MAGIC A first synoptic blazar study comprising eleven blazars visible in E>100 GeV gamma rays Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Max-Planck-Institut für Physik Werner-Heisenberg-Institut Robert Marcus Wagner Cerenkov Telescope Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Föhringer Ring 6, D-80805 München, Germany ABSTRACT Since 2002, the number of detected blazars at g-ray energies above 100 GeV has more than doubled. I present a study of all currently known highfrequency peaked BL Lac-type objects, for which photon energy spectra at E>100 GeV have been inferred. The intrinsic energy spectra of the sources are reconstructed using a contemporary model for the extragalactic background light. Then, the properties of the observed emission are compared and correlated among each other, with X-ray data, and with the individual estimated black hole masses. In addition, I consider temporal properties of the VHE g-ray flux. Key findings concern the connection of observed photon flux and estimated black hole mass as well as the correlation between the spectral slope and the luminosity. As a specific application, the synoptic study allows to constrain the redshift of PG 1553+113, a TeV blazars whose distance is unknown to date. • 3rd generation Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes with unprecedented sensitivity and energy thresholds online • Blazar detection rate increased 180 from 6 in 10 years to now 2/yr and increasing • For almost all VHE blazars are now VHE γ-ray spectra available • No comparative study exists yet that includes the whole enlarged blazar sample • Of some of them, different flux states are known • Relations to the BH/jet environment expected: Probe correlation with BH mass • In SSC models, X/VHE correlations expected • First such study (Krawczynski et al. 2004): comprised Mkn421, Mkn501, 1ES2344, 1ES1959, 1H1426 Identified EGRET AGN Tentatively id EGRET AGN Mkn501 PG1553 1ES2344 -180 BL Lacertae PKS0548 PKS2005 PKS2155 1ES0347 H2356 12 1118+3 03401- 04 7-1232 21 09 -3 56 PK S2 15 5 14 02226+ 9+ 428 200 -90 0.1 1553+113 Methodology 0.15 Redshift 0.2 0.25 BH mass estimations Here we use: • Differential luminosity at 500 GeV (no extrapolations necessary) • Spectral slope (no extrapolations) • 1 keV X-ray luminosity • VHE timescale • Black hole mass estimations • Redshift Parameters on which jet emission (probably) depends: • Size of black hole, spin of black hole • Accretion rate ~ jet luminosity • Heavy objects in accretion disk: modulation? Scaling laws are thought to govern BH physics. Simulation suggest that: • Jet luminosity increases with spin • Poynting flux increases with spin • Counter-/co-rotating BH produce different jets 1ES1101 1ES1959 Time scales & Duty Cycles We used σ measurements by Barth et al., Falomo et al., Wu et al. (2002) and the M-σ relation given by Tremaine et al. (2002) Redshift z BH/jet connection 0.05 HBL in this study HBL/LBL not in study Mkn180 Mk Mkn 42 23 n 501 Mk44+51 19 n 1814 59 0 +65 0 PKS P K 054 S 28 00 5 0 1ES1218 H1426 • Now probing higher distances and fainter sources; presumably low-state sources, too HBL objects included in this study θ Motivation 90 Mkn421 1ES0229 M B L87 Lac • Supermassive central object of 106 to 1010 solar masses - black holes • Relativistically rotating accretion disk (thermal Black radiation up to keV): 3-20 AU Hole • Gas cloud around accretion disk Can we see the Jet • High variability at all frequencies imprint of some of those in the • Jets viewed under small angle VHE γ-ray • High doppler factors expected emission? • Strong nonthermal radiation Accretion from the center of the galaxy Disk Obscuring Torus • Jet scales: 10-1011 AU (10-100ly) • Jets may attain high luminosities: Lobs ~ L × δ4 Illustration: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss • In leptonic acceleration models: Connection of synchrotron (X-ray) an IC peak (Gev/TeV γ-rays) expected Currently known HBL sample 23 High-peaked BL Lac-type AGN 1 0.1 0.01 L(500 GeV) [erg sr-1 s-1] Follow an approach by Krawczynski et al.: 0.001 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 log(M /M ) • Study long-term 2-10 keV RXTE ASM light AGN class Seyfert1 BL Lac Radio-loud quasar curves (1996-2006) VHE γ emitter Seyfert2 Radio galaxy Radio-quiet quasar • All RXTE ASM data points >20% over Here we compare the VHE γ emitters with a Reconstruction of VHE spectra VHE vs. X-ray luminosity average are thought to be on-duty time sample of 452 AGNs by Woo & Urry: • Our refined strategy: Require significant • Only M>108M objects show VHE γ -ray • Systematic assession of all known TeV HBLs sun activity - 5σ above baseline emission • EBL absorption using Kneiske et al.'s lowCorrelations with X-ray duty cycle EBL model • So far consistent with BL Lac nature • Previously seen: indication for an anti• Extract slope in region in which spectrum A redshift limit for PG1553 Correlation? correlation (Krawczynski et al.) was measured • Luminosity distribution can be used to • Now: no clear trend, Mkn 421 seems to • Modeling partially elusive: Extract constrain redshift of PG1553: Assume it is be quite outstanding differential luminosity at 500 GeV not too different from the most extreme 6´ 10 10 2´ 10 10 • Anticorrelation mainly tainted by BL Lacs -or- that its large distance implies After EBL de-absorption: Γ=1.5-3.3 recently discovered 1H2356, PKS0548 unusually high luminosity/jet Doppler factor • From SSC one might expect a correlation Intrinsically-hard spectra plus newly Duty cycle vs. M Duty cycle vs. luminosity Kr • 30 times more luminous: z<0.48 (2σ) soft-spectrum population tapped aw • Not very clear: 1 keV might be quite cz yn sk contaminated • 1000 times more luminous: z<0.68 (2σ) ie ta l. 50 Correlation with BH mass? • VHE luminosity spans over almost 3 distance + EBL Kneiske et al. best 49 distance + EBL Kneiske et al. low decades, corresponding X-ray luminosity 48 distance only 47 only over one decade BH sun Mkn 421 Mkn 501 2344+514 1044 Mkn 180 1959+650 2005-489 43 10 2155-304 1426+428 2356-309 1042 1218+304 1101-232 1553+113 44 45 45 46 -1 L(1 keV) [erg sr s-1] 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1044 10 43 Luminosity vs. photon index 1042 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.8 9 log(M 2344+514 Mkn 180 9.2 BH 1959+650 2005-489 7.6 7.8 /Msun) 1426+428 8 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.8 9 log(M 9.2 /M sun) BH 1218+304 2356-309 • No correlation (yet?) • Is the VHE emission rather independent of the BH mass? • Does the acceleration environment play the dominant role? Redshift dependency? Γ = Γ0 + m ⋅ log10(L ) 4 Γ 0 = 24.60 ± 4.84 m = -0.52 ± 0.11 3.5 χ2 = 21.57/14 red 3 2.5 2 4.5 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 1042 10 43 1044 0.5 -1 L(500 GeV) [erg sr s-1] 1042 10 43 1044 L(500 GeV) [erg sr-1 s-1] Mkn 421 2344+514 1959+650 2155-304 2356-309 1101-232 Mkn 501 Mkn 180 2005-489 1426+428 1218+304 1553+113 Hint for an anti-correlation: The harder the spectrum, the higher the luminosity L(500 GeV) [erg sr-1 s -1] Intrinsic photon index Γ • Not expected for low z and small samples • EBL overprediction? • 3.3σ correlation (excluding PG1553) • Why do we only see rather far-away hard• Decrease of ∆Γ=0.5 per decade of spectrum sources? Selection effect? luminosity • Also intra-source behavior shows spectral hardening ti y 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 44 10 10 43 1042 IA 1 0 1041 Photon index vs. redshift 0.03 Mkn 421 Mkn 501 0.2 0.1 2344+514 Mkn 180 0.3 Redshift z 1959+650 2005-489 e s T Luminosity vs. redshift 0.03 1426+428 1218+304 2356-309 1101-232 0.1 1553+113 0.2 Duty cycl e 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.3 Redshift z 9 log(M 9.2 BH 43 1042 /Msun) 10 44 10 -1 -1 L(500 GeV) [erg sr s ] Mkn 421 2344+514 1959+650 2155-304 2356-309 1553+113 Mkn 501 Mkn 180 2005-489 1426+428 1101-232 0548-322 VHE time scale vs. M BH VHE time scale vs. luminosity 3 10 2 3 10 2 10 10 10 10 1 1 -1 10 -2 10 -3 10 -3 10 7.6 7.8 Mkn 421 8 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.8 9 log(M 2344+514 2005-489 BH 9.2 /Msun) 1042 43 10 2155-304 1044 -1 L(500 GeV) [erg sr s-1] 1553+113 REFERENCES Barth, Ho, & Sargent, 2003, ApJ 583, 134 - Cui, 2004, ApJ 605, 662 - Falomo, Kotilainen, & Treves, 2002, ApJL 569, 35 - Kneiske et al., 2004, A&A 413, 807 - Krawczynski et al., 2004, ApJ 601, 151 - Tremaine et al., 2002, ApJ 574, 740 - Woo & Urry, 2002, ApJ 579, 530 - Wu, Liu, & Zhang, 2002, A&A 389 ,742 1959+650 45 44 currently known VHE HBLs mit IACT sensitivity li 43 42 1553+113 luminosity evolution 41 40 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Redshift z Conclusions First study to encompass 11 known HBLs to date First study that also assesses intercorrelations of VHE emission properties • No obvious correlations of VHE γ properties, flare duty cycles and flare time scales with BH masses • BH mass might not be as influential to VHE γ-ray emission as e.g. environment in acceleration region • Indications that in variable sources the observed spectra become harder with increasing luminosity -2 10 46 • VHE luminosity is marginally correlatied with spectral hardness, also found for individual sources -1 10 Mkn 501 C 1.5 0.5 iv it ns 0.2 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.8 5σ duty cycle VHE variability time scales might still be dominated by (previously inferior) sensitivity of IACT ... and by chance: IACT were lucky in observing Mkn 501 (MAGIC Jul 2005) and PKS 2155 (H.E.S.S. Jul 2006) flares ... there is probably more to it than just one simple number “duty cycle” or the minimum variability time (cf. variability hierarchy studies, Cui 2004) Sources observed in different flux states 4 t [d] Mkn 421 Mkn 501 8 BH Intrinsic photon index Γ 0 7.6 7.8 Luminosity vs. M 1041 Intrinsic photon index Γ Photon index vs. M BH 0.5 4.5 0.25 8 3σ duty cycle 0.3 0.25 7.6 7.8 1.5 1 0.3 0.35 log(L(500 GeV) [erg sr -1 s-1]) 4.5 0.35 t [d] L(500 GeV) [erg sr-1 s -1] Intrinsic photon index Γ Duty cycl e BH • Luminosity distribution constrains redshift of PG1553 to z<0.68: Large distance implies high luminosity or jet Doppler factor • Marginal correlation between intrinisic spectral hardness and source distance is likely due to an EBL overprediction by the current EBL models
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