(iiA.A- REPORT ON SAMPLE CENSUS " AGRICULTURE OF GHANA, 1984 VOLUME I it ECONOMIC RESEARCH AND PLANNING SERVICE MINISTRY OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Acc raDecem be r .198 6 a -) Athnini s t -rat ve. to .3 : 4 I C cn x3 D U !r, G r ' i a c.ri sib ill 2 v at :j.. 7'7_11J1 c 1, t T 5-12 7T 5 2.1 Int cluct, jon Sampl. 2, 3 S A 2, 5 The C en s 1A.P, C:uestionnaire3 2,6 T- 0 P. r: A C 4 on q-10 2R4 2.; 9 es 2 , ? I'reraratory uf Eri "". iza era o 11-12 To '2 . • T T f" 1 S 3 3 d introduction 2 111't'aral E r)u eho d 4 Fa ra For,. ehol 5 Head of Rou3Phol I ° Hain ( First ) Parcel 3,9 Field _r ,''+ 3 3 6 Agri cult 3 Holding md 11 Year 1A or S 's Q.11 S -) -r 1.4-15 I on 4 .2 IuI L. f Holders _ 4.3 Lolders and Crops Grown 4.4 N tuber. and Size of Holdings 4, 5 Ivr ibex of Farms (Parcels) 5. AREA UDDER CR.OJ S 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Cer eals 5m3 toot C O 3.r o 5,4 Du_l.se an.C. 5 + Nuts 5 1egetabie _° 5.6 Tree Crops and among Duration Crops 6. COM2.ARI S7 O OF ESTIMATES WF 197 0 AND 1984 CENSUSES 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Holders and Holdings 6.3 Crops 11 ST OF TA3LEa 1,1 Regional Staff Used for Census Enumeration on ® I List of Resulting Strata 2 2 Number of Sample Enumeration Areas by Region Frequency Distribution of Number of °D str! cts N -i NuI Nr of HA.s C ontained. 4.20 :umber of Holders by Region nd District 2,3 • 4.391 Number D.f Holders Growing Maize and PJce 4,3m 2 Number f Holders Millet andGuinea Corn Csnent (9021 t's= List of Tables (ente 4933 Number of Holders Growing Cassava, Yam and Cocoyam 4.3.4 Number of Holders Growing Plantain, Tomatoes 4..4.1 21-22 and Pepper 23_24 Size Distribution of Holdings in Ghana 25 4.4,2 Size Distribution of Holdings 26 Western Region 4.4.3 Size Distribution of Holdings Central Region 4,4.4 Size Distribution. of Holdings Greater 27 Accra Region 4.4.5 Size Distribution of Holdings - Eastern 27 Region 4.4, 6 Size Distribution of Ho l d i ngs Region Volta 4.4,7 Size Distribution of Holdings - Ashanti. 27 - 28 28 Region 4.4-8 Size Distribution-of Holdings - Broug Ahafo Region 28 _ 4,4.9 Size Distribution of Holdings - Northern Region • 4.4.10 Size Distribution of Holdings - Upper West Region 291 29 4.4.11 Size Distribution of Holdings - Upper East Region 4.4,12 Percentage Size:Distribution of Holdings by Region 4,4.13 Size of Holdings by Number of Farms in Holding by Region 30 31 4.5a Number of Farms by District 32 - 34 4.5.2 Percentage Distribution of. No. of Holders with Different No. of Farms 34 5.2.1. Area of Maize by District and by Type of Planting 36-38 5.2.2 Total Maize Area by Region Jo 5.2.3 Percentage of Holders Growing Maize and Area per Holder by District 39 - 40 i E d _ ' •' k i 5.2.4 5.25 71 t JYl 3 Area o f Race by Dis trict and Type of . Planting 4l,4. m of olders Growing Rice and Area per Holder by District 4 2W,+, 5.2,6 Area of Guinea Corn by District, and by Type of 21a n wing] 527 Percentage of Holders Growing Guinea 0obn azad Area Per Holder by District 444 528 Area of Millet by District and by Planting Type 454. 529 Percentage of Holders Growing millet and Area per Holder by D strict 46 53 Area under Cassava by District and Ty e p by'; `1 tinting 47-x4 5.3.2 Total. Cassava Area by Reg Ion 49 5.3.3 Percentage of Holders Growing Cassava and Area Per folder 49-5 5.34 Area Under Ya Type 5.3.5 Percentage of by District and by Planting Holders Growing e.4. aw-an Area per Holder 5,3.6 537 Area Under 7 5l5 53-5 Cocoyam by DlstrLC t and. by an4fi g Tyre Percentage of 55 : : olders Growing Coco `arn and Area Per Bolder 5.4.1 542 Area Under Groundnuts by District and b Planting Type ^5 Holders Growing &roundnuts and Area per Holder 5.4..3 Area Under Beans by District and by Planting T"T' pc 59 544 Holders Growing Beane and Area per Holder 60 5.4 Araa Under Bambara Beans by District and by Planting T yp e 61 I 5 4 6 Holders Growing jawbara Beans and Area per Holder 61 5 5 L Area Under Tomat o es by Reg on and ' by. Planting Type .62 552 £^ : Holders Growing Tomatoes and Area Pr-,:r -raider INTI.1.()D.UOTI 1,1, Bpckgypun It is thought deuirable to giv a briet outIit f thshatorw the colletion, aalysia and publication of agrl_cltural statim tica in Ghana. in as far aa it t relevant to the planning ana objectivO@ of the 1984/85 Sample Oensuo of AgTicultuxv. in 1950, Ghana (then. the Gold Ooaet and Dritioh ToE . oln) was among 23 African Countries that p a rticipated in the World. Census of Agricultur, but thiB merely involved formulation of regional estimates an acreag* and prodution of food crop s. In uarly.1960's many aurveyB on mI)ecifi as cc-' of th,4 country'n agricultural economy were undertaken natio.22al eati ten of areas and yields of crops were derived from l'QDcrt .ubmittd by Agricultural Officers in the diotricts In. 1964, however, there wau a coplete enumeration of the large and specialized holdings. From 1965 to 1969, annual aampla surveys of email . hidings were conducted, and the . -sapie size for the survey rose from 2,000 holdings in 1965 ta 5,000 in 1969. In 1970, Ghana participated fully in the World Census of Agriculture Programme and this involved _collection of data from a sample of over 58,000 holders spread over 702 sample Enumeration Areas The Census was successfully carried cut;- end by is 1972p Volume 1 of the Censum Report giving inter alia, the results n 1:od. use, crops and livestock was published with VQ1ui ae Ii oming out the following year with the rest of the is . L2. Administrative Reqponsibil._tz A Govawment circular dated and No 1979 established a NRtional ricultural Censuo Committee which was inaugurted March 1980. The Committee was to plan, execute and see to the implementation of the Census Programme. This Committee later broke into sub-committees to see to the various facets of the censu Q 4- izt parent Cim;Lttes waao however folded up in 1.982 and " the planning and execution of the census pogramie fell solely upon. the DIrector of Agricultu: '.°. acon my ;, Ministry of Agriculture who L\s helped by the National AgriculturalCensus Coordinator Senior Se .i r Officers of the Crop StatIstics Section and an .€iO t t . ti_ci.; n. tee it was decided by the National Agricultural Census Co that the Census Programme should be split into two ses the firs' to take place in 1984 and the second in 1985 It as also agreed to follow the main objectives set out for the 19 7 0 Genus of AgrI culture rogram e which ears (i) To co nduct a Sam hA le Census of Agriculture K'1 bane „{, on .6,;-'r adequate frame of sufficient size to enable c str ct regional and national estimates to be produced for the main items to be included in the census; (ii) to give enough training in the methodology requIred in the field to the staff to be engaged in the collection of the census data and to ensure that they were brought to a high. lev l of efficiency in carrying out their duties; and to (iii) produce from the sample master sample of a holders about whom certain basic Information could b collected it was also generally agreed among members of the committee to follow broadly the guidelines laid down in the 1980 World Census of Agriculture Regional Programme for Africa as published by FAO The Sample Census of Agriculture wasbasically the respcn;, aibili.ty of the Economic Research and Planning Ser c:e ER S) of the aAIM str-y ofAgriculture; and the section whose resources were &ci In carrying out the Census was the Statist ,ca So ion. MS Apart fromHeadquarters staff including Senior O ficers work, . Ing with the MMotion, the Department has permanent officers in e:acbh of th region8 of lei hAna headed by a Regional Agr i.(:10 ral Eeon mist who to normally a graduate Each Regional Agicultx.cal EcQno mist has at his diBposal a Regional Surpervisorp. and a number of field enumerators These were th Ftaff th.t utilitBed tfor the collection oft data; no extra ataff wer rcrui ted specifically for the cenffuo. Table 1.1 below gives the breakdown of the field forceavail able for the census enumeration. Ta R2EEL STAFF USED FOR CENSUS ENUMERATION e Region enior, Professional Field Enumerators Tot and _Stat Western Centro]. Greater Accra Eastern Volt 10 56 66 12 63 75 6 37 43 16 65 101 11 59 70 Ashanti. 15 70 Brong Ahafo Northern 12 95 Upper Eaet Upper West T ta]. 9 13 10 37 114 em 107 ! 46 64 77 50 60 616 730 It must however be stated that between the period when the sample size for the first-stage units(Enumeration Ares )was decided (based on the number of field staff at post then) and when the field work was actually commenced, the Department had lost aboul 112 field enumerators. 1.5. PublioiU A series of activities were planned to publiol,as the Agricultural Census Programme. These were to he organised at the national, regional, district and enumeration_ area levels In March 1984 the . BeeretarTfo r Agriculture held a. press conference to brief the media' on the Census Prograe. A radio and television broadcast .jai °•,h ? Sciia taz'"Nr for Agriculture on the eve of the gr . 'n , ^eur i p1, annex?., Ho w e v 4^9 ",, f or ^ axious reasons, •tho TV and Radio Pro r mm were ca°,e .isd at 'ft t Seenti?1 :7 a t night i . ' a It April 1986, '" a K. u .nx te, - Other puhileity programmes planned r a s o t^; , v .^';...,ed The regions were therefore asked to org nizo their publicity and t i m was carried out between the 2nd. and 30th April I984, The p^. bli- city proved, aui: c sfui ,but In a few cnes the iesult were not Lnc ouraging because of land and chieftancy dispute PLANNING AND ORGANIZATI OE 1)F OP E GENU 2.1, 'Introduction This part of the report concerns the TAanning and tiLtutior c: the first phase of the Census Programme ex' amend o-Ter the eatl7t 1984 calendar year It was decided to collect information on the following iteius during the first phase (a) Holders and Holdings, (h) Inventory of Crops on Holdingo (o) Livestock and Poultry, and (d) Crop Areas. The second phase of the Programme covering crop yields, farm population and labour and household activities on holdings wa organized and conducted in 1983; and this phase will bz co red a second volume of this Report, ix 2.2. Pre arator • Activities • Over the past years, the field s supervisory and professional staff of Economic Research and Planning Service (ERPS) have acqui: much experience in handling problems that arise in 11tion agricultural statistics in Ghan . The methodology for area measuwent by use of tape and compass and the . chniques for interviewin holders are well known to most of the &.a,tf. For various reasons including that of minimising cost, no pilot surveys were undertak to test the questionnaires. This wasLb ise a set of questionna using similar concepts had been used the previous year to collect data for the 1983 Annual Agricultural Production Sample 5-avey _.Selction. 2.3. S . ep.11ag_plan and Sa_r The advantages of a omplete census are well kLown A major • advantage is its ability to provide etimates for smaller adminiE trativz and planning units _or areas which a sample census cannel provide but which are needed for formulating and executing pia-no wf ".. . ,^ . e" 101 i ^ Rl ?,3 ^" 1T 8 e m'^'';n ^ `aA A,' ' I ..4".,. . ' 1, ":?` II t O I i l s..:.,-^_, d ^ o _^;, ^ ti ,,A: '... i o 1 be .lg faoB3't ca us aa a r van °: tof = cornp te .: Y. um r o `, 1a at Cuecoat O J ustify 1i ,. CO2tJ7 anc:hi ac as Gh na. whereo jecti 'e Me a de o.f. direc"; . ° e g required te obta.in datay on fanaA ee and I en of fa,a a 11 V6 t iSS n e t .. n -n a. w .n are y neither ha the reourcee and trl, ed msnarea . The country pO ICr nor Ithe infrastructure to embark on any I .et' ie n rogra e, Of complete cas em nt of all farm , Hence_ a arnple coneus appe ra ll er and the only o oslhi . ty aeit can 'he conducted by ing P CCP traned force The size aa'i deaio^.n therefore better qualifiedu-id L ,ice. l4; national of the aample census have to be such as can produ c e and regional and if possible al so dd iatr ct titoa umberaN on Areas (:EAc) all hae been dividedinto The oo'untry has of which had be en previoucly mapped by the Population Census Officesg In early 197 , the boundaries of the exieting :FE u were revieedand a now list of l2996 E Ac prepared, Th a r i ed !-L ` of EAc formed the frame for the selection of ° b.c now aaapl Agricultural Cdn ua. Enumeration Areas for the 1984/85 stratified into he following forty The I2996 EAs were three Agricultural Gensua Distnicte according to agroecoiogloal con di ti,on . Table 2. LIST OF RES!JLTING STRATA Region Dietrict Weatern l AxiiTakoradi 2 Tark.wa a Asankragwa 4. . Central Greater Aecra East e: . W.iaws e Gape Coast 6 Easiarn 7® Dun wa 8a Swedru 9, Greater coil;..;.. 10. 11. 1 Oda As ..an e c Kofori du 13 Alkoeoabo 'l b. Mpraeso l4 l5 Table 011tc'0 Reien Volta Ashanti Brong Lhafo Northen Upper West Upper East Distrietto r 16. SogRkope 11, Xeta 18, Ito 9. 20. Jasikan KeTc-Kracni 2]. Kumasi WC2 22n Kumasi Eaat 23 Bekwal 24. Obuasi 25. Juaso mponu East 26© kampong Wes 27. Offinso-Teppa 28. GoaBo 29. Sunyani 30 Dorm . 31. Wtnchi West 32. Wenehi East 31. At,bubu 14. Damongo-Salsga Yendi-Eat 35. 36. Yendi-West 7 Tamale 38,Gambaga 19. Via 40. Laura 43. Navrongo Bo/gatanga 42. Bawku 43. ura adequate representation of the different In order to types of Enumeration Areas, all EAs within a oenzuo di6triet we further stratified into Urban, Semi-Urban and Ruralcategori es Enumeration Areas with a population of less than 1,500 were classified as Rural; Semi-Urban EAs were those with. more than 1. t 500 but less than 5,000 population Fire StAalaaltEaPnits Within iach category of EAs in an gricultural dltri, sample of EAR, the first stage sampling units, r1r0= varying sampling fractions of 1t10, 1:15 and :A20 se urban and urban categories respotively, Systematic smplinE procedure was• used to gelect thv sample Pf EA3 and they were iected with probability proportional to their population which deter :fined their For some seml-urban and urban categories where the number of EA in each category in the frame could not tcz3rA leci;ed, It pemi t adequate sample size to he . 0 nd a ^^."^.4^a'0..?&ip1ingf act tt,R. eL to a-lnd .T . l.^. . 7P.:1._'S ^:.k,,r of The etrength of field etaff avaii.abie "o d a , en t W ?To— gr'a ?me in each region was 1ao considered - determining the number different categories. A in all of EAc to be ,elected in O0 F whi1,Led E'•` a+ d.^ the 1008 EAc E . wereeelected ae eh wii in Table 22 w. e Table 22 -= NUMBER OF SAMPLE ENUMERTIO1N AREAS BY PJ 1O No of ..ma Sanr1e Are.a.e ..x m Sc ui Hai cr^ Urb a r` a x _ _._,. . _. Weetern 103 16 i 72 15 63 o 43 20 3 Eaa l e rn 141 18 Volte. 114 13 33 21 Ashanti 153 42 Brong Ahafo 10:1 9 6 11 5 8 17 50 1 Greater Accra o r t ie? xi Upper Weal 80 102 32 1 65 90 °r 3 ioo8110 Total 20 20 3 ` The Jrt ucncy di. tr bution of the number of districts (strata) aec.oit1ing to the number of sample e they had is given below, TABLE 23 . 7ISTRIBT,JJTION OF NO O F DISTRICTS BY NO OF BAs OONTAINEI) : ._^ Number of Sample Wiese Less than 14 Number 9 of Districts 1 22 - (.7 21 25 26 - 29 12 6 30 35 6 36 40 1 14 18 3 14 41 or more Total 1 43 Once °the 1,008 areas had been selected from the 1 i t of ' _pulatiou Census Enumeration Areas, the task ahead was Tht of f , 9 dentifying the selected areas an the ground ,mith the help uf zaps of thes e As and their boundary descripticuo It was at i'ossible-tohavv,ph e copies ofth„,1A maps mad because of 4t,,g shortage of chemicals needed for the pu.rpose, However, boundary descriptions of the selected EAs were made available by the Populatiou Census Office and copies wer typed out and handed over to the enumerators. pecnL*tAtzs_Unite Within a selected EA, all the compounds/houses, houehcad and agricultural holders were first listed. A sample of 10 holdere waF then selected by systematic sampling and with equal probability All fielas (farma) in the holdings of the 10 selected holderx were then enumerated and measured and so Third St y• Tvo were their live took and poultry e Units to three EAs were allocated to each field enum6rator, The allocation of EAs to each enumerator was done with to c their proximity to the location of the enumerator, One of these Ms, usually a rural one was then designated as the 'Base EA W in hich only yield studies were carried out. On identification of the "Base EANall fields (farms) of each selected holder in it wrn listed, For each crop, one field per holder was randomly selectd by the enumerator for the yield studies and on each selected fiela two yield lots were laid. The plot size varied from crop to crop. 2.4. Alen Masurement Methoploa Previous agricultural statistics surveys in Ghana had shown that for estimation of areas under crops, it is necessary to carry out objective measurement of the areas of fields (fare) plantod with crops. Very few holders in the country are able to i'vo *yen rough figures as to the size of their farms. The need for such objective measurements of farmelis the major reason why a sample of holders listed in each EA was selected for the estimation of areas under the various crops. For some years, all the staff involved in agricultural atatimeatics surveys have been using the "tape and compass method 7 euriag fielda and holdtngs. This method inVulvte 91ottixtg the 3,'rA iur th r s O1 3: f 2 , 5 3 c ` Ae" I a r L; ;^ r •t. " .A.R[d "@. s.. i,. a ^:: F;; ^) 5 : i.+.w,1: ^' 3 i::A as F:, t1 `• k^ en g th ¢ `u qy s 4 p^°^ ' ,...SdA ^ Cv ^ a3j 4W f each s.R, q h ^ G3 'i'.^^ k... to t t;! fir' i ,Y i 75 E 1,. uT. >, ::tea ^g 6) ^° ^ ^ during phase 53 used N3 6] A ^: .#y L {i given in Appendix I im the I truetions TA 4, . 7- Lf)-r^ r. OTI 6 sa L. 3 a 6, g: he . by ^.^ 3 ^. .k. ) ^ N a1 is in ,A p p d.i : II However, only orme 1, 2 and 3 which were used during phase Of the census will be discussed in tIa1 volume of the reoor . 3 ,. i m A ^3 "iS ^ a ^^ w ^ ^, ° f L] 6 ^ v. is F'u as .. This form was used at the beginning of the ce sus to Compile Com p lete and up - to - date list of all agricultural holders In the selected Thumcr°a.ti.on Areas for the selection of the co stage sarnpling units i agricultural holders. 2- ,. .•- F y rm 2 mr.vent cry of Livee took and Pour iv Thin form wao used to compile, an inventory of crops on the holdings of the sampled holders and of livestock and pouLtoy kep thereon The livestock snd poultry recorded includedbcoa k pi at the bolders residence and holdings Irrespective of c^•nersh r as belonging to him and n.on ho der m ether of his house well as those hold but kept elsewhere © For the crops that were listed on this form, nfQum ion wa also collected on the planting and harvesting periods of the cpz. AyaUnderDifferentC andCrg ixture 2 5 3 Fo This Questionnaire wasused to record the crops and their areas grown on each field (farm) within the holding of each selected hold er r the fields awete This form was completed after o :c ively measured using the tape axed compass :method,, Those a^ 3 5a v s found to be far way " I $ e o , thise which the holder could nn..o w, vitt vii and return to his normal residence the sar.;« day, weree recorded separately -Sel ection of Holders Field Document This form which was not really a y.`a'a €t.. of ' the li ef of ues_^, j.onnaires was used afterhe listing of holders in the l , o t out the steps to b y >unraLIou 1reas ac completed, It y m . 254 g Xollowed in . the selection of the oampl of 10 hoidre v, oh EA f,oi subatquent Qonsus operations involving field area measurment and crop yield studies and enquiries relating to livestock, poultry, farm population and eaploym-nt, etc 2.64 TrainiT.& Enumrators The training of all field staff (suporvisors and tnTerators) to he involved in the Census Programme was held on r,gionaJ ba3ie by the Regional Agricultural Economists with the assistance of the National Co-ordinator of the Onans Programme. It was completed before March 1984 for the field work to begin on time on ist April 1984, the date choseA as the Agricult lxcal Oen= Night. Emphasis was on explaining in detail to tht field wtaff tho various questionnaires, the techniques of interviewing the holders, field area measurements, crop yield studies and concepta and definitions involved. The tact and technive of uanvassing the questionnaires with the holders was explained at some length to enable tho enumerators to get the best of holders' co-operation a_ ad thus accurate information. The performance of the staff during the training sson wan encouraging,.and the trainees participated ative)q _th practical fields demonstrations, After the training, periodic on-the-4ob training was offered to the weaker enumerators to help them improve their pez'formau. 2,7. Field. Work After the training sessions, publicity and distribution. of census questionnaires and mquipment to the regions and districts, the cnaus enumeration was commenced. . - The listing operation was started throughout the country on and April 1984, the day following the Agricultural Census Night. 2isy The field enumeratora were . .,: equipped with boundarT d. t5,of the axe w. easigned to them as well as copies of the qution-qaireN and ! the necessary equipment to conduct the erluzratioYA & xxiOeS ^S+ t_» ^ but in 1 n%VJ 1 r Rt OT^ rare e as e s in had two 4^ eo m e F91 g r r ?. 5,. . . ` f to where sumsof the =A? HOOP, three tricte a ^!^, „^ +^ L, -. ^, ^,^.N l,.. -'3 '.. v.. . r ,^. t t,. ln-= :- ?. ^., a.. eaod „^t, .ti â before the uommCfC ZLcn of the pr eflU1irratorabad to work in four enumeration areas. h ad g.a..'' rt were aeked to ia e the nai es of 1; ;a..l1`iai .dl.:. ted c n the boundary deeriptiOfl as a guide to .: uelude aw l0caa_:. — ties that were foundwithin the enumereton area Tht were not The enud? raa:ore Therewas a lot of delay in the urban eraa er a t i :n. areas becauee of the difficultiess encountered in identifying possible holders There were numerous "c .: l lac &' and locating pt m- frinterview .0 to ithe fact that moet of theseholders were aleo workere in the o.ffic o ft in a few inances in some regions, a few areas proved ob;efn cult for enumeration due to lack of c ' peration from the VAN uch cases were most prevalent in localitie id the people Such ^aand cre were land dipute or chieftancy t o es, No repiacemen. e were made in areas that refuted to cooperatewith the Cen uc l adjustedat the °,iu Programme and raising factors were accordingly of tabulation seaming that areas that failed to co opeza c rr,rc F not different in typ e from the re t of the un . ree •^; c e coNcEpTs EPTNTTT NS chapter is devoted to a discussion of the conceptffi and definitions of the terms used on the census questionnairas such a TU5 Holderp Holding, Household, Farming Household, Houne Co rts zte, 3.2, 4Erl,cuturi_4oldin&and Holder An agricultural holding is defined to include all the land that is used wholly or partially for agricultural production under one technical unit by one person alone or with others without regard to title, legal form, size or location. All units without land but producing livestock and poultry are also considered as Loldiags. The person who is entrusted to exercise the operational or management control and, responsibility over the holding is defined the holder. In Ghana, one or more fields (Irma) may be As retained for permanent cultivation by a holder, whilst others are cultivated on a shifting cultivation asis® The total area of tho holding in such cases was regarded as the BUM total of ; (1) The area . der crops during the reference period of the census. (ii) The area prepared for cultivation but not sown or plante t the time of enumeration® 3.34 Household The concept of a household during the census was haled on arrangements made by persons individually or in a group to provide themselves with essentials of living which mainly include food. A household therefore consists of one or several related or unrelatq persons with a common food supply which implies a eon: mon kitchen. Persons constituting members of a household are normally ezpacted tl pool their kind and cash incomes and, obtain their fssentjal requirements either by drawing from such a common pool or c:Ommon stock of goods acquired through their Joint efforts. :Far ThueehQi^ 4b s p Lay household which d m' m a ?econe dered a ?'r e . s'^ g m .t?S._(?.. r i 13 !.a siem ° r a G oof t t^. r`, "i b0-.,".^',. rocog.^ iz6d orrail , the farme cultivatedd by iuemher s of the family $r fte head aB : a - of the h. ld_tng of the ead., of the ba eeboicI are regarded as Occa. onany how r, a rnember of the family may be o_ rating a € I lag In hie or her own right and Is therefore a holder and such oerorxs were interviewedseparately a . Head of Household The head of a household is the person who is _cknow dg d o such by all other members either by virtue of jai sgeor standing In the household as the chief income earner Such a person is usually vested with the responsibIlity for the ma. ten c of the household and gives advice to other household members on all matters of social and econoelic significance For the purposes of time reference during the cen dar year from January to December was considered as an C° ua, a alwn . i C`a tu.ra. year 3- 7 Mai 3. p L° -8 a' C^z 31f^ ',a` ' C11 ^ d ^ q_ec^5Q 3 q The main or first sea on normally refers to the growing cycle of temporary crops that are planted In the firatlnilf of the year occasionally extending up to July. Harvesting of th :se cr; pc normally co,m ! e,s by September or October and may be, w ttind =d u to November pr even De emb r The minor or second season is generally revolant to vegetables and short duration varieties of some tem p orary crops which have a growing cycle con encin with their planting In the esoond o.f the agricultural year and harvesting extending from half of November to .0 ry. Au agricultural holding raising crops consists of one or more A parcel or farm is any piece of land in the laud parcels or Xarm holding which is entirely surrounded by Ian& water, road forest '^a" LU a, n33 A l:..`1 °L pare . I, ng part of that hold'n.. g e 1 ; . not forming + eynonymou with what is commonly undrotood otherwi C; 2 a "Ims' correaponding to a sing contiguous block of land wadeT a irtg16 management 3.9, Fiel When a parcel or a farm is divided into two or more setions2 with each. section further encloaed with a land boundary or ffuch other means of demarkation with a view to following diffrent orolp or land management pattern In different secticn6, then ach. is referred to as a field. In traditional subi2tence farmius, whole land parcel or farm is often fouild to he a single field grow2k a Bingie crop or crop nixtur 4 - L Introduction The definition of holder in g . exi in the _ djn he j 3, it follows foliowe essentially the definition recommended for `she 1980 World Census of Agriculture by the FAO The distribution of number of holders by crop ente ari. e. and other information an the hold..ing "an .their size will be prerented in this chapter - g w Number of Bolden Table 4® d shows the number of holders in Ghana, by dietrict and region O Table 4d 2 1 -NUMBER 01? HOLDERS B Y RIDi^N QD DI STRICT Number of Holders Region n and District c —_-- — .nus.+^:mcewre'+xo-aenwrue:«ee^.-ms•:e.as a p Re on Ax im Tahoradi .-cro ,. ^.-... _wttcmm . -^rvc. wiwme, ^mzuwona^.ermvlevr^:.samcc^ ^+e'r¢.—nsa R , axsarru..=w 2 0619 0 We s Le I 48760 43290 Tarkwa l 26 4 ff' ad ran ra wa 43340 2 iaw o 70800 38 212_5_1 38030 I1.7 21 47160 2.5 Dunkwa 61490 33 Swod u 70830 ®^, 48700 26 48700 2, 5 era r_al Cape Mat Essiam re a°ej _ASvj Greater Acre Eastern Re gion i . o. 244140 ^s 50700 ikim Oda. • a . 42310 3 Koforidua 54920 30 Akosombo 60350 33 Ki i, 17270 09 .Mp r a e 3 'M 18590 y Aa n e se Volta .R eRi Sogah o f i 274480 51940 1 e 1 -$ F^ 28 at, 1 e 7 ( yr) td) Region and District Keta Nutber of. H;.i1'der ba 65130 Ho Kpm do 4'4430 Jasikan-Kete Kraal 6661O h an ReEk2a_ Kilma sl Wes t Kur si East Bekvai Ohuasi Juaso-Mampong East M^mpong West Orrin so- Teppa Brong Ahafo Region Goaso 113..2.50 `a Sq-70 910 42750 32860 ' 860 59 1+80 47980 252 669 41770 SW3yani Dormaa Wenchi West Wen chi East p Atebubu Northern Re ion Damongo . Salaga 'Yendi-East Yendi-West Tamale Gambaga r51:300 n305'70 43700 4091+0 139900 33800 21810 21740 40360 22190 Upper West Rui„ion 30960 — Wa 10720 20240 Lawra- Amu Upper Eas t. 121230 Navr nongo 54790 t .ng57810 Bawku 8630 TOTAL GHANA 1050 2 290 7 2.2 2.7 2,5 .7 2,4 2 7.6 1.8 1.2 1,2 2,2 12 1 7 0,f) 100.0 4'w Y` ,, e Tcr n ha a' 3 s :, of l the highest of uf x ?L 5,, 1.k 5 d: r.S 'bri d-. ., r o .:` €.? 'Y 9 v d e 2 F, h Wst con,: .an Upper cent of all holders in (( hana about 1 n 7 per cent of the national agggat^, . .r . li der y n C r and. l Holdere Growing District rwwav'tnc¢zlmx+tt3m2 avac,a.w.v:aaniw:w,wm w^^e:,n,.nwmmvn:xrms-.sm..c.. P jon ie n ^^^ °. ^ ^ a.ize owing I anRtcaeM°e. rar ^. x 127550 ^ oomme+em+. uaazuM 1 tiL. A' M 18330 20320 L7 3230 311 7090 45 2960 187110 160 2290 43080 38 3 30 Cape Coast 32030 27 Du kwa 5 720 48 1 700 Swedru a :Le: Agcr . R C 55290 47 260 32730 2 8 xiL Thkorad Tarkwa A ankrag a Wjawso 36090 5281 slaw. . . goo oa. 32730 Greater Accra . 1 e= et Re 'io th 1 3 750 36070 31 oforIdua 4 170 4 bi 16050 9980 Apra so Volta Re 60 09 42630 Keta 2172 ,.L9 .F,. Ho 26920 2 r (uoiaiJ ; A ^ East S ^° y1 1 21. t 780 190 2220 ^ o.m. f^ ^ rat t -. . 4Q 16 Va2.00 143 8250 11590 1.. 0 5277 g a_. L !^ i 2 s.. s I Soga .ope Kpando Jasikan Kete Krae .. 150 15.0 175890 .on 19 00 1 L4 j X50 2220 145 Asamankese 44860 60 14233 E f `` ^v 1900 e Akoso N 2 14620 Oda an1 .m'°s.(: I I .E _ 109 1. 6 vasma^zx—vrsa.+ ^_w p "" .t d growing I _ PA and Region >. 3o _ , Q-u hows the number of ho1drs the r percentage in each .strict.. Table 4 >, - ^_^,: t 3 1 „u ooni Rogion and District Hol tit RICE Holders 'flowing TiA0 Khd ZE Growin Kuma81 West Dokwal Obuasi Juaso-Mampong East Mampong Weet Offinso-Teppa BTolf_Ah4o Goaso Sunyani Dormaa Wenchi East Wenchi West Atebubu Northern Region Pemongo-Salega Yendi East Yendi West Tamale Gambaga REEIr West Etgio Wa Iawra-Tumu 3RP7jaSt NavTongo Bolgatanga Bawku 24220 24500 27840 19260 .119610 2597.0 20560 19140 Total Ghana 1171,720 15050 15720 12080 36350 42410 34000 166910 32100 38990 35530 18410 18720 2400 16320 6250 4760 1490 1.3 1.3 1,4 z.i 8 250 990 1480 14260 l' 3.1 3.6 2.9 14.2 2.7 3.3 2.1 2,1 2.4 1.6 10.2 2.2 ::; i 0.3 1.0 7L.,7-) 14. TN, 14190 F3 1660 6170 190 570 960., 4770 .67,30 13500 1 1.6 3.0 1,6 1.6 0,2 1.4 0.5 0.4 0.1 ' '- 3 : 9 2 30 4000 14.5 13. 0 3.4 1,4 1,7 / 6.3 0.2 5.8 i.0 4 P, % =^. 1 4 1 s i 9.4 1 4.1 A total of 1,171,720 kolders grow maize In Ghana ThiFi about ' per cent of the total number of holders in the country. About 16 per cant of the total .-are 0$tfrai Region. The Upper East Region contains the lowest numbe4 about half a per•cent Ashanti and 3rong Ahafo Regions contain almoat the pa me nuthber of b.oldrs that grow zaize, and these two regions together accouAt for 28,5 pev cent of the total in the country. .,, About of which h deli aern 1 12 0 h o t _3, e s i f l ceut aae, t round parr cent 9 9 84 20 re g aE '^ :I n the Uppe n .3 4. e e ^ Lr 'N y C -) . l -i.,: _ I_ n ,'{;. ,. r A .. .'^ `fi r and Volta egg.off! cultivation of other major cereal crape, namely corrr and millet is confined mot1y to Nor he and Upper ae will be teen frrorn Table 432 belowA Th , r"Rw_.cmza -. gone . T L ^G. I..^ ^. ^e_ A pT^y i s ^] S-[ "6" '[; 1 ' Yl.l.^ ^d L ^ ^ d L 6 1„^.^ ^..S:t ^ .' _..^-.. .,,. L^ ^,^.. ^ g'^^(' '{ '-K ^mT u -Ly^ kT ^^..; ^^.k-.;Y Ld' ^ ^^ ^J ^l..i. ^^ ,.^ ^ ^ Guinea C O . Region and Districtt s 'N Number o Hold ere 122,490 534 Damongo-Salaga 25,380 114 ci °Eased 19,650 West Yend Gambaga U en East F, Navrongo g Bolgatanga Bawku st R^ ion U pyr We Wt ark Brong Ahafo Region ,,, ^ o r i (Ghana) The four g 485 l0 86 21,430 93 l 36,240 i5h8 94 12a2 19,790 40,890 86 333 1 7 8 y 32,130 140 38,220 3,480 l5 3, 4.80 9 I 4 f 21,800 95 19,990 10Q2 3,040 1.3 2400 00 18,760 Volta R^ be y. of Holder s 97,01 0 20,080 14,130 76,500 a on ^C Mille 'Northern Rion Y 7 ^^ ^` ^ ^^ - ;' ^^m..^ ^ r ^•, 1 8 5,620 24 32180 14 83O 24,310 19,660 82,590 1 9 1 20 40,690 :L7, 414 4 so 1.2 R, ., 229,590 districts t ricts 100 L ^ 199,590 f, l000 of Navrongo, Bolgatanga, Tama l e and ..amcngO" Salaga have almost 55 Per Cent of guinea corn cent of millet growers in the corm ry. growers end 60 per The ;a umber of holders grow:- 7 the different typoz root crape Bhownby district &.c't region in Tahle ib N E OF HOLDERS R C ‘ i 0/1 m-T o ra T a rkwa A laikra g a W W aw so °T2 cape Coast Essi, am D-Linlz a 13.1 28490 10.4 39600 2,9 0.4 41790 37980 3J) 2.7 1030 230 10560 62430 188040 32530 44360 57000 4,5 16670 13.6 4360 6,1 6 67410 42060 2.4 3.2 350 640 1380 0 ;1 1120 2 11400 2.190 Greater Greater Accra 26560 dru 226010 a ctern RILI on .jm Oda As amanke se foridaa 4.3.9 2,1 19110 3,6 1.1 84-20 15990 4.8 2,O 1.8 7170 6 0.9 21)60 2,7 1 3.2 Neta 27810 2.0 29850 31210 112650 1.5 285160 20.6 2.9 40310 43210 I 118700 3°260 44660 ao Beimal 0 aw 0,5 Sogakope 91. We St Vei 1440 237180 t ph 1.7 3. 6 1 fi 0.6 5 49340 15610 Jasikan-Eete Krachl 3 ,8 28 1.1 Npando p) YvY 2860 3610 154.90 T1 0 F s 49980 39380 Xi bi on, 0,1 1990 1 5 U10 Volta R . 98080 % 12 2.1 1C .1Q Akosombo rae so , 181800 54150 28560 Sw e C 0q OAM Y Numb e r of Holder TA umber of qoldPr r Holders •N es v e l la COCOY "A SSAVA YAV AVA 146:m - be Reglen .9nd 0 41240 3.1 3.0 2290 5210 1740 26920 1100 e 7:a) 0.4 3580 1.1a 480 01 6900 9 980 2890 19350 46760 2300 6000 7.0 17.0 0,8 J07 237860 38 29060 4 2„2 410M 12 •e)o 4'e 34410 6 bJo 4 _5,. n c>Iltd Juaso 27440 3 310 28 9210 3 4 5700 45 55 0 0 40 10410 38 -33 70 54 39650 2. mpmg East 2 Marnpng Nest 0b' 'In-rsr Tep a r^3 16802 0 s w q n A, 3680 ^ 1 0.b 2260 7 ^ ,.> 30120 32360 23 9720 Doiinaa 28720 21 11700 1 Wencht Wt 27660 14380 W n,¢ hI East 35870 20 2 Atebuhu 13290 LO 14l50 ` 1 8-10 67670 49 61070 6. 222 20980 1.5 16740 61 East 12860 13560 49 YnidlWest 11110 10860 4 ,0 Tamale 21960 09 O8 L6 760 081 2910 1®0 200 — 2.0430 38 a ga 8 k /( {^^ ^ 3.+ S:,Q.^ 2 ® ^ 1 ^y. s- Tuinu 4, ., ^ d"^ Cy ,;£'s8» b 35380 L2 3 1 0 64 q 5 51 44 40 ' 1.9850 .a 8 25 06 4600 L6130 203 f P 2 17000 s^ 4880 y a°.15 33b30 y W, 3160 Wa La [/iy ,,.., .... 280350 3 12.2 22 'an' YQnd.t 1 r^ . 1. 2 L C3 ^ 4 G 290 2 5550 ^., P N avr^nge : : :. : : : ga olga tang Bawku TotalL Ghana 3 l c 74-16, ° :? ^n ^ ^ Holders growing cassava In the country represents about 7 5 Per country , Most of these cent of tha d hol ers are tot 1,00 e " ,90 9 7 .,.3°82, 6o Thi total number of : o Llers in tI .. uc a ted in the -s--ha ti, V Ci . . 1 per cent of the aggrega' m. an y Eastern Regions acco un ting for : e The sampiC In the Upper East Region wac found to have no cu t i Tatiug cas a a I _^ About 15 Der cent of holdere in Ghana. engaged themselveo in Yamcultivation. Out of 274,760 such holr cultivation des, 77,620 Or 28 por pp g :re locata in 'the Brong.,.Abafc Region. Northern Region had, 61,070 hold groting_yam_that is a -6but 22,2 per cent of Ghana a, The sample for Greater Acra and-Upper such. holders East Regions did not show existence of any holder growing yam, The total number of holders growing cocoye- in the country is estimated to be 795,090 representing about 4.3 Per . cent o=ff. the total number of holders in the country. Of this, 251,270 .(31.6) and 237,860 (29.9%) are found in the Brong Ahafo Qnd Regions respectively. The sample for Greater ACCrarNothe .rn, 7Dpe r East and Upper West Regions showed no holders growing cocoyam. Table 43.4 shows the number of holders growing Plantain, Tomato and Tepper foreach district and region. n . PLAMIN 'm " ", ' ' ----ET2ER Table 4..4 - FUWER oy HOLDERS GROWING _ T.,_ 7,7p7-R District and Region _ PLANTAIN TOATO _ _.„ Wii-, of of 4, q Holders District_allAj.ezioh_ Holders 11 0 73710 15.6 31510 20.2 8710 1 n Axim-Takoradi 1.2 2690 1.8i5700 '7 40 2& 1097 0 2.3 3000 TarklYa 9: 2540 41 Asankragwz Wiawso 24130 5a 6820 32910 710 Central R!LEipn 297 5.3 18800 19430 9200 2420 Cape Coast 0.5 4.4i 12./ 1280 . 2.1 4150 6.b 14.5 5460 9,0 59i . O4 i 4710 ,,5 r„v „ 1 1 '-i -i Dunkwa 7960 13850 1.7 2.9 560 5400 Swedru 5550 1,7 4270 250 041 10350 6 0,9 110801 1131 c k) 0.1 10350 66i 11080 Essin Greater Accra Eastern flgion 8 .5650 181 7670 Akim Oda 24300 410 Asamanke6e Koforidua Akosombo- 11420 7060 5.1 2,5 1,5 6690 1.4 8160 5 7 820 1.7 Ribi 7 9 -2270 3940 200 050 ! 3.5 2. 540 4.9 0,3 3. ,. .. 5! 2,5 Oa 0.51 16.1 9060 148 A lt R So e a o p e 21080 4 m A 24130 0 15,55 1680 ) 3 Cl— ,L,-i'`•s ^r'' ? 6 240 iYA 570O .L 4] Q Kpno Ja si.k% K..et Krachi 9520 9520 188830 1..2 0- 346 _ 7 00 :3 O 1310 2.2 a, ,;, 5 20 3210 2 h: J... 850 O Ec Kumasi East 20650 '.4 B€ t.w 33320 19 i 0 2 42 35470 75 Mampong West 2810 59 1430 Of fInso Teppa 301 10 6.4 5430; Mpony Eas t 7340 2300 0aae0 S. n ya . ., Dormaa M''."S3 5L1 680 Dawon.go-Sa1aga 130 Yen di pact NO Yendi Tamale 330 G am a aga ,1 20 0 01 ^J6.i r 1 630 ' 10.7 35 i 103 61J.0 5$6 990 116 r 1400 23 460 07 9930 5. e 64 2360 39 2290 1.95 900 940 0. 5 vm 543o 35 8710 1 X40 g € .. 7 { ; 100k 0.1 830 .0 5 1530 110 237 1 5 s ,`9p'^ 341 26 35270 91431 neery 0.9 .• 27 04 290 as 1900 1010 12840 9341 2080 : 02 380 42 enchl East e . 55 236k North T 25840 WetLehi West At ebubu 155 49 30 07 43 } uaso ^,T & 1 20570 a P e°t - 136 Kuma i West 0hua i g 2200 21230 m 3 2 8 1 ° ",1 84 3 99. 111 4400 a• e ^,r^ & w 0 530 ,. 10 J S Zg, 9 { ..J o3 G 2 5 ea 20 0.4 220 ¢9 : o a 490 iawraTtUflU 0 400 40O Navron.gu ? 390 V E^ ) of a t ang , 3 awku Total Ghana 73520 %000 155960110 :j 511.4Q I 10 Thercl, ar g to tal of 473J'20 Joidere growing ,p-Imtain GhEala; this is about 25.6 per oeat of holders in the country cultivating crop. About 40 per cent of these holder* arc :,ouad in the Ashwati Region. The wInber of holders growing pla in la the Greater kecra, 8e Northern ana Upper Regions is very noglibl While a lot of holdors growing tomato art found - in the Brows Ahafo Region, Ashanti Region h ha.the highest number of holers thal; cultivate p pep er. 4, N Number_andSizof Hollings Information on the number of Xarm@ opeated and detail of the farms including the measurement of area under different crops were collected from the sample of holders. The information given in this chapter refe yDto the holdings as they . were auring the najor agricultural season in 1984. New farms that were opened rin t ho minor season have not been ipluded. in the tabulation of by size and distribution of number of farm 6. ru.116. The practice of shit Ling cultivation is prevalent in the coun try, Certain crops such as oil palm do occupy land, that is usually retained by the holder for a very long time, wile other crops frequent- are grown on other parcels of land which may change ly. The holding Cher ore consists of the land under cultivation and the land opened for cultivation in the 1964 23ajor sezon. Land under fallow and unsued land ore.not considered as part of the hcadilg Table 4.441 shows the dze distribution of holdings in Ghana. Tab e 4 o.,. s ZE DI ST RIBI 18. 33870o 4 134 800 0 7.9 61,00o A 000 I 14.9 70 34 400 2,6 14,300 an, 3 66.1 1,223100 3 9 co 20 EkNA Number of Holdings 1 Dize of Holding (Acres) 0 2 OF HoT.,T5.-{fic, 29.9 6. m o 0 ro t:C11) yi 0 4gg . . t^ si r- ^'S, i .^^{'^j "^v ^ ^ ^^ e-s _d, than two acee8and a ',ore than 10 acre i r u^ ...2.5, , all ofa^. `^ °^ [„ , .,^^o- r`^ Vw^r ^g ,f... ^._ l three pc rnately o e _,. _ _,^ _ ofall HI In e.:.2e to Tables 4 4, v .!^., i^ ^ ^ 5?.a. .1 chow of hold ,°'^ Fg i -{ ; '^ 5-a ^-s ^e th s ize dint ibution in eaoh of the ten 'egion. n .1. R e 1. ter ' cLL L o 2 'e ^ - ^^ ^"^^?°5 %Y r "^ °s-- - ` ,-^. 7 16400 6L,4 39 4- 600 21.7 59 169U0 3®2 2OO 25 6 , ; 8 10 - 149 1 - 20 - 00 . 19.9 1800 o, 299 400 0 400 0e2 5 30®0 and more T o al 2 100.0 ... urn e o t jql din s o 1®9 1779600 817 ;? 39 2 8, 200 i30 ^'^ aEj [y.' 66 79 8 99 10 15 149 600 199 300 20 299 300 and More 110"! 00 0E r ` h 03 100 ^ ^- ^^,_y .+ms. Total Sp^f :^ ?4Try i000 „,=v -,-----_,„:_,----iol,pm,i_Qgye, s1_ 'Number of Tioledng6; _q_ I .9 0 42,100 2 3.9 4, WO 1,200 5.9 4 400 6 7.9 _ 8 99 10 - 14.9 15 - 19R9 20 - 29.9 200 30.0 and more r u 0.8 48,7M Totta M STEM T a'2]. e 4.4 Q 86.4 u#er of Hal di.r2; 1 2109700 86. '3 ii 11 3 27,600 3,200 1.3 0.3 700 1,000 0.4 900 0.4 100 4z-€51 t!_of Holdin 0 - 1.9 2 3e9 5.9 4 6 7.9 8 9.9 10 14.9 19.9 15 29.9 20 30.0 more f 6 244,200 Total Table 4.4.6 - VOLTA REG7ON p *. *.*• r SAe of DioldinE (Acrel _. 0 - 19 3,9 2 4 5.9 6 - 7.9 9.9 10 - 14.9 15 ur 19.9 6 nX . , Number of Holdinz s J 232 600 84.7 2. 500 1 10.4 6,300 2$ 3,300 ,1 .2 0.6 2,1W C ,, 5 1,4W 1 3W oaa Ja 9 x i ,l i f [^ o a !_ lam: u^^ lod 20 ., : .s b '9iv 3 ^ sly ^ ^ <. _ :: ^ ?99 d,n 3 ', 0 and Mrs e^ ^^- a.,.., ^ ^ ^^ ,,.ba^a,..:„_ p^ 1000 ^^,.z..^.,..^:...s em:^.c seu.^b S- ^^ Aw .:J i e^:» _. ,_-arm:._ 7 ...,...tea -.+ e^ ° G 1 d..=! T gsl3 A e i..l N o H m.. . !I t^rcasm. 2. 3 6 0 w..ey x^ IT J 756 6 0 1 9 2 4 3,9 38400 59 16500 6 7.9 7900 g® 280O i4.9 470O 19.9 3 000 1 300 O 2,100 O . 8 10 15 20 ^° 299 nd more 300 fHoe' d .^8•d.,..m+ ^'n — — 20 300 v Total l %r ^.«o.:. as,,,d ei. Tex 1000 .mil 3 .+» .^3zecx.,.,,., - ..... .,,..^„L..,w. 3 B3,900 33 2 59 7.9 3 0, 200 1L9 i ,v 8O O ®9 470U 149 19.9 5 Boo 1 800 299 13O0 4 8 b ' 443 I9 15 25 1 i2 000 0 2 10 1.2.. 314 200 tal e iz o 4o-P a more O 47 z ys 1300 05 0- 252800 ,KO ,m.,.s...: 9 Sj r# N Ora H ERN RE CG o f Hol: d in Eumb er of Holtlin. 1.9 1 7 00 10,5 2 3.9 33 t 500 24.0 4 6 6 5.9 3 25.6 7 9 21,300 11,400 15,2 8e2 13, CY30 9.3 4. 2 5 0.5 9.9 14.9 10 19.9 1 29,9 20 300 and more 5,900 3,500 700 Total 139,800 diAg_S . AcTts) d' 1,9 2 _ 3. 9 4 6 8 - 5.9 7.9 0 N* 16,900 9,000 2q,0 2:200 7,1, 1, 600 c2 54.5 700 600 9.9 10 - 34.9 19.9 15 20 100 .UPPER WEST WI Table 4,4 j0 ze o f 4 2 3 9 r 29,9 ® 0 and more T a t aI 31,000 Table 4.4.11 - UPE& EA,ST NImber of Holdinu • ep 3.9 52,500 40,500 5.9 7,9 16,0000 4 i 400 1.9 4 6 100.0 1 " 33, A:3. 6 3 Size of M old ^ a ^ ^! 3 , ^ ^ ? r o 99 2 i OO 10 — 14. - 3,300 19 9 12100 299 80ccc .5 — 20 02 30 X and 500 more Total C) . 1 1, 200 100 To race Regional comparisons easier the Information conts!ne in the above tables is summarised in Table 44i2 h l ow Table -c4 02 - PERCENTAGE SIZE DISTRIEUTION OF as .^. 1 & a^ m , 8 . :L F a; DIN . ^ BY 20 nL t P7-,. _ eiL E Central Greater Accra 829 138 27 9 4 .7 48 05 96e 3^ 3 Eastern 976 2O 04 5®1 43 Ash n i 87.8 87 Brong kh a.fo 77.5 285 3O i0 100. 1 orhern 345 490 13.5 3.0 1000 835 1466 1.9 '— 1 00t) 36 10 100®0 2 O i000 da ia %,S d Volta Upp er West U per East p 7 6.9 ^ Total ( Ghana) 18.5 anw„s-c-a 4 4 .y 100 0 100.0 0.4 100,,0 0s ^, NOW C 0 2. 3wM, . r l000 gym..,. 12j Only Northern Region has less than 06 Md Per cent of the holding below 4 acres In size whereas in other i e gins ^ 77 to 98 per cent of the holdings are in this category,, 35 Eastern astern, Volta and Upper West Regions, no In the holdings were more than. 20 acres in sie and the percentage of holdings of 20 acr .i and above is beta:. 4 per cent in the rest of W A 0 . ^".e the regions. CDup giATel-- large ',aolding are predom 6 Northern and Brong Ahab Regions. t in The total size vf.a lao1ding is made up o the number of farms. Table 4.4.13 shows the percentage distribution of the number of farms in a holdingibr thret size classes oh hOldings and by region. Table 4.4.13 - SIZE07 — TOLDnGSBT Valt Of FARMs - F C E 2 67 Western Central 74 Greater Accra 78 Eastern 70 71 68 66 57 67 Volta Ashanti 'Bran& Abafo r^ r thern Upper West 30 17 25 23 27 30 40 7 53 Upper East 24 Totes (Ghana) 67 27 3 3 4 3 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 2 6 10 6 T 7 41 38 41 14 24 17 33 17 7 5 2 3 38 40 18 47 61 41 57 41 72 41 46 23 53 — — P G E Holdings4a0,9 acres 1R M Holdings 0-3.9 acres Region i h 15 12 Holdings10+ acres 3 17 48 10 40 20 9 43 i - 100 21 33 24 23 ,0 40 31 2 2 6 52 6 20 40 14 58 0 38 31 28 14 24 16 25 • 3 L6 26 6 60 T2 About sixty-seven per cent of the holdings that 34 40 n 4 2.7 12 than 4 acres in size are made up of one farm only. In the Greatr Accra Region, more' than three quarters of the holdings below 4 acro have one farm only About half of the holdings that are between 4 and 10 acres in si. e are made up of 2 farms. It is only in the UpDtT East Region that about twenty-three per cent of the holdings that are between 4 ant'! 10 acren in biZO are made up offour Or 'M T farmo. Nearly halt of the holdings that are more than 10 acref3 in. size have two farms, while twenty-seven per cent are made up of three farms. In of 4 S t,: ^ M1 at r i iP ; G; or wore x^arm.s - 1hn in ; ;? 3.kl o ° roo s txhs.",t ' y a^-,,% sxm, u a _ , is :off - r. r` 4 ^f; b 8O .ter '•,3'. ? X73 C o ,^ 'a .. • _. i., ^ s:ter Ac . ra a,.:gi.00,, but in th . tern a . or v large holdings have also J a'r ga• r t ,iniher of farms as one wid wxpe0l: 4 * 5 L Number of Farms The de lni-ti.oan of " as to opposed defined . arm or a -, ield, ie , in. Gy.1h :].a. on_L ' ?. gene ra . a "pare as givon ,.s ei, 7 plot within The f .gures given 'OFF ar . 3s 7 "4 . in this nuiither indication of t h in thx e ct ion brr of farms or :k' pL C rt .i. d thy^.', ent of f .° ,gment tion4 ber of Table 4 o5<,1 pho s the number of :holders and the number farms operated. by these o; The a er°ag s it , mb r of frms t, a . e from 1-. (in . iw'- Ta} ors di: in sries holder v ; n .: a »a (in Lawra-Tummu Di -ctrl. ct in Upper Nest Region) t. .e..:..... ......................... ^.^.-... W_.-, ..-._.- rmwwna.:wre^o—^YUC..-i.:,ami_eanxva ± ........ .... yp^ qy^q . 1fl X777. 2.nd ._i tr.-ct -A 2 1 Farrn 4 o. Q _.M ^ ?^o. of Hol er ^, AximTakoraLi! 48789 300,1O(, 5 400 T .x k 43,290 63,80 a„ 3 b ; , a 7 0, t jion Central .5:.; ^e ^ -,i. ^ .fie Cape G r ea 3 _ ,. ? Caat t a R ; i L^ T " 1 `' z Oda ^. tl ^• b c'. rlJ r,'^a ^ 2 3_ v "` '^,_ . c' 800 0 1L ': ? 25 11.3300 6 N 28,000 47 140 70 (I 48,600' l.7 61490 8C;209 28 1_ 11 3 48, 7 00 60,500 60500 21 i2 0 30 244,140 50, 7 00 4 ^. , 3 ^, . 6a^§ 6 5 10.1 „A @,J 48,700 l . t9 ,^ 2.71510 36, i fwF c c^ ? 5 88, 00 y Greater Accr r u ,, 3, 340 Wi.aws "[^ 0 (^ &e .^..,- - 340,10 ^ 21 u' ' 0'O ^) ,.^ ^ 'e ^A-d d +. ^ k 33 ^, as $.3 ? e.,;, ;q lc on_ end 1 st ri et 3 Koforidua 54,920 69,700 Akosombo 60,350 75,500 2. 7 Kibi 17,270 22,700 0.8 18,590 25, WO 0 274,480 380,803 51,940 65,130 77 , 7o 0 75700 2_7 2 46,340 63,200 2.2 1.4 44,430 60,900 2.2 66,640 1031300 1.6 314,250 466,700 _.5 rac so Sogakope K eta Bo Kpa ado Jasikan-Kete Kraohi . atl_lel,19n. A211 Kumaci West 3 1,4 ace „5 A ') 59, 2. 1 3 42,750 62, 00 2.2 1.5 Muasi 32, 800 49,700 1.8 1a5 Juaso-NwEpong East 42,860 72,900 2,6 1.7 Wpong West. 59,480 104 300 3.7 1.6 Of finuo-Teppa 47,980 62, ' 0() 252,669 364, '00 41,770 59,400 50,109 7 Do rmaa Wenchi West 4`, 63,800 2.3 144 30,570 3L 900 1.4 1.2 Wen chi_ Est 433700 85,700 3.0 2.0 At eb ubu 40,940 61,500 2. 2 139,900 253,8u.) 43,470 p Kumasi East Bekwai 449910 Go aso 9(/) 9 5 S 1.4 21 “ .L 1.- 00 1.8 3 33,800 77 Yendi East 21,810 43,000 Yendi West 21,740 43,600 1.6 2.0 TamAe 40,360 82,200 2.9 2.0 Gmba.ga er `q_c Wa 22,190 27 , 300. 1.0 142 30,960 69,400 2.5 2.2 10,720 19,200 0.7 240 50,200 Salaga Z awra-T=u i on 0 a^r 7 240 2 5 Aiera oJ , ^ a. TJj c _ _ =^.a e ,. a t— io ar. ^a o Navrongo Bolgatanga Hawke ^^ 3 12123O 2 9, 00 5479O 57 10 128 800 89610 16 300 124, 300 Bola s ^a ? 5; 6 •4 . 6 " 24 44 o„6 ,wA, s ^ .^ 85 5 ^' c^ ^ 'o G a a ^ v^ x .P 0 . 29 . , 5 ^. - 2, 810, ^F 0 y the total of a: o Mf , 81G A fauna operated by about l85O47O h1dere giving a a; e rvZn of 4 , 51 farms per holder. in the country as a hole, are a : Table 4, 5 ®2 gives by Region the pe c ntaga frequency distribution of the umber° of holders with :. i f cre i n mDber of fa ms, _ k E Di ST RI BUTT Table 4 5 2 - P E R O N TA HODEFL3 Li OH 01 0 ^ I 4 FERENT NUMBER OF FARMS 2Frm ^ L__ — Weste rn 62 31 Central 72 24 Greater Accra 77 iS Eastern 68 26 100 Volta 68 24 X00 Ashanti 61 30 . rang Ahafo 59 32 Norther 30 59 upper West 39 16 Upper East 25 40 (Ghana) Total 60 31 y. 6 1 4 ^-. ' 7 loci { ei °^ yf 2 100 2 100 a 2 100 100 one per cent of the bolds 3 in Ghana operate About nin.et holdingss that are made up of two farrn or ], 5® i n t he Upper ya and astern Regions, a re Latfvely biGJ. 3 er p0: i on t a- bye of :hc_,.deis;, operate holdings that are made up of hrse : s More than hall I :3 5 the 'ilumter of holder in the Northern Rcgion hav holtngs that are made up of two faro u • .dery inVDpe eet . more farras and Upper East Regions have holdings maae up of four less than three per cent of holders in the rest of the country operat e hoidings Vith such nuxber of Yam p. While approximately one-seventh of the UN]ER CROPS Introduction Wit. a Th s chaptergi h e main ^,"^: op under Kt an a. e grofr n1 In ''aia of the ea" es ma f ha na to oget ,°. ; w` b. gi h o f a:e,. ea. other.' a:; .d. a Amform ation on l deco and d. o . di ge, and mean fieldaizee variouc crops in the dt trIcte and regicns t . of he The esti.irtatee of crop areas given In th. -J_ r report refer to s The areas o n the ground ae In m.iLd°- i984 tlmatee are classified of the crop own in pure atand or in most cases into (:.) the c.rea vvin.ant component :n the crop mixture and (ii) t he area grown as ubsid.i.ar: to one or two other crops ,..} the .e a , of the The estImates for the area of the crop grown AxsO,' eE ` 3 other crops include theentire area of al l fields that conteed an a.ppreciabl. e amouj t of the c I! op whether the OLEOp e" s `, '.e; re 10ue:'a "z ; inor co m.inant crop of the mixture or merely , No attempts have been made to derive". .Angle crop quivslentareaa ^ mi. t'ssre® a Thus for example, if . field was planted with maize" cas eava an cocoyamn it entire area is recorded under each of she three coue r The , Cereals '. ° _,,. a1e is one of the ew crops that are grownthroughout country Table 5 2 i gives the area under maize in the main eaconn of 1984 classified into the area of . aiz 'own pure or predominanth and that grown a.s a subsidiary crop in mixtures of crop Table,' " .. „A REA OF MAIZE BY DISTRICT MJ? BY 'i E AREA UNDER MAIZE Reg on and District ..^i eci m T k w, a . (97 .t p,n k wa p I s SEC. -I N.II " Y.'Lp a so ”? s>a OP mm_ a ,9 ' G e ACR 3 ureor P. edor .. " n 113, A. . s as ; in oth er words, thi. s are has been. c dt'eo. e x, : 8 t 5 0 489O di ii i 7886o 30,110 12,530 6,540 48,790 28, 560 47, 6 40 192,710 3, 455 34,990 k r, 19 VI` 0 r, 350 S.d..+. . 290 h jqy WIDER ZE C" k-ur 6 o r s ReEi on r 189, 600 10,180 qo 7Pn Gap e Coast 36, 900 440 37,340 E 34, 730 290 35,020 Dun kw a 58e 94.0 4, 340 Swed r1,1 59,030 5, 110 1000370 4,140 100 4, 340 10.4 7 1u 1,94„ 460 8,190 202,, 650 Akim Oda 24,520 950 25,470 A s = m ank e 31,610 1, 220 32,830 Roforidua 57,250 , 5i0 5.8,780 41,860 J., 75c 43,610 30,740 0.70 flf Grater Accra k E3 ombo tb it 2, 6 039280 Pi rj Mpra e o 8,4e0 670 144,930 22,710 So gak oD e 39,470 3,460 42 930 zeta 12,130 2,490 14, 620 9,680 , 860 3-4 540 25,740 340 26, 080 57,910 11,560 69,470 169,5W 49,550 si West 8,990 8,110 Kumasi Fast 5,410 B e kwa 8,940 12,330 Ruasi 14,500 1,020 16,120 Juasra Mamponc East 31,640 920 35, 560 Mamp ong West 76,020 33,050 69, 070 Of finso- T epp a 24,780 10,520 ona Ahar 320,840 49:,600 Goaso 55,780 6, 310 Suriy 77,120 6,710 Dorm as 419390 15, 540 56, 910 W en eh i Ea et 57, 420 4,830 62, 250 Wench'. West .At ebub),z 53,30 35,750 4,200 1.2,010 57, 580 T ol ion Bo do Jasikaal-Ketto Era chi . shan q_ Rexj s 167 , „, 40n 5 , 410 EI 21,270 . P a / r! L . L) a; .mot ' j _ °. 1:F3.^ w ^;, ^ ^i Pare or d a, a ^,. 242510 0 66360 Datnongo-Sa1aga Yend.i East Yend.i West Ta.a1e Gambag . 39 40 61 f 2862E 46.620 xt IP 29$, 240 15760 82,120 14 5 4420 53 820 14460 5410 42 i 80 5 , 7 90 7390 1 ^ 5373O Wa. 960 160 6330 648o 16450 3'890 Navrongo 2330 1350 Boigat u &. 3 550 1340 Law a-°T umu Ljp? P I Ee, t o 22380 .10370 4, 8€J0 Bawku Total (Gha a) 19490,410 29"x,3 1. ,` `-^ f("r Table 5,2.2 tows at regional level the total area of aaiz grown either as pure e predominantt r ubsidiary eroj ^ a:id percentagee di tribution by Region. E m lie o '1 T?f^ G . wpm _ E cT-.FA 3' Lc t^r k ^..e^. ... . Weote n 192310 O nt al 199380 10 1L2 Greater Ac ra 104310 5,9 Eaatern 202 Volt 167340 9.3 Aeh,an -1 219430 123 :Biong Aha f o 370 440 296340 2C7 16 24400 10370 13 Northern Upper east Upper 3a t S 0 U PD sr Wet arld UPper Ea2t Regione b.av tte area. The major pro&neing regiono ara- Brozig ABhanti Eastemn, Western end Central Reglons. Tbe table below shows the number of holde'ro growing maize and theiT percentage by district and. tbt mean area. mai2e per holder. T bls 2 -PERCLUTAGE OF HOLDERS GROWING hAZ°ZE AREA BY DISTRICT of lio7, ders in the District 206,190 48,760 43,290 70,800 Ayam-Takoradi T arYwa Wiawso 43,340 217,510 38,030 47,160 61,490 70,830 0,700 48,700 244,140 50,700 42,310 54,920 60,350 17,270 16,590 4.s ikragwa Cape Coast ESSIWR Thlnicwa Swedru Greater Accra Reion Greater Accra Easte_ri. Akin. Oda Asemankese Koforidua Akosombo Kibi Y,praeso 1 274,480 Sogalcope Keta Ho Kpando JasvRan-Yete Krach..1 940 65,130 46,340 44,430 66,640 AJ.4h - No. o ol dero Grow 127,550 18,330 20,320 52,810 36,09D 187,110 32,020 43,030 56,720 55,2 32,730 32,730 169,750 14,620 36,070 48,170 44,860 16,050 9,980 175,830 42,630 21,720 26,920 31,850 52,770 - per Holder 61. 0 1.5 37.6 46.9 1 74%6 1 83, 3 0.9 1.2 2.1 1.1 84,, 2 91, 0, 92.2 78,1 1 ..2 2 6'7.2 3.2 67 , 69 5 28, 85. e d 0,9 87 .7 74.3 92.9 5307 64,1 i 8.1 2.0 0.9 1.0 /.0 ri 71,7 Ot.8 79.2 1 S 0 . of k:t 0 J dera in the DI tr. _ e 01 D4O o Area A — f 314 9 310 167, 200 uma i. West 43,7O 15,050 Kumai Ea. t 44910 11,590 B kwai Obua V . I a etaong MOO East Nampong '? est ffinso °T p a Br on.. Ahato Re on 00aso per io1de- ers Csra''x= 51 0 368 42 ,750 32 803 12,080 42 660 36, 35U 366 I ^ 59480 47, 980 34, 00'0 0,9 22 r 660 252 750 1A 9 419770 32,100 asyan 50490 38 990 777 01 Dorrn a. 45 580 24,220 531 1 We chi. Weet 43700 27, 840 Wench! East 30,570 At ebubu 40,940 .9, 260 139,900 119, 610 33400 25,970 Yen di East 212810 20, 560 943 Yendi West T ile 0 amAbaga 21 740 19,140 660 40,360 35, s: o 22 190 18,410 30, 960 18,720 Wa 10,720 2,, 400 Lawry-Tumu 20,240 16, 320 Damongo a1ga prWtRon fi r astBi9r Navrongo aIga tan a Baku Tot .l (Ghana) 121,230 32 4,760 57, 81 j 1^ 4 1 t 4 224 1.. 6 e 250. 54,790 3 52 i i 1 b 490 8,630 1 , 850,170 1 . ,17 1 , dd20 1 63.3 1.5 In Dunkw About 63 per cent of holders in Ghana grow . aize vi d j; trIct of Central Region swre than 90% and in. : ib i i. a ^ri e t c the Eastern Region, about 9. of the hoidere go a,._Los, r n n , d " 4:1 tr The percentage of holders Fvowinv iow in the Upper East Region, where less . than 16 Der cnt. of the holders cultivate the crop. it is a cash crop ,f importanct in Ghana end it being developed rapidly in the Northern and Upper Regions. most of its area lies in. the Northern and Upper Regions as will he seen from Table 5.2A below. Parts of Brong Ahafo, Western and Volta Regions also Iroduce some amount of rice, Table 5._. AREA OF RICE BY DISTRICT AND MtEA 41ELon and District Ae_ae_Fn_ItElon Axim-Takoradi Pure or Predominant 33,110 Pv J. - . -UNDER RICE ACR2S) Subsidia 7,31n " Total A nn 4,020 4;020 c art: 9,400 16,820 1,830 18,650 Wiawso Central R!on Greater Accra Region 2;870 480 3,350 2,410 900 Eastern Re ion Volta Re.ion 770 9,400 1,900 1,470 2,5% n Tarkwa Asankragwa Kpando Jasikan-Kete Yrachi 2,410 800 100 100 5,220 ci 3,370 6;340 4,910 Other Areas 4,910 Ashanti eriop 7,500 1,850 Dekwai 2,140 190 9,350 2,330 5,360 14,120 9,670 1,660 7,020 15,550 29,670 Other Areas Goaso At ebubu Northern Y.eulOn Damongo-Salaga. endi East Tendi West Tamale Gunbaga 8 650 4,450 20,480 11,200 4,790 180 4,590 150 3,860 750 9,180 19,950 3S0 1,060 10 , 770 68o 050 „ 35,530 93$0 530 4,610 mtd .c_. AREA UN Ia J ure or RICE O; C S 3 4630 i8OO 280 Wa ry Lar — T .nu 643o - 280 l520 309 320 463Q 2, 7 00 33O20 Navrou Q . o g t ai ga 14, 950 2, 700 ,E B ^ 10,430 a0 ^a ? 4940 ? Total ( 6450 O43 hana) F-6^ d $ t 5 Table 5.2e5 gives for the tajor rice growing t^ 2 2 0 h number of holders growingg rice and the menu ~° PERCENTAGE OF HOLDERS GROWINGRICE CE AND MEAN AREA Tah.l e f m iT E a z t n Di3trU.t i o3 a al e ,^ ce C T Ica He rz 14. 230 er E c 9 24 950 kxAmT^koradi Id . Tarkwa 3, 230 Asankragwa 7 090 7.5 16 W iaw5o 1, 60 4 ® 2 Oentral 2 290 la 900 I .I 3.$ a.. 05 2, 220 O T 6w 1 F2 39410 2 i 1e 8,250 26 Greater Accra Re o eion Volta d gion Eastern Jasikasa Kate Krobi other Areas Abantij Other Ara ^6°e a cy AtYflbU Oi gas 9780 2,730 .panda 4 3,640 5,98 . I . 7,720 3i. .6 2,900 6e9 3J3 , 82o lI 9 3.7 z ye y (contiO 2 on and District IT , t h ern R 3. on -E61-D7r-s---ii•EY -i --C-O-r7(7)770-.7 4--- 7.-.T.77-7,-) .P, r ,:,..,,,. .c e Holders _L 1 S47Z.21.1.tE 11,920 8 5 2 9 3 9 360 99 Cd I East 350 1 .6 Yen di West 1, 660 7.6 T -w/a1 e 6,170 morl go -Seaaga -7 4 4 .., . p 15 „ 3 .. 2 380 1.7 2„8 5,730 18.5 1.1 960 9.= O 0 3 4,770 23.6 1.3 26,730 22 0 a 13,500 24.6 Bul gatanga 9,230 16.0 0 Baw 4,000 46®3 2,6 90,770 4.9 Gawbaga i , uerstRezton Wa Lawra-Tumu Luqr East_:4,fEL9n avrongo Total (Ghia.) g ! 1„9 75 per cent c1 all holders growing rice are iolmd. in the Northern, Upper , Central and Volta Reg4on,s, and the y e op e-r: on wi average area of 1.1 to 2.9 acres, Guinea corn is predominantly grown in the n)rth East and Upper West Regions as shown. in Table 5, 2.6 below „ 2.6 - AREA OF GUINEA C CRU BY DI STRICT Table Re 61 on and Di. stri t p. H ---- Volta Hellion, UN DER Pure or Pr edomimzi 5,970 Ahafo Re con • ` f E GUINEA 0 ORN Sub s di a ry 1 m 11,150 17,120 6640 b ou Norte-rn Re 91,610 298,240 Darnongo Salaga 19,060 F,q070 Yend! East 149290 Ye al W 11,60 6, ,870 60,150 38770 7,860 Boom 51,110 2..7 8, 870 T e Gsabaga 7 58,970 4 e ^^ ^1 , ^S ^ 4 ^' 'C t'S 'xr w,'f^ p ) i N r, .. ^ s-r,.^ AREA fAI DE a >: f I'Sx^ rx ,-v ;^wra Put'e or ^. y °^ Va dJ 340 - 00 4, 700 160 40 22$4O 9 890 106, 040 64 3oO 47470 4 9 63O 8,940 40, 390 6 awr a . '6.7-'. r L. Eas Pon N v ongo Bo .gat .nga Baku Total (Gh an a) 3 37 48U 3253o g CC,) 170340 7 ,' 060 09,200 19,570 4,40 3, 39C,38 230 960 ... . 4u .. _ 621,340 ...._. . About 63 per ce t of the area vaid r ' 3ie, °'°P Is pants wit it as subsidiary to, other° crops The rest of the are ha guine c orn sown as pu r e or pr°ed©mi.nant , The di stric eonstitutthg the major part Of the guinea eori are Navrongo an d Bo1gat ga.. Table 5.7_®7 showq the number of holders growing guinea earn an d their percentage for the districts important for the crop. so given is the mean area per hoard 4 Also Y 1 T 7 w ' it(. ' AC^e . +± JTOLD't'RS GF^G NG GTFLT E 0;^ 71' ..S D -, T-' Tabi 5, 62Q Volta Re^.tcn 3,160 122,490 a 3x Northern Rion Danan.gO-Sal aga 25,380 1 9,650 Yendi East W 21, 430 Yendi est T atuale (h mbaga 41RSt R 36,240 19,29 21,800 ,040 70 ^c^xz Wa J. awraTum 4 20 L33 876 2 5 ". 75a 34 901 986 2 3C 32 3.3 .3 89 ` 892 .c 704 16 284 9 2,. ).7 ^ 45 ---. f_qL_on_and District VILer East fle6.,...°n Nvrongo Bolgatanga Bawku -,--y--T-- Holders with -T-6T-ToTia. __Guinea_corn___ .,____„ Holders 76,500 6341 40,890 74,6 32,130 556 3,480 403 Total (Ghana) More than 60 per East 229590 ge all area er Holder 2.1 ,2 l2.4 cent of all holders in the Northrn., Upper and Upper West Regions cultivate guinea corn, This pe r on- in the Yendi West 'district of Uorthern Region where about 98 per cent of the holders cultivate guinea corn. tage is however much higher The average area for guinea corn per holder is the highest in the Bawku district of the Upper East Region. The Millet crop is also predominantly grown In the Northern, Upper East and Upper West Regions, and it is usually grown in mixture with guinea corn. As shown in Table 5.28 below about 40 per cent of the total area under millet Is found in the Upper East Region anal: ..about 55 per cent in the Northern Region and the rest in the Upper West Region, TIEE Table ,2,8 - AREA OF MILIT Region and District Northern Red.on Damongo-Salaga Yendi East Yendi Aest Tamale Gambaga 22 er LsEls AREA UNDER MILLET ACRES) Pure or Predominant Subsidiary 40,520 274,960 5,760 55,180 330 280 42 36 45 300 24,770 9,3 8 0 20470 86,850 45,270 9,190 400 8,790 WA Lawra-Tumq 19,470 Total 1 315,480 ' 60,940 111,620 54650 29,360 1,130 26,260 , Ur f 01' Pr e cd o in ± zi'ant 88. 36 43, 420 Bolgatanga 32, 840 Bawku 12,1C() P Total (Ghana diar Total. l37, 800 226 g 6O .+4j 60,, 85, 149,05 42:L,950 100270 ,^-.....- ...M.. k._...!_.. 0 __,..._. shows/, he three regions of &nati wnr iuU is mainly grown, the number god percentage o:: h v oc.-c, g,.: Table 529 crap anti its Me z area ;ear° hoJ der Wk J '^^ C- i;'T^rm a `^+ C-'' ^^.4 I ^ ^et? ^ ^ ^ p AREA PER H O LDPR D 'r HHolders with strie ni Di Distri i.6 Je lN D {^^ i r ry } %of Total „ o dens .I. c s N g Mean ar .^ ,n 70'” 5 917,010 69 DamOnge-S lager 20.080 59..4- 3O Yendi $a sta 14,130 648 .," s Yendi West :8,83O 86.6 Tamale 243i0 60.2 Gambga 1 P 660 19,990 886 1 ^^^ ^ t}^ W o 2! '° WeJL 17 W R 2,400 . 32 4 2.6 ^re .,. 22 a ` m ^J f° MEMO olgatanga w E.. 82,590 68J 27 4O.890 746 2.6 3822O 60:L , 9 3 480 awku :total(Gh :,^ 1° L, ira-TUm .a) 1 .9S $ 9 0 4 2.6 i 4^ i0 n About seven-tenth of tue holders in t he f o Bern.n Upper Th e mean onto pew;, East and Upper West Regions grow mi1let der ranges from 05 acres (Wa Dis r1ct) to 4 ^2 ac= ana, xe D strict), The mean area per bolder or 3:,,.-- e_° in • I er r • .r `^" 7 y r a The R t_Croq Cassava is the moat widespread root crop grown in the COUntT 'nd forms an important part ef the Rtaple diet. Table 5.3.1 presents its area classified into area planted pure or predominantly with cassava and the area with cassava grown as a subsidiary crop in crop mixtures. - ARIA UNDER ASSAVA BY DISTRI.CT p Y TT TNG AREA DNDU CASSAVA ACUS)__ Pure or RfLion and Distrit Predominant Subsddiaf 107,800 230,270 33F,070 Axim-Takoradi 29,190 66,650 Tarkwa 299260 22,440 95,840 51,700 Asankragwa 29,970 68,810 98,780 Wiawso 19,380 91,750 Central Re7ion 28,460 72,370 71,260 Cape Coast 1,270 35,840 Essiam 8520 33,230 4.1750 Dunkwa 8,170 ,7,810 6 M80 Swedru 10,500 41,380 54,880 Greatercra Ac Re ion 13,530 1030 28,560 Greater Accra 13,530 1!,030 28,560 Eastern_ataion 53,260 19C970 244,230 Akim Oda 24,460 32620 56,080 Asamankese 5,870 30,520 Koforldua 4,640 5:000 36,390 q 0.4,n 13,580 42020 56,500 660 24,'90 25,450 4,050 76,620 %20 160,°50 13,370, 237,180 Sogakope 11,250 33,40 44,660 Reta 17,060 10,0 27,810 Ho 11,720 9,0 2350 83,20 112,650 240,10 34,450 14,20 40,210 Western P,LLion Akosombo Kibi Mpraeso oIt ReLi9n 7,230 Kpando jasikaII-Ket Yrachi 4SSLRR Xumasi West 29,A60 124,280 25;960 5 193,720 20, e y- i 4 Lc U i &tLQJ Pere or PTe Onai n a Z1"& ji d Su si Ia " o.. Kumasi ast 22,170 Bekwaj `€. n 49Q 2774O 46230 Obuas 19 3 20 21s 30 40t 950 6,360 49 270 00 9 Juaso M gong East 9 320 490 3 30 i pong West 20, 400 83.073 Of 'i_nso-Te pa 11,560 34,910 45,470 13^.Ir . hafo .R ion. 68,050 92, 540 360, 590 6,84.0 4946O 56320 10 9 880 54, 1 0 65. 690 Dormaa Winc hi West 4,820 56,930 61,750 9,640 59,380 Wenchi East 29,650 51,650 69,020 81,500 6, 22 0 20,090 26310 21,710 214,080 235,790 Daeongo- _aga 5,430 55,120 60,550 Yen&t East Yendi West 1,410 40.590 42,000 520 36,E 460 36,980 14,350 60,060 94,410 50 1,850 1,50 300 330 1,515,210 2,008,920 Goaao Sunyani At bub No rt her.ra aa Tamale G mba a - ''p East Re Ion _Total (Ghan i) 493,710 As stated earlier, all crop area figur es given in this report refer to the total area on ground as in mid 1984 The fore in the case of cassava which is a long durat 3, on crop, the . figures given above refer to the total area ::.Fva • S stood on ground in mi d 1984, and not e rely to the area r ¢ ...t or to the area harvested in 1984e The above table revels that 75 per cent of the are as cassava had this crop only as a s ubs dia y crop grown Ixed a other crops. prr,lent Tabl totl 1Pvel i.,_ sava grown eithr ae pure, predoataant or subsidia77 rpercentage distribution. - Pf R} TC1 Total Area Western )38,070 Central Greatr Accra 199,720 28,560 Eastern 244,230 Volta 23791E0 1 364,450 360,590 AslAxti Brong Ahafo 235,790 Northern pper.East i 330 H 1 Upper West 1 _ Total (Ghana) t- 2,008,920 100.0 About 36 per cent of the total area under cassava is concentrated in Ashanti and Brong Ahab Regions and virtually no cassava is grown in the Upper West and Eaat Regiona. ab Table 5.3.3 shows by district the wambe of h.oldr growing cassav a and thir percentage . The mean cassava area is also sbown. Table 53m - VFP n TACE CF ECIDERS GROWTRG CASSAVA lieLUER KND'A_REA 71 Holders with Cassava CA 1U Area Eolder .Eolde 1.81,800 88.2 2.9 Tarkwa 41,790 96.5 1.2 Axim-Taoradi 39,600 81.2 A na °.. Ti,9S0 u.0 Tiawr3o 62,430 E8.2 86,7i 85,.6 9401 Re/7Ion and. Dictrict Western Reg, on 188).060 Cape Coast EsitAM. 32,550 44,360 71 fi 7 1,1 0.9 _° .^1 ^5 „ d.,^. ^5,. ^J' . r i c t _.^,:.a- 0 L 8^ ^` a--e A S E"'x A c ra Reg, k %2 m L 4996o Asarnank 39 380 11 ' 3 67. 926 01Q 2..,,- Aidni Oda F 56210 931 KA.be. 15Q49 8g. Mpra^' 30 :a, 5g610 84,10 2.0B; 640 760 45230 87J. 26480 180 402 36420 78,6 37090 Bare 5 6372O A, 6' 285,160 ^7 40 3100 927 43,210 6 Ho Kp anado e e Krachi kan k. at a 3 l,. 9 11 h ti 'e 4124O B k ai y , ' ,^eso^ bo e Aa sa ^ ® 49,340 Sogakope 0 .6 ofor dua Kum a £; .673 .? 22•601Q .1 n-I 7&0 3278Q Great e ra ,,IkccrR, ja n 1A L' an L S i ?410 ^^ r e a; A r ^, 57 e' ",qa tea.,-+ 3 LA L ,??^ a s s a55, w. , . k '3' R s 3 Bar 'q .^C^4. a d 09 1110 g .L m S, ;91 0 'I . 13 . `^. r ,, i a ^^ 0 ua i 27 44 Ju ,3o'm :ampo ng Fait 38310 89t' Mawpog West 55 020 925 A a, 9 39650 5 8 2" 12 . 0 .fin3o- T ppa 16802o 30,1201 G"orad.sc 3o0 cN L^ 72a'1 64'b ^^F Doriaa We3 hi Wt Wrxc:hI Eat ,bb iTc rflR$fl YnLt Eut 3 35870 21 13290 325 67670 484 20,980 1286O 624 ,Oh '^ 3, 3'7• mis a" ^.° va G 5 20 44 90 i.^. Y: fe ry. a* r t 276 GO ^}.:F '^^ ii(ider, _ 6A Tamale Gambaga rut, sa a 21,960 Upper West Region Zean icea h 54.4 760 ti , 200 0.6 Lawra-Tumu ,0 Total (Ghsna) 1, 358,3 60 Almost cevanty-thref per cent of the holdeT in Ghana grow cassaTa. in most distrii-ts in Central * Eastrn, Ashanti and Volta Regions, their per,.entage is more than 80, but it ie quite low in the Northern and l'pper Regions. Yam is another . maj , ,r root crop which la grown both as subsistence and cash, cro: , Table 5.34 givs itH area in Durs and pr dominant ,stand as well as th area grown Inixed with other crops with yam ocmpying a significant proportion, ablt53.4_- ARIA_ 'NDR. YAM BY DISTRICT ;aD EY T: ALTIM TYPE District WesternRion Axim-Takoradi Tarkwa Aeankragwa Wiawoo pmtral ReeLisn Dunkwa Swedru Other Areas Estern Akim Oda Aaaaankese Reforidua AREA UN DR YAM 'C R, Pre or P:edominant Subeidiary 45,660 1,460 i q 7 190 20830 2088 3 23,180 23,1E0 4,190 1,120 4,190 2410 190 v, n p ql 660 6C, 22770 22, 770 6,920 29310 19120 3*6&0 tkosoWoo , Mpraso 45,660 ' 49C fJ 920 7 310 1,,120 366o 6 2 5G ART ur e 31,750 UNDER r^ lfi ..,, :ii 5 i oQ So ak ope s^ 6 zeta Ho 1 4 Kp:ando Jasikan Ke lp e I ac'.ii i Ash 1-^ a ^. i. ,.- Re: Kumasi W*s't .4 0 670 6 9 620 16030 46860 70 4l30 3 Hu ici. Bast l0 Bekwa.I CD u a ci «J uaso .NampOn East ong West b 620 a 9.790 ^^49 i4570 53i0 2,700 0f . n so T ppa. 140,, 00 55 060 G Can 280 7 380 Sun y .n.. Y.»Cd@.J DDor m aaa a,2 v0ii 38, 26O Weiie11i. 'east 6 6i ]•,rr;r,r WWe iehi East i973 i973O 2220 Atebub u 7 4 9 89 2 4.80 134 D 210 Damongo S laga 45350 Yendi. Bast 34 $ 7 Yendi West 25190 Tamale 28 570 GamF. a ga 2 200 1,.2 020 `- 390 5. 910 9, 40 6 680 331,69O 2820 Ya ,a ah mra T imp. Total (GrpAna) A, About eixty por oat f the area 'under yam is folmil ither in pure 8t2nd or as a prc dominant crop in a ml :.turn of cropE; and about twos" ;hi of yaA cultivation_ is ooncentrated in Brong and Northern Regigns A Aaro The number of holders growing yam and their pe ntagF arc pre toted below in Table 5 3, 5. by district, Tabl e PERUENTAllE _OF He ER S GROWING- I ,M AND .A REA PRP HOLI r Holders with Yarr and. Axim-Takoradi A s akragwa PS . 4€0 13.8 1s 0:;0 2.1 10, 560 24.4 0.5 2 Tarkwa P nn awso 16, 610 23.5 1 A Centra 4, 6O 2.0 2,0 2.2 0,8 2.8 1®2 ¶1 9Q 1,1 1.1 9, :a0 7.8 1.2 is 6O 2.4 A Swedni Other Areas ksamankess 3, 5.6 8,5 Koforidua 1,440 2,6 8 AR o sombo 7, Y/0 11.9 08 13.?, I .6 pra so 2, 't90 1,710 26 ;20 9.4 1.4 1.7 1,1)0 2.1 Aki in Oda :Volt a RsElpn o galc op e r, 9.8 Keta 77 2 s 8)O 6.5 0 5 Jasikan-Kete EraQhi 19, 10 29.0 7., 0 Ashanti_ II t f ion 460'M 14.3 1 .3 2, 3(0 6, OW 5,3 134 Bekwai 12, 90 30,2 ObuaBi 3, 6b 1/.2 9 „ 21) 21,5 Ew4ndc Riu_nasi West K um asi st p Jua so 1_4Dp rig East 'Qmpong West Offin 50—T 41) 2 5 261 GG i8 tl 0.6 2,1 q 4:1 1.2 a : x l° A.h e`.s o ^.'a. 31 . }! n e vi 36 e+ ti; 1 7 t. : c West Wench. Ba.it 14. .hl 231 19 4 n 38'.6 24 Oki 47O 32 3 80 14v 1 ;0 At ebubu s.,> .-y mo 9 t i)xy #F 24 to 9720 Dormaa ^ t 6? ^a 3 i60 .n.i '9 'en ^^ 91620 Goaso ° with e,9 10 ^,' we 60,350 4, ^. v7 4 24 ^ _ 43 °^ 2 Danox go Saiaga 16,740 4955 ` endi. East 1356O 622 West 10,86O 50U 23 17, 000 42,x.... ` .5 end Tamale Gambaga T1 RiOi Wa 10,430 4880 Law r a-Twnu Total( ll .-1 an a ) 28 2 6 _fit„ 337 455 274 5, 55O -.. . 1 9 2. 190 x Wee Y F4 »,.,w....,....^ ...._.: O4o ec 5 7 _,....=..,av,.., ....-._- il 3 — About f fty three i er cent of holders growing yam in G are found in the Brong Ahafo and Northern Regions. More the thirty v per cent of holders in each of the two regions mow y g^.ion hs the bighest mean area per holder in Region The country the third major root crop popularlyr groa In It a..^u?ea is presented by district in Table 5.3,6 in wh .ch, I yam in the previouss tables, tguree for the area of cocoyam Co y ca . ma is mixed with oilier cropsinclude the whole area of all fields t amount of coccy = contained a significant Tab A ) 0 y T11,7 AJV t h 7;g or , - AREA ON Pure 07. Predominant L Region and District Western Replan Axim-Takoradi r Puk.-.• AN n -7 fThm • Su N sidiar 7' MtP1 . 260 17r) 2,870 1569956 3, 040 E.,:.() 8640 Asankrawa Wiawso 44,330 102,940 65 047,450 48,300 2,020 2,020 11,420 .11,420 Cape Coast Essiam 850 Lunkwa fi 9'3,420 9 520 2fatul_EREIRa " CMOYKI(1,,07).-,'` 4,690 Tarkwa P' 26,890 7,120 Swe(1ru nTh I 2 070 133,060. 13513° 260 45,340 4,5 600 AsamanIcese 14,360 1. 4 Yoforidua 38,040 38040 540 22,080 22,620 1,050 8,330 9p380 220 4,910 470 50,450 Ho 160 4,740 , rNn Kpando 310 6,500 , 810 38,830 38, 830 380 380 38,050 276,45Q 314 5Q0 2,830 29,150 Kumai East 1,260 28,160 31 9 966 29 , 420 Bekwai 6,330 32,780 Obu?,si 960 32,200 Pn 5,870 52,870 8 , 740 16,710 66,720. 83, 4 30 4,070 19 050 34,570 250,770 900 71,680 8,180 84,650 140 46,110 4. 6 , 13,360 13,6 34,970 44,470 Ahim Oda Akosomho iti Mpraeso olt EL9m. JaAkan Ye-tie Krachi Otht)r .Areas .. dlaa nLAMLCa Kumasi West juaso-Marpong East Mampong West Offinso Teppa Br2LE Ahafo_Reg„lon Goaso Sunyani Dormaa Wenchi Wst Wench' East Atrj)ubu Total (Ghana) 9,500 65,1 912,44.0 ri 60 38,640 38, 269, 82.0 g )( 0 Rud Upper es n^`; ion r in t;he c ountr as a hol e , about ni.n..ety three per cent c_;' area under cocoyam has ibje crop g rown as sa? aiCia y to other crops n on the sate li e ch T irty— three , `d r s ;a: of i grown total area in the country i.s located In the Isho hegn Table 5® .7 showss by district the n t1ber and f:s ercen.t 'e grow ow cocoyam. holders 1, { . . ^ .. . `L3 Western ll ,.` @^ 1 ^.,A s._L. i :S `. rV }r 71 6r.^—',.. HLDER Re&i on 98 970 .Axi -Takoradi 1,630 Tarkwa 9 350 A sa y. a.b:agwa, 20,580 S awa . 67, 4l0 s 42 , 080 ex ual Re ion 1l20 Cape Coast r"s 1 aiu 13,420 Dun w . 21, 7 90 <Swed ru5,750 Easter ;.et on 118,700 Akin. Ocia, 38,420 Asamankese 1 , 950 R.o 'o: .dua 00 260 21, 360 kosoiubo R .0 . 5,210 Mpraeo_o 1,500 Volta Rgion 7,120 Ho 6,900 Kpau o 8, 980 Jasikan-Ket e Xrachl 480 Other Areas w:a .aj.iti P 30,760 io o 237 0 8 60 Kwsaai West 29,060 an , . of 41,080 l:a ^s..:7 r ^ , P t ; la- a , ^.s l. 11:.V \.e .., ] ^-i lti .e... D,.,a li A) . e ^^ 1,)ort2a_y„.n,„d Holders With ooC 0 r, t al -0 Bekwai 34,410 tbuasi 20,360 Juaso-Meopong East 35,700 g ampong West 43,370 Offthoo-TepDa 33,880 706 106,100 42X Goaso 357380 84,7 Sixnyani 30,140 60.1 Dormaa 19,850 3.5 15,0 Ar017.0•10.R.ELqm, Wenchi West 4,600 Wenchi East 16,130 650,830 Total (Ghana P r Bolder 35.2 oS About'36 per cnt of the total number eopyam holders gro itY1 in the country are located in Ashanti Region, about 161 cent In the Eastern. Re -Lion. and about 16 per cent in the Drong Al Region In Ashanti. Reion, more than u ) per n 01. the holdm cultivate oceoyamm sweet otatoe are grom in Ghana On ti wan ne e, maiy in the Tolta, Wrong hharo and Northern Regions. The total area nnder the crop is estimated at about 14,800 aore6, grown RS a subsidiary to other crops in the urops 5A„ The Pulses. and 'rate Grbun - is - an impOrtant each crop in the northern part the country. Table 5.4.1 shows tae area of groundnuts elasaifiet into the area grown pl,re or predominantly with eroundmute and .t1 area with this crop g:-ovin as a eubsidiary crop in tLe Mik ture. Tabl e 5 4 .vi. AREA - ER GRM R iOn and ,District ylata 4 sh ant LRer,i0n pr ktx a C. o_ DN UT S BY '_DS ST TICT t-are or Predominant — 24060 24,020 32,850 0 6,960 3,230 PLANT TG t ,P A, or U NJ)1 R G ROT^I U DNUT S s I: { _ f 'TSa P re ou Northern ].t f .L^. ^ , -^,t a l25450 $^L^ SJ i": ,J ^^_,^... l2840 :D iao u o S la a go , ) 1IQJ30 Y en±x. , East 2, 420 l ^ 300 Ynd1 West 570 i2489 13050 A 350 63 21.0 tei 4,! 3, 200 25 a 1Jd rry . 'tr i Gaaf ba.ga perWestEeion Lawra 1 4 _x. Nav ron ,o 6050 4 883 10. 970 400 460 86o 420 10,070 34 m 4 44 570 15RVka. 14.,650 LY . 5 0 3 440 Muo 3 570 maronr^., a. ,` m..ss 17 1' ^, 4.0 2340 ,x:^ar i9 720 7 5 0 s, s... " ) . „ s, car 51 , l230 wRe:®seua^s^,^,w Total( ha a 8260 270 .no .! gatanga a of Ghana '^ M 6 093 93490 R 5 3 $90 5 ^ 650 T mu East u 4 Rest "5.F 1, ` a, — I4040 k l2740 5a 430 nsa.-j .,seem a^.we..p^.m 3 $ About 27 per cent of the total area ux h:.. % onndnut i'a foundin .he Upper Region and another37 por cent in the Northe .u. Region rowing tracts th a Table 5 4. 2 shows for the main greundnuts number C t holders cultivating groundnuts .d. cent oget] with th mean area per holds,, '_ ab.1 e ^ :° C' "" T , TD ^^1 HOL .^ R^.J ld " I: LOIjJ a NG G, LQUIN 7^i'f &.i rTS .0 RTt P, , ...: TJl ^,-,. .^_ I . ji , 1 : , 1..-.,s3- ... 'llde ! LLL ,.. t ms.^ ,W Rejon Volt o r.^ o °?^ i` tr a A..ai or Rein .^Re r °ra ve .ct ` itli ia l s 9 ^J F ^ d T € sl . ^,'V.r Ax aLo^r l6460 5 2 .. 1.6 32680 12.9 57, k ., 7. 3 2 ,, 6 14, 2 7 0 West 0O , 7O 467 33, 550 83l 11,790 Tl .< 5 - :Le6 ll08O Z a T 9 7.5 .1i East YndI X3 3 2060o B0 1t 30 3 D,e. an&0^ alaga a B e a 'v 2,5 0-0 Ae icciOn and IiietlAc, upo , west RP'riOn Groundnuts 16t320 1,920 A4,';) 0,4 144.00 ( L,L 0,7 100,860 83,2 1.0 Navrongo 40,890 74.6 1.0 Bolgata.nga 52v770 c z 1 0.9 14 6 4V WR Lawra- Tualu E' F On EERftr - . F: Eawku 7,200 Rest of Ghana 3v610 T n. an, a ) t 271 460 About three-fourth of the holders growing growichnxtB livc in the Northern and Upper ff.tgion9. The mean area zerh_old2 large in. Gamb a, Tamale and the Bawku districts. The cultivation. of Beans iS mostly confine to Northern, 3 Upper East an Upper West Regions6hown in. Table 5,4.3 below. The figures for the area containing beans mixed with other crops incl.;. the entire area of fields that grow this crop to a significant xtent. Table 4 3 ARE UNDER BEANS BY DISTRICT ZD AREA UNDER BEANS (ACRES) and strict Northern Reion 1 Pure or i Predomina2it 650 Damongo-Salaga Total 61,110 5,73'0 Yendi East 7r , 4 , 46 ' end' West Tamale e -v-13 0( Gamlaga - 2 n 4 70 .112,W17 —TUIIM 2PD,TK. N av rong o 2B0 31, 510 31.790 110 2';5,490 1 225,600 110 6 11'; Bolgatanga . tea 4rt ,40 Bawk-o. R3t of Ghana 1 ' 0g 0 ; — 0 14 .tir'; p e 9 ' 4 e &' diaiyC s.. o -o i-ii grown Aboni: `3 - i , a .. n,-4 W ., £s^z of t"I'lei ' tota . 4 e a R e g:LonA Ano ;hem 29 per o uit , found We'-et Reg1.on Table ow thenumber of holders wing beat m and their percentage in the different district ior1 and District h.!rfl i ^O on w t o.^c.r ^f Beans W^. ^u $3,690 .^r Rol " ^, ^ I Mean r ,: ^_L et ^ 455 .t...., ' 06 DarnongoSa1aga 9,990 29 Fend. East 8 24. 0 37P 80 Yendi West 17830 82O Tamale 18,170 450 L2 6 2.1 Genb aga • 9 , 460 :s s. ^e' ^1 19,770 3,040 Wa Law ra^Tumu L' p er as I:t_ Na-vro o olgatanga Rest of Ghana 63 a;.( 28 16,730 826 19 82,040 677 ,t 40,100 73e 2,4 37,310 4,630 Bawku a 42 . 5; 34,160 3Q 5, ®`s 2.2 38 About 41 per cent of the total number of holders growing beans are found in the Upper East Region,, an d the mean area per holder is also highest in this region. in- i . s3a _ :°fir .9-r ` ure of crops, as revealed by Table 5 4 5 which shows its area classifiedd Into pure Or p ° do : nant stand . and subsidiary stand. 1 Bambara beans 10 Frown mostly as a a n More of Crops. O 5 0 V, / r -:, - AREA UNDER BAnARA BEKNS TYPE _ ARFA_UNDR -P LLL2Lnal; ,LEST Li PLi,NTA 4--(ACP7) BANDA. Tr Rezion and District _ .. , VpRer East RoLion " 164,770 1.64777) Navrongo Z 8 240 48,240 Boigatanga U950 31,950 Baku 84,580 84,580 Rest of Ghana 600 'li cit 600 (Gh a) 3,140 167910 167, 310 About 98 per cent of the area under the crop is ftund in the Upper East Region. Tht number of holders growing bambara beans and their parcentage are presented in table 5.4.6 together ith the luan are "f r holder. 6 Tabl , , ,sra.lon and HOODED Lls District , GROWIFG EA SARA BEOS HolderTkith Bambara Beans AREA l'ER HOLDER 1C-6f Tow.) r, an. .Arpa. Ljaer. .holder Holderc URIsr East RegLRa 62,520 516 2. 6 Navrongo 27,790 1.7 Bolgatanga 33,880 50.7 58. 6 0.9 850 Bawku Rest o Ghana Total (Ghana) 1,830 350 ---------3.5 Upper Past Region accounts for nerl 97 /,) 4 e-nt of th 7 holders growing bambara beans. 5.5 v.eilttables Vegetable and fruits though not grown extenive1 7 , a . of importance in various parte of the country. For vegetables, the same piece of land is often cultivated a couple of times during the year, and the area is counted each time of jt cultl.vation, 4 r T ^-'F ato ^ 3 a mixture of are grown era 5s l @1 a oEA- £,n ;1 i. as shown fl I? 'A T I ER °t;: 3 .`? as :.rO ly :'"w.f riic g Q REGI BY TO ATOES ON i} BT PE S AREA _ ?r „i re or Predominant Region ar Total y 730 We stern ^^ A 2 30 Central 300 18 480 320 26, 90 240 4,160 Volta 1440 90 17,890 Ashanti 4 860 1703O 19030 21, 890 , B,i- ng 1,010 83 X 670 84, 680 610 16400 16,710 1,140 1440 - ° y^ Greater A e ra Eastern Ahaf a Northern Upper East U pp er 42 v 49 , a West Total (Ghana) 9,710 L ^ 43 9 j d, 4b 0 228@O8O 237,790 About 39 per Cent of the area wider tomatoes is in brong Aha.fo Region while westerna Region accounts or 18 pr :en t. Table 5 2 shows the number of holders grow ng o f s . r. the different regions and their percentage together with the :.pal, area per holder, folders with Rion Western Tomatoes of Totai Holde o 1533 Central 31,510 19,430 Greater Accra 10, 21®3 350 7 670 eari Area k ` £ Ho1ej.e 184 8 .p ? i Volta 24430 88 -, Ashanti 21,230 £8 g. 0 B. ong Ahafo 34,330 i36 . 2.5 5,480 39 400 O3 Na rt h e .. Upper Fast Total (Ghana) ^h w 1) 299 020 1550.2O a t .n 3 I ,. Pur e 6,150 -,g ceu L3- 40 62.0 ea te Accra t -, 7(U 1 12 64 ilk i ban 290 -Jc) org .Lhalo 10,960 / 7)er West per as" ! _e,,,Q422.424.444+4_, snz- 13, 560 1) f0 2, 110 •4 i - cliar., •4,:. 3.7 1 0 r) 1 _180 950 n 760 1, 050 , 000 ,, ,, , Al .-; y ,,,,,u 2, 160 8. 470 290 19,120 1.9,260 I 1 - 7 7 150 1, 580 I __. . 6__:L_a2LL_L2LQ__L,_22 200 1 1. ,1.50 . • 4 1 0 1 1 i - 200 22,150 9,210 1 0.7 29170 0.7 i -I 1 i I 1 14 0 0,7 1,3 Q 0,7 2Q a 1 i 1 1 p 0. 5 0 .7 0„2 03 4 23 pr "'• 5 0.6 a 1 the rn ,, 4• -1 010 — /2 390 1 860 I ab D,:z E-G GS Gau O K_ O GEOZNG — an 101 de r s wi, th 70 of •fo t a2.1 777f to tali te an poi ders wit area Holders 1 Garden ll area ell Holders , 7 I 11080 ! 3 U ,I 19, 070 1 240 69800 9 060 har, ta. tal )11e 4k 1 HTa [ , 53 0- i - z- , - . i L7.! feral s tern ' 18,830 ?9700 150 1 , 58 , 70 T-- a /..', U177y_:72:3___ 400 1 L? 260 `In 9 . 710 s terT, i 5, 190 i 2 7/0 ii 5 0 40 1 1 1. t: al. . Iredomin an t, _. To___ 9,18.0 ! 4.4...w•r4.4,,,• , ,, 5 1 . . .___ _ v 7L zp:...,,L ±24y.L__Q1.._.__us)__.÷___2._1 . 3,21g, j of ta, L..,. 0 OF eater Accra _ 9 9 180 19 9 , '150 180 1 180 th R17] sid 300 / 1 1 ,LRE U-TN _ A 1 n 2, 5 60 E11. Oia0 J9 • +-)u i/ 90 2, 360 760 err-, a 11 17 0 '6,820 2 290 s oF A Tj1 Pure or kredomin an t _ Je About 22 per cent of the tom ac t .: rm .. L it und in t h e Brong Abate e€ Lcui; and in G in the country are t`^t e c o-r., Region, every fifth farmer cultivates tomatoes. Table 5 533 cws the areaunle.r pepper, okro arth g ar .en with theusual breakdown into pure or predominant plantings and mixed plantings For about two'th_ir • of it area, pjpjr is planted as a cubs tid.iary crop in a mixture of crops. About 22 pe r . a" ot the total area under pepper in the country is Mad in Ashanti. Region The crop is grown on a very email scale in the Northern and, iJpper vest Regions. A total of about 65 2 9O acres is under okro cultivation throughout the country ! of which 94 per cent contains okro as 0, eubsidiary crop in crops m eurs The Northern Region s.c count s for more than one - fourth of the area under okro in the country. The area under rd n os in the Country totals 19J50e,er€ of which over on -fourth grows the crop as a subsidiary crop in crops mixtures About half of the total area under garden eggs cultivation is found in the Brong Ahafo Region ® Table 5 5 4 shows the number of holders growing °: 6^^°, chro and arden p and the percentage of such holders in the di.fieren' regions along with the mean area per holder. are There/a total of -61 4 40 holders cultivating .pepcer° throughtot the country. Of this number, 22 per cent are found in Ashanti Re 1e "i.on and 18 per cent in Greater Accra Region An insignificant unber of holders are found growing pepper i n the Northern and st Regions Of the total of 84., 2 0 holders cul NI. ating oars in.the nou u per cent are in. Volta Region and 15 per cent in the Brong Ahafo in the Greater Ac era Region, about 14 per cent of the tc :ai. number of holders cult vote Pkro in she Bas tern Region A, comparatively small Dnw.be of holds're cultivata gwrdea 0 throughout the country. Of the total number of 27,130 holderL, about 24 per cent are in the Central. Region. while atather 23 per cent ere ).c) the Western R.egion. TrPe Cropp Thin section gives information regarding the majDr grown in Ghana and the area planted to these crops. No tr'e cour was carried out during the census and as such cc estimate of thi. tree population is given. Coconut is of major Importance in the Western Region and of minor importance elsewhere as shown in Table 5.6.1 which. gives , area under the two major classificatins. Tab I e 56 1 - AREA UE DER CaO TT UT BY DI STRI UT 13:41 Resonand District Lp Pure oJ Pr e d omin ant L.. '17, 510 Axim-Takoradi t ,t T Y Ni I, cp_npl(EmQ Su.b si di ar7 2, , 830 77, 510 400 Tarkwa To al i 130 77, 910 130 / Asankragwa Other Regions 2 9 580 8o ia 0 OJ Total (Ghana) 80,090 1,910 329 wv, Ninety- - ive per cent of the area containing coconut tree is within the Axim-Takoradi district where it is consjd d a 2"ajc cash crop; and about 97 per cent of its area grown it aE a pu,rE crop or a predominant crop in crops mixtures. As shown iu Tab? e 5.6.2 of the total of 18870 holaers havi coconut on their holdings, about 83 per cent are located in the Axim Takoradi district of the Western Region, and the number of coconut holders constitute about 12 per cent of the total nurZber of'holders in the district. ,^ a u: i J .. , j L FL t 0 ;ieefl oNS. ar Rd derd Y Le io :cL m -Takara&t p 0 322 far wa 290 .'t, A.sank a ;wa 430 Other Regione O4 7 O 3O 110 4 a .3 - 2, 440 P Total 18 (Ghana) p 870 able .6 ® 3 which g± re a ` the regional level the area and osi.:. a1Iii tlra. e'i.f - d into 305 O2 half the uaual Ca, es ai 'g$ a. ' F J` al o f 0 acresunder Oil palm cultivation n i tha9:; cc; n Jrj & tb 'm^ of this area i found in A han i Region and a $'g TSax.er 1 7 pe cent in the Weetern Region. A EAR d We corn District 3368O Central Eastern Volta A :E an't .I B on ' Ahafo Total ( ha OIL PALM CACHES Pure r Predominant P^ 19 3 O 9, S6 320 30$190 10.5 -0 1295O 5 00 i29900 15 4,;190 4, 60 539 730 ! 28-A640 17. 070 146970 28:L0 440 30. 210,210 About 73 Per Cent of the area under oi l Pal. is i n lure eta or contains it as a pr°e eom n xnt crop in t he xtnre ol craps Table j n 6w r shows the number ofho1der g and their rercentago in the diffcren't di tri.c s 3 - A ^y &0 , si ,"? 4 Oa 2k-1, Re E 1 On 0 1 o rff 1,1'1 g 1 Pal l Weeter4 23,050 C -ri .tral 1 1 ,250 Eastern 11,290 4 s he , g 1 8 550 Volta 14,760 Ashanti Drong Abarc Tota -1 " (Gh ana ) )n r, 1 74,2 2 0 Thirty-one per cent of the holders growing ail palm are W o stern. Region and another 20 per cent in Ashanti "eg.1Q.a. tb The highest mean area per ha der for oil palm Ash P_nti Rgion where th utean arca per holder is 9.8 acres. Of the 822,970 acres under plantain as shown in Table 5.6 below, 625510 acres or about 76 per cent have this crop as a subsidiary . to other crops in the mixture. About one-third ;f area is in Ashanti Region while about 16 -per ent As in Ei,stera Reion. AREA UNDER PLANTAIN . BY DI ST RI C T AN D BY PLAE T G Table Re s7 ton Rnd AREA UNDER PLANTAIN (kORES) Pure or 2::::::i ,,7 SU L FJ. dlail eq20, 11= t 45 Axim-Tak..oradi 2.100 ,7,) j Y p 040 6 1,190 1 32 ,'..? 230 Tarkwa Asankragwa 16,970 Wiawso 26,450 l Centra Reion 2780 Cape Goast Lssiam 330 1 A , ,,,.80 Dunk.via 420 Swedu 550 ! 5 30 1 2,030 1 1 180 ,, ' 177 T 5 1 0 . '' 'i r R-4 UOU .1" -: ,] 7 e) n 7,.-, .„, ,, '') 1 :.. 7,- 4, 060 4,390 5 640 7,320 15, 370 2 4., 4 ?0 . 1- 5, 7 S& 49j ^^ aye ,^ ^ s ^.., ^ .. '' EA TJNDL Y0 Pears or .. a s n ? j 11 f 97,130 R Akiw Oda 24480 10,46 Aamankee 16.,470 1,130 88 K io i t ua, .A a o o b'c 13,690 5,090 50 18,18 3,820 1)J°ais Volta i. A.^p. a on w ^ i s i West KumasiBast ' 33,920 aaa e, wai d ^ 2,660 21,590 590 79,080 193,5:10 5,030 21,830 2,130 9,970 30 2:.3, 9660 13, 12,570 8g> JuasoMaaipon 22 680 36,870 M 12,370 40,780 10,470 39,350 32,6 40 149,660 1Q, 810 34,620 6,860 61,100 5,540 30,410 Wen h l West 1,090 5n 53 East 8,340 8, 00O, 9 pong Wee- Of1inso Te p a °n aso Sunyani raiaa Wrich heat o f Ghana 74 Total (Ghana) The number of 1,400 "i 6 197,460 who grow oid 'a s^ 625,310 7 r , M s=i 1,. e o and their°im co n°t . e -±og the with the ea area -per h l 'ex a ahown in Tab1 5. .6 Tabs 5, 6 6 -- HaLDERS WIT H, PLA TiJN AND AREA PER HOLDER. } , d.ers with Pl antamx! 73,710 &ziwTakOradi T x'k a 5 70 ; .0 1 970 per , w. 35 117 2^ 4 s tri ct iZeZtoki KckA 9 sankramTa C ----„, 'p ti x t -.., HO dero . olde:re vq-_ tn Plantain 4 nn oo 32 , 9,0 ral Re c-.1 29,780 Meau :s3.rk:.-,., 55.7 46.5 6 13.7 10 294-20 6.4 1, "issI.Mit1 7e 960 16.9 Dankwa 13:850 22.5 S we d.nt 550 'ape Oriaot 51 7 8 0 0 0w d e 65,650 26.9 1 24,300 1, I 119620 47.9 27 5 Zof dua 7,060 12.9 1 ko s omb 0 6,6q0 11 .1 0. 6 nbi 8,160 47.2 Mprae so 7,820 42.1 21,080 7.7 2 188,830 60,2 1.4 20,570 47,3 I, 3 0amas1 East 20,850 46.4 0®6 Be 33,820 79.1 .1 Obuasi 19,830 60.5 470 B2.6 aulpong West 289150 47,3 Of fin s o-T epp a 30,14-0 62,8 73,440 29.1 lt,Q;JL„. f,kim Oda LM A sem wOr e AnnILITE,Jan, Kmna si West, Juan`.` o Man ong East b Lri2rL 0 Re 1 0 g , s;. 3 ,# Flo 23,060 Szn y an). 25, 840 51.6 2.6 rala a 12,840 28.2 4 Go W en chi West 2,360 Wenchi Ea et 9,340 2.0 1 21.4 Rest of Gham Total, (Ghana) 6 0 453,520 9 4. ", 0V 1 t ' n.,..a a.3 of the plantain on the i r a C.^, `^ e f l :'.1 i?On f t vote i .*e?. ^ g r o f t1^,^ r . r . di. e in pact e N + `^ie^rr° 1 t ":: ^i: R- anta 6 s. c ,ddb e g _ na;.4 b e. . o-1 . e n . .s t. Y.,e ^ ^ ^' fl 5 ^^ .^ /1 u ^ ^P.E,M1 „v ^ ^ 'i e 9 o s ^h S ..:t hO t du:^_ ., of Ashanti of '4`^ • i q q, r ,E,.i.6 ^ ^9, ^ds 5 areaper ^ e b CYsk e o r l' ^q 6eo: .^'. „ rt'" yr^ t 4 _ 4 i of ^ ^^c „ cs.p. e ^° i". e..., 6y ^ t ,^, u. rice c .^y t.A . Y ^'^ f,^ aces. Sugar case is a each crop of'a'a jor ..k pOr Wane .lu two area tha rrod.ueesugarcane to feed the two sugar otortee at feutuar o an d K e. da These two factorise are Cam.' e and b y suroane pr oduced by iced b y rl . ao with a u arc ei.e also grown o n a n .. e of the iac o r iesA w,"_ - . by h. _ .der a either for hole oonsumption or for sale i n the local the oI. .,t growe c who " . L re Yc acket as cane. shows the area of sugarcane grown and t h e nu aabcr of holders growing the cro p .. Woo given is the .eae area r e Table 5. 6:s7 w i{ o d._,n,_A..v Holders Growing Re ion ..r L c ne - a 'gym- ^ G rL f Area of can Area pr a sly€ arcane C,F Weateru 4 910 7 560 central 5t 30 5430 '?`` _. e ; 's n Greater Accra Eastern 670 260 0®4 2 20 25o .9 Volta 5, 9 Q 6p 0'00 CD i 3O b 1 36u 3, 0 4 0 9 230 24500 32390 Brong 0 Ahafo Total (Ghana) j r ,. 0 el 3„ 0 There i s a total o f 3 290 acres unde:c sug ='r'ear ” throughout the co` ?tr- y of which 9, 230 acres or 28 per cent is found in Brong A hafo Region A total of 74 500 hol den produce sugarcane out of which 24 per cent are located in Volta Reg..ioz u The mean area per holder ranges from 04 acres in r ater. y cra Region to 3.0 sores in Brong kb. d f "i Region wit ;J, the national can area per ho]dsr at 13 acre,,.4 e ,a . y 6 f < a^" COMPARISgN pF_ESTI. TR ',4 . -rp.:, 197 AM) 8'4 6.1. .1ntroductjon Tn. this chapter ao. attempt ha8 been made to compare forte cppflug years 1970 and 1984 the estimates for a few major it ea. such as (a) number of holders, (. b) lumber of holdLags siLe and (e) areas of selected important crops. Possible explanations fer variations have also been given, 6,2, hode, s_and Boldins Table 6.1 shows comparatiwe figures of the number of holders Fstimated for the years 1970 and 1984. T 812, e ,Ar J_9_ 84 - Region 'esteTn Central No& of Holders in m 68,100 8 1 ,100 46,700 Greater Accra) gastern No. of Holders in 1984 206,190 217,510 148,200 108,600 314p 5c4 252,469 Northern i3 p D er West 61,200 139,900 30,960 Upper East 118,700 121,230 Total (Ghana) 050200 ') 7 1 C'-7 2f 244,140 274,480 147,700 71,600 kffi.azAi Brong di hafo Percentage Increase t., ,,1 4Uk.4 J 152 &7 y 112.8 o, 128&6 r-, Q 1B5°029 At the time of the 1970 Census of Agricult e, Greater ;Aos-ra egion was part of Eastern Region and ttie Upper West and East gions were together. The number of holders for the whole country shot up by 1298% 1984. A: patt of this increase is attributable to the rising_ l'opulation and increasing pressure on ,.and To a great extent it I o also due to the fact that there was drought and bilah-Pra iL0CRUSPd ccarety of 6. 311-,e throughout tho: country in 1983q 73 63 ^^y s Compara.%l,vs :a gure for - y i_ - ; ' a.rc 1°70 a.!-.,?^a ;: ven are an for the 1°34 are g1 en the tc percentagee Area under Central change ce by Region . between s3 table _-: '. Ithe ho Area Under a ee 19 2 F10 164. 901000 19L 780 :L22 cera) Greater Tbfis" :' Jw. v 000 73 s` C.OtC:'l1 area = 10 7 10 2- O.d.. volt a 161,000 .081000 k» ; anti 116 000 219430 Brong Ahafo 121,000 29 , 240 Eaotern A o f whe y 50', 149, 000 mI Upper Weet 24,100 82,000 Upper East,, j oo 900000} (c ana) ^5» 10 1,, 31 1,787 470 AREA UNDER RI CE I N 1970 AND Ii? Table 64 Area Under Rice in 1970 (Acres 011 Area Under We tern 14,000 35,420 Central 2,000 3,4 .0 Greater :^i 3__cr, .. 5l& 00 J cc°ra 3 3,000 i o _v t a 16,000 2, 870 I" As tan t i 10,000 9,350 prong Ahab 13,000 29)670 128Q2 Northern 36,000 JJy ^^f 1 Eactern t U , per Bad T han O ) 42,000 136,000 a 6,430 110,2 0 TIN • A. rea Under ,sassalra AreA Urdem CasklavA in 1970 Acres) 107,000 33 8 M 0 q 9 72n 94,000 Western Central Greater Accra Eastern 28,560 Volta Ashanti Brong Ahafo Northern Upper West Upper Las, Total (Ghana 217,000 244 230 150000 131,000 88,000 l3,000 237vx8o x,000 330 805,000 2008„920 364,450 360,590 ?5,790 If Table 6-1- 6.6. AreA derTime Area Un-jer in :.970 (Acreo .in 198z, (Acre) 10,000 45,660 169000 4,190 a Western Central Greater Accra) A Eastern Volta Ashanti Drong AhDfo Northern Upper West 30, 00 0 36000 31,000 n5000 , 2'2;FiU 46, 0 62,890 1?7,000 195,120 156410 1.,000 T 2r) 46,000 550,210 g „)%,, -73 24 23.J. i Dpur Eas tl ____ Total (Ghana) -68 29. aize: Most regions showed increases in the area tnia crop in 1984 as cowpared to 19Y0. The reasons are nimilaz to tho6e givtn above. It shout d noted that when most peoplt azcid go into farmtng, they mosly concentrate on the pQd_.ctorA maie and cassava. Therers any increase in the n y mber of holdi fy th6t* will cause a correspondingincrease in the area . p,40,
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