Vodnik skozi kulturo ACH Volley III. izdaja September, 2011 1 Vodnik skozi kulturo ACH Volley September, 2011 3 KAZALO 1. Kultura ACH Volley 8 2. Strateške usmeritve ACH Volley 9 3. Kdo je kdo v ACH Volley 11 4. Izjava o dopingu 17 5. Piramida uspeha 18 6. Kodeks športne etike 21 7. Disciplinski pravilnik 23 8. Celostna grafična podoba ACH Volley 65 9.Literatura 97 INDEX 1. Culture of ACH Volley 38 2. Strategic goals of ACH Volley 39 3. Who is who in ACH Volley 41 4. Anti-doping statement 47 5. The Pyramid of Success 48 6. Code of Sports Ethics 51 7. Disciplinary regulations and procedures 53 8. Corporate identity of ACH Volley 65 9.Literature 97 VODNIKU NA POT Publikacija Vodnik skozi kulturo ACH Volley je nastal na pobudo generalnega direktorja ACH d.d. in častnega predsednika ACH Volley, mag. Hermana Rigelnika, pripravila in uredila ga je mag. Ivanka Mihelčič s sodelavci. ACH Volley je vrhunsko športno moštvo, ki goji vrhunsko tekmovalno obliko športa in zato zahteva močno zavezanost njegovih članov visokim moralnim in etičnim načelom ter predanost treningu in pripravam, namenjenim za izboljšanje standardov vadbe. Fair play v tem okviru zahteva, kot minimum, strogo spoštovanje napisanih in drugače dogovorjenih pravil ter njihovo razširjanje v duhu športnega vedenja. Slednje sloni na medsebojnem spoštovanju vseh tekmovalcev in se širi na skrb za zdravje in interese, ki jih imajo športniki sami do sebe ter eden do drugega. Te zahteve ne veljajo samo za ožje člane moštva, temveč tudi za funkcionarje, trenerje, medicinsko osebje, starše, podpornike, prostovoljce, navijače ter klub kot pravnoformalno obliko združevanja in povezovanja celotne športne in gospodarske dejavnosti ACH Volley. Pomemben del dolgoročne strategije poslovanja holdinga ACH, d.d. in odvisnih družb je tudi njegova družbena odgovornost, ki se izraža tako na kulturnem kot tudi humanitarnem in športnem področju. Enega največjih sponzorskih projektov se je ACH, d.d. lotil leta 2004. Takrat je uprava družbe sprejela sklep, da kot generalni sponzor, skupaj s svojimi družbami, podpre moško odbojkarsko moštvo Telovadnega društva Partizan Bled in pri njegovem vodenju ter upravljanju, ob sodelovanju takratnega predsednika kluba mag. Aleša Jerale, tudi aktivno sodeluje. Moška ekipa je takrat prevzela ime generalnega sponzorja, družbe Autocommerce, d.d., ki se je leta 2007 uradno preimenoval v ACH, d.d. Skladno s tem je v sezoni 2007/2008 prišlo tudi do uradnega preimenovanja odbojkarskega moštva v ACH Volley. Danes je ACH Volley vrhunska moška odbojkarska ekipa, ki od leta 2004 gradi posebno zgodbo o uspehu. Doslej doseženi rezultati so izjemni: v minulih sezonah je moštvo ACH Volley osvojilo šest državnih in šest pokalnih lovorik, štiri naslove prvaka srednjeevropske lige (MEVZA) ter v sezoni 2006/2007 tudi naslov prvaka evropskega tekmovanja TOP Teams. S posebnim povabilom evropske odbojkarske federacije, s sedežem v Luksemburgu (CEV), je ACH Volley v sezoni 2007/2008 premierno nastopil tudi v najbolj prestižni evropski odbojkarski ligi Ligi prvakov in v sezoni 2009/2010 prvič postali tudi udleženci zaključnega turnirja in četrto najboljše moštvo v Evropi. Vrhunski rezultati ACH Volleya so nedvomno posledica visoko profesionalnega dela tako kluba kot moštva, za katerim stoji generalni sponzor z jasno vizijo, strategijo in politiko poslovanja tudi na področju sponzorstva. Organizacijska kultura holdinga ACH, d.d. in njegovih zaposlenih je postala podstat tudi za oblikovanje kulture športnega moštva, saj gradi na naslednjih vrednotah: usmerjenost k ciljem, kreativnost, nenehno izobraževanje in usposabljanje ter osebnostna rast. Slednja deluje kot osnova nenehnemu izboljševanju vsakdanjega dela, motiviranosti za opravljanje dela, negovanju odgovornega odnosa do kakovosti izdelkov, storitev, poslovanj, okolja in življenja na sploh. Prav tako je tudi osnova spoštovanja sodelavcev, medsebojnega zaupanja in odprtosti v komunikaciji na vseh ravneh ter zavedanja, da v javnosti predstavljamo ACH, d. d. tudi takrat kadar nismo na delovnem mestu. Na tej osnovi gradimo naprej tudi v športnem moštvu, saj se oboji zavedamo, da doseženi rezultati zavezujejo. ACH, d.d., njegove odvisne družbe in moštvo ACH Volley imamo pred sezono jasne tekmovalne cilje, s še bolj dodelano celostno podobo tima, z razdelanimi vizualnimi grafičnimi elementi, jasno opredeljenimi skupnimi vrednotami ter športnimi, etičnimi in moralnimi normami. Ima tudi jasno definirano kulturo vrhunske športne organizacije, ki nas dela prepoznavne in po kateri se razlikujemo od drugih. Ta kultura nas medsebojno povezuje in nas hkrati zavezuje, da na tej poti vztrajamo naprej. Vodnik skozi kulturo ACH Volleya je naša mala ustava, naša popotnica, naš opomnik, naš smerokaz, naša zaveza. Vodnik, ki je pred vami je dokument, s katerim dodatno dokazujemo, da zmoremo in hočemo več! Rasto Oderlap Predsednik UO ACH Volley Založnik: OK ACH Volley zanj: mag. Ivanka Mihelčič Prevod: Barbara Krašovec Produkcija: Arnoldvuga Tisk: Mladinska knjiga Naklada: 150 izvodov Ljubljana, september 2011 III. izdaja 7 1. KULTURA ACH VOLLEY Kultura odbojkarskega moštva ACH Volley predstavlja celovit sistem vrednot, norm, predpostavk, prepričanj in simbolov, ki določajo način obnašanja vseh članov moštva, in tako oblikujejo ter hkrati vplivajo na njegovo pojavno obliko. To so gradniki, ki so bodisi nevidni (naša prepričanja, običaji/obredi/rituali, naš odnos do soigralcev in drugih članov moštva, odnos do dela in delovnega okolja; gre tudi za naše osebne in skupne moralne norme), delno vidni (poslanstvo, vizija, strategija ACH Volley, strateški in letni cilji moštva ter poti za njihovo dosego; način vodenja moštva, tip naših voditeljev in mi, vsi skupaj kot sodelavci. Delni vidni gradniki so tudi naša podoba in ugled v javnosti) ali povsem vidni (celostna grafična podoba (grafični simboli) našega moštva, urejenost notranjih in zunanjih prostorov, vozni park, ipd). Kultura ACH Volley izhaja iz kulture njegovega generalnega sponzorja, holdinga ACH, d.d. Njena vloga je, da zagotavlja red in konsistenco v vedenju članov našega moštva, da določa način dela in odzivanja moštva na vplive okolja, zmanjšuje morebitne nejasnosti in je mehanizem oblikovanja vedenja vseh članov moštva. Kultura ACH Volley vpliva na to, kako v moštvu zaznavamo, analiziramo in rešujemo probleme in tako vplivamo na uspešnost moštva; kako spodbujamo inovativnost pri delu; kako se odzivamo na spremembe in negotovost v okolju in nenazadnje, kako motiviramo člane moštva. Za kulturo ACH Volley je značilno, da je organizacijsko gledano moštvo usmerjeno navznoter in predstavlja neke vrste podaljšek družine. Trenerji in kapetan moštva morajo biti predvsem motivatorji, ki se trudijo, da so člani moštva medsebojno zelo povezani. Delo je izrecno timsko in omogoča sodelovanje vseh članov, dolgoročno pa se moštvo zavzema tako za razvoj posameznikov kot tudi tima kot celote. »Lepilo« moštva sta lojalnost in tradicija. 2. STRATEŠKE USMERITVE ACH VOLLEY Poslanstvo: ACH Volley je organizacijsko in po doseženih rezultatih najboljši moški odbojkarski kolektiv v regiji. S svojim etičnim odnosom do športa in okolja, v katerem deluje ter s svojo visoko profesionalno naravnanostjo k doseganju najvišjih ciljev, odraža filozofijo tako športnega moštva kot tudi njegovih sponzorjev. Timsko delo je njegov temelj. Kolektivni duh in visoka motiviranost sta njegov motor. Predanost delu je njegova stalnica. Vpetost v družbeno okolje njegov imperativ. Tim je osnova. Navijači so njegova dodana vrednost. Vizija: Postati eden od najbolj dominantnih moških odbojkarskih klubov v Evropi, ki bo sinonim za kombinacijo visoke profesionalnosti, etike, stabilnosti in odličnih odnosov z okoljem. Strateški cilji do leta 2015: 1. Uvrstitev na finalni turnir Lige prvakov. 2. Ohraniti prvo mesto v Sloveniji in regiji. 3. Zagotoviti racionalen odnos do pridobljenih sredstev. 4. Zagotoviti sponzorjem dodano vrednost na vložena sredstva. 5. Zgraditi trdno bazo lastnih odbojkarjev in strokovnih delavcev. 6. Povečati bazo navijačev in drugih podpornikov kluba. 7.Ohranjati poslovanje in vodenje kluba na najvišji profesionalni ravni. • Iz dokumenta Strateške usmeritve ACH Volley 2011-2015 Iz vsega zapisanega sledi, da je kultura športnega moštva ACH Volley njegova osebnost. Kultura ACH Volley: »To smo mi«. 8 9 3. KDO JE KDO V ACH VOLLEY ACH Volley je odbojkarski klub s sedežem v Ljubljani. Organi ACH Volley so: zbor društva, upravni odbor, nadzorni odbor, disciplinski odbor, izvršni direktor in športni direktor. Zbor društva imenuje upravni odbor, nadzorni odbor in disciplinski odbor. Upravni odbor je izvršilni organ društva. Zdravnik Fizioterapevt Igralci Koordinator trenerjev Glavni trener Pomočnik trenerja (1, 2) Ostale selekcije Izvršni direktor Športni sistem Selekcija ACH Volley Športni del Športni direktor Strokovna služba (poslovni del) Mikro organizacijska shema Strokovni svet Kako bomo dosegli strateške cilje: • Celotno naše vedenje mora biti usmerjeno k timu (»bodi vedno navzoč, bodi pripravljen, bodi skoncentrirana in predan…«); • Moramo biti vztrajni (»nekje na naši poti do cilja bomo tudi trpeli, toda na poti do velike zmage moramo trpljenje sprejeti kot izziv; gre namreč zgolj za zorni kot gledanja…«); • Vso naše početje na igrišču moramo nenehno dojemati kot bitko, bodisi da gre za trening ali tekmo; • Vsak centimeter tvojega telesa mora igrati, vedno moramo pustiti del sebe na igrišču; • Izvajati moramo dogovorjeno; • Zaupati moramo drug drugemu; • Naučiti se moramo, da vedno igramo prav za vsako točko in tako gradimo zgodovino tekme – konec zgodbe bo tvoja in naša skupna zmaga; • Sprejeti moramo prave odločitve: - odločiti se moramo, da bomo pomagali po najboljših močeh svojim soigralcem; - odločiti se moramo, da bomo zmagovalci! 10 odel medsebojnega delovanja faktorjev športnega sistema (prirejeM no po avtorjih: Cordinel in Roy, 2004, Wenger 2004) CEV tekmovanja Člani UO Korp. promocija Ostale tekme (prijateljske, turnirji,...) • Sred. evrop. liga Dejavniki okolja Drž. prvenstvo, pokal Moralni družbeni razvoj Teh. podpora Miselne sposobnosti Marketing Sistemi družbeni razvoj Ekipna dinamika PR Psihična pripravljenost in načrt igre Računovodstvo Fizična moč Zdravje in struktura telesa Psihični razvoj Tajništvo Motorične sposobnosti Igralec ACH Volley Kontroling Prehrana Športna oprema Predsednik UO Ekipno poznavanje taktike Fizični razvoj Častni predsednik Strategije in načrt igre Tehnika Upravni odbor Posameznikovo poznavanje taktike 11 4. IZJAVA O DOPINGU Doping je uporaba snovi umetnega izvora ali postopkov, ki vplivajo na fizične in psihične sposobnosti tekmovalca in imajo običajno tudi zelo hude stranske učinke. Sicer je doping zanikanje samega bistva športa, njegovih ciljev in idealov in je naperjen proti enakim tekmovalnim možnostim za vse športnike. Doping kvari splošno podobo športa in daje mladim slab zgled. Šport namreč spodbuja solidarnost in človečnost in je sredstvo humanitarnih ciljev. 5. Temeljni pojmi: • Morala – izvira iz latinske besed moralis oz. mos, mn. mores in pomeni nraven. Nanaša se na posameznikove dejanske navade in način življenja, ki so prava ali napačna, krepostna ali zlonamerna, dobra ali slaba predvsem v primerjavi in v relaciji z dejanjem, namenom ali karakterjem odgovornih ljudi, ki jih kot take spoznava širša družbena skupnost. Morala se, skratka, nanaša na način posameznikovega vedenja, ki je v povezavi z načinom vedenja, ki ga definira širša družbena skupnost. Moralno vedenje je zato tisto obnašanje za katerega ugotavljamo, ali je pravilno ali napačno. Bistvo morale pa je – pravičnost. • portna morala – je besedna zveza, ki govori o motivacijski naravnanosti, Š tekmovalni napetosti športnikov in volji do zmage in je bolj v domeni psihičnih mehanizmov ter psihologije kot vede. Drugi pomen športne morale pa govori o vzdušju, ki vlada med sodelujočimi (športniki, trenerji, sodniki, gledalci, itd) in ga v filozofiji športa označujejo kot kompleksen pojav športnega etosa. • Etika – je razumljena kot filozofija morale. Morala je praksa, oz. konkretno ravnanje posameznika ali skupine oz. moštva, ki jo z etiko utemeljujemo. Pojem etika sicer izhaja iz grške besede ethos in pomeni enako kot latinska beseda mos, mn. moris – navado, značaj, običaj, ravnanje, ipd. Skozi zgodovino filozofske misli pa se je etika razvila kot filozofska disciplina, ki vrednoti moralna dejanja in se ukvarja z osnovnimi vprašanji dobrega in slabega, pravilnega in nepravilnega. Poleg tega predstavlja nekaj razumskega in igra praktično vlogo pri oblikovanju vrednot. Etika išče odgovore na vprašanja, kot je: kako bi se moral nekdo obnašati v specifični situaciji. • tika športa – je najbolj zastopana veja filozofije športa, ki še posebej sisE tematično aplicira moralna pravila, norme, principe, vrednote kot so: poštenost, spoštovanje, nepristranskost, integriteta. • Vrednote – kategorije pojavov, ki jih cenimo, oziroma prepričanje o tem, kaj je dobro ali prav in za kaj si je vredno prizadevati. Vrednote prevzemamo iz okolja in jih ponotranjimo. Na njihovo oblikovanje v veliki meri vplivajo družina, šola, kultura. V profesionalnem športu se že pridobljene in oblikovane vrednote povezujejo z dosežki in športnim uveljavljanjem. Šport lahko sam po sebi predstavlja posebno vrednoto, ki tistemu, ki se zanj odloči omogoča samouresničevanje in dosego ciljev. Posebej izpostavljene vrednote v vrhunskem timskem športu so: medsebojno spoštovanje, zaupanje in strpnost. Boj proti dopingu temelji na dveh temeljnih izhodiščih etike: odnos do drugih (fair play) in odnos do sebe (odgovornost za lastno zdravje). Uporaba dopinga v kakršnikoli obliki je strogo prepovedana s strani Mednarodnega olimpijskega komiteja in Nacionalne antidoping komisije. Izjava: ACH Volley sprejema boj proti dopingu kot temeljno podstat svoje športne filozofije, morale in etike in bo zato dosledno spoštoval vsa pravila nacionalnih in mednarodnih institucij, ki doping strogo obsojajo. Pravica ACH Volleya je, da lahko s pooblaščenimi institucijami po sistemu WADA (World Antidoping Association) nemoteno opravlja doping teste igralcev. Uporaba dopinga se strogo sankcionira tudi v skladu z disciplinskim pravilnikom TVD Partizan Bled. 12 PIRAMIDA USPEHA 13 • o cilja lahko vodijo različne poti. Vsako moštvo gradi svojo piramido D uspeha. Cilj (vrh piramide) pa je vedno enak: USPEH. Uravnoteženost Iznajdljivost Prilagodljivost Ambicije Pogoji Samokontrola Marljivost Potrpežljivost Moč tekmovalnosti Borbenost Veščine Pripravljenost Prijateljstvo Inciativa • Prijateljstvo Prihaja iz ugleda, vzajemnega spoštovanja in predanosti. Zahteva skupen trud. Verodostojnost Timski duh Pripadnost • Marljivost Za delo ni nadomestila. Pomembni rezultati izhajajo iz trdega dela in natančnega načrtovanja. Celovitost Zaupanje Iskrenost Osredotočenost Sodelovanje • Iniciativa Neguj sposobnost, da se lahko sam odločaš in misliš. Ne boj se neuspeha, a se uči iz njega. • Osredotočenost Zastavi si realistične cilje in se osredotoči na doseganje teh ciljev, tako da se upiraš skušnjavam, si odločen in vztrajen. USPEH Vera Pripravljenost Vedno bodi pozoren. Bodi brez predsodkov. Uči se in se izpopolnjuj. Odkritosrčnost Močna volja • Moč tekmovalnosti Daj vse od sebe, ko se to od tebe pričakuje. Uživaj v težavnem izzivu. • Uravnoteženost Bodi to kar si. Miren v vsaki situaciji. Nikoli se ne bori sam s seboj. • Pripadnost Sebi in vsem, ki računajo nate, a hkrati obdrži samospoštovanje. • Sodelovanje S sodelavci na vseh stopnjah. Poslušaj, če želiš, da te slišijo. Stremi k iskanju najboljše poti in ne k temu, da je vse po tvoje. • Močna volja Se dotakne tistih, ki so v tvoji bližini. Resnično moraš uživati v tem, kar delaš. • Povzeto po avtorjih: John R. Wooden in Jay Carty, 2005 • Zaupanje Spoštovanje brez strahu. Bodi pripravljen na vse in obdrži pravilno perspektivo. • Pogoji Psihični-moralni-fizični počitek, gibanje in prehrana. Uri se v zmernosti. Veseljačenje ni sprejemljivo. • Veščine Znanje in sposobnost, da osnove opraviš hitro in pravilno. Bodi pripravljen in bodi pozoren na vsako podrobnost. • Ekipni duh Pristno zanimanje za druge. Pripravljenost žrtvovati osebne želje po slavi za blagor vseh. • Samokontrola Treniraj samodisciplino in imej svoja čustva pod nadzorom. Bistveni sta dobra presoja in zdrava pamet. 14 15 6. KODEKS ŠPORTNE ETIKE ACH VOLLEY Preambula Etični kodeks je sestavni del pogodbe med klubom in športnikom in je v domeni profesionalne etike. Etični kodeks je kodeks obnašanja in ravnanja, ki: • postavlja standarde vedenja; • poudarja skupne vrednote, ki pomagajo posameznim članom moštva izogniti se negotovosti; • nudi nevtralen okvir za reševanje konfliktov ali nejasnosti pri članih moštva (avtoriteta organizacije), in • je hkrati podlaga za izključitev iz organizacije vsakega, ki se zapisanih načel in pravil ne drži. Etični kodeks je za moštvo nujen, ker pravila obnašanja, načela in tudi običaje spravlja na skupni imenovalec, ki je sprejemljiv in veljaven za vse njegove člane. Z etičnim kodeksom preprečujemo (namerno ali nenamerno) delovanje posameznikov v težnji po uresničevanju lastnih interesov v škodo drugih članov tima. 1. Uvodne določbe 1.1Kodeks športne etike ACH Volley (v nadaljevanju: etični kodeks) je posebej namenjen spodbujanju visoke strokovnosti ter moralne in etične drže članov visoko športno-profesionalno pozicioniranega moštva ACH Volley. K članom moštva, poleg odbojkarjev, prištevamo tudi funkcionarje (predsednik in člani UO, izvršni direktor, športni direktor, strokovni sodelavec za kontroling, strokovni sodelavec za korporativno promocijo, strokovni sodelavec za marketing), trenerje in strokovno medicinsko osebje (zdravnik, fizioterapevt) - v nadaljevanju: člani ACH Volley. 1.2Etični kodeks temelji na skupno dogovorjenih vrednotah, moralnih in etičnih normah, na veljavni zakonodaji republike Slovenije in Evropske skupnosti ter na predpisih in standardih OK ACH Volley, Odbojkarske zveze Slovenije ter Evropske in svetovne odbojkarske federacije. Etični kodeks ACH Volley izhaja iz vrednot korporacijske kulture generalnega sponzorja moštva, holdinga ACH, d.d. 1.3Etični kodeks je zbirka temeljnih načel, ki zavezujejo tako k osebni potrditvi kot tudi potrditvi moštva kot celote. Z njim preprečujemo takšno namerno ali nenamerno uresničevanje lastnih interesov članov moštva ACH Volley, ki bi lahko škodili drugim članov moštva. 1.4Etični kodeks vsebuje tudi temeljna načela, ki opredeljujejo vedenje članov ACH Volleya v odnosu do drugih športnih ekip, pokroviteljev, navijačev, medijev in širšega družbenega okolja. Opredeljuje tudi odnos do dela in delovnega okolja, osebne in skupne moralne norme, običaje in rituale. 1.5 Etični kodeks je sestavni del Kulture ACH Volley. 2. Načela etičnega kodeksa 2.1Člani ACH Volleya so dolžni poznati vse zahtevane standarde iz člena 1., točka 1.2., sprejemati odgovornosti in pristojnosti ter delovati strokovno in zavzeto. 2.2 Člani ACH Volleya spoštujejo naslednje skupne vrednote: • Člani ACH Volley se zavedamo, da nas le strpnost, v povezavi z zavzetostjo, borbenostjo in visoko motiviranostjo, pelje do končnega uspeha. Strpnost je tudi osnova fair playa, kateremu smo v moštvu ACH Volley še posebej za- 16 • • • • • • vezani, tako na športnem terenu kot tudi izven njega. Spoštujemo drug drugega, spoštujemo tekmece. Smo proti dopingu v kakršnikoli obliki. Člani ACH Volleya se zavzemamo za pravičnost, poštenost in odgovornost. Spoštujemo pravila organiziranega delovanja, medsebojne dogovore in pravila športnega tekmovanja. Svoje naloge in dolžnosti stoodstotno izpolnjujemo. Na treninge in tekme ne zamujamo, upoštevamo navodila strokovnega vodstva in zahteve sponzorjev. Smo odgovorni pri ravnanju s klubsko in sponzorsko opremo. Člani ACH Volleya se zavzemamo za športno ravnanje na vsakem koraku: v odnosu do sotekmovalcev in drugih članov moštva ter do tekmecev. Dostojno prenašamo tako breme zmage kot breme poraza. Spoštujemo druge tako kot spoštujemo tudi sami sebe: soigralce, tekmece, avtoritete, pokrovitelje, navijače, medije. Spoštujemo pisne in ustne dogovore ter lastno in tujo integriteto (celovitost, človekove pravice). Člani ACH Volleya smo pripadni moštvu, njegovim tekmovalnim in drugim ciljem, njegovi kulturi in identiteti – zavedamo se, da smo člani ACH Volleya tudi takrat, kadar nismo v tekmovalnem dresu in športni dvorani, torej tudi izven nje. Člani ACH Volleya se zavzemamo za osebno varnost in varnost drugih ter skrbimo zanjo. Spoštujemo veščine in znanje, zato se nenehno izobražujemo in izpopolnjujemo. Člani ACH Volleya gradimo pripadnost moštvu tudi na prijateljstvu in zaupanju. Odprti smo drug do drugega in se zavedamo, da, če damo vse od sebe v tem medsebojnem odnosu in, če zaupamo v to, da bomo vsi opravili svoje naloge tako kot se to od nas pričakuje, potem so tudi vsi naši cilji dosegljivi in uresničljivi. Člani ACH Volleya se zavedamo, da za dosego uspeha ni bližnjic. Zato svoje delo opravljamo maksimalno zavzeto, z entuzijazmom, s potrebno iniciativo in v sodelovanju z drugimi. 3. Prehodne in končne določbe 3.1Nadzor nad izvajanjem etičnega kodeksa je definiran dvonivojsko in izhaja iz mikro organizacijske sheme ACH Volleya: • • a prvi stopnji so za nadzor nad izvajanjem etičnega kodeksa zadolženi: N - nadzorni odbor v odnosu do predsednika in članov UO, - predsednik UO v odnosu do izvršnega in športnega direktorja, - izvršni direktor v odnosu do strokovnega tehničnega osebja, - športni direktor v odnosu do trenerjev in strokovnega medicinskega osebja ter igralcev, - glavni trener v odnosu do svojih pomočnikov, strokovnega medicinskega osebja in igralcev. Na drugi stopnji so za nadzor zadolženi: - Nadzorni odbor, upravni odbor in disciplinski odbor, ki jih imenuje zbor društva. 3.2Postopki in sankcije v primeru kršitev etičnega kodeksa se izvajajo v skladu z Disciplinskim pravilnikom OK ACH Volley. 3.3 Etični kodeks ACH Volley je začel veljati z januarjem 2009. Rasto Oderlap Predsednik UO 17 7. DISCIPLINSKI PRAVILNIK II. Disciplinskega kršitve in predpisovanje ter izrekanje sankcij DISCIPLINSKI PRAVILNIK OK ACH Volley 7. členDisciplinskega kršitve so hujše in lažje. I. Splošne določbe Hujše so sledeče: • kršitve pravil in drugih aktov društva, • nespoštovanje oz. neizvajanje sklepov organov društva (zbora ali upravnega odbora), • ponovitev lažje kršitve, za katero je članu društva že bil izrečen disciplinski ukrep, • vse kršitve oz. storitve in opustitve, ki imajo za posledico moralno, denarno ali kakršnokoli drugo kazen oz. škodo za društvo, • neizpolnjevanje ali nevestno, nepravočasno in malomarno izpolnjevanje zadanih obveznosti oz. nalog, • neupravičen izostanek igralca oz. neudeležba na tekmi ali večkratni izostanek iz treninga, • nezakonito razpolaganje s sredstvi društva, • odklonitev zadanih del oziroma nalog, če za to ni upravičenih razlogov, • malomarno opravljanje del oziroma nalog, zaradi česar je ogroženo življenje in varnost ljudi ali materialne dobrine večje vrednosti, • nevestno ravnanje z zaupanimi sredstvi, • protipravno pridobivanje premoženjske korist zase ali za koga drugega v zvezi s funkcijo v društvu, • dajanje nepravilnih podatkov ali prikazovanje neresničnih stroškov, • opustitev pošiljanja listin in podatkov na zahtevo pooblaščenih organov, • zloraba položaja ali prekoračitev danih pooblastil, • povzročitev nereda ali pretepa ali fizično obračunavanje oz. nemoralno obnašanje, • vnašanje alkohola ali drugih narkotičnih sredstev, prihajanje na treninge, tekme, zasedanje organov društva, delovne akcije v vinjenem stanju ali pod vplivom narkotičnih sredstev, • širjenje zlonamernih trditev o razmerah v društvu, • ponarejanje aktov društva, zapisnikov sej, sklepov, odločb, potrdil in drugih listin organov društva, • prevažanje blaga z vozilom društva zase, za zasebnike ali druge brez dovoljenja pristojnega organa, • prekoračitev danega pooblastila, Lažje kršitve so: • neprimerno obnašanje na treningih in tekmovanjih - velja za tekmovalce kakor tudi ostale udeležence (trenerji, spremljevalci, vodje ekip, sodniki, člani upravnega odbora, itd.), • obrekovanja ali žalitev članov društva, • nešportno življenje v času treningov in tekem (popivanje, ponočevanje,…), • nespoštovanje reda in discipline, • neprimerno obnašanje na seji zbora, • neupravičen izostanek na povabilo organov društva, • neizpolnjevanje oz. nevestno izpolnjevanje nalog organov 1. členTa pravilnik ščiti športno moralo, red in disciplino v Telovadnem društvu Partizan Bled (v nadaljevanju: društvu), določa disciplinske kršitve, splošne pogoje za odgovornost in sankcije zanje ter ureja postopek za obravnavanje disciplinskih kršitev. Določbe tega pravilnika veljajo za vse sankcije, ki se lahko predpisujejo po drugih pravilnikih društva. 2. členNikomur ne sme biti izrečena sankcija za disciplinski kršitev, če dejanje ni bilo s pravili društva, s tem pravilnikom ali drugimi pravilniki društva določeno kot disciplinska kršitev, preden je bilo storjeno, in če za tako dejanje ni bila predpisana sankcija. 3. členDoločbe tega pravilnika se uporabljajo za vse člane društva, ne glede na kraj storitve disciplinske kršitve. Za člane društva se po tem pravilniku štejejo vsi, ki so podali pristopno izjavo (3.2. člen pravil društva), kot tudi vsi, ki so s svojimi dejanji nedvoumno pokazali, da si želijo postati člani društva (npr.: s plačilom članarine in drugih materialnih obveznosti, z dolgotrajnejšo udeležbo na treningih, z nastopanjem pod okriljem društva na tekmovanjih, ipd.), ne glede na to ali imajo poravnane vse finančne obveznosti do društva (članarina, igralnina, ipd.). 4. členDisciplinski odbor odloča na I.stopnji o disciplinskih prekrških članov društva. Disciplinski odbor vodi postopek obravnavanja disciplinskih kršitev in izreka morebitne sankcije. Disciplinski odbor se pri svojem delu drži splošnih načel kazenskega postopka, zlasti pa načela nepristranosti in načela predhodnega zaslišanja obdolženca oziroma njegovega zakonitega zastopnika. Disciplinski odbor glede na težo prekrška in v izrednih primerih lahko izreče sankcijo tudi brez predhodnega zaslišanja obdolženca oziroma njegovega zakonitega zastopnika. Sankcije lahko izreka samo disciplinski odbor. 5. členDisciplinski odbor je sestavljen iz treh članov in dveh namestnikov, ki jih izvoli zbor za dobo 4 let. Izmed sebe volijo predsednika. Disciplinski odbor se sestaja po potrebi ter vodi postopek in izreka ukrepe v skladu z tem pravilnikom. Disciplinski odbor je za svoje delo odgovoren zboru društva. 6. členDisciplinski odbor sprejema veljavne sklepe, če so prisotni trije člani in če zanje glasujeta vsaj dva člana. 18 19 društva in pooblaščenih oseb (trenerji, člani organov, drugi pooblaščenci), če društvu ne nastane večja škoda, zamujanje na treninge ali tekme, če za to ni opravičljivih razlogov in predčasno odhajanje iz treningov, neupravičen izostanek iz treninga, 15. členIzključitev se lahko predpiše za hujše disciplinske kršitve, izreče pa se lahko tudi za ponavljajoče lažje disciplinske kršitve. Izključitev je lahko tudi avtomatična, če član društva ne plača odškodnine ali denarne kazni v roku, ki ga je določil disciplinski odbor, oziroma če ni plačal članarine zadnji dve leti. 8. členZa storjeno disciplinsko kršitev se sme članom društva predpisati ena od naslednjih sankcij. 16. členSankcije so lahko tudi pogojne. Pogojne sankcije se lahko izrekajo na cele mesece za preizkusno dobo od treh mesecev do dveh let.Če disciplinski kršitelj stori novo disciplinsko kršitev v obdobju preizkusne dobe, lahko disciplinski odbor prekliče pogojno sankcijo in izreče enotno sankcijo za prejšnjo in novo disciplinsko kršitev; pri tem vzame, da je sankcija iz preklicane pogojne obsodbe že določena. • • Za lažje kršitve: • opomin, • javni opomin, • denarna kazen od 50 do 100 EUR • prepoved nastopanja na tekmovanjih do 6 mesecev za hujše kršitve: • izključitev, • javni opomin, • denarna kazen od 500 do 5.000 EUR • prepoved nastopanja na tekmovanjih do 12 mesecev Izključitev pomeni avtomatsko prenehanje obveznosti društva iz naslova sklenjenih pogodbenih razmerij med društvom in kršiteljem - članom društva (pogodbe o delu, pogodbe o zaposlitvi, honorarno delo ...) 9. členČe je bila povzročena materialna škoda, se lahko zahteva njena povrnitev od člana društva. Višino povzročene materialne škode oceni disciplinski odbor. Poleg zahtevka za povračilo povzročene materialne škode se lahko izreče tudi sankcija. 10. členOpomin se sme izreči za disciplinsko kršitev, storjeno v takih olajševalnih okoliščinah, ki jo delajo posebno lahko in je mogoče pričakovati, da bo namen kaznovanja dosežen tudi z izrekom opomina. Opomin se sme izreči tudi, če je disciplinska kršitev v tem, da ni bila izpolnjena predpisana obveznost, ali je bila z disciplinsko kršitvijo povzročena škoda, storilec pa je pred izrekom sankcije izpolnil predpisano obveznost oziroma popravil ali povrnil povzročeno škodo. 11. členJavni opomin se sme izreči za disciplinsko kršitev, za katero bi se lahko izrekel opomin, če disciplinski odbor presodi, da je potreben izrek javnega opomina. 12. členOpomin in javni opomin se lahko izrečeta tudi, če nista izrecno predpisana kot sankcija za določeno disciplinsko kršitev. 13. členDenarna kazen se lahko predpiše za vse disciplinske kršitve in sicer v razponu od 50 do 100 EUR. 14. členPrepoved nastopanja na tekmovanjih se lahko predpiše za vse disciplinske kršitve, ki jih lahko storijo člani društva v zvezi s treningi ali nastopi na tekmovanjih in sicer za čas od enega meseca do enega leta. Izreka se na cele mesece. 20 17. člen Vsaka sankcija mora biti vodena v arhivu društva. III. Uvedba disciplinskega postopka 18. členDisciplinski postopek se začne na podlagi pisne prijave. Če disciplinski odbor izve za disciplinsko kršitev, glede katere ni bila vložena prijava, sporoči to upravnemu odboru društva, ki lahko poda prijavo. Disciplinski odbor lahko tudi združi več prijav in opravi skupen postopek za več očitanih disciplinskih kršitev skupaj. 19. členPrijavo za uvedbo disciplinskega postopka lahko poda vsak član društva in vsak organ ali odbor društva (predlagatelj). Prijava je lahko naslovljena na disciplinski odbor ali na upravni odbor društva. Če je prijava naslovljena na upravni odbor društva, jo ta nemudoma posreduje disciplinski komisiji. Prijava mora biti pisna in mora vsebovati ime osebe, zoper katero se predlaga uvedba disciplinskegaga postopka in opis storjene disciplinske kršitve. Če je prijava vložena zoper več oseb skupaj, se postopek opravi zoper vse te osebe naenkrat. Če je podanih več prijav za isto zadevo, to sporoči disciplinski odbor vsem predlagateljem in jih hkrati pozove, da izberejo skupnega predstavnika, ki bo zastopal vse predlagatelje. Izbira skupnega predstavnika ne omejuje posameznih predlagateljev, da se udeležijo disciplinskega postopka in da izvajajo dokaze. 20. členO uvedbi postopka obvesti disciplinski odbor obdolženca, predlagatelja in upravni odbor društva. Obdolženec je vsakdo, zoper katerega je bil sprožen disciplinski postopek. Obvestilo je pisno in zajema ime obdolženca, ime predlagatelja, opis disciplinskega kršitve in zagroženo sankcijo. Hkrati z obvestilom se pošlje tudi vabilo na obravnavo, na katero se vabi predlagatelja, obdolženca, predstavnika upravnega odbora društva in morebitne druge osebe, ki bi po mnenju disciplinskega odbora lahko prispevale k pravični odločitvi. IV. Izločitev članov disciplinskega odbora 21. členČe katerikoli član disciplinskega odbora meni, da zaradi svojega razmerja do predlagatelja ali obdolženca ne more odločati nepristransko, lahko predlaga disciplinskemu odboru, da ga izloči. Izločitev 21 lahko iz istih razlogov predlagata tudi predlagatelj in obdolženec. O izločitvi glasuje disciplinski odbor, ki v primeru izločitve izbere novega člana (nadomestni član disciplinskega odbora), ki ima vse pristojnosti, kot bi jih imel izločeni član, a le za tisti postopek, v katerem nadomešča izločenega člana. Razmerje iz prvega odstavka tega člena, ki lahko pomeni razlog izločitve, je zlasti sorodstveno ali posvojitveno razmerje. V. Priprave na obravnavo 22. členV vabilu na obravnavo je treba obdolženca opozoriti, da lahko na obravnavo pripelje svojega zagovornika ali pooblaščenca, oziroma, da lahko poda pisno izjavo. Obenem ga je treba opozoriti, da se bo obravnava opravila tudi brez njegove navzočnosti, če se je ne bo udeležil ali ne bo poslal svojega zagovornika oziroma pooblaščenca. Člane, mlajše od 15 let in člane, ki niso poslovno sposobni, v disciplinskem postopku zastopa njihov zakoniti zastopnik. 23. členObdolžencu mora ostati od prejema vabila na obravnavo do datuma obravnave najmanj 8 dni za pripravo obrambe. Izjemoma se lahko, zlasti na prošnjo obdolženca, prestavi datum obravnave, o čemer se obvestijo vsi vabljeni. 24. členČe predlagatelj umakne svojo zahtevo pred ali med obravnavo, disciplinski odbor prekine postopek in o prekinitvi obvesti vse vabljene ter upravni odbor društva, ki lahko nadaljuje postopek (vstopi na mesto predlagatelja) v 15 dneh od prejetja obvestila ali pa poda novo prijavo. Če upravni odbor društva ne nadaljuje postopka, ga disciplinski odbor ustavi in to sporoči vsem vabljenim. VI. Potek obravnave 25. členObravnava pred disciplinskim odborom je ustna in zaprta za javnost, z omejitvijo, da lahko obdolženec in predlagatelj na obravnavo pripeljeta vse osebe, ki bi po njunem mnenju lahko prispevale k pravični odločitvi. Na željo obdolženca lahko predsednik disciplinskega odbora odloči, da je obravnava javna. 26. člen Obravnavo vodi predsednik disciplinskega odbora, ki zaslišuje vabljene in daje besedo članom disciplinskega odbora in ostalim. Predsednik se lahko glede pravnih vprašanj vedno na svojo pobudo posvetuje s svetovalcem, ki ima pravno izobrazbo, pri čemer ta svetovalec ne sme biti udeleženec v postopku. Predsednik mora poskrbeti, da se zadeva vsestransko razčisti, da se ugotovi resnica in odvrne vse, kar bi zavlačevalo postopek. Prav tako mora skrbeti za red. V ta namen lahko opozori tiste, ki motijo potek obravnave. Če tudi po opozorilu red ni dosežen, lahko predsednik osebo, ki moti potek obravnave, odstrani iz prostora, kjer se odvija obravnava. Disciplinski odbor lahko sklene tudi, da se odstrani obdolženec, vendar to ne sme bistveno vplivati na njegovo pravico do obrambe. Tak sklep se vpiše v zapisnik. 22 27. členObravnavo začne predsednik disciplinskega odbora, ki naznani predmet obravnave. Nato ugotovi prisotnost. Če niso prisotni vsi vabljeni, se predsednik prepriča, ali so jim bila vročena vabila in ali so svoj izostanek opravičili. Če disciplinski odbor ugotovi, da obdolženec ni prišel na obravnavo, ker mu ni bilo vročeno vabilo ali iz kakšnega drugega opravičljivega razloga, lahko preloži obravnavo. Če disciplinski odbor ugotovi, da obdolženec ni prišel na obravnavo, ker se očitno namenoma izmika zaslišanju, in da ni poslal svojega zastopnika ali pooblaščenca, lahko sklene, da bo opravila obravnavo brez njegove prisotnosti. Ostalim osebam se ni potrebno udeležiti obravnave, neudeležba predlagatelja pa ne pomeni, da je umaknil prijavo. Sklep disciplinskega odbora, da se obravnava preloži ali da se opravi brez navzočnosti obdolženca, se vpiše v zapisnik. 28. členObravnava se nadaljuje s tem, da predsednik prebere vsebino prijave za uvedbo disciplinskega postopka, po potrebi pa lahko da izjavo še predlagatelj. Nato predsednik vpraša obdolženca, če je razumel, česa je obdolžen in mu da besedo. 29. členObdolžencu je potrebno v njegovem nagovoru omogočiti neovirano izjasnitev o vseh okoliščinah, ki se mu zdijo pomembne. Po zaslišanju obdolženca predsednik nadaljuje z dokaznim postopkom. Najprej izvaja dokaze predlagatelj, nato obdolženec. Uporabijo se lahko vsa dokazna sredstva. 30. členZaslišanje poteka tako, da se zaslišanemu (priči ali izvedencu) postavljajo vprašanja. Najprej sprašuje oseba, ki je pripeljala zaslišanega, nato nasprotna stran, nato predsednik in člani disciplinskega odbora. Predsednik lahko prepove vprašanja, ki se mu zdijo neprimerna, zlasti če zavlačujejo postopek. Predsednik mora poskrbeti, da se spoštuje osebnost zaslišanega. Obdolženec ni dolžan odgovarjati na vprašanja. Pred začetkom zaslišanja predsednik opozori zaslišanega, da je dolžan govoriti resnico. 31. členMed obravnavo se vodi zapisnik, v katerega se vpisuje bistvena vsebina poteka obravnave in vsi sklepi. Zapisnik piše član disciplinskega odbora ali oseba, ki jo pooblasti predsednik. 32. členDisciplinski odbor lahko s sklepom preloži obravnavo, če meni, da bi to prispevalo k ugotovitvi resnice. Preložitev lahko zahtevata tudi predlagatelj in obdolženec, če se med obravnavo pokažejo take okoliščine, ki bi zahtevale nove dokaze. 33. členKo so izvedeni vsi dokazi, da predsednik besedo predlagatelju in na koncu vedno še obdolžencu. Če predsednik ugotovi, da lahko disciplinski odbor o zadevi odloči, zaključi obravnavo. Nato se disciplinski odbor umakne na posvetovanje in glasovanje. 23 VII. Posvetovanje in glasovanje 34. členPosvetovanje in glasovanje disciplinskega odbora je tajno (za zaprtimi vrati). Sklepi so sprejeti, če zanje glasujeta vsaj dva člana odbora. Odbor najprej glasuje o tem, ali je bila storjena disciplinski kršitev in ali je obdolženec odgovoren, nato pa glasuje o sankciji, ki naj bi jo izrekla. Če teče postopek zoper več obdolžencev naenkrat, se glasuje o vsakem obdolžencu posebej. Če teče postopek za več disciplinskih kršitev naenkrat, se glasuje o vsaki kršitvi posebej, nato pa o enotni sankciji, ki se izreče za vse disciplinskega kršitve skupaj. 35. členPri izrekanju sankcije se upoštevajo vse okoliščine, ki lahko vplivajo na njeno vrsto in težo. Zlasti je potrebno upoštevati težo storjene disciplinske kršitve in njene posledice, ali je bila kršitev storjena naklepno ali iz malomarnosti, stopnjo storilčeve odgovornosti, nagibe, motiv in način storitve disciplinske kršitve in okoliščine v katerih je bila storjena, moralne lastnosti storilca, njegovo vedenje pred in po disciplinski kršitvi in vse olajševalne in oteževalne okoliščine ter možne posledice za šport nasploh. Olajševalne okoliščine so zlasti: priznanje, kesanje, povračilo škode in poprava posledic, dostojno obnašanje do storitve kršitve, nekaznovanost, prizadevnost pri delu v društvu. Oteževalne okoliščine so zlasti: povratništvo, enakovrstnost prestopka, brezobzirnost, nešportno obnašanje, neustrezen odnos do športa in društva. VIII. Zaključitev postopka 36. členPo končanem posvetovanju in glasovanju disciplinski odbor razglasi svoj sklep pred udeleženci obravnave. Sklep razglasi predsednik, ki hkrati poda kratko obrazložitev. Nato predsednik vpraša osebo, zoper katero je tekel disciplinski postopek, in predlagatelja, če želita prejeti sklep pisno. Če se zahteva izdaja pisnega sklepa, ga morata oseba, zoper katero je tekel disciplinski postopek, in predlagatelj prejeti v 10 dneh. Pisni sklep mora vsebovati uvod, izrek, obrazložitev in pouk o pravnem sredstvu. Če se izdaja pisnega sklepa ne zahteva, mora predsednik poučiti osebo, zoper katero je tekel postopek, in predlagatelja o pravnih sredstvih. Če se izreče denarna kazen, izključitev ali prepoved nastopanja, je potrebno vedno izdati pisni sklep. 37. člen S sklepom disciplinski odbor: • zavrne prijavo in ustavi postopek, • oprosti obdolženca, • spozna obdolženca za krivega in izreče sankcijo. 38. člen Disciplinski odbor zavrne prijavo in ustavi postopek, če: • ni pristojna za razsojo, • če je predlagatelj umaknil prijavo in upravni odbor društva ni nadaljeval postopka (24. člen), • če je bila obdolženemu za isto dejanje že izrečena sankcija ali je bil oproščen, • če disciplinski postopek ni več dopusten zaradi zastaranja. 24 39. člen Disciplinski odbor oprosti obdolženca, če: • dejanje, za katero je bila dana disciplinski prijava, ni predpisano kot disciplinski kršitev, • če so podane okoliščine, ki izključujejo disciplinski odgovornost, • če ni dokazano, da je bilo storjeno dejanje, za katero je bila dana disciplinski prijava. 40. člen Če disciplinski odbor spozna obdolženca za krivega: • izreče katero kršitev je storil in pri tem navede dejstva in okoliščine, ki so znaki disciplinskega kršitve, • ustrezno označi disciplinski kršitev in katere določbe tega ali ostalih pravilnikov društva je uporabila, • izreče sankcijo. • če se izreče denarna kazen, disciplinski odbor določi za plačilo primeren rok, ki ne sme biti krajši od 15 dni. Če kazen ni plačana v roku, se član društva avtomatično izključi. • če se izreče sankcija prepovedi nastopanja na tekmovanjih, disciplinski odbor določi dan začetka izvajanja sankcije, ki ni nujno isti dan kot dan izreka sankcije. IX. Pravna sredstva 41. členZoper sklep disciplinskega odbora se sme vložiti pritožba v 15 dneh po vročitvi sklepa oziroma po razglasitvi sklepa, če ni bil zahtevan pisni sklep. O pritožbi odloča na drugi stopnji zbor društva, katerega odločitev je dokončna. 42. členPravico do pritožbe imajo obdolženec, njegov zagovornik ali zastopnik in predlagatelj. 43. členPritožba zoper opomin, javni opomin in prepoved nastopanja ne zadrži izvršitve sklepa. Pritožba zoper denarno kazen in izključitev zadrži izvršitev sklepa. 44. člen Pritožba mora obsegati: • navedbo sklepa, zoper katerega se vlaga, • pritožbene razloge in obrazložitev, • predlog, kako naj se spremeni izpodbijani sklep, • podpis. V primeru pritožbe na izrečeno denarno kazen, je član društva dolžan položiti varščino v višini polovice zneska denarne kazni. Varščino mora položiti v roku, določenem v 4. odstavku 40. člena, sicer je avtomatično izključen. 45. členSklep disciplinskega odbora se sme izpodbijati iz vseh razlogov, ki bi lahko pripeljali do drugačnega sklepa, kot je izpodbijani. Pritožba se lahko nanaša na dejanje, ki je bilo predmet prijave, na kvalifikacijo disciplinske kršitve in na izbiro in odmero sankcije, oziroma na disciplinski postopek. 46. členPritožba se vloži pri disciplinskem odboru. Disciplinski odbor zavrže nepravilno in nepravočasno pritožbo in pritožbo na denarno 25 kazen, za vložitev katere ni bila vplačana varščina. Disciplinski odbor izroči pravilno pritožbo zboru društva. 47. člen Pravnomočno končan disciplinski postopek se lahko obnovi, če se: • dokaže, da temelji sklep disciplinskega odbora na ponarejenih dokazih ali na krivem pričanju, • izve za nova dejstva ali se predložijo novi dokazi, ki utegnejo pripeljati do drugačnega sklepa, oziroma do izreka milejše sankcije za storilca. Obnovo postopka je mogoče zahtevati v 30 dneh od dne, ko se je izvedelo za razloge iz prvega odstavka tega člena, vendar najpozneje v 1 letu od storitve disciplinske kršitve, če je obnova postopka v škodo storilca, v njegovo korist pa je mogoče vedno zahtevati obnovo. O zahtevi za obnovo odloča disciplinski odbor, ki s sklepom lahko zahtevo zavrne ali zavrže ali pa dovoli obnovo. X. Izvršitev sankcij 48. členSankcije se izvršijo, ko sklepa o izrečeni sankciji ni več mogoče izpodbijati s pritožbo (pravnomočen sklep), oziroma takoj, za sklepe, zoper katere pritožba ne zadrži izvršitve. Sankcije, razen opomina, se objavijo na primeren način, ki ga določi disciplinski odbor. Javni opomin se izvrši tako, da se objavi na primeren način, ki ga določi disciplinski odbor. Denarno kazen je treba plačati v roku, ki ga je ob izreku denarne kazni določila disciplinski odbor. Če kazen ni plačana v roku, je član društva avtomatsko izključen. Izjemoma lahko, na prošnjo člana društva, disciplinski odbor podaljša rok za plačilo kazni za največ mesec dni, zlasti če je kazen visoka in izkaže član društva finančne probleme. Če se član društva, ki mu je bila izrečena denarna kazen, pritoži, mora plačati varščino (pol kazni) v roku, ki je določen za plačilo denarne kazni, sicer je avtomatično izključen. Plačila varščine ni mogoče odgoditi kot plačila denarne kazni. Prepoved nastopanja na tekmovanjih se izvrši tako, da društvo ne prijavlja kaznovanega na tekmovanja v času trajanja sankcije. Društvo o sankciji obvesti tudi zvezo in jo zaprosi za pomoč pri izvajanju sankcije. V primeru, da kaznovani v času trajanja sankcije nastopi na kakršnemkoli tekmovanju doma ali v tujini, na katerem je mogoče nastopiti zgolj na podlagi zasebne prijave (brez dovoljenja društva ali zveze), se tak nastop šteje kot nadaljnja huda disciplinski kršitev. Sankcija izključitve se izvaja takoj in sicer tako, da kaznovani izgubi vse pravice, ki izhajajo iz članstva društva, kakor tudi ugodnosti, ki izhajajo iz poravnanih finančnih obveznosti (npr.: udeležba na treningih, ugodnosti s člansko izkaznico, popusti, itd.). O izreku sankcije društvo obvesti zvezo. XII. Stroški disciplinskega postopka 50. členStroške za delo disciplinskega odbora nosi društvo. Ti stroški vključujejo tudi morebitna povračila stroškov prihoda oseb, ki so se odzvale vabilu disciplinskega odbora. Obdolženec sam krije svoje stroške v zvezi z disciplinskim postopkom. XIII. Sočasnost disciplinskih postopkov 51. členČe disciplinski odbor med potekom postopka ugotovi, da je proti osebi, zoper katero teče disciplinski postopek, uveden tudi postopek pred ustreznim organom Odbojkarske zveze Slovenije (OZS) ali Mednarodne odbojkarske zveze (FIVB), lahko prekine postopek do odločitve tega organa. Disciplinski odbor lahko upošteva odločitev organa iz prvega odstavka tega člena, lahko pa odloči po svoje. XIV. Konstitutivna seja 52. členČe je na volitvah za člane disciplinskega odbora izvoljen vsaj en nov član, se mora disciplinski odbor najprej konstituirati. Prvo sejo skliče izvršni direktor društva najpozneje takrat, ko prispe prva prijava. Na prvi seji člani disciplinskega odbora izvolijo izmed sebe predsednika. Če pride zaradi volitev do zamenjave članov disciplinskega odbora med trajajočim postopkom, tega dokonča disciplinski odbor v stari sestavi. Disciplinski odbor v stari sestavi lahko tudi odloči, da bo dokončanje postopka prepustila novoizvoljeni komisiji. XVI. Končna določba 53. člen Ta pravilnik začne veljati z dnem, ko ga sprejme zbor društva. XI. Zastaranje 49. členUvedba in vodenje postopka zaradi storjene disciplinske kršitve zastara v enem letu od dneva, ko je bilo izvršeno dejanje.Izvršitev disciplinske sankcije zastara 90 dni po dnevu, ko je sklep postal pravnomočen. 26 27 8.CELOSTNA GRAFIČNA PODOBA ACH VOLLEY / CORPORATE IDENTITY OF ACH VOLLEY Pomemben del dolgoročne strategije holdinga ACH, d.d. je tudi njegova družbena odgovornost na področju športa, znotraj katerega se prepletajo in povezujejo v celoto tudi kulturne in humanitarne aktivnosti vezane na športno dejavnost. Sponzorski projekt odbojkarskega moštva ACH Volley ima svojo zgodovino, katere del so zelo odmevni rezultati v slovenskem in evropskem prostoru. Kultura športnega tima se neposredno napaja iz kulture holdinga, zato je tudi celostna grafična podoba moštva prilagojena tej temeljni podstati. Predvsem je zasnovana upoštevaje naravo in nekoliko drugačno komunikacijsko vpetost športnega tima v družbeno okolje. Zato dosega grafična podoba športnega moštva ACH Volley, v odnosu do krovne podobe družbe ACH, d.d., srednjo stopnjo integracije. Na medsebojno povezanost močno nakazuje ime moštva in tipografija črk v logotipu. Ostali grafični elementi pa so zasnovani skladno z naravo športne entitete in odražajo gibanje, športno energijo, eksplozivnost in moč komunikacije, ki člane moštva na igrišču medsebojno tesno povezuje ter hkrati omogoča nedvoumno, premočrtno komunikacijo z navijači ob igrišču in v širši družbeni skupnosti na sploh. An important part of the long-term strategy of holding ACH d.d. is also its social responsibility in the field of sports, in which the cultural and humanitarian activities, bound to sports activity, are also intertwined and connected as a whole. The sponsorship project of volleyball team ACH Volley has its own history, a part of which are very important and well-known results in Slovenia as well as Europe. The culture of the sports team has a direct link with the culture of the holding and therefore is the corporate identity adapted to that, taking in account the nature and a bit different communication integration of a sports team into the society. Therefore has the corporate identity of the sports team ACH Volley, in relation to the main design of the company ACH d.d., reached the medium level of integration. The mutual connection is strongly indicated in the name of the team and the typography of the letters in the logo. Other graphic elements are designed in accordance with the new nature of sports entity, reflecting movement, sports energy, explosiveness and the power of communication, which forms a tight bond among the team members on the court and at the same time enables clear and direct communication with their fans and society in general. 28 29 Guide through the culture of ACH Volley III. edition September, 2011 30 31 The publication “The guide through the culture of ACH Volley” was done on the initiative of the general director of ACH d.d and the honorary president of ACH Volley Herman Rigelnik, MA, and prepared and arranged by Ivanka Mihelčič, MA and others. ACH Volley is a top sports team nurturing competitive sport on the highest level thus demanding strong dedication of its members to high moral and ethical principles and commitment to trainings and preparations that improve practice standards. Fair play in this frame demands as a minimum the strict respect of written and other rules and their dissemination in true sport spirit. The latter is founded on mutual respect of all players and is extended on taking care for health and interest the athletes have to themselves and one another. These demands are true/hold true not only for the close members of the team but also for the officials, coaches, medical staff, parents, supporters, volunteers, fans and the club as the legal form of uniting and connecting the entire sports and economic activity of ACH Volley. INTRODUCING THE GUIDE An important part of the long-term strategy of holding ACH d.d. and its subsidiaries is its social responsibility expressed in the cultural, humanitarian and sports field. ACH d.d. started one of its biggest projects as a sponsor in 2004, when the management reached a decision to become the general sponsor of the volleyball team of association Telovadno društvo Partizan Bled, support it with its companies and actively cooperate in its management with the then president of the club Aleš Jerala, MA. The men’s team took over the name of the general sponsor Autocommerce d.d., which changed its name to ACH d.d. in 2007. In accordance with that the volleyball team officially changed its name to ACH Volley in the season 2007/2008. ACH Volley is nowadays a professional men’s volleyball team, telling a special success story since 2004. The results so far have been exceptional: so far ACH Volley won eight national champions’ titles and Slovenia cup titles, titles of the Middle European Volleyball Zonal Association’s Champion and won the European TOP Teams cup in 2006/2007. It received a special invitation (wild card) from the European Volleyball Federation (CEV) from Luxembourg, which enabled ACH Volley’s debut in the prestigious European volleyball league, the Champions’ League in the season 2007/2008. In season 2009/10 ACH Volley qualified for the Final Four(FF) tournament of CL. The amazing results of ACH Volley are undoubtedly the outcome of professional work of the club and the team, supported by the general sponsor with a clear vision, strategy and business policy in sponsorship. The organizational structure of holding ACH d.d. and its employees has also become the foundation for the formation of the sports team’s culture, building on the following values: determination to reach our goals, creativity, constant education and training and personal growth on grounds of constant improvement of everyday tasks, motivation for work, cultivating responsible attitude to the quality of products and services, to business, to society and life in general, respecting coworkers, mutual trust and sincerity in communication on all levels and the realization that we represent ACH Volley in public even when we are not at work. It is on these foundations that we build the sports team as we are all aware that results achieved bind us to it. ACH d.d., its subsidiaries and the team ACH Volley have clear goals, improved corporate identity of the team with completed visual graphic elements, clearly defined common values and sports, ethic and moral standards. We are started every new season with a clearly defined culture of a professional sports organization, being more recognizable and distinctive from others. This culture binds us together and pushing us forward. The guide through the culture of ACH Volley is our constitution, reminder, signpost and our obligation. The guide in front of you is documented proof that we want and can do better! Rasto Oderlap President of ACH Volley’s Management Board Publisher: ACH Volley, Ljubljana For the publisher: Ivanka Mihelčič, MA Translation: Barbara Krašovec Publication: Arnoldvuga Print: Mladinska knjiga Printing: 150 copies Ljubljana, september 2011, III. Izdaja 33 1. CULTURE OF ACH VOLLEY The culture of the volleyball team ACH Volley introduces a whole system of values, standards, suppositions, beliefs and symbols defining the behavior of all team members thus forming and influencing its manifestation. These are the elements that are either invisible (our beliefs, customs and rituals, our attitude towards other players and team members, attitude to work and work environment; our personal and mutual moral standards), partially visible (mission, vision and strategy of ACH Volley, strategic and annual goals of the team and way to reach these goals; managing of the team, type of our managers and all of us as co-workers; our image and reputation) or entirely visible (integrated graphic design (graphic symbols) of our team, the maintenance of the interior and exterior, vehicles, etc.). The culture of ACH Volley originates from the culture of its main sponsor, holding ACH d.d., and its role is to ensure order and consistency in the behavior of the members of our team, to define the way of work and reactions of the team to the environment, to solve any uncertainties and to act as a forming mechanism for the behavior of the entire team. The culture of ACH Volley affects the way the team perceives, analyzes and solves problems thus affecting the team’s success, the way we encourage innovativeness, how we react to changes and uncertainties and last but not least, how we motivate our members. It is characteristic of the culture of ACH Volley that in terms of organization the team is directed inwards, representing a sort of additional family, the coaches and the captain being mostly motivators and the members of the team being closely connected. Everything is based on team work, enabling cooperation of all members and in long term striving for the development as well as the team as a whole. The team is bound together by loyalty and tradition. 2. STRATEGIC GOALS OF ACH VOLLEY Mission: ACH Volley is, regarding the organization and the results, the best men’s volleyball collective in the region. Its ethic attitude to sport and environment, in which it operates, and its professional attitude towards achieving the highest goals reflect the philosophy of the sports team as well as its sponsors. Team work is its foundation. Collective spirit and great motivation are its engine. Dedication to work is its constant. The connection with the society is its imperative. The team is the basis. The fans are its added value. Vision: To become one of the leading men’s volleyball clubs in Europe and be a synonym for the combination of top-level professionalism, ethics, stability and excellent relations with the society. Strategic goals till2015 1.To qualify for the Champions’ League Final Four Tournament. 2. To remain on the first place in Slovenia and region. 3. To ensure rational attitude to acquired funds. 4. To ensure the sponsors added value for invested funds. 5. To build a solid base of volleyball players and expert co-workers. 6. To increase the number of fans and other supporters of the club. 7.To maintain the business and management of the club at the professional highest level. • From the document “Strategic goals of ACH Volley 2011-2012” The culture of the sports team ACH Volley is/defines its personality. The culture of ACH Volley: “It is us”. 34 35 3. WHO IS WHO IN ACH VOLLEY The bodies of the association ACH Volley are the following: council of the association, management board, monitoring committee, disciplinary committee, executive director and sports director. The council of association appoints the management board, the monitoring and the disciplinary committee. The management board is the executive body of the association. 36 erformance factors model (inspired from Cardinal et Roy, 2004; WenP ger, 2004). Players Assistant coach (1, 2) Other sections Coach coordinator ACH Volley Head coach Doctor Physiotherapist Corporate promotion Technical support CEV Competitions Other competitions (Friendly tournaments) • MEVZA League Environmental Factors National championship Moral and social development Marketing Mental skills PR Energy Production Systems Team Dynamics Bookkeeping Muscular Strength Mental Preparation and Game Paln. Administration Motor skills ACH Player Controlling Mental development Nutrition Health and Anthropometr Sports part Sport Equipment Members of the Management Board Team Tactics Skills Physical development Management Board Strategies and Game Plan Honorary president Individual Tactics Skills President of the Management Board Sport system Technical skills Sports director Council of Experts The strategy of ACH Volley Executive director Micro organizational scheme Professional service Bussiness part How do we reach our goals? • All attitude and behavior must be oriented towards the team (“be present, be ready, be focused and dedicated”); • Be tough (“Somewhere along the way we will suffer but to win the big game we will have to accept this as a challenge; it is all about perspective.”); • We have to do “battle” every time we are on the court, in training and in the game; • Every centimeter of us must play, we have to leave a part of ourselves on the court; • We have to execute simple things well; • We have to trust each other; • Learn to play each point and build the history of a match so the end of the story will be our win; • Make the right choice: - Choose to support our teammates to the best of our abilities; - Choose to be a winner! 37 4. ANTI-DOPING STATEMENT Doping is defined as the use of artificially fabricated substances or of procedures affecting physical and psychical performance of the athlete, usually with severe side-effects. Doping in itself is the negation of the essence of sport, its goals and ideals, aimed at equal competitive chances for all athletes. Doping corrupts the general image of sports and gives bad example to youth as sport encourages solidarity and humanity and acts as means for humanitarian goals. 5. MAIN DEFINITIONS • orality – derived from Latin moralis or mos, plural mores. It refers to M the habits of the individual and the way of life that can be right or wrong, moral or malicious, good or bad in comparison with and relation to deeds, intentions or character of responsible person, recognized as such by the society. Morality refers to the way an individual behaves and is in connection with the behavior as defined by the society. Moral behavior is therefore the behavior for which it is assessed whether it is right or wrong. The essence of morality is – fairness. • ports morality – is a word phrase expressing motivation, competitive S anxiety of athletes and the will to win and is a part of psychical mechanisms and psychology. Another part of sports morality grasps the atmosphere among the participants (athletes, coaches, referees, spectators, etc.) and is in sports philosophy denoted as a complex presence of sports ethos. • thics – is understood as the philosophy of morality. Morality is the quality E of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct of an individual or a group or team established by ethics. The word ethics comes from Greek ethos, having the same meaning as Latin mos, plural moris – habit, character, custom, behavior, etc. through the history of philosophical thought the ethics has developed as a branch of philosophy assessing acts of morality and dealing with the fundamental problem of good and bad, right and wrong. It represents something rational and plays a practical part in the forming of values. Ethics searches for answers to questions such as: how one should behave in a specific situation. • ports ethics – the most represented type of sports philosophy, S systematically applying rules of morality, standards, principles and values such as honesty, respect, fairness/objectivity/impartiality and integrity. • Values – categories of occurrences we value or the belief in what is good and right and what is worth fighting for. Our values are absorbed from our environment and taken as our own. They are influenced by family, school and culture to a great extent. Professional sport connects old values with achievements and recognition in sports. Sport in itself can be an important value, enabling that person self-realization and achievement of one’s goals. The most important values in professional sport are mutual respect, trust and tolerance. The fight against doping is based on two fundamental roots of ethics: attitude towards others (fair play) and oneself (responsibility for one’s own health). The use of doping is strictly prohibited by the International Olympic Committee and the National Anti-doping Commission. Statement: ACH Volley accepts the fight against doping as one of the basic principles of its sports philosophy, morality and ethics and as such shall respect, with no exception, all regulations of national and international institutions condemning doping. It is ACH Volley’s right to be able to perform doping tests of players with authorized institutions according to the WADA (World Anti-Doping Association) system. The use of doping shall be severely sanctioned in accordance with the Disciplinary regulations and procedures of ACH Volley. 38 THE PYRAMID OF SUCCESS 39 • Various roads can lead to the goal. Each team builds its own pyramid of success. The goal (the top of the pyramid) is always the same: SUCCESS. Fight (proper judgment) Resourcefulness (proper judgment) Adaptibility (to any situation) Ambition (for nobile goals) Patience (good things take time) Self-Control Industriousness Skill Alertness Friendship Loyalty Honesty (in thought and action) Team spirit Initiative • Friendship Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage, it granted but requires a joint effort. Reliability (creates respect) Confidence Condition • Industriousness There is no substitute for work. Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning. Integrity (purity of intention) Competitive greatness Poise • Initiative Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it. • Intentness Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations and being determined and persistent. SUCCESS Faith (Through prayer) Alertness Be observing constantly. Stay open minded. Be eager to learn and improve. Intentness Cooperation Sincerity (keeps friends) Enthusiasm • Competitive greatness Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge. • Poise Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation. Never fighting yourself. • Loyalty To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self - respect. • Cooperation With all levels of your coworkers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way. • Enthusiasm Brushes off upon those with whom you come in contact. You must truly enjoy what you are doing. • Authors: John R. Wooden and Jay Carty, 2005 • Confidence Respect without fear. May come from being prepared and keeping all things in proper perspective. • Condition Mental-Moral-Physical Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated. • Skill A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail. • Team spirit A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all. • Self-control Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgment and common sense are essential. 40 41 6. CODE OF SPORTS ETHICS OF ACH VOLLEY Preamble The code of ethics is an integral part of the contract between the club and athlete and is in the domain of professional ethic. The code of ethics is a code of behavior and manners: • setting behavior standards; • emphasizing common values, which help individual members of the team in avoiding uncertainties; • offering neutral frame for resolving conflicts or uncertainties with members of the team (organization authority), and • at the same time acts as the grounds for the expulsion of everyone, who does not comply with the written principles and rules, from the organization. The code of ethics is indispensable for the team as it brings the rules of behavior, principles and customs to a level that is acceptable and valid for all members. With the code of ethics the club prevents the (intentional or unintentional) behavior of individuals, in desire to realize one’s own interests, to the detriment of other members of the team. 1. General provisions 1.1.The main purpose of the Code of sports ethics of ACH Volley (code of ethics) is encouraging high professionalism and moral and ethic stance of members of the highly placed professional sports team ACH Volley. Among members of the team are also, in addition to volleyball players, official (the president and members of the Management Board, executive director, sports director, professional in controlling, professional in corporate promotion, professional in marketing), coaches and medical staff (doctor, physiotherapist) – (members of ACH Volley). 1.2.The code of ethics is based on mutually agreed values, moral and ethic standards, legislation in force in the Republic of Slovenia and the European Community and regulations and standards of ACH Volley , Volleyball Federation of Slovenia and European and International Volleyball Federation. The code of ethics of ACH Volley is founded on the corporate culture of the team’s main sponsor, holding ACH d.d. 1.3.The code of ethics is a collection of fundamental provisions committing to personal acknowledgment and the acknowledgment of the team as a whole. With it we would like to prevent intentional or unintentional realizations of personal interests of the members of ACH Volley that could harm other members of the team. 1.4.The code of ethics includes fundamental provisions defining the behavior of ACH Volley’s members towards other sport teams, sponsors, fans, the media and society in general. It also defines relation to work and work environment, personal and common moral standards, customs and rituals. 1.5.The code of ethics is an integral part of the Culture of ACH Volley. 2. Principles of the Code of ethics 2.1.Members of ACH Volley must be familiar with all required standards from Article 1 Item 1.2., accept responsibilities and duties and perform them with professionalism and motivation. 42 2.2.Members of ACH Volley respect the following common values: • Members of ACH Volley are aware that only tolerance in connection with determination, fighting spirit and high motivation lead to final success. Tolerance is also the foundation of fair play, to which ACH Volley has made special commitment on and off the court. We respect each other and our opponents. We are against doping in any form. • Members of ACH Volley strive for fairness, honesty and responsibility. We respect the rules of organization, mutual agreements and rules of competitive sport. We perform our tasks and duties with enthusiasm. We are not late for practice, we take into consideration the instructions of the expert management and the requests of sponsors. We are careful when handling club’s or sponsors’ equipment. • Members of ACH Volley strive for sporting behavior: in relation to other players and team members and to opponents. We accept victory as well as defeat with dignity. We respect others as we respect ourselves: other team members, opponents, officials, sponsors, the media and fans. We respect written and oral agreements and our own integrity and the integrity of others and human rights. • Members of ACH Volley are loyal to the team, its competitive and other goals, its culture and identity – we are conscious of the fact that we are members of ACH Volley even when we are not in our jerseys in the sports hall. • Members of ACH Volley strive for personal safety and safety of others and attend to it. We respect skills and knowledge therefore we strive for constant education and improvement. • Members of ACH Volley build the bound among the team members with friendship and trust. We are sincere towards each other and are aware of the fact that if we give our best and trust everyone to perform their tasks as it is expected from them, then all of our goals are reachable and realizable. • Members of ACH Volley realize there are no short cuts to success. We perform our duties with maximum determination, enthusiasm, required initiative and in cooperation with others. 3. Transitional and final provisions 3.1.The control over implementation of the code of ethics is defined on two levels and is based on micro organization scheme of ACH Volley; • The responsible for implementation on the first level: - Monitoring committee in relation to the president and the members of Management Board, - President of the Management Board in relation to the executive and sports director, - Executive director in relation to the professional and technical staff, - Sports director in relation to coaches, medical staff and players, - Head coach in relation to his assistants, medical staff and players. • The responsible for implementation on the second level: - Monitoring committee, Management Boards and Disciplinary board appointed by the council of association. 3.2.The procedures and sanctions implemented in case of breach of the code of ethics are in accordance with the Disciplinary regulations and procedures of ACH Volley. 3.3. The Code of ethics of ACH Volley enter into force on january 2009. Rasto Oderlap President of the Management Board 43 7. DISCIPLINARY REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES On the 23rd November 2002 the council of the TVD Partizan Bled, having regard to the Article 4.7 of the Regulations of the TVD Partizan Bled, adopted the following DISCIPLINARY REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES OF TVD PARTIZAN BLED I. General provisions Article 1 These Disciplinary regulations and procedures (Regulations) protect sports morality, order and discipline in the association ACH Volley (association), defining breaches of discipline, general responsibility conditions and sanctions for the breaches and managing procedures for dealing with breaches of discipline. The provisions of these Regulations are valid for all sanctions that may be regulated by other regulations of the association. Article 6The decision of the disciplinary board is valid if at least three members of the board are present and least two members vote in favor of the decision. II. Breaches of discipline and ruling and imposing of sanctions Article 7 Breaches of discipline can be serious or minor: A serious breach of discipline is: • a violation of the regulations and other documents of the association, • disrespecting or failing to implement the decisions of the association’s bodies (council of association or management board), • repeating a minor breach of discipline, for which was the member of association already sanctioned, • all breaches or acts and omissions, which result in moral, financial or any other penalty or damage for the association, • failure to carry out one’s obligations or task or failure to realize them with responsibility or in time or negligent realization, • being late or failing to come to a match without just cause or numerous absence from practice, • illegal disposal of association’s funds, • refusal of tasks set without just cause, • negligent performance of tasks, which may endanger life and safety of people or material assets of substantial amount, • irresponsible handling with entrusted funds, • illegal gain of proceeds for oneself or any one else in connection with a function in the association, • giving incorrect information or recording false expenses, • omission of sending documentation and information at the request of authorized bodies, • abuse of authority or violation of given authorization, • causing disorder or fight or other immoral behavior, • consuming alcohol or other drugs, coming to practice, match, meetings of the association’s bodies or work activities drunk or under influence of drugs, • spreading malicious statements on the situation in the association, • forging association’s documentation, meeting minutes, decisions, provisions, certificates and other documents by the association’s bodies, • transports of goods with the a vehicle owned by the association for one’s purposes, private entities or others without the permission of the competent body, • a violation of given authorization. Minor breach of discipline is: • inappropriate behavior in practice and competitions – including players and other participants (coaches, accompanying staff, team managers, referees, members of the management board, etc), • slandering and insulting members of the association, • unsporting behavior in the period of practice and competitions Article 2Nobody can be sanctioned for a breach of discipline if the act was not defined as a breach of discipline by the rules of association, these Regulations or other regulations of the association prior to being committed or if a sanction has not been determined for such an act. Article 3The provisions of these Regulations are valid for all members of the association, regardless of the place where the breach of discipline occurred. Members of the association are, according to these Regulations, everyone who signed a membership form (Article 3.2 of the Rules of association) as well as everybody who has proved with their actions that they want to be a member of the association (for example: paying membership fee and other liabilities, longterm participation in practices, representing the association in competitions etc.) whether they have paid all liabilities to the association (membership fee, players fee etc.). Article 4The disciplinary board as the body of first instance decides on the breaches of discipline of the members of the association and imposes sanctions. The disciplinary board follows the general principles of the criminal proceedings, especially the principle of impartiality and the principle of preliminary hearing of the accused or the legal representative. The disciplinary board may, with regard to the severity of the breach of discipline or in exceptional cases, impose a sanction without preliminary hearing of the accused or the legal representative. Sanctions may only be imposed by the disciplinary board. Article 5The disciplinary board is constituted of three members and two substitutes elected by the council of association for a period of 4 years. The board members elect one of them president. The disciplinary board assembles as necessary and manages the procedure and imposing measures in accordance with these Regulations. The disciplinary board answers to the council of association. 44 45 • • • • • • (drinking, staying out late,…) disrespecting order and discipline, inappropriate behavior at a council’s meeting, failure to show up, for which one was invited by a body of the association, without just cause at an event, failure to perform the tasks of the associations’ bodies and authorized persons (coach, members of the bodies, other authorized persons) or negligently realized task, if the association has not suffered substantial damage, being late for practice or match without just cause and leaving practice early, failure to show up for practice without just cause. Article 8Sanctions that may be imposed to the members of the association for breaching discipline: Minor breach of discipline: • warning, • public warning, • financial penalty in the amount from 50E to 500E • ban of playing for up to 6 months. Serious breach of discipline: • expulsion, • public warning, • financial penalty in the amount from 500E to 5000E • ban of playing for up to 12 months. An expulsion results in the automatic termination of the association’s obligations from contractual relation between the association and the person breaching discipline – member of the association (employment contract, occasional work …). Article 9If material damage has been caused, the member of the association may be required to pay for it. The material damage is estimated by the disciplinary board. A sanction may be imposed in addition to the compensation for the caused material damage. amount from 10.000 SIT to 100.000 SIT. Article 14A ban of playing may be imposed for all breaches of discipline committed by the members of association in connection with practice or competitions, namely for the period of one month to one year. The sanction is imposed for entire months. Article 15An expulsion may be imposed for a serious breach of discipline or repeated minor breaches. The expulsion may also be automatic if a member of the association does not pay the compensations or a penalty in the time limit set by the disciplinary board or if the membership fee has not been paid in the last two years. Article 16Sanctions may be suspended and imposed for entire months for a probation period form three months to two years. If the person breaching discipline commits another such act in the probation period, the disciplinary board may revoke the suspension of the sanction and impose a single sanction for the previous and the new breach of discipline; taking into account that the sanction from the revoked probation sentence has already been determined. Article 17 Each sanction shall be recorded in the association’s archive. III. Starting disciplinary procedure Article 18A disciplinary procedure is introduced after a written report is submitted. If the disciplinary board learns about a breach of discipline for which a report has not been filed, it informs the management board of the association, which can file a report. The disciplinary board may unite more reports and introduce a single procedure for several breaches of discipline. Article 11A public warning may be imposed for a breach of discipline, for which a warning would be imposed if the disciplinary board estimates that a public warning is necessary. Article 19A report to start the disciplinary procedure may be submitted by every member of the association and every body or board of the association. The report may be addressed to the disciplinary board or to the management board of the association. If a report is addresses to the management board of the association it is immediately forwarded to the disciplinary board. The report must be written and must include the name of the person, against which it is submitted, and a description of the committed breach of discipline. If a report is submitted against several people the procedure is done for all members at the same time. If several reports are submitted for the same case, the disciplinary board notifies the persons submitting the reports and invites them to choose a representative, who shall represent all of them. Choosing one representative does not restrain individuals from attending the disciplinary procedure and providing evidence. Article 12A warning and a public warning may be passed even if they are not determined as a sanction for a certain breach of discipline. Article 13A penalty may be prescribed for each breach of discipline in the Article 20The disciplinary board informs the accused, the person submitting the report and the management board of the association of the introduction of the disciplinary procedure. The accused is Article 10A warning may be imposed for a breach of discipline committed in such extenuating circumstances that it is extremely minor and may be expected that the purpose of sanction shall be met by a warning. A warning may also be imposed if the discipline was breached by not implementing an obligation or if damage was cause by the breach of discipline and the perpetrator implemented the obligation or repairing the damage caused or paying for it. 46 47 each person against whom a disciplinary procedure has been introduced. The notification is written and includes the name of the accused, the name of the person submitting the report, a description of the breach of discipline and the sanction. An invitation to the hearing, to which the submitter of the report, the accused, a representative of the management board of the association and anyone else, who could, in the opinion of the disciplinary board, contribute to a fair decision are invited, is sent together with the notification. IV. Disqualification of the members of the disciplinary board Article 21If any member of the disciplinary board believes it is not possible to be unbiased due to the own relationship to the submitter of the report or the accused, such member may propose to the disciplinary board to be disqualified. The submitter or the accused may also propose disqualification due to same reasons. The disciplinary board takes a vote on the disqualification and chooses a new member (a substitute member of the disciplinary board) in case of disqualification. The new member has all competences of the disqualified member but only for the procedure, in which the disqualified member is being substituted. The relationship mentioned in the first paragraph of this article, which could be grounds for disqualifications, is usually that of a relative or an adoptee. V. Preparing for the hearing Article 22The invitation to the hearing must include a caution for the accused that he may bring advocate or a legal representative to the hearing or give a written statement. At the same time must the accused be aware that the hearing will take place even if he or his advocate or legal representative will not be present. Members younger than 15 years and members not able to conduct business are represented by their legal representative. Article 23The accused must have 8 days from the day he receives the invitation to the hearing to the date of the hearing to prepare for it. As an exception the date of the hearing may be changed on the request of the accused, informing all invited parties about the change. Article 24If the person submitting the report withdraws it before or during the hearing the disciplinary board suspends the procedure and informs all invited parties about it and also the management board of the association, which may continue the procedure (replaces the submitter of the report) or files another report. If the management board of the association does not continue the procedure the disciplinary board suspends the procedure and notifies all invited parties. 48 VI. Course of the hearing Article 25The hearing in front of the disciplinary board is oral and closed for public with a restriction that the accused and the person submitting the report may bring everyone to the hearing that, in their opinion, could contribute to a fair decision. If the accused wishes so the president of the disciplinary board may decide the hearing is public. Article 26The hearing is directed by the president of the disciplinary board who interrogates the invites parties and gives word to the members of the disciplinary board and others. The president may at any time consult with a consultant with formal legal education, yet this adviser must not be involved in the procedure. It is the president’s obligation to make sure the matter is clarified, the truth to be uncovered and to avert everything, which could prolong the procedure. The president is charge of order and may warn those disturbing the hearing. If there is still no order after a warning, the president may remove the person disturbing the hearing from the room, where the hearing takes place. The disciplinary board may also decide to remove the accused from the hearing but this act must not affect his right to defense. Such decision is recorded in the minutes. Article 27 The president of the disciplinary board starts the hearing by introducing the subject of the hearing and then checks the attendance. If not everyone invited is present, the president makes sure whether they received the invitations or have excused their absence. If the disciplinary board concludes the accused did not show up for hearing because he did not receive the invitation nor has a just cause for his absence, the board may postpone the hearing. If the disciplinary board concludes the accused did not show up for hearing because he is intentionally avoiding it and did not send a legal representative or other authorized person, the board may decide to finish the hearing without his attendance. The attendance of other persons invited is not obligatory and the absence of the submitter of the report does not mean the report has been withdrawn. The decision of the disciplinary board to postpone the hearing or finish it without the attendance of the accused is recorded in the minutes. Article 28The hearing continues with the president reading the content of the report, on which the disciplinary procedure was started, and the person submitting the report may also make a statement, if necessary. Then the president asks the accused if he understood what he is being charged with and allows him to speak. Article 29The accused must be allowed to freely clarify all circumstances he finds important. After the accused has been heard the president continues with the recording of evidence. The first to give evidence is the person submitting the report then the accused. All means of proof may be used. 49 Article 30In the hearing the person heard (a witness or an expert) is asked questions. First to ask the question is the party bringing the person heard, then the opposing side and last the president and the members of the disciplinary board. The president may disallow questions he finds inappropriate, especially if they prolong the procedure. The president must ensure the personality of the accused is respected. The accused is not obliged to answer any question. Before the beginning of the hearing the president informs the accused he is obliged to speak the truth. Article 31During the procedure minutes are being maintained, in which the principal contents of the hearing’s course and all decisions are recorded. The minutes are written by the member of the disciplinary board or a person authorized by the president. Article 32The hearing may be postponed by a decision of the disciplinary board, if the board believes this shall contribute to finding out the truth. The postponement may be demanded by the submitter or the accused, if the circumstances requiring new evidence arise during the hearing. Article 33After all evidence is heard the president gives word to the submitter and in the end always to the accused. If the president declares that the disciplinary board is able to make a decision, he terminates the hearing. Afterwards the disciplinary board retreats to consult and vote. VII. Consulting and voting Article 34The consulting and voting are confidential (behind closed doors). The decisions are adopted if at least two members of the board are in favor of them. First the board votes on whether a breach of discipline was committed and whether the accused is responsible for it, and afterwards the board votes on the sanction it shall impose. If there are several accused in the procedure, each accused is put to the vote separately. If the procedure is about several breach of discipline, each breach is put to the vote separately, and a single sanction is imposed for all breaches of discipline. Article 35 When imposing a sanction all circumstances that may affect the kind or severity of the sanction shall be taken into account, especially the severity of the breach and its consequences, whether it was committed intentionally or negligently, the level of perpetrator’s responsibility, the motive for the act and the manner in which the breach was committed, moral characteristics of the perpetrator, behavior before and after the breach of discipline and all extenuating and aggravating circumstances and possible consequences for sport in general. Extenuating circumstances are: confessing and regretting the act, repaying the damage and rectifying the consequences, proper behavior prior to breaching discipline, impunity, and diligence in the association. 50 Aggravating circumstances are: repeated breaches of discipline, similarity in offences, ruthlessness, unsporting behavior, inappropriate attitude towards sport and association. VIII. Termination of the procedure Article 36After the consulting and the vote the disciplinary board announces its decision in front of the participants of the hearing. The decision, including a short explanation, is announced by the president. Afterwards the president asks the accused and the person submitting the report if they would like to receive the decision in writing. If a request for the decision in writing is made, the accused and the person submitting the report must receive it in 10 days. The written decision shall include the introduction, the sanction, a detailed explanation and the instruction on the legal means. If a request for a written decision is not made the president shall inform the accused and the person submitting the report about the legal means. A written decision is necessary if the sanction is penalty, expulsion or ban of playing. Article 37 The decision of the disciplinary board may: • reject the report and stop the procedure, • acquit the accused, • find the accused guilty and pass the sanction. Article 38The disciplinary board rejects the report and stops the procedure if: • it is not competent to make a judgment, • the person submitting the report withdraws it and the management board of the association does not continue the procedure (Article 24), • the accused has already been sanctioned for the same act or was acquitted, • the disciplinary is no longer possible due to the statute of limitations. Article 39 The disciplinary board acquits the accused if: • the act, for which the report was submitted, is not defined as a breach of discipline, • the evidence of circumstances, excluding disciplinary responsibility, is given, • it is not proven the act, for which the disciplinary report was submitted, was committed. Article 40 If the accused is found guilty by the disciplinary board, the board: • declares which kind of breach of discipline has been committed, stating the facts and circumstances indicating a breach of discipline, • adequately indicates the breach of discipline and which provisions of these or any other Regulations of the association have been used, • passes the sanction, • if a penalty is imposed, the disciplinary board sets a reasonable 51 • time limit, which must not be shorter than 15 days, for the payment. If the penalty is not paid within the time limit, the member is expelled from the association, if a ban of playing is imposed, the disciplinary board sets the date the execution of the sanction begins, which is not necessarily the same as the date when the sanction was imposed. IX. Legal means Article 41An appeal may be filed against the decision of the disciplinary board in 15 days after the decision has been served or declared, if a written decision is not required. The council of the association decides about the appeal and its decision is final. Article 42The accused, his advocate or legal representative and the submitter have the right to appeal. Article 43An appeal against warning, public warning or ban of playing does not suspend the execution of the decision. An appeal against penalty or expulsion suspends the execution of the decision. Article 44 An appeal must include: • a quotation of the decision against which the appeal is being made, • reasons and motives for appeal , • a proposal on how the change the contested decision, • a signature. If an appeal is made on the imposed penalty, the member of the association must lodge a security in the amount of the half of the penalty. The security must be lodged within the time limit set in the Article 40, Paragraph 4 otherwise the member is automatically expelled. Article 45The decision of the disciplinary board can be contested for all reason, which could lead to a different decision from the one being contested. The appeal may refer to the act, which was the subject of the submittal, to the qualification of the breach of discipline, to the choice and assessment of the sanction, or to the disciplinary procedure. Article 46An appeal is lodged with the disciplinary board. The disciplinary board discards an incorrect or late appeal and an appeal on a penalty for which a security has not been paid. The disciplinary board hands over an appeal to the council of association. • ew facts or evidence, which may lead to a different decision n or a milder sentence, become known. The resumption of the procedure may be requested in 30 days from the day the reasons from the first paragraph of this Article became known but no later than 1 year after the breach of discipline was committed if the resumption of the procedure would be in perpetrator’s harm, whilst there is no restriction on the resumption of the procedure, which would benefit the perpetrator. The disciplinary board decides on the request for the resumption of the procedure and the board may reject or turn down the request or may allow the resumption. X. Enforcement of sanctions Article 48 Sanctions are implemented when a decision on the imposed sanction cannot be challenged by an appeal (a final decision) or immediately if an appeal does not suspend the implementation. Sanctions, except for a warning, are published in an appropriate manner determined by the disciplinary board. A public warning is published in an appropriate manner determined by the disciplinary board. A financial penalty shall be paid in the time limit, which was set by the disciplinary board when the sanction was imposed. If the penalty is not paid in the time limit is the member of the association expelled. In exceptional cases may the disciplinary board prolong the time limit on the request of the member of the association for no more than a month, especially when the penalty is high and the member gives evidence of financial problems. If the member of the association who was imposed with a financial penalty lodges an appeal, the member shall pay a security (half of amount of the penalty) in the time limit set for the payment of the penalty, otherwise is the member automatically expelled. The payment of the security cannot be deferred as the payment of the penalty. The ban of playing is implemented in the following manner: the association does not register the sanctioned member for competitions during the sanctioning period. The association notifies the Volleyball Federation of Slovenia (federation) about the sanction and requests its help in implementing the sanction. If during the sanctioning period the sanctioned member participates in any kind of competition home or abroad, which requires only personal application (no permission from the association or the federation necessary), such participation is considered as additional severe breach of discipline. The sanction of expulsion is implemented immediately, resulting in the sanctioned member losing all rights arising from being a member of the association as well as benefits arising from having paid all liabilities (for example: participation in trainings, benefits due to membership card, discounts, etc.). The association notifies the federation about the sanction imposed. Article 47 A finally decided disciplinary procedure may be resumed if: • it is proved that the final decision of the disciplinary board was based on false evidence or purgery, 52 53 XI. Statute of limitations Article 49A disciplinary procedure cannot be started if a year has passed from the day the day the breach of discipline has been committed. A sanction passed in a disciplinary procedure cannot be imposed if more than 90 days have passed from the final decision. XII. Costs of the disciplinary procedure Article 50 The costs of the disciplinary board are paid by the association. These costs also include eventual reimbursements of travel costs to persons responding to the invitation of the disciplinary board. The accused covers own costs with reference to the disciplinary procedure. XIII. Concurrent disciplinary procedures Article 51If during the procedure the disciplinary board learns a procedure against the person, against whom a disciplinary procedure has been started, has been introduced before a corresponding body of the Volleyball Federation of Slovenia (federation) or the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB), the disciplinary board may suspend hearing until that body reaches a decision. The disciplinary board may take in to consideration the decision of the body from the previous paragraph or it may come to own decision. XIV. Constitutive meeting Article 52If at least one member is newly elected in the election of the disciplinary board members the board must be first constituted. The first meeting is called by the executive director of the association at the latest when the first report is submitted. At the first meeting the members of the disciplinary board elect one as the president. If during a procedure there is change among the members of the disciplinary board due to elections, the procedure shall be concluded by the old board. The old disciplinary board may also decide to leave the newly elected board to conclude the procedure. XVI. Final provision Article 53These Regulations shall enter into force on the day they will be adoptid by the ACH Volley. 54 55 8.CELOSTNA GRAFIČNA PODOBA ACH VOLLEY / CORPORATE IDENTITY OF ACH VOLLEY DECISION OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD OF TVD PARTIZAN BLED SUBJECT: DISCIPLINARY REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES OF TVD PARTIZAN BLED Due to the change of currency from January 1, 2007, the currency of the existing Disciplinary regulations and procedures, which was adopted by the council of TVD PARTIZAN BLED on November 23, 2002, is changed from SIT into EUR, whereby are the amounts calculated from SIT into EUR according to the currency rate 1 EUR = 239, 64 SIT. Bled, January 1, 2007 56 Executive director TVD Partizan Bled Gregor Humerca President of the Management Board TVD Partizan Bled Rasto Oderlap Pomemben del dolgoročne strategije holdinga ACH, d.d. je tudi njegova družbena odgovornost na področju športa, znotraj katerega se prepletajo in povezujejo v celoto tudi kulturne in humanitarne aktivnosti vezane na športno dejavnost. Sponzorski projekt odbojkarskega moštva ACH Volley ima svojo zgodovino, katere del so zelo odmevni rezultati v slovenskem in evropskem prostoru. Kultura športnega tima se neposredno napaja iz kulture holdinga, zato je tudi celostna grafična podoba moštva prilagojena tej temeljni podstati. Predvsem je zasnovana upoštevaje naravo in nekoliko drugačno komunikacijsko vpetost športnega tima v družbeno okolje. Zato dosega grafična podoba športnega moštva ACH Volley, v odnosu do krovne podobe družbe ACH, d.d., srednjo stopnjo integracije. Na medsebojno povezanost močno nakazuje ime moštva in tipografija črk v logotipu. Ostali grafični elementi pa so zasnovani skladno z naravo športne entitete in odražajo gibanje, športno energijo, eksplozivnost in moč komunikacije, ki člane moštva na igrišču medsebojno tesno povezuje ter hkrati omogoča nedvoumno, premočrtno komunikacijo z navijači ob igrišču in v širši družbeni skupnosti na sploh. An important part of the long-term strategy of holding ACH d.d. is also its social responsibility in the field of sports, in which the cultural and humanitarian activities, bound to sports activity, are also intertwined and connected as a whole. The sponsorship project of volleyball team ACH Volley has its own history, a part of which are very important and well-known results in Slovenia as well as Europe. The culture of the sports team has a direct link with the culture of the holding and therefore is the corporate identity adapted to that, taking in account the nature and a bit different communication integration of a sports team into the society. Therefore has the corporate identity of the sports team ACH Volley, in relation to the main design of the company ACH d.d., reached the medium level of integration. The mutual connection is strongly indicated in the name of the team and the typography of the letters in the logo. Other graphic elements are designed in accordance with the new nature of sports entity, reflecting movement, sports energy, explosiveness and the power of communication, which forms a tight bond among the team members on the court and at the same time enables clear and direct communication with their fans and society in general. 57 8.1 IME MOŠTVA / NAME OF THE TEAM 8.2 ZNAK / LOGO ACH Volley Odbojkarski klub Ljubljana Celovška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana Telefon / Telephone: +386 (0)1/5883/930 Fax: +386 (0)1/5883/935 Web: www.ach-volley.si E-mail: info@ach-volley.si PRIMARNI ZNAK / PRIMARY LOGO Pozitiv barvni znak / Positive color logo SEKUNDARNI ZNAK / SECUNDARY LOGO Pozitiv barvni znak / Positive color logo PRIMARNI ZNAK / PRIMARY LOGO Negativ barvni znak / Negative color logo SEKUNDARNI ZNAK / SECUNDARY LOGO Negativ barvni znak / Negative color logo ČB varianta / Black-white logo Najmanjša dovoljena velikost / The smallest size allowed 58 59 8.3 BARVNI SISTEM / COLOR SYSTEM 8.4 TIPOGRAFIJA / TYPOGRAPHY Myriad Regular ABCČDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSŠTUVZŽQWXY abcčdefghijklmnoprsštuvzžqwxy 1234567890.!?,;:-#$%&’()=* Pantone 281 C Pantone 281 U Pantone 152 C Pantone 152 U Pantone C 100 M 77 Y 0 K 32 C 0 M 50 Y 100 K0 CMYK R 0 G 62 B 126 R 243 G 144 B 29 RGB Myriad Italic ABCČDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSŠTUVZŽQWXY abcčdefghijklmnoprsštuvzžqwxy 1234567890.!?,;:-#$%&’()=* Myriad Light ABCČDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSŠTUVZŽQWXY abcčdefghijklmnoprsštuvzžqwxy 1234567890.!?,;:-#$%&’()=* Myriad Bold ABCČDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSŠTUVZŽQWXY abcčdefghijklmnoprsštuvzžqwxy 1234567890.!?,;:-#$%&’()=* Myriad Black ABCČDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSŠTUVZŽQWXY abcčdefghijklmnoprsštuvzžqwxy 1234567890.!?,;:-#$%&’()=* Myriad Condensed ABCČDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSŠTUVZŽQWXY abcčdefghijklmnoprsštuvzžqwxy 1234567890.!?,;:-#$%&’()=* Myriad Condensed Italic ABCČDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSŠTUVZŽQWXY abcčdefghijklmnoprsštuvzžqwxy 1234567890.!?,;:-#$%&’()=* Myriad Bold Condensed ABCČDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSŠTUVZŽQWXY abcčdefghijklmnoprsštuvzžqwxy 1234567890.!?,;:-#$%&’()=* Myriad Bold Condensed Italic ABCČDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSŠTUVZŽQWXY abcčdefghijklmnoprsštuvzžqwxy 1234567890.!?,;:-#$%&’()=* 60 61 8.5 TISKOVINE / PAPER MATERIAL 8.5.1Pisemska ovojnica - amerikanka / Letter envelope 8.5 TISKOVINE / PAPER MATERIAL 8.5.2 Vizitke / Business cards ACH Volley Celovška 25 1000 Ljubljana Ime Priimek Glavni trener / Head Coach generalni sponzor: Velikost 230 x 110 mm (pomanjšava 40%) / Size 230 x 110 mm (reduction to 40 %) 62 ACH Volley Celovška 25, 1000 Ljubljana t. + 386 4 5305 938, m. + 386 51 111 222 f. + 386 4 5305 939 s. www.ach-volley.si, e. ime.priimek@ach-volley.si Velikost 85 x 55 mm / Size 85 x 55 mm 63 8.5 TISKOVINE / PAPER MATERIAL 8.5.3 Članska izkaznica / Membership card 8.5 TISKOVINE / PAPER MATERIAL 8.5.4 Memorandum / Memorandum ACH Volley, Celovška 25, 1000 Ljubljana t. +386 4 530 59 38, f. +386 4 530 59 39, s. www.ach-volley.si, e. info@ach-volley.si PRVAK POKALA TOP TEAMS 2006/2007; PRVAK SREDNJEEVROPSKE LIGE: 2007/2008, 2006/2007; POKALNI PRVAK SLO: 2007/2008, 2006/2007, 2004/2005, DRŽAVNI PRVAK SLO: 2007/2008, 2006/2007, 2005/2006, 2004/2005, 1999/2000 ID za DDV: SI86827324, MŠ: 5058163, TRR: 02091-0011883250, NLB Prednja stran / Front Hrbtna stran / Back generalni sponzor: Velikost 85 x 55 mm / Size 85 x 55 mm 64 Velikost 210 x 297 mm (pomanjšava 50%) / Size 210 x 297 mm (reduction to 50 %) 65 8.5 TISKOVINE / PAPER MATERIAL 8.5.5 Dopis - primer A / Letter – example A ACH Volley, Celovška 25, 1000 Ljubljana t. +386 4 530 59 38, f. +386 4 530 59 39, s. www.ach-volley.si, e. info@ach-volley.si ACH Volley, Celovška 25, 1000 Ljubljana t. +386 4 530 59 38, f. +386 4 530 59 39, s. www.ach-volley.si, e. info@ach-volley.si ID za DDV: SI86827324, MŠ: 5058163, TRR: 02091-0011883250, NLB ID za DDV: SI86827324, MŠ: 5058163, TRR: 02091-0011883250, NLB PRVAK POKALA TOP TEAMS 2006/2007; PRVAK SREDNJEEVROPSKE LIGE: 2007/2008, 2006/2007; POKALNI PRVAK SLO: 2007/2008, 2006/2007, 2004/2005, DRŽAVNI PRVAK SLO: 2007/2008, 2006/2007, 2005/2006, 2004/2005, 1999/2000 generalni sponzor: Velikost 210 x 297 mm (pomanjšava 50%) / Size 210 x 297 mm (reduction to 50 %) 66 8.5 TISKOVINE / PAPER MATERIAL 8.5.6 Dopis - primer B / Letter – example B PRVAK POKALA TOP TEAMS 2006/2007; PRVAK SREDNJEEVROPSKE LIGE: 2007/2008, 2006/2007; POKALNI PRVAK SLO: 2007/2008, 2006/2007, 2004/2005, DRŽAVNI PRVAK SLO: 2007/2008, 2006/2007, 2005/2006, 2004/2005, 1999/2000 generalni sponzor: Velikost 210 x 297 mm (pomanjšava 50%) / Size 210 x 297 mm (reduction to 50 %) 67 8.5 TISKOVINE / PAPER MATERIAL 8.5.7 Dopis - primer C / Letter – example C 8.6 OZNAČEVANJE / LABELING 8.6.1Zunanje označevanje - zastava / Exterior labeling - flag ACH Volley, Celovška 25, 1000 Ljubljana t. +386 4 530 59 38, f. +386 4 530 59 39, s. www.ach-volley.si, e. info@ach-volley.si ID za DDV: SI86827324, MŠ: 5058163, TRR: 02091-0011883250, NLB PRVAK POKALA TOP TEAMS 2006/2007; PRVAK SREDNJEEVROPSKE LIGE: 2007/2008, 2006/2007; POKALNI PRVAK SLO: 2007/2008, 2006/2007, 2004/2005, DRŽAVNI PRVAK SLO: 2007/2008, 2006/2007, 2005/2006, 2004/2005, 1999/2000 generalni sponzor: Velikost 210 x 297 mm (pomanjšava 50%) / Size 210 x 297 mm (reduction to 50 %) 68 69 8.6 OZNAČEVANJE / LABELING 8.6.2 Notranje označevanje - namizna zastava / Interior labeling – table flag 70 8.6 OZNAČEVANJE / LABELING 8.6.3 Označevanje vozil - kombi, avtobus / Vehicle labeling – van, bus 71 8.6 OZNAČEVANJE / LABELING 8.6.4 Zunanje označevanje - transparenti / Exterior labeling – placards 8.6 OZNAČEVANJE / LABELING 8.6.5 Tekstilna galanterija - tekmovalni dresi / Clothing – jerseys www.ach-volley.si I PR TE DI e m ek V d t KO I! gle VA OL a o PR TIV n i O 9 E en IG AL 00 blj L V H . 2 in Va SKE . 1 O) ) 21 (SL (ITA R Y EY KA E J ne LL LL BO ač . VO O e z :00 OD H OV a s 20 AC TIN m B k ic: Te O EN pn .si to TR vs im ja ent .com ) a d ev e rk Pro ww. pnic y Pa rol w sto (Cit Pet as p v m g w. nic w Ko Ban w stop v Big ša Hi Generalni sponzor: Ponosni pokrovitelji želimo igralcem in strokovnemu vodstvu kluba ACH Volley uspešno sezono 2008/2009! A A T! JA VI NA Medijski sponzor: A A A A Transparent A / Placard A ACH VOLLEY : BEAUVAIS OISE sreda, 10. 12. 2008, ob 20:00, hala Tivoli Transparent B / Placard B Transparent A; velikost 8000 x 3000 mm (pomanjšava na 13%) / Placard A; Size 8000 x 3000 mm (reduction to 13 %) Transparent B; velikost 9400 x 1000 mm (pomanjšava na 11%) / Placard B; Size 9400 x 1000 mm (reduction to 11 %) A A B B B B 73 8.6 OZNAČEVANJE / LABELING 8.6.5 Tekstilna galanterija - trenirka / Clothing – training suit 74 8.6 OZNAČEVANJE / LABELING 8.6.5 Tekstilna galanterija - majice / Clothing – T-shirt Ogrevalna majica / Training T-shirt Ogrevalna majica / Training T-shirt Navijaška majica / T-shirt for fans 75 8.7 PROMOCIJSKE TISKOVINE / PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 8.7.1 Oglas - veliki / Poster – big 8.7 PROMOCIJSKE TISKOVINE / PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 8.7.1 Oglas - mali / Poster - small www.ach-volley.si Ponosni pokrovitelji želimo igralcem in strokovnemu vodstvu kluba ACH Volley uspešno sezono 2008/2009! PR I DI TE JK BO OD Medijski sponzor: Velikost 108 x 150 mm (pomanjšava na 95%) / Size 108 x 150 mm (reduction to 95 %) 76 NA VI V AR ablje SK ni E L na IG ogl E e V H PR d te AL VA km TR AC O KO e EN H V TIV V TI O OL NO LL 21. I! 1 E VO Y . 2 ( 0 S LL L 09 EY O) Te km (IT in as A) e OB z Pro a č 20 n Hi ww w da :0 e ša w ja 0. vs w.v w.e vst to sto ve op pn p n n ic nic tim ic: (C e. ity co .si Pa m Ko Petr rk) Big mp ol Ba as ng Generalni sponzor: JA T! 01_ACHVolley_oglas108x150o.indd 1 3.10.11 16:00 Velikost 52 x 100 mm / Size 52 x 100 mm 77 8.7 PROMOCIJSKE TISKOVINE / PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 8.7.1 Oglas - čestitka / Poster – greeting card AG O! 8.7 PROMOCIJSKE TISKOVINE / PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 8.7.1 Oglas s sponzorji / Poster with sponsors Curabitur justo sapien, consectetur fringilla, pharetra a, congue nec, orci. Donec adipiscing condimentum orci. Aliquam ac diam. Nulla elit tellus, gravida sed, auctor vel, viverra in, neque. Nullam eget odio ac dolor ornare tincidunt. Duis semper, nisl at fermentum viverra, nisl urna iaculis odio, at cursus augue sem eu sapien. Phasellus mattis auctor nunc. Proin tincidunt feugiat mauris. Nam risus nisi. Rem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent rhoncus nisl quis dolor condimentum varius. KE IT ST ALIQUAM ACCUMSAN ISL! Po no vo ralc sni AC ds em po za H V tvu in krov po os ol mo stro ite Sl ka voji ley č štv ko lji 20 ove lne tev es a vne m 08 ni ga na tita u /2 je pr slo m o 00 va va 9. ka ig ČE Nullam eget odio ac dolor ZA ZM www.ach-volley.si Proin erat. Pellentesque diam nulla, tempor non, mattis et, posuere id, nulla. Etiam nulla est, pharetra sit amet, cursus non, consectetur nec, quam. In orci. Generalni sponzor: Medijski sponzor: Phasellus iaculis enim eget arcu. In nec sapi. Proin mollis, massa veluctor euismod. Velikost 230 x 297 mm (pomanjšava na 45%) / Size 230 x 297 mm (reduction to 45 %) Velikost 40 x 20 mm / Size 40 x 20 mm 78 Generalni sponzor: Medijski sponzor: Velikost 108 x 150 mm (pomanjšava na 95%) / Size 108 x 150 mm (reduction to 95 %) 79 8.7 PROMOCIJSKE TISKOVINE / PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 8.7.2 Plakat / Poster 8.7 PROMOCIJSKE TISKOVINE / PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 8.7.3 Vabilo / Invitation www.ach-volley.si Sezona 20XX / 20YY generalni generalni sponzor: sponzor: ACH vabilo 210x100.indd 1 Prednja stran / Front 2/17/09 12:22:04 PM Poštnina plačana pri pošti 4240 Radovljica. Vabimo vas na ogled tekme srednjeevropske lige v odbojki med ACH Volley (SLO) in Xy, ki bo v sobota, XX. mesec 20YY, ob xx.yy uri v športni dvorani SGŠ Radovljica. ALIQUAM ACCUMSAN ISL! Curabitur justo sapien, consectetur fringilla, pharetra a, congue nec, orci. Ut porttitor luctus augue. Aliquam accumsan nisl ut risus. Sed id nisi. Integer sagittis tortor vitae dolor. Donec mattis, est id ornare tristique, mi purus rhoncus neque, id malesuada tortor magna condimentum libero. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque porta. Proin aliquam sem non arcu. Curabitur justo sapien, consectetur fringilla, pharetra a, congue nec, orci. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec dictum lacinia massa. Donec lectus tellus, vulputate vitae, consequat vel, dignissim eget, augue. Onec vitae quam in tellus aliquet vulputate. Phasellus quis libero. Maecenas placerat elit eget purus. Mauris nisl. Donec pretium. Aenean leo nibh, malesuada ut, blandit sit amet, dignissim vel, dui. Cras feugiat, dui non faucibus vehicula, neque massa viverra turpis, ut gravida lorem leo in felis. Suspendisse pharetra, diam vitae elementum ullamcorper, nisl augue ornare justo, in vestibulum urna dui id justo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam gravida sem sit amet neque. Nam consectetur pharetra nulla. Morbi tristique massa vitae ipsum. Donec tristique urna facilisis metus. Etiam mollis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed risus elit, scelerisque quis, ultrices sed, malesuada vel, orci. Fusce bibendum, pede sed dignissim facilisis, ante sapien venenatis arcu, ac aliquet magna ligula in leo. Morbi rhoncus tellus sit amet quam. Aenean enim risus, eleifend ac, adipiscing vel, luctus eu, quam. Morbi tristique massa vitae ipsum. Donec tristique urna facilisis metus. Etiam mollis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed risus elit, scelerisque quis, ultrices sed, malesuada vel, orci. Fusce bibendum, pede sed dignissim facilisis, ante sapien venenatis arcu. Velikost 500 x 700 mm (pomanjšava na 20%) / Size 500 x 700 mm (reduction to 20 %) 80 Vstopnine ni, razveselili pa se bomo vaših dobrodelnih prispevkov za krizni center Kresnička, zatočišče za otroke in mladostnike med 6. in 18. letom. Pridite navijat! ACH Volley Hrbtna stran / Back Velikost 210 x 100 mm (pomanjšava na 50%) / Size 210 x 100 mm (reduction to 50 %) 81 8.7 PROMOCIJSKE TISKOVINE / PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 8.7.4 Sponzorska strategija / Sponsorship strategy 8.7 PROMOCIJSKE TISKOVINE / PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 8.7.5 Bilten / Bulletin Sponzorska strategija in možnosti sponzoriranja odbojkarskega kluba ACH Volley Sezona / Season 2011 / 2012 Telefon / Telephone: + 386 4 530 59 38 Faks / Fax: + 386 4 530 59 39 e-mail: info@ach-volley.si Spletna stran / Website: www.ach-volley.si Korespondenčni naslov / Contact address: Kranjska cesta 4, SI-4240 Radovljica Sezona 2008/2009 Telefon / Telephone: + 386 4 530 59 38 Ovitek / Exterior Faks / Fax: + 386 4 530 59 39 e-mail: info@ach-volley.si 1.2. EGE T LIB ER O Integer nisl. Integer sagittis, elit in sagittis fermentum, nisl felis gravida nunc, congue ullamcorper tellus urna eu diam. Aliquam ullamcorper. Duis neque metus, imperdiet a, sollicitudin non, facilisis a, diam. Nunc sollicitudin facilisis enim. Nam elit metus, euismod nec, condimentum eu, faucibus at, risus. Ut in mi. Nunc scelerisque blandit felis. Nam bibendum massa sit amet tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae lectus. Sed augue. Suspendisse ultricies. Mauris metus sapien, vestibulum ac, accumsan eget, placerat ut, nunc. 1.3. CR A S IN TERDU M Datum Krog Ura MEL 4. Jan 12 MEL 10. Jan 13 x Chemes Humenne-ACH Volley CICL 14. Jan 5 x ACH Volley-Hypo Tirol Innsbruck aon hotVolleys-ACH Volley CICL 21. Jan 17. Jan Prost vikend / Free weekend 6 MEL 31. Jan 15 MEL 7. Feb 16 CICL 11. Feb TOP 12 MEL CICL MEL 14. Feb 17 18. Feb TOP 12 21. Feb 18 x 4. Mar 11. Mar 13. Mar 19.00 Kometa Kaposvar-ACH Volley ACH Volley-MOK Zagreb 19.00 Salonit Anhovo-ACH Volley Prost vikend / Free weekend 1. tekma TOP 6 / 1st match TOP 6 Prost vikend / Free weekend TOP 6 2. tekma TOP 6 / 2nd match TOP 6 12. Mar MEL 20.15 ACH Volley-aon hotVolleys 2. tekma TOP 12 / 2nd match TOP 12 x TOP 6 8. Mar CICL ACH Volley-Trentino Volley 1. tekma TOP 12 / 1st match TOP 12 28. Feb CICL 19.00 20.20 Prost vikend / Free weekend F4 x Finalni turnir / Final Four Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vehicula lacinia orci. Duis ornare suscipit metus. Proin luctus dolor nec ipsum. Nunc eget elit eu tellus rhoncus imperdiet. Donec aliquet eros ut sapien. Aliquam ultrices odio et dolor. Duis consequat ante sed magna. Sed dui leo, aliquet eget, bibendum eu, lobortis id, mi. Nullam non nisi in orci facilisis interdum. Maecenas venenatis tortor id nibh. Nam libero nisl, iaculis nec, suscipit quis, laoreet et, magna. Morbi elementum adipiscing urna. Vivamus lobortis. Donec aliquet, risus eu lobortis suscipit, neque diam dictum felis, sit amet mattis eros dui quis orci. Integer nisl. Integer sagittis, elit in sagittis fermentum, nisl felis gravida nunc, congue ullamcorper tellus urna eu diam. Aliquam ullamcorper. Duis neque metus, imperdiet a, sollicitudin non, facilisis a, diam. Nunc sollicitudin facilisis enim. Nam elit metus, euismod nec, condimentum eu, faucibus at, risus. Ut in mi. Nunc scelerisque blandit felis. Nam bibendum massa sit amet tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae lectus. Sed augue. Suspendisse ultricies. Mauris metus sapien, vestibulum ac, accumsan eget, placerat ut, nunc. Cras 4 Spletna stran / Website: www.ach-volley.si 2. AENEAN VOLUTPAT RISUS EGET LIBERO 2. 1. Oblikovanje: Arnoldvuga+, foto: Fotoagencija BOBO, tisk: Silveco, september 2008 KorespondenËni naslov / Contact address: Kranjska cesta 4, SI-4240 Radovljica Tekmovanja / League: Liga prvakov / Champions League Srednjeevropska liga / Midlle European League Državno prvenstvo Slovenije / National Championship Pokal Slovenije / Slovenian Cup C R A S I NT E RD UM , O D I O NE C E L E I F Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vehicula lacinia orci. Duis ornare suscipit metus. Proin luctus dolor nec ipsum. Nunc eget elit eu tellus rhoncus imperdiet. Donec aliquet eros ut sapien. Aliquam ultrices odio et dolor. Duis consequat ante sed magna. Sed dui leo, aliquet eget, bibendum eu, lobortis id, mi. Nullam non nisi in orci facilisis interdum. Maecenas venenatis tortor id nibh. Nam libero nisl, iaculis nec, suscipit quis, laoreet et, magna. Morbi elementum adipiscing urna. Vivamus lobortis. Donec aliquet, risus eu lobortis suscipit, neque diam dictum felis, sit amet mattis eros dui quis orci. Ovitek / Exterior Integer nisl. Integer sagittis, elit in sagittis fermentum, nisl felis gravida nunc, congue ullamcorper tellus urna eu diam. Aliquam ullamcorper. Duis neque metus, imperdiet a, sollicitudin non, facilisis a, diam. Nunc sollicitudin facilisis enim. Nam elit metus, euismod nec, condimentum eu, faucibus at, risus. Ut in mi. Nunc scelerisque blandit felis. Nam bibendum massa sit amet tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae lectus. Sed augue. Suspendisse ultricies. Mauris metus sapien, vestibulum ac, accumsan eget, placerat ut, nunc. Cras nulla. Nullam non ipsum a massa tincidunt ullamcorper. Nullam faucibus mauris nec sapien. Aenean volutpat risus eget libero. Cras interdum, odio nec eleifend luctus, leo lacus lacinia quam, sit amet vehicula erat ligula eleifend lacus. Integer et risus. Proin nec dui. Vestibulum id nibh. Nunc vehicula diam eget arcu. Vestibulum sed neque. Fusce ante mauris, consectetur ut, porttitor vel, aliquet id, arcu. Vestibulum tempor sem sit amet orci. Nunc ac enim. Nunc convallis arcu nec erat. Vivamus porta lobortis tortor. Aenean id diam nec lorem auctor molestie. Praesent gravida adipiscing nisl. Vestibulum consectetur, felis sed commodo tempus, lectus sapien mattis dolor, id adipiscing eros purus sit amet pede. Sed laoreet ullamcorper est. Quisque dictum, nunc ut mollis porta, lorem nunc accumsan urna, sit amet commodo est velit in diam. Phasellus eu nisl at pede ultricies ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque sollicitudin, erat id hendrerit commodo, massa dolor fringilla arcu, mattis pellentesque risus ante sed nulla. Nulla interdum metus. Donec condimentum sodales justo. Suspendisse felis ipsum, ultricies sed, vehicula vel, accumsan at, justo. Suspendisse in tellus. Suspendisse molestie quam. Donec mollis suscipit massa. Aliquam dapibus. Integer congue pharetra purus. Nullam adipiscing. Quisque diam. Etiam ligula augue, pellentesque nec, scelerisque sit amet, volutpat ac, turpis. Etiam iaculis leo sit amet ipsum. Proin non pede. Pellentesque volutpat ornare sapien. Sed nunc velit, ultricies ut, faucibus eu, rutrum non, lorem. Aliquam metus lacus, venenatis im Suspendisse molestie quam. Donec mollis suscipit massa. Aliquam dapibus. Integer congue pharetra purus. Nullam adipiscing. Quisque diam. Etiam ligula augue, pellentesque nec, scelerisque sit amet, volutpat ac, turpis. Etiam iaculis leo sit amet ipsum. Proin non pede. Pellentesque volutpat ornare sapien. Sed nunc velit, ultricies ut, faucibus eu, rutrum non, lorem. Aliquam metus lacus, venenatis im Suspendisse molestie quam. Donec mollis suscipit massa. Aliquam dapibus. Integer congue pharetra purus. Nullam adipiscing. Quisque diam. Etiam ligula augue, pellentesque nec, scelerisque sit amet, volutpat ac, turpis. Etiam iaculis leo sit amet ipsum. Proin non pede. Pellentesque volutpat ornare sapien. 3 Notranjost / Interior Velikost 210 x 297 mm (pomanjšava na 25%) / Size 210 x 297 mm (reduction to 25 %) 82 Velikost 125 x 248 mm (pomanjšava na 40%) / Size 125 x 248 mm (reduction to 40 %) 83 8.7 PROMOCIJSKE TISKOVINE / PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 8.7.6 Mapa / Folder Datum Krog Date Leg 4. Jan 12 Ura Time MEL MEL 10. Jan 13 x Chemes Humenne-ACH Volley CICL 14. Jan 5 x aon hotVolleys-ACH Volley ACH Volley-Hypo Tirol Innsbruck 17. Jan CICL MEL Integer nisl. Integer sagittis, elit in sagittis fermentum, nisl felis gravida nunc, congue ullamcorper tellus urna eu diam. Aliquam ullamcorper. Duis neque metus, imperdiet a, sollicitudin non, facilisis a, diam. Nunc sollicitudin facilisis enim. Nam elit metus, euismod nec, condimentum eu, faucibus at, risus. Ut in mi. Nunc scelerisque blandit felis. Nam bibendum massa sit amet tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae lectus. Sed augue. Suspendisse ultricies. Mauris metus sapien, vestibulum ac, accumsan eget, placerat ut, nunc. Cras nulla. Nullam non ipsum a massa tincidunt ullamcorper. Nullam faucibus mauris nec sapien. 15 MEL 7. Feb 16 CICL 11. Feb TOP 12 MEL 14. Feb 17 CICL 18. Feb TOP 12 MEL 21. Feb 18 4. Mar 11. Mar generalni sponzor: 19.00 Kometa Kaposvar-ACH Volley 19.00 2. tekma TOP 12 / 2nd match TOP 12 Salonit Anhovo-ACH Volley Prost vikend / Free weekend 1. tekma TOP 6 / 1st match TOP 6 TOP 6 Prost vikend / Free weekend 2. tekma TOP 6 / 2nd match TOP 6 TOP 6 Prost vikend / Free weekend 12. Mar MEL 13. Mar F4 x Finalni turnir / Final Four MEL 14. Mar F4 x Finalni turnir / Final Four x Finalni turnir / Final Four MEL 15. Mar F4 28. Mar CUP Aenean volutpat risus eget libero. Cras interdum, odio nec eleifend luctus, leo lacus lacinia quam, sit amet vehicula erat ligula eleifend lacus. Integer et risus. Proin nec dui. Vestibulum id nibh. Nunc vehicula diam eget arcu. Vestibulum sed neque. Fusce ante mauris, consectetur ut, porttitor vel, aliquet id, arcu. Vestibulum tempor sem sit amet orci. Nunc ac enim. Nunc convallis arcu nec erat. Vivamus porta lobortis tortor. Aenean id diam nec lorem auctor molestie. Praesent gravida adipiscing nisl. Vestibulum consectetur, felis sed commodo tempus, lectus sapien mattis dolor, id adipiscing eros purus sit amet pede. Sed laoreet ullamcorper est. Quisque dictum, nunc ut mollis porta, lorem nunc accumsan urna, sit amet commodo est velit in diam. Phasellus eu nisl at pede ultricies ornare. PS / SC 29. Mar CUP Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque sollicitudin, erat id hendrerit commodo, massa dolor fringilla arcu, mattis pellentesque risus ante sed nulla. Nulla interdum metus. Donec condimentum sodales justo. Suspendisse felis ipsum, ultricies sed, vehicula vel, accumsan at, justo. Suspendisse in tellus. Suspendisse molestie quam. Donec mollis suscipit massa. Aliquam dapibus. Integer congue pharetra purus. Nullam adipiscing. Quisque diam. Etiam ligula augue, pellentesque nec, scelerisque sit amet, volutpat ac, turpis. Etiam iaculis leo sit amet ipsum. Proin non pede. Pellentesque volutpat ornare sapien. Uvodnik / Foreword ACH Volley-aon hotVolleys ACH Volley-MOK Zagreb x 8. Mar CICL 20.15 1. tekma TOP 12 / 1st match TOP 12 28. Feb CICL PS / SC Elementum tellu Pellentesque et tellu x ACH Volley-Trentino Volley Finalni turnir - še ni potrjeno zaradi TV premora Final four-not confirmed because of TV Finalni turnir - še ni potrjeno zaradi TV premora Final four-not confirmed because of TV DP / NC 1. Apr CICL 3. Apr F4 CICL 4. Apr F4 DP / NC 4. Apr 2. tekma 1/4 finala / 2nd match of 1/4 final DP / NC 5. Apr 3. tekma 1/4 finala / 3rd match of 1/4 final DP / NC 8. Apr 1. tekma 1/2 finala / 1st match of 1/2 final 1. tekma 1/4 finala / 1st match of 1/4 final Finalni turnir / Final Four Finalni turnir / Final Four DP / NC 11. Apr DP / NC 12. Apr 3. tekma 1/2 finala / 3st match of 1/2 final DP / NC 15. Apr 1. finalna tekma / 1st final match DP / NC 18. Apr 2. tekma 1/2 finala / 2st match of 1/2 final 2. finalna tekma / 2st final match DP / NC 19. Apr 3. finalna tekma / 3st final match DP / NC 22. Apr 4. finalna tekma / 4st final match DP / NC 25. Apr 5. finalna tekma / 5st final match CICL MEL DP / NC PS / SC ACH Volley TVD PARTIZAN BLED Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vehicula lacinia orci. Duis ornare suscipit metus. Proin luctus dolor nec ipsum. Nunc eget elit eu tellus rhoncus imperdiet. Donec aliquet eros ut sapien. Aliquam ultrices odio et dolor. Duis consequat ante sed magna. Sed dui leo, aliquet eget, bibendum eu, lobortis id, mi. Nullam non nisi in orci facilisis interdum. Maecenas venenatis tortor id nibh. Nam libero nisl, iaculis nec, suscipit quis, laoreet et, magna. Morbi elementum adipiscing urna. Vivamus lobortis. Donec aliquet, risus eu lobortis suscipit, neque diam dictum felis, sit amet mattis eros dui quis orci. 31. Jan 20.20 Prost vikend / Free weekend 6 Prešernova 23, 4260 BLED Telefon: 04/530 59 38 Fax: 04/530 59 39 Web: www.ach-volley.si E-mail: info@ach-volley.si NULLAM FAUCIBUS MAURIS NEC SAPIEN 21. Jan 19.00 Legenda / Legend Liga prvakov / Champions League Srednjeevropska liga / Middle European League Državno prvenstvo / National Championship Pokal Slovenije / Slovenian Cup Zunanjost mape / Exterior 20XX Notranjost / Interior Notranjost mape / Interior Velikost 220 x 305 mm (pomanjšava na 20%) / Size 20 x 305 mm (reduction to 20 %) 84 85 8.7 PROMOCIJSKE TISKOVINE / PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 8.7.8 Navijaški baloni / Balloons foto Bobo Andrej Flajs 8.7 PROMOCIJSKE TISKOVINE / PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 8.7.7 Razglednica / Postcard 1 8.7 PROMOCIJSKE TISKOVINE / PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 8.7.9 Šal / Scarf www.ach-volley.si Prednja stran / Front AvtogramKartice105x148_1.indd 3 Hrbtna stran / Back 11.11.11 12:13 AvtogramKartice105x148_1.indd 2 11.11.11 12:13 8.7 PROMOCIJSKE TISKOVINE / PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 8.7.10Ovratni trak / Band Velikost 105 x 148 mm (pomanjšava na 50%) / Size 105 x 148 mm (reduction to 50 %) 86 87 8.7 PROMOCIJSKE TISKOVINE / PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 8.7.11Sponzorska tabla / Sponsorship board neralni sponzor: generalni sponzor: generalni sponzor: generalni sponzor: generalni sponzor: generalni sponzor: generalni sponzor: generalni sponzor: 8.8 ZNAK ACH VOLLEY JUNIOR / ACH VOLLEY JUNIOR LOGO generalni sponzor: generalni sponzor: generalni sponzor: generalni sponzor: PRIMARNI ZNAK / PRIMARY LOGO Pozitiv barvni znak / Positive color logo 8.7 PROMOCIJSKE TISKOVINE / PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 8.7.12Vrečka / Bag ČB varianta / Black-white logo ZNAK V NEGATIVU / Logo in negative Velikost sponzorske table 588 x 146 mm (pomanjšava na 20%) / Size of the sponsorship board 588 x 146 mm (reduction to 20 %) 88 89 8.8 ZNAK ACH VOLLEY JUNIOR / ACH VOLLEY JUNIOR LOGO ZNAK NA MODRI PODLAGI / Logo on blue surface ZNAK NA ORANŽNI PODLAGI / Logo on orange surface 9. LITERATURA / LITERATURE 1. Bergant Rakočević V., Doping, šport in pravo, 2008 2. Disciplinski pravilnik TVD Partizan Bled, 2002 3. Evropska listina o športu, Svet Evrope, Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport Vlade RS, 1994 4. Etični kodeks atletskih sodnikov Slovenije, Svet atletskih sodnikov, 2001 5. Etični kodeks licenčnih organov, Nogometna zveza Slovenije, 2007 6. Etični kodeks organiziranega prostovoljstva v športu, ŠD GIB Ljubljana, 2006 7. Hoag Glenn, Strategija moštva ACH Volley, 2008 8. Ilešič Marko, Družbeni in pravni vidik športa, Šport in pravo,GV Založba, Ljubljana, 2008 9. Jezeršek J., Uspešne sponzorske strategije, GV založba, Ljubljana, 2007 10. Kodeks etike v športnem strelstvu, Strelska zveza Slovenije, 2007 11. Kodeks Nogometnega kluba Interblok, 2008 12. Kokalj V., Zakon o društvih s komentarjem, GV Založba, Ljubljana, 2006 13. Krevsel Viktor, Vzgoja mladih odbojkarjev, 2002 14. Mihelčič Ivanka, »Identiteta korporacije – osnova njene identifikacije in diferenciacije«, FDV, magistrska naloga, Ljubljana, 2000 15. Nacionalni program športa v Republiki Sloveniji, 2000 16. »Organizacijska kultura ACH, d.d.«, interno gradivo, Ljubljana, 2006 17. Pravila Telovadnega društva Bled, 2007 18. Priročnik celostne grafične podobe ACH, d.d., Ljubljana, 2007 19. Smrdu Maja, Pinter Stanislav, Hosta Milan, Športna morala, Zavod za fair play in strpnost v športu, Ljubljana 2005 20. Wooden John, Jay Carty, Coach Wooden's Pyramid of Success, Regal Books, 2005 Vodnik skozi kulturo ACH Volley / Guide through the culture of ACH Volley www.ach-volley.si
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