E-Waste Program Launch September 11, 2013 2 We Are Supporting Patriotic Hearts The Correct Cause Oriented Non-Profit for American Business to Champion Welcome • On behalf of Veterans Green Projects Initiative (“VGPI”), we want to invite you to join us for our formal introduction to our national e-waste collection program that benefits both your organization and the Patriotic Hearts 501c3 Non-profit through its HirePatriots.com initiative. • When you decide to start this program, you will receive an individual Letter of Introduction acknowledging your willingness to represent our caused based Non-Profit and allowing us to continue our work of "Helping Veterans and Active-duty Military find work off the Battlefield". Key Program Elements 1. Bottom line positive financial impact for e-waste contributors • For each e-waste transaction that you direct us to, the contributor will receive a Letter of Donation from Patriotic Hearts for its full present day value to apply against their operating profits. • The Donor will determine what this value is to their company • The value of this Letter of Donation is far greater than the scrap value of the e-waste itself. • An example of a Letter of Donation is attached. Value of Donation Letter is HUGE • From a business standpoint, each e-waste pick up will be awarded a Letter of Donation from Patriotic Hearts, our 501c3. • This Letter of Donation will have an open value of donation. • You will be able to determine what the fair value of each donation is and place this value on the Letter of Donation that comes from Patriotic Hearts. Patriotic Hearts Inc. 50l(c)3 Nonprofit #20-8599179 3786 Ladson RdSuite 209 Ladson,SC 29456-4441 December 30,2013 Mr. Alberto Rodriguez Bodega Latina Corp,OBA El Super Markets 14601B Lakewood Blv d. Paramount,CA 90723 Mr. Rodriquez: On behalf of the CEO and Board of Directors of Patriotic Hearts, I wish to thank you and your company for your generous donation of $2919.00 on December 13, 2013. You should feel a great sense of satisfaction in knowing you have gone above and beyond to help provide for the many veterans that have helped make this a great nat on.We are truly grateful for your donation in furthering the cause of Patriotic Hearts. This etter of Donation corresponds with our E-Waste Tracking # LGBC-001-000-BLAOOl for your reconciliation purposes .Retain thisletter of donation and g ft record for the IRS for your 2013 tax year filing. Sincerely, 70IHi#(f Tom Rippy Treasurer HirePatriots.com Patr otic Hearts People Magazine's Heroes Among Us From President Bush:The Congressional Medal of Merit From President Obama: President's Volunteer Service Medal From San Diego: The Visionary Award for Creating Economic Development From the Chamber of Commerce: The Extra Mile Award From ABC TV:The eadership Award From U.S.Veterans & Families: Liberty From Jesus Christ: Purpose & Eternal Life Past Chairman:CA Economic Council Past Secretary:United Veteran Council 8 Key Program Elements 3. Outstanding Public Relations • Your firm will also be afforded the opportunity to add an interactive web page to its company website that displays our National Jobs Board and clearly demonstrates that you/they are actively supporting Jobs for Vets. • The Jobs Board jobs are made available to our active duty military, our veterans and their family members • In real time • Each and every day ONE DAY Joss OFFI CIA L FOR VETS & THEIR SPOUSES • March HOME MEMBER DIRECTORY CONTACT US NON-PROFIT INFO PRODUCTS & PRICING IN THE NEWS MORE BLOGSI Job Boa1ds Search for a job .• g .,..c Child Care POST A NEW JOB -og·et ondor ' php, c1t..,_1 Cleaning Elder Care Hauling/Moving Office Handyman Ranch Yard/landscape Other Most recent job offers a:i%D R•nch wot'lt .. Pat Wisman llJtta !1"1' Ramona, CA I need Muscle' at Rebeo:a in San Diego Imm From your home offiOI! Di!'D yord u04-2"-2? Patrick Mellody, Anytlhere 4 we<'< at MichaelMayfield 1n Whittier Ca u 04-2&-20 4 llll!l'.ll Light move a CaJolyn - Callsbad ca lli!D Non·Profit N.eeds Help Molfing Furniture • at Michelle Hoppe 1n San Diego DllD Moving· M•y 1. 2014 Cald11f to C..rdiff (Easy II.love') a u 04-220 4 LeeAnn " San Diego View all • • Most applied to IT jobs PROCESS EXPERT FOR SUBMISSION Publishing and Trad<.ing (induding Registration Trad<.ing) at Imm Now Hiring Product Demonstrators in Terre Hautet Imm See.:ing Part Time Product DemonstrstO<Sin St. Pete<sburg . FL! at Advantage Sales and Malteting n ll!Zill Yatd wort a Dennis Kaiser ll!Zill 11"" Advantage S.les and M.arlteting 11"' San Diego Terre Haute, 1:18 •Pl>V "ts 1& app5ca ts 14 1pp11COrts S5- s Yard woo'< 3 days at Diana Lincoln in Callsbad Ca 92011 Clearing. hauling, fencing ,..a. a, Travis Nixon 1f' San Diego a:c:m Moving ftom one home to •nother in Oceanside {Oct 27th} •t Heethet' m Oceanside. CA IBGS tobl jobs 5CM 'or C'"..O Ci • 48 ror C>ea.· >I t1 'or Eder C"e 313for lov C?Q l8 for O!'iee 36 awf,cants '°' 194 Hi"">""al' 31 fOf Ra. or. 216 for Y••d;u-o.seape @ •or Ot 11 Key Program Elements 4. Creating Real Jobs for our Veterans • With these ongoing e-waste contributions, we can continue to complete our mission of funding this important program, and • Creating an ever increasing number of jobs and job opportunities for our military personnel (active and retired) in need of additional income to simply make their financial ends meet. AMER CA'S # 1 VETERAN JOB SOURCE "Helping Veterans and Active-duty Military find work off the Battlefield" 'Your E-Waste = obs for Vets''....Thank you. 13 Normal “No Cost to Customer” for pick-up and other operational costs • Veterans Green Project Initiative has established No Cost e-waste collections • There is one policy caveat. • There are Federal Government acknowledged categories of e-waste that must be properly disposed of and require specific paperwork to accompany these disposals or destructions and these actions have known costs that must be paid Tools we use to complete our mission • At Veterans Green Projects Initiative, we have adapted • • • • tools that allow us to solidify commitment from organizations to best assure that they continue to contribute their e-waste and allow us to fulfill our mission of constantly creating more and more new sustainable Jobs for Veterans. Examples of these tools and how easy they are……. The primary tool is the SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT PDF Editable Account registration system PDF Editable Tracking # and e-waste pick up forms ATRIOTS Solving Veteran Unemployment Nationwide! Service Level Agreemen t (SLA) for Rosendin Electric, Inc. by Vete rans Green Pr ojects Initiative For the Benefit of HirePatriots. com an d Patriotic Hearts Effective Date: 09-11-2013 Company Name: Address: Primary Contact: Contact Phon e: Contact Email: Accoun t Name: Primary Cont act: '-- · '-- Account Address: Contact Phone: Agent Assigned : Contact Email: Account Name: Primary Cont act: Account Address: Contact Phone: Agent Assigned: Contact Email: -' Primary Contact: Account Name: -' Account Address: Contact Phone: Agent Assigned : Contact Email: Primary Cont act: Account Name: Account Address: Contact Phone: Agent Assigned: Contact Email: '-- Account Name: Primary Contact: '-- · Account Address: '-- -' Contact Ph one: '-- · Agent Assigned: Contact Email: Retu rn Form to: dhansen @geneslsenergymgt.com 18 Submission Dale: E-Waste Collection Form Date: I _, Agent ID#: I ----- I Department: I _, Referral Source: Contact In formation : Company Na me: ------------Contact: Address: City, State, Zip : ------------- '---------------- Phon e: Ext: Email: Website: Projec t Information: Projec t Coordinator : -- - - -- -- =i Phone: [ Ext: Address: ------------Ci ty, State, Zip: Pick Up Date From:l J -_,!To:l __ _.I Hours From:! _, Total Estimated Weight: Lbs Is Data destruction requested? Yes IDI No IDI _,!To: I, I Blobazardou s Materials? Yes IDI No IDI 19 Why we do what we do for OUR Veterans HERE ARE THE FACTS • We have too many recurring and appalling situations NATIONWIDE • More than 700,000 9/11 United States Veterans are looking for work and not finding it. • Another 500,000 United States Veterans from earlier years are also seeking a job. • And more than 1.3 million additional young men and women will be leaving the service by 2016. • ACTION ALERT, Mark Baird, co-founder Patriotic Hearts, November, 2013 • The U.S. disposes of more than 384 million units of electronic waste each year • And less than 20 percent of that is recycled, according to the Electronics TakeBack Coalition. • The remaining 80 percent is burned or dumped in landfills. • • Entrepreneur Magazine, May 23, 2013 HERE IS THE ANSWER ONE COMPANY – TWO SOLUTIONS • HirePatriots and its Veterans Green Projects Initiative • HirePatriots through its Veterans Green Projects Initiative can provide you with a comprehensive assemblage of sustainable e-waste solutions ranging from electronic waste collection, disposal and or recycling to energy reduction alternatives. • These sustainable e-waste solutions offer a nationwide employment safety net for Veterans-staffed organizations, as well as short-term employment opportunities for other Veterans and active duty military personnel. The Veterans Green Projects Team • Will serve as YOUR exclusive Channel Partner for e-waste • Will engage qualified, Veterans-staffed service providers to • • • • manage, remove, and recycle as appropriate all of YOUR ewaste Will exceed industry standards for diversion of e-waste from landfills Offers Recycling of Electronics and Appliances Offers IT Asset Disposition –tracking, reporting, testing, refurbishing equipment Offers Secure Data Destruction - destruction of hard drives, tapes and other types of media vis-à-vis the most advanced hard drive shredding trucks available today Veterans Green Projects Initiative and Patriotic Hearts/HirePatriots • We are proud to be Veterans first and volunteer our time and find like-minded professionals like you to become active with your clients and support the HirePatriots program that has benefitted our young men and women in the services for almost 20 years. • For more information on our Veterans Green Projects Initiative and HirePatriots e-waste program, please go to www.veteransgreenprojects.org HirePatriots Wants to Partner with YOU • HirePatriots’ Veterans Green Projects Initiative and its e-waste solutions deliver a global strategy that continually integrates the best corporations in a geographic region with the core skills required to best assure any client that their e-waste problem will be taken care of completely and professionally. • As a proven e-waste solutions provider, let Veterans Green Projects Initiative for HirePatriots become your e-waste partner. Your Complete Resource • When we are awarded your business, Veterans Green Projects’ operations, resources and advisory team will serve as the exclusive agent and project manager for the correct handling and deployment of your e-waste. • Veterans Green Projects Initiative has already • (a) qualified all service providers participating in the project; and • (b) determined the validations, integrity and capabilities required for your project exceed the industry standards • (c) therefore, we will guarantee you/our client meet regulatory mandates and benefit from diverting e-waste from landfill. Who is Patriotic Hearts? HirePatriots & Patriotic Hearts • HirePatriots.com is a program of its parent Non-Profit, Patriotic Hearts, dedicated to dual purposes • To build a nationwide jobs safety net for United States Veterans and to provide support for Patriotic Hearts’ multiple free services to • United States Veterans and their families • To assist companies marketing , branding and PR through the recruitment of US veterans. • Protecting the USA is our ultimate environmental mission! HirePatriots & Patriotic Hearts • About Patriotic Hearts: Patriotic Hearts is a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to providing jobs to United States Veterans and additional support services for themand their families.Patriotic Hearts was established in 2007 as a 501c3 Employment, Educational, Community Services Non-profit, and Diversity organization (EIN#: 20- 8599179). Patriotic Hearts and HirePatriots work with military bases, veterans organizations, businesses, community organizations, senior citizens and schools. Our mission is to provide a secure foundation for US Veterans and their spouses by creating area chapters in every state across America. We are growing and ready to serve you • HirePatriots.com is our most popular program. It creates daily and vocational opportunities for U.S. military: Active duty, Reserves, Guard, Veterans and their spouses. The HirePatriots.com One Day job board is free for residents and businesses to hire their local military, veterans and their spouses. HirePatriots.com also provides a top ranked website Careers job board for companies to recruit US Veterans. This popular program is quickly spreading into every state with the collaboration of veteran owned and patriotic businesses, as well as passionate volunteers. • The goal of the HirePatriots program is to establish HirePatriots job boards in all 50 states, near every active US military base and throughout every region. This will enable us to assist hundreds of thousands of U.S. Military: Active duty, Reserves, Guard, Veterans and their spouses every year. A bout * ·Rirepatriots HirePatriots.com was launched in 2005. The founders were living next door to Camp Pendleton Marine Base. One day a Marine who had just returned home from Iraq knocked on their door. "Sir," he said, "I just got back from deployment and found out that my wife was laid-off a couple of months before I got back home. And when I got back today I found out that our utilities were turned off. So I need to earn some extra money to make • sure that we can have lights and heat ' before my kids go to sleep tonight. - Is • there any work or repairs that I can do for you around your home or yard?" LC7v-Z/'I2RE.if)7J) i}-A TRIOTS www.hirepatriots.co e After that our founders created HtreMannes.com to see tf any othe r residents wanted to htre loca l Mannes. Within a few months 10,000 reside nts and Mannes were coming to the site every week! -- The website changed its name to HirePatnots.com when the sailors in San Diego asked 1f they could use the site too. Creat ing a nationwide safety net for US veterans and their families: Providing transitional assistance,job fairs,part-time and vocational opportun ities, entrepreneur ial mentoring,educat onal programs, personal & marital counseling, The m1ss1on of HtrePatnots is to create a nationwide employment safety net for US veterans. So wherever a veteran lives in the US, they can find work every day, with either a One Day, Temporary or Full Time job from the HtrePatnots website. worldwide use HirePatriots as their recruiting source to f ill their posit ions with qualif ied personnel. ... retreats and much more since 2007. ll Businesses 30 People Magazine's H Among Us From President B The Congressional M Merit FromPresident Oba President's Volunteer Service Medal From San Diego: Visionary Award for conomk Development www. HirePatriots ONE DAY to FULL TIME JOBS .com ARMY • N AVY • AIR FORCE • MAR INES 33 Now back to e-waste • Thank you for allowing us to tell you • That we are Patriotic Hearts; and the • HirePatriots’ Veterans Green Projects is leading the way in providing safe ewaste solutions; and • This is why we are your best e-waste partner in many ways. What is e-waste? • Electronic waste, “e-waste”, describes a variety of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) • In addition to discarded Consumer Electronics, IT/Telecom Equipment to Commercial Power Systems • WEEE also includes: • • • • • • • appliances; refrigerators office electronic equipment mobile phones, computers electrical tools; medical devices; control instruments; automatic dispensing machines; • LED and other lighting solutions and fixtures; • And so much more…. 36 e-waste is eNormous In the United States alone during 2009: • 314 million units 438 million new electronic products (2.45 million short tons) were SOLD (4.9 million short tons) were IN STORAGE (i.e., not being used) • 367 million units (2.37 million short tons) were READY FOR DISPOSAL ONLY 17% of units (25% by weight) that were “ready for disposal” were actually RECYCLED Source: EPA (2011) 37 The Case for Responsible Electronics Recycling • E-waste is the fastest growing • • • • • • waste stream Regulation increasingly mandates recycling of electronics Many electronic devices contain sensitive data Many discarded electronics can be refurbished and resold Precious metals and other valuable materials can be recovered from e-waste Toxic substances in e-waste can harm people and the environment Recycling these materials requires less energy than and lowers the need for mining new natural resources, reducing the carbon footprint of electronics throughout their lifecycle. 38 HirePatriots e-waste Solution Overview • HirePatriots’ Veterans Green Projects e-waste program is proven and through its own organization and affiliates offers customized end-to-end solutions in: IT Asset Electronics E-waste Recovery Reverse Logistics Management Our Focus Leadership in safe, compliant, and ethical e-waste disposal Global delivery of services Application of state-of-the-art technology and engineering 39 Comprehensive e-waste Services Global Collection & Logistics Responsible Recycling Secure Data Destruction Accredited Repair & Refurbishment Multi-Channel Remarketing Energy Saving & Carbon Credit Solutions Transparent Reporting & Certification IT Lifecycle Support & Advisory Services 40 HirePatriots’ Veterans Green Projects Credentials & Certifications The HirePatriots organization and affiliates have earned every major credential and certification to satisfy even the most demanding customers: • R2, RIOS, and/or e-Stewards • ISO 9001, 14001, or both • OHSAS 18001 • National Association for Information Destruction (NAID) • Manufacturer-authorized service providers (e.g., Lenovo, Toshiba) • Microsoft Registered Refurbisher • PAS 141 (pending) • Federal & State Registrations: US EPA; California SB20/50; WEEE Authorized Treatment Facility (ATF); etc. PAS 141 (pending) 41 e •ttN •• O..llC11 "H elping Veterans and Act ive-duty Military fi nd work off the Batt lef ield" DEF INITION OF E -WAS TE : -WASTE CATEGORIES Office Equipment ---- ANY ITE M TH AT PLUGS INTO ELE CTR ICITY OR TAKES A BATTERY IRU N BY A BATTERY OR ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCE ) EXAMPLES (but not limited to) desktop oomputers, laptops, tablets, printers, fax machines, copiers, scanners, adding machines, calculators, keyboards, printer cartridges, power strips, monitors, CRT scree ns, LED screens, docking stat.ions, Wi Fi set-u ps, and battery cha rgers Telecommunications mobile phones, phone chargers, telephone systems, PBX systems, routers, pagers, LCD signage, and network hubs En tertainmen t Equipment analoi: televisions, LEO televisions, DVD players, OVRs, iPods/MP3 players, MP3 chargers, stereo equipment, digital clocks, clock radios, speaker s, plasma televisions, projector Small Appliances electric mixers, irons, coffee machines, blenders,waffle irons, toaster ovens, hot pla te,slow cooker/crockpot, bread mac-hine, microwave oven, rice cooker, electric kettles, and electric fry pan Environmen t Appliances electric heat er,air purifier, air conditioner, humid ifier Ugh ting light fixtures, lamps, and all bulbs Personal Appliances hair dryers, electric tooth brushes, lighted mirrors, curling irons, electric shave rs, ha ir clippers, dental water picks Medical Equipment Power Tools electric whee l chairs, bath lifts, and body massagers electric drills, table saws, all electric hand tool s, grinders, sanders, electric saws, and circu lar saws Electric fitness Equipment treadmills, stair-steppers, elliptical trainers, exercise bi kes, cardio equ ipment,electronic timing device s Energy Equipment electrical meters, monitors, wireless network hubs 42 For more information, please contact us at (603) 475-1444.As a Veteran , I t hank you for your support Three Main Areas Of Focus: • Recycling Electronics and Appliances • This is a process where HirePatriots coordinates, picks-up, packages and removes any electronic device….anything that plugs in or takes a battery ranging from computers to printers, cellphones and chargers, servers and monitors, entertainment devices like televisions and music players (MP3), lab equipment or even toner cartridges, all appliances – large or small, and all the way up to commercial power systems, electric motors, and LED or older technology lighting systems to mention just some of the many qualified categories of e-waste. Three Main Areas Of Focus: • IT Asset Disposition Services • This is a process where HirePatriots picks up IT equipment with the purpose of tracking, reporting, testing, refurbishing and repurposing this equipment. In this process, the HirePatriots team offers comprehensive transparent reporting and certification of disposal to the client. Three Main Areas Of Focus: • Secure Data Destruction • HirePatriots has placed a major focus on the destruction of hard drives, tapes and other types of media. • HirePatriots engages the most advanced hard drive shredding trucks on the road today. These trucks are custom fit to surpass even the most stringent standards required by clients for shredding. They are equipped with an Air Conditioned viewing area where a client can fully observe hard drives being fed into the shredder and can see the 8mm size particles coming out of the shredder at the bottom. The entire process is video recorded and the client can be provided with a copy. • And additionally, HirePatriots offers hard drive wiping, degaussing and crushing. This equipment can even be rented out or leased for extended use which includes setup, training and the removal of scrap from the destroyed media along with certificates of destruction. Proud to Introduce the Founders: Mark and Tori Baird • Mark Baird / CEO Tori Baird / President • HirePatriots.com • Mark Baird / Chairman: Patriot Hearts760-730-3734 • • People Magazine's Heroes Among Us Past Chairman: CA Economic Council Past Secretary: United Veterans Council From President Bush: The Congressional Medal of Merit From President Obama: President's Volunteer Service Medal From San Diego: The Visionary Award for Creating Economic Development From the Chamber of Commerce: The Extra Mile Award From ABC TV: The Leadership Award From U.S. Veterans & Families: Liberty From Jesus Christ: Purpose & Eternal Life HirePatriots MAJOR SPONSER • Semper Pacific Wealth Strategies is a business development and investment advisory firm focusing on Commodities, Currencies, e-waste, and sourcing capital for early stage Business Innovations. • At Semper, diligent focus combined with commitment and transparency are standard, not an option, prior to offering quality investments and solid opportunities as they present themselves. 47 Proud to Introduce: Michael W. Malott • Michael W. Malott / CEO • Semper Pacific Wealth Strategies • www.semperpacific.com • 760-815-4734 • Founder of Veterans Green Projects Initiative • San Diego Ambassador of HirePatriots.com/semper-pacific HirePatriots: Your E-waste Carbon Connection • The HirePatriots e-waste program has incorporated the best available carbon accounting solution to further add clarity and value to your e-waste. • HirePatriots believes the e-waste carbon accounting technology we employ will become standard in bringing ease and efficiency to e-waste disposal decisions. • HirePatriots is excited to be an integral part of empowering our end users with the tools necessary to better identify, quantify then monetize their e-waste assets or reduce liabilities. 49 We offer a Win-Win-Win-Win for All • HirePatriots’ aim is to provide our customers with the world's best sustainable environmental services. We strive to produce and deliver services that continually meet or exceed our customers' expectations. Our mission is to make our customers fully compliant through the implementation of sustainable business practices. • We also deliver the outstanding benefits of working with a Diversity non-profit like Patriotic Hearts. Patriotic Hearts will work with you and issue your company a properly valued receipt for the e-waste taken away by our service from the Patriotic Hearts 501(c)3 Non-Profit. • America wins, Planet Earth wins, your Company wins, and our US Veterans win. Thank You 51
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