SpotChem™ Ez Automated Dry Chemistry System Sample Handling Guide Serum Preparation Using an External Centrifuge 1. Collect blood into a red top (clot) tube or other serum preparation tube. Allow the blood to clot at least 20 minutes for dogs and cats or 45 minutes for horses; insufficient clotting time leads to fibrin formation. 2. Centrifuge the sample. 3. Visually inspect the sample for the presence of fibrin in the serum layer. The sample should be liquid and free of any gel-like material. 4. Using a transfer pipette, add serum to the Transfer Tube until the tube is filled to slightly above the first fill line (i.e., slightly over 100 μl.) Make sure no bubbles are present in the sample (Figure 1). 5. Load the Transfer Tube into the SPOTCHEM™ EZ Analyzer (Figure 2). 1: Transfer Serum 2: Load the Transfer Tube NOTE: The Transfer Tube is plastic and does not provide sufficient contact activation of clotting to serve as a serum preparation device. Do not use the Transfer Tube for blood collection and centrifugation. NOTE: Difficult or prolonged venipuncture may cause clotting and/or hemolysis of the sample. In case of a difficult draw, prepare serum using the procedure above. Redraw the patient if the serum is hemolyzed. SpotChem™ Ez Automated Dry Chemistry System Sample Handling Guide Plasma Preparation Using an External Centrifuge For faster testing, bypass the clotting process and prepare the sample immediately after collection. 1. Dispense fresh whole blood into a vacuum collection tube containing lithium heparin (i.e., green top tube). Invert tube 8-10 times to mix.* 2. Centrifuge the sample. 3. Using a transfer pipette, add plasma to the Transfer Tube until the tube is filled to slightly above the first fill line (i.e., slightly over 100 μl). Make sure no bubbles are present in the sample (Figure 3). 4. Load the Transfer Tube into the SPOTCHEM™ EZ Analyzer (Figure 4). Figure 3: Transfer Plasma Figure 4: Load the Transfer Tube SpotChem™ Ez Automated Dry Chemistry System Sample Handling Guide Plasma Preparation Using the SPOTCHEM EZ Analyzer’s On-Board Centrifuge The SPOTCHEM™ EZ Analyzer’s centrifuge allows for internal centrifugation of whole blood and sample testing in two easy steps. Follow these important tips: 1. Dispense fresh whole blood into a vacuum collection tube containing lithium heparin (i.e., green top tube). Invert tube 8-10 times to mix.* 2. Fill a SPOTCHEM™ EZ Analyzer’s centrifuge cup with heparinised blood until it reaches exactly to the FILL line (Figure 5). Do not over or under fill. The centrifuge is pre-balanced for the weight of sample that fills the cup to the fill line. Figure 5: Centrifuge Cup FILL LINE 3. Place cup in centrifuge (Figure 6) and replace centrifuge cover (Figure 7). Figure 6: Place inCentrifuge For use with your external centrifuge or the SPOTCHEM™EZ Analyzer’s on-board centrifuge Pipette into Cup Figure 7: Replace Centrifuge Cover *NOTE: Some 1 ml) may require special handling for adequate mixing. See manufacturer's instructions. microtainers (<
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