Seminar “BIOPLASTIKA” v okviru projekta PLASTiCE Celje, 21. marec 2012 Potencial bioplastike in trendi na področju Janez Navodnik GIZ Grozd Plasttehnika Funkcionalni in inteligentni materiali Novi materiali reagirajo na zunanje vplive (kot so T, svetloba, EM- polje, bio- ali kemijski vplivi) s spreminjanjem oblike, barve ali pa pretvarjajo energijo (e-papir, ki sveti ali predvaja film, folija, ki proizvaja elektriko, nit, ki se v telesu sama zavozla) Prehod se bo zgodil že leta 2011 2 Funkcionalni in inteligentni materiali Polimeri imajo med naprednimi materiali vodilno vlogo 3 Polimeri – postajajo najpomembnejši funkcionalni material Svet: 202 mio ton Rast 9% - 60 let EU: 35 mio ton 130 md € 1,6 mio zaposlenih 37.000 firm SLO: 330.000 ton + polizd. 1600 firm 18.000 zaposlenih Več kot jeklo, Al, papir… Polimeri + 1% = HT + orodja, stroji 1% = napredni materiali in tehnologije ter znanje 4 Razvoj Razvoj bioplastike skozi zgodovino 5 Trenutno stanje Uporaba bioplastike v Evropi po namenu uporabe 6 Trenutno stanje Tržni deleži bioplastike v letu 2011 po namenu uporabe 7 Trenutno stanje Razvojni status (v letu 2011) termoplastov iz bioplastike 8 BIOPLASTIKA Trg 9 Trenutno stanje Svetovne proizvodne kapacitete bioplastike glede na vrsto materiala v 2010 10 Trenutno stanje Svetovne proizvodne kapacitete bioplastike v letu 2011 glede na vrsto materiala 11 Tenutno stanje in trendi Proizvodne kapacitete bioplastike po svetu v letu 2011 in prognoza do 2015 12 Trendi Proizvodne kapacitete bioplastike po svetu do 2015 13 Trendi Trg za bioplastiko bo ostal niša v prihodnjih letih kljub skokoviti rasti proizvodnje (predvidena je 44% letna rast) 14 Trendi Skupne kmetijske površine in teoretično potrebne kmetijske površine za proizvodnjo bioplastike v letu 2015 15 Trendi Komercialni tržni delež različnih bioplastičnih materialov v letu 2015 16 BIOPLASTIKA PRIMERI MATERIALOV 17 Primeri bioplastike Bio-pultruzija (lan) Solid particles in polyurethan foam mouldings Hennecke in Bayer MaterialScience 18 Primeri bioplastike Bio PA + vlakna bambusa 19 Primeri bioplastike granulat PE + vlakna soje in PP + vlakna soje 20 Primeri bioplastike Bio-pultruzija (lan) 21 BIOPLASTIKA Lesni kompoziti 22 LESNI KOMPOZITI Primerjava specifične trdnosti in E/modula različnih materialov 23 LESNI KOMPOZITI Sl. 2: Cene materialov glede na modul 24 LESNI KOMPOZITI 25 LESNI KOMPOZITI 8 E-modulus [GPa] 7 NF-PLA 6 5 NF-Lignin 4 3 2 PLA PLA+IM NF-Starch PLA-, PHB-, Starchcompounds 1 NF-PHB coPHV PHB coPHV 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Charpy [kJ/m2] 26 LESNI KOMPOZITI Furan-Flax Example Parts Furan-flax prepreg sandwich panel Furan-flax prepreg tubes Furan-flax prepreg ambulance panel PUR sendviči – lesni odpadki Razvoj poliuretana iz odpadne lesne biomase BIOPUR: razvoj specialnih ligninskih kompaundov, kot so npr. elektroprevodni polimeri, inženirski plasti in poliuretan. Input (tons/year) Cellulignin 20.000 Polyhydrig alcohols 57.000 Catalyst 1.200 Hardeners 1.800 Output LIQUEFYING + SYNTHESIS Polyurethane - hard Polyurethane - soft Polyurethane - foam 64.000 tons/year, h=80 % 28 WPC – lesni kompoziti Izbor WCP profilov 29 WPC – lesni kompoziti Tržne možnosti lesnih kompozitov WPC 30 WPC – lesni kompoziti Poraba WPC v vseh panogah 31 WPC – lesni kompoziti Kdo proizvaja WPC 32 WPC – lesni kompoziti Proizvodnja po državah 33 WPC – lesni kompoziti Pri WPC Evropa zaostaja 34 WPC – lesni kompoziti Važen je visok % lesa 35 WPC – lesni kompoziti Les ni termično stabilen 36 WPC – lesni kompoziti Proizvajalci po tipih 37 WPC – lesni kompoziti Primerjava lastnosti 38 BIOPLASTIKA Lastnosti 39 Lastnosti bioplastike Barierne lastnosti bioplastike 40 Lastnosti bioplastike PLA – mehanske lastnosti 41 Lastnosti bioplastike PLA – mehanske lastnosti 42 Lastnosti bioplastike PP + celuloza (Tencel FCP) – mehanske lastnosti 43 BIOPLASTIKA End-of-life 44 End-of-life Skupine odpadkov po nemški zakonodaji 45 End-of-life Možni načini ravnanja z bioplastiko po koncu uporabe 46 End-of-life Bioplastiko je možno tudi reciklirati ! 47 Biogoriva Za vsako ceno! 48 Biogoriva Idealni zaključen krog? 49 Biogoriva Delež in rast biogoriv 50 Biogoriva So vsa bio goriva zelena? 51 Biogoriva Postopki predelave biomase 52 Biogoriva Delež gozdnih virov 53 Biogoriva Napovedi so optimistične Evidence of the growth of biofuel power is underlined by the fact that Ford sold nearly 250 000 flex fuel vehicles in 2006, while some 37 000 "green" cars designed to run on ethanol - were registered in Sweden, serviced by some 600 filling stations. Currently, the US has about 10 000 ethanol fuels stations, and race cars competing in the 2007 IndyCar Series are now running on 100% ethanol. 54 Biogoriva Po državah ogromne razlike In 2005 the US revealed plans to nearly double ethanol production by 2012, while the European Community (EC) recently announced that biofuels are projected to meet 10% of its transportation fuel needs by 2020. 55 Biogoriva Vplivi na CO2 emisije – temnejša plat medalje Forget biofuels – burn oil and plant forests instead. 19:10 16 August 2007 by Catherine Brahic 56 End-of-life Količina bioplina pri razgradnji različnih bioragradljivih plastičnih materialov 57 Biogoriva Zemlja – temnejša plat medalje 58 BIOPLASTIKA Evropski raziskovalno razvojni projekt 59 CENTRAL EUROPE Future laboratory for the diffusion and application of innovation in materials science and engineering FLAME CENTRAL EUROPE Creating framework conditions for enhancing the development of the biodegradable plastics market in central europe as an innovative test bed for new product applications in selected industries PLASTiCE CORNET Polylactic acid (PLA ) for new biobased packaging Biobased packing CORNET Development of tools to communicate advanced technologies on active and intelligent packaging to meet the needs and trends in food processing and retailing and to improve the knowledge transfer especially for smes AIP – COMPETENCE PLATFORM EUREKA Advanced simulation methods for part and process development of complex injection moulded parts tailored for SMEs Automatic fire extinguisher ADVANCED PartSim AFE EUREKA Development of biopolymers from waste wood biomass BIOPUR EUREKA Improved product development and post-production controller system iPDS FP6 New classes of composite materials from renewable resources BIOCOMP FP6 New closed loop development guidance system for complex injection moulded plastic parts and moulds applicable by sme Pro4Plast FP7 Complex semi-finished structural parts from improved thermoplastic biocomposites – improved wood plastic composites BIOSTRUCT FP7 Development of a new recyclable long life co-injected high barrier packaging for food applications, with broad design possibilities and reduced manufacturing costs COBAPACK cobapack FP7 Whey protein-coated plastic films to replace expensive polymers and increase recyclability WHEYLAYER FP7 Study of recyclability of painted, printed, metallized or laminated plastic parts CLIPP using supercritical CO2 technologies and nanofillers Eco-Innovation Marine debris removal and preventing further litter entry MarineClean IPA SI-AT Razvoj POLIREGIJE z združitvijo R&R in gospodarskih kapacitet s poudarkom na MSP-jih na področju polimernih tehnologij, s ciljem nadgradnje zaloge znanja, infrastrukture ter konkurenčnosti. PolyRegion CORNET 60 Projects GP is/was involved in the following EU projects about simulation methods in plastic production: NEW CLOSED LOOP DEVELOPMENT GUIDANCE SYSTEM FOR COMPLEX INJECTION MOULDED PLASTIC PARTS AND MOULDS APPLICABLE BY SME - Pro4Plast IMPROVED PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT AND POSTPRODUCTION CONTROLLER SYSTEM - iPDS ADVANCED SIMULATION METHODS FOR PART AND PROCESS DEVELOPMENT OF COMPLEX INJECTION MOULDED PARTS TAILORED FOR SMEs – ADVANCED PartSim ended running running 61 EUREKA - iPDS Improved product development and post production controller system OBJECTIVES 1. Make a new Obligation Book for assemblies or products, not only parts, which consider their particularities (Interferences, wear, lubrication, overlapping,…) 2. Develop an improved PDS (IPDS) for simplifying the use of this Obligation Book, including a new “Stage 5” for post-production managing (logistics, quality control, etc…) 3. Embed the Support Tools into the software open code to be used without the Office pack, improving them in some cases and creating new ones on others. 62 CORNET – Advanced PartSim ADVANCED SIMULATION METHODS FOR PART AND PROCESS DEVELOPMENT OF COMPLEX INJECTION MOULDED PARTS TAILORED FOR SMEs On the way to virtual prototyping with • 4 new and highly innovative • easy-to-use simulation-methods for OEM/SME • developed on a prototype base Coming from Pro4Plast Case Studies experience, these 4 methods are the • most important missing development methods in Stage 1 and Stage 2 63 Projects GP is/was involved in the following EU projects about new plastic materials from renewable resources: NEW CLASSES OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS FROM RENEWABLE RESOURCES - BIOCOMP COMPLEX SEMI-FINISHED STRUCTURAL PARTS FROM IMPROVED THERMOPLASTIC BIO-COMPOSITES – IMPROVED WOOD PLASTIC COMPOSITES - BIOSTRUCT POLYLACTIC ACID (PLA ) FOR NEW BIOBASED PACKAGING Biobased packing ended As first in the world we have produced some wooden products (loudspeaker) with the technology of injection molding of plastics. running ended 64 FP6: BIOCOMP Loudspeaker, 100 % wood BIO-BASED PACKING Products COMPOUNDING - compounding and adding different polymers and additives on semi-industrial compounder - improvement of mechanical properties, especially impact strength, thermal properties and barrier properties - montmorillonit, CNT, impact modifiers and n-AG for bactericide - 32 different compounds Projects GP is/was involved in the following EU projects about plastic materials for food packaging: DEVELOPMENT OF TOOLS TO COMMUNICATE ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES ON ACTIVE AND INTELLIGENT PACKAGING - AiP Competence Platform DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW RECYCLABLE LONG LIFE COINJECTED HIGH BARRIER PACKAGING FOR FOOD APPLICATIONS, WITH BROAD DESIGN POSSIBILITIES AND REDUCED MANUFACTURING COSTS - COBAPACK WHEY PROTEIN-COATED PLASTIC FILMS TO REPLACE EXPENSIVE POLYMERS AND INCREASE RECYCLABILITY - WHEYLAYER STUDY OF RECYCLABILITY OF PAINTED, PRINTED, METALLIZED OR LAMINATED PLASTIC PARTS USING SUPERCRITICAL C02 AND NANOFILLERS - CLIPP ended ended ended running 67 FP7: COBAPACK Development of a new recyclable long life co-injected high barrier packaging for food applications,with broad design possibilities and reduced manufacturing costs OBJECTIVE: • Reduction in production costs using cheaper inner material • Developing the manufacture process in just one step (substituting co-extrusion + thermoforming by co-injection) • Increasing products range • Opening new markets for materials from renewable resources • Increasing the amount of recycled commodity thermoplastics in the market 68 FP7: WHEYLAYER “Research for the Benefit of SMEs” Aims of the Project Develop Whey protein-coated plastic films to replace expensive polymers and increase recyclability Investigate a new application for whey, a by-product of dairy industry Extend food shelf life by addition of active ingredients Whey layer FP7: CLIPP STUDY OF RECYCLABILITY OF PAINTED, PRINTED, METALLIZED OR LAMINATED PLASTIC PARTS USING SUPERCRITICAL C02 AND NANOFILLERS - CLIPP Objective: to promote a system which allows to use post-industrial wastes coming from scraps, and reels refused by manufacturers of plastic film for flexible packaging and injected packages. 70 Projects GP is involved in the following EU projects: running IPA SI-AT: PolyRegion Innovative value chain development for sustainable plastics in Central Europe PLASTiCE running 71 Projects Technology centre Poli-Eko is involved in the following EU project: Marine debris removal and preventing furter litter entry - MarineClean running Marine litter removing equipment Edible and biodegradable food packaging Smart fishing equipment Marine Clean Grant Agreement ECO/10/277396/SI2.601543 72 Thank you very much for your attention! Contact: Slovenian Plasttechnics Cluster Kidriceva 25a, SI-3000 Celje, Slovenia phone: +386 3 425 84 00 fax: +386 3 425 84 09 e-mail: web:
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