GEOLOGY OF WESTERN CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES about 3,500 feet below the top of the formation. This sample contains eight pollen and spore forms regionally common to Paleocene and Eocene rocks, as well as abundant pollen of Platycarya and Gramineae. Pollen similar to modern Gramineae (grass) pollen is not yet known from rocks older than Eocene. Gramineae pollen has been found in Wyoming- in the Green River formation of early and middle Eocene age, and in rocks younger than Green River. A suite of abundantly fossiliferous samples was collected at USGS paleobotanical loc. D1408 (SW % sec. 4, T. 6 N., R. 81 W.) and D1409 (NW % sec. 4, T. 6 N., R. 81 W.) from an 800-foot-thick carbonaceous shale sequence which lies about 2,800 feet stratigraphically below loc. D1359. Ten samples yielded 38 species of pollen and spores, of which the dominant f orm in most of the samples is pollen of Platycarya. Also present is pollen of Tiliaceae (linden family), here assigned to Tilia crassipites Wodehouse; Tilia crassipites pollen is known in Wyoming and Colorado from rocks of early Eocene through Oligocene age, but is lacking in rocks of Paleocene age. All but 2 of the 38 species occur in the Wasatch formation of early Eocene age, near Sheridan, Wyo. The other two species are found 118. B261 in the Green River formation of early and middle Eocene age in southwestern Wyoming. A local unconformity in the Coalmont formation in the Pole Mountain-Coalmont area separates the 800foot-thick carbonaceous shale sequence from the lower part of the formation; in this area the part below the unconformity has a minimum thickness of about 1,500 feet. Carbonaceous shale samples from several localities in this lower part of the formation yielded only six pollen species, none of which is an exclusively Eocene form, but all of which are common in early Tertiary rocks of the Western United States. The authors conclude that the lower part of the Coalmont formation is of Paleocene age, based on the presence of Paleocene leaves; and that the upper part of the Coalmont is of Eocene age, perhaps early Eocene, based on the presence of pollen of Platycarya, Gramineae, and Tilia crassipites. REFERENCES Beekly, A. L., 1915, Geology and coal resources of North Park, Colorado: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 596, 121 p. Brown, R. W., 1949, Paleocene deposits of the Rocky Mountains and Plains: U.S. Geol. Survey map. PRE-CUTLER UNCONFORMITIES AND EARLY GROWTH OF THE PARADOX VALLEY AND GYPSUM VALLEY SALT ANTICLINES, COLORADO D. P. ELSTON and E. R. LANDIS, Denver, Colo. Work done in cooperation icitlt the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission The salt anticline region of the Colorado Plateau occupies the deep, axial part of the Paradox basin in western Colorado and eastern Utah. The five major northwest-trending salt anticlines (inset, fig. 118.1), which aro 30 to 70 miles long, have structurally complex central parts 2 to f> miles wide, and salt cores 4,100 to 13,700 feet thick. Southwest of these, the salt-bearing unit of the Paradox member of the Hermosa formation (Middle Pennsylvania!!) ranges from 0 to about 3,000 feet in thickness, whereas its original thickness in the deep part of the basin may have been about 7,000 feet. Rocks of the Paradox member, consisting of gypsum, generally fine-grained elastics, and carbonates, crop out locally in several valleys eroded along the axes of the salt anticlines, together with some broken beds of gypsum, that appear to be residual from leached salt beds. These rocks are about 400 to 1,300 feet thick. They overlie the salt and are unconformably overlapped by Paleozoic beds that consist of marine limestone and shale and of marine and continental siltstone, arkosic sandstone, and conglomerate. The aggregate thickness of the younger Paleozoic beds is only a few hundred feet over parts of the salt structures, but is more than 5,000 feet in areas between the salt structures. PARADOX VALLEY Unconformities have been found at several places in Paradox Valley beneath thinned sequences of the upper member of the Hermosa formation (Middle Pennsylvanian), the Rico formation (Middle and Late Pennsylvania!! in the Gypsum Valley and Paradox Valley areas), and the Cutler formation (Permian). B262 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1960—SHORT PAPERS IN THE GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES The upper member of the Hermosa formation is commonly less than 50 feet thick in scattered outcrops, and in the northwest part of Paradox Valley it is separated from the Cutler formation by about 150 feet of interbedded limestone and arkosic sandstone of the Rico formation, both of whose contacts are unconformable. Both the upper member of the Hermosa. formation and the Rico formation are about 3,000 feet thick on the south flank of the Paradox Valley salt anticline. There is a marked unconformity beneath the Cutler formation (fig. 118.1). The basal beds (units Pea, Pcb and Pec) consist of about 100 feet of gray, platybedded to indistinctly bedded, marine (?) sandstone and conglomerate, which grade upward into fluviatile red beds typical of the Cutler (unit Pcd). The lowest unit of the Cutler (Pea), which is about 50 feet thick in the eastern part of the map area and contains scattered pebbles derived from underlying rocks, was deposited in fold troughs on an irregular erosion surface. Although this unit (Pea) pinches out locally to the west, an outlier rests unconf ormably on the Paradox member of the Hermosa formation about 900 feet to the south of the pinch-out. In the western part of the map area, the next younger unit (Pcb) unconformably overlies the upper member of the Hermosa formation, which apparently truncates a part of the Paradox member. GYPSUM VALLEY Unconformities are seen in Gypsum Valley beneath the Cutler and Rico formations and beneath the upper member of the Hermosa formation in the map area of figure 118.2, and also two unconformities within that member. The upper member of the Hermosa formation and the Rico formation rest unconformably on several different units of the Paradox member. The upper member of the Hermosa formation, which pinches out over the anticline in the central part of the map area but which is about 100 feet thick on its flanks, consists chiefly of gray dolomite and limestone. Its lowermost persistent unit is a bed of resistant dolomite, about 5 feet thick. West of the topographic saddle near the crest of the anticline, this dolomite overlies black shale of the Paradox member with sharp angular discordance, and also truncates an isolated dolomite bed of the upper member of the Hermosa that is sharply folded into the black shale. About 300 feet south of the anticline, the persistent dolomite overlies a gypsum unit of the Paradox member. On the southwest side of the saddle, about 50 feet of thinbedded dolomite in the upper member of the Hermosa is truncated in a distance of about 150 feet beneath a breccia-rubble that contains pebbles, cobbles, and boul- ders of limestone and sandstone. An overlying dolomite is truncated in turn by the Rico formation. The Rico formation, which is about 100 feet in maximum thickness but pinches out over the salt structure, consists of irregularly bedded grayish-red siltstone, sandstone, limestone, and dolomite. Some of the carbonate beds in the upper half of the formation are clastic and consist of angular carbonate fragments in carbonate cement, indicating unsettled conditions of deposition. In the northeast part of the map area the Rico formation is unconformably overlain by a thin wedge of purplish arkosic to conglomeratic sandstone, typical of the Cutler formation. CONCLUSIONS The facts outlined above show that the cores of the Paradox Valley and Gypsum Valley salt anticlines are overlain by thin post-Paradox formations of Pennsylvanian and Permian age, pinching out over the anticlines and separated by unconformities. These facts indicate that the growth of the salt cores in both anticlines began in Middle Pennsylvanian time, not later than sometime during the deposition of the upper member of the Hermosa formation, that the tops of the salt structures generally stayed near local base level, and that the unconformities within, and separating, the thinned late Paleozoic formations record pulses of vertical movement in the salt cores. Because of the relatively thin cover of rocks above the salt prior to growth of the cores, it is thought that growth of the salt core was initiated by tectonic activity. Such activity is recorded at some places by the arkosic debris, shed from the ancestral Uncompahgre Range, that is interbedded with evaporite and carbonate rocks in the Hermosa and Rico formations. Repeated tectonic pulses may have caused continual growth, or at least intermittent growth, in Pennsylvanian time, during which more sedimentation took place alongside the growing salt structures than on their tops. After tne uplift of the Uncompahgre Range, however, the continued growth of the salt cores during much of Permian time probably resulted from differential loading. The widely held concept that, a great thickness of late Paleozoic beds was pierced by intrusive salt masses during inception of the salt anticlines is not compatible with the field evidence. This, however, does not preclude later intrusion into beds of the Cutler formation that may have covered the salt structures in Permian time. BEFEBENCES Cater, F. W., Jr., 15>55a, The salt anticlines of southwestern Colorado and southeastern Utah, in Four Corners Geol. Soc. GEOLOGY OF WESTERN CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES B263 _ " O o •o c. a o I* • • :-:.W^Wv B264 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1960—SHORT PAPERS IN THE GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES NVINVAHASNN3d t??^ •s S3 * £*e~i fcis-S ISl-86 |z*-e l°8s s hzl'rs sfth o>& O. ¥ \ll&% 3S W o ">m ^S! c O> | °= S "G -o l°| O T3 I (U c I O »l 6 § I "3 a3 tn C. >4 •s a IN 00 O GEOLOGY OF WESTERN CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES Guidebook Field Conf. No. 1, Geology of parts of Paradox, Black Mesa, and San Juan Basins, 1955: p. 125-131. — 1955b, Geology of the Davis Mesa quadrangle, Colorado: U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Quad. Map GQ-71. 1955c, Geology of the Anderson Mesa quadrangle, Colorado: U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Quad. Map GQ-77. Herman, George, and Barkell, C. A., 1957, Paradox salt basin: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 41, no. 5, p. 861881. Jones, R. W., 1959, Origin of salt anticlines of Paradox Basin: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 43, no. 8, p. 18691895. Prommel, H. W. C., and Crum, H. E., 1927, Salt domes of Permian and Pennsylvanian age in southeastern Utah and their influence on oil accumulation: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 11, no. 4, p. 373-393. Shoemaker, E. M., 1954, Structural features of southeastern Utah and adjacent parts of Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, in Utah Geol. Soc., Guidebook to the geology of Utah, No. 9,1954: p. 48-69. Shoemaker, E. M., Case, J. E., andoElston, D. P., 1958, Salt anticlines of the Paradox basin, in Intermountain Assoc. 119. B265 Petroleum Geologists Guidebook 9th Ann. Field Conf., Guidebook to the geology of the Paradox basin, 1958: p. 39-59. Stokes, W. L., 1948, Geology of the Utah-Colorado salt dome region with emphasis on Gyi>sum Valley, Colorado: Utah Geol. Soc., Guidebook to the geology of Utah, No.'3, 50 p. 1958, Nature and origin of Paradox basin salt structures, in Intermountain Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Guidebook 7th Ann. Field Conf., Geology and economic deposits of east central Utah, 1950: p. 42-47. Stokes, W. L., and Phoenix, D. A., 1948, Geology of the EgnarGypsum Valley area, San Miguel and Montrose Counties, Colorado: U.S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Inv. Prelim. Map 93. Wengerd, S. A., and Matheny, M. L., 1958, Pennsylvanian system of Four Corners region: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 42, no. 9, p. 2048-210G. Wengerd, S. A., and Strickland, J. W., 1954, Pennsylvanian stratigraphy of Paradox salt basin, Four Corners region, Colorado and Utah: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 38, no. 10, p. 2157-2199. STRUCTURE OF PALEOZOIC AND EARLY MESOZOIC ROCKS IN THE NORTHERN PART OF THE SHOSHONE RANGE, NEVADA By JAKES GILLULT, Denver, Colo. Work done in cooperation with the Nevada Bureau of Mines Structural analysis of the area has revealed structures that rival those of the Alps in complexity. The Roberts thrust has moved sheets many thousands of feet thick, composed of siliceous Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian rocks, over carbonate rocks of Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian age. Not only is the Roberts thrust itself folded into a tight overturned anticline, but the numerous thrust slices composing its upper plate have been folded into isoclinal folds, some of them several thousand feet across. Some of these folds are recumbent, others upright, but all ride on the Roberts thrust. They arc cut by a vertical fault about 10 miles long, almost normal to their trend, on 557753 O—00 JIU»'-*£JL!wr.t 18 either side of which very diverse structures have been developed simultaneously. All these structures are probably of Early Mississippian age. Superimposed on, and doubtless to some extent modifying, the Paleozoic structures are thrust sheets involving rocks of Ordovician, Pennsylvanian, Permian, and probable Triassic age. These sheets, though warped, are much less complexly folded than those below. Their transection of the underlying thrust sheets, as well as their simpler structure and differing facies, prove them to be younger, but the absence of any dated rocks between Triassic and Miocene in the area makes it impossible to assign a precise date to this orogeny.
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