SAMPLE RESIDENTIAL LEASE This agreement, made this _____ day of ________________ 20___, between Sample Owner, hereinafter referred to as the LANDLORD, through its agent and Sample Tenant hereinafter referred to as the TENANT, concerning the lease of the following described property: 123 Sample St., Sample, FL 22222 is agreed to by and shall bind the TENANT, its heirs, estate, or legally appointed representatives. TENANT as herein used shall include all persons to whom this property is leased. LANDLORD as herein used shall include the owner(s) of the premises, its heirs, assigns or representatives and/or any agent(s) designated by the owner(s). TERM OF LEASE: March 01, 2012 to February 28, 2013. If for any reason LANDLORD cannot deliver possession of the premises to TENANT by the beginning date, the beginning date may be extended up to 30 days or lease voided at LANDLORD'S option without LANDLORD being liable for any expenses caused by such delay or termination. OCCUPANTS: Only the following individuals shall occupy the premises unless written consent of the LANDLORD is obtained: Sample Tenants. A reasonable number of guests may occupy the premises without prior written consent if stay is limited to 72 hours. PRORATED RENT: TENANT agrees to pay the sum of N/A as pro rated rent for the period N/A to N/A. ADVANCE RENT: TENANT agrees to pay the sum of $0 as advance rent representing payment for the last month of lease term or any renewal. m pl e RENT: TENANT agrees to pay the monthly rent amount of $1,500.00 plus any applicable sales tax as rent on the 1st day of each month in advance without demand at 4305 Neptune Rd, St. Cloud, FL 34769 Phone number (407) 891-1010. Emergency phone number (407) 468-9368. Rent must be received by LANDLORD or its designated agent on or before the due date. A late fee of $40.00 plus $10.00 per day thereafter shall be due as additional rent if TENANT fails to make rent payments on or before the 5th day of each month. Cash payments are not accepted. If TENANT'S check is dishonored, all future payments must be made by money order or cashier's check dishonored checks will be subject to the greater of 5% of the check amount or a $40.00 charge as additional rent. If LANDLORD has actual knowledge that there are insufficient funds to cover a check, rent will be considered unpaid, LANDLORD may serve TENANT with a Three Day Notice and will not be required to deposit the check. Third party checks are not permitted. Time is of the essence. The imposition of late fees and/or dishonored check charges is not a substitution or waiver of available Florida law remedies. If rent is not received by the 1st day of each month, LANDLORD may serve a Three Day Notice on the next day or any day thereafter as allowed by law, and LANDLORD has the right to demand that late payments shall only be in the form of a money order or a certified check. All signatories to this lease are jointly and severally responsible for the faithful performance of this lease. All payments made shall first be applied to any outstanding balances of any kind including late charges and/or any other charges due under this lease. All notices by TENANT to LANDLORD shall be sent to LANDLORD'S address above by certified mail. PETS: TENANT shall not keep any animal or pet in or around the rental premises without LANDLORD'S prior written approval and a PET ADDENDUM attached and made a part of this lease. (IF YOU SELECT, A PET ADDENDUM GETS ATTACHED) Sa SECURITY DEPOSIT: TENANT agrees to pay LANDLORD the sum of $1,495, as security for faithful performance by TENANT of all terms, covenants and conditions of this lease. This deposit may be applied by the LANDLORD for any monies owed by TENANT under the lease or Florida law, physical damages to the premises, costs, and attorney's fees associated with TENANT's failure to fulfill the terms of the lease and any monetary damages incurred by LANDLORD due to TENANT's default. TENANT cannot dictate that this deposit be used for any rent due. If TENANT breaches the lease by abandoning, surrendering or being evicted from the rental premises prior to the lease expiration date (or the expiration of any extension) TENANT will be responsible for unpaid rent, physical damages, future rent due, attorney's fees, costs and any other amounts due under the terms of the tenancy or Florida law. The security deposit (and advance rent, if applicable) will be held in the following manner: Deposited in a separate non interest bearing account with Bank of America, St. Cloud, Florida statutory law, 83.49(3) provides: (3)(a) Upon the vacating of the premises for termination of the lease, if the landlord does not intend to impose a claim on the security deposit, the LANDLORD shall have 15 days to return the security deposit together with interest if otherwise required, or the landlord shall have 30 days to give the TENANT written notice by certified mail to the TENANT last known mailing address of his intention to impose a claim on the deposit, and the reason for imposing the claim. The notice shall contain a statement in substantially the following form: This is a notice of my intention to impose a claim for damages in the amount of ------ upon your security deposit, due to ------. It is sent to you as required by s. 83.49(3), Florida Statutes. You are hereby notified that you must object in writing to this deduction from your security deposit within 15 days from the time you receive this notice or I will be authorized to deduct my claim from your security deposit. Your objection must be sent to (landlord's address). If the LANDLORD fails to give the required notice within the 30-day period, he forfeits his right to impose a claim upon the security deposit. (b) Unless the TENANT objects to the imposition of the landlord's claim or the amount thereof within 15 days after receipt of the landlord's notice of intention to impose a claim, the LANDLORD may then deduct the amount of his claim and shall remit the balance of the deposit to the TENANT within 30 days after the date of the notice of intention to impose a claim for damages. (c) If either party institutes an action in a court of competent jurisdiction to adjudicate his right to the security deposit, the prevailing party is entitled to receive his court costs plus a reasonable fee for his attorney. The court shall advance the cause on the calendar. (d) Compliance with this subsection by an individual or business entity authorized to conduct business in this state, including Florida-licensed real estate brokers and salespersons, shall constitute compliance with all other relevant Florida Statutes pertaining to security deposits held pursuant to a rental agreement or other landlord-tenant relationship. Enforcement personnel shall look solely to this subsection to determine compliance. This subsection prevails over any conflicting provisions in chapter 475 and in other sections of the Florida Statutes. Security deposit refunds if any shall be made by mail only, as provided by law, made out in names of all TENANTS in one check, and, may not be picked up in person from LANDLORD. ASSIGNMENTS: TENANT shall not assign this lease or sublet the premises or any part thereof. Any unauthorized transfer of interest by the TENANT shall be a breach of this agreement. APPLICATION: If TENANT has filled out a rental application, any misrepresentation made by the TENANT in same will be a breach of this agreement and LANDLORD may terminate the tenancy. FIXTURES AND ALTERATIONS: TENANT must obtain prior written consent from LANDLORD before painting, installing fixtures, making alterations, additions or improvements and if permission granted, same shall become LANDLORD'S property and shall remain on the premises at the termination of the tenancy. pl e USE OF PREMISES: TENANT shall maintain the premises in a clean and sanitary condition and not disturb surrounding residents or the peaceful and quiet enjoyment of the premises or surrounding premises. TENANT shall install window shades or draperies (no foil, sheets, paper etc. allowed) within 15 days of taking occupancy if not already provided. Premises are to be used and occupied by the TENANT for only residential, non business, private housing purposes only. TENANT shall not operate any type of day care or child sitting service on the premises. TENANT shall secure insurance immediately for any water filled devices with a loss payable clause to LANDLORD. No trampolines, athletic equipment, recreational equipment, or any items or activities which can cause interference with the insurance coverage on the premises will be permitted. SMOKING: (IN THIS SECTION, BASED ON YOUR SELECTION, THE SMOKING OR NONSMOKING RULES/CONDITIONS ARE INSERTED) m RISK OF LOSS: All TENANTS' personal property shall be at the risk of the TENANT or owner thereof and LANDLORD shall not be liable for any damage to said personal property of the TENANT arising from criminal acts, fire, storm, flood, rain or wind damage, acts of negligence of any person whomsoever, or from the bursting or leaking of water pipes. TENANT is strongly urged to secure insurance for personal property. Sa DEFAULT: (1) Failure of TENANT to pay rent or any additional rent when due, or (2) TENANT'S violation of any other term, condition or covenant of this lease (and if applicable, attached rules and regulations), condominium by-laws or neighborhood deed restrictions or (3) failure of TENANT to comply with any Federal, State and/or Local laws, rules and ordinances, or (4) TENANT'S failure to move into the premises or tenants abandonment of the premises, shall constitute a default by TENANT. Upon default, TENANT shall owe LANDLORD rent and all sums as they become due under the terms of this lease and any addendums attached hereto and any and all amounts owed to LANDLORD as permitted by Florida law. If the TENANT abandons or surrenders possession of the premises during the lease term or any renewals, or is evicted by the LANDLORD, LANDLORD may retake possession of the premises and make a good faith effort to rerent it for the TENANT account. Retaking of possession shall not constitute a rescission of this lease nor a surrender of the leasehold estate. If TENANT(s) breach this lease agreement, in addition to any other remedies available by law and this lease agreement, TENANT(s) shall be responsible for any leasing fee or commission charge which OWNER may incur in attempting to re-lease the premises through a licensed real estate company. If TENANT'S actions or inactions result in any fines, attorney’s fees, costs or charges from or imposed by a condo association or homeowners association if in place, TENANT shall be in default of this lease and shall be immediately required to pay such sums as additional rent. ATTORNEY'S FEES: If LANDLORD employs an attorney due to TENANT's violation of the terms and conditions of this lease, TENANT shall be responsible for all costs and reasonable attorney's fees as incurred by the LANDLORD whether or not suit is filed. LANDLORD and TENANT waives the right to demand a jury trial concerning any litigation between LANDLORD and TENANT. UTILITIES: LANDLORD is responsible for providing the following utilities only: (IN THIS SECTION, BASED ON YOUR SELECTION AT INPUTTING, WE INSERT THE LANDLORD’S UTILITY RESPONSIBILITIES). The TENANT agrees to pay all charges and deposits for all other utilities and TENANT agrees to have all accounts for utilities immediately placed in TENANT name with accounts kept current throughout occupancy. Garbage and or trash removal is considered a utility under this lease. If the utilities which TENANT is responsible for are still in LANDLORD's name at the time TENANT takes occupancy, TENANT agrees that LANDLORD shall order such utilities to be terminated. In the event a condominium association or homeowner's association is currently providing any services to the unit such as cable, satellite TV, alarm monitoring, internet, water, sewer, trash, guarded security gate or other services and the association decides these services will no longer be provided, Tenant agrees and understands that Landlord and/or Agent shall not be required to replace, provide or pay for these removed services for Tenant. Tenant may opt to pay for non-essential services but shall be required to pay for essential services including but not limited to water, sewer and trash if the association no longer provides these services. The discontinuation of any such services by the association shall not be construed as a prohibited practice by Landlord or Agent nor shall it constitute a default under the lease. The failure of Tenant to retain and pay for essential services upon notice and demand by the Landlord or Agent shall constitute a material breach of the lease. VEHICLES: Vehicle(s) must be currently licensed, owned by TENANT, registered, operational and properly parked. TENANT agrees to abide by all parking rules established now or in the future by LANDLORD or condo /homeowner association's rules, if applicable. No trailers, campers, vehicles on blocks, motorcycles, boats or commercial vehicles are allowed on or about the premises without Landlord's prior written approval. TENANT is not to repair or disassemble vehicles on the premises. Vehicles not meeting the above requirements and additional rules of LANDLORD are unauthorized vehicles subject to being towed at TENANT expense. Parking on the grass is prohibited. TENANT agrees to indemnify LANDLORD for any expenses incurred due to the towing of any vehicle belonging to the guest or invitee of TENANT. TENANT agrees that only the following vehicles will be parked on the premises: (THIS IS WHERE VEHICLES ARE LISTED). m pl e MAINTENANCE/INSPECTION: TENANT agrees that they have fully inspected the premises and accepts the condition of the premises in "as is" condition with no warranties or promises express or implied. TENANT shall maintain the premises in good, clean and tenantable condition throughout the tenancy, keep all plumbing fixtures in good repair, use all electrical, plumbing, heating, cooling, appliances and other equipment in a reasonable manner, removing all garbage in a clean and sanitary manner. In the event TENANT or TENANT'S guests or invitees cause any damage to the premises, LANDLORD may at its option repair same and TENANT shall pay for the expenses of same on demand or LANDLORD may require TENANT repair same, all charges incurred as additional rent. TENANT shall be fully responsible for, and agrees to maintain and repair at TENANT'S expense, the following: (IN THIS SECTION THE TENANT’S RESPONSIBILITIES ARE SET FORTH). In the event a major repair to the premises must be made which will necessitate the TENANT'S vacating the premises, LANDLORD may at its option terminate this agreement and TENANT agrees to vacate the premises holding LANDLORD harmless for any damages suffered if any. TENANT shall notify LANDLORD immediately of any maintenance need or repair in writing. TENANT agrees that they shall immediately test the smoke detector and shall maintain same. In the event there is a garbage disposal unit on the premises, unless otherwise agreed to in writing, LANDLORD has the option to remove the garbage disposal if it fails and re-plumb accordingly. Sa VACATING: At the expiration of this agreement or any extension, TENANT shall peaceably surrender the premises and turn in all keys and any other property owned by LANDLORD leaving the premises in good, clean condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted. RENEWAL: If LANDLORD consents to TENANT remaining in the premises after the natural expiration of this lease, and no new lease is signed, the tenancy will be extended as a month-to-month tenancy and may be terminated by TENANT giving written notice not less than 15 days prior to the end of any monthly payment period OR LANDLORD giving written notice not less than 15 days prior to the end of any monthly payment period. Termination of the tenancy shall occur on the last day of the month. Notice from TENANT to LANDLORD must be made by certified mail. All other conditions of this lease shall remain in effect. Failure to give 30 days notice by TENANT prior to the end of the lease will result in additional liability of TENANT for the following full monthly rental period in addition to one month's rent. If TENANT fails to vacate after the initial term, or any successive consensual periods after termination, TENANT shall additionally be held liable for holdover (double) rent. RIGHT OF ENTRY: LANDLORD, upon reasonable notice by telephone, hand-delivery or posting to TENANT, has the right of entry to the premises for showing, repairs, appraisals, inspections, or any other reason. LANDLORD has immediate right of entry in cases of emergency, or to protect or preserve the premises. TENANT shall not alter or add locks without prior written consent. If consent is given, TENANT must provide LANDLORD with a key to all locks. LANDLORD may place "For Sale" or "For Rent" signs on the premises at any time. CONDEMNATION, DAMAGE TO PREMISES, ACTS OF GOD and TERMINATION: If for any reason the premises are condemned by any governmental authority, destroyed, rendered uninhabitable, rendered dangerous to persons or property, and/or damaged through fire, water, smoke, wind, flood, act of God, nature or accident, or, if it becomes necessary, in the opinion of LANDLORD or its agent, that TENANT must vacate the premises in order for repairs to the premises to be undertaken, this lease shall, at LANDLORD'S option and upon 7 days written notice to TENANT, cease and shall terminate, TENANT agrees to and shall vacate and TENANT, if not in default of the lease, shall owe no further rent due under the terms of the lease. In such case, TENANT hereby waives all claims against LANDLORD for any damages suffered by such condemnation, damage, destruction or lease termination. TENANT agrees that in the event there are hurricane or storm shutters on the premises, TENANT will install same if there is a hurricane or tropical storm watch or warning in effect and/or at the request of the property manager or owner. If TENANT is unable to perform this task for any reason, TENANT agrees to notify property manager or owner as soon as any storm watch or warning is placed into effect. WAIVERS: The rights of the LANDLORD under this lease shall be cumulative, and failure on the part of the LANDLORD to exercise promptly any rights given hereunder shall not operate to forfeit any other rights allowed by this lease or by law. INDEMNIFICATION: TENANT agrees to reimburse LANDLORD upon demand in the amount of the loss, property damage, or cost of repairs or service (including plumbing trouble) caused by the negligence or improper use by TENANT, his agents, family or guests. TENANT at all times, will indemnify and hold harmless LANDLORD from all losses, damages, liabilities and expenses which can be claimed against LANDLORD for any injuries or damages to the person or property of any persons, caused by the acts, omissions, neglect or fault of TENANT, his agents, family or guests, or arising from TENANT's failure to comply with any applicable laws, statutes, ordinances or regulations. DISPUTES AND LITIGATION: In the event of a dispute concerning the tenancy created by this agreement, TENANT agrees that if the premises are being managed by an agent for the record owner TENANT agrees to hold agent, its heirs, employees and assigns harmless and shall look solely to the record owner of the premises in the event of a legal dispute. e INTEGRATION: This lease and exhibits and attachments, if any, set forth the entire agreement between LANDLORD and TENANT concerning the premises, and there are no covenants, promises, agreements, conditions, or understandings, oral or written between them other than those herein set forth. If any provision in this agreement is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be void but all other terms and conditions of the agreement shall be in effect. pl MODIFICATIONS: No subsequent alteration, amendment, change or addition to this lease shall be binding upon LANDLORD unless reduced to writing and signed by the parties. m RADON GAS: State law requires the following notice to be given: "Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that, when it has accumulated in a building in sufficient quantities, may present health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of radon that exceed federal and state guidelines have been found in buildings in Florida. Additional information regarding radon and radon testing may be obtained from your county public health unit." Sa ABANDONED PROPERTY: BY SIGNING THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT, THE TENANT AGREES THAT UPON SURRENDER, ABANDONMENT, OR RECOVERY OF POSSESSION OF THE DWELLING UNIT DUE TO THE DEATH OF THE LAST REMAINING TENANT, AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 83, FLORIDA STATUTES, THE LANDLORD SHALL NOT BE LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE FOR STORAGE OR DISPOSITION OF THE TENANT'S PERSONAL PROPERTY. ADDITIONAL STIPULATIONS: (IN THIS SECTION ARE SPECIAL STIPULATIONS THAT YOU MAY DESIRE) ACCEPTANCE BY FACSIMILE BY ANY OF THE PARTIES SHALL CONSTITUTE VALID BINDING ACCEPTANCE OF THIS LEASE AGREEMENT AND ITS ADDENDUM: MOLD ADDENDUM (THIS IS ATTACHED) PET ADDENDUM (THIS IS ATTACHED IF APPROPRIATE) SIGNATURE PAGE _______________________________ TENANT Sample Tenant Sa m pl e _______________________________ AGENT FOR OWNER This lease has been drafted by the Law Offices of Heist, Weisse & Wolk, P.A. 1 800 253 8428 Reference #385210 SMOKE DETECTOR AGREEMENT I (we) do hereby acknowledge receipt of smoke detection in good working condition and properly installed. REPAIR. I (we) agree that it is our duty to regularly test the smoke detector(s) and agree to notify owner or agent immediately in writing of any problem, defect, malfunction or failure of the smoke detector(s). Owner shall repair or replace the smoke detector(s) assuming the availability of labor and materials in the event we notify owner or agent of any defect in writing. MAINTENANCE. I (We) agree to replace the smoke detector(s) battery, if any, at any time the existing battery becomes unserviceable. REPLACEMENT. I (We) agree to reimburse owner or agent upon request, for the cost of a new smoke detector(s) and the installation thereof in the event the existing smoke detector(s) becomes damaged by me, my guests or invitees. pl e DISCLAIMER. I (We) acknowledge and agree that owner or agent is not the operator, manufacturer, distributor, retailer or supplier of the smoke detector(s). I (We) assume full and complete responsibility for all risk and hazards attributable to, connected with or in any way related to the operation, malfunction or failure of the smoke detector(s), regardless of whether such malfunction or failure is attributable to connected with, or in any way related to the use, operation, manufacture distribution, repair, servicing or installation of said smoke detector(s). Sa m No representation, warranties, undertakings or promises, whether oral or implied, or otherwise, have been made by owner, its agents or employees to me regarding said smoke detector(s) or the alleged performance of the same, owner or agent neither makes nor adopts any warranty of any nature regarding said smoke detector(s) and expressly disclaims all warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, of habitability, or any and all other expressed or implied property caused by (1) My failure to regularly test the smoke detector(s): (2) My failure to notify owner or agent of any problem, defect, malfunction, or failure of the smoke detector(s): (3) theft of the smoke detector(s) or its serviceable battery; and/or (4) false alarms produced by the smoke detector(s). __________________________ TENANT ___________________________ TENANT _______________________________ DATE _________________________________ DATE Form provided by: LAW OFFICES OF HEIST, WEISSE & WOLK, P.A. 1 800 253 8428 DRUG/CRIME FREE ADDENDUM In consideration of the execution or renewal of the lease, Owner, Management and Resident agree as follows: 1. Resident, any member of the Resident's household, or a guest or other person under the Resident's control shall not engage in criminal activity, including drug-related criminal activity, on, near or within sight of the rental premises. "Drug-related criminal activity" means the illegal manufacture, sale, distribution, transportation, storage, use, or possession with intent to manufacture, sell, distribute, store, transport or use a controlled substance including but not limited to marijuana or cocaine and/or illegal drug paraphernalia. e 2. Resident, any member of the Resident's household, or a guest or other person under the Resident's control shall not engage in any act intended to facilitate criminal activity, including drug-related criminal activity, on, near or within sight of the premises. pl 3. Resident or member of the household will not permit the dwelling unit inside or out to be used for, or to facilitate criminal activity, including drug-related criminal activity, regardless of whether the individual engaging in such activity is a member of the household or a guest. 4. Resident or member of the household will not engage in the manufacture, sale, storage, transportation, use, possession or distribution of illegal drugs and/or drug paraphernalia at any location, whether on, near or within sight of the premises or otherwise. Sa m 5. Resident, any member of the Resident's household, or a guest or other person under Resident's control shall not engage in any illegal activity including but not limited to prostitution, public drunkenness, lewd behavior, trespass by your guests if they have previously received a trespass warning, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle in the premises, disorderly conduct, street gang activity, battery, assault, discharging weapons, acts of violence or threats of violence, sexual crimes on or off the premises, or any breach of the lease agreement that otherwise jeopardizes the safety or welfare or any persons. 6. VIOLATION OF THE ABOVE PROVISIONS SHALL BE A MATERIAL VIOLATION OF THE RENTAL AGREEMENT AND GOOD CAUSE FOR TERMINATION OF TENANCY. A single violation of any of the provisions of this addendum shall be deemed a serious violation and material noncompliance with the Rental Agreement. It is understood and agreed that a single violation shall be good cause for termination of the Rental Agreement. Unless otherwise provided by law, PROOF OF VIOLATION SHALL NOT REQUIRE CRIMINAL CONVICTION, but shall be a preponderance of the evidence. 7. In case of conflict between the provisions of this addendum and any other provisions of the Rental Agreement, the provisions of the addendum shall govern. RESIDENTS INITIALS: (____________) (_____________) (_____________) Form provided by LAW OFFICES OF HEIST, WEISSE & WOLK, P.A. 1-800-253- 8428 e pl m Sa RESIDENT HANDBOOK 1 Resident Manual C CH HAAN NG GIIN NG G LLAATTIITTU UD DEESS PPR RO OPPEER RTTYY M MAAN NAAG GEEM MEEN NTT R E S I D E N T M A N U A L RESIDENT MANUAL Sa m pl e CLPM Welcomes You ...........................................................................................................................3 CLPM Personnel ...................................................................................................................................3 Resident Communication ....................................................................................................................4 Maintenance requests .........................................................................................................................4 Telephone calls during office hours ....................................................................................................4 Voicemail.............................................................................................................................................4 After hours calls ..................................................................................................................................4 Emergency calls ..................................................................................................................................4 Change of information .........................................................................................................................4 Email ...................................................................................................................................................4 Website ...............................................................................................................................................4 General Office Information ..................................................................................................................5 Protect Your Rental and Credit History ..............................................................................................5 Rental/lease agreement ......................................................................................................................5 Moving Checklist .................................................................................................................................5 Utility/Cable Companies ......................................................................................................................5 Rental payments .................................................................................................................................5 Fees/charges ......................................................................................................................................6 Maintenance reimbursement...............................................................................................................6 Care of the Property .............................................................................................................................6 Getting to know your residence...........................................................................................................6 Maintenance ..........................................................................................................................................6 Resident Renovations/Alterations .......................................................................................................6 Resident Maintenance responsibilities ................................................................................................7 Procedures for requesting maintenance .............................................................................................7 If there is an emergency......................................................................................................................7 Non-emergencies: ...............................................................................................................................8 Preventative cleaning tips ...................................................................................................................8 Additional cleaning tips .......................................................................................................................8 Energy saving tips ...............................................................................................................................9 Renters insurance .............................................................................................................................10 Safety Tips ........................................................................................................................................11 Vacation checklist .............................................................................................................................11 Holiday tips........................................................................................................................................12 Emergency/disasters.........................................................................................................................12 Drug free housing..............................................................................................................................13 Frequently asked questions ..............................................................................................................13 Giving your notice to vacate ..............................................................................................................14 Moving out.........................................................................................................................................15 Conclusion ..........................................................................................................................................19 2 Resident Manual 4305 Neptune Rd., St. Cloud, FL 34769 407-891-1010 ▪ CLPM Welcomes You CHANGING LATITUDES Property Management welcomes you as a new resident. CLPM is an abbreviation used in lieu of the full company name, Changing Latitudes Property Management and is used throughout this Handbook. e To achieve a successful Resident/management relationship, we prepared the CLPM Resident Handbook to assist you with your tenancy. We recommend that you keep it in a convenient location so that you can refer to it easily. pl You will find maintenance guidelines, rental payment instructions, general information, safety tips, vacation guidelines, emergency instructions, holiday tips, and more. m We have also included forms for you to use when necessary. CLPM wants you to be prepared throughout your tenancy. Therefore, we want to provide important information and documents that you may need in the future. Sa The owner of the property has retained Changing Latitudes Property Management (CLPM) as their Property Management Company and representative to manage the property you are renting. Therefore, you need to contact CLPM when you need assistance and we have listed how on pages 4, 5, and 6. If you have questions or concerns on any of the information contained in this documentation, contact our office at any time. CLPM is here to help you. We wish you a successful and enjoyable tenancy in your new residence. CLPM Personnel We have a complete staff to assist you. CLPM has found “Management Teams” effective for assisting Residents during their residency. You should know your team at this time, but if you need more information, contact us for more information. Management Team: CLPM has assigned a management team to your account, consisting of a Property Manager and Assistant Property Manager. They concentrate on assisting you with all the details of your tenancy. Contact them to answer your questions. Office Team: CLPM requests that you contact the Management Team regarding questions concerning Resident issues. However, the CLPM office team is available to assist you if your Management Team is not available. 3 Resident Manual Sales Team: CLPM also has a sales team that can assist you with Real Estate sales, buying or selling. The sales team is experienced and licensed Real Estate agents. Resident Communication Use the telephone, email, the CLPM website email access, or written correspondence to contact us. What is important is that you DO contact us when you need assistance. Remember CLPM is here to help you. Maintenance requests Please remember that all Work Orders must be in writing, unless it is an emergency. This is in your rental agreement. You can access a work order online at the CLPM website, e Telephone calls during office hours During office hours, listed on page 4, there is normally a live person to answer your call. Please state the reason for your call, so that someone can assist you, or direct your call to the right party. Your management team may not be available or in the office, and one of the office team members may be able to help you with your request. m pl Voicemail If, during the day you reach our voice mail system, use the extension number for the party you are trying to reach, and if they are not available, leave a message, complete with your name and the telephone numbers where CLPM can reach you, both day and evening. Someone will return your call. The benefit of a voice mail system is the ability to leave a message twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. After hours calls Of course, the voice mail system will take all messages after hours (please refer to the hours on the next page). Sa Emergency calls Emergencies are situations where a Resident’s health is at risk or the property is at risk of being damaged. Change of information It is important that you notify CLPM of any changes in telephone, fax, cell numbers, or email. Email Email is the best way to communicate with us and we request that you send your inquiries to Please put the address of the property in the subject line along with all of your contact information. This enables your management team to contact you quickly and efficiently. Please note that although communication by email is encouraged, CLPM does not accept notices to vacate by email. CLPM requires the Notice to Vacate in writing, and this form is included in the back of the CLPM Resident Handbook. Website The CLPM website,, contains important information for Residents. Visit it regularly to use the Resident services. There, you can easily complete a work order or pay your rent online. 4 Resident Manual General Office Information Changing Latitudes Real Estate Services 4305 Neptune Rd St. Cloud, FL 34769 Office: Cell (no texting): Fax: Email: Website: 407-891-1010 407-468-9368 781-394-7904 e Protect Your Rental and Credit History Rental/lease agreement pl You will eventually move out of the property. It is important that during your residency, you care for your rental history and credit. Most likely, you will either rent again or purchase a home. In either case, you will need good rental references and a good credit report. Avoid late rent payments, care for the property, and move out properly. Give CLPM the pleasure of being able to provide a good reference for you when you vacate the property. m You received a copy of your rental/lease agreement, including maintenance instructions, move in checklist, and any other necessary documentation. We recommend that you keep this paperwork with this Handbook for easy reference. Remember that this handbook is part of the lease and is binding. Sa Moving Checklist There is a great checklist in this package for when you are moving. You will find the Moving Checklist in the back of this handbook. Utility/Cable Companies When you rented the property, CLPM cancels the utilities, in the owner’s name, on the 1st day of your rental agreement. To avoid discontinuation of service, contact the utility companies immediately. Rental payments Rent due date is clearly printed on your lease. It is late after the due date. If you know that you will have a delay or problem paying by the due date, contact your management team immediately by email. Lack of communication will affect your payment record. CLPM receives rental payments by: US mail In the CLPM office during normal business hours By using ACH (Automated Clearing House) on our website - this automatically takes your rental payment directly from your bank and deposits it into the CLPM bank, saving you time. CLPM does NOT accept rental payments in: Cash 5 Resident Manual Post-dated checks Fees/charges If you fail to pay rent on time and in full, you could incur the following charges: Late fee – the CLPM late fee is clearly printed on your lease but generally $40.00 if rent is not received by the fifth day after your due date. Daily late fee – the CLPM daily late fee is clearly printed on your lease but is generally $10 per day starting on the seventh day after your due date. Maintenance charge – CLPM will bill you if you have an appointment with a vendor but fail to meet them at the scheduled time. If CLPM receives a service call billing, you are responsible for reimbursement. Maintenance reimbursement Pay the bill and send the receipt to CLPM. CLPM will reimburse the amount due to you. CLPM cannot reimburse you until there is money in the owner account to do so. Generally this is after your next rent payment has cleared our system. Do not deduct the amount from your rent. Not paying the full rent amount each month will automatically trigger late charges. pl e Generally, CLPM assigns a vendor to perform work you request in your residence. However, in certain circumstances, CLPM may allow you to perform the repair and be reimbursed. CLPM cannot reimburse a Resident for a repair unless the Resident has been given prior approval in writing. m Care of the Property Getting to know your residence When you move into a property, it is helpful to know where important items are located. Take the time to know or locate the: Main circuit breaker in the event power goes out Gas shut off valve – turn off during emergencies/disasters for safety GFI plug(s) – so you can check them if your plugs or appliances in the bathroom, kitchen, patio or garage fail to work Electric and/or gas meters to check your utility bills The main water shutoff valve in case of flooding Water shutoff valves below the sinks and behind toilets in case of water leaks Method of cleaning for the oven so you use the right products Time bake knobs on the oven – in the event the oven will not work Sa • • • • • • • • If you are uncertain about any of the above items, contact your CLPM management team for help. Maintenance Resident Renovations/Alterations It is the CLPM policy that Residents do not do repairs or alterations. You agreed to this in the CLPM rental agreement/lease. If you do want to make a special request for renovation or repair to the property: Submit your request in writing before making any changes 6 Resident Manual Do not proceed with any work until you are notified by CLPM in writing CLPM will consult the owners to see if the request is acceptable If the request is approved, Residents must do one of the following prior to vacating the property: o Leave the alterations if this is part of the owner’s condition to accept the alteration/repair o Return the property to its original state if this is part of the owner’s condition to accept the alteration/repair and pay for any necessary repairs to restore the alteration/repair to its original state o Sign an CLPM agreement regarding the alteration/repair Resident Maintenance responsibilities The property owner has a duty to maintain your residence to uniform codes of safety for landlord/tenant law. Therefore, CLPM has provided you with an on-line Work Order Request system when there are legitimate repairs. We want you to report maintenance items. Sa m pl e However, there are items that are the Resident’s responsibility and we have listed them here: • Replacing smoke alarm batteries • Replacing light bulbs with the correct size • Replacing furnace filters, if applicable, every month • Reporting non-functioning smoke alarms immediately if batteries do not solve the problem • Reporting all necessary repairs • Professional steam cleaning and spot cleaning of carpets while residing in the property • Normal insect control and rodent control • Landscape maintenance and cleanup if a service is not provided • Reporting lack of landscape cleanup if a service IS provided in your rental agreement • Landscape watering • Reporting malfunctioning irrigation systems or sprinklers, even if it is the responsibility of an association • Disposal of all garbage in the proper receptacles and using the pick-up service • Disposal of animal feces on the property even if you do not have a pet • If the residence has a fireplace, use caution and care when operating the fireplace and disposing of ashes or coals. Do not dispose of coals in the fireplace until they have cooled • Check to see if damper is open before starting a fire in the fireplace. • Disposing of toxic waste properly in accordance with local and county laws Procedures for requesting maintenance Before calling CLPM 1. Determine if there is a true emergency or a non-emergency. 2. Check to see if you can determine the cause of the problem that you are experiencing, unless you have an emergency. Read examples of various problems in your maintenance addendum. If there is an emergency There are few emergencies. An emergency is a life-threatening situation such as a fire, flood and/or uncontrollable water, electrical problem, smell of gas, etc: • • • • • • • Emergencies causing immediate danger such as fire, call 911 Emergencies involving gas call the gas company and if necessary, 911 Emergencies involving IMMEDIATE electrical danger, call the utility service or 911, After contacting one of the above sources, then call CLPM and report the problem. Emergencies such as backed up plumbing, flooding, call CLPM and if necessary, call 911. An emergency is NOT heat but CLPM recognizes this is important and will make it a priority with vendors to have the heat working as soon as is possible. An emergency is not air-conditioning, non-working dishwasher, sprinklers, etc. 7 Resident Manual Non-emergencies: • • • • • • Fill out a Resident “work order” request form on-line. A CLPM representative will assign a vendor to contact you. CLPM does not give vendors keys to the residences. Vendors are required to make appointments with Residents. Remember, this is a NON-EMERGENCY item and in most cases, the vendor will not be able to make an appointment immediately. Failure to show at an appointment can mean a charge to you. Therefore, be certain to call the CLPM office as soon as possible if you are unable to make the appointment. If you do not hear from a vendor or repairperson within 2 business days, call the CLPM office and inform your management team or a staff person that a vendor has not contacted you. A CLPM staff member will contact the vendor to find out the cause of the delay, and then inform you when to expect the vendor to call. After a repair has taken place, if you have trouble, call CLPM and state you had a recent repair but there is still a problem. Recent repair means within the last 60 days and pest control work means within 30 days. If you fail to report an unsolved recent repair, and there is further damage or expense, you may be responsible for the cost, per your rental agreement. e • • • • • pl Preventative cleaning tips Cleaning is easier when you use a “preventative approach.” • Sa • • • • • • • • Always put away food and wipe up food debris. Clean pet bowls regularly to avoid attracting ants and other insects. Do not allow grease to build up in kitchens; use a sponge and soapy water regularly on counter tops, stovetops, and hood filters. Avoid cooking with very high heat. This will add to more grease build-up and cause damage to appliances. It can also be dangerous. Avoid mildew by venting rooms and bathrooms properly, particularly after baths and showers. Clean bathroom tile or other surfaces regularly to prevent the buildup of grime. Clean toilets regularly to avoid buildup of grime, rings, and mildew. Mop tile, wood, and linoleum to avoid “dust bunnies” and the buildup of grime. Do not use wax on linoleum or tile. Do not use “cleaning products” on tile Vacuum all flooring regularly, particularly carpets. This will save in carpet cleaning bills. Regularly pick up debris and pet feces in outside areas. m • • • Additional cleaning tips It is not always necessary to purchase expensive cleaning products. Vinegar, baking soda, ammonia, and salt are some inexpensive cleaning products with many uses. They also are helpful for people who have allergies to cleaning products. They can be better for the environment than commercial products • Air freshener: o Place a bowl of vinegar in the kitchen or bathroom to absorb odors • Drains o For a great once-a-month drain cleaner, pour 1/2 cup baking soda into the drain, follow with 1/2 cup white vinegar -- it will foam. Cover and let sit 30 minutes and then flush with cool water. o For stubborn, slow-running drains, pour 1-cup baking soda and 1-cup salt down the drain. Follow this with 2 quarts boiling water. Let sit 30 minutes, and then flush with cool water. 8 Resident Manual Tile countertops: o To clean ceramic tile, where mold and mildew accumulate, use a combination of 1/4 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup white vinegar, 1-gallon warm water, and 1-cup ammonia. o Alternatively, regularly clean kitchen surfaces by using a spray bottle mixed with ½-cup vinegar and a quart of water. • Glass cleaner: o When glass-cleaning products leave residue on bathroom mirrors, mix 3 tablespoons of vinegar with a quart of water in a clean plastic spray bottle. o Spray glass and wipe with a clean paper towel. • Dishwasher: o Empty the dishwasher, pour in a ¼ cup of vinegar, and run the dishwasher again. o Even if you prefer not to use the dishwasher, run at least once a week to keep seals from becoming hard and cracked. Refrigerators o Clean regularly and place a cup of baking soda in a bowl on a refrigerator shelf to absorb odors. o A cup of dry unused coffee grinds can also absorb odors when placed on a refrigerator shelf. • e • Washing machine: o A half cup of baking soda can be added to the washing machine with regular detergent to help with mild odors • Toilets: o Remove waterline marks in the toilet bowl by pouring in 2 cups of white vinegar. Let soak overnight, then flush to rinse. If this does not work, rub the waterline mark with a wet pumice stone. • Carpet stains: o Vacuum the carpet if the stain is dry. o If the stain is still wet, blot gently to remove excess – blot, do NOT rub. o Lightly soak the carpet stain with clean water first to remove the stain – blot, do NOT rub. o If the stain remains, mix a 3 Tablespoons of vinegar with a quart of water in a spray bottle and spray the stain; blot again; do NOT rub. o If this fails, consult a professional carpet cleaner immediately; the longer you wait may mean the stain may not come out. Sa m pl • • Carpet odor: o Regular vacuuming cures most carpet odors, but if carpet odors persist, lightly sprinkle the carpet with baking soda and vacuum thoroughly, removing all baking soda from carpet. Repeat if necessary. Energy saving tips Saving water is important for the environment and can mean a lower utility bill for your residence as well: • • • Always report water leaks to CLPM as soon as possible o Report water dripping under sinks o Running toilets are big water wasters o Report malfunctioning sprinklers o Report standing pools of water o Report malfunctioning water appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines that come with the property Run the dishwasher when it is fully loaded. Replace your old washing machine with an energy efficient one – you could save the cost of the machine in water and energy bills. 9 Resident Manual • • • • • • • • Check water hoses on washing machines for leaks; change hoses every three years. Adjust the water level to match the load, using less water for small loads. Avoid using flushing toilets to dispose of ordinary trash. Take shorter showers. Avoid letting the water continually run while shaving, brushing your teeth, or washing your face Be sure your water heater temperature is set properly. Note: do not turn the water heater up to “hi,” this is a dangerous temperature level. Counsel all children on how to prevent wasting water. Do not “over water” landscaping; it is not healthy for plants and simply wastes water. To lower air-conditioning bills: • • • e • During warm or hot months, close the windows and doors to your home early in the day to “keep cool air in,” particularly when the air-conditioner is running. Close window coverings on the sunny side of the house during different times of the day; this can lower the temperature dramatically. Replace the air filter often and with the right size, at a minimum of every three months, monthly if you smoke. A clean filter helps the air-conditioner to run more efficiently. When leaving your residence, turn the air-conditioner up a few degrees, a closed house without activity normally stays cooler. This is particularly important when going on vacation. There is no reason to keep the residence in a frigid state while you are gone, but do not turn the air off on very hot days – it will only take longer and more energy to cool down. To lower heating bills: • • • Sa • During the cooler months, keep all windows and doors tightly closed. Report any major drafts to the CLPM office. Use a “reasonable” level of heat in the residence. Sometimes, turning down the heat just a few degrees can reduce an energy bill. Turn the heat down during the night and use warm covers and comforters. When leaving home, turn down the temperature on the thermostat. Do not turn the heat completely off. It will take more heat for a cold house than it will save. In addition, this could cause pipes to freeze, which will cause more problems. If there is a fireplace, close the damper if you are not using it, but please be sure to open the fireplace if you do start a fire. Replace the furnace filter every month. A clean filter helps the furnace to run more efficiently. m • • • pl • • Renters insurance Property owners generally carry a standard fire and liability policy, and have additional coverage with “landlord/rental” insurance, but they do not cover the contents or possessions of the resident. The reason that insurance companies do not provide this type of coverage is because they are “nonowner” occupied properties. Therefore, it is very important for you to have adequate insurance coverage for your contents. Renters insurance is VERY inexpensive, email us for a referral if you need one. If you think it is not important, sit down and write out a list of your possessions in one column. In a second column, list how much it would cost to “replace” them. You will be surprised how the list can really add up. 10 Resident Manual Safety Tips The safety of you and your family is important to CLPM and many things can affect it. Here are some tips to follow: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sa • • e • pl • Unplug all heat-producing appliances like toasters, irons, and coffee makers when they are not in use to prevent fire hazards. Never leave a stove or oven unattended; turn off all stove and oven appliances when you leave the house. Never leave heating pads and electric blankets on indefinitely and turn them off when you leave the residence to prevent fire hazards. Never leave water running unattended in a plugged bathtub or when leaving the residence. If you have an upstairs bathroom and you see water in the ceiling below, particularly in a light fixture, report the leak immediately to CLPM. Do not operate electrical appliances while standing or sitting in water. Avoid using blow dryers, curling irons, radios, TVs, or other appliances while in a bathtub or over a sink filled with water. If you have small children, use child protector plugs when you are not using outlets Do not overload extension cords with too many appliances. Place lamps on level surfaces and use the correct wattage. Avoid running extension cords over walkways, under rugs, or any other place that could cause tripping. If you suspect an electrical problem, report it to CLPM immediately. Do not remove smoke alarms, particularly if they are beeping. Smoke alarms are for safety and removing them can endanger all residents and guests. Change the batteries if needed. Do not allow children to leave toys on walkways and sidewalks. Replace outside light bulbs so you can utilize lights properly when it is dark. Report any exposed tree roots to the CLPM office Keep a portable fire extinguisher in the kitchen and the garage; they are available in hardware supply stores. If you use a grill or BBQ, use common sense, never leave grills unattended. If you have a fireplace, be sure to store hot ashes and coals away from the residence. Do not place ashes in garbage receptacles unless certain they are cold. Do not store fireplace wood against the residence. Always be certain the damper is open before starting a fire in the fireplace. Do not build “roaring” fires in the fireplace; build reasonable fires suited to the size of the fireplace. m • • • • Vacation checklist When going on vacation, here are items to check before leaving: • • • • If going out of town for an extended period, please notify CLPM how long you will be gone, and supply an emergency telephone number. Then should any problems arise concerning your residence, there is someone to contact. Check your rent payment to ensure it will not become delinquent. It would be a sad thing to come home to a late notice and charges. Notify all necessary parties such as your next-door neighbors, the paper delivery person, the post office, or any related service people. By doing so, you will avoid any panic that something is wrong. Select someone to pick up items on your doorstep to avoid giving signals to dishonest people. 11 Resident Manual • • • • • • • • • • • If leaving a vehicle in the driveway, remove any valuables and garage door openers that can be stolen, giving access to your home. Put garbage cans away or arrange for someone to take care of it. Place valuables and jewelry in a safe deposit box. Avoid leaving a message on your answering device telling people you are out of town and for how long. Set timers on interior lights, to deter burglars. Be sure to check all windows, window locks, and doors before leaving. If you have an alarm, be sure to set it. Turn off the water valve to your washing machine. Turn off all appliances, large and small, such as stove burners, coffee pots, irons, curling irons, etc. Unplug TVs and computers in the event of lightning or power surges. Turn your water heater to low or “vacation” setting, but do not turn the water heater off. Anything else living in your house besides you, such as plants or pets? Then be sure to water plants and have someone take care of your animals. Do not leave pets in the residence unless a reliable person is going to care for them daily e • Holiday tips • • Sa • • Hang lights and decorations properly and carefully. Before hanging, check for bad plugs and loose wires. If you find defects, dispose of the lights. Only use lights and decorations during holiday seasons; remove them immediately when the season ends. Dispose of holiday trees properly; never burn them in a fireplace. If you use extension cords, do not overload, do not staple them to the residence, and if outside, use only cords approved for outside use. Never leave holiday lights on when leaving your residence to avoid fire danger. For fireworks celebrations: o Do not use illegal, dangerous, or explosive devices. o Only buy legal fireworks and check where you can use them. o Use common sense safety rules with fireworks. o Do not use fireworks in or around your residence. o Keep all fireworks away from any dry grass, trees, or roofs. o Attend a fireworks celebration instead of buying them and enjoy the fun without the responsibility. m • • • pl Everyone enjoys the different holidays, but it is important to exercise care during the celebrations and remove decorations when each season is over. Emergency/disasters Unfortunately, emergencies and disasters happen all around the world. The best solution is to be prepared. In the back of this Handbook, you will find a convenient Emergency/Disaster Checklist that has items to do before and during an emergency/disaster. We are also providing you with our “Resident Emergency/Disaster Handbook.” There you will find a wealth of information on how to handle a true emergency or disaster. There are different emergencies Maintenance emergencies: o We have reviewed them on page 9 of this handbook. o Please follow the maintenance instructions and call CLPM when appropriate. 12 Resident Manual o CLPM requests that you treat the CLPM staff courteously while under stress of the situation – we will do everything we can to help you as soon as possible. Area emergencies or disasters: o Be prepared and use the CLPM Emergency/Disaster checklist enclosed with this information. o When major emergencies or disasters such as a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, or some other force of nature occur, everyone experiences great inconvenience and difficulty. Remember this and be considerate of others and the degrees of different problems. o CLPM requests that you call emergency services first in a disaster. o Then notify the CLPM office as soon as possible what has happened. o CLPM will assign priorities to work and during an area emergency/disaster, will work to assist you as much as possible o When calling the CLPM office, we ask you to be patient and calmly state what problems you are experiencing. We will handle the problems as quickly as possible. e Drug free housing • • • Sa • • Do not approach a house or building if you smell a strong chemical odor. Report it to the authorities. Drug houses may contain volatile chemicals and can easily explode. Do not pick up abandoned purses, suitcases, filled bottles, or packages. People place “meth labs” in objects of many shapes and sizes. They are highly explosive and dangerous; report any unusual or abandoned object to the authorities. Do not attempt to examine it yourself. If you see constant pedestrian or vehicle traffic in your neighborhood at all times of the day and particularly at night, it could be a drug house, particularly if you observe high security precautions surrounding the property. First, report unusual and disturbing activities in your neighborhood to the authorities, and then notify CLPM of your suspicions as soon as possible. Educate and train children of all ages for the signs of drug activities or a drug house. Be aware and be alert – a drug house or drug activities are a danger anywhere and to everyone. m • pl CLPM has a drug-free policy for Residents and it is a requirement of your tenancy as outlined in your rental agreement. However, people can encounter drug problems from other residents from the lowest income neighborhood to the highest. We want you to be aware of signs of potential drug problems in any neighborhood. Frequently asked questions CLPM has put together a list of the most frequently asked Resident questions that may answer many of your concerns in advance. Why did I receive a notice when I paid the rent? • Obviously, we served the notice before we received payment. CLPM serves Notices based on state landlord/tenant law requirements and their obligations to the owner of the property. Why can I not clean the carpet myself? • We require professional steam carpet cleaning to preserve the life of the carpet. Home machines do not handle the deep cleaning necessary. Can I install extra telephone lines? • You can install extra telephone lines if you pay the expense and disconnect them when you leave. However, you must notify CLPM and obtain written permission to install the lines. Can I have a satellite dish? 13 Resident Manual • Sa m pl e If the home owners association and owner allow it, yes, you can have a satellite dish. However, you must submit a request to CLPM and sign an agreement prior to installing the dish. You also must take responsibility for removing the dish and repairing any damage. Call your CLPM management team for details. I did not have a pet when I moved in; can I have a pet now? • Notify your CLPM management team of your request for a pet. Do not move a pet into the property without permission. The Property Manager will contact the owner and submit your request. If the owner does allow a pet, a non-refundable pet fee will be required and a pet agreement signed. If the owner says no, abide by the decision and your rental agreement. What happens if my pet dies or runs away, can I have my pet fee back? • No, all security deposits remain in effect until all Residents vacate the property. Until a property is completely vacant, there is no way to check the entire property thoroughly. What happens if I want another pet? • Notify your CLPM management team what pet you want. The Property Manager will contact the owner and submit your request. If the owner does allow a pet, a non-refundable pet fee will be required and a pet agreement signed. My roommate wants to move, but I want to stay. What do I do now? • Your roommate needs to submit a partial notice to vacate. CLPM will need documentation from you to show you can support the property by yourself. CLPM will not partially refund part of the security deposit to your roommate since it is a condition of your rental agreement. You and your roommate will have to settle any funds owed to each other, including any or all of the security deposit. Have your roommate use the CLPM Partial Notice to Vacate included in this handbook. Note that all Residents on the lease will continue to be liable until the end of the lease agreement. I want to add a roommate, now what do I do? • The prospective roommate will have to submit an application and fee. CLPM must approve the person PRIOR to them moving into the property. They apply on-line at our website. If CLPM denies the applicant, they cannot move into the property. If approved, you and the approved applicant must sign new rental/lease agreements. Why do the owners want to see the property? • The owners are showing responsibility toward the maintenance of the property, the condition, and their investment. It is also their right to see the property, but they respect that it is your residence. It is also nothing to fear. This is why CLPM contacted you first to set a date and time. Giving your notice to vacate Eventually, you will move, we want you to be prepared when this is necessary. CLPM Residents are required to give a 1 calendar month notice prior to moving. We have provided in this information a “Notice to Vacate from Resident Form” to be used when you anticipate moving. Before giving notice: • Check your rental agreement/lease to see if you are eligible to give notice. It will specifically state when you can give notice. A lease is a binding agreement for a set period and you may still be bound to the lease. • If you need to move and you are still committed to a lease period, contact your CLPM management team to discuss your options. • Notices must be in writing. • CLPM does not accept notices by email because of lack of signature; CLPM does receive notices by fax. • CLPM does not provide rental history to other landlords/property management companies unless Residents submit a written Notice to Vacate. 14 Resident Manual Moving out. MOVE OUT PROCEDURES “We’ll leave it cleaner than the way we found it” -Oh, we hear this so often….. Now that you are moving out, your lease agreement requires that you leave the property in a clean and undamaged condition. We have every intention of returning your security deposit as long as you have fulfilled your agreement with us. Changing Latitudes Property Management receives NO compensation from vendors and/or other deductions from your deposit. Funds withheld are for expenses incurred to return the property to the same condition as when you moved in. • • • Sa • pl • According to the terms of your lease, Changing Latitudes Property Management has 30 days to return your security deposit. Security deposits will be mailed to the forwarding address you give within 30 days after the move-out inspection. Refunds cannot be picked up at the office. Remember to CLEAN your rental property inside/outside to avoid any charges against your deposit because you will not be allowed to re-enter for additional cleaning or repairs after inspection. Cooperate with showings of the property for sale or re-rental, keeping it in a presentable condition. Your lease agreement authorizes us to place on the property a key box containing a key to show the property during the last 30 days of your lease or at any time the Landlord lists the property for sale. m • e The following information is provided to help you get your security deposit returned without any misunderstandings: If agents are denied access or are not able to access the property because of Resident’s failure to make the property accessible, Resident will be charged a trip charge of $50.00. Failure to allow reasonable showings during the final 30 days of the lease constitutes default of the lease. The security deposit, in its entirety, can be forfeited for this reason. Please cooperate with agents. PREPARING FOR MOVE-OUT • • • • You must provide the office with a complete Forwarding Address. All keys must be turned in by the expiration date of the lease or pro-rated rent will be charged daily until they are turned in. Turn in all garage and/or gate remotes. If mailbox keys were originally issued by the Post Office, they should be turned in to the Post Office with a change of address notice. 15 Resident Manual • • • • • We will conduct a final move-out inspection after all furnishings have been removed and all CLEANING accomplished and the keys are turned in to Changing Latitudes Property Management. Under no circumstances will the property manager walk-thru the property with the Resident. The property manager will compare the move-in pictures, the move-out pictures, your move-in check list and the reports from the maintenance personnel after your move-out to determine if there will be any charges against your security deposit. Move out inspections will only be done after the keys have been turned in to the office. Residents are not permitted back on the property after vacating. The following suggestions & helpful reminders are listed to ensure the maximum return of your security deposit. Also here are some helpful reminders of items that many people overlook or forget upon vacating. Please use this checklist as a guideline. The condition of the property will be evaluated according to, but not limited to, the following: Sa • pl • All personal belongings must be removed from the premises. PAINTING: Please remove all nails - do not fill holes caused by picture hangers, or touch up paint without approval. If you paint & it does not match or if you do a poor job of filling holes, you will be charged for necessary painting to match the existing paint or to redo spackling. Charges for painting depend on length of time in the property and whether it exceeds normal wear & tear. CARPET CLEANING: Residents are required to have the carpets PROFESSIONALY CLEANED at the time of move-out. A receipt from a professional carpet cleaning company must be provided to us when you turn in your keys. DO NOT rent machines from a store or use home cleaning machines. Only professional cleaning is acceptable. Pet enzyme treatment is required if you have had pets. If you hire a carpet cleaner other than the ones we use, BE SURE the carpet cleaner will guarantee their work to Changing Latitudes Property Management’s standards/ satisfaction. If the cleaning is not done to our satisfaction, Residents will be charged for any additional expense. Clean vinyl, wood and/or tile flooring. Clean and dust all baseboards. Be sure to clean or replace air conditioning and heating filters as you vacate the property. HVAC and water heater enclosures should be vacuumed. Walls and ceilings must be cleaned and free of cobwebs and lint and spot clean walls as necessary. Clean fireplace, hearth and mantle, remove ashes and debris. Be sure hot ashes are properly extinguished prior to disposing. Clean ALL wall switch plates and outlet covers. Clean ALL windows inside and out, clean window sills, mini-blinds and vertical slats thoroughly. Be careful not to bend or damage the slats when cleaning. Clean mirrors, window and sliding glass doors with glass cleaner. Also clean window and sliding glass door tracks. Clean ceiling fans & light fixtures. Replace burned out or missing light bulbs, be sure to use the correct wattage and type. Replace broken globes. Make sure the ceiling fan blades including the top and light kits are clean. Also check the ceiling surrounding all fans. Often dust has m • • e INSIDE: • • • • • • • • • 16 Resident Manual • • • • • • • • • e • pl • Sa OUTSIDE: m • • gathered by the fans and adheres to the ceiling. One of the easiest ways to clean this is to lightly sweep the ceiling with a broom. Smoke alarms must be operative. Replace batteries as necessary. Clean ALL closets, storage spaces and shelving free of dust, spider webs and miscellaneous debris. Clean Kitchen appliances inside and out, replace burned-out light bulbs: Clean oven, stove and under drip pans. If the drip pans and rings on the range are not clean and in like-new condition, it would be more economical for you to replace them yourself, rather than to be charged for them. Foil covering drip pans is not acceptable. Clean oven/range hood vent including filter. Wash out refrigerator and compartments, including freezer. Don’t forget to wash off the top exterior of the refrigerator and clean the rubber gasket around refrigerator and freezer door. Clean bottom vent. Clean dishwasher. Run empty dishwasher one last time. Use the normal amount of soap you would use for a full load. Wipe down the gasket and the door and do the surrounding areas. Be sure garbage disposal is clean and free of debris. (Do not use fingers to check) Return/replace sink stoppers. All Countertops, cabinets and drawers must be cleaned. All cabinets must be cleaned - Thoroughly clean and wipe the inside & outside of all cabinets. All drawers must be cleaned - Thoroughly clean and wipe the inside of all cabinet drawers and shelves. Clean sinks, faucets and countertops - free of stains, scale and rust. Return stoppers to sink. Clean Bathrooms: Clean counter tops, sink(s), soap dishes, tiles, fixtures, tub and/or showers. Be certain they are free of mold/mildew, soap scum, scale and rust. Clean mirrors, light fixtures and medicine cabinets. Thoroughly clean and wipe the inside & outside of all cabinets. Thoroughly clean and wipe the inside of all cabinet drawers and shelves. Clean toilets inside and out and remove all lime deposits. Clean toilet seat surfaces, top and bottom. Mop or vacuum flooring. Do not use scouring power to clean acrylic or fiberglass tubs. It will ruin the finish. • • • • • • • Lawns must be neatly mowed and edged, trees and shrubs trimmed or pruned, yard watered and all trash and debris removed. Any animal droppings are to be picked up and disposed of. All trash and garbage must be removed from the premises (including curbside). If you have trash that exceeds the normal pickup, you are to arrange to have it hauled away. Replace damaged screens and windows. Walkways, driveways, patios and garage floors must be cleaned and free of oil, grease and other debris. Repair pet damage and treat for fleas / ticks etc. Clean outdoor light globe(s), replace burned out or missing light bulbs. Our experience has been that after the work and stress of moving out, Residents may be too tired to clean the house. We recommend considering a professional cleaning company. If you hire a professional cleaning service you should provide them a list of what we expect and oversee and inspect their work. 17 Resident Manual Please follow the above instructions carefully. If the house does not meet the prerequisites after the inspection, applicable charges will be made with no exceptions. Residents are not permitted back on the property after vacating. Upon leaving, please be sure to fully secure the property by locking all windows and doors. We have compiled a list of average charges. Nothing herein shall be construed as a limitation on management’s rights to pursue resident for damages not specifically listed herein: These estimated prices may not include trip charges or labor: ESTIMATED CHARGES TO SECURITY DEPOSIT - GENERAL CLEANING CHARGES: Clean Carpet $150.00 Refrigerator $40.00 + Oven/ Drip pans, etc. $35.00 + + Freezer $20.00 + $5.00 + Toilet $30.00 + Drawers/Sinks $5.00 + Bathtub $30.00 + Dishwasher $20.00 + Mirrors $10.00 + Mini-Blinds $20.00 + Windows $10.00 + Vertical Blinds $35.00 + Floors $30.00 + Sliding Glass Door Cleaning dirty vent a hood Cleaning walls/ baseboards $25.00 + Patio $25.00 + $25.00 + Clean Garage $50.00 + $35.00 + Furniture Removal + Switch Plates $75.00 $5.00 + + Battery for smoke alarm + Light bulb replacement $10.00 $1.00 + + $20.00 + $30.00 $50.00 + + $15.00 $50.00 + + $35.00 $85.00 m Re-keying when no keys are returned pl Ceiling Fans e Counters/Cabinets Trash Removal from interior of house $65.00 Trash Removal from exterior of house $65.00 + Florescent bulbs Wash windows and tracks $20.00 + Cleaning Fireplace $35.00 + does not include chimney + Reinstall Doors on Track + Service call / Trip Charge $40.00 + AC filter $35.00 + Garage/ gate remotes $50.00 $150.00 Sa Removal of animal waste/ feces Landscape/ flower beds, etc. Toilet Seat Blind replacement + These estimated charges are subject to change at any time without notice. COST AND LABOR WILL BE CHARGED FOR: Counter Repair * Carpet Replacement * Vinyl Replacement * Drywall Repair * Painting * Mow and Trim Lawn * Trim Shrubs **If you have any questions please send us an email at . We hope you have a pleasant move and wish you good luck in your new home. Questions concerning deposit deductions / refunds must be submitted in writing 18 Resident Manual Conclusion We hope that you have found the CLPM Resident Handbook useful and informative. It is our goal to prepare you for a successful tenancy and a pleasant move out when this occurs. If you have any questions on the enclosed information, please contact your CLPM management team. We wish you a successful residency By signing below, all Residents agree that this Resident Manual is an addendum to the lease. ______________________________ Resident Printed Name __________________________________ Signature pl __________________________________ Signature e _______________________________ Resident Printed Name __________________________________ Date Sa m __________________________________ Date 19 Resident Manual
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