Tukaj - Teolog.si

Mednarodni ekumenski simpozij
Maribor, 16.–18. oktober 2014
Uredil: Samo Skralovnik
Oblikoval: Janez Šali
Izdala: Teološka fakulteta UL
Tisk: PAPIRNICA LAZAR, d. o. o.
Naklada: 100 izvodov
Organizacijski odbor:
izr. prof. dr. Avguštin Lah, predsednik simpozija
as. Samo Skralovnik, tajnik simpozija
Simon Jurkovič, tajnik Teološke fakultete
doc. dr. Bogdan Dolenc
prof. dr. Stanko Gerjolj
izr. prof. dr. Edvard Kovač
zn. sod. dr. Fanika Krajnc-Vrečko
izr. prof. dr. Maksimilijan Matjaž
doc. dr. Mari Jože Osredkar
doc. dr. Mateja Pevec Rozman
doc. dr. Stanislav Slatinek
Program simpozija | Symposium program
PRVI DAN SIMPOZIJA | 16. 10. 2014
Znanstvena delavnica Moč in nemoč besede v dialogu
Uvodni pozdrav
izr. prof. dr. Maksimilijan Matjaž
Kulturna točka
Milada Kalezić: Slomšek o moči in nemoči besede
Velika predavalnica
Slavnostno predavanje
akad. prof. dr. Jože Krašovec: Komparativna presoja koncepta pravičnosti v
Velika predavalnica
Predavanja po sekcijah
204, 205
13.00–14.30 Kosilo
Theater Cafe
14.30–15.45 Predavanja po sekcijah
16.00–17.30 Beseda v dialogu: Od ekumenske do jeruzalemske Biblije (okrogla miza)
izr. prof. dr. Irena Avsenik Nabergoj (moderatorka),
akad. prof. dr. Jože Krašovec,
izr. prof. dr. Maksimilijan Matjaž,
doc. dr. Maria Carmela Palmisano,
doc. dr. Miran Špelič,
doc. dr. Terezija S. Večko
Slavnostno odprtje simpozija s prvim plenarnim predavanjem
Uvodni pozdravi
prof. dr. Christian Gostečnik,
doc. dr. Mateja Pevec Rozman,
prof. dr. Mihaela Koletnik,
izr. prof. dr. Avguštin Lah,
msgr. dr. Stanislav Lipovšek
Kulturna točka
Mladinski pevski zbor OŠ Prežihovega Voranca
Predstavitev revije Edinost in dialog
izr. prof. dr. Maksimilijan Matjaž
Predstavitev razstave 40 let ekumenskih simpozijev
zn. sod. dr. Fanika Krajnc-Vrečko
Kulturna točka
Mladinski pevski zbor OŠ Prežihovega Voranca
Slavnostno plenarno predavanje
izr. prof. dr. Jure Zečević: Suvremeni sporazumi i nesporazumi oko
Slomškova dvorana
Slomškova dvorana
Pogostitev v preddverju Slomškove dvorane
Registracija & nastanitev
Slomškova dvorana
DRUGI DAN SIMPOZIJA | 17. 10. 2014
Drugo plenarno predavanje
izr. prof. dr. Milan Žust: Edinost v Kristusu, izhajajoč iz Pripovedi o
Antikristu Vladimirja Solovjova
Velika predavalnica
11. 00–12.00
Tretje plenarno predavanje
izr. prof. dr. Vladimir Vukašinović: Savremeni tokovi liturgijskog
bogoslovlja u srpskoj pravoslavnoj crkvi
Velika predavalnica
Theater Cafe
12. 00–13.00 Kosilo
13.00–15.00 Prosti čas
15. 00–16.30 Predavanja po sekcijah
(I, II, III, IV)
202, 203,
204, 205
16.30–17.00 Premor
17.00–18.30 Predavanja po sekcijah
(I, III, IV)
Theater Cafe
19.30 Večerja
203, 204, 205
Registracija & nastanitev
Velika predavalnica
Predavanja po sekcijah
(I, IV)
204, 205
Voden ogled Maribora
11.30–12.00 Premor
12.00–13.00 Zaključek in evalvacija simpozija (okrogla miza)
Velika predavalnica
izr. prof. dr. Jure Zečević, izr. prof. dr. Milan Žust,
izr. prof. dr. Vladimir Vukašinović, doc. dr. Bogdan Dolenc,
izr. prof. dr. Avguštin Lah, mag. Vladimira Mesarič Jazbinšek
13.00 Kosilo
Theater Cafe
Suvremeni sporazumi i nesporazumi oko ekumenizma
Bogdan Dolenc
Contemporary Agreements and Disagreements About Ecumenism
Edinost v Kristusu, izhajajoč iz Pripovedi o Antikristu Vladimirja Avguštin Lah
Unity in Christ, Beginning With a Short Story of the Anti-Christ of
Vladimir Soloviev
Savremeni tokovi liturgijskog bogoslovlja u srpskoj pravoslavnoj Vinko Škafar
Contemporary Trends in Liturgical Theology of the Serbian Orthodox Church
Jure Zečević
Milan Žust
Vladimir Vukašinović
16. 10. 2014
Slomškova dvorana
17. 10. 2014
Velika predavalnica
17. 10. 2014
Velika predavalnica
Maksimilijan Matjaž
Komparativna presoja koncepta pravičnosti v antiki
Comparative Scrutiny of the Concept of Justice in Antiquity
Jože Krašovec
16. 10. 2014
Velika predavalnica
Naslov plenarnega predavanja
Title of the Plenary Lecture
Plenarni predavatelj
Plenary Lecturer
Datum, ura, prostor
Date, Time Frame, Room
Razpored plenarnih predavanj
Djela apostolska: uloga Duha Svetoga i sile u svjedočenju
Acts of the Apostles: Role of the Holy Spirit and Power in Witness
Beseda v romaneskni trilogiji škofa dr. Jožefa Smeja
The Word in the Romanesque Trilogy of Bishop Dr. Jožef Smej
Etični izzivi literarnih junakov v delih F. M. Dostojevskega, L. N. Tolstoja in I. Cankarja
Ethic Challenges of Literary Heroes in the Works of F. M. Dostoyevsky, L. N. Tolstoy and I. Cankar
Primož Trubar kot prispodoba iskalca in vodnika v razsežnostih sodobnega slovenstva
Primož Trubar as Metaphor of a Searcher and Guide Within Dimensions of Modern Slovenianness
Protestantski in katoliški prevodi Svetega pisma v slovenski jezik kot primer jezikovne dialoškosti
Protestant and Catholic Translation of the Bible into the Slovene Language as an Example of Linguistic
Jezikovno-stilne značilnosti Slomškove pridige Od keršanske zloge ino edinosti u veri
Linguistic and Stylistic Characteristics in Slomšek´s Sermon Od keršanske zloge ino edinosti u veri
Ervin Budiselić
Marija Stanonik
Irena Avsenik
Fanika Krajnc-Vrečko
Nina Ditmajer
Cvetka Rezar
Predavalnica 205
Eksistencialna dinamika poželenja v Svetem pismu: koren ḥmḏ v razmerju do korena 'wh
Existential Dynamics of Desire in the Bible: The Root ḥmḏ in Relation to the Root 'wh
Samo Skralovnik
Jože Krašovec
Ves svet v eni besedi – Gadamerjeva hermenevtika besede
The Whole World in One Word – Gadamer´s Hermeneutic of the Word
Maria Carmela
Jani Šumak
Moč in nemoč besede v dialogu
Power and Powerlessness of the
Word in Dialogue
Pavlova beseda o križu kot začetek krščanske hermenevtike
Paul's Words of the Cross as the Beginning of the Christian Hermeneutics
Maksimilijan Matjaž
Predavalnica 204
Naslov predavanja
Title of the Lecture
Ura, prostor
Time Frame, Room
Razpored predavanj
Beseda v dialogu v Sirahovi knjigi
The Word in the Dialogue in the Book of Sirach
Sveto pismo v dialogu s kulturami
The Holy Scripture in the Dialogue With the Cultures
Le parole di Mosè come veicolo dell’identità di Israele
Moses’ Words as a Vehicle of Israel’s Identity
BRATA IN MAČEHA: težavno sobivanje Judov in kristjanov pod (poganskim) rimskim okriljem
TWO BROTHERS AND THEIR STEPMOTHER: A Difficult Co-Existence of Jews and Christians Under the
(Pagan) Roman Aegis
Exegesis of Church Fathers – A Possible Paradigm for Contemporary Exegesis
Maria Carmela
Snežna Večko
Roberta Ronchiato
Aleš Maver
Rodoljub Kubat
Naslov predavanja
Title of the Lecture
Medjufakultetski ekumenski simposijumi od 1974. do 1990. godine
Inter-Faculty Ecumenical Symposia 1974–1990
Evanđeosko kršćanstvo i međureligijski dijalog: Odjeci 'Projekta svjetskog etosa'
Evangelical Christianity and Inter-Religious Dialogue: Echoes of the »World Ethos Project«
Krščanski dialog v medčloveških odnosih
Christian Dialogue in Human Relationships
Realnost in vizija v ekumenski misli Stanka Janežiča
Reality and Vision in Ecumenical Thought of Stanko Janežič
Predrag Puzović
Stanko Jambrek
Mari Jože Osredkar
Avguštin Lah
Ura, Prostor
Time Frame, Room
Predavalnica 202
Krščanska občestva v dialogu
Christian Communities in Dialogue
Predavalnica 205
Mari Jože
Naslov predavanja
Title of the Lecture
Pomen posta: pogledi Katoliške in Pravoslavne cerkve
The Meaning of Fasting: The Perspective of Catholic and Orthodox Church
Patologija sodobne krščanske sakralne arhitekture kot komunikacijske infrastrukture v življenju Cerkve
Pathology of the Contemporary Sacral Architecture as Communicational Infrastructure in the Life of Church
Simbolna teologija in povezovalna moč umetnosti
Theology of Symbol and the Connecting Power of Art
Vpliv katoliških teologov na liturgično teologijo Alexandra Schmemanna
The Influence of Catholic Theologians on the Liturgical Theology of Alexander Schmemann
Naslov predavanja
Title of the Lecture
Etika besede kot temelj medverskega dialoga
Ethic of the Word as a Ground for the Inter-Religious Dialogue
Pojem Boga v Deweyjevi filozofiji religije ter njegove etične in vzgojne uporabe
The Concept of God in Dewey's Philosophy of Religion and Its Ethical and Educational Usages
Nikolaj Kuzanski in njegov spis O verskem miru in slogi
Nicolaus Cusanus and His Book De pace seu concordantia fidei
The Challenge of »Posteriority« and Pluralism
Ivan Platovnjak
Leon Debevec
Tadej Stegu
David Bresciani Predavatelj
Edvard Kovač
Lenart Škof
Igor Škamperle
Davor Džalto
Ura, prostor
Time Frame, Room
Predavalnica 203
Ura, prostor
Time Frame, Room
Predavalnica 204
Teološki in filozofski razmisleki
Thought on Theology and Philosophy
Liturgija, umetnost in kultura
Liturgy, Art and Culture
Bojan Žalec
Evropa pred izzivi sveta Azije ob vprašanju medreligijskega dialoga
Religije kot prinašalke miru
Religion as a Carrier of Peace
Postmoderna kultura – izziv krščanstvu v Evropi
Postmodern Culture – Challenge for Christianity in Europe
Dialog in gostoljubje krščanskega ekofeminizma
Dialog and Hospitality of Christian Ecofeminism
Anton Jamnik
Mateja Pevec Rozman
Igor Bahovec
Nadja Furlan Štante
Predavalnica 205
Sodobni izzivi krščanstvu v Evropi
Contemporary Challenges of
Christianity in Europe
Naslov predavanja
Title of the Lecture
Ekumenska misel Josepha Ratzingerja – papeža Benedikta XVI.
Ecumenical Insights of Joseph Ratzinger – Pope Benedict XVI
Ekumenizem Justina Popovića: Kako veliki srbski pravoslavni teolog gleda na ekumenski dialog?
The Ecumenical Comprehension of Justin Popović: How the Great Serbian Orthodox Theologian
Considers the Ecumenical Dialogue?
Перспективе православно-католичког дијалога
The Perspectives of the Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue
Protestantski zapad i pravoslavni istok: nelagodno ekumensko putovanje
Protestant West and Orthodox East: An Uneasy Ecumenical Journey
Bogdan Dolenc
Anton Štrukelj
Rade Kisić
Peter Kuzmič
Ura, prostor
Time Frame, Room
Predavalnica 203
Krščanska občestva v dialogu
Christian Communities in Dialogue
Naslov predavanja
Title of the Lecture
Ura, prostor
Time Frame, Room
Predrag Puzović
Bogdan Dolenc
Vzgoja za medverski dialog v družini
Education for Inter-Religious Dialogue in the Family
Srečanje s samim seboj kot prvi pogoj za sprejemanje drugih krščanskih Cerkva
Encounter With Oneself as a Prerequisite for Respecting Other Christian Denominations
Na kakšen način vstopamo v odnose in gradimo občestva v svojih skupnostih in kako s predstavniki
drugih krščanskih Cerkva?
How Does an Individual Establish Relationships and Builds up a Community Within Their Own
Community and in the Context of Other Christian Denominations?
Stanislav Slatinek
Sara Jerebic
Drago Jerebic
Mateja Pevec
Sodobni izzivi krščanstvu v Evropi
Contemporary Challenges of Christianity
in Europe
Dileme ekumenskega verskega pouka
Dilemmas of Ecumenical Religious Instructions
Stanko Gerjolj
Predavalnica 205
Naslov predavanja
Title of the Lecture
Ura, prostor
Time Frame, Room
Kontinuiteta in evalvacija nekaterih koncilskih etičnih vprašanj v pokoncilskih cerkvenih dokumentih
Continuity and Evalvation of Some Ethical Questions in Post–Council Church Documents
Rafko Valenčič
Homo creator – Semjon Frank in antropologija ustvarjalnosti
Homo Creator – Semyon Frank and the Anthropology of Creativity
Tadej Rifel
Teološki in filozofski razmisleki
Thought on Theology and
Ljubezen, jaz, mi in drugi v luči Kierkegaardove misli
Love, Me, Us and the Other(s) in the Light of Kierkegaard’s Thought
Bojan Žalec
Predavalnica 204
Naslov predavanja
Title of the Lecture
Ura, prostor
Time Frame, Room
Naslov predavanja
Title of the Lecture
Bridging the Growing Disaffection Between Churches and the Academy
Pravica do tradicije – pravno-teološki pregled novejše sodne prakse Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice glede odnosa med Cerkvijo in državo
The Right to Tradition – A Juristical-Theological Analysis of the European Court of Human Rights
Recent Decisions Regarding the Separation of Church and State
Teološka, zgodovinska in pravna perspektiva razumevanja razmerja med Cerkvijo in državo
znotraj krščanskega občestva
Legal and Theological Perspective of Understanding the Relationship between Church and
State within Christian Community
Po verskem prepričanju različni, a enaki v trpljenju in bolečini, ljubezni in sreči: mešani pari in
relacijska družinska terapija
Under a Different Religious Belief, Equal in Suffering and Pain, Love and Happiness: Mixed Couples and Relational Family Therapy
Psihosocialni dejavniki človeka kot duhovnega bitja ­– logoterapevtski aspekti nadsmisla
Psychosocial Factors of Man as a Spiritual Being – Logotheraupetic Aspects of the Supra-Meaning
heraupetic Aspects of the Supra-Meaning
Thomas Sibley
Jani Šumak
Rok Mihelič
Jasmina Kristovič
Sebastjan Kristovič
Ura, prostor
Time Frame, Room
Predavalnica 205
Sodobni izzivi krščanstvu v Evropi
Contemporary Challenges of
Christianity in Europe
Aleš Maver
Socijalni nauk Crkve u ekumenskom dijalogu
The Social Teaching of the Church in Ecumenical Dialogue
Silvija Migles
Koncilsko usmjerenje marijanskoga štovanja i njegov ekumenski potencijal
Conciliar Orientation of Marian Devotion and Its Ecumenical Potential
Marija Pehar
Krščanska občestva v dialogu
Christian Communities in Dialogue
Euharistijska ekleziologija Nikolaja Afansijeva
Eucharistic Ecclesiology of Nicolai Afanasiev
Darija s. Pia Herman
Predavalnica 204
Naslov predavanja
Title of the Lecture
Ura, prostor
Time Frame, Room
Plenarna predavanjaa
Plenary lectures
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
Akad. prof. dr. Jože Krašovec
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Komparativna presoja koncepta pravičnosti v antiki
Comparative Scrutiny of the Concept of Justice in Antiquity
Vsaka namera, da se razišče koncept pravičnosti
v vseh razsežnostih, pomeni navzkrižno primerjavo na diahroni in sinhroni ravni v razmerju do
različnih religij in kultur. Vprašanje primerjalnosti na eni strani vključuje tiste zadeve, ki so
identične ali skupne, in na drugi strani tiste, ki so
podobne, a niso sorodne in so vedno oddaljene.
Kakršnakoli že je podobnost reprezentacij pravičnosti v politeističnih, panteističnih in monoteističnih kulturah v kategorijah, kot so motivi,
besedišče, podobe in literarne strukture, obstaja
bistvena razlika na ontoloških osnovah. Znotraj
judovsko-krščanske religije in kulture ne gre v
prvi vrsti za formalen kozmični in družbeni red,
temveč za nujno vztrajanje na moralnem čutu,
kot se kaže v človekovih značajih in medosebnih
razmerjih. Zapleten pojem pravičnosti kaže, da
obstajata dve medsebojno odvisni razsežnosti
pravičnosti: pravičnost duše znotraj človekove
osebnosti in pravičnost skupnosti kot simbola
razmerja znotraj družbe. Tukaj bomo obravnavali
osnovni pomen koncepta pravičnosti v klasičnih
kulturah antike tako, da vsako tradicijo postavimo v kontekst njenih osnovnih percepcij sveta,
človeka in Boga.
Any intent to investigate the concept of justice
in all dimensions implies cross-comparison of
the concept on diachronic and synchronic levels
in relation to various religions and cultures. The
comparative question includes things which are
identical or common on the one hand and things
which are similar, but uncommon and always
distant on the other. Whatever the resemblance
between representations of justice in polytheistic, pantheistic and monotheistic cultures in
categories such as motifs, vocabulary, imagery
and literary structures may be, there is an essential difference on ontological grounds. Within
the Jewish-Christian religion and culture the
reference is not primarily to formal cosmic and
social order, but, with pressing insistence, to the
moral sense as manifested in human characters
and in interpersonal relations. The complex notion of justice indicates that there are two interdependent dimensions of justice: the justice
of the soul within the human personality and
the justice of the community as the symbol of
a relationship within society. Here we shall deal
with the basic meaning of the concept of justice
in classical cultures of antiquity by placing each
tradition in the context of its basic perception of
the world, of humans and of God.
Ključne besede:
besedišče pravičnosti, semantika pravičnosti,
podobe, simbol, odnos v družbi, medosebni
vocabulary of justice, semantics of justice, imagery, symbol, relationship within society, interpersonal relationship.
Plenarna predavanja Plenary lectures 13
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Izr. prof. dr. Jure Zečević
Katolički bogoslovni fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Suvremeni sporazumi i nesporazumi oko ekumenizma
Contemporary Agreements and Disagreements About Ecumenism
Povremeno nailazimo na informacije o postignutim sporazumima na ekumenskoj razni.
Nama teolozima je obično drago kada saznamo da smo se opet oko nečega usuglasili, ako
imamo dojam da smo si bliže i da jedinstvo
kršćana raste… Izvješća, primjerice, da su rimska
i carigradska crkva 1965. zajednički “uklonile iz
sjećanja i iz krila Crkve proglase ekskomunikacije” iz 1054., da su stara orijentalna predefeška
Asirska Crkva Istoka i Katolička Crkva 1994.
nakon 1562 godine predmnijevane doktrinarne različitosti potpisali Zajedničku kristološku
izjavu, da su Katolička Crkva i Svjetski luteranski
savez 1999. potpisali Zajedničku izjavu o nauku o opravdanju itd., navode nas da govorimo
o značajnim ekumenskim sporazumima i vrijednom teološkom približavanju i rastu jedinstva.
Pa ipak, u nekim našim kršćanskim sredinama se
ekumenizam odbacuje kao hereza, kao sinkretističko izobličenje izvornog kršćanskog nauka,
kao relativizacija pravovjerja… Ako su ekumenizam i ekumenski pokret doista “djelatnosti i
pothvati koji se u skladu s različitim potrebama
Crkve i okolnostima vremena pokreću i usmjeruju prema promicanju jedinstva kršćana” (UR 4)
onda bi bilo za očekivati da u svakoj autentično
formiranoj kršćanskoj svijesti ne samo nestane
otpor prema ekumenizmu nego i da on preraste
u osobno oduševljeno promicanje kršćanskog
jedinstva, jer je to jasno prepoznatljiv oblik
dosljednog nasljedovanja Isusa Krista, koji je u
pogledu svojih učenika (svojih nasljedovatelja)
želio i molio “da svi budu jedno” (Iv 17, 21). Ipak,
spektar odnosa prema ekumenizmu kod kršća-
Occasionally, we are informed about agreements that have been reached at an ecumenical level. We theologians are usually glad to
learn that once more we have reached an understanding about something, that it seems we
are drawing closer together and that Christian
unity is growing ... Reports, for instance, that
in 1965, the Church of Rome and the Church
of Constantinople have jointly »removed from
memory and from the bosom of the Church the
proclamations of excommunication« from 1054,
that the old Pre-Ephesian Assyrian Church of the
East and the Catholic Church, after 1562 years
of presumed doctrinal difference, have signed
the Common Christological Declaration in 1994,
that the Catholic Church and the Lutheran World
Federation have signed the Joint Declaration on
the Doctrine of Justification in 1999, etc., lead
us to speak of significant ecumenical agreements, valuable theological convergence and
a growth of unity. Nevertheless, in some of our
Christian environments, ecumenism is rejected
as a heresy, a syncretistic distortion of original
Christian doctrine, a relativization of orthodoxy
... If ecumenism and the ecumenical movement
really are »initiatives and activities planned and
undertaken, according to the various needs of
the Church and as opportunities offer, to promote Christian unity« (UR 4), then one could rightly
expect not only that the opposition to ecumenism disappears from every authentically formed
Christian consciousness, but that it grows into
an enthusiastic personal promotion of Christian
unity, since this is a clearly recognizable form of
14 Plenarna predavanja Plenary lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
na i danas seže od neupitnog i nereflektiranog
prihvaćanja do neupitnog i nereflektiranog odbacivanja. U tom kontekstu otvara se pitanje što
se sve stavlja pod taj – za neke sporni – pojam
“ekumenizam”? “Uliju” li se, primjerice, u taj pojam – ne sadržaj iz UR 4 i Iv 17, 21 nego – neki
drugi, negativni i autentičnom bogočovječanskom i kristološkom ekumenizmu strani sadržaji,
svijesti postaje logično i savjesti obvezujuće, boriti se protiv “ekumenizma”. Bila riječ o komunikacijskim nesporazumima s obzirom na sadržaj
koji različite osobe, izjave, tekstovi itd. stavljaju
pod isti pojam ekumenizma, nesporazume koje
ne umijemo detektirati pa stoga ni nadići, ili bila
riječ o svjesnim interesno-manipulativnim ideologizacijama pojma “ekumenizam” (npr. konfesionalne, nacionalno-političke i sl. naravi i funkcije), korisno je i potrebno posvijestiti i osvijetliti
postojeće nesporazume oko ekumenizma.
consistent imitation of Jesus Christ who prayed,
with respect to his disciples (his imitators), »that
all of them may be one« (Jn 17:21). Be that as it
may, Christians’ attitudes toward ecumenism run
the gamut from unquestioning and unreflecting
acceptance to unquestioning and unreflecting
rejection. In this context, the question arises as
to what are all the things that fall under this –
for some, controversial – concept »ecumenism«?
If the contents »poured« into it are not the ones
from UR 4 and Jn 17:21, but some other negative contents, alien to authentic theanthropic and
Christological ecumenism, a Christian conscience will, logically, feel duty bound to fight against
»ecumenism«. Whether it be a question of misunderstandings in communication deriving from
contents that different persons, statements,
texts, etc. are placed under the same concept of
ecumenism – misunderstandings which we can
not overcome because we are unable to detect
them; or a question of intentional, interested
and manipulative ideologizations of the concept »ecumenism« (for example of confessional,
national-political, etc. nature and function), it is
useful and necessary to bring to awareness and
shed light on the existing disagreements and
misunderstandings with regard to ecumenism.
Ključne besede:
ekumenizam, međukršćansko i međucrkveno
jedinstvo, ekumenski sporazumi i nesporazumi,
Key words:
ecumenism, inter-Christian and interchurch unity, ecumenical agreements and disagreements,
Plenarna predavanja Plenary lectures 15
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Izr. prof. dr. Milan Žust, DJ
Fakulteta za misijologijo, Papeška univerza Gregoriana
Edinost v Kristusu, izhajajoč iz Pripovedi o Antikristu Vladimirja Solovjova
Unity in Christ, Beginning With a Short Story of the Anti-Christ of
Vladimir Soloviev
Kaj nas kristjane dejansko povezuje in kaj
nas lahko znova poveže? Na zahodu se kot
princip edinosti pogosto poudarjajo »nauk
Cerkve« in »naravni zakoni«. Razlog je med
drugim tudi neka težnja pri pojmovanju Svete Trojice v zahodnem krščanstvu: na prvem
mestu naj bi bil en Bog, ena božanska narava,
šele nato upoštevamo, da so tri Božje osebe.
V vzhodnem krščanskem izročilu pa je prva
pozornost namenjena Božjim osebam, ki jih
povezujejo medosebni odnosi ljubezni. Ta
ljubezen izhaja iz Očeta, se nam razodeva v
Sinu in se v naša srca izliva po Sv. Duhu. Mi
lahko rastemo v edinosti, če v moči Sv. Duha
postajamo členi istega Kristusovega telesa in
v Njem sinovi in hčere istega Očeta.
Zanimiva, izzivalna in vselej aktualna podoba te edinosti v Jezusu Kristusu je pripoved
Vladimirja Solovjova o Antikristu, ki bo v
predavanju izhodišče za razmišljanje o temeljih ekumenskega dialoga in nekaterih
trenutnih vprašanjih v odnosih med katoličani in pravoslavnimi. Kljub temu da je teološki dialog zelo pomemben za premostitev
večstoletnega razkola, ga je treba najprej
dobro pripraviti in ga ves čas podpirati z
ustvarjanjem primernega ozračja. Pri tem so
temeljnega pomena prav medosebni odnosi,
ki poleg medsebojnega spoznavanja vključujejo tudi pripravljenost na odpuščanje in
priznanje lastnih napak in napak v zgodovini
What is for us Christians really unitive and what
can reunite us? In the West, the »doctrine of the
Church« and »natural laws« as the principles of
unity are often underlined. The reason for that
lays also in some kind of a tendency in the comprehension of the Holy Trinity in the western
Christianity: first of all one God, one divine nature, and only then the three divine Persons are
considered. In eastern Christian tradition, the
first attention goes to divine Persons, united in
inter-personal relations of love. This love originates in the Father, is revealed to us through the
Son and is poured out in our hearts thanks to
the Holy Spirit. We can grow in unity, if in the
power of the Holy Spirit we are becaming members of the same body of Christ, and in Him sons
and daughters of the same Father.
An interesting, challenging and always actual
image of this unity in Jesus Christ is A Short Story of the Anti-Christ of Vladimir Soloviev, in my
presentation the starting point for the reflection
about the fundaments of ecumenical dialogue
and about some actual issues in the relations
among Catholics and Orthodox. Although the
theological dialogue is very important to overcome the schism of several centuries, it should
be first of all well prepared and then supported with creation of suitable atmosphere. Here,
the interpersonal relations are of fundamental
importance, which in addition to the mutual
knowledge and acquaintance also include the
16 Plenarna predavanja Plenary lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
lastne Cerkve. Vse to je mogoče samo v močnem osebnem odnosu s Kristusom, in sicer
tako, da smo udeleženi v Njegovi velikonočni
readiness to pardon and to acknowledge ones
own mistakes and those in the history of ones
own Church. All this is possible only in strong
personal relation with Jesus Christ, taking part
in His Easter mystery.
Ključne besede:
ekumenski dialog, edinost v Kristusu, medosebni
odnos, zaupanje, Vladimir Solovjov.
Key words:
ecumenical dialogue, unity in Christ, interpersonal relation, trust, Vladimir Soloviev.
Plenarna predavanja Plenary lectures 17
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Izr. prof. dr. Vladimir Vukašinović
Pravoslavni Bogoslovski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Savremeni tokovi liturgijskog bogoslovlja u srpskoj pravoslavnoj crkvi
Contemporary Trends in Liturgical Theology of the Serbian Orthodox Church
U svom izlaganju autor će poći od istorijske
analize ličnosti i institucija koje su pokretale,
usmeravale i razvijale liturgijsko bogoslovlje u
SPC tokom nekoliko prethodnih decenija. Zatim
će nastojati da ustanovi, opiše i objasni pojavu
određenih tema i problema koje su dominirale
ovim vrmenom kao i odsustvo nekih drugih koje
su, pak, obeležavele ostale hrišćanske sredine.
Posebna pažnja biće posvećena inostranim teološkim uticajima – kako pravoslavnim tako i
drugim hrišćanskim, da bi se time potvrdila dijaloška osnova razvoja savremene srpske liturgijske teologije.
In his presentation, the author will follow the
historical analysis of personalities and institutions that have initiated, managed and developed
liturgical theology in SOC over the last several
decades. Then he will seek to establish, describe
and explain the occurrence of certain topics and
issues that dominated over that time as well as
the absence of any other of them which, in turn,
marked the rest of the Christian community. A
special attention will be paid to the impact of
foreign theological influences − both Orthodox
and other Christian on modern Serbian liturgical
theology confirming dialogical basis of its development.
Ključne besede:
liturgija, teologija, dijalog, uticaj, razvoj.
Key words:
liturgy, theology, dialogue, influence, development.
18 Plenarna predavanja Plenary lectures
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
Izr. prof. dr. Maksimilijan Matjaž
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Pavlova beseda o križu kot začetek krščanske hermenevtike
Paul's Words of the Cross as the Beginning of the Christian
Razprava obravnava določene semantične in
hermenevtične vidike Prvega pisma Korinčanom.
V njem Pavel na izviren način sooči evangeljsko
oznanilo z izzivi sodobne antične kulture. V pismu želi sporočiti skrivnost Božje modrosti in
odrešenja, razodeto v Jezusovem križu, v okolje
cvetoče blaginje, ki se je zavedalo svoje moči in
modrosti ter je prisegalo na svobodomiselnost
in pluralizem. Kljub nedvomni lastni retorični in
teološki spretnosti se pred skrivnostjo križa in
odrešenja zaveda nemoči človeške besede. Križ
predstavi kot osnovno merilo spoznavanja Boga,
kot ločnico med človeško in Božjo hermenevtiko. V konceptu njegovega oznanila dobiva križ
močan simbolni in kulturno‑metaforični pomen.
Spoznavanje Boga ni nikoli samo dejanje teoretičnega (filozofskega) spoznanja, temveč zahteva
celostno odločitev. Pri tem gre torej vedno tudi
za dejanje hotenja, tj. dejanje pokore in poslušnosti. Paradoks Kristusovega križa, to je Božjega
sestopa in smrti kot radikalnega razodetja Božje
ljubezni, postavlja nov temelj spoznavanja in
razkrije problem človekovega logosa, ki nujno presega samega sebe. Pavel tako predstavi
križ kot novo kategorijo krščanske modrosti in
hermenevtike. Ob tem razvija načelo darovanja
– ljubezni – kot osnovni princip resničnega človeškega razvoja, kar pomeni radikalni preobrat
sistema vrednot tedanjega okolja. Pavel nasproti človeški modrosti postavi Božjo norost in nasproti malikovanju telesa njegovo svetost. Telo
ni usmerjeno v potrošnjo, temveč preko ljubezni
v preobrazbo po Kristusovem vstajenju. S tem
The discussion deals with certain semantic and
hermeneutic aspects of the First Letter to the
Corinthians. In the aforementioned Letter, Paul
in the original way confronts the announcement
of the Gospel with the challenges of the modern
ancient culture. The Letter seeks to communicate the mystery of God's wisdom and salvation
revealed in Jesus' Cross, into the environment
of flourishing prosperity, which was aware of
its power and wisdom, and swore to liberalism
and pluralism. Before the mystery of the cross
and salvation, Paul is aware of the helplessness
of the human word despite his undoubted own
rhetorical and theological skills. He presents the
cross as a basic criterion of understanding God,
as a dividing line between human and God's hermeneutics. In the concept of his Gospel, the Cross
gains a strong symbolic and cultural metaphorical meaning. Understanding and getting to know
God has never been just an act of theoretical
(philosophical) knowledge, but requires a comprehensive decision. This is therefore always an
act of volition, i.e. an act of penance and obedience. The paradox of Christ's Cross, that is God's
descent and death as a radical revelation of
God's love, sets a new foundation of knowledge
and discloses the problem of human logos, which necessarily goes beyond himself. Paul thus
presents the cross as a new category of Christian
wisdom and hermeneutics. At the same time, he
develops the principle of donation – love – as a
basic principle of genuine human development,
which represents a radical reversal of the value
20 Predavanja Lectures
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
začrta novo krščansko antropologijo in da nov
temelj krščanski hermenevtiki, dialogu in sožitju. Na ta način postavlja Pavel v Prvem pismu
Korinčanom nova načela, ki urejajo razmerje
med krščanstvom in svetom na področju etike
in hermenevtike.
system of the environment of that time. When
he places God's folly against human wisdom, and
his holiness against idolatry of the body, which
is focused in consumption, but through love in
the transformation following the resurrection of
Christ charts a new Christian anthropology, and
gives a new foundation to Christian hermeneutics, dialogue and coexistence. In this way, in
the First Letter, Paul sets new principles to the
Corinthians governing the relationship between
Christianity and the world in the field of ethics
and hermeneutics.
Ključne besede:
apostol Pavel, 1 Kor, Logos, beseda, krščanska
hermenevtika, etika, dialog, križ.
Key words:
the Apostle Paul, 1 Corinthians, Logos, word,
Christian hermeneutics, ethics, dialogue, cross.
Predavanja Lectures 21
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
Jani Šumak, univ. dipl. teol.
Ves svet v eni besedi – Gadamerjeva hermenevtika besede
The Whole World in One Word – Gadamer´s Hermeneutics of the
Tradicionalno je bila hermenevtika veščina razlaganja verskih, pravnih in antičnih besedil. V
19. stoletju jo Schleiermacher razume kot univerzalno metodo razumevanja, katerega cilj je
zajetje izvornega avtorjevega namena. Schleiermacher s tem univerzalizira hermenevtiko
kot metodo, a jo po Gadamerjevem prepričanju
utemelji na temelju izvornega nerazumevanja
V 20. stoletju Gadamer pozdravi univerzalni
vidik hermenevtike, a kritizira dotedanji razvoj hermenevtike. Zanj je hermenevtika fenomen razumevanja, razumevanje samo pa je
neposredno in se ne dogaja kot konflikt med
razlagalcem na eni in besedilom na drugi strani. Razlagalec je v Gadamerjevi hermenevtiki
še vedno v sredini dogajanja razumevanja in
razlage, zato do konflikta (nerazumevanja) v
pristnem razumevanju nikdar ne pride. Namesto konflikta v ospredje stopi dialoška narava
hermenevtike, ki razlagalca in besedilo vidi kot
prepleteno celoto znotraj širšega zgodovinskega dogajanja.
Vztrajanje pri osrednji temi hermenevtike – fenomenu razumevanja pa pomeni, da se Gadamer ne ustavi pri spoznavoslovnih vprašanjih
hermenevtike, ampak nas popelje k srčiki hermenevtike, ki se lahko odvija samo v jeziku/
govorici. Beseda kot sredina tega jezikovnega
razumevanja hermenevtike v tem kontekstu
postane več kot le pojem ali predstava o neki
stvari, saj so prav besede tiste, ki stvari privedejo v razumevanje. Beseda v Gadamerjevi hermenevtiki dobi edinstven pomen v novodobni
Traditionally, hermeneutics was the craft of textual interpretation of religious, legal and ancient texts. In the 19th century, Schleiermacher
saw hermeneutics as the universal method of
understanding. The goal of hermeneutics was
to reconstruct the mens auctoris. Since the
author´s intent is not known, Gadamer argued
that Schleiermacher´s hermeneutics presumed
a unfamiliarity between the interpreter and the
In the 20th century, Gadamer founded his
project of hermeneutics on the basis of Schleiermacher´s universality, but criticized the
historical development of hermeneutics. He
understood hermeneutics as the phenomena
of understanding. Understanding is an unmitigated process that happens between the interpreter and the text. The interpreter is always
part of the process of understanding, that is
why true understanding can never lead to conflict. In Gadamer's hermeneutics, conflict gives
way to a more dialogical notion of hermeneutics, that looks at the interpreter and the text as
a unit that is not separated from its historical
The project of hermeneutics as understanding leads Gadamer to the core problem of
any understanding, the problem of language.
In his hermeneutics, words as the centre of
such understanding of hermeneutics, are more
than concepts. They do not simply represent an
object, but bring it to understanding. In modern
philosophy words are attributed with a unique
position. Gadamer's hermeneutics get open22 Predavanja Lectures
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
filozofiji in se zavestno približa Avguštinovemu
razmišljanju o Sveti Trojici.
Gadamerjeva hermenevtika nam nudi vsaj dve
izhodišči za ekumenski, medverski in družbeni
Po izvorni hermenevtični bližini med razlagalcem in predmetom razlage pokaže način, kako
premostiti konflikte in razreševati nerazumevanje.
Z osredotočenjem na govorico in besedo Gadamerjeva hermenevtika v ospredje postavi razumevanje, metodo pa pomakne na sekundarno
mesto in s tem da veljavo ostalim načinom
spoznanja. Beseda kot predpostavka slehernega razumevanja kljub svoji končnosti in pomanjkljivostim postane osrednja tema vsakega
prihodnjega spoznavanja, pravilno razumevanje besede pa njen prvi pogoj.
ly close to St. Augustine´s notion of the Holy
Gadamer´s hermeneutics give us at least two
empowering ideas for an ecumenical, inter‑religious or social dialogue:
By focusing on the closeness between the
interpreter and the text, it shows us a way to
avoid conflicts and resolve misunderstandings.
By focusing on language and the importance
of words, Gadamer puts the question of understanding before the question of method,
thus giving validity to different ways of
knowledge. And although words are finite in
meaning and are not perfect, they become the
centre of all future knowledge and understanding.
Ključne besede:
hermenevtika, razumevanje, tradicija, govorica,
izkustvo, Schleiermacher, Gadamer, sv. Avguštin.
Key words:
hermeneutics, understanding, tradition, language, experience, Schleiermacher, Gadamer, St.
Predavanja Lectures 23
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
As. Samo Skralovnik
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Eksistencialna dinamika poželenja v Svetem pismu: koren
ḥmḏ v razmerju do korena 'wh
Existential Dynamics of Desire in the Bible: The Root ḥmḏ in Relation
to the Root 'wh
Dinamika poželenja, ki jo označuje glagolska
oblika korena ḥmḏ, se v največ primerih porodi
iz zaznavanja privlačnosti in vrednosti (materialnih) objektov. Glagolska oblika korena ḥmḏ
primarno ne označuje želje, ki izvira iz telesnih
potreb, saj je materialno oz. vrednostno pogojena, temveč nagovarja človeški razum. Objekti
s privlačnostjo in vrednostjo označujejo začetni
trenutek poželenja, ki vodi do zaključenega notranjega procesa razmišljanja, načrtovanja, odločanja – namere po prilastitvi. Na drugi strani
lahko željo, ki jo izražajo izpeljanke iz korena
'wh, definiramo kot telesni odziv na določeno
vrsto čutno-estetskih dražljajev. Želja 'wh izraža vitalno težnjo, ki je značilna za živo bitje, v
mnogoterosti oblik, ki je ne pogojuje zunanja
materialna pojavnost oz. vrednost objekta per
se. Izpeljanke korena 'wh s precejšno širino in
semantično nedoločenostjo označujejo različne
želje, ki izvirajo iz telesnih potreb in so z njimi
Ponazoritev bo temeljila na svetopisemskem
mestu 1 Mz 3,6, kjer se skupaj pojavita oba korena, vsak s svojim objektom. Samostalniška oblika korena 'wh se obrača k drevesu zaradi okusa
in zunanje mamljive pojavnosti (»dobro za jed,
mikavno za oči«). Prisotnost motiva spoznanja
razodeva prehod poželenja na drug nivo. Glagolska oblika korena ḥmḏ se obrača k drugemu
objektu, k spoznanju, ki primarno ne nagovarja
več čutil, temveč razum. Vrhunec (Evine) skušnjave predstavlja stopnja razuma – zavestna
The dynamics of desire, indicated by the verbal
form of the root ḥmḏ, in most cases emerges
from the perception of attraction and value of
(material) objects. Primarily, the verbal form of
the root ḥmḏ does not signify a wish deriving
from physical needs, since it is materialistically
dependent or value-driven, but addresses the
human reason. Objects with their attraction
and value signify the starting moment of desire leading to the final inner process of thinking,
planning, decision making – the intention of
seizing. On the other side, a wish expressed by
derivatives from the root 'wh, can be defined as
a physical response to a certain kind of sensual-aesthetic stimulus. The 'wh wish expresses a
vital tendency distinctive of a living creature in
its plurality of shapes, which is not being conditioned by external materialistic manifestation
or the value of the object per se. In a significant
breadth and semantic indefiniteness, derivatives
of the root 'wh signify different wishes arising
from physical needs, and are linked to them.
The example will be based on the Gn 3,6, where
both of the roots appear together, each with its
own object. The nominal form of the root 'wh
leans to the tree because of the taste and the
outer tempting appearance (»good for food, a
delight for the eyes«). The presence of the recognition motif reveals the crossing of desire to
another level. The verbal form of the verb ḥmḏ
leans toward another object, toward the recognition which does not primarily address several
24 Predavanja Lectures
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
in premišljena odločitev, privolitev skušnjavi –
medtem ko se 'wh nanaša na telo oz. označuje
težnjo, povezano s potešitvijo telesnih želja. Na
eni strani je za koren ḥmḏ razvidna premišljena in razumna odločitev, privolitev skušnjavi, na
drugi strani koren 'wh označuje skušnjavo zadovoljitve telesnih želja.
Za oba korena velja, da je etična konotacija pogojena z etično držo subjekta in drugih semantičnih kazalcev v sobesedilu in da se uporablja
tako za človeka kot za Boga. V razpravi bo prikazano, kako lahko dinamizem poželenja razumemo kot način, po katerem posameznik vstopa
v dialog z »okoljem« (s predmeti, sočlovekom
in Bogom) in po katerem Bog vstopa v dialog s
sense organs, but the reason. The pinnacle (of
Eve) of temptation is represented by the degree
of reason – a conscious and considered decision, assent to temptation – while 'wh refers to
the body or signifies the tendency, linked to satisfying the physical desires. On the one side, the
root ḥmḏ is being evident for a considered and
sensible decision, consent to temptation, on the
other side the 'wh root signifies the temptation
of satisfying physical desires.
It is considered that for both of the roots the
ethic connotation is being conditional upon ethic attitude and other contextual semantic indicators, and is being applied for human being
as well as for God. In the discussion, it will be
presented that the dynamism of desire could be
comprehended in a way in which an individual
comes into the dialogue with »environment«
(with the objects, another human being and with
God) and according to which, God comes into the
dialogue with a man.
Ključne besede:
poželenje, želja, težnja, koren ḥmḏ, koren 'wh,
razum, telesne potrebe, dialog.
Key words:
desire, wish, tendency, root ḥmḏ, root 'wh, reason, physical needs, dialogue.
Predavanja Lectures 25
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
Mag. Ervin Budiselić
Biblijski institut Zagreb
Djela apostolska: uloga Duha Svetoga i sile u svjedočenju
Acts of the Apostles: Role of the Holy Spirit and Power in Witness
Dj 1:8 u sebi sadrže pojam sile (moći) i govora (besede,
svjedočenja) te osim što nam pokazuju kako Luka geografski zamišlja nacrt svoje knjige (Jeruzalem – Judeja
– Samarija – do na kraj zemlje), donose nam i zapis kako
je ključan preduvjet da bi apostoli/učenici bili Isusovi
svjedoci primanje Duha Svetog i sile koju Duh donosi.
Ovo izlaganje polazi od stanovišta da Luka Duhu Svetom ne pripisuje soteriološku ulogu (kao što to često
čini apostol Pavao), već Duha isključivo prikazuje kao
izvor sile za službu/misiju. U tu svrhu, izlaganje razmatra
sva mjesta gdje se pojam Duha javlja u Djelima te se
zaključuje da pojam Duha dominantno koristi u kontekstu nadahnutog ili proročkog govora. Nakon toga,
razmatraju se sva mjesta gdje se pojam sile koristi u
Djelima i zaključuje se da je pojam sile usko vezan uz
čuda i znakove.
Budući da je je uloga Duha u svjedočenju stvaranje nadahnutog proročkog govora, a uloga sile je manifestacija čuda, izlaganje prolazi kroz primjere u Djelima gdje se
pokazuje kako i na koji način ta dva »elementa« funkcioniraju zajedno, te se ustvrđuje da je verbalna poruka
o povijesnom Isusu (Evanđelje) gotovo uvijek u pravilu
popračena ili utemeljena na nekom čudu. Izlaganje zaključuje da za Luku svjedočenje ne znači sam nadahnuti
govor o Isusu, već uključuje i svjedočenje o Isusu na temelju onoga što Isus radi trenutno u sadašnjosti. Upravo
taj vremenski aspekt svjedočenja – spoj prošlosti (preteklosti) koja se očituje u nadahnutom/proročkom govoru
i sadašnjosti (sedajnosti) koja se očituje u čudima i znakovima – je ključna karakteristika i posebnost Lukinog
koncepta svjedočenja u Djelima.
Ključne besede:
svjedočenje, sila, Duh Sveti, čuda i znakovi, proroštvo.
The Acts 1:8 contain the expression of power (dynamis)
and speech (witnessing), and does not only show us how
Luke has written his document in terms of geography
(Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth), but
also informs us that the key prerequisite for apostles/disciples to be Jesus’ witnesses is the reception of the Holy
Spirit and his power.
This presentation is based on the premise that Luke does
not ascribe soteriological function (as often apostle Paul
does) to the Spirit, but exclusively describes it as the source for ministry/mission. For that purpose, presentation
will explore all the places where the expression Holy Spirit
occurs in Acts, and it will conclude that this expression is
predominately used in the context of inspired or prophetic
speech. After that, all places where the expression power
occurs, will be explored and it will be concluded that this
expression is tightly connected with signs and miracles.
Since the role of the Spirit is the creation of inspired/
prophetic speech, and the role of power is the manifestation of miracles, presentation will explore some examples
from Acts and it will be shown how these two »elements«
work together, and it is concluded that a verbal message
about the historical Jesus (Gospel) is almost always accompanied or even based on some kind of miracle. The conclusion is that for Luke being a witness does not only mean
inspired speech about Jesus, but also includes witnessing
about Jesus based on what Jesus was doing in his present
time. Precisely this temporal aspect – the bond between
past which is manifested through inspired/prophetic speech, and present which is manifested in miracles – is a key
characteristic and specificity of Lukan concept of witness
in the Acts.
Key words:
witnessing, power, Holy Spirit, signs and miracles, prophecy.
26 Predavanja Lectures
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
Prof. dr. Marija Stanonik
Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU (upokoj.)
Beseda v romaneskni trilogiji škofa dr. Jožefa Smeja
The Word in the Romanesque Trilogy of Bishop Dr. Jožef Smej
Škof dr. Jožef Smej tematizira kulturno prebujanje
Slovenske »okrogline« v treh romanih: Po sledovih zlatega peresa (1980), Psalmi vaškega župnika (1992), Ivanocyjeva skrivnost (2012). V svojem
slogu v njih biografsko predstavlja (poleg drugih
seveda) tri duhovnike, ki so na katoliški podlagi
odločilno vplivali na ozaveščanje slovenstva na
območju, ki je pripadalo celó Kocljevi kneževini (9.
stol.) in je poslušalo sveta brata Cirila in Metoda, a
je po sodbi zgodovine dolga stoletja, vse do konca
I. svetovne vojne, pripadalo Madžarski. Mikloš Küzmič, Franc Ivanocy, Ivan Baša so res delovali na robu
slovenskega etničnega ozemlja, a so si zato še toliko bolj prislužili literarni spomenik. Z nespregledano željo, da bi jih slovensko, ne le cerkveno, temveč
osrednje kulturno zgodovinopisje in zgodovinopisje sploh zaradi zaslug pri vključevanju v slovensko
narodno telo samoumevno sprejelo v svoje obzorje
kot neizpodbitne stebre pri utrjevanju slovenske
narodne identitete v Prekmurju. V skladu z zamislijo simpozija in posebej delavnico z naslovom Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem
dialogu se prijavljeni prispevek navezuje na širše
obravnavano temo Teologija besede v slovenskem
kulturnem in duhovnem prostoru in želi – pač na
podlagi Smejeve trilogije – predstaviti prakticirani
ekumenizem med prekmurskimi katoličani in evangeličani veliko prej, preden je dialog med njimi
postal doktrinaren. Ključne besede:
beseda, Beseda (dabar), dialog, ekumenizem, katoličani, evangeličani, Prekmurje, Sveto pismo, slovenstvo.
Predavanja Lectures 27
Bishop Dr. Jožef Smej thematizes the cultural awakening of the Slovene »March« (Prekmurje and Porabje) in
three novels: Po sledovih zlatega peresa (1980), Psalmi
vaškega župnika (1992), Ivanocyjeva skrivnost (2012).
In a particular style, he biographically presents (in
addition to others, of course) three priests, who
played a decisive role on a Catholic foundation in
the awakening of the Slovenes living in a territory that
had once belonged even to the Kocel's Principality of
Lower Pannonia (9th cent.), and who listened to the
holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, but which was, by
the ordeal of history, assigned to Hungary for many
centuries, i.e. until the end of the first World War. Mikloš
Küzmič, Franc Ivanocy, and Ivan Baša have been active
on the far edge of Slovene ethnic territory, but they
so much the more deserve a literary monument. The
Slovene mainstream cultural and historiographical
community, not only the ecclesiastical one, should acknowledge them as an irrefutable pillars of strengthening the Slovene national identity in Prekmurje, and
recognize their merits for inclusion of this territory in
the Slovene national body. In accordance with the symposium’s leading idea, and
in particular the workshop entitled Power and Powerlessness of the Word Within Social Dialogue, the article
is linked to the wider debated theme The theology of
Language in the Slovene Cultural and Spiritual space,
and aims – based on the Smej's trilogy – to present
ecumenism in practice among the Catholics and Protestants of Prekmurje in a much earlier period, before the
dialogue between them became a doctrinarian one. Key words :
language, the Word (dabar), dialogue, ecumenism,
Catholics, Protestants, Prekmurje, Bible, Slovenianness.
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
Izr. prof. dr. Irena Avsenik Nabergoj
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU
Etični izzivi literarnih junakov v delih F. M. Dostojevskega,
L. N. Tolstoja in I. Cankarja
Ethic Challenges of Literary Heroes in the Works of F. M. Dostoyevsky,
L. N. Tolstoy and I. Cankar
Predavanje obravnava izbrane literarne junake
ruskih pisateljev Tolstoja in Dostojevskega ter
slovenskega pisatelja Ivana Cankarja v njihovih
etičnih dilemah. Dostojevski po svojih literarnih
junakih predstavlja svoje poglede o duševnih,
moralnih in metafizičnih konfliktih. Tolstoj v
svojih romanih kaže ogledalo človeških strasti,
moči, šibkosti, groze in upanja; rešitev za izpraznjenost sodobnega sveta vidi v duhovnosti, ki
najučinkoviteje združuje ljudi vseh kultur in religij. Predavanje bo problem osvetlilo predvsem
z likom Raskolnikova v romanu Zločin in kazen,
v katerem Dostojevski pokaže pot do očiščenja
prek priznanja krivde po storjenem zločinu. Roman bo predstavljen ob primerjavi s Tolstojevo
dramo Moč teme, v kateri pisatelj opisuje glavnega junaka v položaju stiske zaradi zločina, ki
ga povzročita njegov pohlep in nenadzorovano
poželenje, in olajšanja po njegovem kesanju in
priznanju krivde pred pravoslavno množico.
Ivan Cankar v svojih literarnih delih teme greha,
krivde, kazni, vesti in očiščenja včasih neposredno navezuje na zglede Dostojevskega in Tolstoja.
Bil je prvi slovenski pisatelj, ki je v ruskih pisateljih iz duhovnega okolja pravoslavne mistike
začutil izjemno umetniško veličino in preroško
zavest. Teme greha, krivde in očiščenja, ki so bile
dotlej v slovenski literaturi v tako pretanjeni in
dramatični obliki še neznane, je bil sposoben
prenesti v duhovni svet katolištva na Sloven-
The paper deals with some literary heroes of
Russian writers Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky and of
the Slovenian writer Ivan Cankar in their challenge of ethical dilemmas. By his literary heroes, Dostoyevsky presents his views in terms of
psychic, moral and metaphysical conflicts. In his
novels, Tolstoy holds a mirror up to our passions, powers, weaknesses, horrors and hopes, and
sees the solution for depravity of the contemporary world in spirituality which is the most efficient means to unify people of all cultures and
religions. Primarily, the paper will illustrate the
issue with the image of Raskolnikov in the novel Crime and Punishment in which Dostoyevsky
shows the way to purification through confession of guilt after committing the crime. The novel
will be analysed in comparison with Tolstoy's
drama The Power of Darkness, in which the writer describes the situation of distress because of
the crime caused by the greed and uncontrolled
passions of his main hero and of relief after his
repentance and pleading guilty in front of the
Orthodox community.
Ivan Cankar sometimes relates his themes of
sin, guilt, punishment, consciousness and purification directly to the models of Dostoyevsky
and Tolstoy. He was the first Slovenian writer
who perceived the spiritual environment of the
Orthodox mystics an extraordinary artistic greatness and prophetic consciousness in Russian
28 Predavanja Lectures
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
skem. Cankar je pomenljivo ilustriral svoje razumevanje skupnega jedra med ljudmi različnih
veroizpovedi z besedami: »Če bi bil Rus, bi bil
pravoslaven, če bi bil Prus, bi bil protestant, ker
sem Slovenec, sem katoličan.«
Primerjava med avtorji in njihovimi deli odpira
prostor za medbesedilno analizo in interreligiozno hermenevtiko. To omogoča razmislek o vplivu in recepciji literature velikih pisateljev, ki so
analitiki človeške duše, na široko javnost v duhu
ekumenizma in medreligijskega dialoga.
writers. He was able to transmit the themes of
sin and purification in the Slovenian literature
in this subtle and dramatic yet unknown forms, in the spiritual world of the Catholicism
in Slovenia. Cankar significantly illustrated his
understanding of a common core among the
people of various confessions by saying: »If I
were Russian, I would be an Orthodox, if I were
Prussian, I would be a Protestant, since I am a
Slovenian, I am a Catholic.«
A comparison between the authors and their
works, a space for intertextual analysis and inter-religious hermeneutics opens. This implies a
consideration about the influence and reception
of literature of great writers, who are analysts of
the human soul, to the broader public in the spirit of ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue.
Ključne besede:
medreligijski dialog, literatura in teologija, ruska
književnost, slovenska književnost, L. N. Tolstoj,
F. M. Dostojevski, I. Cankar, intertekstualna analiza, interreligiozna hermenevtika.
Key words:
inter-religious dialogue, literature and theology,
Russian literature, Slovenian literature, L. N.
Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoyevsky, I. Cankar, intertextual
analysis, inter-religious hermeneutics.
Predavanja Lectures 29
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
Zn. sod. dr. Fanika Krajnc-Vrečko
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Primož Trubar kot prispodoba iskalca in vodnika v razsežnostih sodobnega slovenstva
Primož Trubar as Metaphor of a Searcher and Guide Within Dimensions of Modern Slovenianness
Razprava osvetljuje miselni profil Primoža Trubarja, iz katerega izhaja odločitev za prevajanje
Nove zaveze. Pri tem poudarja izvirnost njegove
osebnosti, ki je v slovenskem kulturnem prostoru
znala uveljaviti svoje poglede, ti so bili – ne glede na tedanje razmere na tleh sedanjega slovenskega etničnega prostora – specifično slovenski.
Odgovor na vprašanje, zakaj se Trubar ni lotil
prevajanja celotnega Svetega pisma, je preprost.
Kakor sta sv. Ciril in Metod za svoje misijonarsko
delo med Slovani prevedla najprej evangelije in
psalme, šele kasneje pa druge knjige Svetega
pisma, tako je Trubar iz povsem praktičnih pastoralnih potreb prevedel novozavezna besedila, ki
so jih tudi protestanti najpogosteje uporabljali
pri bogoslužju in oznanjevanju evangelija med
svojimi verniki. Tako za izhodišče obravnave
Trubarjevega prevajanja Svetega pisma postavimo njegov pastoralno‑verski program, katerega
rezultat je začetek slovenske tiskane besede in
slovenske teologije. Aktualizacija Trubarjevega
teološkega in jezikovnega programa se kaže v
sedanjem odnosu teologije do potreb sodobnega človeka, ki je iskalec oz. bitje odnosa v vseh
časih in prostorih svojega bivanja.
The discussion highlights the mental profile of
Primož Trubar, from which the decision to translate the New Testament originates. In this regard, the discussion highlights the originality of
his personality, which, in the Slovenian cultural
space, was able to enforce its views, which were
– regardless of then present situation on the
ground of the current Slovenian ethnic territory
– specifically Slovenian. The answer to the question why Trubar failed to tackle the translation
of the whole Bible is simple. Similarly, as Saints
Cyril and Methodius for their missionary work
among the Slavs had first translated the Gospels
and the Psalms, and only later the other books
of the Bible, so did Trubar, from purely practical
pastoral needs, translated the texts of New Testament, which were mostly used by Protestants
in worshipping and preaching the Gospel among
their believers. This way, we set Trubar's pastoral-religious programme as the starting point of
addressing his translation of the Bible, the result of which is the beginning of the Slovenian
printed word and Slovenian theology. The actualization of Trubar's theological and linguistic
programme is reflected in the current relation
of theology to the needs of modern man, who is
the searcher and the creature of the relationship
in all times and places of its existence.
Ključne besede:
Primož Trubar, teološka antropologija, kulturna
antropologija, teologija besede.
Key words:
Primož Trubar, theological anthropology, cultural
anthropology, word theology.
30 Predavanja Lectures
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
Nina Ditmajer, prof. slov.
Protestantski in katoliški prevodi Svetega pisma v slovenski
jezik kot primer jezikovne dialoškosti
Protestant and Catholic Translation of the Bible into the Slovene
Language as an Example of Linguistic Dialogism
V prispevku bodo obravnavani slovenski protestantski prevodi Svetega pisma v odnosu
do katoliških prevodov. Pojem jezikovna dialoškost v tem primeru pomeni prevzemanje
in jezikovno prilagajanje katoliških prevajalcev po zgledu protestantskih prevodov. V
katoliški dobi v 17. stoletju in prvi polovici
18. stoletja so katoliški duhovniki zaradi
pomanjkanja priročnikov začeli posegati po
protestantskih knjigah: ljubljanski škof Hren
se pri izdaji lekcionarja (1612) v veliki meri
opira na Dalmatinov prevod in se s tem neposredno naveže na izročilo slovenskih protestantskih piscev. Jurij Japelj, prvi prevajalec
celotnega katoliškega Svetega pisma (1784),
se je pri prevajanju Nove zaveze prav tako
opiral na Dalmatinov prevod. V Prekmurju
protestant Števan Küzmič iz grškega izvirnika prevede v prekmurščino Novo zavezo
(1771), ki so jo še veliko let uporabljali prekmurski katoliški duhovniki. V 20. stoletju
češki misijonar Antonin Chráska za slovenske
protestante prevede celotno Sveto pismo iz
izvirnih jezikov (1914). Prevod uporabljajo
tudi slovenski katoliški prevajalci v 20. in 21.
stoletju. Predhodnik ekumenske miselnosti
pri prevajanju Svetega pisma je Josip Stritar, ki je skupaj z Remcem in Valjavcem leta
1882 izdal Novo zavezo iz grškega izvirnika.
Stritarjev prevod je pri svojem prevajanju
uporabljal Janez Evangelist Krek. V zadnjih
desetletjih pri prevajanju Svetega pisma sodelujejo tako katoličani kot protestanti: tako
Predavanja Lectures 31
This paper will deal with Slovene Protestant
translations of the Bible in relation to the
Catholic translations. In this case, the concept
of linguistic dialogism means the assumption
and linguistic adaptation of the catholic translators according to the Protestant translations.
During the Catholic era in the 17th and first
half of the 18th century, the Catholic priests
started to reach for Protestant books due to
the lack of Catholic handbooks: Hren, the bishop of Ljubljana, based the lectionary (1612)
to a great extent on the translation by Dalmatin and thereby has a direct association with
the traditional Slovene Protestant writers. Jurij Japelj, the first translator of the complete
Catholic Bible (1784), also based the translation of the New Testament on the translation
by Dalmatin. In Prekmurje (a region of Eastern
Slovenia) the Protestant Števan Küzmič translated the New Testament (1771) from the Greek original. This translation was used by the
Catholic priests in Prekmurje for many years.
In the 20th century, the Czech missionary Antonin Chraska translated the complete Bible
from the original languages for the Slovene
Protestants (1914). Slovene Catholic translators of the 20th and 21st century still make
use of this translation. Josip Stritar, the predecessor of ecumenical thinking in the Bible
translation, published the New Testament in
1882 from the Greek original together with
Remec and Valjavec. Janez Evangelist Krek
used the translation by Stritar while transla-
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
smo dobili najprej ekumensko izdajo (1974),
tj. prvo Sveto pismo, namenjeno tako katoličanom kot protestantom, ki je za podlago
vzela mariborsko Sveto pismo (1959–61).
Slovenski standardni prevod (1996) pa velja
za prvi slovenski ekumenski prevod.
ting the New Testament. In the last decades,
the Catholics and the Protestants have been
collaborating in translating the Bible: first we
received the ecumenical edition (1974), the
first Bible intended for both the Catholics and
the Protestants, which is based on the Bible
from Maribor (1959–61). The standard Slovene translation (1996) is considered to be the
first Slovene ecumenical translation.
Ključne besede:
Sveto pismo, Trubarjeva Nova zaveza, Dalmatinova Biblija, Japljeva Biblija, Küzmičev
Nouvi Zakon, Chráskov prevod, prevajanje,
jezikovna dialoškost.
Key words:
Bible, New Testament by Trubar, the Bible by
Dalmatin, the Bible by Japelj, Nouvi Zakon by
Küzmič, the translation by Chráska, translating, linguistic dialogism.
32 Predavanja Lectures
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
Cvetka Rezar, prof. slov. in teol.
Jezikovno-stilne značilnosti Slomškove pridige Od keršanske
zloge ino edinosti u veri
Linguistic and Stylistic Characteristics in Slomšek´s Sermon
Od keršanske zloge ino edinosti u veri
V razpravi opozarjam na Slomškovo misel o edinosti, ki se kaže v njegovi pridigi Od keršanske
zloge ino edinosti u veri, in predstavljam njegova
prizadevanja za edinost.
Slomšek si je zelo prizadeval za edinost predvsem
na treh področjih: (1) poenotenje slovenskega
jezika (slovenske knjižne norme), (2) enotnost
slovenskega naroda (bil je velik narodni buditelj)
in (3) cerkvena edinost (bil je znan učitelj cerkvenega ekumenizma). Vsi trije vidiki so pri Slomšku
medsebojno povezani, saj je imel jasen načrt,
kako jih uresničiti. Njegovi pogledi so bili sredi
19. stoletja zelo napredni in v duhu idej, ki so
se kasneje uresničile v »pomladi narodov«, prav
tako pa so zanimivi in aktualni tudi za vprašanja,
ki so povezana s sodobnim slovenskim jezikom,
narodom in Cerkvijo. Pri posredovanju teh načel
je imela posebno vlogo ravno beseda, ki jo je med
slovenski narod posredoval s pomočjo različnih
spisov, knjig, zbornikov, založniške dejavnosti in
predvsem s pomočjo pridig.
V drugem delu bom s pomočjo jezikovno-stilne
analize pokazala, da je njegova pridiga napisana v kultiviranem zbornem jeziku, ki je funkcijskozvrstno umetnostni in tako na poseben
jezikovno-stilni način poziva k edinosti. Pri tem
izpostavljam najbolj opazna jezikovno-stilna
sredstva Slomškove pridige, ki dokazujejo veliko
izrazno moč njegove besede.
Ključne besede:
Slomšek, pridiga, jezikovno-stilna analiza, edinost, ekumenizem.
Predavanja Lectures 33
In this discussion, Slomšek´s thought of unity expressed in his sermon Od keršanske zloge ino edinosti u
veri, is being brought to your attention, as well as his
endeavours for the unity are being introduced.
Slomšek was striving hard for the unity, especially
in the following three fields: (1) unifying Slovene
language (Slovene literary standard), (2) unity of the
Slovene nation (he was a great national awakener)
and (3) an ecclesiastic unity (he was a renowned teacher of ecumenism). In Slomšek´s case, the three
viewpoints are interconnected, since he had a fixed
plan of how to carry them out. In the middle of the
19th century, his views had been well abreast of the
times and in the spirit of the ideas which were later
acted out in »the Spring of Nations«, and are also
interesting and up-to-date with regard to the questions connected to Slovene language, nation and
the Church. By the intervention of these principles,
the word delivered among the Slovene nation by
means of different files, books, codices, publishing,
and above all through sermons, had a specific role.
In the second part, by means of linguistic and stylistic analysis, it is presented that his sermon is being
written in a cultivated literary language of artistic
variety according to the field of discourse, and in a
specific linguistic and stylistic manner calls up to
the unification. According to that, the most obvious
linguistic and stylistic means in Slomšek´s sermons
are being highlighted, proving the great power of
expression of his word.
Key words:
Slomšek, sermon, linguistic and stylistic analysis,
unity, ecumenism.
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
Doc. dr. Maria Carmela Palmisano
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Beseda v dialogu v Sirahovi knjigi
The Word in the Dialogue in the Book of Sirach
Modri Ben Sira se v svojem delu večkrat ustavlja
pri razmišljanju o človeškem govorjenju (5,9–
6,1; 19,4–17; 20,1–8.18–26.27–31; 23,7–15;
27,11–21.22–29; 28,8–26; 37,16–18; glej tudi
51,1–12). Kot učitelj modrosti vzgaja mlade k
pravemu govorjenju, tako da osvetljuje vse možne polarnosti v uporabi besede – med tišino in
besedo, med zunanjostjo in notranjostjo, med
modrim in nespametnim govorjenjem – ter prikazuje vse elemente, ki vplivajo na moder/nespameten govor/govornika. Ker je Ben Sira ne le
»modrec«, temveč tudi »teolog«, opazimo, da se
v knjigi večkrat dvigne z ravni človeške modrosti
na raven modrosti Boga, ki je izvir vseh modrosti, besede in milosti, saj je nespametno govorjenje pogosto povezano z grehom in grešnim ravnanjem. V svojem načinu razmišljanja, s katerim
se večkrat vrača z različnih zornih kotov na isto
tematiko, modri Ben Sira daje posebno mesto
molitvi, v kateri se Bogu priporoča za zmernost
v uporabi jezika. Prav tako se k njemu obrača za
pomoč ali zahvalo, kot na primer takrat, ko je
postal tarča obrekovanja in krivičnega govorjenja. Prispevek osvetljuje značilnosti večjih enot,
ki obravnavajo to temo, in jih obravnava v dialogu z izročili zunajsvetopisemske književnosti, v
luči starozaveznega modrostnega izročila in še
posebej znotraj zgodovine odrešenja.
In his book, a wise Ben Sira frequently reflects upon human talking (5.9−6.1; 19.4−17;
20.1−8.18−26.27−31; 23.7−15; 27,11−21.22−29;
28.8−26; 37.16−18; see also 51.1−12). As a teacher of wisdom he educates the youth to the
right talking by illuminating various polarities
in the use of a word: between the silence and
the word, between the exterior and the interior,
between a wise and a foolish talk, and shows
all the elements that influence the wise/foolish
talk/speaker. Since Ben Sira is not only a »wise
man« but also a »theologian«, one can see that
throughout the book he often goes beyond the
level of human wisdom towards the level of the
wisdom of God who is the source of all wisdom,
of the word and grace, since foolish speaking is
often associated with sin and sinful behaviour. In
his way of thinking, by which he repeatedly keeps
dealing with the same topic from various perspectives, the wise Ben Sira dedicates a special
place to the prayer, through which he asks God to
be able to use the language moderately. Furthermore, he turns to God for help or thanksgiving, as
for example when he himself became the object
of calumny and false talk. The article highlights
the features of the larger units that deal with
this topic and reads them in a dialogue with the
traditions of extra-Biblical literature, in the light
of the wisdom tradition in the Old Testament and
especially within the history of salvation.
Ključne besede:
beseda, jezik, srce, tišina, obrekovanje, modrost,
Key words:
word, tongue, heart, silence, calumny, wisdom,
34 Predavanja Lectures
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
Doc. dr. Terezija S. Večko
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani (upokoj.)
Sveto pismo v dialogu s kulturami
The Holy Scripture in the Dialogue With the Cultures
Referat želi osvetliti trditev o zmožnosti Svetega
pisma, da vstopa v dialog s kulturami, na primeru
melanezijske kulture; in sicer na izkustvu poučevanja Svetega pisma Stare zaveze v bogoslovju
na Salomonovih otokih v letih 2012 in 2014.
Zastavljajo se naslednja vprašanja: Ali je oddaljenost Svetega pisma od sveta njegovega izvora
ovira za njegovo razumevanje? Ali je poučevanje ljudi, pri katerih je krščanstvo zelo mlado in
prepleteno s starodavnimi verovanji, nadaljnja
ovira? Kako najti stik, odnos, dialog med kulturo,
v kateri je Sveto pismo nastalo, in kulturo določenega ljudstva?
V referatu se ustavim ob zmožnosti Svetega pisma, ki je opremljeno tako, da lahko preživi svoje
avtorje in svoj čas ter se sooči z bralci vzdolž
svojega potovanja skozi zgodovino. Literarni
pristop k Svetemu pismu se izkazuje kot pot k
njegovemu razumevanju. Skrben bralec lahko v
njem odkrije sporočilo v notranjem pogovoru z
besedilom. Besedilo vstopa v odnos z njim. Med
svetom, ki ga uteleša in prebuja Sveto pismo, ter
med bralčevim svetom se odvija dialog, medosebnost.
Nadalje predstavim še nekaj opažanj o odnosu
med študenti Salomonovih otokov in sporočilom
Svetega pisma.
The paper will demonstrate the ability of the Holy
Scripture to enter into a dialogue with cultures. That
will be shown on the example of the Melanesian
culture, concretely, on the author’s experience of the
lecturing on the Old Testament in the seminary on
the Solomon Islands in 2012 and 2014.
There are some questions surfacing by themselves,
such as the following ones: Does the remoteness of
the Holy Scripture from the world of its origin present an obstacle for its understanding? Is teaching
people, that have accepted Christianity only recently,
a further obstacle? How to find the contact, the relation, a dialogue between the culture in which the
Holy Scripture originates, and the culture of another
The paper pays attention to the ability of the Holy
Scripture which has an extraordinary characteristic,
namely its independence to overlive the authors and
the time of the origin, and the ability to confront with
its readers on its way throughout the history. The literary approach to the Holy Scripture proves as a convenient way of its comprehension. An attentive reader
can find the message in it through the inner dialogue
with the text. The text enters into the relation with
the reader. Between the world that the Holy Scripture
embodies and awakes, and the reader's world, there is
an ongoing dialogue, an interpersonal relation.
Furthermore, I will present some observations concerning the relation between the students of the Solomon Islands and the message of the Holy Scripture.
Ključne besede:
Sveto pismo, dialog med kulturami, literarni pristop, Salomonovi otoki, poučevanje.
Key words:
Holy Scripture, dialogue between cultures, literary
approach, Solomon Islands, lecturing.
Predavanja Lectures 35
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
Dr. Roberta Ronchiato
Facoltà Teologica del Triveneto
Le parole di Mosè come veicolo dell’identità di Israele
Moses’ Words as a Vehicle of Israel’s Identity
Il Deuteronomio compendia le parole che
Mosè nel giorno della sua morte rivolge agli
israeliti raccolti sulle steppe di Moab. Prima
di attraversare il Giordano, egli esorta i suoi
uditori ad assumere uno sguardo retrospettivo e a rammentare precisi eventi del passato
collegati all’esodo e alla teofania all’Oreb. La
sua intenzione non è tuttavia di ravvivare ricordi eventualmente sbiaditi. Mosè parla alla
seconda generazione uscita dall’Egitto (la
prima, quella dei »padri«, è morta nel deserto), e dunque chiede agli israeliti di »oggi«
di ricordare qualcosa che essi non hanno mai
biograficamente conosciuto. In questa contraddizione risiede la specificità del Dt in quanto Libro incaricato di attuare una rilettura
teologica del passato allo scopo di colmare la
distanza tra i protagonisti dell'esodo e i loro
figli: quanto Mosè compie non è dunque una
semplice comunicazione informativa sulla
storia. Più radicalmente, attraverso accorte
strategie retoriche e narrative, egli intende
creare una memoria collettiva di Israele e
al contempo educare la memoria dei singoli
uditori. Il racconto di Mosè svela a ogni uditore la sua origine (»da dove viene«: memoria
personale) e identità (»chi è«: memoria di sé
o autocoscienza, self-schema). Chiunque si
riconosce »figlio di Israele« si riconosce inevitabilmente nell'insieme dei ricordi testimoniali e testamentari di Mosè.
Per questo ruolo decisivo nella costruzione
identitaria, saranno le parole di Mosè, codificate nel Libro, a entrare nella terra promessa.
The Book of Deuteronomy reports what
Moses said on the day of his death to
the Israelites gathered in the plains of
Moab. Before they cross the Jordan River,
Moses exhorts to the Israelites to look
back at the events connected with the
exodus and the Theophany on Mount Horeb. However, his aim was not to enliven
the fading memories. Moses is speaking
to the second generation after the exodus (the first one, that of the ‘fathers’ had
died in the desert); as a matter of fact,
Moses is asking the living Israelites to
recollect something that they have never experienced during their lifetime. On
this contradiction lays the specific quality
of the Deuteronomy, a book that should
elicit a theological interpretation of the
past in order to bridge the gap between
those who experienced the exodus and
their children who did not. Thus, Moses’
words are not mere information on historical events. Indeed, by means of accurate rhetorical and narrative devices, he
wants to build up the collective memory
of Israel and at the same time form the
memory of every listener. To every one of
them Moses’ narrative reveals their origin
(»where they come from«, their personal
memory/history) as well as their identity
(who they are; the memory of the self, or
self-consciousness, self-schema). Anyone
who declares oneself a »child of Israel«
inevitably identifies himself or herself
36 Predavanja Lectures
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
Non Mosè, dunque, ma le sue parole assicureranno il profilo del popolo dell'alleanza, lungo i secoli e al contatto con etnie o culture
with (the collection of) Moses’ testimony
and testamental memories.
With the crucial role that Moses’ words
have in the construction of identity, as is
being codified in the Book, they will enter
the promised land. Therefore, not Moses,
but his words will ensure the profile of
the people of the covenant through the
times and the contact with other peoples
and cultures.
Ključne besede:
memoria collettiva, seconda generazione, costruzione dell'identità, parole di Mosè, libro
del Deuteronomio, interpretazione teologica
del passato.
Key words:
collective memory, second generation,
construction of identity, Mose's words,
Book of Deuteronomy, theological interpretation of the past.
Predavanja Lectures 37
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
Doc. dr. Aleš Maver
Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Mariboru
BRATA IN MAČEHA: težavno sobivanje Judov in kristjanov
pod (poganskim) rimskim okriljem
of Jews and Christians Under the (Pagan) Roman Aegis
Velikokrat je bilo opaženo, da so rimske oblasti judovsko in krščansko vero obravnavale na
precej različna načina. Čeprav vsaj po judovskih
uporih v drugi polovici prvega in v prvi polovici
2. stoletja po Kr. niti na Jude niso gledali s posebno naklonjenostjo, je bil njihov položaj vendarle boljši. Prispevek skuša pojasniti ne vedno
lahko razumljive vzroke takega odnosa s koreninami v posebnostih rimske državne religije,
predvsem pa, kako je različna obravnava vplivala na odnose med obema skupnostma in kako
je zaznamovala krščanski pogled na judovstvo
v poznejših stoletjih. Dotakne se tudi vprašanja
podobnosti in razlik med položajem judovstva v
rimski državi pred uveljavitvijo krščanstva kot
prevladujoče vere in po njej.
It is a well established fact that the Jewish
and Christian religion were treated by Roman
authorities in two very different ways. Although
at least since the great Jewish rebellions in the
second half of the first century and in the first
half of the second century AD, Jews were not
seen by the Romans in a particularly favourable light, their legal condition was nevertheless
better. The paper tries to explain the causes of
such discrepancy rooted in specific traits of the
Roman state religion, which are not always easily comprehensible, but most of all it tries to
explore, how such a different treatment affected
the relationship between the two religious groups, as well as how it shaped the Christian view
of Judaism during centuries to come. The paper
also addresses the issue of similarities and differences regarding the position of Judaism
under the Roman Empire before and after the
establishment of Christianity as its dominating
religious force.
Ključne besede:
zgodnje krščanstvo, judovstvo, rimsko poganstvo, religija in družba, antijudaizem v antiki,
Ambrozij Milanski, rimska verska politika.
Key words:
early Christianity, Judaism, Roman paganism,
religion and society, Anti-Judaism in antiquity,
Ambrose of Milan, Roman religious policies.
38 Predavanja Lectures
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
Izr. prof. dr. Rodoljub Kubat
Pravoslavni Bogoslovski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Светоотачка егзегеза – могућа парадигма за
савремену егзегезу
Exegesis of Church Fathers – A Possible Paradigm for Contemporary Exegesis
Циљ рада је да покаже светоотачке
херменеутичке моделе као могуће
узоре за савремену библијску егзегезу
и теологију. То се, пре свега, односи на
методолошка и општа херменеутичка
питања која су повезивала хришћанску
егзегезу са егзегезом њихових јелинских
савременика (стоика, неоплатониста).
Упоредном анализом егзегетских приступа
покушавамо да укажемо на чињеницу да је
теолошки говор једино смислен и могућ,
ако се одвија у сродним херменеутичким
оквирима, то јест ако теологија креће
од општеважећих језичких и идејних
претпоставки. Јелински оци су често
прибегавали алегорези, егзегетској методи
коју су користили и тумачи хомеријане.
За јелински образоване људе алегореза
је била начин да се превазиђу проблеми
при разумевању Светог Писма, ако би се
оно схватило у дословном значењу (нпр.
антропоморфизми). Сличан принцип су
примењивали стоици и неоплатонисти
приликом тумачења хомеровских и других
античких митова. Тезу ћемо експлицирати
на примеру тумачења Методија Олимпског
једог одељка Књиге пророка Јоне. Тај
егзегетски приступ упоредићемо са
тумачењима његових савременика –
Плотина, Порфирија и Јулијана Апостата.
Управо у тој тачки се показује колико су оци
Predavanja Lectures 39
The aim of this article is to point at hermeneutic models of the Church Fathers as possible
examples for modern Biblical exegesis and
theology. Above all, this relates to methodological and general hermeneutic issues which
connected Christian exegesis with exegesis
of their Hellenic contemporaries (stoics, neoplatonists). We will try to point, by the way
of comparative analysis of exegetic approaches, to the fact that theological speech is
meaningful and possible only if it takes place
in cognate hermeneutic frameworks, that is,
if theology has as its starting point pervasive
linguistic and notional presuppositions. Hellenic fathers often resorted to allegoresis, an
exegetic method often used by interpreters of
Homer's writings (homeriane). To the people
of Hellenic education, allegoresis was a way
to overcome problems in understanding of the
Bible, if it was to be understood literally (e.g.
anthropomorphisms). Similar principle was
applied by stoics and neoplatonists in interpreting the Homeric and other antique myths.
The thesis will be explicated on the example
of interpretation by Methodius of Olympus, of
a passage of the Book of Jonah. That exegetic
approach will be compared to the interpretations of his contemporaries – Plotinus, Porphyry
and Julian the Apostate. It is precisely at this
point that we can show how the Fathers participated in the world in which they lived, by
Moč in nemoč besede v družbenem dialogu Power and powerlessness of the word within social dialogue
методолошки и мисаоно партиципирали
у свету у којем су живели, што се данас
тешко може рећи за хришћанску егзегезу
и теологију. У том смислу отачка егзегеза
може бити изнова занимљива и подстицајна
за савремена теолошка промишљања.
Поготово, у покушају савремене теологије
да ступи у отворен дијалог са светом у
којем живи.
thought and methodology, which can hardly
be said for today’s Christian exegesis and
theology. In this sense, exegesis of the Church
Fathers can be interesting and stimulating for
modern theological reflections. This is especially the case of modern theology’s attempt to
enter into an open dialogue with the world in
which it lives.
Ključne besede:
свети оци, егзегеза, културни модел,
комуниколошки код, алегореза, језик,
разумевање, сродност.
Key words:
Holy Fathers, exegesis, cultural model, communicological code, allegoresis, language, understanding, cognateness.
40 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Prof. dr. Predrag Puzović
Pravoslavni Bogoslovski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Medjufakultetski ekumenski simposijumi od 1974. do
1990. godine
Inter-Faculty Ecumenical Symposia 1974−1990
Medjufakultetski ekumenski simposijumi počeli
su 1974. i trajali su do 1990. godine. Organizatori ovih simposiona bili su naizmenično tri bogoslovska fakulteta: Rimokatolički bogoslovski
fakultet iz Ljubljane/Maribora, Rimokatolicki
bogoslovni fakultet iz Zagreba i Pravoslavni
bogoslovski fakultet Srpske pravoslavne crkve
iz Beograda. Simposijumi su se odzavali svake
druge godine. Pored profesora i studenata ova
tri Fakulteta simposijumima su prisustvovali kao
gosti predstavnici pravoslavnih bogoslovija, rimokatolickih visokih boslovskih skola, isusovacko -filosofskog teoloskog instituta iz Zagreba,
makedonske pravoslavne bogoslovije iz Skoplja
i drugi gosti. Ukupno je odrzano 9 medjufakultetskih ekumenskih simposiona.
Predavanja Lectures 41
Inter-faculty ecumenical symposia started in
1974 and lasted until 1990. The organizers of
these symposia were alternatively three theological faculties: Rimokatolički bogoslovski fakultet Ljubljana/Maribor, Rimokatolički bogoslovni
fakultet Zagreb, and Pravoslavni bogoslovski
fakultet Srpske pravoslavne Crkve Beograd. The
symposia were held every other year. Aside from
the professors and students of these three faculties, there were also guest-representatives from
Orthodox seminaries, Roman Catholic higher
theological schools, the Jesuit Theological Institute in Zagreb, Macedonian orthodox Theological seminary in Skopje and others. All in all, nine
inter-faculty ecumenical symposia were held.
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Dr. Stanko Jambrek
Biblijski institut Zagreb
Evanđeosko kršćanstvo i međureligijski dijalog: Odjeci
'Projekta svjetskog etosa'
Evangelical Christianity and Inter-Religious Dialogue: Echoes of
the »World Ethos Project«
U prvome dijelu rasprave donosi se pregled
odnosa evanđeoskog kršćanstva prema međureligijskom dijalogu te se naznačuju temeljna
načela za vođenje dijaloga. U drugome dijelu
analiziraju se ključni dokumenti evanđeoskoga kršćanstva kojima je definiran odnos prema
religijama i u kojima se naziru odjeci Küngova
»Projekta svjetski etos«. U trećem dijeli analizira se Deklaracija o svjetskoj etici iz perspektive
evanđeoskog kršćanstva i dokumenta Christian
Witness in a Multi-Religious World: Recommendations for Conduct koji su 2011. usvojili i potpisali predstavnici World Council of Churches,
Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue i
World Evangelical Alliance.
The first part of this discussion is an overview of the attitude of evangelical Christianity
toward inter-religious dialogue, and it indicates
the basic principles of maintaining dialogue.
The second part analyses key documents of
evangelical Christianity which define the attitude toward religions and in which the echoes
of Küng »World ethos project« can be seen. The
third part analyses the »Declaration of world ethics« from the perspective of evangelical Christianity and the document »Christian Witness in
a Multi-Religious World: Recommendations for
Conduct«, which was accepted and signed in
2011 by the representatives of the World Council of Churches, Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue and World Evangelical Alliance.
Ključne besede:
evanđeosko kršćanstvo, međureligijski dijalog,
ekumenski dijalog, etika, misija.
Key words:
evangelical Christianity, inter-religious dialogue,
ecumenical dialogue, ethics, mission.
42 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Doc. dr. Mari Jože Osredkar
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Krščanski dialog v medčloveških odnosih
Christian Dialogue in Human Relationships
Od leta 1054, ko se je zgodil vzhodni razkol,
smo bili navajeni v dokumentih Katoliške cerkve
prebirati dokumente, ki so o nekatoliških kristjanih pa tudi o nekristjanih in nevernih govorili v
izrazito negativni luči. Drugi vatikanski koncil je
prvi cerkveni zbor, ki pozitivno spregovori o vseh
tistih, ki so »onkraj« katoliških meja. Temelje
ekumenske usmeritve Cerkve in medverskega
dialoga najdemo v Dogmatični konstituciji o
Cerkvi. Brez dvoma je to tudi temeljni dokument
za razumevanje koncilskega nauka o odrešenju
in hkrati za ekumenizem in medverski dialog.
Kot referenca je služil naslednjim dokumentom:
Odlok o ekumenizmu, Pastoralna konstitucija
o Cerkvi v sedanjem svetu, Izjava o razmerju
Cerkve do nekrščanskih verstev in Odlok o misijonski dejavnosti Cerkve. V prispevku bomo
predstavili rdečo nit naštetih dokumentov in
postavili tezo, da je »dialoški« nauk zadnjega
cerkvenega zbora navodilo sodobnemu človeku,
kakor reševati medčloveške odnose, za katere se
zdi, da so v krizi.
Since 1054, when the eastern conflict occurred
in the Church, in the writings of the Catholic
Church we have been accustomed to read texts
focused on non-Catholic Christians, non-Christians as well as non-believers in a very negative light. The Second Vatican Council was the
first church synod speaking positively about all
these groups lying »beyond« Catholic borders.
The foundations of an ecumenical orientation of the Church and inter-religious dialogue
are found in the Dogmatic Constitution on the
Church (Lumen Gentium). Without doubt, this is
the seminal text for understanding the doctrine
of salvation and, at the same time, the doctrine of ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue
of the last Council. As a point of reference, this
document had influenced the following writings
of the Council: Decree on Ecumenism (Unitatis Redintegratio), Pastoral Constitution on the
Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spes),
Declaration on the Relationship of the Church
to Non-Christian Religions (Nostra Aetate), and
Decree on the Church's Missionary Activity (Ad
Gentes). In this paper, we will present common
threads of these essays and propose the thesis
that the »dialogical« doctrine of the last Council
instructs the modern man, how to work out interpersonal relationships, which seem to be in
Ključne besede:
ekumenizem, medreligijski dialog, nauk drugega
vatikanskega koncila, medčloveški odnosi, kriza.
Key words:
ecumenical orientation of the Church, inter-religious dialogue, doctrine of the last Council,
interpersonal relationships, crisis.
Predavanja Lectures 43
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Izr. prof. dr. Avguštin Lah
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Realnost in vizija v ekumenski misli Stanka Janežiča
Reality and Vision in Ecumenical Thought of Stanko Janežič
Ekumenski dialog, ki je v Katoliški cerkvi dobil
legitimnost in zagon na 2. vatikanskem koncilu,
je zaživel tudi med Slovenci. S svojim teoretično-strokovnim, praktično-pastoralnim in religiozno-duhovnim ustvarjanjem in delom na področju ekumenizma v slovenskem prostoru izstopa
Stanko Janežič. Janežičevo ekumensko delo in
misel po eni strani zaznamuje realizem, grajen
na sprejemanju stvarne needinosti, ki se kaže
v pestri različnosti krščanskih Cerkva, teologij,
praks in duhovnih drž, po drugi strani pa njegov
neuklonljivi vizionarski optimizem, da je mogoče misliti, graditi in živeti krščansko paradigmo
ene (edine) Kristusove Cerkve kot »edinost v različnosti«. Janežičev vizionarski optimizem ima
korenine v njegovi optimistični, pesniški, k lepoti
stvarstva usmerjeni naravi in dialoški osebnosti,
v veri, da je vsak človek, odrešen v velikonočni
skrivnosti, dober, da je bogastvo ene in edine
Cerkve le v njeni pestrosti (raznolikosti) ter da je
izvor, vir in model edinosti Cerkve troedini Bog
kot občestvo ljubezni. Ljubezen ustvarja edinost,
ne da bi odpravljala različnosti.
The ecumenical dialogue, which gained its legitimacy and momentum in the Catholic Church at
the 2nd Vatican Council, have been revived also
among the Slovenes. Stanko Janežič particularly
stands out with his theoretical and professional,
practical-pastoral and religious-spiritual creation and work in the field of ecumenism in the Slovenian territory . On the one hand, his ecumenical work and thought characterizes realism, built
upon adoption of the real non-unity, which is reflected in the rich diversity of Christian churches,
theologies, practices and spiritual attitudes, and
on the other hand, his unbending visionary optimism, that it is possible to think of, build and
live the Christian paradigm of one (only) Church
of Christ as »unity in diversity«. Janežič's visionary optimism is rooted in his optimistic, poetical
nature oriented towards the beauty of creation
and dialogic personality, in belief, that every human, redeemed in the Paschal Mystery, is a good
man, that the wealth of one and only Church is
only in its variety (diversity) and that the origin,
source and the model of the unity of the Church
is the Trinitarian Good as a community of love.
Love creates unity without eliminating diversity.
Ključne besede:
Stanko Janežič ekumenist, ekumenski dialog,
edinost Cerkve, različnost v edinosti, ljubezen
vez edinosti.
Key words:
ecumenist Stanko Janežič, ecumenical dialogue,
unity of the Church, diversity in unity, love the
bond of unity.
44 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Doc. dr. Ivan Platovnjak
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Pomen posta: pogledi Katoliške in Pravoslavne cerkve
The Meaning of Fasting: The Perspective of Catholic and Orthodox Church
V današnjem času, ki je, kot se zdi, prednostno
zaznamovan z iskanjem materialnega blagostanja, se post vse pogosteje pojavlja kot terapija
za zdravljenje telesa, še posebej kot shujševalna
in lepotna terapija. Post gotovo na različne načine vpliva na telesno zdravje, vprašanje pa je,
če je to njegov prvi in prvotni namen. Vsekakor
lahko rečemo, da mnogi kristjani ne poznajo več
temeljnega pomena posta za njihovo življenje
in poslanstvo. Če se ozremo v zgodovino krščanstva, lahko vidimo, da se je, posebej v Katoliški
cerkvi, počasi izgubljalo prvotno »navdušenje«
oziroma prvotna velikodušnost za post. V dokumentih drugega vatikanskega cerkvenega
zbora se post omenja samo dvakrat, v KKC pa
trikrat. V Katoliški cerkvi je tudi strogi post zapovedan samo dvakrat. Drugače je v Pravoslavni
cerkvi, kjer je v cerkvenem letu post zelo pogost.
Sicer pa obe poudarjata, da je post pomembno
sredstvo za duhovno in telesno življenje ljudi.
V pričujočem predavanju želimo prikazati poglede Katoliške in Pravoslavne cerkve na post.
Postavljamo tezo, da je globlje poznavanje njunih pogledov na post pot do globljega umevanja
pomena posta, ki se je v sodobni zahodni Evropi
med kristjani precej izgubil.
As it seems, the present time is mainly marked
with seeking material welfare. Therefore, fasting
is more and more used as medical treatment,
especially as a diet and beauty therapy. In various ways, fasting helps to improve health, but
is this really its first and primary purpose? It
could be said that many Christians are no more
familiar with the primary purpose of fasting for
their life and mission. A look back in the history
of Christianity tells us that the first ‘enthusiasm’
or the primary generosity for fasting was slowly
lost, especially in the Catholic Church. In the documents of the Second Vatican Council, fasting
is mentioned only twice, and in the Catechism
of the Catholic Church only three times. In the
Catholic Church, complete abstinence is required only twice a year. On the other hand, in the
Orthodox Church fasting is rather common. Both
of the Churches state fasting as important means for spiritual and physical life of people.
The author of the lecture wants to present the
view of the Catholic Church and the Orthodox
Church on fasting and also on its purpose. The
author argues the point that deeper knowing
of the view of the Catholic Church and the
Orthodox Church on fasting is a way to deeply
understand the meaning of fasting, which has
been lost in the modern Western Europe.
Ključne besede:
post, duhovno življenje, telesno življenje, (duhovno in telesno) zdravje, zgodovina posta, Katoliška cerkev, Pravoslavna cerkev.
Key words :
fasting, spiritual life, physical life, (spiritual
and physical) health, the history of fasting, the
Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church.
Predavanja Lectures 45
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Doc. dr. Leon Debevec
Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Univerza v Ljubljani
Patologija sodobne krščanske sakralne arhitekture kot
komunikacijske infrastrukture v življenju Cerkve
Pathology of the Contemporary Sacral Architecture as Communicational Infrastructure in the Life of Church
Prispevek tematizira problem komunikacijskega
potenciala krščanske sakralne arhitekture. Bogoslužna stavba je kot prostorska nujnost v človekovi želji po komunikaciji s presežnim hkrati
sad interakcije Cerkve (institucije), občestva
vernikov in umetnika/-ov. Zato je edinstvena komunikacijska infrastruktura v vsaj treh pogledih:
v odnosu oseba – Bog, v odnosih med subjekti,
odgovornimi za njen obstoj, in v odnosu med izročilom, ki mu pripada, ter stvarnostjo, v kateri je
navzoča. Dezorientiranost bogoslužnega prostora, njegova hierarhična inverznost, simbolna
nevtralnost (trivialnost) in obredna poljudnost
(poljubnost) so samo nekateri patološki znaki v
sodobni krščanski sakralni arhitekturi, ki kažejo
na globoko krizo v vseh treh naštetih komunikacijskih plasteh.
The paper deals with the problem of the power
of Christian sacral architecture communication.
A place of worship as a spatial necessity in human desire to communicate with transcendency
is a result of interaction between Church (institution), congregation and artist(s). Therefore, it
is a unique infrastructure for communication
through at least three different views: in relation between man and God, in relations between
fields responsible for its existence and finally in
the relation between the tradition that sacral
building belongs to and reality in which it is
present. Disorientation of sacral space, its hierarchical inversiveness, the neutrality of its symbolic meanings and ritual arbitrarity are only few
pathological signs in Christian contemporary sacral architecture that shows a deep crisis in all
of the three presented levels of communication.
Ključne besede:
umetnost, sakralna arhitektura, komunikacija,
dialog, liturgija, drugi vatikanski koncil.
Key words:
art, sacral architecture, communication, dialogue, liturgy, the Second Vatican Council.
46 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Doc. dr. Tadej Stegu
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Simbolna teologija in povezovalna moč umetnosti
Theology of Symbol and the Connecting Power of Art
Spoznavanje, ki se dogaja po simbolu in daje
prostor ne le razmišljanju, ampak tudi umetniškemu izražanju, se kaže kot pot, ki bi lahko v našem racionalističnem času namesto
delnega (parcialnega) spoznavanja ponudila
celostno (integralno) spoznanje stvarnosti in
Simbolno spoznanje je blizu teologiji, saj dopušča zedinjenje dveh svetov, ki pa vendar
ostajata ločena. Ustvarjeno je drugo od Boga,
vendar pa je prostor njegovega razodevanja,
saj ga je sposobno sprejeti. Ta sposobnost se
v vsej polnosti razodeva v utelešenju (inkarnaciji). V inkarnaciji je presežen prepad med
Stvarnikom in ustvarjenim. Tako more vsaka
stvar na neki način postati »zakramentalna«,
saj je odsev Božje prisotnosti in sledi tega, kar
On pusti v svojih delih.
Naš besednjak in naša razumska obdelava
bosta vedno nezadostna za izraženje Božje
resničnosti. Bog vedno presega to, kar moremo o njem izreči ali misliti. Toda naš besednjak, čeprav je slaboten, vendar ohranja moč,
da prikliče in stori prisotno tisto, kar pripoveduje. Božji glas nam govori v mejah in ujetosti
človeške izkušnje. Greh je zgradil zid med
človekom in Bogom. Zid, ki ga je Kristus prišel zrušit s svojo inkarnacijo in vsem svojim
odrešilnim delom. Kristus, v čigar skrivnosti
se združujeta Bog in človek, daje zadnji smisel stvarjenju. To zedinjenje vsega v Kristusu
skuša razložiti krščanska likovna umetnost, za
katero se zdi, da se navdihuje ob pravoslavni
ikoni. S Kristusovim prihodom materija postaPredavanja Lectures 47
Cognition through symbols, which allows
thinking as well as artistic expression, appears as a way towards a comprehensive (integral) knowledge of reality and the Creator,
rather than merely a partial one, which is so
characteristic of our era of rationalism.
The symbol cognition is familiar to theology,
since it allows the union of two worlds while
keeping them separated. Although creation is
other than God, it is capable of accepting its
Creator and, therefore, a place of His manifestation. This capability is fully evident in the
Incarnation which bridges the gulf between
the Creator and His creature. Every creature is
»sacramental«, since it reflects God's presence and bears traces of his activity.
Due to its limitations, human vocabulary
and rational processes will never be able to
adequately express the reality of God who
transcends all our concepts and utterances
about Him. Yet, even our weak vocabulary is
capable of summoning and making present
what it refers to. God speaks to us within the
limits and the entrapment of our experience.
A sin created a wall between man and God,
which was torn down by Christ's incarnation
and redemption. Christ, in whose mystery God
and man became one again, gives the ultimate meaning to all creation. Christian visual art,
which seems to be inspired by the Orthodox
icon, strives to express and explain this union
of all things in Christ. With His coming, a matter has become an expression, an account of
love between God and man. Observation thro-
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
ja izraz, pripoved o ljubezni med Bogom in
človekom. V umetnini se ta združitev izraža in
razodeva. Simbolno gledanje pomeni zajemati
iz pojavne stvarnosti, ne da bi se zaustavili na
empirični površini stvari, ampak komunicirali
z močjo življenja, ki se v njih in po njih posreduje. Zato je v tej umetnosti pot simbola pot
celostnega spoznavanja, ki Kristusa postavlja
v središče vesolja in zgodovine.
ugh symbols is an attempt to grasp the essence from the appearance − without stopping at
the empirical surface of things − by communicating with the power of life conveyed in and
through them. The way of symbols in art is,
therefore, a way of integral cognition which
places Christ at the center of the universe and
Ključne besede:
simbol, teologija simbola, ikona, umetnost,
celostno spoznavanje.
Key words:
symbol, theology of symbol, icon, art, integrated cognition.
48 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Dr. David Bresciani
Zavod sv. Ignacija
Vpliv katoliških teologov na liturgično teologijo Alexandra Schmemanna
The Influence of Catholic Theologians on the Liturgical Theology
of Alexander Schmemann
Pater Aleksander Schmemann je poznan
predvsem po delih o liturgični teologiji. Odraščal je v Parizu, kot ruski pravoslavni duhovnik in teolog je deloval v ZDA. Dobro je
poznal zahodni svet, tako katoliški kot tudi
protestantski, izhajal pa je iz vzhodne cerkvene, liturgične, teološke tradicije ruskega porekla. Medtem ko si je prizadeval za pristno
občo pravoslavno identiteto, ki ne bi bila vezana samo na etnične, kulturne in geografske
meje, je bil ekumensko dejaven človek in je
verjel v novost in ustvarjalnost, ki ju prinaša
srečanje raznih cerkvenih in kulturnih tradicij. Bil je povezovalna osebnost, izražal je
neko kulturno, cerkveno in teološko sintezo
med svetovi, kulturami, jeziki, pogledi, v katerih je odraščal, živel in zorel kot duhovnik,
teolog, mislec, kulturnik. Poleg pravoslavne
teološke tradicije je nanj pomembno vplival
tudi teološki preporod, značilen za katoliško
Francijo v prvi polovici prejšnjega stoletja. To
še posebej poudari njegov dolgoletni kolega,
pravoslavni duhovnik in teolog John Meyendorff.
V pričujočem prispevku želi avtor predvsem
osvetliti omenjeni vpliv. Vpliv ni negativen
pojem, ampak govori o odnosu, ki je temeljna razsežnost človekovega življenja. To pa je
dokaz o vrednosti in pomembnosti ekumenskega prizadevanja, ki se ne omejuje samo
na formalnost, ampak v prvi vrsti nagovarja
Predavanja Lectures 49
Father Alexander Schmemann is above all
known for his works on liturgical theology. He
grew up, was educated, and became a Russian
Orthodox priest in France, and later worked
in the USA. He was well acquainted with the
Western traditions of Catholicism and Protestantism while being rooted in the Eastern ecclesial, liturgical and theological Russian tradition.
While striving for a genuine Orthodox identity
that would not be limited to ethnic, cultural and
geographical boundaries, he was also actively
involved in efforts for ecumenism and believed
in innovation and creativity which result from
the encounter of different ecclesial and cultural
traditions. He was a man who brought together
people from different sides and who embodied
a cultural, ecclesial and theological synthesis
between the worlds, cultures, languages and
outlooks under the influence of which he grew
up, lived and matured as a priest, theologian
and intellectual. Besides Orthodox theological
tradition, he was also significantly influenced by
the theological Renaissance typical of Catholic
France in the first half of the twentieth century.
This is particularly emphasized by his long-time
colleague, the Orthodox priest and theologian
John Meyendorff.
In this article, the author above all wishes to
draw the attention to aformentioned influence
of Catholic theologians. Influence is not a negative concept and is rather a sign of relationship,
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
vsebino. Osvetlitev omenjenega vpliva celo
ovrednoti izvirnost Schmemannovega teološkega dela.
which is the fundamental dimension of human
life. This proves the value and importance of
ecumenical efforts that do not limit themselves
solely to formalities but first and foremost aim
at the content. Drawing attention to the above
influence, in fact emphasizes the originality of
Schmemann‘s theological work.
Ključne besede:
liturgična teologija, teološki preporod v Franciji,
vpliv in odnos, ekumenizem, povezovalna osebnost.
Key words:
liturgical theology, theological Renaissance in
France, influence-relationship, ecumenism, bridge builder.
50 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Izr. prof. dr. Edvard Kovač
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Etika besede kot temelj medverskega dialoga
Ethic of the Word as a Ground for the Interreligious Dialogue
Navadili smo se, da postavljamo prosvetljensko
miselnost v nasprotje z versko in s tem tudi z
biblično mislijo. Toda po Kantovem prepričanju um, ki zahteva etičnost besede, vendarle
predpostavlja tudi absolutno dobro. Izvor te
predpostavke je judovska misel, ki ne govori o
Bogu samem na sebi, ampak le o njegovi etični zahtevnosti. V tem smislu sta judovstvo in za
njim krščanstvo vzpostavila religijo kot etično
Toda tragedije 20. stoletja so nam pokazale,
da etični razmislek, ki temelji zgolj v razsvetljenskem obzorju, ni dovolj, saj ni znal preprečiti strahot moderne dobe. Zato se je treba znova
vrniti k Svetemu pismu in v njem razbrati enkratno etično zahtevnost, ki je povezana s pojmom
izvoljenosti. Izvoljenost ne pomeni večvrednosti,
ampak le novo zahtevnost etične besede, ki edina lahko vzpostavi dialog, v katerem vsak udeleženec vstopa s spoštljivostjo do drugega človeka
in sposobnostjo pričevanja za lastno besedo.
Predavanja Lectures 51
We have got used to set the enlightenment thought in contrast to the religious one, and thus also
with the biblical thought. But according to Kant,
reason requires the ethics of a word, and also
presupposes an absolute good. The origin of this
assumption arises from the Jewish thought which
speaks not about God itself, but only about his
ethical responsibility. In this sense, Judaism and
Christianity have »established« a religion as an
ethical responsibility.
Tragedies of the 20th century have shown that
the ethical inquiry based only on the enlightened
horizon is not enough, since it was not able to
prevent horrors of the modern era. For that reason, it is once again necessary to return to the
Bible and figure out its unique ethical demand
which is associated with the concept of »to be
chosen«. To be chosen does not imply superiority,
but the new demand of ethical word, which is the
only one able to establish a dialogue, in which
each participant enters with a respect for another
human being, and is able to witness for his own
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Prof. dr. Lenart Škof
Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče in
Inštitut za filozofske študije, Univerza na Primorskem
Pojem Boga v Deweyjevi filozofiji religije ter njegove etične in vzgojne uporabe
The Concept of God in Dewey's Philosophy of Religion and Its
Ethical and Educational Usages
V predavanju bomo najprej obravnavali Deweyjevo delo Skupna vera in religijsko sporočilo, ki ga
prinaša. Nadaljevali bomo z analizo Deweyjevega idiosinkratičnega pojma Boga ter ga navezali
na sodobne pojme iz ameriških pragmatističnih
filozofij in religij (R. Rorty, W. Dean itd.). V drugem
delu predavanja se bomo najprej vprašali o možnosti novega religijskega pojma intersubjektivnosti ter sklenili predavanje z etično in vzgojno
relevanco Deweyjeve filozofije ter z njim povezane pragmatistične teologije.
In this lecture, we will first look at Dewey's work
»A Common Faith« and its religious message. We
will then analyze Dewey's idiosyncratic concept
of God and relate in to some contemporary notions from the American pragmatist philosophies
and theologies (R. Rorty, W. Dean, etc.). In the
second part of the lecture, the possibility of a
new religious notion of intersubjectivity will be
discussed first. We will wind up the lecture with
an ethical and educational relevance of Dewey's
philosophy of religion and related pragmatic
Ključne besede:
J. Dewey, intersubjektivnost v religiji, ameriški
pragmatizem, historicistična teologija, pragmatistična etika, filozofija vzgoje, R. Rorty, W. Dean.
Key words:
J. Dewey, intersubjectivity in religion, American
pragmatism, historicist theology, pragmatist ethics, philosophy of education, R. Rorty, W. Dean.
52 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Doc. dr. Igor Škamperle
Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Nikolaj Kuzanski in njegov spis O verskem miru in slogi
Nicolaus Cusanus and His Book De pace seu concordantia fidei
Na dramatične dogodke maja 1435, ko je otomanska vojska zavzela Carigrad in so mnogi v
Evropi pozivali k vojaškemu posegu, je filozof in
kardinal Kuzanski odgovoril s knjigo O verskem
miru in slogi. V njej ob Petru in Pavlu nastopa
dvajset govornikov, med njimi Armenec, Turek,
Arabec, Tatar in hindujec. Vsakdo zagovarja svojo religiozno vero. Avtor razvije tezo, da je med
religijami mogoča sprava, kajti različne veroizpovedi združuje Logos, ki je izraz Boga. Njega
častimo z različnimi obredi (una religio in rituum
varietate). Osnova vsake veroizpovedi pa je tudi
After the dramatic event of the Ottoman conquest of the city of Constantinople in May 1453,
when many authorities call on military intervention in Europe, the philosopher and cardinal Cusanus answered with a book on religious peace
(De pace fidei). Here, together with Petrus and
Paulus, twenty speakers appear, among that the
Armenian, Turkish, Arabian, Tatar and Hindu speakers. Everyone defend his proper religious faith.
The author developes the thesis that a reconciliation between the religions is possible, because
different religions are based on common Logos,
which is the manifestation of the God. We revere him with different rites and ceremonies (una
religio in rituum varietate). Every religion is also
based on love.
Ključne besede:
religija, Logos, obred, ljubezen.
Key words:
religion, Logos, rite, love.
Predavanja Lectures 53
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Izr. prof. dr. Davor Džalto
The American University of Rome
The Challenge of »Posteriority« and Pluralism
The history of mutual misunderstandings and
prejudices between Christianity/Christian theology and modernity/modernism is a long and
complicated one. If one wanted to point to the
basic characteristics of modernity, I think it
would be fair to point to the three main phenomena that (among others) characterize modernity: secularization of the social/political sphere,
a belief in the progress (which results in the
ideology of progressivism), and the concept of
individual freedoms and human rights, that are
expressed in various »liberal« tendencies and in
the idea of the pluralistic society. All the three
properties of modernity were under a strong
attack of theologians and clergymen in different branches of Christianity. In the twentieth
century, when it became impossible to ignore or
simply denounce them, the theological narrative
shifted to their theological articulation and, often, even glorification.
An interesting case in this respect is Orthodox
theology, which has only recently entered into a
serious theological dialogue with both modernity and post-modernity, and some of their distinct
features. In this paper, my intention is to analyse
these characteristics of modernity and to explore to which extent a dialogue between Orthodox
theology and modern and contemporary culture
could be mutually beneficial.
Key words:
christianity, pluralism, posteriority, modernism,
54 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Doc. dr. Mateja Pevec Rozman
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Religije kot prinašalke miru
Religion as a Carrier of Peace
Skorajda drzen naslov v današnjih časih, ko v
nekaterih predelih naše zemeljske oble divjajo verske vojne, narašča verska nestrpnost
in se krepi verski fundamentalizem. Vendar
nas vse to prebuja k ponovnemu premisleku
o pomenu religioznosti kot take in nadalje k
premisleku, kakšno vlogo in pomen ima vernost v Sloveniji. Kot ugotavljamo, predstavlja
vernost v Sloveniji zanimiv fenomen: srečujemo se s tradicionalno obliko katolištva, ki
je še vedno močna ali se celo krepi, po drugi
strani pa se srečujemo s pojavi novih religioznih gibanj, ki niso tako množična, so pa
številna. Tudi vernost tradicionalnega vernika
se v veliki meri spreminja. Kakor so pokazale
evropske raziskave, ki jih je v Sloveniji vodil
prof. Vinko Potočnik, postaja slovenski vernik
vedno bolj osebno veren, več bere Sveto pismo, več premišljuje in meditira, mladi pa svojo
vernost doživljajo predvsem na estetski način,
ko izjavljajo, da jim je pri opravljanju verskih
obredov, molitev in prakticiranju zakramentov
V pričujoči razpravi bomo predstavili 1. temeljne elemente religioznosti in pokazali
na bistvo religioznosti, 2. izpostavili bomo
nekatere najvidnejše značilnosti slovenskega
postmodernega vernika, prav tako pa bomo
3. pokazali na človekovo naravo, ki ostaja v
vseh kulturnih, zgodovinskih in družbenih
okoljih nespremenjena: govorimo o človekovi
iskateljski naravi, človekovem neustavljivem
teženju po preseganju samega sebe in neustavljivem hrepenenju po Presežnem, kar je
Predavanja Lectures 55
The title of our discussion indicates nearly
a provocative present-day thought, when in
some parts of our world, the religious intolerance and religious fundamentalism mean a
threat to the peace. But all this awakens us
to rethink the meaning of religiosity as such
and further on to make a reflection on the
role and significance of religiosity in Slovenia.
Faithfulness in Slovenia is a very interesting
phenomenon. On the one hand, we are faced
with the traditional form of Catholicism, which is still strong, or even increasing, but on
the other hand, we are facing the emergence
of new religious movements, which are not
so massive, however, they are numerous. A a
traditional believer´s faithfulness is largely
changing. As the European researches, carried
out in Slovenia and led by prof. Vinko Potočnik, have shown, that a Slovenian believer is
becoming more personally religious, increasingly reads the Bible, cogitates more and meditates, while young people are experiencing
their religiosity primarily on the aesthetic way
declaring that in religious rites, prayers and in
practicing the sacraments they feel and experience the beauty.
In this paper, we shall 1. present the basic
elements of religiosity and the essence of religiosity as such, 2. highlight the most visible
characteristics of Slovenian postmodern believer 3. and point out at the human nature
which remains unchanged in all cultural, historical and social environments: this is the
nature of a seeker with an unstoppable aspi-
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
v osnovi naravnano na iskanje osebne iščoče
poti z vzajemno delitvijo z drugimi – to se
kaže v romanjih in prizadevanjih za življenje
v sožitju in miru. Zagovarjali bomo tezo, da je
bistvo religioznosti v iskanju svoje osebne in
skupne poti, ki se manifestira v pristnem osebnem odnosu z Bogom, kar posledično pomeni
tudi z bližnjimi, in ima kot nujno posledico
tudi prizadevanje za mir.
ration for self-overcoming and a tremendous
longing for the Divine. We shall support the
thesis that the essence of religiosity is in searching for personal identity and a common
path which is manifested in an authentic personal relationship with God. This personal and
friendly relationship with God is the only way
to make friendly relationships with others and
what results also in the common aspiration
for peace.
Ključne besede:
religija, religioznost, postmoderni vernik,
osebni odnos, mir.
Key words:
religion, religiosity (faithfulness), postmodern
believer, personal relationship, peace.
56 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Doc. dr. Igor Bahovec
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Postmoderna kultura – izziv krščanstvu v Evropi
Postmodern Culture – Challenge for Christianity in Europe
Krščanstvo v Evropi potrebuje preoblikovanje,
ki se na eni strani navezuje na bistvo izročila,
na drugi pa pogumno vstopa v živo srečanje s
sodobno kulturo. V tem kontekstu se v prispevku osredotočamo na dva vidika. Prvi del prinaša
kratko analizo bistvenih značilnosti postmoder­
ne kulture in umeščenosti človeka v njej (vključ­
no z odprtimi dilemami in izzivi, ki jih prinaša
kristjanom oziroma krščanstvu). V naslednjem
delu bomo pogledali na nekaj tipičnih odzivov
različnih Cerkva, predvsem z območja bivše Jugoslavije in srednje Evrope. Posebej bomo pozorni na dvoje: (1) na potenciale, ki jih vsebujejo
različne strategije soočenja s postmoderno kulturo; (2) na potenciale, ki jih omogoča sodelovanje (medsebojnega poslušanja in učenje) različnih Cerkva in njihovih tradicij, zlasti katolištva
in pravoslavja.
Christianity in Europe needs a transformation,
which on the one hand, refers to the essence
of tradition, and on the other enters into the
living encounter with contemporary culture. In
this context, the paper focuses on two aspects.
The first part provides a brief analysis of some
of the essential characteristics of postmodern
culture, the placement of man in it (including
open dilemmas and challenges brought by it to
Christians and Christianity). In the next part, we
will look at some typical reactions of the various
Churches, especially from Central Europe and
the former Yugoslavia. Specifically, we will pay
attention to two things: (1) the potentials of different strategies for genuine Christian confrontation with the challenges of postmodern culture; (2) the creative potential from synergetic
cooperation (mutual listening and learning) of
the various Churches and their traditions, especially Catholicism and Orthodoxy.
Ključne besede:
krščanstvo, dialog, postmoderna kultura, odnos
med vero in kulturo, tradicija, ustvarjalnost.
Key words:
Christianity, dialogue, postmodern culture, the
relationship between religion and culture, tradition, creativity.
Predavanja Lectures 57
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Doc. dr. Nadja Furlan Štante
Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper in
Fakulteta za humanistične študije, Univerza na Primorskem
Dialog in gostoljubje krščanskega ekofeminizma
Dialog and Hospitality of Christian Ecofeminism
Prispevek obravnava stereotipno religijsko (s poudarkom na krščanstvu) določenost femininosti
in maskulinosti ter razumevanje odnosa med
človekom in naravo, ki je globoko zaznamovan
s kolektivnim spominom človekove dominacije
nad naravo. Stereotip človekove superiornosti
nad naravo je vsekakor močno navzoč in zakoreninjen v zahodni kulturi. V tem segmentu je v
prispevku poudarjen pozitiven prispevek krščanskega teološkega ekofeminizma, ki s pomočjo
kritične analize pregleduje zgodovinske okvire
določenih religijskih tradicij (krščanstva) ter s
kritičnim pregledom razbija negativne stereotipe in predsodke, vezane na človekovo premoč v
odnosu do narave. Glavni poudarek pričujočega
prispevka je tematiziranje zavedanja fundamentalne medsebojne povezanosti in soodvisnosti
ter vzajemne soodgovornosti ljudi v odnosu
do narave, v etično-moralnem smislu, kar posledično predstavlja naslednji korak v evoluciji
odnosov (medčloveških odnosov in odnosov
med človekom in naravo). Prispevek tako ponudi
medreligijsko in ekumensko vizijo krščanskega
gostoljubja in dialoga teološkega ekofeminizma
ter poziva vse krščanske Cerkve k skupnemu prizadevanju za ekumensko gostoljubje ekološke
This paper is concerned both with stereotypical
religion-determined (focus on Christianity) pattern of femininity and masculinity, and it also
examines the perception of nature and of the
man-nature relationship, which is deeply marked by the collective memory of human domination over nature. The stereotype of man’s superiority in relation to nature remains deeply rooted
in the collective consciousness, especially in
Western societies. In this segment, the positive
contribution of Christian theological eco-feminism is of the utmost importance, as it discloses
and breaks down the prejudice of the model of
human superiority over nature by means of a critical historical overview of individual religious
traditions. The main focus of the paper is the
question of fundamental interconnectedness
and interdependence and joint responsibility
of man-nature relationship in the ethical-moral
sense, which therefore represents the next step
in the evolution of interpersonal relationships
(interpersonal, and between man and nature).
The paper offers inter-religious and ecumenical
vision of Christian hospitality and dialogue of
theological ecofeminism and calls all Christian
Churches to embrace the urge for ecumenical
hospitality of ecological ethics.
Ključne besede:
krščanstvo, ženska, narava, gostoljubje, ekofeminizem, soodvisnost.
Key words:
christianity, women, nature, hospitality, ecofeminism, interdependence.
58 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Doc. dr. Bogdan Dolenc
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Ekumenska misel Josepha Ratzingerja – papeža Benedikta
Ecumenical Insights of Joseph Ratzinger – Pope Benedict XVI.
Joseph Ratzinger je pretežni del svojih spisov
namenil ekleziološkim temam, ki so se nujno
dotikale tudi ekumenskih vprašanj. Pred 2. vatikanskim koncilom piše o krščanskem bratstvu
in se sprašuje o legitimnosti izraza »ločeni
bratje« za nekatoliške kristjane. Kot profesor
osnovnega bogoslovja in dogmatike se zanima
tako za vprašanja reformacije kot pravoslavja.
Njegove razprave prinašajo dve vodilni misli:
da kot orientacijska točka ekleziologije ostaja
prvotna Cerkev s svojim modelom »občestva
med Cerkvami« (communio ecclesiarum) in
da je Cerkev kljub razkolom ohranila svojo temeljno edinost. Idealna podoba te edinosti bo
uresničena s skupnim obhajanjem evharistije.
Opozarja na meje t. i. »ekumenizma dogovarjanja«, ker daje vtis, da je edinost zgolj sad človeškega dogovarjanja in znanstvenih uvidov. Ob
naslonitvi na O. Cullmana razmišlja o »edinosti
prek mnogovrstnosti in različnosti«. Kot prefekt
kongregacije za nauk vere je oblikoval smernice
ekumenskega delovanja Cerkve pod Janezom
Pavlom II. Kot papež Benedikt XVI. je postavil
edinost kristjanov za enega velikih ciljev. Ostal
je skeptičen do pragmatičnih in hitrih rešitev in
je zagovarjal pot skupnega poglabljanja vere,
čeprav je taka pot dolgotrajnejša.
Ključne besede:
ekumenizem, občestvo, edinost, mnogovrstnost,
razkol, 2. vatikanski koncil, papež.
Predavanja Lectures 59
The majority of the theological works of Joseph Ratzinger was dedicated to ecclesiological subjects and
therefore touched ecumenical questions, too. Before
the 2nd Vatican Council, he writes about the »Christian brotherhood« and questions the legitimacy of
the term »separated brothers« as used for the nonCatholics. During his career of professor of fundamental and dogmatic theology, he takes the interest
in the questions both of the Reformation and of the
Orthodoxy. His papers evidence the two leading ideas: 1st – the orientation point of ecclesiology remains the early Church with its model of »communion
of Churches« (communio ecclesiarum); 2nd – that in
spite of all divisions the Church retained its fundamental unity. The ideal form of this unity will become
a reality when the joint celebration of the Eucharist
is possible. J. Ratzinger points out that there are limits of the so called »ecumenism of negotiations«,
which suggests that the unity might be just the fruit
of human negotiations and theological insights. By
drawing the inspiration from O. Cullmann, Ratzinger
reflects upon »unity through diversity«. As a Prefect
of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,
he took part in the formulation of guidelines of the
ecumenical activity during the pontificate of John
Paul II. In the eight years of his own pontificate as
Benedict XVI., he indicated the unity of Christians as
one of the great goals and aspirations. By remaining
sceptical towards pragmatic and fast solutions, he
advocated the path of common deepening of faith,
though this process might be of longer duration.
Key words:
ecumenism, communion, unity, diversity, schism, 2nd
Vatican council, pope.
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Prof. dr. Anton Štrukelj
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Ekumenizem Justina Popovića: Kako veliki srbski pravoslavni teolog gleda na ekumenski dialog?
The Ecumenical Comprehension of Justin Popović: How the Great
Serbian Orthodox Theologian Considers the Ecumenical Dialogue?
Arhimandrit sv. Justin Popović (roj. 7. aprila 1894,
umrl 7. aprila 1979, svetnik od 2. maja 2010)
prav gotovo sodi med najvidnejše in najvplivnejše predstavnike srbske pravoslavne teologije.
Napisal je približno petdeset knjig. Je izobražen
teolog, pesnik, odličen poznavalec Dostojevskega, goreč menih in častilec svetnikov. Popović
trdi, da zunaj Pravoslavne cerkve ni možnosti
za edinost kristjanov. Na žalost zastopa protiekumenske ideje in strogo kritizira zahodni humanizem. Prof. Franc Perko, prejšnji beograjski
nadškof, se je večkrat spraševal, »kako je ta mož,
mislec, filozof in teolog, ki je živel kot svetnik,
mogel biti tako enostranski, včasih tako slep in
krivičen pri presoji zahodnega krščanstva«.
The Archimandrite holy Justin Popović (born
April 7th 1894, died April 7th 1979, saint from
May 2nd 2010) belongs to the most discernible
and outstanding representatives of the Serbian
Orthodox theologians. Author of approximately
50 books, Popović is a very cultivated theologian, poet, distinguished expert of Dostoyevsky,
fervent monk and venerator of Saints. But he
affirms, that there is no possibility for the Unity
of Christians outside of the Orthodox Church.
Regretfully, his own ideas are anti-ecumenical,
with a strong criticism of the occidental humanism. Franc Perko, professor and former Archbishop in Belgrade, wrote: »I can not understand,
that this man, thinker, philosopher, theologian,
who lived as a Saint, was so unilateral, sometimes, so blind and unjust in his estimation of the
occidental Christianity.«
Ključne besede:
Justin Popović, Srbska pravoslavna cerkev, pravoslavna teologija, ekumenski dialog, edinost
kristjanov, svetniki.
Key words:
Justin Popović, Serbian Orthodox Church, Orthodox theology, ecumenical dialogue, unity of
Christians, the Saints.
60 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Doc. dr. Rade Kisić
Pravoslavni Bogoslovski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Перспективе православно-католичког дијалога
The Perspectives of the Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue
Прошло је пола века од знаменитог
»целива мира« који су разменили
папа Павле VI и васељенски патријарх
Атинагора у Јерусалиму 1964. године
и тиме отворили »дијалог љубави«.
У том духу 1979. године отпочела је
са радом »Заједничка комисија за
теолошки дијалог између Римокатоличке
и Православне Цркве«, чији резултат
значајни документи. Последњи од тих
докумената, Равенски (2007), проглашен
је великим кораком напред у односима
двају Цркава, будући да се Комисија
сложила по питању односа ауторитета и
синодалности на локалном, регионалном
и универзалном нивоу. Један од
врхунаца документа представља потврда
примата римског епископа у контексту
синодалног уређења Цркве. Међутим,
различита рецепција овог документа и
нејединство православних по питању
његовог прихватања изнели су на
светло старе сукобе и поделе. Општи је
утисак да је од Равене динамика рада
Комисија у благој стагнацији и да је
разматрање садржаја и начина вршења
примата на универзалном нивоу Цркве
комплексније од очекиваног. Стога ће у
овом излагању бити критички сумирани
досадашњи резултати »дијалога истине«
и размотрене перспективе развоја
односа Римокатоличке и Православне
Цркве, са посебним нагласком на
Predavanja Lectures 61
Half a century has passed since Pope Paul
VI and Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras I
greeted each other with a »kiss of peace«.
This act occurred in Jerusalem in 1964 and
opened the door for a »dialogue of love«. In
that spirit, in 1979, »The Joint International
Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox
Church« was established and it produced a
meaningful and important documents. The
last of these documents, Ravenna (2007),
was a major step forward in the relations
between the two Churches. The Commission
agreed on the relationship of authority and
synodality on local, regional and universal levels. One of the highlights of the document is
the confirmation of the primacy of the Bishop
of Rome in the context of the synodal Church
structure. However, old conflicts and divisions
have been brought to light by different receptions of this document and disunity within
Orthodoxy in regard to the acceptance of the
document . The general impression resulting
the time after Ravenna is that the work of the
Commission slightly stagnates and the consideration about the content of the primacy
and the way of its exercising at the universal Church level is more complex than it was
expected. Therefore, in this presentation, the
results of the »dialogues of the truth« will be
summarized while the perspectives of the relationship development between the Catholic
Church and the Orthodox Church will also be
given. A special emphasis will be laid upon
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
проблематизовању питања
оваквих теолошких дијалога, улоге
»духовне екумене« у екуменском
дијалогу, критичког преиспитивања
сопственог учења и праксе, оправданости
тежња повратка на »старо«.
the following: critical considerations about
the real range of these theological dialogues, the role of »spiritual ecumenism« in the
ecumenical dialogue, the critical questioning
of its own teaching and praxis, and the justification of striving toward the past.
Ključne besede:
дијалог, комисија, ауторитет, синодалност,
Key words:
dialogue, commission, authority, synodality,
62 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Prof. dr. Peter Kuzmič
Visoko Evanđeosko Teološko Učilište u Osijeku
Protestantski zapad i pravoslavni istok: nelagodno ekumensko putovanje
Protestant West and Orthodox East: An Uneasy Ecumenical Journey
Bilo je mnogo pokušaja i procesa da se prevazidje povijesno otuđenje Zapada i Istoka – naročito kroz Svjetski Savez Crkava koji je osnovan
od strane zapadnih protestanata, ali u kojima su
pravoslavci i Istočne Crkve bili aktivni članovi
već više od 50 godina. Ovaj rad istražuje kako
se protestantsko-pravoslavna podjela odražava
u socialnoj i kulturnoj sferi. Propituje se uloga
tradicije, etničke pripadnosti, nacionalnog identiteta, i popularne religioznosti u oblikovanju
povijesnih i suvremenih izričaja i zapadne i
istočne crkve uz kritičko preispitivanje razlika
i preklapanja između kulturnog protestantizma
i političkog pravoslavlja. Područja teološkog
sporazuma i komparativne procjene podjele teoloških i kulturnih pitanja provjeravaju se u u
svjetlu pravoslavne zabrinutosti za »podnošljive
granice različitosti«. Ispituje se kulturni i moralni
utjecaj sekularizacije na crkve a ekumenska metodologija i dnevni red Svjetskog Saveza Crkave
se preispituju u svjetlu nedavnih pravoslavnih
zahtjevima za radikalnim restruktuiranjem. Ovi
modeli ekumenskog partnerstva se procjenjuju
u svjetlu ustrajnih crkvenih različitosti i izazova
»nove evangelizacije«.
Ključne besede:
Svjetsko vijeće crkava, protestantizam, pravoslavlje, ekumenizam, tradicija, kultura, politika,
Predavanja Lectures 63
There have been various attempts and processes to overcome the historical estrangement of
the West and the East − most notably through
the World Council of Churches (WCC), which was
founded by Western Protestants, but in which
Eastern Orthodox and Oriental churches have
been active members for more than 50 years. This
paper explores how the Protestant-Orthodox division reflects the East-West social and cultural
dynamics. The roles of tradition, ethnicity, national identity, and popular religiosity in shaping
historical and contemporary expressions of both
Western and Eastern churches are reviewed along
with the critical examination of the differences
and overlaps between cultural Protestantism
and political Orthodoxy. The areas of theological
agreement and comparative assessment of the
divisive theological and cultural issues are examined in the light of the Orthodox concern as to
the »tolerable limits to diversity«. The cultural
and moral impact of secularization on churches is
examined, and the ecumenical methodology and
agenda of the WCC are reviewed in the light of
recent Orthodox demands for radical restructuring, and new models of ecumenical partnerships
are evaluated in light of the persistence of ecclesiastical divergences and the challenges of the
»new evangelization«.
Key words:
World Council of Churches, Protestantism, Orthodoxy, ecumenism, tradition, culture, politics, evangelization.
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Izr. prof. dr. Bojan Žalec
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Ljubezen, jaz, mi in drugi v luči Kierkegaardove misli
Love, Me, Us and the Other(s) in the Light of Kierkegaard’s Thought
V svojem ključnem delu Dela ljubezni Søren Kierkegaard razlikuje med prednostno ljubeznijo
in ljubeznijo do bližnjega. Prispevek se ukvarja
s problemom razvitja kierkegaardovskega modela ljubezni, ki bi ohranil specifiko prednostne
ljubezni in obenem omogočal njen (možen) soobstoj z ljubeznijo do bližnjega. Avtor analizira
naravo obeh oblik ljubezni, še posebno z dveh
vidikov: ljubezen do bližnjega kot utemeljena
na samo-odrekanju v nasprotju s preferenco kot
bistveno od oblik samoljubja; ljubezen do bližnjega kot enaka do vseh v nasprotju s prednostno ljubeznijo kot izključujočo (in s tem neenako). Očitno je, da je v prednostni ljubezni zaradi
nevarne afinitete med prednostno ljubeznijo na
eni strani in izključevanjem in samoljubjem na
drugi strani določena potencialna nevarnost za
ljubezen do bližnjega (ali za pravo obliko ljubezni). Avtor raziskuje načine, kako »spraviti« ali
uskladiti ljubezen do bližnjega z oblikami prednostne ljubezni. Namen predavanja je prispevati
k vednosti o modelu ljubezni, v katerem lahko
človek ljubi na pravi način, hkrati pa pri tem oblike prednostne ljubezni niso niti opuščene niti
nadomeščene z ljubeznijo do bližnjega. Razvitje
in uresničevanje takega modela sta temeljnega
pomena za vprašanja etičnega univerzalizma in
odnosa med »nami« in »njimi«.
In his seminal work Works of Love, Søren Kierkegaard
distinguishes between preferential love on the one
hand and neighbourly love on the other. The paper
deals with the task of the development of a Kierkegaardian model of love that would preserve the distinctiveness of the preferential love and would at the
same time allow its (possible) coexistence with the
neighbourly love. The author analyzes the nature of
both forms of love, especially from two aspects: the
neighbourly love based on a self-denial vs. the preferential love as essentially another form of self-love;
the neighbourly love as directed equally to everybody
vs. the preferential love as exclusive (and eo ipso
unequal). It is obvious that in the preferential love
there is a certain potential danger for the neighbourly
love (or for the proper way of loving), because of the
dangerous affinity between the preferential love on
the one hand and exclusion and self-love on the other.
The author investigates the way of how to »reconcile«
or harmonise the neighbourly love with the forms of
the preferential one. The aim of the paper is to contribute to the knowledge about the model of love
in which man can love in the right way while at the
same time the forms of the preferential love are neither dismissed nor replaced by the neighbourly love.
Development and implementation of such a model
are of fundamental importance for the problems of
ethical universalism and relationships between »we«
and »they«.
Ključne besede:
Kierkegaard, ljubezen do bližnjega, prednostna
ljubezen, etični univerzalizem, drugi, vera, uskladitev različnih oblik ljubezni.
Key words:
Kierkegaard, neighbourly love, preferential love,
ethical universalism, other(s), faith, harmonisation
of different forms of love.
64 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
As. dr. Tadej Rifel
Zavod sv. Stanislava
Homo creator – Semjon Frank in antropologija ustvarjalnosti
Homo Creator – Semyon Frank and the Anthropology of Creativity
Semjon Frank (1877–1950) velja za enega večjih
ruskih mislecev 20. stoletja. Njegov ustvarjalni opus
kaže vso filozofsko veličino, ki se je ne bi sramovali
največji umi splošno sprejetega šolskega kanona
filozofije, in njegova duhovna izkušnja premore
globino, ki se lahko primerja z večino velikih mistikov. Pa vendar ostaja Frank še danes neznan in
nepriznan avtor, s čimer se ne morejo strinjati tisti,
ki so kdaj prebrali katero njegovo delo. Spoštovan
je tako pri filozofih (Kocijančič) kot tudi teologih, ki
so prepoznali njegovo veličino (Špidlik). V Nemčiji
izhajajo od leta 2000 prevodi njegovih izbranih del,
pospremljeni z obširnimi študijami (npr. Ehlen). Leta
2012 smo tudi Slovenci dobili prevod dela Nedoumljivo (Kud Logos).
Frank v svojih delih večkrat govori o človekovi
ustvarjalni naravi. V tem smislu je človek tisti del
stvarstva, ki nadaljuje delo svojega Stvarnika. Frank
pa tega ne razume samo kot pasivno bdenje nad
stvarstvom, ki je v celoti s človekom na čelu že bilo
ustvarjeno, temveč se predvsem posveti razmišljanju o notranjem ustroju bogočloveške biti, ki je po
njegovem skrivnostno ustvarjena ravno za to, da še
naprej aktivno ustvarja. Taka ustvarjalna antropologija je mogoča samo, če iščemo človekov izvor in
resnični obstoj v Bogu.
Prispevek poskuša posebej zaobjeti drobne odtenke te nadvse globoke in prodorne misli, ki je lahko
velik navdih teološkemu in filozofskemu razmišljanju danes.
Ključne besede:
Semjon Frank, ruska filozofija, antropologija,
ustvarjalna narava, bogočloveškost.
Predavanja Lectures 65
Semyon Frank (1877–1950) is regarded as one of the
greater Russian thinkers of the 20th century. In all of its
glory, his creative opus shows a philosophical greatness
that the biggest minds of the generally accepted school
canon of philosophy would not be ashamed of. His spiritual experience is filled with the depth comparable to
that of the majority of great mystics. And yet, Frank remains a rather unknown and unrecognised author, which
is an observation that would be rejected by all who have
ever read one of his works. He is respected by both philosophers (Kocjančič) as well as theologians (Špidlik) who
have recognised his greatness. In Germany, the translations of his works have started to be published since 2000,
and they have been accompanied by extensive studies
(cf. Ehlen). We have received a Slovenian translation of
his work »The Unfathomable« (Kud Logos) in 2012.
In his works, Frank often discusses the creative nature
of the human being. In this sense man is the part of the
Creation that continues the work of his Creator. Frank
does not understand this only as a passive oversight of
creation, that has – man at his core – already been created. He dedicates himself to the reflection of an inner
constitution of the divine human being that has in his
opinion been created with the intention of continuing
active creation. This kind of creative anthropology is
possible only as long as we are looking for the origin of
man in the true existence of God.
The contribution, especially tries to encompass the subtle nuances of this profoundly deep and lucid thought
that can be inspiring for a theological or a philosophical
reflection of today.
Key words:
Semyon Frank, Russian Philosophy, anthropology, creative nature, divine humanity.
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Prof. dr. Rafko Valenčič
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani (upokoj.)
Kontinuiteta in evalvacija nekaterih koncilskih etičnih vprašanj v pokoncilskih cerkvenih dokumentih
Continuity and Evalvation of Some Ethical Questions in Post-Council
Church Documents
Drugi vatikanski koncil (1962–1965) se je dotaknil številnih etičnih vprašanj »Cerkve v sedanjem svetu«. Cerkev, ki deli s svetom »veselje in
upanje, žalost in zaskrbljenost« (CS 1), ni ostala
ravnodušna do dogajanj v njej sami in njenem
razmerju do sveta. Zavedala se je, da nima na
vsa (nova) vprašanja že pripravljenega odgovora, vendar ga v duhu zvestobe Kristusu in
Božjemu Duhu išče ter vernike in tudi drugače
misleče vabi k nenehnemu iskanju. Sama to dela
s poglobitvijo etičnih vidikov v času po koncilu s številnimi dokumenti papežev in osrednjih
cerkvenih (rimskih) ustanov in krajevnih Cerkva,
zlasti celinskih (kontinentalnih).
Vsa pomembnejša etično‑moralna vprašanja so
(bila) deležna vnovične utemeljitve, poglobitve
in dopolnitve glede na sedanji razvoj. To velja
za osebnostno in občestveno (družbeno, cerkvenostno) raven.
Osnovno izhodišče spoznanja in poglobitve je
človek, enota duha in telesa, odrešen v Kristusu,
popolnem človeku, ki kaže pot počlovečenja, človek kot pot Cerkve in družbe. Človekovo dostojanstvo in poklicanost se dopolnjujeta. Kristjan
je poklican k popolnosti in svetosti, za katero si
prizadeva v vsakdanjem življenju in delu. Slehernega človeka (drugače mislečega, verujočega) Božji Duh spodbuja k etičnemu ravnanju in
Nekatera vprašanja so bila glede na razvoj družbenega življenja deležna posebne obravnave,
The Second Vatican Council (1962–1965) touched upon a number of ethical questions on »The
Church in the Present World«. The Church, which
shares »joy and hope, sorrow and anxiety« (CS
1) with the world, did not remain unconcerned
towards the happenings in itself and its relations
with the world. Regarding all (new) questions,
it was aware of that it had not had all the readymade answers which, in the spirit of its fidelity to
Christ, His Gospel and God’s Spirit, has always been
after, while inviting believers and non-believers to take part in a sincere quest. The Church itself
enduavours to do that through the deepening of
ethical aspects in many papal documents and
those issued by central church institutions (in
Rome) and local Churches, above all continental.
All of the important ethical/moral questions have
been substantiated and deepened anew, in keeping with the challenges and needs of current
developments. This concerns both: the personal
and the congregational (social, church) level.
The basic starting point is a man, a unity of the
spirit and body, redeemed in Christ, a complete
man that shows the way to full humanization; a
man as the way of the Church and society. Man’s
dignity and calling are complementary. Christian
is called to perfection and holiness, which he
strives for in everyday life and work. Every man
(non–believer, believer) is stimulated by God’s
Spirit to the ethical act and to constantly supplement such activities.
66 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
kot so urejanje spočetij (okrožnica Humanae
vitae), spoštovanje človeškega življenja od
spočetja do naravnega konca (Evangelium vitae; bioetična in medicinska vprašanja), zakon
in družina kot nosilca osebnega in družbenega
razvoja (Familiaris consortio, Pismo družinam),
razvoj (meje) znanosti in tehnike v službi celostnega razvoja osebe in družbe (socialne okrožnice so integralni del moralnega nauka Cerkve),
medčloveški in mednarodni odnosi (družbeni,
gospodarski, politični itd.) kot etična vprašanja,
nastajajoče napetosti v novi, globalizirani družbi
(nasprotja med kulturnimi, verskimi in drugimi
izročili), ki bo preživela in se dopolnjevala le v
razumevanju in sprejemanju drugega …
Cerkev spodbuja, naj posamezniki, združenja,
svetovne in druge ustanove vztrajno iščejo odgovore razumno in odgovorno v zavesti, da delajo za skupno dobro človeka, narodov in sveta.
Koncil se je le bežno dotaknil danes nujnih
vprašanj, kot so ekologija, energetska kriza,
globalizacija, informacijska družba itd., ki jih
obravnavajo novejši cerkveni dokumenti. Koncil
spodbuja laike (znanstvenike, odgovorne), naj
pod vodstvom duha (Duha) iskreno in odgovorno iščejo odgovore, pri katerih naj v evangeliju
najdejo sogovornika in svetovalca.
Some questions, considering the development
of social life, were treated separately, including
responsible regulation of conceptions (Humanae
vitae), due respect of human life from its conception to its natural end (Evangelium vitae; bioethical and medical questions), marriage and family
as carriers of personal and social development
(Familiaris consortio, Letter to Families), development of the (limits) of science and technics
at the service of an integrated development of
individual and the entire society (social circular
letters are essential constituent part of Church’s
moral teachings), interhuman and international
relations (social, economic, political, etc.) as ethical questions, arising tensions in the new globalized society (contrarieties between cultural, religious and other traditions), which is likely to survive
and supplement itself only through understanding and accepting the other ... The Church has
constantly encouraged individuals, associations,
world and other institutions to seek reasonable
as well as responsible answers, while being aware
that they are contributing to the common good
for man, nations an the world.
Only fleetingly, the Council has touched upon urgent questions nowadays, such as ecology, energy
crisis, globalization, information society etc., which have been treated by the most recent Church
documents. The Council has nevertheless encouraged laymen (scholars, responsible ones) – while
led by the spirit (Spirit) – to look sincerely and
responsibly for answers by having their co-discussant and a counselor in the Gospel.
Ključne besede:
koncil, etična vprašanja, človek kot pot Cerkve,
razvoj družbe, kontinuiteta in dopolnitve moralnega nauka, nova vprašanja sedanjega sveta.
Key words:
council, ethical questions, man as a way of the
Church, development of society, continuity and
supplements to moral teachings, new questions
in the present world.
Predavanja Lectures 67
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Prof. dr. Stanko Gerjolj
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Dileme ekumenskega verskega pouka
Dilemmas of Ecumenical Religious Instructions
V veliki večini evropskih držav je vprašanje religijske edukacije rešeno zadovoljivo. Razvito
je zasebno šolstvo, ki v večini primerov poteka
pod okriljem Cerkve ali Cerkva, poleg tega pa je
tudi v sistem javnega šolstva kot integrativni del
vzgoje in izobraževanja vgrajen verski pouk. Ta
poteka največkrat konfesionalno, skoraj redno
pa upošteva dimenzijo ekumenske in medreligijske vzgoje. Vrednost takega pouka sodobne
raziskave vse bolj potrjujejo.
Med izjeme, kjer za številne verne vprašanje
verskega pouka ni zadovoljivo rešeno, sodi Slovenija, ki zasebnega šolstva skoraj ne pozna,
izvajanja v Evropi in svetu najbolj razširjene
oblike konfesionalnega pouka v javnem šolstvu
ne dovoli, ideološko obremenjen obvezni izbirni
predmet »Verstva in etika« pa se skoraj ne izvaja. V tej religijsko-etični nedohranjenosti šolske
edukacije se nedvomno postavlja vprašanje smiselnosti ekumenskega verskega pouka, kjer bi
Cerkve dejavno sodelovale tako pri vsebinski zasnovi kot pri oblikovanju ustreznih pedagoških
kadrov. Celo medreligijski verski pouk bi se bolj
kompatibilno vključeval v evropski prostor medkulturnega in medverskega dialoga kot vsiljevanje nekonfesionalne državne ideologije, kar je v
Sloveniji dosedanja praksa. Nekaj tovrstnih hib,
čeprav zelo boječe in pritajeno, daje slutiti celo
zadnja »Bela knjiga«, ko ugotavlja, da so mladi
v državah s konfesionalnim verskim poukom
domovinsko bolje vzgojeni kot v Sloveniji. Poleg
tega ni izključeno, da prav z odsotnostjo religijske dimenzije vzgoje povzročeno tabuiziranje
številnih življenjskih vprašanj v šolskih prostorih
In the vast majority of European countries, the
issue of religious educationis is being resolved
satisfactorily. A developed private education is
in most cases carried out under the auspices
of the Church or Churches, and the religious
education is embedded in the public education
system as an integrative part of education. The
latter is mostly carried out denominationally,
and almost on a regular basis takes into account
both ecumenical as well as the inter-religious
dimension of education. A large amount of data
of the contemporary research perceives an important role and a great value of such religious
The exceptions, which is at least, as regards
the religious issue of religious instructions, not
settled satisfactorily, includes Slovenia, where a private education is hardly known, does
not allow European implementation and the
world most widespread form of denominational teaching into the public education system,
and ideologically backed compulsory elective
subject »Religions and ethics« is hardly carried
out. This religious-ethical undernourishment of
school education raises the question of reasonableness of ecumenical religious instructions,
where Churches would actively participate both
in substantive conceptualization as well as in
the development of teaching staff to teach this
subject. Even the inter-religious instruction is to
be included more compatibly into the European
area of intercultural and inter-religious dialogue as the imposition of non-denominational
state ideology, which is the current practice in
68 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
vodi v psihične obremenitve slovenskih učencev
in učenk, ki presega evropsko povprečje, čeprav
preživijo v šoli manj časa kot njihovi vrstniki v
večini drugih držav.
Kljub mnogim dilemam in odprtim vprašanjem
(tudi formalnopravne narave) se v teh okoliščinah zdi vprašanje ekumenskega verskega pouka,
ki upošteva tako pluralnost okolja kot spoštljiv
dialog med krščanskimi Cerkvami, smiselno in
Slovenia. A few of these »deformities«, although
in a very timid and hidden manner, is suggested
even by the recent »White paper«, noting that
the young in the countries with denominational
religious instructions are better brought up than
in Slovenia. In addition to that, the fact that tabooisation of numerous questions about life, caused by the very absence of religious dimension,
in the school premises, leads even towards the
mental strains of Slovenian students, exceeding
the European average, although they spend less
time in school than their peers in most other
Despite the many dilemmas and unresolved
issues (also those of legal-formal nature), in
these circumstances, the question of ecumenical
religious instructions, taking into account both
the plurality of the environment as well as a
respectful dialogue among Christian Churches,
seems reasonable and perspective one.
Ključne besede:
ekumenski verski pouk, konfesionalni verski
pouk, nekonfesionalni verski pouk, medreligijski
verski pouk, etatizem, pripadnost, identiteta.
Key words:
ecumenical religious instructions, denominational religious instructions, non‑denominational
religious instructions, inter-religious instructions, statism, affiliation, identity.
Predavanja Lectures 69
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Doc. dr. Stanislav Slatinek
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Vzgoja za medverski dialog v družini
Education for Inter-Religious Dialogue in the Family
Skrb vzbujajoče je dejstvo, da je danes v svetu
veliko verske nestrpnosti zaradi pripadnosti in
javnega izpovedovanja katoliške vere. V prispevku spregovorimo o najbolj skritih oblikah
verske nestrpnosti, ki se dogaja med zakonci
in v družinskem krogu. Versko nestrpni zakonci
so bili pogosto tudi sami deležni verske nestrpnosti v svoji mladosti. Ker so odraščali v okolju,
nasprotnem ali celo sovražnem veri, so postali
tudi sami versko nestrpni. Vsa negativna občutja,
doživetja, zlorabe in mladostne travme v zvezi z
vero so prenašali v svoj zakon in družino. Raziskave ničnostnih zakonskih pravd na Škofijskem
cerkvenem sodišču v Mariboru potrjujejo, da se
verska nestrpnost zelo pogosto seli iz enega
zakona v drug zakon in iz ene družine v drugo
družino. Žrtve verske nestrpnosti so vedno globoko verni zakonci in mladoletni otroci. Zato
mora biti skrb za versko strpnost v družinah ena
najpomembnejših prednostnih nalog Katoliške
cerkve, ki je danes še posebej zavzeta za novo
evangelizacijo v svetu in verski pluralizem v
The fact that in the world of today, there are
many cases of religious intolerance pointed
towards professing the Catholic faith in public is
of the potential concern. In this article, we want
to talk about the most hidden forms of religious
intolerance; the one that occurs between spouses and within a family circle. Religiously intolerant spouses often themselves partook in religious intolerance in their youth. Since they grew
up in the environment opposite or even hostile
to faith, they themselves became religiously intolerant. All the negative feelings, experiences,
abuse and youthful trauma in relation to religion were transferred in their marriage and family.
The research of marriage annulments in legal
proceedings at the Diocesan ecclesiastical court
in Maribor confirms that religious intolerance is
often transferred from one marriage to another,
from one family to another family. Victims of religious intolerance are always deeply religious
spouses and minor children. Therefore, the care
for religious tolerance in families should be one
of the most important priorities of the Catholic
Church, which is nowadays particularly interested in the new evangelization in the world and
religious pluralism in families.
Ključne besede:
verska nestrpnost, zakon, družina, katoliška vera,
zloraba, travma.
Key words:
religious intolerance, marriage, family, Catholicism, abuse, trauma.
70 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
As. Sara Jerebic
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Srečanje s samim seboj kot prvi pogoj za sprejemanje drugih
krščanskih Cerkva
Encounter With Oneself as a Prerequisite for Respecting Other
Christian Denominations
Vsa doživetja iz otroštva, najsi bodo zavedna
ali nezavedna, ustvarjajo spomine. Posebno
moč imajo negativna doživetja, boleči in
travmatični dogodki, ki so navadno zanikani in odcepljeni. V možgane se tako zapisujejo podobe naših staršev, njihovi odzivi,
čustveno vzdušje in telesne senzacije. Ko
se kasneje pojavi v zaznavi podobna informacija, možgani na osnovi spomina ocenijo
sedanjo izkušnjo: osebo (prav tako občestva)
doživijo kot privlačno, odbijajočo, nevarno,
ogrožajočo, čeprav nima nobene povezave
s sedanjostjo. Tako vzorci vedenja, mišljenja
in čutenja, ki se jih pogosto ne zavedamo,
ustvarijo »Drugega«. To se zgodi na osnovi
psihološkega procesa projekcijske identifikacije, kjer gre za prenos neželenih in
zastrašujočih odcepljenih delov sebe v drugega. Navedeni psihološki proces je temeljni
mehanizem relacijske družinske paradigme,
ki je znanstvena disciplina, katere cilj je
vzpostavitev zadovoljujočih medsebojnih
in družbenih odnosov. Omogoča inovativen
pogled na posameznika v odnosu jaz – ti,
kjer išče in razrešuje temeljna vzdušja, ki se
kompulzivno ponavljajo in prenašajo tudi iz
generacije v generacijo.
S prispevkom želimo razširiti razumevanje
posameznika v odnosu do drugega, širše
skupnosti, krščanskega občestva, glede na
organsko pogojenost psihične strukture,
in prikazati, kako posameznik lahko vstopa
Predavanja Lectures 71
Conscious or not, all childhood experiences
produce memories. Negative experiences, i.e.
painful and traumatic events that are most
often suppressed or denied, are particularly
powerful. Our brain stores images of our parents and their responses, and the emotional
atmosphere and physical sensations experienced. Later, when similar information is perceived, the brain will assess the present experience against the corresponding memory and
the people, communities will be perceived as
attractive, repulsive, dangerous, or threatening, while this perception has no connection
with the present. This is how our, often unconscious, patterns of thought, behaviour and
emotions create the »Other«. The underlying
mechanism is the psychological process of
projective identification, whereby undesirable
and frightening parts of oneself are transferred onto another person. This process is the
core mechanism of relational family paradigm,
a scientific discipline aimed at establishing
satisfying interpersonal and social relationships. It offers a fresh view of the individual
in an »I-and-you« relationship, searching and
resolving fundamental emotional climates
that are compulsively reproduced and even
passed down from generation to generation.
Our contribution aims to broaden the understanding of self in relation to the »Other«,
wider community, Christian communions −
while considering the bodily precondition of
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
v dialog z drugimi krščanskimi Cerkvami. V
prispevku bodo tako prikazani različni načini
srečanja s samim seboj, ki omogočajo sprejemanje različnosti in odpirajo posameznika
za dialog.
the psychological structure, and to demonstrate how an individual engages in dialogue
with other Christian denominations. The contribution presents different methods of encountering oneself that enable an individual
to respect diversity and engage in dialogue.
Ključne besede:
otroštvo, medsebojni odnosi, občestva, projekcijska identifikacija, relacijska družinska
paradigma, krščanska občestva.
Key words:
childhood, interpersonal relationships, communities, projective identification, relational
family paradigm, Christian communion.
72 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
As. dr. Drago Jerebic
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Na kakšen način vstopamo v odnose in gradimo občestva v
svojih skupnostih in kako s predstavniki drugih krščanskih
How does an Individual Establish Relationships and Builds up a
Community Within Their Own Community and in the Context of
Other Christian Denominations?
Sestavni del krščanstva je občestvenost, ki sloni
na medosebnih odnosih, zato je pomembno, na
kakšen način gradimo občestva oz. na kakšen
način vstopamo v odnose. Se zbiramo v Njegovem imenu (prim. Mt 18,20) – s primarnimi
občutji, kakor bi danes rekla sodobna interpersonalna nevrobiologija, ali pa se nasprotno zbiramo v svojem narcističnem obrambnem imenu
– s sekundarnimi občutji?
Že od rojstva naprej je pomembno, kako drugi
vzpostavljajo odnos z nami (tj. kako nam regulirajo občutja), in pozneje, kako mi drugim pomagamo regulirati občutja (prim. Gal 6,2). Človek se
bo npr. spraševal: »Je ob tebi varno? Lahko računam nate? Me ne boš izdal?« Tako si posameznik
v prvem letu življenja oblikuje tip navezanosti,
ki ga bo v večini primerov zaznamoval za vse
življenje, na kakšen način bo vstopal v odnose in
kako bo gradil skupnost.
V prispevku bomo podrobneje predstavili, kaj
pomeni graditi občestvo na primarni in sekundarni emocionalni ravni. Prva raven predstavlja človekovo držo, ki povezuje in je v stiku z
lastno nepopolnostjo, medtem ko druga raven
predstavlja človekove obrambne mehanizme in
vzpostavlja distanco v odnosih. Predstavili bomo
več primerov obeh ravni pri osebah v Svetem
pismu. Posameznik primarne ravni se zaveda
lastne grešnosti in omejenosti, vendar se zaveda
Predavanja Lectures 73
A fundamental part of Christianity is a communion based on interpersonal relationships.
Therefore, it is important how individuals build
up a community, i.e. how do individuals establish relationships. Do individuals gather in His
name1 – or as the contemporary interpersonal
neurobiology would call it: ‘gathering with primary feelings’ – or do they gather in their ‘own’,
narcissistic defensive name, i.e. with secondary
The way other people establish their relationship with an individual is significant since the
individual’s birth. In other words, it is significant
how people regulate individual’s feelings and
later on how the individual helps others to regulate their feelings.2 The individuals seems to
ask themselves: »Is it safe for me to be with you?
Can I count on you? Will you betray me …?« In
their first years of life, the individuals develop
an attachment type that will mark them for life.
This attachment type will determine the way
they establish relationships, i.e. the way they
build up a community.
This paper explains in detail the building of a
communion at the primary emotional level and
the secondary emotional level. The first level denotes the individuals’ connecting attitude being
in touch with their own imperfection, while the
other level denotes the human defense mecha-
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
tudi lastne bogopodobnosti in odrešenosti, zato
se upa odpreti pred drugimi, kar je prvi pogoj
za graditev odnosov. Ta posameznik je izkusil
milostni trenutek odnosnosti, kar pomeni, da je
v odnosu z drugim sebe doživel na nov, boljši
način, zato se bo rad vračal v občestvo in se ne
bo bal odnosov.
V prispevku se bomo dotaknili tudi vprašanja,
kako na primarni in sekundarni emocionalni
ravni vstopamo v odnos in dialog s predstavniki
drugih krščanskih Cerkva.
nisms that maintain distance in relationships.
Several cases of both emotional levels will be
introduced with regard to the biblical figures.
The primary level individuals are aware of their
own sinfulness and limitedness, but also realize their own God’s likeness and salvation. Thus,
these individuals are not afraid to open themselves to others, which is a prerequisite for establishing relationships. The individuals experienced
a merciful moment of being in a relationship,
meaning that they experienced themselves in a
new, better way through their relationships with
others. Therefore, the individuals becomes fond
of returning to the communion and have no fear
to establish a relationship.
The paper also deals with the question of how
to establish relationships at primary and secondary emotional levels and how to engage in
dialogue with representatives of other Christian
Ključne besede:
občestvo, regulacija afekta, navezanost, relacijska družinska terapija, Sveto pismo.
Key words:
communion, affect regulation, attachment, relational family therapy, Holy Bible.
»Whenever two or three of you come together in my name, I am there with you.« Mt 18,20
You obey the law of Christ when you offer each other a helping hand. Ga 6,2
74 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Darija s. Pia Herman, univ. dipl. teol.
Katolički školski centar “Sv. Franjo”, Tuzla Euharistijska ekleziologija Nikolaja Afansijeva
Eucharistic Ecclesiology of Nicolai Afanasiev
U ovom radu predstavljena je euharistijska
ekleziologija ruskog pravoslavnog teologa
Nikolaja Afanasieva. U prvom dijelu protumačen je pojam i značenje euharistijske ekleziologije u njegovoj teološkoj misli. Prvo je
euharistijska ekleziologija predstavljena pod
vidom ključnih razlika između euharistijske
ekleziologije koju Afanasiev smatra izvornom
ali zaboravljenom ekleziologijom prve Crkve,
te stoljećima dominantne univerzalne ekleziologije. Prikazan je odnos mjesne Crkve i opće
Crkve (Crkve Božje) kako ga u svjetlu svoje
ekleziologije postavlja Afanasiev. Nakon toga
je prikazan i objašnjen važan pojam Crkve-u
-prioritetu i uz to vezan problem primata i
autokefalnosti koji su produkti univerzalne
ekleziologije. Primat euharistijska ekleziologija odbacuje budući da ne dopušta ikakvu
vladavinu jedne mjesne Crkve nad drugom
niti nadležnost jednog biskupa nad drugim
biskupima. Prioritet, s druge strane, nije nikakva vlast nad drugima nego je autoritet
kojega jedna mjesna Crkva ima zbog svoje
veće ljubavi, služenja i svjedočenja. Iznesen
je i Afnasiev prijedlog da se između Katoličke
i Pravoslavne Crkve uspostavi interkomunija
na temelju koje bi se onda lakše uklonila neriješena dogmatska i ekleziološka pitanja. U
drugom dijelu iznesena je kritika Afanasieve
ekleziologije od strane dvojice istaknutih pravoslavnih teologa, Joannisa Zizioulasa i Dumitru Staniloae, koji su dobrim dijelom odredili
recepciju Afanasievih ideja u pravoslavlju.
Unatoč tim kritikama, danas postoji obnovljePredavanja Lectures 75
This paper presents the eucharistic ecclesiology of Nikolai Afanasiev (1883−1966), a
Russian orthodox canonist and theologian.
In the first part, the author explains the term
and the meaning of Afanasiev’s eucharistic
ecclesiology. Firstly, she examines Afanasiev's theological thought in the light of the
distinction between eucharistic and universal ecclesiology and explains his original
view of the relation between local and universal Church. Then, the idea of the Church-in-priority and the problem of primacy and
autocephaly is presented. Eucharistic ecclesiology radically excludes any form of primacy
of one local Church over another or of one
bishop over other bishops. The priority is, on
the other hand, affirmed and welcomed as it
is not seen as any kind of power or dominion over others, but as an authority based on
greater love, serving and testimony. Finally,
the idea of intercommunion is presented.
Afaniasiev, namely, thought it is possible and
important for Catholic and Orthodox Church
to share eucharistic unity in spite of the fact
that a full dogmatic and ecclesiastical unity
is not yet reached. Intercommunion is seen
as a path towards full unity. In the second
part, the author presents a criticism of Afanasiev's ecclesiology given by two prominent
Orthodox theologians Ioannis Zizioulas and
Dumitru Staniloae, who have determined the
reception of Afanasiev's ideas in the orthodoxy to a large extent. Although criticized,
the eucharistic ecclesiology of Nicolai Afana-
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
no zanimanje za euharistijsku ekleziologiju N.
Afanasieva kako kod pravoslavnih tako i kod
katoličkih teologa.U svakom slučaju euharistijska ekleziologija N. Afanasijeva je izazov
koji potiče na obnovljen i temeljit pristup važnim teološkim i ekumenskim pitanjima.
siev is today positively re-evaluated by both
Catholic and Orthodox theologians. It is a
challenge that encourages a serious approach and investigation of important theological and ecumenical questions.
Ključne besede:
Nikolaj Afanasiev, euharistijska ekleziologija,
Crkva-u-prioritetu, primat, intercommunio,
I. Zizioulas, D. Staniloae, ekumenizam.
Key words:
Nikolai Afanasiev, eucharistic ecclesiology,
Church-in-priority, primacy, intercommunion,
J. Zizioulas, D. Staniloae, ecumenism.
76 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Doc. dr. Marija Pehar
Katolički bogoslovni fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Koncilsko usmjerenje marijanskoga štovanja i njegov ekumenski
Conciliar Orientation of Marian Devotion and Its Ecumenical Potential
Mariologija i marijansko štovanje u mnogome su
jedno od najkontroverznijih ekumenskih područja
jer uključuju više spornih tema.
Rad se stoga referira na II. Vatikanski koncil koji
upravo u mariologiji pokazuje naglašen ekumenski interes. Nakon što je istaknuto više mjesta s
ekumenskim naglascima, rad se usredotočuje na
smjernice o ispravnom marijanskom štovanju, za
koje Koncil izričito kaže da se »ne sastoji u neplodnom i prolaznom čuvstvu … nego proizlazi iz
prave vjere« (LG, 67). Prema koncilskom shvaćanju
ispravno marijansko štovanje sastoji se u nasljedovanju Marije koja je »izvrstan i jedinstven primjer
i djevice i majke« (LG, 63). U ovom se radu pokušava shvatiti smisao ovoga izričaja i njegovo značenje za kršćanski život. Teološka interpretacija djevičanstva i majčinstva, kakvu susrećemo u Novom
zavjetu i otačkoj mariologiji, upućuje da se ove
vrijednosti ne smiju gledati isključivo na biološko-etičkoj razini, nego ih treba razumjeti kao temeljna svojstva kršćanske vjere koja je dar milosti
i uzdarje predanja. Marijino djevičanstvo i majčinstvo pokazuju se tako kao temeljna određenja istinske vjere, te iz te činjenice proizlazi snaga koncilskoga poziva na nasljedovanje ovih vrednota.
U ovakvoj mariologiji i koncilskom usmjerenju
marijanskoga štovanja, prema kojemu bi kršćanski
život bio istinska vjernost Bogu i plodnost života,
razabire se onda i značajan ekumenski potencijal
na koji će biti ukazano.
Ključne besede:
mariologija, marijansko štovanje, djevičanstvo,
majčinstvo, ekumenski potencijal.
Predavanja Lectures 77
Mariology and Marian devotion are in many aspects
among the most controversial ecumenical areas, because they involve a number of contentious issues.
This paper refers to the second Vatican Council due to
the fact that it has a peculiar ecumenical interest precisely in Mariology. Having singled out several points
with an ecumenical emphasis, the paper focuses on
guidelines for true Marian devotion, for which the Council explicitly states that it »consists neither in sterile
or transitory affection« (...) »but proceeds from true faith« (LG, 67). According to the Council's understanding,
true Marian devotion consists in an imitation of Mary
who is »in eminent and singular fashion as exemplar
both of virgin and mother« (LG, 63). This paper is an
attempt to understand the meaning of the quoted
sentence and its impact on the Christian life. A theological interpretation of virginity and motherhood, as
we find it in the New Testament and the Mariology of
the Church Fathers, suggests that these values should not be approached from an exclusively biological
and ethical perspective, but rather understood as fundamental properties of the Christian faith, which is a
gift of grace and reward for abandonment. Mary's virginity and motherhood thus appear as fundamental
determinants of true faith, from which fact derives the
power of the Council's invitation to live by these values.
Such Mariology and a conciliar conception of Marian
devotion – in light of which the Christian life means
true fidelity to God and fertility of life – give rise to
a significant ecumenical potential, as the paper has
attempted to demonstrate.
Key words:
Mariology, Marian devotion, virginity, motherhood,
ecumenical potential.
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
As. dr. Silvija Migles
Katolički bogoslovni fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Socijalni nauk Crkve u ekumenskom dijalogu
The Social Teaching of the Church in Ecumenical Dialogue
Socijalna tematika je prisutna u Crkvi od početka kršćanstva. Poznato je da kršćanske Crkve
na različite načine očituju praktičnu socijalnu
dimenziju vjere pomažući konkretno one koji
su u potrebi. Teoretski vid socijalne dimenzije vjere je temeljito razrađen u katoličkom
socijalnom nauku počevši od pape Lava XIII.
i prve socijalne enciklike »Rerum novarum«
(15. 5. 1891.). U protestantskim Crkvama se
taj vid razvijao unutar socijalne etike, osobito
u drugoj polovici 20. stoljeća. U pravoslavnim
Crkvama se socijalnoj tematici pod teoretskim
vidom raspravlja tek u novije vrijeme, počevši
od prvog službenog dokumenta Ruske pravoslavne Crkve pod nazivom »Temelji socijalne
doktrine Ruske pravoslavne Crkve« (kolovoz
2000.). Na Pravoslavnom bogoslovnom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Beogradu 2006. godine je
po prvi puta uveden kolegij »Hrišćanska sociologija« koji obuhvaća socijalnu tematiku.
Unutar socijalnog nauka katoličke Crkve
brojna su pitanja o kojima bi se moglo – pod
ekumenskim i dijaloškim vidom – na temelju
socijalnog učenja pravoslavnih Crkava temeljito raspravljati. U radu se žele istražiti moguće
točke suradnje između pravoslavnih Crkvi i
Katoličke Crkve na temelju njihova socijalna
učenja. Koliko će biti moguće u radu će se prikazati zanimanje za socijalno učenje u Srpskoj
pravoslavnoj Crkvi i dijelom u drugim pravoslavnim Crkvama kako bi se u drugom dijelu
moglo potražiti moguće točke suradnje. Znano
je da se od vremena Drugog vatikanskog koncila socijalni dokumenti Katoličke crkve adre-
Social themes have been present in the Church
since the beginning of Christianity. It is a known
fact that Christian Churches manifest the practical, social dimension of the faith in many ways
by concretely helping those that are in need.
The theoretical aspect of the social dimension
of the faith has been minutely systematised in
the Catholic social teaching, starting from Pope
Leo XIII and the first social encyclical letter
»Rerum Novarum« (May 15, 1891). In Protestant
Churches this aspect developed within so-called social ethics, especially in the second half
of the 20th century. Orthodox Churches, on the
other hand, started to discuss theoretical aspect
of social themes only recently, starting from the
first official document of the Russian Orthodox
Church, entitled »Bases of the Social Concept of
the Russian Orthodox Church« (August, 2000). In
2006, the Orthodox Faculty of Theology of the
University of Belgrade introduced the course
»Christian Sociology«, which covers social themes.
There are many issues in the social teaching of
the Catholic Church, which could be discussed
from ecumenical and dialogical point of view,
while taking into account the social teaching of
Orthodox Churches. This paper explores possible points of cooperation between the Orthodox
Churches and the Catholic Church, on the basis
of their social teachings. Within the given limits,
the paper will present the interest for social
teaching in the Serbian Orthodox Church and,
partly, in other Orthodox Churches. This will allow the author to look for possible points of co78 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
siraju na 'sve ljude dobre volje', pozivajući tako
ljude svih vjera u školu zajedništva i suradnje.
U radu će se ukazati na važnu potrebu produbljenja ekumenske dimenzije socijalnog
nauka Crkve, na teološki dijalog sa socijalnim
učenjem drugih kršćanskih Crkava, posebno
pravoslavnim, kao i na njihovu tješnju povezanost na djelatnoj razini, na području siromaštva
i socijalne pravde.
operation in the second part of this paper. It is a
known fact that social documents of the Catholic Church have been addressed to »all people
of good will« from the second Vatican Council
onwards. In this way, they reached out to people
of all faiths in order to call them to enter the
school of communion and cooperation.
The paper will point out the important need
for deepening the ecumenical dimension of the
social teaching of the Church, theological dialogue with the social teachings of other Christian
Churches, especially Orthodox ones, as well as
the importance of their closer cooperation on
the level of activity, and in the areas of poverty
and social justice.
Ključne besede:
socijalni nauk Crkve, ekumenski dijalog, socijalna etika, hrišćanska sociologija.
Key words:
social teaching of the Church, ecumenical dialogue, social ethics, Christian sociology.
Predavanja Lectures 79
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Dr. Thomas Sibley
Biblijski institut Zagreb
Bridging the Growing Disaffection Between Churches and the
This paper seeks to identify and understand
some of the reasons for the growing division
between the academy and churches, especially
those among the »evangelical« expressions of
the church. Although the tension reaches as far
back as Tertullian (Quid ergo Athenis et Hierosolymis, »What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?«), the current and growing rift is hurtful
to our society, the Church at large, individual
congregations, and centres of theological study.
A suspicions have grown because of the isolation felt by »budding« scholars as well as the lack
of encouragement from the organized Christian
communities. When »root causes« are identified,
positive actions from the academy and Christian communities might begin to be attempted.
Some suggested activities from both could begin to »bridge the gap«.
80 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Jani Šumak, univ. dipl. teol.
Pravica do tradicije – pravno-teološki pregled novejše sodne
prakse Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice glede odnosa
med Cerkvijo in državo
The Right to Tradition – A Juristical-Theological Analysis of the
European Court of Human Rights Recent Decisions Regarding the
Separation of Church and State
Leta 2009 je Evropsko sodišče za človekove pravice
v zadevi Lautsi proti Italiji odločilo, da križi v državnih šolah kršijo t. i. negativno pravico do verske
svobode. Italija je zaprosila, da se zadeva predloži
velikemu senatu sodišča. Veliki senat sodbe ni potrdil, ampak je zaključil, da sama prisotnost križev
v šolskih učilnicah ne krši pravic, zagotovljenih v
Evropski konvenciji o človekovih pravicah.
Tako zadevna sodba kot predhodne sodbe definirajo razmerja med Cerkvijo in državo. Kadar sodišče rešuje vprašanja pravic in religije, že dolgo ni
omejeno na vprašanja do svobode veroizpovedi in
ugovora vesti, ampak s svojimi sodbami sooblikuje odnos med Cerkvijo in državo, zato je teologija, ki želi govoriti o odnosu med njima, primorana
poznati ključne smernice, ki jih postavlja sodna
praksa sodišča.
Poznavanje teh smernic in vsebine sodne prakse
teologa seznani s pokrajino njegovega premišljevanja. Ta pokrajina je žal neenotna, saj niti sodna
praksa sodišča niti zakonodaja posameznih držav
ne dajeta enotnega in jasnega odgovora glede
odnosa med Cerkvijo in državo, zato je sleherni
teološki odgovor prav tako lahko samo poizkus
zastavitve novodobne teologije odnosa med njima.
Ključne besede:
človekove pravice, Evropsko sodišče za človekove
pravice, religiozne pravice, sekularizacija, Cerkev in
država, politična teologija.
Predavanja Lectures 81
In 2009, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in favour of Ms. Lautsi and found Italy guilty of
violating her and her children's so called negative
right to religious freedom for allowing crucifixes
in public class rooms. Italy requested that the case
was brought before the Grand Chamber of the Court. The Grand Chamber overturned the ruling and
concluded that the mere presence of crucifixes in
the classroom is not a violation of the human rights
granted by the Convention.
This case, as well as other rulings of the Court, have
an enormous effect on how we view the topic of
separation of church and state. The Court does not
limit its ruling to matters of freedom of religion and
the right of conscience, that it is why theology that
wants to address questions regarding the separation
of church and state must keep in mind the guidelines
of the Court's key decisions on that matter.
By understanding the guidelines and the rulings,
theologians can construct a map of the world we live
in. The world is – much like the Court's decisions and
the legislation of national parliaments, a fragmented
and complex landscape that gives no clear answer
on the matter of the separation of church and state.
Therefore any theological answer can not aspire to
be anything more than an attempt in an ever-changing world.
Key words:
human rights, European Court of Human Rights, secularization, religious rights, church and state, political theology.
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Rok Mihelič, univ. dipl. teol.
Pravna in teološka perspektiva razumevanja razmerja med
Cerkvijo in državo znotraj krščanskega občestva
Legal and Theological Perspective of Understanding the Relationship between Church and State Within Christian Community
Ius est ars aequi et boni – umetnost dobrega
in pravičnega predstavlja sistem pravnih pravil
in načel, ki urejajo zunanja vedenja in ravnanje
posameznikov ter njihovih združenj v različnih
družbenih razmerjih. Ureditev razmerja med
Cerkvijo in nosilci javnih oblasti predstavlja
osrednje gibalo razvoja evropske zahodne družbe. V zakulisju institucionalnega razmerja z državo predstavljajo posamezne krščanske skupnosti pestrost različnih pogledov na državo in pravo.
Primerjava razkriva razkorak med normativnim
(teološkim in pravno-teoretičnim pogledom) in
dejanskim (doseženo družbeno resničnostjo). Institucionalna ločitev verskih skupnosti in države
ni zadosten pa tudi nujen pogoj za zagotovitev
verske svobode. Ločitev verskih skupnosti in
države nikoli ni pomenila in ne pomeni ločitve
religije in politike. Koncepta verske in državne
doktrine sta podana, toda šele njuni razlagi, razumevanje in uporaba dajejo spoznanje, da se v
družbi resnično udejanja tisto, kar je doseženo v
razmerju do zapovedanega.
»Ius est ars aequi et boni – art of good and fair«
represents a system of legal rules and principles that regulate the external behaviour and
actions of individuals and their associations in
various social relationships. Arrangement of the
relationship between the Church and the holders of public authorities is a driving force for
the development of Western European society.
In the backstage of the institutional relationship
with the country, different Christian communities represent a variety of different views of
the state and the law. The comparison reveals
a gap between the normative (theological and
legal-theoretical view) and actual (achieved social reality). The institutional separation of state
and religious communities is not sufficient and
also not a necessary condition to ensure religious freedom. The separation of state and religious communities has never meant and does
not mean the separation of religion and politics.
The concepts of religious and state doctrine are
given, but only their interpretation, understanding and application offer the knowledge that in
society it is truly being realized what has been
achieved in relation to the prescribed.
Ključne besede:
cerkev, država, politika, verska skupnost, primerjalno pravo, modeli razmerja med Cerkvijo in
državo, ločitev Cerkve in države, dvojnost duhovnega in posvetnega.
Key words:
church, state, politics, religious community, comparative law, models of relationships between
church and state, separation of church and state,
duality of spiritual and secular.
82 Predavanja Lectures
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Jasmina Kristovič, mag. ZDŠ
Nacionalni inštitut za psihoterapijo
Po verskem prepričanju različni, a enaki v trpljenju in bolečini,
ljubezni in sreči: mešani pari in relacijska družinska terapija
Under a Different Religious Belief, Equal in Suffering and Pain, Love
and Happiness: Mixed Couples and Relational Family Therapy
Področje mešanih parov je tako pri nas kot tudi v
tujini še vedno slabo raziskano in poznano, čeprav
število mešanih parov in družin narašča. Prispevek
osvetljuje problematiko mešanih parov in družin
na področju družinske dinamike, verskega življenja, vzgoje in partnerstva. Število mešanih zakonov v svetovnem merilu narašča, kar predstavlja
za stroko (družinske terapevte, svetovalce, duhovnike itd.) nov izziv, kako pomagati parom, ki iščejo
pomoč. Najpogostejše težave mešanih parov in
družin so: sprejemanje drugačnosti, vpliv primarne družine in verska vzgoja. V prispevku bomo poudarili osrednjo problematiko mešanih parov pri
nas in drugod po svetu, podobnosti in razlike med
mešanimi in nemešanimi pari in družinami, znanstvena dognanja in terapevtsko delo po modelu
relacijske družinske terapije.
Primarna družina in medosebni odnosi znotraj
nje predstavljajo pomembno vlogo za vsak par ali
družino. Mešani pari in družine se pogosto srečujejo z občutkom nerazumljenosti, nesprejetosti in
občutkom krivde. Različne raziskave kažejo, da se
mešani pari najpogosteje srečujejo s težavami ob
rojstvu prvega otroka glede vere in vzgoje. Model
relacijske družinske terapije je za mešane pare in
družine s tovrstno problematiko še posebej primeren, ker posameznika obravnava kot del »sistema« družine in stvari rešuje celostno.
Ključne besede:
mešani pari in zakoni, partnerski odnosi in relacijska družinska terapija.
Predavanja Lectures 83
The phenomenon of mixed couples is still very poorly studied and researched, both in Slovenia as well
as abroad, despite the growing number of mixed
couples and families. This contribution highlights
the issues of mixed couples and families with regard
to family dynamics, religious life, education and partnership. The number of mixed marriages is growing
globally, which represents a new challenge to professionals (family therapists, counselors, clergy etc.)
providing help to couples seeking help. Most common problems of mixed couples and families include
embracing diversity, influence of the primary family,
and religious education. In this article, we will highlight the core problems of mixed couples in our country and around the world, the similarities and differences between mixed and nonmixed couples and
families, scientific advances and therapeutic work on
the model of relational family therapy.
The primary family and interpersonal relationships
within it play an important role for any couple or family. Mixed couples and families are often faced with
a sense of misunderstanding, rejection and guilt.
Various studies show that mixed couples frequently
face problems at birth of the first child, regardless
of religion and education. The relational model of
family therapy for mixed couples and families with
problems of that kind is a particularly suitable one,
because the individual is treated as a part of the
Key words:
mixed pairs and marriages, partnership relations and
relational family therapy.
Teologija v dialogu Theology in dialogue
Doc. dr. Sebastjan Kristovič
Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije
Psihosocialni dejavniki človeka kot duhovnega bitja –
logoterapevtski aspekti nadsmisla
Psychosocial Factors of Man as a Spiritual Being – Logotheraupetic
Aspects of the Supra-Meaning
Gledano z vidika Franklove logoterapije je človek bitje smisla oziroma bitje za smisel. Človeka
v polnosti ne poteši zadovoljitev vseh njegovih
potreb, želja in gonov, ampak bivanjska varnost, ki
je v tesni povezavi z notranjo izpolnitvijo smisla.
V središču logoterapije je tako smisel človeške
eksistence in obenem tudi različne možnosti iskanja tega smisla. Za osnovno motivacijo v človekovi duhovni razsežnosti logoterapija postavlja
voljo do smisla, ki je v nasprotju z željo po užitku,
tj. »voljo do užitka« (Freud) ali »voljo do moči«
(Nietzsche, Adler). Številne raziskave so pokazale,
da je prav stopnja notranje izpolnitve s smislom
ključni kazalnik temeljnih psihosocialnih dejavnikov.
V središču eksistencialne analize je vprašanje
smisla. Zadnji in temeljni odgovor na vprašanje
smisla najdemo zgolj in samo v obzorju nadsmisla, v katerem je zajeta tudi vera oziroma religija.
Fundamentalna osmislitev bivanja (v najširšem
smislu) je prav religiozno, tisto, kar človeka presega. Bistvena ideja človeške eksistence je absolutni smisel oziroma nadsmisel, kar pomeni, da bi
lahko bila ena temeljnih možnosti plodovitega in
pristnega ekumenizma prav v ideji nadsmisla. Ali
kot pravi Albert Einstein: »Najti odgovor na vprašanje o smislu življenja pomeni biti religiozen.«
Ključne besede:
Frankl, logoterapija, smisel, nadsmisel, psihosocialni dejavniki.
From the point of view of the Frankl’s logotherapy, man is a being of the meaning or a being for
the meaning. A man can’t be fully consoled by the
satisfaction of all his or her needs, wishes and impulses, but by the existential safety, closely linked to
an inner fulfillment of the meaning. The meaning of
human existence as well as different possibilities of
searching for the meaning are hence central to the
logotherapy. It has established »will to meaning« as
a fundamental motivation in the human spiritual dimension, as opposed to »will to pleasure« (Freud) or
»will to power« (Nietzsche, Adler). As demonstrated
by numerous researches, precisely the level of inner
fullfilment with the meaning constitutes the crucial
sign of the fundamental psychosocial factors.
The question of meaning is a central one to the
existential analysis. The ultimate and fundamental
response to the question of the meaning can be found only on the horizon of the supra-meaning, where faith or religion are also included. The fundamental giving of meaning to human existence (in the
broadest sense of the word) is precisely the religious, something that transcends a man. The essential
»idea« of human existence is the absolute meaning
or supra-meaning. That could make the »idea« of the
supra-meaning one of the basic possibilities of a productive and authentic ecumenism. Or in the words of
Albert Einstein: »To find the response to the question
of the meaning of life means to be religious.«
Key words:
Frankl, logotherapy, meaning, supra-meaning,
psychosocial factors.
84 Predavanja Lectures
Seznam sodelujočih
List of Symposium
Avsenik Nabergoj, Irena
izr. prof. dr.
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU
PhD, Assoc. Prof.
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Scientific Research Centre of SAZU
Bahovec, Igor
doc. dr.
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
PhD, Assist. Prof.
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Bresciani, David
Zavod sv. Ignacija
St. Ignatious Institution
Budiselić, Ervin
Biblijski institut Zagreb
M. Sc.
Bible Institute Zagreb
Debevec, Leon
doc. dr.
Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Univerza v Ljubljani
PhD, Assist. Prof.
Faculty of architecture, University of Ljubljana
Ditmajer, Nina
prof. slov., doktorand
BA in Education, Doctoral Student
Dolenc, Bogdan
doc. dr.
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
PhD, Assist. Prof.
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Džalto, Davor
izr. prof. dr.
The American University of Rome
PhD, Assoc. Prof.
The American University of Rome
Furlan Štante, Nadja
doc. dr.
Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper in
Fakulteta za humanistične študije,
Univerza na Primorskem
PhD, Assist. Prof.
Science and Research Centre of Koper and
Faculty of Humanities,
University of Primorska
Gerjolj, Stanko
prof. dr.
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
PhD, Prof.
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Herman, Darija s. Pia
univ. dipl. teolog, doktorand
BA in Theology, Doctoral Student
Katolički školski centar "Sv.Franjo", Tuzla St. Francis Catholic School Center, Tuzla
Bosna in Hercegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Jambrek, Stanko
Biblijski institut Zagreb
Bible Institute Zagreb
Jamnik, Anton
izr. prof. dr
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
PhD, Assoc. Prof.
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Jerebic, Drago
specialist zakonske in družinske terapije,
asist. dr.
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Specialist in Marital and Family Therapy,
PhD, Assist.
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Jerebic, Sara
specialist zakonske in družinske terapije,
asist., doktorand
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Specialist in Marital and Family Therapy,
Assist., Doctoral Student
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Kisić, Rade
doc. dr.
Pravoslavni Bogoslovski fakultet
Univerzitet u Beogradu
PhD, Assist. Prof.
Faculty of Orthodox Theology
University of Belgrade
Kovač, Edvard
izr. prof. dr.
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
PhD, Assoc. Prof.
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Krajnc-Vrečko, Fanika
zn. sod. dr.
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
PhD, Research Fellow
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Krašovec, Jože
akad. prof. dr
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Acad., PhD, Prof.
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Kristovič, Jasmina
Nacionalni inštitut za psihoterapijo
M. Sc.
National Institute for Psychotherapy
Kristovič, Sebastjan
doc. dr.
Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije
PhD, Assist. Prof.
School of Advanced Social Studies
Kubat, Rodoljub
izr. prof. dr
Pravoslavni Bogoslovski fakultet
Univerzitet u Beogradu
PhD, Assoc. Prof.
Faculty of Orthodox Theology
University of Belgrade
Kuzmič, Peter
prof. dr.
Visoko Evanđeosko Teološko Učilište u Osijeku
PhD, Prof.
Evangelical Theological Seminary Osijek
Lah, Avguštin
izr. prof. dr.
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
PhD, Assoc. Prof.
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Matjaž, Maksimilijan
izr. prof. dr.
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
PhD, Assoc. Prof.
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Maver, Aleš
doc. dr.
Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Mariboru
PhD, Assist. Prof.
Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor
Migles, Silvija
asist., dr.
Katolički bogoslovni fakultet
Sveučilište u Zagrebu
PhD, Assist.
Catholic Faculty of Theology
University of Zagreb
Mihelič, Rok
univ. dipl. teolog, doktorand
BA in Theology, Doctoral Student
Osredkar, Mari Jože
doc. dr.
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
PhD, Assist. Prof.
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Palmisano, Maria Carmela
doc. dr.
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
PhD, Assist. Prof.
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Pehar, Marija
doc. dr.
Katolički bogoslovni fakultet
Sveučilište u Zagrebu
PhD, Assist. Prof.
Catholic Faculty of Theology
University of Zagreb
Pevec Rozman, Mateja
doc. dr.
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
PhD, Assist. Prof.
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Platovnjak, Ivan
doc. dr.
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
PhD, Assist. Prof.
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Puzović, Predrag
prof. dr.
Pravoslavni Bogoslovski fakultet
Univerzitet u Beogradu
PhD, Prof.
Faculty of Orthodox Theology
University of Belgrade
Rezar, Cvetka
prof. slov. in teol., doktorand
BA in Education, Doctoral Student
Rifel, Tadej
asist., dr.
Zavod sv. Stanislava
PhD, Assist.
St. Stanislav's Institution
Ronchiato, Roberta
Facoltà Teologica del Triveneto
Theological Faculty of Triveneto
Sibley, Thomas
Biblijski institut Zagreb
Bible Institute Zagreb
Skralovnik, Samo
prof. teol. in zgo., asist., doktorand
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
BA in Education, Assist., Doctoral Student
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Slatinek, Stanislav
doc. dr.
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
PhD, Assist. Prof.
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Stanonik, Marija
prof. dr.
Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU
PhD, Prof.
Scientific Research Centre of SAZU
Stegu, Tadej
doc. dr.
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
PhD, Assist. Prof.
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Škamperle, Igor
doc. dr.
Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
PhD, Assist. Prof.
Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Škof, Lenart
prof. dr.
Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče in
Inštitut za filozofske študije,
Univerza na Primorskem
PhD, Prof.
Science and Research Centre of Koper and
Institute for Philosophical Studies,
University of Primorska
Štrukelj, Anton
prof. dr.
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
PhD, Prof.
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Šumak, Jani
univ. dipl. teolog
BA in Theology
Valenčič, Rafko
prof. dr.
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
PhD, Prof.
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Večko, Terezija Snežna
doc. dr
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
PhD, Assist. Prof.
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Vukašinović, Vladimir
izr. prof. dr
Pravoslavni Bogoslovski fakultet
Univerzitet u Beogradu
PhD, Assoc. Prof.
Faculty of Orthodox Theology
University of Belgrade
Zečević, Jure
izr. prof. dr
Katolički bogoslovni fakultet
Sveučilište u Zagrebu
PhD, Assoc. Prof.
Catholic Faculty of Theology
University of Zagreb
Žalec, Bojan
izr. prof. dr.
Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
PhD, Assoc. Prof.
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Žust, Milan
izr. prof. dr
Fakulteta za misijologijo,
Papeška univerza Gregoriana
PhD, Assoc. Prof.
Faculty of Missiology,
Pontifical Gregorian University
Sponzorji Sponsors
Mednarodni ekumenski simpozij
Teologija v dialogu
Maribor, 16.–18. oktober 2014
International Ecumenical Symposium
Theology in Dialogue
Maribor, October 16th–18th 2014
Organizacija Organization
Univerza v Ljubljani, Teološka fakulteta, Enota v Mariboru
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Theology, Maribor Unit
Inštitut Stanka Janežiča za ekumensko teologijo in medreligijski dialog
Stanko Janežič Institute for Ecumenical Theology and Inter-Religious Dialogue
Organizacijski odbor Organizing committee
Znanstveni odbor Scientific committee
izr. prof. dr. Avguštin Lah, predsednik simpozija
as. Samo Skralovnik, tajnik simpozija
Simon Jurkovič, tajnik Teološke fakultete
doc. dr. Bogdan Dolenc
prof. dr. Stanko Gerjolj
izr. prof. dr. Edvard Kovač
zn. sod. dr. Fanika Krajnc-Vrečko
izr. prof. dr. Maksimilijan Matjaž
doc. dr. Mari Jože Osredkar
doc. dr. Mateja Pevec Rozman
doc. dr. Stanislav Slatinek
izr. prof. dr. Avguštin Lah
izr. prof. dr. Pablo Argárate
doc. dr. Bogdan Dolenc
prof. dr. Predrag Puzović
prof. dr. Anton Štrukelj
izr. prof. dr. Jure Zečević