January/February 2014 Volume 44, Number 1 Letter from the President On behalf of the entire NMLA Board it is my pleasure to wish everyone a happy and successful 2014! At the October board meeting, there was a great deal of discussion on how to preserve the association’s past while moving forward. As a result two (2) task forces were established as follows: Conference Handbook Utilizing Technology for NMLA Needs The Conference Handbook Task Force was charged with developing a comprehensive step by step handbook on how to plan a conference. If you have any documents pertaining to conference planning please email them to me at mepellington@gallupnm.gov. Current members of this task force include myself, Lynette Schurdevin, and Cassandra Osterloh. The Technology Utilization for NMLA Needs Task Force was charged with developing such things as YouTube video tutorials, Skype meetings, preserving information, ways to train new board and committee members regarding responsibilities and expectations, history of the association, available resources, and bylaws interpretation. In light of this, Joe Sabitini's Orientation for new Board Members at the April MiniConference in Laguna will be taped. Current task force members are Stephanie Wilson, Joe Sabitini, Melanie Templet, and Cassandra Osterloh. If you would like to serve on either task force, your enthusiasm is needed. Please contact me at mepellington@gallupnm.gov or call (505) 863-1291. Thank you and best regards, Mary Ellen Pellington Happy Hogwarts Harry at the Ruidoso Public Library By Sharon Stewart, Ruidoso Public Library Check out all of the decorations! To see more, take a look at the Ruidoso Public Library Blog: http://ruidosopubliclibrary.blogspot.com/2013/12/ happy-hogwarts-harry-check-out.html Who's there? Is school out? Continued on page 1 PAGE 2 NMLA NEWSLETTER VOLUME 44, NUMBER 1 New Mexico Library Legislative Day Contributed by Joe Sabatini, By Joe Sabatini, Co-Chair NMLA Legislation Committee The New Mexico Library Association will hold its annual Library Legislative Day on Thursday, January 30, 2014, to show support for library funding and a 2014 library bond issue. Library supporters will be in the House and Senate galleries when the sessions begin, and delegations of librarians will be introduced. Supporters will visit with their individual legislators to advocate the importance of continued funding of library programs. All library supporters are urged to attend. Attendees can park at the public parking garage west of the State Capitol, which is accessible from Paseo de Peralta on Manhattan Street or Galisteo Road. Although NMLA will not have a rotunda table, there will be a person available with informational flyers and “Support Library” buttons, stationed near the sculpture of former Governor David Cargo at the west end of the rotunda (near the coffee shop). It is recommended that supporters arrive around 8:30 pm or 9:00 am, as there are opportunities to connect with local legislators in their offices or at morning committee meetings. All supporters are asked to note the starting times of the House and Senate sessions, and to be in the galleries for the opening ceremonies. This is when our delegations will be introduced, by Senator Bill Soules and by Representative Ed Sandoval. The NMLA Legislation Committee is giving its highest priority to the placement of a General Obligation Bond Issue for libraries on the November 2014 statewide election ballot. The G.O. Bond bill will originate in the Senate and has already been pre-filed by Senator Carlos Cisneros of Taos County as Senate Bill 53. Once again, as in the last six elections, this bond has the potential to make a huge difference to all New Mexico libraries, large and small. All New Mexico citizens from kindergarteners to Senor Citizens will benefit from funds included in this GO Bond. NMLA's 2012 Libraries GO Bond request includes the following: 1. $3.25 million for academic libraries To be distributed on a formula basis by the Higher Education Department to all academic libraries in the state. This amount will allow academic libraries statewide to purchase supplemental library resources, including books, equipment and resources for academic libraries statewide, as well as investing in consortia database purchases. 2. $3.7 million for publicly funded school libraries/juvenile detention libraries To be distributed both with a minimum per school amount and a per student allocation by the Public Education Department. This amount will allow the purchase of resources including library books and library materials resources for public school libraries statewide. 3. $3.25 million for New Mexico public libraries To be distributed on both a minimum per library amount and a per capita basis to New Mexico public libraries by the New Mexico State Library. This amount will fund the purchase of books, electronic resources, and equipment for non-tribal public libraries statewide. 4. $800,000 for Tribal libraries To be distributed on both a minimum per library amount and a per capita basis by the New Mexico State Library for supplemental library resource acquisitions, including books, equipment, planning, building and resources for tribal libraries statewide. 5. $300,000 for the purchase of a replacement Bookmobile for the New Mexico State Library. 6. $700,000 for statewide databases for newspapers, homework help. The amounts in the pre-filed bill are different. SB 53 provides for an $11 million library bond, with $3.5 million each for academic and for school libraries, $3 million for public libraries and $800,000 for tribal libraries. VOLUME 44, NUMBER 1 NMLA NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 Library Legislative Day (continued) This 2014 Bond proposal is supported by the New Mexico Library Association, the New Mexico Municipal League, the New Mexico Consortium of Academic Libraries, and the Advocacy for School Libraries Special Interest Group. For additional information see the Bonds For Libraries Special Interest Group website. http://www.bondsforlibraries.org/ Library supporters at Legislative Day 2013 standing by the Governor Cargo sculpture. VOLUME 44, NUMBER 1 NMLA NEWSLETTER PAGE 4 A Student Governed Scholarly Journal Adrienne Mathewson, San Jose State University Graduate Student In 2010, San José State University’s Library & Information Science program launched their student-governed, doubleblind peer review scholarly journal Student Research Journal (SRJ - pronounced ‘surge’). SRJ is published twice a year in December and May coinciding with the LIS program semesters; its purpose is to promote graduate scholarship and intellectual inquiry in library and information science, archives and record management and museum studies. Each issue is developed by current SJSU SLIS graduate students selected by a competitive process to serve one-year terms on the editorial team. Working with SJSU SLIS faculty advisor and associate professor Dr. Anthony Bernier, the student editors review, select and edit manuscripts submitted by MLIS students in graduate programs worldwide. All LIS graduate students are encouraged to submit manuscripts to the journal for review. It’s an excellent opportunity for graduate students to showcase their original work in a peer-reviewed publication and contribute to the body of knowledge in the information professions. SRJ is downloaded by readers worldwide; after the United States, the top downloads are from readers in India, Pakistan, and the United Kingdom, respectively. Not only does SRJ provide an opportunity for graduate students to submit their papers, it is also a useful resource for library and information professionals. As an open-source journal, it is freely available to all researchers and the diversity of the research papers reflects the rapidly changing world of the LIS profession. The December 2013 issue features an article examining stereotypes of the female librarian within the social context of film and another that provides a thorough discussion of open source integrated library systems. Previous issues contain articles about such diverse topics as library cartoons, the TEACH ACT, film preservation, open source code and many others. SRJ is an open-source journal and its articles are available in PDF format at http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/slissrj/vol3/iss2/. The SRJ invites original research or critical review essay manuscripts from graduate students at any university on topics in the fields of information science theory, policy, application or practice. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. For more information about the SRJ, visit http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/slissrj/. PAGE 5 NMLA NEWSLETTER VOLUME 44, NUMBER 1 Indigenous Book Festival By Mary Alice Tsosie, CSWR Oral History Program, mtsosie@unm.edu You are invited to the 3rd Institute for American Indian Research (IFAIR) INDIGENOUS BOOK FESTIVAL. The theme for this year's festival is Authenticity & Indigeneity. It will be held at the University of New Mexico in the Student Union Building on February 20-21, 2014 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thirty-four invited authors/writers have agreed to participate in the two-day event. This is a free public event. The keynote speakers are Dr. Audra Simpson (Mohawk) author of Mohawk Interruptus from Columbia University and Dr. Craig Santos Perez (Chamoru from Guahan) author of Chamoru Childhood, from unincorporated territory (hacha) and unincorporated territory (saina) from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Some of the invited authors/writers include: Joanne Barker, Elizabeth Cook-Lynn, Mishuana Goeman, Stephen Graham Jones, Maurice Kenny, Malinda Maynor Lowery, Dian Million, Carter Revard, David Treuer,and Waziyatawin. Several of the Native American faculty at UNM will also present including Tiffany S. Lee, Theodore Jojola, Glenabah Martinez, Luci Tapahonso, and Christine Sims. Some of the titles for the dialogue presentations include: The Sovereignty of Critique, Authenticity and the Written Word, Culture of Language, The Writing Life, Crossing of Nations, Looking Backward/Forward, Trafficking in Culture, Reframing Accountability in Indigenous Studies, Indigenous Space in Fiction, and Pueblo Languages for the 21st Century. Two creative writing workshops for high school students will also take place. Sponsors are: IFAIR and Alfonso Ortiz Center with additional support from other departments, programs, and the UNM Bookstore. Contact information: triplel@unm.edu, (505)277-1822, www.unm.edu/~ifair. PAGE 6 NMLA NEWSLETTER VOLUME 44, NUMBER 1 Comic Con at the Pueblo of Isleta Public Library By Tara Abeita, Pueblo of Isleta Pueblo Library This year the Pueblo of Isleta Public Library will be hosting its first ever Comic Con Saturday, March 8, 2014 from 11:00am-3:00pm. Graphic Novels have been a big hit at our Library which motivated us to host and highlight our very own graphic novels on a day where everyone can be a kid! Our planning stages started quite small but turned into a huge comic con event which will include collaborations with the Justice League of America, Gamers Anonymous, KaBoom Test Labs, Comic Warehouse and 7000bc. We will be having an Art Contest for the Best one page comic which will be featured in our local newsletter. The participants will also be invited to sit at their very own booth to talk about their comics and sign autographs. Drawing entries can be turned in February 10th-March 7th at the Library. The Comic Con event will be FREE for all ages. We will have door prizes, a costume contest (come dressed as your favorite superhero!), Comic Books, video games, a Workshop on how to make your own comic, raffles and a caricature artist. We will also have activities throughout the day such as a retro game session, Perler bead 16 bit pixel art and a Star Wars Craft! Our community loves KUNM public radio station 89.9 FM’s Native American Program called Singing Wire. The DJ’s will make an appearance with their radio voices as our MC’s. We extend our invitation to everyone to come join us! Our purpose and motive for this event is to provide our patrons with the excitement of reading through comic books. What better way to engage them than through a free, fun family event that is, of course, course, full of SUPERHEROES! We hope to make this an annual event that everyone can look forward to. Happy Hogwarts Harry at the Ruidoso Public Library (continued from page 1) Which house are you? Watch out for our Whomping Willow! Welcome to the Great Hall. Take your seats for Dumbledore's welcome. PAGE 7 NMLA NEWSLETTER VOLUME 44, NUMBER 6 Don’t Whine! Just Read at the Carlsbad Public Library By Beth Nieman, Youth Services Librarian, Carlsbad Public Library “Book fine? Don’t whine! Just read – you’re freed!” is the new theme at the Carlsbad Public Library. Basically, kids can put in twenty minutes of in-library reading in lieu of paying the late fees on one item. The librarian sets a timer and the child reads nearby so the librarian can verify the time spent reading. When reading is completed, the librarian initials a fine forgiveness card for the child to take to the circulation desk in lieu of paying the late fees for one book. (The program does not apply to fines incurred for lost or damaged materials.) If children have more than one book with overdue fees, they may read 20 minutes for each item. There have been positive responses from both kids and parents already, so it seems this will be a good way to encourage reading and keep children's accounts active. Capitan Public Library Hosts Santa Parade By Pat Garrett, Capitan Public Library Capitan Public hosts the annual Cowboy Santa Parade each December. This is a special event for both the community and the library volunteers. Santa (Greg Haussler) is transported by a horse drawn vehicle to the library where he meets and greets each child. Each child is given a gift bag containing a book, a toy and candy. These gift bags are prepared by the library staff and contents are donated by individuals and through a gift card from WalMart. One of our local music teachers, Cindy Foglesong, brings some of her students and they furnish music for the event. Photos are taken by Gerald Garrett and furnished free of charge to each family. What a great way to bring some joy to these families; some that may not have much of a Christmas otherwise. The staff love this event - makes everyone just feel good! VOLUME 44, NUMBER 1 NMLA NEWSLETTER PAGE 8 Miniature Exhibition Display at the Esther Bone Library By Tracie Antonuk, Rio Rancho Public Library The Albuquerque Mini Makers club members have a variety of scale doll house miniatures on exhibit in the display case at the Esther Bone Memorial Library until February 22, 2014. The Club was formed in 2009 and is part of the National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts. The exhibit showcases several of the club members’ miniature creations that have been club projects or workshops that members have participated in. These scenes include southwestern themed rooms, a Victorian room, country room, Wizard Shoppe, a Gift and Flower Shoppe and more. After viewing the exhibit, anyone interested in learning more about miniatures, collecting or making are invited to join members at the monthly meetings. The members meet once a month on the third Sunday from 1:304:30. Contact ssheridan@q.com The library is located at 950 Pinetree Rd. SE in Rio Rancho. Please call 891-5012 for more information or directions. PAGE 9 VOLUME 44, NUMBER 1 NMLA NEWSLETTER Kathy Barco’s READ-tirement! Kathy Barco has started the next chapter of her life: READ-tirement! She began and ended her library career at Albuquerque/ Bernalillo County Library System, serving as a Children’s Librarian and most recently as Literacy Coordinator. She was also Youth Services Coordinator at the New Mexico State Library from 2001 – 2006, and produced several fun statewide Summer Reading Programs including Once Upon a Planet, READiculous, Magical Mystery Tour and READiscover New Mexico. Kathy is now available to conduct workshops and presentations and would love to hear from her NM colleagues. Contact her at kathy.barco@gmail.com NMLA Membership Honorary Life Members Sustaining Members Paul Agriesti Alison Almquist Thaddeus P. Bejnar Dr. David R Giltrow Charlene Greenwood Martha Liebert Betty Long Elinor McCloskey Carol Myers Linda O'Connell Elise Orell Calla Ann Pepmueller Dr. Earl H. Phillips Joseph Sabatini Ellanie Sampson Ben Wakashige Cheryl Wilson Barbara VanDongen Bradley Carrington Cecilia D. Stafford David Caffey Dianna Rhine-Valdez Elizabeth Egelhoff Elizabeth Titus Frederick Walter John Sandstrom L. Scott Sheldon Lorrie Stepetic Mary Alice Tsosie Paulita Aguilar Susan Sheldon Norma Ballenger Chaparrel Commercial Members Sebco Books NMSU - Doña Ana Community College Library Science Program New Members Adam Becker Karen Browning Kimberly Collett Betty Decker Sandra Eichwald Jeanne Gonzales Paulette Lovelace Tanya Lyons These members give extra each year Caitlin Schaffer because they believe in NMLA. Hannah Trigg Thank you, sustaining members! Brenda Watson Your confidence is contagious. PAGE 10 NE WS LE T T E R T I T LE VOLUME 44, NUMBER 1 Events at the Esther Bone Library Jim Jones and Skip Batchelor Perform Together Albuquerque musician and author, Jim Jones, will perform live in concert at the Esther Bone Memorial Library on Tuesday, February 11th, at 6:30 p.m. He will be accompanied by singer and acoustic guitar player, Skip Batchelor. Jim Jones writes and sings contemporary songs about the great American West, past, present and future. He travels all over the country performing his unique brand of Americana at concerts, coffee houses, music festivals and cowboy gatherings. Skip plays primarily covers of major hits from the 60's and 70's with several off the wall tunes that he just likes. When asked what he likes to play, Skip responds, “Just good music!” He has played in a variety of bands throughout his life, but now does solo gigs and the library is very pleased to welcome him to our stage. This unique concert will feature these two musicians together on stage where they will perform a combination of cowboy songs, rock songs, western music and contemporary folk. This is a free concert and tickets are not required, however you may want to arrive early for the best seats. The Esther Bone Memorial Library is located at 950 Pinetree Rd. SE in Rio Rancho. Please call 891-5012 and press 3 for more information or directions. Jim Beckwourth, Mountain Man Please join the Esther Bone Memorial Library on Tuesday, February 4th at 6:30 p.m. as we celebrate Black History Month with a re-enactment of the life of Jim Beckwourth, Mountain Man. Beckwourth lived in the 1800’s as a trapper, trader, soldier, scout, explorer, and chief of the Crow Nation. for providing the funding for this event. The library is located at 950 Pinetree Rd. SE in Rio Rancho. For more information or directions you may call 891-5012, option 3. Edward Wallace will portray Beckwourth in this educational and very entertaining program about his life and times. This is a free all-ages program with no tickets or prior registration required. We would like to thank the New Mexico Humanities Council and the Friends of the Rio Rancho Library The Voices of Downton Abbey Voice actor, Michael Harle, will present the voices of Downton Abbey in this unique multi-media performance. The program will take place on Tuesday evening, February 18th, at 6:30 pm at the Esther Bone Memorial Library. With video clips projected on the movie screen, Michael will offer up the voices of the characters as they appear in the show. It is a fast paced, enjoyable performance that is a must see for any fan of Downton Abbey. Mr. Harle will also talk about being a voice actor and what it takes to get into this very creative field. If time permits he will also offer up several other characters from a wide variety of movie and television stars. NMLA NEWSLETTER PAGE 11 VOLUME 44, NUMBER 1 NMLA Officers and More President Mary Ellen Pellington, mepellington@ci.gallup.nm.us Vice-President/ President-Elect Janice Kowemy, jkowemy@lagunapueblo-nsn.gov Secretary Cassandra Osterloh, cassandra.osterloh@yahoo.com Treasurer Paulita Aguilar, paulita@unm.edu ALA Councilor / APA Councilor Valerie Nye vnye@iaia.edu Members at Large Kat Gullahorn, krg@unm.edu Steve Harris, srharris@unm.edu Tamara Sandia, tamara.sandia@jemezpueblo.org Stephanie Wilson, libsew@nmcourts.gov Awards Committee The New Mexico Library Association Newsletter (ISSN: 0893-2956) is published six times a year in January, March, May, July, September and November. Send “Newsletter” submissions, advertisements, and other requests to: Mildred Walters, mwalters@sandiapueblo.nsn.us Lynette Schurdevin, lschurdevin@las-cruces.org Archivist Stacey Zuzga, szuzga@ci.gallup.nm.us AASL Representative Rachel Altobelli, rachel.altobelli@aps.edu MPLA LeAnne Weller, lweller1@unm.edu Representative NMLF Chair Carol Hoover, hoover@lanl.gov State Librarian Devon Skeele, devon.skeele@nm.state.us Conference Site John Sandstorm, jsand713@ad.nmsu.edu Lynette Schurdevin, lschurdevin@las-cruces.org, Education Kevin Comerford, kevco@unm.edu Intellectual Freedom Josh Benjamin, benjamin@aps.edu Caroline Dechert, Caroline.Dechert@state.nm.us Legislative Cynthia Shetter, shetterc@loslunasnm.gov Joe Sabatini, jsabatini423@gmail.com Membership Cassandra Osterloh, cassandra.osterloh@yahoo.com Nominations & Elections Anne Lefkowsky, alefkowsky@cabq.gov Bylaws Cassandra Arnold, caarnold@cityofcarlsbadnm.com Local Arrangements Open Position Public Relations Melanie Templet, mtemplet@sandiaprep.org Newsletter Editor Robyn Gleasner, rgleasner@yahoo.com Newsletter Editor c/o NMLA P.O. Box 26074 Albuquerque, NM 87125 contact@nmla.org
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