Enter a whole new world! Dimension drawings G3/4 13 ULTRAHEAT XS with ultrasound Vstopanje v popolnoma nove dimenzije – 88 110 Meters that are not only accurate and permit easy billing but that are also Toplotni števec ULTRAHEAT XS absolutely reliable, long-life, and low9 cost are in demand in building services technology. ULTRAHEAT® XS offers you all 61.5 that – completely without mechanically moving parts, which are not required for Calculator ultrasonic measurement. The measuring Flow sensor 27.5 mm for direct mounting Flow sensor 45 mm for pocket KL ±10 L±35 112 tube has an all-metal design. 88 27.5-0.5 45 ±1 62±1 M 10.1x1 Ø 5.2 -0.1 Ø 3.3 +0.2 All dimensions in mm Landis + Gyr GmbH Humboldtstraße 64 90459 Nürnberg Internet: www.landisgyr.com Subject to change without prior notice Order No. UH 704-101 Printed in Germany 259900 / 76015 Ke / Schö 03032. Good for the environment, good for quality. Certified to: DIN EN ISO 14001 and DIN EN ISO 9001 [ Tailored selection – the temperature sensor Volume measuring unit all metal! ULTRAHEAT XS works with permanently connected Pt 500 temperature sensors. We can supply not only the standard sensor DS M10 x 27.5 mm for direct installation but also 5.2 x 45 mm sensors for pockets – with cable lengths of 1.5 m or 5 m. Installation accessories are available for the flow sensor whereas the return sensor is already mounted in the volume measuring unit. [ Highest measurement accuracy [ Big features in a small space – the calculator ULTRAHEAT XS measures flow rate by the ultrasonic dragging principle. Two transducers alternately transmit ultrasonic signals in and against the direction of flow. The flow rate can be precisely measured from the difference between the measured propagation times. W i t h i t s c o m p a c t c a l c u l a t o r, t h e ULTRAHEAT XS heat meter easily fits into a mounting box. For optimum readability, it can be rotated on the measuring tube in 90° steps and can also be mounted up to 1 m away even in the series version. The mounting plate can be used as a wall holder. The electronic unit also features an optical interface and options for remote reading, such as M-Bus or pulse output. And, of course, it is testable on NOWA test stands. [ Completely non-wear Ultrasonic measurement requires no mechanically moving parts. The measuring tube itself has a robust all-metal design. The benefit for you is a long service life and simple, low-cost inspection and recalibration. [ Standardized lengths To ensure simple exchangeability, the mounting lengths correspond to the standard dimensions of vane-type meters. The nominal sizes qp 0.6/1.0/1.5, and 2.5 are available. [ Reliable operation ULTRAHEAT XS features enormous measurement dynamics. That is the reason the volume measuring units can be loaded up to twice the nominal load qp. The response limit remains at a constant low level during the entire calibration period. [ Variable mounting orientation ULTRAHEAT XS does not require a straight pipe section and can be installed any way round. The mounting orientation does not affect the measurement accuracy or the measuring dynamics. And the principle has other advantages: ULTRAHEAT XS is insensitive to small particles in the hot water and operates silently. [ Stored meter readings Both the consumer and the measuring service benefit from the stored meter readings on a freely selectable annual set day or at the end of the month. The readings for the last 15 months for heat, volume, and missing time are shown on a practically configured display. [ Generously sized display The displays on the generously sized display are clearly structured and easy-to-understand, divided into an easily accessible customer area and a service area. Not only instantaneous values but also set day values and monthly values can be shown. Display of all consumption values facilitates traceability and heat billing. Technical data of electronic unit 15 –105 °C 3 – 80 K 0.2 K Length of control line 100 cm Degree of protection IP 54 Temperature range Temperature difference range Response threshold [ Tried and tested Landis+Gyr ultrasonic meters (formerly Siemens ultrasonic meters) have been successful in tough district heating applications for two decades. Numerous German and other random sample tests have proven its high measuring accuracy. This positive result is confirmed by verification tests according to the K20 Guideline of the PTB (German Federal Institute of Physics and Metrology). [ Future-oriented Ultrasound technology is a sensible and future-oriented basis for heat measurement – in both economic and ecological terms. The advantages are obvious: technical superiority and no wearing parts. It is the excellent reliability that counts. Power supply Battery for 6 or 11 Ambient temperature years °C 5–55 Technical data measuring tube ULTRAHEAT 2WR605 2WR607 2WR615 2WR617 2WR621 2WR623 2WR536 2WR638 Nominal flow rate qp 0.6 1.0 1.5 2.5 m3/h Maximum flow rate qs 1.2 2.0 3.0 5.0 m3/h Minimum flow rate qi 0.006 0.01 0.015 0.025 m3/h Mounting length Thread connection Pressure drop ∆ p at qp All versions in PN 16 110 190 110 190 110 190 130 190 mm G 3/4B G 1B G 3/4B G 1B G 3/4B G 1B G 1B G 1B – 140 55 140 130 130 190* 140 mbar 60 * preliminary Valid for Germany only: Following a decision by the PTB (German Federal Institute of Physics and Metrology), the values for the minimum flow qi will change to twice the value stated in our documentation. Vstop v popolnoma nov svet! Dimension drawings G3/4 13 ULTRAHEAT XS z ultrazvokom Entering a Whole New Dimension – 88 110 Števci ki niso le toèni in omogoèajo enostavno obraèunavanje, ampak so tudi absolutno The ULTRAHEAT XS Heat Meter zanesljivi, imajo dolgo življensko dobo ter 9 predstavljajo nizke stroške pri nakupu in vzdrževanju. ULTRAHEAT® XS je narejen 61.5 popolnoma brez gibljivih mehanskih delov, ker ti niso potrebni za ultrazvoCalculator èno merjenje. Merilna cev je v celoti Flow sensor 27.5 mm for direct mounting Flow sensor 45 mm for pocket KL ±10 L±35 112 narejena iz kovine. 88 27.5-0.5 45 ±1 62±1 M 10.1x1 Ø 5.2 -0.1 Ø 3.3 +0.2 All dimensions in mm Landis + Gyr GmbH Humboldtstraße 64 90459 Nürnberg Internet: www.landisgyr.com Subject to change without prior notice Order No. UH 704-101 Printed in Germany 259900 / 76015 Ke / Schö 03032. Good for the environment, good for quality. Certified to: DIN EN ISO 14001 and DIN EN ISO 9001 [ Tailored selection – the temperature sensor Merilna enota volumna ULTRAHEAT XS works with permanently connected Pt 500 temperature sensors. We can supply not only the standard sensor DS M10 x 27.5 mm for direct installation but also 5.2 x 45 mm sensors for pockets – with cable lengths of 1.5 m or 5 m. Installation accessories are available for the flow sensor whereas the return sensor is already mounted in the volume measuring unit. [ Najvišja merilna toènost [ Big features in a small space – the calculator ULTRAHEAT XS meri pretok z ultrazvoènim naèinom. Dva pretvornika izmenièno oddajata ultrazvoène signale v in proti smeri toka. Pretok je lahko precizno izmerjen iz razlike èasov med izmerjenima elektronskima signaloma. W i t h i t s c o m p a c t c a l c u l a t o r, t h e ULTRAHEAT XS heat meter easily fits into a mounting box. For optimum readability, it can be rotated on the measuring tube in 90° steps and can also be mounted up to 1 m away even in the series version. The mounting plate can be used as a wall holder. The electronic unit also features an optical interface and options for remote reading, such as M-Bus or pulse output. And, of course, it is testable on NOWA test stands. [ Popolnoma neobrabljiv Ultrazvoèno merjenje ne zahteva gibljivih mehanskih delov. Merilna cev je v celoti narejena iz robustnih kovinskih materialov. Prednost za uporabnike je dolga življenjska doba ter preprost, poceni nadzor in umerjanje. [ Standardized lengths [ Zanesljivo obratovanje To ensure simple exchangeability, the mounting lengths correspond to the standard dimensions of vane-type meters. The nominal sizes qp 0.6/1.0/1.5, and 2.5 are available. Znaèilnost ULTRAHEAT XS je velika merilna dinamika. Zaradi tega je mogoèe meriti do dvakratne preobremenitve nazivnega pretoka. Prag delovanja ostane na konstantno nizkem nivoju preko celotne življenjske dobe. [ Montaža v razliènih položajih ULTRAHEAT XS ne potrebuje dodatnih prikljuèkov in je lahko montiran v kakršnemkoli položaju. Položaj montaže ne vpliva na merilno toènost ali merilno dinamiko. Dodatna prednost je princip merjenja: ULTRAHEAT XS je neobèutljiv na majhne delce v topli vodi in deluje neslišno. [ Shranjevanje izmerjenih vrednosti Tako uporabniku, kot distributerju so na voljo izmerjeni podatki, ki so shranjeni na prosto izbran letni dan, ali na koncu meseca. Odèitki zadnjih 15 mesecev za toploto, volumen in èas, ko števec ni deloval, so prikazani na praktièno oblikovanem prikazovalniku. [ Razloèen prikazovalnik Prikazi na prikazovalniku so jasno strukturirani in lahko razumljivi. Razdeljeni so na lahko dostopne prikaze za uporabnika in servisne prikaze. Prikazane so lahko, ne le samo trenutne vrednosti, ampak tudi meseène vrednosti in vrednosti na nastavljeni dan. Prikaz vseh izmerjenih vrednosti omogoèa sledljivost in obraèunavanje toplote. Technical data of electronic unit 15 –105 °C 3 – 80 K 0.2 K Length of control line 100 cm Degree of protection IP 54 Temperature range Temperature difference range Response threshold [ Zanesljiv in preizkušen Landis+Gyr ultrazvoèni števec (prej Siemens) je uspešno prestal dve desetletji uporabe v instalacijah centralnega ogrevanja. Številni nemški in drugi nakljuèni testi so dokazali njegovo visoko merilno toènost. Ta pozitivni rezultat je potrjen z overitvenim testom skladno s K20 direktivo PTB-ja(German Federal Institute of Physics and Metrology). [ Usmerjen v prihodnost Ultrazvoèna tehnologija je razumna in v prihodnost usmerjena osnova za merjenje toplotne energije - tako iz ekonomskega kot iz ekološkega vidika. Prednosti so oèitne: odlièna tehnika in neobrabljivi deli. Power supply Battery for 6 or 11 Ambient temperature years °C 5–55 Technical data measuring tube ULTRAHEAT 2WR605 2WR607 2WR615 2WR617 2WR621 2WR623 2WR536 2WR638 Nominal flow rate qp 0.6 1.0 1.5 2.5 m3/h Maximum flow rate qs 1.2 2.0 3.0 5.0 m3/h Minimum flow rate qi 0.006 0.01 0.015 0.025 m3/h Mounting length Thread connection Pressure drop ∆ p at qp All versions in PN 16 110 190 110 190 110 190 130 190 mm G 3/4B G 1B G 3/4B G 1B G 3/4B G 1B G 1B G 1B – 140 55 140 130 130 190* 140 mbar 60 * preliminary Valid for Germany only: Following a decision by the PTB (German Federal Institute of Physics and Metrology), the values for the minimum flow qi will change to twice the value stated in our documentation. [ [ [Temperaturni senzor - izbira po meri Volume measuring unit v celoti iz kovine! ULTRAHEAT XS deluje s trajno prikljuèenim temperaturnim senzorjem Pt 500. Lahko ga opremimo, ne le s standardnim senzorjem DS M10x27,5 za direktno vgradnjo, temveè tudi s senzorjem 5,2x45 mm za v zašèitno cevko - s kablom dolžine 1,5 ali 5 m. Inštalacijski dodatki so primerni za senzorje v dotoku, medtem, ko so povratni senzorji že montirani v merilni enoti volumna. [ [ [ Highest measurement accuracy [Veliko odlik na majhnem prostoru-kalkulator ULTRAHEAT XS measures flow rate by the ultrasonic dragging principle. Two transducers alternately transmit ultrasonic signals in and against the direction of flow. The flow rate can be precisely measured from the difference between the measured propagation times. [ ULTRAHEAT XS toplotni števec s svojim kompaktnim kalkulatorjem lahko enostavno namestimo v montažno ohišje. Za optimalno odèitavanje na merilni cevi lahko kalkulator zavrtimo v korakih po 90°, prav tako pa ga lahko namestimo kjerkoli v oddaljenosti do 1 m, tudi pri serijski izvedbi. Montažna plošèa je lahko uporabljena kot zidni nosilec. Elektronsko enoto prav tako odlikuje optièni vmesnik in možnost daljinskega odèitavanja, npr. M-bus ali impulzni izhod. Kalkulator je testiran po NOWA testnih standardih. Completely non-wear Ultrasonic measurement requires no mechanically moving parts. The measuring tube itself has a robust all-metal design. The benefit for you is a long service life and simple, low-cost inspection and recalibration. [ Reliable operation [Standardne dolžine Za zagotovitev enostavne zamenljivosti so montažne dolžine skladne s standardnimi dimenzijami mehanskih števcev. Na voljo so nazivni pretoki 0,6/1,0/1,5 in 2,5 m3/h. [ ULTRAHEAT XS features enormous measurement dynamics. That is the reason the volume measuring units can be loaded up to twice the nominal load qp. The response limit remains at a constant low level during the entire calibration period. Variable mounting orientation [ ULTRAHEAT XS does not require a straight pipe section and can be installed any way round. The mounting orientation does not affect the measurement accuracy or the measuring dynamics. And the principle has other advantages: ULTRAHEAT XS is insensitive to small particles in the hot water and operates silently. Tehnièni podatki elektronske enote Tried and tested Both the consumer and the measuring service benefit from the stored meter readings on a freely selectable annual set day or at the end of the month. The readings for the last 15 months for heat, volume, and missing time are shown on a practically configured display. Landis+Gyr ultrasonic meters (formerly Siemens ultrasonic meters) have been successful in tough district heating applications for two decades. Numerous German and other random sample tests have proven its high measuring accuracy. This positive result is confirmed by verification tests according to the K20 Guideline of the PTB (German Federal Institute of Physics and Metrology). The displays on the generously sized display are clearly structured and easy-to-understand, divided into an easily accessible customer area and a service area. Not only instantaneous values but also set day values and monthly values can be shown. Display of all consumption values facilitates traceability and heat billing. 15 –105 °C Obmoèje temperaturne razlike 3 – 80 K 0,2 K Dolžina kabla 100 cm Stopnja zašèite IP 54 Prag delovanja Stored meter readings Generously sized display Temperaturno obmoèje [ Future-oriented Ultrasound technology is a sensible and future-oriented basis for heat measurement – in both economic and ecological terms. The advantages are obvious: technical superiority and no wearing parts. It is the excellent reliability that counts.[ Napajanje Baterija za 6 ali 11 let 5–55 °C Temperatura okolice Tehnièni podatki merilne cevi ULTRAHEAT 2WR605 2WR607 2WR615 2WR617 2WR621 2WR623 2WR536 2WR638 Nazivni pretok qp 0,6 1,0 1,5 2,5 m3/h Maksimalni pretok qs 1,2 2,0 3,0 5,0 m3/h Minimalni pretok qi 0,006 0,01 0,015 0,025 m3/h Montažna dolžina 110 190 110 190 110 190 130 190 mm Navojni prikljuèek G 3/4B G 1B G 3/4B G 1B G 3/4B G 1B G 1B G 1B – Izguba tlaka ∆p pri qp 140 55 140 130 130 190 140 mbar 60 Vse verzije za PN 16 Valid for Germany only: Following a decision by the PTB (German Federal Institute of Physics and Metrology), the values for the minimum flow qi will change to twice the value stated in our documentation. Enter a whole new world! G3/4 Dimenzije 13 ULTRAHEAT XS with ultrasound 88 110 Meters that are not only accurate and permit easy billing but that are also Entering a Whole New Dimension – absolutely reliable, long-life, and low- The ULTRAHEAT XS Heat Meter 9 cost are in demand in building services technology. ULTRAHEAT® XS offers you all 61.5 that – completely without mechanically moving parts, which are not required for Kalkulator Tipalo 27.5 mm za direktno montažo ultrasonic measurement. The measuring Tipalo 45 mm za v zašèitno tulko KL ±10 L±35 112 tube has an all-metal design. 88 27.5-0.5 45 ±1 62±1 M 10.1x1 Ø 3.3 +0.2 Ø 5.2 -0.1 Vse dimenzije so v mm Landis + Gyr d.o.o. Poslovna cona A 53 SI-4208 Šenèur Tel: +386 4 2790 500 Internet: www.landisgyr.si S der No. UH 704-101 Printed in Germany Pridržujemo si pravico do sprememb. Prijazen do okolja, kvaliteten. Certifikati: DIN EN ISO 14001 in DIN EN ISO 9001
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