2014 Michigan Petroleum Directory Pocket Edition e pl m Sa The Michigan Petroleum Directory is published annually by Michigan Oil & Gas News, Inc., a subsidiary of the Michigan Oil And Gas Association (MOGA). The company listing sections of both the 2014 Michigan Petroleum Directory and the 2014 Michigan Petroleum Directory — Pocket Edition use the MOGA symbol to designate the company or individual listed as a member of MOGA. Sa Companies and individuals so designated both know and appreciate the importance of membership in MOGA, which has represented companies involved in the exploration, drilling, production, transportation, processing, and storage of crude oil and natural gas in the state of Michigan since 1934. e pl m A strong domestic crude oil and natural gas industry is essential to provide a secure supply of the petroleum products we use and need every day, and a strong home state crude oil and natural gas industry is vitally important to our state’s economic well being. When looking for products or services for your next project, look for the MOGA symbol. By supporting a member of MOGA with your business, you are supporting the only organization that has represented the entire crude oil and natural gas industry in Michigan for more than seven decades. And, “when someone asks you for your business, ask them if they are a MOGA member!” Sincerely, Scott Bellinger Michigan Oil & Gas News Managing Editor TABLE OF CONTENTS MOGA indicates membership in the Michigan Oil And Gas Association. CATEGORYPAGE INDEX TO COMPANIES........................................... 2 BOARDS–ASSOCIATIONS–AGENCIES.........................11 Private and governmental organizations and agencies engaged in petroleum and related activities OIL & GAS PRODUCER/OPERATORS..........................17 Companies and individuals engaged primarily in oil and gas exploration and production DRILLING CONTRACTORS......................................29 Companies and individuals operating drilling equipment in Michigan MICHIGAN DEQ, OOGM AREA GEOLOGISTS MAP...........30 TRANSPORTATION...............................................31 Firms engaged in pipeline of natural gas, natural gas liquids, crude oil; crude oil refining; natural gas processing and natural gas purchasing and/or brokering Sa GEOLOGISTS, GEOPHYSICISTS, ENGINEERS.......................................................37 m Firms and individuals involved in geological, geophysical, petroleum and other engineering consulting services e pl LEASE–LAND–ROYALTY.........................................45 Firms and individuals involved in lease, mineral rights and royalty acquisition and/or brokerage FINANCIAL–LEGAL SERVICES..................................57 Firms and individuals providing financial & legal services (accounting, banking and related services) to the oil and gas industry OILFIELD SUPPLY & SERVICE.................................65 Oilfield & related supplies, equipment, supply store operations and/or oilfield and supportive services ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE & SUPPLY.......................87 Companies and individuals involved in environmental consulting, services and/or supplies and equipment exclusive and non-exclusive to the oil and gas industry COPYRIGHT 2014. The MICHIGAN PETROLEUM DIRECTORY – Pocket Edition is a publication of Michigan Oil & Gas News, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Michigan Oil And Gas Association. Michigan Oil & Gas News, Inc. BUSINESS OFFICE: 124 W. Allegan St., Ste. 1610, Lansing MI 48933, telephone: 517-4870480. EDITORIAL AND SALES OFFICES: 604 W. Pickard St., Mt. Pleasant MI 48858; mailing address: P.O. Box 250, Mt. Pleasant MI 48804-0250; telephone 989-772-5181; fax 989-773-2970. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Weekly magazine: $180 per year (50 issues); Monthly Report Edition: $90 per year (12 issues). Annual Michigan Petroleum Directory: $120 per copy (plus shipping & handling and tax). Michigan Petroleum Directory – Pocket Edition: $10 if purchased with Michigan Petroleum Directory; additional copies (to Michigan Petroleum directory buyers) $20 each; Pocket Edition (purchased separately) $25. 2014 MICHIGAN PETROLEUM DIRECTORY – Pocket Edition 1 Index to Company Listings A B B R E V I AT I O N S K E Y : B A A – B o a r d s - A s s o c i a t i o n s - A g e n c i e s ; C – C o n t r a c t o r s ; E N V – E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e a n d S u p p l y ; FLS – Financial-Legal Services; GPE – Geologists-Geophysicists-Petroleum Engineers; LLR – Lease-Land-Royalty; OSS – Oilfield Supply and Service; P – Producers; TRN – Transportation-Refining-Storage-Natural Gas Processing. COMPANYCATEGORY —A— — B — B & B Oilfield Equipment Corp.......................OSS B & H Bit Services Inc....................................OSS B & H Cementing Services.............................OSS B & H Hammer Services Inc..........................OSS B & H Tractor & Truck Inc..............................OSS B.D. Deans LLC.................................................. P Bach Services & Manufacturing Co................OSS Bagley Energy LLC............................................. P Bailer & Deshaw................................................. P Baird & Co. Inc................................................FLS Baker Hughes Inc...........................................OSS Baker Huges Completions..............................OSS Baker Hughes Wireline Services....................OSS Baker Hughes Petrolite...................................OSS Balon Valves..................................................OSS Bank of Holland, The.......................................FLS Bank of Northern Michigan, The.....................FLS Barger, Jan..................................................... LLR Barratt Consulting LLC...................................GPE Basic Services Corp.......................................OSS Basin Logging Inc..........................................GPE Basin Pipeline LLC.........................................TRN Baumann Resources Inc................................GPE Bauss Haus Corp........................................... LLR Bay Geophysical Inc.......................................GPE BCD Softech Inc.............................................OSS Beacon Exploration and Production Co.............. P Beauchamp, Norman D...................................FLS Beckman Production Services Inc.................OSS Belmont Resources LLC..................................... P Benedum Interests............................................. P Benford Land Services................................... LLR Benson, Brian A............................................. LLR Benson, Sue A................................................ LLR Bentz, Aric...................................................... LLR Better Bolting Inc...........................................OSS BGL Asset Services LLC.................................GPE Bierlein Companies........................................ENV Bigard & Huggard Drilling Inc............................ C Bishop Land Service Inc................................ LLR Black, Roberta................................................ LLR Black River Oil Corp........................................... P Black Stone Minerals Co. LP.......................... LLR e pl m Sa A.W. Tipka Oil & Gas Inc.................................... P Abbott, Rebecca L.......................................... LLR Abel, Clifford C............................................... LLR Abel, Leland L................................................ LLR Abel, Linda C.................................................. LLR Absolute Safety Inc........................................OSS Acadian Energy.................................................. P Ace Energy LLC.................................................. P Acme Excavating............................................OSS Adler Energy LC................................................. P Adler Tank Rentals.........................................OSS Adroit Field Services LLC...............................OSS Advanced Computer Solutions.......................OSS Advanced Energy...................................... C, OSS Advanced Radiation Monitoring............ ENV, OSS Advantage Electric LLC..................................OSS Advantage Engineering PC.................... GPE, OSS AE2S..............................................................GPE AECOM..................................................ENV, GPE AES Drilling Fluids LLC..................................OSS Affiliated Researchers....................................ENV AgriBank.........................................................FLS Airtime Land Services LLC............................. LLR AIS Construction Equipment..........................OSS AKT Peerless Environmental Services............ENV Alan Enterprises Inc.......................................OSS Alfie Logo Gear for Work & Play....................OSS All Seasons Resort.........................................OSS All Star Equipment.........................................OSS Alliance Petroleum Corp..................................... P Alliance Pipeline.............................................TRN Alpha-Tran Engineering Co.............................OSS Alpine Electric Corp........................................OSS Alps Wire Rope Corp......................................OSS ALS Environmental........................................ENV Alt & Witzig Engineering Inc..........................ENV Alta Resources LLC............................................ P Alton Company Inc.........................................OSS Amboy Land Co. LLC..................................... LLR Amboy Oil Co. LLC............................................. P AMEC.............................................................ENV Amell Inc........................................................OSS American Energy Development.......................... P Amplify Development LLC.................................. P Anderson, Stephen H......................................... P Andres Petroleum Services............................OSS Andrews Hooper & Pavlik PLC........................FLS Anna S. Newman Trust................................... LLR ANR Eaton......................................................TRN ANR Pipeline Co.............................................TRN ANR Storage Co.............................................TRN Antrim Development Corp.................................. P Apollo Exploration and Development Inc.....LLR, P Applied.com...................................................OSS Arbor Operating LLC.......................................... P Arcadis US.....................................................ENV Argus-Hazco......................................... ENV, OSS Arntz, John..................................................... LLR Artex Oil Co........................................................ P Ash Mines & Minerals Inc.................................. P Aspen Energy.................................................GPE ASTI Environmental.......................................ENV Atlas Precision Tool LLC................................OSS Atwell.................................................... ENV, OSS Auburn Operating Co. LLC................................. P Aurora Gas Co................................................OSS AuSable Well Service LLC..............................OSS Aux Sable..............................................OSS, TRN Automatic Controls Inc..................................OSS Axia Energy LLC................................................. P AXIP Energy Services....................................OSS Aztec Producing Co. Inc..................................... P 2 Pocket Edition – 2014 MICHIGAN PETROLEUM DIRECTORY Oil and Gas Boards, Associations, Government Agencies —A— ALBION COLLEGE, Dept. of Geology, 611 E. Porter St., Albion MI 49224; 517-629-0276. Fax: 517-629-0264. Email: geology@albion.edu. Website: www.albion.edu/geology. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS (AAPG), 1444 S. Boulder, Tulsa OK 74119; 800-364-2274 or 918-584-2555. Fax: 918-580-2665. Website: www.aapg.org. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LANDMEN (AAPL), 4100 Fossil Creek Blvd., Ft. Worth TX 76137; 817-847-7700. Fax: 817-847-7704. Email: aapl@ landman.org. Website: www.landman.org. AMERICAN COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING COMPANIES (ACEC), 1015 15th St. NW, 8th Floor, Washington D.C. 20005-2605; 202-347-7474. Fax: 202-898-0068. Email: acec@acec.org. Website: www.acec.org. Michigan Chapter: 215 N. Walnut St., Lansing MI 48933-1155; 517-332-2066. Fax: 517-332-4333. Email: rbrenke@acecmi.org. Sa AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGISTS (AIPG), 12000 N. Washington St., Ste. 285, Thornton CO 80241; 303-412-6205. Fax: 303-253-9220. Email: aipg@ aipg.org. Website: www.aipg.org. MICHIGAN SECTION, website: www.mi.aipg.org. m AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE (API), 1220 L. St. NW, Washington D.C. 200054070; 202-682-8000. Website: www.api.org. NORTHERN MICHIGAN CHAPTER (No. Mich.–API), P.O. Box 85, Traverse City MI 49685-0085. e pl AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS (ASCE), 1801 Alexander Bell Dr., Reston VA 20191; 800-548-2733. Website: www.asce.org. Lansing-Jackson Branch: http://sections.asce.org/michigan. Southeastern Branch: http://www.ascesoutheast.org. ASSOCIATED PETROLEUM INDUSTRIES OF MICHIGAN, a division of the American Petroleum Institute; 124 W. Allegan St., Ste. 1210, Lansing MI 48901; 517-3727455. Fax: 517-372-1268. Website: www.api.org. ASSOCIATION OF DESK AND DERRICK CLUBS (ADDC), 5153 E. 51st St., Ste. 107, Tulsa OK 74135-7442; 918-622-1749. Fax: 918-622-1675. Email: ado@addc.org. Website: www.addc.org. BAY AREA DESK AND DERRICK CLUB, c/o Karen Thomas; 989-731-0590. Email: kthomas@nuenergyop.com. —C— CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY, Science and Technology (CST), ET Building 200, Mt. Pleasant MI 48859; 989-774-1870. Fax: 989-774-1874. Email: cst@cmich.edu. Website: www.cst.cmich.edu. COUNCIL OF PETROLEUM ACCOUNTANTS SOCIETIES INC. (COPAS), National Office, 445 Union Blvd., Ste. 207, Lakewood CO 80228; 303-300-1131. Fax: 303-300-3733. Website: www.copas.org. Michigan Branch: Attn. Nancy Oien, 10689 E. Pico Dr., Traverse City MI 496845363; 231-944-2925. Email: nancyhd@ymail.com. Website: www.copasmi.org. —E— EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY, Geography and Geology Department, 205 Strong Hall, Ypsilanti MI 48197; 734-487-0218. Fax: 734-487-6979. Email: ureinhard@ emich.edu. Website: www.emich.edu. ENERGY EDUCATION FOR MICHIGAN INC. (EEM), 124 W. Allegan St., #1610, Lansing MI 48933; 517-487-1092. 2014 MICHIGAN PETROLEUM DIRECTORY – Pocket Edition 11 Companies and individuals engaged in oil and natural gas exploration and production —A— A.W. TIPKA OIL & GAS INC., MOGA 2421 Johnstown Rd. NE, Dover OH 44622-7579; 330-364-4333. Fax: 330-364-1219. Email: tipka@aol.com. ACADIAN ENERGY, P.O. Box 8421, Ann Arbor MI 48107-8421; 281-751-7720. Fax: 281-751-7778. Email: info@acadianenergy.com. Website: www.acadianenergy.com. ACE ENERGY LLC, 3312 12th St., Wayland MI 49348; 269-792-0505. ADLER ENERGY LC, P.O. Box 1857, Traverse City MI 49685-1857; 231-668-6868 or 231-649-8645. Fax: 231-674-0098. Email: jordan.miller@adlerlc.com. ALLIANCE PETROLEUM CORP., 2901 E. Floyd Dr., Denver CO 80210; 303-358-4689. Email: tom_wright@alliancepetroleum.com. ALTA RESOURCES LLC, corp. headquarters: One Allen Center, 500 Dallas St., Ste. 2930, Houston TX 77002; 713-759-1155. Fax: 713-759-1156. Website: www.altaresources.com. AMBOY OIL CO. LLC, 3610 West St., Lansing MI 48917; 517-331-8126. Fax: 517-3222895. Email: milandman@comcast.net. Sa AMERICAN ENERGY DEVELOPMENT, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York City NY 10020; 646-756-2851. Fax: 917-639-4000. Email: ir@aed-corp.com. Website: www. aed-corp.com. AMPLIFY DEVELOPMENT LLC, 2266 Enterprise Dr., Ste. 2, Mt. Pleasant MI 48858; 989-317-3436. m ANDERSON, STEPHEN H., MOGA P.O. Box 136, Reed City MI 49677; 231-832-9871. Fax: 231-832-9900. e pl ANTRIM DEVELOPMENT CORP., P.O. Box 1148, Traverse City MI 49685; 231-9414260. Fax: 231-941-8621. APOLLO EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT INC., 1710 E. Remus Rd., Mt. Pleasant MI 48858; 989-773-2854. Fax: 989-773-6664. Email: info@apolloexp.com. Website: www.apolloexp.com ARBOR OPERATING LLC, 104 S. Union St., Ste. 202, Traverse City MI 49684; 231-9412237. Fax: 231-941-2296. Oil and gas exploration and production company. ARTEX OIL CO., corporate headquarters: 2337 State Route 821, Marietta OH 45750; 740-373-3313. Fax: 740-373-2750. Email: aoc@artexoil.com. Website: www. artexoil.com. ASH MINES & MINERALS INC., P.O. Box 26, Waters MI 49797; 989-731-0736. Fax: 989-731-1442. AUBURN OPERATING CO. LLC, 10 Desta Dr., Ste. 260E, Midland TX 79705-4508. Mailing address: P.O. Box 50203, Midland TX 79710-0203; 432-683-8000. AXIA ENERGY LLC, MOGA 1430 Larimer St., Ste. 400, Denver CO 80202-1709; 720746-5200. Fax: 720-746-5201. AZTEC PRODUCING CO. INC., 3312 12th St., Wayland MI 49348; 269-792-0505. Fax: 269-792-0130. —B— B.D. DEANS LLC, MOGA 805 N. Brown St., Ste. B, Mt. Pleasant MI 48858. Mailing address: P.O. Box 301, Mt. Pleasant MI 48804-0301; 989-773-2232. Fax: 989-7732230. Email: bddeansllc@yahoo.com. BAGLEY ENERGY LLC, 718 Notre Dame St., Ste. 100, Grosse Pointe MI 48230; 313885-1200. Fax: 313-885-1779. Email: janet@hrfantrim.com. BAILER & DESHAW, MOGA P.O. Box 366, Kawkawlin MI 48631; 989-684-3610. 2014 MICHIGAN PETROLEUM DIRECTORY – Pocket Edition 17 Producer / Operators Oil and Gas Producer/Operators MOGA membership AND GAS AS OIL S OC MOGA SIN ON IATI MICHI GA N Your investment in the future of a great industry in a great state! CE 1934 IT PAYS TO BELONG! 517-487-1092 for membership information Sa MICHIGAN OIL AND GAS ASSOCIATION (MOGA), 124 W. Allegan St., Ste. 1610, Lansing MI 48933; 517-487-1092. Fax: 517-4870961. Email: office@michiganoilandgas.org. Website: www. michiganoilandgasassociation.org. Staff: e pl Directors: m Frank L. Mortl, pres. & CEO (Email: fmortl@michiganoilandgas. org); Carrie Zuidema, admin. assist. (Email: czuidema@ michiganoilandgas.org); Jill Brown, accountant (Email: jbrown@ michiganoilandgas.org); Angela DeVries, admin. assist. (Email: office@michiganoilandgas.org). Steven D. Bigard, Robert M. Boeve, Timothy J. Brock, Jeffrey D. Cook, Michael N. Coy, John M. DeVries, Brian J. Dorr, David W. Farner, Jim E. Ford, Harry R. Fruehauf III, Joey M. Holmes, J. Scott Huber, Phillip A. Koro, Scott D. Lampert, Arthur R. Lyle II, Todd R. Mall, David J. Maness, Robert G. Mannes, Kelly E. Miller, Luke C. Miller, Joseph D. Moeggenborg, Megan H. Molholm, Frank L. Mortl, William J. Muzyl, Joel R. Myler, W.B. Osborn III, Thomas C. Pangborn, Randall S. Parsons, James B. Peters, A. Kenneth Prior, Jay A. Prudhomme, Jeffrey A. Riling, William K. Roth, Thad R. Shumway, Jeffrey A. Smetzer, Charles E. Smith, William T. Stelzer, William J. Strickler, Craig J. Tester, Robert E. Tucker, Richard C. vonReichbauer, John K. Wilson, Gary L. Worman, Bradley N. Yohe. Past Presidents/Chairmen: William C. Myler (1968–69), Richard J. Burgess (1978–79), Byron J. Cook (1980–81), Sidney J. Jansma, Jr. (1986–87), John R. Harkins (1990–91), Gordon L. Wright (1994–95), Martin G. Lagina (1996–97), William C. Myler Jr. (1998–1999), Michael J. Miller (2000–2001), Gregory A. Fogle (2002–2003), James R. Stark (2004–2005), Thomas H. Mall (2006–2007), Richard L. Redmond Jr. (2008–2009), Daniel B. Yohe (2010–2011), Robert J. Long (2012–2013). 2014 Executive Committee: Scott D. Lampert, chmn.; Frank L. Mortl, pres. & CEO; Jeffrey D. Cook, v. chmn.; Brian J. Dorr, v. chmn.; Joel R. Myler, treas.; Robert J. Long, immed. past chmn. e pl m Sa 2014 Michigan Petroleum Directory Pocket Edition Published by Michigan Oil & Gas News, Inc., a subsidiary of the Michigan Oil And Gas Association
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