Barry J. Galasso, Ed. D. Executive Director *SAMPLE District Mailing* this will also be emailed to our district contact for transition with Dir. of SE or Pupil Services copied Bucks County Schools Intermediate Unit #22 705 N. Shady Retreat Road Doylestown, PA 18901 215-348-2940 800-770-4822 September 27, 2013 Supervisor School District Address RE: Transition to Kindergarten 2014 Please return this form and the enclosed District Information Sheet by October 11, 2013 Dear Special Education Supervisor: Preparations are underway for Transition to Kindergarten/First Grade for children receiving Early Intervention. 1. Your district’s estimate for the 2014 school year is: Kindergarten Eligible: ______________ First Grade Eligible: Attached is a spreadsheet showing the number of children by diagnosis. _______________ 2. Meeting Dates: Please email your preferred dates to ‘’ for your January and February 2014 Transition meetings. Larger districts may continue to start in December. We will create a master schedule and confirm your dates with you. Based on the above estimates, you will need a total of ______ dates. You will need: _____ multi-service dates - 14 meetings per day to be scheduled 30 minutes apart _____ speech-only dates – 28 meetings per day to be scheduled 15 minutes apart 3. Scheduling: We will schedule all children’s meetings (multi-service and speech-only) on the dates you give us. Meetings will begin at 8:30 am with a break from 12:00 to 12:30 and will end at 4:00 pm. 4. Documents: We will email all ER, RR and IEP documents to you and one other person. Please provide two emails: Name: ________________________ Email Address: _________________________ Name: ________________________ Email Address: _________________________ 5. Families will receive a packet from their child’s EI teacher that includes: - An information sheet about your District noting the date and time of their transition meeting - the two OCDEL letters we are required to give to parents (enclosed) th 6. Please review your district information sheet and email changes to ‘’ by October 11 . 7. General Meeting: Please email your flier to ‘’. The child’s teacher will give it to the family. We are hoping these minor changes will make transition smoother for all of us. Sincerely, Beth Liddle, M. Ed., Supervisor 215-348-2940 x1321 “Our Children…Their Future…Bucks County IU” BC 22I U Barry J. Galasso, Ed. D. Executive Director NOTICE OF YOUR CHILD’S TRANSITION TO SCHOOL AGE MEETING Transition from Preschool Early Intervention to School Age Program BUCKS COUNTY SCHOOLS INTERMEDIATE UNIT NO. 22 705 N. SHADY RETREAT ROAD DOYLESTOWN, PA 18901 800-770-4822 Dear Parent(s): Your child soon will be age-eligible to register with your school district or charter school for either kindergarten or first grade. This letter will briefly explain the process by which your child will transition into school. Transition meeting will be held by the end of February We will invite you to a transition meeting that will be held by the end of February. A representative from your school district or charter school will attend this meeting in order to discuss the transition options and process. At the meeting, we will discuss your options, provide you an opportunity to ask questions and share concerns. At this meeting you will be provided an Intent to Register form to fill out which asks if you intend to register your child with the school district or charter school. For a child who is kindergarten age eligible for the upcoming school year: If you are uncertain that your child should move on to kindergarten, we can discuss your concerns during the transition meeting. If your child is age eligible for kindergarten and you choose not to register with the school district or charter school, your child can continue to receive Preschool Early Intervention services until your child is first grade eligible (age of beginners) in your school district or charter school. For a child who is first grade eligible (age of beginners) in school district of residence for the upcoming school year: Preschool Early Intervention services will end when your child reaches the admission age for first grade (age of beginners), regardless of whether you enroll your child with the district or charter school. School Age evaluation and program If you indicate on the Intent to Register form (provided at the transition meeting) that you intend to register your child with your school district or charter school, there are several options the school district or charter school will discuss with you at the transition meeting regarding how the team may proceed with your child’s transition. A copy of these options is attached for your review. If your child is eligible for special education services and enrolled in the school district or charter school at the beginning of the school term, an IEP will be implemented. If the IEP team proposes a program with which you do not agree, within ten calendar days, you must initiate an administrative proceeding, such as mediation or due process hearing, to resolve the areas of disagreement, in order for the district or charter school to continue to provide the program and services described in the Preschool Early Intervention IEP until a determination by a hearing officer or court is issued. If you have any questions about this process, please call the Intermediate Unit at 1-800-770-4822, and contact your child’s service coordinator, or the Intake Secretary at extension 1716. Sincerely, Beth Liddle Supervisor, Early Childhood Services Karin King-Rigby Supervisor, Early Childhood Services OVER PLEASE “Our Children…Their Future…Bucks County IU” BC 22I U Barry J. Galasso, Ed. D. Executive Director BUCKS COUNTY SCHOOLS NOTICE OF OPTIONS FOR YOUR CHILD’S TRANSITION Transition from Preschool Early Intervention to School Age Program Can be discussed at your individual Transition Meeting INTERMEDIATE UNIT 705 N. SHADY RETREAT ROAD DOYLESTOWN, PA 18901 215-348-2940 All children currently eligible for special education in Preschool Early Intervention and registered with the school district or charter school remain eligible for special education in their school district or charter school unless the school district, charter school, or Preschool Early Intervention program completes a reevaluation that determines the child is no longer eligible for special education. All eligible students must have an IEP in place by the beginning of the school year. If the IEP team proposes a program with which you do not agree, you must initiate administrative proceedings, such as mediation or due process hearing to resolve the areas of disagreement. The district or charter school must continue to provide the program and services described in the Preschool Early Intervention IEP until the mediation process is complete or a determination by a hearing officer or court is issued. If you intend to register your child with your school district or the charter school, there are several options the school district or charter school will discuss with you about how the team may proceed with your child’s transition. The team can consider the following options: 1. Adopt the EI Preschool IEP for School Age You and the school district or charter school can decide to adopt the EI Preschool Evaluation or IEP and implement the IEP as your child’s school age IEP. The school district would then issue a NOREP indicating this recommendation, unless doing so would result in the child’s reevaluation not being conducted every two year– in which case the parent must agree in writing to waive the reevaluation prior to exercising this option. Waiving the reevaluation is not part of the reevaluation process. Waiving the reevaluation is recommended by the school district or charter school (LEA), not the IEP team. The parent must be in agreement with the determination to waive the reevaluation. Parent signature is required on the Agreement to Waive Reevaluation form. 2. Adopt the EI Preschool IEP with Revisions You and the school district or the charter school can decide to adopt the EI Preschool IEP with revisions. The school district or charter school would discuss with you the proposed revisions to the IEP and then issue a NOREP to gain your approval. The school district or charter would then send the revised IEP and NOREP indicating this recommendation unless doing so would result in the child’s reevaluation not being conducted every two year– in which case the parent must agree in writing to waive the reevaluation prior to exercising this option by completing the Agreement to Waive Reevaluation form. 3. Conduct a Reevaluation You and the school district or charter school determine that a reevaluation is necessary. The school district or charter school will notify the parent in writing within a reasonable amount of time after receipt of the Intent to Register form that a reevaluation, consisting of a review of existing data and information will be conducted. The school district or charter school is not required to issue the Permission to Reevaluate Consent Form when the reevaluation is only a review of data. The school district or charter school will notify the parent using a letter/notice developed by the school district or charter school. If the team is meeting to review existing evaluation data, the Invitation to Participate in the IEP Team Meeting or Other Meeting can be used by checking "Other" and noting that the meeting is to review data as part of a reevaluation. . If, through the review of existing evaluation data the IEP team as described above determines that additional data are needed, the school district or charter school will issue the Permission to Reevaluate – Consent Form to obtain parental consent to collect the additional data. Within 60 calendar days of the date the school district or charter school receives parental consent (not including summer days) to collect additional data; the parent will receive a copy of the Reevaluation Report. The Reevaluation Report will summarize the data reviewed during reevaluation, the decision about whether additional evaluation data are needed, and make a determination about a child’s continued eligibility for special education services. If your child remains eligible, the school district or charter school will convene an IEP meeting within 30 calendar days of the Reevaluation Report or within a reasonable amount of time to assure a smooth transition to school-age programs, and a new IEP and NOREP will be issued. Within a reasonable period of time from the receipt of the signed Intent to Register form, but no later than April 15, the school district or charter school will notify the parent in writing and initiate one of the options as noted above. Regardless of which option is chosen, if the child is eligible for special education and related services, an IEP will be implemented no later than 10 school days at the beginning of the school term after its completion in order to ensure that the special education programs of young children with disabilities are not interrupted when they transition from Preschool Early Intervention programs to school-age programs. OVER PLEASE “Our Children…Their Future…Bucks County IU” Barry J. Galasso, Ed. D. Executive Director Bucks County Schools Intermediate Unit #22 705 N. Shady Retreat Road Doylestown, PA 18901 215-348-2940 800-770-4822 FAX: 267-897-9220 IMPORTANT! Your Child’s Transition to Kindergarten or First Grade from Early Intervention Dear Parent or Caregiver: Planning is underway at Bucks County IU-EI for your child’s transition to school in the fall of 2014. We will be working with you and your school district to ensure your child has the opportunity to be evaluated for school age special education. If eligible, an IEP will be ready when school begins. Our records indicate that your child resides in_____________School District The location for your child’s Transition Meeting is: Building name: Building address: City, State, Zip District Contact Name: _______________________ Phone: _________________ Details of your child’s upcoming Transition Meeting at: _______________ School District: Child: ________________________________ Parent: _________________________ Date: ________________________________ Time: __________________________ An Early Intervention representative will attend the transition meeting with you. Prior to then, be sure to read the attached information about transition to school from early intervention. Your child’s Early Intervention teacher can answer your questions about this process. School District requires that your child turn 5 years old on or before mm/dd/2014. ~Kindergarten Registration for children in Early Intervention is done on the day of your meeting. ~You can also make an appointment to register for Kindergarten by calling: __________________ ~To view _____________’s Kindergarten Registration Requirements visit Be sure to check their website for additional information on Transition from EI ~Documents needed for Kindergarten Registration in _______________School District: Birth Certificate, Immunization Records, ____ proofs of residency, photo ID, child’s SS#, etc. Go to for detailed information. “Our Children…Their Future…Bucks County IU”
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