V Conferência Nacional de Mecânica dos Fluidos, Termodinâmica e Energia MEFTE 2014, 11–12 Setembro 2014, Porto, Portugal © APMTAC, 2014 Bio-oil and bio-char characterization from microalgal biomass A F Ferreira1, A P Soares Dias2, C M Silva1, M Costa1 1 IDMEC, Departmento de Engenharia Mecânica, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal 2 IDMEC, Departmento de Engenharia Química, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal email: filipa.ferreira@tecnico.ulisboa.pt, apsoares@ tecnico.ulisboa.pt, carla.silva@ tecnico.ulisboa.pt, mcosta@ tecnico.ulisboa.pt ASTRACT: The biomass conversion into fuels is pointed out as a way to mitigate environmental issues such as global warming in parallel with an improvement of the energy security by reducing fossil fuels dependence. Microalgae are emerging to be one of the most promising long-term sustainable sources of biomass. To evaluate the bio-oil production from microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus obliquus), pyrolysis in a fixed bed reactor was carried out with and without catalyst. The working temperature (375 oC) was chosen from the thermal degradation profile obtained by thermogravimetry and commercial carbonates of alkaline and alkaline earths elements (Li, Na, K, Mg, Mn and Sr) were used as catalysts. The microalgae, rich in proteins and sugars (Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus obliquus), showed significant differences on the pyrolysis behavior with bio-oils yields in the range 26-38 wt% and 28-50 wt%, respectively. Analogous bio-char yields were observed for both microalgae and only sodium carbonate was effective to decrease the bio-char yield. The infrared spectra (FTIR) of the char materials showed features associated to carbonyl and aromatic compounds. The Scenedesmus obliquus derived chars showed complex spectra presumably due to the low pyrolysis temperature. The bio-oil products were also characterized by FTIR. The spectra allowed underlining different compositions in carbonyl and aromatic compounds thus indicating an effective role of the catalysts on the pyrolysis process. KEY-WORDS: pyrolysis, catalyst, microalgae, characterization. 1 INTRODUCTION Biomass is one of future´s key renewable and alternative sources of energy, being the most important source for three quarters of the world’s population living in developing countries [1]. Several studies identified microalgae as a promising biomass source for energy production [2-4] Microalgae contain high levels of oils, carbohydrates and proteins, which make them versatile raw materials for renewable fuels production in parallel with valuable chemicals and food. Microalgae can be used to produce energy even after extracting oils and carbohydrates. Pyrolysis is a promising thermochemical conversion technique for energy recovery, waste management, and converting biomass into useful energy products, which has attracted considerable attention during the past decade [5]. In pyrolysis processes valuable products such as bio-char and bio-oil can be obtained. Bio-char is used as carbon source for producing different carbon based materials, and bio-oil as chemical feedstock for valuable chemical products [6]. Major research on characterization of pyrolysis products is focused on lignocellulosic biomass, such as woody and herbaceous plants because it is renewable and abundant. Corn cobs and stover [7,8], switchgrass [8,9], palm oil wastes [10] have been also used. However, microalgae are pointed out as a promising feedstock for pyrolysis processes. The thermogravimetric analysis is the usual technique to first characterize the microalgae behavior in pyrolysis atmosphere. Miao et al. [11,12] studied the fast pyrolysis of cultivated microalgae specie. They obtained 17.5 wt% and 23.7 wt% of oil from cultivated microalgae (C. protothecoides and M. aeruginosa), where the yield of bio-oil was 57.9% from heterotrophic Chlorella protothecoides. The physical properties of bio-oils from microalgae were more suitable for fuel use than bio-oils from lignocellulosic materials. Pan et al. [13] studied the influence of the temperature and catalyst on the slow pyrolysis of Nannochloropsis sp. Bio-oil yields of 31.1 wt% and 19.7 wt% were achieved at 400 ºC with and without HZSM-5, respectively. The results indicated that the bio-oil from catalytic pyrolysis had higher heating-value (32.7 MJ kg−1) and higher aromatic hydrocarbon content than those obtained from thermal pyrolysis. Gong et al. [14] examined the yields and characteristics of bio-oil, bio-char, and noncondensable gas from the pyrolysis of C. vulgaris and D. Salina at different temperatures (from 300 ºC to 700 ºC) and reported bio-oil yields of 49.2 wt% and 55.4 wt% at 500 °C, respectively. Yanick et al. [15] studied the fast pyrolysis of two lignocellulosic materials (safflower oil cake and grape seed) and three seaweed species (Laminaria digitata, Fucus serratus and mix macroalgae species) at 500 ºC. The bio-oil yields from seaweeds varied between 32 wt% and 37 wt%, whereas yields from lignocellulosic biomass were in the range of 36-60 wt%. Finally, the yields of char were in the range of 29-36 wt% for seaweeds and 23–26% for lignocellulosic biomass. In this work the slow pyrolysis of two microalgae, Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus obliquus, were performed to study the influence of the catalysts on the yields and characteristics of the produced bio-oil and bio-char. 2 METHODOLOGY The Chlorella vulgaris (C. vulgaris) and Scenedesmus obliquus (Sc. obliquus) microalgae used in this study were grown and obtained by A4F-Algae for Future, Algae Technology Platform, AlgaFarm, Pataias (Portugal). A4F develops microalgae production units in high-emitting industries for CO2 mitigation. These microalgae production units were composed by closed photobioreactors and gently spray dried and subsequently stored at room temperature. The proximate analyses were carried out according to the technical specifications UNEEN, UNE-EN 14775:2010, UNE-EN 15148:2010 and UNE-EN 1474-2 for ash, volatile matter and moisture determination, respectively. The ultimate analysis, ash analysis and heating values were also determined. Table 1 shows the chemical characteristics of the raw microalgae. The C. vulgaris and S. obliquus were grown in fresh water. Table 1. Chemical characteristics of the raw microalgae. Parameter Proximate analysis (wt%, as received) Volatiles Fixed carbon Moisture Ash Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Sulphur Oxygen Low High Ultimate analysis (wt%, dry ash free) Heating value (MJ/kg) 2.1 C. vulgaris 72.7 11.4 4.9 11.0 47.1 6.78 10.27 0.72 35.13 16.5 17.9 Sc. obliquus 76.8 11.0 4.4 7.8 50.3 7.29 8.26 0.62 33.53 18.2 19.7 Thermogravimetric analysis The pyrolysis temperature was selected by a thermal analysis of several microalgae by Netzsch STA 409 PC thermogravimetry (TG-DTA) simulating pyrolysis conditions. The samples were heated from 30 ºC to 1100 ºC at a heating rate of 25 ºC/min in a nitrogen (99.996%) atmosphere. T(ºC) 0 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050 0 -20 -40 TG C. vulgaris Sc. obliquus -60 -80 -100 25ºC/min, under N2 Figure 1 shows an example of the behavior of the microalgal and pine bark under those conditions. The main mass change was verified between 250 ºC and 550 ºC. Pyrolysis was thus performed at 375 ºC. T(ºC) 0 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050 0 -20 -40 TG C. vulgaris Sc. obliquus -60 -80 -100 25ºC/min, under N2 Figure 1. Example of microalgae thermal analysis. 2.2 Pyrolysis process The pyrolysis experiments were performed in a quartz fixed bed reactor in a nitrogen atmosphere. The used reactor had an internal diameter of 16 mm and a length of 150 mm. The quartz reactor was filled with carborundum. The reactor was externally heated using a circular electric furnace equipped with a PID controlled to ensure the complete pyrolysis. Figure 2 shows the pyrolysis apparatus used. Figure 2: Pyrolysis apparatus. Each pyrolysis test was started by placing a certain amount of raw microalgae (about 5 g) into the quartz reactor. The reactor was placed in the circular furnace pre-heated to 375 ºC. Nitrogen with purity of 99.99% was used as the carrier gas and its flow (83 mL/min) was monitored using a mass flow controller. A condenser coupled to the reactor was used immersed in an ice-water bath to obtain the liquid product. The uncondensed gas were not collected. Pyrolysis with and without catalysts was performed. Carbonates of alkaline and alkaline earth elements, (Li2CO3, Na2CO3, K2CO3, MgCO3, MnCO3 and SrCO3) were used as catalysts. For each experiment, 5% (wcat/wbiomass) of catalyst was used. The pyrolysis liquid amount was determined by the mass difference of the condensers before and after a pyrolysis test. The bio-oil was recovered by washing the reactor with acetone followed by rotating evaporation of acetone under a reduced pressure. The used acetone could be recycled for further tests. The weighted mass of char and bio-oil allowed calculating the yield of such products. The gas yield was computed from a mass balance. 2.3 Characterization of the bio-oil and bio-char The bio-oil and bio-char materials obtained from the microalgae pyrolysis were characterized by infrared spectroscopy using a reflectance acquisition mode (HATR-FTIR). The reflectance bands were used to identify the main functional groups present in both products. Table 2 shows the FTIR bands and functional groups attribution. Table 2 – FTIR bands and functional groups attribution [16]. (cm)−1 Functional groups (cm)−1 55 2935 2075 1735–1705 1605 1515 1445 1370–1385 1225–1270 1110 1050 840–885 760 615 3 Functional groups O H stretching vibration C H stretching vibration C C stretching vibration Aromatic carbonyl/carboxyl C O stretching C C stretching vibration Aromatic C C ring stretching Aliphatic CH2 deformation Aliphatic CH3 deformation Aromatic C H stretching Ketone or ester bonding Aliphatic ether C O and alcohol C O stretching Aromatic C H out of plane deformation Adjacent aromatic C H deformation Phenol O H out of plane deformation RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The raw microalgae were characterized by HATR-FTIR. Figure 3 shows the HATR-FTIR spectra of raw microalgae. The spectra identifies, mainly, proteins (3400-3200, 1655 and 1545 cm-1) and sugars (1200900 cm-1) for both biomass [17]. The Sc. obliquus is a protein rich microalgal. As reported in the literature the catalysed pyrolysis of microalgae produces combustible gas (H2, CH4, CO, and CO2) and bio-oil in parallel with bio-char [18]. Figure 4 shows a summary of the main data on the catalysed and uncatalysed pyrolysis behaviours of biomass. Taking into account the bio-oil and biochar yields the accomplished pyrolysis can be classified as intermediate pyrolysis [19]. The main differences observed for the two microalgae can be associated to their compositions: one with higher amount of sugar and the other of proteins. For C. vulgaris all the catalysts improved the gas yield but only the sodium carbonate was effective on the bio-char yield reduction. Babich et al. [20] also reported the C. vulgaris pyrolysis using Na2CO3 as catalyst. They observed a more pronounced effectiveness of the catalyst on the gasification process eventually due to the fact that they used a liquid solution to disperse the carbonate salt on the biomass. The Sc. obliquus presents a slight different pyrolysis behaviour with an improvement in gasification only reached using Mg and Sr salts. The bio-oil yields obtained in the absence of catalyst for both microalgae are in accordance with previously published data. In fact, Demirbas [18] reported bio-oil yields of 25-40 wt% for pyrolysis temperatures in the range 350-400 ºC. Demirbas underlined a strong dependence of the bio-oil yield on the pyrolysis temperature. Kubelka-Munk C. vulgaris 3725 3475 3225 2975 Sc. obliquus 2725 2475 2225 1975 1725 1475 Wavenumbers (cm-1) Figure 3: HATR-FTIR spectra of raw microalgae. 1225 975 725 C. vulgaris Sc. obliquus 80 80 Yield (%) 100 Yield (%) 100 60 40 60 40 20 20 0 0 % Bio-oil % Bio-char % Gas+Water % Bio-oil % Bio-char % Gas+water Figure 4: Pyrolysis products yields (%) versus catalysts (375 ºC; 30 min; N2 83 mL/min). 3600 2400 1800 Wave number (cm-1 ) 1200 600 Kubelka-Munk bio-oil Sc.bio-oil obliquus_w/ cat bio-oil C. vulgaris_5%Li2CO3 C. vulgaris_w/ cat bio-oil C. vulgaris_5%Na2CO3 bio-oil Sc.bio-oil obliquus_5%MnCO3 C. vulgaris_5%MnCO3 bio-oil C. vulgaris_5%MgCO3 C. vulgaris_5%SrCO3 bio-oil Sc.bio-oil obliquus_5%SrCO3 Kubelka-Munk o-oil C. vulgaris_w/ cat o-oil C. vulgaris_5%MnCO3 o-oil C. vulgaris_5%SrCO3 3000 3600 3000 2400 1800 Wavenumber (cm -1 ) 1200 600 bio-oil Sc. obliquus_5%Li2CO3 bio-oil Sc. obliquus_w/ cat bio-oil C. vulgaris_5%Li2CO3 bio-oil Sc. obliquus_5%Na2CO3 bio-oil Sc. obliquus_5%MnCO3 bio-oil C. vulgaris_5%Na2CO3 bio-oil C. vulgaris_5%MgCO3 bio-oil Sc. obliquus_5%MgCO3 bio-oil Sc. obliquus_5%SrCO3 Kubelka-Munk Kubelka-Munk Kubelka-Munk In order to analyse the effect of the carbonate catalyst on the bio-oil characteristics, the dark and viscous liquids, dried in a rotavapor during 1 h at 120 ºC and a vacuum pressure of - 630 mm Hg, were characterized by HATR-FTIR. Figure 5 shows the spectra of bio-oils. The FTIR data for bio-oils obtained from the two microalgae showed marked differences between them. The microalgal composition had a significant role on the bio-oil characteristics. Reflectance bands are attributed (Table 2) to carboxyl and carbonyl groups (1735-1705 cm-1) from acids and esters (CH3- groups 2935 cm-1) and features belonging to aromatics (1225-1270 cm-1; 840-845 cm-1) are common to all the analysed samples. For the C. vulgaris the catalysts improved the alkyl groups of the obtained bio-oils eventually having a positive effect on the bio-oil acidity. Additionally, the Na and Li catalysts increased the amount of ketones (110 cm-1) and, ethers and alcohols (1050 cm-1). Adjacent aromatic groups also increased using catalysed pyrolysis. The bio-oils obtained from Sc. obliquus should be more acidic since the features of alkyl groups in the spectra are weak and thus the bands in the range 1735-1705 cm-1 belong to carboxyl acids. The Mg and Sr catalysts prompted the aromatization of the Sc. obliquus bio-oils since there is an intensification of the band at 760 cm-1 bio-oil Sc. obliquus_5% bio-oil Sc. obliquus_5% bio-oil Sc. obliquus_5% Figure 5: HATR-FTIR spectra of bio-oils. The bio-char materials were also characterised by FTIR. Figure 6 shows the spectra of bio-char materials obtained for both microalgae. The C. vulgaris derived bio-chars mainly presented reflectance bands associated to C=C aromatic (1590 cm-1), C-O aromatic (1130-1100 cm-1) and C-O (1040cm-1) from aliphatic ethers and alcohols. The bio-char from Sc. obliquus presented complex spectra with the main features associated to aromatic C-O. 2600 2100 Such characteristics 3600 seem to result pyrolysis1600 temperature. 3100 from insufficient 2600 2100 1100 3600 600 3100 3100 2600 2100 Wave number (cm-1) 1600 3600 1100 3100 2600 2100 600 Wavenumber (cm-1) Wave number (cm-1) 1600 1100 600 Wavenumber (cm-1) 1600 11 3600 Kubelka-Munk Kubelka-Munk 4 3100 1200 1000 Wavenumber (cm -1 ) 800 600 Kubelka-Munk bio-char C. vulgaris_5%Li2CO3 C. vulgaris_w/ bio-charbio-char Sc. obliquus_w/ cat cat bio-char C. vulgaris_5%Na2CO3 C. vulgaris_5%MnCO3 bio-charbio-char Sc. obliquus_5%MnCO3 bio-char C. vulgaris_5%MgCO3 C. vulgaris_5%SrCO3 bio-charbio-char Sc. obliquus_5%SrCO3 Kubelka-Munk bio-char C. vulgaris_w/ cat bio-char C. vulgaris_5%MnCO3 bio-char C. vulgaris_5%SrCO3 1400 1600 1400 1200 1000 Wavenumber (cm -1 ) 800 600 bio-char C. vulgaris_5%Li2CO3 bio-char Sc. obliquus_w/ cat bio-char Sc. obliquus_5%Li2CO3 bio-char C. vulgaris_5%Na2CO3 bio-char Sc. obliquus_5%MnCO3 bio-char Sc. obliquus_5%Na2CO3 bio-char C. vulgaris_5%MgCO3 bio-char Sc. obliquus_5%SrCO3 bio-char Sc. obliquus_5%MgCO3 Kubelka-Munk 1600 bio-char Sc. obliquus_ bio-char Sc. obliquus bio-char Sc. obliquus Figure 6: HATR-FTIR spectra of bio-chars. CONCLUSIONS In order to evaluate the bio-oil production from microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus obliquus), pyrolysis in a fixed bed reactor was performed with and without catalyst. The working temperature was chosen from the thermal degradation profile obtained by thermogravimetry and commercial carbonates of alkaline and alkaline earths elements (Li, Na, K, Mg, Mn and Sr) were used as catalysts. 2600 2100 1600 36001100 3100 600 2600 2100 1600 1100 600 Wavenumber (cm-1) Wavenumber (cm-1) wt% and 31-42 wt% for C. vulgaris The yield obtained of bio-oil and bio-char were respectively 26-38 and 28-50 wt% and 30-48 wt% for Sc. obliquus. The yield values indicate that the slow pyrolysis at low temperature of 375 ºC produced a higher amount of bio-char with and without use of catalysts. The use of 3600 2600 2100 1600 3600 1100 microalgae 3100 600 used. 2600 the carbonate catalysts increased the 3100 gas and decreased the bio-oil productions for both Wavenumber (cm-1 ) Nevertheless, the alkaline salt catalysts improved the quality of the obtained bio-oil with a net gain on the alkyl groups. FTIR measurements indicate that the microalgae studied in this work were composed mainly by carbohydrates and proteins than oil. In future research, other analytical techniques will be used to further characterize the products of pyrolysis, namely, gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for the identification and quantification of compounds from bio-oil, and XRD technique, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) for bio-char characterization. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), through IDMEC, under LAETA Pest-OE/EME/LA0022. Ana F. Ferreira is pleased to acknowledge the FCT for the postdoc financial support SFRH/BPD/95098/2013. REFERENCES [1] Star-colibri. Joint European Biorefinery Vision for 2030. 2011. [2] Demirbas A, Fatih Demirbas M. Importance of algae oil as a source of biodiesel. Energy Convers Manag 2011;52:163–70. [3] Ferreira AF, Ortigueira J, Alves L, Gouveia L, Moura P, Silva C. Biohydrogen production from microalgal biomass: Energy requirement, CO2 emissions and scale-up scenarios. Bioresour Technol 2013;144:156–64. [4] Khoo HH, Sharratt PN, Das P, Balasubramanian RK, Naraharisetti PK, Shaik S. Life cycle energy and CO2 analysis of microalgae-to-biodiesel: preliminary results and comparisons. Bioresour Technol 2011;102:5800–7. [5] Demirbas A. Biomass resource facilities and biomass conversion processing for fuels and chemicals 2001;42:1357–78. [6] Özçimen D. An Approach to the Characterization of Biochar and Bio-Oil. Yildiz Technical University, 2013. 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