Effects of sample preparation and calibration strategy on accuracy and precision in the multi-elemental analysis of soil by sector-field ICP-MS{ Emma Engstro¨m,a Anna Stenberg,b Douglas C. Baxter,a Dmitry Malinovsky,b Irma Ma¨kinen,c Seppo Po¨nnid and Ilia Rodushkin*a a Analytica AB, S-977 75 Lulea˚, Sweden. E-mail: ilia.rodushkin@analytica.se Division of Applied Geology, Lulea˚ University of Technology, S-971 87 Lulea˚, Sweden c Finnish Environment Institute, P.O. Box 140, F-00251 Helsinki, Finland d Pirkanmaa Regional Environment Centre, P.O. Box 297, F-33101 Tampere, Finland b Received 25th November 2003, Accepted 18th March 2004 First published as an Advance Article on the web 28th May 2004 Soil samples were prepared for multi-element analysis using HNO3 leaching or pseudo-total digestion with HNO3, HCl and HF in a microwave oven, both methods requiring 70 min heating time. Two calibration approaches for the soil characterization were also compared: external calibration, combined with internal standardization, and isotope dilution (ID) after appropriate spiking of the soils with a stable isotope mixture prior to sample preparation. Analyses were performed using inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry (ICP-SFMS). Accurate total elemental concentrations were only obtained for Cd and P using both sample preparation methods in two certified reference materials, NIST SRM 2709 and CCRMP SO-2, as well as comparable values for a Finnish inter-laboratory soil. The pseudo-total digestion method also provided accurate results for As, Be, Co, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Ti, V and Zn. For Cu in SO-2 and Cr in both certified reference materials, incomplete recoveries were always obtained. In the case of Cr, this is due to difficulties associated with the complete solubilization of refractory minerals. For a given final dilution factor, external calibration provides better limits of detection (LODs) than ID. As both methods of quantification yield results of essentially equivalent accuracy and precision, external calibration is to be preferred as a greater number of elements are amenable to analysis in a shorter measurement time. On the other hand, ID can be combined with matrix separation (NH3 precipitation was used here), allowing lower dilution factors to be used without deleterious effects on the instrumental performance. In particular, improved LODs could be obtained for Cd, Cu and Hg, primarily as a result of being able to introduce ten-fold more concentrated solutions from which the bulk of the matrix had been removed. For Cu and Ni, matrix separation almost eliminated Ti, and thus the formation of spectrally interfering TiO1 was completely suppressed. Potentially, the combination of ID and matrix separation would allow these elements to be determined without resorting to medium resolution measurement mode, again improving the LODs for the determination by ID-ICP-SFMS. DOI: 10.1039/b315283a Introduction 858 During the last decade there has been an increasing need for reliable measurements of heavy metal concentrations in environmental samples. Of these, soil is of a complex nature, with variable amounts of mineral phases, co-precipitated and sorbed species associated with soil minerals or organic matter, and dissolved species that may be complexed by a variety of organic and inorganic ligands.1 Numerous sample preparation procedures have been developed for soils, bearing in mind factors such as time and equipment constraints, as well as the needs of the end-users of the data. Various national and international standards have also been introduced, dictating the methods applied in routine analytical laboratories. These include acid extractable fractions using HNO3 and aqua regia,2 total mineralization applying alkaline fusion,3 high pressure digestion with HNO3 and HF,4 prolonged digestion/wet ashing with acids including HNO3 and HF,4 and, in addition, HClO4,5 and HCl,6 and microwave digestion using HNO3 and HF,2 plus H2O2.7 Thus, to achieve total elemental coverage, several methods may be required, depending on the chemical nature of the analytes and the soil matrix.8 Separation of the element of { Presented at the 4th International Conference on High Resolution Sector Field ICP-MS, Venice, Italy, October 15–17, 2003. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2004, 19, 858–866 interest may also be necessary to attain measurements of high quality.6,8,9 The elevated interest in comparability and traceability of results has also led to demands for verifiable accuracy and improved precision. Certified and laboratory matrix reference materials, with known elemental content, are important tools for quality control and performance assessment, and may be used for both inter- and intra-laboratory comparisons and evaluations.10 Today there are a number of soil reference materials available11 but, as yet, this quantity does not cover all future demands12 and the large variation in soil chemistry worldwide.13 Thus, the needs for soil reference materials continue to increase, in particular regarding their characterization with respect to a wider range of elements. The instrumental technique of inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry (ICP-SFMS) is an excellent choice for such characterization, due to its great detection capabilities, the possibility for interference-free determination and significantly improved isotopic ratio precision (in low resolution mode) compared with quadrupole-based systems (ICP-QMS).14 For routine analyses, external calibration with internal standardization is used (almost) exclusively with ICP-SFMS, thus relying on the aforementioned attractive features of the technique. Should non-spectral interferences persist, then alternative calibration strategies, such as isotope dilution (ID),15 may be required. This journal is ß The Royal Society of Chemistry 2004 Isotope dilution mass spectrometry is often regarded as a definitive method, since all chemical manipulations are carried out on a direct weight basis, and the analysis involves isotope ratio measurements rather than absolute mass determinations.16 As the method is founded on a sound theoretical basis, and since a complete uncertainty statement can be budgeted, ID has the highest metrological qualities.17–20 After equilibration of the natural analyte and spike, all sampling handling will affect the isotopes equally, which eases the complete recovery requirement for purification and pre-concentration steps, yet contamination must still be avoided.21 By using an isotope of the same element as an internal standard, non-spectral interference effects are perfectly corrected, and thus ID is often applied during the analysis of samples containing complex matrices like soils.6,7,22 Using ID, however, at least two spectrally interference-free stable (or in certain cases long-lived radio-) isotopes of each analyte must be available, and a priori knowledge of concentrations may be desirable to achieve an optimum mixture of the spike and sample.21 Total dissolution of analyte-bearing phases in the soil and avoidance of selective losses of the measurand or the enriched isotope are also vital to ensure complete equilibration between the original sample and spike. Uncertainties in isotopic abundances and spike concentrations, the costs of material and the fact that several environmentally interesting elements are mono-isotopic, may present further practical limitations.21 The object of this study was to compare the capabilities of external calibration and ID for the multi-elemental characterization of a candidate soil reference material by ICP-SFMS, with respect to the accuracy and uncertainty of the results. Practical aspects, in particular regarding methods of sample preparation and elemental coverage, as well as labour and instrument-time requirements, are also considered. Experimental Instrumentation The ICP-SFMS instrument used was the ELEMENT (Finnigan MAT, Bremen, Germany) equipped with an ASX 500 sample changer (CETAC Technologies, Omaha, NE, USA), Ni sampler (orifice diameter 1.1 mm) and skimmer (0.8 mm) cones, and a standard torch with 1.5 mm injector diameter. The instrument provides three fixed resolution settings (m/Dm # 320, 4200 and 10 500). For sample introduction a Teflon micronebulizer (Elemental Scientific Inc., Omaha, NE, USA) was used with a peristaltic pump (Perimax 12, SPETEC, Erding, Germany) to control the sample uptake rate at approximately 80 ml min21. Instrumental operating conditions and data acquisition parameters used for external calibration measurements are reported elsewhere.23,24 Details of the conditions employed for ID measurements are given in Table 1. A microwave oven (MDS-2000, CEM, Matthews, NC, USA), equipped with 12 perfluoroalkoxy-lined vessels with safety rupture membranes, was used for sample digestion. The centrifuge used was a Megafuge 1.0 (Heraeus Sepatech, Hannover, Germany). Samples and reagents All calibration and internal standard solutions used for external calibration were prepared by diluting 1 g l21 single element standard solutions (SPEX Plasma Standards, Edison, NJ, USA). The certified isotopic reference materials 111Cd (92.11%), 65 Cu (99.30%), 53Cr (98.23%), 67Zn (94.60%), 61Ni (86.44%) and 199Hg (91.09%) in metallic/oxidic forms were purchased from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Oak Ridge, TN, USA), except 206Pb (92.15%), which was Radiogenic Lead Isotope Standard, NIST SRM 983 (Gaithersburg, MD, USA). The enriched isotopes were dissolved in appropriate acids and diluted to approximately 100 mg l21 for storage in pre-cleaned Nalgene glass bottles. Element concentrations in these solutions were determined by ICP-OES (excluding Hg) with external calibration and correction for isotopic shifts, and by reverse-ID using ICP-QMS and ICP-SFMS.18 NIST SRM 981 (Common Lead Isotope Standard) was used to correct for instrumental mass discrimination during Pb isotope ratio measurements. The dilution of samples and standards was performed using distilled Milli-Q (MQ) water (Millipore Milli-Q, Bedford, USA). Analytical-reagent grade nitric acid (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) was utilized after additional purification by subboiling distillation in a quartz still. The hydrofluoric (40%, Merck, Suprapure grade) and hydrochloric (30%, Fluka, Steinheim, Germany, analytical-plus grade) acids, as well as 25% ammonia solution (Merck, Suprapure grade), were used without additional purification. The soil reference materials used were NIST SRM 2709 (San Joaquin Soil) and Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology Reference Soil Sample SO-2. Additional information about these materials is provided in the certificates of analysis. The in-house soil control sample, intended for quality control and performance assessment in an on-going interlaboratory comparison, was collected in southern Finland (Kangasala) near by an esker. The sample was dried at room temperature and sieved through a 0.25 mm sieve followed by dividing into 50 g sub-samples using a rotary sample divider equipped with a vibratory feeder. The homogeneity of the sample was tested by replicate analyses at the analytical laboratory of the Finnish Environment Institute using ICPQMS. Hereafter this sample will be referred to as M1. As the deadline for submission of analytical results from participating Table 1 Isotope dilution measurement parameters Element Cd Ratio Resolution Acquisition mode Acquisition window (%) Integration window (%) Dwell time/s Setting timea/s No. of samples per nuclide No. of scans On-line mass bias correction Bracketing standards 114 Cr 111 Cd/ Cd Low E-scan 10 10 0.001 0.001 21 3 6 2500 Sn Cd standard 52 Cu 53 Cr/ Cr Medium E-scan 80 60 0.005 0.3 15 3 6 150 No Cr standard 63 Hg 65 Cu/ Cu Low/medium E-scan 10/80 10/60 0.001/0.005 0.001/0.3 21/15 3 6 2500/3 6 150 No Cu standard 201 Ni 199 Hg/ Hg Low E-scan 10 10 0.001 0.001 21 3 6 2500 Tl Hg standard 60 Pb 61 Ni/ Ni Low/medium E-scan 10/80 10/60 0.001/0.005 0.001/0.3 21/15 3 6 2500/3 6 150 No Ni standard 208 Zn 206 Pb/ Pb Low E-scan 10 10 0.001 0.001 21 3 6 2500 Tl SRM 981 66 Zn/67Zn Medium E-scan 80 60 0.005 0.3 15 3 6 150 No Zn standard a For isotope ratio measurements in medium resolution, 0.3 s settling times were used to ensure stable mass calibration throughout the duration of the scans. The mass range covered in medium resolution also requires the magnet mass to be changed at least once; all specified Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn isotopes were measured in each scan. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2004, 19, 858–866 859 laboratories expired in November 2003, this report will not interfere with the performance evaluation scheme. Sample preparation Soil samples were prepared using microwave-assisted (MW) treatment according to the following procedures. HNO3 digestion. 0.5 g of sample was digested (2 6 30 min at 600 W power followed by 10 min at 800 W power) with 5 ml of concentrated HNO3. Although HNO3 alone is incapable of extracting elements associated with the silicate matrix, this type of leaching has been generally used in environmental exposure assessment in Nordic countries, in accordance with US EPA Method 3050. Digestion with acid mixture. The soil samples, 0.2 g, were digested in a mixture of HNO3 (3 ml), HCl (2 ml) and HF (1 ml) using the same MW parameters as for HNO3 digestion. This acid mixture has proven to provide quantitative recoveries for a variety of elements in a suite of solid samples, including soils.23–26 Analysis of SRM 2709 digests by ICP-OES revealed recovery of approximately 65–70% of the sum of major inorganic constituents. Low Ca, Mg and Al recoveries are due to formation of insoluble fluorides,27 present as a grey residue after sample digestion. This precipitate can be brought into solution by either repeated evaporation of the digest with HNO3 or by addition of H3BO3.26 As the excess of HF is unlikely to cause formation of precipitate for elements under consideration in this study, neither of these approaches was tested. It should be stressed that some of the most refractory minerals, such as zircons and chromites, may not be completely solubilized using the proposed method. The use of alternative sample preparations (e.g., fusion, Carius tube digestion or high pressure ashing) or longer MW digestion procedures at higher pressures and temperatures should be selected for complete dissolution.28 For ID quantification, weighed amounts of isotopic spike mixture were added to half of the samples prior to digestion. In order to minimize the relative error in the measured isotope ratios in the spiked samples, concentrations of analytes in the mixture as well as the added amounts were optimized in accordance with the procedure proposed by Garcı´a Alonso,29 taking into account concentrations in sample M1 obtained by external calibration and the sample mass for each procedure. All operations for preparation of the spike mixture were performed gravimetrically. No separate optimization was performed for soil reference materials. To avoid risks of diluting digestion media excessively, less than 500 ml of the mixture was used. After sample treatment, all solutions were transferred to precleaned polypropylene auto-sampler tubes and the volume was adjusted to 10 ml with distilled MQ-water. For reproducibility assessment, each sample digestion was repeated on at least two different days. At least three replicates of sample M1 were prepared for each digestion and each preparation day, both with and without spike addition. At least two procedural blanks were prepared together with each digestion batch using just the reagent solutions. 860 relatively high sample dilution is important to minimize these matrix effects, keeping response variations within 10% even for long (w5 h) analytical sequences. Further discussion on the selection of appropriate sample dilution for ICP-SFMS can be found elsewhere.24 Samples were analysed using In and Lu for internal standardization (added to all solutions at 25 mg l21) and external calibration using a set of multi-element standards in the expected concentration range. Analysis by isotope dilution For Cr isotope ratio measurements, digestion solutions were diluted as described for solutions intended for analysis by external calibration. For Pb isotope ratio measurements, digestion solutions were diluted to obtain approximately 5 mg l21 of total Pb in the measuring solutions, followed by addition of Tl at 5 mg l21 (for on-line mass discrimination correction). For the rest of the analytes, matrix separation was performed as follows: 2 ml of the digested spike–sample blend solution was added dropwise to a pre-cleaned polypropylene auto-sampler tube containing 2 ml NH3 solution. The solution was carefully swirled and immediately (within 10 min from digest addition) centrifuged at 4000 rev min21 for 4 min. The supernatant was thereafter transferred into another precleaned polypropylene auto-sampler tube. The resulting solution was diluted 10-fold further with distilled MQ-water thus providing significantly lower dilution factor compared to that required for external calibration. For on-line mass bias correction, an aliquot intended for Hg analysis was spiked with Tl at 5 mg l21. Prior to each isotope ratio measurement session, thorough mass calibration was performed in ‘manual’ mode for all isotopes monitored. Each measurement sequence starts with analysis of a synthetic blank, followed by a standard with known isotopic composition, synthetic blank, procedural blanks, samples, synthetic blank and standard. Dead time correction was performed on-line by the instrumental software. Measured isotope ratios were transferred to a spreadsheet program for blank and mass discrimination corrections. The latter were performed using the bracketing standards approach. For Pb, Hg and Cd on-line mass discrimination correction was also possible (Table 1) according to the linear model30 using external element ratios. The mass concentration of analyte in the sample, Cx (mg g21), was calculated as:17–20 Mx .my .A2,y . Rx Ry {Rb . Cx ~Cy (1) My .mx .w.A1,x Rb {Rx where Cy represents the mass concentration of the spike (mg g21), M x and M y the atomic weights (g mol21) of the sample and the spike, mx and my the masses (g) of soil sample and spike solution in the blend, A2,y and A1,x the atom fractions of the enriched isotope in the spike and the reference isotope in the sample, and Rx, Ry and Rb are the mass discriminationcorrected isotope amount ratios in the sample, spike and blend, respectively. The term w is a correction factor for sample moisture content.19 All measurements were performed in at least two independent sessions using two different ICP-SFMS instruments. Analysis by external calibration Uncertainties Digestion solutions were diluted with 0.28 M HNO3, resulting in dilution factors of approximately 2000 and 4000 for HNO3 leaching and acid mixture digestion, respectively. Though samples with lower dilution can be run by ICP-SFMS, high concentrations of major matrix elements (namely Al and Fe) in measuring solutions will gradually clog the orifice of the skimmer cone, affecting ion sampling into the mass spectrometer with analyte responses suffering as a result. Therefore, Most of the uncertainty components involved in analytical measurements are accounted for by replicating the entire procedure, as was done here. Most importantly, uncertainty contributions from sample heterogeneity as well as digestion, weighing and dilution operations will be included.7 J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2004, 19, 858–866 Isotope dilution. By performing measurements on at least two different days, inclusion of variations in mass discrimination correction factors, as required for the ID calculation,19 will also be achieved. Additional factors that must also be included are the uncertainties in isotopic abundances of analyte in the samples and spike materials and, most importantly, the concentrations of the latter. Other than Pb, it is assumed that the analytes in the samples have the natural isotopic abundances recommended by IUPAC.31 Of the elements determined using ID in this work, it is considered that only the IUPAC recommended isotopic abundances for Zn are inapplicable to the SPEX standards employed in this work; separate measurements made by multi-collector ICP-SFMS in this laboratory (not shown) suggest that the 66Zn/67Zn isotope amount ratio in the SPEX Plasma Standard is about 1.3% higher than the IUPAC value.31 Similar findings for other commerciallyavailable Zn standard solutions have recently been reported.32 For this reason, data appropriate to the Zn standard employed here, as well as the soil samples, were selected accordingly for use in eqn. (1). Data for the spikes were taken from the accompanying documentation, after experimental verification. For the uncertainty components originating from the spike concentrations, more detailed consideration is required. Concentrations were determined by ICP-OES (excluding Hg) with external calibration and correction for isotopic shifts, and by reverse-ID18 using ICP-QMS and ICP-SFMS. Data from these analyses were then hcombined weighted mean con to yield i0:5 e y zs2 C x centrations, UID ~k. s2 C zBy , in the manner 33 described by Schiller and Eberhardt. To account for possible systematic differences between individual concentration estimates, a bias allowance term, By, defined as the maximum absolute deviation from the weighted mean, is also calculated. The total combined uncertainty for ID, U ID, is expressed as h i0:5 e y zs2 C x UID ~k. s2 C zBy (2) to yield where k is the coverage factor,19,34 chosen an approe y the standard ximately 95% confidence level, i.e., k ~ 2, s C uncertainty of the weighted mean spike concentration and ¯ x) that of the mean sample concentration estimated from s(C replicate analyses. It should be noted that, unless all determined spike concentrations agree perfectly, By can never be zero. External calibration. Unless the behaviour of the internal standard and analytes is identical during the analysis of solid samples by ICP-SFMS, changes in normalized intensities will result. To account for such differential drift, a series of standards was run before and after the samples, and the change in slope of the linear calibration function was calculated. It was assumed that half of the deviation in the slope from the initial value corresponds to the maximum systematic error in concentration for any sample. This was used as a bias allowance term, Bcal, in computing the expanded uncertainties for determination by external calibration: ¯ x) 1 Bcal U EC ~ k?s(C (3) Again, it is assumed that all additional sources of uncertainty ¯ x), by replication of the entire analytical are included in s(C process. Limit of detection For external calibration, LODs were defined as three times the standard deviation (s) for procedural blanks, while those for ID were calculated according to the modified equation by Yu et al.;35 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi L2Da zR2y L2Db DF ID LD ~ (4) Ax {Ry Bx DFEC where LDa is the linear LOD obtained from external calibration (typically the major isotope), and LDb that calculated as LDa ~ 3Ax LDa Bx (5) for isotopes A and B (enriched isotope), Ax and Bx are the atom fractions in the sample, Ry is the isotope amount ratio in the spike, and DFID and DFEC represent the dilution factors for isotope dilution and external calibration, respectively. Results and discussion Matrix separation For the routine analysis of soil samples by ICP-SFMS, large dilution factors (w2000) are necessary to prevent problems with carryover contamination, clogging of the cones, etc. One approach to circumvent such problems is to perform some form of matrix separation prior to the instrumental measurement, which may also permit the use of lower dilution factors, and hence, improve the limits of detection of the method. Inagaki et al.9 employed NH3 precipitation to separate matrix from the total digestion of sediment samples and determine Cd by ID-ICP-QMS. In this way, isobaric interferences from Sn1 and ZrO1 were removed by co-precipitation of Sn and Zr species with the major matrix elements, Al and Fe. Owing to the inherent simplicity of this means of matrix separation and the low blank values obtained,9 NH3 precipitation was evaluated for the present application. Table 2 exemplifies the results obtained from multi-element analyses of a soil extract after matrix separation. (Note that some liquid remained in the precipitate after centrifugation and decanting the supernatant, thus partly explaining the nonquantitative recoveries of elements such as Na.) Precipitation is clearly efficacious for the removal of the major components (Al, Fe), but also for some potentially troublesome oxideforming elements, such as P, Ti and Zr.36–38 Sn is almost completely precipitated, but since Mo is not efficiently separated, as noted by Inagaki et al.,9 mathematical correction for MoO1 interferences on Cd isotopes will still be required.23,39,40 In the soils analysed, the concentrations of both Mo and Sn were comparable to, or much lower than, respectively, those of Cd, thus requiring minimal levels of correction. The fact that a substantial proportion of W persists Table 2 Percentages of elements remaining in the decanted solution phase following NH3 precipitation of an aliquot of HNO3 extract of soil sample M1a Element Solution (%) Element Solution (%) Ag Al As Ba Be Bi Ca Cd REEb Cl Co Cr Cs Cu Fe Ga Hf Hg I K Li 84 3.3 1.4 72 0.8 v0.1 65 91 v0.04 86 89 1.3 91 91 0.05 7.7 0.1 97 92 92 50 Mg Mn Mo Na Nb Ni P Pb Rb S Sb Sn Sr Th Ti Tl U W V Zn Zr 13 72 75 93 0.3 91 0.3 0.3 91 69 9 0.8 75 0.1 v0.1 85 0.2 17 0.2 89 0.1 a Relative standard uncertainties were typically about 2%. earth elements. b Rare J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2004, 19, 858–866 861 in the dissolved phase also implies a similar requirement for WO1 correction of Hg isotopic measurements. Other oxideforming elements are rarely present in soils at concentrations likely to interfere with Hg measurement (Re, Rh, Os, Ta), or are completely removed by precipitation (Hf; see Table 2). It is important to perform phase separation soon after NH3 addition; after standing overnight, larger fractions of the soluble elements are adsorbed on the precipitated phases, resulting in lower recoveries. Unfortunately, essentially all Cr and Pb is lost from solution and thus isolated together with the bulk of the matrix. In principle, it may be possible to further separate these elements from the matrix by work-up of the precipitate, such as dissolution and ion exchange chromatography.41 Applying the anion exchange method for Fe separation described previously,42,43 preliminary results showed that it was possible to recover 74% of Pb and 93% of Cr, while eliminating w99% of Fe. Spectral interferences Limit of detection The limits of detection (LODs) for the two calibration approaches and both digestion methods are summarized in Table 3. Except for Pb, LODs for the acid mixture digestion are significantly higher compared with those for the HNO3 leaching, which is perhaps expected considering the use of less pure reagents, lower sample to reagent ratio and higher sample dilution. When comparing the two calibration approaches, poorer Table 3 Limits of detection for the analysis of soils by ICP-SFMS using external calibration and isotope dilution Limit of detection/mg g21 Elementa Method External calb Isotope dilutionc As (HR) HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture 0.01 0.3 0.007 0.02 0.002 0.006 0.007 0.14 0.01 0.05 0.009 0.6 0.1 12 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.2 0.04 0.1 0.04 0.07 0.3 0.7 0.003 0.003 0.001 0.03 0.03 0.4 0.006 0.2 0.0003 0.003 0.1 2 — — — — 0.001 0.004 0.008 0.17 — — 0.003 0.2 — — 0.008 0.03 — — — — 0.06 0.1 — — 0.006 0.006 — — — — — — — — 0.1 3 Be Cd Cr (MR) Co (MR) Cu (MR) Fe (MR) Hg Mo Mn (MR) Ni (MR) P (MR) Pb Sb Ti (MR) V (MR) U Zn (MR) a Measurements performed in medium (MR) or high (HR) resolution mode, otherwise low resolution. b Calculated using the 3s criterion. c Calculated according to Yu et al.,35 eqn. (4) 862 LODs for ID are seen for Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn. At best, the ID LOD is improved three-fold for Cu and about two-fold for Cd and Hg. Eqn. (4) results in conservative estimates of LODs, but accounts for the degree of isotopic enrichment of the spike and the uncertainties in the measurement of the spiked isotope.35 Results from an evaluation of ID made by Tibi and Heumann,44 also demonstrate higher LODs for a number of trace elements when using eqn. (4) compared with the common 3s criteria. As a rule, LODs are below 1% of the concentrations found in the investigated samples for the majority of elements. However, As, Cu and Hg concentrations in SO-2 are uncomfortably close to the corresponding LODs for acid mixture digestion. For Hg, relatively high instrumental blanks (corresponding to 10–15 ng l21 concentration levels in solution, with Ar supply lines being the most probable source), rather then reagent impurities and contamination during handling, are responsible for the poorer LODs. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2004, 19, 858–866 High resolution mass spectra were acquired for the elements Cr, Ni, Cu and Zn to elucidate the sources of spectral interferences arising from the prepared soil samples. Some selected examples are depicted in Fig. 1, showing the effects of matrix separation by NH3 precipitation on an HNO3 extract of soil sample M1. Since only minor amounts of Cr remain in solution (see Table 2), matrix separation is ineffective and, in fact, the ratio of interfering 40Ar12C1 to 52Cr1 increases considerably, from 0.03 to 0.87 (Fig. 1(a)), suggesting that a larger fraction of the C-containing species do not precipitate. For 67Zn1, the spectral interference at m/z # 66.952 is attributable to 134 Ba21,44 as confirmed by exact mass measurements and isotopic abundance ratios (measured 136Ba21/134Ba21 ~ 3.17; natural abundance31 ratio 136Ba/134Ba ~ 3.24). The fractions of Ba and Zn remaining in solution are similar (Table 2) and so matrix separation by NH3 precipitation is not expected to markedly decrease this spectral interference, as can be seen in Fig. 1(b). On the other hand, matrix separation was found to completely eliminate the spectral interferences observed on both Cu isotopes, Fig. 1 (c,d). The most commonly cited interferences in the recent literature are probably 40Ar23Na1 on 63Cu1 and SiCl1 on both Cu isotopes.19,34,46,47 However, Table 2 shows that precipitation would not substantially attenuate the Na concentration; hence ArNa1 formation can be excluded as the source of the interference on 63Cu1. In addition, the mass difference between 63Cu1 and ArNa1 (#0.023 u) is greater than that actually observed (#0.017 u). Microwave-assisted HNO3 extraction will not bring significant amounts of Si into solution, and the total digestion procedure would largely eliminate Si as volatile SiF4.19,46,47 Thus, SiCl1 species are unlikely candidates to explain the observed spectral interferences evident in Fig. 1 (c,d). Furthermore, the integrated intensity ratio of the interferent species at masses 63/65 is 1.32, whereas the natural and theoretical abundance ratios of Cu1 and SiCl1, respectively, are actually very similar, about 2.24, which also argues against assignment of the interferences to SiCl1 species. Consideration of the mass differences and isotope ratios suggests that TiO1 is responsible,36–38,45 as substantiated by further high-resolution measurements at m/z 64 (major TiO1 isotopomer) and 66. This conclusion is also verified by the fact that the interfering peaks are eliminated by matrix separation, i.e., quantitative precipitation of Ti (Table 2). Accuracy and precision Of the analytes that are routinely determined in soil samples, several are mono-isotopic (As, Be, Co, P) or else enriched isotopes were unavailable in this laboratory at the time of this study. Results for these elements are listed in Table 4: note that Fig. 1 High resolution mass spectra acquired for (a) 52Cr (with 40Ar12C1 interferent on the high mass side), (b) 67Zn (134Ba21), (c) 63Cu (47Ti16O1) and (d) 65Cu (49Ti16O1) isotopes in HNO3 extract of spiked soil sample M1 before (broken lines) and after (continuous lines) matrix separation by NH3 precipitation. The scale-expanded right-hand axes highlight the spectrally-interfered regions on the higher mass sides of the vertical dashed lines. Note that the 67Zn and 65Cu peaks in panels (b) and (d), respectively, contain major contributions from the added spike mixture. The measured 47Ti16O1/49Ti16O1 isotopomer ratio is 1.32 (interferent peaks to the right in panels (c) and (d)), in agreement with the theoretical value of 1.33. Table 4 Comparison of mass fractions and recoveries obtained using two sample preparation methods and external calibration only SO-2 SRM 2709 Cert (ref)a/ mg g21 Found/ mg g21 Element Method As HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture 0.84 1.04 0.43 1.85 2.75 7.18 HNO3 Acid mixture 2.58 ¡ 0.21 5.24 ¡ 0.39 HNO3 Acid mixture 145 ¡ 13 685 ¡ 65 Be Co Fed Mn Mo P Sb Ti U V ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 0.13 0.94 0.03 0.31 0.14 0.29 HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture 0.69 1.60 3170 3190 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 0.03 0.07 170 120 HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture 0.020 0.058 317 8130 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 0.004 0.016 37 880 HNO3 Acid mixture HNO3 Acid mixture 0.420 0.655 26.9 57.8 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 0.044 0.026 1.1 1.6 (0.78 ¡ — (0.49 ¡ (1.78 ¡ (2.60 ¡ 9¡ (6.92 ¡ (2.61 ¡ 5.56 ¡ (4.58 ¡ (137 ¡ 720 ¡ (659 ¡ — — (3230 ¡ 3000 ¡ (2940 ¡ — (0.1) — 8600 ¡ (7540 ¡ — — (26.9 ¡ 64 ¡ (43.5 ¡ Recovery (%) 0.12) 94 2.95 ¡ 0.19 3.52 ¡ 0.19 — 3.50 ¡ 0.11 100 3.10 ¡ 0.30 4.12 ¡ 0.24 95 518 ¡ 53 559 ¡ 41 (360–600) 538 ¡ 17 104 352 ¡ 36 580 ¡ 39 — 150) 200 90) 106 — 200 140) 95 — 2.0) 10 1.9) 90 — 17.7 ¡ 0.8 — — (10–15) 13.4 ¡ 0.7 Found/ mg g21 80 — 0.8 3.5 0.04 0.62 1.5 1.0 Recoveryc (%) 15.3 18.0 0.72 2.94 12.5 13.0 — 0.07) 0.03) 0.23) 2 0.28) 1.30) 0.16 0.09) 6) 20 3) Cert (ref)b/ mg g21 Found/ mg g21 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ M1 0.40 2.10 570 625 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 0.06 0.21 90 15 — (2.0) — 620 ¡ 50 0.026 7.7 53 3150 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 0.015 1.3 22 350 — 7.9 ¡ 0.6 — 3420 ¡ 240 1.58 2.86 48 118 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 0.03 0.24 2 11 — (3) (51–70) 112 ¡ 5 102 — 97 (105) 101 97 92 (95) 105 9.80 10.2 0.52 1.76 9.46 12.16 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 0.39 2.1 0.02 0.30 0.73 0.77 0.73 0.94 767 799 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 0.04 0.06 31 41 0.11 7.86 1640 4290 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 0.04 0.47 96 35 3.19 4.25 60.4 106.9 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 0.24 0.21 4.1 7.1 a Reference values in parentheses in the HNO3 rows are mean values ¡1 s for routine measurements of SO-2 performed for quality assurance purposes in this laboratory over the last two years using HNO3 leaching. Values in parentheses in the acid mixture rows are sums of sequential extraction data (¡2 s) from Li et al.5 except for Sb, where an information value from the certificate of analysis is given. b Reference values in parentheses are non-certified data (single values) or ranges of results obtained by HNO3 leaching according to US EPA Method 3050. c Recovery values in parentheses are calculated using non-certified total concentrations. d Fe concentrations are given as mass fractions in %. e Uncertainties are 95% confidence limits unless noted otherwise. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2004, 19, 858–866 863 Table 5 Comparison of mass fractions and recoveries obtained using external calibration and isotope dilution for two sample preparation methods SO-2 SRM 2709 b Elementa Method Found / mg g21 Cd (LR) HNO3 HNO3 (ID) Acid mix Acid mix (ID) HNO3 HNO3 (ID) Acid mix Acid mix (ID) HNO3 HNO3 (ID) HNO3 (ID) Acid mix Acid mix (ID) Acid mix (ID) HNO3 HNO3 (ID) Acid mix Acid mix (ID) HNO3 HNO3 (ID) HNO3 (ID) Acid mix Acid mix (ID) Acid mix (ID) HNO3 HNO3 (ID) Acid mix Acid mix (ID) HNO3 HNO3 (ID) Acid mix Acid mix (ID) 0.066 ¡ (0.066) 0.140 ¡ 0.133 ¡ 5.31 ¡ (4.82) 9.05 ¡ 8.65 ¡ 3.84 ¡ — (3.88) 3.76 ¡ 4.36 ¡ 4.27 ¡ 0.080 ¡ (0.100) 0.073 ¡ 0.085 ¡ 3.38 ¡ — (3.54) 4.67 ¡ 4.70 ¡ 4.94 ¡ 5.64 ¡ (5.39) 18.2 ¡ 18.3 ¡ 49.8 ¡ (54.4) 113 ¡ 114 ¡ Cr (MR) Cu (MR) (LR) (MR) (MR) (LR) (MR) Hg (LR) Ni (MR) (LR) (MR) (MR) (LR) (MR) Pb (LR) Zn (MR) c Cert (Ref) / mg g21 0.004 Recovery (%) (0.069 ¡ 0.009) 0.022 0.011 0.56 — — — (5.28 ¡ 0.64) 0.48 0.54 0.58 16 ¡ 2 (11.7 ¡ 0.3) (3.51 ¡ 0.30) 57 54 0.72 0.09 0.16 0.041 7¡1 (6.42 ¡ 0.20) 54 62 61 (0.095 ¡ 0.018) 0.016 0.018 0.22 0.082 ¡ 0.009 89 104 0.26 0.46 0.45 0.31 8¡2 (5.32 ¡ 0.45) (5.43 ¡ 0.37) 0.6 0.8 2.5 21 ¡ 4 (18.2 ¡ 5.4) (52.2 ¡ 2.5) 87 87 6 4 124 ¡ 5 (97.4 ¡ 1.3) 91 92 (3.18 ¡ 0.31) 58 59 62 b Found / mg g21 0.372 ¡ (0.366) 0.372 ¡ 0.365 ¡ 62.8 ¡ (61.9) 104 ¡ 96.8 ¡ 30.4 ¡ (31.1) (30.8) 34.2 ¡ 32.1 ¡ 32.9 ¡ 1.48 ¡ (1.57) 1.425 ¡ 1.481 ¡ 77.9 ¡ (73.8) (71.6) 83.9 ¡ 81.4 ¡ 81.4 ¡ 13.1 ¡ (12.7) 19.0 ¡ 18.5 ¡ 89 ¡ (89) 103 ¡ 99.4 ¡ M1 d Cert (Ref) / mg g21 0.019 0.018 0.014 8.0 10 6.6 2.1 — 0.38 ¡ 0.01 130 ¡ 4 0.092 0.069 4.8 1.40 ¡ 0.08 8 5.2 80 75 (26–40) 34.6 ¡ 0.7 1.4 1.1 2 98 96 (60–115) 3.5 1.1 0.6 0.12 4.4 3.4 3.3 0.5 Recovery (%) 99 93 95 — 102 108 (65–90) 88 ¡ 5 95 93 93 (12–18) 18.9 ¡ 0.5 100 93 (87–120) 106 ¡ 3 97 94 Found/ mg g21 0.779 0.780 0.774 0.787 53.9 53.0 81.5 78.6 121.2 120.0 122.9 122.3 120.7 120.1 0.222 0.274 0.264 0.287 20.5 20.7 19.3 25.0 24.3 23.3 26.7 25.6 36.5 36.2 68 73 81 80 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 0.021 0.031 0.037 0.036 2.4 3.1 4.7 6.0 4.8 1.9 15.7 6.4 2.4 9.4 0.042 0.030 0.024 0.017 1.7 0.8 1.8 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.8 1.7 6 11 5 7 a Measurements made in low- (LR) or medium-resolution (MR) mode. b Values in parentheses are for a single treated sample. c Reference values in parentheses in the HNO3 rows are mean values ¡1 s for routine measurements of SO-2 performed for quality assurance purposes in this laboratory over the last two years using HNO3 leaching. Values in parentheses in the acid mix (ID) rows are sums of sequential extraction data (¡2 s) from Li et al.5 (Note that these values were obtained by ICP-OES and not ID!) d Reference ranges given in parentheses are results obtained by HNO3 leaching according to US EPA Method 3050. all data given in Tables 4 and 5 have been corrected for moisture content determined on separate aliquots of the soil samples. The reference material SO-2 is utilized for quality assurance purposes, having been prepared and analysed in parallel with routine samples in accordance with the Swedish standard method (analogous to US EPA Method 3050) for HNO3-leachable elements in soil over a long time. Data derived from control charts for the HNO3-leachable fractions are therefore included in Tables 4 and 5, as these values may be useful for comparison with results obtained in other laboratories. For SRM 2709, corresponding data have been included in an addendum to the original certificate of analysis, and the present data are seen to fall within specified ranges, where available. Considering all the results for certified elements in SRM 2709 included in Tables 4 and 5, it is immediately apparent that accurate data are readily obtained using external calibration and mixed acid decomposition. Sample preparation using the latter protocol differs only from the standard HNO3 leach in terms of the digestion medium, and so can be routinely applied with only marginally increased labour intensity. The only element for which a significant difference is obtained is Cr (as revealed by t-tests;48 results not shown), as may be expected given that Cr is often present in environmental materials in the form of refractory minerals, such as chromite.28 As such, more aggressive acid mixtures or higher temperatures and pressures are required to ensure complete dissolution. The situation for SO-2 is less satisfactory, with recoveries averaging at only 85% over the certified elements, excluding Cr for reasons cited in the previous paragraph. Further neglecting 864 J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2004, 19, 858–866 analytes for which the mean values found lie within the confidence limits (Co, Hg, P, Pb, V) and those whose expanded uncertainties encompass the certified values (Fe, Mn, Ti), discrepancies remain for Cu, Ni and Zn. For this reason, additional literature data5 for SO-2 have been included in Tables 4 and 5 for comparison. Li et al.5 applied a sequential extraction scheme to a variety of reference materials prior to multi-elemental analysis by ICPOES. Total concentrations were presented as the sums of values obtained in each of the five stages of extraction, the final step in this scheme involving prolonged digestion at elevated temperatures in a mixture of HNO3, HClO4 and HF. The total values thus obtained for Ni and Zn were significantly lower than the certified concentrations, but in agreement with our data, as verified by t-tests at the 95% confidence level48 (not shown). The only remaining concern is with Cu, as our data are clearly at odds with the certified value as well as the result reported by Li et al.,5 and no reasonable explanation for this deviation can be found. Problems with spectral interferences and gross calibration errors can be ruled out, however, as no unexpected artifacts were revealed in the high-resolution mass spectrum of the calibrant, and our Cu data for SRM 2709 are commensurate with the certified value. For the analytes to which both calibration strategies could be applied (Table 5), ID gave higher results for Zn in the HNO3 leachate, as well as Cu in the mixed acid digest, of SO-2. Further discussion of Cu is unwarranted, given that the certified value for this element in SO-2 could not be reproduced. For Zn, which has a fairly high ionization potential and a mass that is only half that of the internal standard, non-spectral interferences, perhaps caused by such rudimentary effects as differences in acid strength,49–51 may not be adequately corrected for in this particular case. Otherwise no significant differences were obtained at the 95% confidence level. One important observation made during the analysis of the unknown sample M1 using ID and HNO3 leaching should be mentioned. Three replicates of M1 were extracted on one day together with nine other samples and blanks, filling the microwave oven carousel. The Pb concentration obtained was 25.473 ¡ 0.035 mg g21 (1 s; n ~ 3), the standard uncertainty being that for the three replicates only, i.e., not including contributions from uncertainties in spike concentrations, etc. On another occasion, only five samples in total were extracted using the same standard microwave program, resulting in a Pb concentration of 25.727 ¡ 0.032 mg g21 (1 s; n ~ 3), which is significantly higher at the 99.9% confidence level. The difference is primarily ascribable to variations in the degree of Pb extraction, since the lower total sample mass in the latter experiment would result in a higher final temperature,27 and hence more efficient release of Pb from the soil. Therefore, one of the prerequisites for application of ID, viz., equilibration between incipient analyte and spike, is clearly not fulfilled by HNO3 leaching. Regarding the time required for instrumental analysis, 18 elements could be determined in 5.5 min (including uptake and wash-out times) using external calibration with two internal standards. For ID-ICP-SFMS, the time required per sample was about six times longer using the conditions given in Table 1. If some sacrifice in isotope ratio measurement precision were acceptable, then it would be possible to shorten the data acquisition period. As the virtues of ID in terms of improving precision are often expounded, F-tests48 were used to compare uncertainties. Although ID yielded better precision in most cases, as is evident in Table 5, significant improvements were observed in only a few isolated examples, e.g., Cu in SO-2 and SRM 2709. It should be remembered that matrix separation was applied prior to measurement of Cu and Ni, allowing their determination in less diluted solutions. Thus much of the gain in precision is to be expected from the improved counting statistics.52,53 These elements were also determined by ID-ICP-SFMS in low resolution mode, as spectrally interfering sample components were effectively eliminated by matrix separation (Fig. 1). The results for Cu showed improved precision, though not statistically significantly so, whereas those for Ni were independent of resolution. Although more precise isotope ratios were generally obtained for both elements in low resolution, other factors are decisive for the uncertainty budget. Concentrations of Cu and Ni derived from the isotope dilution equation, eqn. (1), displayed similar variability between sub-samples, ruling out differences in heterogeneity as a probable cause. Instead, the uncertainty budget for Ni is highly affected by the bias allowance term, eqn. (2),33 for the concentration of the spike. separation, is mandatory for the determination of these elements in soils. The only element studied for which spectral interferences could not be completely eliminated using matrix separation or ICP-SFMS was Cd. For the soils analysed here, MoO1 formation was minimal and could be readily corrected mathematically,23,38,39 allowing accurate quantification of Cd by both ID and external calibration. For the multi-elemental analysis of soils, no clear-cut benefits of ID over external calibration using internal standardization with respect to accuracy and precision were actually observed (Table 5). In combination with matrix separation, however, the advantages of ID become more apparent, since complete recoveries of the analytes were not obtained following NH3 precipitation,9 as seen in Table 2. For elements remaining principally in the liquid phase (Cd, Cu, Hg, Ni, Zn), reduction of the matrix loading allows more concentrated solutions to be introduced to ICP-SFMS, which can be used to compensate for the poorer detection limits of ID compared with external calibration for a fixed dilution factor35 (see Table 3). Considering that much more effort and instrument time is required, the use of ID-ICP-SFMS is not an economically viable option for routine multi-elemental analyses of soils. The results presented in Table 5 suggest that ICP-SFMS, in combination with external calibration and internal standardization, can actually provide results of comparable quality, with much less effort for a greater range of elements. Conclusions 13 High resolution mass spectra revealed TiO1 and Ba21 as prominent spectral interferences in the mass region 60–68 u during the analysis of HNO3 leachates (Fig. 1) and mixed acid digests of soils. Although common sources of concern in the infancy of ICP-QMS,35–37,45 these spectral interferents appear to have fallen into neglect in much of the more recent literature,19,34,46,47 which is surprising considering the ubiquity of Ba and Ti in soils, sediments and geological materials. It may be prudent to note that TiO1 will interfere with all Cu and Zn isotopes,37 as well as 62Ni, requiring an instrumental mass resolution of at least 3200. Therefore exploitation of the high resolution capabilities of ICP-SFMS, or the use of matrix 14 Acknowledgements This work was supported by EU’s structural fund for Objective 1 Norra Norrland and the Centre for Isotope and Trace Element Measurement, Lulea˚ University of Technology. Analytica AB provided invaluable technical and financial assistance. References 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 M. V. Ruby, R. Schoof, W. Brattin, M. Goldade, G. Post, M. Harnois, D. E. Mosby, S. W. Casteel, W. Berti, M. Carpenter, D. Edwards, D. 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