrence for an of Middlesex county. scription U hindered by not being properly administered. examination as to his mental condition. This is particularly true of douches, gargles, solutions for Gett Jab » Teacher. • Miss Mazel Dunn of Ocean Grove To Become a Nurie. treating the throat or nose, enemas and even internal remehas taken a place as teacher in the Miss Eleanor Rees of Freehold will dies. Medicines for the nose and throat should have a Peapack public school. She will enttr Mt. Sinai-hospital at New York graduate from 'the Montcluir normal next month to iake a course in nurssuitable atomizer. One solution may be aqueous and another school in February. ' ing. " '. . ... •.. _ oily, so require different atomizers. Here you will find the Milting in Action. Working in Airplane Plant. correct one to use. In the same way, syringes for enemas, Howard Lykos, son of Mrs. John John W. Eyles, foj"merly' mayor of for douching, for washing ulcers, for sores, for ear trouble, Lykes of Freehold, was reported as Seabright, is working at the Standmissing in action last week. Howard ard aircraft plant at Elizabeth. etc., are fully stocked as well as douche pans, bed pans and was one of n contingent sent to Camp Matawan Man Moves. many other sick room and The United States has built up in less than two years a war machine which . Dix last February. C. f3. Calvcrt and family have EMERGENCY NEEDS Boy Scout an Artist. moved from Matawan to Kcyport. has proven stronger and more efficient in every way than the one Germany has Robert TompkinB, an Ocean Grove hoy scout, hus drawn a picture of been trying to perfect for more than forty years.. [General Perching which is reproducer! on the cover of the current issue of Kniclcerboclcer Pharmacy the Scout Gazette. ' • . For nearly forty years Red Bank has been trying to secure a restaurant that Telephone 12S and 382 INFLUENZA AND PNEUMONIA Woman Working in Bank. CLAIM MANY VICTIMS^ would satisfy the needs of her people. Many have come and many have left | Miss Nellie Harris of Matawan has Corner Broad and Monmouth Streets Red Bank, N. J. given up her job with the Perth Am-. The Death List Considerably Deduring this time, and it was not until boy board of trade and is no'w workcreased , from Last Week, When It F»RESCRIF»TIO]SJS ing in the Farmers' and a merchants' Was the Largest Known in the bank at Matawan. , County—Epidemic Subsiding. The epidemic of influenza, which Working for Uncle Sam. has been raging in the eastern part Charles Morris and-Robert C. Con-of the country for several weeks,, is was established a few months ago did Red Bank have a modern eating place. over, have given up their jobs in Paul now on the decline, but deaths are C. Taylor's store a t Belmar and arestill numerous from this disease and now working in-airplane factories for its after effects. Its menu, listing from soup to dessert, is of the best. The portions are | the government. II. Schenck Stricklin died at the liberal; its service superior, and the prices—well, they must be fair as we are * Ninety-Four Years Old. _ _ 1 _hpme__of .his brother-in-law, Robert Blain of"Adelphia, Monday of last Mrs. Mnrtha A. Holmes of Cream enjoying a fast growing patronage. Ridge celebrated her 94th birthday week at the age of 75 years. . He leaves a widow and a brother arid a few days ago liy.a gathering of her children, grandchildren and great- sister. Several years ago he conIf you eat in Red Bank meet your friends at , ' ducted 'a grocery store at Asbury grandchildren. Pai'k. Boy Badly Burned. Charles C. McBride, a well known , have you money in the bank to'pay the Stephen J. Griffith, ,Ti\, an.Asbury newspaper man, died at Ocean Grove Monday of last Week of grip. He Park boy, badly burned on the 1 expenses, face last,week when he tried to,build wag 71 years old. For several years a fire in a kitchen Btove with excelsior he was connected with the Elizabeth Journal and later with the Newark and kerosene. A Jewjlollars^deposited. with_ News. * • ' . . Will Carry Pupils in Bu«. Winfield Warwick 'formerly city Abraham Perrine has bought a busclerk at Long. Branch, died Monday *Our Interest Department • which he will use in transporting the of last week at the age of 32 years. pupils of the Vanderveer school in He had never enjoyed robust health Manalapan township to the Engish- and a few years ago spent several regularly will put you ,on the SAFE town school. months in a 'sanitarium in the mounSIDE, and every dollar you leave there , • tains. Exchanged. Mrs.. Mamie Kessler, wife of IU Houses BETHLEHEM MOTOR TRUCKS -"- will earn 4?o Interest. • -' Mrs. V. J. Weinges, who owns sev- Charles Kessler of Farmingdale, died eral properties at Helmar, has ex-Tuesday* of last week of influenza. changed a house at that place for one The entire family of six persons was at Montclair and- she "will live at thesick with .the disease at the same Start your account today. latter place. time. Mrs.Kessler was 33 years old. Mrs. Julia Gifford of Lower SquanService Flag Unfurled. kum died last Wednesday of pneuA service flag bearing 2.1 stars was monia. She was the daughter-of Mrs. unfurled at West Long Branch Fri- Charles Lafetra and was 22 years old. day night. An honor flag of theBesides her mother she leaves a husFourt Liberty loan was raised at the band arfd three -brothers. siime time. .'•.-• "MrSf-'Mnry L. O'Hagan of Asbury Park.' died, last Wednesday of. pneuBelmar Soldier Killed. BROAD, and WALLACE STREETS, Stephen White,.. son of John H. monia. She leaves two' sons and two , 'Heif-soiTJohn died four White of Belmar,-was reported killed daughters:; days previously- in the same house, in action in France last week. He also of pneumonia". • ' ' . RED BANK, N . J . was. a member of the 112thfieldar- Albert Hopkins of Freehold, aged tillery. • ''•'..'. - twenty years, died atNewarK ThursOcean Grove Man. a Lieutenant. day week of pneumonia. His parents Sanford C. Flint of Ocean Grove were . murdered a t Freehold about ha3 been commissioned a second lieu? two years, ago. He leaves two sisters tenant in the quartermaster corps and one brother.: Und has reported at Washington for Mrs. )Matilda Lehy, wife of John tehy; of OakViurst, d.ied last Thursduty. .., . ". day of pneumonia; following an atEVERY DAY-EVERY A Woman Crossing Guard. tack of influenza. She was 58 years Mrs.^G. William-Green of Mana- old and besides her husband leaves NIGHT-our splendid Initeumi • GearDrhe squan is now. employed as guard at five children. the Broad street crossing of the Joh4 Clayton, Jr., son of Dr. John MOTORJ TRUCKS lhl Clayton of Freehold, died Friday Pennsylvania railroad at that place. week of pneumonia. Ho was seven Belmar House Sole!.",' \. yeai| old. Another child has been W. Raymond Thorne has bought seriously sick but is recovering. the house at Belmar occupied by Mrs. Anderrina Applegate; wife of is at your command. Robert C. Conover. Mr. Thorne Howard'J. Applegate of Manasquan, bought the property as an investment. died of influenza last Friday. She Call 704 and a first-class 44 years old and besides her HusResumei Business. I .'..._. was band'leaves six small children. ^—machine driven by a comRalph E. Thompson' of Asbury Every detail of a Bethlehem Truck, every working or supporting unit is William Madza* of Long Branch Park has resumed his coal business died at the hospital at that place petent, careful chauffeur right in theory and has been proven right in practice. " Your delivery after having closed his yard for sev-Tuesday of last week. He Was 29 will answer your call eral months because of poor health. years old. His parents, four sisters tem—Bethlehem equipped—will be a sales asset and two brothers survive him. Died on Furlough.!i', ' . _ promptly.. Edward D. . Lewis of Jerseyville Frank Iayarone died of influenza died of-last week of pneuOur service pleases the "most exacting—just try it. last week while at his home at West mohiaSunday at-the^nge of 27.years, lie Ocean-Grove ~ on~~srfui lough"from is survived -P. O.-B. ALLENTOWN.-PA by his parents, two brotiir Camp Dix. He was 27 years old. ers and three sisters. . October Strawberries. John J . Kelley, manager of a store at Long Branch, died" Tuesday of last Fred_H. West, Nilson Slbcum and BETHLEHEM i-gge-gf~42-yaaf«. , He fnr-BETHLEHEM g g f y nimm~H7~ISr6Trt8*TJf^Wesfr~toTiEr m E r 'Long- -wcek-at-th«H t Asbury A b Park. Branch have been' enjoying ripe merly livedd at. DUMP TRUCKS TIVACTOKS widow survives him. strawberries from tltelr gardens. ..' Charles Lambertson died in the Office Opposite Depot, Red Bank,- INT. J. * Mail Carrier an Artist. ; emergency hospital at Matawiin Joseph Lackey, who! has been a Monday of last week of pneiimbnia. TELEPHONE 7O4 mail carrier at Long.Branch several He leaves a widow, two children and years, .is now employed as an artist a sister and brother. SEA BRIGHT NEW JERSEY by the Newark Evening News. ; Mrs. Susan C. Reid,Wife of J. Ar-• • • • ¥ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • nold Reid of Asbury Park, died last New Pastor sit Asbury. Park. ESTABLISHED 1884 TELEPHONE H i Friday of pneumonia. Besides her Bev. C. C. Corbin of New York husband she leaves one son. She was has been engaged as pastor of St.20 years old. '' , PRICES ON AND AFTER NOVEMBER 1st Augustine's churchy at Asbury Park Corporal William C. Hampton, son to succeed Rev." A. E. Jensen. of Mrs. Sarah Hampton of EnglishTon Chassis 2,^ Ton Chassis 3J( Ton Chassis town, was listed'among the American A Chief Petty Officer. casualties last week us having died of Fred D. Hurley, Jr., of Neptune .--J township, has been made chief petty disease .in France. John H. Dey died at the home of officer in the navy. He recently took S8-64 BROAD STREET RED BANK, N. J. his daughter, Mrs. John H. Bawden a course in Columbia college. of Freehold, Tuesday of last week at : Undergoes Serious Operation. the age of ninety years. Death was . Fire, Life, Accident, Tornado and • Mrs. Thomas , Proctor of Long due to paralysis. • ' ' '. Plate Glass Insurance • . John Clark of Long Branch died at Branch underwent a serious operation p p ty Insuro Hero is yyour opportunity o Insuro at that place on Saturfor a maatoid abscess at the hospital the hospital : against embarrassing errors in spelling, d i f l l i i TgT irt^ day off:.pneumonia^ at that place last week. pronunciation and poor choice of tack of influenza. lie was 04'years words. Know the meaning of puzzling Farmingdale Man's New Job. war tcrma. Increase your efficiency, old. J. Lester Woolley of Farmingdale which results in power and success, Miss Anna B. Davis of Asbury Park They are made right. The standards of construction has given up his job in the Atlantic succumbed to an attack of "pneumonia & Pacific store arid has taken a job in WEBSTER'S last Wednesday. She is survived by for these tires are higher than ever before known in .the John R. Allaire's store. her mother, one sister and four brothNEW INTERNATIONAL ers. ' • Sells a Farm. ' . tire industry. B. Van DuBois of Freehold has 'John S. Booth died at his home DICTIONARY ia an nil-knowsold his farm of 150 acres between near Asbury. Park last Friday of paring tenchcr, a univeran,l question If you want the efficiency of your car raised you must Hightstown alysis. He was 7-7' years old. A aiuL Princeton to Ernest widow answerer, nmdo to meet your and two sons survive him. Hausser of Hitjlilstown. needs.' I t ia in dnily uso by be a user of United States Tires. : J. Edward Ireland of 'Adelphia hundreds of thousands of sucNew Pastor at Manasquan. died Saturday week a victim of pneuccnfllul mun and women Ihu vrorld over, All sizes—Fabric or Cord—Sold by • Rev. H. L, Bvadway conducted his monia. He was 34 years old. A 400.000 Words. 27O0Pai)ea. 601)0 11luslra tlpm. 12,000 Uionrnnhlctil Eiifirst services as pastor of the Mnna- widow and one son.survive him. trlci. 30,000 (Jfotraphlcuf.Subjects. squan Methodist Episcopal church • Mrs. Pearl, wife of Henry G.Wikoff of Freehold,, died at the . CRJND PRIZE. (HiKliortAword) Sunday of lnst week. , 1anamu-l'acifio Exposition. Long Branch hospital Friday morning Commissioned a Lieutenant. REGDUR aid INDIA-PAPER Editions. of influenza and complications. WRITE for Sm-citni-n P»Bc-.. FJ1EE William II. Regan of Asbury Park Jacob J. West, Jr., formerly of i ociect Maps if you name ttils paper. has been commissioned a second lieu- Long Branch,'died, nt New York last O. & C. MERRIAM CO., tenant at the ollicers' traing camp at Thursday of pneumonia. He leaves Springfield u A Corner Shrewsbury Avenue and Newman Springs Road, Petersburg, Virginia. a widow, and three children. Miss Edna M. Peterson, daughter Kicked by an Auto. A warm cellar is a poor storehouse. That's why vegeof Morris Petersen of. Mntawnn, died RED B A N K , N. J . R. Formim Brower of Freehold Tuesday of lust week of pneumonia. tables and other foodstuffs cannot usually be kept in the suffered a broken wrist last week She wns seventeen years old. Telephone 831 basejnents of homes heated by the old style pipe furnaces, when his automobile engine kicked Mrs. Josephine VunLiew of Belmsir or the more costly" systems. The as he wiirf cranking it. died last Thursday of paralysis. She was sixty years' old. A husband and Teacher Helps nt Nursing. Miss Marion Marshall, a teacher in one daughter survive her.. Miss Esther A.'Reese of Asbury Tho Oricmnl PATENTED Pipclc. Model the Knglishtown. school, helped to Manufactured only by tho HOMER FURNACE CO., Homer, Mich. nurse in the emergency hospital a t Park died hist Wednesday of heii.rt disease. She was 4S years ohi and Morgan last week. will radiate enough heat to keep the cellar free from leaves one sister. Will Run Brother's Buiineis. Thelmn V. llnnkins, the thrcc-ycar • dampness, but will not detract from its natural coolness. old daughter of Smith' .lliinkins of Gilbert Herbert of Belmar will Vegetables can be stored with perfect safety. ; continue the electrical business of his Smi(hburg, v (tied ' last "Wednesday-of Heat is not wasted with the "Home Ventilator." The brother Herbert, • who died'recently pneumonia. scientific principle of design and operation sends all heut of pneumonia. units through the combination hot- and cold-air register, BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP. Remodeling a Store. Wliy use ordinary COUK'I reniedica, and from there it is evenly distributed throughout the house. v Herbert Heroy of Belmar is having when Bdscheo's Gprmnn Syrup lias WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Clean, simple and safe. » Doesn't waste space and a building nt that place converted in- been used so successfully 'for lij'tydoesn't necessitate a big installation cost. We can equip, DEALER IN to two, stores, lie has already leased two yem-s, in nil parts of the United the stores. _ . '. ' • your residence with a " Home Ventilator" in a few hours, . Stale's toe couptbs, bronchitis, colds .settled in the thi'oat, especially Iunc for a little more than you would pay for a good base Will Became Undertaker. . n01 troubles. It Rives the putioiit n K ' burner. Ask ua for more information. Norinnn Peppier of Allentown has rest, free from-couKhing, \yith Sash, Doors, Bilnds, Glass taken a job with his uncle, G. V. Lem-night's easy expectoration in • the morning, William O'Brien, Red Bank and Scabright. ing, iinil will learn the undertaking gives nilturc « chnnce to soothe the and Builders' Hardware. business. inflamed parts, throw off the disease, Bt turt nnl mtj the hwkkl "Fnm Pig h Pin" * Manasquan Man Moves. ^ - helping the patient to regain his RED BANK, N. j . . John has moved-; his -health. Sold by James Cooper, Jr. THE FRENCH RESTAURANT Broad Street, Opposite Monmouth MODERN WAYS WIN! j DEATHS IN THE COUNTY. R. H. VANDERVEER THE FRENCH RESTAURANT Suppose the Unexpected Happens THE FRENCH RESTAURANT PETER NOG LOW & CO., Proprietors Red Bank, N. J. »•*•*•* Broad Street, opposite Monmouth Iiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Red Bank Trust Company I. ASales Asset BETHP Bethlehem endurance is greater than the rush TAXICAB SERVICE test of your busiest season! They will go where you send them and arrive on time, twenty'four hours every day. Anderson's Taxi Service [ ZOBEL ALEXANDER D. COOPER $1965 $2363 Real Estate and Insurance United States Tires are GOOD Tires A. H.WEST, A Dry Cellar—Yet a Cool One WILLIAM O'BRIEN MEANS Charles Lewis. LUMBER, HIGH GRADE SERVICE • Approved and Improved Heating Plumbing Roofing Water Systems ' Copper Work Earthen and Iron £ipe RED BANK and SEA BRIGHT Home Ventilator Furnace *' Page Toot. turn mm mm* rental of two and one-half per cent of fhe value, a If money is worth five l>ei cent, then it is twice as profitable JOHN H. COOK. Editor and Publisher. -to lease land at 2% • per cent of its OKOKGK O. IIAUCE, A««ool»to -Editor. value than it is to own the land cutNotice It. Drive Them Off f right. The mnn who leases the land People Business MAnaper: a THOMAS IRVING BIIOWN. can sell the buildings and all imwith Dr. Edwards' Y provements un. the farm; but the land - Olive Tablets Entered a t . the postodice at RedBank, itself shull remain the property of *f, J.. a» agcnnJ-clajis matter. the state, under the perpetual lease A pimply face will not embarrass 9ou Subscription Prices! T OJM year II.BO which has been given. When he sells much longer if you get a package of Dr. Six tndnths 75 his buildings nmi improvements the Edwards' Olive Tablet! The skin should lease of the land goes to the buyer. Tbfec months 40 begin to clear after y«u have taken the tablets a few nights. ""' WEDNESDAY, NOV. C, HUH. Cleanse the blood,the bowels and the liver New Zealand, which is perhaps the with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sucroost advanced of all the countries on cessful substitute for calomel; there's never TOWN TALK. the globe, has adopted a different any sickness or pain alter taking them. of dealing with the land ques- Dr. Edwards' piive Tablets do that Tlic supreme court of New Jersey system That country is gradually buy- which calomel does, and just aa effectively, lias decided nifainat John Flock hold- tion. up all the land and holding- it as but their action is gentle and safe instead inn the position of mayor of LOIIK itig;natural resource which should be of severe and irritating. Branch ami has decided that Marshall in possession of the public, to be held No one who takes Olive Tablets is Woolley shall continue in. office as for the public welfare. The ever cursed with "a dark brown taste." Mayor." When Long Br<mi1i \vent un- ment is not buying the landgoveniall ata bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good" dei' commission government and or- once, Its method of dealing with the feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad ganized for business, Marshall Wool- land and the land owner has been disposition or pimply face. ley.was elected mayor. Subsequently out to the mutual advantage Dr. E d w a r d s ' Olive Tablets are aii election was held to^till a vacancy of •lied the land owner, the government id the commission, aiul when the newand the public. Every land a purely vegetable compound mixed with < olive oil; you will know them member took his place in the board required to fix a price on his land. Mayor Woolley was ousted from liis On the' price so fixed the owner pays by their olive color. Dr. Edwards spent years among paliouition as mayor and John Flock was .axes, ami there is a provision which tients afflicted with liver and bowel l>ut in as mnyoi^in his place. erniits the cqvernment to buy the complaints, and Olive Tablets are the land at tlje price fixed. The. owner immensely effective result. ' MayorJ Woolley- contended, that }an increase the price or decrease the Take one or two nightly for a week. •T when a mayor wus elected by the rice from time to time, as conditions | Set how much better you feel and look. commissioners under a commission change, but in each case he must pay ]-10c and 25c per box. All druggists. T government he hold the position to axes on the value he -fixes, and he -X> the end of his term. He held that must sell to the government at that the office was not subject to change rice if the government should want at'the pleasure of the other commis- o buy it. ' sioners, but that when, once the elec* * * tion of mayor was made, it was per- The United States government is jimnent unless death or resignation or •ontemplating providing lands for in city; town and "recall made the ofliee vacant. Ed- iuch of the returned soldiers as may country testifytoths mund Wilson of Red Bank was Mar-wish to take up farming when they onderful efficiency and shall Woolley's lawyer, and his argu- et back to this country. Much 'of economy of the Caloric ment went into many rarhiflcations. of the land in the South was in a high Pipeleu Furnace the case, but it was founded on the state of cultivation before the civil We've a book of remarkable general principle that the office of war, but with the abolition of slavery letters written by Caloric owners mayor, when once settled by the and the difficulty of financing the d not in one is- there' A word of commissioners under a commission plantations after the civil war, the' a nlything but praise for the Caloric. t We'd like to ehowr you the government, could not be "changed by plantations went down and the cultivated laruls returned to-their primithe board. tive wildness. There is much land * * * which was formerly timber land This decision seems to comply with, the South and West and Northwest the principle of common sense. One which has been cut over, and the timof the objects of commission govern- ber removed uud this land is suitable He Orifbtl hlnUa Kptlm Emit ment is to give permanency to the for cultivation. In the Southwest commission. In order to accomplish there is much land which would pro- and have you read some of toe letters this, the terms of the commissioners duce tremendous crops if it could be in this book. are fixed at four years. This term is irrigated, and among the projects unCome in and investigate this furnace Ibst beats tkroath on. intended to give the commissioners a der consideration by the government long enough time to carry out a defi- is the building of dams and the connite plan in regard to government struction of reservoirs to irrigate mutters. One commissioner is placed these lands. In the South there are at the heud of certain departments great areas of swamp lands, which if of the government and is made re- drained would nuike farms for more sponsible for the conduct of those than a million families. departments. The mayor, in addition to presiding at the meetings, is made the head of certain departments and When the munition factories dose il is made responsible for the conduct after the war and when other war of those departments. If the voters work is no longer carried.on, the peoMa* do not like the way any commissioner ple now employed in these places will aw*. carries'oh his department, he is sub-be thrown out of work. The soldiers COM, ject to recall. . . returning Home will find many of their former jobs taken by others, If a iriayor under commission gov- and in other cases -they will find that ernment, once installed in office, can reorganization of their former busibe turned out by a vote of the other ness places has enabled the concern commissioners, one of the very ob- to get along with less help than bejects for which commission govern- fore the war. Women will have ment was created is set at nought. If taken the place of men in many inCLEARY & RUSSELL this should have been declared legal dustries. All these things will result by the suprernejourt, then the mayor h n m a n y men hunting for employ- P l u m b i n g , H e a t i n g could hftve been put out of his posi-j m e n t. ' a n d S h e e t Metal W o r k tion whenever the_'\vhim seized the 37 E. Front Street, Red Bank, N. 'J.'" other commissioners. Instead of a should Telephone S39-M PIMPLY? illl flONTffl I THE RED BANK t*&**P*+^^ r V t OPEN UNTIL 6:00 P. M. SATURDAYS TO 10:30 SHOE •^aV Y T - at CLARENCE WHITE'S, 9 Broad Street; RED BANK t f t Y tt Y Women's $3.00 to $6.00 Shoes and Pumps, 2-3 Pumps at — 50c and 75c a size T Thousands Of f Satisfied Users T . . " f * * . ; SPOT CASH; NO EXCHANGES OR RETURNS : - • ' ' • - \ \ • • ) • , . • • • - , ^ Every woman who hqught from these tables last week sure did get.spmething far nothing. I sold perfectly elegant pumps and shoes, "worth now five to-seven dollars, size one, at75c a pair; size two, .$1.50; sizes 3 and 4 accordingly, $2.25 and $3.00 a pakr. ,. - T * • _To make ^ clean sweep, of those that remain (andthey are just as good as the, ones, sold) I went through stock again Monday and added some fifty more pairs, sizes 1 to 8. A few only of ones; more of twos; plenty of 3 to 4j£-; a few 5, 6,7, 8; all of which are real bargains at original ..prices. You can imagirie whaj; they are at these prices now being sold. This week ends it. . ' . Also 1put on Tables at $2.65 and $5.85 Lbtof $5.00 stylish bronze pumps at $2.65. : " . Lot of Women's Brown Kid Cloth top, high heel, Bto1 D, 4to7, lace, new stock, old price, $7.00,.at $5&5 ' ' y .12 pairs ^omen's champagne Kid Pumps, old price, $7:50, sizes ,3 to 7, $5.8$. • us the ottice oi mayo . pieme -court pointed, out, could be changed a dozen times a year, or even every two or three days. . • • • - . , ( , • v • ' . • • • ' . ' % pairs Men's $7.00 Oxfords, A and B,-5# to 7 sizes, $2.50 a pair. Ends .this week; get busy. * • • '- " "'—t... CLARENCE WHITE DARTING, PIERCING SCIATIC PAINS Y t Y Y Y * Y Y t Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y ating heat, light an.d electric power and—distributin&JLJ[br hundred^ of miles in every direction; the con- Give way before the penestruction of dams on mountain trating effects of Sloan's streams to convert.water power into , The <uiestion is- not one of politics, electricity; the deepening of the MissLiniment nor which of two men is the better j ss ip P i o n d other rivers; the construcfor th the -—-"•>-position of mayor.. It I tion of canals; and other public enfitted for which reaches down into terprises of a similar character. This is ri question . do thes : rheumatic twinges and m t only give employment" to thuSoloin-ache .Ibtveryroots offlj]6commjssio;ij^ov1 the_commission govi of lumbago, the nerve- All these, are things~which should 1- o< rehet, the positive resuTfsTflie^lean. of the mayor,- or whenever the whim seized them to change officials. This Se undertaken %y the' government. Jineps, and .the economy of Sloan's Tlie works thus created should remain Liniment make it universally nreferrtylsituation is not only a ridiculous one 30c, 60c, $1.20. but it is one under which no com-the property of the public. The coal I munity' could prosper, t h e mayoi', mines and' all other mines should become public property, to be owned under'constant dangeiyof being fired but of .his office, would be virtually and controlled by the public, The irunder the control of his associates. rigated, lands and the reclaimed arid( lie would be -subject to their desires and cut-over . timber lands should j I and to -their whims. Instead of hnv- likewise be owned by the government. ' iiiK a responsible head to. the mayor's There would be nojustice in draining departments, of-public affairs, 'there and reclaiming these lands and then would be a man who must forever be permitting them to drift back into i shifting his course under the penalty private hands.. These lands should I of being thrown out of his office in lie bought from their present owners ' caee he failed to please a majority of and the price paid should be the figure'- oii "which v taxes are now paiti. the other members of *£he board. There should be some such system of •' * .* *' lease-holds as is being established in This question of firing the mayor New Zealand, with an annual rental of commission governed, . iuunici- not exceeding- the 2K" per cent rate iia-lilies has been discussed a good •paid on public lands in Australia. deal, by municipalities so governed. .+• V ' * Every Jtime a mayor has conducted his Q U R policy i. to olticTr and"Kis~d5irartmenls along" the~ With a pevpetual7lease the holder .lines in which he believes but which of the lease would be as secure in ^""^ • e r v e o u r "may not. have suited the other com- possession of all improvements he clients with a high missioners, lie has been threatened might miike on the land as he would reiolre to merit •with displacement.' It is a good b.e if the title to the land his their confidence thing that the supreme court has def- own name. At the rate paid in Ausinitely settled this question. It will tralia he would pay. in rental Only and gratified apinsure stability of government and it half or less thaii half the amount of pr^ci.ation. will, give the mayor of every muiiiei- interest which the price of the farm 1 jitility under commission" government would cost him if he bought the farm the freedom of action which outright. Such a system would give AUTO AMBULANCE SERVICE 83iv if results from this form the farmer the opportunity to use in Choirs and t&bles of government arc to be'obtained. other ways then money he otherwise for all occasions would have to pay for the,farm. It EST.H.C.FAY would give the community u constant In several stales of the United income ^uBicient-to"pajrilll public .States the land question' has become. improvements without raisins: a cent OIIB of the pressing questions uf'tho liy"taxation. day. In California over two-thirds i . " . * „ „. • - •.. of. the land suited .'for' cultivation is A1• / •t n,e 3.e a r e h out of use. In numy of the > conditions which 1 ""than,one ' ,.ijujfbi»uld, be beneficial to the farmer, to states one-half or more fjbe government and to 'the public bf the land suited for-.raising.-crops is held out of use. ; liven in Newgenerally. JtAvillbe a loripr time beforee l,leseprincipl l,liese"principles of land'ownerI:.L>. f dower .T<THuy, thickly settled as this state ^ l l r e adopted d t d in i hi is, thVio are over, -one million idlel^'P this country, but --, .•-,. Zealand are pointUClUii. Jvustralni and Ne\v " course ' ing thn way and in the of time which, have been found beneMany countries have leg- reforms ficial make their way-from country to islate against1' ho)-<linfr lands out of country. • f use. . It has become the geiieral opinion in countries- that it is(Town Talk continued on page 12.V — agjinst public policy to permit liinds to he held p,ut of use. These counSTOLE A N AUTOMOBILE." tries believe that lands, should be devoted lu the use for which they arc GDorge Mode Sent to State Prison for licit adapted, whether thjit use is for Three to Seven Years. sites, for inanufiicturing, for demure Mode of New York has homes for the peoplt, fur farms, for Sloans Women wanted to take the I place of men who have been | called into service. I , • • • " . ' , • • , - , R n • his trail and aiTestol • him Every nervous, weak, ailing woman Judge1 Liiwre'nce said lie was deter- should try it,"—Mrs.- N. Edmunds, . . . . . • % Canjuse Igirls over 16 years and women of all ages to operate machines, trim and examine uniforms. Especially the women who have relatives in the Army | or Navy of the United States f or Allied Countries. *v.'r,i.j111 aT:11, fur gra/.ing, or for any been sent to state prison for three to- Now She is Strong and Weil olIiLT -This now idi'n in re- wren years' a t hiud ltibor by Judge r> 1 '1 s< i «T Ui'id to the hind is nut due to pi-os- Kulif X. Lawrence for steuling :m iuieleyi nervous, .Mie,' of population, idr the it].ca h;i* tuinuhil.'. fi-i,m Alexander" h a n d l e r i.r •n rt a"b*l e n 0 C « " - — I . w a s »f. Inurl.-il.-i-i). M o d e had been-cm' appetite, could, not sleep, i-'l:im Most iii'lll -li'ibi in land:' a n d w a s alw a y s *' r ed, so my housev;liH.-h a n ; its yul hut tliinly .settled, ploy.-il as cllnulteur for Chandler 1 'i'lii' legi-Ialion (illiquid tiHM-ei.i^. iii- Tv/o -d.-iys after lie gn|. Die-job hr-j work wan a great effort. After many l-eiiileil to pi-even! tliehiirm whl'.-h bus stol,' Hi,' autonioljile ami went (,, j other medicines had failed Vinol _-l>enn .sc|'n'fn otlu-r ciiuiili'its.LjJlo.ff Ni'.ivark \\'ilh it. 1!,. had bi'i'n in ilabuilt me up and made me strong. I . \'T'v,-;irl; fotrr -drrr~ 'wlifft-'the-^fitic-f"t"' **"'"• good-appetite and sleep--welli' 'iI'mn lioldiiig lands iVul of use. 1 In Aii.slniliu there is a .grca'l deal mined'lo put nil end to thn sk-aling of Hiivt'inniuiit liind. In .some of the of automobilfs if the court could pos- si07.Dwight Way, Berkeley, Cal. 1 We ask every nervous, weak, runfitdti ;- of Aiisii-alia lc-jcishitlon is un- sibly'do it. ' down, ailing woman in this town to (li'i ivuy to prevent tlic furllici" sail1 try this cod liver and iron tonic on o f - i n y of this government land. InGunning Notices. Kl'Mil of .wiling1 Die bind to_ t h e set'(iiimnnjf-jioticcs on miiKlin and on our jjuarantec to return their money if tiisi; the giKiei'iiinent givi«t him a' pcr- durable cardboard for .sale at The it-'.y.lA -. i I-.ftlp-them. jjLJttinl Icitiii.' of tlie lund annual •Itegiati'r- oflU-cl—Ailvei-tiseraeiit. Jns. Cooper, Jr., Druuglsl, Rtd Bank, •. .and Drugjijt, Everywhere,. - . Red •:•••:•••:•••:•••:•••:•••:••''.•••>.••:• THE REP BANK REGISTER. ? Received fcrnn I#ltll« A. RoK-« ^ ere, cliealc tor luan. on County i i o t a . . . , ' Received from Formers ana Mernhiiiita National Bank for loan on County Mole... Received from Anbury Park Trust Company for loan on county note Adcolvcd from tied Panic Truat Company for loan on county note Received from Lone Branch •/Hanking Compauy for lo.'in on county noto , May ll.'MlS." Recelv«U from M. Ferrante\ for malntununcG or Slarla Ferrante at White Haven Wnnatorlum Mny 17, 1918. Received from Theodore B, Crunnier, County Collector of Ocean County, clleclt for nlpe Hold by Freeholder Jtffrtes to. Jackson Township Freeholder Ocean County. Received from Elmer II. Gern(i. Sheriff, check for fees from Bherlff'u ofllco to Mny 10 Received from, ISlmcr H. Our- . mi, HherlfC, chock for llnea and conta collected to May 115 Dunlel Martin... . Vrtm. 53 m County Attendance rufletr'a Salary «nd 47.3 H a m l A. Suydam 87 In Jac'kaon Conover, 6 (10 62 Ml Shrewsbury . . . . ; . . . . , 67 Bp 474 William R. O'Urlcn ne I'etridt A, H»in....;,. 2*3 J a n e 8. D a v i s . . . . . . . . . . J ' 165 W' 294 Adam Llnzrnayer, Mld25 00 519 Kdward G. F o r m a n . . . . 12 do 2,000 00 117 F r a n k O a k l e y . . . 25 00 S u n r v l t o r Child Study Salary and E x . Wardena a n d Matron* Salaries. . (lletown . . ; . . . . . . , . . . , 5525 118 H a i l e t FIr« Co. No. l . . Of the RMalpta and Plaburaemanta of the County' pansei. 25 CO McGregor's Hxpress, 475 Michael Quirk 45 00 119 Thoman W . A u m a c k . . . 240* Cornelia B . M e y t r o t t . . . ) 160 OO 200 00 Ocean 1 66 00 476 H a t t l e q u i r k 15 110 of Monmouth for six montlw from January 1,1818, 18,000 00 120 P . F : H a v e n s 403 Cornelia B. Meylrott... 35 00 10 00 Thomas Eeatty. Oceah 288 90 Repairing County ROads and New ROIHIC 121 Albert H. C r a t e . . . . . . . . . Appropriation For Armerles. to July %, 1918., CHARLES F. MoDONALD, Coun12-50 James L. McBlvaney', Built. 122 Ambroso Marks 123 Cai>t. W . L. Autcn % 2C0 00 Ocean 81 00 25 00 J a n u a r y " 3 , 1918. ty Colleotor, In account with Monmouth County. 10,000 00 246 Little Silver Fire C o . . . Court Houso Addition. Onfiro' Chlafulln, Ocean 10 00 621 M. C. Hunm, Hhrcw.'!-! , . • Court E x p e n t e i 43 30 244 O. >JI. B r o w n . . , J 260 411 William II. Tallnmn, bury 31.1 00 30 J . C. A c U c r m a n . . . . . — J C8 SO HendrlckBOll, check for RECEIPTS, Levy Bros. 313 00 Ocean A. 27 B0 622 J a m e s Maloney, Mldille15,000 00.., 31 J a m e s McCann 201 C7 loan on County note 800 00 January 1, 1018. Adam I I . Brown, W a n . 263 CO town 129 r.o 32 A. w . K e l l y . , 7 80 Balance on !mnd ,.$181,887 CO Received from tho Matawan S 29.089 21 Thomas F. Gii.-vkill, , -r,23 Howard Woleott. (Ic-onn 17 :.() 33 Thomus J . Rlley 57 71 bank for loan on County January 2, 1018. Ocean 28 00 524 T h o m a s n e a t t y, j,000 00- 34 C-eorge H. VanWInklo.. 36 ?,1 noto ; 10,000 00 Received from George D. r.'ttriel: Drennan, Eatoniring County~Htridg4* a n d Salaries Hhrowafoury , . , . fit, '.'*) 31", William D.-Hulao f.4 K EocolvOTl from tho Freehold'' Roberta, Collector of Harttown ..,.' 117 50 cf D r a w Bridge Tehdera. 36 Jtihn W. HulHO 525 William S. Iloyer. E a 22 3!) Mutual Loan Association tan TawuHblu. for balance 303 r. A.'Burke, Freehold.. 42 00 • , J a n u a r y 9, 1018. 37 William IL WUsun tontown ami Octun . . 30 "•) 4 30 for loan on County n o t e . . . . 20,000 00 of taxau, 1917 • 15,518 7 304 Klwood HoBer.i, W a l l . . . 105 77 520 C. Cunnlufihani, Mana320 Thi-inns Costello, J l a r l 38 Peter Schroeder 41 (« Received from C. F . McDonReceived from T. S. BarRu305 Iiarry N. Clayton, Man39 S. T Chnmplon lapan 41 i'N I.31O J 1(1 00 25 CO | ald, check for loun on loo, Collector of RuraHon alapan 30 00 40 Henry Schocnleln 321 Mi.-h.iel . I I . 527 Pennsylvania It. 11. Co.. Collins. 1 f .11 5,090 00 County noto.. Borough, check for balLeon A. Harkalow, How41 .1. Friuil; P a t t e r s o n . , . . . Freehold .11 n 3 freehold a n d Holmdel 405 C O 51 r,f, ! anco taxes,. 1W 6,330 80 Received from E, Allen Hyrea, . ell _r,2 50 Repairing County Bridges a n d Salnri<« 42 Moses L. Johnson McHenry Sc 62 on I 322 ' Iloi;i>in£, check Mr-loan on "Connty Received from It. H. Norris, 43 George W. I'oolc Nicholaa J. Mulvenna, FrnHt. Mlddlctown 118 00 of Draw Bridge Tenders, 3,000 00 35 C O note • Collector of. Anbury Park - , 44 George Curloy Upper Freehold 53 00 ;23 \V. P . Bailey Co., M a t J a n u a r y 23, 1318. ' 38 ad Received from New Jersey City, check for balance 4D Joseph Rue •Patrick Hartnett, Mlll.iiran '... I l l 90 528 Charles C. Nudd, J r . , 35 00 Mortgage and Trust Comtaxes, 11)17 85,830.0 ZCS 50 40 AuaUu P . Clayton Btone 141 85 324 .StnU-Kir Lumber Co., Ocean 12 :,o 35 00 pany, check for Interest on 47 American Hotel Co Received from Harry M. Richard Dangler. Ocean 137 50 529 Lodfjr & S m i t h , N e p t u n e Freehold 27 25 309 61 .Ml 5 00 wllflum J. Bridgo bond:... 57 75 48 John W. Errlclcaon Wilson, Clerk, chock for John Taylor, Upper 310 530 Atlantic Coast Electric 3 00 i J25 Thiimns Brennan, RarlFebruary 0, 1918. 49 William D. LykcB feoii from First [District Freehold ' 28 38 •<*n ? r . 3) 2:, L i g h t Company, N e p 11 11 50 Chester A. H a l n t s Court, collocted to-'Deo. 31, Received from J. C. Butphen, 1,131 05 75 (10 311 A. O. Johnson, Ocean.. 320 Wlll-nni H. Bennett, tune102 i:0 r,* i ; El Harry N. Johnson 181? 309 0 Treasurer btunalapau town>liddleto\vn 68 50 312 Thomas Coptello, M a r l - ' K. J. Travel-:!, Ocean . . 308 nil 75 00 i G2 John A. H o w l a n d ship, chock for 10% cost Received from Henry SuHoboro '. 107 35 Colii-ries Supply and 327 32 Matthew L a m b , Mana53 Elmer H . C'erun, Slmrlff EngilBhtown & Uordon't* 3,000 00 | leln, Clerk, check.' for - feoa 313 William S. Heyer. BaEquipment Co., Mid/' i; t,T, lapan 54 N . J . S t a t e Board Chil222 22 corner road from Bccond District C.U54 30. tontown and O c e a n . . . 297 00 i33 Owen J. Melee, Ocean ilk-luwn 093 00 dren's. Guardians February 11. 1918. Court, cul! acted to Dec, Miiy2b!'l918."'" N. Y. & h. B. n . It. Co., v / 3}4 E. Heyer, Atlan& Neptune 90 '.'C, 1.275 41 328 Franlt Ga C. D o r a n u a McFaddln, . 31, 1917 * "SJ58 75 Received from Henry SchoenReceived from Harry M. Wll. Matawan lO-ftO tic 164 80 534 Owen J. M«lec, Ocean. 425 'Ui 5ff J a c o b fitclnbach, Jr., leln, Clork, check for fees Received from Frank WanHon, Cleric, check for fees L. 8. , Kmmona, Jr., T. Burrowes Co., / 315 J. Melee Ocean District C o u r t 150 00 320 Jt'f. from Bccond District court ner, Check for fine Imfrom First District court to Matawan 37 75 535 Owen Holmrtel 33 20 12 Ml .AMIddleton 57 Henry Schoonleln, D i s 108 70 for month of January posed on M. V. Drown & April 30' . ; 168 77 316 Gilbert Combs Co., Free330 John R. Donovan, Mld184 '17 75 50 536 Forman Brower, Ocean trict Court. Februnry 13, 1S1B, Co. by Henry Schoonleln, Hecelved from New Jersey ' hold 138 73 537 Owen J. Melee, Ocean (llctown 67 75 300 -|G G8 N e w York T e l e p h o n e Co. 10 S3 J u s t i c e , for s h o r t w e i g h t s - . CO OO Received from B . H. Cook, Central Trnctlon ' Company John Lamb, Manalapan . 4 G 50 317 331 Joseph S. Appltgate, 638 VV. • " Scott ~ - -a t Hopkins, M 59 New York Telephone Collector of Atlantic HighReceived from T. &, Jofrries, check for bill rendered to • Middletown 30 00 318 William H. Flltcroft, 9 40> Co., District Court awan & Rarltan . . . . . 5!) 10 lands Borough, check for Freeholder, cheCU for pJpe / Oct. 7. 11)16 . . , 4.117 46 Knglishtown Gordons 352 W. H. Flltcroft, Wall.. 261 00 639 M. E. Jones, Kalary 60 f 0 CO W a l t e r T a y l o r , D i s t r i c t balance taxes, 1917 (.573 62 sold to- Township Commit- f May 22. 191S. Cornec, road, balance 333 • Edn-nrd M. Osborn. Wall 13 32 540 Sherwln Williams Co,, 150 00 Court ' / February 10, 1918. tee of Freehold Township.. M 00 Received from Keyport Bankdue I l l 11 331 Korninn Brower, Wall.. 34 D O MiddletownShrews61 Harry M. WUson, DisReceived from Samuel Koe/ January 3, IBIS. ing Compatty, 'for loan on Hafeman ^Company, 335 Lev.-ls Lumber Co., ' trict Court bury ntg for interest on bond to Received from B. R. Hubon, county note 10,000 00 Brighton Ave. r o a d . . . 1,615 97 5fll Forman Neptune .27 '92 February 14, 1918....' Brnwer, E a - 62 Harry A. Borden, Dis12 50 Received from Peoples NaCollector of Deal Uorough, Greenwood R a n k i n, Frank Youmans, 141 55 3SC J. trict Court tontown Si ShrewsCheck in full for taxca, 1017 69,070 53 Received from M. K. Jones, tional Bank for loan on Wall 66 50 . Wall .-. 10S 00 for maintenance of Mrs. 03' Asbury P a r k Trust Co., bury Received from T. IS. Jeffries.1 county note 10,000 00 C. P. Reynolds, W a l l . . 13 38 542 Monmouth "31 John Taylor, Upper John Shucker at Uonnie District Court ' Contracting Freeholder, by check of S. from Atlantic HighJoseph H. Conrow, Freehold : 81 56 Burn Sanatorium 64 N e w York Telephone Co., Atlantic 8 m Rficelved 385 110 ' A. Lockwood, Treasurer of lands National Bank for Howell * 66 35 543 338 LmH'r & Smith, FreeCo., District C o u r t . . . : February 18, 1918. J. Holmes Conovcr, Freehold TowLJIhip, for pipe loan on county note 10,000 00 J.. E. Allen, Millstone.. 34 36 hold • 266 50 150 fO or, John M. Smith Received from {larry M. WilJtlddlctown 119 DO bought for F r e e h o l d Received from Citizens N a James Dlgglns, Marl; 339 Cfini-olidated Gns Co.. 98 CO son, Clerk, chock for fees 86 Emily HamU forJ.i'". Township » ' boro • 70 37 Board of Prisoners and Supplies Tor tlonal Bank or Long Branch/ Ocean 92 23 25 00 from First District court to 67 C. S. H . Mount February 6. 1918. Received from New Jersey for loan on county note ,.f. 10,000 00 John E . Emmoiil, Wall 18 67 413 310 W. F . Gravatt, Fre'e Jan. 81, 1918 259 00 68 J o h n J . Qulrai 200 35 Received from Freehold MXI683 E. F . DuBols & Co, Inc. . 87 15 State Board of Childran'a .hn.d h'd ....: 240 00 500 CO 69 Churleif F . Sexton Received from Elmer H. Guardians, check drawn to 27 4't tual Ij>an Association f.or 851,471 56 684 Louis FlncBolil 3)1 E. J. Travers, Ocean.. 217 00 70 Rutlf V. L a w r e n c e 500 00 Oeran, Sheriff, check for 685 John Marquanlt . . . . . . . order of Sarah U. Harris, 112 1)0 loan on county noto V. 10,000 00 1 School O r d t r t . 343 City of Asbury Park, 5 75 fees from Sheriff's office to 71 Jacob A b r a m s . . for relief widow's pension 686 Charles F . Hubbn & Co. 25 i J a n u a r y 9, 1918. Received from M. Ferrante 271 92 'NeptuneFebruary 15, 16-18 60 CO 72 A. W . K » 1 1 T . 738 21 for May, June, July, Au687 W. V. Voorhora H I ' 'Ml for maintenance of Marl 415 George L. Glbbs, C u s 343 Dit-.iKlas Woodward, 65 03 Received from Elmer H. 73 Merrltt B^ K«ot ;.. gust., Seirtomber, October, J. N. Johnson Sz. Hon... . 168 Fcrranto at White Have: todian . . . . » M 63 688 Millstone 246 00 11 70 Qeran, Sheriff, check for 74 L. E, Davis November and D«cember, 711 Charles Mount &. Co. . . - - - 6 00 87-77 . Sanatorium 416 Daniel W . Bedford, 344 'Harry Edwards, Man48 70 lines and- costs collected to relief order ba\ag revoked 75 A. W . K»Uy .-.' Discount, and Interest. from Chnrles E. •• — -Custodian 08 67 aiapan . . . . . , , . , , . * , , , 4-00 98 SO '•" by Court, chocks oacli foe February IB, 1918 331 54 Received 76 Anna B u r k * 672 C. F . McDonald 494 fjj Close, check of Jesse A. * Andrew Johnson, Upper <17 B. M. Beutell, Custods 345 5 C O 77 -Frank Utwit > February 23, 1918. 118,00 144 09 37 J2 Howland $125.00, and check Ian 48 59 673 Howard Vnnklrk 17 00 Freehold .7 60 I 78 A. P; Clayton Received from Freehold January 5, 1018. Election Expenses. "•of Louis J. Slellnff J60.00 418 Tunis S. Barkuloo, Cus7 00 34G D o u g l a s Woodward, 79 William R. L«w!s Trust Company, credit for Received from George B. 343 14 for old plank bought from -todlan , . . ' 172 04 695 Snyder & Roblna Millstone 16 00 37 00 80 Lester Clayton Interest on deposit in bank - Cade, Collector of Allenhurat 696 Vincent Sassano 185 00 25 00 ,. Highland bridge 419 John H. Allaire, C u s 25 05 317 O. S. Curtis, Shrews81 Michael Dleandlo to January 1, 1913 8 99 Borough, checlta in full for . •' Court Expenses. May 2*. 101B. bury i.. . . . * toaian ". * 66 «S US 75 22 10. 82 John W . Scanlon taxeB, WM...' • . 27,386 09 Februnry 27, 1018. . 250 00. . Recelvod from' Joseph MtDer420 R. II. Norris, Custodian 1,202 18 575 Rullf V. Lawrence . . . . 10 CO I 348 Albert Patterson, salary 83 J a m e s McCann Received from N . J, State Rftcolved from Frank L. 576 Charles F . Sexton . . . . . 396 38 ' mott, County Clerk, ch«clc 65 00 421 George B . Roberts, 14 00 I 349 W. S. Dey, Ocean and 84 John L . M c C o r m l e k . . . . Board of Children's QuardHowland, Collector Long 93 00 fees from Clerk's office to Custodian 86 31 577 P a t s y Sarabucheilo . . . . Shrewsbury 16 7-t I 85 Georgn W. Curley ianR* relief, check drawn to Branch City, check an ao578 Merrit B. Kent . . , . . . , . 79 55 Slay 20 <-. • 1,821 8 1 5,4 00 422 F o r m a n R. Thompson, 43 30 330 W. S. Dey, Ocean and Sadie. Headden, order for 88 Louis Colanw count taxes* 1917 22,868 40 78- JO May 31, 1918. Shrewsbury Custodian 269 34 579 John M. Smith relief. being; revolted by 87 L. J . McCormlck ?54 n I January 7, 1918. 580 John J. Qulnn 125 00 - - Charles R Conover, 88 N. C, W a r n e r court 6 32 Received from M. Ferrante 20. 00 I 351 Owen J.- Melee, Ocean ; 27 77 423 Received from Edward Dilafor maintenance of Marie 15 80 and Shrewsbury Custodian 128 75 581 Edwin F . Nixon 89 George Y. F r a » e 19 40 tUHh. Collector of AllenFebruary 28, 1918. 582 Richard Pettie 98 11 424 Ferrante at White Haven 1 ?.5 • Howard A. Sutphin, 90 Honce & D u B o l n . . . . . . . . 9 3 95 352 Owen J. Melee, Ocean town'Borough, check in full Received from Joseph McDerBanltorlum 41 01) .5 00 °and Shrewsbury . . . . Custodian 50178 583 William F e a s t e r 91 O. H. N e w m a n . . , 5 OOI for taxes, 1K7.-. 4,341 87 naott. County Clerk, pheck 684 Michael J . Spence . . . . . 338-57 425 R.- F . Newman, Custod- ' Received from William T. .7 00 92 Peter T. Frawley 20 50 353 Owen J. Melee, Ocean Received from A. C Erriokfor fees from Clerk's' oflice Read. State Treasurer, 185 00 and Neptune . . . . . . . . Ian :,::...: 216 88 585 T . V. Arrowsmlth . . . . . 93 Harry Neafl«. 15 00 Bonp Collector of Manalato February 20, 1 9 1 8 . . . . . . . 2,557 14 89 44: 426 Edgar H. Cook, Custody 586 Mamie Cotes check for stenographers' 63 50 94 Warren H. F a i r b a n k s . . 10 00 354 Matthew Lamb, Manalpan Township, check for March 5, 1918. fees for quarter ending Ap13 10 apan : 95 Robert Deapreaux ian _ _ 187 23 587 Monmouth Woodwork10 50 balance tux OH, 1917 7,61008 Received from James II. B u t Ing- Co 15 00 ril 30 ? 166 66 355 L, C. Ayres, salary.... 60 00 96 Patsy Saratmchello..... 427 Harry F . . Davis. Cus14 25 January 9. 1918. cher,'for Interest on Philip from Charles F. 15,00 97 Theodore Hampton..~*. todian ' i 106 65 588 - F r a n k Federlcl 52 CO 356 George W. Elliott & Co. Received from William H. Murks' bond to Oct. 14. 1917 •—'• 20 00Received 589 H a r r y N. Johnson Sexton, Prosecutor, money 64 .171 Ocean S27 50 '428 98 John W . Scanlon 17 83 Charles Sherman, CusPatterson, check for loan March 0. 1918. 590 J a m e s McCann . . . . . . . . taken from Blot machines 32 00' 12 00 23 70 357 Eugene Lon»street. Wall 99 NJBII Allsor • todian 67 54 on County note 6,000 00 Received from New Jersoy 591 A. P . Clayton . . . . .-.^>^ 12 85 100 Joseph Johnson 42 CO broken to Sea Bright 40 CO 358 Standard Oil Company, 429 Wllllttlm Mi Ackerson. 1 Received from Cora J. , Mortgage and Trust Com-.'.'" •:.'•. Ocean . . . . * . . . . ' June 3, 1918. 34 30 4 60 44 00 101 Neil Allgdr Custodian 9 1 2 8 692 John Mulsoff Thompson, chock for loan pany, check for Interest on 693 George W. C u r l c y i , . . . 40 03 359 Tlntern Manor Water 42 00Received from M. P* Yard, 102 Patrick A. H a s a n . . . . . . 480 1I'B. A. Sexsmlth, C u s on County noto .... 600 QO Walter D. Farry bond and 5.94 John Flanagan .V 44 00 20 CO money obtained from, sale 24 32 Co., Ocean 103 George A. Miller todian 326 01 mortgage ; Received from John F. Allen, 25 00 696 E . M. Conk ...,,' 00 of old hatteau belonging t o ' 44 98 360 James Okerson, Neptune 230 19 431 B.. P . IOC J. Wesley Johnson ,28 Hendrlckson, check for loan on County Rocelyed from' William T. N . J . State Board ChilJ 13 105 Thomas L. S m i t h . . . . . . . Zaclc Musden 4 10 361 "Consolidated Gas f Co. Custodian 177 69 596 S.10O 00 Read, Stato Treasurer, . note ;........ dren's G u a r d i a n s , . . . . Ocean . ' . . 31 38 Received from John ;I. M c 02 6821 JS 106 , J o h n A. Borden 432 John N r Johnson, Jr.,, check for balance of S t a t e Received from Rose II. Allen, Donald, Secretary, check for 40 00 362 F. S. Weeks, Atlantic -.. 26165 107 J a m e s H. C o n w a y . . : . . . school t a x . . / Custodian 522 10 697 D . G. Rlley Detective check for loan on County 29,103 28 Bureau, Inc. . . . . . . . . . hire of Motor truck •384 80 . SO 00 108. J. W a l t e r Cottrell. 14 KS 363 W. H. Merritt. Middlenote 433 Grandin V. Johnson, 1,700 00 Received from Joseph L. DOn: town •. June G, 1918. 3 50 200 00 109 J*. C. A c k e r m a n . . . . Custodian ». 147 86 698 A. J . C. Stokes Received from El wood C. ahny, Surrogate, check for George T. Rabbins, * 599 John Flanagan . . ' . 110 Joseph R. W e s t . . . 40 00 •'-'•• 2 4 00'. Tautum, chock for loan on 424 Reuben G. Strahan, fees from surrogate's office. 936 31 Received from Henry SchoenHowell .-. leln.' Clerk, check for fees 237 George A. Parslow. 25 87 ':" ' '4 00 :. County note 2,000 00 Received from M. E. Jones for Custodian . . . . • ' 119 19 600 J . Walter Cottrell . . . . . . from Second District court. 238 Lucie P . Houghton 15 DO ar.n E. J. Keach, salary 8B 70 " 20 IE Received from David E. Tanmaintenance of Mrs* John 435 H . A. Sutphin, Cashier 276 76 601 J a m e s H. Conway . . . , . David E. Tantum. Upper 602 F . M. Taylor PUD. C O . . . Hecelved from O. Laroy Dlek140 65 6 00, . 239 John H. Houghton. tum, check for loan on Shucker at Bonnie Burn 436 Leroy Soflold, Custodian 61 76 366 Freehold 603 Elmer H. Geran, Sheriff, . 2,000 00 County note , . 2,000-00 Sanatorium ' 8 00 •' erson, Attorney, check for 437 William M. Thompson Freeholders' Salaries and Salaries William Brennan. salprincipal {500.00 and inter150 00 . Received from B. P. MaulsReceived from William T. Custodian...'......... 799 34 604 W a l t e r Taylor . . . . . . . . . .of Officers. ary . . . : 605 H a r r y M. Wilson ; est $7.21 In full payment of ' •". 7 5 00 •.'--. bury, chock for loan on •Uead, State Treasurer, 438 Waller H.' Gravatt, 1 Charles M. Wyckoff....? 125 00 606 Asbury P a r k T r u s t Co. Margaret' A. Dlckorson . 7 9 16 125 00 i 368 William Rodney, salary County' note 6,000 OO check for stenographer's Custodian 648 84 2 William M. Bergen 309. William McGantlin, Ma607 George H . Chandler . . . bonds and mortgages 507 21 3 25 125 00fees Received from Anher R. Bor166 06 439 C. Gordon Hyres, Cus- 3 T. E. Jeffries nalapan 608 H e n r y Schocnlcin . . . . . Received from Joseph L. 125 GO ! . 75 70 den. check for loan on Received from Long Branch ' 4 ' B o r d e n A. Jettrey todian 176 07 S: C. Towler, Matawan 609 H a r r y Werner .-. Donahay, Surrogate; cheek 125 »0 ! 12 00 County notq^ 6,000 00 Trust .Company for loan on 5 John Daly.i 440 A. C. ISrriakson, CusPublic1 Service' Electric 208 33 I 610 George H . Vanwlnkle . for fees from surrogate's 0 00 County note XUcelved fromT5. AUon Hyres, 6 C. F . McDonald 20.000 00 todian 154 30 flU 4 Co., Shrewsbury-Mldd i a r i e s P . Worthlcy . . ofllco 6G Cfl I 1,683 99 4 90 check for loan on County Received from- Second N a 7 O. E. Davis 441 George W. Oberlander dletown . . . • . . . . 130 68 612 Thomas L. Smith . . . . . 125.00i Received from Farmers and' note • G,000 00 . 2 75' • tional Bank of Red Bank 8 E. S. Rue •». Custodian 110 45 Charles Lewis, Shrews208 33 ' 613- Robert S. Johnson . . . . . Merchants National Bank 10 H for loan on County n o t e . . . . 10,000 00 Received* from B. 3. Rue, 9 Martin McCue... bury '. 133 61 442 H . A , Sutphin, Cashier. - 148 28 614. William H. Wilson . . . . 250 00 I for loan on county n o t e . . . . 10.000 00 11 98 check for loan ori County Received from Asbury P a r k 10 George D. Cooper Monmouth Lighting Co. 100 DO 1 88 35 443 Nell H? Miller. Custod615 Edward W. Wise . . . . . . Received from First National note 1,500 00 Trust Company for loan on 9 05 11 C. E. Close . . . . , ian. •..' 184 15 100 00 '• William Hower, salary 60 00 616 William D. Lykes . . . . . Bank of Eatontown for loan County note..'. 8 90 Received from Cnrrio H. 12 W. V. Reynolds : 5,000 00 444 J. W. S. Campbell, : ' Forman. Brower, Ocean 617 Johft W. Errlckson . . . . on county note 70 00 j •Bchoonover, check for loan 5,000 00 13 R. F. B a r k a l o w . . . ; . . . . ' 12 15 Received from First National ."• Cashier .-....; • ' 372 51 618 .1. W a l t e r Cottrell and Shrewsbury 137 00 70 00 on County note 1,000 BO Bank 'of Engllshtown for Hecelved from l''h-st National 14 ' C. H. Crawfrod^.3 84 ' 445 F r a n k 1* Howland. Vernon Woolley, salary 45 00 F r a n k A. Mulford ' ' 25 00 ! Bank of Sea Bright for loan 4 80-.. . fiecoived from Sadie B. loun on County note 16 John W. Hulse 800 00 " •'- " : Custodian "7..;....-.'.. . 1,478 24 619 William Halllday, sal620 Joseph R. West . . . . . . . 83 32 -, Voorhees, check for loan on county note 10,000 00 23 John H. VnnMater March 8, 11118. 32 00" .446 Charles R. ' Davlsori, :ary . , . „ , . . „ Cieorgo W; Poole .TTV.. on County note 1,400 00 Received from Henry Sehoen208 33 Recelriid from First National 25 Harry ^leafle 02 SO Custoillnn .370 33 621 Atlantic CoasE9" Electric 622 J . C. Ackerman Bunk of Bradley Beach for Received from Hannah Ti leln, Clerk, check for fees 148 C. J. Strahan, salary of 56 00 447 John McWood, J r . , C u s - ; ' . Light'Company, Nep150 00' 623 J a m e s H - C o n w a y Close, check for loan cm froin Secbnd'- District court loan on county note 5,000 00 Clerk .>.:.,.. 36 00 todian 35 89 tune 145 84 83 3 3 ' 624 Joseph McDennOtt . . . . County note COO 00 for mont4^of February 149 John H. Fitzgerald 116 15 Received from Second Na• 35 50 January 18, 1918. 1 Eugene Longstreet, sal33 33 025 Jacob Stein bach, J r . . . tional' Bank of Red Bank 414 Henry. E. Ackerson, J r . Received from Harry B. Received from Henry Schoen 150 -OO . • -ary • , . . , , , . , . . , . . . . . . . :- CO 00 448 W m . T. Read, !s t a t e 91 65 r 626 Bobert S. Johnson . . . . Hulsbart, check for loan on leln, Clerk, check for judgfor loan on county note . . . 15,000 00 211 New York Telephone Ob 7 .50 . Treasurer. S t a t e road Owen J. Melee, Ocean.. 173 63 99 12 Joseph" Goldstein . . . . . ; v County note. 1,500 00 ment case Glenn, L. Berry Received , from Asbury Park 212 New York Telephone C a 7 00 tax , . . . . . 120,122 56 -627 Owen J. Melee, Ocean.. 176 50 88 6 2 ! vs. Conover Coal & Feed 628 Patrick A. Hagan . Trust Company for lonn on 213 New York Telephpne Co Received from Howard Van14 00 • Owen J,-Melee, ,poean.-.-' Wm. T. .Read, S t a t e — 275 00 4(9 51 74 I k i r k , - c h e c k for loan on Company ; ...?/..... 629 S. C. V a m n a t c r . . . . . . . : 20 00' county noto 6.000 00 210 W. V. R e y n o l d s . . . . . . . . . 10 oo T r e a s u r e r , s t a t e Owen J. Melee,"Ocean.. 105 00 70 00 1,000 00 County note 217 William Bovle March 10, 1918. Juno 15, 1918. J a c k McCormick 43 60 school tux ..311,032 78 630 Jos. L. putcher, NHow075 86 , 218 William Patten Received froln Charles P. McReceived from Eugene Honce, Received from Harry II. Wil631 L. J. McCormlck 201) as ell January 23, 1918. 25 55 29 9 3 ! 220 Stateslr Lumber C o . . . . . Donald, check for loan on for interest on bond to son, Clerk, check for fees 632 John W. Scahlon 49 78 Monmouth Contracting 450 George W. Oberlnnder, 12 38 ! <>22 Bertram Birch..;Comity noto 10.000 00 March'14, 1918. 25 00 from First District court to 633 John Mulsoff 7 SO Co,, Atlantic 33 02 ; Collector, Bank stock 400 00 Recelvod.fram Rose V. llqblnReceived - from • Elmer H. Mny 31 , ',;..; 1G5 45 223 Standard Gas Company •52 50 190 00 i • tax , ; . . . . . »104 78 R34 Joseph Rue Monmouth Contracting . BOH, check for loan on Geran, Sheriff, check .for 224 S. B. J e T f r i e s . . . . ( . . , . . . Received from M. Ferrante 635 John W. Hulsc . . . . 27 • 4 5 ' • ; • • 9 25 i C >., Atlantic 451 W . W. Trout, Colleotor, 485 00 County .noto ..,;... 1,000 00 fees from • Sheriff's office to "225 H. A. FrantsS'Co." for maintenance" of Mnrje 1 290 26 20 85 .. Gem-ge Walling. Holm. Bank stock t a x '. 4S3 72 03(1 Isnnc N. Johnston . . . . . March i s . . . ; . , _ . . . . . J t i i . - . . s i _ 1,104 43 •..Fcrnvnto p.t Whltp Haven 226 Levy Broa ........... ReceiveU from kfiroy Sofleld, 037 William D. Hulse 23„ 50„ ,, • !. - 11 01 L del , . . ' , , i •..»-,.._.: 52 50 462 P . W. Bedford, CollectColloctor of Avon Hurougli, Received from T31mer ~ n . Sanatorium . . , . . . . . . . . . . . " — B 00 227" 'Junes- H.rConwayr;.;.-. -.63S- CoHgrove!s Detective-.^ : -3 45 '• Thomas Bcatty, Ocean 7~1>G*~ or, iBanUTToclrTaTTTT" 131 60 chock in full for taxtys 1917. 18,759-87 228 ' C. H. Crawford. Geran, Sheriff,' check for Received from T. Edwin Jef-. • • •• Agency' 3,7(10 27 . 52 50 , Loder & Smith, . Nep* 453 W m . M. Thompson,* Received from John McWood, ' fines and costs collected to 229 JIary McGnwan fries, his check and check 639 Gosgrove's .Detective , 110 391 . tune"••••u.iij 3 S g •< ! Collector Of "•" Monmouth ; -March-lBn , . . . , - . , „ , . . . . . . . . . . . i3Q\HlimGlblLn - 1 8 10" —306-93OrEr~CIBH67 M a t a w a n . . 7 ' t a x . . . .'7. r.S. "i;"076~7T - ' ~- — Aeeney~.-r;-; ,—T-rrrrm Beach Borough, checks In . • March 2071918. 24 " 400 S. C; Towler old potatoes sold . . . . . . . . . . * 640 John H. Houghton . ' . . . 156 53 H. B.. Pitcher, Middle454 F . R. Thompson, Colfull for taxes, 1917 12,47109 Received from Asbury P a r k Lunatics and Epileptic . P a t i e n t s . Received from John H . Van641 Lucy D. Houghton . .*.. . 15 00 . dletown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -250 00 ' • lector, Bank stock lax 868 OS .Received from Joseph L. Donand Ocean Grove Bank f o r , m a t e r for Interest on bonds 1''5 I j . J. Suites H o s p i t a l . . . f 26 57 om.'Oeoi'Be A. IMibluw ' . . - ' • ' • . : • "IB till —•ahayr-SurrogatOv" chock--Xor-, i ' 40r«09-0O 643 Charles S: H, Mount :, 1918. 25 00 Co., Eatontown-Maw .or; F3ank stock c n x . . . 241 79 foes from Surrogate's office, i 157 N. J. S t a t e Village t o r Received from .the Monmouth 'Peter T. Frawloy Received from Tho Poole Cqr21 00 •awan 5$0 9] 456 Frank Ij. Howlnnd, Colto January 9 . . . . . . . . . L ._.... .COS 31 County - Sinking Fund Com. Bl)i!ei>tlds . . . V , J . . . . . . 732 98 i 393 ' Stateslr uoratlon for old plahk Freeholders' 'Salaries .'and Salaries of Lumber Co., lector, Bank slock tax 2.S20 63 mission for loan on County Received from F r a n k L.- HowCoroners' Fees, Poat Mortems, • bought from Qoose Neck Officers. Freehold ' IS-87457 Chnrles R. Davlson, lanO; Collector of Ijong 'Autopsies, E t c . . note •.'. 5,125 00 bridge . . . : :..: .545 Charles M, Wyckoff . . . Lumber Co., 125 00 -: Collector Bank stock • * Branch City, check on a c )27 Fred'E. Farry..,......? 35 oo; '39I Conover March 22,' 1918. J u n e 19, 1918. • Rarltan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17 00 ' •••' tax. 125 1)5 053 43 •54(1 - T . Edward Jertrlcs . . . . count .laxoB, 1917 25 00 ' 393 Thomas 5,000 00 Received from JoHoph McDerr 528 Charles J. Oremor...'... Received from Thomas Dowd Urennan, Rar-547 William M. Bergen . . . . 125 00 .458 John I t Allaire, Collect30 Kecelvcd from L. T . Newman, mott,- County Clerk, check, 129 F. Leon .Harrlrt..,..,... oo; , for old Uon bought from itan ..;... -121 90 . .125 0 0 . ; . or, Biink stock t h x . . . 114 32 548 John Daly 12 7B" SSti C5ood Collector of Hea Olrt Bor-. for fees from Clerk's office; 120, .1. Frank Patterson ,, bridge n t . Atlantic. HighRoads "Machinery. ..-•*" 549 Horden A_ Joff roy , . , ' , 125 DO 459 D. R. Richmond, Col• o'O-i ouffh. check in full for to March 20.•.-.. _ . . . . . . . . .v. 3 131 Jacob Abrams..,' 11671.82 lands' ....A.......... -60 00 Company . . . . < . ,.,..- M .^/ "* ""3.77 60 .'•""• lector, Bank sfoolc t a x 2,820 63 550. C. F . McDonald . . . . . . . 398 3,1.; taxos, 1917 ,.-... 25 ' 0 0 I 397 Loiils «,533 69 Received from * Margaret A. 132 Arcowsmlth - B r o s . . . . . . . Recelvod from P . F . Dodd for . J. - Selllrig,' Mid55K.O, E. Davis , . . . . . . . . . . . 100 00 ,400 B. V. Poland, Collector, 2 9 9 77 1 Received from Grandin V. Gickertfon, for Interest on 233 Giorge D. C o o p e r . . . . . . . . fine* collected In suit of dletown Shrewsbury • 15 00 ..,..,., 150 01) Bank Htock t a x , 75 48 552 E. S.Ruo' 10 00 1 j JOS Louis j : Selling, Mia--•••-.-« — - • Johnson, Collector of Highbonda ..,. .•• 12 SO 134 Clifton L. Morris...-.,...--: Sealer of Weights a n d 553 CJeorco.D. Cooper. . . . . . 250 (JO Of)' 461 Noil H. MUler, Collect, ! landfl Borough, cUeck on 25 ,. • March 28, 1918. 135 J. G. S a v a n n a h . . . . . . . . . Measures against'George G. dletow.n - Shrewsbury • 4.78 00 -208 .33 6 60: 399 Forman or, Bank stock- t a x . . 282 09 ' 554 Martin McCue ...*...'. 8,166 05 Received cash for long disaccount taxes, 1917 136 C. H. C r a w f o r d . . . . . . . . . Titus . . . ' . Brqwen, Eaton.555 H u r r y Ncnflo ..rf. 208 53 .25 00 462.. E d w a r d Dllatush, Col• B0 Junuary 12, 1918. tance phone call -..*.,.; Burial Deceased Soldiers and town. & Shrewsbury.%2r880 *00 Received from Elmer H . Oer112 60 lector, Bank stock tax ... 405 69 566 C. E. Closo • " Received from Graadin V. April 3, 1918. Headstones, S Vanlcer, W a l l . . , . 252 90 an, Sheriff, chock for fees 110 00 557 W, V. Reynolds . . . . . . . 50 coi .400 E. Johnson, Collector High2S2 Fred E. F a r r y , . .\ . . . . . , $ 463 E. H. Cook, Collector, Received i from AHbury Park Chester M. Truex, 407 from SherifCs'office t o J u n e 40 00 5C8 R. F . B a r k a l o w ' . . . . . . . lands Borough, check in Tuberculosis P a t i e n t s . and Ocean Grove Bank for Bank stock t a x 510 45 Ocean 6 00 15 » , 735 44 .124 559 David Buck . ioo oo full for taxoH, 1917 . . . ^ 3.002 34 loan on County note ; 15,000 00 Received Whlto Tfayen S a n a 464 R. H. Norris, Colloctor, from Elmer H. Ger4S)5 25 09 •Rocolvod from Bornard V. torium ' $ Recolved from Anbury Park Bank stock t a x 3 149 94 560 J o h n W . Hulne . . . « . , . . J13.970 74 an, Sheriff, check for fines 645 Michael J . Kelly ; 407 110 00 Poland, Collector of Bradley Trust Company for loan on 405 Bonnie Burn Sanatorium 465 W. H. Gravatt, Collect' and costs collected to June . 50 GO Beach Borough, check In County note. County T,ax Board. 6,000 00 or, Bunk stock t a x . . 256 19 C46 J o h n H . Fitzgerald . . . . pairing County Roadl and New 893 62 137 824 Olenn L. B e r r y . . . . . . . . . 147 PS full for taxea, 1917 125 00 26,870 45 Received from First National. Charles U Stout..t 400 W. D. Hulse,' Collector, Roads Built. Received from KeansburK 95 81 S29 . H e n r y K. Ackerson, J r . 75 00 Received from MIHH A. A. McBank of Seabright for loan 188 Howard W. Roberts. • i B a n k stock t a x S04 07 January 9. 1918. 28 (••0 Court House a n d Jail Expenses. on County note 6,000 00 • National Bank for loan on 139 Richard W. H e r b e r t . . . . Clces; on account of main467 Howard A'.v Sutphin, Charles W. Butcher, ' . county note 10,000 00 47 4 5 ; 676 C. E . Close . . . ' . nn ' tenance of EHen Lofteraon Received from Harry M.. Wil140''A. L. Wins .'.. Collector, Bank stock : Howell ? { 24 00 73 • Received from Farmers a n d 12 S2 son. Clork, check for fees J 141' T. FranK Appleby / ' a t - N . .J. Stato Hospital 90 00 tax 1,369 09 677 S t a n d a r d G a s Co. . . . . . . 1 A. J3. • Chamberlain, V Merchants National Bank 678 M a r y McGowan from First District court to 50 01) Contingent Exponaes. Received from Soacoast Trust Millstone . , . . . 20 00 46S E. P . Hendrlckson, Col368 15 -of Matawan for loan on -------- -March 31,- 1918 ...-. l-«S.i 24!) C. 102 03 Company, crodit for Inter142 d , V.-DuUols ft S o n . . . . > Jectgr,jtank_stqck tax 133 38 679 Gilbert Comb's Co. J e c t o i v B a n l t l s t q c k t a x . M a a w a n ^ . Clos C. E. Close;—Motawanr^ 15 00 •county note 10,000 00 i33; - 6S0—Edward -M—McChesncy. : 16 as - . out on. deposit In bank to Recolved from •frank 13. 143 Edmund 8. R " u e , . . , ; , . . 250 .1 McCormlck, Board of Prisoners and Supplies for Jail. 681 D. V. Perrlne . . . . . . . . . Becelvcu from Freehold Mu•* Heyer, for interest, on bond J a n u a r y 1, 1918 144 Charres C. Schock January 23, 1918. Holmdel 30 45 tioimuei • . 81 w to March I, 1918.. .^MrTmr- 100 00 January IB, 1918. —145-G. B. Harkalao -605 O . B. llnhoney 17-94 682 William Clblhi . . . . L i J J J _ U 0 0 65 t,Vt—25-1—Jossphi-W. T h o m p s o n ; — loan oil county note . . . '10^000 00 8-7 154 Chailes J. Strahan ** \ Received from Goorgo I«. Recolved from..Joseph h. Don47 45T o T w t i l i a m Bovle ;77.~777T 30 00 600 F, T. 'Burlco 16 31 Middletown Recelvod from F i r s t National . 46 •^i ! " 710- S. B . Jeffries G Ibbs, Collector of West ahay, Surrogate, check for 221 Michael Q u i r k . . . i 507 C; H. Snyder & Son . . r * T 21 59 . - ' 60 35 K . -Clayton; Mill-Bank of Bradley Beach for • Long Branch Borough, fees from Surrogate's ofllce 231 C. E. Close r.e ;„<! 252 B. COS H . Richmond 12 91 Coronei-'a Fees, Post Mortems, Autopstone 12.25 1 loan on county note . . : . . . . 10,000 00 check for balance taxes, 233 George D. Cooper. sles, A c . to April 1. 1918 1,195 63 229 77 I 253 William Discount and Interest. J . Oiiborne,' Received from Asbury "Park ' ~ 1917 , 234 M : \V. H o l m e s . . . . 10 00 1 4,947 62 April 8, 1918. 11 00 90 83 674 Nowack 54 78 618 Matilda Hendrickson . . •Wall •: Trust Company for loan on Received from E . It. Cook, 235 Trubln Uros. & C o . . . . . • 5 60 675 Harry J . B o d i n e . . . . . . . Received from Georgoanna 30 00 Election Expenses. ' 254 Max L a m o n t , Howoll.. 56 65 county note 10,000 00 60 ! Collector of Atlantic High16 VunScholck, for interest on 236 Keuffcl & Ksser G o . . . . . 692 E. K. Duliols. & Co. . . . 255 Joseph Nevis, Freehold S OO 515 Oceanic Hook &.Ladder 47 75 J u n e 22, 191S. lands Borough, check on 100 oo; 256 Thomas Dowd, Middlebond 02 GO 402 O. B. Davis '..,... Co., No. 1 25 00 712 Edward Cashion .-.,.-.. -6 OO Roculved from Lembeck & 414 Henry E. Aclccrsqn, J r . account Uuoa, 1917 713 John W. Flock . . . . . . . . 17,359.20 Received from Henry Schoen•15, - . town -. 138 25 510 George B. Holmes, • 25 00 Betz Brewing Company Stationery. January 17, 1918. leln, Clork, chock for fees 257 Thomas H. Daley, ManClerk • CO 00 Burial Deceased Soldiers and-Henricheck for payment Received from Henry Horn, from Second District court 146 B. O Bacon $ stones.alapan . . ' . . , . . . 75 25 Court Expenses. est on boiKl of Mary E. 09 4 for maintenance of Wil20 00 112 5» 147 Joseph Atkinson, V. M. to April 1, 1918 693 Snelbaker & Donor . . . . • 2ES" John Stnnlcle, Millstone'. 62 50 477 Rullf V. Lawrence , 250 00 Bennett to J u n e 13. 1918 . . . 358 31 199 B. F. S. B r o w n . . . . . : . . . ,19 ?, lielmltm Horn at N. J . Stato April 11, 1«J18. 20 00 251), I s . J. Wells & Co.,Ocean 6 15 47R , Charles F. Sexton , . . . . 250 00 6SI' Wllllain Malchow Hospital J u n e 25, 1918. as <j 20 00 Received from Franklin TJ. 215 B. F . DuBols & Co • ... .Tuberculosis P a t i e n t s . * \Villlam Cahlll, M a n tt!DO 479 John J. Qulnn 130 00 Received from Joseph McOrofE, for Interest on bond Printing^ Received from Elmer H. alnpan , 48 13 4S0 ' John M. Smith . . . . 62 50 091 White Haven SunatorBO 4 Dermott, County Clerk, to March 7, 1918....". 75 00 Geran, 'Sheriff, clieck for 155 Engineering N e w » . . . : . . $ 521 TiO'. 201 William J . Matthews, .481 H . o . Walters '7 00 •' , lum . . . . ; , 1 !i check for foes from Clerk's . ' fines and costH collected to ISO ,J;'L. IClnmonth. Uncotvt'd from Anne A. McCounty T a x Board. Howell , . . . . . . * : . . • 88 50 4K2 Benjamin T. Graham .'. 15 00 1 829 31 CICCH, for maintenance of • Jan. 15, 1918 ... dttlco to Juno 20 1,800 99 200 Atlantic H i g h l a n d e r . . . . i ~ .. Shrewsbury—^.—„..; 151 27 •483 Mrs. Robert Hubble . . . 20 00 661 Charles L Stout Ellen LiefferHon ut N. J. 401 Alanmaulh Democrat... 109 s V Received from Elmor -H. Received from Freehold T r u s t 263 John Tansey, Marlboro 258 44 481 Joseph It. West . . . . . . . 24 00 £>G3 Howard "W. Roberts . . , Stuto Hcmpltnl 118 00 .404 Red. Bank Register.C5 1 . Qeran, Sheriff, 1 check for Company, credit for InterContingent Expenses. 2G4 Martin .piBglris,1 Marl4S5 City of Asbury "Park .•. 17 49 County Clerk's Office—Salaries, April 17, 1918. fees from Hhoriff H ofllco to est on deposit- In bonk Court • boro ../. ' 54.'34 480 John A. Howland" - -75 00 64.1 Michael .1.: Kelly 872 14 Received from KVeohoUl Mu. Stationery, E t c . houso addition nccount to Jan.'lG, 1918 697 George IJ. Coopor 205 Joseph Reynolds, H o w 487 J a m e s McCann .". ' 24 00 tual Loan AflHuelutlon for January 18, 1918. ,. May 1 , o 08 10 Edwnrd Taylor a n d a s , ell •' 21 20 48S 15. M. Conk 18 10 698 J l . W. Holmes .",.• lo/tn ong^oumy nute. , . 15,000 OD sistants , $ 1.S69 1 Received from E. M; Beutcll, Juno' 27, 1918. C99 Michael Quirk . . . 200 G r a n t Reynolds, H o w e l l . 15 00 489 N e w York Telephone. 24 loseph McUermolt 458 3 Received Ti'om hong Branch Collector of Nentuno City Received from ' W i l l i a m T. ' 700 13. S. Rtlo. . . . / . . . '207 V. Gllckman, Freehold Co., 2nd Dlst. C o u r t . 1 2 75 701 Trust Company for loan on 150 Stewni-t Warren SL C O . . * 3.7 Borough, chock for bnlanca Rood. stato Treasurer, Harry. Ncnflo 208 M 1 c h a e 1 MulvlVUV490 • N e w York T e l e p h o n e 42180 Comity noto 15.000 00 151 Joseph Atkinson, Atkinson. P . M. M. . 140 0' tnxon, 1917 checks for stenogra pliers' ' • C: E. Close Shrewsbury ;:•;• 31 25 Co., 1st Dlst. C o u r t . , 6 80 702 Received from Kocond NaReceived from It. I1*. fcTewmi\n, 152 J o s o p h McDormott, 703 Charles ^legler . . . " . . . . . 2fif Isaac McDonald, Howell 77 70 491 Lot-tor Clayton V 'o«» • •.. " I 11 , .< 30 00 tioiml Bank of Red Bank Collector of Mnnusquiih Htavuiis. etc 105 So . 270 ' W. T . Applegate, H o w - ' S29 Henry E. Ackerson, J r , 492 H a r r y Nendo . ; . , 10 00 for loun on County n o t e . . . 10.000 00 Borough, chock for balGrover. Bros. Inc _ 13 75 ell :,...... Stationery; • 80 11 493 W . H . F a i r b a n k s . $1,295,872 10 113- Surroflato'a ••",. • 10 00 fio2 Charles H. ance taxes, 1917." from ItJlmcr H. Office—Salaries, 1,075 DO Received Fox . . . 271 David K T n n t u m ; tTpner • *87 (Jeruit, Hherirr, choi'k for DISBURSEMENTS. „ ; Stationery, Etc. Recolvod from William T. Freeholders* Salaries ' a n d S a l a r i e s ' of C90 E. G. Hucon ,... Freehold . . . . . , • . . . ' . . . . .. 6 12 ,51)'li8 teen from Slieritt'a olllco to . Board of Prisoners and Supplies ' 20 Joseph L. nmiahay t 46S «:l > 272 enrol White, ,-Ncptune, Head, Stato Treasurer, • ' Officers, ' . • Printing. April If... 705 El For Jail. cheek for 9Q<*. Stato HCIIOOI 37 John A. Deliuclie lOOllfli -. 470 Glenn L. Berry .;•....•'.'.' 126 no. 1147 . JEc>renu Itros, Inc. * . . . , ' S h r e w s b u r y a n d Wall 7s in 107 00 Jaminry 9, • IMS. , taxes, yutir 11)1". 279,923 CO Received ' from . Elmer II. 28 Iianlel \V. I t o h b l n s : . . . . 8.1331, 27.1 D. , D . Leftirson,. N e p 513 J o h n H. FitKficrald . . . ' 5 0 00 (MS MoniJioutlv Demo'cr'nt . . '23 f,7 201 Vh'Blnln Patterson |.S C urn iv Short if, chcfilc for January 21, 1918. .23 1G 29 r,cs.ilc 51. iK'llc-tt 75 00 i 514 R . F . Barkalow ",40 00 lit!l J l o r n i u Hros I n c tune, Shrewsbury a n d -42 'M 202 D. 1-3. Mahoney ,i. flneH nrtfl COHUI colk'ctcd to 4933 Sheriffs Office—Salaries; Service Rerolvod from Frank Ik ' Court House and Jail E x p e n s e s . W>0. 1'. J . Devlin ' . . . r, r,() . Wall •.....» , ;:.. April 15 S03 H. A. F r a n t z Co 9 75 1,204 03 of Papers, Etc. - 'Howlund, Collector of Long 497 B o r n o Ecrymser Co. . . . 29 99 GS1 J . A. Lewis 274 Albert King, N e p t u n o , s 15 S5 32 Received from New Jersey Branch 0 City, chock on nc17 lilmer 11. cicrnu ; . . $ 45S 33 S. B. Jeffries- . ^ ... 7 4 5 0 825 Ko'd Rink l e g i s t 201 Chnrles'Mount * C S h r e w s b u r y a n d Wall 34 25 -4C8 SS 44 Stiito Hoard- of Chlldron'H 19 85 ' count taxes, 1917 ... -5,000 00 •13 W. 11. o ' l l r l e n 12."> 00 275 E.-13. Vunscholck, Hoiv490 IV..-V. itoynulda - 56 911t o u n t y Clerk's Office—Salaries, 61.1i!0r> Jiimea ,T. Kllcnminina... Guurdiana. clicch.s drawn to 40 63 January 23, 1918. 1!) J. A. Uutcher ICC Oil 20(1 LfftilH Fincgnlil • e i i • ; . . ; ; 102 50 COO N e w York. Telephone •tlonery, &c. order of Hindu Nuwinun for • Recolved from D. Pcrrino 12C 75 . 20 llnzcO A. S n y d a m . . , . . ' . 75 00 270 A. Co., 8S 03 502 207 William V. V o o r h e e s . . . C. Welclerholt," Edward Taylor anil lisrollof of willows' pensions, Miller, check for loan on 32 69 181 Joseph IV W e s t . . . 10 00 Lunatics and Epileptic P a t i e n t s . 208 I I . Ulchinons Shrewsbury slytai'ts ; fi^.[ i,6 County noto 2,000 00 order rovokod hy eoul't, eix 202 60 182 Charles O. D a v e n p o r t . . - 6 1U • 277 Jllchaol Lamb,. Manal- . (90 N.-',T. SUlte, Hospital . . ' 27 25 574 Joseph MrDt'rniott . . . . 20ii ,T. N. Johnson & Son..." 45.S VI chcclm for $211.00 each 132 00 210 If. T. Burlce Received from Joseph Nevlg, 139 17 183 Ccoi-Ko II. V n n W l n k l o . . 3 50 npun '....30 55 644 11. IT. Johnson. Trens653 Imperial MfR. Co. .. a 7ti ctieck for loan on County RecolviuJ* from John Daly, 60 DO 181 Joseph ltiuI - 2 00 27S Alfred Hnrdy & Son,. urer 1.923 00 £51 J o s o p ii 211 Holmes Patterson 0 Mi-l>ormott note • • > 5,000 00 Freeholder, for old v plank 24 85 1ST. I i m r a llcC'ann 12 00 Mutawan 25 Si, Coroners' F e ? s , P o s t Mortems and Au10. F . Dullols & Co , , (stimip;-, . t r . ) fill 70 sold off Parker's c r e e k . . . . . . 15 00 215 Rncolvcil from Dinie D. Hon123 75 1SR Joseph . J o h n s o n 10 OS 271) Charle.s \V. Applegato, 219 John Marqunrdt 635 Llmvn'-tlme Mf|;. Co., ' topsies. Received from Anna T. CiardrlckHon, Bcxecutrlx, checR 9 C6 •187 P n i r h ' k A. l l w i n ! «« 195 00 491 E d m u n d - S . Rue FreehoM -...'. 222 B » t r n i n lllrcli Inc ID OO r,0 00 rlgan, Truntco. for Interest for loan on County noto...., s 6.000 00 1SS William It. i i ' l l r i e n . i . . . ':St C H I 280 KumdnrdOll Co., Free-' Discount and Interest. 495 V. U-nir Harris . . . ; . . . . 50 OOS u r r o g a t e ' s Ofllce—Salaries, St.itlone.ry, on P. H. GarrlRun bond... 50 00 102 Jnnuary 29, 1918. ' IS'.t llcnnlt' II. Wliltc' i;0,(>o 250 00 • hiild-i 12 Oi Ashi-r It. llnrden $ Tuberculosis P a t i e n t s . Ac. April 1H, l!HH. inn. 10. (!. l-'ttriiKUi I'l'i'li Received from Joseph Mo20(1 (HI 1113 H. P . Muuisbury 2S1 .Standard Oil Co., f,20 Uniniie Itiii-n Sana'lor.ri70 Jiiveph L. I)nn:iji:i.v . . . . -iM n Received from V. II. BchroDermott, County Clerk, 27.r, 110 l!u c . II. i-'nx :iii mi 311 S5 •Sllrew.sbury : . Kil Walter II. R u e . . . . . . . 111irt '. ' 144 00 50 00 Hi.", llmo H. Allen f.71 J o h n A. I ' l ' l t ni'hi' 1IIK mi nmuji, f*»r Intorost on hrmd. check for feen from Clerk's Jll'J (i.-oruA. Miller '. 21 On 2?" Htandard Oil Co., Up,.. —: \ Contlnyerit Expenses. April 22, 1K18. r.7J i i a n i . i w . n u b b i n s . • . . . m I;I officer to January 20, 1918... 1,735 06 13S 2 1 J»3 I'.arnoj- rVllman 15 00 per Friw'" J ld . . . * . . . ; 2 I "j 511 KSt. W. A. F o u n t a i n . . . I fill John F. Allen -.-15 00 T,7:i ll.'.'isli' M. D . l l c t t 7S 10 lornlv^il from O cargo- R. Received from M.E. Jones for 1'1'lf fill 1!>4 )•;. M. Conic 20 00 2SS Alward v. Fornmn, Ili7 Jiweph N . v l s f,12 A. D, Cocipi>r t 7 &S ShLM-lfr'a jltbgcrK, check iur proceeds ' 0lfii:c^-Salarlc8, 6ervlco iT maintenance of Mrs. John 20 0 0 i!ir> <;pprBi> \ v . r'uiioy n oo M;tiK\lnpan 13 37 Ids Cnrrio II. Sclionndver... Stationery. , "• from wile of property of P a p e r s , &c. Shucker at Bonnie Burn 74 3 S li'R S. U. Ri'i-ffOU > 2 00 2SI Standard UU Co., MUlKill Harry 11. Hulshnrt SIT V. J. pevlln .." -,\. 95 52 filil H l m r r I I . l i e r . i n Mattlo Myers nt Villa I*arU ,- -S29 III Sanatorium 8 00 1,000 00 170 10. Allen Hyres in" J . A . Butcher io ;:i cllctnwn . . . , . . . , 403 00 , April .23, 1918, Printing. ) > Tiiij ' .1. A. lint.-her 10 :I:I Reculved from Now Jersey "Jo oo 1'iS ,T. «.'. Adifrmnn 1100 285 ' Di'Witt Applegntc, lluw171 TX Perrlno Miller,., i 1 ... 50,!l .Mdumoiith l l i M l i o c n i t l : . CO 32 Mlii w . K. o ' n r l i ' i i • . f,2 M) StaTffIwimv^fCltlli ,,;_a.Mi mott, County Clerk, check Vnnx J.1 Thompt-'on •610- "" - . - - - - . . - . QunrdlnnH, check of Ellzn~2T Mii-ha'H"1 tniiriiVr.'.;.;iv.$~ f'iroo" CStl T' A. Uowne, .Slirewyi7:i Wllllam'l't. ( i ' H r h ' | " " . " ~ * 11',, f() ' ^ '. . , '"" ii'T'OS" 32.C2 for fee» from CterU'a olllco 174 J[. ICIIzabcth Hendrlck••'1• bi'th Green, diited Jan. », 22 Untile Qiilrl!. 30 00 •'.hv.u'cl linl.' J.'iiii:maii ft en . l.uiry ....;.. SCI 31 County Clerk's Office—salaries, s t n v to April 2y.'. 1,820 24 non :. . IBIS. order for relief bcmit '„ Widow's Pensions. M. i.'onic.: H 2S7 C. ('iiniilni^iiiin, 5Ian• May 8, 11)18. 17f Ehvuud c . T n u t t i h i , ' . . ; . tlonery, &c. no 101 N'. J. Htnle Ilnnrd-Chll-v • revolted by court Dec. 1, tifill ' lflkin.'^ 11, (.^oiiwuy , , , , "60 110 H v 51 25 iO'.V Kilwai-il Tiiylor" & ' A H alapan ". 17a Wadio^JJ. VoorheoH dren.s' (luartllana J 3,252- -IS en 1517 » 00 Received from Henry Sehoent •1 CO lein, Clerk, check for foes i Hlslaliln ..• C^l r.fl 11.1(1 fJliin:,. W. fiirli-y' ....', 70 on Farm Demonstrator's Salary and Ex2SS ' JameH J, Kilcoinmlny, 177 I l n n n n h T . Closo.i February 0, 1918. ', from Second District court, '. 36 if 107 05 178 "W.vekoft IIcndrlolcKtm.. Sfl^ Sli'w.'irl WalT.-n .li.Co..'1 20 75' (iill J. (.'. A r k c r i l u i n 30 00 Mnrlbortt . penses. Received from Frank L. HowX tin H u m " ) ' IVIliUilJl Received from John \V. 17'J Llltle D. U e n d r l c k s o n , ..297 53 iTiR Ethan Allen . „ $ COM !H l!i« Warm'. Jr., Jlarlr.iKi iniiott FIHIIOI- ('.. i r.i) 1162 Innd. Collector of Long lilkl II. Wl'Ht 2 Ml Hulse, Guardian of Thomna .:r.5 r.o S04 it. S. FulloilV ' . Kxecutrlji 1!">!> I . O U l H C o l H I l C T . . . . . . . . . -19 1 1.' ' • - • • . V ^ n . . ' . > v ' . : - . . , :.'.....-• 399 Bit (ilil 297 r,a Branch City, chocks for Jum-ph lluu ..-, DO 'IT MdNloholUH, check f o r 180 William H . l ' n t t e r e o n . . . 100 Ehvood Douglas ' Cl 35 :?0, CVia'ftoa.' • X.-,-,(-'ra\v[ord, • Surioante'3 Olflce, stationery. balance taxes, 1917 10.000 00 223 90 7 );o maintenance at N,. J. Stata 39 60 r.oi A. i>. i.ittiii Eloctlon Expenses. is (in 0116 l'lltrk'll A. IliKdin , ' . . . Helplno T e a c h e r s ' Salary, ' Holmllel, . R a r l t a n . . . , Hecelved from Joseph I* 11 Hospital to J a n . ' I . 1018;... 219 89 111 William A l l n p a c h . . . . ' . . . $ Sheriff's Otlice, Salaries, Ser,ylco of 15 00 211 Charlotte E Wilson J 140 :r, ;;il m Ilronson I'. Butler, Donnlmy, .Surrognto. chock Cli7 !f:"'A. f l u t r h c r . . ' . ! ! ! ! ! , :\ in deceived from Joseph L. Don- • G." r.o Papera, Ac. H CO 242 Wm. . T. Read. State Marlboro ,.'..... for fees from Surrogate's '•• - 112 Ooorgo A. L a y ton 471 Rimer II. Cemii 22!> M CllH ,\; I'. Clii.vllin. , . . , , , / , . 113 Danlnl M a r t i n 5 00 w Wl '1'yi .liun* i* I I , Klnc, • .Tr:, office 1,099 70 nhay, Surrogate, check for Cl,9 JalnL'« McCiiun . . . . . . . 47^ J . A. UuU-iKT 63 33 17 fcen from Surrogate's oflico 23,211 1,058 114 L. C . Booker ' t S o n . . . . SS 00 toera' fund) ~ i . r . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 2 5 HuSmdel Deceived from M. Elisabeth , Semi-Annual Report 291 X IV THE RED BANK REGISTER. Page Sht. 1072 John Ji. Hpufrhton . . . . 144 72 11ZS ' K«nry Mtirton, IlowcVl/ ...17 t8 4 ISO 76 B. Conover, H 1 2 D. 6, ijtnwirjon 670 Bcnnle H . W h i t e . . . . . . C6 OO S43 C h a r l e s 7« VS'. Butcher, Custodian 6,055 i 107< U !.• McCormadc 200 05 1 « J ChtrtM 1805 W. H. iroDkins, Balory. 20 (10 less OHIon *ro;i "Work's & B. C. V&nMater 671 Klmer 11. Geran .;. 20 00 80 0C 1 5 1 3 t 1076 John W. Scanlon . . . . . . 52 12 J7 844 George B . Ca4e, C u s Howell " IT 00 AlwEtrd V. Forznan . . . . . Warden's and Matron's Salaries. Louis J. tjlellng, M i d . Manufacturing Co, 338 00 '» todlan l.OJS'O 107S, Lester. Clayton 1 61 00 1127 H a r r y Reynolds, How144 SI 1655 8. 0. Towler 668 Michael Quirk 45 dletown-Shrewsbury . 1014 The Berger M f i Co..Y. 1)7 Elk 1204 A . W . K e l l y . . . . . 185 18 ell 29 1307 C. E . Close, M a t a w a n . . 1625 Ijoun J. B i e l l n i f . . . . . . . . 2,000 OO Ira Warne,Jr. 669 H a t t l e Quirk 25 OO 845 William W. Trout, C u s ii 75 16SC todian 2.361 8 Freeholder!' Salaries and Salaries of 1128 B. K. Clayton, Mill-" 1308 EorouEh 1587 Howard w . V. -O, Teot Widow's Pensions. Roberta, of Keyport. 186 1 39 84C B. V . Poland, Custostone i.... v .. Officers. W. 8. D e y OS* N . J. Stato Board ChilClerk 40 1 Matawan a n d Karltan 8 08 280 10 dian '.. 5.618 0 104 9 3 3 C h a r l e s M . W y c k o f f ... 1 2 5 0 0 1129 Richard Dangler, Ocean 1309 Atlantic Coast Electrlo 15J8 Adam H. Brown . . . . . . . C. 13. Close dren's Guardians 1,283 4t 18 t 485 00 847 Daniel W . Bedford, 931 T. B. Jeffries 1 2 5 0 0 1130 William S. Heyer, Ocean 80 00 Farm Demonstrator Salary and Ex 1630 Sunlop & Lisle Pottery ' 90 e L i g h t Co., N e p t u n e . . 85 it William Hower Custodian 3.0D2 935 William M. Bergen 1 2 5 0 0 1131 Thomas Garvey, Mld179 15 Vannote Coal Co 30 40 penses. Co. Board of Prisoner*. 936 John Daly 125 00 dletown 12 81 «5 E0 Henry Allen 704 Elwood Douglass . . . , . ' . 81 23 848 H a r r y F. Davis, Custo1640 James MoCormlck April S, 191b. dian "> 6,502 3 &• Stapleton,. 937 Borden A. Jeffery 1 2 5 0 0 1132 L u t h e r 1409 J. N . Johnson A S o n . . . 14 40 Dallas O. Young 705 B t h a n Allen GO d 621) 6* lit 80 1541 Charles Smith Sofleld, CusMlddletown 43 933. C. F. McDonald 208 33 1410 Charles Mount et C o . . . . 286 DO Bugene Longstreet . . . . 13 11 706 Monmouth Democrat . . 15 12 849 Leroy 87 78 1642 John S, White todian 1.827 0 72 S 9 3 9 O . E . D a v i s ,-. 1 0 0 0 5 1133 A-luert King. N e p t u n e . 1411 Louis Flncjiold 120 80 Loder It Smith 820 00 707 Moreau Bros., Inc. . . . . . 44 10 28 73 16(3 John H. Curtis: 940 E. S. Rue ,' 1 5 0 0 1 ) 1134 J a m e s Olter.10,11, N e p 1412 Iwtac F r e e d m a n . . . . . . . 228 75 Monmouth Contracting , 708 Louis Colaner 31 If 850 A. C. Krrlokson, C u s 81 60 15<4 Bronson P. Butler todian 6,802 0 tune 79 S 1418 W. V. Voorhees 911 Martin McCuo 208 33 113 30 Company . ' . . . . 275 00 Helping Teacher's Salary. 05 60 1545 Charles X. Crawford... ., Diggins, Sr., . 822 Chaitlotte K. Wilson . . . 14C 25 851 S. A. Loekwood, Custo942 I!. S. Bennett 2 0 8 S 3 1135 James U K E. F . DuBols & Co William T, McDrldo... 9 00 61 00 31 55 1546 Charles B. Close 15(7 dian CB99-8: 62 i 1417 J o h n M a r q u a r d t . . . . . . . Marlboro County Attendance Officer's Salary and 9 4 3 G e o r g e D . C o o p e r ....... 2 5 0O f ) Thomas Italey , , , ; . . . 23 00 1,220 75 72 50 White 1548 Carol 852 C. (Jordan IIj'cM, CusExpenses, 9 4 4 C h a r l c a E ; C l o s e ...;.. 1 1 2 5 0 1136 Corel Whltp, NoptuneW. , 8 . H o p k i n s . . . . . . . . . 30 00 189 50 Carol White ' Discount a n d Interest! 1519 todia'n 0,807 1 345 David Buck 100 00 me Asbury P a r k a n d Ocean Monmouth Contracting 242 00 821 Jane S. Davis 155 00 King lGfiO Albert II. C. Strahan, Custodian 5,251 0 9 4 7 H . F . B a r k a l o w 8 0 0 0 1137 C. It. R. of' N. J., FreeCompany 385 00 89 88 Supervisor of Child Study Salary and 853 S98 01 1001 William B. SIckloBi . . . . Grove Bank , 851 Charlfs Sherman, Cushold 946 W. V. Reynolds 110 00 S. C. Towlur 14 00 Expenses. 31 n f o in a n Company, Election Expenses. todian 2,772 2 948 J. W. Ilulse 2 5 0 0 1138 W. H . Carhart, ShrewsConsolidated Gas C o . , 82 OS 8 2 3 C o r n e l i a B . M e y t r o t t ... 1 E 0 0 0 S5o John 26 00 Tennont-EnBllshtown 1423 Borough ot EiiBllahtown N". Johnson, Jr., bury 1 0 4 9 C . H . C r a w f o r d ........ 16 31 Vernon Woolloy . . . . . . 43 00 R e p a i r i n g C o u n t y R o a d s a n d N e w (New road) 2,846 81 1424 Washington F i r e E n Custodian 10,110 6 Express, Roada Built. 1050 Michael J. Kelly 1 1 0 0 0 1139 McGregor's 9 01 1848 'Atlantic Coast Electric gine Co. 25 00 15S2 William Morford S5G E d g a r 11. Cook, C u s t o • Ocean . February C,1918.. 1051 Henry E. Acliej-stln, Jr. 90 00 1553 Thomas Costollo Light Co 61 50 88 60 Court Expenses. dian ' 5,400 6 1 0 5 2 G l e n n 1J. Berry 1 2 5 0 0 1140 N. Y. & I,. B R. R. Co., 60 00 750 Isaac McDonald, llow1342 J o h n M. Bmlth . . . . . . . . 146 SB 1554 Thomas Costollo 611 07 1644 H. f. Koach 857 William M. Ackerson, 3 •Shrewsbury 1045 Buohanon 1555 John Tansey . . . : , & Bmock 011 ; :.... 20 20 1 2 0 S J o h n I I . F i t z g e r a l d , . . . 1 0 0 0 1 ) 1343 ^Rullf V. Lawrence .','.. 500 00 783 72 Custodian 3,361 IS 1141 W . H . Tallman, Ocean. 17 5 1344 Lester C, Clayton 751 James 1 1 .. J o h n s o n . Lumber Co. • 126 00 45 00 1556 Charles W. Butcher . . . 101 15 Court House and Jail Expenses. It. Barkalow., Cus1142 J a m o a F . iicElvaney, Ocean .'. 1 5 1 7 5 S5S Fred 1345 n m e s McCann .' 61 20 1557 Thomas H. Daley 201 60 1646 Qood Honda Machinery 32 50 todian 8,265 8' 1017 - T h e Sanlfoi-in C o m p a n y 96 0 1346 JLouis 7 5 2 M i c h a e l M u l v i h i l l . Company 146 09 Colnner 54 20 1558 Isaao MoDonnld . . . . . . . 403 64 1018 Standard tiny Oo . 1 9 G(J II13 J aOcean 859 F r a n k I,. Howland, Cusm e s Mainiu-y. .Middle753 Thomas Costello, Marl1347 Charles P. Sexton 057 77 1559 aeorgo T. Robblns . . . . 585 51 61 00 1047 Good Hoads Machinery todian ..-..., 35.005 2i 1 0 1 9 W i l l i a m P a t t e n 133 21 1348 Oeort'o town boro . 60 00 Company 686 20 II. VanWlnklo . 7 50 1560 Thomas McGarry . 90 00 1 0 ^ 0 J l a r y . M c U o w a n ...... 4 ^ Til) 1141 John H. Davison, Taylor, Upper 754 A. O. Johnson, Ocean.. 6 3 . t ) 0 860 Charles 15IU John Horau 1349 Robert S. Johnson . . . . 3 00 45 00 1648 aood Roads Machinery 1021. W i l l i a m ( l i h l l n 13s 8S . Custodian S.C01 8S Freehold '755 Jamrs rifffgins,. Marl- . . « 1C62 Company 126 60 1350 J a m e s H. Conwuy 36 00 Charles W. Anplegato. 102 60 1022 W i l l i a m H . W e s t i i h a l . . 02 0» SCI Edwin Hobhs, cust1145 James' Horaii, Middle' , boro • 44 I 43 00 1351 r a n c e s E. Outcait . . . . 18 00 1563 I'. Hnrtnott 7150 1707 Robert Fenlmore . . . . . . , odian 4,000 S2 1023 N e w a r k Metal Celling 52 E 1352 F wn 750 J.oseph H- Conrow, IIou*1708 O. J. Molco 305 00 E. M. Conk ' 48 00 Kill I William T. Applegnto . . ' Cu ;...-...;.. 494 00 11)6 T ht oo m 104 62 802 John McWoOd, Jr., C u s 263 4 < a s Ileatty, Ocean. .-. ' ell .'. 1 9 . 1 5 1565 Board of Prisoners and Supplies. 1353 48 00 J . . C . Aclcerman 1021. J . V. DcniKi! -4J 7,1 Oreonwood Rankin . . . . 258 26 S h r e w s b u r y ........... 48 00 1140 Thomas MeLMrry. Mld7 5 7 J o h n T a n s o y , l i o l m d e l -. 4 3 6 5 May 8. 1918. 42 00 1500 ltlchurd Dangler Joseph Kuo 72 lo 230 00 todian „ 1.873 16 1025 N e w Vork T e l e p h o n e Co. 93 01 1354 dletown 758. C." P. Reynolds, Wall.. 36 8! 1834 Charles Mount-& C o . . . 32 33 355 John F l a n a g a n 48 00 1567 William 8. Hoyor 1201 J a m e s II. t ' u m v a y .. 15 31 1147 J. E. Allen Millstone.. 180 00 1835 75 31 1350 • 7 6 9 . .T h o m a s B o a t t y , O c e a1 n , 1 4 3 9 1 803 W a l t e r II. G r a v a t t . C u s 1568 """ B. V. DuBols & Co.... 33 11 48 00 1202 y. IJ. Jeffries ... .• i s J n h u Mulaolt Leon A, Burkalow . . . . . 258 60 todian :-. 17,904 68 1886 1148 J o h n H.iran, .Middle-7G0 Tiltan & .Cherry, Rat • '• : 145 00 42 00 1569 Martin Digging . . . . . . . . Austin P. Clnyton . . . . 225 64 1837 W. V. V o o r h o o i . . . , . . , . Lunatics and Epileptic Patients. 78 0' 357 s. t o w n ' .: I t a n 1 7 ^ 7 1 865 Geofgo A. Frlck, C u s 19 t o 358 aeorgo w . Curley . . . . . 42 00 1570, James Horan 101 00 1838 David L. K l n i ' todian , '.. . 1,190 01 1200 John B.Boyd 10 .00 1140 Bound ni'in.k Crushed 7 0 1 W:i l l i a m ' A . . D e y , ManJ. N. Johnson ft Bon.,4 l t i ! IT 1359 John A. Howland 75 00 571 T. A. Bdwno Coroners' Fees. 210 85 S t o n e c'»., o c e a n \ a l a p a n -.•.. "• 8 6 O O 8G6' I L . H . Norfis, Cuktodian .- 32,411 61 1013 Albert W-. Wordon J r . . 68 17 360 Klmer II. Goran, Sheriff 2,000 00 167S James Dlgglns 298 45 1839 LoulH Finegold . . , . , . . . 64 SO 1150 Adam ., Ltnzniayer, Mld7>i2 Thomas' Beatty, Ocean - 4 2 3 867 Williani M, Thompson, 1850 , Worthloy & H o l l a n d . . . 110 40 361 Tlionias J. Itlley 0 32 573 John Stanklo 472 00 6 71 Custodian. 19,366 49 1014 J. Frank I'attersoil dletown - . - . . 7 0 3 T - h b n i a sG n r r e y , M i d " Discount and Interest, 362 13. F . Hopkins 574 1045 J. W. I'arlter ; 4 31 11 75 20 00 James Okerson 1151 Good Machinery d l e t o w n ..'..: .,,t 5 3 7 C 868 George W.-Smith; C u s 1861 Socond National Bank 363 801 '.Edward A. Sexsmith, 575 Morritt U. K e n t 70 71 480 25 William J. Matthews . . 185 0i Co., Fr...-holil 701 -Samuel B. Burke, Man358 34 todian . . . . . ' . - . ' . . . . . 2,137 61 ' of n o d Bank 364 J a m e s II. Conway Burial of .Deceased Soldiers. 516 00 9 00 587 James II. Johnson Roads Machiuory _ .• alapan 4 8 , 1 0 M. Davison, 365 J . J. Qulnn 50 00 1152 Good 178 43 1862 George f279,920 50 1051 Lewis Matthews taa so 5S8 James Malonoy . . . . . . . . Co., .Mldillelnwil • ' 7 0 5 A d a m L i n z m a y e t v M i d 7 09 Cashlor 366 1198 J. Laird Ilulse 100 00 1 1 5 3 - T h e Buft'.il) Sprlnglleld John W. Scanlon 1803 Long - " d l o t o w n. . . , . . , . . . . . , . 6 3 5 0 Total F e b . 6,' 1918........'...'.5313,320 65 Bridges. Branch Trust 1307 Konjamln County Tax Board. U. Smith, 41 22 Roller Co., Mlddler April 3. " 7 G G " J a m e s O k e r s o n r N e p - - - ••: 530 14 Company , 959 'Charles L. Stout 102 00 (Dlst. Court) . Board of Prisoners. 22 01 1152 Hendrlckson & Appletown i• 1864 Freehold Mutual Loan lune 1 0 SCO -H "o w a r d • \•"" V . R~o h "e ' v l ' s ' , 1 . ' . ' . 87 32 1205 William * . February 20,' ISIS. , 10 01 !36S H a r r y M. Wilson, (Dlst. 150 00 II. Morris, J r . . Kate 767 Cn'relWhite, Neptune. " • DOS 34 Association . , , / 12 DO Incidentals. Court) '.•...: •289 70 1453' Public Servlco Rlectrlo 1151 Martin niusins, MarlShrewsbury, .Wall.'... " 4 5 8 8 873 ,F. T. B u r k e . . . . Court Expenses. 1038 E., S. Hue 20 20 .369 J n m e s O. Stepltens, 874 D. 10. Mahoney 47 132 8 75 00 1755 J o h n F l a n a g a n boro . . . - • . . . , 7«8 Albert King, Neptune.. £8 6Q Company* 48 09 130 68 . 0 3 0 K . A . ' L o e k w o o d 2' T 03 ..." 19 44 (Dlst. Court) , 213 7 154 II.. H: Pitcher : . 7 i i : > G e o r g e - W .O g l l v i e , M a r l • • 875 {I. Richmond 1155 Hafeman Co.. . O c e a n . . . . 44 09 460 00 1750 J a m e s McCann 1 SB 1166 Hafeman Cumiiany, Ber370 Gi'orKii II. Chandler, . boro , 6 2 5 S76 . Bertram" Birch . . . . . . . . ' 11 85 11 00 41 0 1 B1 -e . n Jj . a mA if fn o Hw Su i l n l i et hk 7 5 0 455 James Okernon . . . , . . , . 4 00 49 50 1767 Joseph H. West ; 2 50 Discount arid Interest. (Dlst. Court), . . 137 5 1456 William II. Uennott... s e n ' s Mills new road 7 7 0 C h a r l e s W . A p ' p l e e a t e , , 48 0 0 ' 186 00 1758 J. C. A c k e r m a n 1042 Michael Quirk JIO 03 •1210 W. -Mutual Loan .371 N. Y. Teleph'ono Co., \ \T. "T. Appiegate, Appg How2 0 S O 1157 Thomas Uronnan Freehold ,"..'. . 6 5 2 0 S!i2 Freehold 48 00 84 00 1759 E. M. C o n k . . ; LO77.-Ueorge O. Cooper....,, •Association . . . ; . . . , . 91110 (Dlst. C^ourt) 42 4 i458 1760 ell .' ' . . . . . 771 Elwood'Rogers, Wall.. . 3 2 5 0 893 The Matawan B a n k . . . . L. C. Ayrea 44 09 John MulKoff. 60 00 "l8 0D 1211 Thomas Urennan, Karl454 17 I 0 7 S . M . W . H o l m e s . ; . . . , . , 372 N. Y. Telephone '-Co. .159 M. II. Collins 772 Anioe' B. Brocklebank, 75 09 099 24 1761 J o h n A. Howland 10S1 Keuftel & Esser Co..,.. 13 91 flection Expenses. ' 98 35 (Dlst. Court) 0.75 .461) Tintorn Manor Water 1762 Mon. Co. Hoard , S t a t o tan 21 49 8S4 , Blberon Howell 1 1 0 9 N , J .S t a l e B o a r d of Couucil, No. 85, ;373 N. Y. Telephone Co., 1212 Greenwood H a n k I n, - 7 7 3 M a r t | n D I B E I U S , . M a r l - . ' Company Aid a n d Prison R e 7 08 C h i l d r e n ' s G u a r d i a n s . 20 01 J r . O. U. A. M . . . " 25 00 .(Dlst. Court) 11 92 461 II. 11'. Pitcher " 51 51 Wall ' form Association 325 00 . 2 0 0 l J h l l i p H o o d .....; 23 01) Co'urt29 25 .374 Thomas L. Slocum, 462 Thomas lieatty .1213 -<j,. P . Reynolds. Wall.. 774 J a c k s o n . Conover, 189 IT 12 00 1763 A. W. Kolly ^Stationery. ••' 869 Joseph .Tohnsolt _. 71 80 (Dlst. Court) 11 28 403' Thotiuui l l r e n n a n ' , . ' . . , , 1214' William J . psliorn. Wall "."••' 'Shrewsbury'•.'..•...• -••.12.00 Dotoctlve 105 00 1764 Coagrovo'a :O55 E. G. Bacon . . . ; . . . . . . . . 35' 30 8 7 0 V . X H a s a n : ' . . . . 4 0 0 ,375 461 Rqhort S. Johnson • 15 40 1215 William 775 C. -A. Burlte, f r e e h o l d . . -., 40 00 8 7 1 A , W . K e l l y illiam A. W a g n.o r, H. 11. Pitcher..' Agoncy 1,770.49 435 00 1201) T h e Roberts N u m b e r 1 8 1 5 . 6 Ocean 770 William .1. . M a t t h e w , • O Ocean 1370 Moses L. Johnson . . . . . . 30 15 •I (15 William liodnoy 145 19 78 00 1765 J o h n M. Smith . h i £ Machine C o . ^ . . . 2 52 1216 Joseph H. COhro.w,. 4 6 6 Jame.s Okel'Hon llowoli 47 00 8 7 2 C o J u ar tc o bH o uA s l e i ' r aa nm d s . J. a. i . l . . . E S x . p . e n s e s . ' 2 7 5 .377 Honry Sclioenleln, (Dist. 50 45 66 70 1766 D o r m a n MeFaduin . . . . ' Printing. 40 33 Court) - ..,• Howelll 7 7 7 , B o u n d l i f o o l ; C r u s h e d - '• 75 40 167 Martin Tllton . . . . ; . . . , 1767 Charlos J . Oremor 25 09 25 00 .031 Long^-Bninch Dally Re" B e r t r a m B i r c h . . . : .". . 5 4 0 43 62 1378 George H. VnnWlnkle, 468 C. A. Burko Stono Co 58!) S3 1217 Elwqod Rogers, w a l l . . " . p 69 45 38 1768 J o h n P . Council 12 64 60 469 Frank II. Urasch (Dlst. Court) 1218 John Tansoy, Hblmdel• . 778 Joseph McCuo, Freehold 8 G 5 4 88 77 78 SW . . H V. . J eR f ef ry i n e os l d s ' . . . •...: .. .. 7 B0 1769 232 45 78 00 L. F . McCormick LO35 T h e Atlantic'Highland-' 3 1 2 3 378 CO .379 170 •'•"• . M a t a w a n •«••• John A. Borden . . 77p Thimiiitf Thorpe, Mkl18 85 Mdward A. livers «8 00 1770 George H . VanWlnklo 29 35 er 20 3« , 1219 870 W. A. Thomnaou...... BSS 63 380 W. D. Hulse '.' dletown . _ . 0 00 Alonzo Brower, F r e e 17 20 .471 William Hnlllday . . . . . CO 00 1771 Clinton -F. Thompson,. 1 55 1030"B. F.'s."l3ro\v'n!.'!;.'i!!! 47 75 SSO :United Chemical Spe146 42 .381 J. W. Hulse '. > 7S0 T h o m a s M c G n r r y , MU1hold •••• 36 30 172 Hopping McHenry & 1772 Rouhen 13. White 2 60 1037 Monmouth Democrat.. 16 25 c i a l t y C o . " 2 8 0 0 382 . ._. ,_ d l e t o w n '... 97 DO J. Walter Cottrell 1773 Frederick S. • M«yer.... Frost 1 50 86 30 8 «5 County Clark's Office—Salaries, Sta- 1220 T h o m a s Costello, Marl8 8 1 S . A . . L o e k w o o d , C o l "..',.' 112 SO ,383 Klbert Wills • 731 J a m e s H o r a n , . . Middle- • • • ' 11 95 1473 J. F. Youmans 275 60 774 Thomas L. Smith 5 23 tlonery, E t c • . ' -" J e c t o r . . . '.........-223 15 .384 Lawyers Co-Operatlve lown .'...... 30 00 1221 WlUlam' A.'' Dey,' 'il'aii474 C A. Wool.sey Paint and 1775 Louis Roeso 7 23 910 Edward Taylor and as* " Lunatics and Epileptic Patients. 51 68 7S2 J o h n Horn II, MiddleCo. color Co '162 00 776 John A. LongHtreot.... alapan 4 94 20 00 -• s)(jtants ;-.: '-, i;»10 15 . N. J. State Hospital... . 16 15 . t.o\v,n ....'..:.. 18 00 SiH 3SS C o H g r o v e 1475 L. C, Ayn-s 25 00 777 S. T. Champion March go, 1918. 14 63 Detec'tlvo .. Joseph McDetaott . . . . • 453 33 895 M. II. Johnson, T r e a s - . 7J3 C . T . P a r k e r , Middle12 00 8,920 00 1778 Morritt B. Kont H. H H.. Matthews, Matthews, Howell Howell 3.C43 6 9 . 1478 Owen J. Moloo „ 84 ID 1251 H. Agency '. .McDermott, tiroi',...'.1,9012! 010 J o s e p h town . . . . ....,;, ' 82 24, 386 10 00 192 00 177!) Henry Schoenleln S l tton, Howell.. H l l 48 34 477 Loder-& Smith * 48 55 Henry Slorton, Howell. e n r y Slo Rlbert W. Willsstamps, etc. . . , ; 83 50 1252 H Fees. . • "••' 7SI J o h n I;anib, Mnnalniian SSI-CO 890 Albert Coroners" 387 Joseph Johnson . . . . . . . 1-lil) 1780 John It. Snodoker,..... 52 00 [478 Goorffo P. MatthewB... L' B u t c h e r : e i 05 W, Wi'rdon, Jr. 74 30 05? Stewart Warren Si Co,' 206 25 1253 Joseph L'. •7H5 T h o m a s H . D a l e y , F r e e - • 24 05 38 8 L . J. McCormick 400 00 1781 AHbury 1'arlc Trust220 68 479 Louis J. Slcllng . Howell - B u t c h e r , i'at'd '. 109 00 iurrogate's Office—Salaries, Stationery, ... : - . hold . . . ; . . . . " 117 50 807 Melvltl V.Incidentals. 389 ;. 50 00 Company 79 IT 81 96 1-180 W. S. Hopkins ' C h a r l e s W, Applegate, J a c k McCormick , 7*6. Alwu'rd V. Format), . Etc. . 77 45 390 C. S. II. Mount . . . ; . . . . 782 Benjamin H. S m i t h . . . . 150 0V 25 00 1481 Thomp.-ion -. • Matthews Freehold 255 32 : ' . : : . ; Maiuilapan... 15-87 88f> C. B. llai-kalow 391 Joseph U. W e s t 458 33 1255 Abram Company 2,000 00 7H3 Hurry M. Wilson 77 50 24 00 h O. Morford, Mid-' 880 Oconti; D. Cooper.. " 59 73 !)50 Joseph L. D o n a h a v . , . . 332 • ^7-' XV Cunninghimi, Ma1482 David Conover 75 00 19 75 19 00 .784 Jameu O. S i p h o n s . . . , 10 CO dletown Jacob Stelnbach, Jr., 20 00 051 Bessie M. Dellett . " . . ; . . . • ' . :; n a h i p a n . ; . . - . . . . . . . , . . . .21 52 887 T. Frank Applebj' Co... ._ Daniel M'. Robbing . . . . 83 33 1250 George Grllllth, Mlddio20 00 785 ueorgo Chandler 7 09 (Dlst. Court) . . . . . 6 0 0 0 1183 Owen J. MoleeSS8 Jlclen O. I l o n n e l l . . . . . . 50 00 '7^ -Greenwood : It it li k I u, ,' • Hjii CO .4 50 393 J o h n H. Houghton . 61 82 780 F. M. Taylor Publish* town 1 7 3 2 1 1484 Frank E. Hoyer SSO ('liarlcn Eldi-ldge". 3 0(1 1153 John A. D e R o c h e . . . . . . :: 'Wall . 7 0 3 9 1185 22 80 394 Lucle D. Houghton . . . sheriff's Office—Salaries, Service of 1257 T. M. Dangler, Freehold Albert l'nltertion . . . . . . cr. 00 • 57 69 '• Ing Company 1 6 0 0 1 890 W. I'..'. O'Brien -'600 00 739 T h o m a s 1 lowfl, Middlor . •'.•••.•-.' I486 Owen J. Melee Papers, E t c . 75 4T 370 00 787 Henry Schoenleln 395 Georgo A. Parslow . ..;',. :.- 2 11 2 3 5 1 1487 458 33 -25S Collieries Supply and. .""."•'• town . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 75 S'.il W. ]•:. -Xaylor 951 Klpier II, O e r a n . . . . W. F. drnvatt 541 63 "84 45 .788 R. V. Lawrence Equipment Co.,. Mat? 584' H a r r y N. Jolinson . . Printing. • 166 06 7SI0 Josepli h: Butcher, . 955 J . A . Butcher .,. 175 00 reeholders' Salaries a n d ,S . a l a r _i e s5 4 1o 7f 1488 W. A. HulBe 25 09 32 73 780 II. F. Dillon ,. • • a w a o . -. • 8 8 2 J . I . . K l n m o n t h . . . ' ; 5 7 3 8 120 00 •"••". . Howell '...12 05 8 8 3 F : M . ' T a y l o r " P u b l i s h 1489 B. K Clayton 950 W. n . ' . O ' B r l e n . , . 1 . , •'. 11 09 17'7.1 790 Stewart Wafrori & Co. Express, r Officers. 75 00 1259 McGregor's • •'. •7!ir.;\VMIajiv E . . C a r t w r l p h t , .._.. 1490 Andrew Johnsoli 3 59 ' 7 8 00 314 Charles M. WyckofC 1 .. ,. 141 5( 791 I'a^il Zavada O c e a n - •• .'....'... . ' h i s C o . 1 . . . . . . . 4 5 O C 957 Hazel "A. S u y d a m . . 1 2 5 0 0 42 00 1191 .001 Deniile II. W h i t s . . . David \Tu Tantum 25 09 107 41 1792 Cha'rloH Darby 1260 Gcoree DMegill, How; • ; . ' • S p e c i a l A p p r o p r i a t i o n , .315 T . K. Jeffries 1 2 5 0 0 n 00 7'.I2 M a x I ' a u i ' m t . JloCv'ell!!! ' 13 20. S O S - M o n m o u t h . M e m o i - i a l , 1492 Douglass Woodward . . . 002 W. R. O ' B r i ' n . . . . . . 1793 37 76 16 00 803 00 Charles F. .Sexton . . ell . ' . • • • • " 316 -William to. Bergen . . 1 2 5 0 0 .0 00 7:13 ^V. T , Ap|iit-y;lle, H o w * ., 1493 Joseph S. Applegato. George A. M i l l e r . . . 47 76 1794 Samuel Hoffman 15 09 317 J o h n Daly . . llospillll . 7 , 5 0 0 0 0 008 1 2 5 0 0 1494 35 00 1261 E. IS. Valtscholck, H o w 064 Charles 0. Davenport! -r - - - e l l . -,." W,-.-'.,-.-., .-.,.-.-.,-- 23 50 393 75 318 Borden A. Jeflery . . . . . Matthew Lamb . . . . . . . . 10 85 1795 Hllllard Low 22 90 ell . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . ' R e p a i r i n g C o u n t y . B r i d g e s . 1 2 5 0 0 £4 50 003 J . c . A c k e n u n n . 701 T . A. - liowno, Shrowar Wayne* Harvoy , , - . ' , , . . 17 33 1796 A. P. Clayton 45'60 February 20, 1918. . .OGC J . AV. Krrickson " " Charles F . M c D o n a l d . . . 2 0 8 3 3 1495 .2 00 _. 1262 William J. Jlfttthews, h u r v . . ... .: ' "8 34 (496 C. K, Close 4S1 50 10 60 1797 Joseph Johnson 44 00 . Howell & ''Harvey,' O. E . Davis :„... 1 0 0 0 0 1576 ... J a m e s AlcCann H-O0 1400 ' 7H5 J o s e p h N'eylH, '.Freehold • 1.01 50 9 1 5 ' M nOh co ie i ae ny Leon A. Barkalow,.,.. 16 00 1798 G. W. Curley 45 50 '. 2 7 3 6 OfiS E, G. F o r m a n . . Edmund s. R u e . . . . . . . I S O 0 0 1586 10 0 0 1"63 Tunis D. Smith.. Free1799 Lakowood & CoastJohn II. Houghton 160 21 1 hold , 9 1 6 F l o y d A V y c l i o f f , M a r l 2 5 0 0 0 George D. CoOper OOil Josepli Jolinson 9 SO . :'< hui'.v !.....'. 129 0 5 i ,Electric Co. 18 75 1800 Luclo D. Houghton,,.. 15 00 ' 7 5 0 070 E . SI. Conk . . . . 208 33 .323 ^Martin M 0 Cue . 13 51) 1201 Henry Callalian. Man- , 797 John Stnnkle, Millstone O r , 0 0 ! 9 1 7 T hb oo rmo a s 1801 School Orders.. (J. A, P n r f d o w . . . . . . . . . . 43 45 alapan •• . B . A v a i l i n g , . • 208 33 .324 R. s . Bennett .,.-. .. 071 J. A. Butcher . 20 68 !7:is Thomas Cnhlll.-Millaiono 20 75'j 1802 C. S. H. Mount 25 09 MiddliitSwn 2 8 5 0 072 J o h n M. Smith. Darlialow, 1 1 2 5 0 1588 E. M. Beutell, Custo325 Charles E. Close 4 00 1S65 Leon . -A. ' • ' 7 M ' C l i s o r g c - T - J l o b b l n n , •:. 150 17 18011 William D. Lyhos 889 04 320 Daviil B u c k - . . dian 4 59 . Howell.100 00 ' ±10 00 Howell 3 5 3 0 99 1 18 9 AI I t. l a1 !n. t Pi ic t 'L C- l oi e ar s. t l Ei ol l em cd er l t i c " 1 0 5 0 0 .203 P . - A . Hagan 1804 J. W. BrrlckHon.. 3 50) 1266 J a c k s o n . Conover, 1 1 0 0 0 158} Tunis S. Barkuloo, C d s 327 W . V. Reynolds . . . I . " Wardens'-and Matrons' Salaries. 80') Joseph \Y. Thompson, 1805 Frederick S. Meyer.... todian ; . . . . 631 76 20 OS 24 00 " b i g h t 4 J o : , N e p t u n e . . 112 90 Shrewsbury 8 0 0 0 .18 Michael Qulrti no 00 R. F. Uarkalow • .' .Middlelowti 1800 Jblm J. Qulnn 257 00 -. 920 Frank li:-U'riisch.• At2 5 0 0 1590 Daniel W. Bedford, C u s .207 Hattle Quirk 30 00 1267 William H- Tatlman, 329 John W. Ilulse 8 0 1 L o u f c r i tS m i t h . Atiun1807 todian 304 97 69 24 • 32 50 Jolin W. Scanlon 87 20 lantio-liaritan . . . . . . 1 0 0 0 0 Ocean 00 John II. Fitzgerald •'.!! Widows' Pensions.••; t i c 128 75; 1)21 Consolidated Gag C o . , " 1808 James H. Conway M. Thompson, -. 7 60 30 00 7 6 0 0 1591 W m . 01 Henry E. Ackerson, J r . 1OS0 N. J. State -Board of . • ' ' 1208 Thomas Quirk. Ocean.. " S O a C h a r l e s X . - C r a w f o r d ,1809 Custodian 2.470 62 Elmer II. Geran, (SherOcean . . . . . . . . ' . . . 92 68 Children's Guardians 1,305 42 1269 J a m e s . Maloncy, Mld19 C. J. Strahan, Salary of 42 95 ' : \ ^ l i o l m d e l a n d K a r i t a n 1592 Forman R. Thompson, 109 75 2,000 00 iff : 022 Tintei-n Manor Water dletown .'..: Farm Demonstrator's Salary and ExClerk . . . . . . . . . 80,1 J.iiines MeCbrmicli, 175 00 Custodian 832 47 1810 Harry Trutix 150 00 69 90 Ocyat! '.,... 34-79 1270 S. C. Towler, Matawan - penses. 20 Glenn L. Berry . • l i o l m d e l a n d I t a i - i t a . i t . 32 50 823 .WOo., 1 2 5 0 0 1593 R.' H. Morris, c u s t o 1811 F. M. Taylor Pub. Co.. 10 00 329 60 1 1 M a i n Heltzma-n, 40 611 1271 Thomas Beatty.' Ocean 1050 Elwood Douglass 60 M. J. Kolly S O l . I r a W a r n e , J r . , " M a r l - ' 1 1 0 0 0 dian 3.716 71 18*2 F. M. Taylor Pub. Co... 19 75 284 43 15.30 1057 .Ethan Allen ..' Occ . J CO 001 1272 Richard Dangler, Ocean -.,',. 32 50 Court House and Jail Expen«eV. 1591 W n l t r r II. Gravatt. 1813 John W. Hulse... Ii 50 117 50 Oil C. A. Wooi«ey l a l n t C o . 02 ST 1273 John 3.'White-, Wall.TV1008 Louis Colaner ' , . 8(r.'-John -II.' Curtis, ii'oiiii29 N. Y. Telephone C o . . . . 6 24 Custodian 2,005 45 1814 W. 1). HulHo.. 11 09 38 75 Ocean ...1... 8r, 40 1060 Monmouth .Democrat../ 7 ->o ;i 1274 C. B. Close, J I a t a w a n . del lilifl llafltan 31 20 141 Mary M c O o w a n . . . . ; . . . 7 5J 159C Gooi-fre L. Glbbs, Cus2071 42 00 ' 27 60 2 6 & 0 1060 Moreau ' Bros Joseph Hue 21 1!2 1275 Thomas Quirk,' Ocean (:' SO')- John S. White, W a i l . . . 28 13 9 2 5 U i n v i i e G f o s . , M a r l b o r o 115 William Ollilln 135 27 todian 175 04 2072 ..Harry N. Johnson G4 IT ^210 00 926. Cleorf?e JI. Harris, Mat11270 William S. Heyer, Ocoan LU n tlcs a n d Helping Teachers' Salary. S07 Adam t l . Bron-n, Wall. Oil 1590 John I'. Allaire, Cuso T ! Epileptic Patients. C R a r m v a n ' . . . ! 3 6 . 2 8 «j!l277 Thomas Brennnn, " • • ' ana 8a)arlea off 1100 Charlotte. E. Wilson 146 2o SOS Howard Wolcptt, E a 174 57 Freeholders' Salaries todian . . ; 127 60 '85 John C. Clayton 10 00 itan . - . . . . . " . . • . . . . Officers. County Attendance Officer's Expenses. tontnwn ' I'O 00 9 2 7 T h o j n a s ' W ; . A u m a c l e , 1597 Hurry. F. Davis, C u s t o Burial Deceased Soldiers. R t t r l t a n — . . ••-.-.-.-.—; -.-.— -_-. 3 6 0 0 :llna^.lane_.s. 1712 Charloi) M. Wyekoff.... 125 00 Davis . . . . . . . . . , 145-36 -137S Patrick ' Drennan, . , 81)9 -Nicholas.. J . . itufveniKi,"" 50 00 329 65 dian 35 Allen & Stults Co ' 9 2 8 ~ E o i l e l ' — K ^ S I l i i l h ; N e p •tontown 1713 T. B. Jeffries I25OO) Supervisor of Child Study Salary. . r - • upju,,. troeliolcl . . . . . . SO'75 50 00 1598 R. F.. Nowmnn, Custo30 C. H. T. Clayton . tune. 2 0 8 S O 1197 Cornelia U. .Meytrott,.. 1714 William M. B o r g o n . . . . 125 09 185 00 1279 Patrick Drennan, E a S10 B . K. Clayton, Millstone 2S 13 dian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670 33 1716 John Daly " Tuberculosis Patients. 9 2 9 L o d e r ' & S m i t h , M a r l - . t O l l t o W I l — . . . ; . . . : T ...-. - 4 8 00 125 09 Board of Prisoners. • 811 William S. Ilpy.-r, E a 121 Bonnie 1599 EdftAr H . Cook, CustoBurn . Santtor' • boro ..^...... . 4200 1716 Bordon A. Jeffery 126 00*-. -. .March 20. 1250 W.. E. M o u n t & Co., •tontown nnd Ocean., 112 50 324 00 lum dian 609 60 22 20 M0 l4>dei' &.Smith',Upper JIanalapan ,.,.-• 1717 C. P . McDonald 208 31 1240 . H . Richmond ' 17 02 812 Daniel Covert, E a t o n - . N . J. Sanltorium for T u 1600 George W. Obeiiandor. •Freehold" 3 9 9 0 1241 F . T . Burke 341 89 1718 O. K. Davis .100 00 10111 1231 C . " Cunningham, M a n , town ' 10 00 95 00 1001 Nell H . Millor, Custoberculosis Diseases ' 433 10 11. Collilia," Atalaiiau ...u 1710 E . S. Ruo 150 09 1242 I>. E . Mahoney 41-20 813 l l n s h Uiley, . i l i l l s t o n e . . . 28 72 ! I 3 1 M i c h a e l alap 47 569 16 White . Haven Sanltordian ,,..119 50 l a n t i e - I l o l n i d e l .....,., 1 6 3 5 1311 5 1720 C. E. Close 112 5» 811 boon A. Uarakalow, H a r r y Ncafle .; M)0 00 1282 Joseph Nevis, Freehold 018 00 1603 Howard A. S u t p h l n . . . 1,650 91 .lum 123 50 (ilambrolie, 1283 Martin McCuo 208 3J , Discount and Interest. llowoli '.... 83 25 9 3 2 A n t h o n y 283 JJa m e s o k e r s o n , N e p t u n e 1,007 05 1721 County Tax Board. 1603 H. A. Soxsmlth Ocean 5 0 2 2 0 1230 Asbury Park Trust Co. 1722 R. S. Bennett 208 31 20S33 S15' Kiohar.d Duftgler, Ocean , 1 2 2 00 75 00 38 Howard w . R o b e r t s . . . ' 298 75 Charles S h e r m a n 1604 ' ' 112,087 70 George D. Cooper 250 00 811; P a t r i c k I l a r t n c t t , ^lill- - ' l'J31 F i r s t National Hank of 102 60 1605 Leroy Soflold 39 C h a r l e s - L . S t o u t . . . . . . . 190 90 1723 Sl.712 92 ____ .' stone . . . i,.. David Buck 100 0» En'fciiHlltown . . . - . . . , . . . ' . 203 47 30 75 ialrlna C o u n t y Bridges a n d Salaries - Incidentals. 266 78 1724 1606 Gebrse B. R o b e r t s . . ,.County Roads_and New 1725 William v ; Reynolds... 110 00 U3!._Lons...l3rai)Cll_TlLU9t Co, _ ^821 82 — ; ot Draw Bridge T e n d e r s . 827 07 1607 J o h n N . J o h n s o n , J r . . . . 196 George D. Cooper...... 1,013 72 Roads BulTf. II, V, Barkalow -.,.' 80 80.1533 Second National Bank * * itan . " , . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . SG 85 March «, 1918.. 197 a. J3."Cluse"-7;r.T7rr.TT" 3725' 1808 TZ7Y,, H e n d r l c k s o n . " . . . . G48 91 1726 1 1727 John W. Hulse t 25 0» t f K HO 86~ H.'Cr'Antonides,—Ml 98—Peter--T.-FrawloyTr1-,rT, 0 f:--] t l ? ,l-J i i m -],_^_ ; _ 7 - T -. -84 00 1009—ChnrteH- B . C o n o y o r . . , . 397 95 1815 Tavlor, Upper Honry E, Ackerson, J r . 75 00 19 50 809 John 'Ji"rei!liola " 4;80 1231 C. F . McDonald . . : . . . . 220 39 90 J. D. Buckley Co 1610 Charles K. Davison...", dletown 27 75 1,163 17 F r e e h o l d .,.-. 1 5 1 3 5 1235 Eilimmd S; Hue 1810 John H. Fitzgerald . . . . 100 OO Sin 1. *W.. Wortinan, bal. .-..'. 73 31 01 Henry B. Ackerson. Jr. m i l A, r; T g r r l n k a o n . . . . . . . 476 92 •Clvirlv*... H.' .contract new roud .]-;l(JU 3L 7TT35" IB Mlchtlenjinrk Mlddletown \ 46 00 1612 >-C. O o r d o n H y r e s 1'7~ IT4T _- 1860 C. J. Hlrahan (safary'o't" .Sinking Fund Commis82li Charles ".10; liui'd, o n ' . . I 91)1 - i.:. II. r.obertson, Fi-ee25 Park Potter & Co"'."I 200 00 1013 William M. A c k o r s o n . . McHenry & \ 282 15 '.'.lipld sion 125 00 1159 Honplns ."•iitiL1. contrnot Holm. • ] Clerk) 75 00 68 58 20 Monmouth• Title Co.... • 90 00161-1 F r a n k L. H o w l a n d Mlddlotown . . . 4,568 98 207.0 Michael . (lei now road 3,200 00 i aoa William .S. Jleycr, B a Freeholders' Salaries and Salaries of 1100 C.Prosit. J. Kelly -. :. 110 0O 27 Kdmund S. Rue . . 1 . . . 27 95 1615 F r e d D. Bnrkalow 636 85 T . ' Parker, Middle.. 115,50 tontown and Ocean,. Officers. Court House and Jail Expenses. 827 J a m e s K. .Allen. Mill14 N. J. State Board Chil'M69. 40 161G Georgo W . S m i t h 818 67 town and. Ocean 6 25 903 Hinyaru Wolcott,' Ocean stone ;... 33 74 1217 P . p . Wcigand; 200 00 1817 John V. Dcnlso 89 11 dren's Guardians . . . . 17*14 1017 J . S. W . Campbell, 1101 Joseph S. Applegate. C 25 - 8 3 0 T h o m a s . B e a t l y . Free- • . 901 'llaniel Covert, O c e a n . . . . D. V. Perrino 49 48 Court House and Jail Expenses. 85 00 Cashlor 1,285,61 1818 " M i d d 1 e t o.w n and ' .: , . . ..'Hold-.......... ' ,175, 00 3O."> Thomas Hratty, Middie1819 B. P . DuBols & Co., Inc. 24 68 112-18 New'Yorlc Telephqne Co, , 1J.1 63 38 76 8 45 1618 Grandln V. Johnson, Shrewsbury .....' towii-Oeean . . . . . . . ' . . 1!M!1 Borno Srrymscf" C o . . . . 21 53 Glblln 15187 Stationery. " " Custodian 475 02 1820 William !)(lfl Ilicharil Dangler, Ocean 1250 W. V. Ueyhohls , . . ; . . 73 10 1162 Michael L a m b , ManaMary McGowan 67 60) IM E. F. DuBols & Co..'... 9 05 161!) William W , T r o u t .17 00 234 18 1821 907 James . V. McBlvaney, lapan ..••..,. Lunatics and Epileptic Patients, 1822 Jami-H H. Conwny 83 5< 10. G. Bacon . . . . . ' , , . . . . . • 24 00 1620 J o h n "McW'o'od, J r 110 94 72^00 (,)cean • . . . . . . . . . ; . . ; . . 1163 Goort Roads Maohlnery Repairing County" Bridges and Salaries 12111 N. J. State 'Hospital,,. 1823 Watcrbury Clock Co. . . 2 50 ' 17 71 •_ Printing. 160'00 1621 E d w i n Hobb3 458 30 DOS Wlllinln - I I . • Tallman,'••. Co.. Wall . ; •• . o f D r a w B r i d g eT e n d e r s . • 1211 II. H. Johnson, Treas1824 S. A. Loekwood, Col137 , Moreau Bros 67 58 Board of Prlslners and Supplies. . 61.00 30 00 Oc-ean '•'• . F e b r u a r y . 6, 1918. : urer 1,647 13 1087 Joseph MeCue. Freehold lector 102 6« 142 Monmouth Democrat.-.. ' 42 10 Artril 17. 1 1 1 ) 9 Williani I I . Tallman, 1101 . Gooil Roads Machinery • 711 Cnlllel-le.i Kuitply' anil - ' - „„ - n Burial Deceased Soldiers. 1825 Standard Gas Company 30 8S 149 J. W. Naylor 6 48 1680 H . Richmond 60S 40 . O u i : % ' l L l . . J . . . ' . . . . - . * . . . - . . ..-:3- i)0,Co., .freehold ...' '•"' ' ' K i u l i j i n e n t Co., F r e e j . L a i r a Hulse... 50-00 1828 David Buck . 6 8S 12a!) lerk's Office—Salaries, Stationery, Etc 1681 D. -13.-"Mahaney..........' 302 50 9 1 0 M i - l . J r e g o r ' s •* E x p r e s s ; • " . ' . ' ''•• hold ' , . . . . ..,-.•....1 I 12111 P . Leon Harris B0 00 1165 Gooil Roads Machinery 1827 John Clancy : 11 6» Udward Taylor and a s 1 6 8 2 F. T. Burklj 208 00 99 00 i Co., Uaritan . . . . . . . . . O c e a n 715 Vtillialn H . l l r v a n , L'pIncidentals, • ' • , 1828 Wllllnm S. Brown, sistants 1,281 65 Dlicoutit J a f- k s o 11 ! Conover, -20 25- 911 116. 3. .8l l S a i i J o h n . T . Kosell. . ; . . . . . 11 81 1166 William Halli<Jay, SalTreasurer 80 09 137 Joseph McDermott ..... . . 4 5 S . 3 3 . J 6 8 3 . .. ... Interest. Cl 14 ary . S h r e w s b u r y 7 1 G 'L e o n a r d H o i - s l a l i , J l l d 1237 C. E . Close : . . . - . . ' : 49 00 1829 Wllllnm Patten . . . . . . . 1,082 6J 130 J o s e p h McDermott, 506 67 O r o v e B a n k 1107. William Rodney. Salary Maloney, MidIt OO 9 1 2 J a m e s ., „„ ' 123S 13. A. Sexainlth, Col'l'.. 49 22 75 00 1830 S. B. Jeffries 103 60 stamps, E t c 78 96 1 6 8 4 G e o r g e M . D a v i s o n , 116S' H. B: Pitcher, Atlantlc•71" Frank' Anderson; liar. d i o t o v n ..,'.. 060 58 „„ , , i • Printing. .' urrogate'a Office—Salaries, Stationery, C a s h i e r...,: ^,.. 181 1 9 2073 Levy Bros 300 00 Wall \: • i t a n a n d M a r l b o r u . . .,• 312 -IS' 9 1 3 W i l l l a m ' J . O s b o r n , Holmilol :.-.'...• •. - 8 1 3 1 1220 F . M. Taylor Publish-. Lunatics and Epileptic P a t i e n t s . Etc. 1 0 8 5 A s b u r y , P a r k T r u s t 50 00 18 50 9 1 1 C . C u n n i n g h a m , ilanal71i C. .I'l. Close,'JIatawan.. Itlg Co 53 94 1169 B. J . Keach, S a l a r y . . . . 1865 H. H. Johnson, Treasrn , , ) 38 JoBeph AD o n a h a y . . . . C o m p a n y 188 89 458 33 7i;i Joseph . 8. Apjili-yate, • * " - ' ) 1227 Dcnnison & S o n s . . . . . . . Coal Co., 75 07 1170 VnnNote urer 1,872 TS a p a n , of 160 60 1 6 8 6 F i r s t N n t l o n n . 1 B a n k 11 15 339 John A. DpRocho 2!l 25 . '. Middlotowu 46 24 Ocean • ,„, ' ' 1228 Red Bank' Resist e r . . . ' . . 62 5 0 1871 N. J. Stato Vlllago for S p r i n g L n k e I83 33 •: ' - « 320 76 340 Daniel W. Bobbins.'... 5. 01) \7SII lli.pplus Mcllenry, K • ' I r i r i • I22t>' A . F . . W a l l i n g . . . .".. . 1171 E. K. Vanleer, Wall . . . . fiplleptlcH 69105 C o u r t E x p e n s e s . 811 Bessie M. Dellett 7 75 00 1 , : , . « . . , . . . . . . . 5 60 00 \ F i f p . J t , M l d d l f t o w n ' . . . 20 99 Burial Deceased Soldiers. ,101 6 1 ( ] 2 ) 5 ( : H u I . k \v.. Clayton 39 2: 1172 L. C. Ayres, S a l a r y . . . . HO Remington Typewriter 1696 CoBgrovo'B Detective Board of, Prisoners. \?i'! Vamiote C:oal C'llupany, 60 00 1310 Moreau Bros. ,..'..•..... 3154. 1173 Public Service Electric 1,183 51 1831 C. II. T. Clayton Company A g e n c y 45 M a r c h C , 1 9 1 S . ' 10 8R 89 13 \ O e e u nCourt House House Bonds. Bonds. Co.. Mlddletown 1832 John G. Sexton 60 00 lerlff's Office—Salaries, Service of 1 6 9 7 A s b u r y Pni'k Trust 1026 L o u i s F i n e g o l d . . . . . . . . 37 31 .1313 T h eCourt •It: Williani -11. .Uennetl,. . Monmouth County 1174 M.ilier & Flockhart, J 20 00 79 17 1833 L. L. ManniiiK & S o n . . Papers, Etc. C o m p a n y ( D i n t C o u r t ) .- -112 OO 1027. . A V I l l l n m . V , V o o r l i e e . 3 y . _ 100 00 -118 61 - S i n k i n g Fund Oonnnls• Shrpwsb'ui|y~^rvrr;v.TrTuberculosis Patients. , * 9 00 131 E l m e r - H . Geran , . * « 8 33 1 0 9 8 R y t i l c r V c g l i t o 3 028 • J . N . J o h n s o n & ' S o i i i Y . •'• 72.1 I ' t i b l l c " Kei'vieo'.' i-ili-cVr'ic: 1869 Bonnie Burn Sanator;,.. Hion .....,:..:. 5,ooo oo llT5_Ialtu 'I'- Hopping, . M | a - _ r Y o r k . T e l e p h o n e • IM 06 1 6 9 9 N e w 10S9 - . - D u v l U - U K i n d > . 29 %0 1333 .1. , A r t h u H 3 u t c h o r dletown , ; . . . " . ium 120 00 „- „,: i Repairing C o u n t y - R e a d s a n d New—• 8 00 Co., (Difit. Court).'... 33 W . n. O'Brien . '125 00 1030 1 3 . F . D l l H o i s . & Co..... Siirew.-l.tlrv ' T9 34;! 4 50 117C Patrlrti Kelly, Marlboro 3s 90"j • Roads Built. . ' 186 67 1870 Whito Haven Sanator1700 A. W. Kelly 1334 Hazel A. Suydnm 75 00 DisinJ '7'il K. .1. Kwiuh. salary SO 00.1031 T h e P . M . F r a n k 89 45 1177 'I.cwls Lumber Co., Wall „.. ! . Murc-h 6, 1913. ium 1,007 4* 10 00 1 7 1 1 W . I I . F u l r h a n k s 1402 George W. Curley (I 00 j f e c t i n g C o . TA W . S-.-.IUiuklns,- M ' a t a 126 00 . 1083 John Stankln, Millstone - 105.00 1175 Andrew Johnson, Upper County Tax Board. Bennlo II. White 40 00 Freeholders' Salaries and Salaries of waii liml Kai-it:in . 3d 00 1032 T i n - . S a n l f o r n i . C o 19 30 1403 16 00 ios:l William Cahiii, llillstone 09 75 Freehold 1739 Chnrlon L. Stout 103 44 Officers. William It. O ' B r i e n . . . . 22 00 73H L . C. Ayri'i-', . s a l a r v 50 00 1033 c h a r l c B M o u ) i t & C o ' , ... 8 25 1404 37 44 iosi c . Cunningham, J I a n a l 117a Daviil - Conover, HoWell 1740 Howard W. Roberts . . . 75 00 1C95 P. O. Welgand 100 00 1405 John M. Smith 8 00 1HI7 97 00 Jolm Marnuarilt ;....?. 7:; W . II, Flilcrol't, H n w - ' ' I apnn4, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '80 05 1180 IT. II. Matthews, Howell 37 84 1 IOC B . <;. Formfin Incidental Expenses. Court House and Jail Expenses. 900 3 90 10S5 John Luml), Manalapau "" " (-11 59JQ: I01S l i b i t r a m U i n . l i 110 50 1151 Matthew Lamb, Mana171 27 1407 James MeCann 4 00 675 New York Telephone Co. . 99 65 1815 Henry 13. Ackerson, J r . Election Expenses. 10.30 Thomas II. Daley, Man- • •Ti-'.-i .lalni-s Uli^r^uil, Nupluile —ri'(;"'7n'7 4101 laiian • 24 30 1841 Charles 13. Close 1408 J. Arthur Butcher 12 28"1676 Standard Can Compnny. 1 21 50 alapan 161 00 1152 Leon 729' V i v a o n Wo.iliev, Oi-can 45 0 0 ;1079 W a l t e r . 1 0 . K e r w l n . . . . . . 20 85 1842 Michael Quirk 47 65 A. Barkalow. 1446 Rimer II. Geran 25 00 1077 W. V. Reynolds.. Court Expenses.--10SJ -Michael- Iiiimb,Manal— ' ^."IZ'i V-'illiaili lio'wer. salni-y, CO 00 j 1843 Kdmund S. Huo 29 0O Unwell—r77TTTTT;v."".rr -•• 80 32 1581' Joseph Johnson Luhatlcs and Epileptic Patients. 3 52 16.21 | . iipun ."... . . . . . . . 17 00 11 S3 John. S tankle, ' Hillstono ™7'!i:'".II. I!, rilrhei-', . I l n i i m l c l ' • '275 OO 19ii2 I l o b c - r t s . J o h n s o n . . . . 40 00 1582 K. M. Conk 335 42 1678 N. J. State Hospital... 25 64 1844 Gcor ( ; ( . D. Cooper ' 1100 503 M o s c s I , . J o h n s o n . . . . . '24 OOilosJ John H. White, W a l l . . . . 48 03 1131 Owen J. Melee, OceanH . T3i! 1 1 . ] J I ' l l c l i . - r , l l o l m d i i l 1S0 0 0 I 1845 S. A. Loekwood 26 25 Coroner's Fees and Post Mortems. 1683 Georgo' A. Miller 11 00 217 50 17 75(1091 A. H . Brown, W a l l . . . . . "'™i l:...l:u.d • l l i a i h , I-'rci'lmijl 7 Ofl i aci S . T . C i i a i n p i o n . . . . . . . 90 50 19 00 10 00 1846 M. W. Holmes ' .'Mlddletown ' lf.87 W. II. Fairbanks Wardens' and Matrons' Salaries. Ciiarlcs ]•'. S ^ v t o n 134 50 1185 Owen (!75 16 I-10D2 J a s . II. J0IU19011, Ocean '7»4 • W l l l l u i n I t o ' l i i i ' j . . H.ilnry 75 Oil; 1847 Trubln Bros, ft C o . . . . 2 81 Tuberculosis Patients. ,1. Meloe, Ocean- • 1335 Michael Quirk 90 00 'JUI! W l l l i a i u ' D . L y K i - s . . 2 00 ! 1093 T h o m a s Dowd, Mlddle. ' TJ-. fast |iII 1/.- i:nii;li..-ri • 125 03 1336 H a t t l o Quirk 1848 N. J . State Board Chil1 0 7 9 l l r m n l n K u r i l S a n l t o r Mlilillelown -. 30 00 270 00 1•!ili7 l - f a r r y N , J o h n s o n . . . . . 183 33 11SG Albert Patterson, Salary Bl 17 I town .*...'... dren's Guardians . . . . ,43 52 300 00 h i m Widow's Pensions. /500| . l u n t e s^ i T ^ i i n u . . . . . . . 36 60 ,1091 D. D. Lefferson, Shrows1851 Whltehead & Hone Co. 26 21 Special Appropriations. Y.-Si Ii.-B. R . R . Co., 1418 N . J. ijtnto Hoard of 124 05 11S7: N. J . ( . ' . A o l i i ' i ' i i l n i i. . . . . . . "41;3r,.:. • bury ,'. 1 13 1807 Kouffcl i t Esser Co. . . . 22 S3 Memorial ' wail Children's G u a r d i a n s 1,197 00 1701 Manmoiith 7 ; l * j ; " " " F r i i i i k: ' V i I ' a t s y . S a r a b u c h e l l o . . . . 42 00 ! IO'.I.'I Josepli W. Thompson, 126 00 8,000 00 1868 R. S. Bennett . . . . . . . . . H o s p i t a l .•..' Contractlnff F a r m D e m o n s t r a t o r ' s Salary and E x . W i d l ..-• 43 00 11SS 1Monmouth Ci-orco W . Curley 30 60 IHddletown 400 00 2070 Michael J. Kelly 8 59 1702 G. VanVorls Warren, Co., ftnritan penses. • •" t e1 L e w i s L u m b t - r C ' j . , \ V : r i l John Mulsoff . . . i 1 0 9 2 1 1090 C. T . 207C Jamus Powors S 10 T r e a n .M o s q u i t oc o m - • Frank Youmans, 1131 Moreau IlroM. .' . 31 r,,1 7;!', ,Tiit-,C3ali(i!i Iruti Works; > , 2 3 5 0 11S9 J. Wall J o l m J . Q u i n n .....,..., 256 town ..... .V Mlddle2 5 6 00 00 mlKHion 2,000 00 Stationery. 93 23 1432 I-.OUIH Colaner ...;.. 30 75 MUTialai>ati 112 SO; F r n n o i - r fl v . O u t c a i t .... 150 4111097 T hhmas o m a s DoWd,' Middle-'. 3,000 00 1853 E. O. Bacon 94 TS 1190 Uikuwood & Coast Eleo 1133 Kthan Alien CO 00 1 7 0 3 A n n M a y ' H i x t p l t n l .710 A'.-.M. To-.vnl.-y 43 GO "Mi-lriU If. Kent' 86 51 to w n . , . . . .86 Printing. ' Incidentals. 18 75 1431 Klwo.od Douglass • trio Co., Wall .". " 58 48 " Hennessey, J o l i i l M 1. S m i t h ' 15110 109S T h o m a s soo 00 1872 Monmouth Democrat . . 112 43 1688 W a r r e n IT. C o n o v e r . . .*. 2,000 00 Helplna T e a c h e r ' s Salary. •711 A. .M. ' l i e . 38 00 1191 Owen J. Melee, Ocean. 500 00 00 . Middletown Middletown K i l l i fV . L a w r e n c e . . . . 42 9S 1873 Red Bank RfKlster . . . . 87 60 1192 \V. S. "Hopkins, Salary. 60 00 157!) Charlotte K. W i l s o n . . . 146 25 1689 Charles J . S t r a h n n . . . . ."i S.'.n, llHritau •13 K. Tantuln, Up05 000 i'1099 David K T W e s t P u l i l l s h l i i B C o . . . . 105 11 DO 1690 N . J. S t a t o Hoard of 1874 ir. M. Tnylor Pub. Co.. CO 00 108O W'm. T. Held, Stato .712 MiiinJHullh Conlni.'liiiE 3 00 I Per Freehold . . . . ' . . . . ''45 73 1133 William Hower, Salary 1 124 57 J . K r a u k l ' a t t f - r s o n .... 27 68 Children's G u a r d i a n s . 1875 Moreau Broa 1194-Vornoii Woolley, Salary . 45 00 Treasurer .' -' 11 2o "" '"" ' "Co.." .Vllantlo r . . ' . . ' . . . ' . . -—-]-sr, Off j 2 15..I llOO Amos . Ii, Urocklehank, 89 33 Thoiiia.s L. tiniith 106 40 187G U. P . s . Brown 1709 F r a n k Mery 75 70 County Attendance Officer's Expenses. 1222 Monmouth Lighting Co. 713 O w e n 'iT., Meli'i", . O c a n . J!i'20i 5 6G 1 * ' Howell C5_37 555 04 William F«isli-r 15 00 1877 F . M. Taylor Pub. C o . . . 1710 Joseph C. P a t t e r s o n . . . 1578 . Jane S. Pnvi» 155 00 7tl Alliert PnttoiviKi, saliiry 1223 William H. Bennett. 6 48 18 S2 j'1101 F . S. Voorhoes, Free• ' i c o r ^ t ' A . P a i s I t A v - ....Printing. 1878 J . W. Nnylor 119 85 Supervisor of Child Study Salary and '• .7|5 Aslu.'f V. .Wt-ull.-y, JirHMidilletown ,.. hold '..._.. E6G 80 2075 A. F, Walling l 4 H - y IX J l o u f l l t o n . . . . .-..-. 5554 C 80 1691 Red Bank R e g i s t e r . . . . 15 00 ll/)2 'Alwh.rd 85 20 Expenses. 1224 Flank . Anderson,. Wall. V. Forman, M a 44 94 Clerk's Office—Salaries, Stationery, &c. K,-.M. I'rmk •.....-..' 1092 J . I J . Klnmcnitll 24 00 1577 Cornelia. U. M b y t r o t t . . . 150 00 1225 ThonKiH Brennan, Rnti• nalapaii . , . " . ! . . , • 31 75 532 30 1728 Kdward Taylor A . I ' . C l a y t i u i ,,. 1693 J . L. K l n m o n t h l ' a y i o r i& cA B A 8 -21 00 Roads. tan .-. '..«> 1103 l'Qler• T . ' Fniwle-j-, At546 45 l l i u ' r y ( . ! .H i - l i m ........ Democrat 1. BlBlanlH 1,192 48 1-133 Merlbii-li Curtis 1.000 00 1G94 Morimoutli Roads. -7-17 ' c . A : ' Wmilyoy 1'aii'ii Mnrch-20,-1918. r, (10 lantic 23 60 -Oooinc W: .N'6'u ,.. 120 (Ifl 1742 Joseph McDermott . . . . 458 33 (Ciiiichidi-il on 1'atto 15.) 1284 COI.IK.: C. Smith & Co., • T. Rolibins, 64U Delaware River Quary & Jaltu.-Flanagan ; , , , . , , , 1854 J o a o p h McDermott l .'24 Wl 1101' O'uurKO 99 B0 1497 William E. C a r t w r l g h t . 154 25 ltnritan 'lIowc1l'".'^:*V";?;VvV;"'*"': !>l 01 406 65 Construction C o ; . . . . JoseplL'ltup \ • (stamps) (56 14 21 (10 1105 L'odrr 0 00 1498 Williani II. Tnllman . . . 30 00 1650 C: P . Reynolds 12S5. H. II. Matthews, Howell &. Smith, Free-' 73 37 ' CeorKC w . - 1 ' n o l o . . . . . . . Frank Mery 476 70 24 60 • " 7).:i" Dallas' fi! ?Yo'iJ'i'iB,"l'(.ir']i 149D Jackson • Conover . . . . ' . . 33 00 1651 Georgo T. Ilohblns 300.00 1288 W. !•:. Mount & Co., . . liold ..'....-.,.. •'.. 718 75 Surrogate's Office—Salaries, Stationery. •Warrii/iII: Knirh.-uiks . SO 00 - •"'••' t a n .'.'.I-.....'.'..' !. 103 75 1500 J a m e s F . McElvanoy , . 156 00 Mjiimlapan h n H . Curtis, Rart61 11 1652 William J . Osborn ' J o h n W . l h i l s e ........ Ac. S 75 1106 J o tau-; 1601 C. A. Burko . . : 35 75 1C53 • . 820 iKjlit'ij \\'rlolley, "Sfiihllo- 39 20-12S7 .Collieries Supply & . Jersey Contral T r a c t i o n 1723 Joseph L. Donahay 451) 33 A V . i . i . i i u i s . . ..; '17 CO 1502 T h o m a s B e a t t y 194 10 ksnn Conover, 29 60 1730 John A. Deltcicho Company Kijuipnient Co., Man166 6S 1 J a n u - s - I i . C o n w a y . . . ; . • 15 (10 1107 J a cShrowshurj "•85? .Williani.'ilalliil:i'> ; ,'.'«ii390 00 1503 Bound Brook Crushed 27 00 2B 00 1731 Daniel W. Robblus . . . . 1651 K. C. Towler 83 3S . alaiian J u l i n A . H i i w l s u i r t •.".:...75 00 1108 W. H . d i a l e r . O c e a n . . . Stono Co 212 00 1655 C. 15. Clnso 2175 81 90 : . . . 1732 Llda B. Hendrlckson . . 22 50 WaltuiTaylor (IDIst. 12SS Consolidated Gas Co., 87 58 1504 Bound Brook Crushed 22 70 1741 Bessie M. Dellott ..„.. A-. Uowne, : Shrevt'sl(',r,r, Joseph I I . Conrow . 76 OO . Cuurf) • ' 150 00 1109 • T. Stono Co 112 20 1057 Board Ill 00 12S9 Harry S. 'ilade'e'. Woe-, i hury (if Kdueatlon . Sheriff's Office—Salaries, Services of Harry M. Wilsffu (Dlst. " 125 25 Inild 4 00 1505 JoucTiirW. Thompson . . 17 60 City of Long Branch Papers, Ac. Court) ' V - ' School O r d e r s . • 78 57 1110 Michael M U IV i l l 111. 150fi Jame.i I I . Covert k62 BO 1058 Bound Brook' Crushed 63 75 1 2 ! ) 0 J a i n - - . ^ t j k e r s o n , * ; NcpMln-i-wsbury 1733 Elmer II. Goran Cluirh-s o. Davenport " ' ',-'• ' 'l-\-bruar.y 0, 1918.. 458 33 182 05 tuin230 50 1507 John Taylor 301 07 1734 William R. O'Brien... Stone Co. McCormick,' (IMst. 'Court)' I S 00 11.11. J a m e s 125 09 831 -Noll J l . i Mlllor, C u s t u 4S C5 1 2 ! > 1 I I . 1 ; . P i t c h e r , 1608 William Cal)lll 105 23 1659 William II. T a l l m a n . . . Mlddlc.21 25 1735 J. A. Butcher llulmiii'l ....: ..... 'Asbury 1'arlc Trust Co. 166 6S ' .. . ; d'ljJi;' . , . . ; . . . . . . ; . . . . , 121 00 1509 John T. Hopping 80 50 1(160 Bound Iirook Crushed X . Crawford. 1736 Hazel A. Suydam '(Mist. <-.mrl) 75 00 !79 10 1 1 1 2 r i i a r l p x 1 305 00 1510 Thomas Garvcy 85 25 153 Cl 1743 Patrick A. H a g a h . . . . . . KUmu Co . l l o l n i i l i j l a n i l R a r l t a n 97 55 1 2 9 2 I I . ' V l . ' ' I ' i t c i l ' e ' r " . ' U n i ' l t a n ' . 16 00 Ni-w Vtirli Telephone flian ..-.,,.,', 316 50 1511 Adam Llnzmnyer 172 88 1C61 L u t h e r As S t a p l o t o n . . . 42 r,l 1744 Joseph Johnson 1293 l.oili-r ,<iSmith, Atlantic Marl., 5 54 7 SO 1 1 1 3 - I r a W n i l i c , J r . , Ci.. (Dint; Conrl)' . . . . ,.833 T u n i s , . iSi . li;H'ktH',p(i, 91 00 1512 McGregor's Express . . . 72 00 250 26 i K i l i • 1 2 ' J 1 . l o a i p l i t i . B u t c h e r . 1662 Klwood Rogers .". 1745 Joseph Ruo .Tu.r.i, SU-lnhaih, Jr. . 7 00 : 97 50 1513 13. K. Clayton 406 50 178 CO 1740 Jam.M MoCann I".' Duller, 1663 Mlchnel Mulvihill . . . . . . ', HuiVjIl , 831,-]';.; 1\ J'it-iidrii-iiKijii.'ci'is( t) *,, 150 00 1 1 1 1 n i - i i i i K i i n 8 00 1514 Thomas McCoy 35 62 1664 Mlchn'el Mulvihill" 119-70 68 00 1747 J. C. itckcrnian.'.-. HiilllKli'l -I.I-K,- II. V:in\Vlnkl>! 10 00 . 'iudlan O.OHl •'.:' 0 22 1515 S. B. Burko 82 E5 S64 00 111.", l.i-,.n A: ];arkalo»-, " / " 1 2 S , 5 M a l i . 1 1 1 . y & H a r v o y , 11,65 A. O. Johnson 1718 John M. Smith (L»ist. C i m r t ) : . . . , ' 5 OO Si", .Tnhn It. '.-Allaire Cus1616 Patrick Drennan 315 98 113 38 174D Gconre A. Miller Unwell 1666 L u t h e r & S t a p l o t o n . . . '39 00 llHlillll- . . , Ji»i;i '-. I'el.-r T . F r a w h - y 21 00 1G07 A. 21 01 1517 I I . H . Matthews ., Luathnuni, (auto, Illi! Nli-lf.iliis J . Mulvvnua, 1290'il D.'wVlie'tt'.'Mid1750 Charfes O. Davenport.. r venport.. 80 10 S : i S ' I I . A'.. K u t p l i l n , Hi"! - T.'.K. l l i i n k i n s u n ..'...'.'.• 1518 Joseph L.-Butcher . . , . i ._.ltL.0O. - „ - , , - . : ..truck)...,!.,,.„,,..-',,....,'- 4,850.00 1761 1761B M Oonk :-•;..... ,•-,,,.. B. -.. M. •19 09 r 1608 S. C. V a n m n t e r , " (duto 1511) Thomas Quirk". . " . Y . ; . . ' . . " " " ' " 8 7 B O 1762 J. Arthur Butcher tiinew.sliury " •• " 10''7'f 18 88 'linn; I; •% nl 1'i-tl '• ' MJr It'. I-'. .W-winan. ('u,'-t,j4.485 30 7 1620 Joseph McCuo 231 00 si.»ni.; truck) 1293 Lakewood Sz Const Bennlo H. While 22 00 Jlan ,. M M 1 1 |il"7 I : IM ... Hr.iu 37 50 1621 H u s h Rlloy •- 35 55 1669 John II. Went 210 00 17 l i l t ll.iivnril W. H n b e r t s , ' Eli-ctric Co., Wall..., .20 25 W. n. O'Brien , 1IIIK w . 1 '. I.vk.-H H,'H ' l-'ol'IMiLlI I i . rJ'JT 1 1 [ l : - i - I I , 89 9 1 1622 Nicholas J. Mulvonha.'"." ' 34 91 64 00 I'li-ik. Midillrtmvii;.-. 21 00 1670 McGrt-Kor'H E x p r e s s . . . . 2074 B O O. 15 0Q 12slil W. M. Dey, Ocean Forman....;.;: : -<--III-I -i.llaii' O.W'J 11 1>II|[I .1, \v ilti-rr'r, f j i - ' i i ' : . . . ' . l tl l . n n F o r m a n . . . . ; . ; : Illfl. IliiBli Ril.-y. MIII.Mtone.. 1E23 William A. Dey 112 96 1671 Josepli Ncvl.i 73 68 . 21 7ii 1 3 0 0 ' O w n J .M e l e e . O c e a n l ; tS • s:;'. i l r n n d l i i -V. .IKIIIISIIII, nun .1. \S" J-'i rid;. ,Wf«fMlchoc V. Salaries. 112ii.'i'hlirl..s Sinllli, Il.iwi'll ; S "',' -'Quirk V MMatrons' t' S 95 00 1672 Thomas B e a t t y 288 25 1737300 00 1624 Clayton P a l m e r a n d S h r e w s b u r y 7 • Michael Qu rk 1 :)\'.'. Tn I I I H ...I, Ii I; • \V 00 00 . i:iisl.,di:ui 1121 .l.i.-i-|ili l j . U u l c h o r , 45 CO 1525 David E. T a n t u m 47 26 1673 Louis -Stultz. J r 89 21 1301 J . Kr a n k "youmans, IIH2 \ -. II. .M.iu it 1738 Uattlo Quirk . . .... BID C u m f W , ()]...rlaii.i..r, 30 00 lli.wi-H" 80 00 1 204 97 1674 M. H. Grlllln 1(8 10 •1526 J . E. Allen Wall -•.IC'.l 'in i iit;i Mi,- • 11." C i - iu • Slv'-iiVi .'" ifi>iM,li;iii.Widow's Pensions. 1122. .William J. Matthews, 39 0 0 1701 William S. H e y e r . . . . . . 166 00 1627 John L a m b 287 75 1 3 0 2 S a 1 1 1 u * 1 B . J e f f r i e s , • n i S11 lii-iil'K.' L . f l l l i l u , C l I S lull >•'• .SL-lio,-i h n ( n i d t . 2087 N . - J . s t a t e Board Chlln ll.mvll 1705* Richard Dangler . . . . . . , 185 00 1528 George P . Matthews . . 9 00 125 00 M a n a l a p a n ..: , i<«ii:ni .• ,....**... dren'a Guardians . . . . b 1.161 n 112:i j#uu: .\n-Dunnld, How"" Min j . li'i' " I I . 'i'Vi 150 DO 1 3 0 3 T l i o n i a s B r o n n a n , 1E29 Thomas Dowd t. 49 25 1700 T h o m a s Quirk - II 15 Farm Demonstrator's Salary Rar','ifi p.•'•IK1' ItIti.l/iML;-, IM ['y' — •• Bridges. 104 60 . 114 00 1630 t Thomas Dowd ' l ' 122 !>0 ltan I 1 '!'h .Mm.- I I April 17. 1121 (Max l!uiiioii't;' ilViw'e'll!!'. 1531 Max L a m e n t . , 85 45 1865 Klnfbbfl Pougjass*... ^";., . 29 2 0 1 3 0 4 C o n o v e r Lumber Co., 60 09 >SS DV . ^ J . * J > I I L I L I n i l < • . • » • < » • » 1 . ; • ' . - ' •!;' . : ' ! ' . ' * 1 n ' • ' . • • ' • • ' ! '• 'i' "".f' .""- -"'''."••••• '•••"' " ' • : ' " ~ - : $ 9 ' , H 0 OG i ; V -'•! < ; . ]•: • • • THE . »ss ijooliR r«bllitK'l« hia naM<ifllii« and , 21 GO247J Vjnn'ife Coal _.. i'Mil Utuirgi i. MulhollaciJ,, find tho Bumo correct lifi'I an hertln 74 25 2474 titatislr dumber C' C . a. B k i -S2917 mtateil, , ,' William C. Vottnap 2475 209 i!7 8203 491 75 W« fi/if] the balance In the hands of 103 43 247(1 William Klpp . . . . • • 2201 .frjrin T." lloself....... nald County Collector to lie tho sum of 12 00 2477 Wllllnm II. Bennett 164 D8 2305 If. W. Holmes Cmpany S i x t y u\x thoysand four hundred seventy ,. 2478 Melville Held 2300 KcufTcl 1 Hi Kisser Co.. Court Expensed 83100 ddoll lla r s ($60,470.83.) 83-100 $604083) 41 13 247(1 Jnsuiih S. Applcsati! 34 00 2307 Andrew J. Oonovor... •J17S JtHJcph Johnnon . . . . . . . W I L L I A M M. , 21! 80 S4S0 TIiniplnB' McHonry & 23118 K. S. line 2S0 00 Salary of Officer of Froeholdere. C H A S . M. W Y C K O l ' F , 1 39 i'Vost 2183 I1. O. WolKund 100 00 241)1 St. J. Kelly Cornmitteti of thfj' Uoan.l. of Chosen 2IS1 Lallc'ivimd & C o a H t Stationery. HO 2 Court House and Jail Expensos. lu s e t t l i : w i t h tlic C o u n t y .12 sr, Kk'Ctrlc Co County Attendance Officer's Expenses 2M2 1'. T. lliirhc!..., : r, 81 2309 Coll'-etor. 1 3 HO 24K2 I.odi-r & ytnlth . . . . 1BKJ J.inn H. JJJIWS 101 110 SIM W. V, llnymililH 37 11 S310 .]". A? hiiwi'i.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Printing. 21s:i Supervisor of Child Study Snlar ary. 21I.7' H. II. Jnffrli-H ' 40 00 ('< 21K7 M o n m nth ltd 11. Muytrolt. . Uunatlca and Epileptic Patients. HO 01) . II lima. TO 74 4 I,, r . Ayrra Rondfl. . 17 71 22HH •Jl. I 21111 N .1. Klali' H o s p i t a l . . . BO I I I ! ! '. Clerk's Of/Ice—Salaries, Stationery Etc. 5 W ilMnm iliilllilny • . 10-00 W. I I . Kulrbuulu' 2210 lOduanl Tajlur ami aKi; . l a i m - n X m ' i i i a i i •& lL> •32 77 ! i gunnmy. 150 7H iuiti l l . I I . .I.ihnncm, .TI'I-IIHti 7 . 1 . F r a n k VcMmiaiiM. . Klstallla ; l,0r,0 K2 l::;i a : , ; , 1KS:1 Willhiin .1. Miitthuivs. K7 fill 1.7J0 77 •< A l h i ' i - l r a t t i ' i ' i i o i i . 7s on ' t ""17 .liiHi'iih . M c l i i T i i m t t 1.".8 :::; 1RRI IBS 111 P a t i e n t s . I'. M. C !< A i l a m S | i ' - l l ' ' n . . . . . . 22117 Alvilll lilliilim.'ll l.'fi - ."i0 .',ij .14 i l l on .Inliri T ui:«-y Il.uinlc H u m KuiiltorL'^'IK .1 (I H i! )> h .MrlltM-liintt, 0 l.,,.ll-. . 1 . Hli'lili!,' . . . . 1 I.Till) Oil 4 2811 Ii V,/\. l Boord of Prisoners and Supplies. mi n William . 1 . O H I I U I ' I I l.'il i)H .liiini i n . 1 D I - . JiiiiiiM r m - t u r 42 111) :i!i :n '.'.'111 Jus'i'i'ili At'lllmioi'i '.'....'.1 27 Hi .lolm M. While 22.'. no Surrogate's Office—Salaries, St.ttlonury, ' ".',1."." n . 10. j t i i l i i u u - y R1H HCi ' L'lTf. W. & L. 10. ( l u r l e y Etc. j jr.L'iiII I I . Ull'llllKllMl 27 M 1S.IO A . l a i n I I . l l r o v v i l 12 00 •JK7 mil I2I7I1 . J i w p h I'1, !'.lllrl:'On, . . h L . llimiiliay;... I."S :i:l ! < ; • • ! K. I''. l l l l l i l l l H & C O . , I l H . 22 IK -CI 75 .1fillI H. (.'. Tuwl,,r 103 CO Printlna. l u i ! mi i ; r , " " F 91 3'J 'I'. Htirlii! l'.Ltrl.:K l i i T i i n i i i i 2fiS IK 21C.'! Muivnu l i r n s . , ; . . . . . . . . :ir. (17 221!) J n l i i ' A . Mi'iciii'iii.' I w , it.ii.liiiis..m . Xn :v.\ j TlHUllMM 1 ir.-MIK.M Discount and Interest. H.'I :>r, 2li:n .T. r.. Kliirnouth "I 7 0 22^11 ! .M. l l . ' l l . ' l t llll llll U ; . » ( C l i - i i i ' K D S I . D a v ; . , i i , William !•;.• K l . ' k l i ' i i . . , . 29 12 m i r.o lil'ill J . I i . K l t i m n n l h , ':, Oil r,2 or, •]is2 I.ldil !:. I I . i i ( l r ! . k . - M ! i , . . i Mr, ' r i u m i u a ( ' O M I M I . I •1(1 75 Sheriff's Office—Salaries, Service of A^llUl.v I'ark TrllBt ' : W i l l i a m K. l'ai-l\vrlnlit. •10 25 ' " B '""'clerk's Office'. " Papei-3, E t c . Kiivt National Hini; 18IP7 I ' h n i ' l i ' - s X . f r a w f u i i l . . . 30 on 42 r.ii 2IV1 Ntewnrl Warren * Co. 22(l» Kluii-r I I . - i l l - r a n JHS 3". '""• 1KIH Ilraillcy llearli J o h n I I . i-iifllii Surrflaate's Olfl'ce. llll 20 220:i \Y. It. D'lirlini 12.". ni).'ni:i;i Niitloiiul Haul: lil'lil . l a m , ' . - . M i - i ' i i n n l i - k i ' 2 0 on J8CG VS. 0. Hn.uii.,,,.,,,.,,. ,lti'»B Monta.ll Hroa<> . , , ! . . . . , . , lHf#'l Loula Colanor , ,. ,18C0 iloiimoiilh Democrat . . Army Appropriation. 4479 Hnwnrrl a . IJordtm, Major Hoiping Tnachsr's Salary. rUiarlottc H. Wilson... J'ark Trust r, m 8182 A«1jury f>*«U»any . . . . . . . . j , . . 1183 Hod Hank Trust Co.... 21B4 Long Branch Hanking &0 DO 18 2a 09 11 11 45 A Throw Away Y'/tir Triiraw*, WBLL Wen, Women, and Ghltditm Xtoun)8a(Cl2KinmoUth t a ( C l 2 K i U t h Uuildl Uuldj. -Anbury Park, N. J . Phones-Asbury Wayside 261-F-4, Hourn—9-11, 1-4.7-fl.' Saturday. Hundoy Bna Mon* day and by appointment. All RpiiliaiicL-HKuarantofKl or prices •pf untied. m v, ILLIAM E. TOSTEB, WNew COUNSICU.OH AT LAW. York, H. Y. City. PIERCE, R OBERT . LICENSED AUCTIONEER. iilcii.-n4f, White. IIMI Bunk, Ti-k-phonu 4 K . al nttvntioil In HnlL-a nf farm stock, itrt unil prraonbl pruperty,. 19 EAST NOTAItY rlllll.lC and COM1I1SKIONKK OF DliKUS. •lVlluy's News Stun.I. lt l(1 I ! i l n 1 td Street. ' ' ' N.fJ RED BANK, N. J. r Telephone 372 moo II. inn oo :iir, n am: r.o 1'. U n t i l ' iiiui l U n r l l u I m v ' i i i ' , . inn:! I r a W J I : I I . . . .Ir,-. Jinn W i l l i a m ,'i H i i v i - r i ii" i JC i.-li.i i-.I I laujMiT I r,nr, I I'lvkl I-!, Ti'a!inn .luii.i Tr.y|.,r liili? 1110 -I liirlf \V. 1 !!{><! nun ...... , William Muiiii .On Mouqulto CommlnBlon. (',, ViiiiVuriu Warllor.X 23K llll ;:n» mi Hu.l ;n no 121 50 in; at liU 00 •111 2111 1,0 l c'liiirl 1-1. 10. Roarf^. M.-iy 22. i \V. ApnlcB Vannrhoiclc. 1 >. H . IMaunttnn. 21000 00 1)53 r,0 1.0S2 SO 37 50 • -12 00 21' mi :io mi 2210 2211 2320 2 IX! 2I:i:l J.. A . K i i t c h i r Jlnsu-l A . H i l y i l a m I'lhiuT I I . i l i r a n (', A. 21|H| 2108 21(19 .1. i ' ly a ioii.. \V. c u r l .1.,!,,,,,,, JKI Sk-rnlfn Janii IV 1'rau'l c y . . . lvtiClliir|,-.i It. Pavmiliort lli-iirun A. Ulllcf JO. SI. l.'ullk I'alrlirk .A. H u n a n . ; , . I d i i IV, j KatiiutiJU'ii • :• Oil 1 2(j:i I S l l ' .S'litlouiil RiTilt . . . . . III 0 0 Haul; '• 0') ! ''ij;r, Si-nmiil X a t l o n a l ill' K i ' i l I t a n f t . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 oo-i Court .Expenses. William IT. Wlfeon . . . 3 1 FiO ; o,;o ( ; Kduard \V. Wlm>.,... H 78 1 "r."7 City o!" Anbury J'ail:.. •1 d o ! ' 17 00 7 r.o J o h n XV. HUIHO 142 36 , ' S2C /03 j ' -135 '10 HONESTY QUALITY SERVICE ALPH O. WILLGUHS COIJNSKIXOK'AT LAW cvunil Nfw York HUM) Offi.-i-:2 IlioiulKtri'i'l. Hull liunk. N . J . 12^) Urdiulwny. New York City, D. SMITH, C IIAUI.ES I.ICKNSKD AUCTIONEKH, Long ' Branch. ! Residence I •If 91 2(1 60 4'' 01 r,4 •10 ] ( ! 70 Now J u y . Atlantic IliulilunilB. N. J . CO Broiiilwi Calves' Liver Turkeys Sweetbreads Ducks Calves' Brains Capons 42 Sinth Avenue, Phone 200-M. DIt. J1AROLD J. STOKES, DKNTAIiSUItGEON Succ.-«sor to Dr. Frank Loo. HI llroail Street, Einner liulldinK. •M -Wllllnm V. HO(ima4. 5 anil (i. ;" a i m - l i t II. Kont o on 10. J , li'lito "J lH M c i I.-in-y Odlco Hours M'-l t" 5;C0 o'tlog". . • i i i t Freeholder Salaries, &c. S.C. II. WuBt.. . • i o n mi Sidney 2 1 00 2533 P . O. WnlBlinrt lUil-lii:. 4.'ir<oo 2502 100 00 •10 2 : si | 7 A. O. anliiniuii mi i AliillK I'ncil: . . . . oi no 2«0:l •ic io^Mce-^TAYLOR, G. E. . 21 Oil 2 U 8 ,_ r,2 Court House and Jail E p e n s e s . f n. 2501 i a i r. H. II. IS ^1 ' MIC . llei Irani Illrch . . . . . . CONSULTING ENGINEER^ ]t'l IK 2 1 Iti'lnwaru Illvw (..'ual-ry i II 11; Wlllvi n f ' h l l l Ur. It. O'lirli-ii !0 00 j2 r , t 7 «,„.,„.• s,-ryniaor t."o. :i2' CO "it.. (•(HKillll^tliill C ' I . . . CIVIL ENGINEER and SUIWMoIB Wardens' and Matrons' Salaries. Iliilililuii. 251S fj n . •jpjffiea |2r,is 05 :i7 ! 2120 nulti'wiiru Rlv<:r Quarry 8 Eisner IluildlnB, Broail St.. lied Bonk. 1917 1,890 41! 30 00 ,,r n W. V. Reynold:-) 2212 limtlu'Qulrlc 41 19 & Colintiurtlon ('0... vi l n- i a r M nil 22J.3 .Mlchai'l Quirk no n o : " 1 " Lunatics. • rim Ii. I) Cril«lii;il • m o no. 2121 riouml llrook, 1 Widows' Pensions. 2039 •-• II. II.. Johnson, Trc-as...- l.SSS 22 | _ J S L L Y & QUINN, 19211 Tlinina.i ]>uwd . . ; . , . Stolu; I '". 119 25 j 2281 N. J . Stntn Board of Burial Deceased Soldlerc. 11121 < li'ivli wood Hauklti . Davidson BuildlnK. Bed Ban*. •. 05 7« ' 2 1 2 2 Children's fluai;di:un»r- 1,308 A. I". Wi>lili.'l'ln>U... 3(0 32 40 00 I 2534 Wllllum V. Malchow . . . Joseph Rellly. John J. Qninn . '40 00 , . .HlllllO I'M. F a r m D e m o n s t r a t o r ' s Salary a n d Alhw't Kins' Tuberculosis Patients. 'on 7r. 5123 BDIIIMI ]lr«i. m/1 Expenses. B31 88 !53G Bonnie Burn Sana tor{ iin on ; SIOIIU O o . K. a. F . KING, 19 !IO 11125 AIb.'it King . . . ' , ! ! ! ! 2282 Klworid DmlKlaKH % ium 72 00 ! !i07 r,r, 2121 ' VETERINARY BURGEON AND inn Wllliiim 10. Hlcklos.. 50 0 0 203S White Haven Sam. lor890,01 2283 David Lopatln Stiinu On : 140 OK DENTIST. 1!!'.!? .lumen bkui-jiiiii : . . . . II) 4'8 273 00 2281 aiuronii Miod XV. H. Ili-yi-r Ium « 4 00.' 251 II BHREWSBURY. NEW JERSEY. 1'JI'II I.'iinl Whili: -.. 41 r.O .... 2285 T.oui.H CnlaniT 313. SO .:.•.. llll 00 2126 Ilk-hard liilnulclIncidental Expenses. : Overatorny performed on bitches with penaot l!l:!!l 2 50 60'228(1 K. F. Dullola & Co. Inc. 2523 Michael'Quirk (18 00 2U',7 'riniliuiu MonttyJ' ' 47 3 3 : 1IIII0 Adam Un/.iiiayiT - . . ^37 r.O1 Helping Teacher's Salary. 131 11 2528 W. II. Tallmau ; . J. A. WnlMnir IS S O I Also dogs treated with Scrum for DisUmperW IWI TlinmaM l.lai'Vfy . . . . 110 2 5 -'121 CO iX'.H CllorlutUi Ii, Wll.soil.. . . r .TanU'H Malunoy ...... Ferdinand Maag 12 00 Marme. IIKI'J John Hnr.'in 7:1 00 1 2512 William T. Head, State 2 3) Conk It Wizard 125 Oo ' „-I2U3T C. J. Strahan Teleohone 2118-M. Eatimtown. N. J. 2 ) a | - The (ilulrlii -ROIKI (Tn.. -r.201 -<j2-iTreasurer ' 11 23 .-Stationery. I llmiirii Ilroult Cni.-i'l 1,209 fi4 ! Coun,ty Attendance Officer's Exjenses. i'»r,-'i 2132 Tli'o tllutrln Hoad Co.. K. P . DllBols & Co.,-Inc. 1(5 00 V T OHN S. APPLEGATE & SON, rllillll.', Oil 1.2C0 00 2J1I) J a m : S. DUVIH $ 155 00 .jfl-iii J. A. Lewis ..." 21.33 Tho fllulrln 'Itotid Co.. 13 CO t) '• COUNSELLORS A I LAW. . Jtmmil liruuli ('rusl 1,455 30 Supervisor of Child Study Salary 2131 "Tlio Illutrln Hoad Co.. 2527 Joseph A t k i n s o n * . ,30 00; Davlilaon Euildlnir. BroadBUMl Stmiu Gil. 330 25 ill 35 230 8-1 and Expenses." 2638 J,o.-j(;iih Atkinson . v . . . . 9 52 j RED ^ANK. N. ' Itouml Hj'ook Urns! 54 1)0 2T.09 Cornelia' H. JIi!ytrott...S 220 00 21311 Mhvooil HiiBPl'H .'. Printing.'' ./* ' ? Slmio Co 220-5S 2137 M i c h a e l . Mulvllilll fi20 27 Intorcat on Court Houso Bonds. 2630 Jloteau Bros. . . . . . . . . . IS S5 ' linund Hi-milt ('rusl 17DMUND WILSON 805 75 2513 First National Hanlc of JaliH'K H . .TohnKon.... 2531 I.ony 33rftnch P r e a s ...... 23 00 ! Slum.- (.'it, . . . . . . . . . 50 2632 J. L. Kiumonth . . . . . . . . i o (10 I Freehold % (lllljeit. V a n c l c n t ....;. M'22 i C h a r l e s Siiillli ...... 3(1 00 ' ' .'Roads. H.. Ncwiniui ........... 2 2533 Ked Banlc Tteglster . . . . 37 tD • ]II:II Offices: 10'EJIST FRONT STREET^ .30 00 10 00 • Juno 6, 1918. ThomaH Hliley .......V ' - Roads. 1 1910 .Inhii ] * i n i b 203 00 23 50 2321 JameR P . MclOlvanoy. ..$ T: M. l U t i K l o l ' . . . ' . , Juno 10, 1018. ' i lllll Aliillhow I.umlj . ; . . 23 0 0 V LKTON BEEKMAN, •48 (11 2508. l l l c h a r d Dangler 224 00 2322 Ua£er & Fornnturo : K. C. Towler 392 50 1'JIU t'haili'H W. llululic.t'. 3D r.o 2144 lO.lwant Wonlloy _ fV COUNSELLOn AT LAW. 7 00 2509 ^ l a r y 15. Brown 3(100 2 i l 2 3 , j r K r u s *. 42 00 101:1 .I.ihll Ktniiklo 12li 00 -2145 Wllllnm .1. Matthews,. Offlcen. 10 Broad street, EED BANK. M. J. •217 28 2570 Wllllnm S . - H e y e r . . . . 4li 00 2324'" -Loder It S m i t h . . . 221 00 I ' l l I Atwan! V. Formail'... 13 Sli 214H ThomaH Hronuan . . . . . 221 85 2325 AuHtln WesternROaO 2571 Charles I-.owls:. 110 2.1 l!llr» Jill 00 3(1 ()0. K. HERBERT E. WILLIAMS, 6 OO 2O0OOJ2572_ Thomas cjulrk...'..,. Machinery. Co..*.. 191(1 J. K. A l l e n . . . . . . . . . . SURGEON DENTIST. . 2 1 0 00 3320 Nn\v York & L. Brnnqh ,5?. ""12148 C/JS, ClOHO ; .2573 Michael 21(1 50 «B7r "-• • • "Mulvllilll. •-' .Via I'1. H. W o u k s . . . . . . . . Graduate University of PonnByWanta. "id riO 21.13 Dolawaro Itlvor Quarry 58 50 : 2574 05 00 S: 0. Jeffries.... lfl»J W. II. Cusler • R, H . C o . .•....-.-.-......., 21 75 Office Days In Bed Bank: Mendajfc WednMdul . &. CoitHtructlon Co... 1,758 38. 2327 Tljoinas, B c a t t y . . . . , . . . , . . 9? 60 2575 Holmes H. Matthews... 42 50 19111 W. T. AonlcKlltu 2fi C O 30 00 2S 40 257(1 Klwood KogefH anil Saturdays. Henry O'Connor ..."... 20 R8 I960 Harvey .Stlllwauoh . Thomas' .7. S w e e n e y . . . . 2K OH 21P0 i237 15 2.128 42 00 2577 Holmes H. M a t t h e w s . . . 120 Broad Street. Red Bank., N^X n i l WnrnTJr Jr 13r,l. Mluhnul 48 30 William I I . T a l l m a n . . . . 431 00 2151 Mulvllilll . . . 17 40 232(r 2153 A. I". Wbolloy. 39 00 I 2578 Edward Woolley 2310 Hound Brook Crushed 183 00 92 36 2570 James H. Johnson »;»i;i2ir.3 Martin Mgglns. R. W. M. THOMPSON, '950 00 Stone C o . . . l0 1!H>3 linjiuL-tt - QraVDl C o 77 00 - .<" 1 2154 James Porter DENTAL BURGEON. 39 00 i 2580' E . Cllne Brook Crushed1951 l l u u n i l J J r o o k C r u u l u i d - • • l n ' I 2ir»5 OeorgQ T. Robblns 775.10 2331 Hound 409 50 2581 Wllllain J.. Matthews... 24 Nafl Bunk Building. • End Bank. H. 1 46 0 0 ; Stone C o r r ..*..'... .1116 87 Bourn 8-6. ill ai \ -15" Brpnuon 'P. Butler..... 139. F.o! Thomas ferennan 2332 Bound Brook Crushed 1955 William. A.'. •viey'.'.'.'.'J.'.'. 2S Vrtj2157 Charlcd E . I3nril, Holm48 00 William Frosticlc Stone Co..,...-... H5(i. Max Laniont •• •6,340 00 xi ™l del now road -.'. 69 50 2584 Leon A. B a r k a l o w . . . . . . R. WILLIAM ROSE, Brook Crushed 1957 aoorjio Ii. MO»R:I1I i!-JSi"2iriS Charlea Ijowla . . . . . . . . , 50. 07 2333 " Bound 00 00 DENTIST.! 423.95 2585 William P r o s t l c l c . . . . . . . • Stone C o . . . , . ' . . . . . • 11108 .loVioph H . C o m o w . . . . . . 41 Oil 2150' S. U. JeltrlCH CO 00 2334 Bound , 50 00 Romey Collins _„. i 258(1 Succeiuor to Dr. R. P. Bordwi. Brook .Crushed l' tilduoy U. Went 42 00 2101 W. II. Flltcroft B7 41 • • . " Stone C o . . . . , 92" 50 701 13[2587 Joseph N e v i s . . . ^ . < . . . . . Gas administered. ' .1900 11, K.- M i u i u l i u n . . . . ' . . . . ' • 98-00 .2188 Homey ColllnH . . . . . . ' . . 50 00 2336 H. J . Melee 320 00 I 9S 00 • 2588 Charles *_iiiiriujj W. »v. Appleeata.. AliiiicBaie 60 BROAD STREET^ RED BANK. H. ), " 403 DO 1901 Ai O. Jtilitiuon.. - . ' Bridges. 257 75 K' C l t 9SOO!258D B B. K. Clayton.... ... 2336 McpreKor'H lUxpress.;., 1902 .lolm H. W e s t . . . . . .-.. . 98-00 * M a y 22. 2C1 00 J 48 00.2590 Clayton Palmer ' KO. D. COOPER, 4S CO llllijl Wllllnin H . T i i l l m a n . . . 72 00 £337 Roco F e r m n t e . . . . . . . . . . . W. 12. Matthowa '2 00^2591 T I 1 0 oiutrln Road C o . . . 1,280 88 ) Nicolo 'Rongo. '. CIVIL EN G1NEEB. 147 GO 2090. H. II. Mittthowu , 1IIG1 TJCOH A. B f l r k a l o w . . - . . . 40.75 2338 1.45C 38 I 209 50 1 2582 The Glutrln Hoad C o . . . Victor ,Fenton.TT7....... ! Successor to Geo. Coeper, C. B 167 00 2091 19Cr. Oftolc & - B l l x u i t , . . . - . . . . 48 35 2339 .._ W . S. D e y . . . . . . . . . 8 00 2563- Tho Glutrln Road C o . . . 1,454 70 I Nicolo Itongo 402 00 J092. IOCS ThVmmi H . Uliley. i PostcSlca DuiMinn. RED BANK. K. I 00 00 2340 1 H. B. Pitcher 27 5" 2584 'The Glutrln Road C o . . . 1,267 92 I J a m e s ' Maloney 2C 00 2093 "Owon J : M e l o o . . . 1907 O. •Cuiinliiffliuin - . . . . . . . ' 45 00 2341 1,454 70 91 08 2595 The Glutrin Hoad C o . . . Frank Herbert 1908 Hound ' B r o ovk . Crushed KORGE K. ALLEN, JR., 75 00 2342 2094 Owen J,. M e l e e . . . ' . 1,260 00 2343 228 37 2586 The Glutrln Road C o . . . Wnrne, J r 107 4g i.201)5 i .Stouo Co. C CIVIL ENGINEER AND SUEVBITOB. 415 00 2344 Tra Owon J . Melee. 1,283 58 S. C. Towler,.. .• 226 50 259? The Glutrln R o a d ' C o . . . J9.09 JainoB ^J. MolOlvaney.. i Boom 7. Patterson Handing. Broad Street 1 209G, Jami'H I i : Hall, Exec1,454 94 2345 James McCormlck.., 28 00 2598 The Glutrln Road C o . . . 3IIVO .1at:kgon C o n n v e r UED BANK. N. J. M0 95 2340 John H. Curtis ! utor 50 00 78 !)f> I 2599 Thomas Scanlon 142 05 21)97 W. A. HUIHO, - 1871 'Thnmiiu lleatty 26 23 2347 & Son...... B runt r Studebaker Corporation 81)1 1117;! JIIHOIIII N e v l n . . . . . . . . . . . 30 00 2348 Van \V. H. Hopkins EO. H. ROBERTS, °° I 2098 51 37 i • John S. W h i t e . . : . . . . . . 4 5 9 O O l of America....... 1973 JerH«y Central Traction 10 C3 2349 .. . . , A. P . Woolley -. GRADUATE AUCTIONEER Hugh Ullcy ..,..!,.., Ailiim S p e n c e . . . . . . . . . . . nift n»i ? ' u u • Cooil Hoatls Machinery ! Pedigroe or Grade Stock. Fafm Sales. Persona 2350 John T a y l o r . . . . » C. H. Close. 1971 toiler & S m i t h ! ! ! ; " ! ! - ! 42 00 \ . ' Property. £MI III f Company I 2351 Nicholas J. Mulvenna.... 65 00 i 2603 Pennsylvania Railroad •'lflVli'C. A. Wooldoy Paint •2101 Atlantic Const Electric ! New Monmouth. N. J . 267 00 " 2352 A. H. Urown 12 OO Company , . ^ ~ ~ . aail Onior (Jo. . . . . ' . . . 170 15 I,lKht Co ! Telephone Middletown. 211-F-23 • 2353 Boivno Bran\K'...::. :~. ~.T. Ii 00 2G04 John Quirk 1!)7H I'BiinHJivanln It. K."Co. .19 04 2102 T h o Cinlion Irftn Works 44 50 2005 ••K. J. Melee 98 00 11177 -Ainqii 11. nruuklehanlc.. 48 01) 479 00 235T I«aae McDonald Company . . . . . . . . . . . i . 20 91- 2600 McGregor's E x p r e s s . . . : *... 17'DO 210,1 TI. 98 '00 1 385 00 2356 Mnx Lamont 728 70 2350 Oeorge T. Robbing 41! 113 2104 T h on( l.aPltclior 285 53 • • „, _ C007 JackHon Cono.ver......'. 1931) JaiiK'H ]->IKK'"H '• > rt i , * ' . l l o n . l r o n Works 395 !>S 120 1)0 lilBt) .Iiihn Taylor 55 „- 2608 8. C, Towler ',-,.'..... 131 40 2357 William T. ApplOBato.. Oonijiany I Red Bank People Should Not Delay. 78 7B 210r. Kilwuril A. H y e r s 745 F,8 i " 11)81 Nicholas J . JUulvoniiii.. i i Zi i 2C09 George T. Robblns : 154 2S 2358 ThomaH B r o u n a n . . . . . . . '19KL' II. K. Olnytmi !>:! 0.0 210r. William Kennedy . . . . . . 121 SO j John Pustkuohln.. 8 70 2:159 J. C. Ackerman 2360 p- S. W e e l s s . . . ; . . . . . . . . - 43 502107 126 00 1IIS3 I'alrli'k I l a r f n c t t Jolnr Pustkuchin.. If your kidneys are inflamed, MiHiniouth ContrnctlnB Mnjiniouth John White. "19K1 L,utlier & Ktaploton 288 70 60 00 » '"I2C12 13. K. White 112 00 2301v Company < Oont stand around and do nothing. lilHli Ijiither &" Hta[)leton... 10 00 2108 J. Prank Younians 39 00 i '2 9? i 2013 William H. Tallman 127 75 2flfi» Peter T. F r a w l e y . ; . ; , i , . Like a fire it will, soon be beyond li)80 Towiiiililp oT W a l l . . . . . . '135 80 2109 Alahoney fc H a r v e y . . . . 301 00 ' ' 29 00 2.163 Bennett Gravel C o . . . . . . 2.3G6 51 2614 A . O . J o h n s o n . . . . . : 1987 Jnnu'H Mnloney .'. 185-01 I2110 ConMdlidatoil Gas *CP— 268 50 I control. / SS ™ 2615 A. O. J o h n s o n . . . . , • 80 98 2364..- B. - lv-Clay t o n . . . . . . . . . . . 1)5 00 1G0 P. it. ijong-W. Q. Broad•19KK ..lanie.s Maloney. . , . . 7 . v . ; 2,1or> Johm Stanklo 59 10] • 03 00 2261c Cartan &. Devlin You will g e t the alarm in time— 98 00 liillll '.108111111 StromoiiBer . . . . J . 1 10 818 47 2860 Joseph McCuo - I A S ' 6 1 7 Cartan & Devlin .. - IlllI'Mt CO Backache, or dizziness or disorders 48 00. 2367 William K. Cnrtwright. 1IIII0 10, Wonlkw i... 253 00 Jfi-rt" ! 2618 'Luther & Staplcton Board of Prisoners and Supplies 51 0? 1901 J o h n T. H o i i n l r i g , . . . . . . 2JTfi8 ThomaK H.'.Daley of the urine. .. . . 34 50 • VJo in !2 G t ! l Luther .& Staplclon Juno 5, 1918. ' . G02 00 1111)2 Jami.'H I I . Johnson 2369 11; Ilafeman C o . . . ; . . . . Heed the warning. Charles Mount & Co...33 50 103.50 2620 Bound Brook .Crushed .114-50 ' li)9.'( • .TnmeM 11. J o h n s o n . . . . . _010 00 2312 ..'., Stone C o . . . . 193 70 I.ijulK Klnegold (13 382370 John U i u l ) ; . . DV 00 I2313 Give your kidneys a rest by living 28 00 2621 Baiind Brook 1!I!I4 10. Cllile ' 165 90 2371 Ahvard V'. Porman Crushed 1 1 5 0 ! 2314' .1. N. Jrihnson & S o n . . . 1 253 50 more carefully. ' 1905 A . M. Townley & C o . . . 2372 Willlnm A. Dey Stone Co.. ;. 80 22 129 00 48 00 I2315 W. V. V o o r M e s . . , . . . . . 89 25 '1911(1 H . Ninviiiau 2:17:1 C. Ai Burke Bound Brook Crushed Use Doan's Kidney Pills to help Discount and Interest. 103 CO 191)7 Tim aalluii Iron W o r k s I Samiiol H. liurke Stone C o . . . . 98 03 2290 Tho People's National stamp out the cause. ' . Uomiinny . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 00 Joseph Nevt.s. Bound Brook Crushed Bank' ' -««-i>' 2H75 Profit by a Red Eank man's experi19fm_Thii (inllnn J r n n WnrkB 2376 • ChnrluH-.Wi -Apiilegato. •saill—^tlaiitlo-HlKlilnnds-Na-—St«M'-COr.Trt.»mp.n 181-74 Cptnjiaiiy ,,;.. eer~ :. , . ; •' [2C24 Deinwnro Ulvcr Quarry tlniial. llauli 305 48 2377 Richard .nuiiRlor...... .lII!)!i:.:Howaril .:\V. lloborta, 22(12 Keyport BanklllB Co... 809 72 2378 .William S. H e y e r . . . I • & Construction C o . . . 1,286 13 Jacob Coffer, 42 West street, says: 1.14 40 2203 Citizens' NatlonaljBank Clork . " . . . . . . . . . . 30!l 72 2379 C. Cunningham. 12625 Delaware 1 -River Quarry • "I had kidney trouble for some time I : A « , U / i « vvv vA«iuipl/'_»«r*ftnnTna * n _3JLDJL •SS'.H—Fwhokl—M-utiKaJ-I,uiin!2ttQ0_U_Ji_ $320 4 -• a emrstTpetiuii C a r r : — m m > r fill 00 2001 R o m e y COIIIIIH . . . . and suffered trom pains in iiijrktwe—• 309 72 2381 Thnmns mGla r v e y . . . . I 2610 Wlllard VS. Naylpi'.'i..... 2 32 Association 17 05 2295 F a r m e r s ' & Merchants' 2(102 S . -C. -VUnninlor 2383 JnmoH H o r n n . , joints. I was exposed to T o u g h } 2611 Freehold Motor Co.'Tnc. 81 70 40 00 2003 Dorinaii, McFaildln . . . . 69 50 57? 45' 2383 Michael L a m b ; . . . . . Bridges. National Bank weather while aboard "ship-and t h e 3004 R , Harmful Co., T e n 107 25 2384 Albert K i n g , , June 19, 1918: v Court.Expenses. trouble grew worse. I heard of own roini"""*j807 76 13S 75 200 00 23S5 Albert K i n g the, Rayo «t yeur dpaler'i. . 53 30 25117 Lewis.Lumber Co % 2223 XVA Ii. E d w a r d s . . « , . . . . 2005 The Wui—P. McDonald 81 00 2538 J . Frank Y o u n i a n s . . . . . Doan's Kidney Pills and before I had 163 50 l f l l i (17 2386 J a m e s Okurson 2224 A. W. Kelly ..... ConHtruotlon Co,,'Nor-70 00 S387 Chi. rlctl T. P a r k o r . . finished the first box, I began t o feel 125 00 78, SB 2!W0 Charles White 31L C O M P A N Y i , ~^J..:VIjvood Avenue road... 4.D77 OO 2225 Charles I I . C l a y t o n . . . . 1 87 502510 Owon J. Melco!. . . „ ; . . . . 75' 00 2388 -William K. Sickles 760 00 222(1 Morrltt B. K e n t . . better. I continued using them and . 200(1 JoHoiih P . Burko, bal>"B4 74 2541 Owen*J. Sfelee. . . . . . . . , ' 110 00 22-27 -U. V ; - l i a w r e n c e , . . . . . . . . . . 51VG(i 23S9. • TJjomtis Costpllo'.... 1 before long, I was rid. of the troubleaime Klvtrslue Drive . 28 002542 Owen J . M e l e e . . . . ' . . . . 2228 doorgo W. Curlcy.',.i.• -• 55 W janb-'Jhmcii'Poi'lcr".".'^'! ." 76 00 riHlil - contract .002.17 2229 John A. Howland . .65.46. I am pleased to recommend Doan's ..- 75 002391 .William J. OBborn . 2543. David L. Kindi-;-..-•{•... .- -132^60 2081 •-Tho . Fireproof Kealty 24 .17 2544 Clark Conine 2230 CliarleB O. IMvonport.. 52 00 2392 John Tnnsoy, J r . . . Kidney Pills, for I know they are r e 15 00 - .: : CoUMtrui'tiini Co.i Frae•231 75 2545 Frank H . B r a n c h . . . . . . .2393 Thomas Dowrt 2231 J o h n M . Smlffli 170 05 G6 00 liable"." hold-Hmlthburff road. 3.8IS 39 2232 John J. Qulnil •69 70 2510 Wllllnm' J. Matthoy?B... 23P-1 James I?lBjrlns ........ 200 00 17 25 105 00 2233 Nortliwoatorn Deteotlvo .2085, Charles U. Scliocic 101 00 5547 William 11 M a t t h e w s : . 8395 J o h n - I I o n i n •...' ' 60 00 Price 6.0c, a t all dealers: Dont 2(180 Central R. H. of N. J . . 123 80 111-40 2390 Harvey HtlllwaBOa ! . . . 242 34 Agency 88 35 Monmouth Lighting Co simply ask for a kidney remedy—get "• Bridges. - • 142 lifi J397 H. Newman 2231 • Dormmv McParldln . . . . 125 00 H . n . P i t c h e r . : . . . . ; ' . . , . . • May ». an no! 39 00 I f£H Michnel H. C o l l i n s . . . . . Doan's Kidney Pills—the same t h a t 2235 Elmer H. Geran, StierlfC 2,000 00 2398 33." Clino T: 180 00 'Conovor Lumbor Co... ,015 10 2390 Greenwood Rankln . . . . £1 10 2236 Charles V. S e x t o n . . ^ . . Mr. Coffer had.' Foster-Sftilbmn Co., 47 01 & Devlin...',.... 200S A. M. Xownley £; Co... 48 00 2400 XV, II. Gravatt 25 60 2552 - Cartan .'. 8 43 2287 K. M. C o n k , " 120 08 Edward s . Vun-leer;.,:. Mfgrs, Buffalo, N. Y. • 20011 H. B. PlteheV...... 1C0 00 240L T. A. Bowno . . . . . - > . . . . 4M 3!) 2553 H.' 13. Pitcher .' 230 00 2238 Ii. .1. McCormlck: 225 00 :... .201(1 ,,11. n.'Pitcher . . . . . CO 00 68 50 aj-lvanus T. E m m o | \ s . . 2239 2402 Adam I.inzmaycr 400 00 . 260 00 2554 H. B. P i t c h e r . . ; . H. B. Pitcher 54 17 400 05 '2555' Carlan &. Devlin 2403 Carel Whlto 427 SO 2240 • H a r r y N. Johnsonv . . . . . " 59 16 2012 Michael H. Colllno...:. B7 80 2401 Alfred Hardy & Son . . . 79 05 402 GO 2211 James McCann ., 71 58 & Devlin....... 20i:i Allim Burdge . . . . . . . . . . ^ 38 5024O.T Michael Mulvihlll 301 00 255O.nnrtan 25 54 22-12 Joseiih Hue 236' 50 2657 Carlan & D e v l i n . . . . . . . 2014 Hmiplnff McHenry & 48 00 ' 237 30 S558 Cartan & D e v l i n . . . . . . . 22-13 ,T.,'C. Aolcerman 24OC Charles X. Crawford . . 66 88 . 88 412214 Chrlstouher C. Pllck... 41 00 2107 Kdwanl Woolley 39 00 2650 Cartan •& D e v l i n . . . . . . . 110 02 . 33 41•22-16 CI. S; IT. Mount 2015 Wlllluni'M.'seiioy!'.!!! -2B 00 2408 D. D.. I ( offerson 294 50 2560 Consolidated Can C o . . . 8t 43 2010 William O. Bonnott.... 18 00 2248 Oeoruo H. VallWitiklo.. 27 00 2409 D. D. Lcfforson 461 00 2561 Hendrlcksoii & Bllatush S3 52 2017 John H. ... Donovan . SO-CO 88 R0 3110 A'n'd'gfnun- &, B u r k - j , , _ • . • A. P. C l a y t o n . . . . . 3 25 . 3 0 00 2II1H J o s e p h - T . B i t r i ' o w e a ^ G O r - — - 1 3 22 2217 - 3 0 00 2 4 i r Care! White ,...\.V:..."~ 104 50 2562 W . S,"IloiiklnH.-.--.Tf-.-;. Frank l'eaerlol-*Trrr7.v 2218' 188 23 SO1II J o s e p h S . A n p l e t f a t o . . . Mnhor & F l o c k h a r t ^ ; . . . 48 25 81 4(1 2412 James Okerson . . . . . : . . Jphn MulsofC 98 44 2563 (1 78 2020 Wllllnin H . B e n n e t t . . . . ' . 318 85 2664 A. M. Townley & . C o . . . Oil 00 2413 Joseph Stromenger . . . . Alvln H. Clivter 49 00 2(.65 H. C Towler. 2(121 H a r r y C. R o h m . : 134 35 2251 Harry Neallo ..' 20 00 162 8S 2414' W. H. Cusler . . . , . 10 50 2022 O. A. B u r l t o . . . . . - : 26C0 . Atlantic Coast Electric 20 00 22f,2 Koney ^ Haffe.. 10 50 304 20 2415 C. U. Closo ,... 2023 J o h n •!>. C o n k . . . Light Co L . . . . ; . 34 40 22S3 John MulsoIT 4 00 2416 Fnltlok l l a r t n o t t . . i . . . 37 50' 2567 Collieries' Hiipply^- & 2021 V. 8 . WoekH 51 61 . 45 50 2254 Went Publishing Co;.. 17 00 2417 William E. Sickles . . . . 175 V5 2025 C. A . Woolsey P a i n t Kiiulpment Co U . . 4 00 2418 J a m e s H . Johnson . . . . , : 2255 John Flanagan . ; 817 60 Total amount of receipts from 180 00 anil Color. Co. . . . . . . . . . 153 90 2260 S. C. Towler 3 00 2419 OliarleB W. Butcher . . . •70 60 J a n . 1.1918, to July 1,1918 tl.295,872 10 • 202'S O. A . WoolHcy P a i n t 4 80 21C0 Mahor & Flockhart . . . . 2257 Thomas IJ. Smith 142 50 Total amount of disburse, ami Ouliir Co 170 15 5 00 2421 Thonms McGarry ( Tho Frank Shepherd Co. 100 00 m e n t s from J a n . 1. 1918, to 2027 Vnuna,tje (,'oal Co 21140 225(1 John S. H a r t . . .• 11 80 2422 Michael Dupgan .., III 60 July 1, 1918 : . . . .$1,225,401 27 21128 Vornmi . Woolley • 45 00 22110 J. Frank P a t t e r s o n . . . . 9 C.4 2423 Leon A. Barkalow 100 75 2(1211 W . S. H o p k i n s 30 00 22111 RUvood H. N e w m a n . . . . •13 00 J12I L n m l Sain of Any Medicine m tho World. Dunlop & MBit Pottery SIKH) I i . C . Ayt-PH Bal. on hnntl July 1, 1918..$ . CC.470 83 CO 0.0 10 50 Joseph OoldHtoln -. Sold everywhere. In Uoxeg. 10c, 25c. 84 50 Co ...... 2(i:il .Tnnatllali II. ' Clayton. . 4113 2203 David o . W a l d o n . : . . . . T h e balance Is deposited in t h o follow2 50 2425 Tho MulT.ilo Sprlngllcld 2032 Tlntorn ing nnmed banks: • Jilanor Water 2B FOR BUCK,WHITE, 22(11 Harahuchello ...-. Roller Co. F i r s t National Bank of BolConijiany 9 22 22C>fi .IN:!!1})!! .lohtison . . . . . . . 20 00 2420 Tho Buffalo SprlnglUld :O:I:I Wllllnin nndnoy TAN, DARK BROWN 75 00 220(1 - Patsy .sarabuchello . .. PRESERVE THE $ CO 39 • 44 00 37 20 ( Roller Co ."0;; I Wllllnm Itnlllday C2 50 2267 John II. Houghton..*... itizens Nntlonnl Hank of 151 88 2427 Jackson LEATHER. . e 192 50 Conover OR OX-BLOOD !l(i:i!i V.. .1. Koniili...,. 60 00 22CS liitele V. IToughton Lonir Branch 485 47 IS 00 2428 Jackson Cnnover 25 20 ." SII.'IO Mnnmolltll .Lighting-Co. 177,60 2269 (I. A. ParHlnw Atlantic Highlands National 45 22 24211 D. I C Whlto 100 O O • 20.17 4ft William H » w r 75 00 Bank - 3(1 002430 Romey Collins Janins H. Conway i,r.s2 48 50 00 Asbury Fnrk Trust Company 20:111 l'ulilk! SiMvii'c Electric 48 00 Oi-orgo A. Miller...».... 4 1 0 0 Asbury 1'ark Trust Company Perry R. Whlto 130 (IS lliO 00 2431 noiij. It. SmlUi s 117 03 2432 Andys Garage -.1039. Wayne I l a r w v (Court house account) . . . . 407 27 7.5 00 2133 x rho W m . P . McDonald 40 00 Harry M. Wilson.. anil) !•:. s . vnniBi*. Seconrl National Bank of Red Dun't ncKlcct them. Now is tho 41 I I AKhury Parlc Trust Construction C o . . . . . . 6,029 20 20.11 KUBOII CO 37 time, before the hard winter's work ut Bank .....--... 30 110 70 10 2134 The Company l.'lroproof Realty & 2012 V. B.'' Cio.'U the bookd. Headiiche ami nuura'Utia First National Bank of Froe.17 S3 I 9 92 Albert Rnliblns, I n c . . . . 0,409 71 Construction Co :iM3 ICO 25 quickly relieved. No chur^o for cun131 33 . _ 75 lleni-y Hcboonlein It. Hafeman . . . . • . ; . . . . . - 420 00 Asbury. Park and Ooean £1111 Prank A. Woll.H lultatiun. 30 721 Freeholders' Salaries and Salaries' of. 2-135 140 75 25DS J . 10. Allen : 2(115 H. H. MalthewB 473 53 53-1 87 Offlgsrs. Grove Banlt 303.00 25J4 l'atriolt Dronnan 201(1 Robert IIIuBlnnon &. Bon 37 48 00 12.1 0 21111 Charles ^ 1 . WyckolT.. Heaconst Trust Company . . . . 2017 LouiH J. Hletlng Bridges, C8 12E 2132 Jill Munnsquan Natlotial Hank . . - . - P h i l a d e l p h i a E y e Speoialista i I nuclinnon &, Smock June 5, 191S. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT OCTOBER 28th. 1918. 44 10 2193 William M. llei-BBon 123 First National Bank of Spring I j u m l j e r - C o . f I 2nd National Bank Bide Room 28 1,410 3,064 2436 K. H. Joftrlcs 35 50 97 aBlm 210 00 21111 12T T. K. JelTrles '•. 2IMH J . Prank youinans.T Subject to chancre without notice. | Every Wednesday Hours 12:15 to 4 p.m. irnuM's and Merchants Na2137 .lames Maloney 311 00 21115 BordrtV A. .TelTery , 28 00 :0lll Loiler & Sinltli tional Itank nf Mnta-wnn'... 10,620 71 243S Kchmiolc S. T h o m p s o n . . : 2196 208 33 ('hiirles V. aicDonalil... 3W 07 20.i0 Mtmmouth Contracting Cuntnil Natio-ial Bank of 100 00 2139 IMnnmouth ContractlriB 313 r.O 21(17 O. E. D a v i s . . . . Comjiany . . . ^ Co Krechohl , 472 r,i 175 00 2198 K. S. I t l i c . . . . . . ISO 00 21151 Owon J. Itclcc Contracting Keyport Hanking Company.. 1.R10 42 1C0 00 2199 C. K. Close 112 r.n LI0O Monmouth (!<>:;:! Owen J. Rlelee 2200 Martin JIcCuo 225 00 „ Co 425 00 Oeenn drove National Bank.. 690 CO Between Pier 24. foot of Franklin Street. Now York, and Highlands. Highland Beach. Oceanic, 20» 3.1 2(163"-Owen J. Mcloo WoU-Xotted 187 00 2201 R. S. Ilennntt Contracting First National Bank of 13a20S 33 2111 Mi)nmiiuth 2II&-1 Owen J. Melee Locu3t Point and Hud Bank3 CO 2202 GcorKo D. Cooper 200 00 Co tontown 302 00 2S0 00 2065 Charles K. Tliomjison.. 111 12 220.1 Davlil Iluck _.21 00 2122 , H ('. Towler : . . . . First National nank of Sea ino no Telephone Call 1701 Franklin. Now York. 423 Red Bank. N. J . Highlands Telephone. 1264. £056 Charlca X. Crawford... 2204 an 70 2205 1.9S6 37 HrlFht .)-. n o oo 2113 The Clallon Iron Works W. V: Reynolds S057 H . B. Pitcher. . . . r . ' . . . 675 00 First National Hank of Brad48 00 2200 H. P. Darkalow Cn. 'SO no FOR NEW YORK FOtt RED BANK. (1068 Georue J . Smith. 32 44 10,125 00 500 00 2111 W. H. -Mcrrett ley Iloach ,.. S3 33 Harry Noallo :05() Loula J. Slollng Daily except Sunday. ^ Dally except Sunday. Dried, FnlTorittd or Slir«a4«*. 110 70 2207 138 85 Lorif? liraiii'li Uankln)? Co. A. 25 00 2415 lni Warm', Jr. 2277 John W. Hulso •iOOO Ilennett Gravel Co 145 CO 102 78 227H Qlourw IJ. Berry 320 00 Farmers National Bank of AlP. M. A. M LABOELY 125 no 21IB Owen J . Mpleo--v;vvi-ii-: 2061 -Douglas Woodward . . . :, 75 00 255 00 lontowu 24 17 Owoji J . Mblcu OO Henry K. Ackorson, J r . . 2 30 . . . . 7 Leave Red Bank . . . . . . 2273 2002 a . Thompson.. Leave PTer 24, foot of Franklin St. 75 00 24-IS Owen J . Mcleo This manure Is odorless ana ex309 2 0 Arrive 552 50 Peoples National Bank of B2 00 Q. J. Strahan, (salary . 4 30 " Locust Point . . . 7 25 2063 Ira Wnrno. J r Highlands about ceptionolly mitrltioiiB. PlorlatB, 1 1S3 2? 3 74 75 00 211!l Andrew JfililiHon Koyport V as clerk) Oceanic 7 30 1001 Cliai-li'S B r a n Occnnic " . . .'. ~ ... . . S OO " Landscape Gardeners nntl Growers \iS4 40 80 50 Kcansburg National Bank . . . (15 00 22R0 John H. Fitzgerald..... 100 01) i 2451) Kdwnril A. Hyros . 5 ID " 8 oo Hidhlands • :O65 Alliort Patterson ' Locust Point " havo obtained wonderful rouultn. 05 31 1 G 35 110 00 2451 W. A\ Hulse The Matawan Itank 21111 M. J. Kolly . 5*30 Arrive Franltlin Street about.. 10 oo 10,324 21 :(O6(I Wlllhini Reuil ' Red Bank " Also used for grass, lawn, vege24 47 24fi2 K. H. Weeks 50 70 Hod Bank Trust Company.'... I. Court Houso and Jail Expenses. :007 Edivnnl OllTOll table nnd flower irarclens, iiotCod 3,084 .14 J 8 02 2I').'I GivilKiSoffi'l 14 Oil First National Bank of Long 2.110 Standard Cas Company No stop nt Fair Haven. . . . . 5008 Dnvld 13. T a n t u m . . . . . plants ami nil farming purposes. 30 00 , Ilranrh ir,o si: 2454 W: K. Hopkins COCO Louis J. Siding 4ftOO002317 Wllllnin Oll.lln 2,038 99 on no Klr.'U National Hank of Farm31 no 245T. JOUKIMIO I.on^.streot . . . . 2318 Jnmen II. Cunw.iy; A Lustlnu Plnnt Kood, to be TROLLEY CONNECTIONS. 2077 Moumoutli Contractluff 41 80 245(1 Wllllain lluwcr 7 5 . 0 0 2319 StlntPHlr IjUmber .Co... 152 15 mlxod with soil or used aoparately, 2,418 53 Company i 2 71 2500 Now York Tolophono 2157 Veinon Woolley •15 nn Fi-oolinld Trust Company AT HIGHLANDS via J . C. T. Co.. for Stnno Church. Navpslnk. Atlanti* Highlands. Bellori promotlnB tho crowtli ot every ' 2O7H Nnylor-'s Msprefls 42 00 245.S Nurinan 15 on -(bond premium account) . . Coniimny \. clasB of vegetation. 1,038.05 Keanpburff. Kayport. MiddleUiwn and Red Bank. •JfliO Frank II. liraach 2159 M M nt tl llluuw wL Lamb 2307 a. II. .lefTi'liw ii'. ~ JClrst National Bank of JOne63 302159 »,".ch..Aabcir:j..flt|v . ::0S0' IiaUiMrgml & Coast ElecAT BANK-RBP*l*-M.C..K.,Co..,t<>c Shrewsbury, Ritonta : r — ' 5 0 nil Hshtnwn ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . 2\C,!f " Tuberculojfs Patlerftt 2\C!f"KK • J." J " Kiine Kiineh~-?: - •" - - irlr.--Cfi' '"':/..-..'.-;:;;':.-:".'— 18 78 "-; in" g r Hnvcn. Oct-niilc und Rumson. C. A. Woolsey Paint 75 00 National Freehold, .Banking 2239 Bonulo Hum Snnltor2KU Wllllnm Itodney JOllI Call or write for, your »|ipply »t AT R13D BANK »la J. C. T. Co.. for Fair Vlo». Middlotow . New Munniouth. Bolford, Ke anil Color Co 161 70 40 CO 285 4 7 luin . : . . . , . . . . . 120 00 2-162 Wayne Harvey ' Company once, so ua to assure uhlpnieat. -2IIH2 UnrniiKh'nf K o y p o r t . . . , 7 78 Hospital Appropriations. r, "502 81 bora and Koyport. £10:1 Mahoney -.t llnrv-jy Tho Merchants National Bank :o»3 riherwln Williams Co.. 99 75 22P6 Jlonmouth WRDftcin! attiintlnn ulvon tn Th« '•Hrp nt Hnrn»« qnij r r i " " v Memorial 2-101 H.'ll. Pitcher so on Doartl-of Prisoners and 8upplles. • JCC,'170 83 0.000 00 2105 John Crlne Hospital . . . . . . v , i?5 £'^ . May 22, 1918. 2!l!'l Maher & Flockhart Wo, ,tho undiirslKnocl, «, Comralttoo of County Tax Board. 440 00 2i(il p . T. Burke 100 02 2214 Chnrlos I,. S t o u t . . 112 7r. 2107 Jlalior & Flocklmrt tho Board of Chosen Frooholtlora, dply 44G 104 V. Mth.Btrtrt, W«'W TOT* Oily. 2IC0 II. Richmond 20 45 2215 J l o w n n l XV. Roberts 280 50 appointed for tho purpoae.' h e r e b y ' c o r 80 C7- 2Ills Jinlior Ji Flockhart 21C0 I). R Malioney 33 17 2109 Douglas Woodwiird Incidental Expenses. 16S -10 tlfy t h a t we havL* examined t h o forego•:l«9 Harry arry N * n o 121 00 Henry R- Ackersbn, Jr; '71 70 2-ITOi . H. 11. rnttcrson • E29 50Inn ftccpunta of CharleB *F. McDonald, !I!IO Hnrry Neallo 10.0.00 2299 C. E. Close . ^ 3'J 8r, 2471 II. II. Pitcher It pays to jfdyertiso In The BettlsUr. 2C0.00 County Collector, for tho Blx months Discount and Interest. 2300 ljeonanl J . Arrowsmlth 10 75 24 7:' II. B. Plichj>r 35 00 from J a n . 1, 1918, to July 1, 1918 also ajl ran IH 'I'llUllli! f i l l Oil of, H i , " D Jersey Fowls and Roasting Chickens D D D G G G O LAMPS i ANSWER THE ALARM! A Rayo Reflection When your boy comes back let the bright radiance of your smile and the cheery presence of the Rayo Lamp reflect your welcome. Its generous soft glow—without flicker or glare—gives light wherever needed, pest for all fine work-can't strain tkeeyes. Rayo Lamps are ,sim0ly..:de signed—portable—no trouble to if«iSr»w»r»1-*"" J "j-'-'- 1J ' L - l " - "'---- h fiEECKAM'S PILLS IN SHOE quickly help to strengthen the digestion, stimulate the liver, regulate the bowels arid improve the health by working with nature. POLISHES LIQUIDS &PASTES KEEP Y O U R 5HOES. CHILDREN'S EYES ill •in ) , MERCHANTS STEAMBOAT CO. OF. NEW JERSEY • SSTILES Sc CO. ! f Steamers Sea Bird orAlbertina Horse, Stable and Cattle Manure If you have anything to sell, or if you want to buy anything, you will find The- Register's Want Column the quickest and cheapest way of filling your want. M. McGIRR'S SONS CO. THE RED BANK REGISTER. Pmre gTRANT) 2Oc MATINEE ALL. SEATS IVsburij Park EVENING ALL SEATS 15c TVew \V»r Tax Included. ™ M THEATRE • # Matinoo Daily .3 P. M. Saturday 2:30 P. M. The Christmas Store - Floor. ' . ' " • / • • , • Today WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 IN "The Ordeal of Rosetta" PARAMOUNT BENNETT COMEDY THursday, November *7 IN HER LATEST PICTURE SHACKLED" COMEDY, . .;: • • "The Burden of Proof" Saturday, INfoveinrifoer 9 JEWEL CARMEN IN HER LATEST PICTURE VITAGRAPH NEW 2-HBEL Bid V COMEDY X Monday, November 11 In the Jewelry Shop Gladys Brockwell It is certain that someone has longed for a bit of gold or silver and this jewelry shop ia. • just brimful of ideal suggestions. ' ,_ . •' • IN HER LATEST PICTURE H L A T E T PICTURE In the Art Shop .A shop where one finds everything beautiful, useful, artistic—just the sort of" place where --.-one-sefilcsJor-gifts^ut^oM^ \ • The Shops for ,Meji. A Drama of the Rape of Democracy and of a Woman's Part in the Teuton Plot that Plunged the World in Blood SCREEN) TELEGRAM • . . . . " •M. Tuesday, November 12 You are invited to look over our stock of practical things for men* Fancy vests, heckwear, gloves, hosiery, lounging robes, bath robes—yoti may be sure that whatever you buy , ' "LAWLESS LOVE" •_t._1, <:*& Of course the real gift hosiery will be of silk, but there is a. large, assortment* of hosiery of every description_and:color/^.Th.ej#^^^ 'V ; a here.' SCREEN TELEGRAM COMEDY In the Blouse Shop . There are many who will give blouses for Christmas, because they are practical'.""" There'is " ' a wonderful collection awaiting- your selection in this important shop. • . ."•"',£' — ES IN HER LATEST PICTURE In t h eI n f a n t s ' S h o p • 1 * 1'. ; . - . . / • • You would never guess that there was so many artistic gift's for faby. It is impossible ::to • describe the dear little novelties and the dainty frocks, coats and [bonnets. .' :% .. PATHB WEEKLY F^riday, November 8 In the Book Shop " ..,.'. • The giving of books can be made as7much a pleasure as. their receipt. .They make ideal gifts' for any member of the'family. The books you will want- to give are here to meditate upon, examine.and select at leisure. > .'••'... • "'."•. -•<.-.--———~^ Today ALICE BRADY In the Silks and Woolen Shop ," _ ' ;( What could be more appropriate than a gift of silk or woolen material. A dress length, a blouse, or a skirt artisticly boxed ready for -giving..*' '" ..-. ;t In the Hosiery Shop RED BANK, N. J. N O T I C E — I n order to tave fuel the first show will itart promptly at 7 : 1 O , commencing Monday, November 11 NEW COMEDY—I have cpntracted for the new 2-Reel Big V Comediea, Arbuckle Comediei, Sennctt Comedies, Famoui Sunihinc Comediei and a number of good 1-Reel Comodiei which I ht^e will please my patron*. The Government has requested" early Christmas Shopping and as usual ih'e - people -cheerfully comply. • • All Christmas purchases should be made during Novemberas early in the month as'possible., '' * The Steinba'ch Store has "already inaugurated its .holiday displays and everything is in complete readiness for patriotic shoppers. On the Fourth Floor a huge all-American Toy Town has been opened. " . ; On the Third Floor a huge Christmas stock, of gift Victrolas, furniture and rugs. , . ••. . '' Ip every department stocks haVe been -magnificently amplified to make .selection a. simple and pleasant task.< . ' . . \ , Prices are moderate and constant special sales are doing'much to ease the purse strain for our patrons. • "'. _To encourage early Christmas Shopping all change purchases-made ., ^ in; November will be entered as payable in January. If you have not an account at Steinbach's, open one. - -—'- ' — ___ • Full information on this subjectrby mail or at the Department of- -• •• Accounts—Third BROAD STREET Telephone 6 5 8 War Tax Included. Performance Continuous 7.15 P.iM. to 11:00 P:M. g o o d t a s t e . . . . . . •, .„•. . ._ .• ' Lillian Walker • IN HER LATEST PICTURE •, "Embarrassment of Riches'* ,- c PARAMOUNT-ARBUCKLE COMEDY J HOLMDEL NEWS.. ing William Ely's farm, has bought a farm at Jamesburj;, where he will Ban on .Schools and Churches in move shortly. William Pitcher, the bridge buildTo>yjj»hip Lifted Last Week. The Reformed and Baptist church- er, was taken sick while at work last week ami has since been confined to es resumed their services Sunday. School reopened Monday afler having his house. been closed three weeks. • I .Mr. and Mrs. .William Crotchfekl ' Fred S. Kinhafur has sold a four- j have been visiting Mr. and Mrs." horse Oliver, plow to the William A. jChriney C'onover. Jameson 'arm and a three-horse n«i-! Mr. and Mrs. Harry fompkins of Way plow to Charles Mount of Crow-: Milliuni spent Sundayiwith. Mr. and , ford's Corner. • j Mrs, Fred S. Kinhafer. The Red- Cross auxiliary has re- j liiss Jlary HoTnfes hajL.returned to ceiyed a kirpe number of. pajamas; school at Enirlewood: The school-had closed, owing'"to vthe' influenza and ^hospital shirts to' bqfini.-h<;uby been j . ' November loth. •.' •' '. • •. j epidemic. Eugene Ely Ifiis.heen sick. EATONTOWN NEWS. •. Daisy Sutphin, daughter - of Roli-j Seeing is Believing We want you to come and see for yourself the wonderful opportunities for saving money which are now being offered by us. ' ' • ,. • • ' Whether your requirements arejarge o r small, you will be sure to get exactly what you.-need at prices which seem almost impossible at the present time. Our large and varied stock of men's and women's clothing and a selected assortment of house furnishings gives you a choice not duplicated in many stores and we know that our,prices cannot be matched, quality considered. tic Y . -|• ,• lunite.! war fund, drive, which.w-ill iilJS ,,, a , lu » • Iwenty girls and boys in disguise i start next Monday ' paid their annual calls-on the village j Mrs. Hannah L. Heiidrickson fell lolks Halloween.. At some of the I last week in her back yard and broke ijousf-.s the^ occupants treated the I her aim above the elbow, youngsters to cake and candy while -Eustace White of this'place, who at one home each received fifty cents has " been • . - .training . . - • • with ...*the . light in •166 Monmouth Street, Near Depot with which to buy candy J 'or other tank corps at Camp Colt, Gettysburg, Red Bank, N. J. , lefreshmeiits. • ., has sailed for France. Mrs. Lucy Eirolf, who hus been in Philip Patterson of Lewis street, W W ^ ^ W W W W ^ » W » W i » ^ » W » K ^ W « ? » » > W f r W » M « charge of the telephone exchange J who has been laid up with pneumonia, here, moved last Friday to Asbury j is' able to be about. •• • '• home on Sunday. Leslie spent part J«I-K. A ,Ne\yark family mimed Rog-i Otto Applegate has moved his ga- of the day visiting friends here. • trs hap moved into the house and will I r;i(,'e business from Tinton Falls aveMrs. Hannah Wyckoff has been vishe in charpe ol the exchange: • j nue to Long Branch. itinp; her brother, R. K. Cnslcr. • 'Charles Gnyk-r will- farm the Mor- Eilward Feakes has gone to Cali- Mr. and Mrs. Holly Reynolds and i "To rhllilrrn an nncfl of mere*." Wlier» ivurmrt (IPP rrenpnt iind riirrrtlonH fnllnvved. ford Taylor farm next year. The fornia for the winter. * • their daughter Elsie spent Saturday IT NKVKB rAIIA Onp botllf ilnlrovrd)3farm was formerly worked-bv Asher Horace Breese, who is stationed at and Sunday with relatives at Cran- ««rniH. Mootl the tr*t for fltltT Venn*, ^»l[] evt-rv« licre »r l,v mull. 30c a lmltlo. Bchend;. Camp 'Mead, Maryland, has received foi'd. Est. C. A. Ypurla-cs, M. D., Fblliidelphla. Frank Crawford has moved into the hi.- overseas equipment. Miss Klla Bennett of Long Branch house formerly^occupied by.Howard .^Miss.Jsabe.lle Bennet-t Jia.s jieeii laid ,sp ent ,SuiHLay,.yiitl)..her ,c:ousinfcMrs.,! r i ._..p;.jy,xgamue.,iBl)Ug( "uji witli'a' IVM\ cbT(T."~"'"""•'" '; • Lillian Dangler. .« . " ' Harry Doweni Harold Hodges, Earl John Bennett has returned to Mrs: Jleriit.t. n( .Bridceton, who Miss Annie Morris 1spent Sunday Patterson and Robert Aumack. work at Robert Voprhecs's prii'rfiire. has .l-eturiiod-- from u trip to Califriends at Atlantic Highlands.," Mrs. Harry Highsim and her daughDaniel Ely .and family returned fornia, is vi.-iting her grandfather, with A Hallowe'en party was given ter Constance of Oceanport have been home last week from a. visit with rela- .1. D. Vay. ., ' . • • . Thursday night by Miss Lunetta visiting at New York and Brooklyn. tives at Hartford, Connecticut. Leslie Wplcott of Oceanport, who Dingman. The guests were Misses The girls' patriotic league will Henry Well", who has been work- is at Meade, t Camp C M d MMaryland, l d was Ella Davis, Evelyn Lewis, Cofa Lewis meet Friday night a t the firehouse. iETKINS ttfc ' Coming Wednesday, November 1 3 , CONSTANCE TALMADGE in "GOOD NIGHT PAUL" COMING FRIDAY and SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 and 16 Charles Chaplin Mil "Shoulder Arms" NO ADVANCE IN PRICES •USE 0RR1NE . DRINK HABIT GOES Dont wait for the drink halfit to get too strong a hold upon your husbnnd, son or fnthpr, for it can be broken up quickly if Orrine is given him.. *• • You have nothing to risk anil everything to gain, as Orrine is sold under a guarantee to refund the purchase price if you get no benefit. Orrine No. 1, secret treatment; Orrine No. 2, the voluntary treatment. Costs only SI.25 a box. Ask us for booklet. Jns. Cooper, Jr., Broad and White streets. • AAAAAAA1AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Hoffman's JGarage Shrewsbury, N. J. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT LADIES' SHOES New Goods Latest Styles You can save $1.00 to $3.00 on each pair of shoes bought herfer Small operating expenses enable me to make very low prices; School Shoes a Specialty I. WEINSTEIN Monmouth Street, Red Bank, N. J. HOTEL, ABBOTT Shrewsbury Avenue, Red Bank Three Minutes from Depot FTRST-CL.ASS SERVICE ' . - Comfortable Rooma CAFE and BAR ATTACHED JAMES Lu WORDEN, F»roprietor TEaJSPHONE O6B RED BANK " .'- I 1! RED BANE REGISTER. .VOLUME XLI. NO.' 19. YESTERDAY'S ELECTIONS. THE RESULT IS CLOSE IN MANY OF THE CONTESTS. Edge and Baird Elected Senato Scully Gcti Dig Majority—Republican Assemblymen Win—Split on Freeholders. The election yesterday was so close in many places that the result is not yet known. Early returns were entirely changed by later returns in mmiy cases. Walter E. Edgo hits been elected senator from New Jersey by ii majority probably somewhere between O.UUO and 10,000, and David Bnird has been elected by a majority .considerably less thnn that of Governor Edge, Iliu.d Wotklr. Bnttnd M Bwond-Clais M«tt«r i t t h . Po.t. offlci at Red Bank, N. J., nnd«r th« Aot of March Id, lITt, in the township as tho saloons and liquor places have been cloned by the government. H, Whitney Conrow of Qceunport was defeated for re-eleetiuii to the township committee on tho Democratic ticket by Walter If. Clerk of Port-au-peck, the Republican candidate. .Clerk won by u majority of Bl votes. 'K. H. Stoye, Republican, defeated Frod A'.! Beale, Jr., Democrat, for justice of the peace. Frank Demurest and Arthur Taylor were elected constables. Minor Contest in Shrewsbury. Orlando J. Warden and Loomiril Herbert of Little Silver wore elected surveyors of the highway in Shrewsbury township. Mr. Warden had no opposition,, Mr. Herbert was opposed by Herrmtn RiUau of Newman Springs, who was defeated by |jf> votes. Aaron Armstrong of Shrewsbury was re-elected countable ami Edward Bowman and Conover Trunx were re-elected poundlieepers. The'-election in Monmouth county was divided between the two partie.". Congressman Thomas J. Scully carried the county by upwards of 1,000. The two Republican candidates for assembly were elected; Thomas Lloyd Lewis receiving a majority of about H00, mid Dalian G. Young receiving a majority of about 3150. George 13. Goodrich, the Republican candidate for coroner, was elected over Philip TWO COLORED YOUTHS NOW IN ; Oohen. THE COUNTY JAIL. The contest for freeholder is close. William Brown of Rod Bank arid The unolllciiil returns, which usually Philip Reevey of Fair Haven Atare nearly accurate, give Bryant B. tacked Mi»a Mary McCarron Last Ncwcomb, Republican, a majority of Thursday Night. l!0S over James U. Tinker, Democrat; Two colored men, Willium Brown and Charles M. WyckolV, Democrat, a majority of 310 over George Woods, of Mechanic street, Red Bank, anil Republican. The'total vote of each Philip Ii. Reevey of Fair llnvun, are » candidate for freeholder, according in the county jail on a charge of atto the unofficial returns, is .as fol- tacking Miss Blary McCarroii, daughJows: . , i ter oi Patrick McCarron of Grange avenue, last Thursday night. BroWn llryiinl H. • Nowrcimb ! 7.S.10 Churli'n M. VVyckolT, . . ; •. , . .7,795 and Reevey are each nineteen years . Jnm™ It. Tliilii-r ; 7,673 old. Ocurm- WIIUCIB 7,(85 Miss McGarron .is employed in the 'In Kerf-Bank the Republican condi- office of Doremus' Brothers Co. Lust • dates wore successful. Arthur A. Thursday night she worked Inter than Patterson was elected mayor . over usual. She passed a group of HalRalph O..Willguss by 328 majority, lowe'en merry makers when she.- was and Millard F. Tetley and J. A, Van- near Grange avenue on her way Schoickvwere elected councilmen over home, some of whom had their faces, Charles Preston and John H. Apple- blacked. A little, further on she was gate by about«200 majority.—~" ' stopped by two .colored men, Sho The soldiers' votes are yet to be thought they were white men who - counted. , These votes were cast at were some of her acqaintnnces and the various war camps and will be Who were having Hallowen'en sport mailed to this county. I t . is not with her. She was soon undeceived, known how many of these votes have however. One of the men hi); her on been cast nor-when they will reach the head-with a bottle. Miss •McGar. •-. Monmouth county, but it is not'tie- ron gave a scream; but the scream liewd that thera will ba a sufficient was cut short by the other man throwmajority one way-or- tho other to ing, his coat over her head.' The other change the result as given above. man then attacked her, tearing" off However, each party is hoping that most of. her clothes. there: will he .sufficient majority in - Miss McCaiTon's scream was heard these soldier ballots to change the re- by Otto Beutoll and Frederick W. suit in its favo: on the freeholder Travers, who ran to the girl's., assiutarice. , The men fled when Mr. contest. Beutell and Mr. Travers approached. . Paster Candidate Wins in Highlands. Mayor Frank D. Covert and Chief of .Daniel Bills, who received the nom- Police C. Pit Wor.thley of Fair Ha'inntion of hoth'parties for the office ven were summoned and they made of the struggle, of mayor of Highlands borough, was, defeated by 11 votes by Fred Kiefer- a search of of wine, a large dorf, Republican, who ran a paster k T h , 7 ( » d » b o t t l f ,y T . • 1 o •-, campaign, U. G, Johnsonund Leon- k m f c a n d a fingerstall. They learned ard W. Spilznagel, Democrats, w e r e 1 *n "l f' e Roe env et > ' h " d *>e?n u s / n f r w " he M c C a r r place, p , where elected councilmen Mr. Johnson s u c - |^k n l f e o n t h e ,. McCarter »<-' was emp oyed, and that he h ceeding himself. Mr. Spitznagel won pb h d R V w ' over. Alexander Adnir by 9 votes. Wilhls tn mb ^ l k d soon caught » and he was locked.up in liam L'. Rowland was elected councilthe Red Bank jail, He eonfessei' man to /ill Ijio unexpired term of Robert Hennessey, who is overseas, he that he and William Brown had athaving no opposition. Abram J. Par- tacked the girl. Brown" was then arleer wasj'e-elected assessor and Gran- rested and locked up. Both men were din V. Johnson was re-elected collec- taken to the county jail awnit the action of the grand jury. tor without opposition. Miss McCarron was. bruised bu Seabright Goes Democratic. suffered no other injury. She was CI Seabright rolled up a" big vote for able to return to h e r work on Monevery Democratic candidate on the day. . •, state and • county ticket ns well as MUSIC IN WAR CAMPS." eleetinp Charles* F. Hampton .and NEGROES ATTACK A GIRL. !*»•' RED BANK," N.1 J.; WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1918. BURTON SWANNELL KILLED RED BANK BOY KILLED IN ACTION IN FRANCE. Ui» Death Occurred September 28lli —He Saw Service with the Red Bank Cavalry Troop on the Border —Was Sent to France Last May. Thomas Burton Swunnell, aged 20 years, son of Joseph Swannell of Vetcrs place, w«:; killed in action in ''ranee on September 28th, iu'eordim,' ,o a telegram received l>y Mr. Swanbell's father late Friday night, Burtoh.ns he was-more familiarly known, left Rod H^nk—for-Camp Dix air April .'id with a contingent (if men >om this military district. On May 20th ho went overseas as a member of Co. A, .'103(1 Engineers. In his many .letter* to his parents and to friends in Red Hank and vicinity he ilvvays wrote, in a militant spirit, ealizng that he had a job to perform mid was ever willing to do it, He was a former mem bur of the Red iank cavalry troop and served with that organization at the time of the Mexican border trouble two years ugo. Ill's father was acting captain of the troop at that time. After tUc troop's return from Arizona, Burton entered civilian life as a salesman for the International Harvester company :iiwl be had a responsible position with that linn. He was well known in Red Bank, having been burn here and his education was secured at the Rod Bank public schools. He js survived by his parents and by a sister,' Mrs. Florence Kulp, wife of Rev. Edward J. Kulp of Topeka, ICansas, a former pastor of the Grace church at Reil Bank. -Y Burton was engaged to be m'arritfd 'to.Miss Zoa Rex, daughter of Charles Re'x of Runraon. The wedding, was to have taken place immediately after his return from military service abroad.. V • ' ," Mrs. Swannell, Burton's mother, has been in poor health some time and a t t h e present is in a very critical condition. She is, not aware of her son's death1. Mr. Swannell is an architect in the employ of thc-T.-A. Gillespie plant at Morgan'. ' Burton is a grandson of the late Henry Gill and the late Thomas Burton Swannell, both of whom saw service in the civil war. The hoy was proud of the fact that his father and both grandfathers had seen military service and that he was following in their, footsteps in defending the flag of his country. YOUNG MOTHER DEAD. Mrs. Clifton VnnN'ote of Red Bank Died of Penunionia, Mr.-). Clifton VaiiNotc of Mechanic treet died last Wednesday of pneumonia after a week's sickness. She ivaj 121 years old and besides, her hus-, janil sho leaver an infant son. Her tarents, Mr. and Mrs. -Wilden G. Esell of Went Point 1'leasant, arc liv,ng. Her husband, who has been'sick ivith pneumonia, is recovering. The funeral of Mrs. VanNote was held Sunday at West Point Pleasant. SHREWSBURY COLT SHOW. $1.50 Per Year. PAGES 9 TO 16. SOLD TWO HOUSES. Rolielt D. Bush of. Celt's Neck Sells Adjoining Dwellings. . FIRST ANNUAL EXHIBITION WAS . Rubci'l IJ. l!u."h'of Colt's Neck has A. G'. LUYSTER UUYS A HOUSE HELD SATURDAY. ON PARK PLACE, : old his two iiousu.-i at that place. It Took Place on Mi«« Clara S. Peck's Tiie largPr dwelling, which contains Mr. Luysteir is a Farmer Whose Ptacv Country Estate—Hordes Owned by eight room's, was. bought *by Arthur j ii Near Middletown—He Will ConMiss Peck Captured Eleven Blue 8u!l'el, and the other hou.-ie, oti an'i tinue to Run His Farm but He Wilt adjoining lot, which contnins four | Ribbons and Two Reds. Live in Red Bank. „,, -. t , , -i •-• i rooms, was bought bv -Mi.-se.-i Minnie r ,i ..,..,_* _ _ ..„„..„ (I. Luyster, who owns a farm 1 he hrst annual exhibition of the i , Kli.abelh Sotfcl. The bouse n C iA. ir Middletown village, h«* bought Monmouth county colt show assoeia- bou'gliV'hv'MrwSo^'eMiaK , - , , , . |,y MivSoirel has been been •••liciin't vacant j last -March. TThe interior will I iVilham Buchanon's house on tioi, was held Saturday afternoon at since ^ - „„ami. • ,lot'•' l a ; .' t M , l r ( . h ) l ( , i n t , r i o | . w i n , .. . . . . . . Miss Clara fe. Peek a country estate, , r c p . l p ( ; r e , 1 .,„,, 1C p ;i inte.l and will i ' ' a I ' k I>l"ce,.-Red linnk. The lot is ;|T f e e t f r o n t : l d i!) ] 4 ! ) u 1 1 l l e e Winguneek tarnv, at Shrewsbury. The 1| „•,.[.„' i u ( 1 | ) V ihi. , a W . owner ' '« " ' Pshow was largely attended and it ut-j -. _ ',. The house has six rooms and bathyoung this the part best of the coun- j ROTI ,J\J » n y C D U-i r r tracted stock somein of blooded • -J•J— > | airroom, and range, is provided with gas, hot healer, hot and cold.water, try. Horses owned by Miss Peck cap-1 ifllLl I ARK OEixVlLC stationary tubs and electricity. The tured elcen blue ribbons and two red j house is on the south side uf Park NEW YORK STATE MAN DIED ones. Her brown mare Winona was _ ' _ place and is near the public school. ; LATE SUNDAY NIGHT. judged the most suitable to get sad-j ' w u I'hc'price paid was $<1,OIHI. -Thei ** FOR '.••H0.OK.horses and the best mare of all of the property was the . Wayland F. Ford Was Prominent breeds in the sweepstakes event, Her Bank real estate company. Four Lawyer for Several Years and Was More Will Leuve Thunday of a Captain in the Civil War—Leaves chestnut (illy Wayaawi won first for the best registered American sad'lle Three Children. filly, the best under one, year suitable Wayland F. Ford died at the home to become a saddle horss, the best to " , , , , ' , ... ,, .„. , ' a t Kod Hank and will of his son, Wayland K. Ford, Jr., on filly by Glen Chief and the best foal Two, daily. Two, drafted, drafted, men men lelt lelt the the Elks Elks JJ jj ,, ii aa ffaatm tm daily, I'etcra place late Sunday night. • Mr. of all breeds in. the sweepstakes. Miss home at Red Bank this jnoiTjing for j rjuchanon has a vacant lot (idM r ome r h M Ford was eighty years old and had Peck's black mare Princess Pat won military ilit service att fort •orfc Hancock. Hanock •. j o i n i n ' , , ' l k c property h he sold ld am h ndd he )een confined tc> the house since lust four blue ribbons and Wwh Wall . T h e y , reported at half-past nine ;e j i c t a t 0 b u i M ., ; h o u s ( , , o n t thi3 lot ni3 July. Death was due to the in- Tayse, a brown mare, captured onee j o clock and were taken to Sandy Hook"j a B s o o | 1 a s \,ui\(ymii material Iuand ' ' labor firmities of old a^re. blue ribbon. Her brown mare, Purinaa ,j in automobiles. -1 he men who went ic . m )j( , obtained.Mr. Ford was a native of Lafarge- Belle, was second in the brood mare ] were R. Clifford .Krnckson and. Joville, Jefferson county, New York, sweepstakes. eph Ricciardi of Long Branch. and was' a prominent lawyer in that Thomas S. Field's Pom 'Pom won I Four men who registered on S e p - I j i n i i r ATI ANTIf1 l\]T\ IT section for many, years. Jle .served in first for mares four years -old or over j-tember 12th will go to Fort Hancock, j III/1? rtlUnnHVi , Vlll 11. the civil war and rose to the rank of suitable to become a.polo pony; How- i Thursday of next .week. The'^tare |" . —1_ : captain. He waw a member of the ard S. Borden's Laughter captured | John P. Le'ddy and Frank. II. 'Gilhuly i f o T IN THE LIBMasonic order for over fifty years, first or over of of Red Red Bank and and John. Meyer Ritter j n first forthe best four-year-old or f J ^ V..l,,rM • Three children survive him....They i t b l t t } i d S B !»nd David II Hardenb'robk ofJfoir ERTY__BOND...CAM.PA|G.N. lire Mrs. Edith Shulaiider of Yonkers( suitable to get po}o ponies;-and-S-B- !»nd David- II. Hardenb'robk of..Jfoiri They will report at tenj T L Township Was $25 000 Behind Louis H. Ford Of Clayton, New York, Kraus's Moving Picture was the best i Haven. stallion to get polo ponies. Jesse W. [ . g [.o'clock in the morning at the Elks' • ... , ' D ^ -f ,i' e n r ive. but and Wayland F., who is manager-of £. ^^ Up' Earl was judged Pf' El j d d the th best; b t home the day they leave ' £ % ^ °R Rollled ld U ' Iu the WooKvortli company store at Powefs's stallion suitable to get saddle ppnic.3.1 iweny-eiRht men will leave for , s E n d Completed the Job. Red.Bank. The funoral was held at Atlantic township the or his SOU'B home yesterday afternoon in •-. Glen Chief, entered by the New \ Camp llix on the, !):-42 train Friday charge of Rev. Robert. MacKellar. Jersey saddle horse club, was judged ] morning of next week. Two men in Democrats, and of bitcer polit cal The body was sent to Mr. Ford's for- the best saddle stallion with-George \ this call volunteered. They are'Vernisedovtir %i'i,OUU in the lasc ond.l'non Henry Parker of Red'Bank ami I scriipK,..r: mer home for burial'. / "~""" "'*" DIED AT HIS SON'S HOME. W. B.L1PPINCOT DEAD. Well Known Lone Branch Ivlan Dead After a Long Sickness. William B. Lippincott of Long Branch died Friday after.a sickness lasting four years. Mr. Lippincott was 81 years .old and wns born at Long Branch, He was n carpenter and had worked os.a foreman on several big jobs, lie was a pastmaster of the Masonic. order and had been a Mason over fifty yearS. He was a veteran ot*. the- civil war. Three daughters survive him. They are Mrs. Joseph Hasiay/ay, with whom he lived; Miss May Lippincott,.who conducts, a private sanitarium a t New York, and Miss Clara Lippincott, a Red Cross nurse who is now stationed in 'Paris. for registered thoroughbred.stallions]a raised in fill-the quotu. The task of, get'hunters. .Samuel G. suitable to gethunters. G. i R«I Hunk rtarry J. iroirnmnn, ,i,ii aising tho amount looked impossible. A l l ' Eddie Eddi F t first fit ffor tho Allen's Fov "got tho I Viscmi. Vincent J. Iiruno, jim.jih Oniii«:iiii?i raising the amount IOOKOII lmpossiunj, but had the been loan canvassed workers best stallion, t o g e t cavalry mounts. I !:""iiiJV'ln"il"' Vmi.n il.-l',,*.r, lMniom-m | .thoroughly , s the to-.vnship ".went to it"" with ' a Riim detcrminaMrs. the J. Wright Glenyear Kinff " was best coltBrown's under one to h abpolo jiony. l d. t become J. Amory HaskeH's Mollie was judged the best mare to get cavalry rnounts and Mrs. Helen L, T. Juhnson, .luHt-ph llowell Dounhty. j;..,..» S. Weeks was chairman of Hughes's Ferndale got first for the Eatohlo-A-n—Harris Millf-T, Cll'cster Sail- j the loan committee in the township best three-year-aid to become a and -the other member.--; of the .com. .SealirlHYlt-r-Siverl' "Walstrorn, Walter ' J . hunter.' Howar.d S. Borden's Peggy SwL'enoy. . mittee were Walter Fields. Frank. Burton is the second Red Bunk lad •won a blue ribbon for the best mare ltunisdn—^^Jobti 1.. lluri/csM. Matthews, Fred Conover, Frank Mato answer the final roll call by being Liltlfr fiilvcr—- Arthur I1. Hales. to get general purpose farm' horses,gee, Garrett Conover. Charles Benkilled in action. The first Red BanK. Oceanic—Arthur R..Turner. and Mr. Haskell's Sunny J i m - w a s er to be killed in action wno James nett, Everett Matthews, Albert Buck, judged the best two-year-old to bePatrick Carroll, son of Mrs. John CarSidney Boors, Charles Bucfley, TheoBUYS A HOME. come a general purpose farm horse. roll of Monmouth street," who was. dore Lewis aind Garret Buck: Miss Julia Bi Fincke's Acushla was SCHOOL PRINCIPAL DEAD. killed September 15th. '. Ha,rfy Jackson Purchases John J. first for the best two-year-old to beQuinn's House on Bradge Avenue^' Archibald M. Dick of Keyport Dead come a hunter. Ira S. Barrow's After a Long Sickness. Aguinaldo was judged the best twoTWO DIE IN ACTION. Assistant Prosecutor John J. Quihn Archibald M. Dick, who was super- year-old to become a cavalry mount. of Red Bank has-sold his house on. Joseph M. Conk and Frank R. Givens vising, principal • of the Keyport John McBowman's Jane- P.oe was Bridge avenue^ f ormerly. occupieil by • Killed in France.. EXERCISES TOMORROW NIGHT schools twelve years, died Tuesday. J o n n l U C B O w m a n s j a n e - t r u e w n o . - - - - - = • - - • Joseph M. Conk, son of Mrs. Agnes Ho had been sick since last February, first and his Bob Chester second in | «ev. Lester G. Leggett, to Harry AT HEADDEN'S CORNER. the class for the best yearling suit-1 Jackson, an employee-of ^ U ^ StandConk of Long Branch, was killed in when he was fltricken ..with Bright's ard oil company at Red .Bank. Mr. • ' Jackson bought the property for a The Red Bank Italian Band, Camp action in France on September 29th. disease. Later other complications [•able-for a cavalry mount. His mother was informed of her son's set in. Mr. Dick was 49 years old. Vnil. Soldiers and Sailors from home and he and his family aro now SOLD HIS HOME. death by a telegram from the wnr He leaves a widow and four children. Highland. Will Take Part—Newoccupying it. The price, paid was department on Saturday. ' Conk was The latter are Wallace, Archibald, Concrete Road Will be Blocked Off. $4,000. The house contains, seven a first dabs'private in n medical de-Pif16 'UV1'<:1 " " ; " " ' " " - j ; "U"";'" • John J. Reilly Sells His House on Her- rooms and bathroom and it is provid- • Soldiers from Camp Vail and ' „ . be.rt_Str«et. tachment. member'of the. a Free Mason ed with"hot water ^ hent," stationary sailors stationed at the Marten house . . /. He -IT_ was .-..„„ a„ m and Lester. and: a member Mr. Dick ofwas the o m i , o , , n f t l l B | Theodore J.ohn J. Reilly of Herbert street, tubs and other conveniences. The at Highlands will take part in - t h e Norwood baseball team before going Knights of Pythias. The funeral was whose wife died about a month ago, into service. house was remodeled about two years community service flag raising tomorheld Sunday at 'his late home and the •Frank R. Givens, who was the first bodywas sent to Ossining, New York, has sold his house on the north side ago, at which time hardwood floors row>ight at Headden's Corner. A of that street to William J. Poulson. were laid throughout. The. lot is president of the Asbury Park and for burial. concrete i The lot is 37 Vi' feet front by 149 feet 50x150 feet. A garage is-on the rear v/i.u..v..j _ Long Branch typographical union, has will be ' deep. The house has six rooms and I "TjSg been reported killed in France. of the lot. NIGHT SCHOOL OPENS. and between this block the exercises has toilet, gas and wafer". Mr.' Reilly' Vivens.enlisted in the Canadian army will take place.- A string of electric ;wo years ago. He was 42 years old. tenography and Other Business S Sub- had been holding the House at $2,800, ITALIANS CELEBRATE^; lightS'wilMight~up the road. Jl!LiO!i;ib_&ffl0-£t8licJcan4idates.. A—Talk-on—This—Subject^teforo-thebut the sale prioe-was-a^liLtlElrtiliM. —iectj—TauBht-af High School. i? The~chief speakers —will .bo Assi8-r. ^ecti _ ~Tor counrUmen. James A. Ryan, Wbman's Club on Friday. Eisner Factory Closed to Let Emthat figure. The sale of the property ASBl/RY PARKERS KILLED, that figure. The e p p y tant Prosecutor John J. Quinn of Sessions of the night school opened Democratic candidate for nssessor, ' d b th R d B k l etate ployees Celebrate Victory. VonWagenen of Red Bank and Rev, Horace R. GoodMiss Marion n the Red Bank high school building was'made by the Red Bank real .estate and Daniel W. Bed-ford,- Republican jrmer Members of Company H before the Red When news that Austria had signed child of Middletown. There will be a^_JiiahJ_jvith_arilattendance of 35. company. or, -collector, were . . Bank Woman's club on Friday alterih Aerron—Octobei!—U rrrrfrtatke-eiwlirrj»-tfle-#i»lrti«g—beThe sehopTwtff1fS?et every y elected withont opposition. • singing uy News of tlie death in France of two. and Thursday nights from .7:00 to .RESTAURANT SOLD. , noon on the subject of music in the tween- that country and Italy was re- singi seph and fidward h Bray Bray and • New CouncilmeA at Rumson. war camps of the country. Providing nove former members of old Com- 9:21) o'clock. Stenography, typewritceived in Red Bank-Monday the "Ital- seph women off the the village will act as a Farrell. The Fred Lorenz Sells Hi» Business to >any H of Asbury Park was eonian population of the <to\vn was jubiption committee' and will serve ing, bookkeeping,- business English Richard J. Rogers, Republican, niusic in these camps is one. of the Mrs.'Julia Nickolas. ained in a letter received by Harry branches of' the war welfare work. lant'. ant. Large numbers of Italians Italians' are ! f.fje^doughnuts, J^jet^'d'oughnuts, cake, v.i^o, president, of the Rumson. council, and arithmetic are the subjects The Red Bank real ' mployed at the Eisner uniform f a c - | a n ( j cOffee- to the assemblage, The . whose term expires this year, was de- Miss VonWagonen is chairman of the iushton from his brother Jesse, taught. A course' in elementary ory and play e( j jjBnk. will pla and Mr. Mr. Eisner E i e ordered the fac-;-^ feated in a three-cornered contest by music department of the'state feder- they were Corporal Vernon Baker, French will also be taught providing has sold Fred Lorenz's restaurant' in tory ,.._.„ pat the Garbarini building near the rail- tory closed son of, Charles Baker, and Har&ld l d for f th diyr d y to to allow allow the the | Kecl nans, j s luumii Th L.....V xercises will George W. Emery and Charles A. ation of women's clubs and she has ten or more-pupils are secured. Prosthe triotic airs. The exercises will wind. ioad_station to Mrs. Julia Nickolas of Daly, son of Frank Daly. Both were ')een very Active in collecting musi-J wMstetion to Mi's. Julia Nickolas ot-|it-fi --i t the victory of I " ' ' Wilson, Democrats. M:v Rogers ran ana t ce ebra e pective pupils-can- obtain-alLinfarmaup with a "block party. The comill. instruments for the soldiers'^ tilled on October 16th, accordinng to tion. from Paul R. Radcliffe, the suon n paster campaign. irnittee in charge of the arrangements :amp9. _;The meeting of-the Woman's he letter. No details of theengage- iserinte.ndent of schools. • ' . Keyport Re-Electf Bogardus Mayor. :lub. on Fridav will be held at the ncnt in which the men lost their lives Drv O, C. Bognrdus, Republican, jommunity house on Front 'street, ivere given. CHURCH HALLOWE'EN PARTY. 4 v i c e flag IVUH "re-elected mayor of Keyport by which was formerly the Cutter propp g MRS. JOHN L. STULTZ DEAD. Walter and Charles chairs,, fixtures, dishes and all-other - .' ^ ^ _ 16!) votes over Edward S. Smith, who erty. Festival Held Last Thursday Night at to patriotic music furnished by the a , , , ll ll h f d ran n pastor campaign. Dimiel A. Reformed Church. .'< Sister of James R."Clark of Red Bank equipment, as well as all the food on RAISING THREE FLAGS. hand. VanPelt and William Matthews, ReJ .Dies at Brooklyn. A Hallowe'en festival was.held last publicans, were elected, councilmen. Celebration at Little Silver Friday BOVSGOTAFREER.DE. Thursday night at the Reformed Mrs. John L. Stultz of Brooklyn, a AN AVIATOR. ADDRESS Their opponents were Frank Smith Afternoon of This. Week. aister'of James R. Clark of Red Bank, church. The festival consisted mainThey Were Taken to Sandy Hook, j - " Walling, Herbert Straus, and William Sexton, who also ran Three'flags will be raised at the August Post Addresses Congregation died Tuesday of lest week of pneu- ly of songs from the leading musical Where They Were Set at Work. Iw ;iliams arid a Polish young man. paster campaigns. Jnmes McCann of Red Bank-Reformed Church, Margaret Bennett sang WIIH elected .constable without opposi- uittle Silver schoolhouse on Friday monia at the age of 41 years. She copieuies. Fi b -••*• Five boys ffrom JJersey City City, seek seekafternoon of {his week. . A flagpole "K-K-K-Katie," and others who took was a daughter of C. V. R. Clark of August Postisecretary of the nation. PARTY ON RIVERSIDE DRIVfc. will be dedicated at the same time. Hazlct. Besides her parents and hus- part in the singing 'were Helen Dun- tional aero club of America, spoke ing a free ride, hopped on a troop - 1 Little Silver more than doubled its band she leaves four brothers-and a can, Elizabeth Franklin, Ruth Pen- Sunday • night at the Red Bank Re- train leaving Jersey City for, Sandy The Election in Middletown. Hook one day last week. The trainJMisses lu Middletown township the Repub- quota in the Liberty loan campaign sister. The funeral was held at the ,nington, Genevieve Dangler, Antoi- formed. church before a large audi- took them into the reservation and s e t n J e s s i e ^ Myrtle W o l t o f lican candidates for county, state and and one of the flags will be an honor' home of her parents Sunday after- nette and Ida Fazzone, Harry Ingalls ence. Mr. Post holds a national rec- passed the guards. When they want-'.] Halloween. national pfllees carried the township flag fov this work. Another-flag will noon and burial wns made in Grcon and Rose Lipack. The singing was ord for altitude and.also for staying ed i,o get out the guards stoppeij them Riverside drive" gave be a sorvice flag for the men of the up in the air the longest time. He followed by Hallowe'en games. .. Grove cemetery at Keyport. • .. by an average majority of about 115. and sol; them to work cutting wood Riverside un»<. H community who have gone to • war. spoke in behalf of aviation and he party last Wednesday night. DancOmar Sickles of wns resaid it would be as popular in a few and doing-other work. When they ing was. enjoyed and various Halelected assessor over C. Albert Mount The third Hug will be a large Amerihad finished they ..were paid and MRS. J. W. M C C L ^ L L A N DEAD. . HIT BY AUTOMOBILE. years from now as the automobile is lowe'en games were played a s of Locust Point by a vote of G95 to can ring. Hon. Elmer-H. Geran will at present. He urged all young men every boy received, a penny. They pastimes.n "witch" »,>«,. party , „ ,proved pastimes. - A .T2J1. For collector John M. West got make n patriotic address. All the rving Place Resident Died ' Last Elizabeth Chandler of Spring e g Street under 25. years to study aviation for were th>en released.' the feature: fun.-ma.kini; ' ' '—- •"••Wnc «ume mime of the 680 votes and Edwnrd T. Bennett Rot residents of Little Silver and the C' Hd d N / Thursday in Her Eightieth Year. Cut'on Hand and e,/ flying and for men over 25 years to. evening. First prize at this sport was 350. Isaac Morris and ClintoivLohsen nephboring locality are expected to Mrs. Julia \V. McClellan, who lived •Elizabeth Chandler of Spring street, itudy for ballqon work AN UNUSUAL SOUVENIR. ;were re-elected to the township com- bp present. • vith her son, Edw^d. McClellan of four years, old, wa^ knocked down by . mittee. William Taylor, tho DemoMrs. Ellen Burnett Receives a Picture iVving place, died last Thursday. She an autonl'bbile last Thursday on Broad cratic candidate, was defeated by over Headmen's Corner Boy- W.ounded. Joined the Gas Hounds. Frame Made by a German Soldier. Was 79 years old and besides her son street. The car was owned by the lowe'en gouuicn >v..-. „. 200 majority. . •' Walter Sco'tt, son of Frank Scott she.leaves a daughter,.Mrs. Cumminpts Meaubwbrook farm and was driven Six Red Bank young men enlisted Mrs. Ellen Burnett of Wall street of Tleudden's Corner, has been of Chicago, and several grandchil- by John Egan'.' Mr. Ejyan was turn- ,.i the motor transportation service at .as received a souvenir picture'frame the festivities. Those present at th» Dbsmond Wins in Atlantic. 1 wounded in tho nrm in action. • He dren. The funeral was held Saturday ing from Broad street into Mechanic Mew York last Friday. They expect rom her son,, John Burnett, ;who party in addition to those mentioned • Jnines I*. Desmond of Colt's Neck was treated for his wound in a base morning at her late home and the, ser- I street when the child ran in front'of o be called in two weeks and hope to iverscas with the lied Bank cavalry were John H. White and son John, won out for ji.ssessor of Atlantic hospital in command of Mnior Peter vice was in charge of Rev. RoVJert I'the machine. The" child's nose and ie selit immediately to France. Those ,roop. The frame is hand carved Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ifngalls, Mrs. Altownship;over Lewis Srjyder by a m:i- P. RnfTerly of Red Bank. Walter is MacKellar. The burin! was at Fair left hand were slightly cut but other- i'ho " joined were Payl Hartnedy, vTHi Mr. Burnett's' name across t h e bert ,\V. Worclen, Miss Alma Burdge, Miss Florence Smith, Miss Pearl W. • jority o ^ 5 votes. Desmond received n member of Company M, of the old View cemetery. wise sh'e was not nurt. .'ames Costello, Fritz Gustin,, Harold op. The dates 1014-1918 are on tho Wordcn, Robert Turkington, Mr. and 142 votes and Hnyd'er 117. Fred fi!Mh regiment of New York. iVebb, Martin Dwyer and Sidney Mcjottom crossbar and the initials U. iw™ Hance Mrs. Hnnce Wolt and Edward Wolt. Conover" and Aaron Sutphin were jenn. Party for a Guest. S. are on the uprights of the frame. Died After Operation. .. "' elected committeomen without oppoWar Work at Holmdel. The frame is the handiwork of a GerFormer Red Bank Girl Engaged. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smyth of East sition. The township gave a DemoMrs. Florence R. Potts, formerly Concert at Grace Church. ma'n prisoner.^ __ A meeting in the interest'of the of Long Branch, (lied nt Trenton on Weatside avenue gave a party MonMrs. Clara Sherman of Now York, cratic majority of 100 for the freeMrs, Katherine Throckmorton, who holders nn<l nil the other Democratic war wo.lf.arp campaign will be held at Sunday following an operation. SlieJ day night for Miss May Martin of lurmerly of Red Bank, has announced Gunning Notices.. the Holmdel Baptist church next Sun- was the wife..of Major M. J. Potts, Brooklyn, who was visiting them. •eeently took charge of the music ut candidates (jot a majority. the engagement of her daughter, Durable cardboard notices to g u n dav night. - A speaker from Newarl- who is in France with the American Cards and dancing were enjoyed and .irace church, will give a concert in ners for sale nt The*Register office. Marion Gertrude, to Lieut. William Fair Knvpn Gets New Mayor. will make an address in nntioipatior forces. Her father, Rev. nlgsep' " refreshments Grace church Friday night, November were served. The Also; notices to gunners' printed on wtiinn* Mathews. of Vidalia, Georguests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long 29th. The program will consist of weatherproof J.euter Curchin, Democratic candi- of the campaign to ruise money whicl Edwards, was formerly pasto\ji] mvlslin! — Advertise gia. date for Mayor'of Fair Hnven, was will, start Monday morning. aiv,i daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. reading and instrumental and vocal ment.' .<* bury Methodist church at 1 _ ,_ Nurse' Now Has Phone. elected over Joseph W. Davis. RepubBrunch. Mrs. Potts formerly taughi Clayton ami children, Mr. and Mrs. selections. n .....j Potts, the district nurse for lican; by 4H votes. Harry Angelo and William Crispell an Exempt Fireman music at East Orange. William II. Francis and children and . . Py-ra-lin Miss Black Apparel for Women Wnrren V. Darling, Democrats, were Mr. und Mrs. William P. llugg. ..hite toilet, manicure,"military and Rumson, Fair Haven and SealiriRht, William Orispell, the chief of tin Large assortment of ready-to-wear co-nib and brush sets",' put up in at- has had a telephone installed in her elected councilmen over Harvey M. Red Bank fire department, who ha 1 Cabinet Maker Dead. mourning.apparel, coats, suits, dressLittle, ti Democrat, who ran a paster served twelve years as a member ol The phone number is Record 18504. tractive cases. The b.cst on the mar- residence. Amloto Galassi 'of Monmnuth campaign oh the Republican ticket. Independent fire company of Rue Two brilliant marches by Solisa, es, skirts, blouses, underwear, hos- ket. L. do: la Jieussille, 38 Broad 312-JV Rumson. William Curchin, Sr., Democrat, wn? Hank, has been granted an exemp' street, a cabinet maker and an em- the march king of America'. Hear it iery, gloves, neckwear, handkerchiefs, street,—Advertisement. ployee at Proal's boat works, died of at Tusting's, 10 Monmouth street.— veils, etc. A. Salz & Co., Red Bank. re-elected assessor and George ^V fireman's certificate. ''•' ' Public- Snlo He will con -Advertisement. Smith, Republican, was re-elector tinue on active duty in the lire de pneumonia last Wednesday ni^ht. He Adve'rli.-ii-ment. of the 'personal properly of the Inter . . • Army and Navy •was-37 years old and leaves a widow collector, both without opposition," KU'/ii A. Hori'ii, 711:2 Sunset nvcnuo, emblematic frames for picture of .relpnrtmerit. ,'_ and a daughter. Tho funeral was Ten Days Left to Send Xmas Cards! Ten Days Left to Send Xmas. Card ative or friend in our1 country's ser- Ashiiry I'itrk. riirtii'iilat-.i will appears Eittontown and Prohibition. held Friday afternoon at St. James's To soldier hoys over there! IVjckTo soldier boys.over.there! Dick"Everything' is Peaches Down ii vice. Beautiful construcf church. The burial was at Mount opf has them! Also gifts for early opf has them! Also gifts for early, tion. I., dc la Keussille, 38 Broad in this paper next, Wednesday.—Ad* , lOaton'own township nt yesterdny's ' Georgia" vcrtisuint'iiti' (ilci'tidn voted ng,iinst locnl option by .•ind "Carolina, I'm Coming Buck t Olivet cemetery. shoppers. The Dickopf Art Shop.— sboppors. The Dic-kopf .Art Shop.— street.—Advertisement. "Smiles," i'i vote of 212 t(i 1.10, and at the same You.",. You must get one of thes Advertisement. Adverliseniunt.. . '' ' •' the most popular record of. tho year,,: Salz's Supreme Skirt Sale. time gave a majority for Thomas records whilo. the sjaiijily is good :.. Dr...P,unn, Surgeon C_hiropodist,^ -~Tv-y-some. .ofv.;0u,v..wO\-viwniiiktv,sau1 1 sung'by"l;aiirliei't"Murpbyr--1i'oti*-wilt'-.> Featuring' well-tailored- modes- in '••-•-' -'--' — S o r ^ - T h r o a t . - . - —- - ---:--.-.-<:-'Irewiii'-iiml-Dii'llfis G.""Youngs the-Re- Tus't i n K* 571 Ci" M ci ii hi^0 u t Ir 's'ti'eetT-^ A'd If ypur throat is gore use .Kin- sage, Mivh from.nicu young Jersey Second national bank building, Red waiit it after hearing it.. .Tunting'i* • silk, cloth,, panamn, serges, etc., in publican ^andidatesfor assembly, who vertisement. Bank. Hours from 1:00 to- 6:00 plain colors, stripes and plaids, at month's sore throat remedy. Sold by pork. Very line. Brevoort's market, p. m. daily,. Telephone 161-W.—Ad- —Adwrtiscmcnt. favor prohibition. Last May the 39 Broad street.—Advertisement. S4.D8, $7.50 und S10.D8. A. Salz & all druggists.—Advertisement. township committee voted down a mo"Ln Tautca" Pearls. , . -«..«_ . This .is jxist the wuitther to ent OOP; 1 tion for a special election to decide Just in, a new and complete lin Co., Red Bunk.—Advcrtiscrftent. Hindustan, Highest prices paid for cattle and Dont neglect your child's soro funmiis bonie-rnndo siuiHiige nnd the rum'question and it was ngreec' of."La Tausca" pearls. A dozen size Shapiro & Eatz, Long the best dance record yet. Come in Rcrnpplc. throat. Use Kinmonth's sore throat calves. Nothing .more" (lollcioafc::1 . Hurd's Stationery. to put the question to the voters a and qunlities. $5.00 to ?40.00. L ' and hear it. Tusting's, 10 Monmouth Branch-, N. J. Phone. 1027-M.—AdDorenuis Bros. Go.—Advurtlnomont, 1 A new line n't Reussille's, 38 Broad remedy ami get quick relief.—Adverthe .general election. The decision de la'Reussille, 38 Broad stree' street.—Advertisement, vertisement. tisement. , , " . ' " street.—Advertisement. fiRirinrU prohibition will have no effec Advertisement. - - t; 3:-a..'» „ . j - - . . - I I - - • - SERVICE FLAG RAISING. THE"RED BANK REGISTER. -, Page Ten. We Announce one of the Best Pieces of News That the Women of this vicinity Have Read This Season. YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY • • • • . • -..v 'v • '. ' , ) , Especially in"Times Like These. Here is Positively,the..Most Marvelous Value-Giving Sale That Goldstein's.Department Store hasEver Offered. '"'"] "• • ',. • . . . •- '. COATS, SUITS AND at a price that will interest thousands of women in Long Branch and vicinity. We doubt if there is any easier way to save $5.00 or $10.00 on'youivCoat, Suit or Dress than by attending this value-giving sale. • . 1".... >,.• • ' • • - ' , • • ' • •• SALE NOW GOING ON Extraordinary Sale of Women's Winter Coats An important Scile* cleverly planned. Includes an enormous advantageous purchase of new coats, \vhich aftords an excellent opportunity to supply Winter requirements at very low price. Coats made of Velour with fur collar, Plush, Ural Lamb and some Mixtures, in green, brown, reindeer and black. ' •'-. " - - Straight line belted models of Velour Cloth, in fjreen; brown, taupe, ' reindeer and black; lined .throughout. Sale price Fur-trimmed and plain tailored coats ^if Pom Pom, all Velour. ' Semi-littcd and loose models, with skunk collar and cuffs, in the latest shades. Sale price.1 28.00 Specially Prepared Sale of Women's and Misses' Dresses Sale ) $22.50 37.50 • c . Sample Coats, some straight line models developed in silvertone, Bolivia and broadcloth, trimmed with beaver, raccoon and Hudson seal collars. Also Hudson Seal Plush trimmed with black- fox-collar and cuffs.- Sale Velour Cloth Coats of superior quality with collar • of nutria" or raccoon; in brown, grey, black and Burgundy. Also Seal Plush 33.00 with fur trimmings. Sale price";"."" Sale A great collection of smart newest style dresses. Serge, Satin, Georgette combination • and' Tricoiettes; in navy blue, Pekin blue, taupe, brown, reindeer, and plenty of blacks. • • 12 Selected from ' regular stock, incomplete, assortment. _ Materials are Taffeta, French 55.1 • Styles are tunic:_effects._._Hj.gh1_. round. and square neck ..models,...Button .Front, or... "back, and braid trimmed! Black Silks and Satins Specially Priced SALE OF BLACK DRESS GOODS A Timely Sale of Over 2,500^ Yards of All Wool Dress Materials in a Rousing Sale Tomorrow at S S c , $1.<49 a n d $ 1 . 9 8 Y a r d * Values range from $1.50 to $3.50 a yard Two \ the reason,for this sale, "delayed shipment." Otherwise these handsome all-wool materials would be selling at their regular price?; The price concessions obtained are clearly shown in the values offered. Woollen materials are soaring .,-„ -36-in. All-Silk Messaline, high lustre; regularly $1.75. ^ Special at $1.50 yard. .. 38iin. Chiffon Taffeta, handsome quality, ^spft finish, rich black; regularly $2. Special r^at"$1.7SyaidA ' Z -^_—3,<£in. j?eau de Soie, pure dye, all silk; regularly $2.50. Special at $1.98 yard. higher and higher, in fact they are scarce at any price,' so wise![shoppers will act now. We have divided this shipment into three lots for quick selling. •. '. : . • . .• ' ' . • .«••.,•" Silk Petticoats TWO OF THE MANY VALUES LOT No. 1 LOT No. 2 This lot consists of Nuns' Veiling; Crepe The assortment at this .price consists of Priestly'a All Wool Crepe Cloth, Silk and Cloths, Serges, Fancy, 'Herring Bone, Cash* Wool Crepe, Albatross, Pebble Cloth, Serges meres and some Self-Striped materials. and Black Striped materials. 6 CHOICE AT ! CHOICE AT LOT No. 3 This is a veiy handsome collection of high grade all wool materials. The lot embraces Fine Twill French Serges, Poplins,' Cheviots, Gabardines, Broadcloths and other fashionable autumn-materials. CHOICE A T ' ." • 85c Yard 1.49 Yard 1.98 Yard Values range to $1.50. 4ong Branch L Values range to $2.50. • Jteatherbloom Taffeta Petticoats in plain colors or Dresden design. Models suitable for large figures. Fitted elastic waistband. , % Sale Price $2.50. ~ An excellent assortment of models and materials will be featured at this Value-giving, sale. Habular Washable Satin, Taffeta and Messaline in a wide choice of seasonable colorings. . Values range to $3.50. OLD STEIN'S O E F> A R X M E N X S X O Sale Price $3.98. New Jersey RED BANK REGISTER Page. Oevoi, FURNISHED ROOMS. HORSE FOR SALE. HELP WANTED, STEAM VULCANIZING. HEMSTITCHING. Two 'furnlihed. roomi ior rent with op HorM for **lel KOod iiJi'l willinje worker; M*n and two hiiys wanted 1AI work in W# uge the bcii,t m a U m l t *n& Kuar»nt*« gentle; adaptable tor 'Jellvej-y v/nvon nuritcry; good watfeB; oli rnan wilf'do. ' ILM all wyrk: free air service. John Jbtniien, 42 Public School Opened Mondty— without bonrd. ; t Sprln* .tru-t, Kcd Hunk. wry pink'lrw; <'ubl,-, I-IIRIII i n d i.liiln Apply to Henry Wlnter«, Uncroft, N. J." Ha;ik nur«erie«, 331 Broad, street. Red Hank. West Front street, Ked Bank,, ^hone 72-W. pliiitlnx, • UtciiiriK; iniiii ' opti-tt «ullj-itu4; nil kind* ^ Theodore Bftiley Moves. CATTLE BOUGHT AND SOU)'. ~ " uf liunily thlnurH <J<.ti>, a t tire Handy Shop. LEAK IN WATER SYSTEM TO B Hbthvflt price* pftld for cuttic and ctlvcc. The Huzlet public school reopened Shapiro CONTRACTING AND TEAMING. (i-HruiKl »tr..,-t, K/-i,lol kuikllnir, une flltthl. INTELLIGENT YOUNG WOMAN . FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. & K»ti, phone 1027-M I.onu Branch. INVESTIGATED. Will handle larire or »mall contract!, Brad; Also two- rooms, equipped for lljrht houaewonted "fiir permanent po*iliun w.lthy«pporMonday utter being closed for seycruL Ing and raovinu : hour or day contract. Aptunjty for advancement; pU-nnnnt surround- keepinK; electric liirhts, gas, tt-l'.-phone serI'OCKETBOOK LOST. * » T^OTATOES AND APPLES WANTED. weeks on account of sickness in.J,he vice and lath. 2G Wallace street, Red Hank. ply or write Abram Patterson, Everett, N. J. Smnll hlnek pocketliook lo«t I'ridny m o r n Lieutenant Donald Hand Promoted Potatot!ii, all BIZCH. ruunri anil Umu, and inKu. Storck of Courne,, Hr<l Hank Mtore. neighborhood. inil li.-!.w,-,-ii rnllriinil - • t n t l u n null I'enil apples wnnted. M. Foi'KUBh, cara Kmplre Captain—Rev. John C. French FOR SALE OR RENT. FOR SALE. CATERER SUPPLIED. Theodoro Bailey and family have uarnife, Hull Dank. ulreet. containiiit! Miim .itf money mid t h r i f t !ft } , New Paitor of Prubyterian Chur on .S»Wi n t i . i fur nUiiili-i. B o r a n l if rrtiirnrcl t o Alixn Helen Special attention t o parties, banquets and Huprholillc ^0, coupe ainl runabout.|)ody; moved from the Taylor H. Curhart •—Lieutenant Ackerion Home. 1'Xcellellt niniJJIlK condition; prie,. $;>50. C. all social functions. James Wolcott, 1C mile or r e n t ; inn- liluek 1,<-1IIW '.inydi-r'f. li,,l,-l I.". KKUII, Miehanie s t i v . l aeliool, licit itnnk. FOR SALE. house into Harry S. Cowles'a house /Khode COCKERELS Hiitulitown. N . J . Iimuii-c, of J.,1,,1 C. 1!|.,™,-! William street, Red Bank, phoiw 432-W, V. Jacobus, Knst Front utrvel, Iti'd Hunk. l«lmnl rrd cocWrelh for Half: Iirlce The horoufjh council .will havo on the Ilolmdel turnpike. •NOTICE TO C U M B E R S . rilubonitlilc. 10 IliH-Kfn plucu, ncui- llrunch FOR H I R E . - FOR SALE. representative of tho Pitometer com MORTGAOE MONEY N.jti-,. in li. i.-l.y jiivi-n t h a t t h e ' ' U n i o n Private William H. Barnes, Jr., of avi-nue, Ited Hunk. Sevi-n-pii :er Cailillfic li Ciililing!', quantities tu «uit; round alack to place on property in or near Red Bank, F.ilU l'r,,t,-,.|.iv,. i.,,,1 (;„„„. AnimeliHtoii had pany here next week to look into thi Amatol, spent the week-end with his fuiii-i'iilri i-r wi-.f,(iim'ri, 1'IHHII. -^I'.fW I potatoes, first-cluss; also Iwn v.wni work or in amounts to Buit. Applications given imi,o-t-l nil ii|.,,ll,.,l l,y n,,. it-miinlnFIELD CORN FOR SALE. mutter of leakage in the Wuter uy father. lioii nnd will pi.,-, ,-ut,- :.ll lr,-H|». T h e Old nti'i 11.-v.. IM.MI: ulil .-•••->• »l,,.ll,.,l Pont driving hors.-s. Vnndervei-r VunDorn, Half. mediate attention. Hawkins Bros., agents, Iliilik. Alhi-rt fiunlKe, II) JMeehani,: a l l . . 10 Monmouth street, Ited Hank. tem. According to records of tl 'I'iiiliiu Full., ITot.-.-Ui'. null (ianie AnaoclaMr. and Mm. William S. Gilhuly of Alpha (ami I'. O. link ior>, lti-<l IlunU, or Milu rond, Red Bank. MILK MEN, ATTENTION. tii'ii. amount of wuter ]>uid for throng Eii}»lewood were week-end guests of plioiiu '!)(> HumKoii. HOUSE OR APARTMENT WANTED. •I fiiiv,l!0l| 1,IIII<-IH o f |>iiit>KU i p Iiiri|[ ROOMS FOR RENT. meters and the records of tho umoun Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas M. Walling. We dottlro an tip-to-dnt,- WfmJI home or A private family with a nice home nr-ur w i l l d e l i v e r i l l - a l ) , , , . , . | | , i t « i n H \ : j i KITCUKN S1OVI- FOR SALE. "" TRUNK WANTED. , Iipjirtnu-Ilt in good locality, <itln-i fiiiiiiHlMMl ei-nleiof water pumped it would aline; of town would liln- t,i rent to ik-BirKniiill kii.-li.-n - i . , i i . f u r -:il,-; inp.-i-fi-ct Mr. nnd Mrs. William M. Ackcrso Kecoiulz-jinnd trunk in KO'MI enhdition or unfurnished. Addrcsn M. S. Pnrrlll, 3'J C n i s s , l l . I i n i i l e l . I ' l i o n c 2 1 l t , l l o liudi-l. aide parties two very rii>-«- rotuns v-itli boiird. I'oliditi'in; n i l -iriiilil... I'.. W n l . - n i i n i l . O l d that there is u lurgo loult Homewne- and children, who have been Bic wulltud: pr!'f!'i- Htt'amt'r Hi/.e. Apply Kui-1 Hrouil street, Red Hank. Aildrras M. T-, box 3 13, lt,-d Hank. llr;iy".i l;iii«lini; r.,;iil. i,iij,nniti- l i n n ly n v e hox !,1 11, Ki-il Hunk. in the system, and the councilme with heavy colds, are improving. WE BUY OLD HORSES. ] i i . i r , M , , l , u , . | , , w n . N . . 1 . . 1,,-fu.-..,, K . - i u i . i h u r i r are anxioua to have it located. SLAG ROOFING, s, Aloiiinmilli. l l o x r,, K t i i i i f h u i K , •flu- Monriiou'tll r n u i i t y l i u n t clnli will |t:ty iiml I ' u i t P.. Otto Weigand, Sr., .assistant BIC PRICES PAID. FORD FOR SALE. s Lcakr tin and slate roofs made tleht; also n p i w f o r olil huraej l y r o u t l i t t., Hi,. k..n- , N. J. Donuld 1). lluntl hits been promote superintendent oi' weights arid menuI urn paying liiic price* fi^r fruuh I-KBQ an water 11110 l-'oril'i-iiiialivut for mile; ill mi,untnl,l<- S5 proofing side walls and cellarB. Og. slioi-.k itlKtorbcrs, two extra lircn with iu-1.1. Wi- p a y s:l if i-ome i i f t i r tlii-in. l'iione • to captain. Mr. Hund is the won _ ures, was a Burlington visitor Thurs- poultry. H- Maft, Hfi Linden pluco, lte den McCluskcy, 147 Hudson avenue. Red rims, FOR SALE. rimn: i-niiiiK-' n m r br.-n :il,ii>i-d. In.|liir" Ki'il l l n n k . ° 1 2 ! ) - W . S h r e w s h u r y , K . J . Kov. nnd Mrs...A. W. Hand antl ha day. Hank. Telephone 400-J. • 0 Houae, barn and other otitlnlildlliKa, w!tk (ii!iirgi> O. DiMinis, Katontown, N. J . BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES. , been overiieua for .several months. H almut two ucrea of Kroiind, nt New Wop-Klb.abeth and Willium Henry Mor; UtJTCMER WANTED. ROOMS FOR RENT. " ~ New Perfection and nubi'.sUM wii:k slnve.s;! mouth;, one minute walk from the trolley, Sternly liufittiui till y«.nr ruiind: «i,oil pay FOB SALE OR RENT. hud been acting cajitain of Ilia eon: rell pf Red liank were week-en Two moms In the lilir.-uy building, 1-i KeoiKimy (irtu-t-ry iiml Mint (jo.,"ll)^ .Slir Small" .house lit CK-canic, ,,iu- 1.1.,,-k from ovena to fit nil Btovt-a. O u r prieea ulwityn ten minutes' wnlk from the steam cart. pany since August 1st. guests of Miss Emma Morrell. Monmouth street, S15 pi-r iiu,ntli for both ,trolley; bury uvetliu-, ltod Hunk. running water, gnH: hinre i-orner iot. lower thnn el3ewhere. Come in unil uee iApply to A, ' D. Conover, New Monmouth. rooms. Inquire of Mian V/i-is, 00 Wt-st Will mil on easy terms. For fin th.-i pnr- Wellcr'n store, Iirond » t r e e t . lied Hunk. j N. J. Rev. and Alitt. John G. French Lester Johnson of Belford is visit I'ront street, Ited Dank. tii-ulars address K. S. ]]., bus 313, Ked Hank. TOURING CAR FOR HIRE. Frenchtown Imvc moved from thi ing- his sister, Mrs. William II. Heyer WANT TO RENT ' THE RED BANK HAIR PARLOR. KJjrhl-cyJin'h-r, Ht-ven-pilSHenKer Cadillac 1 place to the Presbyterian manse her FOR SAI E. t h r u room*, fiiinirtlieil ttr <uriruniHlie'l, iirivShampooing, sculp and facial masBag* toqrinK car for hire hy the hour, (luy or trip, .. CARTING DONE. Two Yorkulilre »ov.-«. mil- y.-nr old, and All kinds'of Mr. French hns accepted a call i Mrs. Andrew C. Tette of Matawai AmiertHin'b Taxi Service. cartlnx," Freil 8; Kin- iliiK,- liirht hoiisi'kj.'epiM"; eimtrnlly loeult-il; with an electric vilirator: fnanie-urfna. Rhode Islnnd red chlcki-na ami. dueks for Ilolmdel. ' I'Ved nnd grain- grouiul with- iniprbverntTlt^ ;rni- wniull'house or p.-lrt S switch miikini; and children's hair cutting. . pastor of the church rind tlelivero visited Hazlct friends on Friday. Bull-. A. K Lloyil's, .opposite hafer, i O.pen Fridny i-veninca ,from C;00 to 9 :lf). while 'you wait; iu;w supnly of liny PI;I:HS uf liolla,-. W . S. K., lio.x 31.3. He,I Hunk.. HOUSE FOR RENT Kin liist sermon here on-Sunday. George Warren, who boards wit at Miildletown. fair grounds, Ited Hank. Itoom 10, Eisner buildiniT, Hed Bank. Phon* w j r e j u s t received. Phone 2r,-\y, Jlolmiiel: MX rooms, ii.-nr station; wi NAVE5INK PROPERTY FOR SALE. 302-M. Lieutenant Cecil S. Aekerson vi Miss Carrie Curliart and who hus beei hi' viicatt-d Novi'inliiT Int. Apply l(i II, 1 OAKLAND RUNABOUT FOR SALE^ Dwl-llinjf house and utoro property at AUTO CRANK LOST, ited his parents, Mr. iiml Mrs. Co seriously sick with pneumonia, 1: 1'eiiHu. Mlddli'town. N. J. Newly painted nnd in litnl-i-l.'i«rt nieclutniAuto truck starting criink lost .between Nnveniiik on reneoinililo torm^; eorhcr Mini•"SALESWOMEN REQUIIIEP. nelius Adicrson, I.,'t week, Lieu slowly improving. cnl condition; 1914 model; U.n-i' rictfn tires: Bed Aiklrcas and Stone Churcl,"liy way of Oce- mouth, and Navewinlt aventu.-n. Sf.'vi-ial tiiili-swdnn-ti wanted lit once; also GET YOUR STOVES REPAIRED. price S-tOO. Can b e B<-«-nl,y implying to anic. Hunk Aekerson has been . utionoil at Ai WiBS JoBsie M. GifTord has returne , Kinder kindly- return and receive re- Bllzabeth ,V. Wlntm-, Itod Ilmik, It: 1-'. 1). f.i.r lioli.luy IAMISIHI. If euncriunci-d you can Let UB repair your stovea now. I p y !•'. P. Held, Oceanic, N. J. ward. M. V. Hrown, 24 Wharf avenue, Red Ki-t a Kti.iidy po,iti,.n with wornl siilni-y nt niuton, Ala,,-for some time but e to Jersey City after a visit with Misi Schwartz h t W t Front ttreet an & S Son,.^West YARN FOR SALE. Hank. , - . ; - ' oni^i'. If you liu,<; mi lAiii-iiciii-,-. make np]j«ct.s to po overscan shortly. Muplu avenue, Red llank. Maude Aekerson. FARM FOR SALE. A k.t of tarred fodder yniii /"o:- hJn'litifr ['Jre.-lt-foii 1«jiyiv.xy. .SUiiu.-j Co., IJrwad street, My failing sinht compi-1^ iut- to offer for Mrs. Lydia Mason hns returned to corn.3tulk«; will sell at rclueuit pi-iei- nitli.-r Ik.l Hunk . • Mr. nnd Mrs. J.0I111 Whitbock 111 . FOR RENT. t TWO WAGONS FOR SALE. immediate sale my 7.7-nrre fnrm (in the Kv- AttractiveHOUSE Arlington after a visit with her sister, house of seven rooms and bntfi; thnn curry over nnbthi-r year. Theiiilore daughter Marion of Mount Verno In KOOII ^oiidilioii iiml for siilo elienp; al- crelt rond two mile» west of Ited Bank. Cull GOING Td M0VE7 nil. niotiern convenlenri.'H^jiouUiwest 'cqnier HlilwcJI, file Village Kroc-r, Everett, N. J. so two nets SIIIK'1-' liurneHS; rcabonulil. nnd see it. Louis Walt<-r. N. Y., were the week-end i;uestH ' Mrs. James Morrell. Before" moving or before" putting jovt of Hrunch and Hudpon uvenues. " Ap"ply"to Miss MnudeL. Iviiis has retuAie, Cook Si O»l;lcy, lied llank. Mr. and Mrs. Robert John Schrode 1' BOARD ANP .ROOMS. urticles in storage, get triy figures. UT Mrs. A. G, Hrown, 13!J Hroad Htreet, or SAVE YOUR OLD CARPETS. • Board by the day or week., with nicely inrgpp storilKe warehouse anil my method of phone 17K-W. Ked Bank, Miss Lillian I.ce hits a position wit home from a Visit with relatives ai CORN FOR SALE. Beautiful reversible rugs made from old furnished rtfoma: central locution; all im*truckiu* you a fair fair figure. f B J. JJ. kiu* will get you figure. B. About 600 rtaekn of uouil coin ill lic-I.I carpets the 'Standard iras conipany as met Kbsullo Park and Brooklyn. . -and chenille portieres. Writo fol provcmenti; reasonable rates. • Hudson Rcilly. r, 1-53 ROOM AND BOARD. l 53 Mechai t t Bed B d BBank. k hanic Btreet, GCOI-KC Uey, 240 shr«woliury llvo. Clinton H. Wallini; rulseil a turnip Mr., circulars. American Rug Mairufactory; 2D6 Special rates for fnll and winter boarii, House, 14£> Hudson avenue. Fhone 4D3-J. Phone 282. reader. Ri'd Haul.. l'iione 10CK-J. Vermont street, Brooklyn. With nicely furnlshi-rl rooms, modern imClifford Motrcll, who 1ms been en on lii.s farm weighing three pound provements, house well .heated; special nit<-s Producing Your Own Ejfes is Economy, CABINET MAKING AND UPHOl-STERINGv BLACKSMITH AND HORSESHOER. ployed in Warn's diiiK atore for som and one ounce. GENERAL CONTRACTORS. for table hoard also.. Champliu house. 35 Ilijr, stronjr, White Le«horB pulleta in lota Iti-pniriiiK, ri-liiiifhinK, ri-priidiictions of Frank Gray, practical horseahoer. Thu Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Larson 0 time, hus enlisted in the mcclitinlc James Norman ft Son, office and yard, of ten or twenty for £nle; heavy IiiyihiT nntliiues; sof<iH, . clmh-it. etc., unholatcn-il. Brick Shop, 19 Mechanic street. Estab- 47-51 Shrewsbury avenue. R,-d Hnnk. Con- Union etreet, Hod Hunk. Phono 430-.W. llobokun visited Mr. anil Mrs, Edwin lished stock with lots of vitality. 'Chiirles D. l-'ull Ihui of Frt-in-h .cn't'iinu.-s, .tiipestrics, division of the uViation aervico." IB years-in-IU-d Bank. crete' work a Bpeclalty. Oet our 6cnires beCleveland, Ealontowh, N-. J. Phone 2130-lt. It. I'eseux last Wednesday. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HENT". h-atlu'r, veloiir unit seller;! I siiliplies. II. -/> M. Levine lia.s awarded the contra fore havintr any -work done. *.'. TWo apartments of twh ronmi; each or Chlirk. .1!) 'Monmuiilh ulieel, lied 'Ilnnk. Hudson Walling, stationed at Cump FOR SALE. for the furniture, desks and part FOR SALE. one of four rooms ; nuitabU* ins" light liousel'iione G71-W. ' : Bide Uix.-spent the week-end at home. delivery rake, in good condition tions in his building, which will I BOOK LOST keepi^nH: very light, cheerful rooms: cen- Ten to fifteen tona of timotliyhiiy, iiume IJ.-Cleveland, ijuniiyhrook favm, £at- containingBANJS'PASS cancelled chi-eks nomewhero 'in trally located; to desirable people. Phone clover ml:ctHl, fur Kak-; also ei^lit torirf nlfulMr. and Mrs. Harvey Ilyer, John Charles POTATO FARM FOR SALE. used us tin- noatolllce, to Corbin ontown, N. J. fhone 2130-11..' town- Will Under kindly IC-HVI. snmi'iit. the 22-M. 40 Monmouth Btroot, Hod llank. fa and tlireu lo four tons of cow ln-i-ls for 16-l.nerca, liolniik-l.'towhsliiii; 'A mill- from S. Crawford", Andrew J . Latham and Corliin of New York.- Tlie i'uniis Secoiut "Naliorinl batik. O. II. l'en-y-Gwynn; Jltll^_.SIJl^HgiidiK. Everett, N.,J;, Smock, L mairiuijuii' roijd: iicur Htutions." Twenty ncirs PICS FOR SALE. family and Ella C. Hy<>r lmvo rocovings will lie modern in every (let; y!i liGrnon pliiee. Red Bunk. .. fanjv. ' ~T"" • FURNISHED. fitm~:iIinle!Tr-iihinlt--' fnurtccn —wboiilund;—bnt-*— Heveti-wt'ks-old pi^a fur sale: also oidc Three or four connecting rooms; ,all imand it is expected to hiivu them set u ered from heavy colds. stock. 1'. O, Hox lliS, Ked Hunk, or phoiH. • FARIVFBARGAIN. ~'~~. iliiiiiiiitt glri'unm. - Addrcsa Potiito Flirm. FOR S A L E . provements, riiniiijiRr hot and cold . water, Kenneth Komjvear has returned to Uurnson :i(J0. Pent Alplia farm. in n short time. en•'•.." »- ' .. V i c t r o l a and c a b i n e t , , fumed o n k ; . $ 1 0 0 steam heat, gas range, phone, private 5r> acres nt -farmer's price: t-xcolt&nt soil, box SIS, Itc-d Iliink. Asbury Park after a Visit with Mis trance; "business people preferred;1 nlso a fteven-room house. Rood tinrns, Kooil roiiil. Mrs. 1'*. T. H. Reynolds spent li worth of ViiKli-cJasR recoi-ils; unusual sound HAY WANTED. Bella S. Kosevcar. front bedroom on ili-st floor. Stins'on near Freehold: a snap lit seven thousand WINDOW CLEANINa week at Pussaic vi.silinp; relatives. Cluver, jilfuJfa or mixed hay wanted box; first-class outfit; prit-e Sir,0 complete. large House, Uroad street, Red Bnnjf. . : we make a specialty of eleaninff window! dollars. Oeomft W. .ZUeker, Colt's Neck, stale price ami iiuantity. D. Parmly, Oce "Owner," box 313, Bed /iimls. Mr. and Mrs.-llarry S. Hrown un of stores, olTices and private residences; afu unic, N. J. Phone 337-J, Rumson. H. BIT7.AU. . Ron, Harry A, Drown, of Northpori general oillce cleaning. Rates reasonable Romovcr of dcud nnimido. Bed Bank DEVELOPER AND PRINTER WANTED'. Satisfaction guaranteed. 25 West Frost L. I., visited relatives here hist wool• WILLIAM F. RE1LLY, , .- YoulliC lady with hnovvleilKe of-dev<-l,ipini: s.treot, with the American dyers and clean** Telephone 129-J. 21 Pearl street. Phone 1U-K Red Bank. Mr. and Mrs. Siixon Anderson Phone 353-W. v and printing ami -who is also willing lo ns- ITS. Tho rfcht place to ffet ffood firrocerlea at itht ill ittoi-i.-, wnnted a t onee. Adili-ciifl for Jersey City are spending the wip. LOCUST POSTS FOR SALE. right prices. Prompt, deliveries. further particulnrs to" Kodak, liox alii, Ited p . o . H"x inn, lti'il llank. or phone RumFRUIT AND PRODUCE. heie with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore An B^nli. . . •. We huv... the I.R-st fruit, vegetable Itnil urn MO, Pt'nt Alphu farm. ^ TWO GIRLS WANTED dcrson. , fiirni product.- in the iniirket ipid our prices cook and wultrcsH; tlii-eu in fnmily; lies Miss Elizabeth Bailey hus move: LODGE ROOM SHREWSBURY DAIRY. lire very low fur Kuod iiierchnndise. If you. •Ken puid. Mm. IMIIMII McMuhon, 2C7 for rent on Tuesday evenings', & tho liiriro want the bout call a t liiu-ijralupi Brothers. Milk and cream. Special milk for U W . Broad utrcit,. Itcil Bank. Phono 835. from Mrs. E, E. Morris's home o iodgre room on the third iloor of the David- Wharf avi-Mu,-. |'), u ,, o 575 JJO,1 Jiank. Second street to Mrs. Hannah Force Telephone 490-W ned Bank. son' building. For purticulurs inquire of \\liok.,ihl« iiml nitiiil. POOL TABLE WANTED. bungalow on Florence avenue. trustees. O. G. Frake, Bridge avenue, Ited RANGE FOR SALE_ Pool table wanted :,must be in (rood fionBank. • • . ' . . . AUTO1STS ATTENTION. Willitim A. KwinR is on (in exten Almost new ra foi- sale. II. Rosin. 18 ditton nntl rcnsonal>ly priced'. Adilresa reI Iiavo tuki'M tlie iik'CiiL-y -for Goodrich .'• ply Pool Table, box 313, Ked Hunk. . five business trip through the middl' fiisl l-'ront * -^ RED BANK DAIRY. tu'L-a, lubL-.s, intL'i'linerrt, lilciw-uut patches, Western states. .Splendid. milk foc_ bahieE. from Dr. E.etc. Ail kiiiila i,f fat-m-iiiaeliitit'ry for anla HORSE FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Fahnesiocu'a "Shadow Brook Farm. AH san- by inc. Aiiyoni. wuntluK machinery at right Mrs. Hehiy'Poat of Roselle was th Firet-cluM »uund horse for sale. Junn CurriaKi-ei, in excccllent condition, for Hale itary precautions taken in our care of tailk prices c-nll a t Frod S. Kinliafer's, Holmdd. big hnrKilins. ' -Jacobus, East Front street, jruest last week or Mrs. AViHlum Gi'i Ilinti'lnmnn, Inc., Kumaon^N. J. andcream. Charles A. McClaakey,. phono rlioue 2.')-W, HuImiU'I. .Harris house, river front, Ited B k tin. !'• • ' , • • ' 463-H. „ •• • ~ " ~ C 0 W FOR SALE. HELP WANTED. . Miss Fnnnio Morris has returne WOMAN WANTED. Cow far sale on the John Ruthorford SECOND HAND CLOTHES WANTED, . r.nbiu'era, t-iirppntci's- anil livlp'era. -elccfrom a visit to Brooklyn. "Capable white v/ornltn with experience and piucc. Klverslile drive. Kedjlnnk. ^ r Will pay. hichest prices- for your old- tnciuii.i.'iind lii'lpvrs, stoiuulitti-i-s nnd help- ' reference wnnted to core for two children. John W. KcouRh is seriously ill clothing if in good condition, men's oiily. era. rliockvpa, tjincliofmn--!. rhaliirt'Urs, « • DOUBLE HOUSE FOR SALE. Answer llox C, h^x 313, Red Hank. :r Estimates cheerfully given. • Phono ,18-M, iiiL-n fin- fiu-tory iv.irk uml ollloi- work, houschis liomo on Church street. Chicken hou»e nv.d -RumiM on place, I n or call Herman Levin a t 9o Shrewsbury worlnu-is, cguplo for hiiust'>Soi'k, chilli's nurse, The public schools here reopen.ei iiuirc S3 Muple avenue, K01I Bank. .JAMES B. CARTON, EVERETT, N. J. avenue. ' flirinluiiul. Emus Agency. ••" Auctioneer. Your Patronage solicited. No on- Monday/ , ' PARLOR STOVE FOR SALE. eale too great; none too small. Terms • • • • LOST.. . ", REAL ESTATE. ~~ " Borough. Attorney Arthur S. Van A parlor. »tpvc in nooil condition for oalc right. • Phone Middletown 278-F-21: Yet in opinions look not always back ; • :'v " Between Pearl and Church strootsi, l-'nir We would .like a clear and complete d n Busldrk hits been commissioned a.sec MM. J- PoarBull. Fair Haven, N. J. Hnvon, urcy KJlk bnw lo^it cotitiiiniiif!; keys, scriptton of your property if you hare any Your wake is nothing; mind the coming track ;: * POTATOES FOR SALE. ond lieutenant in the .state militin earrinKs; rosm-y nnd money j very liliei-nl re- for Bale. I t will then lie brought to the t t - ' EOP.RENT. " $5 per barrel; como and Kct them while ' Leave, wliat you've done for whatyou'ye got .to do...Jj.'jj". ivnrd. A'ldreoa 5Ira. I-rt-djft'arron. Fair Hn- tention of i>un.-)iaai.'ra looking for real e s t a t e He lias, been made supply officer oi LIU-BO house tov rent: barn, ntlxule fur »is they Just, K. . C. Lawrence, .Buena Viata v'en, N-' J. " " ' . , • • r " ' '. .. \ - Jjist it with this oflico now. JIawklns Broij „ « • . . Mrs. M,. Parker, Red Bink. the third battalion. nue and llidgc l-oud, Rumson. Phone at'oiita, 10 Monmouth atrcct, Rod Bank. The board of health allowed the ici DO YOU KEEP BOOKS? , QUILTING DONE. Boo1(8 opened and closed, vceltly audits, crenm parlors,.saloons am) other pub . OFFICES FOR. RENT. AI«o HUllta' recovered. Mrs. EmaMtn PAWN TICK§TS FOR SALE. , by eonMietent auditor. Excellent service ren- . L a r g e " front room with two adjoining lie places to -open Tuesday of las Wulllnit, 1 Suimut ttvenue;. Red Bank. , Will sell three pawn ticket? for diamond dered: 510 per month. Address Auditor, box rooms for rent in The Register buildinaj rinKB Jwhich can . he redeemed hy exnrR»s. . w e e k . -•'.. .313, Bed -Hank. Also .private instruction, suitable for lawyer, real estate o r oth«> " " C O R N STAI-KS FOR~SAtE-•i-ensonabter<r—•'—:—;_^i_uj Mrs. .F. T. H. Reynolds fell ove profesaional line. Plenty of light, steaa ° ° " J - " 2 ' i - ' - ° " - ' P 1 ;,"'' •,et' 7 1.BO0 corn ttnlUs In t h e field for jale Yo'rk? Ueiltr wuter - anil-electricity.' • Further-par ;in obstruction on Main street whic O-uiiruliln fni'ni, lied VanU. Pliuno 8f_8^.__ : PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING. ticulurs by lli t Th R i had beon placed by some Hallowe'e RABBITS FOR SALE. Henovatin'fr pianos' a Bpecjnlty; ' crncked FARM HAND WANTED AH ltinds of rabbits for sale, bonjjht and jester* Thursiliiy nijrht. She cscapei nt once: nood'wuKen. sounding boards, noisy actions' successfully Coomo Lenvy, E(«e- exchangeil. M. Krahhert, Prospect nvenue, FARMER WANTED. repaired. Expert on player pianos. A. B. M a t without any lioncs bcinc broken bu croft flirra. Shrcv.-nbury. N. J. ^Phone 12^-B between Tower Hill uvenue and Rumaon Wanted to work on fnrm; Dirhan, 42 Hudson avenue, Red Jlank. wasbatlly bruised and shaken up. . gooil holts.-, flrewuixl, vi-i;etiililes, putntocs rond. . '; _ . - ... Phone 162-J..., . . MAID WANTED. . anil two imnrts 'of milk ilnily; state age. Mr.< H. C. Tunis of Bed Bank vis N»id wanted for general Jlouicworklrefeiv natiiiniiliLy. numlier in family and wnces deGUNS FOR SALE. FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED. ited Mrs. R. J. Shroder Friday. :. ..lira teifulrcd, 78 Wallnce otheet, Red jo-c-d. Have one or two'men to tionr.l. .Mi.l-. Double-barrel nun for sale, in irood condiThree or four unfurnished rooms, with JMebrcok film). It. I-'. D. Mo. 1, Aabury Park. tion;.also two revolvers. Mrs. Mertie MorBank." . ' ', . : ^mproyementn. with nice privnte family, rell, South street nnd Pincknesy road,. Itei wanted by yo"ung~couple, no children. Ad• ROBES FOR SALE. Bonk. M1DDLETOV/N VILLAGE NEWS, dress Cashier, American R. K. Exp., Perth One-black fur, one l»»jr plush nnd one FOR SALE. AmbOy, N. J . One pair of mules-, aix -nid eight years The Middletown Red Cross Auxiliary home blanket. n. F. King, Shrewsbury, CHICKENS FOR SALE. oM;. one ivgisu-,,.,! Ilolstei,, bull, threo One hundred chickens from twelve to eiRh BABY CARRIAGES UPHOLSTERED, Makes Report of Last Year's Work. i. 1: .: y : two suvvs. ma- t,, fnirow thin years old: teen monthH old; excellent layers: in (toot re-tired, repaired and painted; nil Uinds of munth: NOTICE. nth: ll ll m i p i , s . thro,, month,, ,,|,| ; „„„ pi,.s. The Middletown Red "Cross auxilcondition. Address Chlckena, box 313, Hoi cnrrin'ge parts sold, windshields, wheels, (.uernsoy y bull ull i-alf, ialf, No Kiinnii-.B alluwcd oh the property of Bank. ( lf four ld; for nths old. old. for - iary has made from November 1st fldwurd cups,, spring!!, corduroys, gimps, etc." H. l Fcnton and Jonrt-l-'enton, Llncrolt, Ph Il Peach Illoss farma, E Eatontown, Chnrk, Bi) Monmouth street, Iteil Bank. 1917V to November 1st, 1918,-8,00 = r r i - - — ROOMTFOR RENT i Phone 675-W. . _ _ _ _ _ , - - ^ ' EurgicnPdressiiTgsr 3 « knitted, at Nice Inrne room for rent; all improver ments; with, private flimily: with or with, tKCK, tides apd two hundred hospital garHORSE AND >IGS FOR SALE. 1 Furniture Money to loon on bond and mortgan. Apurnture rec, recovered nnd nnd repaired, repaired,'CUM Eight llerksliire pigs, seven weeks old, for tains, draperies andedAustrian ments and comfort pillows, During ply to A. L. Ivlm. Itcgiator building. Red out boardr" " Address W. C, box 313, Red laj« Austria shades; hd aale; illso good hor-ie, eiirht years old; jrunr- ing of carpets, matting : Vnd"" lliioleajb' that period the auxiliary has received "ink. -• • anteed to work every wny. Apply to Mrs.Davenport aofaa. couehca, mattresses act! $53.83 and has jipent .$31.30, leaving ..JERSEY COAST. LAUNDRY. Jnnies Ill-own, Everett, N. J., P. 0. Koypoi-t, „ FOR SALE, cushion, made to order. Mnitlnnd tlnnd Thomson^Chartefl Hrenker. • proprietor. Famil: propriet Famil N. J.. R. D. 2. ' ^ a a t " o u t street Itedd flank flk ph iicytlo." To'wler iinslnn—irmut—con*rtl<mr •washing, under ib pounds, 90 -cents; with" Louise Hurtshoine, chairman of th fov mlc; price *10. "Dlcyclo," box flat iron work, 51.10. Hand ironing if deFARMS-WANTED. • . ilred. Middletown auxiliary,' has issued ai Bank. ' Large .and small; also country homes and FOR SALE, BARGAIN. appeal for workers. The Red. Bank shore properties. 'Send descriptions; will GUN FOR SALE. l.ifl acres of woodland nni- niilo north of FOR RENT. inspect. George W. Zucker, graduute agri- hheirk i-lvor null-nail, stntiiin; New Jersey branch, of which' the Middletown auxStevens, 12 BUnKC, shot nun in (rood con- In TheOFFICES ItcRlster building. Two front culturist. ColtV Keck, N . J . Phone Free- aiiu.Uierii rnilriiiiil" runs throuidi the c e n iliary Is.a part, has'.received an allot dition lor Hole chenp. U I.lndon plncc. Red offices now vacnnt; possession immediately. hold. 349-7-32. " . ' ter of tin, tract; Sir, in-r aero; tlie timber . i—'—-. For further particulars apply at Register ment of 730 pajamas and liospitn! Unnk. in- worll SJ!O |it'i- iR-.ri. fur Drewoail," oulsiile ofllce. • REGISTERED BERKSHIRES. ' shirts to be completed by Novembe of the land. charh-s-'A. Lewis, owner, 133 HORSES FOR-SALE. BerKshire 'bonr' and BOW pigs for sale a t (•ipjlKMUlv, Jersey City, N. ,1. ElKht young work horson for «nle. WonJ 15th;. Those, wishing to help can pro POSITION WANTED. eight \v0ek3 of a g e ; the cheapest way to Elderly, man, nblo to do lisht work, wishes cure garments* nt the Middletown H Itioutlilce corHpany, Oakland Btreet, Rod Btnrt with Rood stock 19 to buy them yoi>ng WINTER PRODUCE. position; can furnish boBt of references; Ponnil raise them yourself. Middlebrook Xanrri1 • braiy on. Wednesday and Thursda; Hank. Good lii'..),inK ,-,,,!, winter apples. ?3 50 per altlon of trust preferred. XX", box 313, Red Allenhurst, N. J. . . . '.'... bnl'i-i'l; Anierlcan Giiint potutoei. S<'ner barafternoons. Bonk. TOP SOIL FOR SALE. rel: roun.l p.itntuos. JB per bm-rel; aweet poTho Middletown library, which hat . Mamsquan srravel. and bluutone »er«nOFFICES TO RENT. " tntoi-H, s-o.,-,0 PM- bunvl; winter carrots, 50 will deliver »ame. Charlea Burd, Bed GOOD PRICES PAID Several office rooms to rent, flingiy or in conu per basket:.winter h?ots, ii« centu per been closed on account of the epi-Ingi; lank. 'or men's second hand suits at The City Dry suites', in The Register building; nil . imi.'iBlict. btillmnn furm. Kntnntown, on troldemic, is now open every Wednesday, "leaning, and Dyeing Works. 9 Mechanic provements^ rent reasonable. Desirable lo- li-y lilif. . IMion,- 21111-M. Di-livery ei-try ' GIRL WANTED. Thtrsday, Friday and Saturday after •troet, near Broad street. Red Hank. Phone cntion in heart of business district. 'Apply Fi'lilay by auto truck. . Good ffirl wanted for amn.ll family. , Apat Register oflice. noons from two to five o'clock. y-Mm. Hanco, 181 Maple avenue, Red The women's missionary society of lank. . ^.h^, .RAISINGS AT LITTLE SILVER?" . SCOTTISH TERRIER FOR SALE. . MAN WANTED l|)i' Little Silver community will dmlicnto the Reformed church is receiving conPine younpr female for sale: well .bred to-jililk nnd cure for-'live cbws: ulso to foeii .1 nnitpole aiid.niUi- a bi,-Kl. American "-nan, HORSES FOR SALE. and Rood looking; nice disposition.' Chnrlcs nn<l! ciiro- for 300 poultry: steady position; a sorvice nan tributions for Christmas (rifts to be Three'Kood anil un-hnnor (lnit lit'the ollbwork horttea for Bale. Crystal 3. Cleveland,. Eatontown, N. J. Tcliphons WIIKI'S SfiO pi-r month lind board. Anply nt • sent to a mission nt Colony, Okla- irook fnrm, Eutontown, - N. J. CharleB K 2180.R. Tower Hill fnrm. l'rospceL anil Tower IIMI |ie seliool on . Fri.luy iiftornoon lit three ••clock, Hon. ElroiT H. norm, will muko » homa. Miss Ella HcndricK-son, who iUlacr. itvoiiuo. Rod-Bank. . . ' •atnotie ndJrens. Come and hear Mr. Goran GLASSES LOST. has charcc of tho work, will receiv ml celebrute with us. l.itlle Silver's I.lbFURNISHED HOUSE TO LET. Pair of nose Klnsaeti lost Saturday on GENERAL MOVING AND STORAOE. all contributions." BIJ( moms, "nil Improvuments.^ Apply.Jlra. -Wincaneek"-futtil'--'nt: •Shrewsbury." Firftler Iji«ht__(ind. heavy trucking by horse 01 ity luuu.wiii more than doubli-d. The Christian Endeavor meeting; uim:f Muck. DcNormnridy nvenuti, J'nir Ha- kindly return Hnmc to C. D. Hnlsey, Ritnimotor; large, roomy vans,' reliable? men. FARM "FOR-SALE. . T ~ * ' ^ " " ' son, N. J. Roomy storage warehouse, Bcparnto roomB. next Sunday niicht at the Reformed en, N..J. Glioil, profitable farm, .-70 rJl i!re3: apples. E. J . Roilly, 51-6S" Mechanic atrcet, R«d IM-iii-s. peaclu-H. iispin-.-iKus, HO 'mn-es tfiioil church will lie led by Miss Isnbelle TAXICAB BODY FOR SALE. . " PIGS FOR SALE. Bank. Phone 282. woodland: irmiil tillnlile farm with uooil - Gulick. Sunday niprlit Rev. Marion T. One HUG Kord tnxlcnh hody for, unle, Two one-year, full-blooded Berkshire seedInooka, K,i,,,i pasturv'land; -l-room bunKnlow, Cpnklin will preach on ."The Drag- lieap. C. A. Mori-la's puntKe, Tear] street, lea: also 50 BiXrAyeekn-cld Ptes for sale. FIRE SCREEN WANTED usual outbuildiiiKa: new poultry huuae c u i t i^ Utmli. Miildletown stock farm. Thomas S. Field, for fireplace three feet hislj .iin'l .iinl four fe feet Jl.uot). -All rni' nml clear of debt. Will sell fo net." Friday nicht's prayer meeting °.ed Bank'. • wide. nt the h Ited I t d Bankk H Hecreation House: fur $100 per nni S"1.000 ilown; ' will bo held nt,Garret Luyster's. halnncL NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE. anyone havinn, one tlu-y wish- to donate morlKiuii-. Furtlu purticulai's, Box 1G, Ke<I Very attractive: all Improvements; terms kiniUy communicate with Jlrs. Wiligusn, llank. Letters hnve been received here TO LET. !asy. W.m. H. B. White. 60, Broad n'treet, Park place, lied Dank. Throe rooma, 211 White utreet; water, m i , from William Ilargrot, Peter Hnrfrot, led Itnnk. iBl'de toilet; Alrlli»h"f(J 01'.. uufurniatieil; $K, Jacob Haiffot, Samuel Reynoldn, Er. FRANKLIN CARMINE MOYArT I. K. Manufacturing 'Co., G'J WeBt street, TIRE LOST. «"f / !l'±U"n a n d EnBlish commercW Chicltcns,'Ducks and Geesa for-Sale neijt Jones. James Jones, Paul WilBed. Bank. • ' 1 Saturday, November 2il, on'or lu-nr Hidgo ar«tib (of 0. C; N. Y. collate nnd Milnno t mm-ket prices. .It. O. Lawrence. Buena mil or ltunisnn road; tire ;tfixo niountt-il on art school). lin'nis and William Harris, sill of whom ,ri^1:i »vi-nuc and llidKrc road, HumBon. Portraits In oil and all medirim from Puekard twin six. Howard vill be ums. Pen und MEN WANTED. lire colored men of this place who arc hone SOU. ink .drawings, landscape* in Dniil hy It. M. Hunl, Locust Point, telephone "I and water colors, Two men wanted to live in form houses Indies' fashion dcsiirnnerving in the American army in Atlantic Highlands 2H. nnd work on fitrm; munt understand stock: n(r, paintincs of all subjects, o'rlitinui and KITCHEN STOVE FOR SALE.- , France. riiddlotown atook farm, Thomas S. Field, COPIPB; commercial sinn work, mmeriil inA Ullchi'n ntuvn for eiile cheap on account' Rod Bank. COW WANTED. terior and. exterior <k-conition'», aruhitLotural Rev. J. B. Kirby of Bayonne has .f.movhiK. Inquire Mmtulrc, Belford, N. J., Want ' to buy fmii'-yeur-uld reuistercd diariiuit, nutomobilc nignoernmiiiR. etc. site school. been visitinR his mother-in-law, Mrs Guernsey ciiw or a good Kiiulc cow with lhentnenl scenery. FORD FOR SALE. Teriod furniture n n j Kuainntee; miiHt be and a muni milker Inibcry duslKiiinc Slutunry, Italian .«nrFord'fourinir car, 1D18'model, tires Rood, I.ouisn Harris. rind "butler prinlui'i-r.- Address George Jimoa, di'118 planned. Slmlio »nd residt-np,. 2r>9 PICS FOR SALE. V sale: extra tubes nnd speedometer: new *-!-«• r Dux 51, Oceanic, N. J.. ' Tlu-OL' HnwH with Hlx-weekH-oltl PIKS, or by n July; JGOO. P. O. Box 15, Atlantic HiirhShrcwslnn-y avenue-, llrd llank. Free ex... p.-iir. Willium I.nut, En,t I-'rcchold, N. J. Innds. N. .1. •' . . hibit of oil wall palntinui at lied Hark L1NCROFT NEWS. WE'LL SHAVE YOU AT HOME. hum' SOS-F-32.' enmiy kitchen. There's ty time \vhcn" men are sick Unit a ! DANCE. Frank L. Driver Cloies Home Here good fllmve is far more honelleinl .than mediSons nnd Dnufi-hters of Liberty will hold GIRL WANTED. and Snili for England. cine. We'll give you attention at home when Cash Customers for Farms. ilance Fridny nltht. November >9th, in tho White Kivl for Kcnernl housework; small noet-ssnry.- Seeontl National 'barbt-r suon, mlly, Mrs. D. I). Straus, 21 ltecklesn' Dnvidson buijdintr. Admission 25 cents. Frank L. Driver closed his bunga- lace. H a v e n • niimWr of •iui|iiin-s. for ,coml irro.-ul stvi-et. Upstairs. Good music. Red Ilnnk. -NEWS FROM KEYPORT, HAZLET NEWS. r r l i . - n n d ; N . . J . ?• Look Ahead. urii-i- . - • S I - • ] " - - . : r h a r r e l o n ruriii. • " lii'i " . - •••:•• Oliver^Wendell Holmes:."more •than half a centyry ago wrote a' poem which contained as - much truth and as much philosophy as any^of the " entire books he ever wrote, "and he wrote a good. many of "them. Three df .,;the lines of this "Rhymed Lesson," as"he • called; the-; poem,: were as follows:' , " .'.".. ' ••;. - j V • . . - . - . - - : • . . . . . . _ • . - , ' , , . . . . • . . . . . - . . . That's good.advice. It was good advice sixty years ago and it's good advice today. What^, you've"" donerih^TK^aW^ay"tiS~W^'g^3Hir" may be right;. Looking back at what'-ybu've" done is useful only, if'you learn 'a lesson from it. Look forward to the {hjngs you have yet to do and take a lesson fnmi the: things you have done in the past. , :/r^r~--y ~r-- I - - - - - . _^ , . _ _ _ _ _ ^ . _ fci^ v « « r » , v U l l Little thingslead to big things. The man who is faithful to a few things is advanced to higher .Jind_JngheT_pj^sitjpjiis^^ is eventually made ruler over many things. The man who looks out for the small: .affairs of life makes his knowledge d* his e^perience'a foothold to rise to bigger and higher things. t i l l 111 p || „„„ Look out f£r the little sums of money that can be made^jBy^preyentihg thingsi from going tb wasW, :inevery store there are.lots of things • that get out of date, or that are small remnants or small left-overs^ Instead of sticking these in: some place where they will be out of the ' way and where they will never be seen, put thent right out in front and put a price on them that will get them out of the store and into the _hands of someone who really wantsihem.__Put_ "an advertisement in the Want Department of The Register and that will help sell them. low" here n few days ago nnd has FARM ANIMALSTOR SALE. wailed for E»^land. Mr. liartshorne, DAIRYMAN WISHES POSITION f will ilispoBO of nl! my fnrm animals for superinteiuiont of the Driver place, in private place; (rood butter maker: chn spot cn'»h nt prlvnt,- »iil,- a l tny -farm two ;ivo first-clnss refercnceB, 3-1 WnHliinKt has pone to Newark for the winter. treet. Heil ilunk. mllos west of Red Hank on Everett road Thomas Connors is the new foreman UuiiB Wollrr, HORSE FOR SALE. of tho fnrm. He hns moved on the A small horse for Hjile; good driver. InNOTICE. place. ulre of Mrs. George Crover, Mechanic Plumbers nnd steam fitters of Morimouth Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lungentlorf treet. Kml Hank, county nut of work—See C. Jnnr* lit 1'Vil. ernl Employment olllce, 31-1 Main Btreet, A«nnd their son Frod and William Carliury l'ork, N. .1. . SMALL FARM WANTED. ney of- Ilolmdel motored to Newark Small fnrm wnnted: ri-nt nf.t more tlinn on Holiday of last week. Willinm ISO u year. F. A. Churned, 15 Tower Hill FURNITURE FOR SALE. Chair. Rinnll wrilini,' desk, bureiuiii, dining Carney has been sneiHlinp; n few days ue, Red Bank. roniii tabli1!!. i-arni-ts, Oliver typinvriti'l- and vrith Mr. nnd Mrs. Lanp;em)orf. ullior *ma!l nrtieli-B; buririiind. l(l;i HrOnd BUNGALOW FOR RENT. Charles Lum will put up a new Four-room hunKnlow for rent, S10. onstreet. IU-il Ilnnk. windmill on his farm. okrhtnn n-,no«. .Inquire a t 127 Loigliton cnue, Red Ilnnk. STEAMERS William Carney, Jr., has been on and lariro nml opened clums delivered Tucs. Ihe sick list. He is around nRnin. I TO LET. days nnd Fridnys. Lenve orders nt 19 Mrs. Fred Himfull has received Apartments to let; can ho used nn stored Proad Btreet, or by mull t o J . H . Stout, dwellinns. Inquire of A. T. Dunmui or rnir Haven, N. J. word from her brother, William Pattiita, lii-il Iinnfc. terson, who recently arrived in CABBAGE FOR SALE. TYance. William said lie was in pood First-clam rnhhngc, by the hundred or SIX-ROOM HOUSE FORfSALE. liefffcth and was enjoying nrmy life, SlK-.ruom house nnd hit f»r sale., near Fair thoilsnnd, nt S» pi-r hnmlred, Louis SolTel. fni-m, corner Hnlf-Mlle road. P. O -lie-is attucl.U:d,to.amuc.hin<!..£un com- nven: pprice Sl.OOtt; easy terms. A.' I*.Ovorloolt address. Jted Bank. 'n» r 'n», -licit B n k • pany and was' sent across from Ciiinp Dix." ^TYPEWRITER WANTED. * PRODUCE FOR SALE. Want t,, l,uy Ht-cimd-hnnd llemington or Horton Honch's house is beinp; re- ItntnhntTtt turnips, $'1.fin., delivered: ryo underwnod must bo in good r i raw $21 ton delivered: Pellcnn npples S.'l nnlr nml of typewriter; Inte model. Address' Typewriter, pninted by Harry Liingondorf. • irrel delivered. J. H. .Curton, Everett, N. J, liox 31.1, lied Ilnnk. - Luke Longhead can work for you in hot weather just as Rood as h« does at other seasons. Try him.— Advertisement. CARAGE STORAGE SPACE. FARM TOOLS FOR SALE. We have stompo space for a few cars in I will sell immediately all my farm tonls new EnrnKc on Vea.t street. Imiuire nt nt private sale for spot cash. Cnll nt tintilld's . htki-ry, eerner West and. on Everett rond two miles west (it Red rcctii, I!«dU»nk. -. : _ . , . ' llank, Louis- Writer. You are doing yourself a good service when > you sell these goods and you are doing a good •' service to the buyer. Very often these things are shifted from place to place in the store and ' finally land on the rubbish heap. Somebody wants them' and 'will pay a fair price for them. If they stay in the store they are a dead loss in . the end.' If they are sold you keep your store, . , clear of .these left-overs and remnants and you get real money for something' that you will' eventually have to throw away if you .keep v holding on to it. . ~, • It costs only a .quarter to put an ^advertisement of thirty ^prds in the Want Deparlm1ent^£^!h^ Register-|the Great Market Place for-; the people of Monmouth County. _ "•;•,. funiiH. .Seuil full'ili-fjiil.s nnil lu-ii-o. ' W i l - m a BARGAIN IN LITTLE FARM. iinm J . Mock. .1 Wi-^t :Ulh str.'ct. N,-w York. ' F o r fruit, poultry and vegetables my fnrm o'tTV-r* rave prjasiiifiities'. Has three ((mils of SPECIAL TONIC SHAMPOO." good Boi], 10 nercs orcliard. brook, snmiv .woodlnnd. Tliri-p' thnu^nml cash, i-L-muiniler C u r e f o r diiiidriill and oily ) m l r : a l l * t 4 i l W *_l _.lJ*.lt~"r-~™T."^:^r "' ntt ^' mi'^auKO and maiilcurinn. K. Iletla Galloway, Keeond nntioiml bank building, WE STERILIZE OSJR INSTRUMENTS. . In this day nml niru no tinn \a ifrimruiit uf ited Hank'. Phonii ICI-W. tho ponsibility anil 'prulvnhility ot thu tnui.Hmi^^ioll nf dison.-ie by tlio use at infoi-!,-,! in. HOUSE TO LET. strumi'iitj. Kelly & Huekley, bii'ibL-i-s, Wclk-i' liTiildinK- HiwtniM. Slodern dwi-llinit, I w bl-o.ima vv i l l i l , , , l l , . nil iiiiju',,ii-i»TiitH, four ,,ii,. .1 fiivpli,,,.,,.,. ,-,.„„ LEGAL PAPERS. - AflfldnvltB, acknowledBmentB.^.leases, bond tral locution, ni-ar trciltcy ; ^"-."' ]>, , mouth. and rnoi-tuaKea, d e e d s , etc., prepared b y m e . Jnni.M Km-iKlit, Jr.. n.'-iiir'n. 'I-. HK'i'ji in.-. N. J . In m y oillce from eit^ht o'clock to nix.' Ed* ward -\V. Wise, j u s t i c e of t h o p e a c e , r o o m 7, E i s n e r oulldinif,. Ked Bank. , BUILDING LOTS FOR Old A s t r a k h a n or Kara'ciil W a n t e d . - ' O h l fur foul of Knrai'iil to ii«i- in r , n oviititur on, 1 I iiliriuly luivi-: iiuirft In1 i-li,..-iii; til*' loiit^ IIHISI- t-url i-iMni'irotl; nnrnvi-i- ttuJinK p r i r e . nml wlu-i-,. ii r u n I,,. s ,.,-ii. A.l.iic-.J liiirln'iil. box a t : ) , Keil Hank. this-plan.'on some of. the otkls m i ^ 'TF^rtrmt-Trt-tr^N'Bftite c r T t F ^ i r t r f m t T t t e every Xuinily herunbouts tqkes- The ReglHlev tiiiti the" Want Columns form'•• one of the most intei-cstiiiK departments of the paper. C R A N T P A R I S H SOLD T H E Uo3omout fiirm f o r $100,001). lit- can Bell _',.—Alli.i "" . : Peiilinty. Did i'Htuliliaht-il nueiiL-y.- Now Void SALE.: • Tw.-K.' d.^ii-iili.KInill.l u • ! , , [ j, |IMV,> IIIIII-!,H f n i i n l l r e n i l u t r e V t . hv-ii l.|,i I'tfi front I'j-.Mlt n i l t . W H I lilllld .• n .-uiilal, !•' h-iinii. Aililri-sa H o w a r d A PI'1.1 r, t .', » - , , | , t r i 1,'t.ii-, .',5 W n l l a i ' i ' »'lri-.'l. Ite.I Hunl.. WELL ROTTED MANURE. Farm era nml ifimti'iKTS' wlahfnff well rot* cnnniitHionii. • Kntiro Nnrth Jfrst'y uL-acunat cutitniunii-iilc »t whllo th'-i . Is T r u s t building, Asbury l'nrk, N. .1. portunily of getting curs ahlpped without an embargo; ;irk-es furnished upon applies^ i CATERER FOR SOCIALS, V If you wnnt a cnterer for that weijdinjr tlon. Wo can make prompt ihlpmant c i j.thnt party or a aocinl uf nny nature,, let mi orders received thin nuinth. \fnnhalU4 ! estimnle for you. 1 can save you money , and th.- Job will be riulit. Jiimes Wokott, Manure Company, Hi Liberty ttrent, H * 4 York. ' 10 William street, Ited Uank. Phone. THE RED BANK REGISTER. Page Tynslv*. PUBLIC SALE LONG BRANfcHERS KILLED. and its main endeavors are along that line. All of them are animated by a desire to improve .the condition of the Elbert Youmaiw and John Y. Earl Lose Their Lives in France, soldiers. The war is nearly over but there will be many months of waiting . Two Long Branch soldiers were before the boys all get back -home. listed among the billed in action last When the war ends the boys over week. They were Elbert Youmans, there will no longer have the hipli son of Samuel Youmans, and John stimulus of battle., to keep up their jY. Em I. Youmans was. a railroad firespirits. There will no longer be in [man when he was drafted. When he The subscribers, executors the hearts of those who labor far j was cm liis iviiy to Camp Dix the (ireback from the bi\tt!e front the hope man of the train became sick and son, deceased, will sell af public that they may soon be called to take Youmans volunteered to fire the train part in the actual fighting. The days to the camp. Youmans was 28 years to come after peace is declared will old. Karl v.ns 32 years.old. He had be dull and tedious. It is then, more worked in a restaurant at" New than in the actual strife of battle, Brunswick before going into' ' the that the soldiers will need encourage- army. He was a son of the late Sam at her late residence, ment and comfort and companioii- uel 1!. Earl. JOnN H . COOK, Editor and "ulillaher. GEORGE C. HANCE, Associate Editor. / . BualneBB Manager:* THOMAS IRVING BBOWN. futerud ' a t t h e postoflflce a t Red Bank, H- fv BB Beeond-claaa matter. Subscription Prices I Oa't ycnr .'' 31.60 flips months ...," ' . . .75 Tbreo months 40 of Eebecea H. Hendrickvendue on Saturday, November 16th, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 6, 1»1S. TOWN TALK. (Continued from pupe J.) At the time The Register goes to MISSING IN ACTION. press it looks as though the Republicans had gained control of bo'th. The Salvation army is down at the Asbury Park's Firit Drafted Man i branches of congress. In this state!.foot of-the list. It is to get the least Among the Missing in Action. the Democrats gained two and per-: money of any of the organizations. Imps three congressmen. Thomas J.! Its duties are the humblest of any of | Sprjjeant Alexander M. Hnyden o nined a tremendous victory! the organizations.. In ordinary litei Asbury Park was listed among thi HELLER BROTHERS at One O'clock P. M. 113 West Front Street, Near Maple Avenue. Household furniture, rugs, carpets and other articles of personal property. Conditions made known on day of sale. W. E. Winter, .*•*•' " D. H. Applegate, . " Executors. Friday and Saturday BIG SPECIALS Boneless Lean Pot Roasts 28c Lean Plate of Beef 36c Loins of Pork Legs of Lamb Forequarters Lamb - 30c Swift's Premium Hams Lean Chuck Pot Roast 30c Jersey Fresh Shoulders Jersey Fresh flams • 38c Home-Made Sausage - 20c 38c 38c 30c 42c KRIDEL & GO. Broad Street Red Bank, N. J, WANTED! F3VE HUNDRED MEMBERS . _ . I* * A ___ I . . # - 1. .» . * — 1. L. < .»X- _ * . -inn - - 1tA - • * n>n AND FSiiENDS DEBATESS • p 11 1 1 {"I _ 1 . 1 * _ . . _ _ No matter what you may need for your automobile you ahould see us before purchasing? tame. We can lave you money.' We are alto tire speciatiits and have bargains at all' times in Tires and Tubes. We also have a large line of Accessories priced exceptionally low. 241 Broad Street, Red Bank, Bank the Republicans wore success-[so dangerous as-to prevent them from all right, as it frequently happens tha - • they •• electing • ••• the " mayor and • •two • - ' going there, to do their work. N o a soldier becomes separated from.-hit ful. place loath&ome as to cause command and .is reported missing. • councilmen. .• Many of them regain their commands them to shrink from entering. after a few days. * * * • ^ .• * * The American plan is to settle conThe first-detachment of the Saltests by the will of the majority. That Railroad Man Promoted. is the light principle in a democracy. vation army came to this country Lee W. Berry has been made suEach man may. wish and struggle from England about forty years ago. perintendent of the Southern division FOR CASH ONLY during the campaign for the election The organization had been formed in of the New Jersey Central railroad. of his choice among the candidates, England several years previously and He will fill this position as well as Choice meats only at lowest market prices. We but when the election is over the re-it had gone steadily about, its work. superintendent of the New York and sult should be accepted as the will of It was aerided and attacked in I n -Long Branch railroad. Mr. Berry is never change the standard Quality of our rr.eats? but land, and in this country it had gained tht;. people. There should be no now. superintendent of 264 miles o heurtburnings and no bitterness. ; a reputation far from savory.' That railroad. Samuel B. Zartman, who always lower our prices. was not because of the things -it "did, but because its mission was not un-was formerly superintendent of th The result of every election should derstobd. The drunkard, the drug Southern division, has been trans be accepted cheerfully and patrioti- fiend, the womateof the street, and ferred to the Philadelphia terminal, cally. It is natural that there shoulci all other oufcastslof society found in be disappointments among* the candi* tli?~Salvation-ijriAy-arhelpful-fri«nd. : Hold-Up at Freehold. dales who have fallen bjr the wayside Because they made their fi'eld of work Miss Lizzie McCormick, a waitress and among the more earnest of their among the lowly and among "those at the Monmouth hotel at Freehold supporters. The decision of the peo- whom society classes as criminal, the was 'held up by a colored man last ple, however, should be accepted loy* people generally regarded the Salva- Wednesday night. The man pointed ally and there should be a united ef- tion,ormy as belonging to that same a revolver at her and said he would fort to assist the men elected, *in or- class. kill her if she made an outcry. Miss der that the nation, the state, the McCormick shouted for help and the * •* Why buy butter when so high, save 3 0 c a pound county and the community may'get! man flung; her in the gutter and fled the bast service- from those whom . When (.he first members of the Salby buying Jelke's Good Luck. It'is the equal of the purest vation army came to this country the they have chosen'as their rulers.' reputationof the Salvation army was Good Neighbors,,. butter, we guarantee the purity of Good Luck. Try a about like that of the I. W. W. in this To the Editor of The Register: .'• -o-o-o-o-ocountry at the present time." On their You and your readers ought to pound, and if you do not like it bring it to us and get your . Thomas N. McCarter- and Lester landing this country they tried to know that the people who live on the 15. Churchill of Runison were at thearrange in for a service in New York Everett road two miles .west of Red money baqk. Ask your neighbor about GOOD LUCK meeting,of the Red Bank commis- ,city. No church would open its doors Bank- are surely the best neighbors sioners Monday night in reference to to them. No owner ' ,..:•• a public hall ever. I did not realize that such O L E O . . changing the names of the streets would permit it to beof by them. kindness and generosity existed ,.as where the Harding concrete road has Finally, when all placeshired .Special at our market only 42c pound. • seemed closed been built. This road begins at to them, Harry Hill, who conducted was "shown me and my wife while I Broad street, Red Bank, .and has been what was then regarded as one of the was in the eye hospital. They finished harvesting my. crops and saved me built over part of Branch avenue, noted places in the city, of- losses which! could not have prevent• Park place, Tower Hill avenue, the most fered the use of his . entertainment Ridge road, and over private property them free, of charge, the''Sal- ed otherwise: -It Is the regret of .my in several places, eventuallyreaching vation" army to share time equally life that my failing sight compels me 1 to sell the farm and leave the goodthe •Rumson road. Mr. McCarter said • . Telephone 306-M c '• tfuit Mr. Harding had built the road with the performers at Harry Hill's. friends who have been such help and comfort to me. in co-operation ' with the people of Red Bank. Mr. Harding had spent Louis Walter. I have attended a great many queer over $60,000 and he thought there meetings in.tUp fortyfive years I have, Everett, November 5, 1918. should be recognition, of Mr. Hard- been a reportef'aml a newspaper mnn, iji/j'.s public.spirit, iHc said the Rum- but I.think that first service of the "Gunning Notices. 1 sou improvement ' oBBbciation had Salvation n'rtny in this-country,;comFarmers who post their lands, suggested the name of the Harding bined with the stunts of the regular against;* gunners can get muslin and roud for the concrete highway whieh performers at Harry Hill's, was about cardboard gfunning signs at.The RegMr. Harding had built.' This sugges- the queerest and most incongruous ister office.—Advertisement. tion was made without the knowledge meeting I ever attended. It took of Mr. Harding, he said. asses, Clubs, Sociplace on a Sunday night.. The hall •was..filled, and.waiters went; up and desiring AntH • AT THE down the aVslosTand""i\mone-the little ProhiC literature will be -supThe commissioners thought favor- tables selling beer or anything else ably of the suggestion but they de- the audience wnnied to.drink. plied free of cost liy applying to the cided to interview the people living Manufacturers & Merchants' Association TSieyci, November IO on the concrete fond relative to the change pf name before they passed 775 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Harry Hill was fair about dividing an ordinance milking tha' change. up -the time. First' one of his jrirl Some 'of the commissioners thought performers would come out and give thut a road as fine as the Harding a song and dance, and then a Salva—ro-frl -ought-to-be: called a boulevard, tion army girl would tome out imtl or an avenue, of some more elegant iiicel down hud give as fervent a name than the simple term of "road," prayer as I have ever heard. A box* the The old names, however, are coming: ; n g match,-jvlierein one of thi boxers . , wotild be • bade in use, and the "hifalutin" would get. well blooded up, v names of twenty to thirty years ago followed by a Salvation army man- are—being- dropped.-—The -term--of who would -'loll of the aimsof-tlieSal' "mart" or "lane" for- ii highway is vation army. A variety theatrical AT now considered more appropriate sketch would-be followed by a hymn E y J thairthe more fancy name~of-boule-\ bers. • This K i n d ' o f ' a peiformnncevai d. was kept u p until after midnight, g, l t i i t T Tcompleted T l t d Apart from the question as towhen the SalvationistiT wlmther the. load should he styled a. their program. boulevard, or an avenue, or a road, 'l'he (lavishes of John W. Him'.y will sell at or a lane, the names of streets should i That was the start of tlie Salvation puljlic sale on ttio h U l commemorate local names or local army in this country. It. weight not happenings; Red Bonk is losing much have been considered a good start, of its former historical nomenclature but from that small beginning the through me desire to be "stylish." movement has spread throughout the Bordeh street got its' name from old United Stales. The good .which the dipt.. Borden, who built tha first Salvation Jarrny has .done cannot b.e houses'on that street more than sev- estimated. It tri'es . to make fallen at 2:00 o'clock p. in. en tjr-five years ago. Borden street men and fallen women self-respecting has been'changed to Linden place. and self-supporting. Whei-over there ' " A l l the fcilIowinK rent nutate, viz:— Other streets have had their names are poor to be helped, wherever siqk- The ho me:-, tend property of John W. Hnrtly ileccn^ctl, cuiilainitiK about thvee acres. Upchanged and names have r been ^ chosen „.,.,„,„ "ess and misery find sin arid temptn- "on tins propui'ty is erected u KOO<1> dwelling • I Auto Tires, Tubes and Accessories FIRSTBAPTIST CHURCH Telephone 581-M. RALLY United War Work Campaign SAVOY THEATRE ASBURY PARK Friday Evening, November 8, AT 8 O'CLOCK Lewis S. Thompson, County Chairman, Presiding MISS MARTHA McCOOK ' Formerly of Monmouth County- daughter of the famous ' ' Fightijig Colonel John J. McCook," who has just returned from 18 months' service with the Y. M. C. A. in France, the principal speaker. MRS. H. P. DAVISON wife of Henry P.-Davison, the Director General of the Red Cross War Council, will accompany Miss McCook and tell of other phases of the. work. '. Seats will be reserved for all local chairmen and executive eommittees._ The public will be admitted to the limit of the capacity of the-theatre, • ." •• " NoAdmission Fee No Funds Solicited at This Meeting Reserved S e a t s May be Secured a t United War Work Headquarters COME AND HEAR THE PACTS. LEARN " ' ' WHAT THE NEED IS AND HOW IT IS BEING MET. • 8IEAST FRONT STREET . . • • Telephone 508 ^ 4 Near Marlboro, N. J., • Saturday, Nov. 16,1918 •• „ . ~ _ 4 - ^\ „ ?rV01' ^J r \ "tion lurk, there members of the Sal- ' of Kivmg. "tone" to the neighborhood . y arft . f o b e f o n n d _ T h e •tluin for any desire to preserve the! m . s is .oo n of » t h f i g a l v a t i o n a r m y is f n1 l ho •°. ..l i .'-"i"! !iuV. ' * mainly .to relieve distress among the prominent in the locality. Jowly and humble, and in this work they are. exceptionally efficient. Their To change the names of the various! war work is sometimes slightingly resttects over which Mr.' Harding built j f erred, to as "sen-ing hot coffee.and concrete • road, and to-(tive.-thfiJ dfiushnntSi". but hot coffee and highway one-name throughout its doughnuts probably seem to men in continuous length, would be a con-the trenches a good doal like manna venience to those living on it. To from heaven. i the h highway hih th name of the give the Harding road would be a fitting vec- ^ j the societies and organizations ognition of the donor 'of the road, -fenga^.. ge(] ... inw..... a r welfare~work are do- liniise nnd uood outbuild'inps, and will make desirable homo. ' '• , • Also n tract .of land. - containing nbout'1 twenty-lhreu acres cf cleared html, situated about'one ami one-half miles from1 Marlboro. Alsn a t DIP sanio time tha following persomil p'toRLM'ty will W sold: Horse,-cow. vrnRon nrul act sinple harness. Personal property will be sold for cash. Terms of real estate I'D per cent in cash nt tin? salo, am! the linlnrce in cash on the delivery of the Meed wfthlji thirty days from the-dute of the sale. * , 4 DEVISEES OF tOHN W.'HARDY, Deceased. As Mr. Me Carter said, there is in the j ; n ( r K 0 0 l j s e v v i C e . Money can be co'n'-whole country; so f a r as lie or other, ti-ibuted to a n y of them individually people of this neighborhood know, no jf t | K , c o ntriljutoi- so states when his otlipr public road which has been contribution is made. Unless the sobuilt by an individual a s this road ciety. or organization is specified when .., been built. I t is not only an ob-the contribution is made, the money j e c t lesson in rond building, but. i t i s goes into the general war. welfare a .gift t o - M r . Hardftg's neighbors fund _ _ ^ and will he distributed among and to'the town of Red B a n k a n d the] the associations according t o . a cei-borough of Runison. •• ' * " fam..Kpec.ified .pc-rc.eutage,; FARM SALE At Wayside NEXT TO SCHOOL There should be no hesitation-in TRAIN HITS VAN. cbanging the name of tbe streets as One Man Killed and Another Serisuggested. It would preserve the nifinory of the man to1whom the im. omljr provoment is due* will ho n* con- . ftne nian was killed.and another M M d venience to have one iiiime for its en- seriously hurt at Matawnn Monday .'tirp length ratlier thiiii to IIHVO 3ev- night.-when an automobile - moving erul names for its various sections. van was struck by n freight train. The j .j-' ' • tleiiil mnn was Martin Flnnnigan. He o-o-o-o-o^ ! died while being taken to the Long Tin; campaign to raise two hundred Branch hospital. He was badly cut' and fifty million dollars'for war wel-1 about the head nnd body. William fare work will begin next Monday. !,Acl;er was the other occupant of the At 2:00 P. !¥!. Tim quoin -was .originally fixed at j truck. He was badly bruised and suf$170,500,000, but it was afterward | fered from shock and internal injur-. thought Mint this would not lie suf-iics. The men were employed by a iiricnt and it was increased to a quivr- j firm"at Xew Brunswick. • I ter of a liillioii. The money will lit) divide.] among various .orga'nizations LIGHTING RATES INCREASED. 2 Sows with pigB, 1 youngr*which are helping to provide cheer] t ait'} comforts for the*nldii!rs ahroadl i Monmouth Lighting Company Grantgg py sow, 1 Jersey Boar, 2 farm ed Permission to Make a Raise. and organizations T'"* Monmouth lighting company • The societies and organizations h a <T'"* Monmouth lighting company wagons, 2 riding cultivators, h fundd which h i h i.<i i lL rei'i'h-.-d permission from the which will iihiiro n the h puhh Saturday November 9th 4 44 4 4- ^ Week Best Butter Made and sold in Red Bank, 65c lb Best Pure Lard, ^ 33c 1b My^Best Brand Coffee, 25c lb, 5 lbs $1.10 Large Ripe and Meaty Bananas, 35c doz Large Red Baldwin Apples, 95c 1-2 ££*! Fine Red and Yellow Onions, fine to keep all winter, at 65c 1-2 bushel basket Fine Cape Cod Cranberries, 13c qt Big Juicy £»rape Fruit, 3 for 25c Sweet Potatoes, - 1-2 bushel basket 90c Nucco Nut Butter, - - ;:"-. 34ci lb Gold Coin Prints at - " " 39c lb , 4 •4 44 Also a full line of Fruits and Vegetables that are kept in a first class store I will open the store formerly kept by J. Dewitt Brovver at Oceanic next Saturday with a full line of Fancy Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. This Store will be under the management of Mr.' Snyder, 4 who has been with me for a long time. You will find him obliging and always ready to greet you with a 4 smile and he will give you every attention that he can. This Store will be run on the " Cash and Carry " Plan. 4 I make no deliveries and sell only for cash. I intend to give the public the benefit of this by selling the 4" best Goods at the Lowest possible prices. 4 "4 romnnss on to make m i t n l><> r:iLe<l i . n the vounir mc-n'M: ! l f' utililios ls U1 | U r a< h plows, harrows, 2 horsee, carryw » ! ! " " " ' ' -'-\ "' -1'owcr ami Hoping you all will give Mr. Snyder a call and look over the stock and prices whether you buy or not. cliii.sli:>n nssofiatiou, the vounjr • the ! "irlitiiitr. I'lie cnmpaiiy supiilics MatX : men's Christian association, all, hayrake, harnees, corn crib, 4 Dont forget the day, next Saturday. Kiiinhts of Columbus, tin-Jewish wel- "wan, kcypoiL. I-'rpehuld and tin. i Holmdel, Haritan, Midfi.ii' boMi-d h war camp 'community I townships JMai-lhoro^Krechohl,, Manal- .Spanish leather furniture. • My•_ Motto for this store will alwap be "Uye and Let Livj/^^^^^^ , : : Rnr7 fi |: ; iirni iii'iil tliL- Si'lvatinil iirinjC' Tlio ?"'l '' ' ' ilitf •ihci'cViKtJ'-'w'ni: ~ •"" ••;"—-'; monoy U to .lie sinportionod tn thcnl, i amount to aliout 25 per cent to small llu j liiijri.'st share IIII'MIK' to Uio fust '-''"^I'Diui':-. ^ ^^ ,1 J?^:^;**"^*'•'" - r "^ ~ •."" ''-• I , -Minafilt;''r;u\'lbo;n-(l noticcK/t'ti: iruilKnch ofrflhc^™"oi'Kiiniziii.iniis luis ;i ilfrs for x\]v a t T h e Kujfistur oflice. definite aim. Their fields'of useful-j Also, notices to KUnuurs jjHnUul on jir-v'H oi'eilap in .some ilojfri'i', liul each • wenllierpruof muslin. — Adveitk-e. oru-itiiiiutfon ((S^iiincs certain .duties' tncnt. • . • — ".rT~~~:.~ TERMS CASH WALTER KELLY . Asbury Park, R. F. D. *4 4 X • Yours for an unconditional, surrender, , GEORGE BUTTER BRAY. ! THE RED BANK REGISTER. P«««Thirteen. WOUHDED JN FRANCE. PERSONAL. Miss Julia Connors of Princeton Marunqunn Young Man Injured in the Side, Leg, Hand and Arm. •pent part of last week with her sister, Mrs. Harry Jackson of Bridge Sergeant Lester B. Sprnguo of •venue. Manasquun, who has been serving: - Miss Goldie Becker of Shrewsbury with tho American army in France, Dont put off having your-radiator looked over before •venue returned homo last week from has written to his motlier, Mrs. F. T. the Spring Lake hospital. She has,Sprague, that he has beon wounded cold weather sets in. Have it done now. You will utve been.sick with pneumonia and !B now and that he has been in n hospital in money and save worry. We are expert* in radiator work convalescing. France several weeks. In his letter Missea Grace qnd Mario Donnelly Sergeant Spraguo said that he reand are equipped to give you immediate attention. If you're pf Jlrooklyn were guests of their ceived wounds in his side, leg nnd coumnfs, Missea Anna and Helen hand which were bad wounds but going to lay your car up for the winter you should let UJ give Shields of Proapect avonuo, over Sat which healed quickly. The injury to urday and Sumiay. his right arm woe more serious. This you expert advice on same. Walter Eoy White, who is statione< arm was cut between the wrist and at Camp Merritt, haB been promoted elbow and the flesh and artertes.Avere to sergeant. torn,' resulting in paralysis of the Mia3 Kathryn Kaney of Mechanii arm. This wound, however, is im•trcet has received a German helme proving and he says he expects to be \ from Lester Conk, who is with the able to use the arm again in about 113 West Front Street, Near Maple Avenue. \ Bed Bank ambulance company. Thi six months. helmet has been pierced by a bulle Telephone 581-M. ' or a piece of shrapnel. HELD FOR DISLOYALTY. Miss Jeasie Patterson, a'telcpiiom operator at the Red Bank exchange, South Eatontown Man and Long his been made relict1 night operator Brancher Held for Hearing. At the Keyport ofllce. Emil Hoffman of South Eatontown Mies Alice Schmidt of Spring and William J. Bauriedl, chef at the street, who has been confined to he Hollywood golf club, were arrested home several weeks with sickness last week on charges of disloyalty. has recovered. Tho complaint was made by Adelbert •— I • Mrs. Robert Cook of; River Plaza V. Alexander of Oakhurst. T h e men has received word that her brother; were accused of making seditious reEmil Gunderson, who is serving y/ith marks and expressing the hope that the navy on a transport, has arrived the German submarines would "clean safely in France. up all the ships along the coast." O. H. Perry Gwynn of Bergen Both men made emphatic denials of place was home on a short furlough tho charges against them. , They were Sunday from Camp Humphries, Vir- each held in $2,000 bail for a further ginia. hearing before James D. Carton, William McKnight, Sr., of Wash United States commissioner, next ington Btreet, who has been lnid up week. with influenza, is now able to be . Established in 1866. about. WOOLLEY WINS MAYOR FIGHT. Miss Margaret, Valentine of Bank Now, in old First National Bank Building, «4reet, forewoman in the Woolworth Supreme Court Decides He is Mayor Our "Shopping1 Service" •tore on Broad street, is,on tho sick of Long Branch. lilt with influenza. riches out to points both . The supreme court has handed 30 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. Raymond Boyd, son of Walter E. a decision to the effect that near and far. Boyd of Wallace street, was home on down Marshall Woolley is entitled to the B furlough Sunday nnd Monday from office of mayor of Long Branch. The *"*" If come or • Camp Mende, Maryland, where ho iscourt's is that under the,.comstationed ut the base hosptal. Ray- mission opinion . briflg_ygur. boy to town, goviirnment'iict thu presiding mond brought a message from An- officer of the commissioner,-and a s maybe we can help. drew Citarelli of Red Bank, Holmes such, the mayor'and director of pub^ Birdaall of Long Branch nnd Horace lic affairs, is chosen, for a fixed term It costs but a postage i Breese of Eatontown, who are atof four years and not merely at the 1 Camp Meade. They have received will stamp to try. V of the commission. Mr. Woolley their overseas equipment and expect was chosen. mayor when the Long to sail shortly. The boys wanted it Branch commissioners organized two v Everything men and boyss made known to their friends through years ago. Last January he wag oustwear. Hie Register that they are happy and ed an mr.yor and John W. Flock was in good health and that each will chosen in hjs place. The matter has ROGERS PKBT COMPANY bring back a hair of the Kaiser's mustache as a souvenir when they rc- been in the' courts ever since. Broadway Broadway turn. at »<th SL at 13th St. "Th» FIRE IN FEED STORE. Four Morris Walsh, who is, stationed at Broadway Corner*" Fifth Avt), Camp Holobird, Maryland, has been at Warm at 4 lit St visiting friends and relatives here. Asbury Park Building on Fire for Morris has been transferred to the Second Time in Six Months. TOKIC CITT motor transportation branch and he Edward West'? feed store at Asbury Park was badly damaged by fire expects to leave soon for France. William Tomaino, Samuel Famu- Tuesday night of last week for the lary and Leroy Lane, who are sta-second time in six months. The blaze Women'* and Children'. Outfitter*. tioned at Camp Humphries, Virginia, is thought to have been due to spontaneous combustion or to the act of have been home on furloughs. William Hublmrd of River Plaza, a firebug. It started in the same •who is with the 310th infantry in place a s the first fire. Water poured France, has been made supply ser- into the building to drown out the 39 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. flames ruined a large quantity of hay geant. Adelbcrt Oatendoiff of Herbert and grain. The Ios3 amounted to SATUHdAY SPECIALS street has been transferred from several hundred dollars and is covered Camp Humphries, Virginia, to a camp by insurance. in Wisconsin. ' Camp Dix Soldiers Imprisoned. Miss Anna Cronquirst of Linden Two Anbury Park soldiers at Camp place has gone to Boston, where she will be employed in a factory. She Dix will serve jail at Fort Jay. One is Private Henry Hart, who | will live with her aunt, Mrs. Hoist. Also Exceptional Line of Misses' and Children's I Miss Dolores Conrad of East Front wns charged with absenting himself Coats and Dresses from $4.95 up. without leave, breaking arrest nnd street entertained a party of friends Women's and Children's Outfitters. at a Hallowe'en party last Thursday refusing to obey orders. His senHundreds of these beautiful, strictly all Wool fast color rugs have been tence is ten years. Private "Clifton night. stored here upward of two years' and offered now at our Low Cash Prices ? Colston will spend two yenrs in prison Dr. nnd Mrs. S. H. Rhoades of Lincoln avenue are spending the winter for absenting himself without leave. represent THE VERY BEST BUYING OPPORTUNITY to be found anywhere I at Dnytonn, Florida. ' Ralph B. Johnson, eon of Edward A«bury Park Boy Wounded. in this part of the State. . Any Rug bought from this stock at present prices W. Johnson of Drummond place, has Hogg of Asbury Piu-lc, son "will not only~mean A"BIGSAVING but you will get'Rugsthat will GIVE THE arrived safely overseas. He is of Joseph J. A. Hogg, who was one of the signed to casual company 447. first Monmouth county men to go UTMOST SATISFACTION. " Mrs. Grace Dobbs of Little Silver, overseas, has been'wounded in batSeveral saleswomen wanted at once; also who has been employed as reporter tle.' Mr. Hogg has been notified that on The Register, has given up her po his son was woundpd, but the notice for holiday season. If experienced you sition on account of poor health and did not give any information conhas returned to her former home in cernipg the character nor extent of can get a steady position with good-> Ohio, the injury. _ _salary at once. If you have no exper-_ Mrs.'Nora Ryan of 151 Chestnut street received Saturday n telegram Card of Thanks. ience/rnake application any way." from the war department stating that We take this method of thanking -her son, William H. Ryan, was miss- our neighbors and friends for their STRAUS CO., acts and words of symCamp Dix in February andiirnved pathy extended to us during BroacLStreet,, Red Bank. . overseas in May. Bereavement," caused by the'death of Mrs. Emma Clark Stultz. John L. Stultz, Church New*. Next Sunday morning Rev. Lester ,Mi\ and Mrs. C. V. K.' Clark, and G. Leggott will preach on "The Hu- children, mility of Jesus," A special patriotic -Advertisement, service will be held at night for the Curd of Thanks. united war. work drive. The work of We "wish to ' cxprBss our deepest the young men's Christian association appreciation t o all our friends and at the fipnt will be told. MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY ' The ministerial association met this neighbors who so kindly aided us in lnoming nt the First Methodist the hour of our bereavement, caused Mrs. E. Van Dora Markell, Voice church. Rev. C. W. Palmer of Marl- by the loss of our beloved son, TheoMiss Helen Guest, Dramatic and Dance Arts boro read a paper on the topic "One dore. of the Master's Prayers." The ladies' Mr. and Mis., A-.- Weinhold. Mist Mabel Alexander, Piano aid society met last night nt Mrs. Wil- —Advertisement. Mr. Henry M. Phoenix, Violin and Harmony liam Huhbard's on River Plaza. ADULTS AND CHILDREN-Rate, on Application At the covenant meeting nt tho It pays to advertise In the^ Register, Now is the right time to place orders for future delivery. At the present I Baptist church lust Wednesday night —Advertisement Appleby Building, ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY J t r . and Mrs. Frank Conklin- and rate of Selling, many of the Desirable Holiday Lines \vill be sold up with little / \eir daughters Ida and Dorothy were New York Studio: 143 West 42d Street iciyod into tho church from the chance of replacing-the stock before next Spring. . . . . ' ' . •; 'itist church nt McKeesport, Penn\ ania. The ladies' aid society You will find here a very large and Complete Stock to select from at prices fi\~j n .sociable last night nt the which will surprise you considering the conditions. _;.•••'• church. Solos were given by Mrs. Notice js hereby given that the J. Willinm Heim, F,ugeno Mngee, Mrs. ' 1 am devoting my entire time this season to the making of Lee. Enright and Frank Conklin. and township committee of ShrewsSweet Cider. The cider is the sweetest I have ever made. recitations wore given by Mrs, James bury township will meet on MacNair and Miss Tilton. The • My Nut Swamp distillery has always .been famous for its women's missionary society will meet Thursday, November 14th, 1918, Apple Brandy and its Sweet Cider and this year my cider is tomorrow afternoon nt Mrs. Thomas at 2:30 p. m., to pay sheep and exceptionally good. Coulton'a nt Mmnosink park. The World Wi'do guild, a newly formed poultry bills. Leave orders for it by the gallon or barrel at my Nut Swampsociety of girls, will meet tomorrow All persons having bills for 35O Patterns in Stock Ready for Immediate Delivery distillery or at my liquor store, 23 West Front Street, Red Bank. night at the parsonage. Rev. William Telephone 476. E. Brnistcd will preach next Sunday sheep and poultry killed by dogs morning on "The war work drive anil will please present them to the TERMS CASH the church work drive." The lesson sermon for the Chris- ownship clerk, duly verified, on tian Science service next Sumiay will on or before Thursday, Novembe "Adam and Fallen Man." <J ' • , A mooting of the young, ladies' ber 14th. Sodality of St. James's church wil( GEORGE H. LIPPINCOTT, be held next Tuesdny night at St. James's clubhouse td arrange for a Township Cleric, euchre party nnd dance to be held on TliiiFiksfjiving-eve. WILL you accept this invitation? YOU are heartily welcome!! BAPTISTS TO RAISE $4,000. Drive Next Sunday* to Pay Off Mort- COME enjoy n (rood religious service. gage on Parsonnrfe. SUNDAY, November 10th, n special The cori£re|ratinn of the Red Bank The cider mill at Tintoin Baptist church will endeavor to raise musicql program under the direction Falls', opened to receive $1,000 next Sunday to pny off aof Prof. H. K. AHstrom nnd Mrs. mortgage of $2,700*on the parsonage Kntherino Throckmorton, morning apples on Tuesday, Ottober and to jiny for needed repairs to the ehurch. If sufficient money is raised and evening, ns follows: 1st, 1918, and will-remain electric lights will ho instaltBtl in the church. A special collection will be Morning: Don't use temporary roofings; it means an endless chain Y open until.f urther notice. token up at tho morninpr- and niprht oF annoyance, repairs, damage to building and contents, ^ aervices on Sunday. Those who are "Consider the Lilies" Topliffe D. A. WALLING-Estate. absent from the morning service will expense and disappointments. $ l e visited nt their homes during* tho • "The Lord is My Shepherd,",, ... RED BANK, N. JT. day by solicitors. . The.advisory counA. Bcrge A Slate Roof is absolutely Fireproof and Waterproof. ^ cil of the church is in chaise of the I Sell Real Estate woi'. of raising the money. Evening: "Slates placed over old shingles" | I Rent Cottages Wounded Last July. a > specialty . x I Write Insurance "Take Up Thy Cross" Petria ' ^Willinm D(. Leonard, son of Frcd-_ Monmouth County Farms eriek Leonard of Long Brunch, wns* "Let Every Heart Uojoico and wounded in action in Franco last July S i n g ; " , , , . . . . . . . iH. K, AliBtrom t u t his parents were not notified of the fact until this week. His brother Successor to Estate of W. R. WARWICK »| Frederick, "who is with the Marines, Respectfully yoursf ',••••—* was wounded on October 5th. Another brother, John S., is nn ensign The '.'home church," where you're TRUEX BUILDING in, the navy; ^.^ Telephone 134 ? alwayB welcome. BROAD STREET Tt n a y t." advertise in The Reiflstei RED BANK, N. I. >^X-X-W->M~X^>W-X~>W-*>>X^>X-'>Xi«W<W*«X«X*'>X:'K-<X-«X>>X»> Broad Street and Branch Avenue. t—Advertisement. , Delays Are Dangerous Red Bank Auto Radiator Works Are You Run Down? If so, you need some of Laug's Home-made Candy. It is well known that good candy is one of the best foods for the system and you know that Laug's tandy has been the best for sixty-two years. LAUG'S CANDY SHOP WEST Manhattan Stores O v Inc C O A T S from $10.98 up. . S U I T S from $19.75 up. D R E S S E S from $12.95 up. Entire Stock of Reliable Rugs Offered Now f at Absolutely Guaranteed Prices 300 PATTERNS, all grades in 9x12 to choose from, wide range of patterns and grades in all regular sizes from . 18x36 to 12x15 feet. Saleswomen Required. 9x12 Axminsters as low as 9x12 Grass Rugs as low as 9x12 Brussels as low as 9x12 Heavy Velvets as low as t Special Sine of Seamless Axminsters. Velvets and Wiltons NOTICE! SWEET CIDER Specials in 4-Piece American Walnut Bed-room Suites E>. C. WALLING Keyport, N. J. NOTICE! ', • • ' • : & ' The United States Fuel Administrator requests all stores to close on Sundays, .commencing November 3d, although allowing deliveries until noon, providing orders were placed on Saturday before 11:00 P.M. We therefore request all our customers desiring Ice Gream for Sunday dinner to be sure and place their orders on Saturday. -• ' GRACE METHODIST I * RICHARD C. WARWICK f 278 Broadway, LONG BRANCH, N. J. | OSCAR HESSE, JR. W. A. HOPPING THE «ED BANK REGISTER. Page Fourteen. 5S ) HIGHLANDS NEWS. COETS NECK NEWS. School* and Churches Reopened— Sunday Closing Order Made This a • "Dead Burg" on Sunday. United War Fund Meeting. MANY FARMS POSTED AGAINST The early closing order, which ' FIna ••lection of hand-mad* | The board of health ban on schools HUNTING THIS YEAR. ami churches has boon.lifted and thewent into effect Sunday, was obeyed fall and winter hats, mad* of f in Atlantic township were re- here by the' store keepers; Highlands belt material*. Sold at r*aion- \ Pantbge by Gunners ii the Chief Rea- schools Mondny. The Scobeyville was a "dead burg" Sunday. son for Stopping Hunting on theopened school has been in session the pnst The influenza is under controld able prices. Store open 9:00 | Farms of This Locality—Special two weeks, although the other schools here. The public school, churches tfi A. M. to 7:00 P. M. Saturday 5 Privileges for Soldiers. were closed. There was no sickness and the moving picture theater are up to 10:00 P. M. Most of the farms in this part of at Scobeyville and for this reason the open again. Monmouth cotinty have been posted ! school whs kept open. Cases of sick- Eight hundred Newark residents airniiist hunting this your. Rabbits i ness from influenza are few and theon a special train visited soldier 2 5 7 Shrewsbury Ave. are said to be very plentiful and on j number KIWS less each week, friends and relatives Sunday at Sandy some farms they have, done a-Rood! A .meeting in the interest of theHook. RED BANK. deiil of damage. They are regarded j united war work campaign has been George Hennessey of this place has l>y a number of farmers ns pests ; (.ailed for tomorrow night at the town left Camp Meade, Maryland,, for .which should be exterminated. _The hall by Garret Buck, chairman of At overseas. rabbits chew the biirk from small lantic township for the drive. ComSamuel Burns, who.has conducted fruit treei and destroy them ami they mittees will he appointed ami newa milk business here a number of nrso do damage to crops. These workers arc asked to .serve on these" years, has discontinued delivering farms would be thrown open to hun-committees in addition to those who milk. •. ll except tluit l th ti'i's, jjcnurally the gun-have successfully'conducted previous Mr. and' Mi's. Bernard Creighton ners usually do more damage than the di drives. and fheir son returned last ^week J-abhil.s. The gunners shoot and oar- The boys and girls of the village from Baltimore. 3-y away poultry and do other damage had a merry time Hallowe'en and Mrs. John Duncan' of Highland from sheer wantonness, and for this only one praiik was committed for Beach hns returned to New York for reason the farmers keep the .gunners-! , v i l i t . n some of the boys \veri5-after- the winter. out ot their njnees, much as they \Ward sorry. A group of boys took a Margaret Liming, young daughter Silk DreiaDS, $10 up. Latest would like lo have tlie rabbits killed ; lnrge market wagon from back of of Ambrose Liming, is sick with off. styles. Waiter Fields'!? paint'shop and pulled "pneumonia. , Squirrels q are also becominggap pest | it t liack of the-town hall. Mr. Fields r: Mrs. William B. Mend is convales- • Serge Dresses, $8 up. jn some localities. They breed very lives next floor to the hall and hecing after a , serious sickness with Silk and Serge Skirts, $2.50 up. fast and nd theyyfrequently, q y make , their 'caught caught the they were pneumonia. , " the boys boys just just as as they Children's Coats, Dresses and h in i attics tti of f houses, h where h th they | about to leave the wagon. He told b t t l th H t l dMrs. Georgclaminf; ha"s received gain cntiance by gnawing- through ! the boys to take the wrfgon back. The a souvenir apron from her son Am-Hats. the sides of the house under the eaves j o i ( ie r boys in the. group refused but brose/who is with the 112thfieldar- Shirt VVaists, assorted styles, 98c. «>r m other places.where they find en- the'younger ones willingly set to tillery in France. The apron is made; ' trance easy. Sometimes they build i work. The wagon had'been, left at of Japanese silk set in with silk chifSilk Waiits, $2.50 up. their winter nests in'unused chimneys • the bottom of a little hill and thefqn roses. Flannel Nightgowns. and when-fire is started irr the fall the j boys hud to pull the heavy wagon lip Miss Catherine Kpbertson has rehouseholders arc driven out by ths.j the hill. They accomplished their We alio sell goods by the yard and business at her newsstand at smoke until they can have the chim- | task after n lot of hard, work'and sumed the station, after having been we have flannel and ginghatn goods neys cleaned. The annoyance -from ] exertion. When they had put the aid railroad which we sell at $1 00 and $1.25 per up/with influenza. squirrels is principalljpn the-outsWrts ,vagon back from where, it was.taken; pound. Miss Lavinia Bogue spent Friday .of towns and villages. • *.-•_, . the boys went about their merrymak• We carry a full line of dry goods. Almost every farm in MiddletoVn ing. but they took no more wagons and . Saturday.-with her aunt, Mrs. Katie Derby of New York. township is posted against gunning. • that ni(;ht. Anna Kinney, five months old, ilany of these, farms .are used as r The Red Cross auxiliary "here has daughter of Henrietta and Sergeant j country places .^ud. the owners allow i been asked to make as many sweaters Lewis Kinney of Miller street, died ,U 5 O a k i a n ( J S t c o r .Bridge Ave., >io gunnjng because they do not want as possible J)y November 15th.' Tuesday of week. The bunal any birds shot. The owners are try- Denise Lefferson and family of was at Bay last View cemetery. ing to protect quail arid other game Little Silver -spent a day last week • Harry Phillips RED BANK, N. J. has bought a large hirds, as. well _as song bjrds of all -with-Joseph Lofforson,— , , •\ , JfmdsT '•"•"TheybuiTrl shelters." for the Matilda Trances has been laid up auto truck. Mrs. Stella Jones has been sick hirds, they feed the quail and other w iu,a cold, • >Jtiirds during severe winter weather, Walter Reed has'quit his-job on with influenza, and they provide, bird'houses'for Clifford Matthews's'farm. , •• Elsworth Cottrell; /Is recovering Contractor and Builder, from pneumonia.. .'breeding places.-. These farmers reMiss May Frawley, a student nurse Miss May Weinhold of this place, gard the birds-ns their allies in war-at the. Long Branch hospitalr-spent RED BANK. N. J . I'ing against insects and they strenu- Sunday of last week with her parents, who is sick with pneumonia on her father's farm at Engljshtown, is imlously oppose killing' any of them. Mr. and. Mrs. Peter- Frawley..-. daily. Her brother, Theo£Tlie Shrewsbury. and Tinton Falls John Collins lifts bought a newproving dore Weinhold, died of pneumonia re-: OFFICE IN EISNER BUILDING, game protective associate has In itsautomobile. cently. • ,- • • :meml>ership almost every farm own•Lisle Matthews and family have Room 3. John P. Aiiair; borough clerk, is _, er between Red Bank and Eatoiitowh moved to Freehold. on the north and south and between Mrs. James Sickles of Scobeyville, recoverine; from pneumonia. Tslspions »50-J. • Mra. William Fehlhaber is confined Little Silver and Colt's Neck on thewho has been in bed several weeks to" her home with sickness: .. cast and Vest.' All these farms are with sickness, is improving. Miss Viola Martin-o^, Newark is p t d against a g a s t gunning. g ui g Members M bof fMr. and Mrs. John Collins have posted Jobbing of All Kinds. visitinir her mother, Mrs. 'Alice Mar-, the h association i t i who h wish i to giln are been laid up with grip. tin. Miss Martin has liee'n sick. • . Fstimatas .Cheerfully Furnishad. given cards which entitle them' to Movings from here have increased shoot, on the grounds of most of the the nurJiber of vacant houses in the Benjamin Bethel, druggist in Granother• members. This year it is pro-village. One resident counted fifteen din V, Johnson's drug store, has. reg pustid to extend the gunning privilege empty h i Scobeyville S by i l l ./and d turned to work. He hns been sick hou empty houses to soldiers whofarc in the service C n he has been under treatment at h neighborhood i h b h d and Colt's l t ' NNeck k and in the f]ards. giying soldiers this privilege between his home at Gleai Ridge.. the two places. can lie obtained ifrom the" secretary Russell Miller was home from Charles Danser moved this week Now that moving time 1B near I aa -Ihe association, T. N. Pnrmly of Tin- on the Hiirtshorne farm. Camp Dix on Sunday. prepared to do your next moving mving o! y ton Kails. The association has John Suttman and familyy have funiture, furnituure, plri b t t ti plariop or. to all all parti to or.b^jtage, f city or country,, In the largestt ddd padded j eno.ugh money on hand to pay all ext closed their su'mmer home on Atlantic of vans In Red Bank. Before you. hav( •LITTLE" SILVER NEWS. penses of the association for the cm street and have returned to Newark your next moving done, write, send or Tent year and for that reason -no for the winter, call for ths only reliable furniture movei and get, my prices on your nexl members' dues will be collected this Road to Oceanport- Closed for ReJ. Fletcher Ha'gaman has moved to In town, All kinds of heavy or light .truck' . * pairs—Hallowe'en Parties. season. '•"*'„ the rooms over Woolley'sfive'andJob. Ing dona at short notice. Call or addrefll The road leading through Camp ten-cent store. Mr. Hagaman has Tlie hunting season begins next J. T. EGAN, Monday. Not as many licenses have Vail has been closed to. traffic while moved his carpenter shop to the rear of Gus Bischolf's plumbing shop.-" been taken out', as usual, as many of iLis being rebuilt. 11 Wall Street, Red Bsnl A" • Hallowe'en party was -held last John Carrigan and family have Residence phone 124.J Office phone 539-R the men' who spend a few days each ycar r out gunning—are- now in'the Wednesday night at the. Hickson cot- mO ved from the apartments in Terry 1O WHARF1 AVENUE. .American army in France, out. gun- tage.' The house was decorated with Marten'sbuildings to Cape'May landIN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY, autumn leaves and black and orange Ling. Jesse Havens, manager of the ning for the kaiser. • Cl M F l >ent^Mla-ntic-&-Pacific-tea-cornpany, . . . ,, , , . - . - has! . i By virtue of a n order of the Court of moved into theMarten apartments, ! Chancery o f New Jersey- made on the day j -WEDDINGS. find., thehLJVbmlamL friends _ -Which-are_O.V£i:_hiS-StQr-e. —j-o£--the date heiH?of,-in «-cnu-ie--wh«nein.Jahn4Red Bank, Little Silver" and West 4.T,nr)'c,fn«vQfl • H. Meyer \a complainant anil you and Little I—Sniffen,', ^ ^ '_Oranpe. I>ancih° was the principal from Camp Dix»to Camp transieriett Manor Compnnr and Ilcnjamin J. PurEustace, t Silver ker a r e defendant*), you are required to appear, pli'iu!, answer or demur-to the bill of. 'Miss Cornelia, B. Bennett, daughter pastime. - I Virginia. . _ said complainant on or before the twentieth . of Cyrenius ..W.IBennett ot Herbert Clarence Cl EL Hall is able to be about i^s* clay of Noy,eniber next, or the said bill will •street, and Franklin P. Sniffeh, son of again, after"a"severe"attack^ of-influRUMSON NEWST be taken as confessed against ~yoli. WILL NpTALlOW G U N K . - MILLINERY — ---;-—. November 1 to November 15 Ladies' Coats and Dresses ' it fut\.i i it-imi II J^LUIIV UIIUJI iinti puuvii I,• " . ' STEVE ITRI,Jr. Geo. W. Sewing, EGAN'S Auto Vans and Express The said,bill is filed to foreclosure a niprt' Joseph'.-. Sniffen'of Leightou avenue, Elsie LefTevson entertained a; Quarantine Hfted and Churches and jrajre. Riven by Little Silver Mnnor Company were married on Saturday, October to John H. Meyer, dated December 1!). 1918, Schbbls Reopened. 2<Jth. 'hy Rev. Lester G. Leggett. The party of Camp., Vail soldiers and ( on lands in the township of Shrewsbury, in ceremony was performed a t East Side friends . at. a Hallowe'en party last The board of health lifted the the county of Monmouth and stnte of New Park in a 1 ju'se furnished for the Thursday night. . t quarantine Saturday and the churches e were <ou|ile.'.i occupancy. Mrs.. Cyrenius open Marshall"«• Wolcott -Mr.'and Mrs. --,--,;-• . and - , u 'were °P e n Sunday.. Sunday.. The public j iliu^bm o" conipLiinT^that'ycm Were a di'V. Bdnnett mid her brother, William their inlay. A t t h e rector of the snid Little Sliver Manor Comson Marshall spent Sunday with j schools reopened "Mo rnno-t'ptrntinn'? • P""!' ° " °*' ubuut January 18, 191G, and that L. H«ui:ett, were the attendants. The Mrs. Woloott's brother, George Van- \ churches Sunday 'the douse was decorated^ with autumn Ness1 of Long-Branch* congregations, ^ o r fc ^U] t h e c h a1r t & r , of M W - y.-..,..: , I r _^_ r ^ i _ . LJK.erej-XcentionalltJaitSP.. itnv.rti-Little Silver Manor .Company was declared .leaves and flowers and a corner of the Mrs. ,JennieTIerl5ei-rsp5rrrSuiKlay ; i,el.t Lindenmuth of Ne Roch ihe state. oF~NcvT yby tlieKovcrnoF"oF" eof non-payment"S" npayment of Vtnte'tax, , main room, where the wedding took with her mother-in-law," Mrs. Mrs. E Eliza-; ! Jersey'because her mother-in-law, l :cupied"the"pupit p p at the' Presbyterian y p and that you thei-qupon became a trustee place, was banked, banked, with with leaves and leaves l t h Herbert of Long Branch. . ! church' at both services upon the dissolution of said Little Silver the ab- American, -LU. Manor Comii.-in Louis Herring is laid up with ins of the pastor. Rev. A with- 1tin flag. Hanoience uis Herring is laid up with A. McDate October. 9, 1918. . "liaii linud oi East OruiiKc \Va.s flower ~~"—"Kay. 1'ITNEV, II Alt DIN & SKINNER, girl and Raymond Sniffen was- ring Lieutenant Frank Dean, wholias • .James-Enriffht, Jr-> is-'havinp the! Spi'rs of Complainant, .l)eiir«r. . Lillian. I'errine of Ruhr been- stationed at Jacksonville, "Fieri- ' f r o n t of his building s>t Main anil La- I road street, .Newark, K. J. way, tlie--bride's—cousin;--played—the- da, iK-vifiiting-his .parcnts,.-Mr...nutt.L.favette-stvoeta repainted by-Steph'on : — — - ——— , ^ ^ . weildiu^ imu'ch. rJ"he ceremony ..was Mrs. Daniel Dean. He is attached to i Wilson. Mr. Knright has rented, the ;I n th°nmntte. ,°fU" 'wun!£ B (store formerly used as a meat market: \Vnrni>r, JoarastJ. witnessed by the immediate members the aviation .section of tha navy. Mr. and .Mrs. William.Carhiirt and t o i j O U i s Sobel of Red Bank, who will i Notlcu to creditors to present clnima against ..of Ui« contracting.parties. ' Cyrenius V. Bi'imott, u brother of tlie bride, • b f M ? i 0 I i e n n t " e a t I l l a r k e t here nciit Saturp,;,. suant o , ll]0 ^ a of Joseph L. Don. came home oh a furlonjrh from Camp i week • . • "''•" .day. Georae \V. Bray will also open I nhnv.siii-roirati. of the county or Monmcuth, " • i••••••• •• fourteenth - • nii', •-•madc'on the day of October? ^Hiinuiliricvi-A'ircinia..-but he arrived I Chnrles Iniliiy of .Novthport, L o n g : l l i s i, r a l K .h crocerv store Saturday * ' • I on the apvlicatiun of Jessie L. Warner, exton lutt- to witness ihe •niarnii|fe. j Island. mornip.f<;; w-_ _ „ _ j .„—. _ --"I- •• ~ . Mr. SniH'en is errif'.oyed at the Eis- i-»] fx-Uiry at R?d bunk. The. bride „ vei'uiveii miiny K'l'ts of cut RIHSH, fur-' nit-.-.i-f-. I'to. " ' t-rier. or they forever SHREWSBURY NEWS.,, . ;niimbev of the wealthy residents of [he n iH-tions therefor ngninut the West-r-WiederhoIt. | . • - ' - . - - • . " ' . I the boroup-h. Mayor Corlies was ap-j, " d ip. Mi.'.-.< Ola West,'.daug-htor of Thco- I Patriotic Service Next Sunday Morn- p V o a c l , e j just week on the subject! Dated Freehold, N. J., October 14th, 1918 Ji i m i Rumson borough may have a j . JESSIE L. WARNER dore .W'e^t of Humson, \vas married ;y- . ing at Presbyterian Church. The elmiThcs opened Sunday and public park in the Oceanic district j lust Friday afternoon a t four o'clock to Wilfnrii \VioderhoIt, son of Alfred 1Vi«(1t!iholt of Shrewsliury. The ciMenioiiy wus performed i)y Bev. :Kiibe!-|.,MaeKellar at the Trinity rectoi;.Y! -<..n" M»|ile avenue;--.lied lfcnlv Tli'i.-'liridt.woi e a Tagu&jrray..chitfon. bi'o-iuclotb suit, with hat to .miiK-hi Mrs C . R. Stevens., a nister of the hriile, vy'is maid of honor, ;md Clarence Wiuierholt, the nioom's brother, ' ,.,L, .. ,on Riverside drive'. Mrs.-.,•ailed to the -colors, and those who re- and demnnils nn.iinat the said estate, under Vattevson °«th, within nitiL' months from the date of :md -llrs. Wiederholt arc on a!•' I' . 11. Swezey nf this'place had charge i-iniuncd at home were not sis active as the nforesnlil uriifr. or they «will be forever ' ' . ,;Mliiint; liip and on thcil" re- nf llicproKi-am, which consisted of- formerly. liarreil of their .-u-lions therefor aRajnst the ! The outdoor garden south of the tur '.v will ^i-f. tij> liousokeepinjj in a'rtit-lv-;' un Ucljjium.....-.-' Data! FrcclmM, K. J.. Sept. 17th, 1D18. Kiv moolinir of the Eed Cross was -J.irge Krcenhouse on the.Borden prop.Unr ii. The bride ivi'3 th.i' rei'ipi..WILLIAM E. WINTER. A'.:-il'l---.:'•••i;i, <.v."i'-,t'p p. nrc'.-jerty is very attractive just now, witl -iiarry p;-cr-eni.--, i-ulu'iinn s'es- H'.y 1 1 D ^ N I E L . U . APPLEGATE. |. I P iiif; of ihu l.o-.ij; Ilranch. liospH .!! uux- a profuse display of dahlias and chryjf-] hk iiiaiy at iirs. • Kiiwiird Aiin-siiong's. .atithemums. The garden ciin b' - Monmouth County' Surrogate's Office. ' tliu matter of tlie Estate of Serena Wptih, . The girls' irn'riotic , leiiiuie will' scon from tiie. trolley and attracj I •In Defended. Herron—Jcne$. Miss Keba G. lltu-ron of. I.on'p; meet Friday nifllit at Benjamin .J. Notice t o creditorj to present Claimi (.'l-jminers.huve been reapinfrafhar iiaainst iwtali'. •'liiiincli and H o w a r d Ii. .Itltfes of. P k ' Pursunnt to th»> order of 3osoph'lj, Doiinwho lias been : vest during the past month.- There nay, itiver F'ltr/.a were m a r r i e d Sunday f ".•. JlisH Yiossie Morfonl,. of t h e County of Monmouth, i is a lsirife deniiliul .for soft clams for mndc SiliTiiKutf at Long Branch by lleV, si«di_jyiOii.i"fluen3r.a, is improvirif!. on the iihu-teenth day of September, •steamers at the city markets' and " ' • of Tracy B. Plumb, F. McKoy. -The-couple Avill Wi-. and" Mrs. Bevun .Colby have live at Red Hank for the present.. i-PiunuMl from their weddilijr trip tolmanv of. the cla'mmel's . hereaboTits , Adminiati-nu.r of the estate ot Serena Webb, j have been mnkin'p liirjjc shipments to i {' * £ Mr. .Tones is e'mpldycil a f t h e Eisner the New England states. I New York and,Newark." The gill net1 seriber; r; Administrator Administrator a s aforcnaid, tholr Snvixy and lias'been liviiig- at River - -•--—»>•<>- :— \ ii^hevmcii : have • .taken many large llpl>ts nml ilwmiinils .affftinst t h e eaiti ontato, Pl.-i7.ji HIP last two years. • .EVERETT NEWS.s fc iindtir oatli, . witliin nine months from the • • I \vc;ikn?h.; The fjrU net?i are set.above dntp of thf aforesaid order, or they will lie l)i n i i f KeA. - C r « » A,,xiliary_ Make* Qood ; ^ ^ i f eg ,, w > r « -the current, is. fr l h i actiuns ti t h f ttheir therefur . riot fore Vaaderburg Property Sold. • • tlio .Jnl.l juhscribcr. .'•o -swift, These weaklish a r e tide npninat Sliywinrt ihe Past TWo Mo;nt)|>. Dntinl Frccliiil.l, N . J.. September 19. 1D18. Harry Hayes"'of Spring" street'has' »nd uro very large. They nre . TKACY 11. PLUMD. • and October tlie lunnore sold \\\A nrOportv Jit Vaiulerbtivi' to - - •- , *, •,• t i f c t l . h i n j , f r o m s e V B 1 1 i v to ninety cents IN CHANCERY OF N E W JERSEY. suits .ofCross pajamas, ten has Mi^. M.-,of v mi tanover.' The 'propertV-ENei"H_Red auxilifiry To Alonzo WiltU-rniuth: h h Ms n 0 r e s i d e n t consists eiu;ht room house, a shirts, n th: llilr'iy navy baps, 29 pairs of By virtue offim order d • of the Court of ^ ,, ,, ct t iin ] h^ Rtuit* huililin^-ami the usual 1outbuild- sock;:, Chancery uT N .loraey; mnde on the 22ii four helmets, live sweaters, a ings. 'I'lie place hail been held tit 'siriirJV 1-lli hainlkereliiefs, !il> napkins air Itiivpn, the nearest d6ctor being ilny. Octobe y. of Otober. 1918. 1918. in in n ceitnin cnuso h Sndie Wildermuth is petitioner ami $.'1,500 but the purchase price .was and SO towels. Sfubriffht or Rod Bank. The mat- wherein The -auxiliary's in you are defendant, you are required to aplens tliiin this. 'ilr. Hayes formerly ijuota fur tl<^ ensuing, ter will come before the next meetmonths ing of the Rumson horough improve- pear, answer nr demur t o the petitioner*!) rniiduct'iii a store at'Vanderhui-p;. He is lno pnirs of socks andthree petition on o r 1,,-fore the 23d tiny or Desweatcember, 1131S. or in default thereof such dehns lived at Red Bank several, months. ers. The auxiliary hassixty ten active ment association and.n committee will • , • , i H R • • • • . cree \yill be nimli- aKainat you n«. the Chnnworker's "who sew and knit for the sol- bo appointed to try to induce a physi- cellor slinll think i-.|Uitnbli-' and ju»t. . .~i',iiiiiiii.v hint. _ JU'lvin SI his sir Hit. S o n ' . F a l l . ••--•h'litlii'r ( l o l i t t l e s o n . r e l u n i i n i ; I i t ) n r hiii-fleback r i d e ) — Clot a fall, d i d yciii'.' Well, I liope y o u diiln't' c r y like a b;iliyV Sun No, d a d , I didn't t r y . ] jtist faiil i)i'j> w t i r i l — t h e s a m e a s yim'il have said! • ^ ii.^S I J i l l ' l u - l hard up,before. (inI'll-'tn t i n - I n l i K c In-t w e e k w i t h si'.-knpss. • ; •• 1 • !• -• , Y AGENT FOR -j . Monmouth's Leading Jeweler Broad Street " Red Bank* k J. I lliniMJIM IMIMMMMMtltlllM ^ l tfiat certain Jpity shops are repricing or reducing ^heir shoes to conform to Government h couldn't they do it before ? But la shoe to epjiform, toZGayerhmeniT ^ j which was overpriced in the first ^ place, isn't exactly a reduction—it's restitution 11 We have been selling our footwear way underthe Government's standardized prices right along and we do not and could not reduce them now! this is & Shoe Store where you ~ilo~not need the assistance of the United States Government wget honest values I ^TT^If-rit-srfootwear you need, we have it and^ave^-- plenty for all members of the family. " ALBERT S. MILLER 18 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. Columbia Restaurant TO BROAD STREET We're Elected! Yesterday was Election Day. The people responded to the call and by their . vote elected to office candidates that met with popular approval. • ] Tlie object of v;,m8 U it IR to obtain a de.Motorcyclist Hurt. diers ami there .is need of more work- cian to lnc-'ate in Rumson: • cree of divoi-i-i-. .lijHolvinK the marrijiKe he( 'M\vsiiu Chambers, "who works in ers in order to fill the quota. The trt'een, you un<i the petitiom-r. Dnted Oftolit-i- L'Stl, 1918. tK'- HIM!rain.'e rating bureau on Mon- nuriibeiTif"TTorkors is small in proTaking the Census. I!. TKN 11HOECK ST011T. inoulh '.,tieel, struck ii watron whilv ])firtiiiH t o tiie number of inenilji'i's. A census-miter made his rounds in Solicitnr of tbe-Petitioner. •lidiim I'is iiHiturcyi-le near Onkhurst Kli.jidi IJoljiiiiis, formc'i- teacher at an isqiatcitl village. He gave one of P. O. :nliir,-5t. Lnkewooil, New Jersey. Muifclay niKht. Mr. Chambers could the Kverrtt sfliuul, whTt'lins hei-n un-. hi his oilic-ial l i l i l )):ipers to u woman that NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT, iii*i srf the WU^OM hecausu of the'der tn-.itmcnt ni a sanitarium lit -he niifrht fill in -the required answers. Kstnte of. I.ilty EmoBen,e Pougla.ifl, de,.ul-ai-c oi an automobile's limits'. HeRpolt.-wrjod, bus ntuiiK-d t.. Kvci c-tt ; OIK of the. questions, instead of readceased. • - , i* hf.ioKy civen tliat \hp accounts \v-i> kini'.'l;vd uiK-on.-i-ifius lull was not much iniprove/I in lie.-illh. I intr "llarrieil or single" bail it "Ccrf?- nf Notice' Hie sub^i-rilt,.!-, acting executor of the es- i i-i iivirod from ; ditinn us to marriage." T h e woman ' '• . flilled in the answer t h u s : ','Awful, Wiiss affei'T". Making Money Out of Hi* Voice. 'Eli-zii—Did you say Sam was makin1 n lot of money out of his voice, . Cloe—Sure thing! At de opera. Tt nnys tn mlvprtise in The Repiater. Eliza—At ile opera?. —Advci lisi'iru'ut. Clou—i as; he culls de carriages! Frank 7-iziu k :md f;unilv lire vi-itilllt n-l:itive.< at I'lairifielil.' • ^ Py^Ra-Lin Toilet Sets "La Tausca" Pearls Hurd's Stationery Gillette Razor Sets Waterman Fountain Pens Gruen Watches "Fishson" Rhinestone Jewelry Community Silver Ingersoll Watches . Seth Thomas Clocks illll 1847 Roger -Bros. 'Silver , ^iillH Hamilton Watches' ' ,- .;3111111 Diamonds of Quality I ij i Big Bargain Sale ,, V L. de la REUSSSILLE 9 MRS. W. H. LOHMANN ' Lit.- of saiil JIT,.|,SI-II. will he audited anil suited by the Surronntp of the County of Mnnnioutti .nml reported for settlement t(, tiie Orphans ' Cimrt of Paid" County, on Thursday. Ihe twelfth day of December, A. n.; 1SI11, nt vhich time npplicntion will he made for tlie allowance of conimiBsions and counsel fees. vj ' Dated U<ti>l>er l i s t . A. D.. 191S. WALTER HOPKINS CHARE. It pays to advertise in The Begista -^Advertisement. ' - ' Like the successful candidate, THE COLUMBIA RESTAURANT is jubi- • Iant in having teen selected by popular approval as Red Bank's leading eating ^ place. •' • + We doht shout about our furnishings, but we do like to make a noise about X our selected foods, the manner in which they are cooked and the efficient way + • in which your meals will be served to you. , + Be in with the popular sentiment of Red Bank's best eaters and patronize "V1 THE COLUMBIA RESTAURANT. ' + X + BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH FROM 11:30 TO 2:30, 50 CENTS Restaurant Open nightly as Late as Federal Conditions will permit. t •+• THE RKD BAHK REGISTER X Page Fifteen. ties* urifl Htopped over a'few"minutes ! (shed rail Gt gallery oiTuib'er one fust between trultm." ' a s anotljer young man, n-tall, hottleIn feet, he did stay Just long enough ehouldcrcd blonde with a vibrant voice to meet the uduilrlng frlenda of Loin full of round, benignant notes, clnsped und the hoys. .Then ho had to go. By HERMINE K. TRASK. mn'amscile's small whlto hand. i By KATHERlNE HOPSON. "I'll hi> Lack on 'ihuiailny for all <Juy, "JIurle," ho cried—il'sloux could. MIB.S ri'Kijy, If It milla you," lie until hour every word—"I am so glad to see | us ho left. ' (Cupyi-lelit. 1918, by tho McCluro isVuspayou; and you aro ulone? Ah, that Is Ever filnco Arthur Dcnby and Lu-; per Hyndicate.) ThurHdiiy it didn't rain. Susan WIIH By ALEC BRUCE fortunate, for I hnvo u secret to tell cllo JSnrd had tidtcu nwny tho Hllfinu i belter und able to cook the deleelahlo "Mother 1" Ey LOUISE OI.IVEH you tonight. Marie, I—I love you, 1 iiu'iil. Tliii boys went to Aunt llury'ii, of "unlucky tlih'l<!uu" from tliclr-cliisu ' "Yes, Iiiiurii??" \^ . dear. No, n o ; do not furbld me, I j I^ilii to Mabel j&nnvii'a. The road to by becoming: one. they Inid plitnni'il j "Well, you know must tell yo>i—"_._ now, neither, Hoy Vonto hold a clusa reunion ut their home; day;} : (Coiiyilflit, 1J1U, by dm McCMuru NowupG- j Uowlltiir ltoi'liH wns good, tlio car Ijor- and onu summer, five yours after ton is coining home for per ",Sh—oh, Mr. CWson," plie stnm'fi'tl, iiiid'l'i';;«y never iirettler. More XJOr Hyrrdl(r:i[o.) beforo #ointf 'ovei- thorc'." . I t . WUH a n n o y i n g I n l>ti.--Itt<"s« Ii<ii!i\i, meieil, glHiiehig Kvviflly upward, "I— flowui'ri liiiil come out In the Kiirdeii, their graduation, they succeeded lii "Is he? That Is very nice, Indeed," T*("!»sy I n y nwnliK n l n l ^ l i l llsli'iiln;,' v e r y uilMnviUfC, ,vi-' : . M ' -i'Ui" J ' u i i h i -]MIEU) I—[)leii^i> flu n o t tell n i e ' i i i i y — a n y . Benml (hi! house lonked wonderfully bringing It nbout. 'J'lisy were, nil Bald Urn. Nelson. t o 111'.1 l u l u . O h , I t I t w o u l d only t:lni>! e r e l s tonight, pliwi"—I—" Ihere, the orlglnul thirteen, together : c d i i l d h J : m d i t n o IOML'IT. uworl und attractive.' THE DISCRIMINATING MAN ! "Yes, it Is." Kliii Iitul jiliiuuiMl Ho liuiiiy i h l i o f o r with tho wives und IIUMIJIUHIS (if tl!o "Marie, my Murie," he* Insisted, layi T r u e , h " d l i l n u t d n iniieli b u s i n e s s The inouii wn.i full noiv, HIKI HIO Tinn, hesitatingly: '"T)imH po1 (lie n e x t (l:iy, Hit! liny Cnpliiln 1'i'iirfilx married onen. a f t i ' t l i v e u'l.'lnek. " i t u t " w l m t i i a d t h a t Ing II lurgc, luniy lianil on hvv small, is most particular about liis perspnnl | con wnn t o In; In t o w n (mil Inul n u k e d • viininila nlBlit n tnlryhiiul of laceOn tlio.nulslilrl.s of the merry group int; In be u UIIIICO given In lii.-i Jinunr. lo do with II? These young men did trenihling one1, "one lcl.SH, dear, just appearance. If his garments, by. ! wurli Hhndowri. l»elli:lous fjcents cniuu \ lH'l" I f llO COUlfl COinc to HIM; lie)'. cut Ethel Cluxtnn. -Suiiieliow HIH; wns Do you HitppoKO I could bnvc u new nut ini'iiii buslne-s, no! . Their (line one," he jilenili'd. bis jstronp; arm steal- chance become, soiled and spotted, ! fro in the'giirilen, and I'i'Wjy lirealhed dnnco frock? There are snme very 'j Cojnu to KOO hurl I'etfjty'n lir:irt UHUiilly the odd i;lrl In every gulher-" \v;iw tlitlp own. Hub, oven Mario, his inij around her Hleiuler wulfit. he-sends them to xia. We clean thenl 'n 'vliidmr Hint own bciiutil'nl, peuehhloom Mink', hud •i. liml Hull u"i*t?tl almost to Kiift'iiMilIon I u Hls'h oil ecKtacy. It had all worked Ing. "Xn, no, Mr, t.'or.<on, no I" Kho felt herself no now, ul-pretty JMI(terns In • thoroughly liy our modern method wiu'n nlm rend the few Hue;! mi fhe out no"KitlHl'iictory—Juat as Glio !mtl thoiiKh tliero wns tin even number o£ are very rcnsonnblo In price." Hang! The full-blown decorated hail enough. And enough is us good > "Ijuunt, you ltnow I vrftiiM love to us n fenst; hor iniuiner Kikb'I HO. * lid' globe of nn nnlhpuitnd lump splintered o/ dry (.Ieiiiiiny und lie is in tho prico heavy wliito impi'i'. d u n e lo see Jicr! phinin-d, men und girls.ut tho Ilcnhys' house of "a new suit. Why not do as ho Shu liml vUmvii hiir eyes ,';i>(i prcssm! I "i'en'py, denr, I love you," said tho party. She linew thut on the jirescnt get you something, but—" . tnngiiB? More things than tongues on the.gnllery floor and 'glittered la does? It'll pay you. • occasion their- IIOHICHS hud pulled her "nut wlint?" linjiiitlently from I-nurn. CIIII speak! Ilii! wonls l» ln'i1 lioiirt In eculacy. Tin: I miitalii Kuihli'iily. j frosty powder on a.crimson mat. • l t;ill, KIMIIJU.* olllccr 'ulii! lim] met :it| "Why—why, caphilnl" said Peggy, off with Ted Foster. •. Nevertheless: "Why, tliero nro tho rent und tlio i M'.siou rose suddenly from his InU- ; "Who—who—wns that'/" demanded flui MiirslmiM, uliuut whom all this ', broii tlif.'KKly.both be and llrlan ilcdrlric vied with gns bill due Saturday," snld her mother ciiljitiered desk und pneed slowly up Mr: Corsoii, catching his hrentl? and girls liml lieeu coninlutuly nmrt, luclud"Vcs 1 (Jo, nnd I may «H well tejl eucli other In HmJr intentions to warily, "nnd you laiow tho funds are'and down tho dlinly lighted ulsle pf-i quickly 'withdrawing his arm. "What? Ing' hi'i'iiulf! , • • you now. Why wait? I've known it pretty, frivolous .Sibyl Lundon. ' ' low. tf'erlmps yon could'11ml some- his old furniture store. '' ' — j you father. bu:brealclng stock—I—I &6 Shrewsbury Avenue, Red Bfinlc^ The anno stato of nffairs continued thing Eiilrnbla In the trunk Aunt Tiess , "Yes, It will end, now—tVmight.l" his |.thOHBht,tlint hn was out!" Tlii'ii 1'i'Ki'y hull dune KOIIIO olllcer- nil uloiif.', but I'll confess If I' hadn't "Hush—hush!' 'muttered. "I cunnot stand It longer. IIIR liortiolf.'ns l't'Ksy could, Her llt-Huuii 'you Monday I should pmlinlily next dny when the entire parly, pnclted left you.". "Oh, Unit trunk I" snapped Laura Thijso young men, young fools, I will Again footsteps fimindcd on the. til- j tlu lirinil.i, which look only 11 livi'-finil- huve waited.., I cViti hardly tell you In various conveyances, alartnil to nngrlly. " I wish Aunt Bess hud never puck t h a n ' home, where they belong."•' Ing outside li'nd M'sleur began to tic-, i u-linlf Klin'o, could make. I'lill. nml 111- J why. It'a because, purhiipa, I've ill-Itnlnliow falls fur fi beefsteak fry. ; 1 willed It to me. ' Then die'left her ays Jiad a horror of useless women. "It's really trunic," Bhe thought. My daughter-Is my'-daugliter, not a j scond the spiral'stairway behind. . . j tlo Chuckle HU'p iiroiiuit IIIOLU lively This \vlll-o'-llie.-\vlsp, endless-chain mother and went to her room., plaything! Her time, m y time,'ts'Vnlu* . M r . Corson'jumped to his feet: In oni! minute Iluni fallior mill mother I wish you could know how- adorable you looked that dny lii your blue dress, business"—my caring for Tod and his Lmirn's fntlier hnd been n cnvpenter 0[j2e." • . "Hjdo me, JMarle, hide me I -Soine-j combined coiild do la u wnuk; und a Most girls would hiive been worried infatuation for Sibyl, who doesn't cure nnd had kept his wife and daughter In | B ( ' r f o r c „ dust-coated mirror In a tnll one's coming both ways. I—I would wot'd finiii hur nrolly red lipM meant to death, l'ecgy, fleur little Peggy, comfortable circumstances, but when • , . i , wardrobe he'patjscd.n moa fitruw BIT him. rather not bo ^ more to Kusuii In the UHclum-tlnm n im mgl ny yea old he e m| een nt ( t e8iiUl aikins | s flHt ii-fea.. | Quid;, was fourteen years he d died his fistnnt ltlng h t t the h c fuftfll-fea"Quick,then, then,InInhere!" here!"she shebreathed, breathed, Whole jTffiim'iit of orders from hlKhor tell me you cure a little, won't youT'i j The dny drugged nnd after the pic- Lnurn waa of its curling gray .[throwing opea the door of a flne'ward' nfter n short "—•• Illness ' * t u r e ( ] r c f l e c t l o n y,iai "Y-yes, I do," said Peggy, happily. nic dinner,- while Ilia" others wero ofpn.eumonln up. Lulu, lii'i1 (wi'lvo-yn'ar-olil wlstor, adored her openly, a» did Loin's, gli'l "I love you very much," liut, wonmn- [ grouped. about tho camp lire, Ethel four dnys. Mrs. Iselson was n cleyer , ) a I r aQ(1 suufluefl flor[aity of'equate- robe just opposite-the fifth nmhogany ' ,seamstress, nnd by enreful planning n u n c e piece. Click 1 friends, who mot after Hchool every like, she knew It wasn't,the blue dress stole uway unobserved. • m.sIeuri mUst p a c k ^ ^ iiiy /'or l'<'i;ny lo insli'tiet In knitting. •nml the broom at nil that did It. It'. It was not, until n couplo of hours and strict economy hnd managed to; . . ^ "Ifn I" M'sjeur sn,w Mr; Corsotfs 1 , n •. y o u h n v e fcccn t o Q I o n g a b o u t JL'he nlllccrliig Vceny dlil, on receipt wns the plnlt dress, and tho (shadows, Inter, when lira. Dcnby wns round- support herself nnd Laura. coattntls Among t h e many friends wns Hoyjj.;M of (inpliiln I'eiirHons' letter, conslnl.ed mid the gnrilen scents, und thc moon I Ing up her pnrty preparatory to going -- - '-:•• j fouiVLhe -counted-carefullyj - and as j »J home, that they actually missed her. Benlon, tho only son of tho villagei | 5ais b i g brown eyes blazed oml' he pnsscd up the aisle to meet t h e ' y of dlNpiKiiiiK of Hie fmiilly for Hie day, Then the cry went u p : "Where's doctoiv . ''nously. ' • beginning with I'liMp and ClmrluN, portly newcomer shaking hands wltli:?< Ethel?" ' j In hor room Laura cried resentfully ; . . F t t t h c r . . . • A . ( ] o o r o p e n c a I n t n o Mii'amscllo nt the door, he turned two (V nuil liml gono on down the line until "Wp must look for her," declared until her eyes were red ftntf swollen. : no ouu WHS loft Init .hfif mother and tapestry -frama screening t h e keys, In the mnhognny nnd mission i £< \ father and herself, Captain I'eurKon Pain Has-Its Purposes and Should by Arthur Dcnby. "She may have wan- Indeed, she did n o t wish t o ho seen ] l u ] e ,,vI ro()m^ behlnd • • 0-nd „.„,,,_ rows, arid dropped them In his pocket. \'/t No Means Be Looked Upon dered much farther than oho realized by Hoy n t that moment. After Bho ml aM aam$ haiulsolne allttle pnst ' was to Klop to dinner, anil Kuaaii was "Hai Mister Bnrron, good after-1 >Ji as «n Enemy. nnd lost her way." , to achieve this most delectable meal hnd calmed down sho thought of how t , vent p c r n n p g | wltn „ M m o r o u g anQ noon, good afternoon 1 Tou are well, l They separated, little groups going i hnrd her mother h a d worked for her, clever expression, beamed on him out yes? And Mrs. Barron? Ah, that Is Peggy's busy brain could plan. Pain Is n messnge sont to the bruin in different directions. All felt a nnd decided to t a k e h e r ndvlco and of liquid wells of blue. "Knther," she good! Something—er—this afterIn uliurl, the program was to be as 1 repented, "Mr. Moorson Is coming. noon, perhaps?" — follows: Morning, holiso cleaned lip, to report thnt some pnrt of the bodyj of guilt for neglect toward the look through Aunt Bess trunk. I In trouble, bl nndd to t usk kf l i fI t ,Igirl t In for relief. whom they had known so long, There were m a n y dresses which Mr. Barron wns M'sleur's best cus* ,., 11 - . He—he—I think he Is coming here flowers nrranged hi howls everywhere, probably hnd been very fnshlonnble In n g a | n » • tomer. Purchasing agent for a much for men and boys rightly bent linen and silver hunted up, is, therefore, not nn unmixed evil, but!yet none knew well. their dny, but there was nothing that i .. j i » u bane or n blessing, according to Ilioj "I counted on you, Ted, to help T n n n ] c y Q U | a r l e i t n n n k y0U| larger furniture sto're, when his firm porches cleaned und everything In or- priced was suitable for evening Tvcnr. At the view thnt wo take.of It. Jinny per-; mnlco things pleasant for Ethel," refltnnftnered M'sleur, his broad, elennran out of any particular piece desired der. very bottom of the trunk, however, shnven face pinking distinctly. . "Er— | nt once, Bonhomnie, if he could supsonu, especially those whose nervous, proved Mrs. Denby ta nn aside, Afternoon—The boys to go fishing orgnul/.ntlnns are nentcly pensltlve, j "I'm afraid Tve been a bit remiss," | there wns a white voile dress. after school mid to Aunt Mary's for dread piiln, both for themselves nnd. poster answered contritely. And in - "It Is pretty,'1 murmured Laura to nnd If—if I nin "not seen, I suppose ply, always got the order. euntior mid to slay nil iilght,' I.»!u anil for others, to such n degree that their | t t mood started off uloue, fleter- herself, "nnd I nm going to try It on." that I will not bo In the way, my "Ah,- good afternoon, M^leur, good na afternoon!" " responded Sir. Bnrron <ho club to go to Mabel Brown's and flrst instinct Is to do soiiiPtlilng—any-1 mined to find her. It eecmed to<llmi About ten minutes Inter she ramlnto "Oh, no, father, no!" she laughed, loudlj-. "Yes, sir, I wnnt two wardLola to stop for dinner and nil night, thing—If only the distress can be the Hitting room, where her mother that the green, rushing water of the i All the new ones at "but make yourself heard up in thc robes, In a hurry. Send' them out In as Mfthul bud BO oCten coaxed. cheeked. They refuse to listen to the rapid mountain stream mocked him. sat knitting on an olive-drdb sweater, our wagon; it's at your door now. A n 'A 1'cRUy planned to put on her new nioBsage, nnd think only of hushing It. When ho reached a point that com-1Her cheeks were tglow with excite- gallery. Walk «bqtit a little, tumble. mahogany one" for—er—take a note of sport milt at nrmy bluo Jersey and If wo adopt the view that naln Is a manded n view of tho falls he sud-,ment, and, dressed in tho dress of the something, yes. Then I enn sny, them! Beady?" He glanced at the wllh her own little car sparkling clean fnllhful servant bringing us u mes- denly caught eight of her quietly pit- nineteenth century, she certainly look-1 'Hush, Mr. Moorson;1 someone Is tak| ing Ktock up, there. • Ha hn!" She notebook in his hand—"Mr. James wan to lake the captain for a ride out sage, we alter our whole nttlttide to- ting on nn overhanging rock watch-' ed like n picture. Moorson, 01 Cookson avenue. You Inwshed'n nervous little lnuK'i. ' • , to Bowling Hocks to see the view, stop ward It. We learn to listen patiently Ing the changing play of waters. i "lnurn Nelson!" gasped hep mother. "Jly denr," whispered h*r father Im- know the Rrntlpmnn's son, I think. «t the club and Introduce him to a nnd to organize relief wisely, nut we "Isn't it pretty, mother dear?" "Hello," he called, patent relief in Tve seen him here." few frlcndrt, then bring him home to must remember thnt there Is pnln thnt his voice. "You've given iis the scare j "Yes, Lnurn, It 1». Tlmt dress was pressively, "of course you know that do not—cr—desire to listen. The : "Ha, ha!" M'sleur chuckled. a quiet, delicious candle-lit dinner for can and borne, and pain that of our lives." always very denr to Aunt Bess. Sho jIsweet Mr. Iiurron> looked curiously over f| 19 Broad Street, Red Bank | things these.young men fsy are four, I'cggy In her uew pink dress; a cannot and should not ho" borne. "Why, whut's tho mutter?" antl one for Mr. whole delightful evening ulono on tho In certain kinds of accident, such an. "We've been hunting you for the Arthur Coreim, 15 Marlon terrace. moonlit verandu (there was n moon, extensive burns or lacerations, the phy- last hour. Thought you were lost o(f to Join tho boys In blue 1 Perhaps you Know young Corson, also? nlready, yes." . { Vcggy fumid from the calendar iwholo sician always gives the speotllest tern sure enough." She was to have" married him but ho j time n low, musicaltoughrtp-Ha, ha!" I week ahead), and then—Peggy never •porftry relief that Is In his power nnd fell at Gettysburg. That Is why she "Is It lute?" she asked. "Ha, ha!"' echoed M'slenr. plivd through the long oblong hall, and then removes the Rufforer to & place tried to look past Hint. "Yes—you know darkness comes in never married." "And I want both In model A, Bonechoed from the galleries above. he can give him.proper care. In "Oh, mother", said Laura, "do you .— Hut—"The host laid plans of mice wherea..hurry_up hero in tho mountains. ....>.... . . . . ....i.'-r,..I......ii...,(. --ir.*,.. _^._\- • ... r. i. ii...Jiuirj _ Ml' IILTU i n i i m l u u u m i u i i s . ; "Mon n.mi," she murmured nrchly, j honmile, remember. Ah, you hnve a ' and liipu gang nft ngley." mioli cases tho call for the mn'rphln« yve'd better hurry back—the others! suppose it would have the same effect "the swpet tilings those young men ] row of encli, I see. Well, don't fall me. It rained, and It rained nnd rained needle, or for Rome other nnooyno, Is I a r e ren(1 y t o B t n r t n o n l e i » NOW that! her moth-! 5 n ' ' now> n r e Perhaps just n Ijyle dlf-' Get 'cm home nt once. My men nrc at perfectly legitimate one. Bu' But" there she wns found and wus snfe, he wns ! Benton,,, and rained. The flowers. would bo j terent from the • things young men j your service. Good dny, I'm off. Busy ruined, t h e tulips had been nlinoat are certain kinds of Intense pnln tlnft j reudy to relegate her to the" back-1 Xaura blushed prettily, and said: "At sniil—oh, some twenty years ngo, when j as bees down otir way." rendy to drop nliyway. The rond to ought'not to lie linmodlntely masked I once more. the little mother henrd you speak I "Goodjlny, si od day/' smilingly Bowling RocltH wns lmpnssalile now, with nn anodyne, boentiso It is very t For n moment she was ellenf, then tiny rate I nm going to Innnder it. them, hoy? And ^io, perhaps you • JTsIcuF bowed his patron out, and - even with n whole dny'a sun, nnd the necessary thnt the physician sliould he snld: 'Tm not ready to go yet.1' She I mny wear It to the dance, too." might Jesire—" ' (signalled the men to eomo In. They Although the dress was pretty beboys couldn't go llshlng. Mother able to Incorporate their messnges In J fipoko quietly, but there 'Was a "My denr," Bonhomme Interrupted j were big strong fellows both of them. his diagnosis. Sometimes, ns, for exfore It wns laundered, it wns much 3 " wouldn't let them when It was dump. foot -' But when the wardrobes were loaded ample, when there Is urgent need oi strange glenm in her" gray eyes. afterward, and Laura maSe Zlih "V s m " e > , , a ^ n r , foitsfeP ' After a sleepless night l'eggy was "Not rendy? Why, they're all svnlt- prettier an operation, quieting tliQ patient with up her.mind to wear it, just to Bee N c ™ r tear, I.-n-ill walk about 1In the 1 nnd roped, they came back to the up ut H[K. TO her surprise, her mother morphine might mean that when the lng," he returned In surprise.wi,n» tho n-nwA trnnirt snv! gnllery, or I will cough maybe. But I'store. • wns stirring In the hnll. Teggy opened effect of the drug had worn off and the "Let them wnlt! I must have a what the crowd would say! [ iim .busy this afternoon, and I ennnot j «y c s 5 " q u c r i e d Bonhomme with TRUNKS TRANSFERRED TENThursday night. DERLY her door. "What Is-It, mother?" BIIO pnln .began to call attention again to few minutes—you know when any' "' Laura went to the dance hall alone; leave the store for the convenience j ttrCh|n,r brows oulccd, , by this concern. We don't emnloy thing first comes out of its shell it's nnd of these young-visitors, nhetn! And _ . . . , , , , A a r l n k o f WI teP f v o n p l e n s e n'..littlelater than the other glrlSr bagBage^mashers. When you placa "It's Susan; BIIC'H slclc. I've been "iKeTaiSenSSleoirdltlonlf^vould be toe a bit wabbly^aml—nelias~a little AUNT BESS' TRUNK FACING FACTS The Blue Goddes Bonhomme's Compliments EAGLE CLEANERS AND DYERS Hunting Coats $3.00 to $7.50 Beach Coats & Vestsj $3.00 to $5.00 i i Sweater Coats REALLY BEARER OF MESSAGE $1.25 to $8.50 Mackinaws Suits & Overcoats p. Saving of 20 per cent gj |H.N.SUPP,I AW V * V »>MO I I I U U I | L | \ . U > *V » » * * « m-Mm*M^mm , . - — ' 1~ your trunks in our' care tfiey~reSch for sho wonted to see what the gen^ it-Isi-possible that I might-henr-some-^^y, , late to save the patient. time to rccqver Itself." leetle snatch—eh? Take' care, take .,«»,,'„' ,.,,»»,, of her t—Shmy-of-lhe-1 the station in good time and in as — "What do you-mean¥!—In-eh'eer. "Certainly," mumbled M'sleur, turn- good—condition—as—wheiw-you—ga.ve_ 'ard pains, We know very well that a surprise he dropped down-on the rock 1 ring, ting. , . She removed her wraps In the dress•little courage would give nn relief, .lml jbeside hor. , •iiiK hissom' fuuB water, nmry:—"Ohr-Murl«. water! up front here 1sum Ah,thenvto -us. We--move almost any'Ah, your visitor." thing moveable—trunks, - furniture, Ing room, brushed her pretty curls w are so much afraid .of ther dentist1! nnd the keys, I forgot the ieys," he 3he laughed. "Just what IVe'said; Mn'amselle hurried forward with a muttered n-lien the men followed household goods, cases, barrels, etc. I chair or of the surgeon's'lnhc'e of probf I've donevft lo|t of thinking in the two back from her forehead, throw n pole Moderate rates. ! that we temporlsta from dny to dny and hours Tve been sitting here. I'va pink senrf over her shoulders, ar- laugh. ma'amselle away, "nnd these men can Click! The big swing doors opened deliver them with the goods, yes." !so endure a great deal of unuecesnnry been facing facts, In other words, and ranged her flowers In her belt, nnd went Into the dnnce hull. wide and a wcll-set-np, muscular fsufterlng. He hurried to his desk nnd drew out 'Tm sftrry, dear, hut we can't help i Pnln Is n good servant and n bad am •determined to be ii' different sort young man met her with, a sniile that The boys and girls were nil talk40 MECHANIC STREET, It. I'm almost too tired to get break- i master. We should lonrn toheetj tti of person than the one you've known ing at once, asking this, that, and the only half explained the meaning of his two business cards. "With SonRed Bank, N. J. homme's compliments," he wrote on before." ^ tust." presence. "Your father is out, I supother of Roy Benton, but never wait'incasa(?e and then dismiss it ns quickly Telephone 219-W. He still*"stared" hhlf-<:bmprehend« Ing for"' a reply. Peggy's fiiee changed Instantly. I as possible. Whfen It is nf the chronic pose?" ho whispered, glancing up the each, and placed them with the little gilded keys in their respective' en"Don't you worry, momsy, dear, I'll type nnd cannot be dismissed, Nve lagly, and she uurrled on: "I see that • . '' . As soon ns Lnura made her appear- aisle. Bet Itrenk'fust. You telephone for the I should nhvays consult n trained physl. the neglect and Indifference I've al- ance, the hubbub censed. All eyes M'slonr, fat and breathless, hnd velopes. One'of tucked the packets doctor, then go mid lie, down. I'll get clnn. He will'do his. hest to render II ways met with havo been largely my were upon her, filled with admiration taken advantage^ of the greetings to tlio ldililli'3 off to school." bearable nnd he will snyc its from add- own fault. I didn't Impress others. nnd, surprise. tiptoe up the spiral stairway. "Huh, carefully away In his pockets, "l'es, After thut there was no resit for ing the blunders nnd penalties of self. I've decided to throw overboard evHoy broke the silence by walking np your father is out?" he wheezed sir," he promised, "I'll see that the Peggy, a'he ruin kept-tip'and Susnu [dosing to our troubles.—Youth's Com- erything I've cared for before and to Laura, slipping her hand through wrntlifnlly. ' "Listen to faint lieurt right parties gets 'em. You bet I will, start life- on a* different basis—la his arm, nnd turning to his friends nnd—" But he did not hear thc fair sir." got worse. The doctor came nnd panion. lighter vein as it were." "Oh, father," pouted ma'nmselle etiiyed, nnd Teggy hud-to he everysnld: "Friends, meet Miss 1861." They lady's reply. "What do you mean by thing3 all broke Into a laugh, and ns the orwhere at once—in the kitchen one ! llnli! At gnllery No. 1 .ho stopped when the door closed, "these, young Changes In Hudson "B*.y. •' you've cared for before?" " minute, lining hot wnler bottles* tho j The trappers nnd others employed chestra began to piny at* that moment, for n moment and viewed with regret men, oh,' these young men, they are next, answering the telephone, niaU- 'by the Hudson Buy company hnvo no' _ "Well—you, for Instance. I admit Lnura and Roy hnd the first dance the ninny dust-covered tables nenr the such troubles. Ob, I do. not;wnnt them, Ing beilM, washing dl«lios, getting Jtlcetl thnt where deep ivarer was to he I used to cure tremendously. But you together. Not only the first, but many door. If mndnme were only here! and tfieyVnre here, yet. What shall-1 —you never pnld any more attention after. Including the lnst waltz, after Hush! He could hear, hut .could not do?" ) luncli, nnd a hundred other things. ffoiind In thc liny heretofore It la over, the boys had to be'Coming so shallow thnt nnvlgnHon ls| to mo tbuu If I'd been a Sgure in the which they strolled to her home un- see his daughter and Mr. Moorson "Ha, ha, hal'non, non, my dear," wallpaper. But that's nil over and der the light of the pnle moon. laughed M'sleur, "they are not here! warned to come straight homo from j accomplished with dlnlculty. Investl. now. Helmut, for It WITS (he kind of day iKntlon lins led to the discovery thai dono with now. I'm born unow 1" She "Excuse me for asking, Lntirie," said They hnd seated .'themselves on aTou make one.beeg mistake. These rose with n gesture of poso and powyoung men will net trouble you again. whi'ii mother wonted about them. And, I the shores of tho great body of water Roy, using the old name he hnd called rose-colored dlvnn on the nisle, behind OH the IlrnwnH lived too far nwny, Lola |Oro gradually being tipped an If nn ef- er. 'Tm ready to go now," her In dnys gone by, "but where did a row of. wardrobes. The young mnn They have gone home to their fathers "But I'm not," he protested. "I'm. you get that dress?" wns told to come home also. jfort wns being mndc to empty Its yvnchose the spot with much pei-auitslon. —with the compliments of Bonhomme, Lola forgot nhout the company nnd itei-9 Into the ndjclnlng sen. The bnj not ready nt all. "Why—why Is It I've "Lniirn told him about the trunk Jl'slenr heard him: "Hah, I will go yes! Hn, ha!" ot four o'clock the entire knitting club whore Henry Hudson f^pent the'"win- been so blind?" • Aunt Bess bad loft her, and then higher up, young mnn, higher up, When Spring Fancy Calls. "None aro so blind ns those who asked: "Why?" to be considered in buying walked In. The boys had brought a ' ter of 1010 hns entirely dlsnppenreo where I cun get a bird's-eye view," he String fancy in this clime Is not limfew exlru spirits along too. Never or him so changed th'nt It ennnot be will not see," she quoted. "Why I donft know. I<ra look so~ panted. Whew! Astlunn and'.'climb-, ited to .youth nlone. ,-,'with the burstDrugs is, first of all, the "With me i t wnsn't n case of different from the rest of the girls. WUH there mich ft houseful. now locnted, although there la suffiiug do not agree, nnd gnllery N'o. 2 Ing of the pussjprillow bnds and" tho qualify. Then, of course, Foggy hy this lime hud accepted the cient data left by him to locate the | woulUnt-l)ut simply not having my Sweeter somehow. Oh, Laurie, I've was so high up. It contained thc bed- nrrognnt entry of crocus tlpsjnte_the Inevitable, changed to n blue linen hay under conditions os ho found eyes opened. They're open now all got flve^ dnys more. r_WHl you—? ding, nil the soft goods und M'sleur •upper world, comes the thrill that you want to be sure that right." . . . Couldn't "we—? Oh, hang it all, I love dress with whlto collar and cuffs'nnd them. some admit nnd respond to while Sho started to go, but ho laid de- you. ' Will you marry me "beforo I go collapsed on n pile of cushions. npron, and decided to muke. Ihe best your druggist keeps a fresh .others, feeling thntjt will pass,'deny Oh, In, In! he was too high up to taining hands on her Blender' scnrlet- awny?" of It. . " , hear even a snntch of conversation, and Ignore It. Epitomized, the spring The Cook Pitied Her. . clad Bhouldcrs. "You snld you didn't stock and employs an expert She was out sweeping some extra • »' • • • • * liut he could see. And the young man cull says, "Come outside the city—come Young Wife— Oh, cook, I must c n r 0 n n y m o r C - B u tr m R o l n g t o b o . IniTje chunks of mud off the front to take charere of the PREBefore Lnurn went to bed that night was bending so close to Mu'unscllc. out—come out, bring the fnmlly nnd 1 S1 J l r 'T" '!L complaining. ™}J°;» !°« IOne T; r ' f fit ?! all over again and try and mnko she had a little chat with a picture His speech, his actions, betray«d the got near to nature."—St. Taul Flonebr steps when Cnptnln Penrson •nrrlvetl. always clay is.yBin SCRIPTION D E P A R T 0 cllrt Will you give Jue a try?" I'cKity " d not run, nor hide the the soup, the second day it is the fish, • " of Aunt Bess. If you had been nenr, Press. , For one challenging second their you would hnvo henrd her sny: "I'm feverish anxiety of his mlpd, and brooin. She stood smiling down nt the third duy it is the joint—in fact, MENT.'" Mn'nmsclle had . turned her crimson eyes met. 1'hen, with a guy little sorry for what I said nbout your trunk Mill from the top of the steps—n blue it is nlwaya something or"6ther. Seemed to Be Both. face awny. Suddenly Mr. M«or*4on You can be sure of all these Cook—Well, mum, I'm sorry Tor laugh she snld: "Well—Fm open to thnt other dny. I nm really glnd you seized goddess with the emblem of womifn's Mntd-*-There's a gentleman calling, her linnil. Sho drew It away. left It to me, Instead of sorry. And sphere in her hand. The humor of you. It must be quite huwful to live conviction." good points, and many more, Mnn Dleu! The psychological mo- sir.' with a gentleman of that sort. • • denr Aunt Bess, I nm sorry too thnt ment surely? M'.slourl looked about the slluiitloii lent an added sparkle Man of the ^ouse—In person or on Bo,d Slant at . ' your sweethonrt wns killed. I must for something to drop, fiomethini* thnt the telephone? (II her Willie. . Buttermilk. "Do you think It Is going to bego to bed now, or mother will cnll me "T'ni so gbid to see you, coprnln," "Yes, sir; he's calling In person on would innke n noise, butthere wns "Which is the cow that gives the smooth palling with our new cook?" a eleepy-hend nnd tell me my eyes she Kiild, holding out her unoccupied buttermilk?" innocently risked the tho telephone, sir." "I nm nfrnld from tho sounds that look like two holes burned In nnothing big, nothing hard.* He thought linnd to this splendidly cnpnrlsoncd young lady from the city, who waa of n cough, but In Ills present state of ? Called, Anyway. blanket. Good night, Aunt Bess, and enmo from the Idtchen when sho was niiin. "It's a dreadful day, Isn't It? inspecting: the Jierd with a critical H, C. HUBBARD, Prop. breatlilofisncsfi Hint also wns Impos"Cnn I see Mr. .Tones, please?" washing the dishes there are going thank you for the trunk." ,' ' ' "" I have some small brothers who won't eye. M sible. A real' spaem would take tho 16 Broad Street, Red Bank. to bo breakers ahead." 'E's gone, sir." ' • . "Don't make yourself ridiculous," •wipe their feel, nnd they In turn havo placo of the feigned, and M'sleur was Telephone MO Telephons 79-J "Has lu> been culled up?" B dozen or two friends who won't saidithe young lady who had been in SAFETY FIRST. a friend of discretion. ' country-before and knew a thing "I nin't sure whether he's been cnlled wipe" (hclr.s. Hut juat cmun In and' the A Fortunate Bankrupt. Hiirk! Loud footsteps sounded on up or down—'o died six rimitlis ago."— The Boy Had a Cocci Reason fo Not nei' what I hii've on niy hnudt todny— or two. "Goats give buttermilk." the filing outside. Mr. Moorson London Tlt-Blts. Huncam—I see by the papers that Giving an Answer. a combination day nursery und u hosyou huve mmle an assignment for the What She Would Say A tall man, impatiently pacing the jumped to his feet. Mn'umselle nlso, pital. I'm two kinds of nurse." "Miss Pechis," auid Mr. Timmid, n t|benclit of your creditors? plutform of a wayside station", accost- und evidently at tho young ninn's urBargain Day. "Lucky people!" snld the criptnln, flic other end of the sofn,, "if Skinner—^ if I wore were e ; es;ray y affm ed a red-haired boy of about twelve. gent solicitation, KIIO "throw open the "Four extra Innings to this game, my to throw you a kiss I wonder what bad shape. I won't be nhle to pay 10 wiinuly IniliHiiK her hand. "S-s-sny," he saiil,."il-do you know mirrored door of the most convenient dear.'1 ' ', cents on the dollar. ha-ha-how late this truin is?" The "Also I'm not Hiire thut you're, go- you'd say." | "Without extra ehnrge? I don't wonHuncuni—You're lucky (lop. hoy grinned but m'ndc no reply. The wnrdrobe nnd pushed', him In. "Well," .replied Miss Pechis, "I'd '.. liii; Ui gel any illnner. If Susan sleeps,say iyou wore the luzicst man I ever Why, ] - fulled two yours njro nnd I hnd man stuttered out something nhout "Hn !'• iW'sleur no'led that wardrobe' der you men uro so fond.of baseball." lor Floors, Walls, HearthB and Mnnt«l ii can cook It. If mil, I can't. Mntlier saw. so much'prnperty left that I.hnd to reil-hendoil kills in general nnd passed well—one, two, three, fojir, live—live! —Loulavllle Courlerrjournal. _ • | Facings, Brass 'and Wrousrht Iron pay CO cents on the dollnr. lias, developed neuralgia, so Ihe faminto the sitation. A'stranger, over- In the umhiVgnny row. "Ah- hn 1 I Fireplaces, Andirons, .Fenders, Fire . He Would Obey tho Doctor. ily may have to cut crackers und hearing the one-sideo conversation, will KO down asnln tn gnllery .number " . ' Not Nocessary. Sets and Gas Logs, Wood an,d Til* ' The Fisherman. "Now," said the physician, "you asked the hoy why he hadn't anL-.^hccso.|n.,thl! piiutri'." , rtc—When n_ngry you should count one," he'muttered, a vague.dls.upp.olnt! Mantels, Medicine Gnbinots and Tilewill'have to eat plain food und not swered the big m a n / "D-d-d'ye "Thnt fiBhermaii.:is alwnyB talking '•• •?-yifti^i'ran't' Ktiiy "iinywny," said the nicnt.iliscernllile In his tunes. "I did wnntor see me g-fj-get me fa-fu-fnee not hour one loetle word." about the whoppers he caught." in Bathroom Accessories. | oiptnln. "I Just came to tell you I stay out late nt night." k o, punched?" stammered the boy. "Yjss," replied the patient, "thnt is "He doesn't cntch them," answered 14 Monmouth St., Red Bank icim't coirie^Huit Is, not till Thursduy. what f huve been thinking over since Miss Cayenne. "He merely tells "'D-d-dnt lug li-K-Buy'd tink I wns mo- The swim; doors bumped, nnd sonietliiiiK culling to sny without stopJ'ni on my way to New Ifork on Imsl- you sent in your bill." . ,TEUEPHONEi;520-J. ' mo-mocking him." \ - M'.sleiir pi>p[i«d his hem! over the JHII- ping to count. ' .fhem." • —«;mllliileli±_«ttli her. I thlnlc she got ovei-heiiled yeKterihiy and then'cookedd off too quickly. I'll send for Doctor Boyee ROOII, now, hut I think she'll be nil right lu a dny or two."-•-*"A dny or two! But, mother, Captulii I'enrson'H coming to dinner nnd ,. there's no much lo he done today." BURDGE & RUSSELL THE POINT[ ' SCMHIi'S PHARMACY, E.Ellsworth Alexander TIJL.ES Page Sixteen. THE tmO BANK REGISTER MATINEE 3;OO COMING THURSDAY, NOV. 14 BVENINQ T:4a COMING WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13 "TRUTHFUL f ULLIVER ft TRE Phone SGO-M RED. BANK EXTRAORDINARY . N o v . 1 1 One Day Only Thursday, November 7 'VAUDEVILLE EDITH STOREY "The Silent IN THE) BIG SCREEN ATTRACTION • in a Big Dramatic Treat for the Whole Family A. Picture of Intense Dramatic Interest Ir» a Late IVIetro Wonder Play 15th Episode of "The HIDDEN HAND" 18th Episode of "THE EAGLES EYE'? UNIVERSAL, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Bring your wife to the Most Delightful Photo-Dramatic Feast She Ever Thrilled Thru in Her Life—'New Plot, New Ideas, New Settings, Subtle with Humor, Fui9 of Sensational Twists, DARINGLY FKEMCH! And when you and she send your friends DONT tell them the ending! IT'S TOO GOOD TO SPOIL! November 7th, 8th and 9th Friday, November 8 VAUDEVILLE DOUGLAS FAIRBANH EVERYONE'S FAVORITE, IN 2d episode of "HANDS UP" starring RUTH ROLAND UNIVERSAL WEEKLY t The Last Word in Eccentric Dancing , , ' - , i , n , n CURRENT EVENTS TRAVELOGUE _ _ _ _ [ ' * ' i i i i COMEDY SPECIAL ATTRACTION One DayOnly T u e s d a y ? Nov a 1 2 One Day Only OTHER REELS Saturday, November 9 VAUDEVILLE High Class Musicians THE WONDEKFUITCHILD ACTRESS IN That Slob Coon Entertainer Real Singing and Comedy THE GREATEST WESTERN PHOTO PLAY EVER PRODUCED Take Our Word For It—It's a Peppin CHARLES CHAPLIN , in one of his late comedies Monday sod Tuesday, December 2dand 3d, SPECIAL NOTICE-Vaudeville Will Be Shown Every Day, Starting' Monday, November 11th NEWS FROM MIDDLETOWN. heron. Aime .Gei-ber of Xe.w York ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NEWS. spent MoiMay aiul yesterday with Lester A.-Sieklus of Nnvesink. ' ' John ^Vopdwal-U Makes First Trip The churches in tjje_to\V!iship re- Overseas—Soldiers Send Coupons. FISHERMEN TAKING OUT THEIR opened last Sunday \vTth 'the. usual, John Woodward, -a member of the . '" . POUND NETS. services. On Monday the schools re- navy .who has been assigned to duty on ii transport, has arrived overseas-]Thieves Steal Auto.Tire from William suniei! theii" session.?. Morford's Garage at New Mon- John'Rickinun, Jr., of Beford, has on his first trip. Mrs. John Woodmouth— Belford Honor' Flag for. moved from Jacob S'chnoor's house, ward, mo'ther of John, received.a letand is now living with his father, ter froni him which was written in % Liberty Loan Has Two Stars. John Kickman, Si1. France. A brother, William WoodThe fishermen are taking* up their Mr. and r'-rsi Russell M-ount 'of ward, who has been in the navy fishing pounds in .the bay fur theXew York risked Mr. and Mrs,, Jii3Jn-othci--John,4s-sta—| wihterv Th£_ tishe^enJialUtOi'eiifc -l'homrrs=DTfni5"n{-of-Savesink -Satuv~ longer-than i d t N U d I d nlikr"se<isuii lliis yc'^irT^ Theiv \v;u (lay anil Sunday. , Most of the relatives here ot! boys plenty of -fish anil the pvices wove Charles Seeley of Port Monmouth,. who are across .the ocean have reIrish. The \uw cum •nets• the tisherpien ^ ^ — • • "- remove their lies Uecembor 1st, 1 been on sick leave with jaun- which entitles the soldier to receive but only a fow rishermen leave them , dice. home . ' one b'ox, the contents of which shall in till then. . jiiss L\i\u Hart of- Hillside shent not-weigh-more than three -pounds. Thieves, broke into William Mor-' l •Saturday -and Sunday nt home. Miss- Boxes can "be obtained at the Red ford's garage at 'Sew Monmouth Sat" Hart is employed at Aberdeen, MaryCross,rooms and further informatidn uvday night. A Polish employee on land, regarding the packages can bo Jlnd the farm saw the thieves in the garMiss Hattie B. Walling of Keypovt there. age ami attempted to stop them. They be'nt-'him up -and then-ran otV, spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. -: Lieutenant. James Jay Marthv'who carrying- a tire with thorn, Nothing- "Willam.B. Fqwler of Port Monmouth. is stationed srt Gape May,-spent Sun: Kaynioml Murphy of Port Mon- day here. else was stolen. ' • mouth' is slowly convalescing after a During October Anvzi M. Posten & The .Bedford honor flag for the ; severe attaek of pneumonia. Son, undertakers, buried 58 persons. Fourth Liberty loan contains, two Miss Ella S. Conover of Mnrlhorn The great Increase, of deaths caused stars. The flag- is displayed over Sut-a shorUig-e of coffins but Mr. Posten Main street near _the railroad cross- is .visiting her sister, Mrs. A. H, phin of New Monmouth. . , : s'ecured,enough coffins to bury, the ing. - . ; Joseph Xeff of Belford. is recovMr. and Mrs. Harry Bovd of Tot-ering from pneumonia, after a dead without causing- a delay. Mrs. Charles J\. Reed is laid up tenville and Mr. and Mrs..W. 0. Wall- month's sickness. ' . with influenza. . . ing have been guests of Mr. jiml Mrs. 1 Thomas Somer.ville and family of Miss Laura Johnson has given up J. Henry Walling of Port •Monmouth. Mrs. May Davis, has relumed to her Xr.vesink have^returned. to'Bayonne her work at Aberdeen, Maryland, and ' . . " . " - is now employed as a stenographer at home in Iowa after a several months' •for the winter. Lowell llillinffliam of the aej'omarirte works at Keyport. Rtay with ho,r ^ister, Mrs. ThomuV* sick with influenza. " . l'hi!li|is_uf Port.Minimouth.— A _Hajlo\ye'en party was pivenWalter "Connor of -:NTnvesink i? em-Thursday night at the Cordova house 'vM.iss Marion Phi!;)) of Philip's in:!!, . •pU>yei\ Morg-an. " * on Highland avenue. ' j near Keansburg., who is employed by i ..James Spires and family 'have a.New York- "illustrating1 company, has FAIR HAVEN NEWS. moved from the Roberts cottage on gvme o;i a ten days' .isusinerS trip '.o Garlield avenue, to Valley drive in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. A. Leslie P}iUii-> is recovering- i'voin picumorua, Boys Do Considerable Dama'g'e Here the house *1formerly • occupied by on Hallowe'en Night. Frank -Ewing . which he contracted from imiuonn:\. > ' Considerable damage was done by Mrs. J. S. Fliteroft spent part of Harry H-urrj*! of B.'!ford is having boys playing- Halluvve'en pranks last his house repainted in .connection iveek. (.rates were torn from their last week at New York. Mr. and" Mrs.' Harrow and children of Morgan ! witir the improvement? to' his house. .hinges and in some instances were are spending the winter with ,Mr. Flit'Mr. Harris h»s> hmf ele;uric lights in- smashed. Kubbish was thrown on oroft. Their home at Morgan was ftaile.i' ,.nd hardwood* rlyors Inid poii'lies anil cornstalks were placed wrecked by the munition explosions. | tllinij'j-h.jUt h i s h o u s e ' . ' . . ..on the trolley trnck^ so the ca.i4 were IJCO Whitehead, Harold Kelly, i The Sew Iltyinunith I'aptist ladies' •l'orceil. to stop. A boat filled with aid society.met. this afternoon at Mrs. cornstalks was placed on the roof of George M^cVey and Alfred Burns I >vere home oier Sunday from Rutgers George Acker'.-. The ' Christian Eii-' the postoflice. college. . de;ivor society'will hold a .-ocialde in Mrs. Ed'.vn.rd Ritter is laid up with May Roberts, who has been sick the church un Thursday night of-next an attack of influenza. . . with pneumonia, is convalescing: week. • •>', ' -Richiiril McAllister opened a theJohn L. Covert of. Port .Monnio.uth v- r-';ien?iiug the winter with Charles atrical engagement at Perth Amboy : Carhart' of'X-ew Monmouih. Mrs. tin?, week previous to starting on a T1NTON FALLS NEWS. . ('overt, who has iieen sick,' will live ; Wcstei'ji trip. Mrs. McAllister 'and with her married diuighle.r iu'Iirouk-' sou ami Mrs. John, "Wagner saw his Tiaton Falls Raised $12,700 in Bond - Money in the. Last Lpan.. performance at Perth Amliov. . . William Hall of Neu'i York was a Tinton Falls raised $12,700 in bond Thomns Casler, his son Russc-il.'imd visitor lu're Sunduy. He has ha-uled Conover Caster' of Port Monmcuh his house boat up on the shore for moiiey in the last Liberty loan driver its quota of $10,1)00. ppen! Sunday, and- Monday'nt .l.:U:e: the winter. . • , ,z~ wood, with Thomas Citsler's sister. . William C. Beiirtett' has returned , Wellington Wilkins. spent Thursday and Friday of last week duck Mrs. Amos Appleg-ate. fruni tlip Long Branch hospital, where " . MKS'.. Mnrgittv B. Eilert and Mrs;*' he was taken for treatment for ty-hunting at Barnegat bay. . A child has been born to Mrs. ArDaniel"'!", llendricl^on of 1'ovt Mon-phoid-pneumonia. • mouth spent,a lew day? lust, week . Mrs. 'Edward. Fay is recovering thur Berry of Pine Brook. . The church and public school rewith Mrs, 'George. A. Sweezcy of from grip. ~' • opened, this week, the ban being lifted Vaux-Hall, Newark. Kussell Hendricksqn TMIS wounded .by the township hoard of health. V Robert. Seeley, Jr., young son of the leg while fishtiriK in France on Mrs. Wellington Wilkins was laid Eobevt Seeley of Port Monmouth, in 1 September 20th . He had practicclly up last week with grip. Allen Crawwas .bit- oa. the haiwl Monday d>y a when his relatives heard of ford, who has been sick with influshepherd 'do"g belonging 'to Thomas recovered his injury. enza, is now well and has resumed Phillips, : . John Peavsall is recovering from a his business. . Eilv.-iirdjH»ffnel of Nnvesinls, who serious illness. ' ^ Mrs. Harry Coleman and children, has been in France as a correspondent Sir.--. Johir' A. Chaunzy has been for an American lunvspajier, has on-elected chairman of the Red Cross to who have b'een sick, are convalescing. . listed "r.ver there" in the riiedical "succt-i-d Miss Lillian Battin, who re- Walling's cider, mill i.< doing big cor] is. " • - -• signeil. Mrs. M. Vloyd Smith was business this season, alvhough proWard It.' Jc-ffcrs'of Bel ford sowed i (/ho.-en vice chairman. Mrs. Clarence duction of cider has been handicapped fin the election . hoard at that place L. Little secretary and Mrs. William by the lack of help. Many large oryestenkTy in place of Eilward T.'Den- H. Mai tin treasurer.. An call ha? been ders for cider hnve boeii received tilled as rapidly nett,. who was a candidate for collects made. o.n_.the/_F;iir _Ila ven., i'.'nd these are being i -ns'-pos-.siblev-" -—' :: ~ ...-•-«—.— ' . • •>—™ convfjleteii 'garments by Hallowe'en. passed quietly here. Po-'tma-ter. William Swni^of Xaveth. • ' . Children Jn groups, and...dressed, in . i- chairman ,of the Nnvesink. diaRayaiil—Poutrhty is visiting- Hallowe'en costumes paraded through j -Irrt-t nn the " Uiiiti-ir \v;.r fund d r i v e her brother'at Phiinlield. the .village and called at homes, but •which' .-.tart? next Monday. ; their pastimes were confined to innoMrs. Lester A. Sickles of Nave-sink npent last Friday with her parents, It pays to advertise in the. Register. cent merrymaking and no damage ! was done. Sir. and Mrs. Adam Worth of Kl- —Advertisement. f QUALITY Good Food Ecjvials Good Health BUY AT . WAGNER MARKETS j I 5 STORES ALL OVER N E W JERSEY J Prime Rib Roast Leg of EVSilk Fed Veal Cross Rib 42c Ib Plate and Navel Beef Loin ofVeal 3 0 c Ib Rib and Shoulder Lamb Chops Loin and Rack of Lamb, 3 ^c Ib Regular Hams Chopped Beef Cut>from Bottom Round 35c Ib Ciidahy's 36c Ib Swift's 38c ib Dixie Style Bacon Shoulder and Neck of Veal 2 4 c I b Spreadit Oleo 30c Ib Veal Chops 35c ib Veal Cutlet 45c 9b Link Sausage Breast of Veal Veal for Stew ^ Brookfield Eggs 3Sc Ib Spare Ribs 5 lbs for 90c Brookfield Butter Swift's Premium Oleomargarine 32c Ib 65c doz Liberty Cabbage Salami and • Beef Liver 16cIb Servelad 45c Ib 3 lbs for 25c J Fresh Jersey Hams Blade Roast 32c Ib Genuine Forequarter Rump of Milk Fed Veal Fresh Shoulders Jersey Pork Top Sirloin 42c Ib Spring Lamb I Chuck Pot Roast 32c Ib t Genuine Hindquarter Spring Lamb Calves' Liver 3Sc Ib Try Our Delicious Home-Made Sausage, 4 5 c I b The Wagner Sanitary Markets 12 BROAD STREET ^ ECONOMY 2 2 MONMQUTH STREET RED BANK.-N. J . '» | We Close Daily at 6 P. M., Except Saturday I I P . M, I S A N I T A T I O N
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