How to read your annual statement INVESTMENT SUMMARY Balance at 30 June 2013 * Investments $X.XX Total Investments $X.XX M $X.XX Member contributions INVESTMENT PROFILE DETAILS $X.XX (O) Insurance Premiums~~ $X.XX Insurance Plan fees~~ $X.XX Advice Fee $X.XX Fee rebate## $X.XX Total Deductions Net Earnings (I) $X.XX (D) (N) (C) X.XX% Net Earnings N= C (closing balance) + D (deductions) - I (investments) - O (opening balance) = the amount you have earned on your investment during the year * Your withdrawal benefit as at 30 June 2013 was $X.XX This is your opening balance less outstanding contributions tax on employer contributions and confirmed member deductible contributions (after taking into account the benefit of any tax deduction for insurance premiums) of $X.XX, payable on withdrawal at this date. The benefit of any tax deduction for insurance premiums which will be passed back to you is limited to the amount of contributions tax payable from your account. ~~ ## Investment Value = Withdrawal Price BT Superannuation Savings Fund $X.XX $X.XX Investment Profile BT Superannuation Savings Fund Investment Value $X.XX x Units $X.XX = Withdrawal Price $X.XX x Units $X.XX $X.XX RETURNS AS AT 30 June 2014 $X.XX Net Earnings Rate^ Investment Profile $X.XX $X.XX Balance at 30 June 2014** 30 Jun 2013 30 Jun 2014 Taxes and Charges SA Deductions Employer contributions ^This figure represents the total return on your investment during the statement period. It takes into account the performance of your Investment Option(s), your transactions such as applications and/or withdrawals and the time that your money has been invested. M PL E Investor Number: C12345678 Superannuation Product Identification Number: WFS0402AU 132 135 BT Customer Relations (02) 9274 5780 Fax Internet SA Mrs A Sample 1 Sample Street Sample Town NSW 2000 We have applied notional taxes and withdrawal fees (where applicable) to your account balances to calculate these withdrawal benefits. These are the amounts that would have been applied to your investment if you had withdrawn your investment on the date shown. These amounts have not been deducted from your investment. The amounts on which these withdrawals are based might change. Therefore, before withdrawing your benefit from the Plan/Fund, you should contact your adviser or the BT Customer Relations on 132 135 to get your current withdrawal benefit. E BT Lifetime - Personal Super INVESTMENT SUMMARY (continued) ** Your withdrawal benefit as at 30 June 2014 was $X.XX This is your closing balance less outstanding contributions tax on employer and confirmed member deductible contributions (after taking into account the benefit of any tax deduction for insurance premiums) of $X.XX, payable on withdrawal at this date. The benefit of any tax deduction for insurance premiums which will be passed back to you is limited to the amount of contributions tax payable from your account. PL ANNUAL STATEMENT % Returns p.a. Investment Profile/ Portfolio Name 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 Year Since Start Start Date Date BT Superannuation Savings Fund X.XX X.XX X.XX N/A X.XX January 1981 Returns are shown for the investment options you were invested in at the end of the reporting period. These may not be the actual returns you have experienced in your chosen investment option(s) over the period of your membership. The reason why the returns shown may be different from your personal experience could be due to when you started investing in the option and the timings of transactions in and out of the investment option before or after the 1, 3, 5 or 10 year period, or because you have split your superannuation across more than one investment option. Performance figures ‘Since Start Date’ are calculated from the date the investment option received its initial investment amount (for example, from a member’s contribution or switch) which may not be the first day the investment option was available to investors (Start Date). The value of your investments can go up and down. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. A super fund’s investment performance typically varies over time. Because super is a long-term investment, 5 and 10-year performance figures smooth out short-term results. For example, in a given fund over a 5-year period, a growth option might have a negative return for 1 year but a positive return for the other 4 years, giving an overall result that is positive for the 5 years. Your insurance fees are made up of insurance premiums and insurance plan fees, where applicable. The fee rebate represents the refund of ongoing commission amounts included in the management costs of your investment options. page 1 of 10 more details over the page Trustee – Westpac Securities Administration Limited (ABN 77 00 049 472, AFSL 233731) Product – BT Superannuation Savings Fund (ABN 83 835 373 437) GPO Box 2675 Sydney NSW 2001 page 2 of 10 more details over the page C12345678 Trustee – Westpac Securities Administration Limited (ABN 77 00 049 472, AFSL 233731) Product – BT Superannuation Savings Fund (ABN 83 835 373 437) GPO Box 2675 Sydney NSW 2001 Important: This is a sample of an annual statement. Please note that your own statement content may vary slightly from this sample depending on your investment options, transaction history and the product features available. States your current name and address. You will need to inform us if these details change, to find out how visit our website States your account details; your investor number and the superannuation product identification number. Provides our contact details to let you know where you can access more information if needed. This is a snapshot of your account as at 30 June 2014. Shows the closing balance of your previous statement, what money has been added to and/or deducted from your account, and what the total value of your investment is at 30 June 2014, so you can see at a glance exactly how your investment has performed over the financial year. Shows your employer contributions including both Super Guarantee and your voluntary Salary Sacrifice contributions, and member contributions. To understand the types of contributions added to your account (such as member contributions), visit the-basics.asp. Shows the total deductions from your account during the period (Financial year ended 30 June 2014). This is your individual rate of return on your investment for the period (Financial year ended 30 June 2014). This is a summary of your investment options as at 30 June. Shows you a snapshot of your investment options including investment value, withdrawal price and units for 2013 and 2014. Shows the long term performance of the investment options that you are invested in as at 30 June 2014. Page 1 of 4 How to read your annual statement (continued) Details your super benefit(s) split into different preservation components. Some, or all, of your super benefit may be ‘preserved’ and cannot be accessed straight away. To understand when you can access your super, visit the-basics.asp. INSURANCE DETAILS ANNUAL STATEMENT BT Superannuation Savings Fund 30 June 2014 Withdrawal benefit Sum insured Total benefits payable on death $X.XX $X.XX $X.XX Member Details BENEFIT DETAILS Benefit Split Preserved M 30 Jun 2014 $X.XX Able to be cashed out Generally on retirement on or after reaching your preservation age SA $X.XX Withdrawal Benefit Any withdrawal fees or outstanding contributions tax payable in the event of a withdrawal are deducted firstly from preserved benefits, then restricted non-preserved benefits, and finally from unrestricted non-preserved benefits that are withdrawn. Female Smoker: No Cover Amount Death Cover $X.XX Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) Cover $X.XX Monthly Premium $X.XX E Cover Type PL N/A = not applicable, investment option has not been in the Plan for this period. Sex: White collar Please note your right to receive benefits under the insurance policy is dependent upon you meeting the conditions of the policy and the insurer paying the benefits. A condition of release must then be met to have the benefits paid from superannuation. In order to maintain your insurance cover, you must ensure that you keep sufficient funds in your account above the minimum balance for your BT super. The benefits advised reflect your situation as at 30 June 2014 and may change. M RETURNS AS AT 30 June 2014 (continued) 26 October 1966 Collar Rating: Nominated Beneficiaries BOB SAMPLE Nomination Type Expiry Date Updating your Nomination 100% Binding 01/12/2015 You may confirm, amend or revoke your nomination by completing a Nomination of Beneficiaries form, available at Confirming your nomination will extend it for a further 3 years from the date the nomination is signed. TRANSACTION DETAILS Date 8 Jul 2013 19 Jul 2013 page 3 of 10 more details over the page Trustee – Westpac Securities Administration Limited (ABN 77 00 049 472, AFSL 233731) Product – BT Superannuation Savings Fund (ABN 83 835 373 437) GPO Box 2675 Sydney NSW 2001 page 4 of 10 Transaction Type Employer contribution from XYZ COMPANY Amount invested Member contribution from A SAMPLE Investment Profile Amount $X.XX BT Superannuation Savings Fund $X.XX Shows your insurance details. Your Withdrawal benefit (i.e. Super benefit) plus the Sum Insured equals the total death benefit that is payable to your dependants or Estate. States your insurance member details; date of birth, occupation collar rating, gender and smoker category. States the type of cover you are insured for and how much you are insured for under each type of cover. BENEFICIARY DETAILS SA C12345678 PL E Investor Number: Date of Birth: Unit Price * Units $X.XX $X.XX $X.XX Details of the beneficiary/person you have nominated to receive your super balance and insurance (if applicable) in the event of your death. You can make a beneficiary nomination that is binding on the trustee so you have peace of mind as to who will receive your death benefit. You can find a ‘Nomination of beneficiaries’ form online at Lists all of the transactions for your account during the statement period. Transaction details include the date of transaction, relevant investment option, the dollar and the unit amount. more details over the page C12345678 Trustee – Westpac Securities Administration Limited (ABN 77 00 049 472, AFSL 233731) Product – BT Superannuation Savings Fund (ABN 83 835 373 437) GPO Box 2675 Sydney NSW 2001 Important: This is a sample of an annual statement. Please note that your own statement content may vary slightly from this sample depending on your investment options, transaction history and the product features available. Page 2 of 4 How to read your annual statement (continued) Lists all of the transactions for your account during the statement period. Transaction details include the date of transaction, relevant investment option, the dollar and the unit amount. ANNUAL STATEMENT BT Superannuation Savings Fund TAX FILE NUMBER We have noted your Tax File Number on our records. Investment Profile Amount $X.XX Unit Price * Units BT Superannuation Savings Fund $X.XX $X.XX X.XX M Transaction Type Member contribution from XYZ COMPANY Amount invested SA Sum of fees included above (including any insurance plan fees~~) Insurance premiums~~ Indirect costs of your investment^^ Total fees you paid## $X.XX $X.XX $X.XX $X.XX * Please note that all investments reflect the contribution price and withdrawals reflect the withdrawal price. ^^ This approximate amount has been deducted from your investment and includes amounts that have reduced the return on your investment but are not charged to you as a fee. The fees are based on the latest available prices in respect of the reporting period from 01 Jul 2013 to 30 Jun 2014. ## This approximate amount includes all the fees and costs which affected your investment during the period. ~~ Your insurance fees are made up of insurance premiums and insurance plan fees, where applicable. E We are obliged to provide you with any information you may reasonably require to understand your benefits in the Plan/Fund. We consider that this statement gives you all the information you need to understand the value and nature of your benefits in the Plan/Fund during the period of the statement. However if you would like more information, including information on this statement, other investment strategies, contribution levels and insurance coverage or any other information that may assist you to understand your benefit entitlements please contact your adviser, visit or call us on on 132 135. PL TRANSACTION DETAILS (continued) Date 22 Jun 2014 FURTHER INFORMATION If you have a concern or complaint we have a dispute resolution mechanism. If you wish to access this mechanism or require further details, please call us on on 132 135. Where possible, investor concerns received over the telephone are resolved at that time. If your concerns cannot be resolved in this way, please refer the matter in writing to: The Complaints Officer BT GPO Box 2675 Sydney NSW 2001 M C12345678 SA PL E Investor Number: Tells you whether or not you have provided us with your Tax File Number (TFN). If you have not, we cannot accept any contributions for you, so you should make sure you provide us with your TFN. Call us on 132 135 if we don’t have your TFN and you can provide it over the phone. Note: A withdrawal may include a withdrawal made in accordance with a release authority provided by you or the Australian Tax Office. A release authority generally allows an amount to be released from your super account for the purposes of paying a ax liability in relation to concessional contributions or excess contributions. Generally the benefit of any tax deduction to which the BT Superannuation Savings Fund is entitled will be passed onto members in the form of reduced fees or costs. Please note the sources of any contribution(s) shown in this statement are based on the information that has been recorded by the fund. As such, for certain contributions, a third party service provider may have been shown as the source of the contribution(s). For example, if a payroll company made an employer contribution on your employer's behalf, the payroll company (rather than your employer) may be identified as the source of the employer contribution(s) in this statement. page 9 of 10 more details over the page Trustee – Westpac Securities Administration Limited (ABN 77 00 049 472, AFSL 233731) Product – BT Superannuation Savings Fund (ABN 83 835 373 437) GPO Box 2675 Sydney NSW 2001 page 10 of 10 Trustee - BT Funds Management Limited (AFSL 233724 ABN 63 002 916 458) Product - BT Lifetime - Personal Super (ABN 83 953 436 008) GPO Box 2675 Sydney NSW 2001 Important: This is a sample of an annual statement. Please note that your own statement content may vary slightly from this sample depending on your investment options, transaction history and the product features available. Page 3 of 4 For more information With your adviser 132 135 BT Funds Management Limited ABN 63 002 916 458, AFSL 233724, RSE L0001090 (BTFM) is the trustee of, and the issuer of interests in, BT Superannuation Savings Fund ABN ABN 83 853 373 437. The information in this publication does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs and so you should consider its appropriateness having regard to these factors before acting on it. The information in this sample statement is factual only. It does not constitute financial product advice. You should always check to see what fees will be charged, what will happen to your insurance cover and if there are any possible losses in benefits when you leave a super fund. A relevant disclosure document is available for BT Superannuation Savings Fund and can be obtained by calling 132 135. You should obtain and consider the relevant disclosure document before deciding whether to acquire, continue to hold or dispose of interests in BT Superannuation Savings Fund. We’re required or authorised to collect personal information from you by certain laws. Details of these laws are in the BT Privacy Policy. The BT Privacy Policy is available at or by calling 132 135. Superannuation is a long-term investment. Generally, contributions to a superannuation fund are preserved. The government has placed restrictions on when you can access your preserved benefits. In general, benefits will not be able to be paid until a member is age 65, or has permanently retired and is above his/ her preservation age (i.e. 55 years up to 60 years depending on when the member was born). This sample statement is for illustrative purposes only. Information current as at 22 July 2014. © 2014 BT Financial Group Limited ABN 38 087 480 331. BT12582C-0714rk Page 4 of 4
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