Mars2020 Sample Acquisition and Caching Technologies and Architectures Kris Zacny Honeybee Robotics 398 W Washington Blvd, Suite 200 Pasadena, CA 91103 510-207-4555 Phil Chu Honeybee Robotics 398 W Washington Blvd, Suite 200 Pasadena, CA 91103 626-421-7902 Gale Paulsen Honeybee Robotics 398 W Washington Blvd, Suite 200 Pasadena, CA 91103 626-421-7902 Jack Craft Honeybee Robotics 398 W Washington Blvd, Suite 200 Pasadena, CA 91103 626-421-7902 Abstract—The goal of the Mars2020 mission is to acquire up to 28 rock/regolith samples and 3 blanks (or 34 rock/regolith samples and 3 blanks), and cache these for the future sample return mission. Honeybee Robotics investigated three architectures; however only two showed promise. In the One Bit One Core (OBOC) architecture, individual drill bits with core samples are cached. This is the least complex architecture and results in the total mass (cache+bits+rocks) of less than 2 kg and Orbital Sample diameter of 19 cm for the 31 cores case and slightly more (<2.4 kg cache and 20 cm OS) for the 37 cores. In the One Breakoff System One Core (OBSOC) architecture, the breakoff tube and the sleeve with cores are removed from the drill bit and cached. The architecture also uses one time use bit assemblies (plus spares). This architecture results in the lowest cache mass and OS diameter but the trade is complexity and sampling system mass. The OBSOC cache mass is ~1.5 kg and ~1.86 kg for the 31/37 cases respectively, while the OS diameter is 17 cm and 17.5 cm for the 31/37 cases respectively. All architectures use SLOT bit that allows inspection of rock samples along their lengths prior to caching. The paper also introduces several key technologies developed by Honeybee Robotics over the past 15 years, including the SLOT caching bit, the Powder and Regolith Acquisition Bit, Rock Abrasion and Brushing Bit (RABBit), PreView Bit, Percussive and Core Breakoff technologies. Kiel Davis Honeybee Robotics 460 West 34th Street New York, NY 10001 646-459-7809 1. INTRODUCTION The Mars 2020 Science Definition Team (SDT) recently provided science and exploration guidelines for the Mars2020 mission [Mustard et al., 2013]. These guidelines, among other things, suggest number of rock samples that should be cached. In particular, SDT suggested two cases. In the first case a total of 31 samples should be cached of which 28 need to be rocks/regolith and 3 blanks. In that case a provision has to be made for up to 25% of the previously cached samples to be replaceable. In the second case, the SDT recommended caching 37 samples, of which 34 are rocks/regolith and 3 are blanks. In this latter case, however, no requirement for replacing of previously acquired cores exists. In this paper we investigate both cases. The SDT called for samples of 8 cm3 in volume or approximately 16 grams each assuming an average sample density of 2 g/cc. We performed initial trade studies and determined that the rock core aspect ratio of 1.3 cm diameter and 6 cm long would result in relatively small OS diameters. The core length of 6 cm satisfies another SDT requirement which requires core samples to come from at least 5 cm depth. Coincidently, stubbier bits are also stronger which has is an important consideration for rover slip conditions. Our stress calculations have shown that 6 cm bits will satisfy the Mars2020 rover slip requirements. This bit length implies the shallower drilling depth and in turn lower risk of getting stuck, and potentially lower drilling energy and drilling time. In addition, the large diameter (1.3 cm) means the rock cores will likely be less fragmented, and volatiles (if present) will more likely be preserved. The disadvantage of a larger diameter core is the increased force required to break the core, however this can be addressed by increasing the size of the breakoff actuator. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................1 2. UNIQUE TECHNOLOGIES ..................................2 3. MARS2020 ARCHITECTURES............................6 4. MASS AND DIMENSIONS OF RETURNABLE BITS7 5. RESULTS OF TRADE STUDIES FOR 31 CORES ..7 6. RESULTS OF TRADE STUDIES FOR 37 CORES ..8 7. CORE THERMAL ALTERATION.........................8 8. CONCLUSIONS ...................................................9 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .........................................9 REFERENCES .......................................................10 BIOGRAPHY ........................................................11 All rock core drill bits are of the SLOT type which allows observing the cores along their length prior to caching [Zacny et al., 2013]. An additional Regolith and Powder Acquisition Bit (PRABit) allows capture of regolith for sample return. 978-1-4799-1622-1/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1 This paper presents the results of a trade study of three architectures suitable for the Mars2020 mission. It builds on a number of prior Mars Sample Return studies conducted for NASA JPL and in many cases uses technologies (e.g. drill bits and core breakoff mechanism) that have been extensively verified through testing in Mars chambers [BarCohen and Zacny, 2009; Zacny et al., 2013; 2012; 2011a; 2011b; 2011c]. example pinch cores at the root, this particular breakoff approach acts along the entire length of the core and hence it is robust to broken or highly porous samples. An added advantage of this approach is that the core rests on a step and does not fall out (see Detail 1 in Figure 1). This approach also results in a very narrow kerf (annular groove cut by the cutters), which enables low Weight on Bit (WOB), drilling power, time, and energy. 2. UNIQUE TECHNOLOGIES This approach has been implemented in eight surface core drills since the late 1990s and succesfully verified in dozens of rock types. In the most recent implementation, which included 140 coring tests in 6 different rocks, this breakoff approach successfully sheared and captured 132 rock samples, including severely fractured cores. In only 8 cases (6%) was a partial core retained rather than a full core [Zacny et al., 2013]. No complete loss of cores was observed. To improve capture rate to 100% the breakoff tube eccentric dimenion would need to be slightly increased. This section describes unique (and in some cases patented) technologies that are key to the proposed Mars2020 sample acqusition and caching architectures. Nested Tubes Core Breakoff and Capture System This patented, proven eccentric tube design offers a low profile method for shearing and positively capturing cores (no reliance on friction or gravity). In this appproach (see Figure 1), the bit and the breakoff tube each have bores which are slightly offset from center by the same distance. The breakoff system requires an additional degree of freedom – the rotation of the breakoff tube. This added actuator and rotary motion has been incorporated in a number of unique bit designs: SLOT bit, PreView bit, and the Powder and Regolith Acqusition Bit (PRABit) as described in the follow on sections. SLOT Caching Bits with Visual Verification System As shown in Figure 2 it is impossible to determine volume or core quality by looking at the very end of the core. It might be possible to estimate the core within the bit by estimating how much core material and powder were left in and around the hole. However, this is an inaccurate approach since the cores may get pulverized, and powder may flow down the rock or be blown away by wind. Figure 1. Eccentric tubes core breakoff and retention technology (patented). Figure 2. Looking at the front of the bit it is impossible to determine the core quality and volume. During the drilling process, the two tubes are aligned such that the through bore of the breakoff tube is aligned with the drilling axis. To break off a core, the breakoff tube is rotated relative to the bit, which gradually shifts the central axis of the breakoff tube. This pushes the entire portion of the core within the bit to one side, shearing it at the base of the breakoff tube. Unlike other breakoff approaches that for The SLOT bit is the recent innovation (closeable slot along length of coring bit) that enables simple visual inspection of entire core sample before caching (Figure 3). It is instrumental in allowing various instruments not only to 2 analyze the core in situ but also to determine volume of the core before it is cached. The SLOT bit is based on Honeybee Robotics most recent core bit designs and represents a 4th generation of rotarypercussive core bits for the Mars2020 mission (Figure 4). Mk1-Mk4 bits underwent collectively over 600 coring tests in various rock types and pressures (760 torr and 7 torr), while deployed from four different rotary-percussive drills (SASSI 1 and 2, RANCOR, and RoPeC). The Mk4 bit incorporates optimum (proprietary) geometries that successfully meet several often conflicting requirements. For example, surviving rover slip calls for a stronger bit with larger wall thickness, while low cache mass calls for lighter bits and in turn low wall thickness Powder and Regolith Acquisition Bit (PRABit) The powder and regolith acquisition bit allows capture of rock powder or regolith sample for earth return (Figure 5). The bit is very similar to the SLOT bit, except the bit is full faced (drilling an entire hole diameter) rather than coring (cutting just a thin kerf and leaving the core behind). Two prototype bits have been developed and successfully tested in a range of rocks and regolith. Although the SDT does not stipulate the requirement for rock powder acquisition, such a requirement would be easy to meet if an instrument requiring rock powder is part of the Mars2020 payload. Such a bit could be integrated with two or more sieves (e.g. 1 mm and 150 micron) for acquiring or depositing powders or regolith of target particle size. However, for sample return of regolith, an entire sample would be captured. The PRABit is at TRL 5. Figure 3. The SLOT Bit has a dual function: allows viewing of cores in situ and serves as a caching bit. Figure 4. Comparison of Mk2, Mk3, and Mk4 bit design in Kaolinite rock. Tests were conducted at 760 torr and 7 torr pressure. ROP=Rate of penetration; SE=Specific Energy; WOB=Weight on Bit. The SLOT bit has been prototyped and succesfully tested at simulated Mars atmospheric pressure in Travertine rock and is currently at TRL 5. Figure 5. The Powder and Regolith Acquisition Bit (PRABit) has been successfully tested in regolith and rocks. From top to bottom: before regolith capture, confirming acquisition of regolith, ready for caching. 3 PreView Bit BigTooth Bit The PreView bit (Figure 6) has been designed specifically to help with in situ rock analysis by non- or semi-destructive instruments such as Raman, IR, and LIBS. The PreView bit is very similar to the SLOT bit except the window is much larger allowing access to large fraction of the core. The window is placed towards the top of the bit while the auger is placed towards the bottom of the bit. The PreView bit has also been tested and verified in various rock types and reached TRL 5. The SDT report and the Mars2020 Announcement of Opportunity both mention the Mars2020 sampling system’s ability to drop a core on an observation tray. To achieve this, Honeybee Robotics has developed a BigTooth bit. The BigTooth bit cuts a core diameter slightly smaller than the imaginary hole inscribed by the inner surfaces of the bits as shown in Figure 7 [Zacny et al., 2013]. Since this approach results in extra clearance between the core and the inside of the bit, the core could be much more easily ejected along the gravity vector. A few hammer blows might also be used to help the core fall out. This technology has been breadboarded and succesfuly tested and reached TRL 4/5. Figure 7. The BigTooth concept allows easy ejection of unneeded cores and hence allows reuse of the same bit. Top: Principle of the BigTooth design. Bottom: Proof of concept. Long-Life Mechanical Percussor Inspired by Apollo lunar drills, the spiral cam mechanical percussing mechanism has been tailored for and demonstrated to satisfy M2020 rock coring requirements. The approach relies on a cam compressing a follower against a spring. Every 270°, the spring accelerate the Figure 6. The PreView bit allows capture and in-situ analysis of rock cores. From top to bottom: before drilling (window open), after core capture (window closed), ready for analysis (window open). 4 follower towards the bit. Once the follower strikes the bit, the cam picks it up again to compress against the spring (see Figure 8). as Rock Abrasion Tool can be used. In the second approach, a grinding tool that is actuated by the Mars2020 drill could also be a viable option (Figure 9 and Figure 10). Honeybee Robotics developed a Surface Removal Tool for the 2011 MSL mission. That tool reached PDR before it was descoped in July of 2007. However, the bit development showed great promise of meeting 6x the RAT life which is slightly greater than the Mars2020 life requirement. A dedicated RAT or SRT-like tool is a recommended approach unless there is no space on the robot’s arm turret. The Rock Abrasion and Brushing Bit (RABBit) developed by Honeybee Robotics and successfully demonstrated in various rocks has been actuated by a RoPeC rotarypercussive drill and hence could meet the requirement for the drill deployable grinder. The RAT tool is at TRL 9, the SRT is at TRL 5/6 and the RABBit is at TRL 5. The advantage of this approach is that it is mechanically simple, and both the frequency and energy can be adjusted via conventional actuators. The frequency is adjusted by changing the speed of the cam while the energy is adjusted by preloading the spring. This particular approach has been succesfully incorporated in eight of Honeybee Robotics percussive drills as well as hammer digging systems [Chu et al., 2010; Craft et al., 2009; Zacny et al., 2009]. The Mars2020 prototype drill, SASSI, successfully operated for over 2 milion cycles in Mars chamber; this represents over 19 hours of operation. Assuming the Mars2020 drill will be used approximately 40 times, and every core acqusition task will take 15 minutes (based on the recent MSL Curiosity drill perfomance on Mars), the required life of the Mars2020 percussive system would be 10 hours or approxmiately 50% of what has already been demonstrated by the SASSI drill. The percussive system is at TRL 5/6. Figure 9. Rock Abrasion Tools options for the Mars2020 missions. Figure 8. Cam-follower percussive system has been integrated in eight Honeybee Robotics percussive drills. Grinding and Brushing of Rocks In general, there are two approaches for addressing SDT requirements for grinding of rock surfaces. The SDT calls for a maximum of 66 grinds (two for each of the 33 cached rock samples; remaining 4 slots are for blanks and regolith sample). In the first approach, a dedicated grinding tool such Figure 10. Rock Abrasion and Brushing Bit (RABBit) grinding into Travertine. 5 main difference is that after the core sample is placed in the cache, the bit shank is detached (Figure 12). This reduces the mass of returnable bits and height of the cache. The main advantage is lower operational complexity (risk) due to minimal manipulation of core sample or sample tube and lower returnable mass since a heavy part of the bit (the shank) is left behind. However, its disadvantage is complexity of detaching the shank from the rest of the bit. 3. MARS2020 ARCHITECTURES Here we present three architectures and report on the results of the trade studies. Each of the three architectures considered has a number of common technologies as described in previous paragraphs. In all three architectures a drill bit or drill bit assembly is used only once. This substantially reduces robotic complexity related to core transfer steps and re-using of the same bit. Also the bit life is greatly reduced, and cross contamination is minimized or eliminated (new bit each time). It should be noted that another architecture has been focused on reducing cache mass by incorporating replaceable tubes [Backes et al., 2013]. In that architecture, cores are captured in individual tubes, while bits are re-used. The architecture results in the lowest cache mass at an expense of sampling complexity. The SDT recommended either hermetic sealing of individual samples for the Base Mars2020 mission or a dust seal for the Threshold mission. During the trade studies we assumed dust seals for all architectures. Figure 12. One Bit One Core w/o Shank (OBOCWOS) Architecture. One Bit One Core (OBOC) Architecture One Breakoff System One Core (OBSOC) Architecture In the One Bit One Core architecture, a core is acquired using a low mass drill bit with integral break-off system. Following visual verification of sample enabled by the SLOT bit technology, the entire bit with core sample is placed directly into cache (Figure 11). To collect and store 31 or 37 samples, the mission must be equipped with at least 31 or 37 coring bits (plus spares in the event some are damaged due to extremely rare rover slip events). The bits are envisioned to be light enough to make the returnable mass fit the launch capacity of the Mars Ascent vehicle (MAV). The primary advantage of this approach is lower operational complexity (risk) due to minimal manipulation of core sample or sample tube. Its primary disadvantage is higher returned mass and volume. In the One Breakoff System One Core (OBSOC) architecture, a core is acquired using a low mass drill bit with integral break-off system just like in the previous two architectures. However, in this architecture, following visual verification of sample the bit’s cutting teeth, flute sleeve and shank (i.e. an auger bit) are discarded and the core sample, positively captured within the break-off tube, is stored in a cache (Figure 13). Hence only the breakoff tube and sleeve are retuned together with the core. To collect and store 31 or 37 samples, the mission must be equipped with at least 31 or 37 bit assemblies (removable break-off systems are preinstalled in bits). The main advantage of this approach is that only the minimum elements necessary to maintain positive control of core sample are retuned. This yields lowest returned mass and volume. The major disadvantage is added system complexity and greater landed mass since each bit assembly is larger to account for additional sleeve and more complex bit shank. Figure 11. One Bit One Core (OBOC) Architecture. One Bit One Core w/o Shank (OBOCWOS) Architecture The One Bit One Core w/o Shank (OBOCWOS) architecture is very similar to the OBOC architecture. The Figure 13. One Breakoff System One Core (OBSOC) Architecture. 6 4. MASS AND DIMENSIONS OF RETURNABLE BITS 5. RESULTS OF TRADE STUDIES FOR 31 CORES Figure 14 and Figure 15 show mass and dimensions of returnable bits or breakoff assemblies. For all three architectures, we assumed that all drill bit assemblies will be made of Aluminum (density 2.7 g/cc) and the cache will be made of AlBeMet (density of 2.07 g/cc). Figure 16 and Figure 17 show results of the trade studies for the three architectures. Figure 16. Returned mass for the case of 31 cores for each of the 3 architectures. Mass is saved by moving from OBOC to more complex architectures: OBOCWOS is 6.9 grams and OBSOC is 10.7 grams. This represents approximately 20% and 30% mass savings for OBOCWOS and OBSOC respectively. The bit and the breakoff assembly dimension for the 13 mm diameter and 6 cm long core are: 22 mm in diameter and 92.3 mm long for the OBOC, 27 mm in diameter and 78 mm long for the OBOCWOS, and 17.8 mm diameter and 84.2 mm long for the OBSOC. The reason for diameter increase in the case of OBOCWOS was driven by larger detachable shank. Comparing OBOC and OBOCWOS it can be seen that the OBOC total sample cache (including bits and rocks) is ~140 grams heavier but the OS is 2 cm smaller. The reason the OBOCWOS architecture has larger OS diameter is that bit shanks (which drives the cache and in turn OS diameter) are much larger in order to fit the shank detachment mechanism. The 140 gram mass savings also comes at the price of the bit mass (bits have larger and heavier shanks). In addition, other disadvantages include the bit station’s larger diameter to accommodate large diameter bits, increased bit complexity since it incorporates a detachable shank, and the drill needs to be able to actuate the shank and in turn it will be more complex, and from an operations standpoint, another step is required to detach the shank from the bit and eject it onto the ground. It is therefore recommended that the additional 140 gram savings is too low to merit the OBOCWOS architecture. Figure 15. Dimensions of returnable bit (OBOC and OBOCWOS architectures) or breakoff assembly (OBSOC architecture). Figure 17. Diameter and Height of the Cache and Diameter of a spherical Orbital Sample (OS) for three architectures under consideration. Figure 14. Mass of returnable bit (OBOC and OBOCWOS architectures) or breakoff assembly (OBSOC architecture). Comparing OBOC and OBSOC it can be seen that the OBOC total sample cache (including bits and rocks) is ~400 7 grams heavier and also the OS is 2 cm larger. However, this mass and volume savings comes at a price as well. The OBSOC bit size and mass is greater since bits need to accommodate additional sleeve and larger shank, the bit station is also larger and heavier to accommodate larger bits (the architecture also has one time use bits), the bit complexity is greater since breakoff tube and sleeve need to be integrated inside, the drill has to be more complex to deal with the additional steps of removing breakoff tube/sleeve and inserting this assembly into cache, the bit staging area is required for temporarily keeping the bit while the drill removes the breakoff tube/sleeve assembly for caching, and from the operation stand point additional steps are required for caching. In addition, the OBSOC cache will more likely grow in diameter if lead-ins are needed for guiding the sample into the cache. Such lead-ins might not be necessary for the OBOC architecture since cutter shapes already include a chamfer which could act as lead-in. We believe the potential mass and OS savings warrants the OBSOC architecture viable. Figure 19. Dimension of the cache and diameter of the spherical OS for the OBOC and OBSOC architecture for 31 and 37 cached samples. 7. CORE THERMAL ALTERATION If rock has volatiles that need to be captured or minerals that are sensitive to thermal alteration, the process of coring would have to be conducted very carefully. As reported by Zacny et al. [2009] and Szwarc et al., [2012], the core temperature can reach in excess of 50 °C during the process of drilling. During the rotary-drilling tests Zacny et al., [2009] found that there is a linear relationship between T of the core measured by a thermocouple embedded inside the core and the drilling Specific Energy (see Figure 20). The difference in behavior at Mars pressure and 760 torr was minimal. They also found that approximately 5% of heat generated during the drilling process flows into the core. The steady state equation for core T has also been developed which based on empirical data uses 5% of heat generated during the drilling process for heating up the core. Duty cycling the drill has also been demonstrated as a potential method to maintain core T below a required temperature (Figure 21). The process relies on temporarily stopping drilling to let the heat dissipate into the adjacent rock and up the bit into the atmosphere. A 50/50 duty cycle (drilling/stopping) could for example be used to keep the core T below approximately 30 °C. Just recently, Szwarc [2013] developed a LabView-based thermal model for coring and drilling operations for both rotary and rotary-percussive drilling approaches. The model was verified using data acquired from a number of coring and drilling tests in various rock types such as Kaolinite and Basalt and also in ice at 760 torr and 7 torr pressure. He developed a more comprehensive equation for linking core deltaT to drilling parameters and confirmed the feasibility of using duty cycling as an approach for maintaining core temperature below certain value for percussive drilling. 6. RESULTS OF TRADE STUDIES FOR 37 CORES Figure 18 and Figure 19 show the trade study comparing OBOC and OBSOC architecture for 31 and 37 cached samples. As mentioned in previous paragraph, the OBOCWOS architecture was found not to merit further investigation. The total returnable mass increases for both architectures by almost 400 grams when number of cacheable samples increase from 31 to 37. However, the corresponding increase in spherical OS diameter is relatively small. In particular the OS diameter for OBOC increases from 19 to 20 cm for 31 and 37 samples, respectively. For the OBSOC architecture the OS diameter increase is even lower: the OS increases from 17 cm to 17.5 cm for 31 and 27 samples, respectively. Figure 18. The mass of the OBOC and OBSOC architecture for 31 and 37 cached samples. 8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The work presented in this paper has been funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) through various funding programs as well as Honeybee Robotics Internal Research and Development program. Figure 20. Core temperature increase as a function of Specific Energy of drilling. LS is a 45 MPa Indiana Limestone. B is a 120 MPa Saddleback Basalt. Tests were conducted at earth atmospheric pressure (~760 torr) and Mars pressure (4 torr). Tcore f * Power c * * Acore * ROP f fraction of energy flowing to the core; ~ 5% c specific heat capacity of rock rock density ROP Rate of Penetratio n Figure 21. Drilling duty cycle could be used for keeping the core temperature below certain value. 8. CONCLUSIONS This paper presents a number of technologies and architectures suitable for sample acquisition and caching as well as rock preparation for the Mars2020 mission. Most of the technologies are at TRL 5 and have been validated in Mars chamber testing, in many cases exceeding the mission life requirements. We believe that at least two architectures: One Bit One Core (OBOC) and One Breakoff System One Core (OBSOC) are viable options for the Mars2020 caching requirements. These architectures meet science requirements of caching 31 or 37 samples (including blanks) and have low enough return mass and volume to fit the launch capabilities of the Mars Ascent Vehicle. 9 Kris Zacny, Jack Wilson, Phil Chu, and Jack Craft, (2011b) Prototype Rotary Percussive Drill for the Mars Sample Return Mission, Paper #1125, IEEE Aerospace conference, 5-12 March 2011, Big Sky, Montana. REFERENCES Bar-Cohen Y., and K. Zacny [editors], Drilling in Extreme Environments Penetration and Sampling on Earth and Other Planets, John Wiley & Sons, 2009 Zacny, K., P. Chu, J. Wilson, K. Davis, and J. Craft, (2011c), Honeybee Approach to the Sample Acquisition and Caching Architecture for the 2018 Mars Sample Return Mission, Paper #1573, IEEE Aerospace conference, 5-12 March 2011, Big Sky, Montana. Backes, P., P. Younse, A. Ganino, (2013), A Minimum Scale Architecture for Rover-Based Sample Acquisition and Caching, Aerospace Conference, 2013 IEEE, 10.1109/AERO.2013.6497399 Chu, P., J. 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Edgett, J. Eigenbrode, L.T. ElkinsTanton, J.A. Grant, S. M. Milkovich, D. Ming, C. Moore, S. Murchie, T.C. Onstott, S.W. Ruff, M.A. Sephton, A. Steele, A. Treiman (2013): Report of the Mars 2020 Science Definition Team, 154 pp., posted July, 2013, by the Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG) Report_Final.pdf. Szwarc, T., A. Aggarwal, S. Hubbard, B. Cantwell, K. Zacny, A Thermal Model for Analysis and Control of Drilling in Icy Formations on Mars, Planetary and Space Science, Volume 73, Issue 1, December 2012, Pages 214–220 Szwarc, T., (2013), Thermal Modeling of Coring and Drilling Operations for Solar System Exploration Applications, PhD Dissertation, Stanford. Zacny K., et al., (2013), Sample Acquisition and Caching Architecture for the Mars Sample Return Mission, 2013 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, March 2-9, 2013. Zacny, K., G., Paulsen, P. Chu, A. Avanesyan, J. Craft, T. Szwarc, (2012), Mars Drill for the Mars Sample Return Mission with a Brushing and Abrading Bit, Regolith and Powder Bit, Core PreView Bit and a Coring Bit, IEEE Aerospace conference, 4-10 March 2012, Big Sky, Montana. Zacny K., G. Paulsen, A. Avanesyan, B. Mellerowicz, T. Makai, P. Chu, J. Craft, T. Szwarc, (2011a), Development of the Brushing, Abrading, Regolith, Core PreView and the Coring Bits for the Mars Sample Return Mission, AIAA SPACE 2011 Conference & Exposition, Long Beach, September 26-29, 2011 10 Gale L. Paulsen is a Systems Engineer at Honeybee Robotics. Prior to joining Honeybee in 2005, he worked with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a graduate student for two years to develop a multi robot cliff climbing system. At Honeybee, he has performed field tests of robotic drilling systems in the Canadian High Arctic and Antarctic. Paulsen has also assisted in the development of detailed mechanical, electrical, and software designs and analyses for multiple projects such as Sample Manipulation System for the 2011 Mars Science Lab, Icy Soil Acquisition Device on the 2007 Mars Phoenix Lander, Rock Abrasion Tool on the Mars Exploration Rovers. He also lead mechanical, electrical, and software designs for a high precision rock grinding instrument for producing thin sections and an automated sample acquisition and analysis system for the mining industry. Gale holds a B.S and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Nebraska. BIOGRAPHY Dr. Kris Zacny is Vice President and Director of Exploration Technology Group at Honeybee Robotics. His interests include robotic terrestrial and extraterrestrial drilling, excavation, sample handling and processing, and geotechnical systems. In his previous capacity as an engineer in South African mines, Dr. Zacny managed numerous mining projects and production divisions. Dr. Zacny received his PhD from UC Berkeley in Mars drilling and ME in Petroleum Engineering. He participated in several Arctic and the Antarctic drilling expeditions. Dr. Zacny has over 100 publications, including an edited book titled “Drilling in Extreme Environments: Penetration and Sampling on Earth and Other Planets”. Kiel Davis is President of Honeybee Robotics. Mr. Davis has over 17 years experience in developing electromechanical systems from early concept through to flight. His responsibilities include project management, company resource management, business development, mechanical and electrical design, control systems design, software development, systems implementation and testing of advanced automated and complex engineering systems. His work on space missions, including the Mars Exploration Rovers’ Rock Abrasion Tool, the Mars Phoenix Lander’s Icy Sample Acquisition Device, and the Mars Science Laboratory’s Surface Removal Tool provide him with an in-depth understanding of the challenges and difficulties inherent in designing mechanisms for long life in harsh environments. He holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Rochester and an M.S. in Systems Engineering from Polytechnic University. Jack Craft is a Project Manager at Honeybee Robotics. In that role, he has worked to ensure the success of Honeybee’s efforts to develop drilling and sampling technologies. Mr. Craft is responsible for project planning and control of our several NASA funded R&D efforts geared towards planetary subsurface access and sampling. Mr. Craft holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the Cooper Union and an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Rutgers University. Philip Chu is a Systems Engineer at Honeybee Robotics. Mr. Chu has served as lead engineer on numerous mechanical and electromechanical systems, including pneumatic and percussive drilling systems, robotic manipulators, and planetary sample acquisition systems. Mr. Chu’s experience in spaceflight systems for planetary exploration, includes Flight Operations for NASA’s Mars Exploration Rovers’ Rock Abrasion Tools (RAT) and the design, integration, and testing of NASA’s Phoenix Lander Icy Soil Acquisition Device (ISAD). Mr. Chu has a BS and an MS in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University. 11 12
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