Anemija zaradi pomanjkanja železa Biljana Todorova Master class iron metabolism and i.v. Iron 13.June 2013 Stockholm, Sweden Prof. Yves Beguin University of Liege, Belgium Anemija zaradi pomanjkanja železa kot globalni zdravstveni problem Vzroki in posledice anemije zaradi pomanjkanja železa pri različnih boleznih, z anemijo ali brez Načini zdravljenja IRON DEFICIENCY Etiology Absolute iron deficiency Iron sequestration Functional iron deficiency Molecular defects in iron transport, recycling and distribution IRON DEFICIENCY - etiology Absolute iron deficiency • no iron stores IRON DEFICIENCY - etiology IRON sequestration iron stores present but blocked in macrophages Inflammation (Anemia of chronic disorder :ACD) Infections Malignancies Auto-immune diseases Chronic kidney disease –Hepcidin-producing adenoma –Iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia (IRIDA) (TMPRSS6/matriptase mutation) Hepcidin Peptidni hormon, ki se sintetizira v jetrih Glavni regulator homeostaze železa !!! Deficit hepcidina - ↑absorbcijo Fe iz prebavil in deponiranje v vitalnih organih (beta talasemija) Zvečane vrednosti hepcidina: • (okužbe, maligne bolezni-IL6, sekretorni adenom, iron overload, juvenilna hemohromatoza) • zmanjšajo absorbcijo Fe iz prebavil in blokira Fe v makrofagih PRI ZVEČANI VREDNOSTI HEPCIDINA JE PERORALNO ŽELEZO NEUČINKOVITO !!! Iron refraktory iron deficiency anemia-IRIDA Dedna avtosomno recesivna anemija Defekt v genu TMPRSS6 za Matriptazo-2, protein, ki je glavni regulator delovanja hepcidina na feroportin na membrani makrofagov in enterocitov Hipohromna mikrocitna anemija, nizke vrednosti Hb, nizka sat.transferina, normalen feritin, normalen hepcidin Diagnostika: družinska anamneza, anemija ob rojstvu,izključititi druge ID anemije in talasemije, genetsko testiranje Zdravljenje: iv Fe, EPO, kelacija IRON DEFICIENCY - etiology Functional iron deficiency iron stores present but not able to match increased needs of erythropoiesis -High feritin, -low Tsat<20% -high feritin >30, >100 (malignomi) iron cannot be mobilised for erythropoiesis, mediated by elevated hepcidin commonly seen in patients with end-stage kidney disease, whose response to EPO may be optimised when ferritin levels exceed 200 g/mL FID may also contribute to anaemia in patients with inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis %HYPO and CHr - useful indicators of FID. Metabolizam železa IRON DIAGNOSIS & PARAMETERS Iron parameters are central to diagnosing ID, with or without anemia : –Serum ferritin –TSAT –Soluble transferrin receptor –RBC indices Parameters aid in distinguishing between different iron deficiency states IRON STORAGE FERRITIN Serum ferritin Represents iron stores (macrophages and hepatocytes) 1 μg/L = 120 μg/kg storage iron •Low serum ferritin < 20 μg/L (12–30 according to assay) 100% specific for iron deficiency •Normal range varies with age and sex Conditions with falsely elevated serum ferritin –Inflammation (including cancer) –Some forms of cancer (e.g. neuroblastoma) –Renal failure (lower limit 40–100 μg/L) –Liver damage –Hyperthyroidism –Poorly controlled diabetes mellitus (ferritin glycosylation) –Hyperferritin-cataract syndrome –Benign hyperferritinemia • Conditions with falsely elevated serum ferritin – Inflammation (including cancer) FERRITIN Serum ferritin (μg/L) • Lower limit = 100 (40–120) μg/L • Lower levels define absolute ID in cancer patients IRON DEFICIENCY- Oral iron therapy 200 mg iron per day Ferrous salts Ferric carbohydrate complexes less absorbed (better tolerated) Better absorbed when given between meals Better tolerated when given with meals Duration : 3-6 months (1) 1–3 months for correction of anemia (2) 2–3 additional months for restoration of iron stores Side effects : gastric intolerance, diarrhea, constipation, black stools Absorption decreased with inflammation, re IRON DEFICIENCY - failure of oral iron therapy •Explanations : Incorrect diagnosis Complicating illness (cancer, inflammatory disorders, CKD) Non-compliance -Inadequate prescription (dose and form) Iron losses in excess of intake (Rendu-Osler) Iron malabsorption IRIDA •Alternatives : - Optimize oral iron treatment Parenteral iron : IV, never IM Oblike I.V. železa v Europi Balance of risks for potential to induce oxidative stress vs. hypersensitivity reactions for parenteral iron preparations Toxic effects of labile iron1 Correlates with molecular weight of iron complex High Low Ferric gluconate Iron dextran Correlates with risk of anaphylaxis* Ferric carboxymaltose Immunogenicity2 Iron sucrose Figure to be redrawn with no tradenames High Bailie GR. Eur Haematol 2009;2:58–60 1. Van Wyck DB et al. J Am Soc Nephrol 2004;15:107–11 2. Hörl W et al. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2007;22(Suppl 3):iii2–6 IRON DEFICIENCY - IV iron therapy Efficacy of IV iron in combination with ESA Efficacy of IV iron in iron deficiency anemia Efficacy of IV iron in iron deficiency without anemia Risk/benefit assessment of IV iron therapy IRON DEFICIENCY THERAPY Kombinacija z EPO • • • • v okviru indikacij Uvajanje pri Hb < 100g/L Tarčni Hb je 120 g/L Pred uvedbo EPO in med zdravljenjem preveri: Zaloge železa, ev krvavitev B12, folna kislina ev hemolizo CRP EPO v serumu • EPO ukini 4 tedne po zaključeni KT Talasemije v RS-gensko testiranje Vzorci krvi od 24 pacientov, poslani v Skopju v laboratorij za gensko testiranje. Pri vsem je bil prisoten zvišan HbA2 in HbF Rezultati: -17-heterozigoti Sicilian delta beta talasemija -5 heterozigoti Lepore BW hemoglobinopatija -1 heterozigot beta minor talasemija - 1 zdrav HVALA za POZORNOST
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