One Stop Shop For Educators The following instructional plan is part of a GaDOE collection of Unit Frameworks, Performance Tasks, examples of Student Work, and Teacher Commentary for the Economics Course. Sample Performance Task Economic Scrapbook Economic history should not be reduced to cold statistics in a periodical or textbook. The lives of real people are affected each day by economic fluctuations and economic decisions made by individuals, businesses, and governments. The Macroeconomic Scrapbook is your opportunity to add a human side to the economic headlines of our times. Each student is to create a newspaper/magazine article scrapbook that focuses on the economic "crisis" that began in Fall 2007. The newspaper/magazine scrapbook should include a minimum of six articles from prominent newspapers or magazines that describe the following economic issues: the housing market, the failure of businesses including banks, actions taken by the Federal Reserve, the rising inflation and unemployment rates, and the actions taken by the state or federal government. You may also select articles that describe the public's response to theses issues and actions. Students will choose a minimum of six different concepts from the elements in the macroeconomics standards and connect each selected concept to at least one distinct article in the scrapbook. Your written entry for each scrapbook page should provide a: Summary of the article Description of how the economic concept in the element is illustrated by the article. (Be sure to include a definition of the concept.) Personal thoughts and/or feelings about the situation described in the article. OR Summary of the article Analysis of how the concept from the element could be part of a recommended solution to the economic problem discussed in article. (Be sure to include a definition of the concept.) Personal thoughts and/or feelings about the situation described in the article. Each scrapbook page should include: The article Article details - publication, title, page number, and date Border illustrations, pictures, and/or symbols related to the economic content in the article A journaling box with your written entry **Your finished scrapbook should provide a comprehensive overview of the current US economic conditions. ** Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools ECONOMICS UNIT 4 PERFORMANCE TASK 2: MACROECONOMICS ARTICLE SCRAPBOOK UPDATED 09/01/2008 Page 1 of 4 Copyright 2007 © All Rights Reserved One Stop Shop For Educators Here is a sample written entry for an article on the housing market: "This article describes the current state of the housing market. The writer emphasizes that in areas throughout the U.S., people are unable or unwilling to pay their mortgages. The inability of many Americans to make their payments coincided with large increases in interest rates on their mortgages. The rise in rates occurred at the same time as home prices began to decline. Many people found that they now owed more on their mortgage than their house was worth. As banks foreclosed on an increasing number of homes, lenders became more selective in issuing mortgages to borrowers. One way that the Federal Reserve System could help solve this problem is through monetary policy. By buying bonds on the open market, the Fed puts downward pressure on the Fed funds rate, making it cheaper for banks to borrow from each other. With cheaper money available, lenders may consider increasing the number of loans to borrowers. The downside of this monetary policy is that it could raise prices as the money supply increases. Reading this article, I feel sad for the homeowners who cannot stay in their houses. The family of a friend of mine had to move into a small apartment when his family lost their home. This has made it harder for him have friends over to hang out and has made him a bit depressed. I think is important for the government to find ways to help people when times are tough because one economic problem like the housing/lending crises also affects other parts of the economy like public services and employment opportunities." Here are the Macroeconomics standards and elements from which you may choose: SSEMA1 The student will illustrate the means by which economic activity is measured. a. Explain that overall levels of income, employment, and prices are determined by the spending and production decisions of households, businesses, government, and net exports. b. Define Gross Domestic Product (GDP), economic growth, unemployment, Consumer Price Index (CPI), inflation, stagflation, and aggregate supply and aggregate demand. c. Explain how economic growth, inflation, and unemployment are calculated. d. Identify structural, cyclical, and frictional unemployment. e. Define the stages of the business cycle; include peak, contraction, trough, recovery, expansion as well as recession and depression. f. Describe the difference between the national debt and government deficits. SSEMA2 The student will explain the role and functions of the Federal Reserve System. a. Describe the organization of the Federal Reserve System. b. Define monetary policy. c. Describe how the Federal Reserve uses the tools of monetary policy to promote price stability, full employment, and economic growth. SSEMA3 The student will explain how the government uses fiscal policy to promote price stability, full employment, and economic growth. a. Define fiscal policy. b. Explain the government’s taxing and spending decisions. Map and Globe Skills: Information Processing Skills: 2,3,4,5,6, 10 11, 15, 16 Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools ECONOMICS UNIT 4 PERFORMANCE TASK 2: MACROECONOMICS ARTICLE SCRAPBOOK UPDATED 09/01/2008 Page 2 of 4 Copyright 2007 © All Rights Reserved One Stop Shop For Educators Rubric for Performance Task Scale 1 (Below Standard) 2 (Needs Improvement) 3 4 (Meets Standard) (Exceeds Standard) Criteria Unable to summarize Written entries include a article’s relationship to summary of the article describing the current economic current economic state conditions/issues discussed. Correctly summaries only 4 to 5 articles OR does not emphasize the article’s significance in describing the current economic state. Correctly In addition to summarizes at least everything in 3, six articles and shows includes a description the article’s of how the article significances in shows predictions or describing the current analysis of future economic conditions economic trends in the state and/or nation. Correctly links 3 or Correctly links at least Correctly links at In addition to Written entry includes a four to five economic least six economic everything in 3, description or analysis linking fewer economic concepts from the concepts from the concepts from the student makes a concepts from the macroeconomics elements macroeconomics logical prediction macroeconomics standards and macroeconomics elements to the selected to the selected articles elements to the about how the elements to the article or to a articles OR accurately AND accurately applies 4 selected articles AND economic situation solution of the problem applies 3 or fewer to 5 concepts to the issue accurately applies the discussed may change described in the articles. concepts to the issue or or problem described in six concepts to the within the next year. problem described in the article. issue or problem the article. described in the article. Articles included are summaries The student has 3 or The student has four to The student has at The student has more of: less articles that five articles that correctly least six articles that than six articles that -The housing market. correctly cover the cover the topics stated in correctly cover the correctly cover the -Failing of businesses and banks. topics stated in the the description of the topics stated in the topics stated in the -The actions that the Fed has description of the assignment and the scale description of the description of the taken. assignment and the criteria. assignment and the assignment. -The rising inflation and scale criteria. scale criteria. unemployment rates. -The action that the government has taken. -People’s reaction as a whole. In addition to Articles should accurately reflects Scrapbook includes 3 or Student selected articles Student selected everything in 3, student these economic issues: less of the economic for the scrapbook articles for the -Pricing of houses topics required. accurately link to at least scrapbook accurately correctly analyzes how -Spending decisions of households consumers, producers, four of the economic link to six of the -Inflation and/or the government topics listed in the criteria economic topics -Unemployment section. listed in the criteria responded predictably -Federal Reserve to price changes. section. -Monetary policy (may be implied) Student also correlates -Fiscal policy (may be implied) how these sectors of -Taxing or Government spending the economy are with the market interdependent. Student makes no Student regularly slips Author acknowledges In addition to Clarity of economics attempt to explain into pure economic that most audience everything in 3, author terminology in scrapbook economic terms and language at the expense members have consistently uses entries. concepts in a way that of the reader's limited knowledge of common language and the reader will understanding of the economic concepts examples to explain understand. current trends in the without talking down economics market. to the “readers.” terminology to readers. Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools ECONOMICS UNIT 4 PERFORMANCE TASK 2: MACROECONOMICS ARTICLE SCRAPBOOK UPDATED 09/01/2008 Page 3 of 4 Copyright 2007 © All Rights Reserved One Stop Shop For Educators Scale Criteria Writing Style Organization Layout 1 (Below Expectation) Product RUBRIC 2 3 (Needs Improvement) (Meets Expectation) Writing style lacks elements that personalize the entry. Writing style is sporadically engaging for the reader. Writing style personalizes the entries, allowing the reader to become engaged. Title page, table of contents, page number, sources and/or date of publication are missing Articles are thrown in album with little care to order or attractiveness. Articles are lacking in neatness. Article and summarization are not matted. Embellishments have little to do with the actual article. Scrapbook is lacking one of the requirements listed in the meets expectation section. Scrapbook contains a title page, table of contents and page number. Articles' publication and date of publication are included. Articles are cropped, trimmed and matted. Articles are laid out to convey a sense of relationship among the events/issues highlighted throughout the book. Summarizations are cropped, trimmed and matted. Any embellishments used on the background of the page correlate with the economics of the article used. The visual presentation is neatly done, but there is no obvious relationship conveyed tying the entries in the scrapbook together. 4 (Exceeds Expectation) In addition to everything in three, student consistently uses common language and examples to explain economics terminology to readers. In addition to everything in three, student includes a formal, correctly formatted bibliography for the articles in the scrapbook. N/A Resources for Unit Access to newspaper articles either via internet or actual newspapers. An actual scrapbook or construction paper in which one can make a scrapbook. Note cards for journaling (either bought or made). Pen and paper. A creative mind and a positive attitude. *This unit was created by Mark DeCourcy and Sherilyn Narker. Additional content contributed by Cathy Barco, Angela Copa, and Brian Rubin. Additional input provided by Dr. Bill Cranshaw, Chris Cannon, Marlo Mong, Sarah Brown, and the Social Studies Advisory Council. It was updated 7/11/08. Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools ECONOMICS UNIT 4 PERFORMANCE TASK 2: MACROECONOMICS ARTICLE SCRAPBOOK UPDATED 09/01/2008 Page 4 of 4 Copyright 2007 © All Rights Reserved
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