AS-38 Records, Enrolment and Fees The University of Auckland Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142 Email: Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 82066 Request Official Transcript or Official Letter Please complete this form to receive your Official Transcript of the Academic Record. An Official Transcript is a certified statement detailing a student’s complete academic record at the University and includes details of all programmes matriculated into, completion details, semester dates, enrolments and grades. The transcript also lists university prizes, eligibility to graduate and conferment details (where applicable). If you intend paying by credit card, please request your official transcript online: Your details (Please print clearly in block capitals) *Required field *Student ID: Date of birth: OR D (required if ID unknown) *First name: D M M Y Y Y Y *Last name: Previous name: Phone: (if applicable) *Email: Study details *Programme/s: Programme/s enrolled in and majors or specialisations (eg, BA in English, Secondary Teachers College Diploma) *Years/s of study: Y Y Y Y – Y From (eg,1985) Y Y Y , To (eg, 1987) Y Y Y Y – From (eg, 1988) Have you ever been a student at the former Auckland College of Education? Y Y Y Y , Y To (eg, 1988) Yes Y Y Y – Y Y From Y Y To No Request details Official Transcript of Academic Record No of copies Official Letter No of copies Please specify letter details (eg Confirmation of Graduation) How would you like your transcript/s delivered? I will collect transcript/s from the University (photo ID required; transcript/s not collected after seven days will be securely disposed of) (Refer to notes on pg. 2) Please send my transcript/s via: Post Courier (Please provide the delivery details on pg. 2) I want to authorise someone else to pick up my transcript/s (please provide the details on pg. 2) Your signature I understand that any outstanding fees or charges, such as library fines, tuition fees or accommodation fees must be cleared with the relevant department before my transcript request can be processed. I understand that my request will not be processed if this section of the form has not been signed to authorise the release of my record. I understand that my official transcript will show my academic record as of the date this is printed. Note: If you want to include your final grades and completion information, please ensure these details are showing on your Student Services Online web transcript before you apply. Visit: Student Services Online » My timetables, grades and course history » View your unofficial transcript. Please sign here to authorise the release of your academic record. Name: ______________________________ Print your name Process: Request Official Transcript Users: University Students Signature: _____________________________ Page 1 of 2 Date: _______________ (dd/mm/yyyy) Last updated: 20 June 2014 Delivery address details Please send my transcript/s to the postal address below via: Post Courier (courier fee will apply) Address 1: Address 2: Name Name Institution Institution Address Address Suburb Suburb City City Postcode Country Postcode Country OR I authorise ______________________________________________________________ to collect my record (photo ID required) full name Payment details Official Transcript/s cannot be processed until payment is confirmed. Payment can be made by: credit card (log in to cheque in New Zealand dollars made out to the University of Auckland EFTPOS and cash (if the request is being made in person). For all payments, take this form to the Cashiers Office in the Student Information Centre, Room 112 of the ClockTower. For cheque payments this form can also be posted to Records, Enrolment and Fees (postal address at the top of this form, pg. 1). Transcript/Other document charges NZD First Official Transcript request $30.00 + additional copies in this request (each) $10.00 Other Document requested $30.00 + additional copies in this request (each) $10.00 Overseas airmail postage (each address) $2.00 DPT: 10 (For Administrative Use Only: Cashier’s Stamp) Checked for debt NSI Courier charges (where relevant) Amount: Within New Zealand $10.00 Australia $25.00 All other countries $50.00 $ ___________________________ Receipt No: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________ Total amount (NZD) Confirmation of collection (to be signed when collecting) Name: ______________________________ Print your name Signature: ___________________________ Date: _______________ (dd/mm/yyyy) Notes Requests will usually be ready for collection or postage after 3pm on the second working day after the request is received and payment is confirmed. However, there may be some delay during peak processing times, particularly during December to March. Requests received after 3pm will be considered next-day requests. Collect documents from the Student Information Centre, Room 112, The ClockTower. Photo ID will be required to pick up. The documents will be held for seven days only. If you want to include your final grades and completion information, please ensure these details are showing on your Student Services Online web transcript before you apply. Visit: Student Services Online » My timetables, grades and course history » View your unofficial transcript. Privacy note: The University of Auckland collects, stores, uses and discloses your personal information in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act 1993. Your contact details will be used to assist in locating your academic records and to contact you if there is a problem doing so. We will also provide your contact details to the courier company if you have selected the courier option (including phone and email address for international courier). If you seek access to, or correct your personal information we hold, please contact: Records, Enrolment and Fees, the University of Auckland, email: Page 2 of 2
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