SAMPLE COLLECTION FOR TESTING EFFECTIVE JUNE 01 2014 Version: 1 Issue: 3 Company Name Authorised by: Technical Services Billing Address Contact Person Phone Postcode Fax Physical Address E-mail Please indicate your preferred method of results delivery SIL MEMBERS E-mail Post Fax SIL Flock Code (one flock only per submission form): I request the test results for these samples be added to my flock records on SIL for the purposes of BV blending and the creation of genomic BV’s (Please tick to request) Name Signature Sample Type Ear punch (TSU) preferred Test Required Volume Date Sampled Sampler’s Name NOTES (Note any irregularities. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary): i.e. Animals born in flock other than own Submitters Declaration To the best of my knowledge the information provided above is correct and identification of samples in this envelope matches the tags of the rams, ewes and lambs sampled. Any exceptions are included in the notes (above). I understand that Sheep 50K and Sheep 5K are breed specific tests and the samples submitted are either 75% Romney or Coopworth or Perendale, or a Composite breed where Romney + Coopworth + Perendale is greater than 30% of the breed composition; Animals failing this breed criteria will not be reported with mBV accuracies; The closer an animal is to the R&D population the more accurate the prediction; Not all traits are reported for all breeds. I understand that by submitting these samples for testing I am agreeing to the Zoetis Terms and Conditions available from Name: ______________________________________ I have enclosed payment details Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ______________ Please ensure that all details on this form have been completed before submitting samples to Zoetis. Post to: Zoetis, PO Box 5520, Dunedin 9058, New Zealand Courier to: Zoetis, Level 4, 9 Moray Place, Dunedin 9016, New Zealand Zoetis New Zealand Limited PO Box 5520, Moray Place, Dunedin 9058, New Zealand T 0800 228 278 T 03 477 5920 F 03 477 5930 E SAMPLE COLLECTION FOR TESTING AND ARE DNA BASED LABORATORY TESTS The preferred sample type is a punch of ear tissue taken with an appropriate sampler e.g. Allflex TSU. If you would like to submit an ear punch tissue sample for your animals please contact Zoetis Customer Service (0800 228 278) who can send you a tissue sampler. After collection, all sample types should be clearly labelled with the animal’s identification details and frozen until they are able to be couriered to the office of Zoetis, at the below address: Zoetis – Genetics Level 4 9 Moray Place Dunedin 9016 Phone 03 477 5920 The samples need to be couriered in cold storage (an ice pack in a Styrofoam box will suffice) along with a signed sample submission form available from Customer Services (0800 228 278) or by download from: Please include TSU box lids or Excel file with tag and barcode records. Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us on 0800 228 278 Kind Regards, Zoetis Zoetis New Zealand Limited PO Box 5520, Moray Place, Dunedin 9058, New Zealand T 0800 228 278 T 03 477 5920 F 03 477 5930 E NEW ZEALAND SHEEP PRODUCTS PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE JUNE 01 2014 Version: 1 Issue: 3 Volume Price (per unit) (Excl. GST) 10 – 99 $2.90 100 - 499 $1.80 500+ $1.50 DNA Tissue Test Kits (TSU) 1+ $2.90 DNA Banking 1+ $3.00 Extraction (Fee for testing Semen or Whole Blood 1+ $21.00 Sheep 50K 1+ $400.00 Sheep 5K 1+ $69.00 1 – 99 $35.00 100+ $26.00 Shepherd® Profile – Sires 1+ $50.00 Gene Test Report from Shepherd® Profile (MyoMAX®, LoinMAX®, WormStar™) 1+ $5.00 Shepherd 18 1+ $40.00 1 - 189 $65.00 190+ $20.00 Shepherd® Plus Profile - Sires *NOTE 1 1+ $50.00 Gene Test Report from Shepherd® Plus Profile (MyoMAX®, LoinMAX®, Inverdale) 1+ $5.00 1 - 25 $80.00 26 - 50 $70.00 51+ $55.00 MyoMAX® and I-Scan® 1+ $39.00 Inverdale 1+ $50.00 Urgent Fee if applicable 1+ $3.00 Products Available DNA Blood Spot Test Kits (FTA) samples. N/A for Sheep 50K) Shepherd® Profile – Dams and Lambs Shepherd® Plus Profile – Dams and Lambs *NOTE 1 MyoMAX®, LoinMAX®, I-Scan® and WormStar™ PLEASE NOTE: All prices exclude GST. Results can be expected three weeks after payment has been made and the samples arrive at the laboratory, however processing of Shepherd Plus, Sheep 50K and Sheep 5K is determined by volume and can fall outside of the three week time frame. *NOTE 1 : Samples numbering less than 10 may have delays. Please contact the Zoetis team if testing is urgent. Zoetis New Zealand Limited PO Box 5520, Moray Place, Dunedin 9058, New Zealand T 0800 228 278 T 03 477 5920 F 03 477 5930 E Authorised by: Technical Services # Required Sub-total +GST@15% Total Total Price (Excl. GST) MAKING PAYMENT TO ZOETIS EFFECTIVE APRIL 04 2013 Version: 1 Issue: 1 Authorised by: Technical Services Credit Card Payments Please complete the credit card details below. Alternatively you can phone 03 477 5920 to make a credit card payment over the phone. cheque Payments Please make cheques payable to Zoetis NZ Ltd. Please post cheques with your test request form to: Zoetis – Genetics PO Box 5520 Dunedin 9058 direct deposits When making a direct deposit please quote your reference details in the direct deposit section below. Please use your trading name as the reference if possible. Bank: Westpac Banking Corporation Account Name: Zoetis New Zealand Ltd Account No: 03 0252 0847064 00 Payment options Account Number: Cheque Direct Deposit Reference Details: Charge Credit Card Card Type: VisaMastercard Cardholder’s full name as it appears on the card: _____________________________________________________ Credit Card Number: _____________________________________________Security Code: _______________ (3 digit code on reverse of card by signature panel) Expiry Date: ______/______ Cardholder’s Signature: _____________________________________________Date: _______________________ *By signing this agreement you authorise Zoetis NZ Ltd to debit your credit card the full amount due at the time of order acceptance. If you do not have an account with Zoetis your order must be paid for up front. A tax invoice will be issued following delivery of test results. Terms and conditions are available at: which together with this order document constitutes the sale contract. Please tick this box to have a copy of the terms and conditions posted. Zoetis New Zealand Limited PO Box 5520, Moray Place, Dunedin 9058, New Zealand T 0800 228 278 T 03 477 5920 F 03 477 5930 E
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