Regulatory view of hydrogen management at the Krško NPP Tomi Živko Slovenian Nuclear Safety Adminstration Litostrojska 54 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Srđan Špalj, Andreja Peršič Nuklearna elektrarna Krško, Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration Vrbina 12, Litostrojska 54 8270 Krško , Slovenia, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, ABSTRACT The Krško NPP and the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (SNSA) have been for a longer time paying attention to the problem of hydrogen in the containment. Findings of the IAEA's RAMP mission concerning hydrogen were included in the first Periodic Safety Review of the Krško NPP. It resulted in studies which showed that there was no danger due to nonuniformity of hydrogen distribution in the case of accident. Hydrogen explosions happened during the Fukushima accident and hydrogen problematics came into focus of regulators and opearators. European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group requested from national regulators to urgently consider additional protection of the containment from hydrogen explosions and ovepressure. On the basis of SNSA regulatory decisions, the Krško NPP decided to install passive autocatalytic recombiners (PARs) in 2013. The PAR system will protect the containment in the case of design as well in the case of beyond design basis accidents (BDBA). This will be the first case of licencing of BDBA systems at the Krško NPP and therefore also a challenge for the regulator. 1 INTRODUCTION The hydrogen in the containment can be produced in interaction between steam and the zirconium cladding of the nuclear fuel. The reaction is exothermic, it starts at high temperature and accelerates as temperature increases. Other sources of hydrogen during design bases accidents are corrosion of metals and radiolysis of aqueous solution in the core and sump. If the core is not successfully cooled, the molten core-concrete interaction (MCCI) is expected to occur resulting in large quantities of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, which are both flammable and non-condensable gases [1]. Hydrogen is not flammable below 4% of volume concentration at 20˚ C and atmospheric pressure. The same limit for carbon monoxide is at 12% volume concentration. A lot of attention was paid to the problem of hydrogen generation in nuclear power plants after the Three Mile Island (TMI-2) accident. During the accident, a hydrogen burn or an explosion caused pressure to increase by 0.197 MPa in the containment building, according to the Kemeny Commission [2]. However, it did not damage the containment of the TMI-2 nuclear power plant. The Fukushima accident occured in March 2011. Hydrogen was produced in big quantities at units of the Fukushima NPP that eventually led to hydrogen 1103.1 1103.2 explosions blowing the roofs off of reactor buildings. These two accidents have caused the worldwide response. The objective of the paper is to present regulatory measures in Slovenia concerning hydrogen control and the corresponding response at the Krško NPP which is the only NPP in Slovenia. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In the second chapter we chronologically describe history of hydrogen management in Slovenia. The first subsection of the third chapter presents regulatory view and work concerning the PAR modification. Subsections 3.2 and 3.3 give relevant informations about capability of the PAR system to handle DBA and BDBA. Technical description of PARs is presented in subsection 3.4. All data from subsections 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 are taken from the PAR application. A short summary is given in the fourth chapter. 2 SURVEY OF HYDROGEN CONTROL AT THE KRŠKO NPP The Krško NPP can successfully handle hydrogen problem in the case of a design basis accident. Two redundant electric recombiners are provided in the containment. The capacity of each electric recombiner is 47.2 litres of containment air per second. This is enough to keep the hydrogen concentration at safe level in the case of design basis accident [3]. The RAMP (Review of Accident Management Programmes) mission in the year 2001 compared the Krško NPP Accident Management Programme (AMP) with international standards and experience. The mission found out that the AMP for Krško NPP is generally in accordance with the IAEA guidance documents as well as with international experience and practice [4]. However, the question of a possible impact of non-uniform hydrogen distribution in the containment was raised as well as the question related to adequacy of supposed hydrogen source. The latter followed because a possibility of MCCI could not be excluded. Installation of passive autocatalytic recombiners was also mentioned to be worth of consideration [4]. These questions were soon addressed in the action plan which followed the Krško NPP first Periodic Safety Review. The following actions were identified: • analyses of possible non-uniform distribution of hydrogen within containment space, • analyses of influence of potentially decreased corium coolability on the burnable gas management and containment long term pressure management, • analyses of effects of PAR system installation. The first action resulted in a study in which relevant Krško NPP severe accident scenarios were analysed [5]. The study found out that beside some local peaks of hydrogen concentration in the reactor cavity, atmosphere in all other lower compartments had similar hydrogen concentrations. The atmosphere in the containment dome was well mixed, too and there was no significant stratification. The conclusion was that possible non-uniformities in hydrogen distribution did not present a serious threat to the containment. It was later decided to address the remaining two actions as a part of the Safety Upgrade Program (see the following text). Following the Fukushima accident, the question of hydrogen handling became one of urgent topics for nuclear industry and regulators. After the adoption of the stress tests specifications by European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG) and the European Commission, the SNSA immediately issued a decision for the Krško NPP to perform the extraordinary safety review [6]. The program of the review was completely in line with the adopted stress tests specifications. The Krško NPP's report was reviewed by the SNSA, open issues were clarified and the Slovenian national report was adopted, which was very much 1103.3 based on the report of the Krško NPP. The 15 European Union countries with nuclear reactors as well as Ukraine and Switzerland performed the stress tests and were subjected to the peer review. Among the results of stress tests there was also a compilation of recommendations addressed to national regulators which was published in July 2012 [7]. The question of hydrogen handling for protection of containment integrity was recognized as very important in the compilation. Correspondingly, the national regulators were required to urgently consider this topic. Regulatory actions in Slovenia were not limited to following of international initiatives. Besides the decision for the plant to perform the extraordinary safety review, the SNSA also issued a decision in September 2011 requiring from the plant to reassess the Severe Accident Management strategy, the existing design measures and procedures and to implement safety upgrade for prevention of severe accidents and mitigation of its consequences. This evaluation was finished in January 2012. It resulted in the Safety Upgrade Program (SUP) in which was presented the program of implementation of measures corresponding to Design Extension Conditions (DEC). Plant states corresponding to DEC were derived from the following combinations of events, specific for the plant design and site location [8]: • Combination of seismic event (Peak Ground Acceleration up to 0.6 g), Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) and Station Blackout (SBO), • Combination of seismic event (PGA up to 0.6 g) and external flooding, • Combination of seismic event (PGA up to 0.6 g), loss of Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS) and SBO, • Combination of large commercial aircraft accident and fire. These combinations of events were obtained on the basis of deterministic and probabilistic assessments, engineering judgement, international recommendations and the Krško NPP specific analyses [9]. The SUP was reviewed and approved by the SNSA in February 2012 [10]. The SUP included various modifications and equipment procurement. Part of the SUP was also installation of the PAR and Passive Containment Filter Vent (PCFV) systems in order to improve protection of the containment integrity. The SUP foresees the installation of the first two DEC systems (PAR and the PCFV) during 2013 outage. 3 IMPROVEMENT OF HYDROGEN CONTROL AT THE KRŠKO NPP 3.1 Regulatory view In May 2013, the Krško NPP submitted an application to SNSA to approve the installation of passive autocatalytic recombiners and documents which are affected by the modification: Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR), Technical Specifications (TS) and Design Extension Conditions Technical Specifications (DEC TS). The goal of the PAR system is protection and prevention of the containment damages due to overpressure from hydrogen and carbon monoxide explosions in the case of Design Basis Accidents (DBA) and BDBA. The modification foresees removal of the two existing electric recombiners and installation of two safety related PARs and additional twenty non-safety related PARs for the case of BDBA. All units will be a model NIS PAR 44 KKH [11]. Non-safety related PARs are DEC equipment. Slovenian regulations currently do not have precise formulation of DEC and how DEC should be described in USAR. It was decided to add a new chapter to USAR which would cover DEC. Currently, the DEC chapter has two sections: General description of DEC systems and site characteristics, Design inputs for DEC 1103.4 systems, structures and components. The latter section has following subsections: Seismic design, Extreme Weather Conditions Design, Releases of radioactive materials design, Separation and single failure criteria, DEC instrumentation design requirements, Environmental qualification design. This organisation of the DEC chapter supports systems PAR and PCFV. The regulatory view is that different organisation of the chapter and more details will be required during course of time, when new DEC systems will be added. Limiting conditions for operation (LCO) for 2 safety related PARs are given in TS, while Limiting conditions for operation for all DEC systems (DEC-LCO) are given in DEC TS. There is an important difference between LCO and DEC-LCO. Namely, if the DEC-LCO is not fulfilled and the required action is also not fulfilled, then the shutdown conditions for plant are not required, as would be case if LCO and required action would not be fulfilled. Instead of achieving shutdown conditions, operator must report the SNSA and ask an approval for continuation of operation. The reason for the difference is that DEC systems are used for accidents that are very unlikely to occur. Currently (August 2013), the PAR application is under review of the SNSA. 3.2 Hydrogen treatment in the case of DBA As already mentioned, two existing electric hydrogen recombiners will be replaced with two safety related PARs. Their goal will be to keep hydrogen volume concentration in the containment below acceptable conservative limit of 4% in the case of DBA. The number of needed PAR units was determined as follows. The worst design basis case of LOCA leads to production of about 250 kg of hydrogen in 100 days [12]. One PAR unit with a conservatively assumed hydrogen depletion rate 0.095 kg/hr keeps total the hydrogen mass in the containment (green line in Fig. 1) well below limiting concentration. Additional safety related PAR unit will be installed for the reason of redundancy. Figure 1: Volume percent of hydrogen in containment in the case of the DBA LOCA [12]. Red line depicts the case without PARs, green line depicts the case with one PAR operating. 1103.5 3.3 Hydrogen treatment in the case of BDBA The dimensioning sequence for PARs and PCFV was SBO. It was conservatively assumed that severe accident management equipment was not credited and that DEC equipment was not available for first 24 hours. Eventualy, the core would be melted and relocated into the containment. During the in-vessel phase of a severe accident, hydrogen is produced in the core by oxidation of zirconium cladding by the steam at high temperature. When a vessel failure occurs, the molten core relocates to the cavity that has already been flooded. Water from the cavity quenches the core. As a result, water steam is produced and pressure in the containment increases. The MCCI occurs following cavity dryout. Large quantities of hydrogen and carbon monoxide are produced during MCCI resulting in the pressure increase. Pressure in the containment is controlled by the PCFV which is supposed to open (6 bar) and close (4 bar) at preset values [13]. The containment pressure transient for the dimensioning sequence is shown in Fig. 2. Carbon monoxide has similar behaviour with respect to burning as hydrogen. Therefore, if carbon monoxide mass is correspondingly weighted, the so called equivalent carbon monoxide mass is obtained. Hydrogen mass and equivalent carbon monoxide mass are added up in order to obtain the so called equivalent hydrogen mass. It was found out that the combustion of 408 kg of equivalent hydrogen mass could produce peak pressure of 6 bars, which in turn could lead to 5 % probability of containment failure [14]. Pressures smaller than 6 bars and correspondingly, quantities of equivalent hydrogen mass smaller than 400 kg are not considered as a serious challenge to the containment. Four hundreds kg of hydrogen need 3200 kg of oxygen for combustion. Therefore, the hydrogen and carbon monoxide problem is effectively solved if the quantity of oxygen in containment is smaller than 3200 kg. The initial quantity of oxygen in the containment is about 9600 kg as can be seen from numbers on the right side ordinate axis of Fig. 3. It means that we have to eliminate 6400 kg of oxygen to reach the state which is safe with respect to hydrogen combustion. Big quantities of oxygen are depleted from the containment before the MCCI occurs, during first vent opening (see Fig. 2 and Fig. 3). The rest of the oxygen can be used for oxidation of hydrogen by PARs. Fig. 3 presents oxygen mass, hydrogen mass, equivalent carbon monoxide mass and equivalent mass of hydrogen as function of time for the case of 18 PARs [13]. The analysis shows that 22 PARs will keep mass of oxygen below 3200 kg at all times when equivalent mass of hydrogen exceeds 400 kg. In this way, the needed number of PARs was found to be 22. The locations of the PARs are chosen to be stiff in order not to change the dynamic response of the elements of the platforms to which the PARs are mounted. 1103.6 Figure 2: Time evolution of containment pressure during transient [13]. Figure 3: The right ordinate axis gives oxygen mass (blue), equivalent hydrogen mass (black), hydrogen mass (red) and equivalent CO mass (green) during transient [13]. 3.4 Technical properties of PARs A PAR NIS 44KKH is a passive device that contains no active moving parts. Its housing consists of a stainless sheet metal box, open at the bottom and near the top. Forty- 1103.7 four catalytic cartridges are inserted into the housing. Cartridges are fabricated from perforated stainless steel plates which hold the catalyst pellets. Recombination is accomplished by the attraction of oxygen and hydrogen molecules to the surface of catalyst. The PAR is designed for a self-starting and self-sustaining reaction. The hydrogen depletion rate depends on the total pressure, gas temperature and hydrogen concentration. Mass of one PAR is about 100 kg. PARs will be demonstrated operable during outage by visual examination of each PAR enclosure what will ensure that there is no obstruction or blockage of the inlets or outlets. One cartridge will be taken from 2 safety and from 4 non safety related PARs. A surveillance bench test will be performed on these 6 cartridges. A schematic of PAR NIS 44KKH is shown in Fig. 4. Figure 4: Schematic of PAR NIS 44KKH [11]. 4 CONCLUSIONS The question of hydrogen management came again to the focus after the Fukushima accident. The Krško NPP acted promptly in order to protect the containment integrity in the case of severe accident. During the 2013 outage, two systems, PAR and PCFV will be installed in order to protect the containment from explosions of flammable gases and overpressure. Both systems fulfil requirements which follow from DEC. DEC represent important step in improvement of nuclear safety. However, DEC is a new concept and is not yet precisely defined in the existing Slovenian nuclear regulation. Some requirements concerning severe accidents have already been incorporated into the regulation. Regulatory work concerning DEC has to be continued. 1103.8 REFERENCES [1] H. Alsmeyer et al., Molten corium/concrete interaction and corium coolability, European Commission, 1995. [2] J. G. Kemeny et al., The Need For Change: The Legacy Of TMI, Washington D. C., 1979. [3] Nuklearna Elektrarna Krško, Updated Safety Analysis Report, Rev. 19, Krško, 2012. [4] International Atomic Energy Agency, Report of the RAMP (Review of Accident Management Programmes) mission to the Krško Nuclear Power Plant, Slovenia, 19 - 23 November 2001, International Atomic Energy Agency, 2001. [5] D. Grgić and T. Fancev, Hydrogen Distribution in NPP Krško Containmemt, NEK ESD TR 13/10, Krško, 2011. 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