Bunkers M. J., J. W. Zeitler, and D. T. Lindsey, 2013: Sample paper title. Extended Abstract, 38th Natl. Wea. Assoc. Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC, 2.1. 2.1 Sample Paper Title MATTHEW J. BUNKERS NOAA/National Weather Service, Rapid City, South Dakota JON W. ZEITLER NOAA/National Weather Service, New Braunfels, Texas DANIEL T. LINDSEY Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, Fort Collins, Colorado ABSTRACT Keep this short and to the point. Strive for one paragraph; the abstract should never be longer than two paragraphs. The final version submitted should be in PDF format with file size less than 3 MB. Manuscripts must be formatted with 2.54-cm (1 in) margins on all sides. Please use 12 point Times New Roman font for the main text and 10 point Times New Roman font for the figure captions, table text and captions, and the reference list. Place the text in newspaper-style columns with a 0.635 cm (0.25 in) space between columns. The boldfaced session/paper number should appear to the left of the Title. In the example above, this paper is in the third session, first presentation (i.e., 2.1). A poster would have a “P” preceding the session and paper number, e.g., P2.1. This should be provided by the annual meeting committee (or can be requested from them). _______________ 1. Introduction Discuss prior research relevant to your paper, state the problem or problems that still exist, and discuss how you plan to solve the putative problem(s). Citations should be chronological and not alphabetical (i.e., Davies-Jones 1984, 1986; Bunkers et al. 2000); however, the reference list at the end of the paper should be alphabetical. Markowski’s (2002) review paper is rich with references, so you can consult this for general guidance. Notice how commas and semicolons were used—and not used—in the above citations. Please use serial commas to reduce ambiguity. For example: satellite, radar, and surface observations. Also, use two spaces between sentences. Cite figures chronologically. Always abbreviate figures (e.g., Fig. 1) unless they begin a sentence. Figure 2 is an example of an appropriate figure. Moreover, figures should be placed near the relevant text in the paper and not at the end. Detailed figures or tables can span the width of both columns (i.e., the entire page), but still adhere to the 2.54 cm (1 in) outside margins. Fully justified paragraphs also are preferred. __________ Corresponding author address: Dr. Matthew J. Bunkers, National Weather Service, 300 East Signal Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701-3800 E-mail: matthew.bunkers@noaa.gov when citing tables, but do include them near relevant text in the paper (Table 1). Note that only the first word of this section was capitalized. Table 1. Put the table caption above the table. Table captions can be single spaced. Figure 1. Put figure captions below each figure. Figure captions can be single spaced. Figures should be clearly legible with the font sufficiently large enough so you can read it. Include distance scales and north arrows when needed, such as in this case. Similar figures can have the same number but different letters (e.g., Figs. 1a, 1b, and 1c). OUN, 5/30/04 BIS, 6/24/02 TFX, 8/6/02 Bulk0–8km SRW8km MLBRN 30.8 m s-1 22.6 m s-1 40 21.5 m s-1 6.7 m s-1 18 43.1 m s-1 24.8 m s-1 7 MLLCL MLCAPE MLCIN SRH0–3km 1272 m 2214 J kg-1 64 J kg-1 256 m2 s-2 1167 m 2483 J kg-1 9 J kg-1 341 m2 s-2 1258 m 719 J kg-1 127 J kg-1 274 m2 s-2 3. Analysis This should be the meat of your paper. Adhere to SI units whenever possible with English units in parenthesis (refer to the examples in the abstract). Define all nonstandard acronyms when they first appear, and then stick with the acronym thereafter. a. Evidence of supercells on Mars Subsections should be italicized and lettered as shown here. Use the same tab as in previous sections. 1) THE 1800 UTC 29 SEPTEMBER 1969 Figure 2. Radar reflectivity at 0012 UTC 30 October 2000 for the lowest four elevation angles (as annotated) from Molokai, HI (PHMO). The heights AGL of the storm centroid at each progressive angle are 687, 1751, 2738, and 3662 m (2254, 5744, 8982, and 12011 ft, respectively). A small yellow fiducial mark is indicated on each frame to illustrate midlevel overhang. The distance across an individual frame is 102 km (55 n mi). EVENT You can have sub-subsections. The headings are in small caps, and are indented as shown above. Dates throughout the paper should follow the format in this heading (i.e., hour UTC day month year). 4. Discussion 2. Data collection and methods A discussion section is an option, or you alternatively could have an “Analysis and A section, or sections, on data collection and methods is customary. Never abbreviate 2 discussion section.” There is no hard and fast rule on this. 5. Conclusions Cut to the point in the conclusions. Just a restatement of findings is not the same as conclusions. A bulleted list is preferred here; please see Geerts (1999) for a discussion. Speculation should be kept at a minimum. Acknowledgements. Remember to thank people who helped you! REFERENCES Bunkers, M. J., B. A. Klimowski, J. W. Zeitler, R. L. Thompson, and M. L. Weisman, 2000: Predicting supercell motion using a new hodograph technique. Wea. Forecasting, 15, 61–79. Davies-Jones, R., 1984: Streamwise vorticity: The origin of updraft rotation in supercell storms. J. Atmos. Sci., 41, 2991–3006. Davies-Jones, R., 1986: Tornado dynamics. Thunderstorm Morphology and Dynamics, E. Kessler, Ed., University of Oklahoma Press, 197– 236. Geerts, B., 1999: Trends in atmospheric science journals: A reader’s perspective. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 80, 639651. Markowski, P. M., 2002: Hook echoes and rear-flank downdrafts: A review. Mon. Wea. Rev., 130, 852–876. 3
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