C” “ OW 5TH R E OV. T O V S. N TUE Putting People BEFORE Party WindsorIndependents.com LISA MARIE BOCCIA for Town Council JOHN DUNN for Town Council KRISTIN INGRAM for Board of Education Lisa graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a BA in Economics (Trinity), has an MBA (UConn), and is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma and Pi Gamma Mu Honor Societies. After many years in Corporate America management, she is now a “full-time volunteer” giving back to her community. As a Councilor she works for ALL The People. “Too often I hear, ‘They (elected officials) don’t care about us.’ We are one Windsor made up of diverse districts, and it is the job of all of us to address the needs of each equally.” Her focus is to make Government more Transparent, Accountable and Responsive. for Town Council Steve and his wife Terese have lived in Windsor for over 17 years and are owners of Euphoria Event Solutions, a specialty tent rental company with its warehouse in Windsor. Steve’s downtime is spent woodworking, skiing and flying. Steve’s goal as a Councilor is to attempt to get the most bang for the taxpayers’ buck and to try to limit government’s intrusion into citizens’ lives. He looks towards increasing the taxpayers’ return on their investment in the community while trying to mitigate the “Us Versus Them” mentality that all too often curbs true progress. Steve can be reached at smckay@euphoriaevents.com. RICKEY KENDALL Rickey holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Services from Springfield College. Rickey’s experience includes 20 years working for the Connecticut Student Loan Foundation. This, combined with his customer service background, has made him effective in helping to assist many individuals in being able to obtain their goal towards furthering their education. When elected, he will lead open discussions to solve problems in ways that most positively impact Windsor’s citizens. Rickey has resided in the Wilson section of town since 1996, and is the father of three. STEVE MCKAY John, a University of Connecticut alumni with a BA in Economics, with post graduate courses in accounting led to a career as a Retail Merchandise Manager and Buyer for Ames Dept Stores. John is an avid volunteer for a variety of charities, working directly with people and as an Accredited Visitor offering hope, support and encouragement to heart patients at Hartford Hospital. John and his wife, Joan Elder Dunn, are long-standing residents of Windsor. John believes changes need to be made at the local level. We must work to strengthen our schools and to increase residential property values. for Town Council Kristin is a current member of the Windsor Board of Education, serving as Chair of the Finance Committee and as a member of the Curriculum Committee. She is a CPA licensed in CT and MA, a full-time Lecturer in Accounting at Eastern CT State Univ., with 5 years experience teaching in higher education, and an owner of a small tax and consulting practice. She volunteers for Send Windsor to the Troops and Windsor Food & Fuel Bank. “I am running for reelection because I know that we can do better. “Our students deserve Municipal November 5, 2013 State of Connecticut Windsor, Connecticut Election better. Our community deserves better.” She can BRIAN BOSCH Official Ballot be reached at Klingram@gmail.com. for Board of Education Brian grew up in Windsor, graduated from Windsor High School in 1993, works at Pfizer (11.5 years), and is a member of the Windsor Volunteer Fire Dept. He also holds a Master’s in Secondary Education (Saint Joseph College) and a B.S. in Mathematics (UConn). He has experience as a classroom teacher and as a volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters. “As a school system we need appropriate and timely communications with our parents and guardians, involvement from the community and transparency in decision making. Districts 1-7 We also need to be fiscally accountable...” 32 31 30 29 28 27 T O L AL Be sure to read instructions on reverse side of this ballot. OFFICE PARTY REPUBLICAN PARTY ROW C FOR CHANGE DEMOCRATIC PARTY WINDSOR INDEPENDENT PARTY WRITE-IN VOTES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 B E L P M SA Town Council Donald A. Jepsen 2A 3A 10 5A 6A 7A 8A John J. Nathan M.H. Kenny M. Gamache Scharoff Wilkos Jim G. Govoni Michaela I. Fissel Melissa Rizzo Holmes Paul J. Panos 3B 5B 6B 7B 8B 1B 2B Jody L. Terranova Donald S. Trinks 1C 2C 3C 4C Stephen H. McKay John A. Dunn Lisa Marie Boccia Rickey Kendall 1D 2D 3D 4D 4B William H. Randy P. Herzfeld McKenney Alan J. Simon 5C 5D Darleen C. Doreen E. Leonard Klase Richardson Lockhart 6C 7C Kristin Lynn Ingram Brian Bosch 6D 7D 8C 8D 12 Vote for Any Two Vote for Any Five 4A 11 Constable Board of Education Vote for Any Five 1A 9 9A 10A Ronald C. Cristina R. Eleveld Santos 9B 10B Richard T. Kenneth W. O’Reilly Williams 9C 10C 11A 12A Joe Breen David A. Gillette 11B 12B Vivian J. Cicero Ina A. Forman 11C 12C 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9D 10D 11D 12D 9 8 7 6 5 Paid for by the Windsor Independent Town Committee – Dennis Cicero, Treasurer WINDSOR INDEPENDENT PARTY PLATFORM A Vision for Windsor Create a plan for environmentally sustainable developments that protect our neighborhoods Develop strong schools to retain and attract families TAXES Develop fiscally responsible budgets Support transparent budget process, working toward separate votes for Town and Board of Education budgets Work ultimately toward zero-based (start from scratch) budgets GOVERNMENT Residents receive timely responses to all inquiries Residents’ voices are considered in decision-making processes Members of some Boards and Commissions are elected COMMUNITY Equal treatment for all Town districts Equitable treatment for all Town businesses Improved relationship between Board of Education and Town Council SCHOOLS Ensure appropriate levels of staffing, focused on the classroom Develop high quality curriculum that challenges every student Support parents to help their children succeed VOTE ROW “C” TUES. NOV. 5TH The Windsor Independent Party was formed to give Windsor voters more options in municipal elections. Previously, each party ran five candidates for the Town Council and the Board of Education. Nine people won; one person lost. The Windsor Independent Party believes the voters of Windsor deserve more choice in their elections. The group has endorsed four candidates for the Council and two for the Board of Education, giving Windsor voters more choices. The Windsor Independent Party believes our government should be more transparent, accountable and user-friendly. Budgets should be presented in a way that is understandable for the average voter. Residents should be able to participate in the political process and rules for participation should be consistent and understandable. Officials should respond to residents’ inquiries and be respectful to all members of the community. Public officials, including board and commission members should be held accountable to the voters. A number of our appointed commissions have a lot of power over the operation and development of the town, yet there is no way to currently hold these commissions accountable to the residents in town. The Windsor Independent Town Committee meets monthly to discuss issues in town and works to get endorsed candidates elected. The Windsor Independent Town Committee meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in Council Chambers at the Windsor Town Hall. All Independent and Unaffiliated voters are welcome to attend our meetings. Members of any party who are interested in learning more about the Windsor Independent Party or the Windsor Independent Town Committee can visit our website at www.windsorindependents.com and are welcome to contact Jeffery Ingram at (860) 219-0012 or windsorindependents@gmail.com. WindsorIndependents.com
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