October 4, 2013 To the Parents/Guardians of students at Anthony Traina Elementary School: Last year a letter was sent to Traina families informing them that Traina Elementary School had been identified as a program improvement school under the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001. While Traina School made strong growth with English Learners and modest growth with Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Students it did not meet all of the required Adequate Yearly Progress targets. All students in the state of California are tested annually to determine if they are proficient in Language Arts and Mathematics as part of the STAR program. Student scores are used to calculate the state Academic Performance Index and the Adequate Yearly Progress for all student subgroups under the federal No Child Left Behind program. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that Traina School continues to be identified as a Program Improvement (PI) school and is now in PI Year 2. What is PI? NCLB requires the state and district to review annually the academic progress of federally funded Title I schools and to identify schools in need of improvement. These schools are identified as PI schools after two consecutive years of not making adequate yearly progress (AYP). California determines AYP by considering the following four measures: The percentage of students scoring at the “proficient” or “advanced” level on the California Standards Tests for English-language arts and mathematics The percentage of students participating in those tests The graduation rate for high schools California’s own accountability measurement of progress, the Academic Performance Index (API) What is Title 1? Title I ("Title One"), a provision of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act passed in 1965, is a program created by the United States Department of Education to distribute funding to schools and school districts with a high percentage of students from low-income families. The purpose of this title is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. Why is Traina School identified as PI? The reason Traina School continues in PI is because it did not achieve AYP in the 2012-2013 school year. The AYP area(s) that caused the identification are: English-language arts Mathematics Academic Performance Index Jefferson School District 1219 Whispering Wind Drive Tracy, CA 95377 209.836.3388 office 209.836.2930 fax The school’s 2012-2013 Accountability Progress Report may be obtained from the school or on the California Department of Education (CDE) AYP Web page at http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/ay/. Public school choice: What right does a parent have to request a transfer to a school that is not in PI? All parents/guardians of students attending a PI school have the right to request a transfer of their child(ren) to a nonPI district school with district-paid transportation. For parents who select this option, the district will provide transportation to the non-PI school for as long as the home school continues to be identified as a PI school. If the home school exits PI by making AYP for two consecutive years, the student can remain at the school; however, transportation will no longer be district-paid. If the demand for choice exceeds funds available, priority will be given to lowest achieving, low-income students. If you are interested in transferring your child(ren) to a non-PI school in the district for the 2013-2014 school year, please select from the following schools. Your preference of a non-PI school will be taken into consideration. Name of School API Scores * English-language arts Percent Proficient or above** (Elementary target = 89.2%) Mathematics Percent Proficient or above ** (Elementary target = 89.5%) Traina School 846 68.8% 61.7% Hawkins School 828 59.5% 59.3% Jefferson School 868 71.8% 67.6% Monticello School 833 60.1% 72.2% State of California 790 56.6% 59.5% Non-Title 1 School Non-Title 1 School Non-Title 1 School * 800 on the API = Meeting the state’s percent proficient target for schools on the Academic Performance Index ** Percentage targets vary by grade level span For more information about any of these schools, please contact the district at 836-4531. You may also go to the district’s Web site at http://www.jeffersonschooldistrict.com to obtain information on the number of students who are eligible for and the number of students who participated in public school choice and supplemental educational services (SES) beginning with data from 2007-08. To apply for a public school choice transfer from a PI school, please complete the attached Intradistrict Attendance Request form and return it by November 7, 2013. If you need assistance or have questions, please contact Christina Orsi at 836-4531. SES: How does a parent obtain a provider for their child? Students from low-income families at continuing PI schools, whose parents did not select a public school choice option, are eligible for free (SES). These services are classes or tutoring which occur outside the regular school day with educational providers approved by the State Board of Education. If the number of eligible students who apply for the SES program exceeds the financial resources available, the lowest achieving students from low-income families will receive SES first. There are many benefits to your child(ren) receiving free tutoring. He/she receives specific help in English-language arts, mathematic, and or science. The tutoring is provided beyond the regular school day. The tutoring is delivered in a one-to-one setting or in small groups. A student learning plan will address his/her specific academic needs. You, as the parent/guardian, will be consulted in developing your child’s learning plan. If you are interested in SES, please review the list of providers willing to serve the district. The list identifies the subject area(s) and any special groups of students a provider is approved to serve. This information can be found at http://jeffersonschooldistrict.com/domain/337 or is available in the school office. Please, complete and return the attached SES application form to the district by November 7, 2013. If you need assistance in making a selection of an SES provider(s) for your child(ren), please contact Christina Orsi at 836-4531. What will the school do to address the problem of low achievement? Traina School staff is working closely with the district staff to revise its school plan to include: Strategies, policies, and practices that utilize scientifically-based research and have the greatest likelihood of ensuring that all groups of students will meet the state’s achievement targets High quality professional development for school staff that will lead to removing the school from PI status Strategies to promote effective parental involvement in the school What are the district and state doing to support schools in PI Year 2? Our district is working closely with the CDE to improve curriculum, instruction, and student performance. The CDE provides information, special help, and access to resources for PI schools. PI schools will receive district and/or state technical assistance in: Analyzing various data reports for revising the school plan Strengthening core academic instruction Collaborating with parents to increase student academic achievement How can parents become involved? Research shows that strong parental involvement leads to student success at school. Parents interested in partnering with the school are encouraged to contact the school for additional information regarding: School-parent compact Ongoing parent/community meetings Advisory committee/school site council meetings Parent volunteer opportunities We will keep you updated and informed about opportunities to discuss plans for Traina School. If you have questions, need additional information on how you can get involved in Traina School’s improvement efforts, or would like to discuss the school’s instructional program and PI status, please feel free to call Jon Ovick at 839-2379. Sincerely, James W. Bridges, Ed.D. Superintendent JEFFERSON SCHOOL DISTRICT 1219 Whispering Wind Drive Tracy, CA 95377 Phone (209) 836-3388 INTRADISTRICT ATTENDANCE REQUEST For School Year ______ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name Relationship to student ___________________________________________________________________________________ Complete residence address Home telephone Work telephone Student Name Birthday Grade Requested School Present School Zoned School One Form Per Student I request permission for my child to attend the requested school in the Jefferson School District for the following reason(s) (continue on back if needed): ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Is your child receiving Special Services? _____ Other children enrolled in Jefferson School District SDC RSP Speech (circle) Name_____________________ Grade ______ School ______________ Name_____________________ Grade ______ School ______________ Name_____________________ Grade ______ School ______________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _________________ IF THIS APPLICATION IS APPROVED, I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Transportation will be provided for students attending on an intradistrict attendance agreement when the district administration initiates the transfer. However, when the parent initiates the request, he/she will be expected to provide his/her own transportation. 2. This agreement is subject to revocation for violations of State school laws, as well as District rules and regulations. 3. This is a temporary attendance agreement that is contingent upon, but not limited to, the attendance, behavior, and academic achievement of the student involved, space availability, and continuance in specialized program. 4. Once this agreement is approved, the student is expected to remain in the school of choice for a minimum of one school year and annual reapplication is not necessary. 5. An Intradistrict Attendance Agreement for one member of a family does not dictate automatic attendance agreement for other family members. NOTE: If your request is not approved, you may appeal the decision to the Superintendent by contacting the Jefferson School District office at 836-3388. When completed, this form should be returned to any school site office or Jefferson School District Office, 1219 Whispering Wind Drive, Tracy, CA, 95377. DISTRICT ACTION: Date: __________ Rev. 2/2013 APPROVED ______ DENIED _______ Superintendent’s Signature: ____________________________ Jefferson School District Student Services Office 1219 Whispering Wind Dr. Tracy, CA 95377 (209)836-4531 Parent Request for Supplemental Educational Services (Tutoring) 2013-2014 Complete one form for each eligible child. Do not list more than one student on this form or the form will be rejected. Please CLEARLY PRINT the following information: Student’s Legal Name: Home Address: Home Phone: ( ) Home School: Cell or Work Phone: ( ) Current Grade Level: As the parent/guardian of the above-named student, I have selected the following Supplemental Educational Services Provider for my child: (Please choose more than one provider, in the event your first choice becomes unavailable): 1st Choice Provider Name 2nd Choice Provider Name 3rd Choice Provider Name List of eligible SES Providers: http://jeffersonschooldistrict.com/domain/337 I understand that: My student must regularly attend the program or risk being dropped from the program. The District is only obligated to pay up to $891 for the services I have selected. If I cancel the service with this provider during the school year, I will not be allowed to select another provider during the current school year. Supplemental Services will end on May 30, 2014, or when my student has utilized the total allocation, whichever comes first. Transportation to and from the Supplemental Service Provider’s location is the responsibility of the parent. The District will not provide transportation. The provider will contact me to set up a meeting to establish goals for my student. Application deadline is November 7, 2013. Late forms will not be accepted. Parent Signature Print Parent Name Date PLEASE RETURN THIS COMPLETED FORM IN PERSON TO: Your child’s home school office OR to: The Student Services Office Jefferson School District 1219 Whispering Wind Dr. Tracy, CA 95377 ALL FORMS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7 by 4:00 p.m. 1 2 A B C D E Provider Business Name Contact Provider Address Provider E-mail Provider Phone ! MathWiz Yanni A. Shainsky ! ! ! Apple iPad & Android SES Manager ! ! # 1 At-Home Tutors, SES Director 3 Tablet Tutoring ! ! ! 4 Inc. ! # 1 A+ Student Learning Alicia Kelley 5 Academy/Center ! ! # 1 Touch-Screen Tablet SES Coordinator Computer Tutoring 888-628-4949 F G Provider Cell Subject Areas Phone 858-774-3972 Mathematics 1342 Scenic Drive, Escondido, CA 92029 10100 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 300, Los Angeles, CA 90067 P.O. Box 90238, Los Angeles, CA 90009 P.O. Box 614, North Highlands, CA 95660 3576 Arlington Ave., Suite 304, Riverside, CA 92506 ses@888MATHWIZ.com P O Box 241669, Los Angeles, CA 90024 PO Box 241638, Los Angeles, CA 90024 7227 Owensmouth Avenue Suite 301, Canoga Park, CA 91303 computadora.gpt@gmail.c 866-610-6892 om informacion@123maestros 866-898-8490 latinos.com cat@aplus4u.com 818-347-7587 English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics; Science 3576 Arlington Ave., Suite 300, Riverside, CA 92506 2550 Corporate pl C-108, Monterey Park, CA 91754 10600 Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 107, Mission Hills, CA 91345 P.O. Box 614, North Highlands, CA 95660 38713 Tierra Subida #234, Palmdale, CA 93551 acetutoring@sbcglobal.net 800-688-1103 English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics 2252 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90057 2252 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90057 357 N. Sheridan St. # 133, Corona, CA 92880 5777 W. Century Blvd., Suite 302, Los Angeles, CA 90045 5777 W. Century Blvd., Suite 302, Los Angeles, CA 90045 14241 E. Firestone Blvd., Suite #200, La Mirada, CA 90638 director@123math.org 877-251-6284 818-425-9932 Mathematics director@123math.org 877-251-6281 818-425-9932 Mathematics duane@1to1studybuddy.c 951-273-0344 om info@1on1laptops.com 877-588-8677 951-905-0715 English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics number1academictutoring 877-866-6049 @gmail.com ses@athometutors.net 888-928-8867 vetoackj@aol.com English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics 916-921-8386 number1tstct@gmail.com 888-596-1626 6 ! 1 Computadora Gratis SES Director ! 123 ! Maestros Latinos, NCLB Director ! A+ C A T (Computer Assisted Tutoring) SES Director ! ACE Tutoring Services, Jeff Wang 7 para Ti ! Inc. 8 Inc. 9 10 Inc. 11 12 #1 Educando con Tabletas Carey Chrisman #1 in Learning Online, Inc. Brandon Edwards ~ # 1 A+ Student Learning Alicia C. Kelley 13 Academy/Center ~ ¡Alpha! Innovation through Sergio Ramirez Education Educandocontabletas@g mail.com bedwards@tree-ofknowledge.net vetoackj@aol.com 800-293-3091 323-526-7015 866-698-6537 916-921-8386 alphadirectorses@gmail.c 888-846-8660 om 14 1 2 3 MATH (WOODLAND Kira Krupovlyanskaya 15 HILLS LEARNING, INC.) 1 2 3 MATH AND Kira Krupovlyanskaya 1 to 1 Study Buddy Duane Fjelstad 1-on-1 Learning with SES Manager 1-on-1 Learning with SES Manager A Better Tomorrow Hario L. Vasquez 16 READING, INC. 17 Tutoring, Inc. 18 Laptops 19 Laptops 20 Education info@1on1laptops.com 877-588-8677 hariov@abettertomorrowe 562-926-3755 du.com 562-896-2204 H I Mode of Instructional Delivery Hourly Rate Per Student 60-75 One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students One-on-one tutoring; Onsite computer-assisted instruction; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students One-on-one tutoring 50-100 35-49 One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 70.00 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) One-on-one tutoring; Online Internet instruction; Onsite computer- 65-85 assisted instruction; Other, please explain in the box below: Individualized tutoring is conducted face-to-face by an actual tutor, with instructional materials and curriculum from on-line learning sources. Tablet computers and internet services are provided, free of charge. Online Internet instruction 40-79 One-on-one tutoring 35-49 One-on-one tutoring; Onsite computer-assisted instruction; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Other, please explain in the box below: Flexible, depending on students' needs. In our many years of experience, we have learned that individualization and personalization is an important key to student success. We always provide individualized attention to all students. One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students Online Internet instruction 100 One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Other, please explain in the box below: Parent or guardian may choose the model that best fits their student's needs. One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students One-on-one tutoring 65.00 One-on-one tutoring 65-89 One-on-one tutoring 33-60 40-60 40-70 35.00 50-80 55-70 55-70 75.00 65-85 1 A B C D E F G H I Provider Business Name Contact Provider Address Provider E-mail Provider Phone Provider Cell Phone Subject Areas Mode of Instructional Delivery Hourly Rate Per Student 65.00 A Tree of Knowledge Brandon Edwards 10600 Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 107, Mission Hills, CA 91345 155 East Main Avenue, Suite 170, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 bedwards@tree-of866-698-6537 knowledge.net ksmith@extremelearnngce 408-710-4856 nter.com English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics Aavanza (Extreme Learning DBA Aavanza) Katie Smith 16057 Tampa Palms Blvd. Suite 414, Tampa, FL 33647 1502 West Osborn Road, Phoenix, AZ 85015 23890 Copper Hill Drive #134, Valencia, CA 91354 momalley@abacusinhome 877-888-6720 tutoring.com laurah@letread.com 602-279-0057 English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts Academic Advantage, The SES Director PO Box 882045, Los Angeles, CA 90009 nclb@academicadvantage 866-788-8677 .com English-language arts; Mathematics Academic Tutoring 425 Carmel St, WATSONVILLE, CA 95076 20674 Hall Rd., Clinton Township, MI 48038 JOSELEON@PACBELL.N 805-486-2515 ET info@ATSProjectSuccess 586-465-9474 Works.com English-language arts 878 W. Benjamin Holt Drive, Stockton, CA 95207 aceit@sylvancenter.com 209-491-5408 English-language arts; Mathematics 21781 Ventura Blvd., Suite 418, Woodland Hills, CA 91364 8758 S. Dalton Ave., P.O. Box 47690, Los Angeles, CA 90047 1131 W. Sixth Street, Suite 225, Ontario, CA 91762 nclb@amk12.com 855-888-8677 English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics 21 Educational Services, Inc. 22 Abacus In-Home Tutoring, Michael O'Malley 23 Inc. ABC Phonetic Reading 24 School, Inc. 25 Laura Heidenreich Able Academics LLC DBA Monique C. Todd ABLE 26 27 Services, Inc. 28 29 30 Joseph Grossman Accuracy Temporary Renee Weaver-Wright Services, DBA ATS Project Success Ace it! Tutoring Powered Annette Schroen by Sylvan Learning (Zoglin Inc.) Achievement Matters, Inc. SES Director Alexandria Learning 31 Academy, Inc. Alexandria T. Harpole Alternatives Unlimited, Inc. Rebeca Ervin 32 alexandrialearnaca@sbcgl 323-753-6088 obal.net rervin@alt-unlimited.com 909-988-1234 661-317-8284 586-929-3696 323-758-6532 206-306-6750 AMAZING A ACADEMICS Jennifer Oglesby 7922 Daycreek Blvd, Suite 2202, ses@amazeses.com Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739 Basic Learning Skills, Inc. Roy Kennix 2774 First Street,, Ft. Myers, FL 33916 P.O. Box 7460, Santa Rosa, CA 95407 12215 Telegraph Road, Suite 207, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 basiclearningskills95@yah 239-332-3480 oo.com gralls@bgccsc.org 707-528-7977 239-298-4431 paige@brainhurricane.co m 773-858-1267 773-858-1267 24123 Greenfield Rd., Ste. 307, Southfield, MI 48075 316 W. 2nd Street, Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 90012 raahulr@hotmail.com 248-233-6370 313-433-8209 cgraham@chavezfoundati 213-362-0260 on.org 661-303-4108 33 34 mtodd@ableacademics.co 866-255-1279 m 602-577-5133 Boys & Girls Clubs of Gail Ralls Brain Hurricane, LLC Paige Woolery Carter, Reddy & Raahul Reddy 35 Central Sonoma County 562-508-2007 English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics 36 37 Associates, Inc. 38 Cesar Chavez Foundation Cristina Graham English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) Online Internet instruction; Other, please explain in the box below: Tutoring occurs online with students located at home and interacting with live tutors over the internet. A face-to-face initial session and parent meeting is required to begin the program and receive all equipment and materials. One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Other, please explain in the box below: Parent or guardian may choose model that best fits their child's needs. One-on-one tutoring; Group instruction (6-10 students); Other, please explain in the box below: The Academic Advantage offers in-home, one-on-one tutoring, or on-site group tutoring. Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) One-on-one tutoring; Online Internet instruction One-on-one tutoring; Online Internet instruction; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) One-on-one tutoring; Online Internet instruction; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) One-on-one tutoring; Onsite computer-assisted instruction; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) One-on-one tutoring; Onsite computer-assisted instruction; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students); Other, please explain in the box below: All instruction is provided on-site with live instructors. Our average group size is 6 students. One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) Group instruction (6-10 students) 40--65 65.00 75.00 40-55 39-79 38-75 60.00 49-80 30-50 60.00 40-50 50-75 60 40 57-75 60 55-135 1 A B C D E Provider Business Name Contact Provider Address Provider E-mail Provider Phone Club Z! In-Home Tutoring Cari E. Diaz Community College Andrea Bibelheimer Cyber Learning Lisa Rantz Datamatics Inc. dba Devina Singh Doctrina Tutoring Sergio R. Darmon DS Learning Julianna Knittel Encourage Tomorrow Suzanne Moreno Extreme Learning Katie Smith Friendly Community Lisa Rantz Growing Scholars Anetrise C. Jones Gurukul L.L.C DBA Anytime Tutoring Katie Vorhies ICES Education, LLC Claudia Villalba Innovative Educational Gerard Galderisi J-Vision, Inc. Candice Jones-Mulder Jones Reading & Math Greg Anderson 39 Services, Inc. 40 Foundation 41 42 Achieve HighPoints 43 44 45 888-434-2582 F 17425 Bridge Hill Court, Suite 201, Tampa, FL 33647 1901 Royal Oaks Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95815 29081 Crestline Drive, Menifee, CA 92585 4375 River Green Parkway, Duluth, GA 30096 1501 Front Street, Unit #102, San Diego, CA 92101 42455 10th Street West, Suite 105, Lancaster, CA 93534 ses@clubztutoring.com sergio@doctrinatutoring.co 858-776-8254 m jknittel@dschs.org 661-886-7976 858-776-8254 2491 W. Shaw Ave, Suite 110, Fresno, CA 93711 155 East Main Avenue, Suite 170, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 suzanne@entoed.com 559-903-8881 1836 Dixie Street, Oceanside, CA 92054 10985 Bluffside Dr. #5111, Studio City, IL 91604 407 Arden Way, Evans, GA 30809 director@friendlycoc.org abibelheimer@community 916-418-5100 college.org director@cltutoring.com 303-520-0486 sesca@achieveses.com 888-286-5086 559-233-2880 G Provider Cell Subject Areas Phone 813-333-1149 English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics Mathematics 661-733-0121 ksmith@extremelearningc 408-710-4856 enter.com English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics 46 47 Outreach Center (FCOC) 48 Educational Center 49 50 51 Programs, LLC 52 53 Clinics, Inc. Jump Into Reading, JIR 54 Enterprises Inc. Jump Into Reading, JIR 55 Enterprises, Inc. Keep Hope Alive Projects 56 57 58 Kid Angel Foundation info@growingscholarscent 818-308-6814 er.com katie@anytimetutoring.co 706-814-5667 m 618-558-6617 201 Covina Avenue, Suite 2, ses@iceseducation.org 562-434-5313 Long Beach, CA 90803 287 Childs Road, Basking Ridge, ggalderisi@ieponline.com 908-630-9600 NJ 07920 7700 Edgewater Drive, Suite 552, candej1@aol.com 510-636-0951 Oakland, CA 94621 562-434-5313 599 S. Barranca Ave. Suite #555, Covina, CA 91723 Cathy A. Gould-Harrison 3031 W. March Lane Ste. 134 South, Stockton, CA 95219 Cathy A. Gould-Harrison 3031 W. March Lane, Ste. 134 South, Stockton, CA 95219 Roseline Amuchie 18808 Stefani Ave, Cerritos, CA 90703 Kern County Michael Figueroa Superintendent of Schools Richard Farace 877-754-1309 jrmcgm@aol.com 914-217-9390 626-918-9671 charrison@jumpintoreadin 209-472-1831 g.net charrison@jumpintoreadin 209-472-1831 g.net keephopealiveinc@aol.co 562-326-4411 m 1300 17th St. - City Centre, mifigueroa@kern.org School-Community Partnerships, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Po Box 3034, San Diego, CA richard@kidangel.org 92101 706-495-4936 English-language arts; Mathematics; Science English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts English-language arts 562-326-4411 661-636-4487 877-583-3254 English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts 858-395-4379 English-language arts; Mathematics H I Mode of Instructional Delivery Hourly Rate Per Student 65.00 One-on-one tutoring; Online Internet instruction; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students One-on-one tutoring 43-70 One-on-one tutoring; Onsite computer-assisted instruction; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students Online Internet instruction $50-$70 One-on-one tutoring 45.00 One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Other, please explain in the box below: Parent or guardian may choose the model that best fits their child's needs. One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students Onsite computer-assisted instruction; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Other, please explain in the box below: Tutoring is offered on campus after school. However, if there are not enough students at a site to offer on campus tutoring, then Extreme Learning can tutor online, with students working from home. One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students One-on-one tutoring; Online Internet instruction; Onsite computerassisted instruction; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students 40-55 One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students Group instruction (6-10 students) 45.00 One-on-one tutoring; Onsite computer-assisted instruction; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) One-on-one tutoring 40-70 One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) One-on-one tutoring; Onsite computer-assisted instruction; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students 60-75 One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students 50.00 60-85 55-70 40--65 $50-$70 70. 50.00 60.00 $45-$60 60-75 60.00 60.00 1 A B C D E F G H I Provider Business Name Contact Provider Address Provider E-mail Provider Phone Provider Cell Phone Subject Areas Mode of Instructional Delivery Hourly Rate Per Student 35-75 Leading Edge Learning Mayra Escobedo Leading Edge Tutors Inc. dba Adelante Online Learning Leading Edge Tutors Inc. dba Educando Lideres Milestones Family Learning Center Sylvia Barragan Mobile Minds Inc. DBA: Cherise Ballou New Hope Academy of Erik McKee New Hope Academy of Change Monique May 59 Center 60 61 62 63 Mobile Minds Tutoring 64 Change 65 Xochitl M. Martinez Vidal Cortes One More Chance Family Lori Johnson 66 Outreach Services, Inc. 67 68 69 70 71 74 75 76 77 mayra@lelc.net 619-463-5352 sbarragan@adelantelearni 323-680-2357 ng.org 323-680-2357 27762 Antonio Pkwy L1 Suite 478, Ladera Ranch, CA 92694 550 E Carson Plaza Drive, Ste 109, Carson, CA 90746 xochitl.martinez@educand 323-703-7130 olideres.org milestonesfamily@gmail.c 310-324-1157 om 323-703-7130 12400 Ventura Blvd. Suite #1343, Studio City, CA 91604 17710 Sycamore Street, Carson, CA 90746 17710 Sycamore St, Carson, CA 90746 cballou@mobilemindstutor 877-496-4637 ing.com anewhopeacademy@gmai 562-231-7468 l.com mmay@newhopeacademy 562-786-8246 ofchange.org 562-231-7468 P.O. Box 2367, Chino Hills, CA lori.johnson@laverne.edu 909-227-2861 91709 8900 SW 117 Ave C-103, Miami, mmonnar@oneononelearn 305-273-8999 FL 33186 ing.com English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) One-on-one tutoring; Onsite computer-assisted instruction English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics; Science One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students One-on-one tutoring; Onsite computer-assisted instruction; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students 45 - 75 One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) One-on-one tutoring; Onsite computer-assisted instruction; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) One-on-one tutoring; Online Internet instruction; Onsite computerassisted instruction; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students 65 English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics 55 - 75 75.00 60 65 52.00 One on One Learning Corp. Marcel Monnar Primanti Montessori School; DBA #1 Advancing Education Professional Tutors of America Inc. Rocket Learning Keri Lee 1930 Wilshire Blvd 11th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90057 Keri@ASAPCal.com 877-359-9292 323-387-3320 English-language arts; Mathematics Robert Harraka English-language arts; Mathematics; Science English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics One-on-one tutoring 68 Onsite computer-assisted instruction; Group instruction (6-10 students) Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) 50-75 S.E.S. Coordinator robert@professionaltutors. 800-832-2487 com rsarmiento@rocketlearnin 909-498-4560 g.net ses@starinc.org 310-842-8040 714-936-9282 STAR, Inc. (STAR Education) Studentnest, Inc. (dba: Chander Joshi Mathematics Sullivan Learning Systems, Inc. Rick Sullivan 2490 W. Shaw Ave. Suite 200, Fresno, CA 93711 rsullivan@slslearn.com Super Stars Literacy Mike Mowery Target Excellence Program, Inc. Janel Medina 675 Hegenberger Road, Suite 244, Oakland, CA 94621 7442 Ingalls Way, Sacramento, CA 95831 mike@superstarsliteracy.o 925-788-6161 rg ines.livingston@targetexce 916-930-0904 llence.org The Learning Curve Allan Avila 34167 Della Terrace, Fremont, CA 94555 INFO@TLCTUTORS.COM One-on-one tutoring; Online Internet instruction; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students One-on-one tutoring; Online Internet instruction; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) One-on-one tutoring; Online Internet instruction; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) Other, please explain in the box below: A combination of group instruction, small group tutoring, and one-on-one tutoring is used. Group instruction (6-10 students); Other, please explain in the box below: Target Excellence will also provide one-on-one, small group and group setting tutoring. One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Other, please explain in the box below: Typical class size is 3 students maximum; one-on-one tutoring available by request 65 Rick Sullivan chanderjoshi88@gmail.co 559-486-1251 m rsullivan@slslearn.com 800-975-7086 916-505-3508 Sullivan Learning Systems, Inc. 3350 E. Birch Street, Suite 108, Brea, CA 92821 9267 Haven Avenue, Suite 255, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 S.E.S. Department, 10117 Jefferson Boulevard, Culver City, CA 90232 2121 Merced Street, Fresno, CA 93721 2490 W. Shaw Ave., Suite 200, Fresno, CA 93711 72 studentnest.com) 73 3797 Tenth St., Riverside, CA 92501 27762 Antonio Pkwy L1 Suite 478, Ladera Ranch, CA 92694 Ricky Sarmiento 718-290-3084 English-language arts 800-975-7086 510-585-7576 English-language arts 925-788-6161 English-language arts 916-607-0948 English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics 68.00 45-65 30 50-75 60-75 35 70 36-80 1 78 A B C D E Provider Business Name Contact Provider Address Provider E-mail Provider Phone Tutorial Services Thomas Allor Jr TutorWorks INC Gerardo Torres 79 80 81 Ultimate Success Learning Melissa Wyatt You Can Do It Dian Martin 166 S. Industrial Drive, Saline, MI tallor@tutorialservices.org 734-470-6387 48176 700 Airport Boulevard, Suite 450, gtorres@tutorworks.org 650-298-8867 Burlingame, CA 94010 453 South Spring Street, Suite 839, Los Angeles, CA 90013 33450 Fox Road, Temecula, CA 92592 melissa@uslptutoring.com 213-627-1200 info@ucandoitconsulting.c 951-970-4718 om F G Provider Cell Subject Areas Phone 313-318-5349 English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics English-language arts; Mathematics H I Mode of Instructional Delivery Hourly Rate Per Student 50 Online Internet instruction One-on-one tutoring; Onsite computer-assisted instruction; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students; Group instruction (6-10 students) One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students One-on-one tutoring; Small group tutoring, not to exceed 5 students 25-75 60 50-70
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