CHAPTER IV SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SAMPLE RESPONDENTS Socio-economic and cultural factors have a strong influence on the family planning. Many studies reviewed earlier have established the powerful influence o f the socioeconomic and cultural factors such as religion, place o f residence, income, employment status and education, exercise on the family planning and fertility behaviour. Before analyzing factors determining fertility behaviour it is essential to understand the socio-economic and cultural backgrounds o f the sample respondents o f Karaikal region. Hence this chapter gives an analysis o f percentage distribution o f socioeconomic characteristics o f the sample respondents in Karaikal region o f the Union Territory o f Pondichemy. Since the socio- economic backgrounds, o f the respondents arc having strong bearing towards fertility and family planning, it is necessary to study the wio-economic characteristics o f the sample respondents. This chapter divided into three sections. Section-I deals with social, economic and demographic characteristics o f the sample respondents. section-I1 deals with fertility preference and family planning perspectives o f the respondents. Section-111 deals with quality o f service provided in the hospitals. SECTION -I IV.l SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS The social characteristics include place o f the respondents, family type, caste, religion. education, and marriage-age. TABLE IV. 1 PERCENTAGE DI!3llUBUTION O F PLACE O F RESPONDENTS place Hindu 40 60 100 Rural Urban Total Adopter Christian 32 68 100 Muslim 28 72 100 Hindu 47 53 100 Non-Adopter Christian M u d i m 62 72 28 38 100 100 There is strong evidence in literahlre that urbanization in general has a significant. negative impact on fertility and positive influences on contraceptive behaviour. The studies o f Alygam(1975). Fisk(1968), Radhakrishna(l969), Srivastaa(l974) and others have established this fact. There fore, the present study has included the place o f residence as an important variable influencing family planning. The above table-IV.1 shows that the adopter o f family planning methods in each religion is higher in urban areas as compare with rural areas. In contrary, the non-adopter is higher in rural areas than in urban areas. Here it is observed that adopters o f Muslim community respondents are higher in urban when compare to rural a m . This indicates that the place o f respondents is bearing some influence on fertility and family planning anitude o f the sample respondents. The present study has included this as an imporrant variable. TABLE-IV2 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION O F F A M I L Y TYPE Family Nuclear Joint Total Hindu 76 24 100 Adopter Christian 76.8 23.2 100 I 1 1 1 Muslim 61.6 38.4 100 Hindu 76.9 23.1 100 Non-Adopter Christian Muslim 83.1 70.8 16.9 29.2 100 100 Broadly speaking, there arc two types o f families in India, namely, nuclear and joint families. The type o f family, its size and composition are usually considered important in the analysis o f demographic behaviour because the fertility level o f a society is expected to be influenced by its dominant family structure. The studies o f Nag Moni(1967) Gayal (1968). Karkal(l972) and Mahtab(1974) have pointed out this fact. The distribution o f house hold based on family type shows that irrespective o f religion, both adopter and non-adopter are higher in nuclear family when compared to joint family. More specifically, both in adopter non-adopter the Muslim community are higher in joint family when w m p d to other religion. Here, it is observed that family type o f the respondents bears some influence over fertility and family planning. The present study included this variable for analysis. TABLE IV .3 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF CASTE OF THE RESPONDENTS Caste o f the respondents reveals that irrespective o f religion both in adopter and non- adopter of family planning methods. backward caste is higher when comparing to other caste. In this table-lV.3, it shows that the adopter o f family planning is higher in Christian respondents in backward caste followed by Muslim community and Hindu and lower in SCIST. In contrast in non- adopter Muslim community are higher in backward caste followed by Christian and Hindu and lower in fonvard caste. The caste bearers have some influence in difference in adopter and non-adopter o f family planning methods. TABLE IV.4 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF RELIGION OF THE RESPONDENTS Non ' Religion Adopter Hindu Christian Muslim Total 75 10 I5 100 adopter 75 10 15 100 Religion is an important factor influencing the fertility and family planning adoption. In particular religion has an influence on attitudes towards the type of family, thc size of family, the number of childwn, the sex preference, and the type of occupation. Religions also influence the parent's attitudes towards old age security and the number of children. In the percentage distribution of adopter and non-adopter of family planning methods. 75 percent are Hindu, 10 percent are Christian and I 5 percent are Muslim community respectively. The study has included it as an important variable. TABLE IV.5 PERCENTAGE DlSTRlBUTlON BY AGE AT MARRIAGE OF THE RESPONDENTS Age at marriage of women is a significant factor influencing the reproductive profile. particularly in the less developed countries. Age at marriage influence the reproductive span and shills thc fertility panern. The studies of Morrison (1957). Fathima (1977) and Bhatia(1983) have established the positive association between the age et marriage of women and her awareness and adoption of family planning. The distribution of household based on age at marriage of the respondents shows that both ado- and non-adopter an higher in the marriage age p u p of less than 20 Yean. And lowst in the age group betwan 21-25 and afier that it is slightly decreasing. But between this adopter of family planning methods. Muslim wmmunity mpdcnts are higher in the age group of less than 20 y w r followed by Hindus and Christians. On the other hand in non-adopter same like adopter Muslim community respondents in this age group arc higher than Christian and Hindu. Hence, in Muslim community marriage age is lower when compared to other religions. This shows that marriage age beams have some influence over fertility o f women. The present study has a considered as important determinant o f family planning and fertility. TABLE IV.6 PERCENTAGE DlSTRIBUTlON OF AGE AT MARRIAGE OF HUSBAND Education is an important determinant o f contraceptive behaviour. More importantly, education promotes the contraceptive behaviour. The rise in educational level changes attitudes and encourage rational thinking. So here spouse's education is considered as the important determinant o f fertility. The fertility decline caused by education has been extensively documented in the literature. The study o f Sharma (1987) and Miwa(1973) in India is a notable contribution in this area. The distribution o f household baxd on respondents husband marriage age shows that the adopter and non adopter o f family planning methods is lowest in the age group less than 20 years and above 35 years and highest in the age group o f 21-30 years and declined slightly after 31 years. Among these, Muslim community and Christian - respondents in the age group between 2 I 25 arc highest when compared to Hindu in both adopter and in non-adopter. TABLE- IV.7 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONDENTS BY EDUCATlON secondary College Total I 1 1 15.6 100 / 1 9.6 100 1 1 1 1 4.0 100 4.6 100 / 1 6.2 100 1 1 1.5 100 The distribution o f the household based on education o f the respondents shows that the adopter and non- adopter o f Family planning methods is higher in high school level irrespective o f religion. In adopter o f family planning methods Hindus arc having up to college level education and are therefore higher when compared to other religion. The Muslim community's arc higher in lower education when compared to other religion. In both adopter and non-adopter o f family planning methods Muslim community arc higher up to high school level. Tkis indicated that education bears some influence over adoption not adopting family planning methods across religious groups. Hence Muslim community education lower when compare to other religion. TABLE- IV.8 PERCENTAGE DISnUBUnON OF HUSBAND EDUCATION secondary College j Total 1 / 1 29.2 100 1 1 21.6 100 1 1 12.8 100 1 1 13.1 100 I 1 ] I 4.6 100 1 1 10.8 100 The table imspective of three religions the adoption of family planning methods among respondents husband having high school level education at higher level. In conean non-adopter is higher in high school level education. Illiterate and literate arc higher in Muslim community in adopter of family planning methods. Where as in non-adopter it is negligible among three religions. More sptcifically in college level, educations in Hindus are higher in adopting family planning methods when compared to other religion. Hence the college level education is higher among Hindu followed by Christian and Muslims. IV.2 ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS The economic characteristics include house type, family sire, electrification, water facility, occupation monthly income of the respondents, respondent's husband, and monthly expeIIditure of the family and total monthly income ofthe family. TABLE IV.9 : ' ' PERCENTAGE DlSTlUBUTlON OF RESPONDENTS HOUSE TYPE HOUM Type Owned Rented Total Hindu 78.8 2 1.2 100 Adopter Christian 87.2 12.8 100 , Muslim 77.6 22.4 100 Hindu 84.6 15.4 100 Non-Adopter ChrMan Muslim 93.8 89.2 6.2 10.8 100 100 House typc of the respondents bears some influence over fertility and Fsmily planning. In this table- IV.9 higher number of respondents of adopter and nonadopter of family planning methods arc having owned house irrespective of religion in contrast with rented house. Christians and Muslims arc having rented house at higher level than Hindu. _ TABLE N.10 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONDENTS BY FAMILY SIZE The size o f family and the type of family are very strongly related with each other. The distribution o f household based on total number o f the family size shows that in adopter o f family planning methods the total number o f family members is higher in Muslim community, when compared to Christians followcd by Hindu respondens. On Ihc other hand. in non-adopter same like adopter Muslim community respondents have large family size. Christian and Hindu have negligible family size. TABLE- IV .I I PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIFICATION OF THE HOUSE ElectrifiaHon Electrified Hindu Adopter Christian 89.2 91.2 1 1 Mudim Hindu 96.8 95.4 Non-Adopter Christian Mnslim 95.4 100 The distribution of household based on electrification o f the house shows that in adopter and non-adopter o f family planning methods in each religion every h o w is electrified. Only below 10 per cent o f the house are not eltctrified. - TABLE IV -12 PERCENTAGE DI!TlWBUTION O F WATER FACILITY O F THE HOUSE Regarding the distribution of respondents based on water type, above 60 per cent of the respondents have protected water than ground water facilities. In each religion both in adopter and in non- adopter protected water is higher when compared to ground water as Karaikal district is facilitated with corporation water, The ground water facilities are higher among Muslim respondents house than other religion both in adopters and no- adopters. - TABLE IV .13 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF OCCUPATION O F THE RESPONDENTS Occupation Farmer I AgriculIuralLabour Non- Hindu Adopter Christian 0.4 6.4 6 4.8 0.8 Muslim Hindu 0.8 0.8 0.8 Non-Adopter Christian Muslim 3.1 6.2 1.5 O c c u p a t i o ~of spouses is one of the rocio-cconomic rtatus variables that influence contmceptive behaviour and fertility. The U.N. study also indicates that women currently working arc more likely to be practicing contraceptives than non working women. The distribution of household based on occupation of the respondents shows that both in adopter and non-adopter of family planning methods highest numbers of respondents from t h r a religions are housewife. Among this Muslim community respondents are higher than Hindu and Christian. The working women are higher in Hindu and in Christian religion than in Muslim wmmunity resppndmts. This occupation of respondents also bears infltlence over fertility of the women. The present study included this as an important determinant of fertility behaviour. - TABLE IV.14 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF OCCUPATION OF HUSBAND Regarding distribution of household based on occupation of the respondent's husband. the agricultural labourers are higher in three religions in both adopter and nonadoprer of family planning methods, when compare to the other category. Secondly service category is higher when w m p m to other category. In Hindu service category are higher followed by Christian and Muslim community both in adopter and non- adopter of family planning methods. Trade and commerce are higher among Muslim respondents compared to other religion. TABLE - IV.15 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF FAMLY MONTHLY INCOME A good number o f studies have found that the adoption o f contraceptive techniques is associated with higher income o f couples. The studies o f Kump(1981) and MukarjH 1962) have also repons that higher income groups are known to be favorable for family planning adoption and no-adoption. The distribution of household based on family monthly income shows that in adopter and non-adopter of family planning methods higher per cent of the respondents family monthly income is less than Rs.3000,when comparing to other income group level. Among this Christian religion respondents are receiving higher income up to Rs.7500 per month. In the pmcnt study family monthly income is considered as an determinant o f fertility. - TABLE IV .16 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF FAMILY MONTHLY EXPENDITURE The distribution o f household based on family monthly expenditure o f the respondents shows Lhat both in adopter and non-adopter o f family planning methods highen number o f respondents from thra religions monthly expenditure is below Rs.3000. Among this Christian religion respondents are higher. when compare to olher religion. Again it is decreasing up to Rs. 7500. In non- adopter the family monthly ucpnditurc is higher for Muslim community up to Rs.7500, but in adopter it is higher up to Rs.3500 in Hindu respondents. The percentage distribution of the nspondent's monthly income md monthly expendituresare one and the same. - TABLE IV. 17 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONDENTS MONTHLY INCOME Higher per cent o f respondent are fmm house wife category which is one o f the main reasons for not earning anything among adopter and non adopter o f family planning method. The respondents who are earning in the income group between Rs.1500- Rs.3000 are Hindus followed by Christian respondents. This is because Muslim community respondents are not willing to work when comparing them to other religion. - TABLE IV .I8 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF HUSBAND MONTHLY INCOME The respondent's husband monthly income shows that the higher number o f respondents husband fiom adopter o f family planning methods and non-adopter o f family planning methods have Rs.1500-Rs.3000 as monthly income. A h r that it is decreasing up to Rs7500. Christian religion respondents husband arc receiving higher income ktween Rs.1500-Rs.3000 and Hindu mpondent's husbands up to Rs7500 as a maximum income. Most o f the Muslim community mpondent's husbands are businessman when compared to other religion. This is one o f the reasons why Muslim community respondents husband receive higher monthly income in nonadopter, which is one of the reason for not adopting family planning methods. IV.3 DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS The demographic characteristics include eligible couples, present age o f the respondents number o f living children, female children. male children, age o f last child, number o f pregnancies, out come o f pregnancies. TABLE IV.19 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF ELIGIBLE COUPLES Distribution o f household based on eligible wuples o f the respondents reveals that both in adopter and non-adopter o f family planning methods, the respondents from Muslim community has highest eligible wuples in r k i r family when compare to Christian and Hindu respondents. The maximum number o f eligible couples is found in Muslim community and Chrinian religion in adopter o f family planning methods. TABLE IV.20 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF PRESENT AGE OF THE RESPONDENTS Present age o f the respondents shows that in adopter o f family planning methods the respondents in three religions Hindu. Christian and Muslim wmmunity is highest in present age group between 31-35. But in non-adopter o f family planning it is highest in the age group between 26-30 when compare to other age group. Up to 4 1 ages the respondents arc found in adopter o f family planning methods. In Muslim community in non-adopter thee is a respondent in the age group up to 41. The present age is one o f the important variables, which bears some influence over fertility and family planning adoption. TABLE- IV .21 PERCENTAGE DlSTlUBUTlON OF PRESENT AGE OF HUSBAND The respondent's husband present age shows that higher number o f the respondents husband present age in adopter o f family planning methods are betwan 36-40. Among this Hindus ax higher than Christian and Muslim community. Thm is no respondent's husband between the age group o f 20-35. On the other hand in non-adopter o f family planning methods most o f the respondent's husbands arc in the age group between 31-35. But after that it is decreasing slightly. TABLE IV .22 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF LIVING CHLDREN The number o f living children is an imponant demographic variables influencing the adoption and non-adoption o f family planning method. In general, couples who have achieved the desired number o f children accept family planning easily and more willingly than those who get to achieve the desired number o f children. The percentage distribution o f the total number o f living children reveals that, in adopter and in non-adopter the total number o f living children is low up to one child and highest up to 2 and 3 children after that it is decreasing. But in case o f Muslim community and in Christian religion the number o f living children is increasing up to 5 and 6 in adopter o f family planning. But in case o f non-adopter, there is no respondents having a k r 5 number o f living children which also one o f the reason for not adopting family planning methods. TABLE IV.23 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF MALE CHUD The results o f distribution of household based on total number of male children shows that the number of male child in adopter and in non-adopter o f family planning methods is higher in Hindu and Muslim community. The maximum number of male child up to 5 is in Muslim community. TABLE- I V .24 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF FEMALE CHILD The percentage distribution o f number of female child shows that higher numbers of respondents are having at least one female child both in adopters and non-adopters of family planning methods. T A B L E IV .25 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF AGE OF LAST CHILD The age of last child of the respondents reveals that in adopter of family planning methods arc the higher number o f the respondents age o f last child is up to 3 years. And it is to be noted that up to ten years there is an age o f last child in adopter. But in case of non-adopter of family planning there is no child up to ten years. And highest respondent last age of child is 2 years and I year after that it is decreasing. But in Muslim community and in Hindu religion having children up to 8 years. The respondents arc not adopting family planning when the age o f last child is up to 9 and 8 both in Hindu and in Muslim. TABLE IV.26 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF TOTAL NUMBER OF PREGNANCIES Number of rpregnanelea 1 I , 8 Total 1 Ado ter H111du I Chri:~an I 1 0 . 4 1 1 1 -. . - 100 1 / 2 . 4 1 100 1 1 Muslim 4 1 . 100 / 1 6 / Hindu - 1 100 Non-Ado ter 1 C h r i s 2 Muslim I 1 i - I - - j 1 100 100 - The total number o f pregnancies during all years o f marriage o f the respondents in the above table shows that in adopter o f family planning methods the total number o f pregnancies is higher in Muslim community and in Hindu followed by Christian respectively. But in case o f non-adopter o f family planning methods it is higher in Hindus than in Christian and Muslim community. TABLE IV.27 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF OUTCOME OF PREGNANCIES (ABORTION) The above table- 1V.27 shows that the total number o f abortion including stimulated and induced abornon is higher in Hindu followed by Muslim community and Christian both in adopter and non-adopter o f family planning methods respectively. / The average number o f abortion is higher among Muslim both in adopters and nonadopters. This shows pregnancies wastage is higher among Muslim which is having bearing over fertility due to ill health o f the mother which is shown in field investigation. TABLE IV.28 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OUTCOME OF PREGNANCIES (STILL BIRTH) 1 I 1 Still Birth 0 I 1 2 3 Total 1 Adopter 1 Hindu 96 2.4 1.2 0.4 100 I Christian I 1 91.2 / 6.4 2.4 100 Muslim 90.4 8.8 / 1 0.8 100 Hindu 100 100 Non-Adopter / Christian / Muslim / 93.8 1 100 4.6 1.5 100 100 Out o f total number o f pregnancies stillbirth shows higher in case o f Hindu religion o f the respondents followed by Christian and in Muslim community o f the respondents. On the other hand, in case o f non-adopter it i s higher in Christian religion than in other religion. But 90 per cent o f the respondents have no stillbirth. The average stillbirth for Hindu and Christian are higher. TABLE IV .29 PERCENTAGE DlSTRlBUTlON OF OUTCOME OF PREGNANCIES Live birth is one o f the important variables, which is used for measurement of the fertility rate o f the women. Number o f live birth out o f total o f pregnancies shows that in adopter o f family planning methods live birth is higher in Christian followed by Muslim when compared to Hindus. Whereas in non-adopter it is higher in Hindus when compared to Christians and Muslims. But up to four children there is live birth in both adopter and in non-adopter o f family planning methods. And higher number o f live birth is found in adopter o f family planning up six in contrast with non-adopter. The average live birth for Hindus is higher in adopters where as lower in non-adopters. Here live birth is the children, which are born in good condition with out cesarean. IV.4 FERTILITY PREFERENCE AND FAMILY PLANNING PERSPECTIVES The following information is related to fertility preference and family planning perspectives. They are. time o f discussion, opinion about family planning methods. person attended delivery. ever used any methods to delay or avoid pregnancies reason for adopting and not adopting family planning methods, sex preference o f the children, reason for educating son and girl, incentives received, ideal number o f children. persuasion to use temporary methods, number o f living children at the time o f started using family planning methods. reason for adopting temporary and permanent methods. place of sterilization, ever got pregnant while using family planning methods, complaint about using o f family planning methods Body condition aAer adopting family planning methods age at permanent and temporary methods visiting about anganwadis age differentials between age at marriage and permanent methods, distance from hospitals to house. IV.4.1 FERTILITY PREFERNCE The fertility preference is understood through following opinion o f the respondents. TABLE I V30 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION O F DISCUSSION ABOUT NUMBER CHILDREN Discussion Non-Adopter Adopter I Hindu Christian 1 Muslim Hindu Christian Muslim 84 87.7 80.4 ( 67.7 81.5 80.8 ;yes 19.6 19.2 16 12.3 I No 1 32.3 18.5 100 [ Total 100 100 100 100 1 I00 1 The results o f distribution household based on the discussion about the number o f children, they should have with their husband. shows that in the adopter of family planning methods the highest number o f respondents are discussing with their husband about the number of children they should have. But among these three religions Christian percentage is higher when compare to Hindu and Muslim community. But in case o f non-adopter o f family planning methods highest number of respondents discussing and among these three religions Hindu religion has higher compared to Christian and Muslim community. This shows Muslim are higher conservative towards fertility. The Muslim respondent does not like to discuss with their husband about the number o f children they should have in future TABLE- IV31 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION O F T I M E OF DISCUSSION ABOUT CHILDREN The distribution o f household based on time o f discussion about the children they should have reveals that the highest number o f respondents in adopter and in non-adow in each religion taking decision just after second child. In adopter of family planning methods the respondents from Hindu and Christian religion is taking decision before 3 child but Muslim community respondents taking decision just a h third child. But in non-adopter of family planning the respondents discussing just after the marriage and Christian and Muslim community a n discussing after the first and second child. TABLE IV 3 2 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF OPINION ABOUT FOLLOWING OF FAMILY PLANNING METHODS Family ~hnninn method; Yes No Total Hindu 10 90 100 Non-Adopter 1 Christian 1 Muslim 13.8 86.2 100 16.9 83.1 100 Distribution of household based on whether the respondents followed the family planning methods reveals that the highest respondents not following the family planning methods. The respondent who says yes is followed safety methods. The percentage is highest in the Hindu nligion than Christian respondents in accepting family planning methods as temporary methods in non-adopter. Muslim community is not interested to go for temporary methods among this selected sample. TABLE IV33 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF PERSON ATTENDED CHILD BIRTH The household based on the distribution respondents regarding who attended the delivery shows that doctors in the government hospital attend highest number o f respondent's child birth delivery both for adopter and non-adopter. In non-adopter also doctors in general hospital attend the highest number o f delivery. The nurse and health visitors attending child delivery is also presented in kariakal region. TABLE IV.34 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF SEX-PREFERENCE OF THE CHILDREN 1 Scx Preference I One boy 1 Hindu 76.8 I Adopter Christian / 72 I 1 1 Muslim 36 Non-Adopter I Hindu Christian / Muslim 1 50.8 1 43.1 1 29.2 Two boy Two girls and one bo 21.6 32 I od desire Total 100 100 100 24.6 100 100 100 The sex preference o f the children shows that in adopter o f family planning methods in Hindu religion and in Christian religion higher percentage o f respondents preference is one boy and one girl where as in Muslim community two girls and alxl says it depends on gods desire. This shows that Muslim community women have more religious faith than other religion. In non-adopter most o f the Hindu religion and Christian religion, the respondent's preferences is one boy and one girl. In Muslim community, the respondent's preference is two girls and depends on god desire. T h e shows Muslim communities prefer female child compare to Hindu religion preferring male child. TABLE IV 3 5 PERCENTAGE DIS'ITUBUTION O F REASON FOR EDUCATUiG SON The imponant m o n for educating son in both adopter and non-adopter of family planning is mainly for the purpose of employment benefits. This is higher in Hindu followed by Christian. but the Muslim community respondents educating their son for earning income through some other way likes business. Other reason is negligible in all religion. TABLE W.36 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION O F REASON FOR EDUCATING GIRL CHILD I Reawn / Able to read and write They can also work Develop confidence , Boys and girls are ' equal Marriageongood Non-Adopter Adopter Hindu 36.4 I Cbristlan I Muslim / 37.6 1 72.8 35.2 5.6 I 1 4.8 9.2 8.8 0.8 26.4 7.2 I 1 4.0 12.8 / I / 0.8 14.4 I 1 Hindu 30.8 1 Christian 1 / 16.9 1 Mdim 27.7 35.4 4.6 7.7 18.5 9.2 4.6 4.6 5.4 I 1 7.7 15.4 I 1 1.5 16.9 In the above table-IV.36 the nsson for educating female child is given. This shows that in adopter and non-adopter of family planning methods, in Hindu and in Christian the respondents arc educating their female children because of to read and write .and also to go for employment purpose. But in Muslim community the respondents educating their female children for marry in good status and to read and write purpose only. Sending female child for job is higher in Hindu compare to the Christian and Muslim community both in adopter and in non-adopter of family planning methods. TABLE I V 3 7 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF SON PREFERENCE FOR FUNERAL PURPOSE Son Preference Yes No Total Hindu 88.8 11.2 100 Adopter Christian 16.8 83.2 100 Muslim 7.2 92.8 100 Hlndu 96.15 3.84 100 Non-Adopter Christimn Muslim 64.61 41.53 35.38 58.46 100 I00 The above table shows that son preference is higher among Hindus both in adopter and in non-adopter of family planning methods. TABLE- i V 3 8 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBLTION OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF OPINION ABOLT FAMILY PLANNING AND FERTILITY PREFERENCE The different opinion o f women towards family planning methods among adopter and non-adopter are presented in table 4.38. The love and care o f children in small family shows that the Hindu respondents agreeing towards this opinion we lower when compared to Christian and Muslim communities. Where as agreeing towards this opinion by Hindu is lower in non-adopter o f family planning methods than other religion. Regarding opinion two having greater number o f sons means higher social status higher number o f respondents from adopter and non-adopter o f family planning a p i n g about this opinion is Hindu followed by Christian and Muslim community. This shows son preference is higher between Hindu and Christian. Based on the whether all newly married couples are given information about birth control techniques. highest number of respondents from Hindu agrees towards this opinion than Christian and Muslim community. The Muslim community respondents d i s n p i n g towards this opinion is higher both in adopter and nonadopter o f family planning. This shows that Muslim community not interested in adopting family planning method. Regarding introducing sex education in schools and colleges in both adopter and non-adopter o f family planning methods, the highest number o f respondents from Hindu religion agreeing towards this opinion is higher than Christian and Muslim community. Muslim community respondents disagree about this opinion is higher than Hindu and Christian respondents. On the basis o f opinion five, having fewer children is good for mother health, the respondents from Hindu religion a p i n g is at higher percent when compamd to the Christian and Muslim community in both adopter and non-adopter. The Muslim community disagree towards this opinions seems to be higher because they will prefer higher number o f children than lesser number o f children. Regarding family size, it is desirable to limit the sire o f the family so that all children will get adequate care in family. The highest number o f respondents from Hindu religion agreeing towards this opinion is higher than Christian and Muslim community in adopter and non-adopter. The distribution o f household based on the opinion o f should all mothers providing information on birth control techniques to their grown up daughters. It shows that higher numbcr o f respondents from Hindu religion a p i n g towards this opinion is higher than Christian and Muslim community in both adopter and nonadopter. In Muslim community the respondents an not willing to provide information about birth control techniquesto their grown up daughters. The opinion o f regardless o f sex o f the children should two children be considered enough, in adopter o f family planning methods higher number o f Hindu religion respondents a p i n g towards this opinion is higher when compared to the Christian and Muslim community. But in non-adopter Hindu respondents an higher than Muslim community. The opinion about practice o f family planning is against their religion, the percentage shows that the respondents fmm Hindu are higher in disagree towards this opinions than Christian and Muslim community both in adopter and non-adopter. The Muslim community agrees towards this opinion seems to be higher because according to Muslim community, practice o f family planning is against their religion. In same way in Christian alw the practice of family planning is againn their religion. The opinion about larger families' means better security in old age, highest number o f Muslim community respondents from adopters agrees about this opinion seems to be higher than Hindu and Christian. But in the urx o f non-adopter, Hindu respondents are higher than Christian and Muslim community. Generally the opinion of the respondents about this opinion is that in now days the larger families means better security is not accepted one because o f nuclear families has increased when compared to the joint families and most o f the respondents are giving less number birth to child. Over all the Hindu respondents attitude is positive when compare to other religion. TABLE - N 3 9 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF IDEAL NUMBER OF CHILDREN FOR AN AVERAGE FAMILY The distribution o f household based on opinion about consideration o f economic condition what number o f children will be an ideal number for an average family reveals that in adopter, higher number o f the respondents says two children will be considered. Out o f this the percentage, Christian respondents is higher than compare to the other religion. Muslim community respondents say four children is considered as ideal number, where as Hindu says only one child should be considered to be ideal. In case o f non-adopter, higher number of respondents says two children are considered as ideal. In non-adopter, four children in Muslim community, two children in Hindu and one child in Christian as considered as ideal number o f children's TABLE- IV.40 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF PERSUASION TO USE THE TEMPORARY METHODS I h e above table reveals that who persuaded to use the temporary family planning methods o f the respondents. Respondents who are using temporary methods arc taking decisions by themselves than through other media or person. In this case it is higher in Christian and in Muslim community than Hindu. Secondly, both husband and wife are taking decision about using o f temporary methods are higher when compared to through other way o f persuasion. Muslim and Christian respondents taking decision by self because o f restriction from husband and relatives. IV.4.2 FAMILY PLANNING PERSPECITVES The following information gives us about family planning perspectivesofthe respondents. TABLE IV.41 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF HAVE EVER USED ANY METHODS TO DELAY OR AVOID THE PREGNANCY Metbods Adopter 1 Non-Adopter Hindn I Cbristian I Mu8lim 1 Hindu 1 Christian I Muslim to delay or avoid 40.8 1 31.2 10 13.8 15.4 20.8 Y es I 'NO Total 59.2 100 1 1 68.8 100 90 100 79.2 100 86.2 100 84.6 100 The respondents following about temporary family planning methods reveals that in adopter o f Hindu respondents going for temporary methods is higher than Christian and Muslim. Hence. Muslim community are not preferring temporary methods at higher level when compare to other religion. In non-adopter the respondents from Muslim community do not prefer temporary methods compare to other religion. Hence the adoption of temporary method is lower in Muslim. TABLE- IV .42 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF REASON FOR ADOPTING FAMILY PLANNING METHODS Adopter Satisfied with existing child Economic Consideration Family living standard Consideration o f welfare o f the child Considerationo f welfare o f the mother 1 1 8.8 10.4 / 9.6 1 100 I Working condition o f parents Total 1 1, 1 / 2.4 12 1 1 1 4 32.8 1 5.6 100 1 100 Hindus and Christian are adopting at higher level because o f economic condition. Here, the percentage of Muslim adopting family planning method due to consideration o f the welfare and health condition o f mothers shows 32.8 percent This indicates that because o f ill health o f the mother Muslim respondent are unable to undergo adoption o f family planning method (Field investigation, show in 4.358). TABLE IV.43 PERCENTAGE DlSTRlBCTlON OF REASON FOR NOT ADOPTING FAMILY PLANNING METHODS The reason for not adopting family planning methods is the mother health condition not able to accept the adoption o f family planning methods. That is the weakness o f mother body condition. This is found higher among Hindu religion than in Christian followed by Muslim community respectively. The other main reason for not adopting family planning methods between Christian and Muslim is because o f religious rtason and restriction from relatives. TABLE 1V.44 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF INDIVIDUAL BASED ON METHODS OF CONTRACEPTIVE DEVICE USED BY THE SPOUSES The temporary method adoption is higher between Hindu and Christian than in Muslim respondents. Among different methods o f temporary methods I.U.D. (Intra Uterine Device) is the highly common methods using at higher level Hindus respondentscornpan to other religious respondents. by the TABLE- IV.45 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF INCENTIVES RECEIVED Adopter Incentives / Y es No Total Hindu I Christian 79.2 20.8 100 86.4 13.6 100 I Muslim community 80.8 19.2 100 This table shows that whether the respondents in adopter of family planning methods w i v e d incentives are not. Above 75 per cent of the respondents says received incentives by in the kind of fewer amounts of money and healthy tonics. Among this Christians are higher when compare to Muslim community and Hindu. TABLE- IV.46 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF OPINION ABOUT INCENTTVES Adooter Muslim Less Suficicnt No answer Total 71.6 0.4 100 68.8 17.6 3.2 100 2.4 100 In this table-IV.46 the respondent's opinion about incentives received is given. This shows that higher number of respondents says that the incentive, which is provided by the government, is not sufficient and it is less for taking care of health condition of mother. But this is found higher among Hindu compare to Christian and in Muslim community. TABLE- IV.47 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF INCENTIVES NOT GIVEN STILL THEY UNDERGONE STERnISATION Hindu Total Adopter Christian 100 Muslim 100 100 The above table-IV.47 reveals that suppose when incentives were not given, whether the respondents have undergone sterilization.It shows that higher number of respondents says that if incentives are not given, we will go for sterilization. Only less number of respondents says no because of they are from socially and economically backward. TABLE- IV .48 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF SATISFACTION ABOUT THE USING OF FAMILY PLANNING METHODS Opinion Total Adopter Hindu CbhIian Mudim 100 100 100 Opinion about satisfaction about using of family planning methods revcnls the! higher number of respondents satisfied about using of the family planning methods. Among the religious groups, Christian's percentages are higher compare to Hindus and Muslim community. TABLE IV -49 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF REASON FOR PREFERRING TEMPORARY METHODS The preference o f temporary methods instead o f permanent methods by the respondents is because o f want to have additional child and for giving space between existing numbers o f children. Second main reason for adopting temporary method is sterilization may cause death. Regarding Muslim communities, they are not adopting any temporary methods because o f want o f additional child. TABLE IV.50 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF REASON FOR ADOPTING PERMANENT METHODS The diotribution o f household based on the reason for adopting permanent methods instead o f temporary methods reveals that higher number o f respondents gone for permanent methods because o f satisfied with existing number o f child imspective o f religion. Muslim community is compulsorily asked to adopt p e r m m t methods after second child because o f cesarean. TABLE IV .51 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF PLACE OF STERILISATlON PERFORMED The percentage distribution o f household based on the place where the sterilization performed shows that the higher number o f respondents undergoing operation in general hospital imspective of religion. The respondents undergoing operation in general hospitals are higher than those undergoing operation in private hospitals. TABLE IV.52 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF EVER GOT PREGNANT WHILE USING THE FAMILY PLANNING METHODS Opinion No Total 90.8 100 94.4 I00 94.4 100 The distribution o f household based on the failure while using the family planning methods by the respondents shows that in each religion higher number o f respondents is not gming pregnant while using family planning methods. Thc nspondmc who is getting pregnant is befause o f Lap-pic method. TABLE IV.53 DISTRlBUnON OF TYPE OF METHOD EVER GOT PREGNANT WHILE USING There is no much failure in adopting family planning methods. In temporary methods higher percent of respondents faced failures while adopting family planning methods. Among the temporaly method pills is one of the common methods getting failure. TABLE 1V.54 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF COMPLAWT ABOUT USING OF FAMILY PLANNING METHODS Higher number of respondents is having pain while adopting family planning methods irrespective of religion, ' h e complaints like cause of white discharge and affect mental health arc higher among Muslims and Christian. TABLE- IVdS PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF BODY CONDITION OF RESPONDENTS COMPARISON TO PRE OPERATION HEALTH Ado ter Oplnlon Wei ht increased Wei t decreased Total 20.4 100 23.2 100 24.8 100 The above table-IV.55 shows percentage distribution of household based on body condition of respondents in comparison to the pre-operation health. In each religion there is same condition of body condition in comparison to prc operation condition. Further weight decreased is higher in each religion when compare with weight increased. Hence there are changes occurring in body condition because of adopting family planning methods. This is also one o f the reasons for adopting and not adopting family planning methods. TABLE- W .56 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF AGE A T THE TIME OF STARTED USING THE PERMANENT METHODS Age at the time of staned using the permanent methods of family planning methods shows that higher number of respondents going for permanent methods in the age group o f 26-30 in each religion. Lower in the age group between less than 20-25 and above 40. But in Muslim community the adoption is higher up to 36-40 Years compartd to other religion. TABLE IV .57 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF AGE AT THE TIME OF STARTED USING TEMPoRARY METHODS The distribution of household based on age at the time of using temporary methods shows that in each religion the adoption of temporary methods are higher in the age group of 21-25. The adoption of temporary methods is higher among Hindu respondents compan to Christian and Muslim community. But in each religion the adoption of temporary methods is up to the age of 30 years. TABLE IV.58 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AGE MARRIAGE AGE AND AGE OF ADOPTION OF PERMANENT METHODS The household based on age differentials between age at adoption of Permanent methods and marriage age shows that in Hindus the ~ S p ~ I h i e n arc ts adopting permanent mcthods after the marriage of three to four yean. The Christian and Hindus adopting permanent methods after the marriage of three to four years. In case of Muslim community respondents adopting permanent methods a h marriage of five to six y e m . It shows that Muslim community are adopting family planning methods after five to six years is higher compare to Hindu and Christian. TABLE IV.59 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF ADOPTION OF TEMPORARY METHODS NUMBER OF YEARS AFIZR MARRIAGE 7 10 Total 1.2 2 100 I I 1 , 0.8 0.8 100 1 1 1 - - 100 The adoption of temporary methods is higher among Hindu followed by Christian and Muslim community. The age differentials benueen age at adoption of temporary method and marriage age are higher for Hindu and Christian than Muslim. TABLE N .60 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF DISTANCE FROM HOUSE TO THE HOSPITAL The distance from the hospital to the house shows that higher number of respondent's distance hom hospital to house is ranging from I to 3 kilometers followed by 4 to 7 kilometers irrespective of religion. TABLE- IV.61 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONDENTS VISITING ANG ANWADIS Anganwadu No Total Hindu Ado ter Christian Muslim Hindu 75.2 100 76 100 88 100 37.69 I00 Non-Ado ter Christian Muslim 61.53 100 69.23 100 In adopters higher number of respondents is not visiting anganwadis. In contrast in non-adopters Hindus are higher in visiting anganwadis. TABLE IV .62 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF CHILDREN VISITING ANGANWADIS / 1 Anganwadls Yes No Total Hindu Adopter Christian 42.8 57.2 100 27.2 72.8 100 Muslim comrnnnily 15.2 84.8 100 Hindu 53.84 46.15 100 Non-Adopter Christian Muslim cvmmunity 36.92 58.45 63.07 41.53 100 100 The Hindus respondent's child visiting anganwadis is seems to be higher in adopter compared to other religion. In the case of non-adopters Christian respondents children arc visiting anganwadis at higher level when compared to other religion. Both in adopter and in non-adopter, Muslim community children arc not visiting anganwadis at higher level as compand to other religion. TABLE- IV .63 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF HOUSE HOLD BASED ON VISITING ABOUT FAMILY PLANNING CLINICS Adopter Total 13.6 100 100 100 It shows that above 80 percent o f the respondents are visiting family planning clinics. I n Hindus it is 86.4 percent in Christian 92.8 pcrcent and in Muslim community 94.4 percent visiting family planning clinics personally. Remaining respondents are visiting family planning staffs. Christian visiting family planning clinics are seems to be at higher level followed by Hindu ad Muslim community. IV.5 QUALITY OF SERVICE IN THE HOSPITALS The adoption of family planning methods and the success o f the various schemes depend on the quality of service provided in the hospitals. TABLE- I V -64 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF AVAILABILITY BUILDINGS Opinion Adopter Non-Adopter Hindu Christian Muslim Hindu Christian Muslim Adequate 53.6 48 28.5 43.2 41.5 44.6 Inadequate 46.4 56.8 52 71.5 55.4 58.5 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 Regarding availability of buildings both in adopter and non-adopter, higher number of respondents saying there is adequate buildings in the hospital where they have visited, but the respondents who says inadequate are higher in the rural areas than urban areas, This shows that rural areas are not having building facilities in hospitals. Among the respondents the response is higher from the Hindu religion than Christian and in Muslim community. T A B L E IV.65 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF AVAILABILITY MEDICINE According to adopters there is adequate medicine provided in the hospital. But in case of non-adopter of family planning methods the respondents says that there is inadequate in providing medicine in hospital. Among the adopter, the response from the Hindu is higher than Muslim and Christian's community. In nonadopter the response from Hindu is higher than Christians and Muslim wmmunity. TABLE IV .66 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF AVAILABILITY PHARMACEUTICAL STAFF Opinion Adequate Inadequate Total Hindu 83.2 16.8 100 Adopter Christian 68 32 I00 Muslim 72 28 100 Hindu 43.8 56.2 100 Non-Adopter Christian Mualim 63.1 40 36.9 60 100 100 Regarding availability of pharmaceutical staff in adopter, according to higher number Hindu respondents there is adequate pharmaceutical staff in hospital than by the Muslim community and Christian. In non-adopter of family planning methods respondents saying inadequate is higher than saying adequate. Among the respondents of non-adopter Hindus are higher in case of saying inadequate than Christians and Muslim community. TABLE IV.67 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF AVAILABILITY OF CONTRACEPTIVE DEVICE Regarding availability of contraceptive device, both adopter and non-adopter say adequate at higher level than the respondents saying inadequate. The Hindu religion is higher in case of saying adequate contraceptive device is pmviding in the hospitals. Hence both in rum! and in u pmviding in the hospital with adequate need. h arcas the conbaceptive device is TABLE N.68 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF AVAILABILITY OF FAMILY PLANNING CENTRE Regarding availability of family planning center the respondents from adopter and non- adopter of family planning methods there is adequate family planning clinics in Karaikal. Among this the respondents from Hindu is higher than Muslim community followed by Christian respondents. Hence the family planning clinics, which are adequate at higher level, are responsible for adoption of family planning methods among all religion. TABLE- IV .69 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF AVAILABILITY OF FAMILY WELFARE SCHEME Opinion Hindu Adequate 75.2 Inadequate 24.8 100 Total Adopter Christian Muslim 61.6 51.2 48.8 38.4 100 100 Hindu 53.8 46.2 100 Non-Adopter Christian Mnslim 38.5 44.6 55.4 61.5 100 100 Regarding availability of family welfare scheme the respondents from adopter, saying adequate is higher than the respondents says inadequate. Among this the respondentsmo' Hindu is higher than Muslim community and Christian. In the case of non-adopter, the Hindu respondents saying adequate is higher than the respondents from Christian and Muslim community saying inadequate. T A B L E IV .70 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION O F AVAILABILITY O F FAMILY PLANNING MOTIVATORS Opinion Adequate Inadequate Total Hindu 65.2 34.8 100 Adopter Chrirtlan 77.6 22.4 100 Muslim 61.6 38.4 100 Hindu 56.9 43 100 Non-Adopter Christian Muslim 41.5 53.8 58.5 46.2 100 100 In case of availability of family planning motivators the respondents from both adopter and non-adopters of family planning methods reporting that there are adequate family planning motivators in karaikal region. Both in rural and in urban areas there is adequate family planning motivators in the hospitals. Hence Hindus are at higher level reporting about availability of family planning motivators followed by Christian respondents and Muslim community respondents. TABLE- IV.71 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION O F AVAILABILITY O F HOSPITAL SERVICES REGARDING DOCTORS Opinlon Adequate Inadequate Total Hindu 59.6 40.4 100 Adopter Christian 68 32 100 M ~ l i m Hindu 72 63.1 28 37 100 100 Non-Adopter Christian Muslim 43.1 63.1 36.9 56.9 IW I00 Regarding availability of doctors in the hospital there is adequate doctors in the hospitals. Among this the respondents fmm Hindu religion is at higher level followed by Muslim community and Christian respondents. On the other hand in the case of non-adopter, the Hindu respondents reporting adequate is higher than the respondents Fmm Christian and Muslim community saying inadequate. But generally there are inadequate doctors in the hospitals of Karaikal districts. TABLE- IV.72 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF AVAILABILITY OF EXTENSION OF EDUCATION Oplnion Adequate Inadequate Total Hindu 71.2 28.8 1W Adopter Christian 69.6 30.4 100 Muslim 72 28 100 Hindu 60 40 100 Non-Adopter Christian Muslim 58.5 58.5 41.5 41.5 100 100 About availability of extension of education regarding family planning, the respondents from both adopter and non-adopter of family planning methods saying adequate is higher than the respondents saying inadequate. Between this the respondents from Hindu religion is higher than Christian followed by Muslim community. V.6 CONCLUSION An anempt is made in this chapter IV to understand the important socioeconomic characteristics of the sample respondents. The socio economic and demographic characteristics of respondents have been examined with respect to religion, residential status, type of family, family expenditure, family income, income of male and female, caste, education of male and female, present age of male and female, marriage age of male and female, occupation of male and female, total number of living children, family s k place of the respondents. The percentage of adopter family planning methods, in urban areas is higher compared to rural anas irrespective of religion. Muslim community adopter is higher in urban areas and lower in rural areas. Hence place of residence has bearing on fertility of women. The percentage of adopter and non-adopter are higher in backward caste as compand to forward caste. In case of type of family, the adopter and non- adopter are higher in nuclear families irrespective of religion. But Muslim community adopter and non-adopter are slightly higher in joint families. l l ~ . percentage of adopters and non-adopter's of family planning methods were higher in the marriage age gmup of less below 20 years and lower in the age group of 26-30 irrespective of religion. The average age at marriage for Hindus is comparatively higher. The percentage o f adopters and non-adopters are higher in school level educatipn wmparatively lower in college level education. Christians and Muslim community in adopters and non-adopters are higher in literate and school level education c o m p a d to college level education. Hence The economic factors show profound influence over fertility o f the women. The higher proportion o f adopters and non-adopters has one house irrespective o f religion. But little higher proportion o f Muslim community non-adopters and Christian's adopters has owned houses, The average family size for Muslim community adopters is high as compared to Christian and Hindu. In case o f nonadopters it is higher for Christian followed by Muslim community and Hindus. Both adopters and non-adopters account for high proportion in non-working category irrespective o f religion. As well known the proportion o f employed Muslim community women is relatively low the workingwomen are higher in Hindu and in Christians both in adopter and non-adopter o f family planning methods. The Muslim community is higher in house wife category. The average monthly income for Hindu is higher as compared to Christian and Muslim community in adopter category. In case o f non-adopter the average monthly income for Muslim community is higher as compared Christian and Hindu. Irrespective o f religion, the percentage o f the adopters o f family planning methods is highcr in the present age group o f 26-35 years and lower in the age group of below 20 years and 40 years above. The average age is higher for Hindus followed by Christians and Muslim community. In contrary, in case o f non-adopters. higher for Muslim community followed by Christians and Hindus. The total number o f pregnancies for Muslim community adopters is higher as compared to Hindus and Christians. In non-adopters category it is higher for Christians followed by Muslim community and Hindus. The average number o f living children is higher for Muslim community adopters followed by Christians and Hindus. Incase o f non-adopters it is highcr for Chrinians followed by Muslim community and Hindus. The average representing male and female children is comparatively higher for Muslim community adopters and non-adopters. The percentage -undergone abortion is greater in adopters than non-adopter's category irrespective o f religion. The average number o f abortions is higher for Muslim community adopters and non-adopters as compand to Hindus and Christians. There fore the high fertility segment (Muslim community) experienced high incidence of pregnancies wastages. The average number of children ever born is comparatively high for nonadopters irrespective of religion. The average live births are higher for Hindu adopters followed by Christians and Muslim community but it is higher for Christian in non-adopters compared to Muslim community and Hindus. Hence the socioeconomic characteristics of the sample ~ S p ~ n d e nare t s found to have influence on fertility and contraceptive. In summing up, the socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents reveal that they have profound influence over the fertility wnds and contraceptive behaviour of the respondents. Religion has an influence on anitudes towards adoption of contraception. Hindus constituted majority of the respondents in Karaikal districts followed by Muslim and Christians.
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