Document 266325

SAMPLE HOSdata Application Form
This form is to be completed when requesting HOSdata from the Victorian Admitted Episodes Dataset (VAED), Victorian
Minimum Dataset (VEMD) and Elective
Government (Interstate)
Surgery Information System (ESIS) collections.
Hospital -Public
Hospital -Private
Filling out the form in Excel
Local Government
• The Excel tabs allow you to navigate the different sections of the HOSdata application form.
Health facility
• Tab 1 has the application details, Tab 2 and 3 have the accessible and restricted data field lists respectively.
Private Organisation
• Application details fields in Tab 1 (current sheet) are all mandatory and require responses to ensure a complete application.
• Required data fields can be selected from Tab2 & Tab3. Checkboxes have been provided in the "Required Column"Media
to allow you to select data field required.
• On completion of your request, save the workbook on your computer and email the HOSdata frontdesk
• If you have questions or require further information regarding data content, please contact the HOSdata frontdesk contacts listed below.
**We would also appreciate your feedback regarding this application form. Please send all feedback to
Requestor Details
Mary Lamb
12 Paddock St, Merino
(03) 50505050
Date Requested:
Department / Organisation: Woolshed Public Hospital
Type of Organisation
Hospital -Public
(03) 50505051
Request Details
Is this an update or extension of a
previous data request?
(If "YES" please provide request
Help: If current request
pertains to a previously logged
in request enter the request
number previously issued
alternatively provide the details
of the person who requested
the data.
Previous Requestor:
(Name of the person who
requested the data)
Goals / Objectives / Purpose :
Research into accidents occuring on farms
(What will be achieved by obtaining this data
and What will it be used for?)
Description of data required:
(Please be as specific as possible by
including dates/timeframes, specific criteria
or categories for inclusion/ exclusion).
e.g. 1999- 2000, 2008-2009 and so forth)
Emergency department presentations for all farming accidents, for 2008/09 and 2009/10
Help: enter further breakdowns
of the time-frame if required by
either months, quarters.
(Please specify how data is to be filtered for Farming accidents
example by Hospital Procedure, Birth
Episodes and so forth )
Output Format:
(Could you please indicate which output
format you would require for this request i.e.
CSV,SAS, Excel etc)
Help: write your
inclusions/exclusion separated
by comma to clearly identify
different inclusions/exclusions.
Does your request require an Ethics:
If yes, please provide details below.
(If the data is to be used for a research
project, unless the risk of identification is
negligible, the project must be approved by a
properly constituted Human Research Ethics
Committee (HREC)
Will this data be published?
Help: All fields under the
Requestor Details Fields header
are mandatory and need to be
Also select
Type of Org from the drop
down list provided.
Help: provide details about your
approval, that is name of the
approver and so forth.
If yes, please provide below information about where the publishing will occur.
Yes, in the Journal of Occupational Health and Safety (pending acceptance)
Contact Us
Please submit your completed Application Form by email to
For assistance in completing this application form please contact the HOSdata front desk by email on
Department of Health
Data Field Description - A brief desecription of the datafield
Definition - A defined definition and breakdown of each data field. Specific code sets are provided where applicable.
Required - By clicking the relevant blank space, you can 'check' the data fields you require by entering YES/NO
Comment - Provide extra information regarding the data fields, especially if there are specific code sets you require. For example Care Type - E Interim Care .
For more information about the data fields for example business rules, guide for use and so forth refer to the collection data manuals available on
Help: Select Required
fields by clicking
against the dataa
field, alternatively
enter an "X"
Admission data
Data Field Description
Month of Admission
Month on which a patient commences an episode of care.
Year of Admission
Financial Year in which a patient commences an episode of care.
Care type
The nature of clinical service (type of care) provided to an admitted patient during an episode of care.
There must be one and only one care type code per episode. A change in care type results in a
statistical separation and a new episode with a statis
10 Posthumous Organ Procurement
1 NHT/Non-Acute
P Designated Paediatric Rehabilitation Program/Unit
2 Designated Rehabilitation Program/Unit: Level 1
6 Designated Rehabilitation Program/Unit: Level 2
8 Palliative Care Program
5x Approved Mental Health Service or Psycho geriatric Program:
5T – Mental Health Nursing Home Type
5E – Mental Health Secure Extended Care Unit (SECU)
5K – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
5G – Acute, Aged Persons Mental Health Service (APMH)
5S – Acute, Specialist Mental Health Service
5A – Acute, Adult Mental Health Service
9 Geriatric Evaluation and Management Program
R1 Restorative Care: On-site
R2 Restorative Care: Off-site
0 Alcohol and Drug Program
4 Other care (Acute) including Qualified newborn
U Unqualified newborn
Qualification status indicates whether each patient day within a newborn episode of care is either
qualified or unqualified.
Qualification Status
Admission type
Required YES/NO
N Qualified Newborn
U Unqualified Newborn
X Not Applicable
The type of admission relating to this episode of care:
Posthumous Organ Procurement
Statistical admission (change in Care Type within this hospital)
Birth episode
Emergency admission through Emergency Department at this hospital (VEMD
reporting hospitals only)
L Admission – from the Waiting List (ESIS reporting hospitals only)
O Other emergency admission
Admission type indicator
X Other admission
Admission type indicator derived from Admission Type
Criterion for Admission
E Emergency
L Elective
M Maternity
N Newborn (<= 9 days old)
S Statistical
This field indicates the criterion for admission for the episode of care.
Intended duration of stay
K Posthumous Organ Procurement
N Qualified newborn
U Unqualified newborn
R Restorative Care: Off-site
O Patient expected to require hospitalisation for minimum of one night
B Day-only Automatically Admitted Procedures
E Day-only Extended Medical Treatment
C Day-only Not Automatically Qualified Procedures
S Secondary family member
The intention of the responsible clinician, at the commencement of the episode, to discharge the patient
either on the day of admission or a subsequent date.
1 Intended Same Day Stay
2 Intended Stay of Overnight (or Longer)
Tab 2_Admitted Episode Field
Admission weight
Barthel index on admission
FIM Score on Admission
Admission/readmission to rehabilitation
RUG ADL on admission
Source of referral to palliative care
The birth weight of the live baby or the weight of the neonate or infant (under one year of age) on the
date admitted, if this is different from the date of birth.
The Barthel Index is a measure of the type and amount of assistance a patient requires to perform basic
functional activities. It is reported within 48 hours of admission for Care Type 6 only and is numeric in the
range: 000 to 100.
Functional Independence Measure (FIMÔ) Score, as assessed on admission. Only reported for Subacute records. . Reported for Care Type 2,6, 9, R1 and R2. . The 18 different items contain a score
between 1-7. Refer to the VAED manual for more information.
For Care Types P, 2 and 6, this field indicates whether this is the first or subsequent rehabilitation
episode for a particular injury/condition.
0 First rehabilitation admission
1 Readmission for rehabilitation
RUG ADL (Resource Utilisation Groups Activities of Daily Living) score as assessed on admission.
Cumulative score out of 18.
Source of referral to the DH Palliative Care Program (Care Type 8).
01 Community sector – GP
02 Community sector – Specialist
03 Community sector - Self, Carer, Other (family member, neighbour)
04 Community sector- Community based agency
05 Hospital - Public - Admitted patient
06 Hospital - Private - Admitted patient
07 Hospital - Outpatient - Non-admitted
08 Residential care - Nursing home/hostel
09 Other
Demographic data
Data Field Description
5 Year age groups
Five year age groups
Sex of patient
00‑04 05‑09 10‑14 15‑19 20‑24
25‑29 30‑34 35‑39 40‑44 45‑49
50‑54 55‑59 60‑64 65‑69 70‑74
75‑79 80‑84 85+
The sex of the patient:
Statistical local area (5 digit)
Local government area
Region of residence
State of residence
Carer availability
Hospital Region
Required YES/NO
1 Male
2 Female
3 Indeterminate (only for infants < 90 days old)
4 Intersex
The patient’s Statistical Local Area of residence. Based on Australian Standard Geographical
Classification (ASGC) 2009 boundaries and derived from the locality and postcode.
The patient’s Local Government Area of residence. Based on Australian Standard Geographical
Classification (ASGC) 2004 boundaries for Victoria, and 1999 boundaries for the rest of Australia.
The code for the Department of Health/Human Services Region in which the patient resides; derived from
the field ‘SLA’.
1 Barwon South Western
2 Grampians
3 Loddon Mallee
4 Hume
5 Gippsland
8 Eastern
9 Southern
A North-Western
I Interstate
M Missing
State of patient residence derived from SLA:
0 Unknown/Itinerate/Overseas
1 New South Wales
2 Victoria
3 Queensland
4 South Australia
5 Western Australia
6 Tasmania
7 Northern Territory
8 Australian Capital Territory
9 Other Territories
A record of whether a person, such as a family member, friend or neighbour has been identified as
providing regular on-going care or assistance, which is not linked to a formal service.
1 Carer not needed/ not applicable
2 Lives alone, has a carer
3 Lives alone, has no carer
4 Lives with another, has no carer
5 Lives with another, has a resident carer
6 Lives with another, has a non-resident carer
7 Lives in a mutually dependent situation
8 Missing or not recorded
Metropolitan/Rural flag of hospitals.
Tab 2_Admitted Episode Field
Separation data
Data Field Description
Month of separation
Month of separation, eg Jul, Aug
Year of Separation
Financial Year of episode separation, e.g. “2010-11”.
Length of stay
Length of stay type
The length of stay is calculated during the PRS/2 processing, summing the total patient days in each of
the status segments minus leave with and without permission days.
Type of stay, derived from LOS field:
Sameday separation flag
M Multi day stay
S Same day stay (admitted & separated on same day)
O Overnight stay.
Flag indicating if the separation was a sameday episode (admission date equal to separation date):
Contract leave days total
Y Yes (sameday)
N No (non sameday)
The total number of days during this episode of care that the patient was out of the hospital “on contract
leave” including days from previous financial year(s).
Hospital in the home length of stay
Hospital in the Home Length of Stay.
Hospital in the Home separation
Flag to indicate that the episode includes a “Hospital In The Home” component.
Leave With Permission Days Total
The total number of days during the current episode that the patient was out of hospital on “normal”
leave, including days from the previous financial year(s). Used in calculating LOS .
Leave Without Permission Days Total
The total number of days during this episode of care that the patient was out of hospital ‘on leave without
permission’, including days from the previous financial year(s).
Intention to readmit
For formal separations (other than death, transfer or left against medical advice) this field indicates the
intention of the responsible clinician, at the time of patient’s separation from hospital, whether that
patient will be readmitted within 28 days to either this or another acute hospital.
Required YES/NO
Patient type
0 Not applicable (statistical separations, death, transfers and left against medical advice)
1 Readmission planned to this hospital within 28 days and booking arranged
2 Readmission planned to this hospital within 28 days but no booking yet arranged
3 Readmission planned to another acute hospital within 28 days and booking arranged
4 Readmission planned to another acute hospital within 28 days but no booking yet arranged
9 No plan to readmit within 28 days
Patient type derived from Separation Account:
Duration of unit stay
H Public
P Private
S Compensable
X Ineligible
Identifies the duration of stay within a specific campus unit.
Accommodation type on separation
E Entire admission was at the specified campus unit
P Part of the admission was at the specified campus unit.
The accommodation occupied by the patient on their last (counted) patient day.
Barthel index on separation
FIM Score on Separation
RUG ADL on separation
The Barthel Index on separation is assessed on the day on which the decision is taken to cease
rehabilitation (for Care Type 6 only).).
Functional Independence Measure (FIMÔ) Score, as assessed on separation. Only reported for Subacute records. Reported for Care Type 2, 6, 9, R1 and R2.Refer to ‘FIM score on admission’ variable for
table of code details.
RUGADL (Resource Utilisation Groups Activities of Daily Living) score as assessed on separation (for
Care Type 8). Cumulative score out of 18.
Diagnosis and procedure data
Tab 2_Admitted Episode Field
Diagnosis and procedure data
Data Field Description
Victorian Adjusted AR-DRGv6.0x
Victorian Adjusted Australian Revised Diagnosis Related Group v6.0x is the same as AR-DRG v6 except
where adjustments are made utilising the VIC-DRG v6.0x field, for the purposes of casemix payments.
Victorian adjusted AR-MDCv6
Clinical speciality
The Australian Revised Major Diagnostic Category (AR-MDC) Version 6.0 is derived through the same
grouping process as the AR-DRG v6.
Clinical speciality mapped from Vic DRG v6.0x (665 DRGs mapped into 27 Clinical Specialties):
DRG Type
01 Neurosurgery
03 Vascular
04 Orthopaedics
05 Neurology
06 Ophthalmology
07 ENT
08 Cardio‑thoracic
09 Cardiology
10 Rehabilitation
11 Dental
12 Rheumatology
13 Plastics
14 General Medicine
15 Psychiatry
16 General Surgery
17 Nephrology
18 Renal Dialysis
19 Urology
20 Gynaecology
21 Obstetrics & Ante-natal
22 Neonatology
23 Haematology
24 Respiratory
25 Oncology/Radiology
26 Endocrinology
27 Gastroenterology
28 Other/Ungroupable
DRG type:
DRG Coding status
M Medical
S Surgical
O Other
Coding status of separation records:
First external-cause activity
C Coded
P Problem DRG (AR-DRG 6.0: 801A, 801B, 801C)
<Blank> Not Coded
The first diagnosis code in the range U50 – U73.
First external-cause place of occurrence
The first diagnosis code commencing with Y92.
Principal external-cause
If the first diagnosis is an injury or poisoning, i.e. in the range S00 to T98, then the principal external
cause is the first code in the range of V01 to Y91 or Y95 to Y98.
If the first diagnosis is an injury or poisoning i.e. in the range S00 to T98, and principal external cause in
range V01-Y34, then activity is the first diagnosis code in the range U50 – U73.
If the first diagnosis is an injury or poisoning, i.e. in the range S00 to T98, and principal external cause in
range V01 – Y89, then “place of occurrence” is the first diagnosis code commencing with Y92.
Principal external-cause activity
Principal external-cause place of occurrence
Lithotripsy separation flag
Renal flag
Duration of stay (hours) in intensive care unit
Duration of Mechanical Ventilation in ICU
Duration of stay (hours) in Coronary Care Unit
Duration of Non Invasive Ventilation
Clinical Sub-program
Required YES/NO
Flag to identify separations involving lithotripsy. (AR-DRG 5.2 L42Z):
Y Yes
N No
Flag identifying separations involving dialysis. ARDRG6.0 L61Z Renal (Extracorporeal) Dialysis (WIES
funded) & ARDRG6.0 L68ZPeritoneal Dialysis (not WIES funded).
Y Yes
N No
Total duration of stay (hours) in an approved Intensive Care Unit (ICU) or Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
(NICU), during this episode of care. Duration is reported in hours, rounded up to the nearest hour.
Total duration of Mechanical Ventilation (MV) in hours provided in an approved Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
or Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU) during this episode of care.
The total duration of stay (hours) in an approved Cardiac/Coronary Care Unit (CCU) during this episode
of care. If the patient has more than one period in a CCU during this episode, the total duration of all
such periods is reported.
Total number of hours of non-invasive ventilatory assistance given via any route other than intubation or
tracheostomy, provided to patients in an approved Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or Special Care
Nursery (SCN) or Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
The diagnosis, based on the body system manifesting the reason for rehabilitation. Reported for Care
Types 2, 6, P, R1 and R2. Clinical Sub-Program is assigned by the treating clinician.
A code assigned, based on the body system manifesting the reason for rehabilitation.Only reported for
Sub-acute records. Reported for Care Type 2,6, P, R1 and R2. Introduction of Version 1 Australian
Impairment codeset for Sub-Acute episodes as an optional field.
Tab 2_Admitted Episode Field
Admission fields
Data Field Description
Accommodation type during admission
The Accommodation Type(s) occupied by the patient during the admission, including changes to this
Mental Health legal status
1 Overnight accommodation - shared room
2 Overnight accommodation - single room
3 Same Day accommodation
4 In the Home (Hospital - HITH)
6 Emergency Department accommodation
7 Ward Based / Medi hotel combination
B Other Nursery accommodation or mother’s bedside (rooming in)
C Nursery accommodation: NICU/SCN
M Medical Assessment and Planning Unit (MAPU)
S Short Stay Observation Unit (SOU)
A funding-source indicator for involuntary patients:
Admission Source
1 Involuntary for all or part of this episode
2 Not involuntary at any time during this episode
9 Not Applicable
Describes where the patient was residing or living prior to the commencement of an episode of care.
Required YES/NO
Required YES/NO
A Transfer from mental health residential facility
B Transfer from Transition Care bed based program
H Admission from private residence/ accommodation
N Transfer from aged care residential facility
S Statistical Admission (change in Care Type within this hospital)
T* Transfer from acute/ extended care/ rehabilitation/ geriatric centre
* Requires an admission transfer code
Y Birth Episode
Demographic fields
Data Field Description
Age in years
Admission age in years.
Age in months
Age in calendar month at time of admission. Only calculated if AGE in years is “0”.
Campus code
Indicates the hospital campus where the episode of care was provided. Patient activity must be reported
under the campus code at which it occurred.
Name of campus
Unique hospital site (Campus) name.
Interpreter Required
The patient’s need for an interpreter, as perceived by the patient or person consenting for the patient.
Marital status
1 Yes
2 No
9 Not Stated/Inadequately described
The current marital or living status of the patient at the time of admission:
Preferred Language
1 Never married
2 Widowed
3 Divorced
4 Separated
5 Married
6 De Facto
9 Not stated/inadequately described
The language (including sign language) most preferred by the patient for communication. This may be a
language other than English even where the person can speak fluent English.
Separation fields
Tab 2_Admitted Episode Field
Separation fields
Data Field Description
Aged Care Assessment Service
The type of involvement of the Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS) patient discharge.
Transfer Source (FROM)
Account class on separation
Required YES/NO
1 ACAS Assessment completed during this episode
2 ACAS assessment incomplete: referral to Sub- acute services
3 ACAS assessment incomplete: other reason
4 ACAS consultation only during this episode
5 No ACAS involvement during this episode
Identification of the hospital campus the person has been transferred from, following separation from that
The patient account classification on separation.
Transfer destination (TO)
Identification of the hospital campus to which the patient is transferred after separation from this hospital.
Total Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations including co-payments.
WIES fundable flag
Indicates if the separation was WIES fundable:
Separation Mode
Y Yes
N No
U Uncoded (but eligible for WIES funding when coded)
Type of separation:
Separation referral
Required YES/NO
A Separation and transfer to mental health residential facility
B Separation and transfer to Transition Care bed based program
D Death
H Separation to private residence/accommodation
S Statistical Separation
N Separation and transfer to aged care residential facility
T* Separation and transfer to other acute hospital/extended care/rehabilitation/geriatric centre
R Separation and transfer to Restorative Care bed- based program
* Requires separation transfer code
Z Left against medical advice
Clinical care and support services arranged by the hospital to meet the person’s recuperative needs
when discharged to private accommodation or home. Up to four referrals can be transmitted in the one
A Referral to Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS), arranged before discharge
B Community palliative care support arranged before discharge
C Mental health community services arranged before discharge
D Psychiatric disability support services arranged before discharge
F Domiciliary postnatal care arranged before discharge
G Referral to general practitioner arranged before discharge
K Referral to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) service, arranged before discharge
L Alcohol and drug treatment service, arranged before discharge
M Referral to a community rehab centre arranged before discharge
P Post Acute Care Program services arranged before discharge
R Other clinical care &/or support services arranged before discharge
S Referral to private psychiatrist arranged before discharge
T Referral to Transition Care home based program, arranged before discharge
U Home nursing support arranged before discharge
X No referral or support services arranged before discharge.
Diagnosis and procedure fields
Data Field Description
Tertiary status
A clinical-complexity grading of DRGs:
Victorian prefix to ICD-10-AM Diagnosis codes
ICD-10-AM Diagnosis codes
1 Primary (least complex)
2 Secondary
3 Tertiary (most complex).
Single character prefix to ICD-10-AM diagnosis codes. In the first field, the character will be P. For the
remaining 39 fields, if a diagnosis code is present, the corresponding TPREF field will contain one of the
following codes:
P Primary diagnosis
A Associated condition
C Complication
M Morphology
Diagnoses codes (as reported by the medical practitioner) reflecting injuries, disease conditions, patient
characteristics and circumstances impacting this episode of care.
One principal diagnosis and up to 39 other diagnoses can be reported, using the International
Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Australian Modification (ICD-10-AM) 7th Ed., in accordance
with the Australian Coding Standards (ACS) & Victorian Additions to the Australia Coding Standards.
Procedure block number
A one to four digit number that identifies a group of related procedure codes.
ACHI Procedure
Procedure codes reflecting the interventions used for the diagnosis and/or treatment of ill health during
this episode of care. Up to 40 codes can be reported using Australian Classification of Health
Interventions, 7th Ed, in accordance with the Victorian Additions to the Australia Coding Standards.
Tab 2_Admitted Episode Field
Data Field Description - A brief outline as to what the data field relates to.
Definition - A defined definition and breakdown of each data field. Specific code sets are provided where applicable.
Required - By clicking the relevant blank space, you can 'check' the data fields you require by entering YES/NO
Comment - Provide extra information regarding the data fields, especially if there are specific code sets you require. For example Care Type - E Interim Care .
For more information about the data fields for example business rules, guide for use and so forth refer to the collection data manuals available on
Help: Select Required fields by
clicking against the data field,
aenter an "X"
Presentation data fields
Data Field Description
Activity When Injured
The type of activity being undertaken by the person, at the moment the
injury occurred.
Arrival Transport Mode
L Leisure
S Sports (includes sport as a means of income)
E Education
W Working for income (excludes sports (S)
C Other work
N Being nursed, cared for
V Vital activity, resting, sleeping, eating
O Other specified activity
U Unspecified activity
Month patient first registered or triaged (whichever comes first), by
clerical officer, triage nurse or doctor in the Emergency Department.
Year patient first registered or triaged (whichever comes first), by
clerical officer, triage nurse or doctor in the Emergency Department.
Transport used to arrive at the Emergency Department.
Bed Request
1 Air Ambulance - fixed wing aircraft.
2 Helicopter
3 Road Ambulance service
6 Community/public transport, (includes council / philanthropic
8 Police Vehicle
9 Undertaker
10 Ambulance service - private ambulance car - MAS / RAV
11 Ambulance service - private ambulance car – hospital contracted
99 Other (includes private car, walked)
Y/N indicator if bed request was made.
Did Not Wait Flag
Text string indicating if patient did not wait for treatment.
Length of Stay in ED
Length of stay of patient in Emergency Department (calculated in
minutes) includes ALL departure status classes.
Y/N flag to indicate if patient treated within target time for the relevant
Triage Category.
Arrival Month
Arrival Year
Treated in Target Time
Required YES/NO
(Triage Cat 1 <= 1 min; Cat 2 <= 10 min; Cat 3 <= 30 min; Cat 4 <=
60 min: Cat 5 <=120 min).
Time to Treatment (in minutes)
Triage Category
Type of Visit
Yes Meets Triage Category target.
No Does not meet Triage Category target.
N/A Not Applicable; used for patients who left prior to treatment or
Dead on Arrival.
Time to treatment is the difference between Arrival Time and Treatment
Time in minutes for patients who waited for treatment.For reporting
purposes, patients who leave ED prior to treatment or were Dead on
Arrival are excluded from the calculation.
Classification according to urgency of need for medical and nursing
care, using National Triage Scale (Australasian College for Emergency
1 Resuscitation
2 Emergency
3 Urgent
4 Semi-urgent
5 Non-urgent
6 Dead on arrival
Reason patient presents to the Emergency Department.
1 Emergency presentation
2 Return visit - planned
8 Pre-arranged admission - clerical, nursing, clinical
Tab 3_Emergency Minimum Field
Data Field Description
Activity When Injured
9 Patient in transit
10 Dead on arrival
Type of accommodation setting in which the patient usually lives.
Type of Usual Accommodation
Required YES/NO
1 Private Residence, living alone
2 Private Residence, living with other(s)
3 Residential aged care facility-includes both high care (nursing home)
and low care (hostel)
4 Boarding/rooming house/hostel or hostel type accommodation (not
including aged care hostel)
5 Community-based residential supported living facility or other
supported accommodation
6 Psychiatric Hospital
7 Other Hospital Setting
8 Homeless Person’s Shelter
9 Shelter/refuge (not including homeless person’s shelter)
10 Public place (homeless)
11 Prison/Remand Centre/Youth Training centre
18 Unknown/unable to determine
19 Other accommodation, not elsewhere classified
Demographic fields
Data Field Description
Five Year Age Group
Five year age groups
Referred By
0‑4 5‑9 10‑14 15‑19 20‑24
25‑29 30‑34 35‑39 40‑44 45‑49
50‑54 55‑59 60‑64 65‑69 70‑74
75‑79 80‑84 85+
Source from which patient was referred to this Emergency Department.
Required YES/NO
0 Staff from this campus
1 Self, family, friends
2 Local medical officer, includes local GP/Doctor
4 Private specialist
6 Staff from another campus
8 Correctional Officer / Police
14 Nurse on Call
15 Other Nurse
16 Mental health telephone assessment/advisory line
17 Telephone advisory line, not otherwise specified
18 Other mental health staff
19 Other
20 Other community services staff
Statistical Local Area
The sex of the patient.
1 Male
2 Female
3 Indeterminate (only for infants < 90 days old)
4 Intersex
The patient’s Statistical Local Area of residence. Based on Australian
Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) 2009 boundaries and
derived from the locality and postcode.
Departure fields
Data Field Description
Departure Month
The month on which a patient completes a presentation.
Required YES/NO
Departure Year
The year on which a patient completes a presentation.
Departure Status
Patient destination or status on departure from the Emergency
Departure Before Treatment Completed:
5 Left at own risk, after treatment started
7 Died within ED
8 Dead on arrival
11 Left at own risk, without treatment
10 Left after clinical advice regarding treatment options
Tab 3_Emergency Minimum Field
Data Field Description
Activity When Injured
Required YES/NO
Procedure room at this campus:
27 Cardiac catheter laboratory
28 Other operating theatre/procedure room
Ward Setting at this Hospital Campus:
3 Short Stay Observation Unit
14 Medical Assessment and Planning Unit
15 Intensive Care Unit – this campus
18 Ward not elsewhere described
22 Coronary Care Unit – this campus
25 Mental Health Observation/Assessment Unit
26 Other Mental Health Bed - this Campus
Transfers to another Hospital Campus:
17 Mental Health bed at another Hospital Campus
19 Another Hospital Campus
20 Another Hospital Campus - Intensive Care Unit
21 Another Hospital Campus - Coronary Care Unit
Departure Transport Mode
Escort Source
Returning to usual residence:
1 Home
12 Correctional/Custodial Facility
23 Mental health residential facility
24 Residential care facility
The type of transport used to transfer the patient from the Emergency
Department to another hospital.
1 Air ambulance - fixed wing aircraft(excludes where airplane is
helicopter (2).
2 Helicopter
3 Ambulance service - MICA
4 Ambulance service - road car
6 Community/public transport (includes council/philanthropic services)
7 Private Car
8 Police vehicle
10 Ambulance Service –private ambulance care-MAS/RAV contracted
11 Ambulance Service-private ambulance care-hospital contracted
19 Other
The work location or source of the medical or nursing assistant(s)
accompanying a patient being transferred to another hospital.
Reason for Transfer
1 Emergency Department
3 Ward
4 Retrieval Service
5 Nil (no medical or nursing escort)
9 Other medical or nursing escort
Reason for transfer to another hospital or health service.
Referred to on Departure
1 ICU bed not available
2 CCU bed not available
3 General bed not available
4 Specialty not available
5 Previous patient of destination hospital
6 Insured/Compensable
7 Patient preference
9 Other reason
Agency patient was referred to for continuing care.
1 Review in ED - scheduled
2 Review in ED - as required
3 Outpatients
5 Medical Specialist
6 Other Specialist Health Practitioner
7 Home Nursing Services
9 Aged Care Assessment Service
10 Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service
11 Mental Health Community Service
12 Other community service
16 No referral
17 Not known
18 Other
19 Another hospital campus
(excludes for Mental Health and ICU or CCU transfer)
Tab 3_Emergency Minimum Field
Data Field Description
Activity When Injured
Diagnosis and procedure fields
Data Field Description
The region of the body where the injury was sustained.
Human Intent
Most likely role of human intent in occurrence of injury or poisoning as
assessed by clinician.
Nature of Main Injury
Place Where Injury Occurred
Body Region
Injury Cause
Required YES/NO
1 NON-intentional harm
2 Intentional self-harm
3 Sexual assault
4 Child neglect, maltreatment by parent, guardian
5 Maltreatment, assault by domestic partner
6 Police, legal intervention or operations of war
7 Assault not otherwise specified
8 Adverse effect or complication of medical or surgical care
9 Intent cannot be determined
10 Other specified intent
11 Intent not specified
Event, circumstances or condition associated with the occurrence of
injury, poisoning or adverse effect.
Motor vehicle - driver
Motor vehicle - passenger
Motorcycle - driver
Motorcycle - passenger
Pedal cyclist - rider or passenger
Horse related (fall from, struck or bitten by)
Other transport-related circumstance
Fall - low (same level or less than 1 metre, or no information on
10 Fall - high (greater than 1 metre)
11 Submersion or drowning - swimming pool
12 Submersion or drowning - other
13 Other threat to breathing (includes strangulation, asphyxiation)
14 Fire, flames, smoke
15 Scalds (hot drink, food, water, other fluid, steam, gas or
16 Contact burn (hot object or substance)
17 Poisoning - medication
18 Poisoning - other or unspecified substance
19 Firearm
20 Cutting, piercing object
21 Dog related
22 Other animal related
23 Struck by or collision with person
24 Struck by or collision with object
25 Machinery
26 Electricity
27 Hot conditions (natural origin, includes sunlight)
28 Cold conditions (natural origin)
29 Other specified external cause
30 Unspecified external cause
Nature of the injury primarily responsible for presentation to Emergency
The physical location of the person when the injury occurred.
Required YES/NO
Farm only
A Athletics and sports area
C Industrial or construction area
F Farm
H Home
I Residential institution
M Medical hospital
O Other specified place
P Place for recreation
Q Mine or quarry
R Road, street or highway
S School, day care centre, public administration area
T Trade or service area
U Unspecified place
Tab 3_Emergency Minimum Field
Data Field Description
Activity When Injured
Required YES/NO
Presentation fields
Data Field Description
Ambulance Case Number
Unique identifier to each ambulance transport occasion.
Required YES/NO
Required YES/NO
Required YES/NO
Required YES/NO
Alternate codes:
B Case number not available due to industrial action (including: bans,
U Case number not available due to Ambulance Officer not providing
the case number.
Demographic fields
Data Field Description
Age in Years
Age of patient in years at presentation date.
Campus Code
Indicates the hospital campus in which the Emergency Department
presentation occurred.
Funding source, where the patient is entitled to compensation as a result
of the injury sustained.
Compensable Status
Country of Birth
Interpreter Required
Preferred Language
1 Transport Accident Commission
2 Department of Veterans' Affairs
3 WorkCover
4 Common Law, Public liability, Other compensable, Service
5 Ineligible not compensable
6 Medicare patient/Overseas eligible/Ineligible hospital exempt
7 Compensable status unknown
The country in which the patient was born, not the country of residence.
The patient’s need for an interpreter, as perceived by the patient or
person consenting for the patient.
1 Yes
2 No
9 Not stated/Inadequately described
The language (including sign language) most preferred by the patient for
communication. This may be a language other than English even where
the person can speak fluent English.
Departure fields
Data Field Description
Transfer Destination
The hospital campus to which the patient was transferred.
Transfer Source
The acute health care facility from which the patient was transferred to
this Emergency Department.
Diagnosis and Procedure fields
Data Field Description
Specific interventions/treatments performed in the Emergency
Department. Up to 30 procedure codes can be entered per presentation.
Optional if the Primary Diagnosis item is completed.
ICD-10-AM Diagnosis codes
Diagnoses codes (as reported by the medical practitioner) reflecting
injuries, disease conditions, patient characteristics and circumstances
impacting this episode of care. One principal diagnosis and up to 2
additional diagnoses can be reported, using the International
Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Australian Modification (ICD10-AM) 7th Ed., in accordance with the Australian Coding Standards
Tab 3_Emergency Minimum Field