1 8 the Multnomah Amateur Athletic announces that there win he an exmei- tion of mixed swimming in the tanK at the club. Thursday night. All members of the swimming classes are urged to be on hand and participate in the sport. WALLOPS HQGAN SOUTHPAW GREGG SIX Beavers Have Small Chance to Show What They Could lo Despite Good Ball Pitched by Gregg. Arm Strong. Moser's PACIFIC LEAGIK. COAST Yrnter day's Results. Oakland 4; Portland 1. : San Francisco Sacramento Vernon 3; Los Angeles 1. Standing of the Clubs. 0 I 5 S 3 2. A :. Z : ? : 8 i i 9 4! 4' 2fl . 501 .5fil 4 u 7 31 23 . 5r, si."1 .47 ,4 ? .478 6i 3 41 4 B..I 15i .341 Vernon ... Portland San Fran.. Ios Angeles Oakland Sacramento Lost .4 ' 31 E . GETS BIG FIGHT SIlATTLE 12 IS 17 18 .520 S81 .346 .183 .."." 'Powers-That-B- ss Will Work PITCHERS IN ONE GAME three-sack- K. n OFFICIAL BALKS ALAMEDA er ! - "Boston ..... . 13 0 . 0 .375 .321 17 PIIILIPPI SHUTS OUT BOSTON Supported by. East Fielding, Cham pions Win Great Game. PITTSBURG, May 17. Phillippi, sup ported by brilliant fielding, held Boston to two hits today and Pittsburg won, 3 to 0. In the third inning, with the bases full and none out. Frock retired the side with. out a score. Score: R.H.E.I R.H.E. Pittsburg ....3 7 .......0 OIBoston 2 0 Batteries Phillippi and Gibson; Frock and Graham. Umpires Rigler and Ems- lie. St. Louis 10; Philadelphia ST. LOUIS, May 3. St. Louis won from Philadelphia today, 10 to 3. Ewing was retired In the fourth and at no time dur ing the game did the visitors have a chance to win. Score: R.H.E.I R.H.E. 10 9 41 Philadelphia .3 7 5 St. Louis Ewing, Phelps; Harmon and Batteries Maroney and Dooin, Moran, Umpires Klem and Kane. 17. y, - son-readi- PORTLAND. AB. H. 0 o 4:. 1 1 i. 4 3 3 O 2 3 29 1 AB. R. O 1 1 IS 9 1 0 5 H. 0 O O O O 24 11 1 PO. A. E. 1 0 0 0 0 0 O . 2 1 r, 4 7 SUMMARY. ' .Stolen bases Three-bas- e Swander. hit Two-baHogan. hit Hogan. Sacrifice hits Maggart- 2. Wares, McCredie, Speas, Carroll.' First base on called balls Off (Jregg 3, off Moser 2. Struck out By OrpKB 4. by Moser 3. Hit by pitcher speas. Douoie plays wares to cutsnaw to Hogan cutsnaw to Hogan to Mltze. Umpires Van Haltren and Time 1 , McGreevey. se (); BOVS DRUB DILLON Vernon Shows Angels How to Play Bail, Winning 3 to 1. LOS ANGELES. May 17. NORTHWESTERN Tacoma Vancouver Seattle Spokane LEAGUE. Won. Lost. ........ .........1214 11 10 10 11 P. C. .683 .522 .478 .417 12 x 14 Seattle "Champions". Bat Bert Hall Out of Box Easily. 6 16 12 10 10 10 ........... York w yn DUGDALE COMES INTO HIS OWN 2 3 2 .Cutshaw. 2b 0 0 2 Wares, a? 4 2 3 13 4 Hogan. lb 3 0 0 Cawoll. cf. O 4 0 0 Wolverton, 3b 3 Swander, rf 0 4 O O 2 0 Mapjrart, If 0 O 3 .'. 2 0 Mllze. c 2 4 0 0 Moser. p 7 26 21 .20 Totals Gregg out for running out of line to first. ' ' SCORE BY INXIXGS. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 O Portland ., 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 Hits 0 0 1 O 20 0 1 Oakland. ..j O 1 2 1 1 0 0 2 Hits Rain Postpones Two Games. Cincinnati Cincinnati-NeAt game postponed; rain. Chicago-BrooklChicago At postponed; wet grounds. 0 O 0 1 OAKLAND. ' 1.00 3:1 0 0 1 0 4 3 2 ............ PO. A. E. 0 2 2 1 - Wes-terma- - Happy Ho SEATTLE, Wash., May 17. Seattle batted Bert Hail, Tacoma's star pitcher. out of the box In four Innings, scor ing ten runs on nine hits and six passes. Butler stopped Seattle, but It was too late, and Seattle won-1to 5. Score: R.H.E. R.H.E.I Seattle ...11 13 2ITacoma ... 5 7 2 Batteries Seaton and Shea, Custer; Hall, Butler and Blankenship. , Spokane 5; Vancouver 0. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. St. Paul 1 Pet. Lost. .731 7 .tk.4 9 17 gan's aggregation from Vernon Minneapolis 13 oih J4 drubbed Dillon's Angels in the series' Toledo .4fil 14 13 .44(1 opener today, 3 to 1. 11 14 Indianapolis .417 14 10 It was a shut-ofor the Angels Milwaukee 11 .40T IB until, the ninth, when Hitt walked Columbus .318 15 7 Kansas City . Daley and allowed Wheeler to poke At. Milwaukee. Toledo 3, Milwaukee long safety to left. At Kansas City. Columbus 3, Kansas Vernon's victory today, coupled with Oakland's defeat of Portland, gives the City 2. Indian- and villagers a more comfortable place at apolis-S- t. Paul games postponed; rain. the head or the league. The score: R. H.E. R.H. E. L. A"ngeles 1 5 3Vernon ... 3 9 2 WESTERN LEAGUE. Batteries Nagle and Orendorff; Hitt ' and Hogan. Dost. Won. Pet. ut Louisville-Minneapol- Sacramento 4; San Francisco 2. SA(.:AJli iu, May i f. With a patched-u- team the Senators played excellent ball ana won rrom the Seals, 4 to z. Sacramento Duncnea nits on Henley in the opening inning, getting three runs. Baum was. verv steady, keeping the Seals' hits well scattered. The score: R. H. E. R. H. E. San Fran.. 2 7 2jSacramento 4 6 4 Berry; Henley Baum and Batteries is .................. 12 Denver Wichita St. Joteph Kin. i fltv Lincoln Omaha Topeka Des Moines 13 11 8 8 8 7 7 6 7 7 9 10 10 11 14 I A DRAUGHT BEER THAT IS THE EQUAL OF IMPORTED PILSNER FOR FLAVOR, TASTE AND COLOR ON SALE AT The The The The LADD ' .664 .632 .611 .471 .444 .444 .3S9 .333 At Omaha. Omaha 11. St. Joseph 0. At Lincoln. Lincoln 6, "Wichita 5. At Sioux City. Sioux City 9. Denver 7. game At Topeka. Des Moines-Topak- a postponed ; rain. BREWED BY 6-- 3. R. b. Slack, owe Katz, receive 8-- 6. 6-- 2-- 6, K. Jones, receive receive 15. 6--3. defeated Alma . aeieaiea 6-- 2. 4-- t, 6-- HENRY WEINHARD BREWERY r. A-11- 72 and Spiesnyi. ALBANY. Or., May 17. (Special.) By winning Sunday Springfield from Swimming Exhibition Announced. Cottage Grove jumped to the leadership Arthur Cavlll, swimming instructor at la vie tiuamu Valley league. 2-- 6, 6-- 3i 6-- 3. 7-- 5. 2-- 2-- 6, 6-- 2, 6--1, ...i, 4-- 6. Tooker, receive v. v.. 5 p M., J. Iv. Macxie, receive A. Frohman. receive D. Starn. receive vs. W. I- - Nortnrup. receive la; a. o. v. E. Ames, receive Humphrey. scratch: Black and McConnell. scratch, vs. Dunne and Warrlner. receive 4-- 6. TEAM 4-- 6. 2-- 6. UMPIRING MAY SMASH LEAGUE I JEFF Willamette Valley Basehall Organi- zation in Bad Way. ALBANY. Or.. jay 17. (Special.) Unless outside umpires are secured for Valley the games of the Willamette Baseball League, it is thought probable dissolution. that organization faces Ever since the beginning of the season the teams have all had complaints against the umpiring and the situation reached a climax when the Albany team walked off the field at Eugene in the eighth Inning, after a series of alleged unfair decisions. Thus far In the schedule the games have been umpired by a resident of the city in which the game was played, and as a general rule the home team has had the best of the decisions. When the Eugene team played here two weeks ago, its players complained It was that they "got a bad deal" and players evidently their Intention, local say, to even up their alleged grievances in this matter. Tie Albany players say they had no possible chance to win. and left .the field rather than continue in such a game. Manager Kavanaugh, of th'e Albany team, has filed- a protest on the game with I. H. Bingham, of Eugene, president of the league, on tne ground that at least two decisions were made which'are not In accordance with plain rules. ; DATE FOR TRACK MEET IS SET Uncertainty Over Time for Inter- scholastic League Affair Over. Ball Club Back, After Trip. President of Jockey Club Doesn't Manager W. i- - Heales and his CoWant Fight at Emeryville. lumbia Hardware baseball team arPortland last night after a OAKLAND. Cal., May 17. Thomas H. rived,toin Tillamook, where they helped trip Williams, president of the New Cali the baseball season In that thrivfornia Jockey Club, which controls the open anager Heales towm Oregon ing Emeryville racetrack, today explained the report that he had withdrawn his said last night that Tillamook was : ' baseball mad. .The Columl ia Hardware team took two out of the three, games played, and In one of them the Portland boys were up against Guyn and Coast League the players. May field Scores in Track Meet. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest Grove. Or.. May 17. The annual field day meet was held yesterday. The track was in fine condition, and there was keen rivalry between the competing classes for the Millls cup, which was won by the freshmen, the third years being a close second. In the relay race- the third White Sox Win. years won the pennant. Mayfleld won Or., May 17. (Special.) the greatest number of points individu White Sox took the ally, and Austin was second. Austin e down the line here Sun made the fastest time In the This Is the White Sox' made on the local track this year. permission to hold the Jeffries-Johnso- n battle there on July 4. "Whether or not the combat will oc cur across the bay is entirely in the. hands of Tex Rickard," said Williams, adding that he had told Rickard that he would not cancel his lease for the use of the track for- the fight in case Rickard wished to hold him to his promise. He had, however, he explained, told Rickard that after, consulting with the Alameda County business men he preferred th' the fight should not be held at Emery ville. Arm-bniste- - day, 7 'to 2. PLAGES CHANGED 2-- 6. on SHERWOOD. 4 6-- 3. After much uncertainty as V the date of the big track and field meet of the Portland Interscholastic League, Satur has been selected dergone since beginning training. The day afternoon. May 28, Multnomah Field. programme included shadow boxing, bag- - and the place set as originally set by the This vac the date punching, and handball, and directors, but when the Oregon at the finish, although he had been on league College decided to hold the the jump every instant of the workout. Agricultural track and field meet on the the big fighter did not appear in the same day, and as the local schools wanted least fatigued. to enter teams in that meet, there was In the handball game Jeffries played some talk of postponing the local meet three men, his brother Jack, Joe Choyn- - for a week. was found to be Imposskl and Bob Armstrong. He took the trio sible because This of the Society Circus to beInto camp In two straight games. No box. held during the Rose Festival. Friday, ing was Included in today's routine. Roger 27, was suggested and announced as Cornell, condition expert and masseur. May day for the meet, but it was later disarrived this morning and took charge of the Grammar covered that the Portland He deserted the Port School the rubbing-rooBaseball League had engaged land baseball team to join the Jeffries) Multnomah date,1 and the Field for that staff. was again shifted to Saturday, May According to Cornell, there will be no date 28. eruptions on tho more dlsagreeaDie has The Oregon Agricultural College fighter's back. meet. Next canbelled the big "The breaking .out in the past has. been year schedwill meet be the ln massaging," he said. due uled In the college calendar so that con4 fusion with the Portland Interscholastic MATTER UP TO TEX. RICKARD League date will not occur again. The Sherwood Portland Blues Main 72 y 6. BEN LOMOND, Cal., May 17. Jeffries kept at his training grind this afternoon for two hours and 15 minutes, the longest uninterrupted session which he has un Sherwood THIRTEENTH AND BTJRNSIDE y. owe neat u. w Brandt wicKersnam, Ladd. receive 15. McAlpin and Bwingr. owe 13, beat Btarn brothers, receive M. M. Frohman and Humphrey, receive beat Rohr and Longhman, owe . Tonajre icneauie vs. r. I A v. M.. Lutje. ioiiowb: receive Condition Expert Deserts Portland Team to Train Fighter. Cottage Grove Leads League. Quelle ! Only Five Matches in Tennis Tour nament Scheduled for Today. Only five matches were played yester day afternoon in the Multnomah Club handicap tennis tournament lor tne Alma D. Katz cup. Wickersham defeated J. Wesley Ladd, although Ladd made him work hard for the victory. The score R. E. Black, by defeating was Alma D. Katz so decisively, looms up as a dark horse and will bear watching In the tournament. Mr. Black has been the tennis ranks of Portland absent from years. for several On account of the interscholastic case- hall game this afternoon only five matches have been scheduled for today, yesterday's results: 6-- Stutt & Howland, 6th and Wash. Hof Bran Lumbermens Buffet, 5th & Stark Oregon Hotel Grill National Wine Co., 5th & Stark Imperial Hotel Grill Doyle's Cafe, 4th and Wash. . EdelweiB Cafe, 149 Seventh ' ' Pantheon Saloon, 130 Third Tfce Perkins Hotel Grill Board of Trade Buffet, Fourth and' Oak rope-skippi- 17. Spokane May VANCOUVER, turned the tables on Vancouver today and won, 5 to 0. It was the fifth con secutive shutrtut on;the home grounds. Ryan had Vancouver puzzled by his change of pace, while Jensen was hit hard. Score: R.H.E.I R.H.E. Spokane ..5 12 0Vancouvr. 0 ' 5 3 Ryan Brooks; Jensen Batteries and and Lewis. Won. JOINS DEFEATS WICKERS HAM some one else. ROGER CORNELL MADE IN PORTLAND ! - Interested Parties Won't Talk. Neither Griffin, the matchmaker who will secure the July permit, or John L. Herget, chairman of the police committee of the Board of Supervisors, state that any action had been taken, but .it Is sig nificant that they both declared that they would like to see the fight held here. "I was not treated altogether fairly in this matter," said Supervisor Her get, "but it is too big a proposition to be overlooked, and I will be glad if the arrangement can be made. The Broadway Club will have the July permit and if Griffin wants to turn this permit over to Rickard and Gleason It will be satisfactory to members of the board.' Griffin denied that he had closed ne gotiations with Rickard and Gleason for the use of his July, date, but said readiiy enougn mat ne was still anx- ious to see the fight held here and could be that he thought arrangements easily brought about. He added, however, that he had been negotiating with Langford and Ketchell to fight here In July, and that if the Jeffries-Johnso- n fight were to come here It would have to be closed at once. Nothing Doing at Richmond. Although there has been some talk where Wolgast that the Richmond site and Nelson fought might be used, Tex Rickard denies that he has heard from the Richmond people or that he is con sidering-thuse of that location. Jack Gleason was far more evasive than his partner, and declared that he would stand by Emeryville, as he be lieved the fight would take place there. He admitted that the District Attorney had taken no definite stand, although he does not believe that the fight would be stopped. The choice of Rickard for referee. following turbulent Incidents enacted at yesterday's conference, is construed by the majority or the tans as merely a tentative selection, or, In the par lance of the right, a "stall" to give the fighters a chance to get together on n, Mul-doo- n, National league. - p 0. "IN A CLASS BY ITSELF" Clean Sweep in ,North Wash', May 17. Eleven amateur boxers and one athletic club suspended have been from the Pacific National Association of the A. A. U. for violating the rule respecting unsanctioned meets. The Ballard Athletic Club, of Seattle, has ' been the chief offender 1n promoting tournaments In which other than amateurs participated, and several of its members are Included among those suspended. Two of the blacklisted ones, Frank heavyweight, and Pete middleweight, won the championship In their respective classes at the recent cnampionsmp tournament, held in Vancouver, B. C. The others are Jack Novak, .who has boxed several times for the Seattle " Athletic Club; Jack Landfall; Frank Valse, of the Renton Athletic Club; Roy Brown, ChaYles Peterson, Will and Cliff Dyer, of the Green Lake Athletic Club; of Tom Swift, the clever the Seatye Athletic Club, and Tom Clark, who has .done good work for the Seattle Athletic Club In the 125- pound division. represent suspended boxers The practically the best men at their weights In Seattle. The Seattle Athletic Club's list of boxing material has been pretty well thinned out by the sweeping order. The Phoenix Athletic Club, which Is conducted by Lonnie Austin, former boxing instructor of the Seattle Athletic Club, has caused several young boxers to lose their amateur standing. The Phoenix Club is being run for the personal welfare of Austin, and every athlete who participates in any of Its smokers laces suspension. The registration committee of the P. N. A. has warned all the amateur clubs that, any violations will result in sus pensions, and Chairman Fred J. Carver Is keeping a strict watch on all "amateur" tournaments. SEATTLE. NEW YORK, May 17 St. Louis . twice had a big lead today out isew torn overcame the advantage each time and won 8 to 7, in 11 innings. In the fifth, Channell. New York's left Desiring; Second Term, District At fielder, broke his leg just above the torney Refuses to Do as Rickard will be ankle while sliding to third. It will be at least two months before he Requested, So 'Emeryville able to play again. The score: R.H.E. Will Not See Scrap. R.H.E.I 7 8 BiNew York ....8 9 6 St. Louis. Batteries--GIlllgan, Bailey, Powell and Warnop, Allen, .Stephens; Killlfer, Vaughan Hughes, and Kleinow. SAN FRANCISCO, May 17. (Special.) Jeffries-Johnso- n fight will be held In The Chicago 0. Philadelphia 3; San Francisco on the Fourth of July. May 17. Philadel PHILADELPHIA, Although statements from the men in game from terested are lacking at this time, infor phia, won the third-straigChicago today. 3 to 0, and ran its win mation has been given out by which ,lt ning streak up to 12 straight. The score: can be positively stated that at the meet R.H.B. lng of the police commute of the Board R.H.B.I .3 12 0 of Supervisors next Monday, a permit 0 4 1 Philadelphia Chicago Jim Griffin's. Broadway Batteries-Sco- tt and Block; Bender and will be issued toGriffin In turn will make Club and that Thomas. his permit over to Rickard and Uleason. The cowers that be in San JfTancisco Boston 8; Detroit 6. are satisfied and have announced that no (BOSTON, May 17. The visitors looked obstacles will be put in the path of the transfer. like winners when Bush hit a home-ru- n Rickard Long Dickering. with bases full in the second inning but Boston batted hard and,took advantage was As announced Monday morning, of errors, anally winning, s to o. rsusn Rickard has been dickering with Griffin was put out of the game and off the field and-witothers in San Francisco for the for disputing a decision. The score: past ten days. The reason for this was R.H.E. the change of front of District Attorney R.H.E. 8 13 3 6 4 4)"Boston Detroit Donahue, of Alameda County. Browning and Stan- Batteries Killian, The promoters of the big fight were age; Collins, Hall, Wood and Carrigan. desirous of securing from the District Attorney positive assurance that he would .stand back of them In holding the ngm. Cleveland 2; Washington 1. Donahue, who Is desirous of serving anWASHINGTON, May 17. Link held other term, refused to do as they desire Washington to four hits today and Cleve and Rickard was fearful lest the mere game, 2 .to 1. suspicion of any stopping of the fight land won a The score: would affect the sale of seats, commenced R.H.E.I R.H.E to talk business to the San Francisco peo. with Grif 2 8 3 pie and reopened negotiations Washington ..1 4 3 Cleveland Batteries Walker and Street; Link and fin. Further than that, while Thomas H. Easterly. Williams, president of the New California Jockey Club, would not withdraw hi consent for the use of the track, he did tell Rickard that he would prefer to see strength Won. Lost. P.C. the match held elsewhere. This get a San 8 .036 ened Rickard fn his desire to .14 . 12 9 .571 Francisco permit, and while the proCincinnati 10 Philadelphia .543 .12 deny, it is . 13 11 cago .542 moter will neither affirm nor 12 .538 quite evident that the deal has been prac. New York . .14 13 . to his satisfaction. ticaly 12 closed and St. Louis .. .40 - HOGAN'S "Deal" hotly-conteet- Gregg Pitches Good Bajl. Gregg For the Beavers, Southpaw did nitrhcH irood ball at all times, but break-ins- benders appear have his to not well and Hogan and Swander, who took a fancy to the speedy, straight ones. pJaved a merry tune to nis aetroubles began as ivrv. a: (IrpEe's the first inning, when the curi nniianfler reached both second and third: but he put on extra steam and Ktriitk out Wolverton. The third inning, however, was not an fortunate, for Hogan came to bat sifter Wares had singled and been sac deep rificed to second and hit one toeasily that inninj center for a In the fifth scored Wares. Hogan was again the lad behind double that enabled Cutshaw to scram ble home. "Cutty" had reached first on Olson's boot, and traveled all the way to third on a wild pitch and Ware's out. Car first after roll rapped a hot one toward Hogan's single, which Rapps had to K.'c.on tin and slide into the base to in the meantime. beat the runner, and, way from second Hogal tallied all the on the play. Beavers Get' Busy In Sixth. Portland essayed to get in the game an the sixth, and really made it excitifig for a time. Olson and Hetling came through with a couple of base knocks in quick succession that enliv ened affairs. McCredie sacrificed and Fisher walked, which filled the bases. (Wolverton pulled back his infield, and played for a double-plaand Ryan got right into their tlarids When he grounded to Cutshaw. The latter tagged .seppnd, .forcing out iFisher, but made a low throw to first. scored, but- when Hetling id trled to come in on the play he was Jjwinged out. The score: TJrt. 2b . , ... 01srn, 8S iHelltni?. 3b rMoCredie. rf (Fisher, c Hyaii, cf Rapps, lb vSpeas, If Riregg, p Totals I Permit That boxers suspended Decide raclrlc National Association Make e" I ca-vnixmsm. Mav 17.article(Speof cial.) Playing a high-clahnsehxll at all stages, VY oiverion s ro- waded into the Beavers s..onotH Park today and trounced at Recreation score. hm hv h. From the first inning on the Oaks Hurl tii. arlvflntaire. in the Mnur and HaD Hogan were of his limelight. Hogan, by reason natural-tv was single, triple, double and scoring, and murh mixed uo in the game on nitr-hethe a masterly Mnner FMrlie Swander helped a deal vnnunri hits. his three with . CISCO F ht - s i:i . 13 . ,. 89 third victory this season, with no defeats. A feature of the game was a by Fred Par- Ions drive over the fence rott, who won the a offered by H. D. Leo for. the first ball knocked over the fence. This is the second ball ever knocked outside the grounds. Next Sunday the White Sox will play the Albina team. 810 .:: 5TT It 10 ,.15 . OltEGONIAX, "WEDNESDAY,. MAT 18, 1910. P.C. 8 St. Louis and New York Maine Innings; Score 8 to 7. STAR IS BRIGHT SWANDER . St. Louia -1 Lot. 4 Won. .174 Philadelphia New York Detroit Cleveland . Boston Portland Goes Down to Defeat Before Oakland in Game. 4-to- Si AMERICAN LEAGCE. f 3IORNIXG TTTE half-mil- COACH TAKES NO CHANCESIN TODAY'S GAME. Washington High School Nine, Leaders In League, Will Meet Portland Academy. Coach Virgil Earl of the Washington High School baseball team has made a number of changes in team positions for the game this afternoon on Multnomah Field with Coach Norman Thome's Portland Academy team. If Washington wins from Portland Academy today it will have won three games and lost none In the Interscholastic League pennant race. Washington High School was decidedly off color last week in the game with the fast team from the Jefferson High School and Coach Earl has decided to take no chances of defeat by Portland Academy. Cornell, the former second baseman will guard the difficult ccner third base and Cobb, who formerly covered third may play second. Coach Earl may, however, decide to use George on second and Cobb in the field. The Portland Academy team has , also been changed In the hope of giving It Cooklngham will be better balance. played In his old position, third base and Rummelin will hover around shortstop. Masten and Bathcelder will probably play first and second respectively. The outfield will probably be composed of Staley and C. Livingstone. Sanford, Townsend will be the backstop and Cap tain Earl Cobb will pitch. Cobb In the last game had a sore arm and was un mercifully beaten by Lincoln High School, but now says his arm is in good shape and will endeavor to defeat the league The game will be called at leaders. 3:30 o clock. of Section 3 of the Grammar School there are a number of good swimmers Baseball League met yesterday on the in each of the public schools, a close race is expected. Old Portland Field. East Thirteenth that wins the big relay race and East Davis streets,8 and Chapman willThe school possession of tho beautiful obtain to 5. By virwon by the score of silver trophy cup donated by O. W.. Taytue of the victory over the Irvington lor, man. The race a business Portland School the Chapman team will contest will be 160 yards in length, each boy for the championship and the Honey- - will swim a distance of 40 yards. man Hardware trophy on Multnomah Field on May 27. Mt. Angel Plays Indians Today. MT. ANGEL COLLEGE. Or.. May 17. BOYS WILL RACE IN WATER (Special.) The Chemawa Indians are on the warpath because of tho defeat they Swimming Contest Will Come to received at the hands of Mt. Angel Saturday, and tomorrow their braves will Close on Saturday. Journey to Mt. Angel in an sttempt to get Under the auspices of the Portland T. the collegians' scalps. Next Saturday the M. C. A. a big relay swimming race for team will go to Portland to meet the Columbia University, and settle tho questhe pupils of the Portland Grammar Schools will be held Saturday morning tion of superiority raised by the in the association tank. tie game two weeks ago. The next day, Sunday, they are scheduled to cross This will be the climax of the swim-loming tests and free lessons that the bats with Hubbard. cal association has been holding. Entries are expected from 25 Portland schools, and a the swimming tests proved that One Million Dollars for a Good Stomach This Offer Should Be a Warning to Every Man and Woman multi-millionai- WORRY ABOUT THE COMET? SOCIAL SWIM THURSDAY NIGHT Think of yourself. Multnomah Clnb Prepares Second of Popular Innovations. Sample Shirts Under the direction of Frank E. Wat- kins, chairman of the new aquatic com mittee, and Arthur Cavill. swimming In structor, the Multnomah Amateur Ath letic Club will hold Its second social swim Thurday night in the club tank. The first swim, which was held about three weeks ago, was the first event of its kind ever held In the club. Nearly 50 men and women enjoyed the evening In the cool water of the big tank. It is the intention of the aquatic com mittee to hold these mixed swimming carnivals regularly either every two weeks or so throughout the year. Swimming has long been neglected at the club. Formerly the management of the swim ming was in the hands of the Indoor athletic committee but lately the board of directors appointed a separate commit tee to handle this important feature of the club. Many new features will be Introduced Thursday night and about 30 couples are expected to participate. ' The newspapers and medical journals have had much to say relative to a famous millionaire's offer of a million dollars for a new stomach. was too This great busy to worry about the condition of his stomach. He allowed his dyspepsia to run from bad to worse until in the end it became incurable. His misfortune should serve as a warning to others. Kvery one who suffers with dyspepsia for a few years will give everything he owns for a new stomach. Hyspepsia is caused by an abnormal state of the gastric juices. There is one element missing Pepsin. The absence of this destroys the function of They lose their the gastric fluids. power to digest food. We are now able to supply the pepsin in a form almost Identical to that naturally created by the system when in normal health, so that it restores to the gastric juices their digestive power, and thus makes the stomach strong and well. We want every one troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia to come to our store and obtain a box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. They contain and Pepsin prepared by a process which develops their greatest power to overcome digestive Sizes 14 to 17Y2, mostly size 15. VALUES TO $5.00 $1.65 Plain negligee collar attached and de- tached. Single and double cuffs. Come early, while sizes are complete. TORfUSHERSr TO. MEN WHO KNOW' 286 Washington Street, Between Fourth and Fifth. re disturbance. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are very pleasant to take. They soothe the irritable, weak stomach, strengthen and invigorate the digestive organs, relieve nausea and indigestion, promote nutrition and bring about a feeling of comfort. If you give Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets a reasonable trial we will return your money if you are not satisfied with the result. Three sizes. 25 cents. 50 cents snd $1.00. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies in P6rtland onlv at our store. The Rexall Store. The "Owl Drug Co., Inc., cor. 7th and Washing. ton Sts. KETCHEL KNOCKS OUT HIS MAN r, and Out in Third Hound. ' FI3 mi Goes Down May 17. Stanley Ketchel, BOSTON. middleweight, sent James (Porky) Flynn, of Boston, down and out in the third bout to round of a scheduled night. For two rounds Flynn gave a good ac count of himself, keeping the champion at long range and jabbing him with a hard left to the face and wUh an occa sional right. Chapman School Wins Game. Chapman of Section 2 and. Irvliurtaa t . !L.S:..,,l..riL,;jJ I Peerless, i ft &x2t3s?&s Chalmers, Hudson, Gramm Commercial Vehicle Pope-Hartfor- ; d, , . , I
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