Animal Sciences Laboratory Building No. 165 1207 W Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801 June 2009 ________________________________________ This manual is a first attempt at providing one source for building information as it relates to the overall M/E Systems serving the building. If any format suggestions or any ideas of improvement, please send these to or call 217.244.6278 Updated or revised information can be submitted to the Maintenance Division with F&S in the near future. Animal Sciences Laboratory Building Systems Manual Revision Log This page is intended to be used to record revisions as they are made to this static manual. Such revisions are included in the digital “live” document at the time they are included in this manual. Rev. No. 0 Revision By Whom Company / Dept. Building Systems Manual issued (7/1/09) D. McFall RCx Team Animal Sciences Laboratory Foreword The Systems Manual is meant to inform facilities staff, route mechanics, current or potential service contractors, as well as facility occupants and users as to the basis for operating and maintaining the facility’s systems to reduce energy consumption and provide a better work environment now. It is intended to be useful in the day-to-day operations of this facility. It also forms the essential basis of transferring important ‘system knowledge’ from one party to the next. The following information is encouraged to be included in this manual: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • General facility description with the locations of major equipment (new and old). A definition of current facility objectives, functional uses, special services including emergency response and desired level of control including any energy efficiency or load management priorities (design intent). Operating standards or procedures for major use and critical space/special needs areas including indoor environmental quality requirements and occupancy requirements and schedules. Include a basic understanding of what NOT to touch and who is recommended to touch it. A description of each major HVAC system, including designed capabilities, limitations, usage instructions, location, pictures as needed and acceptable performance for each major system, identifying key performance metrics / benchmarks and accountability / follow-up requirements. Sequence of operation (control) for each major HVAC system, including setpoints, schedules, energy efficiency features and seasonal changeover procedures. Identification of overall energy performance trends for each system if known and recommended techniques to aid in verifying performance or troubleshooting problems. An itemized list of all equipment to be maintained including known maintenance requirements, procedures or best practices. A list of any necessary training requirements or issues. A list of pertinent contact references. A log of events including dates and relevant issues and contact information: audits or surveys (maintenance, energy, lighting); purchases, replacement of equipment or new installations; building modifications; maintenance or testing; staff or contract changes; and problems identified and corrected. A questionnaire that guides new supervisors in acquiring relevant information from the departing supervisor. A copy of important as-built drawings. A copy of a recent HVAC load calculation and TAB reports. The current annual utilities usage report. Relevant information from any commissioning report and updates if completed; the problem log and correction plan, pertinent checks and tests, a list of improvements made and sensor calibration data. Reference to location of Equipment Manuals, Shop Drawings, O&M Manuals. Animal Sciences Laboratory Site Contact Information Maintenance Division F&S Service Office 217.333.0340 Ralf Moller Director of Operations 217.333.0242 Darren Gentzler Facility Manager 217.244.1924 152 Edward R. Madigan Laboratory Urbana, IL 61801 Building Narrative 01 This section is dedicated to the ever evolving history of the building in general, including remodels, additions, building uses, etc… It is here to introduce a stranger and a friend to the building under care. Building Narrative 01 The Animal Sciences Lab, located on the south side of Gregory Drive just east of the South Quad, is a four story, 149,211 square foot brick building that was built in March of 1950 with addendums reaching into the spring of 1952. The building is almost entirely dedicated to laboratory research; however, there is a lecture hall on the first floor for classroom instruction. Although faculty at the University was assigned to agriculture from the inception, the College of Agriculture, consisting of a School of Agriculture and a School of Horticulture, was first recognized in 1873. The Department of Animal Husbandry was recognized as a separate subject matter field in 1901 and the Department of Dairy Husbandry formed in 1902. Over the next four decades many sciences grew into their own departments, while the remaining component of the department was briefly named Dairy Production, but new titles for the Departments of Animal Science and Dairy Science were adopted in 1947. In 1985, the two departments were merged to form the Department of Animal Sciences. Today, the department includes 40 faculty positions, seven visiting and support staff, 107 graduate students and approximately 500 undergraduates. The following is a current timeline of the building and its systems: o 1950: o 1952: o 1989-1992: o 1996: o 1997-1998: o 2002: o 2009: Building Construction initiated Building is completed A large addition is added to the south side of the building Fan powered variable air volume dampers were added A CFC chiller replacement project took place Basement remodel for the Reeds Laboratory The building is visited by the Facilities and Services RetroCommissioning Team Page 1 of 4 Tuesday, June 30, 2009 Building Narrative 01 PLUMBING SYSTEMS No investigation has been made of the plumbing systems as of the time of this narrative. HVAC SYSTEMS Original air handling systems that were installed in 1952 have since been replaced in the 1988-92 remodel/addition. The building is conditioned by seven custom built-up air handling units and four general exhaust fans, all with variable frequency drives. Six of the units are located on the roof while the other is in the penthouse mechanical room. The building HVAC system is a variable air volume system that is dependent upon the local level pressure controllers at each lab. Such antiquated but operational pressure controllers react to the room-to-corridor pressure relationship, seeking to maintain the lab negative at all times. Fume hoods have velocity controls allowing for an independent damper on the exhaust duct to modulate to control velocity across the face of the hood. When the sashes are closed, the damper backs off and the supply damper also reduces volume unless overridden by the thermostat. Four hood exhaust fans are in parallel located on the roof. They are controlled per a static pressure sensor located in the penthouse canyon space on top of barrel exhaust duct. To maintain the discharge velocity, bypass dampers at each end of the barrel duct modulate to maintain flow. Due to over sizing of the system and excessive modulation of bypass dampers, RCx found it advantageous to turn off all fans except one to maintain the negative air flow. In addition to the four general exhaust fans, there are also seven hood exhaust fans on the roof. There is a “mechanical canyon” in the center of the building for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing risers. The building is supplied with 134,000 CFM of conditioned air. The air handling unit construction is custom built from 4” thick insulated panels. Units 1 - 4 have a return fan, filter bank, steam heating coils, chilled water cooling coils, and supply fan. Unit 5 does not have a heating coil. Five condensate meters exist (per H312, 1989 DD), and they were specified to be the “Cadillac” style. The heating coils are designed for an entering temperature of 20 deg F. This allows for 65% outside air to enter each of the four systems. This total sums to 41,600 CFM. This amount falls short of the 57,130 CFM of total building exhaust at maximum. However, this does allow for a diversity of 73% of total exhaust operational at any one time. The existing controls in the labs and offices are pneumatic type (Sheet V310, 1989 DD). One common static pressure signal controls the four supply fan inlet vanes. One common return static pressure sensor controls the four return fans inlet vanes. Each fan had inlet vanes, however, now there are VFD’s observed for each fan. A project in 1998 replaced the pneumatic controls in their majority with DDC controls using Alpha components at the air handling units. Sequences of the equipment can be located in the Tab 08 Control Diagrams & Sequences. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS No investigation has been made of the electrical systems as of the time of this narrative. Page 2 of 4 Tuesday, June 30, 2009 Building Narrative 01 OTHER SYSTEMS This building has an associated chilled water plant located in the basement. This plant was isolated from the campus loop but was later converted to connect to the campus chilled water loop. The quantity of chilled water used is metered separately in the basement. Its utility use and costs are not seen by the Animal Sciences Laboratory, but rather are cared for by the Utilities Division of Campus. SITE PLOT PLAN Figure 1: Site Plot Plan OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS & SCHEDULING There are hours of operation for the facility and the HVAC controls have been programmed to run according to those schedules. Any changes desired should be referred to Facilities and Services DDC Programmers. Page 3 of 4 Tuesday, June 30, 2009 Building Narrative 01 EMERGENCY RESPONSE This facility is not an emergency command center and is not currently used as a staging area. In case of an emergency refer to: to locate telephone numbers and methods to safely encounter many emergency situations. In the event of a electrical interruption, the latest file is attached at the end of this section. INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REQUIREMENTS This facility requires adequate ventilation in all of its zones, especially the laboratories. Care must be taken to maintain safe air change rates and outside air levels. UTILITY COST / ENERGY SAVING GOALS The primary energy saving goals for this site are to limit energy use where possible, taking full advantage of the control systems by optimizing system performance and scheduling. Minimizing the percentage of outside air during unoccupied times will drastically reduce the energy consumption. The building energy demand needs to be reduced while maintaining occupant comfort and lab safety levels. DOCUMENTATION AND TRAINING NEEDS The building operations director, assistants, building mechanics, and any route mechanics who will adjust, troubleshoot, or work on the air handling units or their associated parts, MUST be trained in accessing the DDC control system information. They MUST be able to understand setpoints, schedules, and diagnosing minor system upsets using trend reports. This system manual must be provided to staff for the successful daily operations and maintenance of the facility to preserve the facility in its best condition. PERFORMANCE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA The primary criterion used to define acceptable performance for this facility is the requirement to limit occupant complaints while maintaining reasonable utility bills. The systems should rarely be forced out of service. Occupied space should be kept inside the 70F – 75F zone year round and “hot” and “cold” calls minimize. To provide this performance, the HVAC control system must function properly and be viewable through graphical information. The operators must be able to adjust setpoint temperatures, humidity levels and building pressure. Page 4 of 4 Tuesday, June 30, 2009 Division of Public Safety Office of Campus Emergency Planning | Emergency Response Guide For Faculty, Staff, and Students To report any police, fire, or medical emergency, call: From campus: 9 - 911 Off campus or from a cell phone: 911 In the event of a fire, activate the building’s fire alarm system BEFORE calling 911. Evacuate the building immediately! When calling 911: n Stay on the line with the dispatcher. Provide the address of the building involved and your exact location. This is especially critical if you are calling from a cell phone. n Provide a thorough description of the incident to ensure that proper resources are dispatched. n Do not hang up until the dispatcher tells you to do so. n NOTE: Building or department-specific information may differ from the details offered in this guide. Please see the back section of this guide for details. Emergency Phone Numbers In case of imminent or actual flooding: Flooding can occur due to major rainstorms, water main breaks, or loss of power to sump pumps. 1. If you can do so safely: n Secure vital equipment, records, and hazardous materials by moving to higher, safer ground. n Shut off all non-essential electrical equipment. n Wait for instructions from Public Safety or Facilities and Services. 2. Move all personnel to a safe area, away from the building in danger. Locate those persons with special needs, and provide assistance if possible. Otherwise, provide their location to emergency responders. 3. Do not return to the building until instructed to do so by Public Safety or Facilities and Services. 4. Call Facilities and Services for assistance with flood clean-up. Flooding Civil disturbances include riots, demonstrations, threatening individuals, or assemblies that have become significantly disruptive. In the event of a civil disturbance: n n n n n n Call 9-911 from any campus phone or 911 from a cell phone or from off campus. If the event is in its initial stage and has not reached a critical point, call Public Safety at 333-1216. Provide the address, location, and all possible details to the dispatcher. Do not provoke or become involved in the disturbance. Secure your work area, log off computers, and secure sensitive files, if safe to do so. If the disturbance is outside, stay away from doors and windows. Remain inside. Civil Disturbance If you detect natural gas, fumes or vapors: n Call 9-911 from any campus phone or 911 from a cell phone or from off campus to report the situation. n Clear the area immediately if instructed to do so by the emergency dispatcher, providing assistance to those with special needs. n Provide your location and the location of the odor to the dispatcher. n Provide as many details as possible to the dispatcher. If a building or area evacuation is ordered by the emergency responders: n Leave all ventilation systems operating unless instructed otherwise by emergency responders. n Leave the area immediately, avoiding the use of elevators unless necessary. n Identify those persons with special needs, and provide assistance if possible. Otherwise, provide their location to emergency responders. n Report to your department’s designated gathering point to be accounted for. Gas Leak - Fumes - Vapors Personal Safety Tips – Active Shooter/Threat The following safety tips from the Division of Public Safety are offered as a response guide for use during incidents of active shooter threats. 1. The first step in personal safety is to maintain an awareness of the situation and environment around you; be prepared to take appropriate action if a threat presents itself. 2. Evacuate the area (whether inside or outside a building) if you know that it is safe to do so – seek shelter in a nearby building if the threat is exterior to a campus building; 3. If a threat presents itself, seek cover and barricade yourself (with others if possible) by placing as much material between you and the threat – remain quiet and turn off lights to make the area appear unoccupied; 4. As soon as it is safe to do so, notify authorities by calling 911 (or 9-911 from a campus phone) and provide as much information as possible; 5. Do not approach emergency responders – let them come to you; 6. Remain under cover until the threat is passed or you have been advised by law enforcement that it is safe to exit; 7. Activate cell phones to receive campus emergency notification that may be sent through the “UI-Emergency” System.1 1 __________________________ The University is implementing an emergency notification system which is called “UI Emergency”. In order to receive ”UI Emergency” alerts, go to to register your personal contact information. This system will be used to notify you of any critical life safety issues on campus. For more information about this subject please contact the Division of Public Safety at 333-1216. Active Shooter / Active Threat If you receive or discover a suspicious package or device: DO NOT TOUCH IT, TAMPER WITH IT, OR MOVE IT! IMMEDIATELY CALL 9-911 FROM A CAMPUS PHONE OR 911 FROM A CELL PHONE* OR OFF-CAMPUS PHONE. *Do not use a cell phone within 300 feet of the suspicious package. What constitutes a suspicious letter or parcel? n Some typical characteristics which ought to trigger suspicion include letters or parcels that: n Have any powdery substance on the outside. n Are unexpected or from someone unfamiliar to you. n Have excessive postage, handwritten or poorly typed address, incorrect titles or titles with no name, or misspellings of common words. n Are addressed to someone no longer with your organization or are otherwise outdated. n Have no return address or have one that can’t be verified as legitimate. n Are of unusual weight, given their size, or are lopsided or oddly shaped. n Have an unusual amount of tape. n Are marked with restrictive endorsements, such as “Personal” or “Confidential.” n Have strange odors or stains. What to do if you receive a suspicious package or parcel: n Handle with care. Do not shake or bump. Isolate it immediately. n Don’t open, smell, touch, or taste. n Treat it as suspect. Call local law enforcement authorities. n Suspicious Package In the event of a power outage, many campus facilities are equipped with emergency generators to power critical operations. Most buildings are provided with emergency lighting to aid in the safe evacuation of the building. To report a localized power outage, contact Facilities and Services at 333-0340. After normal business hours, this number will be answered by the Division of Public Safety. Be prepared: n n Keep a flashlight with spare batteries immediately accessible. Know how to locate the closest exit. In the event of a large-scale power outage: n n n n n n Remain calm. Follow directions provided by Public Safety through the established campus communications systems. Check the University website, or listen to AM 580. If building evacuation becomes necessary, seek out persons with special needs and provide assistance if possible. If additional assistance is necessary, contact Public Safety at 333-1216. Secure all vital equipment, records, experiments, and hazardous materials if safe to do so. Store all chemicals in their original or marked containers and fully open all fume hoods. If this is not possible, or natural ventilation is not adequate, evacuate the area until power is restored. Do not light candles or other types of flames for lighting. Unplug electrical equipment, including computers, and turn off the light switches. If people are trapped in an elevator: n n n n If you are able to communicate with them, let the passengers know help has been summoned. Call 9-911 from any campus phone or 911 from a cell phone or off-campus phone. Provide specific location information and number of individuals involved to the dispatcher. Stay near the passengers if safe to do so, until emergency responders are on site and the elevator is identified. Power Outage Tornado Watch means tornadoes are possible in your area. Remain alert for approaching storms, and be prepared to seek shelter. Tornado Warning means a tornado is imminent or has been indicated by Doppler radar or reported by storm spotters. Move to your pre-designated place of safety immediately! Severe Thunderstorm Watch means severe thunderstorms are possible in your area. Severe Thunderstorm Warning means a severe thunderstorm is imminent or has been indicated by Doppler radar or reported by storm spotters. Tornado sirens are sounded for those areas in the path of the tornado throughout Champaign, Urbana, and Savoy. These sirens are intended to be heard outside of buildings and are not designed to be heard inside every building. It is recommended that each building and/or department purchase a NOAA Weather Radio with a battery backup and tone-alert feature that automatically alerts you when a Watch or Warning is issued Purchase a battery-powered commercial radio and extra batteries as well. What to do during a tornado warning: When the tornado sirens sound or a tornado has been sighted, go to a safe shelter immediately. 1. Move to a pre-designated shelter, such as a basement. Assist those with special needs in getting to the shelter area. 2. Put as many walls as possible between you and the outside. Get under a sturdy table and use arms to protect head and neck. Stay away from windows and open spaces. Stay there until the danger has passed. 3. If there is no basement, go to an interior room on the lowest level (closets, interior hallways, or restrooms). Do not open windows. 4. In a high-rise building, go to a small, interior room or hallway with no windows on the lowest floor possible. 5. Get out of vehicles, trailers, and mobile homes immediately and go to the lowest floor of a sturdy nearby building or a storm shelter. 6. If caught outside with no shelter, lie flat in a nearby ditch or depression and cover your head with your hands. Be aware of potential for flooding. 7. Never try to outrun a tornado in a car or truck; instead, leave the vehicle immediately for safe shelter. Tornadoes are erratic and move swiftly. 8. Watch out for flying debris. Flying debris from tornadoes causes most fatalities and injuries. Do not call 911 unless you need to report an emergency, such as a fire, medical emergency or severe building damage. 911 lines need to be kept open and available for emergency calls. Tornado and Weather Emergencies If it appears an individual may cause harm to themselves or to others, call 911 immediately. From a campus phone call 9-911. Available Resources for students, faculty and staff include the following: Crisis Line. This 24-hour telephone counseling service is available for individuals experiencing crisis and seeking counseling, support and/or referral for additional services. Call (217) 359-4141. This service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Faculty/Staff Assistance Program Crisis Phone. FSAP provides a 24-hour crisis phone number to all employees at the University of Illinois/Champaign-Urbana and their immediate family and household. This is for mental health emergencies such as suicidal threat or situations where someone may be emotionally distraught and in need of immediate attention. Supervisors, managers, deans, directors, department heads, and administrators can also offer it as a resource to employees that may be in an emotional crisis needing immediate attention. The Crisis Phone is answered by FSAP Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by staff at the Mental Health Center of Champaign County after working hours, on weekends, and holidays. The crisis phone number is (217) 244-7739. Psychological Emergency Service (PES). This resource is for University professional staff who wish to consult with a mental health professional regarding a student. PES is a jointly sponsored service of the Counseling Center, McKinley Mental Health Department and the Crisis Team of Champaign County Community Health. In addition to phone consultation, depending on availability, it is possible to conduct assessments of students in the residence halls and other University facilities as well as off-campus facilities throughout Champaign County. The Psychological Emergency Service is available 24 hours a day at (217) 244-7911. Trauma Response Team. The Trauma Response Team is a resource for students, faculty, and staff following an accident, death or other traumatic event. This team is staffed by professionals of the Counseling Center who are available through the Office of the Dean of Students, Emergency Dean at (217) 333-0050. Emergency Dean. The Emergency Dean provides information and follow-up services to students and families in an emergency situation. The Emergency Dean also acts as a resource to community and University law enforcement agencies, hospitals, and crisis centers. The Emergency Dean may be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling (217) 333-0050. Suicide Threat - Psychological Emergency Enrollment in “UI-Emergency” will ensure that you receive critical information regarding life-threatening emergencies in the most efficient manner possible. What is “UI-Emergency”? “UI-Emergency” is a software program that allows University officials to notify the campus community of life-threatening emergencies in a timely and concise manner. This is just one of a number of means to convey this information, but one that can provide information directly to you. What means of communication does the system use? Text messages and email will be used to provide information to large groups of people. Calls to land lines and cell phones will be capable of reaching smaller groups of emergency responders. When will the “UI-Emergency” system be used? The system will be used to convey information related to life-threatening emergencies with the potential to adversely affect our campus community. How to enroll: Access “UI-Emergency” at Provide the email address(es) that you use most frequently. Provide your cell phone number to receive text messages. You can change, update, or remove your contact information anytime you wish. “UI-Emergency” Notification System If you witness a crime: n n n If you witness a crime or become the victim of a crime, call 911 (9-911 from a campus phone) to report the incident to the police. If you observe a perpetrator commit a crime, do not block their avenue of escape. Instead, get a good description of the perpetrator, note their direction of travel, and obtain vehicle information if pertinent. Do not follow the perpetrator. Let the perpetrator leave the scene. If followed, the perpetrator may panic and cause you harm. Personal safety tips: n n n n n n n n Do not let people into a locked building or office unless you work with them or they have been properly identified. If the person gives you any problems, call the police. In the event that a suspicious person is seen roaming around, or suspicious calls are received, contact the police department immediately. Always keep the door to your room locked when you are working alone. Don’t investigate a suspicious person or noise outside by yourself. Keep a list of emergency numbers with you. Never walk alone at night. Walk in an alert and confident manner, and actively pay attention to your surroundings. Choose the best lit, most traveled paths when walking. Take a self-defense course. Resource information: n n n n n n n Emergency: Emergency from a campus phone: Police non-emergency: Safe Rides: Student Patrol Walking Escorts: Crime Prevention Programs: Self-defense courses: 911 9-911 333-1216 265-7433 333-1216 333-1835 333-1835 Crime Prevention and Resources If you are involved with or observe a hazardous material (biological, chemical, radiological, fuel, or oil) spill, incident, or release for which assistance is needed: If the incident is indoors, close all doors in order to isolate the area if it is safe to do so. n From a safe area, call 9-911 from a campus phone or 911 from a cell phone or off-campus phone. n Be prepared to provide the following information regarding the spill or release: • Name of the material • Quantity of material • Time of the incident • Location of the incident • If anyone is injured or exposed to material • If a fire or explosion is involved • Your name, phone number, and location n Follow instructions provided by the emergency responders. n Arrange for someone to meet the emergency responders. n Evacuate, if necessary. Remain in a safe designated area until released by emergency responders. n Present the Material Safety Data Sheet of involved substances to emergency responders if this information is available. Do not attempt to clean up a spill or release unless you are trained to do so and have the proper equipment. n If you are notified of a hazardous materials incident, follow the instructions provided by the emergency service officials: n n n Clear the area immediately if instructed to do so by the emergency providers, providing assistance to those with special needs. When evacuating, move crosswind, never directly with or against the wind. Take roll call of your unit, and report headcounts to your unit head. If you observe what you believe to be an unauthorized release of any pollutants to the environment, call the Division of Public Safety immediately at 333-1216. Hazardous Materials - Pollutants Incident Call 9-911 from any campus phone or 911 from a cell phone or off-campus phone. DO NOT MOVE the victim unless there is an immediate threat to life or you need to move the victim to provide care. In an emergency use universal precautions (i.e. gloves and rescue masks). Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) 1. Assess the situation: Is the person conscious or unconscious? If the person appears unconscious, tap or shake his shoulder and ask loudly, “Are you OK?” If the person doesn’t respond, call 9-911 from a campus phone or 911 from a cell phone or off-campus phone. 2. Locate an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) if one is immediately available. Use the AED as you have been trained to do and as outlined on the device. 3. Perform CPR if trained to do so. To Control Bleeding 1. Have the injured person lie down. If possible, position the person’s head slightly lower than the trunk or elevate the legs if you do not suspect a head, neck, or back injury. If possible, elevate the site of bleeding above the heart. 2. Apply pressure directly to the wound. Use a sterile bandage, clean cloth, or even a piece of clothing. If nothing else is available, use your hand. 3. Continue with pressure until paramedics arrive. 4. Don’t remove the gauze or bandage. If the bleeding continues and seeps through the gauze or other material you are holding on the wound, don’t remove it. Instead, add absorbent material to stop it. Medical emergency information continues on the next page. Medical Emergencies Chemical Burns If the chemical burns the skin, follow these steps: 1. Remove the cause of the burn by flushing the chemicals off the skin’s surface with cool, running water for 20 minutes or more. If the burning chemical is a powder-like substance such as lime, brush it off the skin without exposing yourself before flushing. 2. Remove clothing or jewelry that has been contaminated by the chemical. 3. Wrap the burned area loosely with a dry, sterile dressing or a clean cloth. 4. Rinse the burn again for several more minutes if the victim complains of increased burning after the initial washing. Minor chemical burns usually heal without further treatment. Seek emergency medical assistance if: The victim has signs of shock, such as fainting, pale complexion, or breathing in a notably shallow manner. The chemical burned through the first layer of skin and the resulting second-degree burn covers an area more than 2 to 3 inches in diameter. The chemical burn occurred on the eye, hands, feet, face, groin, or buttocks or over a major joint. If you are unsure whether a substance is toxic, call the poison control center at (800) 222-1222. If you seek emergency assistance, bring the chemical container or a complete description of the substance with you for identification. Medical emergency information continues on the next page. Medical Emergencies Burns To distinguish a minor burn from a serious burn, the first step is to determine the degree and the extent of damage to body tissues. These three classifications will help you determine emergency care: First-Degree The least serious burns are those in which only the outer layer of skin (epidermis) is burned. The skin is usually red, with swelling and pain sometimes present. The outer layer of skin hasn’t been burned through. Treat a first-degree burn as a minor burn unless it involves substantial portions of the hands, feet, face, groin, or buttocks or a major joint. Second-Degree When the first layer of skin has been burned through and the second layer of skin (dermis) also is burned, the injury is termed second-degree burn. Blisters develop and the skin takes on an intensely reddened, splotchy appearance. Second-degree burns produce severe pain and swelling. If the second-degree burn is no larger than 2 to 3 inches in diameter, treat it as a minor burn. If the burned area is larger or if the burn is on the hands, feet, face, groin, or buttocks or over a major joint, get medical help immediately. For Minor Burns, including second-degree burns limited to an area no larger than 2 to 3 inches in diameter, take the following action: Cool the burn. Hold the burned area under cold running water for 15 minutes. If this is impractical, immerse the burn in cold water or cool it with cold compresses. Cooling the burn reduces swelling by conducting heat away from the skin. Don’t put ice on the burn. Consider a lotion. Once a burn is completely cooled, apply an aloe vera lotion, a triple antibiotic ointment, or a moisturizer to prevent drying and increase comfort. Medical emergency information continues on the next page. Medical Emergencies Cover the burn with a sterile gauze bandage. Don’t use fluffy cotton, which may irritate the skin. Wrap the gauze loosely to avoid putting pressure on the burned skin. Bandaging keeps air off the area, reduces pain, and protects blistered skin. Caution: Don’t use ice. Putting ice directly on a burn can cause frostbite, further damaging your skin. Don’t break blisters. Fluid-filled blisters protect against infection. If blisters break, wash the area with mild soap and water, then apply an antibiotic ointment and a gauze bandage. Clean and change dressings daily. Antibiotic ointments don’t make the burn heal faster, but they can discourage infection. Certain ingredients in some ointments can cause a mild rash in some people. If a rash appears, stop using the ointment. If it’s a major burn, don’t apply any ointment at all (see below). Third-Degree The most serious burns may be painless and involve all layers of the skin. Fat, muscle and even bone may be affected. Areas may be charred black or appear dry and white. Difficulty inhaling and exhaling, carbon monoxide poisoning, or other toxic effects may occur if smoke inhalation accompanies the burn. For Major Burns, dial 9-911 from a campus phone or 911 from a cell phone or non campus phone or call emergency medical assistance. Until an emergency unit arrives, follow these steps: 1. Don’t remove burnt clothing. However, do make sure the victim is no longer in contact with smoldering materials or exposed to smoke or heat. 2. Make sure the burn victim is breathing. If breathing has stopped or you suspect the person’s airway is blocked, try to clear the airway and, if necessary, do cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if trained to do so. 3. Cover the area of the burn. Use a cool, moist sterile bandage or clean cloth. For additional first aid information: Medical Emergencies If a bomb threat is received: n n n n n n n n Stay calm. If your phone has Caller ID, record the number displayed. Gain the attention of someone else close-by, point to this information, and have that person call 9-911 from any other campus phone or 911 from a cell phone. This call should be made out of hearing range from the caller. Try to keep the caller on the phone long enough to complete the Bomb Threat Check Sheet located on the next page. Ask check sheet questions. Work with arriving emergency personnel to assist them in evaluating the situation. Assist emergency responders with a search of the area if requested. Provide for an orderly evacuation only when ordered by emergency personnel. Bomb Threat Check Sheet is provided on the next page. Bomb Threat BOMB THREAT CHECK SHEET Exact time of call Exact words of caller Questions to ask: 1. When is bomb going to explode? 2. Where is the bomb? 3. What does it look like? 4. What kind of bomb is it? 5. What will cause it to explode? 6. Did you place the bomb? 7. Why? 8. Where are you calling from? 9. What is your address? 10. What is your name? Caller’s voice: (circle) Calm Disguised Nasal Angry Broken Stutter Slow Sincere Lisp Rapid Giggling Deep Crying Squeaky Excited Stressed Accent Loud Slurred Normal If voice is familiar, whom did it sound like? Were there any background noises? Remarks: Person receiving call: Telephone number call received at: Date: Report call immediately to 9-911 from a campus phone, or 911 from your cell phone or off campus phone. Bomb Threat Check Sheet EARTHQUAKES The following are some helpful tips that should be practiced daily to help prepare for an earthquake: • Identify what equipment you should shut down if time permits. • Look around your area and decide where the safe spots are, under sturdy tables, desks or against inside walls. • Determine where the danger areas are: near windows, hanging objects, tall unsecured furniture (bookcases, cabinets, appliances), chemical sites. Most casualties in earthquakes result from falling materials. • Store flammable and hazardous chemicals in proper cabinets. • Keep breakables and heavy objects on lower shelves whenever possible. • Make sure latches on cabinets, process tanks, storage tanks, and closets are secured. Safety Tips • Stay indoors if already there. If you’re in a high-rise building, do not use elevators. • If you’re outdoors, stay in the open, away from buildings, trees, and power lines. Don’t go near anything where there is a danger of falling debris. Emergency Procedures After an earthquake, follow these guidelines: • Check for injuries and follow first-aid procedures. • Be prepared for aftershocks. Earthquakes sometimes occur in a series of tremors, which could last for a period of several days. Aftershocks, or even a series of aftershocks, are common after earthquakes and may last for a few seconds to perhaps as long as 5 minutes or more. • Don’t re-enter damaged buildings. Aftershocks could knock them down. • In the event of a fire or personal injury, go to the nearest safe telephone to call for help. • Be alert for gas and water leaks, broken electrical wiring, downed electrical lines, or ruptured sewer lines. Whenever possible, turn the utility off at the source. If you do enter a building, use atmospheric testing equipment to check for leaking chemical or gas lines. If problems are detected, leave the building immediately and notify your supervisor, an emergency responder (fire or police), or incident command. If phones are working you may also call 9-911 from a campus phone or 911 from a working cell phone or off campus land line phone. • Know your shutdown procedures. Earthquakes Immediately activate the building’s fire alarm system. Evacuate the building unless otherwise notified. Call 9-911 from any campus phone. Call 911 from a cell phone or from off campus. If you discover a fire: 1. 2. 3. 4. Manually activate the building’s fire alarm system. Immediately evacuate the building, closing doors and windows behind you. DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS. Locate those persons with special needs, and provide assistance if possible. Otherwise, provide their location to emergency responders. 5. Report to your department’s designated gathering point to be accounted for. 6. Call 9-911 from any campus phone or 911 from a cell phone or from off campus. Once the fire alarm is activated: 1. Walk quickly to the nearest exit. Do not use the elevators. 2. If you are able, help those who need special assistance. 3. Notify fire personnel if you believe someone may still be in the building. 4. Gather away from the building and emergency responders at a pre-designated location. DO NOT re-enter the building until the fire department has cleared the scene. If caught in smoke: 1. Do not breathe the smoke! 2. Drop to your knees and crawl to the closest safe exit. 3. Breathe through your nose, and use a shirt or towel to breathe through, if possible. If trapped in a building: 1. Close all doors and windows. 2. Wet and place cloth material around and under the door to prevent smoke from entering. 3. Attempt to signal people outside of the building. Call for help using a telephone or cell phone. USING A FIRE EXTINGUISHER: 1. Report the fire first (Call 9-911 from any campus phone, or call 911 from a cell phone or off campus). 2. Use a fire extinguisher only if you have been trained to do so. Improper use of an extinguisher can increase the hazard. 3. If you have any doubt of your ability to fight the fire, exit immediately. 4. If you decide to use a fire extinguisher, place yourself between the fire and your exit from the area. 5. To use the fire extinguisher, follow the PASS method. P ull the pin. This will break the tamper seal if one is provided. A im low, pointing the extinguisher nozzle (or the horn or hose) at the base of the fire. S queeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent. S weep from side to side at the base of the fire until the fire is out. Watch the area. If the fire re-ignites, repeat the steps above. Fire / Fire Extinguisher Use Reporting Emergencies: Dial 9-911 from any campus phone or dial 911 from a cell phone or off campus phone The designated safe area(s) in this building for tornado sheltering is: 1. _ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. _ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ For assistance in designating safe shelter areas in your building please contact the F&S Code Compliance and Fire Safety Section at 333-9711 or the Office of Campus Emergency Planning at 333-1491. Evacuation - in the event it becomes necessary to evacuate this facility, the designated gathering point is:_ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Specific hazards/controls for this location include: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Department / Building-Specific Information / Resources The Office of Campus Emergency Planning website at contains valuable information which will assist campus departments or individuals with emergency planning and preparedness. Following is a summary and/or description of the information contained on various pages of this site: 1. Campus Emergency Operations Committee - (CEOC) – This link provides information on the relationship of the CEOC to the National Incident Management System (NIMS) in addition to emergency operations plan templates, checklists, evacuation planning information, and suggestions on conducting exercises. 2. National Incident Management System/National Response Plan – This link provides information on the federal mandates outlined in the National Incident Management System and the National Response Plan. Site includes the UIUC NIMS compliance assessment. 3. Avian Flu – This page is designed for infectious disease planning and preparedness. It contains instructional PowerPoints, the campus incident action plan for infectious disease, recommendations for individual health, links to government sites, cough etiquette videos and frequently asked questions about the potential effects of a pandemic outbreak. 4. Tornado Preparedness – This site contains information about individual tornado safety and preparedness steps for departments and student organizations in addition to information on tornado warning guidelines. 5. Templates / Policies – The templates/policies page contains numerous templates to assist departments with emergency planning activities. Examples include an “all hazards” template, a template to address an active shooter/active threat situation, evacuation planning templates and information, instructional PowerPoint to share with your unit, information on tornado preparedness and infectious disease planning as well as a link to the Campus Administrative Manual regarding access to UIUC building information. 6. Building Documents Information – This is a link to the CAM manual policy regarding access to UIUC building information. 7. Emergency Response Guide – This is a downloadable pdf file of the emergency response guide flip chart which can be printed and distributed to departmental personnel. 8. Continuity of Operations Planning – This page provides information and URL links to assist departments with business continuity and continuity of operations planning. 9. Division of Public Safety –This is a link to the UIUC Division of Public Safety where individuals and departments can obtain information and/or learn about the additional resources available for campus crime prevention, personal and pedestrian safety, risk management, criminal investigation, and rape aggression defense classes. 10.Informational Brochures and Documents – There are 4 pdf files of brochures on this site that can be downloaded and printed for distribution within the department. The brochures cover a wide array of subjects including infectious disease planning, tornado preparedness, and various other elements of emergency planning. 11.Personal/Family Disaster Planning & Preparedness – Information on this site is intended to aid campus students, their parents, and campus faculty and staff with their individual disaster planning and preparedness needs at home and at work. Office of Campus Emergency Planning Website - Building Floor Plans 02 This section is dedicated to floor plans identifying locations throughout the building. This can be useful for noting equipment, control panel locations, elevator numbering, fire extinguishers or other such essential items that require knowledge of the layout of the building. Owner’s Operating Requirements 03 This section is dedicated to the Building Facility Manager. It allows space for noting experiences, occupancy schedules, and specific conditions that the Owner wishes to achieve in the building. Owner’s Operating Requirements 03 Equipment Inventory and Description Animal Sciences Laboratory Page 1 of 19 Monday, July 06, 2009 Owner’s Operating Requirements 03 89.AHU-1 ...................................................................................................................................... 3 89.AHU-2 ...................................................................................................................................... 5 89.AHU-3 ...................................................................................................................................... 7 89.AHU-4 ...................................................................................................................................... 9 89.AHU-5 .................................................................................................................................... 11 89.AHU-6 .................................................................................................................................... 13 89.AHU-7 .................................................................................................................................... 15 LAB PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL CONTROLS............................................................................... 17 BUILDING PRESSURIZATION CONTROLS ................................................................................. 17 TEMPERATURE CONTROL COMPRESSORS ................................................................................ 17 Heat Exchangers HX-1 and HX-2 .............................................................................................. 18 Chilled Water Entrance .............................................................................................................. 19 Page 2 of 19 Monday, July 06, 2009 Owner’s Operating Requirements 03 89.AHU-1 This is a panel unit which is constructed on the roof. The coils and filters are relatively clean. The coils are starting to pick up debris in the fins. The dampers are opposed blade dampers. The mixed air dampers will not close 100% but they will open 100%. The exhaust air dampers have broken linkage, which means that one of the blades will not operate. The linkage is internal and the dampers will have to be taken out to be worked on. The dampers are 24” wide x 42” tall. There are two damper sections one on top of the other and they are tied together with an external linkage bar. Sheet Metal Shop 6 Rep. Temp. Control Shop 41 Rep. Electrician Shop 55 Rep. The air flow readings on this unit revealed that the supply fan was at 14,408 CFM at 42 HZ. And the return fan was at 10,111 CFM at 38 HZ. The mixed air dampers were at 67% open and the exhaust at 33%. This is a mixed air supply fan with a steam preheat coil, a cooling coil and an associated return fan. The supply and return fans have variable frequency drives and are controlled through the DDC program to maintain a specific duct static setting. The mixed air dampers, preheat control valve and chilled water control valve are also controlled through the DDC program with pneumatic actuation. The outside air duct divides into four separate ducts within the mixed air plenum of the supply fan. The four ducts have their own damper and damper motor with two of the dampers having electric end switches mounted on them to keep the supply fan from starting until these dampers are fully open. These four outside air dampers open when the supply fan starts, they are not under control of the mixed air transducer. The outside air dampers get their control air signal from the same electric - pneumatic switch that is associated with the supply smoke damper. The south outside air damper does not fully open. The mixed air dampers, preheat control valve and chilled water control valve all have pilot positioners. The two-way chilled water valve and preheat control valve do not leak through to the coil when closed. There are dampers with pneumatic actuators in the supply and return ducts that are designated as smoke dampers. These actuators have damper end switches mounted on them to prevent the supply and return fans from starting until the dampers are fully open. These smoke or isolation dampers get their control air signal from an electric – pneumatic switch that is tied electrically into the variable frequency drives. This EP switch is located in the fan control panel. When the drives start up the electric switch is made and the pneumatic signal is sent out to the pneumatic actuators. The mixed air dampers were very stiff due to dried out weather stripping and not operating in unison when RCx visited. The dampers were lubed. But once the lube dries out the problem will reoccur. This AHU has a supply fan and a return fan that is totally controlled by the BAS which is the Barber Coleman Network 8000 type, via LCM 1 and GCS 1 that is networked from GCM 20. LCM 1 has no spare points and GCS 6 has 3 spare points for future enhancements. The supply and return fans run via VFDs of the ABB 500 type. The VFDs have 6 points wired to them, VFD stop/start, VFD command, VFD status, VFD fault, VFD amps, and VFD hertz. The return fan VFD is controlling the building pressure from 2 static sensors that are named EBLDGSTC and WBLDGSTC that are programmed into a HILO block labeled HILO: STTC-1/4 and the HILO block will take the lowest valve of both static pressures and the LOOP block for the return fan VFD will control off of that pressure. The building pressure set point is 0.05 in. wc. The BAS is monitoring discharge air temp, mixed air temp, preheat temp and the 35 degree freeze stat alarm. There are 3 AO points on LCM 1 that are commanding the mixed air dampers, preheat valve and the chilled water valve. The BAS is controlling the discharge air temp with the discharge air temp sensor in the summer mode and controlling the mixed air temp with the mixed air temp sensor in the winter mode. There are 2 smoke dampers on this AHU. One on the supply fan duct and one on the return fan duct. The dampers are controlled by EP switches in the LCP that are energized from the respective VFD. When the supply fan and return fan VFD’s get the command to run, they will energize they’re respective smoke damper EP switch in the LCP. When the damper is fully open a damper end switch will close. The EP’s also command two minimum outdoor air dampers as well. The outdoor air dampers have end switches that are wired in series with the smoke damper end switches. The switches are wired back to the VFD enable circuit and it will allow the motors to start. There are 3 safety contacts wired back to the supply fan VFD. They are a smoke alarm relay, 35 degree freeze stat alarm, and a motor disconnect interlock switch. These external faults will drop out the external fault relay in the supply fan VFD and stop the VFD and shut its smoke damper via the EP switch in the LCP. Then the return fan VFD will shut down via a set of run relay contacts from the supply fan VFD in series with Page 3 of 19 Monday, July 06, 2009 Owner’s Operating Requirements 03 the return fan smoke damper end switch that will drop out the return fan VFD external fault relay. If the smoke damper actuator should fail, the fans will shut down as well. The supply fan VFD will maintain 1 in of static pressure between two static pressure sensors that are named STTC-S and STTC-N. This is done in software via a HILO block that will take the lowest pressure from both sensors and use it to maintain the 1.90 in WC. The mixed air temp sensor, discharge air temp sensor, preheat temp sensor, and the supply air static pressure sensor were calibrated. The 35 degree freeze stat functions properly. The mixed air damper, preheat valve and the chilled water valve transducers are of the Johnson control type and were calibrated during RCx visit. This unit does not have 40 degree freeze stats. However it does have return air temp sensors and humidity sensors. The static senor is installed in the LCP pertaining to its AHU control. The pneumatic pick up tube is assumed to be 2/3 the way down the supply air duct from the supply fan. After the AHU had everything fixed during the RCx visit, the summer/winter logic back was put back into operation and the chilled water valve closed and the mixed air dampers were controlling its set point. The mixed air temp was put to a set point of 60 and the chilled water set point and preheat temp set point were left at 55 degrees. It was also noticed that when this fan is shut down for any reason and started back up, the preheat valve opens 100% and then ramps closed. The discharge air temp goes high for about 8 minutes and then gets under control via the mixed air dampers. Maybe this is a winter time safety feature. NOTE: After further review of the events that have taken place with chilled water coils on campus, it was checked to see if any chilled water coil safety’s were present on this AHU. It is known that there aren’t any 40 degree freeze stats on this unit as mentioned in the general notes, so the BAS software was checked for some sort of software safety and it was found that this AHU has a software safety that will take the chilled water valve 100% open if the 35 degree freeze stat trips. It will also take the preheat valve 100% open as well. Figure 1 – 89.AHU1 on Roof Page 4 of 19 Monday, July 06, 2009 Owner’s Operating Requirements 03 89.AHU-2 This unit is a panel unit which is constructed on the roof. The coils and filters are relatively clean. The coils are picking up debris and could be vacuumed. The dampers are opposed blade dampers with weather stripping. All of them need adjustment and lubrication annually. The isolation damper on the supply fan is broken; the bottom two blades are not attached to the linkage anymore and will not operate at all, thus allowing air to enter when the unit is down. Sheet Metal Shop 6 Rep. Temp. Control Shop 41 Rep. Electrician Shop 55 Rep. After taking flow readings on the unit it was determined that the supply fan was at 16,783 CFM at 39 HZ, and the return was at 11,721 CFM at 35 HZ. These readings were taken with the mixed air dampers at 100% and the exhaust dampers closed. This is a mixed air supply fan with a steam preheat coil, a cooling coil and an associated return fan. The supply and return fans have variable frequency drives and are controlled through the DDC program to maintain a specific duct static setting. The mixed air dampers, preheat control valve, and chilled water control valve are also controlled through the DDC program with pneumatic actuation. Johnson Controls transducers allow the fine tuned calibration of the transducers to the operating span of the controlled devices. The outside air duct divides into four separate ducts within the mixed air plenum of the supply fan. The four ducts have their own damper and damper motor with two of the dampers having electric end switches mounted on them to keep the supply fan from starting until these dampers are fully open. These four outside air dampers open when the supply fan starts, they are not under control of the mixed air transducer. The outside air dampers get their control air signal from the same electric - pneumatic switch that is associated with the supply smoke damper. The mixed air dampers, preheat control valve and chilled water control valve all have pilot positioners. The two-way chilled water valve and preheat control valve do not leak through to the coil when closed. There are dampers with pneumatic actuators in the supply and return ducts that are designated as smoke dampers. These actuators have damper end switches mounted on them to prevent the supply and return fans from starting until the dampers are fully open. These smoke or isolation dampers get their control air signal from an electric – pneumatic switch that is tied electrically into the variable frequency drives. This EP switch is located in the fan control panel. When the drives start up the electric switch is made and the pneumatic signal is sent out to the pneumatic actuators. The mixed air dampers were very stiff due to dried out weather stripping and not operating in unison when RCx visited. The dampers were lubed. But once the lube dries out the problem will reoccur. This AHU has a supply fan and a return fan that is totally controlled by the BAS which is the Barber Coleman Network 8000 type, via LCM 2 and GCS 2 that is networked from GCM 20. LCM 2 has no spare points and GCS 2 has no spare points for future enhancements. The supply and return fans run via VFDs of the ABB 500 type. The VFDs have 6 points wired to them, VFD stop/start, VFD command, VFD status, VFD fault, VFD amps, and VFD hertz. The return fan VFD is controlling from 2 static sensors that are named EBLDGSTC and WBLDGSTC that are programmed into a HILO block labeled HILO: STTC-1/4 and the HILO block will take the lowest valve of both static pressures and the LOOP block for the return fan VFD will control off of that pressure and control building pressure. The set point for building pressure is 0.05 in.wc. The BAS is monitoring discharge air temp, mixed air temp, preheat temp and the 35 degree freeze stat alarm. There are 3 AO points on LCM 2 that are commanding the mixed air dampers, preheat valve and the chilled water valve. The BAS is controlling the discharge air temp with the discharge air temp sensor in the summer mode and controlling the mixed air temp with the mixed air temp sensor in the winter mode. There are 2 smoke dampers on this AHU. One on the supply fan duct and one on the return fan duct. The dampers are controlled by EP switches in the LCP that are energized from the respective VFD. When the supply fan and return fan VFDs get the command to run, they will energize they’re respective smoke damper EP switch in the LCP. When the damper is fully open a damper end switch will close. The EP’s also command two minimum outdoor air dampers as well. The outdoor air dampers have end switches that are wired in series with the smoke damper end switches. The switches are wired back to the VFD enable circuit and it will allow the motors to start. There are 3 safety contacts wired back to the supply fan VFD. They are a smoke alarm relay, 35 degree freeze stat alarm, and a motor disconnect interlock switch. These external faults will drop out the external fault relay in the supply fan VFD and stop the VFD and shut its smoke damper via the EP switch in the LCP. Then the return fan VFD will shut down via a set of run relay contacts from the supply fan VFD in series with the return fan smoke damper end switch that will drop out the return fan VFD external fault relay. If Page 5 of 19 Monday, July 06, 2009 Owner’s Operating Requirements 03 the smoke damper actuator should fail, the fans will shut down as well. The supply fan VFD will maintain 1 in of static pressure between both static pressure sensors. The static sensors are named STTC-S and STTC-N. This is done in software via a HILO block that will take the lowest pressure from both sensors and use it to maintain the 1.90 in. WC. The mixed air temp sensor, discharge air temp sensor, preheat temp sensor, and the supply air static pressure sensor were calibrated during the RCx visit. The 35 degree freeze stat functions properly. The mixed air damper, preheat valve and the chilled water valve transducers are of the Johnson control type and were calibrated during RCx visit. This unit does not have 40 degree freeze stats. However it does have return air temp sensors and humidity sensors. The static sensor is installed in the LCP pertaining to its AHU control. The pneumatic pick up tube is assumed to be 2/3 the way down the supply air duct from the supply fan. After the AHU had everything fixed during the RCx visit, the summer/winter logic back was put back into operation and the chilled water valve closed and the mixed air dampers were controlling its set point. The mixed air temp was put to a set point of 60 and the chilled water set point and preheat temp set point were left at 55 degrees. It was also noticed that when this fan is shut down for any reason and started back up, the preheat valve opens 100% and then ramps closed. The discharge air temp goes high for about 8 minutes and then gets under control via the mixed air dampers. Maybe this is a winter time safety feature. NOTE: After further review of the events that have taken place with chilled water coils on campus, the chilled water coils were checked for any safeties. It is known that there aren’t any 40 degree freeze stats on this unit as mentioned in the general notes, so the BAS software was checked for some sort of software safety and none were found on this AHU chilled water valve. UPDATE: Some software safeties for the chilled water coil were installed. If the 35 degree freeze stat trips there is a select block that will take the chilled water valve to 100% open via priority #3 in the analog output to the chilled water valve. Figure 2 – 89.AHU2 on Roof Page 6 of 19 Monday, July 06, 2009 Owner’s Operating Requirements 03 89.AHU-3 This is a panel unit which is constructed on the roof. The coils and filters are relatively clean. The coils are starting to pick up debris in the fins and could be vacuumed. The dampers are opposed blade dampers. All of the dampers need of adjustment and lubrication annually. The exhaust air damper linkage is worn and not allowing the damper to open 100% but it will close 100%. This damper should probably be replaced. The rest of the dampers operate properly. Sheet Metal Shop 6 Rep. Temp. Control Shop 41 Rep. Electrician Shop 55 Rep. After taking air flow readings on the unit it was determined that the supply was at 14,235 CFM at 42 HZ. And the return was at 10,524 CFM at 38 HZ. The mixed air dampers were at 67% open and the exhaust at 33%. This is a mixed air supply fan with a steam preheat coil, a cooling coil and an associated return fan. The supply and return fans have variable frequency drives and are controlled through the DDC program to maintain a specific duct static setting. The mixed air dampers, preheat control valve, and chilled water control valve are also controlled through the DDC program with pneumatic actuation. We replaced the existing Honeywell transducers with Johnson Controls transducers to allow the fine tuned calibration of the transducers to the operating span of the controlled devices. The outside air duct divides into four separate ducts within the mixed air plenum of the supply fan. The four ducts have their own damper and damper motor with two of the dampers having electric end switches mounted on them to keep the supply fan from starting until these dampers are fully open. These four outside air dampers open when the supply fan starts, they are not under control of the mixed air transducer. The outside air dampers get their control air signal from the same electric - pneumatic switch that is associated with the supply smoke damper. The pilot positioners for the mixed air dampers, preheat control valve and chilled water control valve were recalibrated. The two-way chilled water valve and preheat control valve do not leak through to the coil when closed. There are dampers with pneumatic actuators in the supply and return ducts that are designated as smoke dampers. These actuators have damper end switches mounted on them to prevent the supply and return fans from starting until the dampers are fully open. These smoke or isolation dampers get their control air signal from an electric – pneumatic switch that is tied electrically into the variable frequency drives. This EP switch is located in the fan control panel. When the drives start up the electric switch is made and the pneumatic signal is sent out to the pneumatic actuators. The mixed air dampers were very stiff due to dried out weather stripping and not operating in unison. The dampers were lubed during the RCx visit and they are operating better. But once the lube dries out the problem will reoccur. The rubber diaphragm for the return damper motor and the pilot positioner were replaced during the RCx visit. This AHU has a supply fan and a return fan that is totally controlled by the BAS which is the Barber Coleman Network 8000 type, via LCM 1 and GCS 3 that is networked from GCM 20. LCM 1 has no spare points and GCS 3 has 3 spare points for future enhancements. The supply and return fans run via VFDs of the ABB 500 type. The VFDs have 6 points wired to them, VFD stop/start, VFD command, VFD status, VFD fault, VFD amps, and VFD hertz. The return fan VFD is controlling building pressure from 2 static sensors that are named WBLDGSTC and WBLDGSTC that are programmed into a HILO block labeled HILO: STTC-1/4 and the HILO block will take the lowest valve of both static pressures and the LOOP block for the return fan VFD will control off of that pressure. The building pressure set point is 0.05 in. WC. The BAS is monitoring discharge air temp, mixed air temp, preheat temp and the 35 degree freeze stat alarm. There are 3 AO points on LCM 1 that are commanding the mixed air dampers, preheat valve and the chilled water valve. The BAS is controlling the discharge air temp with the discharge air temp sensor in the summer mode and controlling the mixed air temp with the mixed air temp sensor in the winter mode. There are 2 smoke dampers on this AHU. One on the supply fan duct and one on the return fan duct. The dampers are controlled by EP switches in the LCP that are energized from the respective VFD. When the supply fan and return fan VFDs get the command to run, they will energize they’re respective smoke damper EP switch in the LCP. When the damper is fully open a damper end switch will close. The EPs also command two minimum outdoor air dampers as well. The outdoor air dampers have end switches that are wired in series with the smoke damper end switches. The switches are wired back to the VFD enable circuit and it will allow the motors to start. There are 3 safety contacts wired back to the supply fan VFD. They are a smoke alarm relay, 35 degree freeze stat alarm, and a motor disconnect interlock switch. These external faults will drop out the external fault relay in the Page 7 of 19 Monday, July 06, 2009 Owner’s Operating Requirements 03 supply fan VFD and stop the VFD and shut its smoke damper via the EP switch in the LCP. Then the return fan VFD will shut down via a set of run relay contacts from the supply fan VFD in series with the return fan smoke damper end switch that will drop out the return fan VFD external fault relay. If the smoke damper actuator should fail, the fans will shut down as well. The supply fan VFD will maintain 1 in of static pressure between two static pressure sensors that are named STTC-S and STTC-N. This is done in software via a HILO block that will take the lowest pressure from both sensors and use it to maintain the 1.90 in. WC. The mixed air temp sensor, discharge air temp sensor, preheat temp sensor, and the supply air static pressure sensor were calibrated during the RCx visit. The 35 degree freeze stat functions properly. The mixed air damper, preheat valve and the chilled water valve transducers are of the Johnson control type and were calibrated during RCx visit. This unit does not have 40 degree freeze stats. However it does have return air temp sensors and humidity sensors. The static sensor is installed in the LCP pertaining to its AHU control. The pneumatic pick up tube is assumed to be 2/3 the way down the supply air duct from the supply fan. After the AHU had everything fixed during the RCx visit, the summer/winter logic back was put back into operation and the chilled water valve closed and the mixed air dampers were controlling its set point. The mixed air temp was put to a set point of 60 and the chilled water set point and preheat temp set point were left at 55 degrees. NOTE: After further review of the events that have taken place with chilled water coils on campus, it was checked to see if any chilled water coil safety’s were present on this AHU. It is known that there aren’t any 40 degree freeze stats on this unit as mentioned in the general notes, so the BAS software was checked for some sort of software safety and it was found that this AHU has a software safety that will take the chilled water valve 100% open if the 35 degree freeze stat trips. It will also take the preheat valve 100% open as well. Figure 3 – 89.AHU3 on Roof Page 8 of 19 Monday, July 06, 2009 Owner’s Operating Requirements 03 89.AHU-4 This unit is a panel unit which is constructed on the roof. The coils and filters are relatively clean. The coils are starting to pick up debris and could be vacuumed. The dampers are opposed blade with weather stripping. All of the dampers were in need of adjustment and lubrication. The isolation damper for the supply fan does not seal, it allows back flow when the unit is down. The blades are closed but not sealed. Sheet Metal Shop 6 Rep. Temp. Control Shop 41 Rep. Electrician Shop 55 Rep. The flow reading revealed that the supply fan was at 17,666 CFM at 41 HZ and the return fan was at 12,474 CFM at 37 HZ. These readings were taken with the mixed air dampers at 100% and the exhaust dampers closed. This is a mixed air supply fan with a steam preheat coil, a cooling coil and an associated return fan. The supply and return fans have variable frequency drives and are controlled through the DDC program to maintain a specific duct static setting. The mixed air dampers, preheat control valve, and chilled water control valve are also controlled through the DDC program with pneumatic actuation. We replaced the existing Honeywell transducers with Johnson Controls transducers to allow the fine tuned calibration of the transducers to the operating span of the controlled devices. The outside air duct divides into four separate ducts within the mixed air plenum of the supply fan. The four ducts have their own damper and damper motor with two of the dampers having electric end switches mounted on them to keep the supply fan from starting until these dampers are fully open. These four outside air dampers open when the supply fan starts, they are not under control of the mixed air transducer. The outside air dampers get their control air signal from the same electric - pneumatic switch that is associated with the supply smoke damper. The pilot positioners for the mixed air dampers, preheat control valve and chilled water control valve were recalibrated during the RCx visit. The two way chilled water valve and preheat control valve do not leak through to the coil when closed. There are dampers with pneumatic actuators in the supply and return ducts that are designated as smoke dampers. These actuators have damper end switches mounted on them to prevent the supply and return fans from starting until the dampers are fully open. These smoke or isolation dampers get their control air signal from an electric – pneumatic switch that is tied electrically into the variable frequency drives. This EP switch is located in the fan control panel. When the drives start up the electric switch is made and the pneumatic signal is sent out to the pneumatic actuators. The mixed air dampers were very stiff due to dried out weather stripping and not operating in unison. The dampers were lubed and they were operating better during the RCX visit. But once the lube dries out the problem will reoccur. The rubber diaphragm for the return damper motor and the pilot positioner were replaced during the RCx visit. This AHU has a supply fan and a return fan that is totally controlled by the BAS which is the Barber Coleman Network 8000 type, via LCM 2 and GCS 4 that is networked from GCM 20. LCM 2 has no spare points and GCS 2 has no spare points for future enhancements. The supply and return fans run via VFDs of the ABB 500 type. The VFDs have 6 points wired to them, VFD stop/start, VFD command, VFD status, VFD fault, VFD amps, and VFD hertz. The return fan VFD is controlling from 2 static sensors that are named EBLDGSTC and WBLDGSTC that are programmed into a HILO block labeled HILO: STTC-1/4 and the HILO block will take the lowest valve of both static pressures and the LOOP block for the return fan VFD will control off of that pressure and control building pressure. The set point for building pressure is 0.05 in.wc. The BAS is monitoring discharge air temp, mixed air temp, preheat temp and the 35 degree freeze stat alarm. There are 3 AO points on LCM 2 that are commanding the mixed air dampers, preheat valve and the chilled water valve. The BAS is controlling the discharge air temp with the discharge air temp sensor in the summer mode and controlling the mixed air temp with the mixed air temp sensor in the winter mode. There are 2 smoke dampers on this AHU. One on the supply fan duct and one on the return fan duct. The dampers are controlled by EP switches in the LCP that are energized from the respective VFD. When the supply fan and return fan VFDs get the command to run, they will energize they’re respective smoke damper EP switch in the LCP. When the damper is fully open a damper end switch will close. The EP’s also command two minimum outdoor air dampers as well. The outdoor air dampers have end switches that are wired in series with the smoke damper end switches. The switches are wired back to the VFD enable circuit and it will allow the motors to start. There are 3 safety contacts wired back to the supply fan VFD. They are a smoke alarm relay, 35 degree freeze stat alarm, and a motor disconnect interlock switch. These external faults will drop out the external fault relay in the supply fan VFD and stop the VFD and shut its smoke damper via the EP switch in the LCP. Then the Page 9 of 19 Monday, July 06, 2009 Owner’s Operating Requirements 03 return fan VFD will shut down via a set of run relay contacts from the supply fan VFD in series with the return fan smoke damper end switch that will drop out the return fan VFD external fault relay. If the smoke damper actuator should fail, the fans will shut down as well. The supply fan VFD will maintain 1 in of static pressure between both static pressure sensors. The static sensors are named STTC-S and STTC-N. This is done in software via a HILO block that will take the lowest pressure from both sensors and use it to maintain the 1.90 in. WC. The mixed air temp sensor, discharge air temp sensor, preheat temp sensor, and the supply air static pressure sensor were calibrated during the RCx visit. The 35 degree freeze stat functions properly. The mixed air damper, preheat valve and the chilled water valve transducers are of the Johnson control type and were calibrated during RCx visit. This unit does not have 40 degree freeze stats. However it does have return air temp sensors and humidity sensors. The static sensor is installed in the LCP pertaining to its AHU control. The pneumatic pick up tube is assumed to be 2/3 the way down the supply air duct from the supply fan. After the AHU had everything fixed during the RCx visit, the summer/winter logic back was put back into operation and the chilled water valve closed and the mixed air dampers were controlling its set point. The mixed air temp was put to a set point of 60 and the chilled water set point and preheat temp set point were left at 55 degrees. Maybe this is a winter time safety feature. NOTE: After further review of the events that have taken place with chilled water coils on campus, the chilled water coils were checked for any safeties. It is known that there aren’t any 40 degree freeze stats on this unit as mentioned in the general notes, so the BAS software was checked for some sort of software safety and none were found on this AHU chilled water valve. UPDATE: Some software safeties for the chilled water coil were installed. If the 35 degree freeze stat trips there is a select block that will take the chilled water valve to 100% open via priority #3 in the analog output to the chilled water valve Figure 4 – 89.AHU4 on Roof Page 10 of 19 Monday, July 06, 2009 Owner’s Operating Requirements 03 89.AHU-5 The unit is a SEMCO Air Systems panel unit, which is constructed on the floor of the penthouse. The unit is clean inside and the coils and their drains are clean. This is a Horizontal draw through unit. The filters were clean but the dampers were all dirty with the dirt causing the dampers to move sluggishly. They are opposed blade dampers with rubber weather stripping. The weather stripping is drying out and not as flexible as it was when it was new. All dampers were cleaned and lubricated and they appear to work fine now. Sheet Metal Shop 6 Rep. After taking air flow readings on the supply and return fans, by traversing them it was found that the return was at 7,905 CFM and the supply was at 9,947 CFM. This is with the mixed air dampers at 58% and the drives at 29 and 30 HZ. This unit modulates the outside air dampers and relief damper to maintain air temperature. There is only a cooling coil in this unit. Temp. Control Shop 41 Rep. Electrician Shop 55 Rep. This is a mixed air supply fan with a cooling coil and an associated return fan. The supply and return fans have variable frequency drives and are controlled through the DDC program to maintain a specific duct static setting. The mixed air dampers and chilled water control valve are also controlled through the DDC program with pneumatic actuation. The existing Johnson Controls transducers allow the fine tuned calibration of the transducers to the operating span of the controlled devices. The outside air duct divides into four separate ducts within the mixed air plenum of the supply fan. The four ducts have their own damper and damper motor with one damper motor designated as the master with a pilot positioner. The other three outside damper motors are slaved off the master damper motor. These outside air dampers are controlled with the return and exhaust dampers, they receive the same control signal from the mixed air transducer. Before the DDC controls upgrade and the controls were pneumatic it appears that at least one of the outside air dampers was open 100% when the supply fan was on to provide minimum outside air requirements. The pilot positioners for the mixed air dampers and chilled water control valve were recalibrated during the RCx visit. The two-way chilled water valve does not leak through to the coil when closed. There are dampers with pneumatic actuators in the supply and return ducts that are designated as smoke dampers. These actuators have damper end switches mounted on them to prevent the supply and return fans from starting until the dampers are fully open. The mixed air dampers were very stiff due to dried out weather stripping and not operating in unison. The dampers were lubed and they were operating better during the RCx visit. But once the lube dries out the problem will reoccur. This AHU has a supply fan and a return fan that is totally controlled by the BAS which is the Barber Coleman Network 8000 type, via LCM 4 and GCS 5 that is networked from GCM 20. LCM 4 has 9 spare points and GCS 5 has 2 spare points for future enhancements. The supply and return fans run via VFDs of the ABB 500 type. The VFDs have 6 points wired to them, VFD stop/start, VFD command, VFD status, VFD fault, VFD amps, and VFD hertz. The VFDs are controlling from 2 static sensors that are named S5W-STTC and S5E-STTC. The BAS is monitoring discharge air temp, mixed air temp, low suction static safety and the 35 degree freeze stat alarm. There are 2 AO points on LCM 5 that are commanding the mixed air dampers and the chilled water valve. The BAS is controlling the discharge air temp with the discharge air temp sensor in the summer mode and controlling the mixed air temp with the mixed air temp sensor in the winter mode. There are 2 smoke dampers on this AHU. One on the supply fan duct and one on the return fan duct. These dampers are controlled by EP switches in the LCP that are energized from the respective VFD. When the supply fan and return fan VFDs get the command to run, they will energize their respective smoke damper EP switch in the LCP. When the damper is fully open a damper end switch will close. This switch is wired back to the VFD enable circuit and it will allow the motor to start. There are 3 safety contacts wired back to the supply fan VFD. They are a smoke alarm relay, 35 degree freeze stat alarm, and a motor disconnect interlock switch. These external faults will drop out the external fault relay in the supply fan VFD and stop the VFD and shut its smoke damper via the EP switch in the LCP. Then the return fan VFD will shut down via a set of run relay contacts from the supply fan VFD in series with the return fan smoke damper end switch that will drop out the return fan VFD external fault relay. If the smoke damper actuator should fail, the fans will shut down as well. The supply fan VFD will maintain 1 in of static pressure between both the east and west static pressure sensors. This is done in software via a HILO block that will take the lowest pressure from both sensors and use it to maintain the 1 in of static pressure. The mixed air temp sensor, discharge air temp sensor and both supply air static pressure sensors were all calibrated during the RCx visit. The Page 11 of 19 Monday, July 06, 2009 Owner’s Operating Requirements 03 35 degree freeze stat operates properly. The mixed air damper and the chilled water valve transducers are of the Johnson control type. This unit does not have 40 degree freeze stats. However it does have return air temp sensors and humidity sensors. The static senor is installed in the LCP pertaining to its AHU control. The pneumatic pick up tube is assumed to be 2/3 the way down the supply air duct from the supply fan. After the AHU had been inspected and fixed during the RCx visit, a summer/winter logic block was put back into operation and the chilled water valve closed and the mixed air dampers were controlling its set point. The mixed air temp was to a set point of 60, the chilled water set point was left alone, and the preheat temp set point was at 55 degrees. NOTE: After further review of the events that have taken place with chilled water coils on campus, the chilled water coils were checked for any safeties. It is known that there aren’t any 40 degree freeze stats on this unit as mentioned in the general notes, so the BAS software was checked for some sort of software safety and none were found on this AHU chilled water valve. UPDATE: Some software safeties for the chilled water coil were installed. If the 35 degree freeze stat trips there is a select block that will take the chilled water valve to 100% open via priority #3 in the analog output to the chilled water valve. Figure 5 – 89.AHU5 in Penthouse Page 12 of 19 Monday, July 06, 2009 Owner’s Operating Requirements 03 89.AHU-6 This unit is a panel unit which is constructed and located on the roof. The unit is clean inside and the coils and their drains are clean. This is a horizontal draw through unit. The dampers are opposed blade dampers with rubber weather stripping. The rubber weather stripping on the dampers is not very flexible, thus it requires frequent lubrication. Airflow readings were taken on the supply and return fans, by traversing the ductwork. It was found that the supply was at 5,027 CFM and the return was 4,560 CFM. This was with the mixed air dampers at 40% and the drives at 43 and 42 HZ. Sheet Metal Shop 6 Rep. These readings were taken when unit 89-AHU-7 was not running, thus causing this unit to run at a faster rate to make up the difference. Units 6 & 7 work in conjunction with each other. This unit modulates the outside air and relief dampers to maintain temperatures. There is only a cooling coil in this unit. Temp. Control Shop 41 Rep. Electrician Shop 55 Rep. This is a mixed air supply fan with a cooling coil and an associated return fan. The supply and return fans have variable frequency drives and are controlled through the DDC program to maintain a specific duct static setting. The mixed air dampers and chilled water control valve are also controlled through the DDC program with pneumatic actuation. Existing Johnson Controls transducers allow fine tuning the calibration of the transducers to the operating span of the controlled devices. The outside air duct divides into four separate ducts within the mixed air plenum of the supply fan. The four ducts have their own damper and damper motor with one damper motor designated as the master with a pilot positioner. The other three outside damper motors are slaved off the master damper motor. These outside air dampers are controlled with the return and exhaust dampers; they receive the same control signal from the mixed air transducer. Before the DDC controls upgrade and the controls were pneumatic it appears that at least one of the outside air dampers was open 100% when the supply fan was on to provide minimum outside air requirements. The pilot positioners for the mixed air dampers and chilled water control valve were recalibrated during the RCx visit. The two-way chilled water valve does not leak through to the coil when closed. There are dampers with pneumatic actuators in the supply and return ducts that are designated as smoke dampers. These actuators have damper end switches mounted on them to prevent the supply and return fans from starting until the dampers are fully open. The mixed air dampers were very stiff due to dried out weather stripping and not operating in unison. The dampers were lubed during the RCx visit and they are operating better. But once the lube dries out the problem will reoccur. This AHU has a supply fan and a return fan that is totally controlled by the BAS which is the Barber Coleman Network 8000 type, via LCM 3 and GCS 6 that is networked from GCM 20. LCM 3 has 2 spare points and GCS 6 has 3 spare points for future enhancements. The supply and return fans run via VFDs of the ABB 500 type. The VFDs have 6 points wired to them, VFD stop/start, VFD command, VFD status, VFD fault, VFD amps, and VFD hertz. The VFDs are controlling from 2 static sensors that are named SF6-STTC and SF7-STTC. The BAS is monitoring discharge air temp, mixed air temp, low suction static safety and the 35 degree freeze stat alarm. There are 2 AO points on LCM 3 that are commanding the mixed air dampers and the chilled water valve. The BAS is controlling the discharge air temp with the discharge air temp sensor in the summer mode and controlling the mixed air temp with the mixed air temp sensor in the winter mode. There are 2 smoke dampers on this AHU. One on the supply fan duct and one on the return fan duct. These dampers are controlled by EP switches in the LCP that are energized from the respective VFD. When the supply fan and return fan VFDs get the command to run, they will energize they’re respective smoke damper EP switch in the LCP. When the damper is fully open a damper end switch will close. This switch is wired back to the VFD enable circuit and it will allow the motor to start. There are 3 safety contacts wired back to the supply fan VFD. They are a smoke alarm relay, 35 degree freeze stat alarm, and a motor disconnect interlock switch. These external faults will drop out the external fault relay in the supply fan VFD and stop the VFD and shut its smoke damper via the EP switch in the LCP. Then the return fan VFD will shut down via a set of run relay contacts from the supply fan VFD in series with the return fan smoke damper end switch that will drop out the return fan VFD external fault relay. If the smoke damper actuator should fail, the fans will shut down as well. The supply fan VFD will maintain 1 in of static pressure between both static pressure sensors. This is done in software via a HILO block that will take the lowest pressure from both sensors and use it to maintain the 1 in of static pressure. The mixed air temp sensor, discharge air temp sensor and both Page 13 of 19 Monday, July 06, 2009 Owner’s Operating Requirements 03 supply air static pressure sensors were all calibrated during the RCx Visit. The 35 degree freeze stat was checked for proper operation. The mixed air damper and the chilled water valve transducers are of the Johnson control type. This unit does not have 40 degree freeze stats. However it does have return air temp sensors and humidity sensors. The static senor is installed in the LCP pertaining to its AHU control. The pneumatic pick up tube is assumed to be 2/3 the way down the supply air duct from the supply fan. After the AHU had been inspected and fixed during the RCx Visit, a summer/winter logic block was put back into operation and the chilled water valve closed and the mixed air dampers were controlling its set point. The mixed air temp was to a set point of 60, the chilled water set point was left alone, and the preheat temp set point was at 55 degrees. NOTE: After further review of the events that have taken place with chilled water coils on campus, the chilled water coils were checked for any safety’s. It is known that there aren’t any 40 degree freeze stats on this unit as mentioned in the general notes, so the BAS software was checked for some sort of software safety and none were found on this AHU chilled water valve. UPDATE: Some software safeties for the chilled water coil were installed. If the 35 degree freeze stat trips there is a select block that will take the chilled water valve to 100% open via priority #3 in the analog output to the chilled water valve Figure 6 – 89.AHU6 in Penthouse Page 14 of 19 Monday, July 06, 2009 Owner’s Operating Requirements 03 89.AHU-7 This is a panel unit which is constructed on the roof. The unit is clean inside. The coil and filters are also clean. The dampers are opposed blade dampers with rubber weather stripping. Air flow readings were taken from the supply and return fans. The supply was at 8,000 CFM and the return was at 5,612 CFM. This was with the mixed air dampers at 40% and the drives at 43 and 42 HZ. Sheet Metal Shop 6 Rep. Temp. Control Shop 41 Rep. Electrician Shop 55 Rep. This is a mixed air supply fan with a cooling coil and an associated return fan. The supply and return fans have variable frequency drives and are controlled through the DDC program to maintain a specific duct static setting. The mixed air dampers and chilled water control valve are also controlled through the DDC program with pneumatic actuation. Existing Johnson Controls transducers allow fine tuning the calibration of the transducers to the operating span of the controlled devices. The outside air duct divides into four separate ducts within the mixed air plenum of the supply fan. The four ducts have their own damper and damper motor with one damper motor designated as the master with a pilot positioner. The other three outside damper motors are slaved off the master damper motor. These outside air dampers are controlled with the return and exhaust dampers; they receive the same control signal from the mixed air transducer. Before the DDC controls upgrade and the controls were pneumatic it appears that at least one of the outside air dampers was open 100% when the supply fan was on to provide minimum outside air requirements. The pilot positioners for the mixed air dampers and chilled water control valve were recalibrated during the RCx visit. The two-way chilled water valve does not leak through to the coil when closed. There are dampers with pneumatic actuators in the supply and return ducts that are designated as smoke dampers. These actuators have damper end switches mounted on them to prevent the supply and return fans from starting until the dampers are fully open. The mixed air dampers were very stiff due to dried out weather stripping and not operating in unison. The dampers were lubed during the RCx visit and they are operating better. But once the lube dries out the problem will reoccur. This AHU has a supply fan and a return fan that is totally controlled by the BAS which is the Barber Coleman Network 8000 type, via LCM 3 and GCS 7 that is networked from GCM 20. LCM 3 has 2 spare points and GCS 7 has 3 spare points for future enhancements. The supply and return fans run via VFDs of the ABB 500 type. The VFDs have 6 points wired to them, VFD stop/start, VFD command, VFD status, VFD fault, VFD amps, and VFD hertz. The VFDs are controlling from 2 static sensors that are named SF6-STTC and SF7-STTC. The BAS is monitoring discharge air temp, mixed air temp, low suction static safety and the 35 degree freeze stat alarm. There are 2 AO points on LCM 3 that are commanding the mixed air dampers and the chilled water valve. The BAS is controlling the discharge air temp with the discharge air temp sensor in the summer mode and controlling the mixed air temp with the mixed air temp sensor in the winter mode. There are 2 smoke dampers on this AHU. One on the supply fan duct and one on the return fan duct. The dampers are controlled by EP switches in the LCP that are energized from the respective VFD. When the supply fan and return fan VFDs get the command to run, they will energize they’re respective smoke damper EP switch in the LCP. When the damper is fully open a damper end switch will close. This switch is wired back to the VFD enable circuit and it will allow the motor to start. There are 3 safety contacts wired back to the supply fan VFD. They are a smoke alarm relay, 35 degree freeze stat alarm, and a motor disconnect interlock switch. These external faults will drop out the external fault relay in the supply fan VFD and stop the VFD and shut its smoke damper via the EP switch in the LCP. Then the return fan VFD will shut down via a set of run relay contacts from the supply fan VFD in series with the return fan smoke damper end switch that will drop out the return fan VFD external fault relay. If the smoke damper actuator should fail, the fans will shut down as well. The supply fan VFD will maintain 1 in of static pressure between both static pressure sensors. This is done in software via a HILO block that will take the lowest pressure from both sensors and use it to maintain the 1 in of static pressure. The mixed air temp sensor, discharge air temp sensor and both supply air static pressure sensors were all calibrated during the RCx Visit. The mixed air damper and the chilled water valve transducers are of the Johnson control type. This unit does not have 40 degree freeze stats. However it does have return air temp sensors and humidity sensors. The static Page 15 of 19 Monday, July 06, 2009 Owner’s Operating Requirements 03 senor is installed in the LCP pertaining to its AHU control. The pneumatic pick up tube is assumed to be 2/3 the way down the supply air duct from the supply fan. After the AHU had been inspected and fixed during the RCx Visit, a summer/winter logic block was put back into operation and the chilled water valve closed and the mixed air dampers were controlling its set point. The mixed air temp was to a set point of 60, the chilled water set point was left alone, and the preheat temp set point was at 55 degrees. NOTE: After further review of the events that have taken place with chilled water coils on campus, the chilled water coils were checked for any safety’s. It is known that there aren’t any 40 degree freeze stats on this unit as mentioned in the general notes, so the BAS software was checked for some sort of software safety and none were found on this AHU chilled water valve. UPDATE: Some software safeties for the chilled water coil were installed. If the 35 degree freeze stat trips there is a select block that will take the chilled water valve to 100% open via priority #3 in the analog output to the chilled water valve Figure 7 – 89.AHU7 in Penthouse Page 16 of 19 Monday, July 06, 2009 Owner’s Operating Requirements 03 FUME HOOD EXHAUST There are four common fume hood exhaust fans located out on the roof off of the penthouse. There are only two exhaust fans that run at any given time. If a fan that is in the lead stops operating then the backup fan will start up and run. There is an isolation damper for each exhaust fan that is open when the exhaust fan is operating and closed when it is off. There are two dilution dampers on each end of the exhaust duct that modulates to maintain a specific static pressure within the exhaust system. These dilution dampers have pneumatic actuators with pilot positioners that are controlled by the direct digital control system. The original Honeywell transducers were replaced with new J.C. transducers and calibrated. LAB PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL CONTROLS The lab differential pressure controls consist of a Johnson Controls R-3180 low range differential pressure controller with the low volume branch signal going to the return damper actuator and also piped to one side of a high pressure selector. The other side of this selector is piped to the branch of the room thermostat which is also controlling the control valve for the hot water reheat coil or coils. The branch line off of this high pressure selector goes out to the supply damper actuator. The pressure differential controller is trying to maintain a negative .02 pressure differential between the lab and the corridor. All have inline air filters on the main air line piped to the controller and they all have shown water and oil contamination in the pneumatic control system. Bruce Mikos indicated that at one time Animal Science experienced an air dryer failure and the control air system was flooded with water. BUILDING PRESSURIZATION CONTROLS Building pressurization is accomplished by controlling the static pressure on the supply side of the fan systems for supply fans 1-4 and lagging the speed of the return fans that are associated with these supply fans behind them. This is done through the DDC controls and VFD drives. Originally the pressurization of the building was done by measuring the atmospheric pressure on the west and east end of the building. There are atmospheric pressure pick up sensors mounted on the outside west and east walls. The west one is located outside the window of room 220 and the east one is outside the window in room 270. The west pick up was damaged and it was repaired to put the original building pressurization control scheme back in operation but it did not work well and was reverted back to control sequence described above. The east static sensor is also damaged and needs to be replaced to be used in the future, The west one should be updated also if the building pressurization control scheme is going to reference atmospheric pressure. The interior building pressure pick up is located just south of the west entrance door to the canyon area in the middle north-south hallway on the second floor. There is a ¼ inch copper line stubbed out into that hallway about 8 feet above the floor. TEMPERATURE CONTROL COMPRESSORS Animal Science is currently getting their building compressed air for temperature control and lab air from the compressed air system at Madigan Lab. Originally there was a Page 17 of 19 Monday, July 06, 2009 Owner’s Operating Requirements 03 Quincy 15 horsepower duplex reciprocating compressor mounted over a receiving tank for temperature control air. There is one compressor pump that has been removed from this duplex setup making the compressor a single pump operation. This compressor has been set up as a backup unit if for some reason the system loses compressed air from Madigan Lab. The air dryer for the temperature control air is a Hankison desiccant air dryer that has also been setup as a standby unit. The power for this air dryer is turned on when the backup air compressor starts up and runs. The lab air compressor is a Quincy 10 horsepower duplex reciprocating unit mounted over a receiving tank. This unit is also a standby unit that starts and runs when the system loses air from Madigan Lab. The lab air is piped through a Hankison refrigerated air dryer. This dryer has an automatic float drain that is suppose to eliminate water that accumulates from the refrigerated process that dries the compressed air. This float drain is a high maintenance item that needs to be maintained and checked on frequent basis or it will fail and flood the air system with water. The temperature control air is not dried again once it enters the Animal Science building like the lab air is. Both air systems run through separate air filter systems. The two filters on the lab air system are Deltec filters with one in service and the other as a standby. The filters for the temperature control air system are two Deltec inline filters. One is a micron filter and the other is a coalescing oil removal filter with an electric automatic discharge drain attached to the bottom of the filter housing to remove water from the filter body. Heat Exchangers HX-1 and HX-2 HX-1 is for the perimeter hot water system and is totally controlled by the BAS. The BAS is doing the stop/start commands to two hot water pumps P-12 and P-12A which run across line voltage from MCC -3 – EM. The pumps being fed from this MCC being that it will still have power from an emergency power generator will allow the building to stay warm in the winter time if you lose power. Only one pump should run at a time and the lead pump will start if the outdoor air temperature drops below 55 degrees. If the lead pump should fail the lag pump will start automatically while sending out a pager alarm that the lead pump has failed. The BAS is monitoring hot water supply temperature and hot water return temperature and controlling the steam valve going to the exchanger. HX-2 is for the reheat hot water system and is totally controlled by the BAS. The BAS is doing the stop/start commands to two hot water pumps P-13 and P-13A which run across line voltage from MCC - 5. Only one pump should run at a time and the lead pump will run 24/7 unless a MTR block in the program will rotate to the lag pump or if the lead pump should fail the lag pump will start automatically while sending out a pager alarm that the lead pump has failed. The BAS is monitoring hot water supply temperature and hot water return temperature and controlling the steam valve going to the exchanger. The set point for this exchanger is 160 degrees with no reset schedule. The transducer for the steam valve was replaced and calibrated. The supply and return temperature sensors were also calibrated. Pump P-13 is locked out of service by the machine shop. The heat exchangers for the hot water perimeter radiation system and the hot water reheat system are located on the mezzanine level of the chilled water plant which is attached to the northwest side of the Animal Science Bldg. There is one heat exchanger for each system and they both have DDC controls with pneumatic actuation. There is one large steam control valve for each heat exchanger. The existing Honeywell transducers were replaced with new J.C. Page 18 of 19 Monday, July 06, 2009 Owner’s Operating Requirements 03 transducers. The original industrial pilot positioner on the steam valve for the reheat heat exchanger was replaced with a Barber Coleman pilot positioner. The transducers, actuator positioners, and temperature sensors were calibrated during the RCx Visit. The steam control valves do not leak through when they are closed to the exchanger. Chilled Water Entrance This entrance is located in the chiller plant in the basement. The return or isolation valve was checked for proper operation and everything seemed fine. The open and close indications were reading correctly. There was no close indication when the valve was closed. The dog on the close limit switch was adjusted and it seems to be working fine at this time. The open indication is working as well. The flow meter seems to be working fine. Some air bleeding out of the flow control valve pilot positioner was present when it is commanded to be open. It appears to be a normally open valve. This entrance is controlled by the BAS via LCM 3 that is also located in the chiller plant. Page 19 of 19 Monday, July 06, 2009 Retrocommissioning Final Report 04 This section is dedicated to the Retrocommissioning Projects that have taken place during the life of this building. It holds the findings, recommendations and links to improving even further the quality of life for the residents and for the building systems. Retrocommissioning Final Report 04 ANIMAL SCIENCES LABORATORY February 2009 A work completed by This document is property of Facilities and Services, Retrocommissioning Team and is not to be revised, copied or distributed without the explicit consent of the Manager of the Team. This document is not intended to be dynamic, but rather a static report taken at one spot in time in order to compare with the past and with the future. © 2008 This document is based upon © 2005, Portland Energy Conservation Inc. (PECI). All rights reserved. Retrocommissioning Final Report 04 Table of Contents E x e c u t i v e S u m m a r y ........................................................................................ 3 P u r p o s e .............................................................................................................. 4 M e t h o d o l o g y ..................................................................................................... 4 D o c u m e n t a t i o n R e v i e w ............................................................................... 5 S i t e A s s e s s m e n t ........................................................................................... 5 A n a l y s i s o f D a t a ................................................................................................ 5 E n e r g y S a v i n g P r o j e c t s P r o p o s e d ........................................................... 6 M a i n t e n a n c e P r o j e c t s S u m m a r y ............................................................. 10 V e r i f i c a t i o n o f S a v i n g s ................................................................................... 13 T h e P a t h t o S u c c e s s – M a i n t e n a n c e o f S a v i n g s ......................................... 15 Page 2 of 15 Monday, July 06, 2009 Retrocommissioning Final Report 04 Executive Summary The Retrocommissioning Team in conjunction with Facilities and Services Engineering Division completed a retrocommissioning study of BUILDINGNAME, for the University of Illinois. BUILDINGNAME was considered to be No. 25 in the Top 50 List of Energy Consumers on campus, with an estimated $AMOUNT annual utility cost. The study was funded by student fees in harmony with their vision to create a sustainable campus. Retrocommissioning, or returning a building to its originally intended design while integrating energy saving measures, is a snapshot in the life of a building that applies a systematic investigation process to improve and optimize a building’s operation and to offer suggestions to improve the overall maintenance. It is an independent process that focuses on the building’s energy using equipment such as the HVAC and other mechanical equipment, lighting equipment, and related controls. It may or may not emphasize bringing the building back to its original intended design specifications. In fact, via the process, the Retrocommissioning team may find that the original specifications no longer apply. The process may result in recommendations for capital improvements, but its primary focus is to optimize the building systems via performing long-needed maintenance and care for aged systems, improving control strategies and allowing graphic displays, tailoring the building’s energy needs by its current tenants, and by improving the very nature of operations and maintenance. Details of this structured method are provided later in the report. The retrocommissioning process began in January of 2008. It involved a coordinated effort between the RCx Team, Directors of Engineering and Maintenance, Electricians Shop, Sheet Metal Shop, Temperature Controls Shop, many Shop Foremen and the willing building staff at Animal Sciences Laboratory (ASL). The process included reviewing documents, conducting interviews with staff and inhabitants of the spaces, performing field investigations, monitoring and analyzing building systems, developing a master findings list, and assisting ASL with selecting measures for implementation. Some of these findings were a mix of “operation and maintenance” repairs that had estimated paybacks of two years or less and “energy saving projects” that were more costly to implement and therefore longer paybacks. Additional measures are also sprinkled in were improvements that had potential energy saving and equipment maintenance impacts, but the saving estimates were based more on experience rather than energy modeling or engineering estimates. Overall, the Retrocommissioning Team has reduced the energy consumption 22% at Animal Sciences Laboratory. This will result in an estimated annual savings of $150,000. Such implementation is ongoing and these preliminary results are rewarding. This report shows the results of these persistent efforts. Page 3 of 15 Monday, July 06, 2009 Retrocommissioning Final Report 04 Purpose The University of Illinois has educated thousands of students over a period of a century. Many of the existing buildings on campus were designed and constructed during an era of abundance, when energy was abundant and economical. Buildings were designed around a certain space intent, which over the years has dramatically changed with new departments and space shifting. Operations and maintenance funding has not grown in proportion with the expansion of the real estate of the university. Maintenance folks have been stretched thin, assigned to care for 15, 20 or more buildings. Therefore, existing heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment and associated equipment have been and are being neglected. These factors have compounded to reduce the efficiencies and operation strategies of the hundreds of pieces of equipment throughout campus, requiring increased expenditures on energy utility costs and decreased tenant comfort. The future is showing an ever increasing utility market, and therefore the essential need for improving the way energy is used. For this very reason, the Retrocommissioning Project was funded to assist the University to reduce the maintenance items, lower energy consumption, educate building tenants, and give direction in using energy in a sustainable way. Methodology What is retrocommissioning? At the University of Illinois it a concentrated focus on the building’s HVAC systems, since they consume the majority of the energy in a building. It is a process whereby a team of engineers and technical individuals approach an existing building with the goal of saving energy and improving tenant comfort, while restoring the building systems to optimal performance. The process requires a review of the operations and maintenance currently conducted in the facility. During field investigations the team meets weekly and brainstorms on methods to improve the building’s performance and efficiency. The basic process requires five fundamental procedures: o o o o o Investigation and data collection Analysis of data Implementation of solutions Projects hand-off Verification of savings These steps take place concurrently. However, below the report shows in detail how the investigation and data collection takes place. The remaining pieces are placed in a table together to logically show the process at each point in time. The last part will discuss the verification of savings that resulted from the decisions made by the Retrocommissioning Team. Page 4 of 15 Monday, July 06, 2009 Retrocommissioning Final Report 04 Investigation and Data Collection The retrocommissioning process began by collecting and evaluating data pertaining to facility equipment and current operation. The primary tasks for this project are outlined below. Documentation Review The first step of the investigative process consisted of obtaining as much building documentation as possible to allow the Team to become familiar with the building and its systems. Blueprints, shop drawings, and energy data were gathered and reviewed by the RCx Team. Site Assessment The next step was to conduct the site assessment. First on the agenda was interviewing the directors and assistants of the operations and maintenance staff at ASL. Questions were asked to ascertain the facility’s operating condition, where specific, known challenges were, what maintenance has been performed, and so on. The retrocommissioning process was also explained and the rewards for assisting were discussed. Many weeks were spent in the building investigating each HVAC piece of equipment and its role in using energy. Each of its components was reviewed including: ductwork, coils, control sequences, the state of the control valves and pneumatic hardware. Occupancy schedules were noted, space temperatures were trended, and tenants were interviewed. Discussions took place with the route mechanics to gain a more in-depth understanding of the building HVAC equipment conditions over the last couple of years. Analysis of Data At each step along the way the findings were noted, then discussed at the weekly progress meetings. Decisions were made at many of these meetings and the actions were followed through on with the varying parties, which was sometimes immediate and at other times sluggish. Therefore, the list below is generated in the form of tables showing the 1) finding, 2) Proposed RCx Solution, 3) The implicated cost estimate and payback expected, 4) If the implementation took place or not, 5) Which party is/was responsible for actions. The implementation of solutions was dependent upon the costs and responsibility factors associated with such deficiencies. In many cases the RCx Team went ahead and resolved the findings listed above with direction from Facilities and Services Engineering Director. These immediate adjustments helped facilitate the energy savings that are observed currently. Some solutions are quick paybacks, others of longer duration, and yet others that are based on qualified engineering principles and experience. Page 5 of 15 Monday, July 06, 2009 Retrocommissioning Final Report 04 Energy Saving Projects Proposed Energy Savings Project Proposal #1 Finding Action Taken AHU5 was running 24/7, even though it serves office areas. Programmed a schedule to allow the unit to be turned off during unoccupied hours agreed upon with building staff. Cost Estimate: $500 Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Payback: < 1 yr. Completed by RCx Implemented? Yes No Will Be Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Ms. Jarrell confirmed implementation of new building schedule. Energy Savings Project Proposal #2 Finding Action Taken Two fume hood exhaust fans running 24/7 with the dilution dampers open 75% continually. Took DDC control of the four exhaust hood fans. Programmed one to always be on EF-1, and then EF-2 to turn on as required to maintain negative static pressure setpoint. This allowed the dilution damper to control to 30% open typically and saved fan electrical energy and maintenance. Cost Estimate: $8,000 Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Payback: < 1 yr. Completed by RCx Implemented? Yes No Will Be Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Energy Savings Project Proposal #3 Finding Action Taken AHU1 to AHU4, which operate 24/7, do not use humidity sensing to take advantage of seasonal changeovers to maximize the economizer cycle. Installed humidity and return air sensors and created a sequence to allow the full economizer air up to 65 deg F if the humidity is not greater than 65%. Then modulate to minimum in other ranges. Cost Estimate: Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering $8,000 Payback: < 1 yr. Completed by RCx Implemented? Yes No Will Be Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Page 6 of 15 Monday, July 06, 2009 Retrocommissioning Final Report 04 Energy Savings Project Proposal #4 Finding Action Taken EF13, which exhausts the toilet rooms, runs 24/7. Gained DDC control of EF13 and programmed a schedule to run during occupied hours only. Cost Estimate: $1,000 Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Payback: < 1 yr. Completed by RCx Implemented? Yes No Will Be Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Ms. Jarrell confirmed implementation of new schedule. Energy Savings Project Proposal #5 Finding Action Taken EF9, which serves the mechanical canyon exhaust, runs 24/7. Due to the fact that this canyon has condensing units inside it discharging heat continuously, DDC controls were installed and the fan scheduled to run 12 hours per day. Cost Estimate: $1,000 Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Payback: < 1 yr. Completed by RCx Implemented? Yes No Will Be Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Energy Savings Project Proposal #6 Finding Action Taken Building patrons are not closing their sashes when not in use, even though the system would respond and back the fans down considerably. Also, the doors to each lab were left open affecting the pressure relationships. Encouraged building staff to place signs in each lab to remind patrons to close their sashes an their lab doors. This contributed to the success of Proposal 2 mentioned above. Cost Estimate: Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering $200 Payback: < 1 yr. Completed by RCx Implemented? Yes No Will Be Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Ms. Jarrell and Ms. Redman assisted RCx in these efforts. Thanks! Page 7 of 15 Monday, July 06, 2009 Retrocommissioning Final Report 04 Energy Savings Project Proposal #7 Finding Action Taken Exhaust in rooms 063 and 067 were found exhausting air even though classes were not in use. Individual control dampers were available for control. The exhaust dampers were connected into the lighting circuit to allow for closing off the exhaust when room is unoccupied. Motion sensors were recommended for installation instead of switches. Cost Estimate: $3,000 Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Payback: < 1 yr. Completed by RCx Implemented? Yes No Will Be Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Ms. Jarrell and Ms. Redman assisted RCx in these efforts. Thanks! Energy Savings Project Proposal #8 Finding Action Taken Two fan coil units located in west basement vestibule. One was electric, the other hot water. The thermostat was located outside of the vestibule down the corridor. The electric fan coil unit was disconnected and the thermostat was moved to the vestibule space to control the hot water fan coil unit. Cost Estimate: $3,000 Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Payback: < 3 yr. Completed by RCx Implemented? Yes No Will Be Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Energy Savings Project Proposal #9 Finding Action Taken Supply air flowing through Room 007 is once-through air being exhausted in the fume hood stack. Proposed a project to connect the exhaust of the office space to a return duct nearby. Also proposed the removal of some walls to allow the air to circulate and thereby reduce concentrated heat loads and client complaints. Cost Estimate: Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering $10,000 Payback: < 2 yr. Completed by RCx Implemented? Yes No Will Be Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Page 8 of 15 Monday, July 06, 2009 Retrocommissioning Final Report 04 Energy Savings Project Proposal #10 Finding Action Taken Lab general exhaust in all rooms was excessively negative. Controllers were replaced as required and the pressure differential was lowered to +/- 0.01. Cost Estimate: $30,000 Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Payback: < 3 yr. Completed by RCx Implemented? Yes No Will Be Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Energy Savings Project Proposal #11 Finding Action Taken VAV boxes in basement offices are capable of using occupancy sensors to control the VAV box and the lighting. Proposed a small project to install the required wiring to bring the VAV boxes under control of the occupancy sensor with reheat coil feedback temperature. Cost Estimate: $3,000 Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Payback: < 1 yr. Completed by RCx Implemented? Yes No Will Be Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Energy Savings Project Proposal #12 Finding Action Taken Fan inlet vanes were abandoned in place when the VFDs were installed. Removed inlet vanes. Cost Estimate: $5,000 Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Payback: < 3 yr. Completed by RCx Implemented? Yes No Will Be Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Energy Savings Project Proposal #13 Finding Action Taken Room 34 & 36 have controls fighting between perimeter and air system. Combined control of the perimeter heat with the VAV box and sequenced properly. Cost Estimate: Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering $2,000 Payback: < 3 yr. Completed by RCx Implemented? Yes No Will Be Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Page 9 of 15 Monday, July 06, 2009 Retrocommissioning Final Report 04 Maintenance Projects Summary Maintenance Project #1 Finding Action Taken Sensors, pilot positioners, and transducers throughout the facility were not reading or actuating accurately. Calibrated or replaced and calibrated each item. Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Completed by RCx Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: This should be done annually. Maintenance Project #2 Finding Action taken Filters and cabinet space in air handling units were cluttered with debris and fouling such that the static pressure drop across them was 0.67”. Coordinated Steam Distribution’s visit to replace filters. Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Completed by RCx Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: This should be done quarterly. Maintenance Project #3 Finding Action Taken Multiple reheat valves throughout the building were leaking through. Maintenance list was provided to Shop 41 for investigation and repair. Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Completed by RCx Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: The water should be tested and chemically treated to prevent premature valve seat deterioration and pipe erosion. Maintenance Project #4 Finding Action Taken Four outdoor air dampers were not stroking properly in each air handling unit. Actuators were investigated, replaced or calibrated to allow better control. Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Completed by RCx Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Maintenance Project #5 Finding Action Taken Written sequences for each unit were not available. Sequences were monitored and written as well as corrected for energy saving performance. Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Completed by RCx Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Page 10 of 15 Monday, July 06, 2009 Retrocommissioning Final Report 04 Maintenance Project #6 Finding Action Taken Mixed air dampers at each air handling unit were stiff and difficult to control, not operating in unison. Damper assemblies were lubed resulting in better controllability. Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Completed by RCx Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Maintenance Project #7 Finding Action Taken Honeywell transducers throughout facility which do not allow for calibration. Replaced all existing transducers with Johnson EP8000 style and calibrated. Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Completed by RCx Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Maintenance Project #8 Finding Action Taken The pilot positioner for the reheat exchanger steam valve was original and requiring major maintenance or repair. Replaced with Barber Coleman style pilot positioner and calibrated. Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Completed by RCx Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Maintenance Project #9 Finding Action Taken Multiple non-operational room pressure controllers affecting the building energy use. Replaced all controllers as required to gain control of pressure in labs and save energy. Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Completed by RCx Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Maintenance Project #10 Finding Action Taken Multiple valves were leaking through to chilled water and reheat coils. Each noted control valve was visited and replaced as required to gain control and prevent leak through. Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Completed by RCx Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Page 11 of 15 Monday, July 06, 2009 Retrocommissioning Final Report 04 Maintenance Project #11 Finding Action Taken Chilled water valve was modulated open (month of December) maintaining a discharge temperature of 55 deg F (not using economizer cycle) at every air handling unit 1-7. The preheat temp setpoint, mixed air setpoint, and discharge air setpoint were all at 55 deg F. A logic block in the program called for two inputs to control the chilled water valve. One was supply fan status and the other was just ON. It would appear that the dampers quit working smoothly or the transducers were not operating properly for control of the mixed air temperature. Fixed dampers and inserted the “SUM/WIN” logic block back into operation to control the chilled water valve operation. Setpoint was changed for mixed air temp to 60 deg F. Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Completed by RCx Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Maintenance Project #12 Finding Action Taken 40 deg F stats are not present on any of the seven air handling units to protect the chilled water coil from freezing in the winter time. Software safeties were programmed. If the 35 deg F stat trips there is a select block that will take the chilled water valve to 100% open via priority #3 in the analog output to the chilled water valve. Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Completed by RCx Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Maintenance Project #13 Finding Action Taken Fume hood fans utilizing old transducers, dilution dampers using old transducers, static pressure sensor not reading accurately. Transducers were replaced with Johnson EP style and calibrated. The static pressure sensor was also calibrated. Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Completed by RCx Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Maintenance Project #14 Finding Action Taken Upon closing the building chilled water supply, the indicator did not read as closed. Adjusted the dog on the close limit switch. Handed Off? To Maintenance To Engineering Completed by RCx Completed by Maintenance Additional Notes: Page 12 of 15 Monday, July 06, 2009 Retrocommissioning Final Report 04 Verification of Savings The data shows that the solutions implemented at the Animal Sciences Laboratory have had serious impacts on the amount of energy consumed and a payback of thousands of dollars. Data was collected over the last year in energy usage and has been compared to this year after the RCx Team visited. Below the difference in monthly usage is noted. TOTAL UTILITIES COST ($) 60,000 50,000 Dollars ($) 40,000 Previous Year 30,000 After RCx 20,000 10,000 0 Jan 2009 Feb 2009 Mar 2009 Apr 2009 May 2009 The real data shown above has already proven savings of $70,125 over the course of only five months. At this rate, savings could reach $175,000 over the course of one year. These savings should be retained for years to come provided that the building systems are properly maintained. Page 13 of 15 Monday, July 06, 2009 Retrocommissioning Final Report 04 2005 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec $48,834 $62,019 $47,305 $37,113 $32,195 $52,599 2005 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec $26,393 $38,279 $19,404 $7,979 $2,539 $14 2005 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec $14,199 $12,777 $14,566 $14,477 $11,268 $16,198 2005 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec $8,242 $10,963 $13,334 $14,656 $18,388 $36,388 0165 Animal Sciences Laboratory Total Utilities Cost ($) 2006 2007 2008 $36,326 $45,529 $48,625 $39,392 $45,688 $46,941 $40,490 $45,856 $47,027 $35,491 $39,151 $40,193 $41,786 $46,800 $39,634 $43,803 $49,902 $44,470 $59,424 $56,016 $42,621 $46,349 $64,458 $41,708 $42,143 $43,940 $39,198 $38,727 $42,578 $41,521 $35,361 $39,267 $40,607 $44,576 $51,177 $36,780 Chilled Water ($) 2006 2007 2008 $98 $1,883 $3,585 $153 $1,311 $2,344 $1,716 $7,756 $4,073 $7,812 $7,854 $8,189 $12,639 $17,870 $11,816 $20,116 $24,371 $22,641 $31,485 $26,449 $25,905 $16,029 $35,656 $22,376 $15,973 $21,023 $16,628 $6,947 $14,243 $10,532 $3,404 $5,845 $6,696 $1,423 $3,920 $1,786 Electric ($) 2006 2007 2008 $12,689 $13,478 $12,267 $12,900 $10,982 $12,097 $14,593 $13,899 $13,777 $12,635 $11,179 $12,839 $13,675 $12,641 $11,880 $12,063 $11,730 $13,743 $14,566 $12,811 $11,934 $15,334 $14,457 $12,043 $12,505 $11,118 $13,240 $13,022 $12,376 $13,009 $11,703 $12,118 $13,015 $12,927 $13,668 $11,397 Steam ($) 2006 2007 2008 $23,539 $30,167 $32,772 $26,338 $33,394 $32,500 $24,181 $24,200 $29,176 $15,045 $20,118 $19,166 $15,472 $16,289 $15,939 $11,624 $13,801 $8,086 $13,373 $16,755 $4,782 $14,987 $14,345 $7,289 $13,665 $11,799 $9,330 $18,757 $15,958 $17,980 $20,254 $21,304 $20,896 $30,226 $33,589 $23,598 2009 $34,852 $32,316 $25,753 $28,107 $31,267 2009 $0 $321 $2,162 $3,627 $10,476 2009 $12,635 $12,927 $10,839 $12,118 $11,907 2009 $22,217 $19,068 $12,751 $12,362 $8,883 Table 1- Utilities costs before and after (green entries) RCx visit Page 14 of 15 Monday, July 06, 2009 Retrocommissioning Final Report 04 The Path to Success – Maintenance of Savings A brand new vehicle that leaves the factory is perfect in every way; it’s been tested, proven, crashed, and trashed. When the proud new owner drives away, there is an air of confidence that the pieces will work in harmony and deliver the satisfaction they expect. However, this satisfaction will only continue as long as the Owner is responsible and learns to maintain its parts. Proud automobile ownership comes from a commitment to keep the auto in shape and tuned per the manufacturer’s instructions. Retrocommissioning has a very similar path. A brand new building, although having its quirks, still possess’ new equipment, new parts, and new warranties. However, the following year the equipment in the building needs care and preventative maintenance. Sometimes years or decades go by before a building is approached with the idea of restoring, or even improving upon, its efficiency. Retrocommissioning puts the building back on the path to success, giving the Owner pride to own that real estate. After the Team leaves, the building is once again under the jurisdiction of the Facility Operators. It is you the reader who must continue on the legacy of maintaining the building system in its best condition possible, operating at its peak efficiency, or better. To maintain the building at its peak efficiency, it will require help from “mechanics”, specifically trained route mechanics who know the building and its method of operation. It will require following up on preventative maintenance tasks or creating new ones to take care of repetitive causes contributing to system inefficiencies. This may require additional funds, but much less than the inefficiencies will. Control systems will need to be calibrated and checked. Utility data should be trended, kept monthly for seasonal comparisons, to review and alert the operator to any deviations. The operator will then need to understand what to do to maintain the energy savings and if not, to be able to speak with someone who can assist. The Engineering Division of Facilities and Services would be available if the need were to arise. The Facility Operator and assistants are in the position to improve upon, or optimize the work performed by the Retrocommissioning Team. There are many other opportunities for savings. That event was a turning point. The operators should consider implementing steps outlined in the publication LEED for Existing Buildings which is available online at Since there are many other buildings on campus to attend to, it may well be the only visit during this decade. Therefore, operator, assistants, and route mechanics: take your stewardship seriously! Treat the building and its systems as a brand new automobile. Commitment will lead the building and its caretakers on the Path to Success. Page 15 of 15 Monday, July 06, 2009 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE PLAN 05 This section is dedicated to the men and women operating and maintaining the facility, as well as the folks at F&S who assist in the building’s systems functioning smoothly and efficiently. This section shall contain all items required to operate and maintain the building, less the occupancy schedules which are in the Owner’s realm of activity. Operating & Maintenance Plan 05 Purpose of Operation and Maintenance Building O&M is the ongoing process of sustaining the performance of building systems according to design intent, the owner’s or occupants’ changing needs, and optimum efficiency levels. The O&M process helps sustain a building’s overall profitability by addressing tenant comfort, equipment reliability, and efficient operation. Efficient operation, in the context of O&M, refers to activities such as scheduling equipment and optimizing energy and comfort-control strategies so that equipment operates only to the degree needed to fulfill its intended function. Maintenance activities involve physically inspecting and caring for equipment. These O&M tasks, when performed systematically, increase reliability, reduce equipment degradation, and sustain energy efficiency. These are vital for energy savings to continue over the life of the building. It is the intent of this document to be dynamic, used to perform the building operation and preventative maintenance (PM) for functionality and sustainability. If there is a suggestion, please revise this form and submit the improvement to the Operations and Maintenance Staff at Facilities and Services. That information could be included on future editions of this document and in other facilities on campus. The Animal Sciences Laboratory is a building dedicated to the furthering of research in the field of animal sciences. This facility requires optimum thermal comfort and indoor air, visual and sound quality over the varying facility activities. With these ultimate objectives in mind, the necessity is laid upon the operations and maintenance staff to follow through in all required responsibilities throughout the facility. This may well require additional parttime or full-time assistance from a third party or by in-house means and an investment in the required tools or computers. The primary energy savings goals for this site are to limit energy use where possible, taking full advantage of economizer function by maximizing the use of outdoor air for cooling and to limit air conditioning and lighting functions during unoccupied hours, except where needed. An O&M service plan for each piece of equipment should eventually be included in this evolving document stating the tasks to be performed, the frequency, and the expected time to perform them. Prerequisites The air handling units at this facility are progressively employing DDC controls in lieu of pneumatic controls. Therefore, it is imperative that the call made to F&S requests the proper mechanics, otherwise without understanding the systems can regress to operating inefficiently. When the route mechanic or other is called, he/she must possess these two prerequisites to work on the DDC systems: • • MUST have access to a laptop or personal computer which is connected to theDDC System in the building. MUST have experience in working with DDC software and have password access to the logic. Page 1 of 5 Thursday, July 16, 2009 Operating & Maintenance Plan 05 Operations Tasks Operations of this building are dependent upon sequences of operation found in the tab “Control Diagrams and Sequences of Operation”. These sequences were developed or reviewed and improved by the Retrocommissioning Team during their visit to the building in November, 2008. Any questions as to the operations can be directed to the DDC Controls Group or Retrocommissioning for assistance. Unique to DDC systems is the ability to trend data. This operation allows the computer to take “snap shots” of the system or sensor at specified time intervals (down to each minute). This data can then later be observed in excel format or by graphical display. This trending is very valuable to review system performance and to reveal non-optimal conditions. Reviewing this data will assist the building operators in providing a more responsive zone and increased energy savings. Trending can always be added to a system upon request to the DDC Controls Group at Facilities and Services. Figure 1: Example of Trend Data Page 2 of 5 Thursday, July 16, 2009 Operating & Maintenance Plan 05 Preventive Maintenance Tasks These Maintenance Tasks are scheduled work orders which are sent to respective shops for completion. Please note when these are completed on the ‘Site Event Log’ at the beginning of this section. Currently Scheduled Preventive Maintenance (PM) Tasks CREW NAME EQUIPMENT TASK_ID FREQ EST MEN EST HRS DESC1 MAINTAIN PER NOTEBOOK CHECKLIST. CONTACT MATT WARD AT 3-8156(PLS ALLOW 35 Refrigeration 00167-AC 1 MAINTENANCE 121 1 2 04 Plumbing 00167-BCKFLW-1 BACKFLOW PREV 365 1 1.4 TEST BACKFLOW PREVENTER 04 Plumbing 00167-BCKFLW-2 BACKFLOW PREV 365 1 1.4 TEST BACKFLOW PREVENTER 41 Temperature Control 00167-AIR COMP-BA AIR COMP YEARLY 030 1 1 1 33 Elevator 00167-CL1 5YR SFTY TEST 5YR 1 33 Elevator 00167-CL1 ANNUAL TEST 365 1 1 33 Elevator 00167-CL1 INSPECTION 182 1 0.9 23 Pipefitter 00167-BOILER-1-ST BOILER START UP 365 1 5.6 23 Pipefitter 00167-BOILER-1-ST INSPECTION 2YR 1 23 COMPRESSOR MAINTENANCE PERFORM 5 YEAR FULL LOAD SAFETY TEST & ASSOCIATED INSPECTION OF EQUIP. ANNUAL TEST ON CHAIR LIFT. /JR INSPECT, ADJUST AND LUBRICATE AS NEEDED. /EE CLEANING AND INSPECTION OF BOILER FOR WINTER START UP. BOILER INSPECTION AS REQ BY PAT KERST FROM EH&S. Page 3 of 5 Thursday, July 16, 2009 Operating & Maintenance Plan 05 Recommended Preventive Maintenance Tasks Each time these are completed, it should be noted at the front of the Systems Manual on the “Site Event Log” for recording purposes. Monthly Time Allotment 2 hours Requires a Shutdown? No Annually 8 hours Yes Annually 8 hours No Annually 16 hours No Annually 8 hours Yes Annually 16 hours Yes Annually Annually 1 hour 1 hour No No Annually Annually 1 hour 4 hours No No Annually 2 hours No Decadally 8 hours Yes Decadally 1 hour No Task to be performed Frequency Review plumbing fixtures & equipment for water or waste leaks. Fix or repair as soon as possible. Review operation of return, outdoor and exhaust air dampers at each air handling unit for proper stroking, tight closing, and full range operability. Review the actuators at each valve and damper associated with each air handling unit for proper actuation. Review and calibrate each space temperature sensor or transmitter to ensure accurate signal is sent to control system. Review filters conditions. Filters should be constructed of glass fibers (NOT synthetic) and have a minimum MERV rating of 13. These should be changed per manufacturer’s recommendations. Review the pressure drop across the water and steam coils. Inspect the cleanliness by spraying a portion with compressed air. Visual inspection is NOT sufficient. Clean coils with compressed air or by vacuuming if dirty. Calibrate the chilled water metering system. Visually inspect the steam entrance valves and condensate metering system. Check for leaks and repair. Calibrate the meter if necessary. Review the heat exchangers for proper operation. Review the steam condensate traps throughout the facility for leaks and steam loss. Repair all faulty traps as soon as possible. Review the insulation on the chilled water, heating water and steam piping. If lacking or deteriorating, replace. Clean the tubes in the heat exchanger’s bundles once every ten years minimum. Review the efficiency of the plumbing fixtures in comparison with new products. Consider replacing the fixtures with higher efficient fixtures if reasonable. Page 4 of 5 Thursday, July 16, 2009 Operating & Maintenance Plan 05 Task to be performed Frequency Time Allotment Requires a Shutdown? Review the air handling units and associated equipment. Many problems? Many calls? High amount of maintenance? Recommend replacing? Submit request to Facilities and Services for a proper review and recommendation from engineering. Test the fire alarm system. Decadally 2 hours No Annually 1 hour No Page 5 of 5 Thursday, July 16, 2009 ASL Systems Manual Site Event Log This page is intended to be used to record site events such as water testing, maintenance visits, re-calibration of the controls and all such events that affect the building’s systems overall performance. Accurate records produce energy and economic savings and allow the transfer of pertinent information to the next party. The first line below is an example. Date 1/25/2008 Site Event Calibrated Controls in Room 0103 By Whom John Smith Company TC Route Mechanic Plumbing & Fire Protection 06 This section is dedicated to the plumbing and fire protection tradesmen and associated engineers. It is here for any data related to the functioning, replacement, and energy consumption by the plumbing and fire protection systems in the building. HVAC 07 This section is dedicated to the heating, ventilating and air conditioning tradesmen and associated engineers. It is here for any data related to the functioning, replacement, and energy consumption by the HVAC systems in the building. AIR HANDLING UNIT TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: SYSTEM UNIT DATE Animal Science North West Roof Charles Jenkins AHU DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Total Cooling CFM Total Heating CFM Outdoor Air CFM Return Air CFM Arrangement No. of Pre-Filters Filter Sizes (in.) Filter Types No. of Bag Filters Bag Filter Sizes (in.) Bag Filter Type DESIGN TEST DATA Maximum Supply CFM Discharge S.P. (in.) Suction S.P. (in.) Total Δ S.P. (in.) DESIGN 0 89 AHU 1 Friday, January 09, 2009 FINAL 14,408 0 10,111 30 20/20/2 Pleated n/a n/a n/a BEFORE AFTER PRELIMINARY BEFORE Δ Filter Δ S.P. Return Fan Δ S.P. Preheat Coil Δ S.P. Energy Wheel Δ S.P. Plate HX Δ S.P. Cooling Coil Δ S.P. Supply Fan Δ S.P. Reheat Coil Δ S.P. AFTER FINAL 14,408 2.22 -0.23 2.45 Δ BEFORE AFTER -0.09 -0.87 -0.1 -0.1 0.09 -0.14 -0.14 -0.23 -0.23 2.22 Δ REMARKS: SUPPLY CFM NOTED IS AT 42 HZ. 20,583 SUPPLY CFM AT 60 HZ. PER CALCULATION. TAB 2-03 Page 1 of 3 Facilities and Services Retrocommissioning SUPPLY FAN TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: FAN DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Class Motor Make Motor Frame Motor HP Motor RPM Volts / Phase / Hz F.L. Amps / S.F. Motor Sheave Make Motor Sheave Dia. Motor Shaft Dia. No. of Belts Belt Make Belt Size Sheave Distance TEST DATA CFM Fan RPM Fan Hz (VFD) Total S.P. Suction Total S.P. Discharge Total S.P. Amperage T1/T2/T3 Voltage Animal Science North West Roof Charles Jenkins SYSTEM UNIT DATE DESIGN 230/460 60/30 1,765 3 PRELIMINARY 60 CL ► CL CL ► CL DESIGN 0 PRELIMINARY 230/460 0 89 AHU 1 Friday, January 09, 2009 FINAL Snyder General 300 AF CCW 4 VD 0222 2 Magnatek S 284 25 1,245 230 3 60 1.15 Browning 3TB70 1 7/8 3 Gates BX108 CL ► CL 42 1/4 -1+3 14.8 FINAL 14,408 918 42 -0.23 2.22 2.45 14 230 14.8 REMARKS: Fan has vortex dampers Fan sheave: 3TB95, 2 11/16 shaft dia. Inside of supply housing has mold through out. 20,583 SUPPLY CFM @ 60 HZ. PER CALCULATION. TAB 6-03A Page 2 of 3 Facilities and Services Retrocommissioning RETURN FAN TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: FAN DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Class Motor Make Motor Frame Motor HP Motor RPM Volts / Phase / Hz F.L. Amps / S.F. Motor Sheave Make Motor Sheave Dia. Motor Shaft Dia. No. of Belts Belt Make Belt Size Sheave Distance TEST DATA CFM Fan RPM Fan Hz (VFD) Total S.P. Suction Total S.P. Discharge Total S.P. Amperage T1/T2/T3 Voltage Animal Science North West Roof Charles Jenkins SYSTEM UNIT DATE DESIGN 230/460 24.4/12.2 1,750 3 PRELIMINARY 60 0.0 CL ► CL DESIGN 0 CL ► CL 89 AHU 1 Friday, January 09, 2009 FINAL Snyder General 300 AF CCW 4 VD 0228 2 Magnatek S 215 T 10 1,109 3 60 230 1.15 Browning 2BK55H 1 3/8 2 Gates BX103 41 3/8 +1-3 CL ► CL PRELIMINARY 7.8 230/460 FINAL 10,111 613 38 -0.87 0.09 0.96 7.8 189 REMARKS: The fan has vortex dampers. Fan sheave: 2TB90, 2 11/16 shaft dia. Return Fan CFM at 60 Hz. = 15,965. TAB 6-03B Page 3 of 3 7.6 AIR HANDLING UNIT TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: Animal Science PENTHOUSE C. JENKINS SYSTEM UNIT DATE 89 AHU 2 Monday, December 01, 2008 AHU DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Total Cooling CFM Total Heating CFM Outdoor Air CFM Return Air CFM Arrangement No. of Pre-Filters Filter Sizes (in.) Filter Types No. of Bag Filters Bag Filter Sizes (in.) Bag Filter Type DESIGN FINAL 25,000 14,408 TEST DATA Maximum Supply CFM Discharge S.P. (in.) Suction S.P. (in.) Total Δ S.P. (in.) DESIGN 25,000 19,000 BEFORE AFTER 10,111 Horiz. Draw Thru. 30 20/20/2 Pleated n/a n/a n/a FINAL 14,408 2.22 -0.23 2.45 PRELIMINARY Δ BEFORE Filter Δ S.P. Return Fan Δ S.P. Preheat Coil Δ S.P. Energy Wheel Δ S.P. Plate HX Δ S.P. Cooling Coil Δ S.P. Supply Fan Δ S.P. Reheat Coil Δ S.P. AFTER Δ BEFORE AFTER -0.09 -0.87 -0.1 -0.1 0.09 -0.14 -0.14 -0.23 -0.23 2.22 REMARKS: Supply Air CFM noted above is at 39 Hz. Supply CFM at 60 Hz. = 25,820. TAB 2-03 Page 1 of 3 Δ SUPPLY FAN TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: FAN DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Class Motor Make Motor Frame Motor HP Motor RPM Volts / Phase / Hz F.L. Amps / S.F. Motor Sheave Make Motor Sheave Dia. Motor Shaft Dia. No. of Belts Belt Make Belt Size Sheave Distance SYSTEM UNIT DATE Animal Science PENTHOUSE C. JENKINS DESIGN 230/460 9.8/49 TEST DATA CFM Fan RPM Fan Hz (VFD) Total S.P. Suction Total S.P. Discharge Total S.P. Amperage T1/T2/T3 Voltage 1,770 3 89 AHU 2 Monday, December 01, 2008 PRELIMINARY 60 CL ► CL CL ► CL DESIGN 25,000 PRELIMINARY 230/460 0 FINAL Snyder General 300 AF CCW 4 VD 0223 2 Magnatek E 324 T 40 1,178 3 60 230 1.15 Browning 4TB80 2 1/8 4 Gates BX 116 CL ► CL 45 3/8 +2-3 28.8 FINAL 16,783 1,007 39 -0.36 2.47 2.83 29.6 230 28.6 REMARKS: Fan sheave: 4TB94/ 2 11/16 Fan has vortex dampers, they have been disabled in the open position. The isolation dampers do not operate properly, the bottom blades are not connected to the actuator arms any longer, they have broken the connecting rivots. The units access door has a bad weather seal, allowing outside air to infiltrate. Supply CFM at 60 Hz. = 25,820. TAB 6-03A Page 2 of 3 Facilities and Services Retrocommissioning RETURN FAN TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: FAN DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Class Motor Make Motor Frame Motor HP Motor RPM Volts / Phase / Hz F.L. Amps / S.F. Motor Sheave Make Motor Sheave Dia. Motor Shaft Dia. No. of Belts Belt Make Belt Size Sheave Distance TEST DATA CFM Fan RPM Fan Hz (VFD) Total S.P. Suction Total S.P. Discharge Total S.P. Amperage T1/T2/T3 Voltage Animal Science PENTHOUSE C. JENKINS SYSTEM UNIT DATE DESIGN 230/460 37.6/18.8 1,750 3 PRELIMINARY 60 0.0 CL ► CL DESIGN 25,000 CL ► CL 89 AHU 2 Monday, December 01, 2008 FINAL Snyder General 300 AF CCW 4 VD 0238 2 Magnatek Y 254 T 15 1,089 3 60 230 1.15 Browning 3TB52 1 5/8 3 Gates BX103 42 1/8 +2-3 CL ► CL PRELIMINARY 10.4 230/460 FINAL 11,721 670 35 -1.02 -0.01 1.03 10.2 165 10.1 REMARKS: Fan has vortex dampers, they have been disabled in the open position. The isolation dampers will not close 100%, they were lubricated but they still do not close all the way. Fan sheave: 3TB78/ 2 11/16 Return Fan CFM at 60 Hz. = 20,093. TAB 6-03B Page 3 of 3 Facilities and Services Retrocommissioning AIR HANDLING UNIT TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: SYSTEM UNIT DATE Animal Science PENTHOUSE Charles Jenkins AHU DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Total Cooling CFM Total Heating CFM Outdoor Air CFM Return Air CFM Arrangement No. of Pre-Filters Filter Sizes (in.) Filter Types No. of Bag Filters Bag Filter Sizes (in.) Bag Filter Type DESIGN TEST DATA Maximum Supply CFM Discharge S.P. (in.) Suction S.P. (in.) Total Δ S.P. (in.) DESIGN 0 89 AHU 3 Monday, December 01, 2008 FINAL 14,235 0 10,524 Horiz. Draw Thru 30 20/20/2 Pleated n/a n/a n/a BEFORE AFTER PRELIMINARY Δ BEFORE Filter Δ S.P. Return Fan Δ S.P. Preheat Coil Δ S.P. Energy Wheel Δ S.P. Plate HX Δ S.P. Cooling Coil Δ S.P. Supply Fan Δ S.P. Reheat Coil Δ S.P. AFTER FINAL 14,235 2.1 -0.26 2.36 Δ BEFORE AFTER -0.1 -0.91 -0.12 -0.12 0.24 -0.15 -0.15 -0.26 -0.26 2.1 REMARKS: Supply Air CFM noted above is at 42 Hz. Supply Air CFM at 60 Hz. = 20,336. TAB 2-03 Page 1 of 3 Δ SUPPLY FAN TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: FAN DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Class Motor Make Motor Frame Motor HP Motor RPM Volts / Phase / Hz F.L. Amps / S.F. Motor Sheave Make Motor Sheave Dia. Motor Shaft Dia. No. of Belts Belt Make Belt Size Sheave Distance TEST DATA CFM Fan RPM Fan Hz (VFD) Total S.P. Suction Total S.P. Discharge Total S.P. Amperage T1/T2/T3 Voltage Animal Science PENTHOUSE Charles Jenkins SYSTEM UNIT DATE DESIGN 230/460 60/30 1,765 3 PRELIMINARY 60 CL ► CL CL ► CL DESIGN 21,000 1,338 89 AHU 3 Monday, December 01, 2008 FINAL Snyder General 300AF CCW 4 VD 0225 2 Magnatek S284T 25 1,244 3 60 230 1.15 Browning 3TB70 1 7/8 3 Gates BX 108 42 1/8 -1+3 CL ► CL PRELIMINARY 5 15 230/460 0 FINAL 14,235 907 42 -0.26 2.1 2.36 16 230 15 REMARKS: This fan has vortex dampers, they have been disabled in the open position. The fan sheave: 3TB94 / 2 11/16 TAB 6-03A Page 2 of 3 Facilities and Services Retrocommissioning RETURN FAN TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: FAN DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Class Motor Make Motor Frame Motor HP Motor RPM Volts / Phase / Hz F.L. Amps / S.F. Motor Sheave Make Motor Sheave Dia. Motor Shaft Dia. No. of Belts Belt Make Belt Size Sheave Distance T TEST DATA CFM Fan RPM Fan Hz (VFD) Total S.P. Suction Total S.P. Discharge Total S.P. Amperage T1/T2/T3 Voltage SYSTEM UNIT DATE Animal Science PENTHOUSE Charles Jenkins DESIGN 230/460 24.4/12.2 1,750 3 PRELIMINARY 60 0.0 CL ► CL CL ► CL DESIGN 16,000 970 89 AHU 3 Monday, December 01, 2008 FINAL Snyder General 300 AF CCW 4 VD 0239 2 Magnatek S 215 T 10 1,092 3 60 230 1.15 Browning 2VP60 1 3/8 2 Gates B 103 40 3/4 +2-1 CL ► CL PRELIMINARY 2.5 7.8 230/460 FINAL 10,524 638 38 -0.91 0.24 1.15 7.8 184 REMARKS: This fan has vortex dampers that have been disabled in the open position. fan sheave: 2TB94 / 2 11/16 Browning Return Fan CFM at 60 Hz. = 16,617. TAB 6-03B Page 3 of 3 7.7 AIR HANDLING UNIT TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: SYSTEM UNIT DATE Animal Science PENTHOUSE Charles Jenkins AHU DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Total Cooling CFM Total Heating CFM Outdoor Air CFM Return Air CFM Arrangement No. of Pre-Filters Filter Sizes (in.) Filter Types No. of Bag Filters Bag Filter Sizes (in.) Bag Filter Type DESIGN TEST DATA Maximum Supply CFM Discharge S.P. (in.) Suction S.P. (in.) Total Δ S.P. (in.) DESIGN 0 89 AHU 4 Monday, December 01, 2008 FINAL 17,666 0 12,474 30 20/20/2 Pleated n/a n/a n/a BEFORE AFTER PRELIMINARY Δ BEFORE Filter Δ S.P. Return Fan Δ S.P. Preheat Coil Δ S.P. Energy Wheel Δ S.P. Plate HX Δ S.P. Cooling Coil Δ S.P. Supply Fan Δ S.P. Reheat Coil Δ S.P. AFTER FINAL 17,666 2.2 -0.5 2.70 Δ BEFORE AFTER -0.14 -1 -0.2 -0.2 -0.04 -0.27 -0.27 -0.5 -0.5 2.2 REMARKS: The Supply Air CFM noted above is at 41 Hz. The Supply Air CFM at 60 Hz. = 25,853. TAB 2-03 Page 1 of 3 Δ SUPPLY FAN TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: FAN DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Class Motor Make Motor Frame Motor HP Motor RPM Volts / Phase / Hz F.L. Amps / S.F. Motor Sheave Make Motor Sheave Dia. Motor Shaft Dia. No. of Belts Belt Make Belt Size Sheave Distance TEST DATA CFM Fan RPM Fan Hz (VFD) Total S.P. Suction Total S.P. Discharge Total S.P. Amperage T1/T2/T3 Voltage Animal Science PENTHOUSE Charles Jenkins SYSTEM UNIT DATE DESIGN 230/460 9.8/49 1,770 3 89 AHU 4 Monday, December 01, 2008 PRELIMINARY 60 CL ► CL CL ► CL DESIGN 25,000 1,500 PRELIMINARY 230/460 0 FINAL Snyder General 300 AF CCW 4 VD 0224 2 Magnatek E324T 40 1,250 3 60 230 1.15 Browning 4TB80 2 1/8 4 Gates BX 116 45 1/2 +2-2 CL ► CL 26.9 FINAL 17,666 1,060 41 -0.5 2.2 2.7 26.6 230 27.7 REMARKS: Fan sheave: 4TB94/ 2 11/16 shaft. Fan has vortex dampers. 25852.68293 TAB 6-03A Page 2 of 3 Facilities and Services Retrocommissioning RETURN FAN TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: FAN DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Class Motor Make Motor Frame Motor HP Motor RPM Volts / Phase / Hz F.L. Amps / S.F. Motor Sheave Make Motor Sheave Dia. Motor Shaft Dia. No. of Belts Belt Make Belt Size Sheave Distance TEST DATA CFM Fan RPM Fan Hz (VFD) Total S.P. Suction Total S.P. Discharge Total S.P. Amperage T1/T2/T3 Voltage Animal Science PENTHOUSE Charles Jenkins SYSTEM UNIT DATE DESIGN 230/460 37.6/18.8 1,750 3 PRELIMINARY 60 0.0 CL ► CL CL ► CL DESIGN 0 89 AHU 4 Monday, December 01, 2008 FINAL Snyder General 300 AF CCW 4 VD 0204 2 Magnatek Y 254 T 15 1,094 3 60 230 1.15 Browning 3TB52 1 5/8 3 Gates BX 103 42 +2-2 CL ► CL PRELIMINARY FINAL 12,474 713 37 -1 -0.04 11.5 230/460 11.4 186 11.4 REMARKS: Fan sheave: 3TB80/ 2 11/16 shaft. Fan has vortex dampers. Return Fan CFM at 60 Hz. = 20,228. TAB 6-03B Page 3 of 3 Facilities and Services Retrocommissioning AIR HANDLING UNIT TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: SYSTEM UNIT DATE Animal Science Penthouse Charles Jenkins 89 AHU 5 Friday, January 30, 2009 AHU DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Total Cooling CFM Total Heating CFM Outdoor Air CFM Return Air CFM Arrangement No. of Pre-Filters Filter Sizes (in.) Filter Types No. of Bag Filters Bag Filter Sizes (in.) Bag Filter Type DESIGN FINAL Semco Air Systems n/a n/a 9,947 0 7,905 Horiz. Draw Thru TEST DATA Maximum Supply CFM Discharge S.P. (in.) Suction S.P. (in.) Total Δ S.P. (in.) DESIGN 0 30 20/20/2 Pleated n/a n/a n/a BEFORE AFTER PRELIMINARY Δ BEFORE Filter Δ S.P. Return Fan Δ S.P. Preheat Coil Δ S.P. Energy Wheel Δ S.P. Plate HX Δ S.P. Cooling Coil Δ S.P. Supply Fan Δ S.P. Reheat Coil Δ S.P. AFTER FINAL 9,947 1.08 -0.02 1.10 Δ BEFORE AFTER -0.1 -0.12 -0.11 0.24 -0.11 -0.02 -0.02 1.08 Δ REMARKS: All air readings were taken with the outside air set at 40%. The Supply Air CFM noted above is at 30 Hz. The Supply Air CFM at 60 Hz. = 19,894. TAB 2-03 Page 1 of 5 Facilities and Services Retrocommissioning SUPPLY FAN TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: FAN DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Class Motor Make Motor Frame Motor HP Motor RPM Volts / Phase / Hz F.L. Amps / S.F. Motor Sheave Make Motor Sheave Dia. Motor Shaft Dia. No. of Belts Belt Make Belt Size Sheave Distance TEST DATA CFM Fan RPM Fan Hz (VFD) Total S.P. Suction Total S.P. Discharge Total S.P. Amperage T1/T2/T3 Voltage Animal Science Lab PENTHOUSE SYSTEM UNIT DATE DESIGN 230/460 89 AHU 5 Friday, January 30, 2009 PRELIMINARY 1,765 3 FINAL SNYDER GENERAL 300AFCCW 4XG00180 2 MAGNATEK S284-T 25 908 3 60 230/460 1.15 BROWNING 3B5V6.6 1 7/8 3 GATES BX 112 CL ► CL 44 3/4 +1-2 CL ► CL 60 0 CL ► CL DESIGN 0 PRELIMINARY 230/460 0 18.5 FINAL 9,947 659 30 -0.02 1.08 1.1 3 459 19 REMARKS: TAB 6-03A Page 2 of 5 Facilities and Services Retrocommissioning RETURN FAN TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: Animal Science PENTHOUSE Charles Jenkins FAN DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Class Motor Make Motor Frame Motor HP Motor RPM Volts / Phase / Hz F.L. Amps / S.F. Motor Sheave Make Motor Sheave Dia. Motor Shaft Dia. No. of Belts Belt Make Belt Size Sheave Distance DESIGN TEST DATA CFM Fan RPM Fan Hz (VFD) Total S.P. Suction Total S.P. Discharge Total S.P. Amperage T1/T2/T3 Voltage DESIGN 0 SYSTEM UNIT DATE PRELIMINARY FINAL Snyder General 300 AF CCW 4XG00181 2 Magnatek S 254 T 15 852 3 60 230/460 0.0 1.15 Browning 2VP7.5 1 5/8 2 Gates B 112 CL ► CL 43 1/4 -3 +0 CL ► CL 1,750 0 CL ► CL 37.6 89 AHU 5 Friday, January 30, 2009 PRELIMINARY 18.8 0 10.3 FINAL 7,905 470 29 -0.12 0.24 0.36 10.2 359 10.1 REMARKS: This fan has vortek dampers that need to be removed. The outside air dampers were at 40% during the readings, thus making the relief dampers open to the same. Return Fan CFM at 60 Hz. = 16,355. TAB 6-03B Page 3 of 5 Facilities and Services Retrocommissioning AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT (FLOW HOOD) PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: ROOM SERVED 36 36 34 34 30 28 24A 24 20 116A 116B 116C 116D 116E 116F 112 110 108 106 102 196 190 188 186 184 182 180 212 210 208 206 204 202A 202A 202B 296 292 290 288 286 284 282 Animal Science Lab PENTHOUSE OUTLET TYPE SIZE CD 10 CD 8 CD 10 CD 10 CD 8 CD 8 CD 8 CD 10 CD 10 CD 8 CD 6 CD 10 CD 10 CD 8 CD 8 CD 10 CD 10 CD 10 10 CD 10 CD CD 10 CD 10 CD 8 CD 8 CD 8 CD 10 CD 10 CD 10 CD 8 CD 10 CD 8 CD 8 CD 8 CD 8 CD 8 CD 10 CD 12 CD 10 CD 8 CD 10 CD 8 CD 8 SYSTEM: DATE: APPARATUS: DESIGN PREVIOUS TAB PRELIMINARY CFM CFM CFM 275 175 280 280 200 200 220 300 300 200 100 350 520 200 250 300 300 300 325 720 800 750 200 200 250 350 600 375 250 400 250 200 225 225 200 800 1,000 275 225 375 250 250 TAB 9B-03 89 AHU 5 Friday, January 30, 2009 FINAL CFM PERCENT OF DESIGN Page 4 of 5 Facilities and Services Retrocommissioning AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT (FLOW HOOD) PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: ROOM SERVED 314 312 310 308 306 304 302B 302A 396 394 392 390 388 386 384 382 380 410 408 406 404 404 402 498 496 492 490 488 486 484 TOTALS SYSTEM: DATE: APPARATUS: Animal Science Lab PENTHOUSE OUTLET TYPE SIZE CD 10 CD 10 CD 8 CD 8 CD 8 CD 8 CD 8 CD 10 CD 10 CD 10 CD 8 CD 8 CD 8 CD 8 CD 10 CD 10 CD 10 CD 8 CD 8 CD 6 CD 10 CD 10 CD 10 CD 6 CD 10 CD 10 CD 6 CD 8 CD 8 CD 8 DESIGN PREVIOUS TAB PRELIMINARY CFM CFM CFM 450 400 200 200 200 200 175 350 600 350 200 200 200 200 375 375 600 200 200 125 285 285 325 150 350 400 50 200 200 200 22,490 0 0 89 AHU 5 Friday, January 30, 2009 FINAL CFM PERCENT OF DESIGN 0 REMARKS: TAB 9B-03 Page 5 of 5 Facilities and Services Retrocommissioning AIR HANDLING UNIT TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: SYSTEM UNIT DATE Animal Science Penthouse Charles Jenkins AHU DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Total Cooling CFM Total Heating CFM Outdoor Air CFM Return Air CFM Arrangement No. of Pre-Filters Filter Sizes (in.) Filter Types No. of Bag Filters Bag Filter Sizes (in.) Bag Filter Type DESIGN TEST DATA Maximum Supply CFM Discharge S.P. (in.) Suction S.P. (in.) Total Δ S.P. (in.) DESIGN 0 89 AHU 6 Friday, January 30, 2009 FINAL 8,000 0 5,612 Horiz. Draw Thru 16 20/20/2 Pleated n/a n/a n/a BEFORE AFTER PRELIMINARY Δ BEFORE Filter Δ S.P. Return Fan Δ S.P. Preheat Coil Δ S.P. Energy Wheel Δ S.P. Plate HX Δ S.P. Cooling Coil Δ S.P. Supply Fan Δ S.P. Reheat Coil Δ S.P. AFTER FINAL 8,000 0.95 -1.21 2.16 Δ BEFORE AFTER -0.95 -0.22 -1.03 0.37 -1.03 -1.21 -1.21 0.95 REMARKS: The Supply Air CFM noted above is at 43 Hz. The Supply Air CFM at 60 Hz. = 11,163. TAB 2-03 Page 1 of 3 Δ SUPPLY FAN TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: SYSTEM UNIT DATE Animal Science Penthouse Charles Jenkins FAN DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Class Motor Make Motor Frame Motor HP Motor RPM Volts / Phase / Hz F.L. Amps / S.F. Motor Sheave Make Motor Sheave Dia. Motor Shaft Dia. No. of Belts Belt Make Belt Size Sheave Distance DESIGN PRELIMINARY TEST DATA CFM Fan RPM Fan Hz (VFD) Total S.P. Suction Total S.P. Discharge Total S.P. Amperage T1/T2/T3 Voltage DESIGN 0 PRELIMINARY 0 0 0 CL ► CL CL ► CL 89 AHU 6 Friday, January 30, 2009 FINAL Snyder General 22 AF CCW 4VD0226 2 Magnatek Y 254 T 15 1,292 3 60 230 1.15 Browning 2TB6.6 1 5/8 2 Gates BX 90 35 3/4 -2+1 CL ► CL 12.4 FINAL 8,000 1,328 43 1.21 0.95 2.16 12.9 230 12.2 REMARKS: TAB 6-03A Page 2 of 3 Facilities and Services Retrocommissioning RETURN FAN TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: Animal Science Penthouse Charles Jenkins FAN DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Class Motor Make Motor Frame Motor HP Motor RPM Volts / Phase / Hz F.L. Amps / S.F. Motor Sheave Make Motor Sheave Dia. Motor Shaft Dia. No. of Belts Belt Make Belt Size Sheave Distance DESIGN TEST DATA CFM Fan RPM Fan Hz (VFD) Total S.P. Suction Total S.P. Discharge Total S.P. Amperage T1/T2/T3 Voltage DESIGN 0 SYSTEM UNIT DATE PRELIMINARY 0 0.0 CL ► CL CL ► CL 89 AHU 6 Friday, January 30, 2009 FINAL Snyder General 245 AF CCW 4VD0241 2 Magnatek S213T 7.5 1,126 3 60 230 1.15 Browning 2TB4.2 1 3/8 2 Gates A 85 34 5/8 +1-1 CL ► CL PRELIMINARY 3.8 0 FINAL 5,612 623 42 -0.22 0.37 0.59 3.7 187 3.7 REMARKS: This fan has vortex dampers that need removed. Return Fan CFM at 60 Hz. = 8,017. TAB 6-03B Page 3 of 3 Facilities and Services Retrocommissioning AIR HANDLING UNIT TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: Animal Science Penthouse Charles Jenkins AHU DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Total Cooling CFM Total Heating CFM Outdoor Air CFM Return Air CFM Arrangement No. of Pre-Filters Filter Sizes (in.) Filter Types No. of Bag Filters Bag Filter Sizes (in.) Bag Filter Type DESIGN TEST DATA Maximum Supply CFM Discharge S.P. (in.) Suction S.P. (in.) Total Δ S.P. (in.) DESIGN 0 SYSTEM UNIT DATE 89 AHU 7 Friday, January 30, 2009 FINAL 5,228 0 4,972 Horiz. Draw Thru 16 20/20/2 Pleated n/a n/a n/a BEFORE AFTER FINAL 5,228 0.94 -0.27 1.21 PRELIMINARY Δ BEFORE Filter Δ S.P. Return Fan Δ S.P. Preheat Coil Δ S.P. Energy Wheel Δ S.P. Plate HX Δ S.P. Cooling Coil Δ S.P. Supply Fan Δ S.P. Reheat Coil Δ S.P. AFTER Δ BEFORE AFTER Δ -0.21 -0.17 -0.23 -0.39 0.44 0.56 -0.23 -0.27 -0.27 0.94 0.5 1.21 REMARKS: The Supply Air CFM noted above is at 28 Hz. The Supply Air CFM at 60 Hz. = 11,203. TAB 2-03 Page 1 of 3 SUPPLY FAN TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: SYSTEM UNIT DATE Animal Science Penthouse Charles Jenkins FAN DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Class Motor Make Motor Frame Motor HP Motor RPM Volts / Phase / Hz F.L. Amps / S.F. Motor Sheave Make Motor Sheave Dia. Motor Shaft Dia. No. of Belts Belt Make Belt Size Sheave Distance DESIGN PRELIMINARY TEST DATA CFM Fan RPM Fan Hz (VFD) Total S.P. Suction Total S.P. Discharge Total S.P. Amperage T1/T2/T3 Voltage DESIGN 0 PRELIMINARY 0 0 15 1,760 0 CL ► CL CL ► CL 89 AHU 7 Friday, January 30, 2009 FINAL Snyder General 222 AF CCW 4VD0227 2 Baldor 254T 15 821 3 60 230 1.15 Browning 2TB6.8 1 5/8 2 Gates BX90 CL ► CL 35 3/4 +2-2 10 FINAL 5,228 868 28 -0.27 0.94 1.21 9.8 133 9.9 REMARKS: TAB 6-03A Page 2 of 3 Facilities and Services Retrocommissioning RETURN FAN TEST REPORT PROJECT: LOCATION: READINGS TAKEN BY: Animal Science Penthouse Charles Jenkins FAN DATA Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Class Motor Make Motor Frame Motor HP Motor RPM Volts / Phase / Hz F.L. Amps / S.F. Motor Sheave Make Motor Sheave Dia. Motor Shaft Dia. No. of Belts Belt Make Belt Size Sheave Distance DESIGN TEST DATA CFM Fan RPM Fan Hz (VFD) Total S.P. Suction Total S.P. Discharge Total S.P. Amperage T1/T2/T3 Voltage DESIGN 0 SYSTEM UNIT DATE PRELIMINARY 1,755 0 0.0 CL ► CL CL ► CL 89 AHU 7 Friday, January 30, 2009 FINAL Snyder General 245 AF CCW 4VD0242 2 Magnatek S213T 7.5 753 3 60 230 1.15 Browning 2VP60 1 3/8 2 Gates A 85 33 3/4 +2-1 CL ► CL PRELIMINARY 5.2 0 FINAL 4,972 552 26 -0.17 0.39 0.56 5.1 116 5.1 REMARKS: This fan has vortex dampers that need to be removed. Return Fan CFM at 60 Hz. = 11,474. TAB 6-03B Page 3 of 3 Facilities and Services Retrocommissioning LABORATORY DOCUMENTATION LAB HOOD EXHAUST INITIAL FINAL CFM AT MAX PRESSURE PRESSURE HOOD? FPM READING READING 42 45 107 111 118 121 122 155 YES YES NO NO YES NO YES YES 365 572 672 519 -0.012 -0.028 -0.006 -0.002 -0.032 -0.054 -0.011 -0.024 157 163 YES YES 690 531 -0.06 -0.013 590 170 176 191 YES YES NO 690 572 193 205 209 216 218 YES YES YES NO YES 220 222 227 233 235 237 YES NO YES YES YES YES 255 259 263 268 YES YES YES NO 608 560 270 YES 513 278 280 291 293 305 307 309 YES NO YES YES NO NO NO 602 0.024 -0.025 0.006 -0.011 -0.005 -0.012 -0.011 -0.011 -0.015 -0.012 -0.012 -0.016 Controller Works? YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES -0.013 -0.028 YES YES -0.055 -0.03 RED TAG 2087 0.135 0.007 NO 590 649 566 608 -0.068 -0.031 -0.006 -0.004 -0.012 -0.01 -0.013 -0.011 YES YES YES YES 626 560 -0.019 0.045 -0.024 -0.014 -0.013 -0.013 YES YES YES YES YES NO YES NO YES WITH TOWEL SASH OPEN SASH CLOSED PRESS. SA CFM RA CFM PRESS. SA CFM RA CFM NOTES hood is red tagged, needs to be recalibrated. Room has new vav boxes. room has new vav boxes adj. controler fan powered unit adj. controler fan powered unit,runs all the time. -0.015 -0.051 -0.052 YES YES NO -0.045 -0.01 -0.012 -0.037 -0.003 613 602 WITHOUT TOWEL SASH CLOSED SASH OPEN SA CFM RA CFM PRESS. SA CFM RA CFM fume hood in alarm with sash down, will not control, needs adjusted. fan powered, adj. the controller, also replaced the controller on the fan powered unit. fan powered unit,adj controler adj. S.A. & R.A. to get D.P. there are 4 individual drops off the exhaust line, they are above testing equipment, damper control is electronic and tied to the testing equipment. -0.017 -0.032 594 156 298 26 -0.028 -0.038 551 394 0 0 -0.058 -0.045 628 419 0 0 -0.017 -0.012 386 120 82 19 n/a -0.018 423 178 220 113 -0.043 -0.071 -0.031 -0.04 532 251 0 0 -0.041 -0.078 585 412 0 0 -0.012 -0.01 379 163 148 79 61 228 -0.045 -0.021 91 0 -0.053 78 0 -0.013 64 177 376 544 -0.024 480 66 -0.041 495 0 -0.014 297 722 185 116 255 50 YES 0.006 0.001 -0.015 -0.015 -0.024 -0.037 0.0075 0.002 -0.014 -0.011 -0.0065 -0.0095 NO YES YES YES YES NO YES fan powered, adj. the controler, replaced fan powered, fan runs all the time. Walk There are 4 hoods in this room,and only 1 RA gill. The SA is blown above the drop closed manual damper on capture hood. adj. min. s.a./adj. controler adj. min. s.a./adj. controler counterweights need adj. on hood hood is red tagged, needs to be recalibrated. Room has new vav boxes. adj. min. s.a. to get d.p. can't access the controler fan powered. Adj. the controler walkin cooler in room, pressure fluctuates between + & -, fan powered unit. Controller works but cooler over powers entire room. cleaned R.A. grills and improved air flow, hood is out of control, needs to be adjusted. fan powered, fan runs all the time. Controller reacts, hood in use adj. min. s.a. to get d.p. Controller did not react adj. controller to get d.p. Page 1 of 2 LABORATORY DOCUMENTATION LAB 316 319 321 HOOD EXHAUST INITIAL FINAL CFM AT MAX PRESSURE PRESSURE HOOD? FPM READING READING YES 555 -0.01 NO -0.006 322 327 331 333 337 355 357 359 363 370 371 YES NO YES YES YES YES YES YES NO YES YES 378 389 391 407 411 416 418 422 424 431 433 441 455 459 461 468 470 YES NO YES YES NO YES NO YES NO YES YES YES YES YES YES NO YES 480 482 489 YES NO NO 491 YES 655 502 590 749 red tag 584 573 584 673 -0.045 -0.028 -0.029 -0.023 -0.018 -0.01 -0.005 0.022 -0.026 0.004 -0.015 -0.007 -0.012 -0.008 -0.009 Controller Works? YES YES NO YES YES YES YES NO YES YES YES YES YES 0.0001 -0.011 -0.011 -0.005 0.007 -0.012 -0.005 0.004 -0.065 -0.013 -0.005 -0.135 -0.08 -0.014 -0.31 -0.012 -0.011 -0.105 602 -0.028 -0.104 -0.006 -0.011 -0.013 YES NO YES 702 -0.047 -0.0106 NO 572 607 514 567 620 667 679 not in use 584 513 584 -0.005 -0.014 -0.013 -0.007 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO YES YES WITHOUT TOWEL SASH CLOSED SASH OPEN SA CFM RA CFM PRESS. SA CFM RA CFM -0.017 -0.105 193 181 111 208 -0.042 -0.096 -0.082 560 268 0 196 WITH TOWEL SASH OPEN SASH CLOSED PRESS. SA CFM RA CFM PRESS. SA CFM RA CFM NOTES no adj. dial on hood room has autoclave and sterilizer in it. CITES ROOM return motors not working together, possibly different spring ranges. adj. the controler -0.056 467 0 -0.009 118 77 adjusted min. S.A. to get initial D.P. -0.112 242 186 -0.016 312 197 adjusted min. S.A. to get initial D.P. fixed air leak on controler, adj. controler adj. min. s.a. to get d.p./hood in use adj. min. s.a. to get d.p./hood in use left room pos. as per request of fan powered unit, left room pos. as per request of found fire damper closed/fixed it. Fan powered unit in room. pipe is capped off -0.016 -0.031 342 188 187 332 -0.026 -0.0084 348 352 0 179 -0.035 -0.0139 328 388 0 160 -0.012 -0.003 368 212 163 324 left room pos. as pre request of fan powered unit. -0.017 experiment in hood, could not open adj. the controler 65 319 359 117 118 515 -0.039 -0.09 -0.099 230 270 393 0 0 167 -0.0438 -0.092 -0.106 286 354 521 0 0 157 -0.013 -0.001 -0.074 62 219 342 224 118 484 prechloric hood not in use bad diaphragm will not adjust adj. min. s.a. to get d.p./bad controller -0.037 -0.015 136 654 -0.053 654 air leak on controller/ fixed it. fan powered unit. Broken 4" round flex on top of walk in cooler. adj. min R.A. to get D.P. autoclave in the room Bad diaphragm, return doesn't adjust when sash is opened Page 2 of 2 CONTROL DIAGRAMS & SEQ. 08 Temperature Controls The temperature controls for many of the units can now be viewed from this web page: TAC I/A Graphics Hot Water Reheats – Great Hall There are 11 hot water reheat coils for the Great Hall that are located in the trench area below the Hall and just east of the costume shop. There are 11 zones that are being controlled by a pneumatic master-sub master control system. The master controls consist of a mixture of room thermostats and return duct transmitters. The sub master controls are Honeywell dual input controllers that are looking at space temperatures and also the discharge temperature from the reheat coils. The reset schedule is at 68 degree space temperature the discharge temperature will be 85 degrees, at 72 degree space temperature the discharge temperature will be 55 degrees. The dual input controllers are hunting and do not appear to be calibrated correctly. The reheat valves are 3 way valves that range in size from 3” to 2”. There are 2 new valves out of the 11 and only one of the zone valves is leaking thru to the reheat coil when the valve is in bypass mode. That valve is for zone 1 and that supplies the projection booth. Randy Greever felt that several zone reheat valves were leaking thru causing temperature problems in the Great Hall but I feel it is because of the hunting in the zone reheat controllers. Supply fan AHU-2 Great Hall The Great Hall fan is a mixed air fan that has a preheat coil with a face and bypass damper and a cooling coil; there is also a minimum outside and exhaust damper. The bypass for the preheat coil also bypasses the cooling coil. The fan controls are DDC with pneumatic actuation. One of the damper motors for the face damper on the preheat coil is a problem the way it has been installed. It is in the minimum outside air intake chamber and should be moved to the north mixed air chamber. To do this the drive shaft for the face damper needs to be extended into the north mixed air chamber so the damper motor can be relocated there. Supply fan AHU-3 Lobby The Lobby fan is a mixed air fan that has a preheat coil with a face and bypass damper and a cooling coil; there is also a minimum outside and exhaust damper. The bypass for the preheat coil also bypasses the cooling coil. The fan controls are DDC with pneumatic actuation. The relief damper is to large for the damper motor, there needs to be another motor installed for this damper. The steam reheat coil is divided into two sections and the north section has been turned off because of a leak in the coil. The reheat is controlled by a pneumatic controller installed above the stage area in the front lobby. Page 1 of 2 Thursday, August 13, 2009 CONTROL DIAGRAMS & SEQ. 08 Supply fan AHU-4 Dual Duct The dual duct fan is a mixed air fan with a preheat coil, face and bypass damper and a cooling coil. The fan controls are DDC with pneumatic actuation. The cooling coil is for the cold deck and maintains a 60 degree discharge temperature. The hot deck maintains a 100 degree discharge temperature. The mixing boxes for this fan all work and some are still being controlled by old Honeywell pneumatic thermostats. These should be replaced with new thermostats which would total up to be about 14 new thermostats. Supply fan AHU-5 Festival Theatre The Festival fan is a mixed air fan with a preheat coil, face and bypass damper and a cooling coil; there is also a minimum outside air and relief damper. The bypass for the preheat coil also bypasses the cooling coil. The fan controls are DDC with pneumatic actuation. There are three steam reheat coils for the theatre that are controlled by space thermostats and they are working correctly. Supply fan AHU-1 Playhouse Theatre The Playhouse fan is a mixed air fan with a preheat coil, face and bypass damper and a cooling coil; there is also a minimum outside and relief damper. The bypass for the preheat coil also bypasses the cooling coil. The fan controls are DDC with pneumatic actuation. There are two steam reheat coils for the theatre that are controlled by space thermostats and they are working correctly. Page 2 of 2 Thursday, August 13, 2009 DO:SF1_S!S CENAB DV FOVAL OVTIM FOENA CAUSE DIAGN IPR1 ONTIM IPR2 CHTIM IPR3 NCHGS IPR4 FAN OPERATION: IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 THE FANS ARE COMMANDED TO BE ON AT ALL TIMES. AHU-1, AHU-2, AHU-3 AND AHU-4 ALL OPERATE TOGETHER USING A COMMON SUPPLY DUCT SERVING THE LAB AREAS OF THE BUILDING. SLECT:LAB_OFF CENAB NA OFF OFF DV DINP1 DINP2 INSEL LOGIC:MIN_OA!1;DINP1 LOGIC:SF1_STS;DINP1 OFF SLECT:AHU1_S!S CENAB DI:SF1_STS OFF ON ON DV CENAB ONDV DO:RF1_S!S CENAB DV FOVAL OVTIM FOENA CAUSE DIAGN IPR1 ONTIM IPR2 CHTIM IPR3 NCHGS IPR4 THE SLECT:LAB_OFF BLOCK WILL SHUT DOWN THE FANS OF ALL FOUR SYSTEMS. IPR5 DV IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 DINP1 DINP2 INSEL THE RETURN FAN WILL NOT START UNTIL SUPPLY FAN STATUS IS PROVEN. OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS VFD OPERATION: THE DPT.AHU_OVR BLOCK WILL SEND A 3.0 VDC SIGNAL TO THE DRIVES WHEN COMMANDED ON. LOGIC:AHU1_STS CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV DI:RF1_STS CENAB DV ONDV AND OFFDV RAMP:AHU_1 0% 0% 100% 10MIN DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS RMPOF RMPST RMPFI RMPTI ENABL THE SUPPLY FANS OPERATE IN PARALLEL TO MAINTAIN 1.90 IN WC IN THE COMMON SUPPLY DUCT. ON STARTUP OF ANY SUPPLY FAN, THAT FAN WILL RAMP UP TO SPEED USING A 10 MINUTE RAMP TIME. AV LOGIC:AHU_LAB CENAB DINP1 DV DINP2 ONDV DINP3 OFFDV DINP4 LOGIC.AHU2_STS;DV LOGIC.AHU3_STS;DV LOGIC.AHU4_STS;DV LOOP.RF_1!4SP;RAENA 1.90 IN WC 3.25 IN WC HILO:STTC_1!4 CENAB AV DIAGN CENAB HIVAL AINP1 HICAU AINP2 LOVAL AINP3 LOCAU AINP4 AVG SUM INTYP=USER DEFINED OFF ON 100.0 % 0.00 % OFF CENAB AV AINP CALSP SP HIFLG TR LOFLG RAENA NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN ENCHG CENAB LOOP.RF_1!4SP 3.25 IN WC AI:RF1-4STC CENAB AV DIAGN OFF ON 100.0 % 0.00 % OFF INTYP=USER DEFINED RASEL=SOFT START RAMP NA 3.0V DPT:AHU_OVER OFF OFF CENAB AV AINP CALSP SP HIFLG TR LOFLG RAENA NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN ENCHG LOGIC.MIXRAMP1;DINP3 THE RETURN FANS OPERATE IN PARALLEL TO MAINTAIN A -0.85 IN WC STATIC IN THE COMMON RETURN DUCT. SLECT:AHU_OVER RASEL=SOFT START RAMP AI:STTC_S CENAB AV DIAGN INTYP=USER DEFINED CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 CENAB HIVAL AINP1 HICAU AINP2 LOVAL AINP3 LOCAU AINP4 AVG SUM LOOP.STTC_1!4 OR AI:STTC_N AO:SF1_VFD HILO:SF1_VFD CENAB DV DINP OVTIM DFTDV AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL AO:RF1_VFD CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 RESET:RF1VFD 0.00 % 0.0V 100.0 % 10.0V AI LOVAL LOCAL HIVAL HICAL AV MATH:RF1_VFD CENAB AO.SF1_VFD;AV AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL APT.RF_OFSET 0.8 0.8 CENAB AINP DFTAV ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB AV GCS-1 AHU-1 AHU S/S AND VFD AHU-1 APT:RF1-4SP -.85 IN WC CENAB AINP DFTAV AV LOGIC.AHU_LAB;DV SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/23/2009 SHEET REV 1 OF 4 COS:FRZSTAT1 OFF OFF CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV DI:FRZSTAT1 DV CENAB SLECT:FRZSTAT1 ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM SLCM:LCM1 AI.DATEMP1;AV AI.PHDAT3;AV AI.DATEMP3;AV PREHEAT VALVE OPERATION: AINP1 AINP2 INSEL CHTIM NCHGS AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 DIN1 DIN2 DIN3 DIN4 DIN5 DIN6 THE PREHEAT VALVE IS NORMALLY OPEN. THE COMMAND IS % CLOSED FOR THE VALVE. LOGIC:SF1_STS;DINP2 THE FREEZESTAT WILL FORCE THE PREHEAT VALVE TO GO TO 0% CLOSED UNTIL RESET. TSTAT:PHT_RAMP;AINP SLECT:PHT_OFF TSTAT:PHT_OFF RGCM:OATEMP 0.0 DFTAV CENAB DV SP ONDV AINP OFFDV INDIF HIFLG LOFLG DIRECT 48.0 DEG F AV DIAGN 4.0 DEG F AV CENAB NA 100.0 % AO:PHTVLV_1 AINP1 AINP2 INSEL CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 MODE=ON OFF CONTROL AI:PHDAT1 CENAB AV CENAB NA 0.0% IPR8 AV DIAGN LOOP:PHTVLV_1 INTYP=STANDARD DI:SF1_STS CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS LOGIC:MIN_OA!1;DINP1 LOGIC:SF1_STS;DINP1 LOGIC:PHT_RMP1 CENAB DV 55.0 DEG F 65.7 DEG F OFF 100.0 % 0.0 % OFF CENAB AV AINP SP CALSP TR HIFLG LOFLG NOACT RAENA OUTMX OUTMN ENCHG IF THE OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE IS ABOVE 48 DEG F, THE PREHEAT VALVE TO GO TO 100% CLOSED. IF THE OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE IS BELOW 48 DEG F AND EITHER FAN STATUS IS PROVEN OR OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE IS ABOVE 37 DEG F, THE PREHEAT VALVE WILL BE ENABLED TO MAINTAIN A PREHEAT TEMPERATURE OF 55 DEG F. IF THE OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE IS BELOW 37 DEG F AND FAN STATUS IS NOT PROVEN THE PREHEAT VALVE WILL GO TO 0% CLOSED. WHEN FAN STATUS IS PROVEN, THE VALVE WILL RAMP FROM 0% CLOSED TO MAINTAIN A PREHEAT TEMPERATURE OF 55 DEG F. RASEL=SOFT START RAMP DINP1 DINP2 TSTAT:PHT_RAMP 37.0 DEG F RGCM.OATEMP;AV 4.0 DEG F OR CENAB DV SP ONDV AINP OFFDV INDIF HIFLG LOFLG DIRECT MODE=ON OFF CONTROL ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB LCM 1 AHU-1 PREHEAT AHU-1 SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/18/2009 SHEET REV 4 OF 4 COS:FRZSTAT1 CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV OFF OFF MIXED AIR DAMPER OPERATION: THE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPERS ARE NORMALLY CLOSED. THE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPERS OPEN WITH A COMMAND TO START THE FAN. THE END SWITCHES ON THE DAMPERS WILL NOT ALLOW THE DRIVES TO START UNTIL THE DAMPERS ARE FULLY OPEN. THE RETURN AIR DAMPER, NORMALLY OPEN, AND THE RELIEF AIR DAMPER, NORMALLY CLOSED ARE CONTROLLED BY THE SAME SIGNAL. THE SIGNAL CORRESPONDS TO THE POSITION OF THE RELIEF AIR DAMPER, OR % OPEN FOR THE RELIEF AIR DAMPER. DI:FRZSTAT1 CENAB DV SLECT:FRZSTAT1 ONDV CENAB OFFDV DIAGN NA 0.0% ONTIM AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL CHTIM NCHGS LOGIC:SF1_STS;DINP2 IF THE 35 DEG F FREEZESTAT IS TRIPPED OR FAN STATUS IS NOT PROVEN, THE MIXED AIR DAMPERS WILL GO TO 0% COMMAND. WHEN COOLING IS ENABLED FROM THE CHILLER PLANT AND FAN STATUS IS PROVEN, THE DAMPER COMMAND WILL BE 40%. SLECT:MIN_OA!1 AV CENAB AINP1 AINP2 INSEL NA 40.0 % LOGIC:MIN_OA!1 DI:SF1_STS;DV AO:MADMPR1 CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV RGCM.CLG_ENA;DV CENAB AND WHEN FAN STATUS IS PROVEN AND COOLING IS DISABLED FROM THE CHILLER PLANT THE DAMPERS WILL MODULATE TO MAINTAIN A MIXED AIR SETPOINT OF 60 DEG F. AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 IPR3 IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 CAUSE DIAGN AI:MATEMP1 AV CENAB DIAGN LOOP:MIXAIR_1 INTYP=STANDARD 60.0 DEG F 42.5 DEG F OFF ON 100.0 % 0.0 % CENAB AV AINP SP CALSP HIFLG TR LOFLG NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN RAENA DI:SF1_STS CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS RASEL=SOFT START RAMP LOGIC:MIN_OA!1;DINP1 LOGIC:SF1_STS;DINP1 ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB LCM-1 AHU-1 MIXED AIR DAMPERS AHU-1 SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/18/2009 SHEET REV 3 OF 4 COS:FRZSTAT1 OFF OFF CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV DI:FRZSTAT1 CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS SLECT:CHW_FRZ1 AV CENAB NA 100.0 % AINP1 AINP2 INSEL SLECT:SF1_STS CENAB 100.0 % NA AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL SLECT:CLG_FULL LOGIC:SF1_STS AV CENAB CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV NA 100.0 % OR AINP1 AINP2 INSEL CHILLED WATER VALVE OPERATION: RGCM:CLG_FULL OFF DFTDV DV THE CHILLED WATER VALVE IS NORMALLY CLOSED. THE COMMAND IS % OPEN FOR THE VALVE. DIAGN AO:CHWVLV_1 CENAB IPR1 IPR2 IPR3 IPR4 SLCM:LCM1;AIN2 AV OVTIM CAUSE THE FREEZESTAT WILL FORCE THE CHILLED WATER VALVE TO GO TO 100% OPEN UNTIL RESET. DIAGN IPR5 AI:DATEMP1 CENAB LOOP:DATEMP_1 AV DIAGN DI:SF1_STS CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS 55.0 DEG F 50.5 DEG F OFF ON 100.0 % 0.00 % INTYP=STANDARD CENAB AV AINP SP CALSP TR LOFLG IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 THE CLG_FULL DPT IN THE GCM WILL FORCE THE CHILLED WATER VALVE TO GO TO 100% OPEN IF COMMANDED ON. HIFLG NOACT COENA OUTMX IF COOLING IS NOT ENABLED FROM THE ASL CHILLER PLANT, OR IF THERE IS NO FAN STATUS, THE CHILLED WATER VALVE WILL BE CLOSED. OUTMN RAENA LOGIC:MIN_OA!1;DINP1 LOGIC:CHWVLV_1 CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV RASEL=SOFT START RAMP WHEN COOLING IS ENABLED FROM THE ASL CHILLER PLANT AND FAN STATUS IS PROVED THE CHILLED WATER VALVE WILL BE MODULATED TO MAINTAIN A DISCHARGE AIR TEMPERATURE OF 55 DEG F. AND RGCM:CLG_ENA OFF DFTDV DV DIAGN LOGIC:MIN_OA!1;DINP2 ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB LCM 1 AHU-1 CHILLED WATER VALVE AHU-1 SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/18/2009 SHEET REV 2 OF 4 DO:SF2_S!S CENAB DV FOVAL OVTIM FOENA CAUSE DIAGN IPR1 ONTIM IPR2 CHTIM IPR3 NCHGS IPR4 COS:SF2_STS CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV OFF IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 FAN OPERATION: SLECT:LAB_OFF CENAB NA OFF OFF DV DINP1 DINP2 INSEL LOGIC:MIN_OA!2;DINP1 LOGIC:SF2_STS;DINP1 OFF SLECT:AHU2_S!S CENAB DI:SF2_STS CENAB DV ONDV THE SLECT:LAB_OFF BLOCK WILL SHUT DOWN THE FANS OF ALL FOUR SYSTEMS. IPR5 DV IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 DINP1 DINP2 INSEL OFF ON ON THE FANS ARE COMMANDED TO BE ON AT ALL TIMES. AHU-1, AHU-2, AHU-3 AND AHU-4 ALL OPERATE TOGETHER USING A COMMON SUPPLY DUCT SERVING THE LAB AREAS OF THE BUILDING. DO:RF2_S!S CENAB DV FOVAL OVTIM FOENA CAUSE DIAGN IPR1 ONTIM IPR2 CHTIM IPR3 NCHGS IPR4 OFFDV THE RETURN FAN WILL NOT START UNTIL SUPPLY FAN STATUS IS PROVEN. DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS VFD OPERATION: COS:RF2_STS LOGIC:AHU2_STS CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV DI:RF2_STS CENAB DV ONDV HILO:RF2_VFD;AINP1 0% 0% 100% 10MIN DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS LOGIC:AHU_LAB LOGIC.AHU1_STS;DV LOGIC.AHU4_STS;DV CENAB HIVAL AINP1 HICAU AINP2 LOVAL AINP3 LOCAU AINP4 AVG SUM INTYP=USER DEFINED OFF ON 100.0 % 0.00 % OFF CENAB AV AINP CALSP SP HIFLG TR LOFLG RAENA NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN ENCHG CENAB LOOP.RF_1!4SP 3.25 IN WC OFF ON 100.0 % 0.00 % OFF 0.00 % 0.0V 100.0 % 10.0V AI LOVAL LOCAL HIVAL HICAL AO:SF2_VFD;AV CENAB AINP DFTAV CENAB DV DINP OVTIM DFTDV THE RETURN FANS OPERATE IN PARALLEL TO MAINTAIN A -0.85 IN WC STATIC IN THE COMMON RETURN DUCT. AO:RF2_VFD CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 AV HILO:RF2_VFD RAMP.AHU_2;AV MATH:RF2_VFD CENAB APT.RF_OFSET RASEL=SOFT START RAMP -.85 IN WC MATH:RF2_VFD;AINP1 AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL RESET:RF1VFD CENAB AV AINP CALSP SP HIFLG TR LOFLG RAENA NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN ENCHG INTYP=USER DEFINED APT:RF1-4SP NA 3.0V DPT:AHU_OVER OFF OFF AI:RF1-4STC CENAB AV DIAGN CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 SLECT:AHU_OVER RASEL=SOFT START RAMP AI:STTC_S CENAB AV DIAGN INTYP=USER DEFINED AO:SF2_VFD CENAB HIVAL AINP1 HICAU AINP2 LOVAL AINP3 LOCAU AINP4 AVG SUM LOOP.STTC_1!4 1.90 IN WC 3.25 IN WC HILO:STTC_1!4 THE SUPPLY FANS OPERATE IN PARALLEL TO MAINTAIN 1.90 IN WC IN THE COMMON SUPPLY DUCT. ON STARTUP OF ANY SUPPLY FAN, THAT FAN WILL RAMP UP TO SPEED USING A 10 MINUTE RAMP TIME. AV HILO:SF2_VFD OR AI:STTC_N CENAB AV DIAGN RMPOF RMPST RMPFI RMPTI ENABL LOOP.RF_1!4SP;RAENA CENAB DINP1 DV DINP2 ONDV DINP3 OFFDV DINP4 LOGIC.AHU3_STS;DV THE DPT.AHU_OVR BLOCK WILL SEND A 3.0 VDC SIGNAL TO THE DRIVES WHEN COMMANDED ON. CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV RAMP:AHU_2 AND OFFDV OFF 0.8 0.8 CENAB AINP DFTAV AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL CENAB HIVAL AINP1 HICAU AINP2 LOVAL AINP3 LOCAU AINP4 AVG SUM ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB AV GCS-2 AHU-2 AHU S/S AND VFD AHU-2 AV LOGIC.AHU_LAB;DV SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/23/2009 SHEET REV 1 OF 4 COS:FRZSTAT2 OFF OFF CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV DI:FRZSTAT2 CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS SLECT:CHW_FRZ2 AV CENAB NA 100.0 % AINP1 AINP2 INSEL SLECT:SF2_STS CENAB 100.0 % NA AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL SLECT:CLG_FULL LOGIC:SF2_STS AV CENAB CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV NA 100.0 % OR AINP1 AINP2 INSEL CHILLED WATER VALVE OPERATION: RGCM:CLG_FULL OFF DFTDV DV THE CHILLED WATER VALVE IS NORMALLY CLOSED. THE COMMAND IS % OPEN FOR THE VALVE. DIAGN AO:CHWVLV_2 CENAB IPR1 IPR2 IPR3 IPR4 SLCM:LCM2;AIN2 AV OVTIM CAUSE DIAGN THE FREEZESTAT WILL FORCE THE CHILLED WATER VALVE TO GO TO 100% OPEN UNTIL RESET. IPR5 AI:DATEMP2 CENAB LOOP:DATEMP_2 AV DIAGN DI:SF2_STS CENAB 55.0 DEG F 50.5 DEG F OFF ON 100.0 % 0.00 % INTYP=STANDARD DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS CENAB AV AINP SP CALSP HIFLG LOFLG TR NOACT IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 THE CLG_FULL DPT IN THE GCM WILL FORCE THE CHILLED WATER VALVE TO GO TO 100% OPEN IF COMMANDED ON. COENA OUTMX OUTMN IF COOLING IS NOT ENABLED FROM THE ASL CHILLER PLANT, OR IF THERE IS NO FAN STATUS, THE CHILLED WATER VALVE WILL BE CLOSED. RAENA LOGIC:CHWVLV_2 CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV RASEL=SOFT START RAMP WHEN COOLING IS ENABLED FROM THE ASL CHILLER PLANT AND FAN STATUS IS PROVED THE CHILLED WATER VALVE WILL BE MODULATED TO MAINTAIN A DISCHARGE AIR TEMPERATURE OF 55 DEG F. AND RGCM:CLG_ENA OFF DFTDV DV DIAGN ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB LCM 2 AHU-2 CHILLED WATER VALVE AHU-2 SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/20/2009 SHEET REV 2 OF 4 COS:FRZSTAT2 OFF OFF CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV MIXED AIR DAMPER OPERATION: THE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPERS ARE NORMALLY CLOSED. THE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPERS OPEN WITH A COMMAND TO START THE FAN. THE END SWITCHES ON THE DAMPERS WILL NOT ALLOW THE DRIVES TO START UNTIL THE DAMPERS ARE FULLY OPEN. THE RETURN AIR DAMPER, NORMALLY OPEN, AND THE RELIEF AIR DAMPER, NORMALLY CLOSED ARE CONTROLLED BY THE SAME SIGNAL. THE SIGNAL CORRESPONDS TO THE POSITION OF THE RELIEF AIR DAMPER, OR % OPEN FOR THE RELIEF AIR DAMPER. DI:FRZSTAT2 CENAB DV SLECT:FRZSTAT2 ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS AV CENAB NA 0.0% AINP1 AINP2 INSEL LOGIC:SF2_STS;DINP2 IF THE 35 DEG F FREEZESTAT IS TRIPPED OR FAN STATUS IS NOT PROVEN, THE MIXED AIR DAMPERS WILL GO TO 0% COMMAND. WHEN COOLING IS ENABLED FROM THE CHILLER PLANT AND FAN STATUS IS PROVEN, THE DAMPER COMMAND WILL BE 40%. DI:SF2_STS;DV LOGIC:MIN_OA!2 CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV AO:MADMPR2 AND SLECT:MIN_OA!2 CENAB IPR1 AV IPR2 IPR3 IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 RGCM:CLG_ENA OFF DFTDV CENAB AINP1 AINP2 INSEL NA 40.0 % DV DIAGN AV OVTIM CAUSE DIAGN WHEN FAN STATUS IS PROVEN AND COOLING IS DISABLED FROM THE CHILLER PLANT THE DAMPERS WILL MODULATE TO MAINTAIN A MIXED AIR SETPOINT OF 60 DEG F. AI:MATEMP2 CENAB AV DIAGN INTYP=STANDARD DI:SF2_STS CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS LOOP:MIXAIR_2 60.0 DEG F 42.5 DEG F OFF ON 100.0 % 0.0 % CENAB AV AINP SP CALSP HIFLG LOFLG TR NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN RAENA ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB RASEL=SOFT START RAMP LCM-2 AHU-2 MIXED AIR DAMPERS LOGIC:MIN_OA!2;DINP1 LOGIC:SF2_STS;DINP1 AHU-2 SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/20/2009 SHEET REV 3 OF 4 COS:FRZSTAT2 OFF OFF CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV PREHEAT VALVE OPERATION: DI:FRZSTAT2 DV CENAB ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS SLCM:LCM2 AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 DIN1 DIN2 DIN3 DIN4 DIN5 DIN6 AI.DATEMP2;AV AI.PHTDAT4AV AI.DATEMP4;AV SLECT:FRZSTAT2 THE FREEZESTAT WILL FORCE THE PREHEAT VALVE TO GO TO 0% CLOSED UNTIL RESET. LOGIC:SF2_STS;DINP2 IF THE OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE IS ABOVE 48 DEG F, THE PREHEAT VALVE TO GO TO 100% CLOSED. SLECT:PHT_OFF TSTAT:PHT_OFF DFTAV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL TSTAT:PHT_RAMP;AINP RGCM:OATEMP 0.0 THE PREHEAT VALVE IS NORMALLY OPEN. THE COMMAND IS % CLOSED FOR THE VALVE. AV CENAB NA 0.0% CENAB DV SP ONDV AINP OFFDV INDIF HIFLG LOFLG DIRECT 48.0 DEG F AV DIAGN 4.0 DEG F AV CENAB NA 100.0 % AO:PHTVLV_2 AINP1 AINP2 INSEL MODE=ON OFF CONTROL SLECT:SF2_STS CENAB IPR8 AINP1 AINP2 INSEL 100.0 % NA DI:FRZSTAT2;DV LOGIC:SF2_STS AI:PHDAT2 CENAB AV CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV AV DIAGN OR LOGIC:MIN_OA!2;DINP1 INTYP=STANDARD LOOP:PHTVLV_2 DI:SF2_STS CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS 55.0 DEG F 65.7 DEG F OFF 100.0 % 0.0 % OFF CENAB AV AINP SP CALSP HIFLG LOFLG TR NOACT IF THERE IS NO FAN STATUS AND THE FREEZESTAT IS NOT TRIPPED, THE VALVE WILL BE COMMANDED TO 100% CLOSED. IF THE OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE IS BELOW 48 DEG F AND EITHER FAN STATUS IS PROVEN OR OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE IS ABOVE 36 DEG F, THE PREHEAT VALVE WILL BE ENABLED TO MAINTAIN A PREHEAT TEMPERATURE OF 55 DEG F. IF THE OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE IS BELOW 36 DEG F AND FAN STATUS IS NOT PROVEN THE PREHEAT VALVE WILL GO TO 0% CLOSED. WHEN FAN STATUS IS PROVEN, THE VALVE WILL RAMP FROM 0% CLOSED TO MAINTAIN A PREHEAT TEMPERATURE OF 55 DEG F. RAENA OUTMX OUTMN ENCHG LOGIC:PHT_RMP2 RGCM.OATEMP;AV CENAB TSTAT:PHT_RAMP 36.0 DEG F 4.0 DEG F CENAB DV SP ONDV AINP OFFDV INDIF HIFLG LOFLG DIRECT DINP1 DINP2 DV RASEL=SOFT START RAMP OR MODE=ON OFF CONTROL ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB LCM 2 AHU-2 PREHEAT AHU-2 SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/20/2009 SHEET REV 4 OF 4 DO:SF3_S!S CENAB DV FOVAL OVTIM FOENA CAUSE DIAGN IPR1 ONTIM IPR2 CHTIM IPR3 NCHGS IPR4 COS:SF3_STS CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV OFF IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 FAN OPERATION: SLECT:LAB_OFF CENAB NA OFF OFF LOGIC:MIN_OA!3;DINP1 LOGIC:SF3_STS;DINP1 OFF SLECT:AHU3_S!S CENAB DI:SF3_STS DV ONDV DO:RF3_S!S CENAB DV FOVAL OVTIM FOENA CAUSE DIAGN IPR1 ONTIM IPR2 CHTIM IPR3 NCHGS IPR4 THE SLECT:LAB_OFF BLOCK WILL SHUT DOWN THE FANS OF ALL FOUR SYSTEMS. IPR5 DV IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 DINP1 DINP2 INSEL OFF ON ON CENAB THE FANS ARE COMMANDED TO BE ON AT ALL TIMES. AHU-1, AHU-2, AHU-3 AND AHU-4 ALL OPERATE TOGETHER USING A COMMON SUPPLY DUCT SERVING THE LAB AREAS OF THE BUILDING. DV DINP1 DINP2 INSEL THE RETURN FAN WILL NOT START UNTIL SUPPLY FAN STATUS IS PROVEN. OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS VFD OPERATION: COS:RF3_STS LOGIC:AHU3_STS CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV DI:RF3_STS CENAB DV ONDV HILO:RF3_VFD;AINP1 AND OFFDV RAMP:AHU_3 0% 0% 100% 10MIN DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS LOGIC:AHU_LAB LOGIC.AHU1_STS;DV LOGIC.AHU4_STS;DV OR AI:STTC_N CENAB AV DIAGN HILO:STTC_1!4 CENAB HIVAL AINP1 HICAU AINP2 LOVAL AINP3 LOCAU AINP4 AVG SUM INTYP=USER DEFINED RMPOF RMPST RMPFI RMPTI ENABL 1.90 IN WC 3.25 IN WC OFF ON 100.0 % 0.00 % OFF CENAB AV AINP CALSP SP HIFLG TR LOFLG RAENA NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN ENCHG OFF ON 100.0 % 0.00 % OFF CENAB 0.00 % 0.0V 100.0 % 10.0V AI LOVAL LOCAL HIVAL HICAL AO:SF3_VFD;AV CENAB AINP DFTAV CENAB DV DINP OVTIM DFTDV THE RETURN FANS OPERATE IN PARALLEL TO MAINTAIN A -0.85 IN WC STATIC IN THE COMMON RETURN DUCT. AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL AO:RF3_VFD CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 AV HILO:RF3_VFD RAMP.AHU_3;AV MATH:RF3_VFD CENAB APT.RF_OFSET RASEL=SOFT START RAMP -.85 IN WC NA 3.0V DPT:AHU_OVER RESET:RF1VFD CENAB AV AINP CALSP SP HIFLG TR LOFLG RAENA NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN ENCHG INTYP=USER DEFINED APT:RF1-4SP MATH:RF3_VFD;AINP1 SLECT:AHU_OVER RASEL=SOFT START RAMP LOOP.RF_1!4SP 3.25 IN WC CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 CENAB HIVAL AINP1 HICAU AINP2 LOVAL AINP3 LOCAU AINP4 AVG SUM LOOP.STTC_1!4 OFF OFF AI:RF1-4STC CENAB AV DIAGN AO:SF3_VFD HILO:SF3_VFD AI:STTC_S CENAB AV DIAGN INTYP=USER DEFINED THE SUPPLY FANS OPERATE IN PARALLEL TO MAINTAIN 1.90 IN WC IN THE COMMON SUPPLY DUCT. ON STARTUP OF ANY SUPPLY FAN, THAT FAN WILL RAMP UP TO SPEED USING A 10 MINUTE RAMP TIME. AV LOOP.RF_1!4SP;RAENA CENAB DINP1 DV DINP2 ONDV DINP3 OFFDV DINP4 LOGIC.AHU2_STS;DV OFF THE DPT.AHU_OVR BLOCK WILL SEND A 3.0 VDC SIGNAL TO THE DRIVES WHEN COMMANDED ON. CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV 0.8 0.8 CENAB AINP DFTAV AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL CENAB HIVAL AINP1 HICAU AINP2 LOVAL AINP3 LOCAU AINP4 AVG SUM ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB AV GCS-3 AHU-3 AHU S/S AND VFD AHU-3 AV LOGIC.AHU_LAB;DV SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/23/2009 SHEET REV 1 OF 4 COS:FRZSTAT3 OFF OFF CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV DI:FRZSTAT3 CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS SLECT:CHW_FRZ3 AV CENAB NA 100.0 % AINP1 AINP2 INSEL SLECT:SF3_STS CENAB 100.0 % NA AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL SLECT:CLG_FULL LOGIC:SF3_STS AV CENAB CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV NA 100.0 % OR AINP1 AINP2 INSEL CHILLED WATER VALVE OPERATION: RGCM:CLG_FULL OFF DFTDV DV THE CHILLED WATER VALVE IS NORMALLY CLOSED. THE COMMAND IS % OPEN FOR THE VALVE. DIAGN AO:CHWVLV_3 CENAB IPR1 IPR2 IPR3 IPR4 SLCM:LCM1;AIN4 AV OVTIM CAUSE DIAGN THE FREEZESTAT WILL FORCE THE CHILLED WATER VALVE TO GO TO 100% OPEN UNTIL RESET. IPR5 AI:DATEMP3 CENAB LOOP:DATEMP_3 AV DIAGN DI:SF3_STS CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS 55.0 DEG F 50.5 DEG F OFF ON 100.0 % 0.00 % INTYP=STANDARD CENAB AV AINP SP CALSP HIFLG LOFLG TR NOACT IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 THE CLG_FULL DPT IN THE GCM WILL FORCE THE CHILLED WATER VALVE TO GO TO 100% OPEN IF COMMANDED ON. COENA OUTMX OUTMN IF COOLING IS NOT ENABLED FROM THE ASL CHILLER PLANT, OR IF THERE IS NO FAN STATUS, THE CHILLED WATER VALVE WILL BE CLOSED. RAENA LOGIC:MIN_OA!3;DINP1 LOGIC:CHWVLV_3 CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV RASEL=SOFT START RAMP WHEN COOLING IS ENABLED FROM THE ASL CHILLER PLANT AND FAN STATUS IS PROVED THE CHILLED WATER VALVE WILL BE MODULATED TO MAINTAIN A DISCHARGE AIR TEMPERATURE OF 55 DEG F. AND RGCM:CLG_ENA OFF DFTDV DV DIAGN ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB LCM 1 AHU-3 CHILLED WATER VALVE AHU-3 SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/19/2009 SHEET REV 2 OF 4 COS:FRZSTAT3 OFF OFF CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV MIXED AIR DAMPER OPERATION: THE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPERS ARE NORMALLY CLOSED. THE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPERS OPEN WITH A COMMAND TO START THE FAN. THE END SWITCHES ON THE DAMPERS WILL NOT ALLOW THE DRIVES TO START UNTIL THE DAMPERS ARE FULLY OPEN. THE RETURN AIR DAMPER, NORMALLY OPEN, AND THE RELIEF AIR DAMPER, NORMALLY CLOSED ARE CONTROLLED BY THE SAME SIGNAL. THE SIGNAL CORRESPONDS TO THE POSITION OF THE RELIEF AIR DAMPER, OR % OPEN FOR THE RELIEF AIR DAMPER. DI:FRZSTAT3 CENAB DV SLECT:FRZSTAT3 ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS AV CENAB NA 0.0% AINP1 AINP2 INSEL LOGIC:SF3_STS;DINP2 IF THE 35 DEG F FREEZESTAT IS TRIPPED OR FAN STATUS IS NOT PROVEN, THE MIXED AIR DAMPERS WILL GO TO 0% COMMAND. WHEN COOLING IS ENABLED FROM THE CHILLER PLANT AND FAN STATUS IS PROVEN, THE DAMPER COMMAND WILL BE 40%. DI:SF3_STS;DV LOGIC:MIN_OA!3 CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV AO:MADMPR3 AND SLECT:MIN_OA!3 CENAB IPR1 AV IPR2 IPR3 IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 RGCM:CLG_ENA OFF CENAB AINP1 AINP2 INSEL NA 40.0 % DV DFTDV DIAGN AV OVTIM CAUSE DIAGN WHEN FAN STATUS IS PROVEN AND COOLING IS DISABLED FROM THE CHILLER PLANT THE DAMPERS WILL MODULATE TO MAINTAIN A MIXED AIR SETPOINT OF 60 DEG F. AI:MATEMP3 CENAB AV DIAGN INTYP=STANDARD DI:SF3_STS CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS LOOP:MIXAIR_3 60.0 DEG F 42.5 DEG F OFF ON 100.0 % 0.0 % CENAB AV AINP SP CALSP HIFLG LOFLG TR NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN RAENA ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB RASEL=SOFT START RAMP LCM-1 AHU-3 MIXED AIR DAMPERS LOGIC:MIN_OA!3;DINP1 LOGIC:SF3_STS;DINP1 AHU-3 SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/19/2009 SHEET REV 3 OF 4 COS:FRZSTAT3 OFF OFF CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV PREHEAT VALVE OPERATION: DI:FRZSTAT3 DV CENAB ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS SLCM:LCM1 AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 DIN1 DIN2 DIN3 DIN4 DIN5 DIN6 AI.PHTDAT1;AV AI.DATEMP1;AV AI.DATEMP3;AV SLECT:FRZSTAT3 THE FREEZESTAT WILL FORCE THE PREHEAT VALVE TO GO TO 0% CLOSED UNTIL RESET. TSTAT:PHT_RAMP;AINP CENAB DV SP ONDV AINP OFFDV INDIF HIFLG LOFLG DIRECT 48.0 DEG F AV DIAGN 4.0 DEG F IF THE OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE IS ABOVE 48 DEG F, THE PREHEAT VALVE TO GO TO 100% CLOSED. SLECT:PHT_OFF TSTAT:PHT_OFF DFTAV THE PREHEAT VALVE IS NORMALLY OPEN. THE COMMAND IS % CLOSED FOR THE VALVE. AINP1 AINP2 INSEL LOGIC:SF3_STS;DINP2 RGCM:OATEMP 0.0 AV CENAB NA 0.0% AV CENAB NA 100.0 % AO:PHTVLV_3 AINP1 AINP2 INSEL MODE=ON OFF CONTROL SLECT:SF3_STS CENAB IPR8 AINP1 AINP2 INSEL 100.0 % NA DI:FRZSTAT3;DV LOGIC:SF3_STS AI:PHDAT3 CENAB AV CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV AV DIAGN OR LOGIC:MIN_OA!3;DINP1 INTYP=STANDARD LOOP:PHTVLV_3 DI:SF3_STS CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS 55.0 DEG F 60.0 DEG F OFF 100.0 % 0.0 % OFF CENAB AV AINP SP CALSP HIFLG LOFLG TR NOACT IF THERE IS NO FAN STATUS AND THE FREEZESTAT IS NOT TRIPPED, THE VALVE WILL BE COMMANDED TO 100% CLOSED. IF THE OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE IS BELOW 48 DEG F AND EITHER FAN STATUS IS PROVEN OR OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE IS ABOVE 37 DEG F, THE PREHEAT VALVE WILL BE ENABLED TO MAINTAIN A PREHEAT TEMPERATURE OF 55 DEG F. IF THE OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE IS BELOW 37 DEG F AND FAN STATUS IS NOT PROVEN THE PREHEAT VALVE WILL GO TO 0% CLOSED. WHEN FAN STATUS IS PROVEN, THE VALVE WILL RAMP FROM 0% CLOSED TO MAINTAIN A PREHEAT TEMPERATURE OF 55 DEG F. RAENA OUTMX OUTMN ENCHG LOGIC:PHT_RMP3 RGCM.OATEMP;AV CENAB TSTAT:PHT_RAMP 37.0 DEG F 4.0 DEG F CENAB DV SP ONDV AINP OFFDV INDIF HIFLG LOFLG DIRECT DINP1 DINP2 DV RASEL=SOFT START RAMP OR MODE=ON OFF CONTROL ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB LCM 1 AHU-3 PREHEAT AHU-3 SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/19/2009 SHEET REV 4 OF 4 DO:SF4_S!S CENAB DV FOVAL OVTIM FOENA CAUSE DIAGN IPR1 ONTIM IPR2 CHTIM IPR3 NCHGS IPR4 COS:SF4_STS CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV OFF IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 FAN OPERATION: SLECT:LAB_OFF CENAB NA OFF OFF DV DINP1 DINP2 INSEL LOGIC:MIN_OA!4;DINP1 LOGIC:SF4_STS;DINP1 OFF SLECT:AHU4_S!S CENAB DI:SF4_STS CENAB DV ONDV THE SLECT:LAB_OFF BLOCK WILL SHUT DOWN THE FANS OF ALL FOUR SYSTEMS. IPR5 DV IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 DINP1 DINP2 INSEL OFF ON ON THE FANS ARE COMMANDED TO BE ON AT ALL TIMES. AHU-1, AHU-2, AHU-3 AND AHU-4 ALL OPERATE TOGETHER USING A COMMON SUPPLY DUCT SERVING THE LAB AREAS OF THE BUILDING. DO:RF4_S!S CENAB DV FOVAL OVTIM FOENA CAUSE DIAGN IPR1 ONTIM IPR2 CHTIM IPR3 NCHGS IPR4 OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS THE RETURN FAN WILL NOT START UNTIL SUPPLY FAN STATUS IS PROVEN. VFD OPERATION: COS:RF4_STS LOGIC:AHU4_STS OFF CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV DI:RF4_STS CENAB DV ONDV HILO:RF4_VFD;AINP1 0% 0% 100% 10MIN DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS LOGIC:AHU_LAB LOGIC.AHU1_STS;DV CENAB DINP1 DV DINP2 ONDV DINP3 OFFDV DINP4 LOGIC.AHU2_STS;DV LOGIC.AHU3_STS;DV CENAB HIVAL AINP1 HICAU AINP2 LOVAL AINP3 LOCAU AINP4 AVG SUM INTYP=USER DEFINED OFF ON 100.0 % 0.00 % OFF CENAB AV AINP CALSP SP HIFLG TR LOFLG RAENA NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN ENCHG LOOP.RF_1!4SP 3.25 IN WC AI:RF1-4STC CENAB AV DIAGN OFF ON 100.0 % 0.00 % OFF CENAB AV AINP CALSP SP HIFLG TR LOFLG RAENA NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN ENCHG CENAB NA 3.0V DPT:AHU_OVER MATH:RF4_VFD;AINP1 THE RETURN FANS OPERATE IN PARALLEL TO MAINTAIN A -0.85 IN WC STATIC IN THE COMMON RETURN DUCT. CENAB DV DINP OVTIM DFTDV AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL AO:RF4_VFD CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 RESET:RF1VFD 0.00 % 0.0V 100.0 % 10.0V AI LOVAL LOCAL HIVAL HICAL AV HILO:RF4_VFD RAMP.AHU_4;AV AO:SF4_VFD;AV MATH:RF4_VFD CENAB INTYP=USER DEFINED APT.RF_OFSET RASEL=SOFT START RAMP APT:RF1-4SP CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 THE SUPPLY FANS OPERATE IN PARALLEL TO MAINTAIN 1.90 IN WC IN THE COMMON SUPPLY DUCT. ON STARTUP OF ANY SUPPLY FAN, THAT FAN WILL RAMP UP TO SPEED USING A 10 MINUTE RAMP TIME. SLECT:AHU_OVER RASEL=SOFT START RAMP OFF OFF INTYP=USER DEFINED AO:SF4_VFD CENAB HIVAL AINP1 HICAU AINP2 LOVAL AINP3 LOCAU AINP4 AVG SUM LOOP.STTC_1!4 AI:STTC_S CENAB AV DIAGN CENAB AINP DFTAV AV HILO:SF4_VFD 1.90 IN WC 3.25 IN WC HILO:STTC_1!4 RMPOF RMPST RMPFI RMPTI ENABL LOOP.RF_1!4SP;RAENA OR AI:STTC_N CENAB AV DIAGN THE DPT.AHU_OVR BLOCK WILL SEND A 3.0 VDC SIGNAL TO THE DRIVES WHEN COMMANDED ON. RAMP:AHU_4 AND OFFDV CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV 0.8 0.8 CENAB AINP DFTAV AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL CENAB HIVAL AINP1 HICAU AINP2 LOVAL AINP3 LOCAU AINP4 AVG SUM ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB AV GCS-2 AHU-4 AHU S/S AND VFD AHU-4 AV LOGIC.AHU_LAB;DV SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/23/2009 SHEET REV 1 OF 4 COS:FRZSTAT4 OFF OFF CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV DI:FRZSTAT4 CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS SLECT:CHW_FRZ4 AV CENAB NA 100.0 % AINP1 AINP2 INSEL SLECT:SF4_STS CENAB 100.0 % NA AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL SLECT:CLG_FULL LOGIC:SF4_STS AV CENAB CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV NA 100.0 % OR AINP1 AINP2 INSEL CHILLED WATER VALVE OPERATION: RGCM:CLG_FULL OFF DFTDV DV THE CHILLED WATER VALVE IS NORMALLY CLOSED. THE COMMAND IS % OPEN FOR THE VALVE. DIAGN AO:CHWVLV_4 CENAB IPR1 IPR2 IPR3 IPR4 SLCM:LCM2;AIN4 AV OVTIM CAUSE DIAGN THE FREEZESTAT WILL FORCE THE CHILLED WATER VALVE TO GO TO 100% OPEN UNTIL RESET. IPR5 AI:DATEMP4 CENAB LOOP:DATEMP_4 AV DIAGN DI:SF4_STS CENAB 60.0 DEG F 50.5 DEG F OFF ON 100.0 % 0.00 % INTYP=STANDARD DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS CENAB AV AINP SP CALSP HIFLG LOFLG TR NOACT IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 THE CLG_FULL DPT IN THE GCM WILL FORCE THE CHILLED WATER VALVE TO GO TO 100% OPEN IF COMMANDED ON. COENA OUTMX OUTMN IF COOLING IS NOT ENABLED FROM THE ASL CHILLER PLANT, OR IF THERE IS NO FAN STATUS, THE CHILLED WATER VALVE WILL BE CLOSED. RAENA LOGIC:CHWVLV_4 CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV RASEL=SOFT START RAMP WHEN COOLING IS ENABLED FROM THE ASL CHILLER PLANT AND FAN STATUS IS PROVED THE CHILLED WATER VALVE WILL BE MODULATED TO MAINTAIN A DISCHARGE AIR TEMPERATURE OF 55 DEG F. AND RGCM:CLG_ENA OFF DFTDV DV DIAGN ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB LCM 2 AHU-4 CHILLED WATER VALVE AHU-4 SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/20/2009 SHEET REV 2 OF 4 COS:FRZSTAT4 OFF OFF CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV MIXED AIR DAMPER OPERATION: THE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPERS ARE NORMALLY CLOSED. THE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPERS OPEN WITH A COMMAND TO START THE FAN. THE END SWITCHES ON THE DAMPERS WILL NOT ALLOW THE DRIVES TO START UNTIL THE DAMPERS ARE FULLY OPEN. THE RETURN AIR DAMPER, NORMALLY OPEN, AND THE RELIEF AIR DAMPER, NORMALLY CLOSED ARE CONTROLLED BY THE SAME SIGNAL. THE SIGNAL CORRESPONDS TO THE POSITION OF THE RELIEF AIR DAMPER, OR % OPEN FOR THE RELIEF AIR DAMPER. DI:FRZSTAT4 CENAB DV SLECT:FRZSTAT4 ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS AV CENAB NA 0.0% AINP1 AINP2 INSEL LOGIC:SF4_STS;DINP2 IF THE 35 DEG F FREEZESTAT IS TRIPPED OR FAN STATUS IS NOT PROVEN, THE MIXED AIR DAMPERS WILL GO TO 0% COMMAND. DI:SF4_STS;DV WHEN COOLING IS ENABLED FROM THE CHILLER PLANT AND FAN STATUS IS PROVEN, THE DAMPER COMMAND WILL BE 40%. LOGIC:MIN_OA!4 CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV RGCM:CLG_ENA OFF DFTDV DV AO:MADMPR4 AND DIAGN SLECT:MIN_OA!4 CENAB IPR1 AV IPR2 IPR3 IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 CENAB AINP1 AINP2 INSEL NA 40.0 % AV OVTIM CAUSE DIAGN WHEN FAN STATUS IS PROVEN AND COOLING IS DISABLED FROM THE CHILLER PLANT THE DAMPERS WILL MODULATE TO MAINTAIN A MIXED AIR SETPOINT OF 60 DEG F. AI:MATEMP4 CENAB AV DIAGN INTYP=STANDARD DI:SF4_STS CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS LOOP:MIXAIR_4 60.0 DEG F 42.5 DEG F OFF ON 100.0 % 0.0 % CENAB AV AINP SP CALSP HIFLG LOFLG TR NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN RAENA ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB RASEL=SOFT START RAMP LCM-2 AHU-4 MIXED AIR DAMPERS LOGIC:MIN_OA!4;DINP1 LOGIC:SF4_STS;DINP1 AHU-4 SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/20/2009 SHEET REV 3 OF 4 COS:FRZSTAT4 OFF OFF CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV DI:FRZSTAT4 DV CENAB ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS SLCM:LCM2 AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 DIN1 DIN2 DIN3 DIN4 DIN5 DIN6 AI.PHTDAT2;AV AI.DATEMP2;AV AI.DATEMP4;AV SLECT:FRZSTAT4 LOGIC:SF4_STS;DINP2 THE PREHEAT VALVE IS NORMALLY OPEN. THE COMMAND IS % CLOSED FOR THE VALVE. TSTAT:PHT_RAMP;AINP SLECT:PHT_OFF TSTAT:PHT_OFF DFTAV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL PREHEAT VALVE OPERATION: RGCM:OATEMP 0.0 AV CENAB NA 0.0% CENAB DV SP ONDV AINP OFFDV INDIF HIFLG LOFLG DIRECT 48.0 DEG F AV DIAGN 4.0 DEG F AV CENAB NA 100.0 % AO:PHTVLV_4 AINP1 AINP2 INSEL MODE=ON OFF CONTROL SLECT:SF4_STS CENAB DI:FRZSTAT4;DV LOGIC:SF4_STS AI:PHDAT4 CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV AV DIAGN IF THE OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE IS BELOW 48 DEG F AND EITHER FAN STATUS IS PROVEN OR OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE IS ABOVE 36 DEG F, THE PREHEAT VALVE WILL BE ENABLED TO MAINTAIN A PREHEAT TEMPERATURE OF 55 DEG F. IF THE OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE IS BELOW 36 DEG F AND FAN STATUS IS NOT PROVEN THE PREHEAT VALVE WILL GO TO 0% CLOSED. WHEN FAN STATUS IS PROVEN, THE VALVE WILL RAMP FROM 0% CLOSED TO MAINTAIN A PREHEAT TEMPERATURE OF 55 DEG F. OR LOGIC:MIN_OA!4;DINP1 INTYP=STANDARD LOOP:PHTVLV_4 DI:SF4_STS CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS 55.0 DEG F 59.7 DEG F OFF 100.0 % 0.0 % OFF CENAB AV AINP SP CALSP HIFLG LOFLG TR NOACT RAENA OUTMX OUTMN ENCHG LOGIC:PHT_RMP4 RGCM.OATEMP;AV CENAB TSTAT:PHT_RAMP 36.0 DEG F 4.0 DEG F CENAB DV SP ONDV AINP OFFDV INDIF HIFLG LOFLG DIRECT DINP1 DINP2 DV IF THE OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE IS ABOVE 48 DEG F, THE PREHEAT VALVE TO GO TO 100% CLOSED. IF THERE IS NO FAN STATUS AND THE FREEZESTAT IS NOT TRIPPED, THE VALVE WILL BE COMMANDED TO 100% CLOSED. IPR8 AINP1 AINP2 INSEL 100.0 % NA CENAB AV CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 THE FREEZESTAT WILL FORCE THE PREHEAT VALVE TO GO TO 0% CLOSED UNTIL RESET. RASEL=SOFT START RAMP OR MODE=ON OFF CONTROL ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB LCM 2 AHU-4 PREHEAT AHU-4 SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/20/2009 SHEET REV 4 OF 4 COS:SF5_STS OFF CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV DO:SF5_S!S CENAB DV FOVAL OVTIM FOENA CAUSE DIAGN IPR1 ONTIM IPR2 CHTIM IPR3 NCHGS IPR4 SLECT:LAB_OFF CENAB IPR7 IPR8 THE FANS ARE COMMANDED TO BE ON AT ALL TIMES. THIS UNIT SERVES THE NORTH OFFICE AREAS OF THE BUILDING. RNET;FAN_KILL OFF DFTDV DV DIAGN SLECT:AHU5_S!S LOGIC:MIN_OA;DINP2 DI:SF5_STS DV OFF DV CENAB ON OFF DINP1 DINP2 INSEL DO:RF5_S!S CENAB DV FOVAL OVTIM FOENA CAUSE DIAGN IPR1 ONTIM IPR2 CHTIM IPR3 NCHGS IPR4 THE SLECT:LAB_OFF BLOCK WILL SHUT DOWN THE FANS IF COMMANDED. THE NETWORK RNET:FAN_KILL BLOCK WILL SHUT DOWN THE FANS IF COMMANDED. IPR5 CENAB IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS THE RETURN FAN WILL NOT START UNTIL SUPPLY FAN STATUS IS PROVEN. VFD OPERATION: DI:RF5_STS CENAB DV COS:RF5_STS ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS LOGIC:RAMP_5 OFF CENAB DINP1 DV DINP2 ONDV DINP3 OFFDV DINP4 AND DPT:RAMP_5 OFF OFF FAN OPERATION: IPR5 IPR6 DV DINP1 DINP2 INSEL NA OFF OFF LOOP.STATIC_5 CENAB DV DINP OVTIM DFTDV 1.00 IN WC 3.75 IN WC AI:S5W_STTC CENAB AV DIAGN INTYP=USER DEFINED THE DPT.AHU_OVR BLOCK WILL SEND A 3.0 VDC SIGNAL TO THE DRIVES WHEN COMMANDED ON. CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV HILO:SF5_STTC CENAB HIVAL AINP1 HICAU AINP2 LOVAL AINP3 LOCAU AINP4 AVG SUM OFF ON 95.00 % 0.00 % OFF CENAB AV AINP CALSP SP HIFLG TR LOFLG RAENA NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN ENCHG AO:SF5_VFD CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 RASEL=SOFT START RAMP MATH:RF5_VFD;AINP1 THE SUPPLY FAN OPERATES TO MAINTAIN 1.00 IN WC IN THE SUPPLY DUCT BASED ON THE LOWEST VALUE OF THE EAST AND WEST SUPPLY DUCTS. ON STARTUP, WITH THE DPT.RAMP_5;DV OFF AND FAN STATUS PROVEN ON BOTH THE SUPPLY AND RETURN FANS, THE SUPPLY FAN WILL RAMP UP TO SPEED USING A 15 MINUTE RAMP TIME. THE STATIC LOOP OUTPUT IS LIMITED TO 95% COMMAND. THE RETURN FAN OPERATES AT 90% OF THE SUPPLY FAN COMMAND. SLECT:AHU_OVER AI:S5E_STTC CENAB AV DIAGN CENAB INTYP=USER DEFINED AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL NA 3.0V AO:RF5_VFD CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 DPT:AHU_OVER OFF OFF CENAB DV DINP OVTIM DFTDV MATH:RF5_VFD AO:SF5_VFD;AV CENAB 0.9 AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB GCS-2 AHU-5 AHU S/S AND VFD AHU-5 SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/23/2009 SHEET REV 1 OF 3 COS:FRZSTAT5 CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV OFF OFF DI:FRZSTAT5 CENAB SLECT:CHW_FRZ5 DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS AV CENAB NA 100.0 % AINP1 AINP2 INSEL SLECT:CLG_FULL RGCM:CLG_FULL OFF DFTDV CENAB DV AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL NA 100.0 % DIAGN CHILLED WATER VALVE OPERATION: AO:CHWVLV_5 LOGIC:CHWVLV_5 SLECT:CLG_OFF CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV CENAB 0.0 NA AND CENAB IPR1 IPR2 IPR3 IPR4 AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL IPR5 AV OVTIM CAUSE DIAGN THE CHILLED WATER VALVE IS NORMALLY CLOSED. THE COMMAND IS % OPEN FOR THE VALVE. RESET:CHW_VLV AINP AISP RESSP OUTMN OUTMX OUT THE FREEZESTAT WILL FORCE THE CHILLED WATER VALVE TO GO TO 100% OPEN UNTIL RESET. IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 SLCM:LCM4;AIN2 THE CLG_FULL DPT IN THE GCM WILL FORCE THE CHILLED WATER VALVE TO GO TO 100% OPEN IF COMMANDED ON. AI:DATEMP5 CENAB AV DIAGN RGCM:SUMR_WIN OFF DV DFTDV DIAGN INTYP=STANDARD IF COOLING IS NOT ENABLED FROM THE ASL CHILLER PLANT, OR IF THERE IS NO FAN STATUS, THE CHILLED WATER VALVE WILL BE CLOSED. LOOP:DATEMP5 55.0 DEG F 200.0 DEG F OFF CENAB AV AINP SP CALSP HIFLG LOFLG TR NOACT COENA DI:SF5_STS CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS 100.0 % 0.00 % OUTMX OUTMN WHEN COOLING IS ENABLED FROM THE ASL CHILLER PLANT AND FAN STATUS IS PROVED THE CHILLED WATER VALVE WILL RAMP OPEN USING A 15 MINUTE RAMP AND THEN BE MODULATED TO MAINTAIN A DISCHARGE AIR TEMPERATURE OF 55 DEG F. RAENA RASEL=SOFT START RAMP ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB LCM 4 AHU-5 CHILLED WATER VALVE AHU-5 SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/23/2009 SHEET REV 2 OF 3 COS:LOSTTC_5 DI:LOSTTC_5 CENAB DV OFF OFF ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV COS:FRZSTAT5 OFF OFF CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV MIXED AIR DAMPER OPERATION: DI:FRZSTAT5 CENAB DV SLECT:FRZSTAT5 ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS THE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER, NORMALLY CLOSED, THE RETURN AIR DAMPER, NORMALLY OPEN, AND THE RELIEF AIR DAMPER, NORMALLY CLOSED ARE CONTROLLED BY THE SAME SIGNAL. THE SIGNAL CORRESPONDS TO THE POSITION OF THE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER, OR % OPEN FOR THE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER. AV CENAB NA 0.0 AINP1 AINP2 INSEL RGCM:SUMR_WIN DV DFTDV OFF DIAGN IF THE 35 DEG F FREEZESTAT IS TRIPPED OR FAN STATUS IS NOT PROVEN, THE MIXED AIR DAMPERS WILL GO TO 0% COMMAND. LOGIC:MIN_OA DI:SF5_STS;DV CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV AO:MADMPR_5 AND SLECT:MIN_OA CENAB AI.DATEMP5;AV DI:CLG_ENA DV CENAB ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS AINP1 AINP2 INSEL NA 40.0 SLCM:LCM4 AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 DIN1 DIN2 DIN3 DIN4 DIN5 DIN6 AV CENAB IPR1 IPR2 IPR3 IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 WHEN COOLING IS ENABLED FROM THE CHILLER PLANT AND FAN STATUS IS PROVEN, THE DAMPER COMMAND WILL BE 40%. AV OVTIM CAUSE DIAGN RESET:MA_DMPRS AINP AISP RESSP OUTMN OUTMX OUT WHEN FAN STATUS IS PROVEN AND COOLING IS DISABLED FROM THE CHILLER PLANT THE DAMPERS WILL RAMP OPEN ON A 15 MINUTE RAMP AND THEN MODULATE TO MAINTAIN A MIXED AIR SETPOINT OF 60 DEG F. LOOP:MIXAIR_5 AI:MATEMP5 CENAB AV DIAGN INTYP=STANDARD 60.0 DEG F 42.5 DEG F OFF ON 100.0 % 0.0 % CENAB AV AINP SP CALSP HIFLG LOFLG TR NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN RAENA DI:SF5_STS CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS RASEL=SOFT START RAMP LOGIC:MIN_OA;DINP2 ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB LCM-4 AHU-5 MIXED AIR DAMPERS AHU-5 SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/23/2009 SHEET REV 3 OF 3 COS:SF6_STS CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV OFF SLECT:LAB_OFF DV CENAB DO:SF6_S!S CENAB DV FOVAL OVTIM FOENA CAUSE DIAGN IPR1 ONTIM IPR2 CHTIM IPR3 NCHGS IPR4 DINP1 DINP2 INSEL NA OFF OFF LOGIC:AHU7_S!S; DINP1 DO.EF13S!S RGCM:CLG_ENA OFF DFTDV DV DIAGN OSS:AHU67 AI:OATEMP CENAB AV DIAGN OCC FAENA VAC MXSTA MXSTP COMFT SPACE SP OAT CENA 2 DEG F 73 DEG F 74 DEG F DPT:SCH_67 LOGIC:AHU6_S!S CENAB DV DINP OVTIM DFTDV CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV IPR7 IPR8 AND INTYP=USER DEFINED OFF LOGIC:MIN_OA!6;DINP1 RNET;FAN_KILL OFF DFTDV DV DIAGN SLECT:AHU6_S!S CENAB DI:SF6_STS CENAB DV ON OFF ONDV FAN OPERATION: IPR5 IPR6 THE FANS ARE COMMANDED TO BE ON FROM THE SCHEDULE. AHU-6 AND AHU-7 OPERATE TOGETHER USING A CONNECTED SUPPLY DUCTS SERVING THE SOUTH OFFICE AREAS OF THE BUILDING. DO:RF6_S!S CENAB DV FOVAL OVTIM FOENA CAUSE DIAGN IPR1 ONTIM IPR2 CHTIM IPR3 NCHGS IPR4 THE SLECT:LAB_OFF BLOCK WILL SHUT DOWN THE FANS IF COMMANDED. THE NETWORK RNET:FAN_KILL BLOCK WILL SHUT DOWN THE FANS IF COMMANDED. IPR5 DV IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 DINP1 DINP2 INSEL OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS THE RETURN FAN WILL NOT START UNTIL SUPPLY FAN STATUS IS PROVEN. VFD OPERATION: DELAY:RAMP_6;DINP LOOP.STTC_6;RAENA COS:RF6_STS LOGIC:AHU6_STS CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV DI:RF6_STS CENAB DV ONDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS LOGIC:6!7_STS LOGIC.AHU7_STS;DV 100% 0% 100% 15MIN LOGIC:RAMP_6!7 RMPOF RMPST RMPFI RMPTI ENABL CENAB DINP1 DV DINP2 ONDV DINP3 OFFDV DINP4 CENAB DINP1 DV DINP2 ONDV DINP3 OFFDV DINP4 1.00 IN WC 3.00 IN WC OFF ON 100.0 % 0.00 % OFF DPT:RAMP_6!7 AI:SF6_STTC CENAB AV DIAGN CENAB AV AINP CALSP SP HIFLG TR LOFLG RAENA NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN ENCHG MATH:RF6_VFD;AINP1 THE RETURN FAN OPERATES AT 80% OF THE SUPPLY FAN COMMAND. AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL AO:RF6_VFD CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 DPT:AHU_OVER OFF OFF DELAY:RAMP_7 LOGIC.AHU7_STS;DV CENAB NA 3.0V INTYP=USER DEFINED CENAB PULSE DINP DV RMTIM CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 THE SUPPLY FANS OPERATE TO MAINTAIN 1.00 IN WC IN THE SUPPLY DUCT CONNECTED TO AHU-6. ON STARTUP, WITH THE DPT.RAMP_6!7;DV OFF AND FAN STATUS PROVEN ON BOTH THE SUPPLY AND RETURN FANS, THE SUPPLY FAN WILL RAMP UP TO SPEED USING A 15 MINUTE RAMP TIME. THE STATIC LOOP ALSO HAS A 15 MINUTE RAMP TIME THAT REQUIRES STATUS FROM SF6 OR SF7 TO BE PROVEN. SLECT:AHU_OVER RASEL=SOFT START RAMP DELAY:RAMP_6 LOGIC.AHU6_STS;DV AO:SF6_VFD CENAB HIVAL AINP1 HICAU AINP2 LOVAL AINP3 LOCAU AINP4 AVG SUM LOOP.STTC_6!7 OR OFF OFF AV HILO:SF6_VFD AND CENAB DV DINP OVTIM DFTDV THE DPT.AHU_OVR BLOCK WILL SEND A 3.0 VDC SIGNAL TO THE DRIVES WHEN COMMANDED ON. RAMP:AHU_6 AND OFFDV CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV OFF CENAB DV DINP OVTIM DFTDV CENAB PULSE DINP DV RMTIM LOOP.STTC_6 1.00 IN WC 3.00 IN WC LOGIC:AHU6_STS;DV OFF ON 100.0 % 0.00 % OFF CENAB AV AINP CALSP SP HIFLG TR LOFLG RAENA NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN ENCHG MATH:RF6_VFD AO:SF6_VFD;AV CENAB 0.8 AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB GCS-2 AHU-6 AHU S/S AND VFD AHU-6 RASEL=SOFT START RAMP SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/24/2009 SHEET REV 1 OF 4 COS:FRZSTAT6 OFF OFF CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV DI:FRZSTAT6 CENAB SLECT:CHW_FRZ6 DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS AV CENAB NA 100.0 % AINP1 AINP2 INSEL SLECT:CLG_FULL AV CENAB NA 100.0 % CHILLED WATER VALVE OPERATION: AINP1 AINP2 INSEL RGCM:CLG_FULL OFF DFTDV THE CHILLED WATER VALVE IS NORMALLY CLOSED. THE COMMAND IS % OPEN FOR THE VALVE. DV DIAGN AO:CHWVLV_6 CENAB IPR1 IPR2 IPR3 IPR4 SLCM:LCM3;AIN2 AV OVTIM CAUSE DIAGN THE FREEZESTAT WILL FORCE THE CHILLED WATER VALVE TO GO TO 100% OPEN UNTIL RESET. IPR5 AI:DATEMP6 CENAB LOOP:DATEMP_6 AV DIAGN DI:SF6_STS CENAB 55.0 DEG F 53.0 DEG F OFF ON 100.0 % 0.00 % INTYP=STANDARD DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS CENAB AV AINP SP CALSP HIFLG LOFLG TR NOACT IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 THE CLG_FULL DPT IN THE GCM WILL FORCE THE CHILLED WATER VALVE TO GO TO 100% OPEN IF COMMANDED ON. COENA IF COOLING IS NOT ENABLED FROM THE ASL CHILLER PLANT, OR IF THERE IS NO FAN STATUS, THE CHILLED WATER VALVE WILL BE CLOSED. OUTMX OUTMN RAENA LOGIC:CHWVLV_6 CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV RASEL=SOFT START RAMP WHEN COOLING IS ENABLED FROM THE ASL CHILLER PLANT AND FAN STATUS IS PROVED THE CHILLED WATER VALVE WILL RAMP OPEN USING A 15 MINUTE RAMP TIME AND THEN BE MODULATED TO MAINTAIN A DISCHARGE AIR TEMPERATURE OF 55 DEG F. AND RGCM:CLG_ENA OFF DFTDV DV DIAGN ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB LCM 3 AHU-6 CHILLED WATER VALVE AHU-6 SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/24/2009 SHEET REV 2 OF 4 MIXED AIR DAMPER OPERATION: COS:FRZSTAT6 OFF OFF CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV THE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER, NORMALLY CLOSED, THE RETURN AIR DAMPER, NORMALLY OPEN, AND THE RELIEF AIR DAMPER, NORMALLY CLOSED ARE CONTROLLED BY THE SAME SIGNAL. THE SIGNAL CORRESPONDS TO THE POSITION OF THE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER, OR % OPEN FOR THE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER. DI:FRZSTAT6 CENAB DV SLECT:FRZSTAT6 ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS CENAB NA 0.0% AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL IF THE 35 DEG F FREEZESTAT IS TRIPPED OR FAN STATUS IS NOT PROVEN, THE MIXED AIR DAMPERS WILL GO TO 0% COMMAND. SLCM:LCM3;DIN1 RGCM:CLG_ENA OFF DFTDV WHEN COOLING IS ENABLED FROM THE CHILLER PLANT AND FAN STATUS IS PROVEN, THE DAMPER COMMAND WILL BE 40%. LOGIC:MIN_OA!6 DV CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV DIAGN AO:MADMPR6 AND SLECT:MIN_OA!6 CENAB IPR1 AV IPR2 IPR3 IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 DI:SF6_STS;DV CENAB AI.DATEMP6;AV AI.MATEMP7;AV AI.DATEMP7;AV DI.FRZSTAT6;DV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL NA 40.0 % SLCM:LCM3 AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 DIN1 DIN2 DIN3 DIN4 DIN5 DIN6 WHEN FAN STATUS IS PROVEN AND COOLING IS DISABLED FROM THE CHILLER PLANT THE DAMPERS WILL RAMP OPEN ON A 15 MINUTE RAMP AND THEN MODULATE TO MAINTAIN A MIXED AIR SETPOINT OF 60 DEG F. AV OVTIM CAUSE DIAGN DI.FRZSTAT7;DV COS:LOSTTC_6 OFF OFF CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV LOOP:MIXAIR_6 DI:LOSTTC_6 CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS DI.LOSTTC_7;DV 60.0 DEG F 42.5 DEG F OFF ON 100.0 % 0.0 % CENAB AV AINP SP CALSP HIFLG LOFLG TR NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN RAENA DI:SF6_STS CENAB AI:MATEMP6 CENAB AV DIAGN DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB RASEL=SOFT START RAMP LCM-3 AHU-6 MIXED AIR DAMPERS LOGIC:MIN_OA!6;DINP1 AHU-6 INTYP=STANDARD SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/24/2009 SHEET REV 3 OF 4 DO:EF13S!S DPT.SCH_67;DV CENAB FOVAL FOENA IPR1 IPR2 IPR3 IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 DV OVTIM CAUSE DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS FAN OPERATION: EXHAUST FAN EF-13 IS COMMANDED TO BE ON FROM THE SCHEDULE FOR AHU-6 AND AHU-7. EXHAUST FAN EF-9 IS COMMANDED TO BE ON WHEN THE CANYON TEMPERATURE IS ABOVE 80 DEG F. DO:EF9_S!S TSTAT:CANYONEX AI:CNYNTMP CENAB AV DIAGN 80 DEG F 3 DEG F CENAB DV SP ONDV AINP OFFDV INDIF HIFLG LOFLG CENAB FOVAL FOENA IPR1 IPR2 IPR3 IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 DV OVTIM CAUSE DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS INTYP=STANDARD MODE=ON OFF CONTROL ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB GCS-7 EXHAUST FAN 13 TOILET EXHAUST GCS-6 EXHAUST FAN 9 EXHAUST FANS 9 AND 13 SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 4/22/2009 SHEET REV 4 OF 4 COS:SF7_STS OFF DO:SF7_S!S CENAB DV FOVAL OVTIM FOENA CAUSE DIAGN IPR1 ONTIM IPR2 CHTIM IPR3 NCHGS IPR4 SLECT:LAB_OFF CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV CENAB NA OFF OFF DV DINP1 DINP2 INSEL FAN OPERATION: IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 DPT:SCH_67 THE FANS ARE COMMANDED TO BE ON FROM THE SCHEDULE. AHU-6 AND AHU-7 OPERATE TOGETHER USING A CONNECTED SUPPLY DUCTS SERVING THE SOUTH OFFICE AREAS OF THE BUILDING. CENAB DV DINP OVTIM DFTDV LOGIC:AHU7_S!S CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV SLECT:AHU7_S!S CENAB OFF DFTDV DV DINP1 DINP2 INSEL ON OFF RNET;FAN_KILL DV DIAGN OFF AND LOGIC:MIN_OA!7;DINP1 DO:RF7_S!S CENAB DV FOVAL OVTIM FOENA CAUSE DIAGN IPR1 ONTIM IPR2 CHTIM IPR3 NCHGS IPR4 THE SLECT:LAB_OFF BLOCK WILL SHUT DOWN THE FANS IF COMMANDED. THE NETWORK RNET:FAN_KILL BLOCK WILL SHUT DOWN THE FANS IF COMMANDED. IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 DI:SF7_STS CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS THE RETURN FAN WILL NOT START UNTIL SUPPLY FAN STATUS IS PROVEN. DELAY:RAMP_7;DINP LOGIC:6!7_STS;DINP2 LOOP.STTC_7;RAENA LOGIC:AHU7_STS ONDV COS:RF7_STS;DINP DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS LOGIC:RAMP_6!7 LOGIC:6!7_STS 100% 0% 100% 15MIN CENAB DINP1 DV DINP2 ONDV DINP3 OFFDV DINP4 CENAB DINP1 DV DINP2 ONDV DINP3 OFFDV DINP4 RMPOF RMPST RMPFI RMPTI ENABL 1.00 IN WC 3.00 IN WC OFF ON 100.0 % 0.00 % OFF DPT:RAMP_6!7 AI:SF6_STTC CENAB AV DIAGN CENAB PULSE DINP DV RMTIM CENAB AV AINP CALSP SP HIFLG TR LOFLG RAENA NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN ENCHG CENAB NA 3.0V INTYP=USER DEFINED MATH:RF7_VFD;AINP1 THE RETURN FAN OPERATES AT 90% OF THE SUPPLY FAN COMMAND. AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL AO:RF7_VFD DPT:AHU_OVER OFF OFF DELAY:RAMP_7 LOGIC.AHU7_STS;DV CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 THE SUPPLY FANS OPERATE TO MAINTAIN 1.00 IN WC IN THE SUPPLY DUCT CONNECTED TO AHU-6. ON STARTUP, WITH THE DPT.RAMP_6!7;DV OFF AND FAN STATUS PROVEN ON BOTH THE SUPPLY AND RETURN FANS, THE SUPPLY FAN WILL RAMP UP TO SPEED USING A 15 MINUTE RAMP TIME. THE STATIC LOOP ALSO HAS A 15 MINUTE RAMP TIME THAT REQUIRES STATUS FROM SF6 OR SF7 TO BE PROVEN. SLECT:AHU_OVER RASEL=SOFT START RAMP DELAY:RAMP_6 LOGIC.AHU6_STS;DV AO:SF7_VFD CENAB HIVAL AINP1 HICAU AINP2 LOVAL AINP3 LOCAU AINP4 AVG SUM LOOP.STTC_6!7 OR OFF OFF THE DPT.AHU_OVR BLOCK WILL SEND A 3.0 VDC SIGNAL TO THE DRIVES WHEN COMMANDED ON. AV HILO:SF7_VFD OR CENAB DV DINP OVTIM DFTDV VFD OPERATION: CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV RAMP:AHU_7 AND OFFDV LOGIC.AHU7_STS;DV OFF CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV DI:RF7_STS CENAB DV LOGIC.AHU6_STS;DV COS:RF7_STS DI.RF7_STS;DV CENAB DV DINP OVTIM DFTDV CENAB PULSE DINP DV RMTIM AO:SF7_VFD;AV MATH:RF7_VFD CENAB 0.9 CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL LOOP.STTC_7 1.00 IN WC 3.00 IN WC LOGIC:AHU7_STS;DV OFF ON 100.0 % 0.00 % OFF CENAB AV AINP CALSP SP HIFLG TR LOFLG RAENA NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN ENCHG RASEL=SOFT START RAMP ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB GCS-2 AHU-7 AHU S/S AND VFD AHU-7 SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/24/2009 SHEET REV 1 OF 3 COS:FRZSTAT7 OFF OFF CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV DI:FRZSTAT7 CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS SLECT:CHW_FRZ7 AV CENAB NA 100.0 % AINP1 AINP2 INSEL SLECT:CLG_FULL AV CENAB NA 100.0 % CHILLED WATER VALVE OPERATION: AINP1 AINP2 INSEL RGCM:CLG_FULL OFF DFTDV THE CHILLED WATER VALVE IS NORMALLY CLOSED. THE COMMAND IS % OPEN FOR THE VALVE. DV DIAGN AO:CHWVLV_7 CENAB IPR1 IPR2 IPR3 IPR4 SLCM:LCM3;AIN4 AV OVTIM CAUSE DIAGN THE FREEZESTAT WILL FORCE THE CHILLED WATER VALVE TO GO TO 100% OPEN UNTIL RESET. IPR5 AI:DATEMP7 CENAB LOOP:DATEMP_7 AV DIAGN DI:SF7_STS CENAB 55.0 DEG F 53.0 DEG F OFF ON 100.0 % 0.00 % INTYP=STANDARD DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS CENAB AV AINP SP CALSP HIFLG LOFLG TR NOACT IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 THE CLG_FULL DPT IN THE GCM WILL FORCE THE CHILLED WATER VALVE TO GO TO 100% OPEN IF COMMANDED ON. COENA IF COOLING IS NOT ENABLED FROM THE ASL CHILLER PLANT, OR IF THERE IS NO FAN STATUS, THE CHILLED WATER VALVE WILL BE CLOSED. OUTMX OUTMN RAENA LOGIC:CHWVLV_7 CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV RASEL=SOFT START RAMP WHEN COOLING IS ENABLED FROM THE ASL CHILLER PLANT AND FAN STATUS IS PROVED THE CHILLED WATER VALVE WILL RAMP OPEN USING A 15 MINUTE RAMP TIME AND THEN BE MODULATED TO MAINTAIN A DISCHARGE AIR TEMPERATURE OF 55 DEG F. AND RGCM:CLG_ENA OFF DFTDV DV DIAGN ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB LCM 3 AHU-7 CHILLED WATER VALVE AHU-7 SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/24/2009 SHEET REV 2 OF 3 MIXED AIR DAMPER OPERATION: COS:FRZSTAT7 OFF OFF THE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER, NORMALLY CLOSED, THE RETURN AIR DAMPER, NORMALLY OPEN, AND THE RELIEF AIR DAMPER, NORMALLY CLOSED ARE CONTROLLED BY THE SAME SIGNAL. THE SIGNAL CORRESPONDS TO THE POSITION OF THE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER, OR % OPEN FOR THE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER. CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV DI:FRZSTAT7 CENAB DV SLECT:FRZSTAT7 ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS CENAB NA 0.0% IF THE 35 DEG F FREEZESTAT IS TRIPPED OR FAN STATUS IS NOT PROVEN, THE MIXED AIR DAMPERS WILL GO TO 0% COMMAND. AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL WHEN COOLING IS ENABLED FROM THE CHILLER PLANT AND FAN STATUS IS PROVEN, THE DAMPER COMMAND WILL BE 40%. SLCM:LCM3;DIN2 RGCM:CLG_ENA OFF DFTDV DV LOGIC:MIN_OA!7 DIAGN CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV AO:MADMPR7 AND SLECT:MIN_OA!7 CENAB IPR1 AV IPR2 IPR3 IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 DI:SF7_STS;DV CENAB AI.DATEMP6;AV AI.DATEMP7;AV DI.FRZSTAT6;DV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL NA 40.0 % SLCM:LCM3 AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 DIN1 DIN2 DIN3 DIN4 DIN5 DIN6 AI.MATEMP7;AV WHEN FAN STATUS IS PROVEN AND COOLING IS DISABLED FROM THE CHILLER PLANT THE DAMPERS WILL RAMP OPEN ON A 15 MINUTE RAMP AND THEN MODULATE TO MAINTAIN A MIXED AIR SETPOINT OF 60 DEG F. AV OVTIM CAUSE DIAGN DI.FRZSTAT7;DV DI.LOSTTC_6;DV COS:LOSTTC_7 OFF OFF CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV LOOP:MIXAIR_7 DI:LOSTTC_7 CENAB 60.0 DEG F 42.5 DEG F OFF ON 100.0 % 0.0 % DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS CENAB AV AINP SP CALSP HIFLG LOFLG TR NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN RAENA DI:SF7_STS CENAB AI:MATEMP7 CENAB AV DIAGN DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB RASEL=SOFT START RAMP LCM-3 AHU-7 MIXED AIR DAMPERS LOGIC:MIN_OA!7;DINP2 AHU-7 INTYP=STANDARD SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 3/24/2009 SHEET REV 3 OF 3 ASL GCS-1 ASL GCS-2 ASL GCS-3 AO:SF1_VFD AO:SF2_VFD AO:SF3_VFD DI:SF1_STS DI:SF2_STS DI:SF3_STS AI:SF1_HZ AI:SF2_HZ AI:SF3_HZ AI:SF1_AMPS AI:SF2_AMPS AI:SF3_AMPS DI:SF1_FLT DI:SF2_FLT DI:SF3_FLT AO:RF1_VFD AO:RF2_VFD AO:RF3_VFD DI:RF1_STS DI:RF2_STS DI:RF3_STS AI:RF1_HZ AI:RF2_HZ AI:RF3_HZ AI:RF1_AMPS AI:RF2_AMPS AI:RF3_AMPS DI:RF1_FLT DI:RF2_FLT DI:RF3_FLT AI:STTC_N AI:STTC_S DI:ISODMP1A AI:OATEMP AI:FH_STTC DI:ISODMP1B DI:E1B_STS AO:WFH_DMPR DI:ISODMP2A AO:EFH_DMPR DI:ISODMP2B DO:E1B_S!S DO:SF1_S!S DO:SF2_S!S DO:SF3_S!S DO:RF1_S!S DO:RF2_S!S DO:RF3_S!S ASL GCS-4 ASL GCS-5 ASL GCS-6 AO:SF4_VFD AO:SF5_VFD AO:SF6_VFD DI:SF4_STS DI:SF5_STS DI:SF6_STS AI:SF4_HZ AI:SF5_HZ AI:SF6_HZ AI:SF4_AMPS AI:SF5_AMPS AI:SF6_AMPS DI:SF4_FLT DI:SF5_FLT DI:SF6_FLT AO:RF4_VFD AO:RF5_VFD AO:RF6_VFD DI:RF4_STS DI:RF5_STS DI:RF6_STS AI:RF4_HZ AI:RF5_HZ AI:RF6_HZ AI:RF4_AMPS AI:RF5_AMPS AI:RF6_AMPS DI:RF4_FLT DI:RF5_FLT DI:RF6_FLT AI:WBLDGSTC AI:S5W_STTC AI:SF6_STTC AI:RF1-4STC AI:S5E_STTC DI:EF9_STS DI:E2A_STS DI:E2B_STS AI:CNYNTMP DO:E2A_S!S DO:E2B_S!S DO:EF9_S!S DO:SF4_S!S DO:SF5_S!S DO:SF6_S!S DO:RF4_S!S DO:RF5_S!S DO:RF6_S!S ASL GCS-7 AO:SF7_VFD DI:SF7_STS AI:SF7_HZ AI:SF7_AMPS DI:SF7_FLT AO:RF7_VFD DI:RF7_STS AI:RF7_HZ AI:RF7_AMPS DI:RF7_FLT AI:SF7_STTC DI:EF13STS DO:EF13S!S DO:SF7_S!S DO:RF7_S!S OFF CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV SLECT:LEAD_12 CENAB OFF DO:P12_S!S;DV MTR:P_12 CENAB DINP LOGIC:ROT_12 DV DINP1 DINP2 DINP3 DINP4 DINP5 ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS DV DINP1 DINP2 INSEL IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 SLECT:ROT_PMTR DI:P12_STS CENAB DV LOGIC:PMTR_STS;DINP1 DV CENAB DINP1 DINP2 INSEL OFF DV ONDV OFFDV ON SEQ:PERIMTR CENAB DV1 AINP DV2 ROSTG 50 SLECT:LEAD_12A CENAB OFF OR DV DINP1 DINP2 INSEL COS:P_12A OFF TSTAT:PMTR_S!S RGCM:OATEMP DO:P12A_S!S;DV OFF OFF MTR:P_12A CENAB DINP DO:P12A_S!S CENAB DV FOVAL OVTIM FOENA CAUSE DIAGN IPR1 ONTIM IPR2 CHTIM IPR3 NCHGS IPR4 MATH:OATEMP;AINP1 CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV DPT:ROT_12 DFTAV CENAB DV DINP OVTIM DFTDV COS:P_12;NORM DO:P12_S!S CENAB DV FOVAL OVTIM FOENA CAUSE DIAGN IPR1 ONTIM IPR2 CHTIM IPR3 NCHGS IPR4 COS:P_12 AV 55 DEG F DIAGN 6 DEG F DV DI:P12A_STS DV CENAB DV SP ONDV AINP OFFDV INDIF HIFLG LOFLG COS:P_12A;NORM IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 MODE=ON OFF CONTROL CENAB ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS LOGIC:PMTR_STS;DINP2 DELAY:PMTRLOCK CENAB PULSE DINP DV RMTIM DI.P12_STS;DV SLECT:PMTR_STS DI;P12A_STS;DV CENAB LOGIC:PMTR_STS 100 NA CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL AO:HXVLV_1 CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 OR ALARM:PHWS_LOW CENAB STATE AINP DV LIMIT ONDV RETRN OFFDV DSABL RAMP:PERIMETR 100% 100.0% 0.0% 20MIN RMPOF RMPST RMPFI RMPTI ENABL AI:PHWSTEMP CENAB AV DIAGN AV RESET:HXVLV_1 AI AINP RESSP OUTMN OUTMX OUT HILO:PERIMETR INTYP=STANDARD LOOP.PERIMTR RGCM:OATEMP;AV MATH:OATEMP CENAB AINP1 AINP2 INSEL AV 170.0 DEG F 100.0 DEG F OFF ON 100.0 % 0.00 % OFF CENAB AV AINP CALSP SP HIFLG TR LOFLG RINP NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN ENCHG CENAB HIVAL AINP1 HICAU AINP2 LOVAL AINP3 LOCAU AINP4 AVG SUM MATH:PHWS_LO CENAB AV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB RASEL=SETPOINT RESET GCS-2 LCM-5 PERIMETER HEATING HEATING SYSTEMS SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 02/09/2009 SHEET REV 1 OF 4 SLECT:LOCK_13A COS:P_13 DO:P13_S!S;DV OFF CENAB DPT:13A_LEAD;DV CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV DV DINP1 DINP2 INSEL OFF SLECT:P_13 CENAB LOGIC:ROT_13 DINP1 DINP2 DINP3 DINP4 DINP5 MTR:P_13 CENAB DINP DV DPT:13_LEAD DV ONDV OFFDV SEQ:REHEAT CENAB DV1 AINP DV2 ROSTG SLECT:ROT_13 CENAB OR OFF DV DINP1 DINP2 INSEL 50 CENAB DV DINP OVTIM DFTDV OFF OFF OFF DI:P13_STS CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS DPT:ROT_13 OFF OFF CENAB DV DINP OVTIM DFTDV MTR:P_13A DPT:13_LEAD;DV DV OFF DELAY:RHT_LOCK OR SLECT:LEAD_13A CENAB OFF DV DINP1 DINP2 INSEL DO:P13A_S!S CENAB DV FOVAL OVTIM FOENA CAUSE DIAGN IPR1 ONTIM IPR2 CHTIM IPR3 NCHGS IPR4 DV DINP1 DINP2 INSEL CENAB DPT:13A_LEAD CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV ONDV IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 SLECT:P_13A LOGIC:RHT_STS DI:P13A_STS DV IPR5 SLECT:LOCK_13 CENAB PULSE DINP DV RMTIM CENAB DV DINP1 DINP2 INSEL SLECT:LOCK_13;INSEL ALARM:RHWS_LOW:DSABL CENAB CENAB DINP CENAB OFF CENAB DV DINP OVTIM DFTDV OFF OFF DO:P13A_S!S;DV SLECT:LEAD_13 DPT:RHT_OFF COS:P_13A CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV DV DINP1 DINP2 INSEL ON COS:P_13;DINP DO:P13_S!S CENAB DV FOVAL OVTIM FOENA CAUSE DIAGN IPR1 ONTIM IPR2 CHTIM IPR3 NCHGS IPR4 OFF OFF ON DV DINP1 DINP2 INSEL COS:P_13A;NORM IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 CENAB DV DINP OVTIM DFTDV SLECT:LOCK_13A;INSEL SLECT:RHT_STS;INSEL OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS SLECT:RHT_STS LOGIC:RHT_STS;DV AV CENAB 100.0% NA TREND:RHWSTEMP;INP4 AO:HXVLV_2 CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 RAMP:REHEAT ALARM:RHWS_LOW DPT:RHT_OFF;DV AINP1 AINP2 INSEL 100% 100.0% 0.0% 15MIN CENAB STATE AINP DV LIMIT ONDV RETRN OFFDV DSABL RMPOF RMPST RMPFI RMPTI ENABL AV RESET:HXVLV_2 AI AINP RESSP OUTMN OUTMX OUT HILO:REHEAT LOOP.REHEAT AI:RHWSTEMP CENAB AV DIAGN 160.0 DEG F 150.0 DEG F OFF ON 100.0 % 0.00 % ON CENAB HIVAL AINP1 HICAU AINP2 LOVAL AINP3 LOCAU AINP4 AVG SUM CENAB AV AINP CALSP SP HIFLG TR LOFLG RINP NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN ENCHG INTYP=STANDARD RASEL=NO SETPOINT RESET TREND:RHWSTEMP ENABL TAFUL PRINP RTRDA INP1 INP2 INP3 INP4 AI:RHWRTEMP CENAB AV DIAGN INTYP=STANDARD AO:HXVLV_2;AV ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB LCM 5 REHEAT HEATING SYSTEMS SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 02/16/2008 SHEET REV 2 OF 4 RLCM:E1A_STS DFTDV DV DIAGN DO:EA1_S!S SGCM:ASL_LAB COS:E1A RLCM:E1A_S!S DFTDV DV DIAGN LOGIC:ROT_EF1 DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS SEQ:EF1 CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV DINP3 DINP4 DINP5 DINP6 DINP7 DINP8 - DI:E1B_STS CENAB AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 DIN1 DIN2 DIN3 DIN4 DIN5 DIN6 DIN7 DIN8 CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV COS:E1B CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV 50 OR CENAB FOVAL FOUTS AINP ROSTG DV1 ON1 OFF1 DV2 ON2 OFF2 DV3 ON3 OFF3 ALLON ALLOF ONSTG RGCM:E1A_S!S DFTDV DV DIAGN LCM 5 CENAB FOVAL FOENA IPR1 IPR2 IPR3 IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 DV OVTIM CAUSE DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS DO:E1B_S!S DO.E1B_S!S;DV CENAB FOVAL FOENA IPR1 IPR2 IPR3 IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 MODE=ROTATING DPT:ROT_EF1 CENAB DV DINP OVTIM DFTDV SEQ:EF2 DI:E2A_STS CENAB DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS LOGIC:ROT_EF2 COS:E2A CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV DO.E2A_S!S;DV 50 CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV DINP3 DINP4 DINP5 DINP6 DINP7 DINP8 - CENAB FOVAL FOUTS AINP ROSTG DV1 ON1 OFF1 DV2 ON2 OFF2 DV3 ON3 OFF3 ALLON ALLOF ONSTG CENAB OFF DV DINP1 DINP2 INSEL DO:E2A_S!S SLECT:LEAD_E2B COS:E2B CENAB CENAB STATE DINP DV DSABL ONDV NORM OFFDV DV ONDV OFFDV DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS LEAD FAN OPERATION: SLECT:LEAD_E2A MODE=ROTATING DI:E2B_STS DV OVTIM CAUSE DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS CENAB OFF CENAB FOVAL FOENA IPR1 IPR2 IPR3 IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 DV OVTIM CAUSE DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS DV DINP1 DINP2 INSEL DO:E2B_S!S DPT:ROT_EF2 DO.E2B_S!S;DV CENAB DV DINP OVTIM DFTDV TSTAT:LAGFAN 40% 40% CENAB DV SP ONDV AINP OFFDV INDIF HIFLG LOFLG CENAB FOVAL FOENA IPR1 IPR2 IPR3 IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 DV OVTIM CAUSE DIAGN ONTIM CHTIM NCHGS EXHAUST FAN EF-1A IS THE LEAD FAN AND RUNS AT ALL TIMES. IF EF-1A FAILS OR IF BLOCK DPT.ROT_EF1 IS COMMANDED ON, EXHAUST FAN EF-1B WILL BECOME THE LEAD FAN AND WILL RUN AT ALL TIMES. LAG FAN OPERATION: EXHAUST FAN EF-2A IS THE LAG FAN. IT WILL RUN IF THE BYPASS DAMPER COMMAND DROPS BELOW 20% OUTSIDE AIR AND WILL CONTINUE UNTIL THE DAMPER OPENS TO ABOVE 60% OUTSIDE AIR. IT WILL THEN SHUT DOWN. IF EF-2A FAILS OR IF BLOCK DPT.ROT_EF2 IS COMMANDED ON, EXHAUST FAN EF-2B WILL BECOME THE LAG FAN AND WILL RUN WHEN REQUIRED BY THE DAMPER POSITION THERMOSTAT. MODE=ON OFF CONTROL ACT=REVERSE LOOP.FH_STTC;AV ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB GCM FUME HOOD EXHAUST HEATING SYSTEMS SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 05/18/2009 SHEET REV 3 OF 4 AO:EFH_DMPR LOOP:FH_STTC AI:FH_STTC CENAB AV DIAGN -1.75 IN WC INTYP=USER DEFINED CENAB AV AINP CALSP SP HIFLG TR LOFLG RAENA NOACT COENA OUTMX OUTMN ENCHG CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 AO:WFH_DMPR LOGIC:FH_STTC DPT:FH_STTC OFF OFF CENAB DV DINP OVTIM DFTDV CENAB DV DINP1 ONDV DINP2 OFFDV INVERT RASEL=SOFT START RAMP ACT=REVERSE CENAB AV IPR1 OVTIM IPR2 CAUSE IPR3 DIAGN IPR4 IPR5 IPR6 IPR7 IPR8 BYPASS DAMPER OPERATION: THE BYPASS DAMPERS MODULATE TO MAINTAIN THE STATIC PRESSURE SETPOINT OF -1.75 IN WC FOR THE EXHAUST DUCT. TSTAT.LAGFAN;AINP ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB GCM FUME HOOD EXHAUST BYPASS DAMPER CONTROL HEATING SYSTEMS SIZE SCALE FSCM NO NONE DWG NO 05/18/2009 SHEET REV 4 OF 4 ASL LCM-1 ASL LCM-2 ASL LCM-3 AI:MATEMP1 AI:MATEMP2 AI:MATEMP6 AO:MADMPR_1 AO:MADMPR_2 AO:MADMPR_6 DI:SF1_STS DI:SF2_STS AI:DATEMP6 AI:PHDAT1 AI:PHDAT2 AO:CHWVLV_6 AO:PHTVLV_1 AO:PHTVLV_2 DI:FRZSTAT6 AI:DATEMP1 AI:DATEMP2 DI:SF6_STS AO:CHWVLV_1 AO:CHWVLV_2 AI:MATEMP7 DI:FRZSTAT1 DI:FRZSTAT2 AO:MADMPR_7 AI:MATEMP3 AI:MATEMP4 AI:DATEMP7 AO:MADMPR_3 AO:MADMPR_4 AO:CHWVLV_7 DI:SF3_STS DI:SF4_STS DI:FRZSTAT7 AI:PHDAT3 AI:PHDAT4 DI:SF7_STS AO:PHTVLV_3 AO:PHTVLV_4 DI:LOSTTC_6 AI:DATEMP3 AI:DATEMP4 DI:LOSTTC_7 AO:CHWVLV_3 AO:CHWVLV_4 AI:RA_HUM DI:FRZSTAT3 DI:FRZSTAT4 AI:RA_TMP AHU-1/AHU-3 AHU-2/AHU-4 AHU-6/AHU-7 ASL LCM-4 ASL LCM-5 AI.MATEMP5 AI:PHWSTEMP AO:MADMPR_5 AI:PHWRTEMP AI:DATEMP5 AO:HXVLV_1 AO:CHWVLV_5 DI:P12_STS DI:FRZSTAT5 DI:P12A_STS DI:SF5_STS AI:RHWSTEMP DI:CLG_ENA AI:RHWRTEMP DI:LOSTTC_5 AO:HXVLV_2 DI:P13_STS DI:P13A_STS DI:E1A_STS DO:E1A_S!S DO:P12_S!S DO:P12A_S!S DO:P13_S!S DO:P13A_S!S AHU-5 HEATING SYSTEMS REVISED OCCUPANCY SCHEDULE for ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB - SPRING/FALL SEMESTER AHU AREA SERVED AREA TYPE DAYS OF THE WEEK 89.AHU1 All Floors Laboratories MONDAY - SUNDAY 89.AHU2 All Floors Laboratories MONDAY - SUNDAY 89.AHU3 All Floors Laboratories MONDAY - SUNDAY 89.AHU4 All Floors Laboratories MONDAY - SUNDAY 89.AHU5 All Floors North Offices MONDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY - SUNDAY 89.AHU6 All Floors South Offices MONDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY - SUNDAY 89.AHU7 All Floors South Offices MONDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY - SUNDAY SPR. (1/7 to 5/18) FALL (8/16 to 12/21) @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.75" @ 7 PM Supply Static goes to: 0.75" @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.75" @ 7 PM Supply Static goes to: 0.75" @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.75" @ 7 PM Supply Static goes to: 0.75" @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.75" @ 7 PM Supply Static goes to: 0.75" @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.0" @ 7 PM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 8 AM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.0" @ 7 PM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 8 AM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.0" @ 7 PM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 8 AM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0" NOTES: 1. Outside Air Dampers will be closed and the Toilet Exhaust Fans turned off during unoccupied hours. 6/9/2009 REVISED OCCUPANCY SCHEDULE for ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB - SUMMER SEMESTER AHU AREA SERVED AREA TYPE DAYS OF THE WEEK 89.AHU1 All Floors Laboratories MONDAY - SUNDAY 89.AHU2 All Floors Laboratories MONDAY - SUNDAY 89.AHU3 All Floors Laboratories MONDAY - SUNDAY 89.AHU4 All Floors Laboratories MONDAY - SUNDAY 89.AHU5 All Floors North Offices MONDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY - SUNDAY 89.AHU6 All Floors South Offices MONDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY - SUNDAY 89.AHU7 All Floors South Offices MONDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY - SUNDAY SUMMER (MAY 19 TO AUGUST 15) @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.75" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0.75" @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.75" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0.75" @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.75" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0.75" @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.75" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0.75" @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.0" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 8 AM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.0" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 8 AM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.0" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 8 AM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0" NOTES: 1. Outside Air Dampers will be closed and the Toilet Exhaust Fans turned off during unoccupied hours. 6/9/2009 REVISED OCCUPANCY SCHEDULE for ANIMAL SCIENCE LAB - BREAK PERIODS AHU AREA SERVED AREA TYPE DAYS OF THE WEEK 89.AHU1 All Floors Laboratories MONDAY - SUNDAY 89.AHU2 All Floors Laboratories MONDAY - SUNDAY 89.AHU3 All Floors Laboratories MONDAY - SUNDAY 89.AHU4 All Floors Laboratories MONDAY - SUNDAY 89.AHU5 All Floors North Offices MONDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY - SUNDAY 89.AHU6 All Floors South Offices MONDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY - SUNDAY 89.AHU7 All Floors South Offices MONDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY - SUNDAY DEC. 20 - JAN 6, Thanks. & Spring B. @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.75" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0.75" @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.75" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0.75" @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.75" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0.75" @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.75" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0.75" @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.0" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 8 AM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.0" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 8 AM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 7 AM Supply Static goes to: 1.0" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 8 AM Supply Static goes to: 0" @ 5 PM Supply Static goes to: 0" NOTES: 1. Outside Air Dampers will be closed and the Toilet Exhaust Fans turned off during unoccupied hours. 6/9/2009 Pneumatic Control Manual 717.1 Pressure Section Product Bulletin R-3180 Issue Date 0888 R-3180 Low Range Differential Pressure Controller Features • High Degree of Accuracy and Linearity in Extremely Low Differential Pressure Applications • Minimum Hysteresis • Protective Enclosure • No Static Pressure Transmitters or Special Sensing Tips Required The R-3180 is a reliable low range differential pressure controller designed to accurately measure a differential pressure and convert this measurement into a proportional 1 to 17 PSIG (7 to 119 kPa) output signal. The R-3180 is suitable for a variety of control applications, such as preventing cross contamination from ajoining referenced rooms or cooridors. The R-3180 is therefore a good choice for pressure control of clean rooms, operating rooms, or laboratories. Operation The R-3180 senses space static pressure in two locations. The difference between the two static pressures is compared to the controller set point. The set point is adjustable from 0 to 0.1 in. WG (0 to 25 Pa). As the Specifications Fig. 1: R-3180 Differential Pressure Controller sensed differential pressure between the high and low inputs increases above the set point, an internal mechanism proportionally increases the output signal of the R-3180. As the differential pressure decreases below the set point, the output signal decreases proportionally. By reversing the orientation of the sensing lines, the R-3180 can be utilized for reverse acting applications. Application and Drawing Identification The performance specifications are nominal and conform to acceptable industry standards. For application at conditions beyond these specifications consult the local Johnson Controls office. Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products © 1988 Johnson Controls, Inc. Part No. 24-7349-2, Rev. -Code No. LIT-7171250 1 Installation An integral mounting flange is provided for surface mounting the R-3180 using two #8 sheet metal screws (field furnished). The unit is factory calibrated in the vertical position; therefore, the unit must be mounted within 15 angular degrees of the vertical position as indicated in Fig. 2, on a vibration-free surface. The sensing line lengths must not exceed the values noted in Table 1. Calibration 1. With the R-3180 installed in the vertical position, furnish 20 psig (140 kPa) to the supply "S" connection and wait 24 hours. 2. Hook up a test divider circuit as shown in Fig. 4 and disconnect the low side reference. 3. Turn the selector switch knob to apply air to the adjustable restrictors. 4. By adjusting restrictors #1 and #2, cause the magnehelic gage or manometer (gage #3) to read the desired space differential pressure set point. 5. Utilizing the set point adjustment screw shown in Fig. 5, bias the output of the R-3180 to the desired value (typically midrange of the controlled device). 6. Disconnect the test divider circuit and reconnect the sensing lines and output to the controlled device(s). Repair Information Field repairs must not be made. For a replacement R-3180, contact the nearest Johnson Controls branch office. 2 R-3180 Product Bulletin R-3180 Product Bulletin 3 Notes Controls Group 507 E. Michigan Street P.O. Box 423 Milwaukee, WI 53202 4 R-3180 Product Bulletin Printed in U.S.A. ELECTRICAL & ASSOCIATED TRADES 09 This section is dedicated to the electrical, fire alarm, telephone, data & cable tradesmen and associated engineers. It is here for any data related to the functioning, replacement, and energy consumption by the aforementioned systems in the building. BLDG DISTRIBUTION DIAGRAMS 10 This section is dedicated to each and every system that has a Building Distribution Schematic Diagram and wishes it to be included in the manual. It is here to assist the engineer, route mechanic or facility personnel to see the “big picture” of all related systems and parts.
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