Sample MBA Resumes - Preparation Guidelines - Checklists Visit > jobs & internships > build your resume for additional resources 2013 - 2014 Experiential Education & Career Services You will learn how to turn your CV into a U.S. standard resume. There are two types of U.S. resumes: experienced based and skills based. Refer to the diagram below for an outline of what these two types of resumes should include and how they are organized. An International CV almost always includes information that by U.S. standards would be illegal for a potential employer to ask a candidate. For example, photographs, marital status, religion, race and any other personal data are excluded from a U.S. resume. Visit to start creating one of these resume styles. The resume builder tool will format your resume for you. NAME NAME OBJECTIVE OR PROFESSIONAL PROFILE OBJECTIVE SUMMARY OF SKILLS SUMMARY OF SKILLS EDUCATION EDUCATION EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE COMPANY/POSITION/DATE/LOCATION/ BULLET STATEMENTS 3 SKILLS SETS/ BULLET STATEMENTS OPTIONAL CATEGORY OPTIONAL CATEGORY Always keep in mind that every resume has a purpose, everything on your resume supports that purpose, and the items that best support your purpose come first. This means you need to target your resume every time you apply for a job. Use this checklist to build your resume or strengthen the ones you already have. CONTACT INFO • Name – should be the biggest thing on your resume • Full Address (PO Box or lack of address looks suspicious) • Phone Number with area code (just your cell phone and make sure your voice message is professional) • Email (make it professional, not • If you have your own blog or website add it if it’s relevant to the position you are applying for PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE This is an optional section which can clarify the purpose of your resume – the type of position you want and skills you can offer. If you decide to include an objective make it short with the company and specific position in mind. Employers are listening to radio WIFM (What’s In It For Me) and their only interest is the value you can bring to their company. HIGHLIGHTS OF QUALIFICATIONS Can be compared to an executive summary. This is one of the first sections an employer will read. Consider including 3 to 4 bullet statements on any of the following: technical, language skills, certifications and an example of a strength you have that would meet employer needs. EDUCATION • School Name, City, State • Degree Earned, Major, Graduation Year • Concentration • GPA (if above 3.0) and Honors • If appropriate, a list of relevant classes and projects If you’re like most MBA students, and new graduates, you don’t have extensive work experience, so education is your strongest feature. Unless you have extensive summer or part-time work, lead with this section. MBA students should not list high school. WORK EXPERIENCE • Company, City, State (start month/year to end /month/year) • Title • Bullets BULLET STATEMENTS This is where you showcase your accomplishments. Focus on the results you achieved and how you got them. Don’t re- write your job descriptions - be brief and to the point. You want the first few words of each bullet to be action and results oriented. One way to tackle bullets is to ask yourself the questions – who, what, when, why and how. Start with your most recent job and provide 3-4 primary duties highlighting your most important achievements. This is where you bring out the numbers ($, %, #), use action verbs and make it memorable. Use these helpful questions to guide you: • What was the situation or challenge presented to you? • What was the goal you worked on? • How big was the project? • Who was involved? How many people did you supervise? • How much ahead of deadline or under budget? • What were the specific actions you took to reach the goal or complete the project? • How often or when did you perform this task or responsibility? OTHER CATEGORIES (can be called Other Accomplishments, Activities & Interests or Honors & Associations) Here’s the place on your resume to detail these accomplishments. Like the “Education” section, this section can really enhance your resume by highlighting alternative experiences that are valuable in the workplace. Include honors, awards, projects, professional memberships, volunteer work, and military service. • Name of organization • Your role and activities (e.g. award name, skills gained, or leadership positions held) • Date (month/year) screen the resume in order to forward it to the right manager/ department. EXAMPLES: MARKETING-SKILLS BASED How long should your resume be? The rule of thumb is that your resume should be only one page and focus on employer needs. Your document should be error free and reader friendly. A CV by comparison can be several pages and is usually used in the U.S. only for research and academic positions. RESUME STYLES A Skills Based resume is one of the most flexible formats in terms of suitability. It is well suited for students who have little or no work experience, as well as someone who has had several positions which do not relate to his/ her current objective. Advantage of this type of resume is that you can highlight experiences from school or work, as they relate to the specific requirements of the position you are applying for. A Skills Based resume allows you to: • Focus on skills rather than employment • Include courses and topics studied, case studies and projects • Include relevant volunteer work An Experience Based resume is an excellent choice for someone who has had 3-5 years of solid work or volunteer experience which relates to his/her current career objective, and shows that the candidate has progressed in the chosen career track. A Highlights of Qualifications section can be tied together with the individual’s work experience to add more depth. Purpose of Experience Based resumes: • Heavily rely on work experience • Push MBA degree as it is the most recent accomplishment • Great option for individual with experience who is looking • for advancement • Emphasizes accomplishments in numbers, percentages and transferable skills NOTE: Steer clear of an Experience Based resume if you are changing careers, or have little or no work experience PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE Your personal objective should tell the reader in one short sentence what you are looking for and your main strengths.The objective sets the tone for the reader; he/she does not have to guess what position you are applying for. It is especially helpful for Human Resource Professionals to be guided by an objective since they often only • Highly motivated MBA student looking for an internship in financial management in the Boston area with a focus on analytical, financial and leadership skills. • MBA candidate with proven leadership skills seeking a management trainee program in an established engineering firm. • Hospitality professional with five years of hotel experience seeking an opportunity to intern in the marketing department of a major hotel chain. HIGHLIGHTS OF QUALIFICATIONS Other heading options for this category: Qualifications Summary Professional Summary Professional Summary of Skills & Accomplishments Highlights should be expressed in bullet form. These bullets are short and focus on your personal traits and accomplishments. EXAMPLES: • 3+ years of experience within the [xxx] industry • Finance oriented, highly analytical; strong business acumen • Results focused, proven ability to achieve desired outcomes • 2+ years of international work experience • Bilingual in English and Mandarin, conversational Japanese, basic German EDUCATION The education section of your resume should be listed chronologically, from your most recent experience to your first. This rule holds true for any style resume. Exclude high school. THE FORMAT FOR THIS SECTION INCLUDES: • Name of the school attended and the city and state in which the school is located • Type of degree, name of program/major, and graduation year. If you are currently working on a degree, the term “Candidate” should be used • Concentrations should be listed directly below the degree, or on the same line as the degree • Honors, GPA (optional). You may choose to create an additional section for honors and awards. See the “Optional Categories” section. If you choose to state your GPA, it must be at least a 3.0 or higher. EXAMPLE: Johnson & Wales University Providence, RI MBA in Global Business Leadership Candidate, 05/14 Concentration: Organizational Leadership GPA 3.9/4.0 American University B.S. Business Administration GPA 3.7/4.0, Cum Laude Washington, DC Degree, 05/13 Note the consistency of how the information is presented; most recent degree first, the use of “candidate” for the current degree, and the use of the term Cum Laude (Latin) meaning “With Honors.” RELEVANT COURSE WORK (Optional Category) Other heading options for this category: • Summary of Skills • Areas of Knowledge • Areas of Study • Relevant Concepts & Knowledge • Areas of Expertise Management Trainee • [list bullets below for this position] If you are listing employers from other countries, or employer names that are not well-known, consider adding a short description of the organization. The description may be in a smaller font than the regular font for this section. Consider adding the company’s website (see example below). 08/12–06/13 BULLET STATEMENT EXAMPLES Accounts Receivable Cash Control General Ledger Invoicing/Client EMPLOYMENT Employment should list job title, name of employer, location and time you worked there. The job title could be listed above, or below the organization name. 05/13 – 03/14 (3rd largest grocery store chain worldwide, EXAMPLE 2: AREAS OF STUDY ManagementMarketing Budgeting Brand Marketing Competition Analysis Market Segmentation Leading Change SWOT Analysis Mentoring & Leadership Creativity EXAMPLE: KTLA-WB, Hollywood, CA Production Assistant Intern EXAMPLE: The Hotel, Miami, FL Assistant Front Office Manager • [list bullets below for this position] Tesco PLC., Islington, UK This section should be bulleted, indented by tabs, or sectioned into columns (like this page.) Normally you would list this section after Education, or after Highlights of Qualifications. This section should be in alphabetical order, or you should use sub headings. List either your completed courses by name, or list concepts you have studied or worked with. EXAMPLE 1: AREAS OF EXPERTISE Accounts Payable Auditing Financial Statements Inventory Audits Billing You should always list the titles below if you have held more than one position with the same employer. The time listed should reflect the entire time you worked for the employer, not the time for each position. Jun – Sep 2013 Bullet statements should be results oriented and create a clear picture of what you did in the reader’s mind. By using quantifiers such as “4000 readers” and “25 clients”, and qualifiers such as “press packets” and “multimedia presentations” you can more effectively showcase your strengths. • Assisted in writing, organizing and distributing press packets and new releases for approximately 4,000 readers • Produced multimedia presentations for over 25 clients per year HONORS, AWARDS, CERTIFICATIONS, ORGANIZATIONS AND VOLUNTEER WORK (Optional Category) This miscellaneous category should be labeled depending on what you will include in it. If you list only Certifications, then you should call it Certifications and nothing else. Make sure that you do not list hobbies. This category is always listed last on your resume. • ServSafe Certified National Restaurant Association, 05/13 Recipient of the President’s Trophy, awarded by • Johnson & Wales University, May 2013 • Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM), Member 09/12-present • Toastmasters International, Student Chapter Member • 09/12 – present, Chapter President 07/12-06/13 Format: • [Name or award/certification/], awarded by [name of organization and location, if appropriate],date • [Name of organization], Member [dates], [titles held] [dates] Dawn Chang 100 Main Street, Orlando, FL 32411 Phone: (401) 598-1000 E-mail: MARKETING-SKILLS BASED PROFESSIONAL PROFILE Marketing professional with marketing, editing and PR experience, and an MBA, seeking to obtain a marketing manager position in a major corporation in the greater Orlando area. • Creative marketing professional with significant experience in public relations writing, communications, and media relations • Results-driven achiever and effective team leader with exceptional interpersonal skills • Exceptionally motivated self-starter and creative problem-solver who works hard and loves a challenge • Bilingual in English and Spanish EDUCATION Johnson & Wales University M.B.A. Global Business Leadership Providence, RI Degree, 05/14 University of Central Florida B.S. Business Administration & Marketing Orlando, FL Degree, 06/08 HIGHLIGHTS OF PROFESSIONAL SKILLS & ACCOMPLISHMENTS Marketing Experience: • Attained training in public relations writing, communications, and media relations • Promoted events and programs to generate new membership and participation • Assisted in writing, organizing, and distributing press packets and news releases • Edited promotional materials for publication and distribution • Assessed consumer behavior patterns for sports complex in Orlando, FL • Conducted marketing research analysis for national rental car firm’s Orlando office • Solicited advertisements from local businesses to support non-profit organizations Relevant MBA Courses: Brand Marketing Professional Ethics eCommerce Strategies Research & Analysis Global Marketing Strategic Services Marketing Leadership Experience: • Selected as Chairperson of special-events committee that planned annual fundraisers, formal dinners/dances, and theatrical productions • Appointed to Board of Directors that coordinates activities for more than 2,000 students • Elected to positions to generate interest in multicultural organizations • Represented 2,500 students on committee involving university policies and procedures Organizational Experience: • Assisted in registering 21,000 runners at sports complex • Produced a theatrical performance involving 100 volunteer actors, musicians, and crew • Selected and collaborated with professional convention planners and caterers for events • Coordinated decorations, food/beverage, and entertainment for formal events with 500 guests • Organized fundraising dinners for charitable causes on a limited budget • Wrote, designed, and published newsletters, advertisements, and playbills for 2,000 recipients WORK EXPERIENCE 06/12 – present 03/14 – 05/14 10/08 – 08/12 Marketing Assistant Public Relations Intern Production Assistant Editor Box Office Lackland Services, Longwood, FL Harvey, Peeples, Rinaldi Comm., Orlando, FL Maitland, FL ACTIVITIES & HONORS • Earned Matilda Harvey Scholarship for academic achievement and extracurricular involvement, 01/07 • Won Creative Sales Award for excellent sales presentation, 02/13 • Achieved Student Government Association Award for “Best Leader on Campus”, 11/13 • Served as Director of Fellowships and Leadership Council for campus ministry, 09/05-05/08 • Contributed to Student Government Association as Senator and Finance Committee Member, 06/07-06/08 Ekaterina Ivanova FINANCE/INTERNATIONAL-CONSULTING 1 America Street, Providence, RI 02903 Phone: (401) 123-4567 E-mail: PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE To obtain a Financial Analyst Level I position in a progressive organization where MBA finance skills can be applied. Open to relocation. HIGHLIGHTS OF QUALIFICATIONS • 2+ years of business analysis experience • Possesses domestic and international work experience • Strong analytical, interpersonal, leadership and decision-making skills • Strong Microsoft Excel, Word, Power Point, Publisher, Mega Stat, NCSS skills AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Asset Management Financial Analysis & Forecasting Investment Analysis Projection of Financial Statements Banking Financial Reporting Operating Leverage Strategic Financial Planning Business Analysis Financial Statements Portfolio Construction Tax Planning Cash Budgeting Industry Analysis Portfolio Management EDUCATION Johnson & Wales University (JWU) MBA, Accounting Concentration (GPA: 3.8/4.0) Providence, RI Degree, 05/14 Baikal State University of Economics and Law B.S. in Finance (GPA: 4.0/4.0) Irkutsk, Russia Degree, 05/10 FINANCE & BUSINESS ANALYSIS WORK EXPERIENCE Business Analyst Sberbank Commercial Savings Bank of Russia, Stavropol, Russia 09/10 – 07/12 • Performed initial analysis of financial statements, monitored credit payments, minimized credit default risk • Assessed the risks associated with issuance of personal and corporate loans • Analyzed business needs of various companies; identified strategic and financial issues and developed solutions • Worked with IT staff on an implementation of a new software • Estimated losses caused by a devastating flood that damaged water supply and sewage systems in the region in June ‘08 PRO BONO CONSULTING (JWU) Business Consultant Best Buddies of RI, Providence, RI • Worked with a non-profit organization to help raise funds for operational purposes • Analyzed organization’s fundraising techniques and developed new marketing plan • Contacted more than 100 companies in order to find ways to raise funds for Best Buddies • Designed and executed an electronic database of potential sponsors for the organization 09/13 – 11/013 Business Consultant Auto Paint RI, Providence, RI 06/14 – 08/14 • Consulted a local company to determine the reasons for a decrease in revenue and find solutions • Analyzed organization’s financial statements, marketing strategies, competition, target demographic, personnel and equipment utilization in order to find gaps in company’s operations • Presented a plan for development and implementation of new marketing strategies, pricing strategies, re-positioning, cost cut and new strategic investments Carlos Rodriguez HOSPITALITY-ADVANCED EXPERIENCE 1234 Thames Street, Newport, RI 401) 123-4567 E-mail: Executive Hospitality Professional with 9 years of experience in a variety of facets of the hospitality industry in positions as a general manager, consultant and/or owner with a solid background in traditional and entrepreneurial venues. EXECUTIVE PROFILE • Use real-world approches to problem solving and a deep well of experience to meet the challenges of this fast-paced, highturnover industry • Operated two successful restaurants, accommodating 400+ people and benquet events for up to 900 people • Managing $500K budgets and delivering on profit-building initiatives • Proven team-forming and motivational skills delivering unmatched loyalty and a nearly unheard of staff turnover rate of less than 25% • Strategic business sense, uncompromising work ethic, and natural sincerity have helped create consistent profits and loyal employees, partners, and managers SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: Multi-unit operation management Vendor sourcing and negotiating Project planning & systems development Sales/product/market analysis Facility managementFood/labor/marketing cost controls Risk management & inventory control Customer relations & satisfaction Event management & promotion Team building & staff retention programs HOSPITALITY WORK EXPERIENCE: Restaurant Consultant/ Opening Team Manager The Leaping Frog, Hyannis MA 10/13- present • Assisted in creating and developing a fine-dining restaurant with a European style courtyear/bar; restuarant included lunch and dinner 7 days a week, full-service bar area, 250+ dining, banquets and live entertainment • Planned and developed restaurant’s /entertainment concept; managing permits, plans, contractors, and equiptment • Fine-tuned, upgraded, and enhanced facility including handicap access, risk management, and venue flexibility • Created marketing plans, and booked live entertainment • Restaurant received 3 1/2 of 4 stars from Rhode Island Monthly after being open 3 weeks • Awarded “Best Fish Entree” in 2012 by New Channel Ten in Providence, RI General Manager Timber Alley Pub & Restaurant, Newport, RI 03/11-08/13 • Successfully managed a family restaurant, increased sales by 20% through quality food, and exceptional service • Planned and managed significant remodeling projects that enhanged the ambiance of the facility • Developed and planned menus, estimated and controlled food & beverage costs, and monitored inventory • Investigated and resolved food & beverage quality and service related complaints, ensuring customer satisfaction and repeat business • Managed a staff of up to 35 employees; improved productivity and morale by initiating systems for accountabilty; instituted effective training programs leading to a decrease in turnover by 20% • Created new business through community involvement by sponsoring local sports programs and events EDUCATION: Johnson & Wales University MBA, Hospitality Concentration B.S. in Travel & Tourism, Hospitality Management PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: • Rhode Island Hospitality Association, member 06/10-present • International Special Events Society (ISES), member 03/12-present Providence, RI Degree, 05/14 Degree, 02/09 ROBERT BURNS MBA-SKILLS BASED FOR INTERNSHIP 123 Blackstone Boulevard, Providence, RI 02906 Phone: (401) 123-4567 Email: PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE MBA Candidate currently pursuing a degree seeking to obtain a Human Resources Internship. PROFESSIONAL PROFILE • Results-oriented individual with a solid focus on employee orientation, development and training • 2+ years of domestic and international work experience • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Word, MS Excel, and MS PowerPoint, some SAP knowledge EDUCATION Johnson & Wales University Providence, RI MBA Degree, 05/14 University of Manchester Manchester, UK BA (Honors) Business Administration Degree, 05/13 RELEVANT MBA HUMAN RESOURCES COURSES & TOPICS STUDIED Human Resources Management • Benefit Management • Employee Evaluations • Hiring Process • Interviewing Legal Issues in Human Resources • Affirmative Action Analysis • Disciplinary Process • Employee Separation Process Organizational Leadership • Organizational Change • Policy Management • Turnover Analysis HIGHLIGHTS OF PROFESSIONAL SKILLS & EXPERIENCES Human Resources Projects & Cases: • Researched and analyzed data on Employee Turnover at Samsonite’s Retail Division • Revised and updated Employee Separation and Personnel Action Request Forms • Completed several case studies focusing on a variety of workplace issues to determine disciplinary actions • Analyzed actual discrimination cases, found backing pattern and defended position against opposing class team Organization • Maintained an active filling system of 1,000+ files on potential new students • Assisted approximately 25 students daily with admission concerns, directing to appropriate staff members • Prepared and mailed numerous acceptance packages to international and domestic students Communication • Prepared project presentations using MS PowerPoint and presented findings to 30+ graduate students • Achieved Competent Communicator Certification by Toastmasters International after completing 10 different types of speeches pre-defined by Toastmasters International • Acted as a New Student Ambassador during Summer Orientation 2009 helping international students acclimate to campus life and learn about the city of Providence WORK EXPERIENCE Graduate Assistant Johnson & Wales University, Graduate Admissions Providence, RI 11/13 - present Marketing Assistant Bare Associates International International quality consumer research company Dublin, Ireland 06/12- 09/13 PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS & ACTIVITIES • Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM), Student member • Toastmasters, Johnson & Wales University Chapter, member 01/13-present 11/13 – present BULLET STATEMENT EXAMPLES ACCOUNTING • Reviewed and confirmed the daily general ledger trial balance report in cooperation with the property manager • Assisted in preparation of annual budget and maintained budget guidelines and restrictions • Used Microsoft Excel to verify goods ordered and received ADMINISTRATIVE • Assisted in coordinating the daily activities of six doctors, lawyers, accountants, and administrators • Utilized legal terminology to communicate between lawyers in an 8 person law firm BANQUETS/FOOD AND BEVERAGE • Accommodated group bookings of 5-500 by adhering to standard operating procedures for banquets • Verified accuracy to monitor cost control procedures in an employee cafeteria • Familiar with set up procedures for banquet rooms accommodating 50 to 500 guests EVENT MANAGEMENT • Supervised up to 12 ushers; trained, gave directions, observation tours to regular, and new ushers • Coordinated 25-30 conferences per calendar year with from 50 to 1,000 people • Managed conventions of 100-300 people for Fortune 500 accounts, coordinated room reservations, meeting, beverage and audio visual needs organized attendees corporate food and FINANCE • Conducted weekly analysis of company’s shipping revenue • Facilitated launch of largest Indian IPO of 2006 as an implementation team member • Performed initial analysis of financial statements, monitored credit payments, minimized credit default risk FOODSERVICE MANAGEMENT • Supervised guest meal periods of breakfast, lunch, dinner and brunch serving over 500 guests per day • Minimized operational costs by 5% through implementation of staff scheduling based upon occupancy forecast • Hired & trained hourly/salaried associates as per the established standards of the company HOSPITALITY FRONT OFFICE • Checked an average of 175 guests in and out of the hotel per shift, including out-of-order rooms and VIP rooms • Prepared rooms forecast at a 350-bed hotel property, including outof-order and VIP rooms requiring special accommodations • Coordinated group arrivals and departures for 10+ guests per day HUMAN RESOURCES & TRAINING • Recruited 2 store managers and 4 store supervisors for company’s New England division • Developed, tracked and reported performance measurements for a five member department • Trained new employees regarding job duties and quality standards, assessed new hires, recommended dismissals • Screened resumes, invited qualified candidates and conducted 10+ interviews on a daily basis during main recruiting season INTERNATIONAL TRADE & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS • Interacted with 600+ participants, from 41 countries involved in distance learning courses through emails and online • Negotiated the terms of delivery, packaging and sales with customers; ensured clear communication between the business manager, export and sales department • Performed field study on brand loyalty; described competitive landscape for Hutch customers in and around Mumbai LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT • Assessed the needs of over 2,000 guests per day in a 150-seat student dining property • Managed a staff of 10, coordinated schedules and enforced company policies by negotiating conflicts in a fair but firm manner • Performed project management functions to ensure deadlines were met MARKETING, PR & MARKET RESEARCH • Developed, created and organized the distribution of promotional materials for the American Heart Association • Coordinated internal and external marketing events; obtained budget approval, ensured event staffing, produced press releases, and organized vendor purchases • Conducted an overseas research trip to Thailand for the purpose of getting customer feedback on pre-selected products to evaluate company’s market position within the region TEACHING ASSISTANT/FELLOW DUTIES (JWU properties) • Conducted formal and informal lectures on food & beverage operations to hotel interns • Performed annual evaluation of employees and students on the basis of their performances • Coached 5-8 undergraduate interns from The Hospitality College on Front Desk operations TECHNOLOGY • Performed analysis, and development of implementation tasks using C, C++,VB, MS Access, UNIX Shell Scripts, Oracle SQL, Pro C and SQA Robot • Performed daily troubleshooting of system hardware, software and network utilities. • Introduced, tested and participated in the implementation of an automated bookkeeping system based on 1C Company PC programming product and technology development TRAVEL • Negotiated rates with potential vendors in order to maximize guests’ travel experience • Organized familiarization trips for 25-50 foreign travel sales professionals, in close cooperation with Tourism Authority of Thailand and Thailand Convention Exhibition Bureau • Planned and delivered on-site services for meetings, incentives, conventions, conferences, exhibitions and team-building activities for both local and international clients HOUSEKEEPING • Conducted quarterly inventory of linen, chemicals and amenities • Coordinated housekeeping work with Front Office, Engineering and Banquet staff • Managed a monthly inventory of $20,000, and collaborated with 3-5 vendors to obtain goods and services The following are action verbs that will help you develop a resume, and write your cover letters and thank you letters. Management/ Leadership Skills administrated analyzed appointed approved attained authorized considered consolidated contracted controlled converted coordinated decided delegated developed directed eliminated emphasized enforced enhanced established executed generated handled headed hired hosted improved incorporated increased initiated inspected instituted led managed merged motivated organized originated overhauled oversaw planned presided prioritized produced recommended Communication Skills accounted addressed advertised advised arbitrated articulated assisted authored clarified coached communicated composed condensed conferred consulted contacted conveyed convinced corresponded coordinated counseled debated defined demonstrated decribed developed directed discussed disciplined drafted edited elected elicited enlisted entertained explained expressed formulated furnished guided hired incorporated influenced interacted interpreted interviewed Technical/ Data Skills adapted applied assembled built calculated computed conserved constructed converted debugged designed determined developed engineered fabricated installed maintained operated overhauled printed programmed rectified regulated remodeled repaired replaced restored solved specialized standardized studied upgraded utilized Financial Skills accounted adjusted administrated allocated analyzed appraised articulated assessed audited authored balanced budgeted calculated charted classified compared computed conserved consolidated corrected determined developed entered estimated evaluated filed financed forcasted logged managed marketed measured planned prepared programmed projected published queried reconciled reduced researched retrieved summarized tabulated transmitted typed Research Skills Creative Skills Organization/ Detail Skills analyzed clarified collected compared conducted critiqued detected determined diagnosed evaluated examined experimented explored extracted formulated gathered identified inspected interviewed invented investigated located measured organized researched reviewed searched solved summarized surveyed systematized tested acted adapted began combined conceptualized condensed created customized designed directed displayed drew entertained fashioned formulated founded illustrated initiated instituted integrated introduced invented modeled modified originated performed photographed planned revised revitalized shaped solved approved arranged catalogued categorized charted classified coded collected complied corrected corresponded distributed executed filed generated implemented incorporated inspected maintained monitored obtained operated ordered organized prepared processed provided purchased recorded registered reserved responded reviewed routed scheduled screened set up Increase your professionalism skills through volunteerism! Experiential Education & Career Services can work with you on your resume and then connect you with opportunities. For more information, call or walk-in to visit us! Experiential Education & Career Services Downcity: John Hazen White 401-598-1070 Harborside: Friedman Center 401-598-4611 > jobs & internships Follow Us! @jwuprovcareers
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