Oregon State University Extension Association of 4-H Agents (OSUEA4-H) Bid Proposal October 25-29, 2015 - Portland, OR Hilton Portland & Executive Tower 2015 NAE4-HA Bid Proposal Package Table of Contents Page Invitation Letters Amy Derby, OSUEA4-HA President Pamela Rose, NAE4-HA 2003 National President and Virginia Bourdeau, NAE4-HA, Vice President of Research, Evaluation & Programs, 2007-2004 1 2 3 Administrative Letters of Support Scott Reed, Vice Provost, University Outreach & Engagement/Director, OSU Extension Service and Deborah Maddy, Associate Provost, University O& E and Associate Director, Tammy Bray, Dean, College of Public Health and Human Science Roger Rennekamp, Associate Dean for Outreach and Engagement, College of Public Health and Human Sciences 4 5 4-H Agents State Association Letters of Support Arizona – Curt Peters, President California – Matthew Portillo, President Idaho – Missy McElprang Cummins, President Montana – Meghan Phillippi, President New Mexico – Blair Clavel, President Wyoming – Tansey Suss, President 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2015 NAE4-HA Conference Committee Members 15-16 Summary Form- NAE4-HA Annual Conference Bid for 2015 17-20 Conference Schedule 21-22 Potential Speakers and Seminar on Wheels 23-25 Tours 26-27 Facilities 28-35 Getting to Know Portland, Oregon Portland Attractions Dining in Downtown Portland Transportation Downtown Portland Map 36 37-39 40 41 42 Budget 43-47 6 7 Letters of Invitation - 1- January 19, 2012 Dear NAE4-HA Board, OSU Extension Association of 4-H Agents Amy Derby President Jeremy Green President Elect Elissa Wells Secretary Mary Arnold Treasurer Mary Arnold Hello, my name is Amy Derby and I am the 2012 Oregon 4-H State Association President. When our Regional Directors asked our state association to consider hosting the 2015 NAE4-HA conference we found our members very receptive and supportive of the idea. It has been many years since Oregon has hosted the National 4-H conference and we are excited about the possibility of hosting in 2015. As experienced and involved NAE4-HA members, Virginia Bourdeau and Pamela (Olsen) Rose, have agreed to serve as our conference co-coordinators and many other association members have stepped forward to fill key positions as well. If we receive the bid to host the conference in 2015 we, along with support from our Western neighbors, will work diligently to provide an exceptional professional opportunity for our colleagues. We look forward to the opportunity to serve the national organization at this level. Past President Board Members Maureen Hosty Tracy Martz Thank you for your consideration!! Best regards, Recognition Chairs Dave White Woody Davis Esprit de Corps Chairs Amy Derby OSUEA4-HA President Jamie Davis Programs Chair Joy Jones Professional Dev. Chair Mario Magaña Diversity Chair Claire Sponseller Membership Chair Virginia Bourdeau News & Notes Editor - 2- Dear NAE4-HA National Board MembersAs former NAE4-HA board members ourselves, we are pleased to serve as the cochairs of the bid and proposed national conference in Portland, Oregon in 2015. We have a unique perspective that we think will help our committees in providing you an excellent, educational event in a beautiful city. Here are some key points we want to highlight in your consideration of our bid packet. The Hotel: Hilton Portland & Executive Tower Excellent responsiveness and assistance in planning from a professional conference staff. Will provide a Personalized Online Group Page for reservations. Complimentary internet in all guest rooms for our group, normally charged at $9.95/24hours. Has a Green Key Eco-Rating. The Hilton’s own Green Team will support our green theme: 85% high efficiency gas heat, compact fluorescent lights, recycling and composting bins provided, local, organic and vegetarian menu options. Easy access to the hotel from the airport and to other Portland locations on Max light rail. The Max stations are along Pioneer Court House Square, called “Portland’s Living room” – just 2 blocks from the Hilton. The Schedule: NAE4-HA National Conference, 2015 in Portland, Oregon Over 22 hours of Professional Development opportunities including o Six seminar sessions each with 15- 18 seminar rooms available, o Two staff poster sessions, not overlapping with seminar time, o Two professional speakers and one super seminar, o Nine hours of exhibit hall. Monday Night Wine, Draft and Craft evening event. Join friends after states night out to browse offerings of local crafters and enjoy a taste of Oregon’s wines, craft beers, artisan cheeses, and chocolates. Tuesday Night on the Town. Portland has so many great restaurants we want to give you an opportunity to enjoy another evening out. Join a group pre-arranged by the conference or explore on your own from our list of options near the Hilton or accessible on MAX rail. Thursday Seminars on Wheels. Optional at the end of the conference to accommodate those who can’t be away from home five nights. We look forward to hosting you in Portland, Oregon in 2015Pamela Rose, NAE4-HA 2003 National President and Virginia Bourdeau, NAE4-HA, VP of Research, Evaluation & Programs, 2007-2004 - 3- Administrative Letters of Support -4- - 5- College of Public Health and Human Sciences Oregon State University, 123 Women’s Building, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-6802 T 541-737-3256 | F 541-737-4230 | http://health.oregonstate.edu January 31, 2012 Dear NAE4-HA Board, I am writing to convey my full support, and the support of OSU Extension, in hosting the proposed 2015 NAE4-HA Conference from Oct. 24-29 in Portland, Ore. Hosting an event of this magnitude is no small undertaking, and I am confident that our faculty and staff would present a truly exceptional professional development conference for 4-H youth development faculty across the country. They are excited by this opportunity to showcase their excellence in youth development programs and applied research. It has been many years since Oregon has hosted the National 4-H conference, and we anticipate the possibility of hosting in 2015. Experienced and involved NAE4-HA members Virginia Bourdeau and Pamela (Olsen) Rose have agreed to serve as our conference cocoordinators, and many other association members have stepped forward to fill key positions as well. Our “Empowered by Green” theme will highlight the many ways that 4-H “Green” is empowering and impacting the lives of youth, volunteers and communities across the country. Our tentative schedule allows for numerous opportunities for youth development professionals to share, grow and be empowered to be the best they can be in the positive youth development field and in the communities they serve. If we receive the bid to host the conference in 2015 we, along with support from our Western neighbors, will work diligently to provide an exceptional professional opportunity for our colleagues. We look forward to the opportunity to serve the national organization at this level. Thank you for your consideration, Tammy Bray Dean College of Public Health and Human Sciences - 6- Office of the Associate Dean for Outreach and Engagement College of Public Health and Human Sciences Oregon State University, 105 Ballard Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-3608 T 541-737-1324 | F 541-737-1332 | Dear NAE4-‐HA Board It is with great pride and unwavering commitment that I offer my support of Oregon’s offer to host the 2015 Annual Conference of the National Association of Extension 4-‐H Agents in Portland. The 2015 conference will mark the 36th anniversary of my first attendance at an NAE4-‐H Conference in 1979. As a regular conference attendee, I know firsthand of the benefits of association membership and conference participation. Portland last hosted the conference in 1982. We are long overdue to showcase the beauty of the Pacific Northwest as well as the work of our outstanding faculty and staff. I know they are excited about the opportunity to host in 2015. We are all committed making the 2015 an extraordinary experience for all. Oregon State University, as well as its College of Public Health and Human Sciences (which houses our 4-‐H Youth Development and Family and Community Health Extension Programs) place great emphasis on the outreach and engagement mission of the contemporary land grant university. Our 4-‐H program is indeed a flagship of outreach to youth. We hope that conference attendees have an opportunity to learn how this important outreach and engagement work is intertwined into the very fiber of this extraordinary institution. Again, I could not be more proud to assist in hosting the 2015 conference of the National Association of Extension 4-‐H Agents. Sincerely, Roger A. Rennekamp Associate Dean for Outreach and Engagement College of Public Health and Human Sciences Agriculture, Family and Community Development, 4-H Youth, Forestry, and Extension Sea Grant programs. Oregon State University, United States Department of Agriculture, and Oregon counties cooperating. The Extension Service offers its programs and materials equally to all people. -7- 4-H Agents State Association Letters of Support - 8- ARIZONA ASSOCIATION OF EXTENSION 4-H AGENTS December 19, 2011 National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Dear Board of Directors, The Arizona Association of Extension 4-H Agents (AAE4HA) is happy to support Oregon in its bid to host the 2015 NAE4-HA Annual Conference. We look forward to working with Oregon and other Western states in offering a quality conference. AAE4HA has committed to the volunteer management portion of this meeting. Despite a small state membership, we are confident that our experiences hosting the 2010 NAE4HA Annual Conference give us the needed insight and expertise to successfully complete this task. Oregon is a great location and would offer many exciting educational opportunities. Arizona is proud to support Oregon in the conference efforts. Sincerely, Curt Peters President, AAE4HA - 9- - 10- Bannock County 10560 N. Fairgrounds Road Pocatello, ID 83201 Phone: 208-236-7310 Fax: 208-236-7316 bannock@uidaho.edu February 8, 2012 Dear NAE4-HA Conference Selection Committee: It is with pleasure that I write this letter of support for Oregon State University 4-H to host the 2014 NAE4-HA Conference in Portland, Oregon. OSU’s 4-H team has a tremendous ability to manage programs regardless of the circumstances and I have no doubt that they will be successful in hosting this conference. Idaho 4-H will contribute as much help as necessary to ensure Oregon’s success in this venture. The close proximity to our state will make attending this conference easier for Extension Educators with 4-H responsibility from Idaho. We plan to support Oregon by providing the human capital necessary to meet the demands of running this conference. Please consider their bid to host the 2014 conference in Portland. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this any further, contact me at mcummins@uidaho.edu or 208-236-7312. Sincerely, Missy McElprang Cummins, President IAE4HP University of Idaho Extension University of Idaho, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Idaho counties cooperating. To enrich education through diversity, the University of Idaho is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educational institution. - 11 - January 27, 2012 Dear Conference Coordinators, As President on the Montana Association of Extension 4‐H Agents I am happy to write this letter of support for OSUEA4‐HA in their bid to host the 2015 NAE4‐HA Conference. The MAE4‐HA membership wholeheartedly supports this bid and is willing to assist with the conference when needed. Several of our members including myself attended the 2009 NCI when hosted by Oregon. We were very impressed with that conference and look forward to traveling to Oregon again for NAE4‐HA in 2015. Please let our association know how we can be of assistance in the future as your conference planning progresses. Sincerely, Meghan Phillippi MAE4‐HA President - 12- COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS Harding County Extension Office P.O. Box 156 Mosquero, NM 87733 Dear Oregon State University Conference Coordinators, My name is Blair Clavel and I am the incoming president for the New Mexico 4-H Agents Association. I have received a letter from Amy Darby stating Oregon’s desire to submit a bid for the 2015 NAE4-HA conference. This letter is to offer support and endorse OSU and the Oregon State Association in their bid for the 2015 NAE4-HA conference. I have requested more information on assistance needed for the national conference, whether it be warm bodies or financial. The New Mexico Association has few agents, and a small budget. Thus, we could possibly provide assistance helping with workshops, breaks, or other sessions. Please feel free to let us know more specifically what your needs are. The New Mexico Association of Extension 4-H Agents are delighted that Oregon is submitting a bid for the 2015 NAE4-HA conference and we support their efforts. Best regards, Blair Clavel President New Mexico State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educator. NMSU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. - 13- December 8, 2011 Dear Oregon 4-H State Association, Wyoming 4-H fully supports Oregon’s bid to host the 2015 National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Conference. The Wyoming Association of Extension 4-H Agents would be happy to assist you in any way necessary. Our association members expressed overwhelming enthusiasm at the opportunity to help with this exciting event. Please keep us informed of any way that we may be of assistance during the conference planning process. Sincerely, Tansey J. Sussex - 14- 2015 NAE4-HA Conference Committee Members - 15- 2015 NAE4-HA Conference Committees Operations Sub-Committees- Operations Coordinator: Virginia Bourdeau Marketing & Program Materials (Publicity) - Chair: Patricia Dawson, Marilyn Lesmeister, Michelle Carrillo Hospitality- Co-Chairs: Jamie Davis & Jeremy Green; Suzi Busler, Barb Brody Operations &Facilities Team- Chair: Amy Derby; 1. Facilities – Candi Bothum and Amy 2. Meals/Food & Beverage – Janet Nagele and Nancy Kershaw 3. Decorations – Joy Jones and Shana Withee 4. AV – Todd Williver , Dana Martin 5. Website – Claire Sponseller 6. Conference Headquarters/Board workroom – Jed Smith and Jon Gandy 7. Information/Conference site map – Tracy Martz 8. Volunteers – Anne Manlove 9. Green Team/Recycling – Pat Willis Evening Programs & Entertainment- Chair: Wendy Hein; Sandra Carlson, Judi Peters Treasurer Liaison to NAE4-HA Conference Management Company- Elissa Wells Registration Liaison to NAE4HA Conference Management Company- Chair: Dave White Programs Sub-Committees- Programs Coordinator: Pamela Rose Seminars, Research Reports and Education Methods- Chair: Lynette Black 1. Research & Evaluation: Dani Annala 2. Competency Building Workshops: Doug Hart 3. Seminars: Joy Jones 4. Posters: Janice Cowan Awards & Recognition- Chair: Carole Smith, Robin Galloway Tours & Transportation- Co-Chairs: Maureen Hosty, Mike Knutz; Cindy Osterlund Evaluation- Chair: Mary Arnold Exhibit Hall /Commercial Exhibits - Chair: Carolyn Ashton - 16- Summary Form NAE4-HA 2015 Annual Conference Bid - 17- Appendix A: SUMMARY FORM - NAE4-HA ANNUAL CONFERENCE BID 2015 State: Oregon Region: Western City: Portland Hotel: (Self-Contained Convention Hotel) Hilton Portland & Executive Tower 921 SW Sixth Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204 Phone: (503) 226-1611 Fax: (503) 220-2565 Tentative Date: October 23 – October 31, 2015 (the hotel is holding these dates on a right of first refusal) Guest Rooms Total number of guest rooms: 782 rooms % of rooms Double/ Double: 41% (320 Double Double) King Rooms 59% (462 king) Hotel guest room block commitment: (1755 total room nights) Single Rooms Double Double Rooms Total Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 4 5 25 130 130 130 130 30 2 1 10 40 320 320 320 320 320 3 5 15 65 450 450 450 450 350 5 What is the complimentary guest room policy of conference hotel? Hotel will extend one (1) complimentary room for every forty-five (45) revenue rooms. (1/45 comp) Current year (2011) convention room rate (double): $159.00 The Hotel agrees to no more than a 3% increase to these rates, year over year. Rates are commissionable at 10% back to NAE4-HA and are quoted exclusive of state and local taxes, currently 12.5%. Currently, Oregon has no sales tax. Deposit policy (one night's lodging or credit card): One night’s lodging or credit card to guarantee What credit cards are honored? All major credit cards are accepted Check-in/check-out times: 3:00 PM check-in / 12:00 PM check-out Are hotel rates commissionable? Rates are commissionable to NAE4-HA at 10% Meeting Rooms The Hotel is currently holding all meeting space and exhibit space for the 2015 NAE4-HA Conference pending the Conference Committee’s final agenda. Hilton Portland & Executive Tower has 29 beautifully appointed and very versatile meeting rooms with over 40,000 sq. ft. of flexible function space, including two ballrooms. The following meeting space will accommodate our programs as follows: Bid 2015 Appendix A - 18- General Session/Banquet Room Grand Ballroom 12,657 sq ft Exhibit Hall – 75 8x10 Booths Garage Exhibit Hall 26,000 sq ft Committee Meetings (9 concurrent meetings) and Seminar Sessions (15 concurrent meetings) Meeting Rooms Broadway I Galleria Broadway II Galleria II Broadway III Galleria III Broadway IV Grand Ballroom Cabinet Suite Parlor A Council Parlor B Director Parlor C Executive Plaza Suite Forum Suite Senate Pavilion East Studio Pavilion West Alexander’s Salon Ballroom I Salon Ballroom II Registration and headquarters room availability: The Hotel is offering a registration area and office complimentary and on a 24-hour hold. Internet/ wireless availability and cost: The Hotel is offering the 2015 NAE4-HA Conference complimentary internet in all guest rooms. Internet access is complimentary in the Hotel lobby. (The hotel traditionally charges $9.95/24hours.) Facility Costs: The Hotel is able to offer each of the ballroom meeting spaces on a complimentary basis with a minimum food & beverage expenditure of $120,000. Exhibit Space Size in Sq. Ft. and Ceiling Height: 26,000 sq ft – 9’ ceiling Maximum Number of 10' wide X 8' deep Booths: 75 8x10 Booths Rental Rate: The Hotel is able to offer a reduced rental of $3,500 per day for use of our Garage Exhibit Hall. In addition, they will waive the standard fees for use of our exhibit tables. Hotel will provide one draped 6’ or 8’ table per booth at no charge. What, if any other fees would Association incur for exhibit Facility? Shipping, drayage, labor, audio visual Parking Availability/Costs: The parking cost for overnight is $20 for self-parking and $25 for valet. The Hotel will offer five VIP parking passes with in-and-out privileges per day for use by NAE4-HA. Number of Restaurants within Facility: The Hotel has two on-site restaurants serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day. They also have two on-site lounges. Bid 2015 Appendix A - 19- Number of restaurants within 1-2 Blocks: Located in the heart of downtown Portland, the Hotel is within walking distance of more than forty great restaurants. Within a two block radius they have great steak houses, Asian fusion, Italian, American, Fresh Seafood, as well as fast food options such as Subway, Carl’s Junior, McDonald’s, Pizza Schmizza, and a great food court at Pioneer Place Mall which is just one block East of the Hilton. Number of Elevators, if used, in Meeting Room Facility: The Hotel has four guest elevators servicing all guestroom floors and meeting spaces. They also have three service elevators and a freight elevator. The hotel will provide access and full use of the freight elevators for the purposes of loading, unloading, and accessing the exhibit space, audio-visual equipment, and other equipment as required. ACCESSIBILITY: Are all Facilities handicap accessible? All of our facilities are ADA compliant. We have guestroom inventory of 19 ADA rooms. Labor: Union or Non-union? This is a Union Hotel UNITE Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Union Local 9 This union covers the following departments: Food & Beverage, Guest Services, Housekeeping & Laundry International Union of Operating Engineers Local Union NO. 701 This union covers the Engineers Teamsters Local Union No. 305 This union covers the Garage Attendants Transportation: Transportation options to proposed site: The MAX light rail originates in baggage claim of Portland International Airport and drops off just one short block north of us at Pioneer Square, the “living room” of Portland. The cost is just $2.40 each way! Once in the downtown area, both our light rail and streetcar service are free of charge, making exploring the city even easier! This Free Rail Zone covers 310 square blocks of downtown Portland. Airport / Flights: Portland International Airport (PDX) is served by 13 international and domestic airlines offering more than 200 scheduled passenger arrivals and departures daily. This extensive air service results in very competitive rates. BID COMMITTEE CO-CHAIR Virginia D. Bourdeau 4-H Science & Youth Camp Program Development, Oregon State Extension 4-H Youth Development School of Social and Behavior Health Sciences, College of Public Health and Human Sciences, Oregon State University Oregon 4-H Center 5390 4-H Rd, NW Salem, OR 97304 Phone: 503-371-7920 Email: virginia.bourdeau@oregonstate.edu BID COMMITTEE CO-CHAIR Pamela Rose County Leader for Marion and Polk Counties 4-H Family & Consumer Science/Expressive Arts Program Development, Oregon State Extension 4-H Youth Dev School of Social and Behavior Health Sciences College of Public Health and Human Sciences, Oregon State University 3150 Center St Rm 1361 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-373-3774 Email: pamela.rose@oregonstate.edu Bid 2015 Appendix A - 20- Conference Schedule - 21- 2015 Proposed NAE4-HA National Conference Schedule –Portland, Oregon- Hosted by the OSUEA4-H Association October 24, Sat. 7:30 All Day TBD: Pre-Conference Tours/Education Programs 7:30 am- 5:00 pm Operations Center Open 7:30 am- 3:00 pm Information staffed @ Operations Center 8:00 am- Board Breakfast 8:30-5:00 pm Board Meeting with lunch 10:00 am- 3:00 pm Registration/ Information areas set up 3:00 pm- 6:00 pm Registration/Information areas open Evening Board Dinner – off site 6:30 pm Dinner Oregon Conference Committee meets October 25, Sun. 7:30 am - Operations Center Open 8:00 am – 11:00 am Board Meeting 8:00 am – 5:30 pm Regis/ Info. open 8:00 am – noon Decoration Set-up 8:00 am – 2:00 pm PreConference Tours/ Educational Programs October 26, Mon. 7:00 am- 8:15 am Past President’s Breakfast 7:00 am- 8:15 am Global Citizenship Breakfast 7:00 am – 5:30 pm Regist/Inforn open 7:00 am - Operations Center 7:00 am – noon Exhibit Hall Check-in and Set-up 7:30 am Coffee 11:00 am– noon Nat. Committee Leadership Teams 11:00 am Officer Candidate Display Set-up Noon: Oregon Conference Committee Lunch- 8:00 am -10:00 am Business Meeting 2 10:15 am- 11:15 am Keynote 11:15 am Candidate Displays staffed 9:30 amFriends/Family/Retiree tour 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm First Time Attendee Orientation 11:30- 5:30 pm Exhibit Hall open 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm Committee Meeting 11:30 – 12:45 pm Box Lunches in Exhibit Hall 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Welcome Fall Snacks 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Business Meeting 1 & Welcome Event-Ballroom noon - 2:00 pm Life Member’s Lunch 5:00 pm – 5:30 pm Officer Candidate Displays staffed 1:00pm- 2:15pm Seminar Session 1- 17 rooms 6:00- 7:00 pm Buses Sequenced to Depart for Opening Event 2:30 pm – 3:45pm Seminar Session 2- 17 rooms 7:00 pm - Opening Event at OMSI- Food stations, no host beverages noon - 3:00 pm State Officers Leadership Lunch /Workshop 4:00 pm- 5:30 pm Committee Meetings 6:00 pm States Night Out 7:30- 10:00pm “Craft & Draft” Cultural Event @ Hilton Pavilion Ballroom October 27, Tues. 7:00 am – 6:30 pm Regist/ Infor open 7:00 am - Operations Open 7:00 am – 8:00 am Poster set up Poster Session 1 7:30 am Coffee 8:00 am – 9:00 am Business Meeting 3 9:00 am – 10:00 am“State of the Program” 4-H Counsel and Head Q 9:30 am-Friends/ Family/ Retiree tour 10:30am – 12:45 pm Regional Brunch 12:30 – 3:30 pm Exhibit Hall Open 1:00pm – 2:00 pm Poster Session 1 staffed 2:00 pm Poster take down 1:00 pm – 2:00 Committee Meetings 2:15 pm – 3:30 pm Seminar Session 3 - 17 rooms 3:30 pm Commercial Exhibit Take down 3:45 pm- 5:00 pm Seminar Session 4 - 17 rooms Evening Event Dinner Around the Town- on own $, individual sign-ups with group escorts to specific restaurants or locations or on own. - 22- October 28, Wed. 7:00 am – 6:30 pm Regist/ Infor open 7:00 am - Operations Center Open 7:00 am- 8:15 am State & National Staff Breakfast 7:30 am – 8:30 am Poster set up- Poster Session 2 8:30 am – 9:45 am Seminar Session 5 9:30 am-Friends/ Family/Retiree tour 10:00 am–11:15 am Seminar Session 6- 17 rooms 11:30 pm –12:30 pm Luncheon in the Ballroom 12:30 pm- 1:15 pm Luncheon Speaker 1:30 -2:30 pm Poster Session 2 staffed 2:30 pm Poster Session take down 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Committee Meetings 2:00 pm- 4:00 pm Super Seminar 3:00 pm- 5:15 pm Awards Program Rehearsal/ Photos 5:30 pm- 6:15 pm Donor/Award Recipient Reception 6:30 pm- Awards Banquet 9:00 pm Dance- Pavilion October 29, Thurs. 7:00 am–noon Operations Center open 8:30- 9:00 am Coffee, Fruit & Scones 9:00 am–10:00 Business meeting 4: new officer installation, 10:00 am–10:15 Invitation to 2016 Conference 11:00 am–12:30 pm 20152016 Conference committee’s Meet, Lunch 11:00 am–3:00 pm Board Transition meeting and Lunch 11:00 Optional Off-site Education Session w/ Lunch – separate fees apply 1:00 pm-5:00pm Optional Off-site Education Seminars w/o Lunch – separate fees apply Potential Speakers and Seminars on Wheels - 23- Potential Speakers Oregon is a state committed to health and science endeavors. This is evident through our industries, businesses, universities, recreational opportunities, and policies. We are reflecting this commitment in the potential speakers being considered for the 2015 Conference. First Lady Michelle Obama First Lady Ms. Obama is an advocate for health issues for children. A product of Chicago public schools, Mrs. Obama studied sociology and African-American studies at Princeton University. After graduating from Harvard Law School in 1988, she joined the Chicago law firm Sidley & Austin. In 1996, Mrs. Obama joined the University of Chicago with a vision of bringing campus and community together. As Associate Dean of Student Services, she developed the university's first community service program, and under her leadership as Vice President of Community and External Affairs for the University of Chicago Medical Center, volunteerism skyrocketed. Promoting service and working with young people has remained a staple of her career and her interest. Continuing this effort now as First Lady, Mrs. Obama in 2010 launched Let’s Move!, a campaign to bring together community leaders, teachers, doctors, nurses, moms and dads in a nationwide effort to tackle the challenge of childhood obesity. Let’s Move! has an ambitious but important goal: to solve the epidemic of childhood obesity within a generation. She has often frequented the state of Oregon to visit her brother, Craig Robinson, men’s head basketball coach at Oregon State University. Cary Sneider Cary Sneider is Associate Research Professor at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon. He also serves as a consultant for the office of the Superintendent for Public Instruction in the state of Washington, where he if facilitating revision of the state’s K-12 science education standards. He is currently cochair of the Planning Committee to develop the NAEP Technology Framework, and occasionally consults for other organizations including The Noyce Foundation and Achieve, Inc. During the past ten years Dr. Sneider was Vice President for Educator Programs at the Museum of Science in Boston, where he led development and research interests have focused on helping students unravel their misconceptions in science and on new ways to link science centers and schools to promote student inquiry. Dr. Sneider served on the Committee On Science Education (COSE) from 1999 to 2003, and facilitated NRC workshops that laid the groundwork leading to Taking Science to School and Learning Science Across Places and Pursuits The Contributions of Informal Environments. - 24- Michael Brandwein Michael Brandwein is an internationally recognized expert on teaching and leading young people. Michael has made presentations in all 50 of the states, most provinces of Canada, and on 6 of the 7 continents. He is the author of three best-selling books on the training and supervision of youth leaders, called Training Terrific Staff, Super Staff SuperVision, and Learning Leadership. He wrote and presented three Emmy® awardwinning public television programs about communicating with young people which have been broadcast on PBS stations throughout the U.S. Successful Meetings magazine selected Michael as one of the two “unique, exceptional speakers who provide real entertainment value with important messages that listeners can apply to their jobs immediately. Corporate meetings & Incentives magazine identified Michael in as one of the 15 “sure thing speakers”. Seminars on Wheels We have a unique vision for the “Seminar on Wheels” portion of the 2015 NAE4-HA Conference in Portland. We would like to pair the work of NAE4-HA Programs Sub committees with the educational opportunities that exist within our greater Portland area and our Oregon 4-H Youth Development partnerships. The 2015 Planning Committee will work with each of the NAE4-HA Programs Subcommittees to determine ways in which the priorities and goals of each of the committees could be reflected and connected to a seminar on wheels option for conference participants. The following is a list of possibilities for this vision: Work Force Development and Career Exploration NIKE, Columbia Sportswear – fitness wear related industries Portland Zoo – teen work force program Food Innovation Center – research and product development GPS & GIS Showcase of Tech Wizards Programs Geo spatial projects Animal Science Guide Dogs for the Blind 4-H farm projects/partnerships with Alpenrose Dairy, Jump4Joy Farm Camping and Environmental Education 4-H school gardens Alternative Energy exploration - 25- Area Tours - 26- Pre-Conference Tours A myriad of possibilities exist for day or half-day long tours from Portland. We describe here some of the most popular of these destinations. Oregon Coast Take a journey along Oregon’s breathtaking coastline. This stretch of the Pacific features pristine beaches and rocky cliffs, whose rugged beauty you’ve likely seen in magazines. The travel west from Portland will go through the rain forests of the Coast Mountain Range. Outcroppings of volcanic rock, such as the famous "Haystack Rock.", will beg you to keep your camera at your side. One can learn about the natural, regional, and Native American history. Highlights include specialty shops, art galleries, antique stores, walks among ancient forests and of course the beach! Winery Tour Just southwest of Portland lies the heart of Oregon Wine Country. Savor awardwinning Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Chardonnay and Riesling while your designated driver guides you through the rolling hills of the picturesque Willamette Valley. Visit Oregon’s premier wineries and also obtain rare access to private boutique wineries where you may be able to taste and meet with the winemakers and winery owners. Each estate visit is unique and fascinating, as you meet the passionate men and women who make some of the world’s greatest wine. Columbia Gorge The Columbia River Gorge is a designated National Scenic Area, and within a few minutes, you’ll see why. Bring your camera for this tour, as we travel east from Portland on the Columbia River Highway, stopping at waterfalls and viewpoints. One of the stops will be Vista House, with a view that will take your breath away. The tour would include a stop at Multnomah Falls. At a total height of 620 feet, it is Oregon’s tallest—and many say most beautiful—waterfall. Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum Near wine country is the charming town of McMinnville, where a tour could include the exploration of the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum. This custom-built facility houses over 50 aircraft, including the famous “Spruce Goose”. - 27- Facilities - 28- Business Center: Full-service Business Center, including stateof-the-art computer work stations for guests, is staffed Monday through Friday and accessible 24 hours a day with a room key. www.portland.hilton.com 921 Southwest Sixth Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204 Tel: (503) 226-1611 Hotel Fax: (503) 220-2565 Sales Department Fax: (503) 220-2293 Guest Accommodations: Hilton Portland Number of rooms: 455 (including 7 suites) Location: In the center of downtown Portland’s business and entertainment districts. Close to the Portland Center for the Performing Arts, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Oregon Historical Society, Portland Art Museum, Pioneer Place shopping mall, Nordstrom, Niketown, OMSI and the Washington Park Zoo. Nine miles from Portland International Airport Meeting/Banquet Facilities: • 40,000 sq. ft. of PCMA verified meeting space including 30 function rooms and a 26,000 sq. ft. Exhibit Hall can be combined to a total of 66,000 sq. ft. • For banquets, meetings, and exhibits, the Grand Ballroom seats up to 1,070 guests. • 30 function rooms strategically located throughout the hotel. • A full service Business Center is also available accommodating the FAXing, laser printing and photocopying needs of the busy traveler. Meeting Equipment: Portable staging, standing and table top podiums, portable whiteboards, easels, flip charts, audio visual equipment and services, teleconferencing capabilities and multilingual translation capabilities are available in-house. Hilton Portland Executive Tower Number of rooms: 327 (including 2 suites) Total Rooms: 782 (including 9 suites) Guest rooms and suites feature high-speed Internet access, the Hilton Serenity Bed, a coffeemaker with complimentary coffee, two dual-line phones with voicemail and data ports, large work desk with desk-level outlets, iron & ironing board, hairdryer, electronic locks, Internet access via television, pay-per-view movies, video games and free HBO.® Executive Tower rooms & suites also feature bottled water, robes and umbrellas. Grand Ballroom Dining and Entertainment: Porto Terra Tuscan Grill & Bar: Enjoy Porto Terra’s eclectic menu created from absolutely the finest ingredients of the Northwest. From our Tillamook cheeseburger to our fantastic risotto with local Dungeness crab, you are sure to find something simply irresistible. Guest Services: • Business center • Multilingual staff • Valet and self-parking • Valet/laundry • Gift shop • Concierge staff • Video checkout – Zip-In Check-In Athletic Club: Located on the Plaza Level, our 12,000 sq. ft. Athletic Club includes an indoor swimming pool, whirlpool, sauna, steam, cardio-vascular, free weights and weight lifting equipment. Licensed massage therapists, registered dieticians and fitness trainers are available daily. The Executive Tower also has its own fitness room on the 11th floor. Hilton HHonors® • Hilton HHonors members can earn both Points & Miles® for the same stay at most any rate. • With the Hilton HHonors Event Planner program, Event Planners can earn Points & Miles for qualifying events. Ask your sales person for details. Bistro 921: On the Lobby Level, this casual dining restaurant is open daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It features a large selection of sandwiches, salads, pastas, pizzas and other popular selections. Meeting, Convention & Banquet Facilities Bistro 921 Bar: Open daily with a bar menu of sandwiches, appetizers and pizzas. Enjoy your favorite libations, including Northwest wines by the glass and local microbrews, while watching our 3 screen video wall. Room Service: Served 6:00a.m. - 12 midnight Porto Terra Tuscan Grill & Bar Hilton HHonors membership, earning of Points & Miles®, and redemption of points are subject to HHonors Terms and Conditions. 2/07 10M PDXPHHH Printed in USA. HSM/Swafford&Co 35913. ©2007 Hilton Hospitality, Inc. - 29- Function Space Capacities LxWxH Square Feet Theatre Classroom (3 per 6) Conference Banquet (Rounds of 10) Reception U-Shape Hollow Square Exhibits (8 x 10) All function space dimensions and capacities have been P.C.M.A verified Forum Suite 48 x 15 x 8’6” 720 70 48 36 50 70 34 37 — Council Suite 49 x 15 x 8’6” 735 70 48 36 50 70 34 37 — Directors Suite 36 x 15 x 8’6” 540 48 36 24 40 50 22 25 — Studio Suite 36 x 15 x 8’6” 540 48 36 24 40 50 22 25 — Executive Suite 23 x 15 x 8’6” 345 30 18 18 30 30 18 21 — Senate Suite 23 x 15 x 8’6” 345 30 18 18 30 30 18 21 — Cabinet Suite 23 x 8 x 8’6” 260 20 12 12 20 20 15 — — Boardroom East 19 x 11 x 8’6” 209 — — 10 10 — — — — Boardroom West 22 x 11 x 8’6” 242 — — 10 10 — — — — 84 x 84 x 16’9” 6,520 600 280 — 480 600 100 120 28 Pavilion East 44 x 84 x 16’9” 3,365 250 110 75 230 300 60 80 — Pavilion West 42 x 84 x 16’9” 3,106 250 110 75 210 250 60 80 — 104 x 26 x 10’ 2,706 260 130 60 220 260 60 90 14 26 x 26 x 10’ 676 65 35 24 50 50 24 30 — Plaza Foyer — 4,000 — — — — 320 — — — Plaza Suite 31 x 16 x 8’6” 496 — — 18 — — — — — 147 x 87 x 18’ 12,657 1,150 650 — — — 70 I 78 x 87 x 18’ 6,786 560 320 — 550 780 — — 36 II 47 x 87 x 18’ 4,089 350 200 — 320 470 — — 24 GBR I/II 125 x 87 x 18’ 10,875 950 575 — 870 1,250 — — 62 Ballroom Foyer 123 x 26 x 9’ 3,198 — — — — 300 — — 18 Parlor A+B+C 22 x 81 x 9’8” 1,782 180 112 — 140 135 — — 12 Parlors A/B/C (ea) 22 x 27 x 9’8” 594 50 30 20 40 50 20 26 — 98 x 38 x 9’7” 3,724 300 140 — 300 320 — — 20 Galleria North 48 x 38 x 9’7” 1,824 175 70 44 150 160 39 48 9 Galleria South 48 x 38 x 9’7” 1,824 175 70 44 150 160 39 48 9 I 33 x 38 x 9’7” 1,254 75 35 22 60 90 — — — II 36 x 38 x 9’7” 1,368 120 60 34 100 110 — — — III 29 x 38 x 9’7” 1,102 75 35 22 60 90 — — — 3RD FLOOR CONFERENCE LEVEL 3RD FLOOR CONFERENCE LEVEL Windows BOARDROOM EAST DIRECTORS COUNCIL FORUM Windows STUDIO BOARDROOM WEST SENATE EXECUTIVE CABINET Windows Windows PLAZA LEVEL BALLROOM LEVEL PLAZA LEVEL Windows Pavilion Windows PAVILION PARLOR A Windows Windows Banquet Kitchen EAST Pool WEST Broadway GRAND BALLROOM I/II/III/IV (ea) B II I C BALLROOM LEVEL Athletic Club PLAZA FOYER Banquet Kitchen BALLROOM FOYER PLAZA SUITE GALLERIA NORTH BROADWAY IV III II I III Windows SOUTH II I Access to Exhibit Hall Grand Ballroom Galleria HILTON PORTLAND EXECUTIVE TOWER EXECUTIVE TOWER BOARDROOM 1,070 1,500 III HILTON PORTLAND EXECUTIVE TOWER SALON BALLROOM II SALON FOYER I - 30- Boardroom 20 x 17 x 9’6” 400 — — 12 — — — — — Salon Ballroom 74 x 28 x 12’ 2,192 230 120 — 180 250 — — — Salon Ballroom I/II/III (ea) 25 x 28 x 12’ 740 70 40 25 50 70 25 40 — Salon Ballroom I/II 50 x 28 x 12’ 1,480 140 80 50 130 140 — 80 — 29 x 30 x 12’ 870 — — — — 60 — — — Salon Foyer Function Space Capacities LxWxH Square Feet Theatre Classroom (3 per 6) Conference Banquet (Rounds of 10) Reception U-Shape Hollow Square Exhibits (8 x 10) All function space dimensions and capacities have been P.C.M.A verified Forum Suite 48 x 15 x 8’6” 720 70 48 36 50 70 34 37 — Council Suite 49 x 15 x 8’6” 735 70 48 36 50 70 34 37 — Directors Suite 36 x 15 x 8’6” 540 48 36 24 40 50 22 25 — Studio Suite 36 x 15 x 8’6” 540 48 36 24 40 50 22 25 — Executive Suite 23 x 15 x 8’6” 345 30 18 18 30 30 18 21 — Senate Suite 23 x 15 x 8’6” 345 30 18 18 30 30 18 21 — Cabinet Suite 23 x 8 x 8’6” 260 20 12 12 20 20 15 — — Boardroom East 19 x 11 x 8’6” 209 — — 10 10 — — — — Boardroom West 22 x 11 x 8’6” 242 — — 10 10 — — — — 84 x 84 x 16’9” 6,520 600 280 — 480 600 100 120 28 Pavilion East 44 x 84 x 16’9” 3,365 250 110 75 230 300 60 80 — Pavilion West 42 x 84 x 16’9” 3,106 250 110 75 210 250 60 80 — 104 x 26 x 10’ 2,706 260 130 60 220 260 60 90 14 26 x 26 x 10’ 676 65 35 24 50 50 24 30 — Plaza Foyer — 4,000 — — — — 320 — — — Plaza Suite 31 x 16 x 8’6” 496 — — 18 — — — — — 147 x 87 x 18’ 12,657 1,150 650 — — — 70 I 78 x 87 x 18’ 6,786 560 320 — 550 780 — — 36 II 47 x 87 x 18’ 4,089 350 200 — 320 470 — — 24 GBR I/II 125 x 87 x 18’ 10,875 950 575 — 870 1,250 — — 62 Ballroom Foyer 123 x 26 x 9’ 3,198 — — — — 300 — — 18 Parlor A+B+C 22 x 81 x 9’8” 1,782 180 112 — 140 135 — — 12 Parlors A/B/C (ea) 22 x 27 x 9’8” 594 50 30 20 40 50 20 26 — 98 x 38 x 9’7” 3,724 300 140 — 300 320 — — 20 Galleria North 48 x 38 x 9’7” 1,824 175 70 44 150 160 39 48 9 Galleria South 48 x 38 x 9’7” 1,824 175 70 44 150 160 39 48 9 I 33 x 38 x 9’7” 1,254 75 35 22 60 90 — — — II 36 x 38 x 9’7” 1,368 120 60 34 100 110 — — — III 29 x 38 x 9’7” 1,102 75 35 22 60 90 — — — 3RD FLOOR CONFERENCE LEVEL 3RD FLOOR CONFERENCE LEVEL Windows BOARDROOM EAST DIRECTORS COUNCIL FORUM Windows STUDIO BOARDROOM WEST SENATE EXECUTIVE CABINET Windows Windows PLAZA LEVEL BALLROOM LEVEL PLAZA LEVEL Windows Pavilion Windows PAVILION PARLOR A Windows Windows Banquet Kitchen EAST Pool WEST Broadway GRAND BALLROOM I/II/III/IV (ea) B II I C BALLROOM LEVEL Athletic Club PLAZA FOYER Banquet Kitchen BALLROOM FOYER PLAZA SUITE GALLERIA NORTH BROADWAY IV III II I III Windows SOUTH II I Access to Exhibit Hall Grand Ballroom Galleria HILTON PORTLAND EXECUTIVE TOWER EXECUTIVE TOWER BOARDROOM 1,070 1,500 III HILTON PORTLAND EXECUTIVE TOWER SALON BALLROOM II SALON FOYER Boardroom 20 x 17 x 9’6” 400 — — 12 — — — — — Salon Ballroom 74 x 28 x 12’ 2,192 230 120 — 180 250 — — — Salon Ballroom I/II/III (ea) 25 x 28 x 12’ 740 70 40 25 50 70 25 40 — Salon Ballroom I/II 50 x 28 x 12’ 1,480 140 80 50 130 140 — 80 — 29 x 30 x 12’ 870 — — — — 60 — — — Salon Foyer I - 31- Business Center: Full-service Business Center, including stateof-the-art computer work stations for guests, is staffed Monday through Friday and accessible 24 hours a day with a room key. www.portland.hilton.com 921 Southwest Sixth Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204 Tel: (503) 226-1611 Hotel Fax: (503) 220-2565 Sales Department Fax: (503) 220-2293 Guest Accommodations: Hilton Portland Number of rooms: 455 (including 7 suites) Location: In the center of downtown Portland’s business and entertainment districts. Close to the Portland Center for the Performing Arts, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Oregon Historical Society, Portland Art Museum, Pioneer Place shopping mall, Nordstrom, Niketown, OMSI and the Washington Park Zoo. Nine miles from Portland International Airport Meeting/Banquet Facilities: • 40,000 sq. ft. of PCMA verified meeting space including 30 function rooms and a 26,000 sq. ft. Exhibit Hall can be combined to a total of 66,000 sq. ft. • For banquets, meetings, and exhibits, the Grand Ballroom seats up to 1,070 guests. • 30 function rooms strategically located throughout the hotel. • A full service Business Center is also available accommodating the FAXing, laser printing and photocopying needs of the busy traveler. Meeting Equipment: Portable staging, standing and table top podiums, portable whiteboards, easels, flip charts, audio visual equipment and services, teleconferencing capabilities and multilingual translation capabilities are available in-house. Hilton Portland Executive Tower Number of rooms: 327 (including 2 suites) Total Rooms: 782 (including 9 suites) Guest rooms and suites feature high-speed Internet access, the Hilton Serenity Bed, a coffeemaker with complimentary coffee, two dual-line phones with voicemail and data ports, large work desk with desk-level outlets, iron & ironing board, hairdryer, electronic locks, Internet access via television, pay-per-view movies, video games and free HBO.® Executive Tower rooms & suites also feature bottled water, robes and umbrellas. Grand Ballroom Dining and Entertainment: Porto Terra Tuscan Grill & Bar: Enjoy Porto Terra’s eclectic menu created from absolutely the finest ingredients of the Northwest. From our Tillamook cheeseburger to our fantastic risotto with local Dungeness crab, you are sure to find something simply irresistible. Guest Services: • Business center • Multilingual staff • Valet and self-parking • Valet/laundry • Gift shop • Concierge staff • Video checkout – Zip-In Check-In Athletic Club: Located on the Plaza Level, our 12,000 sq. ft. Athletic Club includes an indoor swimming pool, whirlpool, sauna, steam, cardio-vascular, free weights and weight lifting equipment. Licensed massage therapists, registered dieticians and fitness trainers are available daily. The Executive Tower also has its own fitness room on the 11th floor. Hilton HHonors® • Hilton HHonors members can earn both Points & Miles® for the same stay at most any rate. • With the Hilton HHonors Event Planner program, Event Planners can earn Points & Miles for qualifying events. Ask your sales person for details. Bistro 921: On the Lobby Level, this casual dining restaurant is open daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It features a large selection of sandwiches, salads, pastas, pizzas and other popular selections. Meeting, Convention & Banquet Facilities Bistro 921 Bar: Open daily with a bar menu of sandwiches, appetizers and pizzas. Enjoy your favorite libations, including Northwest wines by the glass and local microbrews, while watching our 3 screen video wall. Room Service: Served 6:00a.m. - 12 midnight - 32Porto Terra Tuscan Grill & Bar Hilton HHonors membership, earning of Points & Miles®, and redemption of points are subject to HHonors Terms and Conditions. 2/07 10M PDXPHHH Printed in USA. HSM/Swafford&Co 35913. ©2007 Hilton Hospitality, Inc. Imagine a hotel company dedicated to delivering your success... The Hilton desire to be the best only can be satisfied by making you the best. Building on our rich heritage in the meetings business, our goal is simple: lasting relationships through memorable performances. Trust and integrity are our commitments while concise understanding of objectives, creative solutions and technology serve as our platform. Hilton endeavors to be the best to do business with, and you earn the kudos that come from brilliant delivery! Personalized Online Group Page A personalized web page for your attendees to book reservations directly online • Customize with your program • Customize with your logo Interfaces with Guest List Manager, Hilton's proprietary tool that provides you with 24/7 access to manage your block. Group Code Reservations Your attendees can make, change or cancel reservations directly from their PC • Accurate and timely reservations • Easy for the meeting professional Interfaces with Guest List Manager, Hilton's proprietary tool that provides you with 24/7 access to manage your block. RAPID! - Reservations Automated Processing Input and Delivery System Flawless and expedited reservation processing straight from your rooming list into our system • Accurate and efficient reservations • Added security with credit card encryption built in • Eliminates dual entry process Interfaces with Guest List Manager, Hilton's proprietary tool that provides you with 24/7 access to manage your block. G.R.I.P. - Group Reservations Identification Program The ability to locate all attendees booked outside of the block at Hilton • Accurate and detailed identification of attendee booking behavior • Ability to encourage attendees booking outside the block to rebook under the group code • Accurate credit for history, comps and in some instances toward attrition Interfaces with Guest List Manager, Hilton's proprietary tool that provides you with 24/7 access to manage your block. Post-Event Service Commitment Timely billing and post-event reporting to help you make future business decisions • Master account delivered in 5 business days • Event manager approves accuracy before you receive invoice • Post-event report delivered in 14 business days e-Events - www.e-events.hilton.com Guest List Manager With e-Events, you can book your event from start to finish online • Confirm guest rooms and select meeting space • Order food and beverage • Arrange audio/visual equipment Instant online access to your group reservation details and guest room information through your Hilton HHonors® or Fast Reservations profile - visit the Groups and Meetings page on Hilton.com and select the “Guest List Manager” tab. • View guest rooms booked for your event • Reserve rooms on behalf of your guests • Effectively manage your room blocks Our ability to achieve success depends on your success. That is why Hilton is committed to be your best resource in meeting planning. Providing no cost, labor saving tools and services to our valuable group planners at participating Hilton hotels. We are committed to continuing our development in technology and service standards to help you meet your goals. - 33- www.hiltondirect.com - 34- - 35- Getting to Know Portland, Oregon - 36 - Portland Area Attractions Portland has a wide range of fun and inviting attractions — these are a few of our favorites. All of these attractions can be reached by either a short walk, a ride on the max-rail, or a short taxi ride away from the Hilton. International Rose Test Garden Portland’s International Rose Test Garden is the oldest official continuously operated public rose test garden in the United States. Each year hundreds of thousands of visitors from around the world enjoy the sights and scents of the gardens. The garden’s spectacular views and more than 8,000 roses make it one of the city’s most notable signature landmarks. Located in Washington Park. The best rose-viewing months are May-September. Open daily; free. 400 S.W. Kingston Ave. 503.823.3636 More info >> Lan Su Chinese Garden A year-round wonder, the Lan Su Chinese Garden is an authentically built Ming Dynasty style garden. Covered walkways, bridges, pavilions and a richly planted landscape frame a picturesque lake in this urban oasis built by artisans from Portland’s sister city of Suzhou. Public and audio tours are available, and the garden’s teahouse serves light snacks and traditional teas. Lan Su hosts many events, including a two-week Chinese New Year celebration and summer concerts. Open daily; admission charged. Northwest Third Avenue and Everett Street 503.228.8131 More info >> Oregon Zoo At the Oregon Zoo, you can travel around the world in an afternoon, observing more than 2,000 animals from around the world, from agouti (a rainforest rodent) to zebra. This conservation zoo is renowned for its Asian elephant breeding program. The zoo is located in Washington Park, five minutes from downtown on Highway 26 West, or about 10 minutes via MAX light rail (Blue or Red line, Washington Park stop). Open daily; admission charged. 4001 S.W. Canyon Road 503.226.1561 More info >> - 37 - Pittock Mansion High in the West Hills of Portland, Pittock Mansion soars 1,000 feet above the city’s skyline. A century-old symbol of Portland’s dramatic transformation from a small lumber town to a bustling city, it’s an architectural wonder. With pictureperfect views of rivers, forests, bridges and mountaintops — and 23 storied rooms teeming with treasures — no other place in town offers a more breathtaking view or a more revealing glimpse of Portland’s past. Open daily; admission charged. 3229 N.W. Pittock Drive 503.823.3623 More info >> Portland Art Museum Find out why the oldest museum in the Northwest, the Portland Art Museum, is internationally renowned for exciting art experiences. Located in the heart of downtown’s cultural district, the museum’s campus includes an outdoor sculpture court and historical interiors. Tour the world and travel through history in magnificent permanent collection galleries (featuring an extensive collection of Native American art), six stories of modern art and special exhibitions. Each Sunday features activities for families. Open daily; admission charged. Children 17 and under free. Admission is free on the fourth Friday of every month from 5-8 p.m. The museum also offers four free Sundays a year (check calendar). 1219 S.W. Park Ave. 503.226.2811 More info >> Portland Farmers Market Widely considered one of the world’s finest farmers’ markets, the Portland Farmers Market operates a six weekly markets, spring through fall. In addition to fresh produce, the market is a go-to spot for prepared food items, as well as cheeses, meats, flowers and more. The flagship market is held on Saturdays in the South Park Blocks at Portland State University, March-December. On Mondays, the market comes to Pioneer Courthouse Square (JuneOctober), and Wednesday’s market is held in the South Park Blocks of the Cultural District (May-October). More info >> Portland Japanese Garden In the scenic hills above Washington Park, the Japanese Garden is a haven of tranquil beauty which has been proclaimed one of the most authentic Japanese gardens outside of Japan. Encompassing 5.5 acres and five separate garden styles, the Garden includes an authentic Japanese Tea House, meandering - 38 - streams, intimate walkways and an unsurpassed view of Mount Hood. Guided tours are included with cost of admission. Open daily; admission charged. 611 S.W. Kingston Ave. 503.223.1321 More info >> Portland Saturday Market Enjoy a distinctive experience at Portland Saturday Market, the nation’s largest weekly open-air arts and crafts market. Stroll down row upon row of unique creations made by the people who sell them, and enjoy live music and international snacks. Located in Waterfont Park, at the Skidmore Fountain MAX station. Make a $25 purchase and receive a free TriMet ticket or a two-hour parking validation at any Smart Park garage. Open rain or shine, Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., March through December 24; free. Southwest Ankeny Street & Naito Parkway 503.222.6072 More info >> Powell's City of Books From humble storefront beginnings in 1971, Powell’s has grown into a Portland landmark and one of the world’s great bookstores. Covering an entire city block, Powell’s City of Books contains more than 1.5 million books in 3,500 different sections. Get a cup of joe at the in-store coffee shop, grab a map to the nine color-coded rooms, and lose yourself in the largest used and new bookstore on Earth. Open 9 a.m.-11 p.m., 365 days a year; free. 1005 W. Burnside St. 503.228.4651 More info >> Information Courtesy of Travel Oregon. Read more at: http://www.travelportland.com/ - 39 - Enjoying Dinner (and Shopping!) in Downtown Portland So many restaurants, so little time! Twenty years ago, Portland was no place to go for a culinary adventure. Now restaurants, microbreweries, and wineries, along with cooking schools increasingly dot the landscape. Fresh ingredients play a big role in Portland, especially fresh catch from the sea or farm grown produce from fertile surrounding acreage. Portland's top chefs, often spotted at the Portland Farmers Market, are forever sniffing out sources for revitalizing their already fresher-than-fresh menus. Use the Portland Dining Guide link to Downtown Portland (http://portland.diningguide.com/dl1dt.htm) to find reviews of restaurants for your states night out and the Night on the Town. We want you to have time to enjoy Oregon’s major city! The link provided focuses on restaurants in the areas near our hotel. We’ll provide a list of restaurants which can handle states night out groups in 2015. A Portland Streetcar stop is just four blocks west of the Hilton. It can take you to North West Portland’s famous Pearl District for high end shopping and dining. On the route of the new Portland Streetcar, BridgePort Brewing Company, Oregon's first craft brewery, is in a building once housing a factory that made ropes for sailing vessels, and its tasting room overlooks copper brew tanks imported from Bavaria. Also from the Streetcar you can reach the Deschutes Brewery Resturant, Seres Restaurant, Bluehour, Henry’s 12 th St Tavern, Irving Street Kitchen, Metovino and Oba!. On Saturday and Sunday an amazing open-air Market is located under the west end of the Burnside Street Bridge in the Old Town neighborhood. The market has food, clothes, art and pottery. Take the Red or Blue Max at Pioneer Courthouse Square and get off at Burnside. In the Hilton’s neighborhood you’ll find amazing dining too. Starting with your morning refreshment needs, there is a Starbucks at 6th and Salmon Streets, across from the hotel. Within three blocks are the Heathman Restaurant and Bar, Nel Centro, TartBerry Frozen Yogurt, Ruth’s Chris Steak House, and the Pioneer Place Shopping Center. If you cast your net a little wider, you’ll find these restaurants within an 8 block walk: McCormick & Schmick’s, Veritable Quandary (find your inner Portlandia here), Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery, Buffalo Wild Wings, Jakes Grill, <Moonstruck Chocolate Café, Huber’s and Mother’s Bistro & Bar. Whichever restaurants you choose, you’re sure to have a great time in Portland, Oregon! - 40 - Arriving in Portland and getting to the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower Hotel Arriving by Plane Portland International Airport (PDX) is located 10 miles northeast of downtown Portland, adjacent to the Columbia River. There are information booths in the baggage-claim area where you can pick up maps and find out about transportation into the city. During peak arrival times for conference participants there will be NAE4HA 2015 Conference greeting committee members to assist you with finding your way into Portland. From the Airport to Downtown and Back Portland’s light rail, called MAX, has a Red Line station at the airport. The train operates daily every 15 minutes between 5 AM and midnight. The trip from the airport to Pioneer Courthouse Square in downtown Portland takes approximately 45 minutes. The adult fair is currently (2012) $2.30. The Hilton is just three blocks south of the MAX stop at Pioneer Courthouse Square on Morrison Street. When returning to the airport travelers will board the Red Line MAX on the Yamhill Street side of Pioneer Courthouse Square. A taxi to downtown costs between $35 and $40 from the airport. Arriving by Train: Amtrak The Amtrak is an economical and easy way for our neighbor state members to arrive in Portland. Amtrak trains stop at the historic Union Station on SW Sixth Street, about 10 blocks from the heart of downtown Portland. The MAX Yellow and Green lines both run past Union Station and will take you into downtown Portland. The cross street for the Hilton is Taylor Street. This MAX trip in the downtown area is in the fare-less zone, where rides are currently free. Enjoying Portland while you are here Go to http://www.frommers.com/destinations/portlandor/ for Frommer’s travel guide slide show of Portland and other great information to plan your trip. - 41 - {gut Hu' .'*4 t*rt--T E;"'. 7z' "9 , " .6 7t S evenerr str.r i_{-a ?.'os1$1\9 qj va . V,r ..o :- IlRAIlit /Tt \il\\.r.' 7t =z 2, z 670 2--!nifrl.'E {lllffiotorour" .- cI " . nN\> v'' :' N$r /N?'"- ? t-t* Pend\elos 't\ottte I E C' u ft-'-ry$ Poriland CityGrill (30thfloo0 SVJ ASI-IiST -tt Kellslrishi Hestauranl r & P ub' tr_l -& _l tirv! l Portland IIRISHI S W P IN E Prime -Ecerurnnl Posr oFFtcE Ztl #fi;.:#IBPg^---{ S W OA K S T 503-87712453 lvlusic Aoole www.pedalbiketour$.com I # a SW STARKST. I li','';' x '"''ir'i*i**"' 1' ,' St I1i < fl u0er s S '-4 = (!) U am aM l a Trattoria ui U c : = P SW WASHINGT SWWASHINGTON - -l unc er u+ v t n /^- Y ! e rMercalii /=Q.;;*Y"G,,) 3 6 co Swiss Teuscher Cab Broadway 5 0 33 3 3 - 3 3 3 3 .,*i lA. q Hotel Governor I SW i a :: S W A LD E RS T -* --> Rich'sCigar Store = a Center Nutrition General CaIi *Rr. @' -,#h --u;;ud,ru, li'=+r' ishoP \!Y Rack Nordstrom JFLft,lfi",lg'.n. rii, --: NINES . , aThe:Nrne' s '. {.--;;;x' vsron'sr The H50 ' Bistro & B ar Ttt rt GEIITER j: RockBottom PIOIIEEB Restaurant PLACE & Brewery :11, il.\ I -. i HotelFifiy l .' s I ui Fl rl F a You Are Here NAE4-HA Hotel e ffi.' HiftonPortland .' .* ro.*o*ir. l@t S WT A Y L O R S T . ffi r Pendleton SW SALMONST. z Budget - 43- 2015 NAE4-HA Conference Budget Proposal Hosted by OSUEA4-HA in Portland, Oregon 5110 Speakers - Pamela Rose Two Speakers + expenses TOTAL 40,000.00 40,000.00 TOTAL 3,600.00 70.00 3,670.00 TOTAL 3,000.00 400.00 3,400.00 TOTAL 1,500.00 1,500.00 TOTAL 2,000.00 1,600.00 4,000.00 7,600.00 TOTAL 40,000.00 1,000.00 25,650.00 4,750.00 1425.00 1,150.00 73,975.00 TOTAL 1,100.00 400.00 1,500.00 TOTAL 12,692.00 3,750.00 27,847.25 10,000.00 3,750.00 31,663.50 3,750.00 33,250.00 3,000.00 400.00 800.00 61,750.00 200.00 7,792.00 200,644.75 5111 Seminars on Wheels – Lynette Black Transportation – Blueline Charter, 5 hrs @ $600 (6 seminars) Snacks/water/printing/misc. 5115 Educational Exhibits - Lynette Black Poster boards 50 boards @ $60.00 each x (2 days) Chart paper/markers/printing 5120 Evaluation - Mary Arnold Instrument/data collection/analysis/report 5130 Media / Printing Proceedings Banquet awards booklet (1000 people @ $1.60) Z-card map/schedule 5200 OPERATIONS DIVISION 5212 Equipment Rental – Amy Derby Ball room AV & banquet lighting Swank - other, hang banners, etc. Room AV – Seminar: 18 seminar rooms, $475/day, 3 days Room AV- Pre-Conf Education Programs: 5 rooms, $475/day, 2 days Room AV- NAE4HA Board: 1 room, $475/day, 3 days Office supplies/misc./copier rental conf. HQ 5215 Signage OMSI signs/general signage Bridge Lighting Fee 5220 Meals (inflation + 22% SC included) – Amy Derby Sunday Welcome Snacks Monday Business Meeting coffee/tea (50 @ $75/gallon) Monday lunch (box in Exhibit Hall) Monday Evening Event Snack Trays Tuesday Business Meeting coffee/tea (50 @ $75/gallon) Tuesday regional brunch Wednesday am break, coffee/tea (50 @ $75/gallon) Wednesday Luncheon Wednesday donor reception food Wednesday donor reception cash bars Wednesday banquet cash bars Wednesday awards banquet dinner Wednesday dance cash bar Thursday morning coffee, fruit, scones 5230 Special Event Meals (w/SC incl) – Amy Derby Board Functions Saturday board breakfast Saturday board coffee/tea (3 @ $75/gallon) Saturday board lunch Sunday board breakfast Sunday board coffee/tea (3 @ $75/gallon) Thursday Board Transition meeting Lunch Conference Committee Functions 999.90 225.00 1,318.50 999.90 225.00 1,318.50 - 44- Saturday Conference Committee dinner Sunday Conference Committee box lunch Thursday Conference Committee 2015-2016 Transition Lunch Complementary meals for conference dignitaries Optional Functions tbd – pass through $ First Timer Attendee Orientation snack Monday past presidents breakfast Monday Global Citizenship breakfast Monday Life Member lunch Monday State Officers Leadership Lunch Wednesday State & National Staff Breakfast 2,700.00 2,100.00 2,700.00 1,000.00 TOTAL 1,250.00 666.60 3,333.00 879.00 4,175.25 6,666.00 30,556.65 2000.00 2000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 TOTAL 8,750.00 45,000.00 500.00 4,664.80 58,914.80 TOTAL 2,000.00 3,300.00 1,600.00 795.00 300.00 7,995.00 TOTAL 795.00 2,000.00 200.00 100.00 3,095.00 TOTAL 1,000.00 1,200.00 2,200.00 TOTAL 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 8,500.00 TOTAL 140.00 160.00 150.00 600.00 1,200.00 320.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 500.00 350.00 300.00 6,920.00 TOTAL 5240 Website TOTAL 5310 Decorations 5321 Opening Event Sunday- Wendy Hein Oregon Museum of Science & Industry (OMSI) - rent all spaces and exhibit halls Catering dinner Cash Bars Buses R/T Hilton Hotel - OMSI 5322 Wine and Beer Tasting Monday - Wendy Hein Rosewood Productions - management, tasting Hilton beer/ wine corkage fees Souvenir wine glass 800 Music Printing vendor list 5323 Dance Wednesday - Wendy Hein DJ Casino Night Casino prizes Cash bar 5324 Other Entertainment - Wendy Hein Entertainment at opening business meetings Printing restaurant and sightseeing guides 5330 Awards and Recognition - Carole Smith Photographer & photos for donors & award winners Awards banquet emcee or 2, incl. expenses Awards banquet, stage & table decorations Awards & postage Donors' Reception-photographer, photos, decorations Music Memorabilia gifts 5340 Hospitality – Jamie Davis and Jeremy Green Welcome packet for spring board (40 @ $3.50) Commercial exhibit set-up, welcome packet First Timer workshop small gift (100@$1.50) Poster presenter & gift (200@$3) Workshop presenters (300@ $4) Speaker/expert panel gifts (8@$40) Hospitality, snacks, beverages Volunteer Gifts (youth, room host, etc) Gift Packaging Supplies Airport greeting station Airport parking - 45- 5410 Marketing/ Publicity - Patricia Dawson Non-profit booth rental - corner slot Promotional flyers (2,500) - color tri-fold from us Pop-up Promo banner & backdrop Save the date freebies with our logo (1500)/postcards Shipping Photographer present during entire conference Video, skit, shirts, balloons, one free registration drawing, etc. Graphic Artist TOTAL 700.00 600.00 1,500.00 1,900.00 300.00 1,000.00 800.00 850.00 7,650.00 TOTAL 21,140.00 21,140.00 TOTAL 1,000.00 500.00 1,500.00 5420 Transportation - Maureen Hosty and Mike Knutz- See 5321 or pass thru expense 5430 Tours - Maureen Hosty and Mike Knutz 5440 Volunteers Volunteer gift 200@ $5 Volunteer parking 5510 Commercial Exhibits - Carolyn Ashton Exhibitor lunch (75@ $25) Security Guard Overnight Rental of space $3,500/day x 2 days incl. 1 draped 6' table/8x10 booth and carpet Exhibit divider curtains TOTAL 5520 Donor Support TOTAL 5530 Registration - Dave White Printer/Copier (cartridges, paper) Nametags (1000 @ $4) Conference Bags - Reusable grocery bag $12 ea (1100) Gift Thumb drives Shipping from Association Source Rental fee- registration booth structure TOTAL 200.00 4,000.00 13,200.00 500.00 4,000.00 400.00 1,200.00 23,500.00 100.00 100.00 TOTAL 15,000.00 200.00 12,000.00 20,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 22,125.00 2,000.00 7,500.00 600.00 900.00 2,855.45 150.00 104,847.45 TOTAL 5540 Postage / Mailings 5600 Administrative - Virginia Bourdeau & Pamela Rose 5610 Budgeted profit for NAE4HA 5620 Bank fees 5620 Credit card fees 5630 Planning Committee – includes travel to national board meetings 5631 Planning Committee parking Fri-Sat ($20/day/person * 50) 5641 Planner Expenses 5642 Planner Fee 5650 Event cancel insurance 5660 Audit 5670 Music license 5680 Telephone/Postage 5690 Supplies/Miscellaneous 5691 QuickBooks software for treasurer TOTAL EXPENSES 1,750.00 1000.00 7,000.00 5,000.00 14,750.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 $ 616,441.65 - 46- INCOME – ESTIMATED 4000 Hotel Room Commission 900 guests @ 2 guests/room = 450 rooms [$149/night (4 nights)]= $268,200 (10%) 26,820.00 26,820.00 TOTAL 4100 Registration: Based on 1000 members Early (857 @ $425) Regular (96 @ $475) Late (47 @ $550) TOTAL 4400 Donors 4410 National 4420 State/Local 364,225.00 45,600.00 25,850.00 435,675.00 50,000.00 TOTAL 5100 5111 Seminars on Wheels 5130 Conference Proceedings (approx $15 each) Room AV- Pre-Conf Education Programs: 5 rooms, $475/day, 2 days 4,000.00 2,000.00 4,750.00 6,000.00 TOTAL 5230 Special Event Meals (w/SC incl.) – income Board Functions Saturday board breakfast Saturday board coffee Saturday board lunch Sunday board breakfast Sunday board coffee Optional Functions tbd – pass through $ Thursday Board Transition meeting Lunch Monday past presidents breakfast Monday Global Citizenship Breakfast Monday life member lunch Monday State Officers Leadership Lunch Wednesday State & National Staff Breakfast 999.90 225.00 1,318.50 999.90 225.00 1,318.50 666.60 3,333.00 879.00 4,175.25 6,666.00 20,806.65 21,140.00 21,140.00 25,000.00 1,250.00 26,250.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 TOTAL 5430 Tours – Mike Knutz TOTAL 5510 Commercial Exhibitors 25 @ $1000 /each 8x10 space Craft and beer/wine vendors fees, Monday event TOTAL 5510 Non-profit Exhibitors 50 @ $500/each 8x10 space TOTAL 5530 Non-member Registration TOTAL TOTAL INCOME $ 616,441.65 INCOME - EXPENSES $ - 47- 0 - 0
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