EUROPEAN UNION - JAMARSKA ZVEZA SLOVENIJE - JAMARSKA REŠEVALNA SLUŽBA - HRVATSKA GORSKA SLUŽBA SPAŠAVANJA - EU PROTEUS Subject: Invitation to the cave rescue exercise ˝Paradana 2013˝ We invite you to visit their cave rescue exercise ˝Paradana 2013˝. Exercise will take place on 30.08. - 1.9.2013. ˝Paradana 2013˝ is an international three-day exercise, the organizers are: Cave rescue service of Slovenia (Jamarska reševalna služba), Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (Ministrstvo za obrambo, Uprava Republike Slovenije za zaščito in reševanje) & Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Protection Against Natural and Other Disasters (Ministrstvo za obrambo, Inšpektorat RS za varstvo pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami). Exercise will be carried out as part of European Union project (EU Proteus), executed by the Cave Rescue Service (JRS) in partnership with Croatian Mountain Rescue Service (HGSS). This rescue exercise is the key activity in closing out EU Proteus project. Brief description of the project can be found on the following web site: Rescue exercise will be carried out in a Big Ice cave in Paradana – Velika Ledena jama v Paradani (location: Mala Lazna, Lokve; Trnovo pri Gorici). It will be a difficult cave rescue drill in a technically complex cave; exercise will start at over 500 meters below ground level. The precise location of the cave is evidenced in Annex 1. The guests and the media are expected to arrive on Saturday (31.08.2013) at 10 pm to Zavod GOST na Planoti - Restavracija s prenočišči Lokve (Lokve 23; 5252 Trnovo pri Gorici– (location in the Annex 2). After a brief introduction we will go to Rescue Headquarters (location in Mala Lazna), where a detailed progress of the rescue operation will be presented. At 12:00 we will move to the cave entrance where you will be able to see a demonstration of a stretcher transport from the cave. For further information, please contact: Head of exercise: Maks Merela, +386-51-630-322, In order to better organize the exercise, pease confirm your presence by phone or email to Head of exercise. Jamarska zveza Slovenije – Jamarska reševalna služba; Lepi pot 6, p.p. 2544, 1109 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA Davčna številka: SI 28913922 / IBAN: SI56 0205 3025 9555 891 / Matična številka: 5141672 Project EU Proteus (No. 230301/2011/614249/SUB/A5); Project Manager – Maks Merela,, tel.: 00386-51-630-322 EUROPEAN UNION - JAMARSKA ZVEZA SLOVENIJE - JAMARSKA REŠEVALNA SLUŽBA - HRVATSKA GORSKA SLUŽBA SPAŠAVANJA - EU PROTEUS All guests and reporters are requested to follow the instructions of the organizers! Best regards! Ljubljana; 31.7.2013 Head of JRS: Head of exercise: Rajko Bračič Maks Merela, PhD Annexes : - Annex 1: Location and short description of the cave Velika ledena jama v Paradani Annex 2: Location of the meeting point Jamarska zveza Slovenije – Jamarska reševalna služba; Lepi pot 6, p.p. 2544, 1109 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA Davčna številka: SI 28913922 / IBAN: SI56 0205 3025 9555 891 / Matična številka: 5141672 Project EU Proteus (No. 230301/2011/614249/SUB/A5); Project Manager – Maks Merela,, tel.: 00386-51-630-322 EUROPEAN UNION - JAMARSKA ZVEZA SLOVENIJE - JAMARSKA REŠEVALNA SLUŽBA - HRVATSKA GORSKA SLUŽBA SPAŠAVANJA - EU PROTEUS Annex 1: Location of the cave Velika ledena jama v Paradani Jamarska zveza Slovenije – Jamarska reševalna služba; Lepi pot 6, p.p. 2544, 1109 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA Davčna številka: SI 28913922 / IBAN: SI56 0205 3025 9555 891 / Matična številka: 5141672 Project EU Proteus (No. 230301/2011/614249/SUB/A5); Project Manager – Maks Merela,, tel.: 00386-51-630-322 EUROPEAN UNION - - JAMARSKA ZVEZA SLOVENIJE - JAMARSKA REŠEVALNA SLUŽBA - HRVATSKA GORSKA SLUŽBA SPAŠAVANJA - EU PROTEUS Cave plan and a point of rescue operation start: Jamarska zveza Slovenije – Jamarska reševalna služba; Lepi pot 6, p.p. 2544, 1109 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA Davčna številka: SI 28913922 / IBAN: SI56 0205 3025 9555 891 / Matična številka: 5141672 Project EU Proteus (No. 230301/2011/614249/SUB/A5); Project Manager – Maks Merela,, tel.: 00386-51-630-322 EUROPEAN UNION - JAMARSKA ZVEZA SLOVENIJE - JAMARSKA REŠEVALNA SLUŽBA - HRVATSKA GORSKA SLUŽBA SPAŠAVANJA - EU PROTEUS Annex 2: Meeting point location: A Zavod GOST na Planoti - Restavracija s prenočišči Lokve (Lokve 23; 5252 Trnovo pri Gorici) Jamarska zveza Slovenije – Jamarska reševalna služba; Lepi pot 6, p.p. 2544, 1109 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA Davčna številka: SI 28913922 / IBAN: SI56 0205 3025 9555 891 / Matična številka: 5141672 Project EU Proteus (No. 230301/2011/614249/SUB/A5); Project Manager – Maks Merela,, tel.: 00386-51-630-322
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