Family members mother/mum father/dad daughter son sister brother sibling – a brother or a sister grandmother/grandma grandfather/grandpa aunt uncle cousin nephew niece father-in-law mother-in-law son-in-law daughter-in-law stepmother stepfather half brother/stepbrother half sister/stepsister The first meeting Jill: So, Nancy, Fred tells me that you are a nurse. Nancy: Actually, it runs in the family. My mother and grandmother were also nurses. They are both retired now. Ted: Did you grow up in Salisbury, Nancy? Nancy: I spent my childhood in Brighton. And you? Jill: For nine generations the Kingsley‘s have been involved in textiles in Salisbury until now. Nancy: That’s quite a history. Ted: Yes, Fred is supposed to inherit the business someday. Fred: Dad, could you please not bring that up right now, please? Ted: I suppose it can wait. Yes, that seems to be a sore subject in this house. Jill: So what is your family like? Have you got any brothers or sisters? Nancy: Yes, I’ve got two brothers and one sister. The two men are older and my sister is younger. Ted: And what do they do? Program delno sofinancira MŠŠ in Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada. Projekt Odpiranje sistemov izobraževanja in usposabljanja v širše okolje-partnerstva; »Sistem usposabljanja in izobraževanja za kvaliteto bivanja in dela« se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa razvoja človeških virov, razvojne prioritete: Razvoj človeških virov in vseživljenjskega učenja; Prednostne usmeritve: Izboljšanje kakovosti in učinkovitosti sistemov izobraževanja in usposabljanja. ŠOLSKI CENTER SLOVENSKE KONJICE – ZREČE, Tattenbachova ulica 2a, 3210 Slovenske Konjice Telefon: 03 757 18 00, Fax: 03 757 18 18, DŠ: SI93550049, MŠ: 5052343 Spletna stran:, e-naslov: Tečaj angleškega jezika 5. maj 2011 Nancy: My family believes that education is very important. We all went to university or did further studies. Strangely enough, we all ended up in the health field. Jill: Do you think the cuts in the health budget will even be worse? Nancy: No, I don’t think so. They are certainly not getting any worse. Ted: Fred told us a lot about you, but he didn’t tell us where you two met. Fred: Nancy’s aunt and uncle introduced us at a picnic that they had last summer. We started dating in autumn. Actually, I’ve asked Nancy to marry me. Jill: Don’t you think this is a little bit rushed? Nancy: I think that we are both ready. Fred: We are both at a point in our lives where we are financially secure and looking towards the future. Besides, the wedding wouldn’t be until spring next year. Describe the scene! What is happening in the text? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Vocabulary English word to be involved in something besides to bring up – brought – brought childhood to date to end up exclusively financially secure generation heritage to meet – met – met retired a sore subject Slovene translation Write answers. Who is who in the family? Fred: ____________________________________________________ Nancy: ____________________________________________________ Ted: ____________________________________________________ Jill: ____________________________________________________ ~2~ Tečaj angleškega jezika 5. maj 2011 What does Nancy do for living? ______________________________________________________________ Where did she grow up? ______________________________________________________________ Which thing is sore for the Kingsley family? ______________________________________________________________ What‘s Nancy‘s family like? ______________________________________________________________ How did Nancy and Fred meet? ______________________________________________________________ They are about to get married. When will be the wedding? ______________________________________________________________ Adjectives STOPNJEVANJE: obrazilno (z obrazili –er and –est), opisno z “more” in “the most”. ENOZLOŽNI PRIDEVNIKI: small – smaller – the smallest large – larger – the largest silly – sillier – the silliest hungry – hungrier – the hungriest DVO- ALI VEČZLOŽNI PRIDEVNIKI: famous – more famous – the most famous interesting – more interesting – the most interesting POSEBNOSTI good – better – the best bad – worse – the worst much – more – the most Make comparative sentences. Bill – Jake – Alan – to be strong _______________________________________________________ Stan – Luke – Tracy – to run fast _______________________________________________________ Stacy – Mary – Sue – to sleep a lot _______________________________________________________ ~3~ Tečaj angleškega jezika 5. maj 2011 Adam – Brian – Liam – to work hard _______________________________________________________ Lucy – Melissa – Angela – to read slowly _______________________________________________________ Matt – Florian – Joe – to be good at soccer _______________________________________________________ Compare words in brackets. Summer is ___________ (hot) season of the year. Gold is ___________ (valuable) than silver. Which do you like ___________ (good), fish or meat? My father is ___________ (strong) than yours. This is one of ___________ (useful) books that I have. Jim has ___________ (many) books than his father. He has ___________ (many) friends than his sister does. The ___________ (soon) you get there, the ___________ (good) seat you will get. He has twice as ___________ (many) books as his sister. Nagoya is one of ___________ (large) cities in Japan. James is ___________ (fast) runner in his class. This book is the ___________ (good) of the two. Our house is ___________ (big) than theirs. I think the cow is ___________ (useful) of all animals. She is ___________ (beautiful) than any other girl in our school. She is ___________ (careful) than John. Describe your family! ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ~4~ Tečaj angleškega jezika 5. maj 2011 What was it like? Elizabeth: Grandpa, what was it like, when you were young? Grandfather: I‘m still young! Elizabeth: You know what I mean! Be serious! What was it like when you were a little boy? Grandfather: Well, when I grew up, it was after the war. We had very little food and had to work all the time. Elizabeth: Why didn‘t you just go to the grocery store? Grandfather: It wasn‘t that easy. They didn‘t have any food either. There were mass shortages. Elizabeth: Did you go to school like I do? Grandfather: Sure. But I only went until I was sixteen. I had to support the family after your great grandfather died. Elizabeth: And then mum came! Grandfather: Yes. She was the first in a line of three daughters and two sons. My wife, that is your grandmother and I did not waste any time! Elizabeth: What was mum like when she was my age? Grandfather: She read books all day long. Elizabeth: Did your dad make you do homework like my dad does? Grandfather: Of course. But I was more interested in playing football and building engines. Elizabeth: Did you do a good job? Grandfather: Yes, I believe I played rather well. Elizabeth: Did you want to play professional football? Grandfather: Not really, it was just a pastime. What do you want to be when you grow up? Elizabeth: I want to be a vet! Grandfather: Come on, give me a hug! Vocabulary to be good at something mass shortage pastime to support vet to waste time Come on! What were you like? to remember: I remember when I was a little boy. to remind someone of something/someone: She reminds me of my mother. ~5~ Tečaj angleškega jezika 5. maj 2011 Označi pravilno nadaljevanje. When Geoffrey was little, • he is going to play football. • he often played football. When Sandra was eight, • she used to play tennis as a child. • she used to read until night came. When I was a girl, • we were not that mean, • remember just a little. As a child, • Brett was never good. • Brett is taking out the rubbish. Imperativ Be good! Bodi priden! Be nice to your sister! Bodi prijazen do sestre! Believe me! Verjemi mi! Have a piece of cake! Vzemi kos torte! Think of me! Misli name! Take some bread! Vzemi malo kruha! Kako tvorimo velelne stavke (ukaze)? V angleščini ni razlike med tikanjem in vikanjem. Uporabljamo nedoločno obliko glagola brez „to“. Tvorimo ukaze vljudneje: Be nice! Could you please be nice. Take out the rubbish! Could you please take out the rubbish. Could pretekla oblika pomožnega glagola can Tvorite velelne stavke. 1. to give – a hug – your father __________________________________________ ~6~ Tečaj angleškega jezika 5. maj 2011 2. to remember – to support – your – children __________________________________________ 3. to be – thoughtful __________________________________________ 4. to wait – for – the bus __________________________________________ 5. to remind me – to do – my homework __________________________________________ Match. 1. Stand behind the A. three times a day. 2. Tell me all B. about it. 3. Shut C. the sofa. 4. Come D. turn left. 5. Take your feet off E. up. 6. Turn on F. in. 7. Take one pill G. down. 8. Go to the traffic lights and H. line, please. 9. Come and see I. me next week. 10. Put that J. page 59. ~7~
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