Reference : Biol. Bull., 153 : 219—227. (August, AGGLUTININS AND PLANORBIDAE LYSINS 1977) IN THE : A SURVEY MASSES, AND OF ALBUMEN-GLAND E. H. MICHELSON Boston, Substances The naturally function wilich agglutinate in the heniolympii of tilese substances FAMILY Harvard Massachusetts EGG EXTRACTS AND LORIN De/,art@nent of Tropical Public Health, occur MOLLUSCAN HEMOLYMPH, DUBOIS Sc/tool of Public Health, 02115 or lyse human and other nianinialian and in extracts from various has not been determined erythrocytes tissues of molluscs. ; however, Prokop and his associates ( 1968a, b) assume that they play a role in the defense mechanisms of and gastropods agglutinins coined tile have been detected species of Planorbidae and Boyd, term “¿protectin―. Pemberton in nearly 80 species ( 1974) of gastropods, noted including ( Boyd, Brown, and Boyd, 1966 ; Brown, Aimodovar, 1968 ; Gilbertson and Etges, 1967 ; Lee-Potter, that some Bhatia, 1969 ; Pemberton, 1971; Rudolph,1973). Gilbertson and Etges (1967) observed differences in tile distribution of henio lymph hemaggiutinins in species and strains of Bioniphalaria and suggested that these substances might be of value in differentiating populations of planorbids. In view of the limited number of strains employed in their study, Giibertson and Etges' suggestion requires further evaluation. In fact, Pemberton ( 1974, p. 104) reviewed the literature on variation in terrestrial gastropods and concluded that, “¿Thereis, however, no current evidence that agglutinin content and specificity are of taxonomic value at species level.― In the present study, an effort was made to assess hotil interspecific and inter population differences in members of tile Faniily Planorbidae with respect to tile presence and specificity of agglutinins and lysins. Extracts of albumen glands and egg-masses, as well as heniolymph, were tested species and 4 genera of Pianorbidae. MATERIALS AND froni 31 strains representing 8 METHODS Snails were reared and maintained at 26 ± 1 °C in 1.5, 5, or 10 gallon aquaria and fed romaine lettuce. Tile water was aerated and filtered, and the snails were exposed to fluorescent geographic Preparation Snail light for 12 hr daily. Species and strains of snails, their origins and date of collection are listed in Table I. of samples hemolyniph samples were obtained by nietilods previously described ( Michelson, 1966), and each sample representeda pool of hemolymphfrom 4—8snails ( 12—15mm in diameter). To prepare egg extracts, egg-masses were removed from sheets of plastic film which had been placed previously in stock aquaria. No effort was made to separate 219 220 E. H. MICHELSON the masses with in distilled They respect water, AND L. DUBOIS to age or stage blotted were then placed on paper of developnient. toweling, in a tissue-grinder The masses and weighed were rinsed on a niicro-balance. and 5.5 p.1 of 0.85% saline added for each milligram of egg-mass. The contents were honiogenized by hand for approxi mately 5 nun, then centrifuged at 300 g for 5 nun, and the supernate used as the test-sample. To prepare mature albumen-gland snails grinder containing was centrifuged Serial made per x g for dilutions plates in 0.85% 5 mm, and the of test-material (Cooke Engineering were and removed from homogenized of tissue. supernate equal volume were Co., phosphate-buffered An glands , weighed, in 5—10 a tissue The honiogenate used as the test-sample. tests doubling well. albumen in diameter) 25 p.1of 0.85% saline per milligram at 300 Heniagglutination Microtiter® extracts, ( 12—15 mm saline of a 2% prepared Alexandria, (pH 7.2) human in U-bottom Virginia). at a final volume red-blood cell wells Dilutions of were of 0.25 nil suspension was then added, the plates were covered, mixed on a mechanical shaker, and allowed to sit undisturbed for one hr at 27° C or overnight at 4° C. Control wells contained only the diluent and red-blood cells. Unless otherwise noted, a minimum of three different samples of each extract or hemolymph was tested for every snail strain. Test sanipies were used within one hour of preparation. Studies, comparing agglutinins and lysins contained in the hemolymph and extracts from various species erythrocytes from the same ability in the receptor-cells, from either members Transfusion Center and of the contained six donors. fifteen 0-type ploying albumen-gland Since henio!ymph various strains variability in the survey from of Medical obtained glands from single donor. albumen-gland and S-3) agglutinins extracts were donor. and limited of the Boston, cells of the In of the S-3 strain of heinolymph A preliminary properties Public Center, individuals snails a single ten snails Characteristics Tropical were A1, subjected dialysis against TrisHCL and 0 Health or from the This used strain addition, extracts tested strain. of of the Consequently, and from tested against against em the degree of of B. glabrata was individually were of snails to determine of a particular 5-3 in tests individual A1-type ten A1-type albumen cells from a and tissue extracts effort was madle to characterize contained and B, Massachusetts. subsequently study, it was necessary occur among twenty-nine from utilized To test for the possible van of erythrocytes were obtained samples from twelve A1, four A2, three A1B, The snails of the CB strain of H. t-aribaeum cells Planorbidae, donors. samples extracts froni seven strains of B. glabrata. and tissue extracts were pooled fnoni series that might hemolymph of Department of the Children's collection of erythnocytes B, and strains series of three forty different egg to heat extracts in hemolymph from inactivation two and the physicochemical tissue strains at 56° C and of extracts. B. glabrata Thus, ( B-i 80° C for one hr; buffer (pH 7.8) for 24 hr ; freezing at —¿20° C for up AGGLUTININS AND LYSINS IN PLANORBIDAE 221 TABLE I Geographic Species origins of snail species and strains. and strains Origin Biomphalaria glabrata PR-i PR-2 PR-2' PR/B' and date of colonization Puerto Rico, March 1954 Rio de Ia Plata, Puerto Rico, December 1957 Strain derived from single egg of a PR-2 snail, April 1959 Puerto Rican/Brazilian hybrid, March 1966 B-i Catinga do Moura, Bahia, Brazil, June 1964 B-2 S-3 BH* G-i G-2 Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, June 1964 Lake Amaralina, Salvador, Brazil, July 1964 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerias, Brazil, July 1964 Fazenda Graviel, Castro Alves, Bahia, Brazil, June 1974 Fazenda Graviel, Castro Alves, Bahia, Brazil, June 1974 G-3 Fazenda Graviel, Castro Alves, Bahia, Brazil, June 1974 M-1 RS-1 RS-2 RS-3 RS-8 Fazenda Morro June 1974 Fazenda Riacho Fazenda Riacho Fazenda Riacho Fazenda Riacho St.L. Cul de Sac Valley, Castries, St. Lucia, March 1969 Biomphakiria siraminea Helisoma caribaeum 257 CH DB CB B Helisoma anceps H' (pigmented and albino) GB Bulinus trunealus E-1 E-2 do Afonso, Castro Alves, Bahia, Brazil, Seco, Seco, Seco, Seco, Castro Castro Castro Castro Alves, Alves, Alves, Alves, Bahia, Bahia, Bahia, Bahia, Brazil, Brazil, Brazil, Brazil, June June June June 1974 1974 1974 1974 Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, May 1964 Capella Viaja, Puerto Rico, July 1959 San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 1970 Dos Bocas, Puerto Rico, July 1959 Castle Burke, St. Croix, Virgin Islands, August 1959 Bogota, Colombia, December 1970 (?) Strain originated from tropical fish aquarium, September 1954 Grand Bahama Island, June 1970 Egypt, June 1957 Liberian Institute (? Egypt), December 1963 Bulinus globosus N-i SA-15 Polypylis S Albino Nigeria, August 1972 South Africa, November 1965 hemisphaerula Liu Ying, so treated were extracts. In addition, albumen-gland titered extracts 0.1 M concentrations A1 cells. D-Galactosamine, tose, Taiwan, June 1963 strain. to one yr ; and repeated employing Tainen, freezing and thawing against attempts of various strains sugars in 0.85% used in this series a-D ( + ) Fucose, a-D ( + ) Glucose, and compared a-Lactose, times. Extracts to freshly prepared were made to block the agglutinating from B-i and PR-2' Sugars for ten consecutive A1 erythrocytes activity of by incorporating saline in hemagglutination of tests L( —¿ ) Fucose, D ( + ) Maltose, of B. glabrata tests were as follows : N-Acetyi D( + ) Galacto@e, $-D( —¿ ) Fruc D ( + ) Mannose, L ( —¿ ) Sorbose, and Sucrose. These sugars were used also in attempts to block the agglutination of A1, B, and 0 erythrocytes by henlolymph from H. caribaeu,n (CB). 222 E. H. MICHELSON AND L. DUBOIS RESULTS Survey of strains and species Egg extracts. Agglutinins for omietype or another of hunian erythrocytes were detected in egg extracts from all seventeen strains of B. glabrata (Table II). The specificity of the reactions allowed a grouping of the strains into two categories: those whose agglutinins reacted only against A-type cells (B-2, 5-3, BH, G-3, St.L) , and those whose agglutinins reacted against both A- and B-type cells. The type of reaction observed did not appear to be correlated with albinism. Undiluted saniples from strains B-i and RS-2 agglutinated 0-type cells ; how ever, for practical purposes, reactions initiated by undiluted samples may be ignored. B. stralninea agglutinated only A-type cells. Except for extracts froni the albino varient of H. anceps ( H' ) and from the E-2 strain of B. truncatus, in which undiluted samples agglutinated A-type cells and Aand B-type cells, respectively, agglutinins were not detected in the samples from the other strains and species. Albumen-gland extracts. Albunien-gland extracts were prepared from all geographic strains of B. glabrata except the G-1 strain. Again, the reactions permitted the grouping of snails into two categories (Table II I ) ; those which react solely with A-type cells and those which react with both A- and B-type cells. The PR-i strain showed slight reaction ( 1 : 4) in sonic samples, but not all, with 0-type cells. Concentrated extracts of two strains gave evidence of lysis, but extracts of others did not. TABLE Agglutinins titerAzB0Biomphalaria Species II detected in extracts of egg-masses from Biomphalaria strains and species. specificity and maximum and strainsRBC glabrataPR-i16320PR-264640PR-2'32640PR/B3280B-i256641B-232005-36400BH6400G-18160G-28160G-31600M-i16160RS-i16160RS-2 straminea6400 AGGLUTININS AND LYSINS TABLE IN PLANORBIDAE 223 III Agglutinins detected in extracts of albumen-glands front strains of Biomphalaria glabrata. titerA@B0PR-i32324PR-21616nd*PR-2'16160PR/B3210B-i1640B-23200S-312800BH3200G-1ndridndG-216160G-31640M-i8320RS-18*8*RS-28160RS-3880RS-84ndSt.L specificity and maximum StrainsRBC * nd ** = not done. Signifies lysis Extracts in undiluted sample. were prepared no agglutinins were from three strains of H. caribaeuin detected. the use of albumen-gland were negative. The size (4—5 mm) (257, CB, B), but of Polypylis All tests Hemoiyinph. Agglutinins were detected in the llemolyml)il from strains of B. glabrata (5-3, BH, G-2, G-3, M-i, B-2), and all had titers only six less than 1 : 8 except for the fronl 5-3 strain strains and a whole snail extract precluded was used. hemoiymph extracts small ( 1 : 32) S-3, BH, . and A-type cells B-2 ; whereas, only were hemloynlph agglutinated from by strains G-2, G-3, M-i was reactive only against 0-type cells. The S-3 strain gave higher titers at 4°C than at 27°C ; titers for other strains were higher at 27°C. It is of interest that no Puerto Rican strain exhibited agglutinins, an observation first noted by Gilbertson and Etges (1967) . Lysins were found in the hemolymph of all strains at either 4°or 27° C. Titers were generally low and rarely exceeded 1 : 2 in tests conducted lysins were at 27° C and nonspecific and Agglutinins in high titer Strain 257 of H. caribaeu;n freshwater Tile agglutinins, of cells. Lysins titers were higller with all the highest however, were observed slightly up to 1 : 16 in samples cell tested at 4° C. The types. were detected in six strains of Helisonia (Table IV). had titers up to 1 : 2048, the highest observed in any snail and possibly thus far. only reacted than showed hemolymph no specificity in all strains those titer for any snail studied and reacted with all types except CH, B, and GB, and their of Bioinphalaria. In the genus Bulinus, only a South African strain of B. globosus gave evidence of having agglutinins. The titers were low and never exceeded 1 : 4. 224 E. H. MICHELSON AND L. DUBOIS TABLE IV Agglutinins in the hemolymph of Helisonia species and strains titerAtB0Helisoina (27° C). specificity and maximum Species and strainsRBC caribaeum 257 CH 64 0 32 0 CB 256 256 32 B 512 256 32 DB Helisoma anceps H' (pigmented) GB2048 Variability of receptor Some when frolii variability studies reacted 16 8 0 cells was tested against the pools used 16 16 0256 16 32 0256 H' (albino) 8 0 detected in the response cells obtained in the survey in a similar (titer) from a variety of species and nianner, of albumen-gland of donors (Table strains ; however, and the results of both studies extracts V) and those strains in both were comparable. Those strains that were reactive to A cells alone remained so, as did those which previously showed reactivity to both A- and B-type cells. No reactions were noted with 0-type cells at titers greater than 1 : 1. Although the number of A1B and A2 donors was limited, it was all strains aggluinated either not agglutinated Variability of extracts Although individuals observed from the material or reacted only and heinoly;nph differences in titer were at very from individual 5-3 snails, all snails strating the presence of agglutinins. low titers, from individual observed of CB strain of H. caribaeunr on the other mean some titer of 1 : 45.3. samples showing were negative. aniong Neither heat inactivation extracts from less than 1 : 4. samples from snails heniolyniph of the albumen-glands in both groups responded uniformly in demon In the Helisoma saniples, all tests showed hand, Heniolyniph the presence Preliin mary cliaracterization appeared Extracts that A2-type cells were usually and in extracts titers of 1 : 256, which was as far as the material albumen-glands, available A1B cells at titers from 1 : 8 to 1 : 64. ranged from samples from of agglutinins was diluted. i : 8 to 1 : i28 5-3 snails were (up to 1 : 64), Titers with from the a geometric highly variable, whereas others of agglu tinins at 56° C, dialysis, to effect the agglutinating frozen for up to three months nor repeated! activity of egg or at —¿20°C showed freezing and thawing albunien-gland extracts. no loss of reactivity and those frozen for one year only showed a loss of one titer. A remarkable difference was noted in the response of Helisoina hemolyniph and AGGLUTININS Biomphalaria albumen-gland AND LYSINS extract IN PLANORBIDAE to the presence of various 225 sugars in the test system. N-Acetyl-D-Galactosamine effectively blocked agglutination of A1-, B-, and 0-type cells by Helisonta ilemolymph, whereas the other sugars had no effect. On the other hand, N-Acetyl-D-Galactosaniine had no effect on albumen-gland extracts fronl strains of B. glabrata. Albumen-gland extracts were markedly inhibited by a-D( + ) Fucose, a-L( —¿ ) Fucose, @-D(—¿ ) Fructose, D( + ) Mannose, L( —¿ ) Sorbose, D( + ) Maltose, a-D ( + )Glucose, and Sucrose. Partial inhibition was exerted by D ( + ) Galactose and a-Lactose. DiscussIoN Hemaggiutinins and present in members between genera hemolysins of the and species for family as well human Pianorbidae, as between erythrocytes and are differences populations of a single not uniformly were observed species. Tile ability to detect these substances depends, in part, on the selection of the saniple to be tested, and variations were noted between hemolymph, albumen-gland extracts, and extracts of egg-masses. Thus, lysins were found pniniarily in hemolynipll samples, rarely in albumen-gland extracts, and never in egg-mass extracts. When hemolynipil served as the test sample, agglutinins were detected in oniy 6 of the 17 B. glabrata populations ; however, all populations exhibited agglutinins in egg and albumen-gland extracts. If one assumes that the albumen-gland is the source of agglutinins and tilat these substances are sequestered into developing eggs, as well as disseminated into the surrounding hemolymph, then this apparently erratic distribution can be explained. Failure to identify aggiutinins in the hemolymph of some populations could be due to “¿spill-over― concentrations too low to detect TABLE V Agglulinins detected in extracts of albumen-glands from strains of Biomphalaria glabrata : summary of trials employing RBC's from various donors. titer'AiB0BH27.8 specificity and mean StrainsRBC (15)PR/B26.5 (10)― (6) 8—640 (15)5-346.7 (11) 4—1285.0 (11) 16—2560 (13)PR-2'20.7 (15)G-28.7 (8) 0—1B-i19.0 * Geometric Numbers mean in brackets (6) 2—80 (6) 0—20 and (6) 8—i2812.7 (8) 4—3212.7 0—2B-247.8 ** 0-10 4—320 (6) 4—320 (11) (4) 8-2560 (8) 0—10 (6) 8—645.7 2—320 range. equals isumber of donors tested. (15) (12) (15) 0-1 226 E. H. MICHELSON by the techniques either eniployed. egg or albumen-gland AND L. DUBOIS On the other hand, agglutinins extracts of any of the species were not found in of Helisonia. However, agglutinins were detected in the heniolyniph of some strains and species and at very high titers. This suggests that the origin of the agglutinins in Helisonta may be different from those of Bioinphalaria. The lack of specificity agglutinins also distinguishes theni from those of Biomphalaria. the results of the inhibition studies are considered, differences tinins of the two genera effectively lana. blocks become patently Helisoma Likewise, agglutinins, of the hemolyniph Moreover, when between the agglu apparent ; N-Acetyl-D-Galactosaniine but has no effect on those those sugars which inhibited Bioniphalaria froni Bio@npha agglutinins failed to be effective against agglutinins froni Helisoina. Although the limited number of species and strains of Bulinus and Polyp ylis tested prevents a definitive evaluation of these genera, it appears likely that both groups noted lack agglutinins some reactivity cells were employed, of agglutinating specific for human with extracts Gilbertson 0-type cells. (1967) lack Our data appears either A or 0-type cells reported specificity Brown truncatus when of some Bulinus nianimalian and Etges of Bioniphalaria erythrocytes. Bitlinus and the heniolymph nonhuman lymph from (Rudolph, reacted to contradict theirs found in the henio identically against in that reactions Techniques that the A, B, occurred cells, but not with both and not at all with B-type differed observed account differences for the differences are due cells to test eniployed, observed. to variability of the It niay be erythrocytes obtained from different donors, but this does not agree with our should be noted, that the present study indicated that Biomphalaria experience. hemolyniph a poor alone source paring of agglutinins, species The could present study be segregated those could variable, and not suitable for that lends be made support to the thesis that tool in characterizing snail of freshwater snail species. as a source of agglutinins, into two major reacted with employing cability for this in the test-system tion. both data groups—those A- and B-type on heniolymph which cells. lysins lectins populations When egg populations and reacted Further (agglutinins with sor Augusto Sherlock Hoff, We wish to also offer our thanks Harvard-Wellconie Mascarenhas of the Nucleo Project, of the Federal de Pesquisas Salvador, University of the Ministry and A-type cells characterization and agglutinins. purpose of nonhuman erythrocytes and remains to be explored and niay contribute ( #275—0045). Rodney corn and aiding in the or albumen-gland of B. glabrata The appli enzynie altered cells to further differentia This study was funded, in part. by a grant from The Edna McConnell Foundation It is and strains. lysins) niay be a valuable taxonomic discriniination extracts were employed and extremely and with since Gilbertson our S-3 and B-2 in the type of hemoagglutination but this alone does not necessarily suggested capable i973). the exclusion of A. These differences are not easily explained, and Etges' snail strains froni Bahia, Brazil were derived from colonies. niodified species appear that the agglutinins and et al. (1968) enzynie to Drs. Kenneth Brazil ; to Rector Clark Mott Profes of Bahia ; and to Dr. Italo of Health for their aid and AGGLUTININS assistance AND LYSINS IN PLANORBIDAE 227 in the collection of snail samples from Bahia, Brazil. indebted to Dr. Sherwin Massachusetts Kevy for numerous of the Children's Hospital We are, likewise, Medical Center, Boston, samples of RBC's. SUMMARY 1. Thirty-one strains representing family Planorbidae ysins. Extracts were surveyed prepared eight species and four genera of the molluscan for the presence from albumen-glands of heniagglutinins and egg-masses, lymph, were assayed by a niicro-heniagglutination erythrocytes were used as receptors. 2. Hemagglutinins and hemolysins present in all members in part, on the material technique in for human erythrocytes of the family and detection of these and heniol as we!! as hemo which human were not uniformily substances depended, tested. 3. Neither heating to 56° C, dialysis, storage at —¿20°C for up to a year, nor repeated freezing and thawing appeared to effect the agglutinating activity of egg or albumen-gland extracts. 4. Inhibition of the agglutinating activity of Helisoina hemolyniph could be accomplished with N-Acetyl-D-Galactosamine, but this sugar had no effect on the activity of Bioniplialaria agglutinins. 5. There is evidence to suggest that the source and nature of agglutinins from Helisonra and Bioniphalaria species are different. 6. Lectins may be of some value in characterizing aid in the taxonomic discrimination of species. LITERATURE snail populations and as an CITED Boyn, W. C., R. BROWN, AND L. G. BOYD, 1966. Agglutinins for human erythrocytes iusks. J. linmunol., 96 : 301—303. BROWN, R., L. R. ALMODOVAR, H. M. BHATIA, AND W. C. BOYD, 1968. Blood group in mol specific agglutinins in invertebrates. J. Iminunol., 100: 214—216. GILBERTSON, D. E., AND F. J. ETGES, 1967. Haemagglutinins snails. Ann. Trop. 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