Supplemental Methods: Oxylipid sample preparation: Plasma (200μL) was spiked with a 5 µL 0.2 mg/ml solution butylated hydroxytoluene/EDTA in 1:1 meoh:water and a suite of 10 deuterated prostanoid, eicosanoids, and octadecanoid surrogates (Supplemental Table S2). To release oxygenated lipids contained in ester linkages these samples were then subjected to overnight hydrolysis in 1M methanolic sodium hydroxide1. Samples were diluted to 10% methanol and extracted on 60mg Oasis HLB solid phase extraction columns (Waters, Milford, MA), preconditioned with 5% methanol w/ 0.1% acetic acid, the loaded columns were washed with 1 column volume of 5% methanol w/ 0.1% acetic acid, and dried for 30min under vacuum. Extracts were wetted with 0.5mL methanol and eluted with 2mL ethyl acetate into vials containing a 6µL of 30% glycerol keeper solvent, and reduced to dryness under vacuum. We have confirmed oxylipid stability for >5months at -80ºC under these conditions (unpublished data). Oxylipin nomenclature: The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has adopted the abbreviations for oxidized fatty acids following the recommendations of Smith et al.2, 3. Briefly, compounds are named using position, number, and standardized abbreviations of functional groups, carbon chain length, and degree of unsaturation. Plural chemical moieties are listed as Di (two), Tr (three), T (four), P (five), He (six). Abbreviations of chemical moieties are: Ep – Epoxide; H – hydroxy; Hp – hydroperoxide; K – keto. Carbon numbers appearing in this report are abbreviated O (octadeca i.e. 18), E (eicosa i.e. twenty) and Do (docosa i.e. 22). Therefore, 14(15)-epoxyeicostri-(5Z,8Z,11Z)-enoic acid is reduced to 14(15)-EpETrE while 9(10)epoxyoctadec-(12Z)-enoic acid becomes 9(10)-EpOME. Dihydroxy lipids are named similarly, such that 14,15dihydroxyeicostri-(5Z,8Z,11Z)-enoic acid becomes 14,15-DiHETrE, while 20-hydroxyeicosatetra(5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z)-enoic acid is 20-HETE. 1. 2. 3. Newman JW, Kaysen GA, Hammock BD, Shearer GC. Proteinuria increases oxylipid concentrations in VLDL and HDL, but not LDL particles in the rat. J Lipid Res. 2007. Smith DL, Willis AL. A suggested shorthand nomenclature for the eicosanoids. Lipids. 1987;22:983986. Smith WL, Borgeat P, Hamberg M, Roberts LJ, 2nd, Willis A, Yamamoto S, Ramwell PW, Rokach J, Samuelsson B, Corey EJ, et al. Nomenclature. Methods Enzymol. 1990;187:1-9. 1 2 Supplemental Table S1: Oxylipid assay UPLC solvent gradient Time (min) Solvent A (%) 0.0 75 3.5 65 5.5 60 7.0 58 9.0 50 15.0 35 17.0 25 18.5 15 19.5 5 21.0 75 25.0 75 Solvent A = 0.1% acetic acid in de-ionized water Solvent B = 90:10 v/v acetonitrile/isopropanol Flow rate 250µL/min Supplemental Table S2: Oxylipin Internal Standards Compound CID Mass Transition (Da) Internal Standard Internal Standards CUDA 340.3 > 214.1 d4 6-keto-PGF1á 373.3 > 167.1 CUDA d4-TXB2 373.3 > 173.15 CUDA d4-PGE2 355.3 > 275.2 CUDA d4-LTB4 339.3 > 163.15 CUDA d6-20-HETE 325.3 > 281.15 CUDA d4-9(S)-HODE 299.3 > 172.1 CUDA d8-12(S)-HETE 327.2 > 184.15 CUDA d8-5(S)-HETE 327.2 > 116.1 CUDA d8-11(12)-EpETrE 327.2 > 171.15 CUDA Supplemental Table S3: Eighteen Carbon Oxylipins Compound CID Mass Transition (Da) Internal Standard Internal Standards Linoleic Acid Metabolites 9,12,13-TriHOME 329.2 > 211.2 d4 6-keto-PGF1α 9,10,13-TriHOME 329.2 > 171.1 d4 6-keto-PGF1α 12,13-DHOME 313.2 > 183.1 d4-9(S)-HODE 9,10-DHOME 313.2 > 201.1 d4-9(S)-HODE 13-HODE 295.2 > 195.2 d4-9(S)-HODE 9-HODE 295.2 > 171.1 d4-9(S)-HODE 13-KODE 293.2 > 195.2 d4-9(S)-HODE 9-KODE 293.2 > 185.1 d4-9(S)-HODE 12(13)-EpOME 295.2 > 195.1 d8-11(12)-EpETrE 9(10)-EpOME 295.2 > 171.1 d8-11(12)-EpETrE alpha Linolenic Acid Metabolites 15,16-DiHODE 311.2 > 235.15 d4-9(S)-HODE 12,13-DiHODE 311.2 > 183.1 d4-9(S)-HODE 9,10-DiHODE 311.2 > 201.15 d4-9(S)-HODE 3 b a a a a a a a a b b b b b b b b b b a a a 9-HOTE 293.35 > 171.15 13-HOTE 293.35 > 195.15 15(16)-EpODE 293.2 > 275.15 9(10)-EpODE 293.2 > 275.15 12(13)-EpODE 293.2 > 183.1 a = newly reported transition b = newly reported internal standard association d4-9(S)-HODE d4-9(S)-HODE d8-11(12)-EpETrE d8-11(12)-EpETrE d8-11(12)-EpETrE 4 a a a a a Supplemental Table S4: Twenty Carbon Oxylipins Compound CID Mass Transition (Da) Internal Standard dihomo gamma Linoleic Acid Metabolites 15(S)-HETrE 321.2 > 221.15 d8-11(12)-EpETrE Arachidonic Acid Metabolites 6-keto-PGF1á 369.2 > 163.1 d4 6-keto-PGF1α TXB2 369.3 > 195.2 d4 6-keto-PGF1α PGF2á 353.2 > 193.1 d4 6-keto-PGF1α 20-carboxy-LTB4 365.2 > 347.2 d4 6-keto-PGF1α 20-hydroxy-LTB4 351.2 > 195.15 d4 6-keto-PGF1α 11,12,15 THET 353.2 > 167.15 d4 6-keto-PGF1α lipoxin a4 351.3 > 217.15 d4 6-keto-PGF1α 8,15-DiHETE 335.3 > 235.15 d4-9(S)-HODE 5,15-DiHETE 335.3 > 173.15 d4-9(S)-HODE LTB4 335.2 > 195.15 d4-9(S)-HODE 14,15-DHET 337.2 > 207.1 d4-9(S)-HODE 11,12-DHET 337.2 > 167.1 d4-9(S)-HODE 8,9-DHET 337.2 > 127.1 d4-9(S)-HODE 5,6-DHET 337.2 > 145.1 d4-9(S)-HODE 20-HETE 319.2 > 275.2 d4-9(S)-HODE 19-HETE 319.2 > 275.2 d4-9(S)-HODE 15-HETE 319.2 > 219.1 d4-9(S)-HODE 11-HETE 319.2 > 167.1 d4-9(S)-HODE 12-HETE 319.2 > 179.1 d4-9(S)-HODE 9-HETE 319.2 > 123.1 d4-9(S)-HODE 8-HETE 319.2 > 155.1 d4-9(S)-HODE 5-HETE 319.2 > 115.1 d8-5(S)-HETE 15-KETE 317.3 > 273.2 d8-11(12)-EpETrE 5-KETE 317.2 > 203.15 d8-11(12)-EpETrE 14(15)-EET 319.2 > 219.1 d8-11(12)-EpETrE 11(12)-EET 319.2 > 208.1 d8-11(12)-EpETrE 8(9)-EET 319.2 > 155.1 d8-11(12)-EpETrE 5(6)-EET 319.2 > 191.1 d8-11(12)-EpETrE Eicosapentaenoic Acid Metabolites 5,12,18-TriHEPE 349.3 > 195 d4 6-keto-PGF1á (Resolvin E1) 17,18-DiHETE 335.3 > 247.2 d4-9(S)-HODE 14,15-DiHETE 335.3 > 207.15 d4-9(S)-HODE 15(S)-HEPE 317.2 > 219.15 d4-9(S)-HODE 12(S)-HEPE 317.3 > 179.2 d4-9(S)-HODE 5(S)-HEPE 317.3 > 115.2 d4-9(S)-HODE 17(18)-EpETE 317.2 > 259.5 d8-11(12)-EpETrE 14(15)-EpETE 317.2 > 247.5 d8-11(12)-EpETrE a = newly reported transition b = newly reported internal standard association 5 a b b b a a a a a a a b b b b b b b b b b b b a a b b b b a a a a a a a a Supplemental Table S5: Twenty-two Carbon Oxylipins Compound CID Mass Transition (Da) Internal Standard dihomo gamma Linoleic Acid Metabolites Docosapentaenoic Acid Metabolites 19,20-DiHDPE 361.5 > 273.5 d4-9(S)-HODE 17(R)-HDoHE 343.2 > 281.2 d8-11(12)-EpETrE 19(20)-EpDPE 343.5 > 281.2 d8-11(12)-EpETrE 16(17)-EpDPE 343.5 > 273.5 d8-11(12)-EpETrE a = newly reported transition b = newly reported internal standard association 6 a a a a Supplemental Table S6: Concentrations of other plasma oxylipins in nMa. Oxylipin Isomer level Pre P-OM3 Post P-OM3 Fold change P 0.82 0.0005 0.74d 0.008 AA - Non-vicinal diols 5,15-DiHETE 8,15-DiHETE A B 1.46 (1.2, 1.7) 2.61 (2.2, 3) 1.37 (1.2, 1.6) 1.88 (1.6, 2.2) Triols & LipoxinA4 (LXA4) LA - Trihydroxyoctadecamonoenoic acids (TriHOME) A 5.39 (4.1, 7.1) 4.51 (3.4, 6) 9,10,13-TriHOME A 7.37 (5.6, 9.8) 4.88 (3.7, 6.5) 9,12,13-TriHOME AA -Trihydroxyeicosatrienoic acids (TriHETrE) B 1.89 (1.4, 2.5) 1.21 (0.92, 1.6) 11,12,15-TriHETrE A 4.74 (3.6, 6.3) 4.08 (3.1, 5.4) LXA4 (5,6,15-TriHETE) AA – Prostaglandin(PG) & Thromboxane (Tx) A 6.36 (4.2, 9.5) 5.21 (3.5, 7.8) PGF2α ->0.05 B 2.84 (1.9, 4.3) 2.61 (1.7, 3.9) TxB2 The means and 95% CIs of individual regioisomers after adjustment for subject, and extraction batch. a See Supplemental Figure 1 for LXA4 associated pathway. See Figure 1 for 11,12,15-TriHETrE associated pathway. See Figure 2 for DiHETE associated pathways. b Regioisomers derived from the same parent FA with different letters differ significantly (p<0.05) by Tukey’s Honest Significant Differences test. c p-value of treatment effects on plasma concentrations. d The LA- and AA-derived triols were analyzed in the same ANOVA. The effect is uniform across both parent FAs. 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Supplemental Figure 1: Supplemental Figure S1: 5-Lipoxygenase associated metabolism of arachidonic (A) and eicosapentaenoic (B) acid. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) can also produce PUFA hydroperoxides. Metabolites are indicated with circles and enzymes by rounded rectangles. Some reactions may be mediated by multiple enzymes. Treatment effects are indicated by color: black = unchanged; blue = decreased; orange = increased; white = not measured. Bolded arrows demarcate metabolic pathways evaluated and gray toned circles and arrows are unmeasured metabolites along evaluated pathways. 8
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