ORS I.B.E. BASIC user manual Version 1.0 www.ors.si ORS IBE dokumentation Index ORS I.B.E. BASIC ..................................................................................................................... 2 ORS I.B.E. BASIC BLUE ................................................................................................................... 2 ORS I.B.E. BASIC BLUE ................................................................................................................... 2 ORS I.B.E. BASIC YELLOW.............................................................................................................. 2 ORS I.B.E. BASIC GREEN ................................................................................................................ 2 ORS I.B.E. BASIC RED .................................................................................................................... 2 DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................................... 3 Step 1 - search box ....................................................................................................................... 3 Step 2 – region display ................................................................................................................. 3 Step 3 – hotel display ................................................................................................................... 3 Step 4 - offer display .................................................................................................................... 3 Step 5 – reservation ...................................................................................................................... 3 IMPLEMENTATION ....................................................................................................................... 4 ADDITIONAL – teaser boxes ......................................................................................................... 5 Version Version 1.0 --- (14.10.2011) Remark For zooming porpouses please use “CTRL +-”. ORS I.B.E. documentation ORS I.B.E. BASIC ORS I.B.E. BASIC offers 5 diferent colours. Basic package also includes “Quick search engine” which user can implement into main/index page. Package is avaliable in different languages. ( please use parameter “LANG” to set the correct language). The following languages are avaliable at the moment: SI, HR, RS, EN, DE. We can also set the parameter »nearby airports« according to agency wishes in quick search module. ORS I.B.E. supports search by five different offer types: NAME airplane + hotel hotel only two-way airplane tickets onway airplane tickets Trips OFFERTYPE pauschal hotel charter oneway trips ORS I.B.E. BASIC BLUE I.B.E. URL: http://www.ors.si/ibex/agencije/ors-ibe-LANG/tip/OFFERTYPE Quick search: http://www.ows.si/services/demo/gray ORS I.B.E. BASIC BLUE I.B.E. URL: http://www.ors.si/ibex/agencije/ors-ibe-blue-LANG/tip/OFFERTYPE Quick search engine: http://www.ows.si/services/demo/blue ORS I.B.E. BASIC YELLOW I.B.E. URL: http://www.ors.si/ibex/agencije/ors-ibe-yellow-LANG/tip/OFFERTYPE Quick search engine: http://www.ows.si/services/demo/yellow ORS I.B.E. BASIC GREEN I.B.E. URL: http://www.ors.si/ibex/agencije/ors-ibe-green-LANG/tip/OFFERTYPE Quick search engine: http://www.ows.si/services/demo/green ORS I.B.E. BASIC RED I.B.E. URL : http://www.ors.si/ibex/agencije/ors-ibe-red-LANG/tip/OFFERTYPE Quick search engine: http://www.ows.si/services/demo/red 2 ORS I.B.E. documentation DESCRIPTION ORS I.B.E offers an easy way of implemenation and consists of 5 steps. Step 1 - search box Client / website user can input region, date and duration of the journey, number of passangers, name of the hotel, additional hotel parameters etc.. Step 2 – region display The list shows regions with avaliable weather conditions (average weather/watter temperatures for selected date). In this step client can adjust search parameters on the right side. Step 3 – hotel display The list show avaliable hotels/accommodation in specific region. With filter option client can adjust displaying of the hotel list. Step 4 - offer display The list shows avaliable offers for specific hotel/accommodation. With filter option client can adjust displaying of the offers (for example room, date, airport,..) Step 5 – reservation In this step, with a help of booking form client can make an reservation. * * the reservation is not final until payment is made Step 6 – booking confirmation The last step confirms successful reservation* * the reservation is not final until payment is made 3 ORS I.B.E. documentation IMPLEMENTATION There are 2 ways of implementation – FRAME (package “Basic”) and non-FRAME version (package “Individual”) Implementation of »Basic« package is fairly simple. Below is the example of such implementation. Example – I.B.E. implementation folder (crete »redirect« file in your web site) »https://www.agency-name/offers.php« copy this text into the created file: <?php if(!empty($_POST)) { $ibePath = $_POST['ibepath']; unset($_POST['ibepath']); $frameSrc = $ibePath."?".http_build_query($_POST); } else if(isset($_GET['u'])) { $frameSrc = str_replace("^","&",$_GET['u']); } ?> <iframe src="<?=$frameSrc?>" width="100%" height="1000px" frameborder="0"></iframe> css scripts <style type="text/css"> @import url("http://www.ors.si/xml/services/ows/css/owscal.css"); @import url("http://www.ors.si/xml/services/ows/agencije/AGENCY FOLDER/css/ows.css"); </style> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="http://www.ows.si/services/scripts/mtc.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="http://www.ows.si/services/scripts/mtm.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="http://www.ors.si/xml/services/ows/agencije/AGENCY FOLDER/scripts/ows.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="http://www.ors.si/xml/services/ows/scripts/owscal.js"></script> content http://www.ors.si/ibex/agencije/AGENCY FOLDER/tip/pauschal/ http://www.ors.si/ibex/agencije/AGENCY FOLDER/tip/hotel/ http://www.ors.si/ibex/agencije/AGENCY FOLDER/tip/charter/ http://www.ors.si/ibex/agencije/AGENCY FOLDER/tip/oneway/ http://www.ors.si/ibex/agencije/AGENCY FOLDER /tip/trips/ 4 ORS I.B.E. documentation EXAMPLE – how to include Quick search engine css,scripts Same as for I.B.E. Quick search engine <?php readfile("http://www.ors.si/xml/services/ows/agencije/AGENCY FOLDER/get.php?service=QUICK SEARCH NAME"); >? ADDITIONAL – teaser boxes ORS I.B.E. offers a possibility to include “teaser boxes”. They are produced (generated) via product ORS Smart*: Teaser box example: http://ows.si/services/demo/odpt/ Favorites example: http://ows.si/services/demo/odpt_fav/ * Smart generator offers users to create: “teaser boxes” - the list of different offers and one specific accomodation with a various way of displaying (XML files are being created) “deeplinks” - URL adress into a specific request (for example hotels in Mallorca, hotel Sheraton Bali, all regions in Carribean,..) 5 ORS I.B.E. documentation
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