DentaSun lighting unit Mobile dental laboratory lamp Table lamp Flexi tip dimenzija teža moč svetlobni tok Ra(CRI) temperatura barve življenjska doba DentaSun lighting unit 152 x 62 cm 15 kg 4x80 W 13.100 lm 93 6500OK 24000 h DentaSun svetilo s celotnim spektrom svetlobe vam bo poleg visoke intenzivnosti zagotovilo tudi izjemno kakovost svetlobe. Je zelo prijazna do ljudi in njihovega celotnega organizma, ne le zato, ker oddaja brez vmesnega utripanja, ampak predvsem zaradi njene spektralne zgradbe. Za razliko od običajnih razsvetljav ali razsvetljav, ki so označene kot dnevna svetloba, je le ta izjemno podobna naravni zunanji svetlobi, ne samo v temperaturi barve (6500K), temveč tudi v njenih učinkih. S svojim visokim indeksom barvnega spektra (Ra 93) vam bo zagotavljala nepopačene barve in najboljšo percepcijo barvnih odtenkov, kar je še posebej pomembno pri določevanju barve zoba. DentaSun lighting unit small 125.2 x 31.8 cm 15 kg 2x54 W 2x 3000 lm 93 6500OK 24000 h type dimensions weight wattage luminous flux Ra(CRI) colour temperature lifetime The DentaSun full spectrum lighting unit will not only provide light of high intensity, but also outstanding light quality. It is very kind to the human vision and the whole organism, not only because it emits non-flickering light, which is automatically expected nowadays, but mainly because of its spectral structure. Unlike common lighting or even lighting referred to as “daylight” or “with the characteristics of dayligh”, it resembles natural outdoor light not only in its color (6500OK), but also in its effects. By its high colour rendering index (Ra 93) it will provide you with undistorted perception of the finest shades of colours, especially appreciated when selecting the right colour. Zahvaljujoč sistemu namestitve svetila na mizo, vam le ta ne bo jemala nobenega prostora, dva pomična zgloba in vrtljivi tečaj pa vam bodo zagotavljali možnost nastavitve snopa svetloba vertikalno in horizontalno. tip max. višina moč svetlobni tok Ra(CRI) temperatura barve življenjska doba Thanks to its screw clamp fixing the full spectrum table lamp Flexi will not take up any work space. Its two joints and swivel hinge provide high versatility of vertical and horizontal settings. tip višina pri kotu 90O moč svetlobni tok Ra(CRI) temperatura barve življenjska doba table lamp Flexi 70 cm 18 W 774 lm 93 5800OK 10000 h type height at 90O angle wattage luminous flux Ra(CRI) colour temperature lifetime Gibljiva lab. svetilka 73 cm 55 W 4300 lm 93 6500OK 15000 h Ergonomična zobotehnična svetilka z možnostjo regulacije višine in usmerjanja snopa svetlobe. Možno jo je montirati na stare zobotehnične mize. Zraven pridobite dve vtičnici za manjše priročne aparate na zobotehnični mizi. Enakomerno osvetli delovno površino zobotehnika. type max. height wattage luminous flux Ra(CRI) colour temperature lifetime Ergonomic dental laboratory lamp with possibility to regulate the height (distance) and direction of lightness. It can be mounted also on existing working bench. It lightened the working surface of dental technician very equally. Lamp includes two plug boxes for small units, which are positioned on working bench. If your laboratory is already equipped with light fittings and you wish to utilise the benefits of full spectrum lighting, all you have to do is change the tubes in the current light fittings. All standard types are available, including compact tubes with the 2G11 base suitable for instance in the laboratory tables Erio. tip type FTT86518 FTT86536 FTT86558 FTHE6514 FTHE6528 FTHE6535 FTH06524 FTH06554 FTH06580 moč (W) dolžina (mm) wattage length (W) (mm) 18 590 36 1200 58 1500 14 549 28 1149 35 1449 24 549 54 1149 80 1449 premer (mm) diameter (mm) 26 26 26 16 16 16 16 16 16 Je vaš laboratorij že opremljen s svetili in bi si vseeno želeli izkoristiti prednosti celotnega svetlobnega spektra? Vse kar morate storiti je zamenjati žarnice na obstoječih svetilih. Na voljo so vse standardne velikosti. baza base G13 G13 G13 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 svetlobni tok (lm) luminous flux (lm) 1000 2300 3700 920 2000 2250 1150 3000 4200 Cr (k) Ra Cr (k) Ra življenjska doba lifetime 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 98 98 98 93 93 93 93 93 93 14000 14000 14000 24000 24000 24000 24000 24000 24000 Osvetlitev s celotnim spektrom svetlobe Full spectrum lighting •undistorted colours thanks to a high colour index (Ra 93-98) in combination with the colour of natural daylight (6500OK) •Nepopačene barve zaradi visokega indeksa barvnega spektra (Ra 93-98) v kombinaciji z barvo naravne dnevne svetlobe (6500K). •significantly better resolution of details whilst carrying out precision work •Bistveno boljše rešitve pri izdelavi detajlov pri zobotehničnih delih. •eye fatigue is reduced not only thanks to the intensity of the light but mainly due to the spectral structure of the light emitted •Zmanjšanje utrujenosti oči, ne le zaradi intenzivnosti svetlobe, ampak predvsem zaradi spektralne strukture oddajanja svetlobe. •more natural working of the whole body while working under artificial light for long periods •Bolj naravno delovanje celotnega telesa glede na daljše delo pod umetno svetlobo. Opekarniška cesta 26 · 3000 Celje · Slovenia Phone: +386 3 425 62 00 · Fax: +386 3 425 62 02 E-mail: · zaSISTEM zobozdravst vene ordiS CELOTNIM nacije in zobotSPEKTROM ehnične laSVETLOBE boratorije OSVETLITVE Linearne cevne žarnice celotnega spektra svetlobe Full spectrum linear tubes NASLI for dental surgeries and laboratories SYSTEM OF FULL SPECTRUM LIGHTING
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