Quantitation and sample preparation of recombinant proteins for glycosylation analysis, including sialylation levels, ® ® using a POROS CaptureSelect IgG Fc affinity column. Christopher Sucato1, Mario DiPaola1 and Malcolm G. Pluskal2. Blue Stream Laboratories, 763 Concord Ave, Cambridge, MA 021381 and Life Technologies, 35 Wiggins Ave, Bedford , MA 017302. standard preparations were serially diluted in Buffer A (50 mM Na Phosphate pH 7.0 + 150 mM NaCl ) from a 50 mg/mL stock and analyzed on a POROS® CaptureSelect® IgG Fc analytical column (2.1mmD x 30 mmL, 0.1 mL) on an Agilent® 1200 HPLC system. The column was equilibrated in Buffer A: at 1.5 mL/min flow rate. Retained material was eluted with a step gradient of Buffer B: 12 mM HCl pH 1.9 + 150 mM NaCl and the resulting peaks integrated with the Agilent ® HPLC analysis software. The data in Figure 1 is the mean peak area of four 20 µL replicate injections monitored at 280 and 215 nm. Linear curve fit data was forced through zero, since all values had been background corrected. %CV was estimated and found to be <1% at each data point. CHO supernatant was obtained from cGMP-banked CHO-S® cells. The cells were thawed in CD FortiCHO™ Medium (Life Technologies) supplemented with 8 mM Lglutamine (FC + gln). Cells were passaged 7 times prior to seeding: On day 0, 3x105 viable cells/mL were seeded in 120 mL of FC + gln media in duplicate. On day 4, both flasks were fed 6 g/L glucose: (Sigma-Aldrich). On day 7, conditioned medium/supernatant was then harvested by centrifugation (100 x g for 5 min) and the resulting supernatant sterile-filtered (0.2 µm). Media was evaluated +/- addition of an anti-clumping agent (ACA). Collection of flow through peaks was carried out at the outlet of the UV detector. Dilute samples were re-concentrated using centrifugal ultrafiltration (UF) devices with a 50 k molecular weight cut off membrane (Microcon® YM-50, EMD Millipore, Billerica, MA). Note: > 95% of added Enbrel® was recovered as a retentate with these UF membranes. .13 19 4e +0 06 3000 2 3 Ar 12000 2000 6000 4000 Wash 1500 1000 Elute Panel B: Expanded scale of data shown in Panel A 500 35.416 A rea :2 62 .84 4 4000 8000 2000 29.680 A re a :2 20 47 .3 6000 10000 Load 2500 y = 11292x R² = 0.9992 Absorbance at 280 nm y = 724.43x R² = 0.9983 Peak area @ 215nM (mAu) Peak area @ 280 nm (mAU) 8000 2000 0 0 0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 Enbrel® Units (mg/mL) 8.0 10.0 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Enbrel® Units (mg/mL) 0.8 Figure 2. Quantitation of Enbrel® added to a CHO cell supernatant 0.138 Panel A, CHO + 1mg/mL M 450 1 2 3 Elute 2.690 110 kDa 80 kDa Wash 250 Load LU 60 kDa 50 kDa 150 40 kDa 100 3.205 1.005 30 kDa 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 min Panel B, CHO blank 20 kDa MWD1 A, Sig=280,16 Ref=360,100 (C:\CHEM32\...ATA\MALCOLM\MGP4132012_RUN 1 2012-04-13 10-55-41\001-0101.D) 0.131 mAU 15 kDa 400 30 9.5 retention time (min) 17.4 25 Fluorescence intensity (FU) 200 25 6.0 16.6 25.2 7.9 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3.208 3 3.5 min Elution time (min) Enbrel® was added to a CHO cell derived supernatant to a final concentration of 1 mg/mL. A 20 µL sample (Panel A) was then analyzed on a POROS® CaptureSelect® IgG-Fc column as described in Methods. A sample of CHO supernatant with no added Enbrel® was run in parallel and is shown in Panel B. Samples of CHO cell supernatant and flow through (FT) fractions were precipitated with 3 volumes of cold (-20oC) acetone for 30 min. in the cold and the precipitate collected at 14,000 x g for 10 min. After removal of the supernatant and air drying the following samples; M - MWt. Standards (Novex® Sharp unstained protein standard), 1- CHO supernatant + 1 mg/mL Enbrel®, 2- FT from CHO - ACA , 3-FT from CHO+ ACA and 4 - FT from a Buffer A + 1 mg/mL Enbrel® l sample, were resuspended in SDS-sample buffer + 50 mM DTT and heated to 95oC for 3 min. Samples (10 µL volume) were then analyzed on a 12% pre-cast NuPAGE® SDS-PAGE gel with a MOPS running buffer and stained with colloidal Coomassie blue (SimplyBlue™ Safe Stain from Life Technologies) and destained in water. Table 1. Recovery and Precision of Enbrel® assay in a CHO cell supernatant Calculated Enbrel® Concentration (mg/mL) Sample CHO – ACA + 1 mg/mL Enbrel® CHO + ACA + 1 mg/mL Buffer A + 1 mg/mL Enbrel® Enbrel® Enbrel® 1.05 1.04 1.04 Table 3. Analytical Ultracentrifuge (AUC) Data on Eluted Fractions and Enbrel® control %CV (n) +/- 1.04% (4) +/- 1.26% (4) +/- 3.8% (4) A sample of was added to CHO cell supernatant +/- ACA to a final concentration of 1.0 mg/mL. This crude sample was then injected (20 µL) onto the POROS® CaptureSelect® IgG-Fc analytical column and the eluted peak area was estimated and the concentration of analyte read off the standard curve for A280 as shown in Figure 1, panel A above. The above values represent four replicate injections of the same sample. Relative abundance (%) SEDFIT (S) Data in sec x 10-13 Glycan structures 15.1 9.5 24.7 15 10.3 6.0 10 20 30 5.5 11.2 6.7 16.6, 17.4 32.9 % Total Approx MWt. (kDa) % Total 67 <0.1 4.8/4.9 130 98.9 150 96.6 8.0/7.8 280 0.7 300 2.7 11.5 480 0.1 15.6/14.3 750 0.3 750 0.6 40 Prior to analysis by AUC, the Enbrel® fraction post-column was adjusted with 1 N NaOH to a pH of 7.4 from a starting value of approximately 4.0. The Enbrel® sample at 50 mg/mL in formulation matrix was then diluted to 0.5 mg/mL by 100-fold dilution with 1 x PBS pH 7.4. Enbrel® samples were loaded into the sample channels of AUC cells having quartz windows and 12-mm double-sector Epon® centerpieces. Buffer blank (1 x PBS) was loaded into the corresponding reference channel of each cell. The centrifugation was carried out at 20oC and 45000 rpm. Radial scans of the concentration profile were collected sequentially by absorbance at 280 nm, until full sedimentation was reached. The resulting data sets were analyzed using the program SEDFIT with a continuous c(s) distribution model, yielding best-fit distributions for the number of sedimenting species and the effective molecular weights. 16.3 min N-acetyl glucosamine Retention time (min) Galactose Mannose Approximately 100 g of the eluted peak fraction from Figure 4 was treated with PNGase F overnight, following vendors recommended digestion conditions at 37 C. Fucose The released glycans were harvested by ethanol extraction. The precipitated protein N-acetyl Neuraminic acid from the ethanol extraction procedure was saved for further analysis by ESI-ToF MS (see Figure 6), while the extracted glycans were brought to dryness and then derivatized with 2-aminobenzamide (2-AB) in the presence of sodium cyanoborohydride. After clean-up for removal of excess dye, the derivatized glycans were chromatographed by HILIC-chromatography using a NH2P-50 2D column (Shodex™) at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min and a linear gradient with mobile phase A, containing 2% acetic acid and 1%THF in acetonitrile, and mobile phase B, containing 5% acetic acid, 3% triethylamine and 1%THF in water. Detection was by fluorescence with excitation at 320nm and emission at 430nm. Peaks of interest were analyzed using an Agilent® ion-trap mass spectrometer (6300 series). Putative glycan structures are summarized in Table 2. Table 3. Sialic acid content of the eluted peak Sialic Acid (SA) content Approx MWt. (kDa) Enbrel® Control sample 22.4 10.3 10 Eluted Peak Fraction 2.9 11.2 300 0 Approximately 100 µg of N-linked deglycosylated elution peak protein (see Figure 5) was precipitated with ice-cold ethanol and recovered by centrifugation and then resuspended with about 20 µL of a solution of 0.1% formic acid/50% water/49.9% acetonitrile. A 5 µL aliquot of the resuspended protein was injected and analyzed by ESI-ToF mass spectroscopy (Agilent®, 6200 Series). 1.1 24.7, 25.2 100 min 7.9 20 5 200 35 Figure 5. Analysis of PNGase Table 2. Released Glycan structures released N-linked glycans by HILIC – Ion Trap MS Peak FLD1 A, Ex=320, Em=430 (N_LINK_GLYC_10APR12\N_LINK_GLYC_10APR12 2012-04-10 19-27-41\001-0101.D) 260 kDa 160 kDa 300 20 4 400 350 15 Panel A: POROS® CaptureSelect® IgG Fc analytical column on a Agilent® 1200 HPLC system, operated in preparative mode (loading via the system pump). A 7mL sample of CHO cell supernatant with Enbrel® added to a final concentration of 0.1 mg/mL was loaded onto a CaptureSelect® IgG-FC column (2.1mmD x 30mmL) at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. After loading, the column was washed with approximately 5 mL of PBS (pH 7.2) at a flow rate of 0.5 mL min. A sample was taken (FT) at the end of the loading to assess for break-though of the target analyte on an SDS-PAGE gel. Note: at this load (700 µg) some Enbrel® l was seen in the FT fraction. At slightly lower loads (500 µg) no breakthrough was seen. Elution was achieved with PBS adjusted to a pH of 2.9 at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. Fractions were collected across the resulting peak and subjected to SDS-PAGE analysis as described in Figure 3, without acetone precipitation. Panel B: Gel analysis of samples; 1 - Load sample, 2- FT fraction (see panel A) and 3 - eluted fraction. Figure 3. Analysis of Flow-through fractions by SDS-PAGE Enbrel® 10 Elution time (min) MWD1 A, Sig=280,16 Ref=360,100 (MALCOLM\MGP372012_RUN 1 2012-03-15 13-33-54\006-0401.D) mAU 5 1.0 POROS® CaptureSelect® IgG Fc analytical column on a Agilent® 1200 HPLC system. 20 µL injections of a range of Enbrel® concentrations from 0.02 to 10 mg/mL (dilution range from 1/5 to 1/2500) in 50 mM Na Phosphate pH 7.0 + 150 mM NaCl were analyzed and peaks eluting monitored at 280 and 215 nm. 2.702 Enbrel® Panel B, range from 0.02 to 1.0 mg/mL at 215 nm 1 FT sample Panel A: Max-Ent deconvolution results of the ESI-ToF MS spectrum obtained from N-linked deglycosylated and reduced Enbrel® ea :3 Panel A, range from 0.5 to10.0 mg/mL at 280 nm Absorbance at 280 nm MATERIALS AND METHODS 14.204 VWD1 A, Wavelength=280 nm (PO290312\010-0101.D) mAU Figure 6. ESI-ToF Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Eluted Peak Fraction Panel B: SDS-PAGE analysis of eluted fraction Panel A: Chromatogram Figure 1. Enbrel® Standard Curve 50 POROS® CaptureSelect® affinity resins, are packed as high-flow, high-performance columns, designed to work on HPLC systems. These analytical columns can be used to quantitate analytes that are recognized with high affinity by the immobilized ligand. The POROS® CaptureSelect® IgG Fc ligand was used to quantitate the level of a TNF-Fc fusion protein Enbrel® , spiked into a sample of CHO cell culture derived supernatant. In addition to quantitation with these columns, small scale preparative purification was demonstrated as an interface to other orthogonal analysis methodologies, such as N-glycan/sialylation content and analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) to look at molecular aggregation states. Figure 4. Preparative isolation of dilute analyte 0.047 INTRODUCTION RESULTS Absorbance at 280 nm ABSTRACT Purpose: A rapid, affinity- based HPLC quantitation method for monitoring the concentration of a Fc fusion protein in a cell culture sample was demonstrated using a POROS® CaptureSelect® IgG-Fc HPLC affinity column. In addition, the affinity HPLC method was shown to function as a sample preparation method. Glycosylation analysis was executed on the eluted affinity purified samples using LC/MS/MS. Methods: Varying quantities of Enbrel® (Etanercept), a TNF-Fc Fusion protein, were injected onto a POROS® CaptureSelect® IgG-Fc HPLC column to generate a standard curve for protein quantitation. The specific and complete capture of Enbrel® spiked into CHO-S® parental conditioned Gibco® medium was shown using SDS-PAGE and recovery analysis. The eluted protein was collected and determined to be suitable for further protein characterization. The affinity purified protein was treated with PGNase F to release the N-linked glycan structures, which were then characterized by LC/MS/MS. In addition purified protein was subjected to mild hydrolysis to release the sialyl moieties which were then derivatized and quantified by HPLC with fluorescence detection. Results: POROS® CaptureSelect® IgG-Fc analytical affinity column(s) allowed for the quantitative recovery of a target protein added to conditioned cell culture media in under 3 minutes. The standard curve exhibited excellent linearity (R2 0.9992) and a dynamic range suitable for monitoring a wide range of expressed protein concentrations. The affinity HPLC column also functioned as a sample preparation step and yielded sufficiently pure protein from a complex sample for further assessment of the protein glycosylation patterns and other protein attributes. Conclusions: A POROS® CaptureSelect® IgG-Fc analytical affinity HPLC column was used to develop a rapid method for monitoring the concentration of a Fc fusion protein in cell culture samples and as a sample preparation method for the purification of protein suitable for further analytical characterization such as glycan analysis. Specific and complete capture of protein from complex samples was demonstrated with SDS-PAGE and traditional recovery analysis. The method also yielded enough pure protein for further assessment of the protein glycosylation patterns using LC/MS/MS and sialyl content by HPLC with fluorescence detection. Eluted peak (mole SA/ mole protein*) Fetuin control (mole SA/ mole protein*) Glycolyl 1.33 1.04 Acetyl 13.67 9.40 Total 15.01 10.44 Approximately 43µg of the eluted peak and 140µg of bovine fetuin control were subjected to mild acid hydrolysis in a solution of acetic acid (2.5M) for 45 minutes at 800C. Note: fetuin is a well characterized glycoprotein and was added as an internal control for the sample processing. The released sialic acids were derivatized with o-Phenyldiamine and then chromatographed using a C18 column (Phenomenex15cm x 0.46 cm). Elution was performed using a linear gradient at a flow rate 0.6 mL/min with mobile phase A: 0.5% phosphoric acid/0.3% butylamine/1% THF in water and B, 50% acetonitrile in mobile phase A. CONCLUSIONS POROS® CaptureSelect® IgG Fc analytical columns can be used to rapidly quantitate the levels of target Fc containing analytes in a 3 min assay. • In the case of our model analyte, Enbrel®, we were able to construct a highly linear standard curve(s) in the range 0.5-10.0 mg/mL at 280 nm and 0.02–1.0 mg/mL at 215 nm. • In small scale preparative mode, the same column could be used to prepare sufficient sample (500-600µg) to carry out a range of product characterization assays such as: N-Glycan profiling, intact protein mass by ESI-ToF MS, sialic acid content and analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) to look at molecular aggregation. • ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to acknowledge the help of Michelle Sabourin and Graziella Piras of the GIBCO® cell culture group at Life Technologies, Frederick, MD for supplying the CHO cell supernatant. Expert technical guidance and editorial support was provided by Christine Gebski and Rick Garretson of the POROS® Application and R&D groups in Bedford, MA. For Research Use Only. Not intended for any human or animal therapeutic or diagnostic use, unless otherwise stated. © 2012 Life Technologies Corporation. All rights reserved. The trademarks mentioned herein are the property of Life Technologies Corporation or their respective owners. All other trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners. Enbrel is a registered trademark of Immunex Corporation. Epon is a registered trademark of Momentive Specialty Chemicals, Inc. Microcon is a registered trademark EMD Millipore. Agilent is a registered trademark of Agilent Technologies, Inc. Shodex is a trademark of Showa Denko K.K. Corporation, Japan. Life Technologies • 5791 Van Allen Way • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • www.lifetechnologies.com
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