SIGNATURE INSPECTIONS The Smith Sample Report 1234 Main St. Murrieta CA Prepared Exclusively For: Mr. Smith 07/06/2010 Prepared by: RANDY WOOD Scheduling Office: 951-526-2271 Fax: 951-742-4614 CREIA MASTER INSPECTOR, CERTIFIED NEW CONSTRUCTION SPECIALIST ICBO/ICC CERTIFED COMBINATION INSPECTOR The Smith Sample Report.® Property of Signature inspections All rights reserved. Use of this inspection other than the name under the contact is prohibited without the written consent of Signature Inspections or its reprensative. Action Items Page Please read the entire inspection report! 1234 Main St. Murrieta, CA An inspection has been conducted on the major structural components, plumbing, heating and electrical systems for visible signs of non-performance, excessive or unusual wear and general state of repair at the time of the inspection. The inspection is conducted in accordance with the Standards of Practice of the California Real Estate Inspection Association. (CREIA). A copy of these standards will be provided upon request, or may be downloaded from the CREIA web site at The following report is an overview of the conditions observed on the inspection date. In the report there may have been references to specific areas or items that were inaccessible. We do not make representations regarding the conditions that may be present but were concealed or inaccessible to view. With access and an opportunity for inspection, conditions may be discovered. Inspection of the inaccessible areas will be performed upon arrangement at an additional cost. The recommendations made in this report are not criticisms of the building. They are the opinion of the inspector of the conditions present at the time of the inspection. We do not require any system or component to be repaired prior to the close of escrow. We have been asked to prioritize the conditions noted in the report. Items that are no longer functioning, health and safety concerns, items that wer inaccessible are listed on this page. Other items that have been mentioned and are still functioning, however are in need of maintenance and or repairs are located in the body of the report. We cannot stress the importance of the client reading the entire INSPECTION REPORT. We have made recommendations based on the conditions observed at the time of the inspection. Items that are no longer functioning. Items that have to do with health and safety issues, or items that the clients may need to be aware of regarding the property. When we make recommendation regarding further evaluations, repairs or replacement, it is the responsibility of the client to obtain the qualified personal. Items in the report that have been recommended as being maintained and or repaired and have not been brought to the Action Items Page of the report are the responsibility of the client to read and make further informed decisions about their Real Estate purchase. As with any building, ongoing maintenance if not addressed, can and will have the potential to become items that are in need of major attention. It is the clients responsibility to address these items to ensure the building will continue to perform as designed. We urge the client to be present at the time of the inspection. If it is not feasible it is the client(s) responsibility to contact the inspector regarding any questions about the inspection report. Please keep in mind that condition may have been inadvertently omitted from the " Action Items", of the inspection report. It is the clients responsibility to read the entire inspection report and contact the inspection company with any questions or concerns regarding the report. This inspection report is confidential and not to be used or relied upon by any persons other that those named in the contract without the written consent of Signature Inspections or its representative. {SC} Safety Concerns [FE] Further Evaluation [CR] Corrections Recommended [RU] Recommended Upgrade The Smith Sample Report.® Property of Signature inspections All rights reserved. Use of this inspection other than the name under the contact is prohibited without the written consent of Signature Inspections or its reprensative. PHOTOGRAPHS OF SOME OF THE CONCERNS ARE LOCATED IN THE BODY OF THE REPORT INSPECTION INFORMATION INTRODUCTORY NOTES: 1.20 CLIENT INFORMATION: 1. Any statements made in the body of the inspection report pertaining to left, right, front or rear are referenced as if the inspector is standing at the front door looking into the building. We recommend the buyer(s) ask the sellers to provide any and all owners manuals and warranties that they may have for the equipment installed at the property. We also recommend asking the sellers for any permits and inspection records with finaled signatures for any changes or additions that may have been made to the structure, and/or any known conditions that may have been inadvertently left out of the disclosure statements. We recommend having the locks on all of the exterior doors rekeyed after taking possession of the property for security reasons. Photographs when used, are simply a tool to convey our findings as observed, they are not intended to enhance the findings or diminish those findings not photographed. 1.21 OBSERVATIONS: 2. [FE] Homes that have sat vacant for extended periods can sometimes have waste that was not washed out of the sewer lateral that is connected to the home. In some case this waste can harden and create a partial blockage. We recommend that the sewer lines be cleaned prior to occupying the home to ensure proper operation of the sewage disposal system. [FE] The pool and portable spa and associated equipment have not been inspected. We recommend further evaluation if concerned 1.22 ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS: 3. Environmental issues include but are not limited to asbestos, lead paint, lead contamination, radon, toxic waste, formaldehyde, toxic mold, electromagnetic radiation, buried fuel oil tanks, ground water contamination and soil contamination. We are not trained or licensed to recognize or discuss any of these materials. We may make reference to one or more of these materials in this report when we observe one of the common forms of these substances. If further study or analysis seems prudent, the advice and services of the appropriate specialists is recommended. Information related to these products can be found in the "Homeowners Guide to Earthquake Safety & Environmental Hazards" pamphlet. The latest "hot topic" in the home inspection industry, lawyers and experts in the field of toxicology is mold spores. Many "home inspection companies" have entered the highly lucrative business of delivering mold seminars and mold inspection test results to the home inspection client. As of this date the Center for Disease Control, The Environmental Protection Agency or any other independent authority have yet to set standards for toxicity levels. Without any specific standards to refer to, the collected information can be interpreted very differently depending on the inspector or the tester's personal opinion. Our perspective on mold is simple, " If you see mold or smell mold, you have mold. You do not need to test for mold if you see it or smell it. Knowing the type of mold does not change the way you should respond. All MOLD should be treated the same way. If should be removed without exposing people to high levels of mold spores or fragments and the underlying cause of the moisture problem causing the mold should be fixed. Knowing the specific type of mold does not affect what must be done to correct the moisture problem or to safely clean up the mold. If you have any questions regarding mold or other indoor air contaminates, we recommend you contact the Center for Disease Control or The Environment Protection Agency. SITE & GROUNDS DRAINAGE: 3.2 SITE CONDITION: 4. [CR] The yard drains at the left side of the house have been installed too high. We suggest cutting them to The Smith Sample Report.® Property of Signature inspections All rights reserved. Use of this inspection other than the name under the contact is prohibited without the written consent of Signature Inspections or its reprensative. ground level for proper operation of drainage system. IRRIGATION CONTROLS 3.3 SITE CONDITION: 5. [SC] The sprinkler timer at the rear patio has improper, exposed wiring from the outlet to the sprinkler timer box. We suggest repair as needed for electrical safety. FENCING: 3.9 GROUNDS CONDITION: 6. [CR] The wood fencing was damaged at the left side. The bottoms of the boards are rotted and deteriorated and the post is rotted at the gate. There are loose fence boards at the right side of the house. Suggest replacement of damaged sections to maintain the integrity of the fencing. FENCING: 3.10 GROUNDS CONDITION: 7. [CR] The fencing at the right rear corner is embedded into the dirt which will cause the rapid deterioration. Suggest clearing dirt away to maintain the integrity of the fencing. GATES: 3.11 GROUNDS CONDITION: 8. [CR] Both of the fence gate posts at the left side gate are rotten and in need of replacement. The Smith Sample Report.® Property of Signature inspections All rights reserved. Use of this inspection other than the name under the contact is prohibited without the written consent of Signature Inspections or its reprensative. EXTERIORS EXTERIOR CONDITIONS: 4.7 VENEER: 9. [CR] There is a small piece of stone veneer that is missing at the right front corner below the window. Suggest replacement of such as needed. 4.8 TRIM: 10. [CR] Damaged and/or deteriorated wood was observed at the left front of the garage. We recommend correcting the condition noted. 4.9 FASCIA/EAVES: 11. [RU] We suggest boxing in or screening the recessed area at the eave intersection over the front entry to prevent birds from roosting. The Smith Sample Report.® Property of Signature inspections All rights reserved. Use of this inspection other than the name under the contact is prohibited without the written consent of Signature Inspections or its reprensative. 4.10 DOORS: 12. [CR] One of the window frames on the double sectional door has been pushed in and the plastic window frame is damaged. We recommend replacing the window to restore proper operation. 4.11 DOORS: 13. [CR] The garage service door had a previously installed doggy door which has been patched with a large piece of plywood. We recommend keeping this sealed and painted to prevent further deterioration of the door. EXT ELECTRICAL CONDITIONS: 4.13 EXTERIOR OUTLETS: 14. [SC] The outlet that was added at the front planting is powered by an extension cord to a timer in the garage. Extension cords are rated for temporary use only. This outlet should be permanently hardwired for electrical safety. The receptacle at the rear is in acceptable condition and was GFCI protected. The Smith Sample Report.® Property of Signature inspections All rights reserved. Use of this inspection other than the name under the contact is prohibited without the written consent of Signature Inspections or its reprensative. 4.14 EXTERIOR LIGHTS: 15. [SC] The lights that have been installed in the front walkway are improperly powered by an extension cord to a timer in the garage. Extension cords are rated for temporary use only. These lights should be permanently hardwired for electrical safety. 4.15 EXTERIOR GFCI: 16. [SC] The added receptacles at the spa area are not GFCI protected as required, this condition is an improper installation. We recommend providing GFCI protection at the required locations for safety reasons. PLUMBING SYSTEM GAS SHUTOFF: 6.8 GAS SYSTEM: 17. [RU] The supply shutoff is in acceptable condition, but we do not operate these devices. There is no meter wrench attached to the meter. We recommend providing a wrench and/or installing a seismic automatic shut off valve for emergency needs. [FE] The gas system was turned "off" during the inspection. We recommend contacting the Gas Company to turn "on" the gas service and light and test all of the gas appliances. NOTE: All gas fired appliance were inspected for installation only. We could not test the function of the unit. TANK: 6.12 WATER HEATER CONDITIONS: 18. [CR] Leaks were observed on the water heater tank(s) and the platform is damaged from leakage. We recommend the water heater(s) be replaced. SEISMIC : 6.13 WATER HEATER CONDITIONS: 19. [SC] The water heater earthquake strapping does not meet the State Architect's requirements and/or the water heater strapping kit manufacturers instructions. The intent is for the water heater to resist movement during seismic activity. We recommend this condition be corrected to comply with the requirements for safety reasons. CONTROLS: 6.15 WATER HEATER CONDITIONS: 20. [FE] [CR] The pilot light was out on the water heater and we were unable to light the water heater. We were unable to test the hot water throughout the house. We recommend testing of the hot water throughout the house once the water heater has been replaced. The Smith Sample Report.® Property of Signature inspections All rights reserved. Use of this inspection other than the name under the contact is prohibited without the written consent of Signature Inspections or its reprensative. WATER HEATING SYSTEM: WATER HEATER CONDITIONS: 7.5 COMMENTS: 21. [FE] There is evidence of past leakage and extensive damage to the water heater platform. We suggest intrusive investigation of the walls around the water heater to ensure that all water damage and/or mold have been repaired. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS ELECTRICAL SERVICE CONDITIONS: 8.8 GROUNDING: 22. [SC] There is a circuit that has been added for the garage; the wires have been punched through to the garage. This circuit is not grounded. We suggest grounding of this circuit for electrical safety. 8.9 MAIN PANEL: 23. [SC] There is another circuit that has been added at the top of the panel that is missing the knock out or strain relief connector to protect the cable from damage. We suggest repair as needed for electrical safety. The Smith Sample Report.® Property of Signature inspections All rights reserved. Use of this inspection other than the name under the contact is prohibited without the written consent of Signature Inspections or its reprensative. 8.10 WORKMANSHIP: 24. [SC] Multiple wires were connected to a single lug on a circuit breaker where only one wire should be connected (double lugging). This condition is not permitted because a positive connection for all wires is not assured. We recommend the circuitry be reconfigured and additional breakers be installed as needed for safety reasons. 8.11 COMMENTS: 25. [SC] The spa circuit has been added and is not GFCI protected. We recommend added GFCI protected for electrical safety. EXTERIOR WIRING 8.18 EXT ELECTRICAL CONDITIONS: 26. [SC] The rope lighting for the patio cover has been improperly installed using lamp cord. We suggest replacing with proper materials for safe operation. EXTERIOR CONDUIT: 8.19 EXT ELECTRICAL CONDITIONS: 27. [SC] The metal conduit for the spa circuit is partially buried in the ground where it penetrates the wrought iron/wood fence going to the side yard. The conduit is starting to corrode and deteriorate. We recommend removing the soil and painting of the pipe to prevent further deterioration and for electrical safety. LIGHTS: 8.20 GARAGE/CARPORT INFORMATION: 28. [SC] There is improper wiring installed for the light fixtures in the form of extension cords or cord type wiring, this type of wire is for temporary use only and is a potential fire hazard. The Smith Sample Report.® Property of Signature inspections All rights reserved. Use of this inspection other than the name under the contact is prohibited without the written consent of Signature Inspections or its reprensative. 8.21 KITCHEN CONDITIONS: 29. [SC] The light fixture in the nook area has been removed and the wiring left exposed. We recommend a light fixture or junction box cover be installed for electrical safety. GFCI PROTECTION: 8.24 GARAGE/CARPORT INFORMATION: 30. [SC] The added receptacles at the left and right sides of the garage are not GFCI protected, GFCI protected outlets should have been installed at the time the building was constructed. This is an electrical Safety Hazard. We recommend providing GFCI protection at the required locations for safety reasons. The outlet at the front of the garage is GFCI protected. 8.27 MASTER BATHROOM: 31. The accessible receptacles are in acceptable condition and are GFCI protected. The GFCI reset outlet for this bathroom is located in the garage. ELECTRICAL OUTLETS 8.28 GARAGE/CARPORT INFORMATION: 32. [SC] There is extension cord wiring noted at several locations throughout the garage. Extension cords are rated for temporary use only. These outlets/lights should be replaced with hard wiring where possible or removed for electrical safety. 8.29 LIVING ROOM 33. [SC] The receptacle cover plates were missing in several locations in the living room and dining room area. Suggest replacement of covers for electrical safety. BRANCH CIRCUITRY: 8.30 GARAGE/CARPORT INFORMATION: 34. [CR] The wiring for cable/TV wiring is loose and hanging in several areas. We recommend securing to prevent damage to wires. CEILING FANS: 8.32 FAMILY ROOM 35. [FE] The ceiling fan is controlled by remote control only; the remote was not located. We could not verify the function of the unit was not verified. We recommend a demonstration of its function prior to the close of escrow. The Smith Sample Report.® Property of Signature inspections All rights reserved. Use of this inspection other than the name under the contact is prohibited without the written consent of Signature Inspections or its reprensative. 8.33 MASTER BEDROOM: 36. [FE] The ceiling fan is controlled only by a remote which could not be located. The function of the unit was not verified. We recommend a demonstration of its function prior to the close of escrow. HEATING SYSTEM FORCED AIR CONDITION: 9.9 FURNACE FILTER: 37. [CR] The filter is dirty which blocks air flow. We recommend the filter be cleaned or replaced. Air filters require cleaning or replacement periodically to protect the equipment and for the health concerns of the occupants. 9.10 RETURN PLENUM: 38. [SC] Microbial growth was observed in the return air plenum below the heating unit. We suggest that all damaged materials and growth be removed by a qualified remediation contractor to ensure spores are not spread throughout the HVAC system. The return air ducting is in acceptable condition 9.11 THERMOSTAT: 39. [CR] The thermostat is difficult to operate, we suggest replacement of the unit for reliable operation. BLOWER: 9.13 FORCED AIR CONDITION: 40. [CR] Dust and debris have built up on the blower and in the fan compartment. We recommend having the system cleaned and/or serviced. AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM CONDNSNG UNIT: 10.6 A/C SYSTEM CONDITIONS: 41. [CR] The condensing units cooling and return lines are not adequately sealed where they enter the structure. This can allow moisture as well as rodents to enter the structure. We recommend the line be sealed in accordance with industry standards. [CR] The pad supporting the condensing unit is not sitting level at the left side. The connections can be stressed and accelerated wear of the bearings and other components may occur. We recommend the unit be supported on a level pad. [FE] The condensing unit was originally located at the rear and has been relocated to the side yard. Generally, this relocation is not allowed in most districts due to noise issues. We recommend consulting with the local building department to determine if this is a permitted installation. The Smith Sample Report.® Property of Signature inspections All rights reserved. Use of this inspection other than the name under the contact is prohibited without the written consent of Signature Inspections or its reprensative. GARAGE - CARPORT GARAGE/CARPORT CONDITIONS: 11.7 FIRE WALL: 42. [SC] There are holes or openings in the fire resistive wall near the roof ridge between the garage and living space. We recommend the repair of any openings or holes with approved materials to restore the fire resistive barrier as required. 11.8 FIRE WALL: 43. [CR] There is a safe installed in the fire wall. The wall should be properly patched when this safe is removed. 11.9 DOOR OPENERS: 44. [CR] The garage door did not function properly; it did not move the garage door down. This could be due to the downward force or the electric eye needing to be adjusted. We suggest further review and repair as needed to restore proper operation. We were unable to test the safety reverse device. 11.10 CAR DOOR(S): 45. [CR] Evidence of damage was observed on the frame of one of the garage door window; the window frame has been pushed in. We suggest repair as needed. The Smith Sample Report.® Property of Signature inspections All rights reserved. Use of this inspection other than the name under the contact is prohibited without the written consent of Signature Inspections or its reprensative. 11.12 PLUMBING: 46. [CR] A PVC water line has been routed from the main water service through the garage. This type of installation is generally not rated or approved to be routed in the garage with this type of material. We suggest further review by a qualified contractor to determine scope of necessary repairs. 11.15 INTERIOR WALLS/CEILINGS: 47. [CR] Evidence of damage was observed on the wall(s). noted. We recommend correcting the condition(s) LAUNDRY ROOM WASHER & DRYER CONDITIONS: 12.3 DRYER SERVICE: 48. [SC] There is both gas and 220 volt electric hookups for a dryer. The 220 outlet has been added; the romex cable has been left exposed. We suggest installation inside the wall for electrical safety. There is no power to the 220 volt outlet. KITCHEN KITCHEN APPLIANCES: 13.3 DISHWASHER: 49. [FE] We were unable to fully test the dishwasher due to the hot water being turned off. We recommend verification of proper operation prior to close of escrow. 13.7 FILTRD WATER: 50. [FE] These systems are outside the scope of the inspection and are not inspected. We recommend consulting with the seller and/or a specialist regarding the operation and maintenance of this system. BATHROOM CABINETS: 14.6 MASTER BATHROOM: 51. [CR] The cabinet handles are missing. The Smith Sample Report.® Property of Signature inspections All rights reserved. Use of this inspection other than the name under the contact is prohibited without the written consent of Signature Inspections or its reprensative. MEDICINE: 14.7 PRIMARY HALLWAY BATHROOM: 52. [CR] The medicine cabinet has been removed leaving an unsightly hole. We recommend replacing the medicine cabinet or patching wall as needed. INTERIOR ROOMS EXT DOORS: 15.8 ENTRY HALL 53. [CR] The peep hole has been removed from the front entry door; these is a piece of black tape covering the hole. Suggest replacing peep hole or sealing to maintain the integrity of the door. STRUCTURE STUCCO SIDING: 18.2 EXTERIOR CONDITIONS: 54. [CR] There is vegetation covering portions of the exterior siding, roof and/or trim at the right side of the garage. This condition limits the inspection and is conducive to the deterioration and/or damage of the building materials. We recommend the vegetation be trimmed away from the structure. OVERALL FLOORING 18.6 OVERALL INTERIOR 55. [CR] The baseboards are missing in several locations. Suggest reinstallation of such. FIREPLACE: 18.8 LIVING ROOM 56. [FE] The inspection of the fire place is limited to the accessible areas of the firebox and damper. The main sections of the flue are not visible without special camera equipment. Further investigation of the fireplace/chimney in the form of a level 2 inspection by a qualified fireplace/chimney specialist would be prudent prior to use. The Smith Sample Report.® Property of Signature inspections All rights reserved. Use of this inspection other than the name under the contact is prohibited without the written consent of Signature Inspections or its reprensative. ROOFING SYSTEM CONCRETE TILE: 21.4 ROOF INFORMATION: 57. [CR] There are a couple of slipped tiles noted, at the right front over the garage and near the chimney. We recommend routine maintenance be performed as needed. PLUMBING VENTS: 21.7 ROOF PENETRATIONS: 58. [CR] The rain cap for the gas appliance vent for the water heater and furnace is damaged The cap is pushed down and not allowing the vent to vent correctly. Suggest repair as needed. DOWNSPOUTS: 21.8 ROOF PENETRATIONS: 59. [CR] We suggest installation of splash blocks or drains at the downspouts at the right side of the garage to ensure water drains away from the structure and to prevent water from ponding against the foundation. PLUMBING SYSTEM: PRESSURE REGULATOR: 22.2 WATER SUPPLY: 60. [CR] The pressure regulator installed in the water supply line by the main shutoff valve has allowed the water pressure to rise to 90 PSI, which exceeded the 80 PSI building standard. This is an indication that the regulator is not functioning as designed. We recommend the regulator be adjusted, repaired or replaced to correct the high pressure. The Smith Sample Report.® Property of Signature inspections All rights reserved. Use of this inspection other than the name under the contact is prohibited without the written consent of Signature Inspections or its reprensative. HOSE BIBBS 22.5 WATER SUPPLY: 61. [SC] The vacuum breaker/anti siphon device(s) on the hose faucet(s) are missing. We recommend replacing the missing devices for safety reasons. PLUMBING SINK FAUCETS: 23.1 PRIMARY HALLWAY BATHROOM: 62. [CR] The handles have been improperly indexed with the handles facing into the sink. Suggest adjustments be made as needed. The Smith Sample Report.® Property of Signature inspections All rights reserved. Use of this inspection other than the name under the contact is prohibited without the written consent of Signature Inspections or its reprensative.
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