sound 7 T waves AF N A T I O N A L E D I T io N D R Sample Unit BARBARA MURRaY Unit 2 b bb balloon ribbon Grapheme Chart letters 1 Count the syllables and sounds in the List Words. Segment the words into graphemes. 2 Colour the graphemes that represent b bb 3 Write any other letters that can represent Write one word example for each. List Words syllables sounds aboard burying absence abscess behaviour changeable desirable aborigine abdomen abseiling habitable elaboration celebratory cybernetics metabolic broccoli autobiography flamboyant abattoir ambiguous in the List Words. b bb on the Grapheme Chart. words syllables sounds barometric beverage bilingual inalienable ambassadorial buoyancy indelibly insubstantial ambidexterity bureaucracy Find a Word Activity Find a List Word that: 1 has a trigraph 2 has s ss se ce x(ks) c twice 3 has b bb as its 6th sound 4 has b bb as its 7th sound 5 can be a participle 6 was built from a base word ending with ate 7 has ir for ar a 8 ends with al 9 ends with ic 10 has e ea twice 11 was built from the Greek root bios meaning life 12 names something people can consume 13 can mean – original inhabitant section of a body ostentatious having an obscure or double meaning 14 has alien as its base word Unit 2 Ideas Pages Explore the Sounds Warm Up Teaching Chart Activity Teacher points to the first consonant sound box on the Teaching Chart and says the sound it represents. Students point on their own charts and repeat the sound. Continue through all the consonant sound boxes from left to right, followed by all the vowel sound boxes. Use Tracks 1 and 4 on the Sound Waves Let's Sing the Sounds CD to make this more fun for students. Identify the Sound Ask students to determine how many times they hear b bb in all the words in the sound boxes. Use the Sound Waves Teaching Charts or Student Charts. Brainstorming Make charts headed: first (bicycle), second (obey), third (cabbage), fourth (combination), fifth (tremble), sixth (resemblance), Others (describe – 7th, inevitable – 8th). Ask students to brainstorm words for each list. Highlight the graphemes for b bb in the listed words. Display charts in the classroom. Encourage students to add words to the lists during the week. Explore the List Words Meaning and Pronunciation Ask students to make a small 'chart' for a word from the list. They should head their chart with their allocated word and copy their word’s excerpt from the dictionary on to the chart. These could be presented orally to the class at the beginning of the week and then pinned on the wall for reference purposes during the week. Platypus Sentences Students each write a Platypus Sentence on a slip of paper, for the word they have explored on their dictionary chart. For example: • A group of friends went platypus down the cliff face. • The artist’s platypus made very interesting reading. Teacher numbers the Platypus Sentences and displays them around the room. Students identify and record numbered answers during the week. Correct and discuss as a group on Friday. List Word Activities • c olour all digraphs red; trigraphs blue; quadgraphs green in their list of words. • r esearch List Words in a dictionary and identify affixes and roots. Have students collate lists of affixes, roots and meanings with example words, adding to their lists each week. Create ‘open book’ quizzes with this information from time to time. • identify base words in List Words and build word families. • identify all List Words that could be nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs etc. • m ake crosswords and Word Searches with the List Words. • c reate games such as Match Two, Match Three and Word Families using blank games templates BLMs T2–15. Use Word List BLMs WLXX–XX to help you create word building, comparison, analogies, similes, derivation, spoonerism and singular and plural activities. Working with Words Greek Root bios Display and read through the information on Root Wall Card BLM R1. Discuss how the Greek root influences the meanings of the words. Dictionary Activity As a group, locate words starting with bio in the dictionary. List the words on the board and discuss the meanings. Play Team or Pairs Crossword Students play in teams to build a crossword using words built from the Greet root bios on BLM R1 and those listed on the board. Teams take turns writing the words on the board, intersecting them horizontally and vertically. Use BLM T17 if students are working in pairs. See instructions on BLM GIX. Adding to words ending in e To practise adding to words ending in e ask students to work in pairs to write change/ing/able, desire/ing/able, aborigine/al, elaborate/ing/ly/ation, celebrate/ing/ory and trace/ing/able in Words Strips on BLM WSS. Refer to Helpful Hints 2a , 2b and 2c on BLM HH1 for adding to words ending in e. Word Families Card Activity Distribute the cards on BLMs GM2 and GM3 among students who then circulate to form word families with the words on the cards. Discuss each group's words and how they have been built from base words. Award a counter to each student in the first correctly formed group. Collect cards and start again. Tally counters at the end. Ask student to write the List Words in columns according to: • the number of phonemes in each word • the number of letters in each word • the ordinal position of the phoneme being studied. Word Puzzle Ask students to: • write List Words in alphabetical order. • draw icons to represent the phonemes in each word, . eg abattoir – Tic Tac Toe Using BLM GM1, students match word beginnings and endings to form connecting rows of ellipse shapes. Students play this game using b bb words, instead of noughts and crosses. One student writes words with the grapheme b and the other writes words with bb. See game instructions on BLM GIX. balloon ribbon 6 6 5 7 9 9 7 7 9 10 11 10 9 7 11 9 6 9 3 2 2 3 3 4 5 3 3 4 5 5 4 4 3 6 3 3 4 burying absence abscess behaviour changeable* desirable* aborigine abdomen abseiling habitable* elaboration celebratory cybernetics metabolic broccoli autobiography flamboyant abattoir ambiguous a a f au b m c c e h a a a d b bb s r e y e m b l t r e y e l a b b b e a v e b i ei o r i b o t l m i r a b i tt m b o g i l t a a b ng n i b l g o ir u b oy a i l o e r r a i e g a b i our s r n y t a ph y c c o o e e e ou s n r i i t ti l n l e letters words Graphмe Chart er ar or a e i o u l ll . However, when segmenting words containing le, some students may not hear the schwa. b a a o o cc o t b er n l a b s d o s n ge a h ng n ce b sc e ss b u i on the Grapheme Chart. in the List Words. b oar d ch a b a a b a * B oth el and le represent the same two sounds 8 4 2 syllables sounds aboard List Words Write one word example for each. 3 Write any other letters that can represent b bb Count the syllables and sounds in the List Words. Segment the words into graphemes. b bb 2 Colour the graphemes that represent 1 2 Unit † 6 9 12 14 10 3 4 4 6 4 buoyancy indelibly insubstantial ambidexterity bureaucracy s ss se ce x(ks) c twice b bb 4 has as its 6th sound b a l v r b a i i u b s d burying e ea twice ar a abattoir bilingual metabolic ambidexterity e g d b l c e s i y a a r r t b x abseiling elaboration ambassadorial barometric c t n y i b l i S ome students may count one less sound in this word, as they may not hear the schwa. 12 names something people can consume 11 was built from the Greek root bios meaning life y e ti a l c habitable abscess a a l d or n u behaviour r eau c i u e n t a ge e autobiography broccoli aborigine 13 can mean – original inhabitant abdomen section of a body flamboyant ostentatious ambiguous having an obscure or double meaning inalienable 14 has alien as its base word 10 has 9 ends with ic 8 ends with al 7 has ir for celebratory i n r m a ss a l i e o bureaucracy absence insubstantial changeable desirable m n n 6 was built from a base word ending with ate 5 can be a participle m n i e a b uoy a a i b b b aboard as its 7th sound indelibly b bb cybernetics 3 has 2 has buoyancy 1 has a trigraph Find a List Word that: Find a Word Activity 12 11 6 6 9 4 ambassadorial inalienable bilingual 7 3 beverage † 10 4 syllables sounds barometric i l t beverage insubstantial r a l e y Unit 2 Answers Pages
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