Sample problems for CS 421 Midterm 1. Suppose the following code: let x = 0.5;; let mult_half y = x *. y;; For each independent following question, either give the result, or give the reason why an error occurs. (a) mult_half 2.4;; 1.2 (b) mult_half 2;; Type mismatch (c) let x = 1;; mult_half 2;; Type mismatch 2. Write an Ocaml function palindrome : string list -> unit that first prints the strings in the list from left to right, followed by printing them right to left, recursing over the list only once. A sample execution is as follows: # palindrome [ "a" ; "b"; "c" ];; abccba- : unit = () You may use print_string : string -> unit to print a string. (a) Use recursion let rec palindrome l = match l with [] -> () | s::ss -> (print_string s; palindrome ss; print_string s);; (b) Use List.fold_right let rec palindrome l = List.fold_right (fun s -> fun print_middle -> (fun () -> (print_string s; print_middle (); print_string s))) l (fun () -> ()) ();; 1 Sample problems for CS 421 Midterm (c) Use List.fold_left let palindrome l = List.fold_left (fun print_middle -> fun s -> (print_string s; fun () -> (print_middle (print_string s)))) (fun () -> ()) l ();; 3. Using the typing rules provided in class, give a type derivation for the following judgement. {x:bool, y:bool} |(let f = fun x -> (x > 7) && y in if f 2 then x else y) : bool T1 = { x:bool, y:bool } T2 = { x:bool, y:bool, f : int → bool } T3 = { x:int, y:bool } (or { x:int, x: bool, y:bool }) Let C stand for the Constants rule, V stand for the Variables rule, R stand for the Relations rule, CN stand for the Connectives rule, ITE stand for the ‘if then else’ rule, F stand for the Fun rule, APP stand for the Application rule, and L stand for the Let rule. ------------V -----------C T3 |- x : int T3 |- 7: int -------------------R -------------V --------------------V -------------C T3 |- (x > 7) : bool T3 |- y : bool T2 |- f : int -> bool T2 |- 2 : int -----------------------------------CN -------------APP -------------V -------------V T3 |- (x > 7) && y : bool T2 |- f 2 : bool T2 |- x : bool T2 |- y : bool ------------------------------------------F ----------------------------------------------ITE T1 |- (fun x -> (x > 7) && y): int -> bool T2 |- (if f 2 then x else y ) : bool -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------L {x:bool, y:bool } |- (let f = fun x -> (x > 7) && y in if f 2 then x else y ) : bool 2 Sample problems for CS 421 Midterm 4. Using the rules provided in class, give a type inference and constraint set for the following expression for let rec f = fun x -> f (x - 1) in (f 3) > 0 (The rules will be provided for you on the exam, if this kind of question is asked.) Let V stand for the variable rule, C stand for the constants rule, PO stand for the primitive operations rule, AR stand for the arithmetic relations rule, LC for logical connectives, ITE for the if then else rule, F stand for the function rule, APP for the application rule, L for the let, and LR for the let-rec rule. --------------------V --------------------C {x:C, f:B} |- x : int {x:C, f:B} |- 1 : int -----------------------V -----------------------------PO --------------------V ------------C {x:C, f:B} |- f : E -> D {x:C, f:B} |- (x - 1) : E {f:B} |- f : F -> int {f:B} |- 3: F --------------------------------------APP ---------------------------APP -----------------C {x:C, f:B} |- (f (x - 1)) : D {f:B} |- f 3: int {f:B} |- 0 : int --------------------------------F -------------------------------AR {f:B} |- (fun x -> f (x - 1)) : B {f:B} |- (f 3 > 0 ) : A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LR { } |- (let rec f = fun x -> f (x - 1) in f 3 > 0 ) : A Constraints: { B = C -> D, B = E-> D, C = int, E = int, A = bool, B = F -> int, F = int} 3 Sample problems for CS 421 Midterm 5. Give a most general substitution that satisfies the following set of constraints. Capital letters denote variables, and lower case letters denote constructors. ( ! !) f (A, C), B , p s(A), s(B) , p C, s(B) ( Orient → ! Eliminate → !) !) p s(A), s(f (A, C)) , p C, s(f (A, C)) ( Decompose → ! s(A), C ( Orient → !) s(f (A, C)), s(f (A, C)) ! C, s(A) s(f (A, C)), s(f (A, C)) !) s(f (A, s(A))), s(f (A, s(A))) () n n o n o o with B ` f (A, C) n o with C ` s(A); B ` f (A, s(A)) o with C ` s(A); B ` f (A, s(A)) 4 n with B ` f (A, C) with B ` f (A, C) !) ( Delete → B, f (A, C) , p s(A), s(B) , p C, s(B) ( Eliminate → Sample problems for CS 421 Midterm 6. Give a regular expression and a DFA (in ocamllex notation) for the following token: An identifier in OCaml is either a lower-case letter followed by any number of letters or digits, or a non-empty sequence of the symbols +, -, *, or / (with no spaces) surrounded by parentheses. You do not need to label any of the nodes, but write the start node on the left. Regex: ([’a’-’z’][’a’-’z’ ’A’-’Z’ ’0’-’9’]*) | ’(’ [’+’ ’-’ ’*’ ’/’]+ ’)’ 5 Sample problems for CS 421 Midterm a − z, A − Z, 0 − 9 a−z ( +, −, ∗, / ) +, −, ∗, / 1 6 Sample problems for CS 421 Midterm 7. Write an ocamllex code to divide the input into tokens. Each token is of the following type: type token = PLUS | TIMES | IDENT of string where an IDENT is a sequence of one more lower-case letters. let letter = [a-z] let letters = letter+ rule main = parse | letters as s { IDENT s } | + { PLUS } | * { TIMES } 7 Sample problems for CS 421 Midterm 8. Consider the following grammar: 1 2 3 4 5 6 : : : : : : S ⇒ E eol E ⇒E∗N E⇒N N ⇒ fN N ⇒x N ⇒y The following are the LR parse table for the above grammar: State 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 * f S5 ACTION x y eol S3 S4 R5 R6 R5 R6 S5 R5 R6 S3 R5 R6 S4 R3 R4 S5 R1 R2 R3 R4 S3 R1 R2 R3 R4 S4 R1 R2 S9 R3 R4 R1 R2 R5 R6 $ GOTO S E N 2 6 7 acc R5 R6 8 S10 R3 R4 R3 R4 11 R1 R2 R1 R2 Describe how f x ∗ y eol would be parsed using the above table. State Stack 1 5 3 1 1: f : 5 1: f : 5: x: 3 8 7 6 9 4 12 7 11 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : : : : : : : : : f : 5: N : 8 N : 7 E: 6 E: 7: ∗: 9 E: 7: ∗: 9: y: 4 E : 7 : ∗ : 9 : N : 11 E: 6 E : 6 : eol : 10 S: 2 Input f x ∗ y eol f x ∗ y eol x ∗ y eol ∗y eol ∗y eol ∗y eol ∗y eol y eol eol eol eol 8 Action init the stack and state shift f , go to state 5 shift x, go to state 3 reduce by 5: N ⇒ x; i.e., remove 3 and x from the stack, temporarily putting us in state 5, push N and 8 (because GOTO(5, N ) = 8) onto the stack, go to state 8 reduce by 4: N ⇒ f N , go to state 7 reduce by 3: E ⇒ N , go to state 6 shift ∗, go to state 9 shift y, go to state 4 reduce by 6: N ⇒ y, go to state 11 reduce by 2: E ⇒ E ∗ N , go to state 6 shift eol, go to state 10 reduce by 1: S ⇒ E eol, go to state 2 Accept Sample problems for CS 421 Midterm 9. A grammar for arithmetic expressions should have these properties, if possible: a. It should be unambiguous b. It should be LL(1) c. It should enforce left-associativity of + and * d. It should enforce precedence of * over + None of the following grammars satisfies all of these criteria. For each grammar, list all the properties that it fails to satisfy. (a) E → id | E + id | E × id | ( E ) Fails (b), (d) (b) E → id | id + E | id × E | ( E ) Fails (b), (c), (d) (c) E → T+E|T T → P×T|P P → id | ( E ) Fails (b), (c) (d) E → id F | ( E ) F → |+E|×E Fails (c), (d) (e) E → E+T|T T → T×P|P P → id | ( E ) Fails (b) (f) E → T E’ E’ → | + E T → P T’ T’ → | × E P → id | ( E ) Fails (c) 9 Sample problems for CS 421 Midterm 10. Write a recursive descent parser for the following grammar: E → T E’ E’ → ε | + E T → P T’ T’ → ε | * T P → id Suppose the tokens are given by this type: type token = ID of string | PLUS | STAR type token = ID of string | PLUS | STAR type e = | TE’ of (t * e’) and e’ = | Plus of e | EmptyE’ and t = | PT’ of (p * t’) and t’ = | Star of t | EmptyT’ and p = | Id of string let rec parseE tokens = begin match parseT tokens with | (t, tokens_after_t) -> begin match parseE’ tokens_after_t with | (e’, tokens_after_e’) -> (TE’(t, e’), tokens_after_e’) end end and parseE’ tokens = begin match tokens with | PLUS::tokens’ -> begin match (parseE tokens’) with | (e, tokens_after_e) -> (Plus(e), tokens_after_e) end | _ -> (EmptyE’, tokens) 10 Sample problems for CS 421 Midterm end and parseT tokens = begin match (parseP tokens) with | (p, tokens_after_p) -> begin match (parseT’ tokens_after_p) with | (t’, tokens_after_t’) -> (PT’(p, t’), tokens_after_t’) end end and parseT’ tokens = begin match tokens with | STAR::tokens’ -> begin match (parseT tokens’) with | (t, tokens_after_t) -> (Star(t), tokens_after_t) end | _ -> (EmptyT’, tokens) end and parseP tokens = begin match tokens with | (ID id)::tokens’ -> (Id(id), tokens’) | _ -> failwith "parsing error"; end 11
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