V peterokotnem stolpu so prikazana zgodovinsko pomembna območja Ljubljane predstavljena z modeli. Obiskovalec si lahko na didaktičen način sestavi novo mesto Ljubljane, ki kaže presek različnih obdobij in s tem spozna bogat zgodovinski ustroj mesta. In an up-to-date way, the exhibition “Urban Development of Ljubljana” in Casemate and the Pentagonal Tower presents an overview of the main stages in the city’s development focusing on the spatial features, urban planning and the phases which have considerably interfered with the design of the city. The exhibition in Casemate takes the visitor through selected environments which have experienced most significant changes. At the end of the walk through the virtual city, the visitor embraces, from the birds’ eye view, the entire city and its development culminating in the vision of Ljubljana in 2050. 11.6. -9.9.2014 In the Pentagonal Tower, the historically important areas of Ljubljana are presented using models. This is an opportunity for the visitor to take a didactic approach and construct a new city of Ljubljana reflecting the overview of various periods, and to thus get familiar with a rich historical context of the city. REVEALED LAYERS OF LJUBLJANA Razstava v Kazematah obiskovalca popelje skozi izbrane ambiente, ki so doživeli največ sprememb. Na koncu sprehoda skozi virtualno mesto, obiskovalec iz ptičje perspektive s pogledom zaobjame celotno mesto in njegov razvoj, ki se zaključi z vizijo Ljubljane 2050. ODKRITE PLASTI LJUBLJANE Razstava Urbani razvoj Ljubljane v Kazematah in Peterokotnem stolpu na sodoben način predstavlja glavne preseke v razvoju mesta s posebnim poudarkom na prostorskih danostih, urbanizmu in fazah, ki so bistveno posegle v zasnovo mesta. Avtorji in izvajalci | Authors and implementors: Fakulteta za arhitekturo | Faculty of Architecture: prof. Jurij Kobe, asist. Rok Žnidaršič, Paul O. Robinson, tehnična sodelavca Paulo Barbaresi, Katarina Čakš študenti | students: Kristijan Barič, Lea Denša, Andrej Filipović, Marko Fišić, Muhamed Gaši, Sara Hočevar, Tjaša Jerič, Žaklin Križaj, Petra Mendušič, Veronica de Napoli, Sergio Nuñez, Jani Petrovčič, Urška Skapin, Tjaša Varšnik Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane | Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana: Irena Šinkovec, Martin Horvat Ljubljanski grad | Ljubljana Castle Livarna umetnin Kamšek Roman, s.p., Propaganda d.o.o., RPS d.o.o.
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