MetaStock Tips & Tools MSTT WR WEEKLY TRADING SYSTEMS SAMPLE MSTT WR Weekly Trading Systems System Names & Common System Indicators Trade Equity GV LE Trade Equity GV SE ASX Small Ords Test Results US S&P 600 Test Results EST Setup for ASX Systems EST Setup for US Systems Trade Equity Setup Parameters TradeSim Annual Results for ASX & US Systems Trading & System Suggestions Tools For MetaStock MetaStock Tips & Tools R A Larsen & Associates Palmerston North 4412 NEW ZEALAND Tel: +64 6 358 3723 © 2004-2014 Roy Larsen MSTT WR Weekly Trading Systems Sample February 2014 1 3 4 5 6-8 9-11 12 13 14 15-16 17 MSTT WR WEEKLY TRADING SYSTEMS By Roy Larsen T his document features theoretical trading results for updated vversions of two systems based on weekly data. One system captures breakouts to new highs and is loosely based on the MetaStock PS Fractal concept, and the other attempts to enter trends early by applying some ideas from Leon Wilson’s book titled "Breakthrough Trading – Revolutionary Thinking in Relative Analysis". In my view no one system should be traded in isolation, but each system could form part of a longer-term trader’s arsenal. The concepts presented here are somewhat complementary, at least as far as the entry is concerned, and both approaches apply the same trailing stop exits with slightly different parameter settings. What you might consider is using an EOD system to take advantage of short term moves while trading a weekly system to capture longer term trends. Understand that survivorship bias is present in all tabled results. How much real results might vary from the theoretical results provided is for you to judge, and then allow for in your trading strategy. One of several factors to consider is that stocks in longer term uptrends are more likely to be survivors than those in longer term down trends. It’s the former of these two groups that holds most trading candidates so it’s reasonable to assume (though not guaranteed) that the effects of Februaryunless 2014 stated otherwise. All charts in this publication are courtesy of MetaStock Page 1 survivorship bias should be somewhat mitigated by each systems selection process. Back-test results using three test methods are provided. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Results that are obscure or difficult to access using one test method might be more obvious when using another. The three methods used for this document are Trade Equity, TradeSim and the Enhanced System Tester. Code for each method is included as text listings in the pages that follow, and all formulas can be loaded into Metastock using the self-installing EXE file that’s available to system owners. These revised systems now form a part of the MSTT Weekly Trading Systems pack. The systems are referred to as Breakout (BO) and Initial High (IH), with code provided for both ASX and US markets. The Breakout systems are somewhat sensitive to average weekly turnover and I suggest that you do your own testing to establish what ranges, if any, are most appropriate for the market being traded. Keep in mind that data from some suppliers might be divided by a set factor (100 is likely), so you might need to adjust the minimum and/or maximum Volume levels in the breakout formulas. If the turnover range is too loose then the ratio of winners to losers will fall away, and if too tight the number of trades triggered might drop to an unacceptable level. The Initial High systems (IH) do not have a volume filter, but they do have minor filter variations that affect performance on different stocks groups. When performing any test it’s important that you set up the test procedure properly. This shouldn’t be a problem with TradeSim, but keep in mind that simulations require a little care in setting up, particularly if you’re trying to approximate results with those produced by other methods. Tabled results for all three methods assume that every trade is taken, $1000 is applied to each trade, and only one trade per security is permitted at any given time. Costs of $5 are applied each way on the ASX, and $2.50 for US stocks. Adjust trade size and costs to suit your situation Be aware that altered settings within any formula, whether accidental or deliberate, will almost certainly skew results. Since all three test methods call indicators it’s important that those source indicators continue to perform the tasks that they were designed for. By all means test different filters and values, but take care that you document changes as you go. Something as simple as setting a delay to 0 instead of 1 can make results look fantastic when in fact they are impossible to achieve, and so quite meaningless. Trade Equity and the EST need to be set up properly, particularly with regard to entry price and timing. If your results look too good to be true then they probably are. Unexpectedly bad results can also be a sign of something wrong with your setup. One value that I use to assess the validity of a Trade Equity test is the Pessimistic Return and whether it’s greater than 3 and less than 10. Less than 3 probably signals a poor system, especially if the system operates on weekly data. Greater than 10 suggests either a very good system, or an incorrect setup such as buying on the OPEN (with no delay) rather than on the CLOSE . The breakout systems nominally open trades at intraday values on weekly bars. For this reason, it’s possible that some trades will be initiated at prices not achievable in real life. This will happen if a daily bar gaps open higher than the set entry price rather than moving smoothly through it during intraday trading. Although not unheard of these events are usually few and far between. If you trade one of the breakout systems you’ll need to decide how to treat such gaps. Whether you treat the potential signal as a Limit or Stop order is for you to decide. Chasing the price after a breakout can turn a trade into a significant loser before it gains any traction – February 2014 Page 2 and this can cause real pain. However, if you look at the trade statistics for these systems you’ll see that the win/loss trade ratio is often 60% or higher, and the profit factor close to 5 or better. There is a real danger that trying trading long-side breakout systems in a bear market might seriously erode your capital. These systems do not inhibit new trades as well as the Initial High systems. The IH systems tend to enter the market earlier in the cycle and are less likely to trigger new trades during a downturn. Ultimately it’s your responsibility to decide which trades to take and which to leave alone. These systems do not generate hundreds of trades, so by allocating less than 5% of capital per trade it should be possible to take most trades and still have capital to spare. However, you should not commit all of your trading capital to just one (weekly) system. Such systems can go through long periods of inactivity, and this possibility should be into your overall trading strategy. Figure 1. System Names. REVISED SYSTEM NAMES System Entry Indicator Trailing Stop Indicator Type Markets MSTT BO Buy AU SP300 WR MSTT BO Buy US SP600 WR MSTT IH Buy AU SP300 WR MSTT IH Buy US SP600 WR MSTT AT Trail AU WR MSTT AT Trail US WR MSTT AT Trail AU WR MSTT AT Trail US WR Breakout Breakout Initial High Initial High ASX Small Ords S&P 600, Russell Mid Cap ASX Small Ords S&P 600, Russell Mid Cap COMMON SYSTEM INDICATORS {MSTT Stochastic WR} {Roy Larsen 2008-2014, 12/2/14} Pds:=Input("Bars in Average",1,100,16); Lbk:=Input("Lookback Periods",10,200,36); Range:=Mov(H-L,Pds,S); Signal:=Mov(O-C,pds,S)/(Range+(Range=0)); 100*(Mov(Signal-LLV(Signal,Lbk),4,S)/ Figure 2. Mov(HHV(Signal,Lbk)-LLV(Signal,Lbk),4,S)); The MSTT Stochastic WR indicator. {MSTT Fractal Steps} {Roy Larsen, 2005-2010} {Date Filter} {Roy Larsen, 2003-2010} P1:=Ref(H,-2)>Ref(H,-5) AND Ref(H,-2)>Ref(H,-4) AND Ref(H,-2)>Ref(H,-3) AND Ref(H,-2)>Ref(H,-1); P2:=Ref(H,-2)>Ref(H,-5) AND Ref(H,-2)>Ref(H,-4) AND Ref(H,-2)=Ref(H,-3) AND Ref(H,-2)>Ref(H,-1); P3:=Ref(H,-1)>Ref(H,-6) AND Ref(H,-2)>Ref(H,-5) AND Ref(H,-2)=Ref(H,-4) AND Ref(H,-2)=Ref(H,-3) AND Ref(H,-2)>Ref(H,-1); F:=ValueWhen(1,P1+P2+P3,Ref(H,-2)); A:=F>ValueWhen(2,1,F); B:=F<ValueWhen(2,1,F); I:=Cum(A+B>-1)=1; X:=Cum(A); A:=A AND Alert(A=0,2); G:=BarsSince(I+A)>=BarsSince(I+B); X-ValueWhen(1,I+G,X); Sd:=Input("Start day" ,1,31,1); Sm:=Input("Start month",1,12,1); Sy:=Input("Start year" ,1980,2015,2002); Ed:=Input("End day" ,1,31,31); Em:=Input("End month" ,1,12,12); Ey:=Input("End year" ,1980,2020,2014); Start:=(DayOfMonth()>=Sd AND Month()=Sm AND Year()=Sy) OR Year()>Sy OR (Year()=Sy AND Month()>Sm); End:=(DayOfMonth()<=Ed AND Month()=Em AND Year()=Ey) OR Year()<Ey OR (Year()=Ey AND Month()<Em); Start AND (End OR (Start AND Alert(Start=0,2))); Figure 3. MSTT Fractal Steps counts rising fractal-step sequences. Figure 4. Date Filter sets the range of trade entry dates. February 2014 Page 3 {Trade Equity GV LE} {Roy Larsen, 2003-2013, 9/9/13, v8.5.3} {Inputs} A:=Input("Trade Equity GV LE, Opt 0-27, SE=100+",0,127,0); B:=Input("Entry, 1=O 2=C 3=H 4=L 5=Stop",1,5,5); Z:=Input("Exit, 1=O 2=C 3=H 4=L 5=Stop",1,5,1); G:=Input("Entry Cost",0,999,5); J:=Input("Exit Cost",0,999,5); D:=Input("Entry/Exit Delays 00-55",0,55,11); K:=1000; F:=-1;{Equity/Factor} {Signals} I:=0; N:= Fml("MSTT IH Buy US SP600 WR"); Ns:=Fml("MSTT BO Buy US SP600 WR"); X:=Fml("MSTT AT Trail US WR"); Xs:=0; {Code} F:=ExtFml("GV.SetVar","Cf",If(F=0,1,F)); I:=ExtFml("GV.SetVar","Le",A); Xd:=LastValue(Int(Frac(D/9.9)*10)); D:=LastValue(Int(D/10));Ns:=(B=5)*Ns; F:=ValueWhen(1+D,1,If(Abs(F)>1,Abs(F),-F)); M:=If(Ns>0,Min(H,Max(L,Ns)),If(B=1,O,If(B=3,H,If(B=4,L,C)))); N:=N*(Alert(N=0,2)+(Cum(N>-1)=1)); X:=X*Alert(X=0,2)*(Z<5); N:=ValueWhen(1+D,1,N);N:=If(B<5,N,Ns>0); N:=If((F<=1)*(F>0)*(F*K<M),(K=0)*N,N); Xs:=(Xs>0)*Min(H,Max(L,Xs)); Y:=If(Xs>0,Xs,If(Z=1,O,If(Z=3,H,If(Z=4,L,C)))); X:=ValueWhen(1+Xd,1,X);X:=X+Xs>0; Y:=If((Z<5)*(X=0),C{Y},Y);Y:=If((Xs>0)*N*X,Xs,Y); I:=Cum(Abs(F)+K+N+X>-1)=1;N:=(I>-1)*N; Y:=If((N+X=0)*Alert(N*X,2),ValueWhen(2,1,Y),Y); R:=BarsSince(I+N)<(BarsSince(I+X)+(Cum(N)=1 AND Cum(I+X)=1)); R:=If((N+X>1)*(Alert(R,2)+((D+Xd<1) *(B<>2)*(Z>1)*(Max(B,Z)>4 OR B<>Z))),1,R); U:=R*Alert(R=0,2)+I;{M:=If(I*(N=0),C,M);} Rx:=Alert(R,2);Q:=Rx*(LastValue(Cum(1))=Cum(1)); Z:={Q+}(R=0)*Rx;D:=A<99;A:=ValueWhen(1,U,If(M,M,1)); F:=ValueWhen(1,U,If(F<0,K*Abs(F), If(F<=1,Int((F*K-G)/A)*A+G,F*A+G)))*(K>0); B:=Rx*(1+BarsSince(U)); I:=(F-G)*Y/A-F;U:=(F-G)*(A-Y)/A-G; N:=(Z+Q>0)*If(D,If(K,I-J*Z,Y-A),If(K,U-J*Z,A-Y)); Xs:=Rx*If(D,If(K,I-Z*J,Y-A),If(K,U-Z*J,A-Y)); X:=Cum((Z+Q>0)*(N>0)*(B-1));Xd:=Cum((Z+Q>0)*(N<=0)*(B-1)); M:=Cum(N)+K+R*(Q=0)*If(D,If(K,I,Y-A),If(K,U,A-Y)); I:=ExtFml("GV.SetVar","Mx",Rx*If(D,If(K,(F-G)* ((H/A)-1)-G-J*Z,H-A),If(K,(F-G)*((A-L)/A)-G-J*Z,A-L))); I:=ExtFml("GV.SetVar","Mn",RX*If(D,If(K,(F-G)* ((L/A)-1)-G-J*Z,L-A),If(K,(F-G)*((A-H)/A)-G-J*Z,A-H))); I:=ExtFml("GV.SetVar","A",A);I:=ExtFml("GV.SetVar","Cn",G); I:=ExtFml("GV.SetVar","Cp",K);I:=ExtFml("GV.SetVar","Cx",J); I:=ExtFml("GV.SetVar","Eq",M);I:=ExtFml("GV.SetVar","F",F); I:=ExtFml("GV.SetVar","N",N);I:=ExtFml("GV.SetVar","Tr",R); I:=ExtFml("GV.SetVar","X",X);I:=ExtFml("GV.SetVar","Xd",Xd); I:=ExtFml("GV.SetVar","Xs",Xs);I:=ExtFml("GV.SetVar","Y",Y); {Fml("Trade Equity GV LE Display");} M; Figure 5. The Trade Equity GV LE indicator is used in conjunction with explorations and experts to generate the portfolio test results shown in figures 7, 11, 13 & 17. February 2014 Page 4 {Trade Equity GV SE} {Roy Larsen, 2003-2013, 9/9/13, v8.5.3} {Inputs} A:=Input("Trade Equity GV SE, Opt 0-27, LE=100+",0,127,100); B:=Input("Entry, 1=O 2=C 3=H 4=L 5=Stop",1,5,5); Z:=Input("Exit, 1=O 2=C 3=H 4=L 5=Stop",1,5,1); G:=Input("Entry Cost",0,999,5); J:=Input("Exit Cost",0,999,5); D:=Input("Entry/Exit Delays 00-55",0,55,11); K:=1000; F:=-1;{Equity/Factor} {Signals} I:=0; N:= Fml("MSTT IH Buy US SP600 WR"); Ns:=Fml("MSTT BO Buy US SP600 WR"); X:=Fml("MSTT AT Trail US WR"); Xs:=0; {Code} I:=ExtFml("GS.SetVar","Cf",If(F=0,1,F)); I:=ExtFml("GS.SetVar","Se",A); Xd:=LastValue(Int(Frac(D/9.9)*10)); D:=LastValue(Int(D/10));Ns:=(B=5)*Ns; F:=ValueWhen(1+D,1,If(F=0,-1,If(Abs(F)>1,Abs(F),-F))); M:=If(Ns>0,Min(H,Max(L,Ns)),If(B=1,O,If(B=3,H,If(B=4,L,C)))); N:=N*(Alert(N=0,2)+(Cum(N>-1)=1)); X:=X*Alert(X=0,2)*(Z<5); N:=ValueWhen(1+D,1,N);N:=If(B<5,N,Ns>0); N:=If((F<=1)*(F>0)*(F*K<M),(K=0)*N,N); Xs:=(Xs>0)*Min(H,Max(L,Xs)); Y:=If(Xs>0,Xs,If(Z=1,O,If(Z=3,H,If(Z=4,L,C)))); X:=ValueWhen(1+Xd,1,X);X:=X+Xs>0; Y:=If((Z<5)*(X=0),C{Y},Y);Y:=If((Xs>0)*N*X,Xs,Y); I:=Cum(Abs(F)+K+N+X>-2)=1;N:=(I>-1)*N; Y:=If((N+X=0)*Alert(N*X,2),ValueWhen(2,1,Y),Y); R:=BarsSince(I+N)<(BarsSince(I+X)+(Cum(N)=1 AND Cum(I+X)=1)); R:=If((N+X>1)*(Alert(R,2)+((D+Xd<1) *(B<>2)*(Z>1)*(Max(B,Z)>4 OR B<>Z))),1,R); U:=(R+Alert(R=0,2)=2)+I;M:=If(I*(N=0),C,M); Rx:=Alert(R,2);Q:=Rx*(LastValue(Cum(1))=Cum(1)); Z:={Q+}(R=0)*Rx;D:=A>99;A:=ValueWhen(1,U,If(M,M,1)); F:=ValueWhen(1,U,If(F<0,K*Abs(F), If(F<=1,Int((F*K-G)/A)*A+G,F*A+G)))*(K>0); B:=Rx*(1+BarsSince(U)); I:=(F-G)*Y/A-F;U:=(F-G)*(A-Y)/A-G; N:=(Z+Q>0)*If(D,If(K,I-Z*J,Y-A),If(K,U-Z*J,A-Y)); Xs:=Rx*If(D,If(K,I-Z*J,Y-A),If(K,U-Z*J,A-Y)); X:=Cum((Z+Q>0)*(N>0)*(B-1));Xd:=Cum((Z+Q>0)*(N<=0)*(B-1)); M:=Cum(N)+K+R*(Q=0)*If(D,If(K,I,Y-A),If(K,U,A-Y)); I:=ExtFml("GS.SetVar","Mx",Rx*If(D,If(K,(F-G)* ((H/A)-1)-G-J*Z,H-A),If(K,(F-G)*((A-L)/A)-G-J*Z,A-L))); I:=ExtFml("GS.SetVar","Mn",Rx*If(D,If(K,(F-G)* ((L/A)-1)-G-J*Z,L-A),If(K,(F-G)*((A-H)/A)-G-J*Z,A-H))); I:=ExtFml("GS.SetVar","A",A);I:=ExtFml("GS.SetVar","Cn",G); I:=ExtFml("GS.SetVar","Cp",K);I:=ExtFml("GS.SetVar","Cx",J); I:=ExtFml("GS.SetVar","Eq",M);I:=ExtFml("GS.SetVar","F",F); I:=ExtFml("GS.SetVar","N",N);I:=ExtFml("GS.SetVar","Tr",R); I:=ExtFml("GS.SetVar","X",X);I:=ExtFml("GS.SetVar","Xd",Xd); I:=ExtFml("GS.SetVar","Xs",Xs);I:=ExtFml("GS.SetVar","Y",Y); {Fml("Trade Equity GV SE Display");}M; Figure 6. The Trade Equity GV SE indicator is not normally used with the BO and IH systems but it can be used on the long side with an option setting of 1XX. February 2014 Page 5 Trade Equity LE Portfolio Report System test results Performance Net Profit Average Return Performance Annualized B&H Profit B&H Average $ $ $ $ 129,834.87 315.90 90.79 % 9.58 % 772,314.88 5,400.80 Trade Summary Total Trades Issues Traded Profit/Loss Ratio Profit Factor Pessimistic Return 411 143 5.02 7.95 8.10 Maximum Excursions Favorable $ Adverse $ Open Drawdown $ Closed Drawdown $ 21,110.05 -517.21 -787.07 -770.01 Trade Efficiency 69.67 % 41.15 % 12.77 % Average Entry Average Exit Average Total Performance Indices Buy & Hold Index Profit/Loss Index Reward/Risk Index -83.19 % 87.43 % 88.60 % Accounting Profitable Trades Total 252 Max Consecutive/Issue 6 Percentage 61.31 % Gross Profit $ 148,504.16 Greatest Profit $ 7,020.98 Average Profit $ 589.30 Smallest Profit $ 7.98 Unprofitable Trades Total 159 Breakeven 0 Max Consecutive/Issue 5 Percentage 38.69 % Gross Loss $ -18,669.32 Greatest Loss $ -433.89 Average Loss $ -117.42 Smallest Loss $ -1.85 Initial Equity Final Equity Commissions Open Trade P/L Capital at Risk Open Trades $ $ $ $ $ 143,000.00 272,834.88 4,070.00 1,969.19 9,958.18 8 Profitable Trade Bars Average Most Least Total 29.40 104 6 7,408 Unprofitable Trade Bars Average Most Least Total 10.25 33 2 1,630 Figure 7. MSTT S&P300 Breakout system results generated by a Trade Equity expert Commentary. Figure 8. Enhanced System Tester summary of ASX S&P 300 Breakout system. February 2014 Page 6 Figure 9. TradeSim ASX results for Breakout system. Chart courtesy of TradeSim. Figure 10. TradeSim ASX results for Initial High system. Chart courtesy of TradeSim. February 2014 Page 7 Trade Equity LE Portfolio Report System test results Performance Net Profit Average Return Performance Annualized B&H Profit B&H Average $ $ $ $ 73,044.41 525.50 89.08 % 9.77 % 542,352.00 6,614.05 Trade Summary Total Trades Issues Traded Profit/Loss Ratio Profit Factor Pessimistic Return 139 82 7.70 11.75 12.10 Trade Efficiency 66.57 % 40.47 % 7.04 % Average Entry Average Exit Average Total Buy & Hold Index Profit/Loss Index Reward/Risk Index -86.53 % 91.49 % 88.42 % Accounting 84 3 60.43 % 79,836.76 11,396.97 950.44 3.31 Unprofitable Trades Total Breakeven Max Consecutive/Issue Percentage Gross Loss $ Greatest Loss $ Average Loss $ Smallest Loss $ 15,712.26 -451.09 -558.00 -532.82 Performance Indices Profitable Trades Total Max Consecutive/Issue Percentage Gross Profit $ Greatest Profit $ Average Profit $ Smallest Profit $ Maximum Excursions Favorable $ Adverse $ Open Drawdown $ Closed Drawdown $ 55 0 3 39.57 % -6,792.38 -357.40 -123.50 -0.04 Initial Equity Final Equity Commissions Open Trade P/L Capital at Risk Open Trades $ $ $ $ $ 82,000.00 155,044.41 695.00 0.00 0.00 0 Profitable Trade Bars Average Most Least Total 28.12 79 5 2,362 Unprofitable Trade Bars Average Most Least Total 11.51 59 1 633 Figure 11. MSTT S&P300 Initial High system results generated by a Trade Equity expert Commentary. Figure 12. Enhanced System Tester summary of ASX Initial High system. February 2014 Page 8 Trade Equity LE Portfolio Report System test results Performance Net Profit Average Return Performance Annualized B&H Profit B&H Average $ $ $ $ 224,862.81 447.93 105.08 % 9.40 % 1,709,137.75 7,986.63 Trade Summary Total Trades Issues Traded Profit/Loss Ratio Profit Factor Pessimistic Return 502 214 6.49 10.39 10.56 Maximum Excursions Favorable $ Adverse $ Open Drawdown $ Closed Drawdown $ 15,493.26 -652.30 -640.75 -640.75 Trade Efficiency 70.62 % 41.35 % 12.77 % Average Entry Average Exit Average Total Performance Indices Buy & Hold Index Profit/Loss Index Reward/Risk Index -86.84 % 90.38 % 89.87 % Accounting Profitable Trades Total 309 Max Consecutive/Issue 4 Percentage 61.55 % Gross Profit $ 248,801.64 Greatest Profit $ 10,279.88 Average Profit $ 805.18 Smallest Profit $ 0.16 Unprofitable Trades Total 193 Breakeven 0 Max Consecutive/Issue 4 Percentage 38.45 % Gross Loss $ -23,938.78 Greatest Loss $ -532.06 Average Loss $ -124.04 Smallest Loss $ -0.48 Initial Equity Final Equity Commissions Open Trade P/L Capital at Risk Open Trades $ $ $ $ $ 214,000.00 438,862.81 2,500.00 1,881.83 5,867.57 4 Profitable Trade Bars Average Most Least Total 33.52 115 3 10,359 Unprofitable Trade Bars Average Most Least Total 13.37 61 1 2,581 Figure 13 MSTT US S&P 600 Breakout system results generated by a Trade Equity expert Commentary.. Figure 14. Enhanced System Tester summary of S&P 600 Breakout system. February 2014 Page 9 Figure 15. TradeSim S&P 600 results for Breakout system. Chart courtesy of TradeSim. Figure 16. TradeSim S&P 600 results for Initial High system. Chart courtesy of TradeSim. February 2014 Page 10 Trade Equity LE Portfolio Report System test results Performance Net Profit Average Return Performance Annualized B&H Profit B&H Average $ $ $ $ 82,239.33 507.65 56.72 % 5.87 % 363,472.47 2,506.71 Trade Summary Total Trades Issues Traded Profit/Loss Ratio Profit Factor Pessimistic Return 162 145 7.38 10.20 10.41 Trade Efficiency 71.81 % 39.70 % 12.12 % Average Entry Average Exit Average Total Buy & Hold Index Profit/Loss Index Reward/Risk Index -77.37 % 90.20 % 85.76 % Accounting 94 2 58.02 % 91,178.73 10,901.20 969.99 22.06 Unprofitable Trades Total Breakeven Max Consecutive/Issue Percentage Gross Loss $ Greatest Loss $ Average Loss $ Smallest Loss $ 16,401.62 -646.16 -616.26 -452.08 Performance Indices Profitable Trades Total Max Consecutive/Issue Percentage Gross Profit $ Greatest Profit $ Average Profit $ Smallest Profit $ Maximum Excursions Favorable $ Adverse $ Open Drawdown $ Closed Drawdown $ 68 0 2 41.98 % -8,939.40 -398.12 -131.46 -0.80 Initial Equity Final Equity Commissions Open Trade P/L Capital at Risk Open Trades $ $ $ $ $ 145,000.00 227,239.33 807.50 1,061.94 2,038.95 1 Profitable Trade Bars Average Most Least Total 37.03 124 5 3,481 Unprofitable Trade Bars Average Most Least Total 13.97 59 3 950 Figure 17 MSTT US S&P 600 Initial High system results generated by a Trade Equity expert Commentary.. Figure 18. Enhanced System Tester summary of S&P 600 Initial High system. February 2014 Page 11 ASX ENHANCED SYSTEM TESTS {MSTT Breakout Weekly ASX System} {Roy Larsen, 2007-2014, 6/2/14} {MSTT Initial High Weekly ASX System} {Roy Larsen, 2009-2014, 6/2/14} {Buy Order window} X:=Opt1; {Min: 1} {Max: 1} {Step: 1} Fml("MSTT BO Buy AU SP300 WR")>0; {Buy Order window} X:=Opt1; {Min: 1} {Max: 1} {Step: 1} Ref(Fml("MSTT IH Buy AU SP300 WR"),-1); {Limit or Stop Price window (for Buy Order)} Fml("MSTT BO Buy AU SP300 WR"); {Note that a delay is applied by the Ref() function,} {not by Strategic Delay or Delay Order Opening} {An execution price setting of OPEN is} {OK when setting up the trade simulation} {Sell Order window} Ref(Fml("MSTT AT Trail AU WR"),-1); {Sell Order window} Ref(Fml("MSTT AT Trail AU WR"),-1); {System settings} {System settings} {Buy Order } Order Type: Entry Size: Expiration: Strategic Delay: Limit Use Default Size Good for Day 0 {Sell Order} Order Type: Entry Size: Expiration: Strategic Delay: Market Use Default Size Good for Day 0 {Buy Order } Order Type: Entry Size: Expiration: Strategic Delay: Market Use Default Size Good for Day 0 {Sell Order} Order Type: Entry Size: Expiration: Strategic Delay: Market Use Default Size Good for Day 0 {Simulation settings} {Simulation settings} 750 periods of Weekly data (do not use date options) Initial Equity: 2000 Default Size: Transaction Cost 1000 Portfolio: Long Broker Commissions: Entry 5.00 Exit 5.00 Trade Execution Buy Price OPEN Sell Price OPEN Delay Order Opening 0 Figure 19. ASX Breakout WR system and simulation settings. 750 periods of Weekly data (do not use date options) Initial Equity: 2000 Default Size: Transaction Cost 1000 Portfolio: Long Broker Commissions: Entry 5.00 Exit 5.00 Trade Execution Buy Price OPEN Sell Price OPEN Delay Order Opening 0 Figure 20. ASX Initial High WR system and simulation settings. February 2014 Page 12 US ENHANCED SYSTEM TESTS {MSTT Breakout Weekly US System WR} {Roy Larsen, 2007-2014, 5/2/14} {MSTT Initial High Weekly US System WR} {Roy Larsen, 2009-2014, 5/2/14} {Buy Order window} X:=Opt1; {Min: 1} {Max: 1} {Step: 1} Fml("MSTT BO Buy US SP600 WR")>0; {Buy Order window} X:=Opt1; {Min: 1} {Max: 1} {Step: 1} Ref(Fml("MSTT IH Buy US SP600 WR"),-1); {Limit or Stop Price window (for Buy Order)} Fml("MSTT BO Buy US SP600 WR"); {Note that a delay is applied by the Ref() function,} {not by Strategic Delay or Delay Order Opening} {An execution price setting of OPEN is} {OK when setting up the trade simulation} {Sell Order window} Ref(Fml("MSTT AT Trail US WR"),-1); {Sell Order window} Ref(Fml("MSTT AT Trail US WR"),-1); {System settings} {System settings} {Buy Order } Order Type: Entry Size: Expiration: Strategic Delay: Limit Use Default Size Good for Day 0 {Sell Order} Order Type: Entry Size: Expiration: Strategic Delay: Market Use Default Size Good for Day 0 {Buy Order } Order Type: Entry Size: Expiration: Strategic Delay: Market Use Default Size Good for Day 0 {Sell Order} Order Type: Entry Size: Expiration: Strategic Delay: Market Use Default Size Good for Day 0 {Simulation settings} {Simulation settings} 750 periods of Weekly data (do not use date options) Initial Equity: 2000 Default Size: Transaction Cost 1000 Portfolio: Long Broker Commissions: Entry 2.50 Exit 2.50 Trade Execution Buy Price OPEN Sell Price OPEN Delay Order Opening 0 Figure 21. US Breakout WR System and Simulation settings. 750 periods of Weekly data (do not use date options) Initial Equity: 2000 Default Size: Transaction Cost 1000 Portfolio: Long Broker Commissions: Entry 2.50 Exit 2.50 Trade Execution Buy Price OPEN Sell Price OPEN Delay Order Opening 0 Figure 22. US Initial High WR system and simulation settings. February 2014 Page 13 TRADE EQUITY V 8.5.X SETUP OPTIONS {Trade Equity GV LE} {Roy Larsen, 2003-2013, 9/9/13, v8.5.3} {Inputs} A:=Input("Trade Equity GV LE, Opt 0-27, SE=100+",0,127,0); B:=Input("Entry, 1=O 2=C 3=H 4=L 5=Stop",1,5,5); Z:=Input("Exit, 1=O 2=C 3=H 4=L 5=Stop",1,5,1); {Trade Equity GV LE} G:=Input("Entry Cost",0,999,5); {Roy Larsen, 2003-2013, 9/9/13, v8.5.3} J:=Input("Exit Cost",0,999,5); {Inputs} D:=Input("Entry/Exit Delays 00-55",0,55,01); A:=Input("Trade Equity GV LE, Opt 0-27, SE=100+",0,127,0); K:=1000; F:=-1; {Equity/Factor} B:=Input("Entry, 1=O 2=C 3=H 4=L 5=Stop",1,5,5); {Signals} Z:=Input("Exit, 1=O 2=C 3=H 4=L 5=Stop",1,5,1); I:=0; G:=Input("Entry Cost",0,999,2.5); N:= Fml("MSTT IH Buy AU SP300 WR"); J:=Input("Exit Cost",0,999,2.5); Ns:=Fml("MSTT BO Buy AU SP300 WR"); D:=Input("Entry/Exit Delays 00-55",0,55,01); X:=Fml("MSTT AT Trail AU WR"); K:=1000; F:=-1; {Equity/Factor} Xs:=0; {Signals} I:=0; Figure 23. N:= Fml("MSTT IH Buy US SP600 WR"); TE settings for BO AU WR system. Bold text shows Ns:=Fml("MSTT BO Buy US SP600 WR"); default parameters to match the system being X:=Fml("MSTT AT Trail US WR"); tested. The Entry formula used (Ns variable) is set Xs:=0; by the Buy price setting (B variable=5). The red rectangle marks the active entry formula. Figure 25. TE settings for BO US WR system. Bold text shows default parameters to match the system being tested. The Entry formula used (Ns variable) is set by the Buy price setting (B variable=5). The red rectangle marks the active entry formula. {Trade Equity GV LE} {Roy Larsen, 2003-2013, 9/9/13, v8.5.3} {Inputs} A:=Input("Trade Equity GV LE, Opt 0-27, SE=100+",0,127,0); B:=Input("Entry, 1=O 2=C 3=H 4=L 5=Stop",1,5,1); Z:=Input("Exit, 1=O 2=C 3=H 4=L 5=Stop",1,5,1); {Trade Equity GV LE} G:=Input("Entry Cost",0,999,25); {Roy Larsen, 2003-2013, 9/9/13, v8.5.3} J:=Input("Exit Cost",0,999,25); {Inputs} D:=Input("Entry/Exit Delays 00-55",0,55,11); A:=Input("Trade Equity GV LE, Opt 0-27, SE=100+",0,127,0); K:=1000; F:=-1; {Equity/Factor} B:=Input("Entry, 1=O 2=C 3=H 4=L 5=Stop",1,5,1); {Signals} Z:=Input("Exit, 1=O 2=C 3=H 4=L 5=Stop",1,5,1); I:=0; G:=Input("Entry Cost",0,999,2.5); N:= Fml("MSTT IH Buy AU SP300 WR"); J:=Input("Exit Cost",0,999,2.5); Ns:=Fml("MSTT BO Buy AU SP300 WR"); D:=Input("Entry/Exit Delays 00-55",0,55,11); X:=Fml("MSTT AT Trail AU WR"); K:=1000; F:=-1; {Equity/Factor} Xs:=0; {Signals} I:=0; Figure 24. N:= Fml("MSTT IH Buy US SP600 WR"); TE settings for IH AU WR system. Bold text shows Ns:=Fml("MSTT BO Buy US SP600 WR"); default parameters to match the system being X:=Fml("MSTT AT Trail US WR"); tested. The Entry formula used (N variable) is set by Xs:=0; the buy price setting (B variable=1). The red rectangle marks the active entry formula. Figure 26. TE settings for IH US WR system. Bold text shows default parameters to match the system being tested. The Entry formula used (N variable) is set by the buy price setting (B variable=1). The red rectangle shows the selected entry formula. February 2014 Page 14 Figure 27. Annual results for ASX Small Ords Breakout system. Chart courtesy of TradeSim. Figure 28. Annual results for ASX Small Ords Initial High system. Chart courtesy of TradeSim. February 2014 Page 15 Figure 29. Annual results for US S&P 600 Breakout system. Chart courtesy of TradeSim. Figure 30. Annual results for US S&P 600 Initial High system. Chart courtesy of TradeSim. February 2014 Page 16 TRADING & SYSTEM SUGGESTIONS By Roy Larsen T he suggested settings given on pages 14 are specifically intended for the latest versions of Trade Equity GV LE — v8.5 and above. I suggest that you work with v8.5.2 or v8.5.3 as distributed in the most recent EXE files (check the creation date of those files). And remember that the more times you use the Fml() function in primary TE indicators the slower your explorations will run. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the systems or their application, but understand that systems intended for one market are unlikely to work as well or at all on other markets. Both the Initial High and Breakout systems were initially developed and tested on ASX data, and this is still where their performance is best. Nevertheless I believe that adaptation and improvement of these systems for other markets is a realistic expectation. Paper testing of each system for a reasonable period is advised prior to committing significant amounts of money to the market. If you don’t have confidence in the system you’re using then you’re likely to second-guess the system and start relying on your own instincts. If you’re new to the market then those instincts might very well cost you serious money. And finally, don’t trade with money you can’t afford to lose. PREMIUM DATA SERVICES I f you are serious about getting the most from MetaStock, you will need top quality data. Having bad data is worse than no data at all. I use Premium Data, available from Norgate Investor Services. Are you getting the most from MetaStock? They provide premium quality end-of-day data suitable for MetaStock, covering stock markets (ASX, SGX, Amex, NYSE, NASDAQ, OTC), futures markets (80 contracts) and Forex (78 currency pairs). The data is fully adjusted for all corporate actions such as consolidations, splits, mergers, renames, code changes, and allows sophisticated groupings such as industry, index participation and dividend-paying securities. A free trial is available. If you currently use another provider, let Norgate Investor Services know and they'll give you a special offer. They really are worth your consideration. Disclaimer: There are significant risks associated with securities trading. Nothing in this newsletter should be considered investment advice, trading advice or recommendations as to investment management. I am not an investment advisor, and the information provided in this newsletter is for educational purposes only. Each subscriber uses the information published in MetaStock Tips & Tools at their own discretion and bears all risk associated with the application of that information to their trading or investment decisions. Nothing in this newsletter implies that any formula, method or strategy is in fact correct, or reliable in all circumstances. February 2014 Page 17
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