THE START OF THE BAT MONITORING SCHEME IN SLOVENIA PRIMOŽ PRESETNIK and MONIKA PODGORELEC Centre for Cartography of Fauna and Flora, Ljubljana office, Klunova 3, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; E-mail:, The Bonn Convention and the EU Habitats Directive require that each member state undertake surveys of the conservation status of natural habitats and species. To address this issue the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia ordered a study with the aim of establishing a monitoring scheme for all bats species in Slovenia. Between 2006 and 2007 comprehensive fieldwork was carried out to asses in the field the best methods for monitoring specific bat species. The results were complemented with the results of the project Conservation of Amphibians and Bats in the Alps-Adriatic Region INTERREG IIIA Slovenia-Austria 2000-2006. Over 70 people surveyed 1150 potential roosts. In 220 hibernacula 12, and in 930 summer roosts 13, bat species were recorded. Approximately 50 mistnettings (21 bat species recorded) and 54 transect counts (15 bat species recorded) were carried out. Altogether, 27 out of the 28 bat species currently recorded for Slovenia were found. Based on field data we have proposed the following bat monitoring scheme for Slovenia (A – method for estimation absolute numbers of animals, B – method for estimation relative numbers, C – method which might occasionally detect species). Roost survey maternity roost counts hibernacula counts 12 target species 7 (8) target species Species buildings caves June - July Rhinolophus euryale buildings caves January - February A A / A R. ferrumequinum R. hipposideros Myotis myotis M. blythii M. emarginatus M. capaccinii E. serotinus Plecotus auritus Pl. macrobullaris A A A / / A A A A A / C C A / A A B C A* / / / / / / / C C A* / / A / / / Pl. austriacus Barbastella barbastellus Miniopterus schreibersii A / A / / A / C / / B A * Special monitoring scheme should be developed one count per year on 189 sites, one count per three years on 182 sites one count per year on 38 sites, one count per two years on 25 sites Ultrasound transect counts Mistnetting Complementary research 11 (13) target species 13 target species 4 and more target species Species Species Myotis capaccinii Myotis daubentonii Nyctalus noctula N. lasiopterus Pipistrellus pipistrellus June - July B B September - October / / / / August - September Myotis myotis M. blythii M. bechsteinii M. nattereri M. capaccinii M. mystacinus B B B B B B / P. pygmaeus P. kuhlii P. nathusii Hypsugo savii Eptesicus nilssonii B B C B / C C / M. alcathoe M. brandtii M. capaccinii M. daubentonii B B B / Nyctalus leisleri E. serotinus C B / Plecotus auritus B Vespertilio murinus C C Pl. macrobullaris B Barbastella barbastellus B / Pl. austriacus B Barbastella barbastellus B one transect count per year on 24 sites Species Method Myotis mystacinus M. alcathoe Pipistrellus nathusii Vespertilio murinus “forest bat species” (eg. Myotis bechsteinii) B B genetic research genetic research occasional findings occasional findings survey of batboxes one count per year on 9 sites, one count per two years on 11 sites Popisni protokoli so bili oblikovani v okviru projekta Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst netopirjev, naroþnik Republika Slovenija, Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor Popisni protokoli so bili oblikovani v okviru projekta Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst netopirjev, naroþnik Republika Slovenija, Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor Protokol za monitoring netopirjev v stavbah Slovenije pSCI: Škocjan (SI3000160) Je okolica bolj ali manj nespremenjena? Šifra pop. pr.: 22814 da Naslov upravljalca/župnije: Naslov skrbnika/kljuþarja: Opombe (npr. povezava z gozdom, nove hiše, poseke) ne Evid. št. kult. ded.: 2516 X: 472031 Y: 83342 Cerkev Marijinega vnebovzetja, Železnica Župnijski urad Škocjan Župnijski urad Škocjan, Škocjan 12, in Železnica 3 Varnost in oprema: varno, za na podstreho potrebna pomoþ, pomagaj si s klopjo Datum: Popisovalec: ZO: NO: Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ dz: [/] oz: [4] 100x170, odprto P: [1] I 50 odprto Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ ZP: [1] 80x60, odprto pz: [1] 60x100, odprto nz: [/] vse odprto Rh Vir ortofoto: GURS. Pika oznaþuje mesto monitoringa. Polmer krožnice na sliki je 250 m. Analiza okolice (polmer 250 m in 2500 m) glede dejanske rabe kmetijskih zemljišþ (Raba_beta_10102007; MKGP) in glede na drugo stopnjo pokrovnosti tal (CORINE Land Cover, januar 2004). Dejanska raba tal tal (MGKP 2007) Rhinolophus ferrumequinum Rhinolophus hipposideros * In total, 467 detailed monitoring protocols also dealing with an estimation of the quality of bat habitat were made. Opombe (p) 20 (5-45) (þas zadnje obnove, predvidena dela, kaj pravijo domaþini o netopirjih) drugo posdstreha naþin doloþitve zvonik Ƃ juv kadavri Ƃ z mladiþem skeletni ostanki Ƃ Ƃ adult ƃ ƃ juv ƃ adult adult unisex Vrsta juvenilen št. ad ob zaþetku monitoringa 2007 šifra tip prostora Naþin doloþitve: 1 kosti 2 opazovanje 3 ultrazvoþni det. - hetereodini tip 4 ultrazvoþni det. - upoþasnitev 5 meritve živih osebkov 6 meritve mrtvih osebkov 7 drugo 8 sovji izbljuvki in ostanki drugih plenilcev 1100 1222 1300 1410 1500 1600 1800 2000 3000 7000 opis rabe Njive in vrtovi Ekstenzivni sadovnjaki Trajni travniki Zemljišþa v zarašþanju Drevesa in grmiþevje Neobdelana kmetijska zemljišþa Kmetijske površine porasle z gozdnim drevjem Gozd Pozidana in sorodna zemljišþa Vode površina [%] (r= 250m) 6,1 23,8 0,5 Pokrovnost tal (CLC 2004) površina [%] (r= 2500m) šifra 1,1 0,6 19,3 0,7 0,7 0,1 23 24 31 opis tipa pokrovnosti Pašniki Mešane površine Gozd površina [%] (r= 250m) površina [%] (r= 2500m) 72,0 28,0 11,4 14,0 74,7 0,1 65,1 4,1 0,3 73,4 3,9 <0,1 Prisotnost ostalih živali (izbljuvki sov, drugi iztrebki) ver.: 1.0 ver.: 1.0 Proposed Slovenian bat monitoring scheme was accepted and Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia ordered continuation of bat monitoring activities for years 2008 and 2009. PROBLEMS: A lack of suitable data prevented an estimation of population size at the start of the monitoring for the majority of proposed sites and consequently for the whole scheme for particular species. An additional problem is that some areas of Slovenia still lack the data needed to propose an adequate grid of monitoring sites covering particular species distribution. Therefore, intensive continuous monitoring of proposed sites and additional bat surveys are necessary. Acknowledgements: Many dedicated persons from hole specter of organizations have been involved in project: Association For Križna jama, Biology students’ society, Center za šolske in obšolske dejavnosti, Society for cave exploration, Ljubljana, Speleo club Karlovica, Speleo club Black see gull Prebold, Speleo club Kostanjevica na Krki, Speleo club Novo mesto, Goričko regional park, Park Škocjanske jame, Slovenian Association for Bat Research and Conservation, Triglav National Park, Tourist office in Šempeter v Savinjski dolini, Tourist and environmental Association Grosuplje and Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation. Thank you: Mirjam Bizjak, Ines & Gregor Cilenšek, Brane Čuk, Matej Dular, Fajdiga Bojana, Sara Femec, Matej Hočevar, Branka Hlad, Katerina Jazbec, Andrej Hudoklin, Stojan Jakopin, Marina Jurkovič, Andrej Kapla, Meta Kogoj, Irena Kodele Krašna, Irena Kranjec, Nina Kravanja, Jure Košutnik, Matej Kržič, Zvezdana Kržič, Primož Leben, Kristjan Malačič, Manica Markerlj, Andrej Mihevc, Jana Mlakar, Urša Pogačnik, Polona Oblak, Alenka Petrinjak, Tomaž Petek, Marko Pezdirc, Lucija Ramšak, Inga Richert, Nina Rupar, Maja Sopotnik, Griša Planinc, Jan Simič, David Stanković, Tanja Sunčič, Barbara Škrjanec, Asja Štucin, Aleš Tomažič, Martin Turjak, Rafko Urankar, Marica Uršič, Teja Vinko, Melita Vamberger, Enej Windschnurer, Maja Zagmajster, Nataša Zupančič, Anamarija Žagar, Silvia Žele.
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