Document 26550

April 25, 00i
Volume 2, Issue 5
The Hueman Press
Organization website:
Submission website:
Cedric Trice
In This Issue:
Fo’ Real Stop.…
Pages 1-2
Being Greek
Page 3
Pages 4 -6
Health Watch
Pages 7-9
Writer’s Block
Page 10-17
Page 18
Editorial Reflections
Page 18
When I originally decided to write this article, I was being all detailoriented and had a set thesis. Upon further research and speculation, I
realized that the entire idea behind a black greek system is almost too deep
for me to discuss within the confines of the Hueman Press. I was unsure of
how to write without seemingly attacking the organizations, or questioning
their very existence. Given the state of black people in America, regardless
of the purpose of the organization, no one should condone or actively
participate in the tearing down of ANY historically black organization, if it
for the building, and not the detriment, of the black community. I shall
render this as my call to action to every Black Greek Letter Organization.
Personally, I am not a member of any greek letter organization, nor
do I desire to be. I have never tried to make it into a BGLO so it’s not that I
couldn’t make it. I am an undergraduate student here at Tech making
Why is this
observations on what I see.
so ????
The last Hueman Press contained some articles from some members
of those BGLOs that were defending their organizations, to whom, I am
unsure; because I hate that they always feel as though they are under
One reason could be that many people have trouble accepting
the whole idea of Black Greek Letter Organizations. The first
two words make an oxymoron in and of itself because as a lot
of us know (but not enough), there is nothing original that was
Greek. The two words don’t even belong together because
NOTHING can be both. Because I did my homework, I know
everything scholarly and otherwise was purloined from
Egyptian and Nubian hands; I could not wear Greek letters
across my chest. I would have to ask myself, what am I
celebrating? But, of course, that is neither here nor there.
Continued on next page….
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Maybe another could be because of the stress and outright harm these BGLOs can do to unity of our people on the undergraduate
level. Those aforementioned authors made it very clear that if I were a TRUE leader, I would be a part of a prestigious organization such
as theirs. These sentiments could turn some people off just because many people could be spectacular leaders but for whatever reason,
whether it’s GPA, wrong associations, or a member’s utter distaste for a person, they would not be allowed the opportunity to hone their
skills through these organizations. I thought we had already learned our lesson of exclusion from Jim Crow.
In 2006, we don’t have time to be picky on whom we let into our organizations because if it is for the good of our people, those
who want to be part should be allowed to. 50% of our children are not graduating from high school. We have bigger fish to fry. How we
can we scream brotherhood and sisterhood when these very organizations are tearing us apart? But, of course, that’s another discussion.
The overall tone of the previously cited articles was one of defense, as though people had been questioning the involvement and leadership
of these BGLOs. Maybe there is a reason that these BGLOs have found themselves under fire. Taken from several BGLO websites:
“[The founders of this organization] preceded by decades the emergence of such on-campus programs as affirmative action, upward bound
and remedial assistance. The students set outstanding examples of scholarship, leadership and success—preceding the efforts even of the
NAACP and similar civil rights organizations.”
“[This sorority] is a sisterhood composed of women who have consciously chosen this affiliation as a means of self-fulfillment through
volunteer service.”
“These students wanted to use their collective strength to promote academic excellence and to provide assistance to persons in need.”
I hear so much talk about how BGLOs are about leadership and community service. I also hear about every single party and social event
through mediums such as Facebook, flyers, emails, word of mouth, posters, etc. BGLOs will spend upwards of $5000 on a party or social
event, i.e. revenue generator. Yes, it is true that I could look on any one of these organization’s national website and find all kinds of
national initiatives and programs, but on the undergraduate level, I see naught of the kind. Any member of these BGLOs could easily say,
“We do all kinds of community service that you DON’T see.” Why is that the case? Why does it seem that the only people who know
about this community service are those who want to be a part of the organization?
I believe there is a real problem when those interests want to be in the organization because it’s the thing to do. So many black college
students want to pledge because the girls like guys in the organization, stepping looks like fun, the colors are cool, etc. If I bear ANY
organization’s crest, I want it to be for a cause deeper than that. These misguided students don’t even know the reasons why BGLOs were
founded. No, they did not do their homework, but more importantly, all they know is what they see. It is their fault they didn’t research
but it is not their fault that that is the image they have of BGLOs. This is the beginning of a sad cycle. So when these students become
members of these organizations, they will throw the crunkest parties your campus has ever seen. But your community will fall all the way
by the wayside. Many undergraduate students who do seek leadership and community service opportunities look not to the BGLOs but to
the Black Student Unions and other organizations on campus. But if they want a good time…
So who are we kidding? When was the last time YOUR BGLO spent $5000 on a community service project? When was the last
time YOUR BGLO put on a major publicity campaign to feed the hungry? When was the last time YOUR campus was all crunk about
tutoring the kids Saturday morning? I certainly do not have a clue when, if ever. So about all this leadership and community service, let’s
stop it. STOP IT! You all are not service organizations; you are social organizations, which is cool. Every community needs social
organizations. Who else would get the parties jumpin on campus? When else do you get to stroll and step and have big parties and
picnics? You must STOP perpetrating the ideals of the founders as though this is what the BGLOs on campus are about. Community
service seems more like a requirement to many Greeks, especially to interests. Service should be your passion, your purpose for joining a
service organization devoted to “providing assistance to persons in need”. It should not be a burden that comes with the membership.
Oh I’m wrong? So PROVE me wrong. BGLOs, get it together! Show me what BGLOs are really about. You would not have to
defend yourselves all the time if we GDI’s had the correct view, in your eyes. Maybe my aforementioned points are completely incorrect
and unfounded but again, how would I know that? From the outside looking in, BGLOs are unconcerned about service and leadership.
Looks like connections and social events to me and THAT, I can get from any other black student organization. If it means your publicity
isn’t good enough, then that’s great. I truly hope that is the case. But then again…who wants to publicize Habitat for Humanity? It’s so
generic, that’s what high school groups do for their community service requirements. Traffic offenders do that to fulfill community service
hours. Surely your “service” organization is more imaginative than that. I certainly don’t need an organization to do that. If your chapter
is serving others more than serving drinks, that’s good for you. Now it’s your turn to go to those other misguided chapters and help them
get their focus. But if you really were all about service and the community, I should be busting your doors down trying to get in. But I’m
I hope this article has pissed you off. Get angry and step up. Or let the leaders lead. But no hard feelings, we
will definitely come through to the party though…if we make it before midnight. Ain’t nobody tryna’ pay.
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The W riter’s B lock
By: Nadya Z.Ramel
Congratulations to the
newest members of the
Greek community, 8 Roads to
Recovery of the Xi Alpha
Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Inc.
Who ever said that Greeks are not involved enough on Georgia Tech’s campus? On this very line
we have a Varsity Cheerleader, Varsity Basketball Player, MRT members, a Challenge Counselor,
a BOPSOP founder, Community Advisors not to mention AASU and NSBE officers. Having
known a majority of these women on a personal level I can guarantee that they will have a great
impact in and around the Georgia Tech community, they wouldn’t have it any other way!
Being Greek is not about you having to conform to a certain mold. It is about using
the organization you choose to accomplish your mission in life. All of the divine
nine are respected organizations that portray minorities in a positive light. For those
of you who were at the BLC this year, NPHC organizations are “big dogs”, like the
Reverends’ reference to the NAACP. You as an individual can utilize the “big dog”
to continue moving minorities in a positive direction and make a significant impact
in this world.
It is a shame to see our own brothers and sisters degrade organizations that’s sole
founding purpose was to better its people. The first organization is celebrating 100
years this year and most of us would like to see another 100. They are all great
organizations who through its membership thrive for the empowerment of black
So before you are so quick to judge, being Greek is not for everyone, step back and
look at those who are Greek around you. See how they are individuals with a big
goal set out to do great things. Please don’t disrespect an organization of which Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the greatest leaders in our history, chose to be a
member. If you sit back and look at the big picture, it isn’t a questions of why
would you want to be Greek, but more why wouldn’t you want to be Greek? If you
truthfully know the answer to this question, that is completely understandable.
Otherwise, you may be limiting your own experiences and achievements because
you judge something you don’t completely understand.
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The Writer’s Block
BY: Christopher Alexander Meullion
You see men and women differ in how they mature. Men
come into college with very little to no intentions of growing spiritually,
mentally, and physically. Then, again, how many people in general
consciously seek growth. It usually comes out of retrospect.
Women are more likely to come into college with expectations of
growth but they, as well, get side tracked.
The freshman woman in college comes in excited and ready to take on a new much larger social atmosphere than
she is used to. She is ready to meet new people, make new friends, and find the guy of her dreams. All she really finds is
trouble for the most part, when it comes to guys. Unfortunately, the freshman girl is naïve, and attracted to status. It
seems that any guy who has some type of status whether it be money, affiliation with an organization, or just being an
upperclassmen, creates the effect of girls who will automatically show some type of interest. The bad thing about this is
that guys know girls just about as well as girls know guys. So guys know what girls are attracted to and they try to
manifest that persona. So the freshman girl gets played her freshman year, by these guys with status because she doesn’t
realize that you can’t equate status to being a good man.
The freshman male in the in college has a very different experience. He comes in knowing that the ratio of girls
to guys is way in his favor. He knows that he’s going to a collegiate community and the reputation for these places
socially is usually in his favor. The freshman guy comes into college hoping to have the time of his life. This equates to
going out, trying things he may not have tried before, and exercising his new found freedom. One of his major goals is
popularity among girls first and then respect among guys. He goes about trying to meet as many girls as possible but yet
not have a player label. He feels that the more girls he has “on his team” (so to speak) the more respect he will get from
the guys and the better he feels about himself.
The sophomore male comes back into the college atmosphere basically trying to have more fun this year
than last year. This year is bigger and better because he finally has status. Now he knows that he is going to
be more attractive to women especially incoming freshman women. He has learned what doesn’t work and
what does work to pick up girl now. He has gotten a hint as to what it takes to get those seemingly hard to
reach women. So his game is polished a little bit and he’s back in action.
The sophomore girl comes back to the college environment revived from the previous bad
experiences and ready to succeed. She tends to take more from her past experiences and wants to learn from
them. She vows not to make the same mistakes with guys and to not even worry about guys this year. This
year is supposed to be academics first. Her biggest downfall is lack of experience. Through experience
comes maturity (most of the time). So she tends to fall back into some old habits. The hardest one to get rid
of is being attracted to status. She still has not made that connection that status means nothing. She doesn’t
fall for the same guys but now she falls for guys that put on the good guy façade. The best thing that’s going
for her right now is her friendships. Her friendships become real bonds this year. These friends are going to
be the ones that help her get through her tough times.
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The Writer’s Block
The junior year for both the male and female is the most important year in college. This is the year
when most students cross or pledge some Greek organization. This is also the year where some guys
change and most girls acquire unfavorable feelings towards men.
The junior woman comes back this year, and she is either in a relationship that has lasted for
a while or just got out of a relationship. This is the year that she finally starts to make the connection
that guys with status aren’t necessarily the best guys for her. This year is so detrimental for her
because this is where she develops her bias towards men. Guys since the beginning of college have
not proven their worth. She hates guys now, realizes that she needs to work on herself, or is really
scared to get into another relationship. This year is also one of her most vulnerable years because if
she is to get into another relationship the guy that she dates will have a well polished game by then.
So if he breaks her heart she will take it extremely hard.
The junior guy experiences his most exciting year this year. He has decided what affiliation
he wants to be apart of and is in process. Or he has his car and apartment and finally feels like his
game is tight. For the most part, it is. This year is when guys realize that all that playing around the
first two years of school is going to cost them. They see that they may have to be in an extra few
semesters. They also can’t seem to figure out why they think girls are crazy. Guys this year tend to
hit on underclassmen because junior and senior girls are hard to get because of their harden hearts
and protective walls. Some guys realize that they need to be serious with their academic and social
lives. Many do not.
Guys are scared this year. They are in a scramble to meet all their graduation requirements. They are excited
about what’s to come but have to focus on getting there first. I would say this is the point at which guys are
most mature in college. Their senior year that have so much to focus on, that they really don’t have time to play
the games with the girls. Most really don’t have time for a relationship. So if they are lucky to have a
relationship in good standing already they hold on to it and focus on graduating.
Women this year are also focused on graduating. They are fed up with guys and don’t really feel like
messing with them. They also fight the fear of not meeting anyone and being lonely. At this point the woman
has made up her mind as to what she wants to do. Most women finally realize and are willing to accept what
they want in a man. There are other women who have come to grips with being lonely and use academic and
personal achievement, among other things, to fill that relationship void. Women leave college at the maturity
level that they are going to probably have for the rest of their lives. Guys are still trying to catch up.
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Concluding Thoughts
It may seem that they guys throughout their college experience never
really have any female or social problems. Do understand that the typical
guy will reduce a problem with female to “that girl was crazy”. Many guys,
girls, people in general don’t realize that they themselves are the cause for
most of their problems. It’s the old say that your choices define your future.
Well, I’ve come to highly respect that statement. But it’s only with maturity
that you can respect that statement. Guys undergo many problems and
issues throughout their college years. Many guys get burnt, (STDs, babies,
etc…). Many guys don’t graduate on time or drop out of school, because
they were playing around while in school.
It may also seem that it’s the guys fault for all the problem girls have
with them. Well obviously it isn’t. Yes, girls naturally mature faster than
guys, but that doesn’t mean they make mature decisions. Many girls act
upon emotions and feelings. They get themselves into trouble. Many girls
come in naïve and just don’t know any better. It’s the good guys that suffer
the most in this situation because they are stuck being some girl’s friend
who has been treated badly by other guys. They are always there for that
friend but get no love. By the time girls realize the good guys they are at
the point where they hate guys or have so much baggage that it just isn’t fair
to get into a relationship with the good guy. Thus the good guy has many
friends, but no one to share his affection with. Ultimately he is lonely and
is left to wonder what he has done?
Finally, keep in mind that there are always exceptions. So, if you
feel like you can’t relate to this then maybe you’re the exception or maybe
you’re just in denial. It is my personal opinion that of all the girls in
college, only about 5% are dateable. That’s just my personal opinion. An
interesting fact that you might find is that most girls don’t think that there
are good guys in the college, or if there are, these girls will never find them.
Dating, relationships, sex, etc……..all of that requires maturity if
you want it to be successful. College is the time where we acquire our
academic and social maturity. Some attain it faster than others. So, I would
say the best advice to having a healthy relationship is to make sure you are
where you want to be personally, spiritually, physically, etc…. before you
get into a relationship. That way you come in with as little baggage as
possible. This means you have to understand that you can’t expect to meet
that good guy or girl unless you’re willing to let them past your wall.
Secondly, once in a relationship make sure you have maturity.
There are always consequences for your actions. So, every time you choose
to do something you’re accepting the consequences whether you realize it or
not. So think about things before you do them. Don’t forget to be friends
with the person your interested in at all times whether you are in love or not.
Friendship is the basis for everything else the progresses in a relationship.
The Writer’s Block
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By: Tanya Blackwell
In today’s health driven society, we are constantly bombarded with ways to
improve our health and fitness. One way that we can do this is by eating right. How
would you feel if I told you that you are not eating right, unless you have a
sustainable table? Please read below to learn what that means and how you can
have one. Reader beware: this information may open your eyes that will change
what you see on your plate from this day forth.
• Factory Farming is Not Sustainable…
Over the past 20 years, meat production in the United States has changed
dramatically. Old MacDonald went from having a farm with cows and pigs, to having a
FACTORY with these same animals. Indeed, the image of family farms that we have been
led to believe our meat and dairy products come from, are really large industrial facilities.
These FACTORY FARMS focus on producing large volumes, even at the expense of YOUR
health and our environment. They are everything BUT sustainable.
On a factory farm, the goal is to produce the
largest amount while using the least space. This
results in hundreds to thousands of animals, confined
in unnatural conditions. They have little or no access
to sunlight or fresh air, and no space for natural
movement. In some cases, cages are used to further
restrict the animals, and mutilation of the animals is
common. Under standard procedure, chickens and
turkeys get their beaks cut off and cows get their tails
amputated or “docked”. Although a painful procedure,
tail docking is presumably intended to keep the cow
from developing infections caused by constant
exposure to manure; yet in reality, they are unable to
ward of the flies that infest their manure-filled
surroundings. At very young ages, the animals are
separated from their mothers and given milk replacer
instead of their mother’s natural milk. After enduring a
life of stress and mutilation, the animals are sent to
slaughterhouses, where they are killed with no mercy.
Continued on Next Page
The Hueman Press
Even though the USDA
has standards that
slaughterhouses are required
to meet, they are pressured to
kill quickly and gain profit, and
therefore become prone to
“accidents”. Cattle
slaughterhouses fail to
completely stun the cows
before slaughtering, leaving
them conscious. They have
also been reported for
regularly failing to kill with a
single shot. As these animals
suffer before death, their
bodies produce high levels of
endorphins, which in turn
become a part of our diet.
Besides being inhumane in the
treatment of these animals,
these factory farms are putting
our lives at stake. While you
may think their actions are
inconsequential because the
animals are going to be killed
and eaten anyway, you must
consider the consequences.
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Due to the unhealthy living conditions
imposed on these animals, they are exposed to
high levels of toxins created by the amount of
manure decomposing in an enclosed space. To
ward off the diseases and keep them from running
rampant, and also to promote faster growth,
antibiotics are given to livestock. The Union of
Concerned Scientists estimates that 70 percent of
all antibiotics used in the United States are given to
farm animals. This directly affects you and I, as
the illness and diseases that affect our own bodies
become resistant to the use of antibiotics. To
further boost efficiency and growth rates, factory
farmers use additives in the feed provided to the
animals. Instead of allowing the animals to graze
naturally to obtain an adequate diet, farmers add
heavy metals such as copper, arsenic, selenium,
and zinc to their feed. Also, to reduce overhead,
animal byproducts are added to the feed. This
increases the risk of spreading mad cow disease.
Even after the case of mad cow discovered in the
U.S. in 2003, the FDA has not banned the
loopholes in the 1997 Feed Ban which was
supposed to prohibit ruminant protein from being
fed to other ruminants. A growth inducing
hormone, rBGH (recombinant bovine growth
hormone) is also used to force cow to artificially
produce more milk. While the FDA ascertains this
hormone has no negative affects on cows or
humans, the European Union and Canada have
banned the use of rBGH as a result of safety
concerns revealed during product testing. The use
of rBGH also encourages the use of further
antibiotics, as it lowers the cows’ immune system
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• Sustainable Living is ……….
It would require myriad
pages for me to discuss the
other implications of factory
farming, suck as food irradiation
(high doses of radiation), genetic
engineering, pesticides, and soil
pollution. Factory farming also
has harmful effects on the
environment and our economy.
However, instead of focusing on
the problem, I would rather
discuss some solutions.
For more detailed information
about factory farming and how
to make healthy, sustainable
food choices, please visit:
 Buying organic and pasture raised
 Buying local.
 Supporting policy and legislation that
promotes sustainable agriculture.
Below are some ways that you can start to
have a sustainable table.
 Educate yourself. Make sure that you
know exactly what you are putting into
your body.
 Buy from a local butcher or local farm
that sells organic or sustainable meat.
If they do not have any, ask them to
order. Or you can ask your
supermarket butcher where the meat
comes from and how the animals were
raised. If he is unable to answer your
questions, perhaps you should
question your purchase.
 Visit the Eat Well Guide
( for a
national listing of stores, restaurants,
and farms that sell sustainable and
organic meat.
 Check out the Eat Seasonal
eatseasonal/) page to find when foods
are in season in your area.
 Buy food directly from your local farmer
at a farm stand or a farmers market. In
2002, there were over 3,100 farmers
markets in the US – check the USDA's
ets/map.htm) to find one near you.
 Join a food co-op or a Community
Supported Agriculture project (CSA)
 Encourage your local grocery store to
supply food from local farmers.
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The Writer’s Block
Utility is what you give for something that you want.
It should be a fair trade.
So please ensure that your goods are worth the price
they ask upfront.
By: Luqman Abdur-Rahman
Some girls are in a desperate need to perform price
And it is no charade.
To say they get their money’s worth is much more than
a stretch.
Quite a few are fooled by fools gold, and promises of
the life,
They tell yall that they’re paid.
But its too late, as your new fate, is not to be his wife.
He will dance a jig for you to relinquish your universe.
Such an embarrassing façade,
But your oversight at what is in plain sight could still be
viewed as worse.
Before your innocence and elegance shined through for
all to view
Now your light begins to fade,
Of ideals of true beauty and a woman’s duty you seem
to have no clue.
The world urges you to shake it fast, dear Ms. New
You follow the parade.
Your Prince Charming watches this from afar and I’m
sure he notes it duly.
After so much clubbing, an unfriendly warning tells you
your account is near empty
And you feel like you’d been played.
Now cursing the world and hating your girls for their
self love seems tempting.
So to use an econ lesson that I feel can be relevant to all
It is to not be afraid
When you learn that a man’s presumed deposits could
actually be a withdrawal.
So study and learn the fundamental difference between
debit and credit
Learn it as if for a grade.
And don’t swipe those cards, unconscious of your loss,
You know you’re
from the SOUTH
You board up all
windows & doors in
preparation for the
Apocalypse, with
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The W riter’s B lock
BY: Hannah Cho
If you ask people who know me, many of them will say “Hannah is crazy!” Now the word “crazy” has a
bad connotation. Many people would be offended to be labeled “crazy.” Most of you probably will equate
“crazy” with “psychotic,” “fanatical,” and other words to describe someone who is not of sound mind. However
it has been my experience that being “crazy” is one of the best characteristics a person can posses in life. Some
of you may be puzzled with what I am saying. Consequently, let me explain myself.
The definition of crazy is a deviation from the norm. Most people spend their entire lives trying to fit in
the norm. Most people also try very hard to be normal. Thus, for someone to not want to be in the norm and
deviate seems almost insane. However, I want you all to think about this: What is so wonderful about being
normal? Why is it so bad to deviate from the status quo?
Before you answer these questions, consider these historical figures: who, in their time were
labeled crazy!
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: It was considered crazy to possess Dr. King’s
philosophy in Civil Rights Era. The idea of integrated public institutions was crazy.
It had seldom occurred in the entire existence of the United States. Civil rights was
a far fetched idea that most people believed would never happen. Nevertheless,
Dr. King carried on with his vision. He pressed on forward although his dreams
and ideas were tagged as crazy. And in the end, civil rights were passed and Dr.
King’s legacy changed the world.
Albert Einstein: For the majority of his life, Einstein was labeled mad and insane.
Nobody in his time believed in the abstract scientific and mathematical principles
that Einstein passionately pursued. When he would share and explain his ideas,
his peers would call him crazy and tell him to stop wasting his time on these
fanciful ideas. They told him to be more practical and research the concepts that
everyone else was doing. However, Einstein was not deterred. He continued with
his experiments and theories and eventually revolutionized the scientific arena.
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14 of
19thing. If being crazy means
Now consider if being crazy
is such
a bad
taking a chance on something that you feel passionate about- BE CRAZY. If
being crazy means not letting obstacles stand in your pursuit of your goalsBE CRAZY. If being crazy means following in the footsteps of predecessors
such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Albert Einstein, then by all means, BE
I challenge you all to be crazy. Take a chance on crazy opportunities
that come along your way. Take it from me, it might be one of the best
decisions you make. Joining AASU and serving as the Black History Month
Chair is one of the craziest things I have ever done. However, it’s one of the
best things I have ever done. I have met people who have truly impacted me
and I have participated in events that have changed my college career.
On that note, I’d like to personally thank some very influential/crazy AASU members:
• Valerie- Thank you so much for taking a chance on me. I know it must have been crazy to try and convince
people that a 5’3” Korean-American girl could be the Black History Month Chair. It truly has been your
constant support and positive attitude that has enabled me to serve as BHM Chair. You are a woman of high
caliber and beauty. I am so glad to have met you in my life and I am honored that I can call you my friend.
• James- Whether I like to admit it or not, you are one of the most interesting guys I have met in life. I admire
your dedication to everything. I am in constant awe of your work ethic and passion. You will go far in life
and I’m thankful that I have the opportunity to come along for the ride.
• Antroine- I have a very high regard for you. I admire your commitment to all the aspects of your life
whether it’s academics, your fraternity, Onyx Ball and of course pursuing women. You are truly unique and
one of a kind. Also, I can’t get over your dimples!
• Jeremy & Deona- Thank you for being so genuine and caring. Both of you all’s kindness towards me has
meant the world. I really respect both of your work ethics and compassion towards others. I am grateful for
all the insights and thoughts that you both have given me this year. Also, BLC was incredible!
• Elliot- You give the best hugs! You always seem to show up when I’m going through a rough patch and
make me feel better. You are a great person to talk to and I really enjoy all the events that you put on and/or
participate in.
• Cedric: Thank you for always making me smile. Your talents, especially your singing, are always a
highlight in my day. And don’t worry, you’ll find your soul mate... she’s out there, keep looking!
• Christin, Bath-Ammi & Erika: Thank you all for supporting me and Black History Month. You all are
amazing and incredible women.
• Luqman & Tanya: Both of you are remarkable! I constantly marvel at both of your wisdom and life
experiences. I feel blessed to know you both and I thank you both for allowing me to be a part of your lives.
Accordingly, I want to thank ALL of you for giving me the opportunity to serve as your 2005-2006 Black History Month
Chair. It has truly been a wonderful experience that has reinforced many important concepts in life. You all have inspired me
to keep pressing forward and to keep pursuing my goals. Most importantly, you all have taught me that sometimes in life, we
have to be crazy and take risks.
I believe that this is just the beginning of my AASU journey. I am excited about what lies ahead and I hope that you
all will join the “crazy” band wagon and be fearless with me.
Thank you again for everything. I’m CRAZY about all of you.
The Writer’s Block
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By: Omar Phillips
Let’s take it black, way black, back into the time of our history. We as a black race have suffered innumerable
amounts of injustice and persecution. From the economic, social, and physical degradation of an entire continent, to
America’s racial segregation and discrimination preventing basic civil liberties to one just because of a darker pigmentation
of the skin, now to a social infrastructure positioned to keep an already beaten race down and out. Despite being dealt the
worst cards for centuries, the black race has been able to fight back and still we remain today. We are here because of
people who played integral parts into a larger picture. We are because of people like Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King,
Thurgood Marshall, The Little Rock Nine, NAACP etc and leading to the my point where are here because of Black Greeks.
Black Greeks played just as an integral part to the success of the black community as some of the figureheads of
the civil rights movement listed above. They have helped improved the socioeconomic conditions of both men and women and
provided a tight network with one another to ensure that each would survive in the racially hostile environment. They have
stood in marches, boycotts, and have taken steps that even the NAACP could not have taken for the success of our
community. Black Greeks have done a lot.
The People and GOD
So they have done a lot in the past and they definitely still do a lot today but in terms of spirituality there some things that
do not line up especially since these organizations are founded on Christian principles. There are a lot of areas that could
be touched on but let’s deal with the core issue and then deal with other things accordingly.
So let’s talk about being a Christian and being a Black Greek, more specifically being a Christian and going
through the initiation process. Remember everything is being said from a Christian perspective so if your not a Christian
this would not apply. So let us begin. To get into a Black Greek organization especially as undergraduate there is usually
a two-part process -that official and unofficial process. The official process consists of late nights memorizing
information, taking tests, and some type of physical activity in a nutshell. The unofficial, and also illegal process, consist
of some type of physical, mental, and/or emotional maltreatment. Which type is focusedPage
on usually
is related
9 of
14 to whether
or not you are joining a fraternity or sorority. So let us deal with fraternities first who more so deal with the physical.
This physical aspect is being paddled.
Now, we all know that “ASKQIADSZ Fraternity/Sorority Incorporated does not partake in Hazing in any form or
fashion,” just as this statement was probably drilled into memory the last night of set, but when it comes down to it that is
just a lie for so many chapters. What will happen is that your already black butt will become blacker and probably feel
like a piece of rubber after you get your butt paddled so many times from not remembering information, or not saying
something fast enough. Now, this is the best of the worst processes if it consists of strictly paddling. You can imagine to
what other extremes chapters who take this newfound level of authority can do.
You know you’re from the
south when…
Every statement is followed
by a question ( i.e.“ya
Continued on next page…
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GREEKS & GOD cont’d
Now, let us deal with the ladies. The physical aspect in terms of being paddled is not as frequent
but what women do have to go through is a lot of mental and emotional maltreatment. Telling you
that “you are not worth it, you are not good enough, you are ugly, why would anyone want you” is
some things you would have to endure through the unofficial process. What else you would have
to deal with are people in your face, probably cussing at you and physically hitting you, yelling at
you, pushing you around etc. This is also the best of the worst.
The reason I say that this illegal process is wrong, is for this reason. I want you to imagine
yourself in a lightly lit basement at 1 o’clock in the morning with a group of men or women. For
some of you this will not be too hard to imagine. No chairs, no carpet, just a mundane gray
concrete floor and concrete walls around you. Some of those people there would be the guys or
girls you are on line with. You are all standing in line in height order. You have spent a lot of time
with them and they are probably getting on your nerves at this point. You are all wearing the same
dark colors and the same one of a few draws and/or bras for the last few weeks that you must wear.
The other people there would be the ones who you are giving the authority to put you through the
process. These are your “Big Brother” and “Big Sister”. They are walking around you in an
intimidating way asking you question after question and maybe not wanting you to mess up but
ready to dish out some punishment if you do. Now I want to imagine you are half way through the
night, you have already been punished, hit, cussed at, grabbed up, yelled at, and/or pushed around
and just as someone asks you a question that you know you are going to mess up. At that split
second I want you to imagine that Jesus appeared directly behind that person. What would He
What would Jesus say? What would Jesus say as one assumed the paddle position. What would he say as you got ready to subject
your body, a body that is suppose to be dedicated to his glory, to physical harm. What would he say as you let someone call you out
your name, cuss at you, and grab you up. Would he say, “you can do this, trust in me, and I will get you through this tough time. I
will give you the strength to endure through each hit, each push.” Would he say “its OK, just take it in strides, look it as a game, as a
test, when they cuss at you, grab you up, and get up in your face. You can get through this. Look towards me for your strength.”
Would he say “yes my daughter or yes my son, I know this has been a desire of yours for some time and I know you really want this?
You can do it.” Would he say this everyday that you willingly subjected yourself to this same maltreatment?
Is this what the Jesus who you saw suffer in the Passion of the Christ say? Is this what the Jesus who suffered 39 lashes across his
body with whips and chains say? Is this what Jesus, the one who got his flesh torn from his skin, the one who was dragged in his own
blood say? The one who was spit, cussed, and mocked at? The one who wore a thorn of crowns, had his side pierced, and had his
hands and feet hammered to a cross with a stake?
Is this what he would say? Or would he say “My child I was beaten so you would not have to be beaten. I was mocked so you would
not have to be mocked. My precious daughter and sons of Zion, you are royalty. You are a Queens and Kings of the Father. You are
majestic and set apart. You are chosen. You are special. You are more precious than any silver or gold. You are holy. You are
wondrous. I have made you so no one on this Earth is like you. You are unique. You are leaders of my kingdom. Ambassadors for
my righteousness. You are made to be the head and not the tail. You are a royal priesthood, a peculiar people. Before I even thought
of conceiving this Earth, I thought of you. You are truly awesome and my greatest prized possession. You are you and just because
of that you are awesome and the apple of my eye. My anointed women of purpose and victorious men of impact. I was cursed and
cussed at so you would not have to be subjected to it. I was disrespected, and despised so you could be fruit of my labor. I was made
low, so you can be made high. I was humiliated so you could be glorified.”
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GREEKS & GOD cont’d
When it comes down to it, everyone wants to live in some realm of glory. We all like accolades from friends
and family. We all feel good if we take part in something like a pageant, game, or a sport and we win. We all
enjoy being in the spot light. If you score the game-winning touchdown you expect the accolades to come. Or
when you win a race, you raise your hands in the air in excitement and put up that number 1 and everyone is
saying good job. Or even getting an A on a test and putting it in the BSO board. God created you and I for
glory so we are all creatures of it. So it is perfectly OK that this glory is what makes us feel special. However,
because this sense of glory makes us feel so good and so special we are at times willing to do more than we
need to in order to get it.
I think what a lot of us, as Christians, need to realize is that God has a grave for both you and I. Yes, God has
a grave for you and I. You see, we get so focused on feeling good, feeling satisfied, relying on ourselves to
feel complete that we are not willing to die. And it is only by dieing, and casting self aside, can the Lord
resurrect something bigger and better in our life. We are fighting so hard to hold on to our dreams, our
desires, our logic, and our personal goals in life, that we do not stop to think to ask God and wait for him to
say what are His goals for our life. You and I cannot see bigger or better than God and you cannot bless
yourself like God can bless you. God will work things out if you let him but that is only if you let him. The
Lord does not want to kill your dreams he just wants to show you that there are too small and that what he has
planned for you is better. The Lord does not want you to be alone, he just is trying to prepare your heart for
THE relationship. It is not that the Lord does not want you to be a success, he wants you to be success in his
way and in his time. When you rush God or use your own logic to rationalize situations you are only delaying
that special some one you have been look for to come into your life, the special job, that special school, or that
particular lifestyle because then God has to fix what you started to mess up. It’s like having Jesus in the driver
seat and you are giving him directions. Just let him drive and if you realized that you have been in the driver’s
seat for a while, just give Jesus the wheel because he is waiting to drive you to happiness.
Here is some information regarding Greeks and/or Christianity (provides a surplus of info)
Not talking about the physical but those who respond back to this will probably reference it so before they do,
one argument is you are putting them through what the army does. In a nutshell, Black Greeks are not the
army, Boot Camp is sanctioned by the army, and as punishment they do not beat them or degrade them but
they put the recruits through extreme physical activity. If they do beat them, they are in the wrong too, but the
most definitely do not have a paddle waiting for them when recruits mess up. They have a toothbrush and a
floor or 1000 squats.
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The W riter’s B lock
Here’s my scope. Can you see the great pretenders that live lies and blow smoke? Those who
lease glass homes shouldn’t throw boulders. Those who wear transparent mascara or diluted
cologne dare not present themselves as an enemy to any camp. However, individuals who depend on
mommy and daddy dare not offend those who have not. Have more compassion for the few who
cared enough to support you.
Can someone please explain to me why some of Us refuse to lock arms and overtake this
block? I’m tired of running into these half black individuals who feel they don’t need anybody or any
organization specifically founded on the grounds of their advancement. Let’s pretend for a moment
you don’t need… You still have a responsibility to pull. Pull? Yes pull. Allow me to introduce to few
and present to most the concept of “push and pull.” Let’s say you have made it… you’ve arrived…
Get off your pedestal and come back and get me!! Still, I love my people. To those who haven’t quite
accomplished what you set out to do, motivate and encourage those who have achieved their goals
even if they coincide with yours. Sometimes I dream of grabbing the entire Race by the neck and
slapping the sour taste of jealousy from our mouth. Still, I love my people. What happened to those
crazy racist who tried to oppress an entire race? Before you answer that question ponder this one.
Why shoot dinner when dinner killed itself? Anything whites can do blacks can do better. I guess we
decided to take that adage to a whole new level. Our jealousy often eats away at our core and does
more damage than interracial racism could ever accomplish. Still, I love my people.
You know you’re
from the South
You travel up
NORTH and can’t
With that said I’m seeing so many positive
things on this campus within The community that
warm my heart. I’m beginning to see resources
becoming readily available. Different people are
interacting with those who may have never crossed
paths. On a daily basis we are disproving the
stereotype that defines a “techy”. However, with
that said we must continue to improve. Here are
some quick critiques. The BSO isn’t a Holiday Inn.
“Jumping fresh” on Friday doesn’t erase the other
four days of ugly. After being dropped repeatedly
please do not continue to throw yourself at people.
B.U.M is not in. It suggests your too lazy to change
clothes, unaware of hygiene, and haven’t showered
in weeks. Still, I love my people.
I’ve got love for all my Greeks who have recently
become the focal point of much negative debate as
well as debates in general. Those
N.O.T.O.R.I.O.U.S brothers treat me cool. And the
pretty boyz who proudly rep the crimson… uhh
burgundy… I mean crimson do a fine job.
Continued on next page….
The W riter’s B lock
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Yeah, I’ve got love for the brothers of Omega Psi Phi; however, lately I haven’t been
able to find anyone to love. Make some noise for the lovely ladies of Delta Sigma Theta
who’ve made a thunderous return. How can I forget about my pretty girls…? O how I love
pretty girls. I hear they taught the rest just how to cater. Like I said earlier, I have love for all
my Black Letter Greek Organizations. I may lack love for all black Greeks as individuals, but I
dare not condemned an entire organization for the uncharacterized acts of The Few. No you’re
not perfect; however perfection rarely is. All I can ask is that you along with everyone else
strive to be better.
Let’s be real. I strongly dislike fake people who make people believe they take people
seriously when they only respect the motions. Perhaps it’s only me or simply the notion that
being real isn’t what society needs. I find it to be common practice that certain individuals
spend the greater half of the shallow lives acting and reacting as they are expected. I’ve also
concluded that if an individual’s level of productivity could equal the size of her ego some
people would make Tech a 3 year program. We all share a lot of the same issues and by
pretending not to have any it doesn’t raise you above me it only sets you aside from me.
Remember we do have those who’ve managed to fake themselves out of college, alone, and
B no
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As for my ladies, again let’s be
real the ratio is not in your favor.
There’s only one of me and too many
of you. How dare you suggest that I
assess my standards and meet
yours? Perhaps you’ve been diluted
by the watered down stock of
hopelessness that is this campus. It
blows my mind when I see some
females who consider themselves the
crème of the crop in the midst of a
drought. I’ve characterized you as an
outdated, overexerted, and
exonerated burden. With that said
you have good qualities but I promise
they’re only blurred by your stank
Unfortunately, I’m sort on time
and long on observation. I promise
more of the critical facts of life in the
very near future.
The Hueman Press
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The W riter’s B lock
Most likely to Develop
Ulcer from Stress
Cedric Trice
Sharonda Wamer
Most likely to End UP
in Jail for
administering a BEAT
Most Likely to end
up on Sport
(Swimsuit Edition):
Kenny Roache
Christin LeRoy
Barry Givens
Liz Burnett
Most likely to Appear
on GQ/Vogue
Most Likely to Win a
Humanitarian Award:
James Holder
Liz Burnett
Tarik Smalls
Lauren Miller
Most Likely to
Receive an Award
for Intellectual:
Most Wanted
Nick Brown
Adaora Okwo
Luqman AbdurRahman
Ashley N. Johnson
Most Likely to Host a
Show on COMEDY
Most Likely to
Earn a million
Most Likely to Win an
Oscar for Dramatic
Most Likely to end up
their Own Talkshow:
Lamar Stewart
Valerie Williams
Omar Phillips
Cedric Trice
Erika Guy
Erika Guy
Dear AASU,
Cedric J. Trice
Thank you for trusting me with
the sound of your voice. I enjoyed
bringing your portraits of ideas to
the canvas of this newsletter. I
have a new respect for the
innovator, Miss Tanya Blackwell
and the power of the pen. I
learned a lot about what I can
accomplish and how one’s
thoughts can be transformed.
Good luck to the past & present