17 - 18 december 2012 Salle «ESPACE» Head quarters CNES - paris Cosmochemistry of primitive bodies: the need for MarcoPolo a european sample return space mission R V. Heber S. Tachibana 10:30 10:45 J. Trigo G. Libourel 17:00 17:15 17:30 - 19:00 M. Roskosz Chondrule formation: quicker and faster? Icebreaker Leaming about the degree of aqueous alteration of NEOs from laboratory IR sêctra of primitive Antarctic chondrites Experimental approach of dust processing in protoplanetary disks and comparison with returned samples 26 The importance of sample return for accurate and precise scientific analysis: Examples from the Genesis Mission Genesis as an Example of a Sample Return Mission Marco Polo-R: return of NEA primitive sample in Europe Welcome address Registration, coffee 16 15 14 14 13 12 11 11 10 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 page # 18 16 o- 17 R17 istHayabusa-2: Sample return mission from a near-Earth C-type asteroid, 1999JU3 T. Nakamura New ryperspective for early solar system evolution derived from recent sample return missions a I. Tsuchiyama Eu Outline oof fHayabusa sample initial analysis and recent progress I. Yurimoto returnp mission, isotope microscope, and isotope nanoscope rSample o riSolar pein primitive P. Hoppe Stardust Current status, recent advances, and future prospects miSystem materials: H. Leroux Comet Wilda 2 particles n in interaction tiv with the Stardust aerogel sa 12:30 - 14:00 Break eb minplaboratory J. Brucato Stardust grains investigated odto the primitive asteroid 1999RQ36 le mission P. Michel OSIRIS-REx, the NASA sample return re ies: R. Wieler Some highlights from returned lunar samples tu high precision New science with samples collected 40 years ago: F. Moynier rn theisotopic composition of transition metals in Apollo samples and the origin of the lunar volatile depletion ne B. Marty The lunar soil record of accretion onto planetary surfacessp ed M. Bizzaro Absolute and relative chronology of the first solar system solidsac e fomaterials F. Robert The scales of the spatial heterogeneities of the hydrogen isotopic ratio inm solar system iss r M 15:45 - 16:00 Break a io C.O.M.D. Alexander The asteroid-comet connection: The water and organic stories n. rco M. Chaussidon Al constraints on the origin and history of refractory components of chondrites Po A. Saladino Role of non terrestrial minerals in the prebiotic synthesis of genetic and metabolic apparatuses l 16:45 16:30 16:15 16:00 15:30 15:15 15:00 14:45 14:30 14:15 14:00 12:15 12:00 11:45 11:30 11:10 em ch D.S. Burnett 10:00 9:30 9:20 CM.oRocard sm A. Barucci o 8:30 Monday, 17th december L. Bonal 10:15 S. Krot 11:15 A. Pack H. Busemann M. Moreira 17:15 17:30 17:45 ADJOURN C. Smith 17:00 18:00 J. Aléon 16:45 16:30 16:15 15:45 15:30 15:15 15:00 14:45 14:30 14:15 14:00 12:15 12:00 11:45 Break Characterization of the post-accretion history of the C-type asteroid sampled by MarcoPolo-R New Evidence for Compositional Diversity Among Primitive Asteroids The physical properties of dark meteorites Organic-mineral interface in the CI type carbonaceous chondrite Orgueil D/H measurements in the water of comets using Herschel Sampling the asteroid comet continuum Chondritic Kr and Xe: result of irradiation processes in the accretion disk? 34 34 33 32 31 30 30 29 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 22 21 20 20 19 18 37 36 35 -R35 lo Po Noble Gases in (Cometary) Interplanetary Dust and samples returned from comet Wild 2 and asteroid Itokawa. Status and Plans Chemical and isotopic characterization of asteroidal matter in the Goëttingen the requirements for the successful operation of a European curation facility Curation of the samples returned by Marco Polo-R : state of the art is Are meteorites the parent materials of planets ? ry of ferroan olivine in matrices of "primitive" (petrologic type of 3.0) chondrites a E tOrigin of between chondrules and matrix in chondrites B. Zanda The relationship uThe roso-called"refractory J.A. Barrat elements in enstatite chondrites rimlithophile" pe ofporganic L. Remusat The evolution matter in chondrites through secondary processes on the parent body an of primitive iticarbonaceous meteorites Z. Martins The organic content s 12:30 - 14:00 Break am ve b M. Lee Resolving models for aqueousp alteration ofo primitive meteorites by sample return le returneddtoiEarth A. Davis New analytical techniques for samples spacecraft es byPolo-R re by Marco U. Ott Noble gas studies of asteroidal matter returned : t ur th J. Gilmour Measuring Xenon and Krypton in Primitive Material en n I. Lyon Taking apart sample return grains, atom by atom s p Y. Sano Ion microprobe U-Pb dating of a single apatite grain in meteorites ac eed P. Rochette Non destructive characterization of extraterrestrial materials: techniques applications of magnetism e and orprecautions mi fand A. Cheng (organizer) Discussion - Sampling an asteroid : requirements s M N. Starkey Oxygen Isotopic Measurements of Fine Grained Primitive Material; The Challenge s of Small Samples a i o M. Zolensky Implications for curation of the Marco-Polo samples from recent Hayabusa analyses n. rco H. Palme 11:00 11:30 he m oc 10:30 - 11:00 U. Campins G. Consolmagno 9:45 10:00 P. Ehrenfreund 9:30 sm D. Bockelée-Morvan 9:15 Co M. Gounelle 9:00 Tuesday, 18th december ABSTRACTS Cosmochemistry of primitive bodies: the need for MarcoPolo-R a European sample return space mission. oP ol oR M ARCOP OLO - R m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc Marco Polo-R: return of NEA primitive sample in Europe M.A. Barucci1 and MarcoPolo-R ESA Science study team LESIA-Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Université Paris Diderot, 92195 Meudon Principal Cedex, France, antonella.barucci@obspm.fr 1 Co sm oc he MarcoPolo-R is a sample return mission to a primitive Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA) selected for a second Assessment Study Phase in the framework of ESA’s Cosmic Vision (CV) programme. The new assessment study started at ESA on May 2011, will continue until the end of 2013, when ESA will finally select the M3 class mission for launch. MarcoPolo-R is a European-led mission with a possible contribution from other agencies. MarcoPolo-R will rendez-vous with a primitive NEA, scientifically characterize it at multiple scales, and return a unique sample to Earth unaltered by the atmospheric entry process or terrestrial weathering. The mission will answer to the fundamental CV questions “How does the Solar System work?” and “What are the conditions for life and planetary formations?”. MarcoPolo-R will return bulk samples from an organic-rich asteroid to Earth for laboratory analyses, allowing us to: • explore the origin of planetary materials and initial stages of habitable planet formation, • identify and characterize the organics and volatiles in a primitive asteroid. The new baseline target as well the status of the mission will be presented and discussed. 4 M ARCOP OLO - R Genesis as an Example of a Sample Return Mission D. S. Burnett ol oR Caltech, oP Div. of Geological and Planetary Sciences. MS 100-23 Pasadena CA, 91125. burnett@gps.caltech.edu m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc The NASA Genesis Discovery Mission returned samples of the solar wind for isotopic and elemental analyses in terrestrial laboratories. Much remains to be done, but we have been very successful to date in showing that the terrestrial planets are anomalous relative to the Sun in terms of the isotopic composition of O, N, and the noble gases. In the case of N, the Sun and Jupiter have the same ratio of 15N /14N, but the terrestrial atmosphere in a full 40% enriched in this ratio, and many inner solar system materials are even more enriched. Reference: D. Burnett et al., Proc. Nat. Acad Sci. USA 108, 19147, 2011 The importance of sample return for accurate and precise scientific analysis: Examples from the Genesis Mission V. S. Heber & K. McKeegan Department of Earth and Space Sciences UCLA 595 Charles Young Drive East, Box 951567; Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567, USA Co sm oc he The solar wind composition is analyzed much more precisely in samples returned by the NASA Genesis mission than by space-borne instruments. For example, we detected differences in the isotopic composition of He, Ne and Ar between different solar wind regimes, which allows us to assess and constrain fractionation processes in the solar wind. Furthermore, returned samples enable us to repeat analyses with different methods. The first measurements of the N isotopic composition of solar wind were contradictory. This discrepancy was only solved by subsequent analyses involving other groups and methods. Finally, a wealth of materials and methods available in laboratories allow an accurate calibration of the compositional data. We present solar wind data and analytical methods that illustrate the importance of sample return missions. 5 oP ol oR M ARCOP OLO - R he m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc Hayabusa-2: Sample return mission from a near-Earth C-type asteroid, 1999JU3 S. Tachibana1 & Hayabusa-2 sampler team Dept. Natural History Sci., Hokkaido Univ., N10 W8, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan, tachi@ep.sci.hokudai.ac.jp 1 A future Japanese asteroidal sample return mission, Hayabusa-2, plans to return samples from a near-Earth C-type asteroid 1999JU3. The spececraft will be launched in 2014- 2015, arrive at the target asteroid in 2018, stay for 1.5 years with remote sensing observations and three-time sampling at different surface locations. The samples will be back to the Earth at the end of 2020. In the presentation, we will illustrate details of the mission focusing on a sampling device with improvements from the Hayabusa sampler and the science of returned samples. New perspective for early solar system evolution derived from recent sample return missions Tohoku University, Japan Co sm oc T. Nakamura 6 M ARCOP OLO - R ol oR Outline of Hayabusa sample initial analysis and recent progress he m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc Kyoto University, Japan oP A. Tsuchiyama The outline of the initial analysis of Hayabusa samples (Itokawa regolith particles) is presented: the surface material on the asteroid Itokawa corresponds to a mixture of LL4-6 chondrites and has a variety of features on the asteroid surface processes, such as space weathering, particle abrasion and solar wind noble gas implantation. Recent progress on the asteroid surface processes are also presented. Sample return mission, isotope microscope and isotope nanoscope H. Yurimoto Natural History Sciences, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, yuri@ep.sci.hokudai.ac.jp Co sm oc Primitive materials of our solar system have survived in promitive bodies as submicrometer-sized matters. Microscopy for isotope disribution is useful to characterize the primitive matters [e.g. 1]. We progress instrumental developments of isotope microscope [2] and isotope nanoscope [3] to apply returned samples from space. In this talk, we will present examples of isotope microscopy of primitve meteorites and the future perspective at MarcoPolo-R Reentry. [1] Kunihiro T. et al., (2005) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 69, 763-773. [2] Yurimoto H. et al., (2005) Appl. Surf. Sci. 203-204, 793-797. [3] Ebata S. et al., (2012) Surf. Interface. Anal. 44, 635-640. 7 M ARCOP OLO - R Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany, peter.hoppe@mpic.de he m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc 1 oP P. Hoppe1 ol oR Stardust in primitive Solar System materials: Current status, recent advances, and future prospects Primitive Solar System materials contain small quantities of socalled presolar grains that formed in the winds of evolved stars or in the ejecta of stellar explosions [1]. Among the identified presolar minerals are SiC, graphite, silicon nitride, oxides, and silicates. These grains represent samples of stardust that can be analyzed in the laboratory with sophisticated analytical instrumentation in great detail. Of particular importance are co-ordinated studies involving SIMS, RIMS, and FIB/ TEM. FIB/TEM provides detailed information on the mineralogy and physical properties of individual stardust grains [2]. The latest generation SIMS instrument, the NanoSIMS ion probe, permits to do isotope measurements of the light and intermediate mass elements at the <100 nm scale, making it a powerful tool to identify stardust grains in-situ in thin sections of meteorites and IDPs [3]. RIMS has been used to measure the isotopic compositions of the heavy elements in stardust grains at the micrometer scale. A new type of RIMS instrument, “CHILI”, is currently under construction and is aimed to provide <100 nm resolution and better sensitivity [4]. Another promising analysis technique for future studies is atom probe tomography which might be useful to create 3D-elemental (and possibly isotopic) maps at the nm scale [5]. Co sm oc [1] Zinner E. (2007) In Treatise on Geochemistry, Vol. 1 (eds. A. Davis et al.), 1. [2] Zega T.J. et al. (2007) MAPS, 42, 1373-1386. [3] Hoppe P. (2006) Applied Surf. Sci., 252, 7102-7106. [4] Stephan T. et al. (2012) Lunar Planet. Sci., 43, 2660. [5] Heck P. et al. (2011) Lunar Planet. Sci., 42, 2070. 8 oP ol oR M ARCOP OLO - R he m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc Comet Wild 2 particles in interaction with the Stardust aerogel H. Leroux1 Unité Matériaux et Transformations, Université Lille 1, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France, Hugues.Leroux@univ-lille1.fr 1 Co sm oc Wild 2 dust particles impacted into low-density silica aerogel at a speed of 6.1 km.s-1. The deceleration tracks in the Stardust aerogel display a wide range of morphologies which reveal a large diversity of incoming particles. The large (> 1µm) and dense mineral grains survived well the extreme conditions of hypervelocity capture. Most of them appears to be calcium-aluminum inclusions (CAI) and chondrules fragments (igneous rounded objects), as seen in primitive chondrites. On the contrary, the fine-grained aggregate material (individual component < 1µm) is found strongly damaged within the aerogel. Due to their low mechanical strength, these assemblages were disaggregated, dispersed and flash melted in the aerogel in walls of bulbous deceleration tracks. Their petrologic and mineralogical properties are found significantly modified by the flash heating of the capture. Originating from a quenched melt mixture of comet material and aerogel, the representative microstructure consists of silica-rich glassy clumps containing Fe-Ni-S inclusions, vesicles and “dust-rich” patches, the latter being remnants of individual silicate components of the impacting aggregate. The average composition of these melted particle fragments is close to the chondritic CI composition. They might originate from ultrafine-grained primitive components. 9 oP ol oR M ARCOP OLO - R m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc Stardust grains investigated in laboratory J.R. Brucato1 A. Rotundi2, V. Della Corte2, G.A. Baratta3, J. Borg4, R. Brunetto4, E. Dartois4, L. d’Hendecourt4, Z. Djouadi4, M. Ferrari2, S. Merouane4, V. Mennella5, M.E. Palumbo3, P. Palumbo2 INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Firenze, Italy, jbrucato@arcetri.astro.it 2 Dip. Scienze Applicate, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”, Napoli, Italy, 3 INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania, Italy, 4 Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, Orsay, France, 5 INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Napoli, Italy. 1 Co sm oc he Stardust/NASA space probe captured particles around comet 81P/Wild 2 in 2004, returning them to Earth in 2006. We report on analyses we performed on 81P/Wild 2 particles prepared in different configurations: 1) extracted from aerogel as bulk grains and deposited on KBr and Si substrates; 2) single grains embedded in slices of aerogel and pressed between to diamond surfaces. We performed on the two sets of grains Micro IR spectroscopy and micro Raman spectroscopy with conventional and synchrotron sources. In addition we performed Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy and EDX analyses. Results are discussed in connection with sample preparation and aerogel capture. 10 M ARCOP OLO - R oP P. Michel ol oR OSIRIS-REx, the NASA sample return mission to the primitive asteroid 1999RQ36 m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc UMR 7293 Lagrange/CNRS, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur B.P. 4229, 06304 Nice Cedex 4, France The OSIRIS-REx mission is a 14-year undertaking from selection in May 2011 through 2025 sample analyses. The spacecraft will be launched in 2016, travel to a near-Earth carbonaceous asteroid (101955) 1999 RQ36, study it in detail from 2018, and bring back a sample (at least 60 grams or 2.1 ounces) to Earth in 2023. The return to Earth of pristine samples with known geologic context will enable precise analyses that cannot be duplicated by spacecraft-based instruments, revolutionizing our understanding of the early Solar System. It will help us investigate planet formation and the origin of life, and the data collected at the asteroid will also aid our understanding of asteroids that can impact Earth. Some highlights from returned lunar samples R. Wieler1 ETH Zürich, Earth Sciences, NW C84, CH-8092 Zürich wieler@erdw.ethz.ch oc he 1 Co sm I will present a few science highlights obtained by analyses of lunar samples returned by the Apollo (and some Luna) missions. This will include but not be restricted to results from noble gas and nitrogen studies. 11 M ARCOP OLO - R m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc oP F. Moynier1, Randal Paniello2, James Day3 ol oR New science with samples collected 40 years ago: high precision isotopic composition of transition metals in Apollo samples and the origin of the lunar volatile depletion Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and McDonnell Center for Space Sciences, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130, USA. moynier@wustl.edu 2 Geosciences Research Division, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA 92093-0244, USA 1 Co sm oc he Volatile elements play a fundamental role in the evolution of planets. However, our understanding of how volatile budgets were set in planets, and the nature and extent to which planetary bodies became volatile-depleted during the earliest stages of Solar System formation remain poorly understood. Since the return of lunar samples by the Apollo mission ~40 years ago, the Moon has been considered to be volatile-depleted and consequently it has been predicted that volatile loss should have fractionated stable isotopes of moderately volatile elements. Recent analytical developments allow us to now measure the isotopic composition of moderately volatile metals to very high precision. One such element, zinc, exhibits strong isotopic fractionation during volatilisation in planetary rocks but is hardly fractionated during terrestrial igneous processes, making Zn a powerful tracer of the volatile histories of planets. Here we present high-precision Zn isotopic and abundance data that show lunar magmatic rocks are enriched in the heavy isotopes of Zn and have lower Zn concentrations than terrestrial or martian igneous rocks. Conversely, Earth and Mars have broadly chondritic Zn isotopic compositions. We show that these variations represent large-scale evaporation of Zn, most likely in the aftermath of the Moon-forming event, rather than small-scale evaporation processes during volcanic processes. These results therefore represent the first evidence for volatile depletion of the Moon through evaporation and are consistent with a giant impact origin for the Earth and Moon. 12 m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc oP ol oR M ARCOP OLO - R The lunar soil record of accretion onto planetary surfaces B. Marty1, S. Assonov2, M. Chaussidon1, E. Füri1, K. Hasizume3, F.A. Podosek4, R. Wieler5 CRPG-CNRS, Université de Lorraine, BP 20, 54501 Vandoeuvre-lès- Nancy Cedex, France 2 Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany 3 Osaka University, Japan 4 Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA 5 ETH Zürich, Earth Sciences, NW C84, CH-8092 Zürich wieler@erdw.ethz.ch 1 Co sm oc he Soil samples returned by the Apollo missions constitute an exceptional archive of ET contributions to planetary surfaces over eons. The analysis of single regolith grains by either laser extraction - static mass spectrometry or ion probe has revealed the complexity of processes and cosmochemical sources. We propose, from our investigations in the last decade, that the main contributors are the solar wind and IDPlike dust over at least 2 Ga, with an increase of the flux of the latter in the last 0.5 Ga. Comets do not appear a major contributor, although this conclusion awaits further analysis of cometary material, especially for the D/H and 15N/14N ratios. The analysis of lunar meteorites presumably sampling randomly the Moon leads us to conclude that the terrestrial atmosphere was not a major contributor of volatile elements to the lunar surface. 13 M ARCOP OLO - R ol oR Absolute and relative chronology of the first solar system solids oP M. Bizzaro m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc StarPlan - Centre for Star and Planet Formation Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen Øster Voldgade 5-7, Copenhagen, Denmark, DK-1350 The scales of the spatial heteorgeneities of the hydrogen isotopic ratio in solar system materials F. Robert CNRS/Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle UMR-7202 LMCM Paris. robert@mnhn.fr sm oc he The most striking characteristic of the hydrogen isotopic ratio in solar system material is its heterogeneous distribution at all scales: at the scale of planets (AU), of comets and planetesimals (km to cm), of minerals (μm to nm). Scientific communities and informations derived form these variations can be sorted according to this scale range. As a whole the D/H ratio in the solar system varies by almost 3 orders of magnitude. Based on the D/H variations at all these scales, two recent studies [1,2] have provided a coherent model for the origin of water in the solar system. Similarly, laboratory experiments are in progress to adress the origin of organic materials. These models could be tested on samples returned from a chemically well identified asteroïd. Co 1: Jaquet E., Robert F. Water transport in protoplanetary disks and the hydrogen isotopic composition of chondrites. Icarus, submitted. 2 : Yang L., Ciesla F. J. and Alexander C. M. O. (2012). The D/H Ratio of Water in a Forming and Evolving Protoplanetary Disk. In LPSC Abstracts, Vol. 43. P. 2023. 14 M ARCOP OLO - R The asteroid-comet connection: The water and organic stories ol oR C.M.O’D. Alexander oP DTM, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 5241 Broad Branch Road, Washington DC 20015, USA. alexander@dtm.ciw.edu. Co sm oc he m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc Recent dynamical models suggest that C-complex and D-type asteroids formed well beyond (4-13 AU) the formation location of Jupiter, and in some cases as far out as the source regions of Oort and Jupiter-family comets [1, 2]. The discovery of so-called main belt comets in the asteroid belt would certainly be consistent with this [3]. On the other hand, in the models the S-complex and E-type asteroids would have formed at ≤3 AU. The C- and D- asteroids are thought to be the sources of the carbonaceous chondrites (CCs), while the S- and E- asteroids the sources of the ordinary (OCs) and enstatite chondrites (ECs). Objects that formed beyond the formation location of Jupiter are likely to have been water-ice- and organic-rich. Thus, the organic material and water-OH in chondrites may be important tests of these models. The dominant amino acids in the primitive CCs (CI, CM, CR and ungrouped CCs like Tagish Lake) are probably formed by Strecker synthesis, in which case the accreted ices were HCN- and NH3-bearing, like comets. The insoluble organic material (IOM) is the dominant organic component in chondrites, and in the primitive CCs its bulk composition is like that of Halley CHON particles [4]. The less primitive CCs (e.g., CO, CV), OCs and ECs have all experienced varying degrees of thermal metamorphism that has modified their organics. At least for the IOM, the less primitive chondrites seem to have accreted similar material to the primitive CCs [4]. The D/H ratio of water is expected to have increased with increasing radial distance from the Sun, and therefore can potentially constrain the relative formation distances of planetesimals. Most comets have measured water D/H ratios that are roughly twice the terrestrial ratio. Except for the CRs, CCs have water-OH D/H ratios that are less than the terrestrial ratio [5]. The CRs have a water-OH ratio that is slightly higher than terrestrial. The OC and R chondrites, on the other hand, have water-OH D/H ratios that are, respectively, comparable to and higher than comets. The D/H results for the chondrites are the reverse of what is expected from the predictions of formation distances made by the dynamical models. However, it is unlikely that the OC and R chondrites formed at or beyond the formation location of the measured comets. Rather, it seems likely that their water-OH has been enriched in D by isotopic fractionation during oxidation of Fe by water [6]. This process has probably also affected the CCs to varying degrees, so all their D/H ratios are upper limits. Consequently, it is unlikely that the CCs formed in the source regions of the comets. In fact, the CCs must have formed inward of the formation location of Saturn’s moon Enceladus, which has a comet-like D/H ratio, and may have formed between ~3 AU and ~7AU. [1] Walsh K. J. et al., (2011) Nature, 475, 206. [2] Levison H. F. et al., (2009) Nature, 460, 364. [3] Jewitt D. (2012) Astronom. J., 143, 66. [4] Alexander C. M. O’D. et al., (2007) GCA, 71, 4380. 15 Al constraints on the origin and history of refractory components of chondrites m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc 26 oP ol oR M ARCOP OLO - R M. Chaussidon CRPG-CNRS, Université de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France, chocho@crpg.cnrs-nancy.fr The recent developments of high precision Mg isotopic analysis by MC-SIMS and MC-ICPMS has allowed to make significant advances in the study and understanding of the 26Al-26Mg systematics in CAIs, AOAs, Al-rich chondrules and ferro-magnesian chondrules from chondrites. The determination of mineral isochrons and bulk isochrons for the same objects, and of precise values for the slopes and intercepts, constrain the distribution of 26Al and 26Mg in the accretion disk and the timing of the high temperature events which took place in the disk during its first few million years of history. A. Saladino Co sm oc he Role of non terrestrial minerals in the prebiotic synthesis of genetic and metabolic apparatuses 16 oP ol oR M ARCOP OLO - R m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc Experimental approach of dust processing in protoplanetary disks and comparison with returned samples M. Roskosz UMET Bat. C6, Université de Lille 1, France In the past decade, a large number of experimental studies have been dedicated to the processing of analogs of extraterrestrial fine-grained materials. Traditionally, the results were compared to spectroscopic signatures collected from ground or from orbiters. More recently, the opportunity was offered to compare directly experimental results to materials collected during sample-return missions. For these samples, the source regions are identified and secondary processing are limited (and better controlled than for stratospheric dust samples). Therefore, with such samples in hands, it is possible to study in laboratory the subtle mechanisms at work during low-temperature crystallization and irradiation of the dust. Our experimental results, focussing on these two processes, will be discussed and compared to some features of recently returned samples (Stardust, Hayabusa). J. M. Trigo-Rodriguez Co sm oc he Learning about the degree of aqueous alteration of NEOs from laboratory IR spectra of primitive Antarctic chondrites» Institute of Space Sciences (CSIC-IEEC) 17 M ARCOP OLO - R G. Libourel oP ol oR Chondrule formation: quicker and faster? m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc CRPG-CNRS, Université de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France. libou@crpg.cnrs-nancy.fr Owing to a set of isothermal experiments, I will show that chondrule formation must be more the result of processes generating crystal growth by chemical disequilibrium at high temperature, i.e., dC/dt than processes generating crystallization by cooling rates, i.e., dT/dt (as in dynamical cooling rate experiments). This finding challenges both the common view that cooling rate is the only driving force during the chondrule crystallization, and the reliability of cooling rate values inferred for producing porphyritic textures [1]. Chondrule thermal histories with shorter durations of heating at high temperature (i.e., few tens of minutes) followed by faster cooling rates than those deduced from furnace simulations (i.e., > 103 K/h) are inferred to match both textural and chemical constraints of chondrules. Implications on chondrule formation models [1, 2] will be discussed. [1] Desch et al., (2012) Meteoritics, 47, 1139-1156. [2] Alexander and Ebel, (2012) Meteoritics, 47, 1-19. Sampling the asteroid-comet continuum M. Gounelle sm oc he LMCM, UMR7202, MNHN-CNRS, 57 rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris gounelle@mnhn.fr Co Bases on laboratory analyses of chondrites and Stardust cometary samples, as well as on dynamical studies I will show that there exists an asteroid-comet continuum. Sampling this continuum is essential for understanding the formation and early evolution of our Solar System. 18 m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc oP ol oR M ARCOP OLO - R D/H measurements in the water of comets using Herschel D. Bockelee-Morvan and the HSSO team LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, Section de Meudon. 5, place Jules Janssen. 92195 MEUDON Cedex Co sm oc he Measurements of isotopic ratios in comets provide key information about the formation of cometary materials and possible links with other Solar System primitive bodies and the interstellar medium. The D/H ratio in water was measured in several Oort cloud comets (OCC) using different techniques, with most measurements agreeing with a value of ~ 3 x 10-4. The Herschel observatory allowed us to measure for the first time the D/H ratio in comet 103P/Hartley 2, a Jupiter family comet (JFC) presumably formed in the Kuiper Belt. The D/H ratio was found to be a factor of 2 lower than the earlier measurements in Oort cloud comets and the same as the terrestrial value VSMOW. The D/H ratio was also measured using Herschel in the long-period comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd). We will present the D/H ratio measured in comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) and discuss the results in the context of previous measurements in OCCs and JFCs. 19 M ARCOP OLO - R Organic-mineral interface in the CI type carbonaceous chondrite Orgueil Space Policy Institute, Washington DC University of Wisconsin Madison, WI 53706 USA pehren@gwu.edu ol oR P. Ehrenfreund1 and H. Xu2 1 m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc oP 2 The amino acid composition of the CI carbonaceous chondrite Orgueil is strikingly distinct, suggesting that this meteorite came from a different type of parent body [1]. We recently exposed a sample from Orgueil to a simulated Mars environment in a diurnal cyclic mode. The results indicated substantial destruction of the two major amino acids glycine and b-alanine and provided evidence for UV-assisted reactions involving the mineral matrix. We also present a recent study of Orgueil’s mineral composition using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM/STEM) and Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. [1] Ehrenfreund P. et al., (2001) PNAS, 98, 2139-2141. The physical properties of dark meteorites G. J. Consolmagno1, D. T. Britt2, R. J. Macke3, C. P. Opeil3 Specola Vaticana, Vatican City State. gjc@specola.va University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA 3 Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA USA 1 2 Co sm oc he We review the density, porosity, magnetic susceptibility, and thermal properties of low-albedo meteorites including those from three major classes of carbonaceous chondrites (volatile rich, volatile poor, and metal rich) and shock-blackened ordinary chondrites. These four types of meteorite all are characterized by having very low albedos, making them hard to tell apart by the usual Earth-based remote sensing techniques. But they are very different in composition (as will be immediately apparent in the returned samples) and they have very different physical properties, which in turn will have important implications for the structure and history of the parent body. 20 ol oR M ARCOP OLO - R m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc oP New Evidence for Compositional Diversity Among Primitive Asteroids H. Campins1, J. De Leon2, J. Emery3 University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, USA. campins@physics.ucf.edu 2 University of La Laguna,Tenerife, Spain 3 University of Tennessee, Knoxvilee, Tenneesee, USA 1 Recent observations have revealed new and diagnostic spectral differences among primitive asteroids [1,2,3]. For example, the reflectance spectra of B-type asteroids in the 0.8–2.5 µm range show a continuous shape variation, ranging from a monotonic negative (blue) slope to a positive (red) slope. This spectral trend correlates with a compositional trend with CM2 chondrites (water-rich, aqueously altered) as analogs for the reddest spectra, to CK4 chondrites (dry, heated/ thermally altered) as analogs for the bluest ones [1]. In addition, a clear diversity in the 3µm and 10 µm spectral features of primitive asteroids may be related to the level of hydration and particle sizes on the surfaces [2,3]. The implications of these new results on the expected composition of primitive spacecraft-targeted near-Erath asteroids will be discussed. oc he Co sm [1] de León J. et al., (2012) Icarus, 218, 196-206. [2] Takir D. & Emery J.P. (2012) Icarus, 219, 641-654. [3] Hargrove K.D. et al., (2012) Icarus, 221,453-455. 21 M ARCOP OLO - R Characterization of the post-accretion history of the C-type asteroid sampled by MarcoPolo-R ol oR L. Bonal, P. Beck, E. Quirico, B. Schmitt, R. Thissen, V. Vuitton m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc oP IPAG, Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble, UJF-Grenoble 1 / CNRS, France, lydie.bonal@obs.ujf-grenoble.fr Primitive asteroids (e.g., C-type) are widely considered to contain the least processed materials. The determination of their physical and compositional properties may therefore be keys to understand the formation of the Solar System. However, (i) identifying the post-accretion geological processes and, (ii) characterizing the modifications induced on the original components are indispensable prior any interpretations in terms of solar nebula properties. The activity of the cosmochemistry team at IPAG is focused on the origin and evolution of carbonaceous matter and water, as constrained through multianalytical characterization (structural, chemical, and isotopic characterization) of a large panel of primitive cosmomaterials. Sample-return missions to primitive Near Earth Asteroids, such as MarcoPolo-R, offer a unique opportunity to strengthen the link between primitive cosmomaterials available in laboratories (e.g. chondrites) and their asteroidal counterpart and to get an insight on the early stages of space weathering. During the workshop a compilation of results, based on the physico-chemical characterization of chondritic carbonaceous matter and water, will be presented and interpreted in terms of thermal and shock metamorphism, and aqueous alteration history. Are meteorites the parent materials of planets? H. Palme sm oc he Sektion Meteoritenforschung, Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Senckenberganlage 25, D-60325 Frankfurt am Main Germany Palmeherbert@gmail.com Co The bulk Earth composition is roughly chondritic. Enrichment of refractory and depletion of volatile elements resemble trends in carbonaceous chondrites. Stable isotopes, however, exclude carbonaceous chondrites as parent material for the Earth. Meteorite parent bodies formed in separated local reservoirs but under similar conditions as carbonaceous chondrites. 22 M ARCOP OLO - R m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc oP ol oR Mineralogy, O and Mn-Cr isotope systematics of fayalite in type 3 ordinary, CV and CO carbonaceous chondrites: Implications for dating of aqueous alteration and sources of water ices in asteroids A. N. Krot, K. Nagashima, P. Doyle and K. Jogo HIGP/SOEST, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA, sasha@higp.hawaii.edu Co sm oc he Ferroan olivine (Fa50-100) is one of the major minerals in matrices of unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (UOC) and CV and CO carbonaceous chondrites which experienced a low degree aqueous alteration and mild thermal metamorphism. It is absent in matrices of extensively aqueously-altered carbonaceous chondrites (CM, CR2, and CI), chondrites that largerly avoided aqueous alteration (e.g., Acfer 094 and CR3), and highly-reduced chondrites (EH, EL, and K). The high-temperature, nebular and low-temperature, asteroidal models have been proposed to explain the origin of ferroan olivine [1-5]. Here we report on the mineralogy, O and Mn-Cr isotope systematics of the fayalitebearing assemblages in type 3.0-3.1 ordinary (MET 00452, Semarkona, Ngawi), CV (Kaba, Vigarano, A-8811317), and CO (MAC 88107, EET 90042, Y-81020) chondrites. In these meteorites, nearly pure fayalite (fa; Fa98-100) associates with magnetite (mgt), hedenbergite, Ni-nearing sulfides, and phyllosilicates. This mineral paragenesis occurs as (i) coarse-grained intergrowths in interchondrule matrix, (ii) veins crosscutting fine-grained rims around chondrules; and (iii) overgrowths on olivine chondrule fragments. On a three-isotope oxygen diagram, fa and mgt in UOCs, CVs and COs plot along mass-dependent fractionation lines with a slope of ~0.5 and Δ17O values of 4.3±1.1‰, 0.4±0.9‰, and - 1.6±0.9‰, respectively. The inferred initial 53Mn/55Mn ratios in fa from the CVs and COs are ~3.4×10-6 and ~2.4×10-6, respectively [6]. This corresponds to ~3 and 5 Myr after CV CAIs having U-corrected Pb-Pb age of 4567.3±0.16 Myr [7]. Based on these observations and thermodynamic analysis [5], we conclude that the fa-bearing paragenesis in UOCs, CVs, and COs formed during water-rock (water/rock ratio ~0.1-0.2) interaction at elevated temperatures (~100-200°C) on the chondrite parent asteroids. The observed differences in Δ17O values of the fa-mgt assemblages in UOCs, CVs and COs suggest that water ices that accreted into their parent asteroids had different oxygen-isotope compositions. These compositions are inconsistent with a significant flux of water from the outer Solar System that is expected to be isotopically heavy (Δ17O > 50‰) as hypothesized in the CO self-shielding models [8-10]. Instead water in asteroids had a local, inner Solar System origin. [1] Lauretta et al. 2003. GCA, 65:1337. [2] Hutcheon et al. 1998. Science, 282:1865. [3] Krot et al. 2004. Proc. NIPR, 17:154. [4] Choi et al. 2000. MAPS, 35:1239. [5] Zolotov et al. 2006. MAPS, 41:1775. [6] Doyle et al. 2013. LPSC, 44. [7] Connelly et al. 2012. Science, 338:651. [8] Yurimoto & Kuramoto. 2004. Science, 305:1763. [9] Lyons & Young. 2005. Nature, 435:317. [10] Hashizume et al. 2011. Nature Geoscience, 4:165. 23 M ARCOP OLO - R ol oR The relationship between chondrules and matrix in chondrites oP B. Zanda1,2 and R. Hewins1,2 LMCM-CNRS-UMR7202, MNHN – CP52, 61, rue Buffon, 75005 Paris France, zanda@mnhn.fr, 2 Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ08855, USA. hewins@rci.rutgers.edu m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc 1 oc he The origin of chondrites and the genetic relationship between different groups remain poorly understood. The specific mixture of chondrules, refractory inclusions and matrix of chondrites determines their oxygen isotopic signatures [1] as well as their bulk chemistry, and more specifically their volatile element budget [2]. Along with redox and metal/silicate fractionation, volatile elementdepletion is a major process that affected the inner solar nebula and two types of explanation have been competing over nearly 40 years: (i) in the “two-component” model of Anders [3], the high T components lost volatiles when they were formed and are now embedded in a volatile-bearing CIcomposition matrix; whereas (ii) in the “incomplete condensation” model of Wasson & Chou [4], the high T components formed from incompletely condensed material due to the dissipation of the nebular gas. The latter hypothesis implies that volatile fractionation predated chondrule formation and seems supported by variations in matrix composition and an apparent complementarity with chondrules in carbonaceous chondrites [e.g. 5]. In-situ analyses of matrices in a suite of CM chondrites with varying degrees of alteration including different lithologies of the Paris CM breccia, show that matrix compositions vary with the the local degree of alteration. In Paris, matrix in the less altered zones has a CI composition, while that of the more altered zones has lost S and chalcophiles and gained Fe and siderophiles [6]. EMP data for other CM matrices also indicate that their S/Si decreases with the extent of parent-body alteration [7]. On the other hand, bulk chemical analyses of chondrites (conducted at NHMFL by an in-situ rastering with LA-ICP-MS) exhibit no difference between more or less altered regions in Paris [6]. Matrix compositions thus vary with alteration although the bulk rocks remain isochemical. This suggests local exchange between matrices and high temperature fractions, and a CI composition for matrices at the time of accretion. These results contradict pre-accretion complementarity between matrix and the high T fraction as advocated by [5] and support the two-component model of Anders [3]. They allow these components to be formed independently and accrete in varying proportions to generate the range of bulk CC compositions. It is thus possible that high T constituants formed near the Sun were transported over large distances and mixed with matrix in colder regions of the disk, which would explain their presence in cometary materials. Co sm [1] Zanda, B. et al., (2006). EPSL, 248, 650-660. [2] Zanda, B. et al., (2009). MAPS, A#5280. [3] Anders E. (1964). Space Sci. Rev., 3, 583-714. [4] Wasson J.T. & Chou C.-L. (1974). Meteoritics, 9, 69-84. [5] Bland P. et al. (2005). PNAS, 102, 13755–13760. [6] Zanda, B. et al., (2011). LPS, A#2040. [7] Zanda B. et al., (2011). MAPS, A#5358. 24 M ARCOP OLO - R ol oR The so-called «refractory lithophile» elements in enstatite chondrites. oP J. A. Barrat1, B. Zanda2, C. Bollinger1. Université Européenne de Bretagne, UBO-IUEM, CNRS UMR 6538, Place Nicolas Copernic, 29280 Plouzané Cedex, France. barrat@univ-brest.fr. 2 MNHN & CNRS UMR7202, 61, rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France. m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc 1 oc he We report on the trace element abundances of a series of enstatite chondrites. Our ICP-MS procedure (adapted from [1]) allows the determination of abundances and ratios of refractory elements (e.g., REEs+Y, Th, U, Nb, Ta, Sr, Ba) in chondrites with a good reproducibility (<3% for abundances, < 1.5 % for ratios such as La/Sm, Eu/Eu*, Zr/Hf or Nb/Ta). In agreement with previous studies (e.g., [2-4]), EL3, EH3, EH4, and some of our EH-IMB (Abee and Saint Sauveur) samples display basically chondritic abundances and ratios. The situation is clearly different for all the other EC samples. The EL6 samples are all light REE depleted and display a small negative Eu anomaly ((La/Lu)n=0.64-0.77, Eu/Eu*=0.75-0.89). Their patterns are alike those of an oxidized dark inclusion from Sahara 97158, and the LAP 02225 impact melt. Furthermore, Galim-b display a more pronounced light REE depletion ((La/Lu)n=0.30-0.40), a small negative Yb anomaly and a deep negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu*=0.18-0.29). The light REE depletion shown by the impact melted ECs is accompanied by Nb, Sr, Eu, and Ba depletions. Striking correlations between La/Lu, Nb/Ta, and Eu/Eu* are obtained. We performed a series of leaching experiments on various ECs in order to constrain the concentrations of trace elements in leachable sulfides and in silicates (residues). The proportions of REEs and Nb (among others) in the leachable phases (mainly sulfides) are clearly affected by the metamorphic history of the meteorites. For example, the Nb budget is largely controlled by the sulfides in EL6 chondrites, not in EL3s.The ranges of abundances and ratios of the so-called “lithophile refractory” elements in ECs can be explained by impact-induced mobilization of sulfides and possibly plagioclase [2]. Vaporization and losses of some of these elements upon impact cannot be directly rejected, and could account for some non-chondritic values inferred for planetary or asteroidal bodies (e.g., the Earth, Mercury and the aubrite parent bodies). sm Co [1] Barrat J.A. et al. 2008. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 43: 1759-1775. [2] Rubin et al. 2009. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 73: 1523-1537. [3] Kallemeyn G.W. and Wasson J.T. 1985. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 49: 261-270. [4] Kallemeyn G.W. and Wasson J.T. 1985. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 50: 2153-2164. 25 ol oR M ARCOP OLO - R oP The evolution of organic matter in chondrites through secondary processes on the parent body. m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc L. Rémusat1, S. Bernard1, J.-N. Rouzaud2 & C. Le Guillou3 LMCM, UMR CNRS 7202, MNHN, CP 52, 57 rue Cuvier, 75231 Paris, France, remusat@mnhn.fr 2 Laboratoire de Géologie, UMR CNRS 8538, ENS 24 rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris, France 3 Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Inst. Für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik, Bochum, Germany 1 The organic matter trapped in carbonaceous chondrites have likely been synthesized by various chemical reactions before the formation of the parent body (either during the early stage of the solar system or in the parent molecular cloud). However, the parent body processes, going from intense hydrothermal alteration to high temperature metamorphism have likely induced modifications on the chemical structure [1] and the H isotopic signature [2]. We will discuss these effects based on observations on natural samples and laboratory experiments. This should shed light on the significance to target a non metamorphosed and poorly to midly hydrated asteroid in order to get useful samples to understand the origin of organics in the solar system. oc he Co sm [1] Le Guillou C. et al. (2012). Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 47, 345-362. [2] Alexander, C. M.O’D. et al., (2010). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 74, 4417-4437. 26 M ARCOP OLO - R ol oR The organic content of primitive carbonaceous meteorites Z. Martins m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc oP Imperial College London, Department of Earth Science and Engineering, South Kensington Campus, UK z.martins@imperial.ac.uk Carbonaceous chondrites contain many biologically revelant organic compounds that may have been involved in the origin and evolution of life on Earth. The abundance and distribution of the soluble organic compounds present in different carbonaceous meteorites seem to reflect the different degrees of thermal metamorphism and aqueous alteration processing in their parent body. Aqueous alteration has showed to influence the amino acid content. The relative abundance of b-amino acids/glycine seem to increase with increasing aqueous alteration on the meteorite parent body [1-3]. In relation to a-amino acids, it has been stated by [1,2] that meteorites with a high degree of aqueous alteration have a lower relative abundance of a-AIB. However, the data from [3,4] did not show a trend for the relative abundance of a-AIB versus aqueous alteration in the CM1 and CM2 chondrites analysed. The soluble organic matter may also be influenced by the metamorphic temperature in the meteorite parent body. The type 3 chondrites have been suggested to contain the most pristine matter owing to their relatively unaltered metamorphic and petrological histories [5,6]. While CV3 chondrites were reported to contain only low to trace levels of amino acids [7,8], the CR3s MET00426 and QUE 99177 possess high amino acid abundances [9,10]. On the other hand the amino acid contents of the CO3s Colony and Ornans were found to be generally lower than most carbonaceous chondrites but contained unusually high relative abundances of b-alanine and g-ABA [11]. It is possible that these amino acids present in type 3 carbonaceous chondrites may be formed from Fischer-Tropsch ⁄ HaberBosch type gas-grain reactions after the meteorite parent body cooled to much lower temperatures [12,13] or during the cooling process in the parent body still at elevated temperatures but lower than 500ºC [14]. Co sm oc he [1] Glavin D.P. et al. (2006) Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 41, 889-902. [2] Glavin D.P. et al. (2010) Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 45, 1948-1972. [3] Martins Z. et al., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, submitted. [4] Botta O. et al. (2007) Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 42, 81–92. [5] McSween H.Y. (1979) Rev. Geophysics, 17, 1059–1078. [6] Bonal L. et al. (2007) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 71, 1605–1623. [7] Cronin J.R. and Moore C.B. (1971) Science, 172, 1327–1329. [8] Cronin J.R. and Moore C.B. (1976) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 40, 853–857. [9] Glavin D.P., et al. (2011) Meteoritics & Planetary Science 45, 1948–1972. [10] Pizzarello, S. et al. (2012) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 109, 11949–11954. [11] Chan H.-S. et al. (2012) Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 47, 1502-1516. [12] Glavin D.P. et al. (2010) Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 45,1695–1709. [13] Burton A.S. et al. (2011) Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 46, 1703–1712. [14] Rodante F. et al. (1992) Thermochim. Acta, 194, 197–213. 27 M ARCOP OLO - R ol oR Resolving models for aqueous alteration of primitive meteorites by sample return oP M.R. Lee1, P. Lindgren1 , M.R. Sofe1, I. Franchi2 and N. Starkey2 School of Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ. U.K. Martin.Lee@Glasgow.ac.uk 2 Planetary & Space Sciences Research Institute, Open University, Milton Keynes, MK7 6 AA, UK. m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc 1 Co sm oc he The carbonaceous chondrite meteorites contain minerals including phyllosilicates and carbonates that crystallized from aqueous solutions in parent body interiors, yet they have retained primitive bulk chemical compositions. This apparent contradiction between meteorite mineralogy and chemistry can be reconciled only if the fluids that mediated alteration were static so that the reactions took place in a chemically closed system [1]. Numerical simulations of the thermal evolution of carbonaceous chondrite asteroids however consistently predict that hydrothermal convection would have been operative so that alteration would have been chemically open [2]. The closed and open system models have very different implications for the mechanisms and chronologies of parent body evolution and the present-day internal structure of primitive asteroids. Our work on the CM carbonaceous chondrites has found clear evidence for multiple episodes of aqueous alteration. For example in Pollen (CM2) there are two generations of calcite, the first a cement and the second replacive of olivine. Prior to the second generation, the calcite cement was partially replaced by phyllosilicates. NanoSIMS analyses of another two generations of calcite in the LON 94101 (CM2) meteorite reveal that they have contrasting oxygen isotope compositions that are consistent with crystallization from aqueous solutions of a very different provenance and/or temperature. Results of this work are more consistent with a system that was open, albeit non necessarily continuously, than one that was closed with static fluids. It may remain difficult to answer these very fundamental questions about the histories and properties of primitive parent bodies using the fragmentary meteorite record. The different models of aqueous alteration can be tested much more effectively by sample return. For example small bodies altered by static fluids should have a uniform degree of alteration whereas larger bodies should have a compositional zoning or layering reflecting paths of fluid flow. In addition, samples can be collected that are too fragile to survive ejection from the parent body and Earth entry but may provide critical information on paths of fluid flow. [1] Bland P.A. et al., (2009) Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 287, 559–568. [2] Palguta J. et al., (2010) Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 296, 235–243. 28 M ARCOP OLO - R oP m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc A. Davis ol oR New analytical techniques for samples returned to Earth by spacecraft Noble gas studies of asteroidal matter returned by Marco Polo-R U. Ott1,2 1 2 Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie, Mainz, Germany University of West Hungary, Szombathely, uli.ott@mpic.de Co sm oc he Noble gases are trace elements par excellence and often clearly bear a record of processes barely visible in other elements. Primary among these is the cosmic ray exposure history and the exposure to the solar wind in the asteroidal regolith. Compared to meteorites, more complete and unadulterated information can be extracted from material obtained by a sample return mission. Besides the case of the Moon; valuable insight has been obtained from the analysis of a few grains from asteroid Itokawa returned by Haybusa [1]. Compared to the latter, material returned by Marco Polo-R will provide results for an asteroid from a different region in the Solar System and the much larger amount to be returned will allow more prepresentative analyses. Complementing a general comparison with Moon and Itokawa, in particular with regard to regolith dynamics, a study of chondrules, if present, will be of high interest. At least in some cases (e.g. CM2 Murchison [2] and CR2 El Djouf [3]) pre-irradiation appears to have occurred in the parent body regolith, although on a very different scale. Results may bear on the question on whether pre-irradiation (also) occurred in the solar nebula. Another constructive comparison will be with micrometeorites, which currently dominate the extraterrestrial flux on Earth. Commonly, they are considered to be similar to CM carbonaceous chondrites [4], but recent work is indicative of a larger variety of sources [5, 6, 7]. Finally, xenon as the ultimate trace element may serve as a sensitive tracer for the presence in bulk of unusual materials, such as grains of stardust (see review [8]). [1] Nagao K. et al., (2011). Science, 333, 1128-1131. [2] Roth A.S.G. et al., (2011). MAPS, 46, 989–1006. [3] Beyersdorf-Kuis U. et al., (2012). 75th Annual Meteor. Soc. Meeting, #5036 [4] Engrand C. and Maurette M., (1998). MAPS, 33, 565–580. [5] Genge M.J. et al., (2008). MAPS, 43, 497–515. [6] van Ginneken M. et al., (2012). MAPS, 47, 228–247. [7] Baecker B. et. al., (2012). 75th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting. [8] Ott U. (2003). Space Sci. Rev., 106, 33-48. 29 M ARCOP OLO - R ol oR Measuring Xenon and Krypton in Primitive Material m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc University of Manchester, United Kingdom, jamie.gilmour@manchester.ac.uk oP J. D. Gilmour The heavy noble gases krypton and xenon provide many different avenues to understand the history of primitive material. Characteristic isotopic signatures are left by the decay of short-lived radioisotopes (129I and 244Pu) and the presence of presolar material. The source of trapped gases can be investigated through the elemental ratio, and the duration of exposure to cosmic rays can be determined by 81Kr-Kr analyses. Neutron irradiation of samples allows other elements, especially halogens, to be determined by noble gas analysis. I will describe current instrumentation based on resonance ionization for xenon and krypton analysis, outline plans for future developments, and discuss applications and sample requirements. Taking apart sample return grains, atom by atom. I. Lyon1, T. Henkel1, A. King1,2, A. Sattaur1,3 School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, The University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK. 2 Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD. 3 Dept of Physics, University of York. Ian.Lyon@manchester.ac.uk 1 Co sm oc he The return of micrometre-scale asteroid grains by the Hayabusa mission [1] showed that techniques to analyse such samples must be as close to 100% efficient as possible in order to maximise the elemental, isotopic and structural information extracted from the grains which tell their formation and history. Secondary ion analytical techniques are widely used for analysis and we show how Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometric analyses of presolar grains may be used as analogues for asteroid grains to obtain an understanding of how the sputtering of micrometre-sized grains during analysis proceeds [2,3] and the advantages and drawbacks of such an approach. [1] Nakamura et al., (2011). Science, 333, 1113-1116. [2] King et al., (2012). Meteor. & Planet. Sci., 47, 1624-1643. [3] Henkel et al., (2012). LPSC, 43, #2135 30 ol oR M ARCOP OLO - R oP Ion microprobe U-Pb dating of a single apatite grain in meteorites m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc Y. Sano1, N. Takahata1, M. Koike1 and K. Terada2 Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8564, Japan. ysano@aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp 2 Department of Earth and Space Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka 560-0043, Japan 1 We develope an in-situ U-Pb dating method of a single apatite grain using a NanoSIMS instrument installed at Atmopshere and Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo. Apatite is a common accessory U-bearing mineral and has higher closure temperature of 500-600˚C [1]. Since the mineral shows wider occurrence than zircon in meteorites, the method may provide key information on the early solar system. We have already reported the analytical procedure of the U-Pb system using a SHRIMP installed at Hiroshima University [2] and its successful applications to thermal metamorphism of ordinary chondrites [3], volcanic ages of some Martian meteorites [4], and Lunar meteorites [5]. Since the NanoSIMS has a higher primary beam intensity at smaller spot size, it is suitable for tiny apatite grains even though its lower precision than SHRIMP. The combination of both NanoSIMS and SHRIMP dating methods may provide significant information on the choronology of the asteroidal matter returned by Marco Polo-R as well as Hayabusa and Hayabusa II. Co sm oc he [1] Krogstad E.J. and Walker R.J. (1994). GCA, 58, 3845–3853. [2] Sano Y. et al. (1999). Chem. Geol., 153, 249-258. [3] Terada K. and Sano, Y. (2002). GRL, 29 doi:10.1029/2001 GL013945. [4] Sano Y. et al. (2000). MAPS, 35, 341-346. [5] Terada K. et al. (2007). Nature, 450, 849-852. 31 oP ol oR M ARCOP OLO - R m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc Non destructive characterization of extraterrestrial materials: techniques and applications of magnetism. P. Rochette CEREGE UMR6635, Aix-Marseille Université CNRS Europole de l’Arbois BP80,13545 Aix en Provence Cedex 4, France rochette@cerege.fr Co sm oc he Non destructive and invasive techniques are fundamental for a sample return mission. Regolith sampling may provide very heterogenous material and indentification of different lithologies is an important aspect. We will review the applications of magnetic measurement to the characterization of extraterrestrial material, in particular on carbonaceous chondrites (CC). The majority of CC have their magnetic properties carried by 1 to 10% of magnetite [1]. Magnetite content may be highly homogeneous, or heterogeneous in case of complex breccias like Sutter Mill. The recent finding of significant large magnetic field recorded in some CC pose the question of the possibility of dynamo action in a CC parent body [2], implying some sort of differenciation. Sample return from a CC like asteroid will allow to further constrain this field intensity. [1] Rochette P. et al., 2008. Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 43: 959-980. [2] Carporzen L. et al., 2011. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108, 6386. 32 ol oR M ARCOP OLO - R m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc N. A. Starkey & I. A. Franchi oP Oxygen Isotopic Measurements of Fine Grained Primitive Material; The Challenge of Small Samples. Planetary and Space Sciences, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA. Co sm oc he Cometary interplanetary dust particles (IDPs), collected in the Earth’s stratosphere, currently represent the best way to sample outer Solar System primordial dust. The fine-grained (sub-µm) minerals of IDPs show strong similarities to the textures expected for primary condensates from the solar nebula. We have analysed IDPs for bulk carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen isotopes, and high precision oxygen isotopes by NanoSIMS 50L which allows us to combine all of these techniques on an individual <20µm IDP fragment. This analytical approach allows for a comparison of the organic, silicate and presolar grain reservoirs in primitive materials, probing the earliest processes occurring in the protoplanetary disk. Oxygen isotope analyses reveal that some IDPs are more 16O-rich than any bulk meteorite compositions, extending to O-isotope compositions in between chondritic- and solarlike values (d17O = -20‰, d18O = -20‰). The 16O-rich IDPs display more primitive organic signatures than the chondritic-like 16O-poor IDPs but, rather interestingly, they also have lower presolar grain abundances. The 16O-poor signatures probably indicate an abundant component of chondritic-like material, processed in the inner protoplanetary disk. These analyses can be used to better understand the accretion, mixing and distribution of primitive reservoirs in the Solar System, and ultimately, how these came together in the cometary and asteroidal parent bodies. Such studies are a useful preparation for future sample return missions of primitive Solar System materials. 33 M ARCOP OLO - R ol oR Implications for curation of the Marco-Polo samples from recent Hayabusa analyses oP M. Zolensky m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc KT NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX 77058, USA Recent TEM investigations of the returned Itokawa samples reveal that despite the fact that they have never been exposed to 1 atm of terrestrial air, they are beginning to alter. The bulk of the alteration is changing the space exposure record, which significantly reduces the value iof these samples. The implication of this observation is that samples returned from an asteroid should best be recovered from a sealed capsule, and stored in a vacuum or very inert gas (curation grade nitrogen has proved to be insufficient to the task). Curation of the samples returned by Marco Polo-R: state of the art J. Aléon1, and the curation facility working group 1 CSNSM, CNRS/IN2P3-Univ. Paris Sud, 91405 Orsay, France, jerome.aleon@csnsm.in2p3.fr Co sm oc he The Marco Polo-R space mission is planned to return to the Earth samples of a C-type asteroid for studies by state-of-the-art laboratory analytical facilities in order to better understand the very first million years of our solar system. The definition of a curation protocol is a critical issue for all sample return space missions, to make samples available for the scientific community with minimal terrestrial contamination, maximal safety and as rapidly and conveniently as possible to maximize the scientific outreach. This presentation will report the current state of the discussion regarding key aspects of this protocol. Such key aspects include notably location, contamination control, safety, sample handling (and eventually preparation) for laboratory analysis, sample storage and allocation procedures. 34 oP ol oR M ARCOP OLO - R m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc Curatorial facilities for sample return missions – requirements and considerations C. L. Smith1 and M.M. Grady Department of Earth Sciences, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, UK. 1 The curation of samples is a critical element of any sample return space mission. Top level mission requirements state that the ‘scientific integrity’ of the samples is retained from sample collection through to curation post-return. The design and operation of a curatorial facility must ensure that the samples are not damaged or compromised, e.g. through contamination or physical operations such as handling and even poor documentation. Chemical and isotopic characterization of asteroidal matter in the Goëttingen oc he A. Pack Co sm University of Göttingen, Geoscience Center, Goldschmidtstraße 1 37077 Göttingen. 35 ol oR M ARCOP OLO - R m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc oP Noble Gases in (Cometary) Interplanetary Dust and samples returned from comet Wild 2 and asteroid Itokawa Status and Plans. H. Busemann1, N. Spring1, J.D. Gilmour1, S.A. Crowther1, L.R. Nittler2 SEAES, University of Manchester DTM, Carnegie Institution of Washington henner.busemann@manchester.ac.uk 1 2 Noble gases are important to understand the origin, transport, evolution (which includes, e.g., incorporation, loss, radioactive growth, spallogenic production, or mixing) of the volatile elements in the solar system. For example, comets could have played a role for the delivery of volatiles to the inner solar system. Also, relative elemental noble gas abundances in cometary ices may indicate the formation temperatures and location. However, except for a few studies [e.g., 1], the noble gases in comets remain relatively unconstrained. Here we summarize our current programme to identify cometary interplanetary dust particles (IDPs, [2-5]), characterize their heavy noble gas contents by resonance ionization mass spectrometry [6], and present plans for the detection of Kr and Xe in samples returned by the Stardust mission. Furthermore, we will discuss our collaboration to study noble gases in “Hayabusa” samples returned from asteroid Itokawa. [1] Marty B., et al., (2008). Science, 319, 75-78. [2] Busemann H. et al. (2009). EPSL, 288, 44-57. [3] Busemann H. et al. (2010). LPSC, 41, #1947. [4] Spring N.H. & Busemann H. (2011). M&PS Suppl., 46, #5519. [5] Spring N.H., et al. (2012). M&PS Suppl., 47, #5394. [6] Gilmour J.D. (2012). this meeting. Co sm oc he 36 m i a stry Eu o ro f pe pr an im sa itiv m eb pl e od re ies tu : r n th sp e n ac ee e d m fo is r si M on a . rc oP ol oR M ARCOP OLO - R Chondritic Kr and Xe: result of irradiation processes in the accretion disk ? M. Moreira IPGP Co sm oc he We propose a scenario for the origin of the chondritic Kr and Xe (Phase Q) based on irradiation processes in the solar system. The model of irradiation is able to explain the isotopic compositions observed in the so-called Phase Q, which is the carrier of heavy noble gases. We will also discuss the origin the observed Kr and Xe in CO2-well gases, which are the most precise noble gas data obtained on Earth, in the light of the calculations obtained with the proposed model. 37
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